Bug listing with status CONFIRMED as at 2024/12/22 04:45:52
- Bug:4315 - "[Future EAPI] add support for version ranges in DEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:10735 - "sys-apps/portage or app-portage/gentoolkit - Feature request: Show dependencies in detail; clarifying whether they are DEPEND, RDEPEND or PDEPEND as well as whether they are optional." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:21509 - "[IDEA] Ability to cleanly stop emerging multiple packages after the current jobs complete." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:21527 - "net-misc/ntp: ntp-client init.d: default to `sntp` instead of `ntpdate`" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:24135 - "Retire: Steve Arnold (nerdboy)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:30095 - "revdep-rebuild wants to rebuild package providing lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:38858 - "seq-gen: Sequence-Generator simulation of DNA sequence evolution along phylogenetic trees" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:39457 - "pyrxp-0.9.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:40023 - "media-plugins/gimp-gap Gimp Animation Package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:40127 - "Third-Party Tool Request - Checkpointing and restoring packages states, e.g. `emerge undo`." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:40336 - "pyfort-8.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:40560 - "sci-geosciences/thuban-1.0.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:40992 - "dev-build/libtool causes failure (infinite loop on Waiting for lock to be removed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:41539 - "ebuild for pport (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:41601 - "clex-4.0_beta4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:41858 - "Ebuild for gCAD3D" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:42098 - "dev-db/dbf2mysql: XBase File to MySQL conversion and vice versa." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:42286 - "maxdb-devtools-src-562049.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:42459 - "media-gfx/openrm - OpenRM Scene Graph (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:42465 - "maxdb-src- (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:42846 - "netlab-3.2 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:43387 - "parallel-netcdf-0.9.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:43812 - "cvs ebuild for IAXy provisioning app: iaxyprov" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:44132 - "sys-cluster/{mpich2,openmpi}, lam-mpi, etc... - Allow packages to be simultaneously installed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:44706 - "media-sound/wxMusik (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:44801 - "ebuild for the vassalengine libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:44803 - "ebuild for the vassalengine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:44805 - "Ebuilds for Virtual Advanced Squad Leader" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:45276 - "Req: ebuild for state threads" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:45907 - "sys-apps/cfnrename - a simple utility that allows you to easily rename multiple files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:46376 - "kmpio-0.7.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:46379 - "ocs-2.3h.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:47019 - "media-gfx/xmorph (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:47106 - "mail-filter/sa-exim (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:47670 - "sci-mathematics/gambit- (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:48419 - "new ebuild: gift (GNU Image-Finding Tool)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:48826 - "Hyper's CdCatalog ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:48993 - "gencfg-0.2.ebuild (NEW)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:49208 - "app-sci/sem-1.7.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:49209 - "app-sci/eqp-0.9d.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:49250 - "fsme-0.9.ebuild (New Package), fsmc-0.9.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:49313 - "gkPCcard-1.0.0_pre3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:49316 - "app-sci/acl2-2.8.ebuild - industrial strength theorem prover (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:49321 - "icukrell-2.0.0_pre01.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:50154 - "app-sci/graphthing-0.9.5 - create, manipulate and study graphs (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:50209 - "sci-misc/xppaut-5.85 - analysis and simulation of dynamic systems (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:50362 - "ebuild libASE 1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:50612 - "new ebuild: icculus.org freespace2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:50662 - "tavia ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:50850 - "VRizer - a library to create stereoscopic output for opengl software (games)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:51700 - "net-dialup/xisp-2.7p1 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:52112 - "newts-0.13.2.ebuild (New submission)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:52337 - "FTP Monitor ebuild submit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:52435 - "[New ebuild] dd_rhelp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:52835 - "skippy-xd-0.5.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:53026 - "new ebuild: media-gfx/scarse-0.3a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:53058 - "app-portage/gentoolkit - Please add GraphViz output to equery depgraph." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:53152 - "new ebuild for the stereogramgenerator KBlinsel" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:53635 - "sys-apps/zidrav4unix-1.2.0 - file corruption detection and repair program" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:53666 - "sys-apps/remendeko - file corruption detection and repair program" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:53808 - "Ebuild for the icc-kernel patches and profiling tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:53828 - "pix2tn-1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:54160 - "sci-misc/gplot-1.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:54238 - "vuescan-8.0.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:54309 - "roadmap-1.0.5 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:54456 - "Lsongs & Lphoto - new ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:54859 - "Colinux 0.6.2 has been ported to Linux (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:54872 - "app-eselect/eselect-xim new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:55494 - "apradar-0.52 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:55892 - "ebuild for archmage-0.0.6 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:55986 - "gspy-panel-0.2.0 ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:56017 - "sendymail-0.5.6.ebuild -- sendmail interface to Yahoo! mail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:56277 - "www-servers(?)/trapdoor2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:56360 - "app-misc/shunt-1.6.3 - restart processes in a pipe without breaking it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:56603 - "net-misc/xorp - The eXtensible Open Router Platform" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:56641 - "Ebuild: gnome-apps/gaphor-0.12.5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:56654 - "ferret-data-5.70.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:56655 - "[science overlay] sci-visualization/ferret-bin (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:56656 - "ferret-5.70.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:56710 - "makedepf90-2.6.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:57106 - "`emerge <tbz2file>` fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:57493 - "kheisereg-0.7.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:57507 - "skale (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:57982 - "intellicad-4.1.0027_beta.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:58239 - "ebuild-request for media-gfx/fyre" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:58256 - "[New Package] app-xemacs/flim/flim-1.14.6.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:58566 - "sunterlib-0.7.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:59039 - "py-milter-0.6.9-r1.ebuild (new package) - Python interface to sendmail milter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:59173 - "ebuild for eboxy (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:59462 - "app-misc/cursetheweather: new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:59506 - "[TRACKER] packages that do not respect CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:59512 - "Xcerdisp ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:60250 - "acpiw-0.76 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:60262 - "Ebuilds for mbrola (german) and txt2pho" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:60281 - "[science overlay] sys-cluster/condor (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:60392 - "Request for an ebuild for "MUTE"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:60564 - "verlihub-0.9.7.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:60653 - "app-amin/jailkit-2.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:60841 - "New Ebuild: tclCheck - A brace-mitchmatch detector for Tcl scripts." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:60892 - "OpenThreads-1.3.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:60898 - "New ebuild: dev-libs/openproducer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:60996 - "Request NEW ebuild for "A tale in the Desert" game" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:61290 - "[NEW EBUILD] media-libs/vst-sdk 2.0, 2.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:61300 - "[NEW EBUILD] media-libs/fst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:61311 - "net-print/turboprint (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:61318 - "[NEW EBUILD] media-sound/jack_fst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:61319 - "xgks-2.6.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:61905 - "New package: app-i18n/gcin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:62055 - "Request for NUnit ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:62106 - "net-news/newsstar-1.2.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:62119 - "mail-mta/citadel (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:62464 - "app-misc/gpspoint (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:62553 - "Request for osCommerce ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:62588 - "New ebuild for Kaspersky FileServer Antivirus" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:62617 - "apanel-1.3 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:62699 - "Kydpdict (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:62910 - "Ebuild for EiffelStudio" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:63067 - "Pico Server (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:63090 - "p2p-radio (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:63285 - "dev-java/maven - Project Management and Comprehension Tool for Java" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:63307 - "dev-util/argouml should be built from source" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:63589 - "klipoquery-0.2.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:63643 - "revdep-rebuild does not rebuild libraries with unresolved symbols" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:64020 - "app-misc/gpligc (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:64305 - "libghthash-0.5.4 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:64399 - "Requesting ebuild for the GPL'd Novell iFolder" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:64438 - "dev-java/barracuda-2.1 - a powerful, Java-based Open-Source Presentation Framework" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:64946 - "courierpasswd-1.0.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:65206 - "[new package] app-sci/synplify (closed source/binary/commercial)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:65255 - "evrouter-0.3.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:65349 - "Tibia - multiplayer online RPG - ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:65469 - "dev-util/styx - a scanner and parser generator designed to address some shortcomings of the traditional lex/yacc combination" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:65976 - "ksplash-themes-1.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:65991 - "pytvgrab-lib-0.4.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:65992 - "pytvgrab-be_tlm-0.4.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:65993 - "pytvgrab-be_tvb-0.4.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:65994 - "pytvgrab-br_uol-0.5.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:65995 - "pytvgrab-nz_tvnz-0.2.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:66918 - "MM3D, Misfit Model 3D (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:66983 - "addu-2.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:67118 - "msrc0-0.7.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:67121 - "mkcmd-8.14.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:67129 - "distrib-4.22.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:67133 - "xapply-3.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:67634 - "net-print/min12xxw - driver for Minolta PagePro 12/13xxW printer (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:67925 - "jajouka-0.61.ebuild and jajouka-rescan-0.61.ebuild (new packages)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:68070 - "audiere (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:68116 - "media-gfx/chbg (ebuild inside)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:68296 - "New ebuild for KHtmlScrub 0.3.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:68373 - "EBuild for TkGofer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:68398 - "app-admin/sudosh-1.6.3 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:68438 - "ebuild for LiDIA - A C++ Library For Computational Number Theory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:68618 - "[PATCH] new/more dispatch-conf fixes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:68761 - "cim-3.30.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:69508 - "new ebuild - app-admin/diskcheck" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:69777 - "sys-process/cronbase: /etc/crontab deletion of lastrun files causes run-crons to execute more often than it should" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:69972 - "[TRACKER] don't build packages using bundled jars" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:70131 - "sys-apps/openrc: RFE: init.d net.* config file verification" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:70337 - "EpsonEPLIJS utility to get Epson EPL working with cups" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:70377 - "link-monitor-applet: Gnome applet showing ping of hosts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:70722 - "ebuild for GenealogyJ (genj)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:71086 - "wx.NET (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:71327 - "[new ebuild]: hypersrc-5.4.12" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:71785 - "libiqxmlrpc ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:72048 - "[EBUILD] new package: system imager 3.4.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:72163 - "widestudio - integrated development environment(IDE) to build GUI applications for Linux (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:72267 - "requesting qfaxreader ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:72302 - "pytvgrab-se_dan-0.0.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:72855 - "LAMIP (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:73129 - "dispatch-conf should support vimdiff" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:73276 - "gjots2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:73296 - "ebuild request for FTimes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:73947 - "New ebuilds: TADS 2.5.8, 3.0.7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:73965 - "dev-vcs/cvsplot is an utility to generate CVS-statistics" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:73978 - "revdep-rebuild should optionally call other updater/cleaner/rebuilder utils (like python/perl/etc...)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:73993 - "Tools for dbox2 recording (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:74066 - "New ebuilds for freedict dictd dictionaries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:74091 - "[EBUILD] ultimairis-0.5.9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:74329 - "weplab-0.1.5 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:74421 - "ebuild request: DISLIN high-level plotting library for displaying data (binary, nonfree)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:74434 - "dosage-1.3.0.ebuild (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:74468 - "elan-interpreter-3.6g (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:74628 - "create pxe boot initrd for all platforms with support for serial console" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:74691 - "sci-biology/wEMBOSS - emboss web interface" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:74713 - "app-text/pdx-1.6.1 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:74740 - "goods-2.89.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:74928 - "media-sound/shn2make-2.11 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:75097 - "app-misc/sportstracker - application for people who want to track their sporting activities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:75101 - "New ebuild: app-misc/sportstracker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:75335 - "dev-java/xml-stylebook - XML stylebook" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:75345 - "asleap ebuild - LEAP/PPTP Wireless Password Cracker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:75521 - "[REQ] ebuild for a Gnome2 applet that displays CPU temp (acpi)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:75670 - "[PATCH] emerge, screen & status in Title - Improvements" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:75882 - "ebuild request: HOL theorem proof assistant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:75929 - "slashem-gtkhack-0.0.763.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:75933 - "[PATCH] emerge -s is slow with a lot of results" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:76257 - "net-mail/qms-analog (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:76645 - "nomadsync-0.4.2 (New Ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:76852 - "sci-electronics/myhdl - using Python as a hardware description and verification language (HDL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:76968 - "net package: pcal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:77372 - "New ebuild www-apache/mod_bt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:77471 - "games-fps/tenebrae-1.04 has issues with Quake map e3m3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:77481 - "qnetwalk-1.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:77509 - "ll-xist-2.8.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:77544 - "gwc-0.20.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:77707 - "ldm-6.0.15.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:77914 - "Chandler (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:77969 - "[science overlay] Ebuilds for DRAWxtl 44 and 54" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:78060 - "[request] APS/NWNX2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:78155 - "new packages: openwbem / config4gnu / kim-browser-0.3 / cimbrowser-0.35 / owperlprovider-0.25" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:78173 - "gnome2 wallpapoz (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:78275 - "transd-0.2.0 (New Package): transparency daemon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:78358 - "dev-lang/fasm-1.70.03 - the flat assembler is a fast and efficient self-assembling multi-platform 80x86 assembler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:78969 - "Panda Antivirus for Linux (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:79088 - "etree-scripts-2.3 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:79296 - "ebuild for games-strategy/civctp (Civilization Call to Power)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:79475 - "An ebuild for Varkon would be nice." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:79538 - "equery depends should additionally show world entries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:80108 - "New package kifi-0.2.4.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:80148 - "[PATCH] Add last successful snapshot date support to emerge-webrsync" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:80382 - "fplan-1.4.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:80435 - "Tumiki Fighters - a fun side-view shooter [ebuild request]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:80437 - "Parsec 47 - a top-down "abstract" shooter [ebuild request]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:80455 - "revdep-rebuild can miss broken packages under certain circumstances" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:80464 - "[science overlay] sci-chemistry/jana2000-ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:80770 - "gnome-extra/gnome-osd (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:80924 - "ksalomon-0.1.5_beta.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:81142 - "Support MPD language tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:81347 - "dev-util/latex-mk-2.1 - a collection of makefile fragments and shell scripts for simplifying the management of small to large sized LaTeX documents" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:81393 - "net-misc/iaxcomm (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:81588 - "ebuild for Firebird open source ODBC driver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:81622 - "fileschanged-0.6.5 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:81641 - "app-misc/cfilesplit-0.2 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:81651 - "symbiont-wm-4.1.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:81885 - "musicextras-0.6.5.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:82015 - "Request for SourceOffsite ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:82040 - "New Ebuild: kpager2-0.5.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:82578 - "NEW ebuild sysnews (from debian)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:82765 - "net-misc/packetfence - PacketFence is a fully supported, trusted, Free and Open Source network access control (NAC) solution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:83029 - "id3mtag-0.75.ebuild (New Package), yet another mp3 id3v2 tagger" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:83118 - "gnomolicious-0.5.0.ebuild (New Package, ebuild doesn't install GConf schemas)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:83332 - "New package: gwebdec" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:83940 - "db.eclass: Missing symlinks to db_cxx.h et al" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:84011 - "New ebuild for Darwin Streaming Server (dss) version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:84124 - "powermated-0.3.5.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:84269 - "new ebuild: bdfresize" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:84274 - "sci-libs/gedcom-parse - The GEDCOM parser library 0.90.0 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:84336 - "dev-util/cxxtest-3.10.1 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:84425 - "Privateer Remake ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:84457 - "New ebuild for the C++ socket library from Anders Hedström" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:84553 - "emifreq-applet (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:84568 - "app-misc/pmr-0.10 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:84592 - "Equinox Desktop Environment is small desktop environment, built to be simple and fast." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:84776 - "Autofont requested" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:84884 - "[PATCH] Misc. use.[local.]desc enhancements" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:85124 - "New package: media-gfx/appliworks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:85372 - "osd_clock-0.6.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:85411 - "CTAN and CRAN package installation script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:85687 - "dev-util/mockpp - New ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:85708 - "net-nntp/newscache-1.2_rc6 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:86198 - "Ebuild for libundo - a library for managing undo/redo information" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:86281 - "games-misc/fortune-mod-esr: new ESR fortune ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:86676 - "mma-1.2.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:86677 - "biabconverter-0.6.4.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:86734 - "net-mail/sympa-6.1.7 - A feature-rich open source mailing list software" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:87262 - "new ebuild: krawlsite-0.6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:87449 - "[NEW EBUILD] dhcp-helper-0.2 little dhcp-agent alternative to ISC." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:87472 - "ebuild: games-strategy/tribaltrouble" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:87662 - "ebuild : Cridmanager" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:87699 - "jpodder-0.8.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:87742 - "Ebuild for firedns (asynchronous DNS client library)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:87781 - "media-sound/mbox-0.6.0 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:87782 - "dev-lang/IoServer: new package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:87783 - "Ask for a new ebuild : dev-lang/IoDesktop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:88458 - "Open Cubic Player ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:88528 - "rmutt-1.3.ebuild (New)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:88621 - "xgngeo-16.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:88665 - "NEW EBUILD: u9fs (9P2000 file server for linux)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:88805 - "app-misc/gravit-0.3.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:88823 - "New ebuild for dictator 0.9.7, RSVP on-screen text file reader" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:89332 - "media-libs/osgAL (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:89641 - "Request to make glsa-check download GLSAs rather than use them from the metadata directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:89692 - "tkdesk-2.0 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:90131 - "net-im/openq-0.3.2.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:90451 - "dev-util/openldev [new eBuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:90630 - "GNATS 4.1.0 ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:90698 - "dev-lang(?)/faust (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:91046 - "media-plugins/refocus-it-2.0.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:91078 - "New ebuild for www-apps/flyspray" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:91082 - "sys-apps/portage: [PATCH] xterm title not restored after SIGCONT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:91205 - "sci-geoscience/geotrans - Geographic Translator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:91363 - "Ebuild for smtp-vilter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:91396 - "new ebuild for app-misc/heyu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:91528 - "rescue3D-0.0.4.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:91531 - "spades-1.04.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:91535 - "rcssserver3d-0.3.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:91683 - "New ebuild for Codeville" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:91766 - "Ebuilds for RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:91906 - "New ebuild for mail avenger" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:92106 - "ibdriver-2.6 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:92225 - "app-misc/gprename-2.0 - is a complete batch renamer for files and directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:92272 - "Ebuild request: Jailbreak (UT2004 modification)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:92284 - "new ebuild: gnormalize" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:92489 - "wlan-button userspace tool (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:92510 - "Softimage XSI-5.0.1 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:92636 - "makewav-4.1-r1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:92683 - "net-p2p/hydranode - a modular, plugin-driven peer-to-peer client framework which is designed with true multi-network downloads in mind" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:93196 - "ebuild for lkl (linux keyboard logger)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:93249 - "schoolbell calendaring server (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:93275 - "klearnnotes2-1.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:93323 - "pidgin-smartear-2.6.2-1 plugin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:93614 - "New ebuild - Layout Ultimate 2004" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:93675 - "cpm-0.13_beta.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:93711 - "media-video/avi2mpeg-1.0 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:93934 - "net ebuild: sconnect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:93995 - "Add Xlink Kai to portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:94031 - "gkbinclock (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:94204 - "Gentoo Firewall Scripts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:94364 - "new ebuild for net-dns/sql2data-2.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:94374 - "Eclass to support pre-compiling .net IL with mono" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:94403 - "New ebuild: flvw-20000224.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:94413 - "app-editors/hessling-3.3b1 (NEW Ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:94414 - "x11-libs/pdcurses - a public domain curses libraryimplementing most of the functions available in X/Open and System V R4 curses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:94505 - "rivendell ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:94909 - "sys-process/procps: support setting sysfs values automatically at boot time using an initscript" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:94980 - "dev-util/luntbuild (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:95122 - "net-analyzer/netams (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:95133 - "Request for ebuild of 'freecolor'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:95141 - "games-fps/jfsw - An OpenGL port of Shadow Warrior with support for true-colour textures and 3D objects" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:95410 - "New ebuild for eLearning XHTML Editor (EXE)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:95513 - "ipfm-0.11.5 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:95630 - "EBUILD for "Advanced Policy Firewall"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:95869 - "Ebuild Alps'lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:95927 - "ebuild and init script for specter, a userspace logging daemon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:95943 - "freeguide-0.10.1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:96064 - "autobench-2.1.2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:96142 - "games-emulation/osmose: new ebuild for Osmose Sega Master System Emulator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:96169 - "new package: UMark-2.0.0_beta3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:96196 - "net-misc/esniper (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:96450 - "New: oss2jack is a daemon that offers a /dev/dsp device and sends the sound to jackd." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:96484 - "a c interface to the chikka protocol - chix-1.0.0.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:96497 - "New ebuild for sbagen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:96598 - "app-admin/sudo: SUDO_PS1 should not be respected by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:96779 - "Request equery/portage to maintain more queriable info on installed packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:96949 - "pyfloppy is a rather nice GUI based floppy formatting tool (ext2 and fat)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:96964 - "dlg-etiquette icon theme ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:96981 - "app-arch/XArchive (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:97073 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: revdep-rebuild: option -q has no effect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:97234 - "ebuild for netprofiler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:97321 - "Request for ebuild: Sprog" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:97415 - "Solipsis is a pure peer-to-peer system for a massively shared virtual world. There is no server at all: it only relies on end-users' machines." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:97934 - "kevedit-0.5.1.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:98051 - "emu-1.10.5.ebuild, speech analysis software" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:98081 - "catch SIGCONT to redo terminal heading" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:98146 - "app-admin/sqlat-1.1.0 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:98147 - "Request to add mailtc ebuild to portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:98164 - "sqlbf-1.0.1 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:98238 - "ftd-0.10b.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:98241 - "RealTimeBattle ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:98293 - "ebuild for "contextfree" - small language for design grammars" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:98455 - "punjab ebuild missing (Jabber HTTP-Polling)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:98870 - "New package: app-admin/sourceinstall" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:99261 - "New package: nettoe" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:99594 - "request ebuild for the gzip Recovery Toolkit (gzrt)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:99831 - "new ebuild o2em, Odyssey2 / Videopac+ emulator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:99999 - "app-emulation/faumachine-20050720.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:100130 - "dispatch-conf should be able to check for config updates and exit." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:100341 - "dispatch-conf confirmation of actions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:100516 - "Ebuild request: Atris - Alizarin Tetris" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:100520 - "Ebuild request: Bomb o Bomb" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:100526 - "Ebuild request: Netwalk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:100528 - "Ebuild request: Possible Worlds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:100750 - "net-misc/shtoom-0.2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:100892 - "Ebuild for the asusfan utility (sys-power/asusfan)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:101265 - "net-analyzer/absinthe (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:101420 - "equery depends: show virtual dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:101810 - "ebuild: caboodle: a clone of the Flash game Planarity for the GNOME desktop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:101827 - "glcu-0.9.7.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:101888 - "apps-misc/nodeview-2.0.3 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:101919 - "app-emulation/simulavrxx: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:101965 - "add lemon to portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:101991 - "ebuild for dbsolo-1.2.5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:102112 - "sys-auth/pam_encfs-0.1.3 ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:102118 - "New Ebuild for WebSec 1.8.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:102134 - "guatu-0.872.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:102203 - "ebuild for "Pinux's Tux Cursors Theme" (X11 cursors)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:102217 - "ebuild for ircp-tray a gnome app to transfer files via irobex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:102362 - "[New ebuild] tamil_opentype_fonts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:102393 - "media-fonds/saab - Punjabi font" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:102419 - "$PKGDIR needs locking" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:102449 - "app-misc/megatunix-0.7.9.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:102484 - "sys-process/tcron: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:102488 - "media-tv/fftv-0.8.3 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:102529 - "Show new post icon for edited posts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:102533 - "Watched topic keywords" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:102536 - "URLs within description of [url] tags break the bbcode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:102630 - "sci-visualization/ptplot-5.6 - a 2D data plotter and histogram tool implemented in Java" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:102742 - "Please add net-misc/shd-tcp-tools into portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:102792 - "[EBUILD] glee-5.03" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:102828 - "www-apps/textpattern - free, flexible, elegant, easy-to-use content management system for all kinds of websites" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:103436 - "net-analyzer/nnfc - POSIX-compliant, portable NetFlow collector" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:103525 - "ONScripter ebuilds (New Packages)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:103641 - "dev-util/paco - source code package organizer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:103800 - "Ebuild-Request Sim City 3000" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:103819 - "games-strategy/spring - a versatile 3D RTS game engine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:103852 - "gnaughty-1.1.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:104027 - "app-crypt/tthsum (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:104035 - "Machineball ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:104036 - "cgtkcalc-2.1.7.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:104127 - "dismount ebuild reqest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:104134 - "sys-apps/bootutils-0.0.5 ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:104219 - "app-office/jgnash-1.9.2 - A cross platform personal finance application written in Java" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:104421 - "x11-misc/autocfg-xorg.py ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:104489 - "net-misc/sambascanner (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:104610 - "games-fps/xmaps-232 - XMaps UT Mod" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:104612 - "games-fps/doublejump_ut-101 - Double Jump UT Mod" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:104628 - "media-sound/japa ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:104801 - "Pyana-0.9.2.ebuild - python interface to XALAN (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:104971 - "ebuild: Lost Labyrinth" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:105095 - "njl-plugins-0.2.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:105096 - "media-?/wasp-0.1.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:105122 - "net-news/feed2imap [New Package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:105186 - "proxy65 ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:105383 - "qpspmanager-1.1.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:105405 - "app-antivirus/xfprot-1.17 - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:105775 - "media-tv/klear-0.4.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:105780 - "games-fps/uhexen2 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:106265 - "ebuild for lgc-1.2 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:106316 - "app-doc/doxys (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:106392 - "framecalc-0.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:106660 - "A proposed ebuild for the pgu game engine (python)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:106776 - "app-text/zebra-1.3.28 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:106815 - "app-portage/ufed enhancements to filter list of flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:106890 - "Oolite - an open "remake" of Elite [ebuild request]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:106918 - "games-fps/thehuntedchronicles (new Ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:107081 - "new ebuild: fs2open (freespace 2 the source code project)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:107187 - "media-sound/om-0.2.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:107198 - "xlightframe-0.1 ebuild (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:107227 - "[new ebuild] libitunesdb" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:107361 - "new mail-filter/qgreylist-0.3.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:107482 - "net-misc/kamailio Open Source SIP Server (new ebuild, in overlay)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:107554 - "pdf-php-009e.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:107558 - "dev-php/fpdf-153 - a PHP class which allows to generate PDF files with pure PHP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:107656 - "new ebuild: net-news/newsd-1.44_rc4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:107659 - "New ebuild for app-cdr/dekagen a bash cd-ripper" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:107710 - "Ebuild for gruler (gnome-screen-ruler)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:107811 - "new ebuild for ttb - TeleText Browser for Dutch teletext pages from NOS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:107843 - "kissd-0.11 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108155 - "games-board/shredder - non-free Shredder chess engine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:108209 - "ghb-0.7 - Gnome Hardware Browser based on Xline-detect (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108210 - "gxconf - GTK+ based Xorg comfiguration tool (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108226 - "dev-python/dabo - a 3-tier, cross-platform application development framework written in Python/wxPython" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:108342 - "sml - a Simple Machine Language interpreter (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108421 - "Netsukuku - ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108439 - "albumshaper-2.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108599 - "sys-fs/navfs-0.1.6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108603 - "dev-libs/libprefs-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108604 - "media-gfx/sdlsee-0.1.5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108619 - "[ebuild] sys-auth/poldi-0.2 - authentication through OpenPGP smartcards" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108644 - "media-sound/freecycle (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108714 - "octaga vrml player" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108753 - "dev-util/uno - New ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108782 - "PenguinTV (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:108797 - "pycsc-0.0.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:109072 - "New ebuild for littleutils package (formerly miscutils)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:109172 - "[new ebuild] media-plugins/omins-0.1.0.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:109259 - "app-text/docfrac - rtf/html/txt converter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:109263 - "delny python module" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:109304 - "[PATCH] emerge pretend fetch: no option to print urls of the missing required files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:109370 - "Ebuild for fsam7440 kernel module (for turning off the kill switch on Amilo M7440 notebooks)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:109547 - "ebuild for v_sim, atomic visualization software" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:109692 - "Ebuild for gSTM 0.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:109885 - "New ebuilds for mod_vhost_dbi & mod_dbi_pool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:109969 - "super ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:110084 - "ini-mode-0.1.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:110095 - "[EBUILD] new package: games-puzzle/biniax" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:110109 - "media-video/pyjoin - program to join multiple MPEG files into one MPEG file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:110110 - "net-ftp/ncftpd-2.8.7b - a high-performance File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server software solution for UNIX systems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:110112 - "[EBUILD] new package : x11-apps/xfdiff" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:110206 - "Ebuild for KToon v0.7.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:110277 - "tkgate-1.8.6.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:110295 - "if2a-0.94.3 (New Ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:110391 - "New ebuild : FlickrUploadr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:110437 - "Caudium web-server (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:110469 - "glpi-9.4.5.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:110736 - "New ebuild (attached) readyexec" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:110751 - "Request for ebuild: MetaMoniter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111056 - "oompi-1.0.4.ebuild (new Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111277 - "dev-cpp/ETL-0.04.09.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111278 - "media-gfx/synfig-0.61.06.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111279 - "synfig-studio-0.61.00_p39.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111316 - "Proposed ebuild for tz-brasil" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111346 - "this is an ebuild for the mgeups-psp program used for mge products" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111390 - "media-tv/ontv-1.8.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111498 - "grads-1.9 GRid Analysis and Display System" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111521 - "gnome-extra/gdmap-0.7.0 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111542 - "New package: spin (formal software systems verification tool)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111588 - "[new ebuild] some new LADSPA plugins" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111612 - "NEW: pyexcelerator-0.6.3a.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111715 - "tcputils-0.6.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111750 - "media-video/vloopback-1.1_rc1 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111794 - "[ebuild] wgrib-1.8 - utility for the GRIB file format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111800 - "[EBUILD] new package : x11-apps/gsetroot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111801 - "[EBUILD] new package : dev-python/pysnippet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111805 - "[EBUILD] new package : net-analyzer/natstat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111811 - "[EBUILD] new package : sys-apps/lfsb" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111844 - "app-portage/gcac (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:111897 - "OdbcJdbc-1.2.1 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:112023 - "audio-convert- (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:112141 - "buoh-0.8.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:112178 - "Itzam/Core ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:112278 - "gshowtv (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:112451 - "[new ebuild] dev-python/json-py" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:112607 - "kdrill-6.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:112740 - "apparix-05-314.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:112747 - "dev-libs/arabica-2007.10 new ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:112771 - "Ebuild for "Fluctuate", a commonly used biology program." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:112773 - "ebuild for sci-biology/lamarc- Likelihood Analysis with Metropolis Algorithm using Random Coalescence" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:112790 - "kommando-0.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:112803 - "FLU-2.14.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:112805 - "vbaexpress-1.1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:112894 - "Ebuild for Nihongo Benkyo 0.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:113013 - "lpr-bash-0.9 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:113082 - "ebuilds for livesupport 1.0.2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:113133 - "New voodooutils ebuild for portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:113151 - "dev-tex/texdepend-0.92 ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:113235 - "app-admin/omsa: Dell openmanage 4.5 ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:113338 - "vgrabbj-0.9.6 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:113487 - "app-laptop/toshset (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:113562 - "pcsc-o2micro-ozscr-drv-2.0.2.ebuild (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:113632 - "IEEE Transactions LaTeX and BibTeX classes and styles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:113811 - "G3D Ebuild Request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:113835 - "ftd-0.10c.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:113932 - "games-puzzle/pythonsudoku - a graphical and text-based sudoku game" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:113953 - "New ebuild for courieruserinfo 1.1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:113992 - "New Ebuild for SNMP4J (Object Oriented SNMP for Java) - Pure Java Implementation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114030 - "new ebuild: lomount (mounts partitions inside of disk images)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114063 - "DVBd ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114087 - "sci-mathematics/oommf ITL/NIST MicroMagnetic Framework" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114088 - "An ebuild for the science program: S3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114090 - "An ebuild for the science program: Migrate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114093 - "An ebuild for the science program: Modeltest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114095 - "An ebuild for the science program: Seq-Gen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114122 - "libswitch-0.2.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114186 - "New Ebuild for FONTpage, a simple font viewer ( now fontpage )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114217 - "games-fps/argonium - Multiplayer FPS powered by iD Software's Quake 2 engine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114304 - "media-video/sabbu-0.3.0: application to create/edit subtitle scripts." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114358 - "new ebuild: FancyLauncher-0.10.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114605 - "imms-3.0.1 - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114670 - "New ebuild submission: predatorwall-5.0_p1.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114708 - "UT2004 "The SoulKeeper" total conversion mod ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:114723 - "new tool request for displaying the effects of package.mask, package.unmask, package.use, etc. for easy debugging" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:114855 - "xmlclitools-1.61 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114874 - "edit_vnc2swf-0.3 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:114912 - "ephem-0.40.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115002 - "=app-misc/bsc-4.10: new package of filemanager bscommander" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:115107 - "new ebuild for libvortex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115194 - "pETR - Python e-text reader (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115221 - "Waterken server (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115279 - "subfloat-2.13.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115282 - "texshade-1.12.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115284 - "srcltx-1.5.ebuild (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115288 - "textopo-1.4.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115366 - "Please add app-arch/amigadepacker-0.01.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115381 - "brscan2 sane backends for brother" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115395 - "ebuilds of a4make a4library and qopendchub" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115473 - "openmsx-catapult-0.5.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115552 - "new ebuild for pmock" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115696 - "libvuurmuur-0.5.69.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115697 - "vuurmuur-0.5.69.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115773 - "sockfwd-0.1.0.ebuild (NEW Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115785 - "app-misc/ledblink - control the keyboard LEDs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:115893 - "ebuild for xsidplay" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115930 - "New ebuild: pidgin-tlen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:115947 - "ebuild for iRRAM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:116142 - "new ebuild for sginfo-1.01" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:116146 - "new ebuild for LinGX-4.13" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:116335 - "new ebuild: Wink - A flash tutorial software" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:116405 - "Add an ebuild for gcompmgr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:116493 - "dispatch-conf display report at end, summarizing merged and auto-merged files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:116578 - "Ebuild for gpass - a password management application for GNOME2 desktop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:116614 - "ebuild for Kommute" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:116889 - "sys-kernel/doLinuxKernel (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:116910 - "enemy lines 4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:116918 - "new ebuild enemylines3-1.0.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:117037 - "new ebuild: jbofihe-0.38" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:117195 - "New ebuild for media-libs/libavg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:117208 - "Pixel image editor (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:117221 - "BlockSolve95 parallel ILU and ICC solver (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:117291 - "New package: x11-misc/pyvnc2swf-0.8.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:117369 - "ebuild for gunrealtools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:117372 - "trustudio ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:117383 - "ripit-3.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:117398 - "kslovar-0.1.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:117435 - "[NEW EBUILD] OV511 devel version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:117557 - "new ebuild bitfuse" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:117932 - "games-engines/nitfol-0.5 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:118255 - "Vulture's Eye and Vultures' Claw - Nethack and SLASH'EM GUI [ebuild request]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:118307 - "New ebuild submission: galleryforge-1.0.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:118506 - "nvc-5.70.04 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:118716 - "dev-util/google-coredumper - Make GDB readable cores from multithreaded programs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:118723 - "New ebuild for everygui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:118737 - "ut2004-u4e-4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:119116 - "media-video/webcamserver{,client} - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:119132 - "Ebuild for Uplink (commercial)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:119196 - "new ebuild for ppscsi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:119222 - "scicraft-0.17.0.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:119275 - "[NEW] net-misc/hptalx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:119353 - "xmedcon- ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:119355 - "AMIDE: A Medical Image Data Examiner" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:119430 - "Ebuild draft for Portland Group's PGI Workstation set of compilers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:119493 - "sci-misc/cogent - A graphical environment for cognitive modelling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:119542 - "Gursor Maker 0.5.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:119591 - "www-apps/sql-ledger - a webbased ERP system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:119594 - "wireless-applet (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:119627 - "sys-apps/kbd - Wrong Turkish F Keyboard Layout" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:119636 - "sci-biology/grappa - Genome Rearrangements Analysis under Parsimony and other Phylogenetic Algorithms" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:119713 - "equery depgraph should show a better-looking tree, like "pstree -G"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:119911 - "games-action/mtasa - Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:120093 - "media-plugins/vcf - LADSPA plugins" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:120095 - "ubench-0.32.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:120199 - "media-gfx/ale (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:120344 - "net-proxy/HoTTProxy - The open source HTTP proxy targeted specifically toward serving the needs of wireless Internet devices" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:120377 - "new ebuild, media-fonts/pxl2000, a nice font for X" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:120764 - "[NEW] sshdfilter-1.4.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:120787 - "Ebuild for reminiscence, a free rewrite of the Flashback's game engine." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:120899 - "app-portage/genlop should treat binary emerges specially" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:120905 - "ut2004-clonebandits-1.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:121068 - "ut2004-piddly-0_beta.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:121079 - "ut2004-metaball-1.02.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:121358 - "opendb-0.81_p13.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:121361 - "ebuild for the LaTeX sciposter class" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:121387 - "app-office/faces-pm-0.11.7.ebuild (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:121647 - "New ebuilds: UT2004 Map Packs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:121709 - "PCL input for cups - ghostpdl/ghostxps ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:121868 - "EBUILD for games-board/gnomego" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:121921 - "sci-biology/merlin - Ebuild for statistical genetics program merlin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:121950 - "New ebuild - docsis cable modem config generator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:122342 - "There are nice mods to have ebuilds for especially games-fps/ut2004-utxmp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:122370 - "New ebuild: dev-util/asn1c-0.9.19" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:122403 - "iec16022 ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:122419 - "sq 905 webcam driver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:122570 - "kio_p7ip-0.2.ebuild (New pacakage)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:122816 - "This is a support library for cbgp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:122817 - "Ebuild for cbgp: "An efficient BGP simulator"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:122894 - "Ebuilds for the CAMPOS scientific software." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123121 - "murx-0.4.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123139 - "New ebuild: www-servers/webcit (for Citadel)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123203 - "app-forensics/yim2text-0.1.0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123389 - "app-admin/and - Auto Nice Daemon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123390 - "Oreka-0.5 VoIP call recorder ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123451 - "app-editors/ejourn-0.4.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123517 - "new ebuild for libebox-0.7 (pre-version, dev-only)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123519 - "new ebuild for ebox-0.7 (pre-version, dev-only)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123535 - "[New Ebuild] dlanconfig-2.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123537 - "[New Ebuild] dlan-usb-driver-2.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123663 - "Please add Oracle XE database to portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123758 - "new ebuild gtkburner" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123820 - "Ebuild for Chestnut-dialer-0.3.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:123975 - "new ebuild - dev-lang/xharbour" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:124044 - "[EBUILD] GreenT terminal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:124124 - "New ebuild for smilutils" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:124130 - "Request for ANDREW to be included in portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:124219 - "New cluster application: Parallel-Pvm Perl module" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:124241 - "sci-libs/itk - the National Library of Medicine Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:124290 - "app-arch/parano (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:124339 - "new ebuild: app-text/xmlroff" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:124398 - "ebuild for the LaTeX mhchem package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:124455 - "gnome-extra/teatime ebuild (new)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:124485 - "New ebuild for expresskeys (wacom tablet button/scroll controller)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:124504 - "openmovieeditor-0.0.20080523.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:124582 - "net-nntp/nzbperll-0.6.8.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:124627 - "[NEW] ebuild for gpar2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:125014 - "linscope-0.3.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:125078 - "sharpconstruct-0.11 3d scultping application" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:125240 - "games-fps/excessive_ut-1.00 - Excessive UT Mod" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:125243 - "games-fps/menhanced_ut-1.00 - Menhanced UT Mod" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:125244 - "games-fps/rocketarena_ut-1.60 - Rocket Arena UT Mod" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:125379 - "media-gfx/terraform - An open source interactive height field generation and manipulation program" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:125499 - "wxaui - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:125595 - "gentoolkit: Helper scripts to download packages for internet impaired hosts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:125645 - "dev-db/CDB-0.2.0_alpha4 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:125773 - "New Ebuild sci-libs/calculix-ccx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:125775 - "New ebuild sci-libs/calculix-cgx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:125840 - "TCP/IP Packet generator: TTpU (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:126059 - "[PATCH] prevent ebuilds of installed packages from being deleted in emerge --sync" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:126179 - "isforth-1.16b (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:126199 - "tecladobrasileiro-1.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:126219 - "Ebuild: news-notification-0.2.ebuild (New)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:126264 - "zsplit/unzsplit - partition saving/restoring tool (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:126318 - "New package: app-crypt/hymn-0.8.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:126373 - "sci-biology/fahmon Folding@home monitor (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:126546 - "net-dns/dyfi-update - dy.fi dynamic DNS updater" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:126613 - "[EBUILD] new package : media-sound/fuplayer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:126614 - "[EBUILD] new package : media-sound/smrt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:126736 - "vista-inspirate-1.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:126754 - "bacula-web (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:126769 - "Terminal ScreenSaver (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:126867 - "[EBUILD] media-gfx/xaralx (source version)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:127113 - "bibliographer-0.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:127283 - "`equery l -p jpilot` omits jpilot-0.99.8_pre9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:127433 - "fusecompress-0.9.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:127434 - "backstep-0.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:127460 - "u++-5.3.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:127562 - "mail-filter/spampd should setup a spampd user and group" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:127629 - "new ebuild - sleepd-1.9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:127787 - "ebuild: dev-ml/ocaml+twt (identation awareness)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:127956 - "emerge --emptytree looks at the vdb for "||" dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:128037 - "ebuild: dev-cpp/aspectc++" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:128106 - "phamm - PHP LDAP Virtual Hosting Manager (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:128197 - "games-fps/ut2004-chaos (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:128294 - "www-servers/instiki - A ruby-based wiki, using a stand-alone webserver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:128344 - "metauml-0.2.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:128356 - "[EBUILD] media-gfx/JAlbum-8.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:128514 - "[science overlay] sci-biology/generecon - ebuild for generecon-1.2.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:128560 - "net-print/bjfilter/bjfilter-2.50 - Canon pixma/pixus drivers (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:128628 - "youtranslate - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:128798 - "openlaszlo-4.0_beta (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:128808 - "media-video(?)/diva (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:128877 - "ebuild for Open Source License Checker (OSLC)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:128951 - "net-analyzer(?)/splunk - the search engine for IT data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:128982 - "sys-process/cryopid process freezer (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:129089 - "rune-coop-1.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:129354 - "new ebuild for computertemp (gnome2 applet that shows CPU temp)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:129367 - "app-text/db2latex-xsl-0.8_pre1 - DocBook to LaTeX XSL stylesheets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:129387 - "ebuild for mcontrol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:129406 - "app-office/clocking-0.1.1.ebuild (new package required by faces-pm)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:129408 - "gifmerge-1.33.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:129413 - "[TRACKER] LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed" support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:129478 - "Super Mario War - a supermario deathmatch game [request]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:129505 - "The net-misc/vqcc-gtk (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:129515 - "[PATCH] etc-update and dispatch-conf ignore any files that are under symlinked dirs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:129765 - "ebuild request: holotable-0.7.0 and holodeck-0.3.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:129836 - "net-nds/gq-1.2.2: New Version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:129989 - "ebuild for games-puzzle/scrollrack" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130043 - "ut2004-sas-3.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130063 - "media-gfx/makehuman - open source tool for making 3D characters" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130068 - "Maia Mailguard ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130131 - "games-board/gamut - Java client for playing a myriad of games online" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130214 - "weather-1.0.ebuild (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130599 - "gmediaserver-0.11.0 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130607 - "new ebuild: Rune Halls of Valhalla" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130612 - "canon cups capt driver (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130615 - "ut2004-archasis-1.0.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130719 - "breakinguard-0.7.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130734 - "[req] vicidial ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130807 - "x11-misc/xonclock- (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130815 - "dev-util/replimenu (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130908 - "[EBUILD] muscletool-2.1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130911 - "[EBUILD] libmusclecard-1.3.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:130952 - "[REQUEST] Eat The Whistle ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:131140 - "games-arcade/tuxfighter (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:131188 - "ebuild request for Wah!Cade" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:131264 - "games-arcade/paratim - Paratrooper improved" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:131669 - "New ebuild: gnome-extra/timer-applet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:131709 - "gnome-extra/freeloader-0.3 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:131821 - "manolr-0.4-rc1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:131822 - "sci-mathematics/alberta - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:131916 - "r2000asm-0.1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:131961 - "net-analyzer/medusa-2.0 - Parallel Network Login Auditor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:132018 - "dev-lang/aplus - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:132048 - "net-p2p/dcsharp (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:132055 - "games-fps/vavoom (new ebuild) (Advanced Source port for Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:132119 - "Ada binding to the GNU Multiple Precision Library (GMP)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:132333 - "net-analyzer/netmrg-0.20 - a tool for network monitoring, reporting, and graphing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:132404 - "net-misc/nwrouted-1.0 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:132494 - "xmlrpc++ new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:132575 - "New SR Recnik ebuild (Serbian-English dictonary)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:132762 - "app-laptop/hotswap (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:133285 - "smtp-gated-1.4.14_rc1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:133332 - "Image-MetaData-JPEG perl module ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:133333 - "media-gfx/mapivi (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:133337 - "gnome-extra/newton - Newton Gnome2 Desktop Wiki (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:133410 - "new package: dacco & qdacco, a Catalan - English dictionary" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:133542 - "Weblog Publishing Assistant (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:133631 - "wish-2.1.5 (x10dev) - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:133967 - "net-voip/ihu - i hear u sip client.(new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:134237 - "app-admin/openwbem-3.2.2 - an enterprise-grade open-source implementation of Web Based Enterprise Management" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:134283 - "z26-2.13.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:134428 - "media-video/dvd2xvid (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:134456 - "media-gfx/denormgen-1.4 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:134491 - "[Tracker] USE-flag cleanup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:134595 - "[REQUEST] games-sports/maniadrive ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:134596 - "[REQUEST] games-sports/racer ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:134809 - "pptpproxy-2 ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:134847 - "gnome-extra/gnome-bling-manager: An interface to easily configure gnome desktop effects." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:134985 - "SipXpbx Ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:135041 - "ebuild for dev-tex/untex-9210" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:135063 - "Alternate portage user interface for more interactivity" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:135139 - "media-gfx(?)/wavextract-1.0.0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:135215 - "request for Dofus ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:135274 - "net-p2p/dolda-connect (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:135479 - "zoom2wav-1.0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:135550 - "nec2pp new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:135561 - "New ebuild: postal2aw (Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:135576 - "games-action/swdata-demo - data file for Shadow Warrior demo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:135772 - "dateshift new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:135964 - "Afuse - An automounter implemented with FUSE (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136017 - "dev-util/catalyst should be smarter about autoresume points" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:136051 - "app-text/docbook2odf, app-text/docbook2odf-xsl-stylesheets (new packages)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136078 - "incollector-0.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136083 - "bonito-cnk-1.49.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136216 - "app-emulation/z81-2.1 (New Ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136219 - "powerdot-1.3.0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136470 - "OpenBOR - a retro-style sidescroll beat-em-up [ebuild request]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136572 - "cdfly-0.2.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136596 - "dev-ruby/ruby-mpd (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136647 - "monitor-68hc08 (new ebuild}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136699 - "playgui-0.1.4.ebuild (new package) - java program to control mpd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136774 - "stk-0.40 - Seismic Toolkit (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136782 - "Gimp PDS plug-in for loading NASA/ESA PDS/EDR format images" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136835 - "Minolta 2300W driver: net-print/m2300w-0.51.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136877 - "adding local info pages to INFOPATH" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136925 - "app-portage/genlop: genlop -i doesn't handle multiline IUSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:136932 - "[PATCH] migrate emerge internals into the portage api" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:136973 - "Shogo: Mobile Armor Division ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136974 - "Kohan : Immortal Sovereigns request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136988 - "Add libg2c-3 ebuild to the tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:136999 - "equery: show date of compilation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:137010 - "media-sound/smack-0.3 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137012 - "media-libs/pyphat-0.1 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137013 - "media-sound/khagan-0.1.2 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137069 - "media-libs/dssi-vst-0.4 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137090 - "dev-util/tla-tools (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137091 - "dev-db/table_log-0.4.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137109 - "media-libs/libconvolve-0.0.8 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137111 - "media-libs/dssi-convolve-0.0.4 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137115 - "media-sound/jack-convolve-0.0.13 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137255 - "HelFORTH is a fast and powerful implementation of FORTH programming language" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137268 - "[TRACKER] Ada reorganization tracker bug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137305 - "qmqtool-1.12.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137345 - "[ebuild] HDAPS gkhdaps application" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137351 - "[ebuild] HDAPS gnome hdapsgl-applet application" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137352 - "gnome-extra/tilt HDAPS visualization application" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137353 - "[ebuild] HDAPS wmhdaps application" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137362 - "image2mpeg ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137393 - "ut2004-xmp-0_beta3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137413 - "media-libs/libinstpatch-1.0.0_pre1 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137489 - "ebuild for euhedral" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137643 - "mail-filter/spambouncer-20060416.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137648 - "app-admin/logscan (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137649 - "app-admin/logscan-scripts (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137791 - "nakenchat-2.07.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137857 - "jbrout-9999.ebuild (NEW)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137961 - "media-sound/lastfmsubmitd - Last.fm 'plugin' client (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:137984 - "net-news/gregarius - web-based news aggregator (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:138238 - "media-gfx/sane-pixma-0.11.3 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:138388 - "[PATCH] Sandbox everything outside of $ROOT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:138405 - "games-util/glvis (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:138661 - "ut2004-ucmp-3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:138770 - "nec2doc - User doc for the nec2 based software (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:138800 - "New ebuild for couriergraph" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:139009 - "net-mail/qmailanalog sort command does not understand options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:139197 - "smtp.proxy is an application level gateway for SMTP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:139198 - "pop3.proxy is a proxy server for the POP3 protocol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:139262 - "games-fps/hexen2-demodata (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:139278 - "games-fps/hexen2-lights (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:139679 - "dev-python/ncrypt (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:139715 - "samsungmfp - drivers for Samsung MFP USB printers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:139850 - "x11-misc/xorg-edit (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:139855 - "media-libs/libinstrudeo - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:139960 - "scanbuttond ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140027 - "slab-cvs (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140052 - "app-xemacs/wanderlust - Yet Another Message Interface on [X!]Emacsen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140081 - "Ebuild for classic game xlander" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140087 - "new ebuild: phidget20-1.0.6.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140091 - "ubuntu control center (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140121 - "games-fps/kmquake2-0.19 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140123 - "games-fps/kmquake2-mods-1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140124 - "games-fps/kmquake2-shanmaps-1.01 - a collection of high-quality map packs and some multiplayer maps for Quake 2 that work with the kmquake2 engine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:140157 - "media-libs/vxl (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140246 - "games-fps/quake2-textures-1 (Update)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140268 - "joss 0.3 (JACK audio server oss wrapper) - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140281 - "media-gfx/yapgvb (yet another python graphviz binding)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140442 - "media-sound/peapod 0.140 - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140634 - "UDF Verification Software: udf_test 1.5r0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140696 - "media-video/live-f1 - an ncurses client for viewing the official Formula 1 live timing stream" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140786 - "avango-1.0.1.ebuild (New Package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140861 - "app-laptop/lt_hotswap-0.3.6.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140862 - "games-board/tsito-0.8.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:140966 - "autodir-0.99.3.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141192 - "polygen-1.0.6.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141299 - "quake1-nehahra-1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141300 - "quake1-donequick-1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141336 - "kplaylist - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141490 - "net-p2p/nanodc - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141536 - "quake1-textures-20060722.ebuild (Update)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141612 - "New package: media-gfx/mtpaint" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141673 - "PORTAGE_QUIET affecting econf and emake?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:141705 - "[NEW EBUILD] pypar2-0.07" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141712 - "quake1-skins-1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141736 - "games-fps/vavoom-models (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141783 - "aqbubble-0.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141811 - "media-plugins/bse-alsa-0.7.0 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141817 - "ebuild for cpqarrayd 2.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:141906 - "app-shells/bash: interactive bashdb triggered by scripts w/out shebang and w/out --debugger due to `shopt -s extdebug` (openssl/rsstool)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:141953 - "epilicious (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142000 - "net-mail/checkpassword-pam file permissions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:142046 - "app-dicts/words-bin-1.97.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142049 - "dev-util/aptana new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142091 - "atvguide-0.1.ebuild (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142177 - "app-emulation/convirt (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142269 - "sci-biology/clover new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142319 - "games-rpg/ft-demo-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142321 - "games-rpg/dig-demo-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142322 - "games-rpg/mi3-demo-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142328 - "games-rpg/indy4-demo-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142331 - "games-rpg/samnmax-demo-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142334 - "games-rpg/dott-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142341 - "games-rpg/simon2-demo-0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142345 - "games-rpg/dott-demo-0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142352 - "games-rpg/samnmax-0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142354 - "games-rpg/indy4-0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142356 - "games-rpg/loom-demo-0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142359 - "games-rpg/simon1-demo-0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142361 - "games-rpg/zak-demo-0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142363 - "games-rpg/maniac-demo-0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142368 - "[new ebuild] wyneken-0.4_rc1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142430 - "games-rpg/bs2-demo-0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142470 - "app-misc/setcd (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142564 - "games-rpg/bs1-demo-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142673 - "games-rpg/mi1-demo-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142675 - "games-rpg/mi2-demo-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142678 - "net-wireless/fwextract - small program to extract firmware from windows driver for prism54 based cards" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142883 - "dev-tex/flashcards - A LaTeX Class for Typesetting Flash Cards" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142941 - "package.provided: Support slots and USE flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142961 - "dev-db/sql2class (and dependencies) new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142964 - "sys-power/powerthend - a powernowd fork" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:142967 - "ebuild for speedcontrol-0.2 (new)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143052 - "ut2004-killingfloor-2.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143144 - "dev-tex/ticket - LaTeX Style for labels, visiting-cards, pins and flash-cards" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143147 - "games-misc/fortune-mod-fr-0.65: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143223 - "[EBUILD] new package: dev-lang/brainwash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143226 - "ada bindings to Qt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143256 - "NEW EBUILD for dev-util/qshaderedit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143280 - "Ebuild for GPSMan (GPS Manager)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143535 - "net-misc/moblock (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143546 - "x11-themes/gnome-icons-crystal-svg (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143689 - "app-vim(?)/clewn-1.8.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143786 - "media-gfx/tetradraw - a fully featured ANSI art editor for *nix operating systems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143797 - "quake1-zerstorer-1.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143892 - "app-dicts/lexa-0.5 - command line dictionary (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143893 - "net-p2p/frost (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:143894 - "new package mail-client/mahogany-0.67" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144048 - "new ebuild: PyQuante-1.5.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144062 - "new ebuild: downtube" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144078 - "quake1-insomnia-1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144181 - "Mayanna panel (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144274 - "games-action/d2x-xl (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144287 - "flconvert (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144371 - "quake1-soa-1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144372 - "quake1-doe-1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144374 - "quake1-masque-1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144376 - "quake1-ultramarine-1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144394 - "games-misc/fortune-mod-zh-lunyu - set of fortunes based on the chinese Lunyu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144476 - "[webapps overlay] net-dns/vegadns-1.1.5 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:144482 - "games-misc/fortune-mod-zh-tao (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144490 - "games-misc/fortune-mod-zh-maozedong (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144526 - "arpping misses a signal for timeout causing latest /etc/init.d/net.* scripts to hang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:144574 - "app-crypt/ffv-0.43.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144591 - "games-fps/joequake (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144597 - "games-misc/fortune-mod-zh-joke (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144673 - "regenworld adds packages emerged w/ --oneshot to the world file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:144736 - "games-engines/marauroa - Arianne's Multiplayer Online Engine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144768 - "media-radio/callgit-2.1 - ham radio callsign lookup pgm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:144906 - "Improve subforums layout" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:144911 - "RSS feed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:144912 - "List watched topics" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:144922 - "gate88-bin-20050319.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145009 - "New package: media-sound/madfuload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145073 - "www-servers/appweb-2.1.0_p2.ebuild (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145130 - "xsearch-0.3 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145131 - "dev-lang/a+-4.20 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145137 - "New ebuild request: netbrake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145199 - "tclabc - Tcl/Tk gui for abcm2ps notation program with MIDI support (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145387 - "GNOME Word of the day applet (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145418 - "ebuild for "DConnect Daemon"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145572 - "Unification of Channel-Logos for VDR-Related Ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145575 - "Porting text2skin Skins to gentoo.org" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145580 - "sci-biology/bioperl: tests require several perl modules not in portage yet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145585 - "[NEW EBUILD] Labyrinth - A Mind-mapping tool for GNOME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145675 - "dev-cpp/litesql - LiteSQL C++ Object Persistence Framework" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145750 - "Adding javadoc search function to a java eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145845 - "tx-1.2.ebuild - a tabular XML editor (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:145945 - "media-sound/nosefart-2.6 - NES soundfile player (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:146256 - "games-action/wings2 - Multiplayer real-time action space shooter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:146436 - "Perforce ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:146443 - "media-video/dxr3player-0.11 - New ebuild -- needs patching" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:146641 - "media-libs/libbassmod-bin-2.0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:146694 - "sys-fs/cromfs (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:146761 - "KompoZer (the succesor of NVU) ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:146784 - "games-engines/megazeux-2.81h.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:146813 - "wmainfo-rb-0.3 - Ruby library for reading metadata from WMA/WMV/ASF files (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:146816 - "sneetchalizer-0.4.3.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:146926 - "dev-embedded/at89prog-0.7-r2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147013 - "maxfighter-1.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147022 - "sci-mathematics/pest: new package for parameter estimation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147091 - "dev-tex/trajan-1.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147099 - "UMMF - UML Meta-Model Framework (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147349 - "Document local filesystem support for GENTOO_MIRRORS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:147381 - "app-emacs/mingus ( new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147445 - "net-analyzer/umit - a new frontend for nmap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147479 - "lwl-1.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147505 - "x11-themes/metacity-themes-candido-1.0 (NEW)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147506 - "x11-themes/metacity-themes-murrine-1.0 (NEW)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147663 - "VRPE (Video Related Picture Editor) ebuild - new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147816 - "media-gfx/bibblepro-bin - (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147932 - "net-misc/w3bfukk0r-0.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147952 - "[NEW EBUILD] Mission Photo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147958 - "dem2geoeg-1.3 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:147997 - "mountd authentication failure with subnets in exports" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:148208 - "revdep-rebuild in different ROOT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:148250 - "dev-cpp/libvmime new package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:148427 - "games-fps/vavoom-music (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:148450 - "INFON Battle Arena (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:148508 - "cdk4msp (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:148644 - "ebuild request for games-emulation/qmc2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:148830 - "[PATCH] per-stage xterm titles when performing builds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:148868 - "dev-util/debug new package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:149063 - "Jini Icon theme v 0.5 ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:149081 - "LDAP Account Manager (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:149126 - "Layout bug caused by missing [/quote] keyword" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:149140 - "media-gfx/imgv-3.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:149251 - "sci-geosciences/gslib (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:149268 - "apq-2.1 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:149374 - "ko.TeX is a collection of LaTeX packages for Korean" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:149600 - "net-im/jabbin (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:149700 - "games-arcade/gridwars-2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:149739 - "gyachi (a fork from Gyach Enhanced Yahoo!) - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:149969 - "net-misc/teardrop (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:150027 - "autoq3d (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:150060 - "greylistd (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:150108 - "New ebuild streamlined_generator 0.0.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:150208 - "net-ftp/bftpd-1.5 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:150358 - "dev-util/cscout (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:150379 - "dev-tex/glossary-1.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:150402 - "Gentoo/MIPS: new SGI boot CD" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:150504 - "sys-apps/pcp - Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) provides a framework and services to support system-level performance monitoring and management" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:150527 - "net-misc/freeswitch (FreeSWITCH) (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:150578 - "lincan-0.3.4_pre1.ebuild (New Package) - CANBus adapter driver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:150609 - "New ebuild: app-admin/sfic-0.1.7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:150807 - "forcekeymask - recursively unmask a software and its dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:150845 - "app-admin/sysklogd: run without root privileges by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:151113 - "interactive ebuilds in the tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:151145 - "app-misc/ssid - simple setsid replacement" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:151187 - "Ebuild for packetbl (Userspace DNS blocklist checks for iptables)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:151573 - "New ebuild: gcdkatalog" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:151654 - "games-fps/quake1-undergate (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:151673 - "New ebuild for FunionFS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:151878 - "new ebuild for net-misc/wackamole" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:151988 - "x11-libs/seom video capturing library (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:152005 - "x11-apps(?)/xcmd-0.99.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:152084 - "need a way to remove binary packages with higher version than highest visible ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:152117 - "dev-tex/SIstyle ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:152474 - "disallow access to $S/$FILESDIR in pkg_* functions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:152476 - "cleaner handling of $T" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:152774 - "ebuild for app-doc/selfphp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:152805 - "New ebuild: Number-RecordLocator-0.001" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:152827 - "media-tv/rugen-0.2 new ebuild mlt miracle management" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:152835 - "ebuild submission for zepsdreamland-bin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:152871 - "app-accessibility/lliaphon - one more french voice synthetizer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:152960 - "games-fps/egl-0.3.2_beta1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:152970 - "flex-sdk-3 ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:152990 - "[PATCH] Portage Local Revisions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:152993 - "games-util/pbsetup new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:153415 - "servant-0.1.5.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:153654 - "gnome-extra/gedit-latex (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:153740 - "new ebuild: BookmarkBridge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:153803 - "GBind and other Gadmintools ebuilds request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:153991 - "[science overlay] sci-chemistry/objcryst-fox-1.6.99_pre20061029-r2 (new ebuild) (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:154209 - "app-portage/emerge-delta-webrsync-3.5.1-r2 should not automatically sync to the past" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:154292 - "games-fps/quetoo-0.5.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:154300 - "phpgacl-3.3.7.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:154381 - "net-dialup/accel-pptp-0.7.5 - The PPTP client and server for Linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:154386 - "genlop-0.30.5 genlop -t shows wrong results for parallel merges" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:154403 - "Patch allowing revdep-rebuild to go on when one package doesn't build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:154477 - "net-im/bsflite-0.82.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:154500 - "app-crypt/visprint-2.0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:154572 - "cdpr-2.2.1 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:154664 - "app-misc/rainlendar-2.0.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:154915 - "net-libs/zoidcom-0.6.5.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:154925 - "ebuild for animorph" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:154926 - "ebuild for mhgui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:154939 - "[new package] sci-biology/twinscan" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:154978 - "app-office/thinking-rock-bin (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:155161 - "[feature request] debug ebuilds with 'ebuildshell' feature" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:155421 - "games-misc/fortune-mod-de ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:155496 - "net-analyzer/havoc-0.1d.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:155508 - "littlewizard-1.1.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:155601 - "New package: games-util/qgamex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:155664 - "Retire: Thomas Raschbacher (lordvan)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:155674 - "Ebuild for finepix kernel module" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:155974 - "[science overlay] sci-misc/salome-* (New packages)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:156109 - "app-portage/epkg-1.2 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:156113 - "app-portage(?)/ept-get-1.5 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:156221 - "app-portage/emerge-delta-webrsync-3.5.1-r2 store portage-YYYYMMDD* files in /usr/portage/distfiles instead of /var/delta-webrsync" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:156231 - "virtual/jre in DEPEND affects the behaviour of depend-java-query from dev-java/java-config" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:156254 - "eselect module to choose gensplash theme" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:156300 - "New package: sys-fs/ufiformat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:156351 - "java-config-2 should spit out an error message when package.env is malformed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:156494 - "xbmsd-1.1.0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:156586 - "ebuild for milter-greylist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:156638 - "net-ftp/foff - lightweight graphical (GTK+) FTP client written in python" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:156656 - "app-misc/ipbt - a high-tech ttyrec player" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:156879 - "kde-misc/webissues - client application (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:156959 - "app-portage/gentoolkit - enhance revdep-rebuild on repeated failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:156977 - "dsbl-testers-0.9.5.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:156993 - "media-sound/yass-0.0.2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:157099 - "dev-scheme/mechanics - SICM mechanics software (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:157122 - "app-forensics/dmitry - Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:157253 - "ebuild for bob-the-butcher 0.7.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:157329 - "Desktop Data Manager 0.8.5 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:157334 - "games-puzzle/quimeleon- (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:157431 - "dev-python/cx_oracle - DBI 2 compliant module connecting python to oracle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:157448 - "New package: dev-libs/EasySoap++" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:157494 - "app-misc/ccpublisher ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:157550 - "dev-java/hudson - Extensible continuous integration server" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:157725 - "media-sound/lisight-0.3.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:157773 - "ebuild: libgphoto2-sharp-2.3.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:157808 - "taverna-1.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:157827 - "[science overlay] new package: sci-biology/tgi-tools (seqclean, cdbfasta and friends)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158103 - "dev-libs/wxxml2-1.6.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158176 - "app/crypt/ghasher-1.2.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158313 - "sys-power/gapcmon-0.8.3.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158403 - "dev-embedded/m-asl (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158408 - "stuff Ada lib paths into conf files instead of env vars?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158441 - "app-admin/ldapscripts (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158467 - "games-arcade/arkanoidsb-1.1.9.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158507 - "New package: games-board/jin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158594 - "ssam2-1_beta21.ebuild: Serious Sam 2 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158605 - "app-text/openjade - patch to improve openjade processing speed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:158671 - "app-misc/bbgallery-1.2.0 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158685 - "smartdimmer - tool to Change LCD brightness on Geforce Go 6200/7200 cards (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158772 - "New package: pyneighborhood 0.5.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158800 - "net-im/ichat-1.1.2 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158819 - "request for RefDB ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158863 - "[REQ] crip a terminal-based ripper/encoder/tagger tool for creating Ogg Vorbis/FLAC/MP3 files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:158869 - "sci-visualization/jps2ps-0.015 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159032 - "games-engines/dagii new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159072 - "[ebuild request] dev-utils/nvperfkit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159086 - "media-tv/moovida (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159239 - "app-misc/atol (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159274 - "ebuild: games-arcade/pangzero" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159299 - "games-puzzle/gplanarity-20070402 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159300 - "dev-cpp/omnetpp - A C++-based object-oriented discrete event simulation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159374 - "games-fps/vavoom-textures (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159451 - "games-misc/dialogquiz-1.0 - A collection of trivia quizzes for Linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159489 - "games-strategy/rrbbis-1.02 [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159589 - "net-misc/icmptx ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159731 - "kxgenerator (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159779 - "wizd-24.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159790 - "app-eselect/eselect-init-0.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159813 - "dev-util/svndumptool-0.3.0 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159840 - "net-mail/ra-plugins-0.2.2 - a collection of qmail-spp plugins" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159860 - "nez-zope/simpleportlet (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:159863 - "games-util/xwadtools (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:160139 - "kscannerbuttons-0.9.4 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:160299 - "[PATCH] portage should be more careful about corrupt COUNTER and SLOT files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:160729 - "net-im/libicqkid2-5.0_alpha (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:160869 - "dayplanner-0.4 [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:160883 - "gtkrxdlg-1.0.0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:161067 - "sci-biology/hapcluster-1.2.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:161153 - ""Show unanswered posts" functionality in every single subforum" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:161394 - "grplib-0.4.8 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:161396 - "media-gfx/exiftaggerr-0.42 [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:161398 - "app-office/gfa-0.4.1 [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:161488 - "games-arcade/zelda2d-0.2.3.ebuild [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:161490 - "/etc/ld.so.cache is regenerated for every unmerged package when running emerge -C" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:161508 - "PonGL 1.20 [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:161514 - "Missile of Holiday Cheer 1.2f [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:161548 - "Gnome-Themer 2.1 [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:161704 - "Requesting Ebuild for the Linux Interactive DisAssembler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:161825 - "app-admin/gentoo-clean-0.1.2a (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162064 - "net-analyzer/honeysnap - tool used for extracting and analyzing data from pcap files, including IRC communications" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162080 - "pfstools, pfscalibration and pfstmo - high dynamic range photography tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162100 - "games-arcade/galcon-1.1.1 [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162139 - "games-fps/qrack-1.60.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162173 - "emerge display should distinguish conditional blockers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:162240 - "[EBUILD] games-arcade/flyhard new game" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162262 - "games-fps/hacx-data-1.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162264 - "games-fps/heretic1-data-1.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162266 - "games-fps/hexen1-data-1.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162267 - "games-fps/hexen1-deathkings-data-1.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162271 - "games-fps/wolf3d-data-1.0 - Wolfenstein 3D data files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162273 - "games-fps/wolf3d-sod-data-1.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162279 - "games-fps/quake2-groundzero-data-1.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162281 - "games-fps/quake2-reckoning-data-1.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162335 - "pyq - Python Yahoo Quote fetching utility (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162357 - "x11-themes/murrine-configurator (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162411 - "erlyweb-0.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162414 - "erltl-0.9.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162419 - "html2wml-0.4.11 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162450 - "FEATURES="qa" needed to make portage less noisy for users" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:162485 - "games-util/nesutils-1.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162516 - "[TRACKER] ebuilds with dependencies on sys-apps/portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:162593 - "net-analyzer/packetgarden - captures information about how you use the internet and use it to grow a private world" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162606 - "games-fps/hexen2-data-1.0.ebuild (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162610 - "[Request] FTEQW Ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162709 - "media-fonts/extraf-0.1 - extra console fonts (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162855 - "ebuild request: Ankh (game)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:162933 - "games-fps/tyrquake-9999.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:163007 - "[REQ] wxformbuilder: The Open Source GUI Builder Tool For wxWidgets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:163085 - "kde-misc/perl-audio-converter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:163569 - "app-backup/faubackup-0.5.9 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:163637 - "dev-libs/libserial-0.5.2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:163684 - "Show use-flag causing package-dependency when Package could not be found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:163792 - "lang-misc/spl-1.2.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:163895 - "app-office/riot (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164043 - "net-misc/multiget (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164049 - "games-arcade/xscavenger: new xscavenger ebuild including (new) sdl patch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164298 - "net-misc/smcroute-0.92 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164333 - "dev-util/blame - RCS file annotate tool (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164365 - "opendiameter-1.0.7h.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164457 - "emerge should show all choices for unsatisfied || ( x y z ) dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164465 - "net-news/xpn (X Python Newsreader) - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164529 - "[Future EAPI] CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK should allow wildcards" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164600 - "gtkdbfeditor-0.2.0 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164721 - "New ebuild : dev-games/raknet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164724 - "add ebuild for perl nwn scripts to portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164744 - "add ebuild for nwntools-2.3.2-PRC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164850 - "dev-db/mysql-zrm-2.2.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:164939 - "games-strategy/freera-20070120.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:165036 - "dev-utils/uppaal-4.0.4 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:165247 - "dev-erlang/gtknode-0.30 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:165280 - "Ebuild request: Amaya web editor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:165818 - "New ebuild for app-backup/areca-backup-bin-4.1.7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:166275 - "Japanese-Vocabulary (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:166301 - "ASS/SSA subtitle renderer ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:166386 - "app-arch/s4w - Application to join/split Hacha files (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:166704 - "games-fps/quake1-data use of demo data for pak0.pak, plus vispatch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:166748 - "whitenoise-1.0.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:166876 - "app-accessibility/onboard (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:166890 - "dev-tex/mathabx (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:166926 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: eclean: feature request for removing all files except fetch restricted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:167000 - "split off common stuff in gnat related eclasses/confs into a separate eclass?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:167038 - "Ebuild for sctk (Smart Card ToolKit)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:167040 - "xilprg (a free Xilinx fpga programmer) - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:167248 - "sys-libs/cracklib: support ${ROOT}/usr/lib/cracklib_dict*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:167249 - "app-backup/backup2l-1.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:167287 - "Adding ebuilds for TENG templating engine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:167333 - "games-misc/fortune-mod-ru-1.52 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:167426 - "libtprl-0.1.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:167784 - "xine mozilla plugin (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:167881 - "dev-games/libtpproto-cpp-0.1.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:167906 - "dev-games/libtpproto-py-0.2.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:167914 - "dev-games/libtpclient-py-0.2.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:168135 - "sys-apps(?)/idled-1.16 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:168295 - "New ebuild for installation of Ximeta's NDAS driver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:168323 - "media-gfx/xcftools-1.0.4 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:168413 - "Ebuild request: Saitek P2500 Driver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:168632 - "pilotgroup-newsletter-2007.01.01.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:168688 - "dev-embedded(?)/serp-0.3 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:168689 - "openrrcp-0.1.93 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:168748 - "genlop -c should take better weighted average" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:169023 - "onscreend [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:169047 - "Add --show-install-reasons functionality from paludis to Portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:169060 - "dev-cpp/sqplus - C++ bindings for Squirrel (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:169109 - "media-video(?)/QAvimator (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:169132 - "Wildcards in INSTALL_MASK match only files installed on real filesystem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:169260 - "default man page and doc compression too high" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:169494 - "New ebuilds: xneur, gxneur and kxneur" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:169604 - "New package: dev-java/lwjgl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:169812 - "[REQ] net-mail/eoc (Enemies of Carlotta) mailing list manager" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:169847 - "dev-java/sun-java3d-1.5.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:169910 - "games-sports/fm (Football Manager) - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:170508 - "ov51x webcams (e.g. eyetoy) drivers (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:170715 - "[ebuild] app-pda/hipo-0.6.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:170829 - "games-arcade/kimboot ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:170883 - "games-fps/nexuiz Start Script for the dedicated Nexuiz Server" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:171082 - "dev-libs/libnoise 1.0.0_rc1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:171201 - "app-dicts/dictd-mueller-3.1 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:171432 - "new ebuild: app-office/ppsei-0.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:171732 - "games-emulation/mekanix is now open-source (registration no longer required) and has a SVN server." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:171789 - "games-misc/llk_linux-2.3 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:171811 - "dev-util/gmd new ebuild request (GNU make debugger)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:171944 - "komodo-edit-bin-4.0.2.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:172040 - "x11-misc/quicksynergy (new package), a gnomeish/gtk ergonomic gui for synergy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:172363 - "x11-themes/gtk-engines-mirage (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:172374 - "media-libs/vstream-client-1.2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:172436 - "app-editors/aoeui-1.1.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:172705 - "media-sound/hydrogen-millo-drums-3 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:172841 - "sci-visualization/som_pak (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:172901 - "[new ebuild] dev-tex/mimetex (a TeX preview generator for html/SS pages)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:173053 - "FEATURES=buildsyspkg should include all packages in system and their dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:173072 - "directory synchronizer (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:173234 - "net-analyzer/netlog-0.6 - a simple network traffic monitor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:173454 - "Ebuild for GTKPsProc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:173498 - "New ebuild: KBoggle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:173577 - "app-shells/bash: readline file completion does not work with multiple lines" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:173603 - "mail-filter/amavisd-new - p0f-analyzer init.d script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:173711 - "app-misc/mnemosyne - sophisticated flash-card tool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:173915 - "generation-2 does not set LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:173921 - "sys-apps(?)/flapjack-0.3 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:174104 - "dev-libs/libk8055 - A library allowing access to Velleman's K8055 card" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:174128 - "New ebuild: net-analyzer/daemonlogger" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:174203 - "sys-auth/pam_ccreds - new ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:174205 - "nss_updatedb - new ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:174311 - "app-portage/gentoolkit & sys-apps/portage: api guideline" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:174335 - "[TRACKER] FEATURES variable is used in the tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:174351 - "sandbox violation when using distcc or ccache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:174380 - "[TRACKER] Future EAPI tracker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:174393 - "sys-libs/db-4.3.29-r2+ubclic compile-fail - undeclared 'TIOCNOTTY' in generated file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:174399 - "dev-utils/uppaal-tron-1.4_beta2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:174509 - "If all ebuilds are gone Portage doesn't consider installed stuff as providing a virtual" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:174530 - "Document new style virtual RDEPEND behaviour" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:174610 - "app-misc/lasertraq-0.2 - Use a laserpointer as Mouse with a camera and gStreamer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:174675 - "java-config make it possible to use || ( ) deps for providers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:174676 - "cytadela-0.6.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:174686 - "New ebuild for sharedance session server" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:174926 - "sys-auth/pam_sotp-0.3.3 new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:175054 - "java-maven-2.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:175079 - "wepoff (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:175098 - "dnsa (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:175255 - "initial ebuild for cells-gtk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:175282 - "[science overlay] sci-biology/tigr-assembler-2.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:175365 - "[EBUILD] media-sound/davemp-1.23" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:175524 - "[science overlay] sci-biology/proda-1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:175582 - "Telinit to alternate state fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:175808 - "emerge should intelligently solve circular dependencies triggered by flags such as USE="doc"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:175881 - "[EBUILD] media-libs/unicap, an unified API for image acquisition" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:176215 - "dev-util/umlet: Umlet is a UML designer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:176376 - "Request of an ebuild to add support for "Linux Bluetooth Remote Control - LBRC"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:176455 - "[science overlay] sci-libs/cgnstools sci-libs/cgnslib sci-libs/cgnsfoam (New ebuilds)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:176465 - "ebuild for emusic.com download manager" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:176639 - "app-text/labelnation-1.164 (New Ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:176820 - "media-sound/soma-2.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:176821 - "media-sound/somax-1.3.ebuild (New Ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:176824 - "media-video/r5u870-0.11.1 new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:176976 - "Ebuilds for Photo Organizer web application (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:177023 - "[TRACKER] Java packages which bundle sources of dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:177024 - "app-editors/jedit bundles bsh sources" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:177189 - "[req] DVD backup tool for the GNOME desktop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:177214 - "app-laptop/brightd - a daemon which regulates brightness of LCDs dynamically" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:177242 - "games-util/bsp-5.2 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:177308 - "media-sound/mesk audio-player (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:177372 - "sys-apps/ecp-0.1.5_beta (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:177376 - "net-fs/httpfs- (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:177406 - "games-util/zennode (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:177494 - "disk-manager-1.0-BETA2 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:177580 - "Port LTSP 5 to Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:177606 - "striim - Internet radio player for GNOME (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:177672 - "x11-plugins/flover-0.2 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:177798 - "pitchfork (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:177982 - "games-util/par-0.03.01 (New Ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:178095 - "games-?/snake (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:178516 - "dev-util/autodist source management tool (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:178537 - "System Configuration Collector ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:178641 - "dev-embedded/cc65 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:178709 - "net-analyzer/afterglow-1.6.5 - a collection of scripts which facilitate the process of generating link graphs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:178716 - "app-arch/peazip (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:178718 - "sys-fs/e2fsprogs w/ USE=static only produces static e2fsck" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:178918 - "media-tv/zattoo-bin (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:179013 - "net-analyzer/honeytrap - a network security tool observe attacks against network services" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:179116 - "mail-mta/mixminion new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:179130 - "sys-fs/unionfs-utils: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:179183 - "games-rpg/penumbra-overture-demo-1.0.1 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:179209 - "dev-util/devkitarm-bin (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:179226 - "dev-libs/libnds (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:179227 - "dev-libs/dswifi (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:179502 - "[EBUILD] games-action/irrlamb-0.0.5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:179689 - "dkimproxy signs/verifies DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:179733 - "games-rpg/penumbra-overture-1.0.1 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:179755 - "java-config: Add vm switching library for Java init scripts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:179801 - "games-board/megamek uses bundled jars" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:179802 - "ebuild for svdlibc 1.34" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:179832 - "macfly-1.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:179910 - "net-im/dziobber (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:180198 - "bkhive (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:180200 - "samdump2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:180506 - "Portage doesn't understand "no"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:180559 - "sci-geosciences/geoserver ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:180651 - "media-video/vive-2.0.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:180802 - "net-news/gfeed-2.5.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:180853 - "media-video/sn9c1xx (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:181032 - "dev-db/galax-0.7.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:181134 - "sopcast and qsopcast (new ebuilds)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:181216 - "x11-apps/yukon OpenGL video capturing framework (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:181375 - "lm-monitor: daemon for hardware health monitoring" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:181417 - "[science-overlay] sci-libs/libmatheval : a library for parsing mathematical expresions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:181418 - "games-action/ballistics-demo-1 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:181474 - "media-sound/dabra (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:181517 - "app-text/glpresent (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:181539 - "games-fps/kingpin (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:181641 - "dev-libs/tntdb (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:181660 - "dev-tcltk/tclcurl ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:181701 - "8Kingdoms ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:181895 - "app-crypto/sshfp-1.1.3 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:182046 - "net-fs/afpfs-ng (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:182136 - "sys-apps/coreutils-7.1 with USE=acl and ext3 mounted with -o acl: cp -pr does not reset the setgid bit when appropriate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:182338 - "octagaplayer-2.1.0_beta3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:182507 - "libgenerics-1.2.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:182540 - "forum search can't handle literals with punctuation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:182600 - "ebuild for acpitail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:182830 - "lgtoclnt-bin-7.3.1-r1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:182835 - "net-analyzer/afasnmp - Dell AACRAID-based PERC RAID controller SNMP agent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:182839 - "megamon-bin-4.0.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:182840 - "net-analyzer/percsnmp - SNMP Agent for LSI-based Dell PERC SCSI/RAID cards" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:182927 - "new ati-genericv4l ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:182956 - "new ebuild: openrpcgen-4.1.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:182991 - "app-emulation/reapple2-0.3 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:183028 - "SICP Scheme source" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:183066 - "media-tv/landvb-0.9.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:183328 - "smartcvs ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:183462 - "x11-libs/ghosd (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:183563 - "Request for WINBOND IS89C35 Wireless Linux Driver ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:183705 - "New ebuild: net-fs/wikipediafs-0.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:183731 - "[new ebuild] games-arcade/vodovod-1.10" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:183856 - "New ebuild: games-util/gamecheater" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:184002 - "net-analyzer/bandwidthd-2.0.1 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:184069 - "new ebuild: sci-biology/sombrero" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:184106 - "LiSP book Scheme source" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:184121 - "dev-python/pyxdialog-0.3 - A Python wrapper for the Xdialog program" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:184123 - "media-sound/oss4 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:184291 - "scanelf-packagecheck (potential app-portage/gentoolkit: revdep-rebuild replacement)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:184304 - "provide petit larceny and possibly larceny" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:184309 - "serial-io-0.3.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:184415 - "wxRemind ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:184507 - "app-emulation/wine does not work for ldap-only users" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:184700 - "sys-libs/ncurses: improve ada support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:184812 - "set src_test to run by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:184897 - "net-misc(?)/dnprogs-2.39 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:184924 - "New ebuild for TS2PerlMod" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:184957 - "System Inactivity Notifier - a kernel-level user inactivity trigger (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:184966 - "dev-lang/inform-7.5j_p39 Version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:185122 - "[PATCH] Add a flag to emerge to display use flag descriptions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:185477 - "devmanual as a single file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:185507 - "app-portage/genlop - Bad error message for --current" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:185542 - "vlshow [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:185722 - "x11-misc/mcalib-{0.0.1,9999} - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:185758 - "Ebuild for VRML 1.0c parser lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:185810 - "app-text/ocropus (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:186454 - "[Future EAPI] Remove DESCRIPTION and HOMEPAGE from ebuilds and move it to metadata.xml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:186559 - "freyja 3d modeling system ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:186746 - "net-analyzer/intrace-1.6 - Traceroute-like application able to enumerate IP hops using existing TCP connections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:186831 - "wzdftpd 0.8.2 ebuild (new addition to portage tree)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:187171 - "breve-2.5.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:187172 - "nec2++-1.1.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:187196 - "sys-libs/liblicense-0.3 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:187419 - "media-video/cdg2video-0.1 - Convert CDG files to video" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:188046 - "games-board/pyawale-0.3.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:188214 - "games-fps/edge (new ebuild) (Enhanced DOOM engine)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:188216 - "[science overlay] sci-misc/sfst-1.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:188265 - "request for btnx: Button Extension- a GNU/GPL mouse tool for GNU/Linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:188283 - "Allow multiple gnustep-back-* installed at the same time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:188554 - "New ebuild: games-emulation/ps2emu-cdvdnull" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:188556 - "New ebuild: games-emulation/ps2emu-FWnull" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:188561 - "New ebuild: games-emulation/ps2emu-ZeroGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:188563 - "New ebuild: games-emulation/ps2emu-ZeroPAD" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:188566 - "New ebuild: games-emulation/ps2emu-usbnull" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:188634 - "Ruby Reports (ruport) ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:188882 - "media-sound/neompc (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:188939 - "[EBUILD] net-misc/wanpipe-3.1.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:189038 - "games-strategy/landeseternelles (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:189083 - "astade-0.7.2 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:189210 - "New ebuild www-apache/mod_auth_gforge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:189435 - "app-editors/vim-core should not install localized files unconditionally" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:189652 - "request for bluediving (A Bluetooth penetration testing suite)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:189711 - "A button system for the packages.gentoo system to notify the maintainer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:189814 - "provide Scheme Now! aka Snow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:189874 - "media-sound/sfarkxtc - sfArk SoundFont decompressor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:189901 - "sys-fs/cryptsetup - Ability to find the key device [PATCH] in dm-crypt-start.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:189961 - "games-rpg/bs2-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:190031 - "games-rpg/bs1-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:190062 - "provide scmpkg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:190099 - "net-analyzer/sguil-{sensor,server} init.d scripts not working properly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:190315 - "net-analyzer/natdet (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:190396 - "New package - mail-filter/proxsmtp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:190397 - "GUI Update manager for glsa-check" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:190413 - "sys-apps/log3 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:190486 - "games-util/ddfinwad (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:190636 - "app-office/openproj-1.4: new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:190637 - "net-misc/realvnc-enterprise (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:190824 - "app-misc/fist-4.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:191106 - "[REQ] Scalix - opensource substitute for Microsoft Exchange" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:191196 - "app-portage/pytage-0.4 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:191228 - "sci-geosciences/saga-2.0.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:191360 - "piglet (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:191467 - "media-libs/openvrml ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:191471 - "sci-physics/beamnrc-4 new ebuild proposal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:191511 - "media-tv/gtvg-0.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:191743 - "eclean-dist: add option for deleting files with bad hashes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:192007 - "app-portage/kuroolito-0.10.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:192132 - "genlop -q cannot find CPU at gentoo.linuxhowtos.org" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:192266 - "dev-db/gtko2-2.16 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:192276 - "net-misc/niceshaper (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:192494 - "Requesting new ebuilds: Apache Directory Server and Studio" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:192524 - "app-i18n/man-pages-tr (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:192600 - "games-arcade/paintown-2.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:192638 - "portage exits with 0 after a die in pkg_prerm()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:193175 - "dev-libs/miracl-5.3.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:193177 - "net-irc/irssi-mod-fish-0.99.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:193270 - "media-video/mmsrip-0.7.0-r1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:193298 - "kfceu — a KDE interface for the fceu emulator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:193347 - "dev-media/libdv-1.0.0-r2 broken on powerpc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:193420 - "x11-misc/iconmgr-0.4 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:193867 - "games-simulation/nero-2.0 - Neuro-Evolving Robotic Operatives - a unique computer game that lets you play with adapting intelligent agents hands-on" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:193911 - "dev-embedded/k8048 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:193937 - "games-board/kombilo: A go games database program for pattern searches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:194021 - "media-gfx/svg2pdf (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:194043 - "CONFIG_PROTECT* should not have to be modified via env.d, new system needed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:194471 - "app-arch/unball (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:194501 - "app-text/mathml-xml-dtd-2.0 - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:194676 - "subversion.eclass should try harder when ESVN_REPO_URI changes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:194737 - "games-board/dreamchess (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:194894 - "[webapps-experimental overlay] www-apps/knowledgetree needs a PHP5-compatible version in the tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:194933 - "net-irc/irssi-python (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:194987 - "Yet another revdep-rebuild rewrite" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:195004 - "app-dicts/myspell-sr (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:195025 - "net-analyzer/tcpdstat-0.9 - Tool for getting a high-level view of traffic patterns for a given libpcap file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:195146 - "media-plugins/audaproc-0.02 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:195394 - "[new ebuild] sys-cluster/clusterit-2.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:195438 - "sys-cluster/perceus-1.3.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:195611 - "games-???/gbrainy-1.40 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:195614 - "New package: app-antivirus/bitdefender-console" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:195773 - "New patched ebuild for sci-libs/nurbs++-3.0.11" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:195802 - "net-ftp/ftpsync ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:195904 - "Shadow Warrior data ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:196125 - "dev-libs/gcstl-0.3.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:196235 - "app-admin/squidtaild - squid real-time log monitoring program" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:196324 - "dev-libs/libwiimote (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:196358 - "Ebuild Request for Mandriva Directory Server" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:196379 - "dev-util/fastrpc-netcat-0.0.6 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:196660 - "media-sound/mtag-1 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:196805 - "net-proxy/tcpproxy (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:196923 - "games-util/copstation-2.21 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:196986 - "lxbios (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:197040 - "provide ssax" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:197079 - "media-video/mimictools (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:197101 - "dev-libs/libaxl (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:197200 - "stjerm (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:197230 - "[webapps overlay] phpgedview-4.1.2 ebuild update" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:197253 - "new ebuild net-dialup/vodafone-mobile-connect-card-driver-for-linux-1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:197291 - "dev-games/fareditor (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:197390 - "provide psyntax-r6rs portable r6rs and syntax-case library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:197530 - "net-im/nateon (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:197717 - "LVProg - Linux Vinculum (USB host controller) Programmer (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:197739 - "app-misc/wordtrainer-3.1.0_beta1 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:197942 - "$D is set inside pkg_postinst when it shouldn't be" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:198007 - "Flameproject (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:198200 - "emerge --depclean wants to unmerge old slots such as kernel sources (need greedy atoms and/or package set that resolves /usr/src/linux symlink)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:198450 - "Ebuild: media-sound/asoundconf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:198529 - "sys-boot/yaboot mishandles RAID devices with v1.[12] metadata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:198839 - "net-misc/dhcp-forward ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:198873 - "x11-themes/fedora-icon-theme (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:198901 - "[TRACKER] Nuking logrotate use flag" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:198909 - "New ebuild: sys-process/ts ('task spooler')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:198967 - "net-dialup/iwar (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:199089 - "mail-mta/tmta (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:199099 - "sys-fs/zumastor - a combination of a linux kernel driver, userspace C code, and s shell script that adds snapshotting and remote replication capabilities to Linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:199114 - "ability to define pre/post functions for build steps in envscript" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:199120 - "net-analyzer/barnyard USE=sguil - example config line in incorrect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:199394 - "umouse ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:199425 - "app-admin/spass (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:199634 - "dev-db/rsqlitegui - Ruby SQLite GUI is a simple, cross platform SQLite database administration tool written in Ruby" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:199648 - "app-emulation/wine-etersoft-public - MS Windows compatibility layer (WINE@Etersoft public edition)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:199710 - "games-fps/edge-data (new ebuild) : Data files for EDGE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:199732 - "app-crypt/gnomint package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:199856 - "build plan does not properly account for missing dependencies of installed packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:199861 - "[EBUILD] NEW: sys-power/toshiba_smi-0.0.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:199872 - "net-misc/opennhrp - NBMA Next Hop Resolution Protocol implementation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:199875 - "www-apps/vtiger-5.0.3 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:199884 - "new ebuild: NeXus" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:200151 - "New ebuild: dev-db/rekall" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:200284 - "linking to firebird, interbase/gpl license incompatibility, guarding with bindist needed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:200291 - "media-gfx/dfo: Desktop Flickr Organizer for Gnome (ebuild request)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:200325 - "dev-lang/squeak-webimage - Squeak web developer image file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:200543 - "sci-visualization/sivp-0.5.3 - Scilab image and video processing toolbox" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:200547 - "media-libs/animal - AN IMAging Library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:200839 - "media-video/DivFix++ - free AVI repair & preview program (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:200937 - "app-p2p/moorie-0.1.4 - a Moorhunt-compatible lightweight file-sharing client for Linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:200967 - "games-fps/rott-data (Rise of the Triad) (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:201286 - "media-sound/chibitracker-1.1 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:201321 - "sci-mathematics/sage (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:201357 - "[EBUILD] app-text/hypen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:201538 - "ebuild for media-gfx/fontmatrix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:201850 - "net-misc/likewise-open (ebuild request)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:201855 - "games-sports/tileracer-bin request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:202213 - "[new ebuild] Adaptec aic94xx RAID firmware - add support in Install CD" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:202219 - "app-dicts/multitran: new ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:202237 - "Ebuild for KPar2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:202291 - "media-sound/zmixer - a simple volume control which based on GTK+" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:202411 - "savedconfig.eclass hardcoded /etc/portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:202475 - "mdfextract [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:202523 - "app-mobilephone/moisms-2.13 (new ebuild) moiosms moio sms" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:202631 - "PMS doesn't document profile.bashrc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:202816 - "ebuild for NUt - an advanced network manager" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:202867 - "net-analyzer/nagios-check_hpasm- - a plugin for Nagios which checks the hardware health of Hewlett-Packard Proliant Servers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:202911 - "sys-apps/portage traceback w/ sqlite cache on database lock" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:202952 - "shibboleth ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:202963 - "portageq: Implement --match option for commands expecting cpv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:203275 - "md-xmleditor-0.5.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:203355 - "www-client/ghttrack - Frontend for Xavier Roche's HTTrack Website Copier" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:203356 - "x11-misc/sd2xc ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:203483 - "media-video/glc-0.4.6 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:203484 - "dev-libs/elfhacks-0.4.0 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:203486 - "dev-libs/packetstream-0.1.3 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:203586 - "media-sound/wiinstrument - a multiplatform MIDI instrument / sampler controlled by a Nintendo Wii remote ('Wiimote') and Nunchuk controllers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:203622 - "games-arcade/gish - ebuild for full game" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:203903 - "net-misc/openlldp - a comprehensive implementation of the IEEE standard 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:204156 - "X360MediaServe EBuild for Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:204162 - "dev-db/ora2pg-4.5 - Oracle to PostgreSQL database schema converter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:204469 - "Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology DICOM Central Test Node Software (CTN)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:204485 - "www-servers/apache and dev-libs/apr do not bundle libtool and use old automake (libtool cannot infer tags from full path)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:204532 - "Hex-a-hop - a hexagonal puzzle game" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:204795 - "app-portage/estat-1.2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:205091 - "New ebuild www-apache/rapache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:205114 - "Add check for packages pulling two slots of same package to java-check-environment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:205312 - "Feature request: help from path-sandbox to avoid/find implicit deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:205359 - "app-portage/ufed could support more USE-style-variables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:205392 - "net-ftp/project-zs-ng-1.1.0a - zipscript for file uploads" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:205413 - "dev-tcltk/ztcl (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:205516 - "ebuild for fig2pstricks-0.6.9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:205584 - "dev-lang/syx: new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:205709 - "allow flexible mirror settings based per repository" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:205785 - "unable to remount nfs rootfs without rpc.statd running" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:205838 - "x11-misc/marchfluxmenu (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:205886 - "mail-filter/smartsieve (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:205957 - "sys-apps/eject ignores LINGUAS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:206001 - "media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.109.0 - add libfreebob support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:206188 - "Portage leaves no indication as to why some packages are being blocked" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:206363 - "Ebuild for Tennix! 1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:206538 - "media-gfx/phatch (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:206790 - "LordsAWar [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:206838 - "x11-misc/ggivnc-0.4.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:206884 - "pygopherd, a gopher server (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:206926 - "forg, a graphical Gopher client (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:206979 - "pyTrainer ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:207098 - "java-utils-2.eclass should check and eerror/die/something if inherited directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:207112 - "glsa-check may show vulnerable systems as [A] (applied), suggesting not vulnerable." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:207250 - "[science overlay] sci-biology/mavid-2.0.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:207635 - "net-p2p/thaw (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:207690 - "New Ebuild for media-gfx/textext" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:207821 - "libtpl-1.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:207982 - "sys-apps/watsup ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:208179 - "Ebuild for dev-util/rinse-1.7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:208202 - "sys-process/itop - simple top-like interrupt load monitor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:208345 - "dev-db/navicat ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:208360 - "gaphas (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:208560 - "app-admin/sysklogd log rotating cron script with no perl/debianutils dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:208757 - "Subforums-specific report threads" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209032 - "games-sports/tuxfootball-0.1.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209078 - "net-p2p/gnunet-qt (qt gui for gnunet) ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209079 - "net-fs/winexe remotely executes commands on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 systems, with lmhash passthrough support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209186 - "dev-tcltk/tile-0.8.2 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209275 - "media-gfx/djv - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209281 - "rfdump-1.5 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209286 - "hellsing-0.2 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209291 - "new ebuild: app-misc/infobash-3.01" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209310 - "Portable c compiler (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209320 - "media-gfx/gsumi (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209340 - "No https link in notification mail for forums user 24951" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:209490 - "fuppes - Free UPnP Entertainment Service (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209503 - "dev-util/silentbob (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209545 - "magicseteditor-0.3.5b (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209653 - "Request for an per-package file to drop dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209696 - "Application SweetHome 3d - ebuild request." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209716 - "dev-games/OgreAL - an OpenAL wrapper for Ogre" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209752 - "Add PID of master emerge process to emerge.log" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209901 - "net-misc/dhcp - pkg_config() doesn't seed chroot with library dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:209908 - "New ebuild: dev-util/ohcount-1.0.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:209997 - "Java environment variables are only set on interactive shells" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:210042 - "Flac2Mp3 ebuild (perl script for converting flac to mp3)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:210055 - "games-arcade/myman (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:210246 - "app-doc/simplephpdocviewer (new Ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:210284 - "sys-power/bltk (Battery Life Toolkit)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:210490 - "new ebuild: net-misc/gvdown-0.6.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:210613 - "PyPref-2.0 [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:210667 - "in circular dependency display also show/highlight the actual cycles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:210744 - "mail-filter/mxallowd-1.5 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:210797 - "app-text/pdfcube-0.0.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:210884 - "New eselect module and eclass for pango modules" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:211028 - "BlueProximity ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:211144 - "dev-embedded/icd2prog-0.3.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:211208 - "Zimbra Collaboration Suite Evolution Connector." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:211453 - "dev-python/pythonnurbs (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:211562 - "x11-drivers/nostromo_n50 new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:211739 - "goocanvasmm ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:211744 - "New ebuild: games-emulation/ps2emu-peopsspu2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:211788 - "www-apps/ispconfig ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:211839 - "Version bump: games-emulation/ps2emu-cdvdlinuz-0.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:211842 - "New ebuild: games-emulation/ps2emu-dev9null-0.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:211858 - "gournal-0.5.1 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:211859 - "jarnal-0.920 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:211915 - "Mailing list spam" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:211961 - "new package request: sci-biology/manateee" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:212058 - "net-analyzer/radialnet - a network visualization tool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:212123 - "dev-util/jsl ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:212155 - "Java System Preferences unusable ( possibly also User Preferences )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:212300 - "sys-fs/vmscd-1.0 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:212403 - "dev-util/catalyst: automatically clear autoresume points if spec has been modified" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:212545 - "dev-util/edyuk (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:212860 - "dev-java/asm test suite" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:212929 - "slsnif -- Serial line sniffer (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:212963 - "symsolon-0.4.b (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213054 - "media-video/mainactor-5.5.37 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213198 - "games-misc/fortune-mod-george-carlin-0.1 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213201 - "games-misc/fortune-mod-bill-hicks-0.1 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213226 - "games-misc/fortune-mod-carl-sagan-0.1 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213281 - "app-crypt/trng-4.4 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213395 - "www-apps/unb - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213422 - "www-client/ljtools-1.0.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213443 - "ocsinventory (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213499 - "www-apps/cmsmadesimple - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213607 - "app-portage/gentoolkit doesn't detect some missing dependencies in .la" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:213622 - "games-emulation/gmameui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213647 - "Ebuild request - media-libs/libagar" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213837 - "media-gfx/gimp-texturize-plugin - generate large textures from small samples" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213944 - "sshmenu-3.15 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:213983 - "games-emulation/gr-lida new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:214140 - "games-util/rejoystick [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:214258 - "media-sound/timidity-realfont [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:214280 - "media-sound/timidity-unison [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:214288 - "media-sound/timidity-personalcopy [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:214292 - "media-sound/timidity-personalcopy-lite [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:214461 - "sys-apps/waitmax-1.0 ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:214599 - "media-gfx/sK1-0.9.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:214685 - "x11-misc/bbbutton-0.8.ebuild (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:214823 - "media-gfx/vimview-0.1.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:214841 - "net-nds/lam-2.1.0 - LDAP Account Manager (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:214869 - "[science overlay] sci-geosciences/tcd-editor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:214969 - "net-p2p/opentracker-9999 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:214981 - "sys-apps/openrc: console font & keymaps should disable UTF-8 when UNICODE=no" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:215196 - "=sys-apps/syscriptor-1.5.15 needs /proc/pci" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:215242 - "sys-apps/portage: preserved-libs preserves locally bundled libs of pre-built packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:215271 - "gnome-extra/desktop-data-model (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:215297 - "mathmap-1.2.4.ebuild (NEW PACKAGE)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:215379 - "new ebuild games-action/pixfrogger" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:215390 - "media-fonts/isabella: Ebuild Submission for John Stracke's Isabella Font" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:215492 - "new ebuild: net-misc/hamachi-gui-0.9.6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:215877 - "new package request: sci-biology/cytoscape" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:216188 - "dev-util/smc (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:216406 - "media-fonts/junicode-0.6.15 - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:216423 - "media-fonts/manchu-font-2.006 - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:216528 - "media-fonts/ttf-mph2b-damase-001.000 - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:216761 - "New ebuilds: neoraine-1.1.4 and raine-0.50.12 with amd64-support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:216819 - "x11-misc/xbelld-0.1 - performs a given action every time the X bell is rung" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:217027 - "pysdm-0.4.1.ebuild ( New Package )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:217094 - "Consider providing multilib support for packages providing GTK modules" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:217141 - "net-wireless/coova-chilli-1.0.11 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:217868 - "dev-db/slony1 - have init.d/conf.d support more than one cluster" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:217892 - "app-misc/concordance - Logitech Harmony programming utility" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:218076 - "ebuild request for mozilla-prism" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:218114 - "rabak-1.0_rc2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:218131 - "gcc version used in compile no longer detectable in emerged package information" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:218244 - "dsss new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:218347 - "[Tracker] ecompress/ecompressdir usage in tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:218432 - "new package app-kids/tuxwordsmith" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:218658 - "Ebuild for stuffkeeper-0.09" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:218663 - "device= variable in <2007.1 incorrect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:218776 - "[new ebuild request] eclim ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:218862 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-lastfm: New Pidgin plugin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:218900 - "yake ebuild: A game engine using the Ogre graphics engine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:218957 - "[PATCH] eclass/java-osgi various fixes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:218975 - "mail-mta/courier authdaemonrc isn't starting properly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:219121 - "profont-x11-0.1 ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:219272 - "ksplice-0.9.8.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:219296 - "ebuild request metastore" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:219429 - "[TRACKER] distfile digest discrepancies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:219559 - "games-rpg/vegastrike 0.5.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:219568 - "webapp-config supports different htdocs dirs for http/https but not different cgi-bin directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:219577 - "sys-libs/gpm-1.20.3 doesn't accept connections to /dev/gpmctl while X session active" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:219632 - "new ebuild: gnome-extra/evolution-rss" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:219678 - "media-gfx/fbdump: Dumps your framebuffer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:219706 - "media-video/qnapi - Automatic subtitle downloader using Napiprojekt database" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:219733 - "portage doesn't track and revert filesystem changes from pkg_* on failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:219921 - "dev-libs/libgarmin (New package) can be used by navit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:219966 - "sys-block/coraid-drivers ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:219980 - "New ebuild: app-text/rest2web" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:219987 - "New ebuild: app-office/billreminder-0.3.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:220014 - "VisTrails ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:220053 - "new ebuild =dev-tex/diagrams-3.92" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:220162 - "[ebuild] Source-Navigator NG4 (dev-util/sourcenav-ng) - let's give some love to sourcenav!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:220291 - "Carrier ebuild request (was Funpidgin)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:220305 - "portage should parse comments about KEYWORDS=""" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:220331 - "Please make package.use USE flags overrides looking different from make.conf flags in emerge -v" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:220505 - "3delight-7.0.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:220529 - "games-action/openliero and games-action/liero - new ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:220769 - "net-p2p/linkage-0.2.0 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:220833 - "Giback, git backup system Ebuild Request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:221013 - "Elmer FEM (New Package) 5.4.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:221015 - "Keep eye out for release of JazzScheme" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:221259 - "[net-misc/netkit-fingerd] Finger swaps phone numbers on PAM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:221299 - "dev-php/CakePHP maintainer request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:221521 - "app-mobilephone/escritorio-movistar-6.5 - Access to 3G Telefonica Movistar of Spain" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:221781 - "[PATCH] portage should look harder for libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:221877 - "New ebuild: nimuh-1.02 (spanish videogame)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:221887 - "games-rpg/penumbra-blackplague-demo (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:221999 - "has_version/best_version do not honor package.provided" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:222071 - "net-misc/vde vde_switch runs but doesn't work if /var/run/vde.ctl exists when it starts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:222263 - "Please add LimeSurvey to the portage tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:222357 - "[science overlay] sci-chemistry/modeller" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:222441 - "emerge-webrsync ignores /etc/portage/mirrors::local" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:222531 - "new ebuild indiana adventure engine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:222601 - "net-dns/avahi - circular dependency: avahi -> gtk+ -> cups -> avahi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:222645 - "Request for an open genera VLM ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:222657 - "x11-drivers/xf86-video-glide" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:222659 - "media-libs/glide-v2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:222673 - "app-misc/clpbar-1.10.9 [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:222777 - "sshd seems to be ignoring /etc/hosts.deny in ipv6 scenarios" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:222817 - "[New ebuild] salasaga- (alpha3)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:223009 - "media-libs/leptonlib-1.56.ebuild (new)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:223011 - "media-libs/OpenFst-20080422_beta (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:223077 - "[TRACKER] Set VARTEXFONTS=${T}/fonts to prevent sandbox violations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:223113 - "Request for www-plugins/mozilla-tiff-plugin to be added to tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:223155 - "mail-mta/courier with sys-apps/ucspi-tcp - file collision in/usr/bin/addcr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:223901 - "New package: media-video/ripwrap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:223931 - "New ebuild, nemo-0.2.2.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:223977 - "net-misc/camlgrenouille - report your ADSL traffic to www.grenouille.com" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:224127 - "x11-themes/natural-gentoo-7.1 new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:224199 - "app-dicts/dixit-1.0.1 - Romanian Definitions Dictionary" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:224233 - "x11-themes/gtk2-E17-detour - GTK2 theme to match the Detour E17 theme" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:224303 - "app-mobilephone/phonetooth - Sends SMS messagges from your phone through your PC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:224487 - "Add more about resolution of blockers in man page" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:224515 - "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0: equery --format option only works with equery list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:224525 - "New ebuild: app-dicts/dictconv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:224527 - "Fontforge build system meta-bug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:224663 - "dev-java/jmagick- (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:224765 - "Request for ebuild: Gnome-Voice-Control" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:224917 - "ESVN_BOOTSTRAP and EGIT_BOOTSTRAP seem to suggest using bootstrap/autogen scripts, should launch a QA warning" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:225121 - "GNU Virtual Private Ethernet (gvpe) ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:225659 - "java-pkg_jarfrom --virtual virtual-name jarname.jar fails with JVM providers." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:225673 - "sys-apps/gdivelog (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:225681 - "nVidia Physx Ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:225711 - "x11-misc/shared-mime-info does not allow disabling nls (gettext dependency)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:225775 - "New ebuild: media-sound/vagalume-0.8.3 (Last.fm radio client)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:226259 - "[TRACKER] Packages building tests (with FEATURES=-test) and/or examples and demo (which are neither installed nor used)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:226305 - "[TRACKER] Bad autotools handling in packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:226347 - "dev-python/dbus-python: builds tests with FEATURES=-test (PATCH)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:226863 - "[TRACKER] Ebuild passing libraries through append-ldflags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:227085 - "Glassfish Application Server ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:227157 - "x11-plugins/gdivelog-suunto-plugin (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:227181 - "x11-plugins/gdivelog-hyperaqualand-plugin (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:227195 - "x11-terms/termit - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:227207 - "attempt to boot into single user mode with real_init 1 on the kernel line ends with kernel panick" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:227241 - "dev-build/libtool-2*: When creating shared libraries libtool adds dependencies of specified libraries which causes needless linking against additional libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:227347 - "x11-plugins/gdivelog-sensuspro-plugin (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:227413 - "dev-php/aurora - a slim modular model-view-controller (MVC) framework" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:227779 - "webapp.eclass: Webapp with plugin Support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:227837 - "dev-java/soapui: cross-platform functional testing solution for APIs and web services" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:227911 - "musync-0.4.0_alpha.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:228039 - "pmccabe package inclusion request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:228051 - "Submit: flac2ogg - perl script for converting FLAC-files into Ogg Vorbis files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:228403 - "Gccg : Generic Collectible Card Game" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:228553 - "no drivers for USB 802.11 adapter with Ralink 2870 chipset (rt2870)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:228861 - "rml-2.3.8.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:228993 - "app-mobilephone/p2kc - a linux port for P2K Commander, a program used to access P2K phones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:229465 - "mail-mta/courier-0.59.0 does not install esmtp, webmail to /etc/pam.d, not provided by net-mail/mailbase" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:229711 - "ebuild for aflex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:229751 - "new ebuilds for dev-embedded/htc-flasher" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:230257 - "@preserved-rebuild contains packages that have already been rebuilt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:230265 - "[New ebuild] app-misc/almanah-0.5.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:230365 - "EXTRA_ECONF should be treated as an array" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:230569 - "app-misc/revoco-0.6 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:230649 - "[science overlay] sci-biology/dawg-1.1.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:230685 - "dev-lang/OpenModelica-1.4.4 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:230722 - "ebuild for klatexformula-2.0.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:230805 - "media-gfx/xnviewmp - (ebuild request - was x11-misc/xnview)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:230813 - "app-misc/splitpipe - a program that allows the output of a program to span multiple volumes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:230957 - "New ebuild: media-gfx/glossy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:231046 - "Request: de_neo keyboard driver as ebuild into the main tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:231106 - "dev-lang/factor - Add ebuild for factor programming language" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:231465 - "An ebuild for gnome-extra/almanah - a personal diary for GNOME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:231545 - "Ebuild Request: Thunder&Lightning (Action Flight Simulator)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:231568 - "mail-filter/policyd-2.0.14 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:231647 - "games-rpg/ihnm-demo-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:231653 - "games-rpg/ihnm-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:231727 - "New package: media-libs/revel (an xvid library)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:231731 - "New package: media-video/wxcam (An wxwidgets based webcam application)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:231801 - "emerge crashes when calculating dependencies as unprivileged user while a parallel instance is cleaning a package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:231838 - "touche-demo-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:231857 - "net-dns/avahi are shown with GMT timezone instead of system one because of missing file in /etc/avahi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:231863 - "Automatically parse http_proxy var in java launcher" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:231899 - "Add ebuild for IUP Gui toolkit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:231900 - "games-rpg/ft-1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:231952 - "[science overlay] net-ftp/bbftp-client-3.2.0 tested on x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:231966 - "pure-9999.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:232063 - "webacula-1.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:232109 - "media-plugins/gst-plugins-oss4: ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:232203 - "Celtx - All-in-one media pre-production software" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:232422 - "net-mail/checkpassword-pam triggering RLIMIT_AS resource overstep with grsecurity" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:232494 - "New ebuild request for net-im/trix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:232526 - "SCST SCSI Target ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:232647 - "mail-filter/postwhite ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:232706 - "sys-fs/ciopfs (case insensitive filesystem for fuse)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:232727 - "Could you create an Ebuild for XreaL?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:232777 - "EBuild dev-lang/kaya-0.5.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:232855 - "mgeops-psp ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233012 - "New package: app-mobilphone/mobile-manager-0.7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233097 - "ebuild for openwatcom" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233111 - "ebuild for N2NC - NAT to NAT Connector" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233197 - "Add scheme2c to portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233304 - "www-apps/obsidianmusic- (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233347 - "dev-pike/Public-Parser-ClearSilver-1.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233349 - "dev-pike/Public-Tools-ConfigFiles-1.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233351 - "dev-pike/Public-Web-Wiki-1.7.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233352 - "dev-pike/Sql-Provider-SQLite-1.8.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233403 - "Request: Option to force rebuild (or unmerge) of all sub-packages associated with a "-meta" package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233452 - "pyfacebook-9999.ebuild submit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233558 - "Feature Request: allow devs to change subject to "[solved] $subject"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233628 - "Please add odvr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233679 - "laptop-detect-0.13.2 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233681 - "hotkey-setup-0.1.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233729 - "media-fonts/corefonts fontconfig file ( /etc/fonts/conf.avail ) with proper settings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233731 - "gnome-extra/paperbox (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233803 - "app-misc/tudu (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233822 - "app-laptop/lapsus-9999.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233842 - "new ebuild: net-ftp/fxp-one" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:233843 - "improvements (Gentoo specific) to distcc zeroconf support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:233878 - "takenote-0.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:234011 - "[TRACKER] Packages mixing CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:234077 - "webapp-config man page does not explain how to set up a web project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:234101 - "emerge --keep-going should account for failed upgrades (with possible sub-slot or ABI change)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:234125 - "new ebuild for media-gfx/posterazor-1.5.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:234208 - "sci-geosciences/tilesathome ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:234311 - "emerge --newuse doesn't remove a package after recompile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:234393 - "net-analyzer/fwlogwatch - add cron script / init.d/conf.d scripts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:234486 - "ebuild request: grails-1.0.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:235140 - "www-apps/webauth-3.6.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:235190 - "new ebuild: media-sound/mmsap2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:235242 - "offsystem (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:235331 - "dev-util/systemtapgui-1.1 - An IDE and Data Collection/Analysis application for the SystemTap project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:235355 - "media-video/avld-0.1.3 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:235358 - "Please add app-misc/wipefreespace-0.9.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:235376 - "New ebuild games-action/tacticsgame-0.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:235399 - "net-p2p/buildtorrent-0.7 - create BitTorrent files easily" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:235569 - "app-crypt/certmaster - A set of tools and a library for easily distributing SSL certificates to applications that need them" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:235570 - "[new ebuild] app-admin/func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:235607 - "media-gfx/leocad - a CAD program for creating virtual LEGO models" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:235611 - "app-arch/opkg, app-arch/opkg-utils" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:235701 - "java-check-environment doesn't use slot syntax for recommended fixes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:235833 - "sys-apps/smart-1.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:236120 - "[ebuild request] displayconfig-gtk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:236195 - "games-arcade/pydza : new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:236228 - "portage 2.2rc8 needs too much time and memory to emerge packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:236239 - "ebuild request for Grism" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:236250 - "[New Ebuild] Trickle-1.07_p9 - A lightweight userspace bandwidth shaper" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:236264 - "dev-libs/Ice: missing java component" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:236339 - "rospell 2008.00-4 ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:236346 - "[NEW] net-firewall/fwsnort-1.0.5 ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:236353 - "x11-misc/GeoXPlanet (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:236359 - "New Ebuild: vsntp-2.0.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:236499 - "media-gfx/mashup New Ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:236750 - "media-gfx/ktikz (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:236938 - "dns2tcp-0.4.1 ( new package )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:236980 - "PEAR-Text_Wiki_Doku ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:237043 - "app-text/fop-miniscribus-2.0.0_beta - SL Formatting Objects markup language WYSIWYG editor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:237164 - "sys-apps/strerror (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:237238 - "elog mail module should add some extra header fields for easy filtering" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:237318 - "netxms-0.2.22 ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:237497 - "media-video/Xt7-Player (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:237643 - "games-fps/efport [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:237733 - "New package: bulmages-0.11.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:237891 - "ut2004-squadcommader-1.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:237938 - "Allow to mark VM as build-only or system/user-only" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:238032 - "New ebuild: media-gfx/pho-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:238110 - "ebuild request: dnsgraph-0.9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:238178 - "request for new ebuild app-accessibility/sphinx4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:238236 - "emerge @preserved-rebuild attempts to emerge gcc from non-existent slot (system type in slot identifier)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:238296 - "New ebuild: app-misc/wiipdf-1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:238353 - "sci-physics/avl-3.27 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:238354 - "New ebuild for hoard memory allocator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:238425 - "New Ebuild called mkuser, A simple shell script replace the big guis of cpanel and plesk." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:238493 - "dev-util/rej - upstream MIA" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:238654 - "Gnarwl ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:238719 - "net-nds/smbldap-tools: smbldap-passwd password change as user fails when using sub-ous" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:238751 - "radsecproxy-1.1 - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:238920 - "ebuild for Mirth 'open source healthcare integration engine' available anywhere?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:239114 - "ROOT=/some/root emerge --emptytree system does not works ?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:239172 - "sci-chemistry/bist ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:239183 - "New ebuild for sci-libs/libkml-0.4.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:239321 - "[gentoo-science] OpenMOIV new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:239347 - "hang on shutdown at "Unmounting filesystems" when user has open files on an NFS mount" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:239435 - "[new package] sys-apps/9mount-1.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:239504 - "New ebuild: net-analyzer/yaph" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:239661 - "glsnake-0.9.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:239866 - "[TRACKER] Packages installing pre-stripped files (for built-from-source programs)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:239984 - "ebuild request : lavirinto3d, a Java Game" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:240148 - "Implementation of a system for portage to display packages in Repositories != gentoo-x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:240357 - "ebuild request: net-im/fama-im" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:240378 - "New ebuild simpleproxy 3.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:240492 - "QEdje" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:241044 - "net-mail/dot-forward: C(XX)FLAGS are ignored (at src_configure/compile)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:241194 - "new ebuild: app-backup/netbackup-6.5.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:241234 - "net-libs/serf doesn't support HTTP/1.0 proxies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:241252 - "mumpot-0.5.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:241334 - "jamloader-3.0.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:241568 - "[Tracker] Packages installing multiple folders in /usr/share/doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:241662 - "New package dev-embedded/s51dude" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:241674 - "Implement gstreamer missing-plugins support for Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:241754 - "paris-traceroute (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:241846 - "games-arcade/openalchemist (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:242132 - "[EBUILD REQUEST] pygooglechart" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:242158 - "(new ebuild)a daemon for transparent IP (Layer 3) proxy ARP bridging" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:242228 - "dev-libs/globalplatform-5.0.0 and app-crypt/gpshell-1.4.2 ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:242242 - "notefinder-0.1.7.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:242300 - "Add ebuild for app-portage/unmasker-0.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:242466 - "sys-apps/sysvinit is missing hvc console support on xen system with USE=-ibm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:242474 - "[portage] categories that only exist in overlays don't have a /var/db/pkg entry" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:242528 - "new ebuild request : Grassroots DICOM library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:243020 - "Allow forced unmerging of packages referenced by sets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:243184 - "sys-apps/openrc messages on console with unknown width (like serial) and incorrect TERM on kernel command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:243276 - "media-sound/goldenpod (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:243298 - "[feature request] app-portage/genlop add feature: ability to list remaining emerges to do, and total time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:243300 - "app-portage/genlop-0.30.8-r1: -i has an odd warning when CFLAGS is missing in vdb" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:243450 - "java-plugin symlink is not deleted after jdk is unmerged" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:243502 - "[TRACKER] Packages calling cc/gcc directly as CC (and similar issues)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:243790 - "games-fps/prey-demo [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:244024 - "sys-devel/linice ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:244324 - "ebuild for remotefs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:244366 - "Add ability to use sets in package.keywords" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:244518 - "add a hook for man pages like with info pages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:244564 - "new ebuild net-analyzer/proxyknife" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:244586 - "[EBUILD] media-video/ucview: image capture app based on unicap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:244723 - "sqlsync-1.0.0_rc1.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:244974 - "NFS filesystem does not unmount, though mount doesn't show it as mounted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:245029 - "bombz-gtk-1.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:245155 - "[New ebuild] x11-misc/winwrangler-0.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:245308 - "dev-util/latrace new package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:245330 - "mail-client/sup-0.6.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:245337 - "dev-ruby/ruby-rmail-1.0.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:245389 - "[TRACKER] Features for inclusion by 3.4.14" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:245409 - "[science overlay] New Package: x11-libs/xview-3.2p1.4-19c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:245411 - "nailer (formerly mplayer-video-thumbnailer) a video thumbnailer that uses mplayer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:245595 - "HTK Markov models toolkit, ebuild request, dependency of simon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:245789 - "[ebuild request] Kerkythea" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:245803 - "[science overlay] sci-mathematics/ltl2ba (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:245806 - "[science overlay] sci-mathematics/frama-c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:245828 - "[ebuild request] hsolinkcontrol-0.4 & hsoconnect-1.1.83" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:245885 - "games-fps/rott-1.1.1 (Rise of the Triad) (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:245903 - "sys-apps/portage: There are no sets to satisfy 'foo' message does not display the origin of the broken package set reference" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:245979 - "net-misc/gitso-0.5 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:246118 - "parprouted-0.70.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:246177 - "media-libs/libsdl comes with internal copies of Xorg libraries and crashes Xorg 1.5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:246268 - "app-office/odftools (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:246272 - "sys-apps/portage - emerge-webrsync: endless download loop occurs when downloaded md5sum file is broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:246459 - "New ebuild www-apache/mod_ntlm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:246482 - "key-scripter-1.6.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:246554 - "x11-wm/eaglemode-0.72.0 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:246611 - "sci-libs/candystore, a post processor for CalculiX" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:246637 - "mednafenfe ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:246757 - "[Tracker] Packages with weak linkage having undefined references" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:246771 - "dev-util/ultimate++ - a C++ cross-platform rapid application development framework" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:247094 - "x11-misc/lptmanager-1.1: New ebuild. Tool for low-level managing and monitoring of the parallel port" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:247101 - "games-arcade/sdl-ball (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:247106 - "--jobs with --resume re-ordering making it hard to hit with --skipfirst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:247269 - "ebuild request : games-action/SDL_bomber" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:247319 - "emslink-0.5.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:247394 - "app-crypt/pkcrack media-sound/csound sci-chemistry/pdb-extract sci-biology/glimmer - file collision in /usr/bin/extract" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:247502 - "dev-libs/qzion-0.3.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:247531 - "New application app-misc/tofu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:247534 - "games-rpg/pdiaspora-client (Entirely New Game Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:247568 - "new ebuild mail-filter/gross-1.0.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:247576 - "new ebuild mail-filter/hermes-1.6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:247631 - "app-shells/rush-1.4 - Restricted user shell intended for use with ssh, rsh and similar" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:247767 - "sys-fs/cryptsetup - parallel startup warnings interfere with dmcrypt password entry" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:247844 - "media-plugins/live: breaks with forced --as-needed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:247853 - "dmx4linux-2.6.1 - DMX4Linux 2.6 - A DMX device driver package for Linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:248089 - "compression support for portage 2.2 binary packages index file ('Packages')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:248094 - "both net-mail/qtools and net-mail/smtptools install /usr/bin/tomaildir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:248258 - "Ebuild for dev-db/crunchyfrog" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:248296 - "[webapps overlay] dotclear-2.1.6 - version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:248413 - "sys-cluster/feedbackd-master fails to build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:248455 - "[science overlay] sci-chemistry/almost" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:248672 - "FreeRapid Downloader ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:248894 - "New Ebuild request: net-misc/gadmin-bind" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:248940 - "Pushover ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:249059 - "Support source packages using lzip compression in ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:249103 - "New package: v4l2ucp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:249110 - "sys-auth/pam_usbng an alternative to sys-auth/pam_usb" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:249143 - "media-libs/sdl-ttf-2.0.9 - ld: cannot find -lGL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:249240 - "request to add an ebuild for gclc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:249460 - "games-board/gquod (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:249496 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp creates or changes /usr/share/snmp/mibs/.index or /var/lib/net-snmp/mib_indexes/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:249519 - "www-apps/modx - new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:249594 - "dev-db/gsql - New ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:249720 - "New ebuild: app-misc/freeme2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:249739 - "New ebuild: app-portage/postsync" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:249782 - "[ebuild] dev-python/portio-0.4 ebuild for gentoo linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:249905 - "sys-fs/gfs2: /etc/init.d/gfs2 does not include before netmount dependecy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:249955 - "A new ebuild for dpans2texi.el" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:250043 - "Default ESVN_UPDATE_CMD in subversion.eclass misses --non-interactive option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:250057 - "qchat-0.3.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:250122 - "add check for explicit MAKEOPTS clobber" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:250237 - "drapes ebuild, a wallpaper manager for GNOME built in mono." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:250274 - "dev-ml/ocaml-json-{wheel,static} ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:250286 - "automatically solve hard !!atom blocks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:250308 - "net-dns/reorder-nameservers (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:250346 - "new ebuild dev-db/pg_bulkload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:250401 - "[science overlay] sci-chemistry/rosetta (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:250418 - "sys-apps/portage should display a warning when a specific version of a package is installed and this specific version is no longer available in the tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:250475 - "login usees /var/log/faillog w/o FAILLOG_ENAB=yes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:250487 - "[ebuild request] games-action/yo-frankie" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:250533 - "new ebuild: xmipp X-Window-based Microscopy Image Processing Package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:250589 - "media-sound/fische new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:250611 - "[NEW EBUILD] net-misc/ssl-admin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:250657 - "app-text/replace-2.24" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:250889 - "Feature Request: /etc/portage: stubs for package.*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:251018 - "games-arcade/openorbiter (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:251072 - "[new package] mail-filter/scamback" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:251100 - "[new package] media-gfx/dm-Fotowelt - dm-DIGI-Foto online photo print ordering software from dm (Drogeriemarkt) Germany" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:251225 - "net-misc/zebra ? ebuild request." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:251311 - "[new ebuild] x11-themes/blended" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:251327 - "[New Ebuild] media-gfx/nathive-0.811" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:251464 - "[TRACKER] Packages bundling internal copies of libraries or statically linking unnecessarily" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:251475 - "media-gfx/air-sdk ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:251507 - "games-fps/etqw-demo bundles internal copies of zlib-1.1.3 and jpeg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:251520 - "media-sound/esperanza - a QT4 client for xmms2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:251584 - "www-apps/ledgersmb - brings ERP/accounting software to the small and midsize businesses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:251640 - "Ebuild request ewfacquire" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:251680 - "new ebuild libquantum-1.1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:252198 - "New ebuild - dev-util/cxref" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:252300 - "tunctl (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:252313 - "dev-util/colormake (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:252510 - "media-gfx/inkscape bundles a copy of libcroco" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:252547 - "dev-lang/mono bundles a copy of boehm-gc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:252589 - "games-util/wiiuse (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:252678 - "[new ebuild] x11-themes/pureline" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:252679 - "[new ebuild] x11-themes/gaia" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:252821 - "Exporting /usr/portage read-only and lockfile failure." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:252842 - "dev-php/nuphp-0.1.2 - a PHP4 and PHP5 library used by NuFace and other projects" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:252867 - "taoframework-2.1.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253007 - "dev-db/apache-solr-bin: Open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253183 - "[ebuild request] Flo — a mindmapping-like Qt utility for outlining documents" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253188 - "Littre-0.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253250 - "sys-fs/unyaffs (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:253269 - "net-analyzer/nmap bundles dev-libs/libdnet dev-libs/libpcre net-libs/libpcap liblinear" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:253277 - "dev-perl/YAML-Syck bundles a copy of syck" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:253289 - "dev-perl/Tk bundles a copy of the entire dev-lang/tk and dev-tcltk/tix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:253291 - "[new package] media-video/oggfwd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253368 - "new package sci-biology/phd2fasta: Phd2fasta reads phd files and writes sequence and quality value FASTA files, which phrap and cross_match need as input" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253383 - "[new package] games-rpg/planeshift-bin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253414 - "new package sci-biology/boxshade: Boxshade is a program for creating good looking printouts from multiple-aligned protein or DNA sequences." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253487 - "games-arcade/openmortal bundles an internal copy of libSGE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:253708 - "app-misc/systester-1.5.1 - Test your system's stability and performance by calculating millions of digits of Pi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253731 - "New package: app-crypt/pwdhash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253760 - "dev-libs(?)/liblunar-1.0.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253762 - "gnome-extra(?)/lunar-applet-2.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253779 - "New ebuild: games-action/meritous" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253821 - "sys-apps/portage: show with a different color USEs enabled by user even when ebuild wants to disable them by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253844 - "new package sci-biology/cap3-bin: CAP3 is for small-scale assembly of EST sequences" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253869 - "[new package] net-wireless/ozerocdoff" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:253881 - "sci-visualisation/paraview bundles an internal copy of sci-libs/vtk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:253909 - "net-firewall/nuface-2.0.12 - A web interface for iptables/netfilter and NuFW" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:253925 - "sys-apps/netplug doesn't prevent dhcp-clients from running" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:253996 - "sci-biology/tigr-closure-svn: TIGR closure tools for the assembly/finishing stage of DNA sequencing projects" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:254027 - "[science] new package sci-biology/estscan: ESTScan can detect coding regions in DNA/RNA sequences, even if they are of low quality (e.g. EST sequences). ESTScan will also detect and correct sequencing errors that lead to frameshifts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:254246 - "[new package] app-editors/setedit-0.5.5, a friendly text editor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:254292 - "toribash [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:254341 - "sys-apps/kbd (any version) has multiple errors in Norwegian keymap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:254467 - "games-emulation/iDeaS (package request)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:254473 - "games-emulation/nesemu (ebuild request)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:254549 - "www-apps/concretecms (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:254561 - "media-sound/arename-2.0 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:254700 - "net-print/foomatic-db-9999 live ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:254822 - "[new package] sci-biology/genseed: GenSeed - A seed-driven progressive assembly program using NCBIblast, CAP3 and optionally cross_match" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:254832 - "[science overlay] sci-libs/zarja-1.0.1 - open-source scientific library that is focused on simulations of multi-agent models on graphs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:254895 - "[new package] media-sound/buzztard-0.4.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:255044 - "Ebuild request: nxhtml-mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:255053 - "sys-boot/mbr-{1.1.10,1.1.11} fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:255265 - "(x11-misc-?)games-submenus - categorisation of .desktop files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:255326 - "Realtime for multimedia instructions incomplete for use with JACK on PAM setup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:255364 - "media-sound/basicdsp-1.01 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:255646 - "new package request app-emulation/minivmac: a miniature Macintosh emulator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:255655 - "sys-devel/auto{conf,make}: SLOT-ed install does not provide auto{conf,make}.1 man pages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:255976 - "ctioga (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:255998 - "An ebuild for sci-libs/etsf_io" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:256001 - "net-misc/iplist ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:256208 - "need ebuild for vtrainr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:256308 - "[new ebuild] dev-util/commithooks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:256714 - "logtailer (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:256869 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc23 - sets could respect explicit blocks (put in ebuilds)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:256934 - "Add a link for easily going to https://www.gentoo.org/inside-gentoo/developers/unavailable-developers.html" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:256972 - "New ebuild for media-tv/kmttg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:256982 - "flvlib-0.1.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:256984 - "emerge options and actions leniency and improvement 2.2_rc23" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257009 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --ask prompt user if they would like to unmerge a blocker that exists in world file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257044 - "memcachedb-1.2.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257093 - "games-fps/quake1-data: needs to install files in all lowercase" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:257195 - "sys-apps/openrc: Failed to umount loopback filessystem at halt if a bind mount in it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:257218 - "games-strategy/x3 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257277 - "new ebuild request: sci-visualization/tulip" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257406 - "ebuild for perl module CGI-Deurl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:257411 - "ebuild for perl module Convert-UU" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:257412 - "ebuild for perl module Crypt-TripleDES" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:257435 - "New ebuilds for bruce presentation tool and dependencies cocos2d, smartypants" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257579 - "app-misc/remotedroidserver-1.2 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:257626 - "AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing (APP) SDK (formerly ATI Stream) new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257676 - "[science overlay] sci-biology/mreps-2.5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257759 - "new package: sys-apps/fspy (file system monitor)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257819 - "[new ebuild] games-fps/bloodfrontier" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257849 - "Ebuilds for jsampler and jlscp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257862 - "shp2tile (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257872 - "sidplayer-4.4.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257873 - "app-emulation/packettracer: Cisco's Packet Tracer ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:257912 - "vast-0.3.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:258016 - "[New Ebuild] gnome-extra/window-picker-applet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:258017 - "[New Ebuild] x11-misc/maximus" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:258082 - "new ebuild needed for boxee (media center built on top of xbmc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:258096 - "[TRACKER] ebuilds abusing ${ROOT}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:258121 - "sys-fs/static-dev abusing ${ROOT}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:258139 - "An Ebuild request for streamit language" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:258386 - "New Ebuild : app-portage/portage-hooks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:258421 - "app-admin/webalizer: (Optionally) include webalizer-flags.tgz contents" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:258507 - "app-portage/gentoolkit api: package.get_runtime_deps() and boolean associated depends" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:258785 - "java-pkg_jar-from problem when both --with-dependencies and a specific jar is given" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:258839 - "Emerge doesn't log to syslog" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:258859 - "net-misc/cloudvpn (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:258871 - "description to be displayed before installing any package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:258897 - "dev-python/eggtranslations (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:258901 - "dev-python/zanshin (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:259117 - "media-libs/t1lib-5.1.2{,-r1}: QA Notice: make jobserver unavailable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:259316 - "chan4watch-1.0.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:259454 - "YaBB forum ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:259476 - "[science overlay] sci-mathematics/gappa (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:259477 - "[science overlay] sci-mathematics/gappalib-coq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:259551 - "games-puzzle/tworld-1.3.0 (New Ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:259836 - "sys-apps/portage: add option to force unmerging sets, even if the sets do not support this" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:259842 - "new package sci-biology/caftools: Common Assembly Format C-tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:259853 - "new package request sci-biology/roche454ace2caf: some tools to convert GS20 or FLX assemblies (454Contigs.ace) into STADEN format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:259890 - "Ebuild request for dev-tex/texments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:259922 - "provide additional features of scm (dev-scheme/scm)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:259976 - "app-benchmarks/unixbench - BYTE UNIX benchmark suite, updated and revised by many people over the years" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:260002 - "net-analyzer/imspector (new ebuilds)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:260010 - "workaholic-0.2.0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:260027 - "Support for privileged install, re: portage user and group [NEW EBUILD INCLUDED]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:260041 - "net-analyzer/snmptt should run as snmptt user not root" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:260083 - "Ebuild request: gootool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:260096 - "NEW EBUILD media-gfx/ngplant-0.9.7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:260108 - "net-misc/netkit-fingerd: finger man-page typo may cause newbies to set home directory world-writable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:260435 - "Ebuild request for gpsylon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:260623 - "[PATCH] git support for dispatch-conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:260867 - "[TRACKER] Packages using -Werror for build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:261005 - "media-sound/darkice: Init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261065 - "www-apps/CDash - A web-based software testing server" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:261089 - "sys-apps/portage- should give more info on deptree containing USE dep" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:261175 - "net-misc/n2n svn ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261245 - "Ebuild request: AMD CodeAnalyst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261341 - "app-backup/nssbackup - fork of simplebackup (ebuild request)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261362 - "New ebuild:app-cdr/furiusisomount" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261427 - "app-backup/flyback "Apple's Time Machine" port for linux (ebuild request)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261634 - "[new ebuild] sys-block/asm - Adaptec Storage Manager (ASM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261711 - "app-editors/morla-0.16 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261730 - "net-ftp/vsftpd-devnet-2.1.0_p1 - vsftpd devnet fork" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261773 - "games-sports/f1spirit (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261777 - "Ebuild for Lx-Office ERP (www-apps/lx-office-erp), an accounting solution (fork of SQL-Ledger)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261812 - "sys-fs/unpackfs-0.0.6 package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261827 - "games-sports/roadfighter (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261902 - "sys-auth/pam-face-authentication - Pluggable Authentication Module for face-based authentication" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:261907 - "net-misc/tucan [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:262191 - "request: app-portage/gentoolkit eclean option for distfiles path" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:262297 - "ban the usage of DEPEND="|| ( foo? ( . ) . )"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:262394 - "[NEW EBUILD] app-laptop/acerhdf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:262447 - "games-strategy/mindrover ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:262490 - "[TRACKER] gnome2.eclass missing features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:262613 - "Ebuild request: dspace" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:262616 - "Ebuild request: Greenstone" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:262707 - "net-irc/ircd-ratbox [ebuild request]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:262768 - "crontab group access should be better documented" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:262898 - "net-mail/xmail-1.25: new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:263202 - "New GPLed Korean font (Lexi Gulim)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:263214 - "fell-fonts-1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:263255 - "A change in portage to lower bandwidth usage needed(some ideals on how two do so)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:263499 - "games-util/hattrickorganizer-1.424 - Manage your hattrick team" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:263506 - "net-misc/ahcpd (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:263544 - "[science overlay] www-apps/SwishE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:263558 - "New package: net-p2p/lince" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:263630 - "enhancement proposal for --keep-going with blockers in the depgraph after a failure." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:263716 - "voximp ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:263899 - "Catch global scope execs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:263910 - "New ebuild for Pidgin extended buddy list sort plugin (x11-plugins/pidgin-extended-blist-sort)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:263994 - "${PKGDIR}/Packages V1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:264193 - "(Chinese Version) app-i18n/abs-guide-zh_CN-3.9.1 Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide 3.9.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:264447 - ""ptouch" Brother label printer drivers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:264502 - "dev-cpp/hiberlite-0.6 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:264521 - "app-portage/gentoolkit-*; add --retry-failed to revdep-rebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:264628 - "emerge new set for all installed packages request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:264654 - "dev-libs/libdatrie-0.1.4: new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:264788 - "An ebuild for net-dialup/bongosurfer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:264790 - "apache-activemq-bin [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:264806 - "sys-apps/portage: after packages are skipped by emerge --keep-going -e @system, there's no way to automatically resume skipped packages afterwards" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:264912 - "net-firewall/ufw and net-firewall/gufw - Uncomplicated FireWall: A program used to manage a netfilter firewall." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:264927 - "sys-apps/portage- emerge --resume should recalculate the list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:264943 - "Ebuild for ggaoed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:264975 - "new ebuild: net-irc/ircu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:265026 - "[Request Ebuild] Quamachi: Qt GUI for Hamachi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:265040 - "trivial config changes should be automatically handled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:265048 - "initial ebuild for the games-fps/tremfusion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:265167 - "sys-apps/portage: don't clean files when test-fail-continue feature is used and test fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:265284 - "[NEW EBUILD] net-wireless/cowpatty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:265365 - "The teleview extension for bongosurfer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:265399 - "net-mail/mailbase: provide /etc/pam.d/smtp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:265420 - "Merge of binary packages fails, when the ebuild has been deleted in the course of system updates" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:265447 - "new ebuild app-misc/qmenu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:265489 - "ebuild request: Lenovo Sources for Thinkpad's and Lenovo N Series" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:265528 - "sys-apps/coreutils: "/usr/bin/who -b" broken -- probably by sys-apps/openrc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:265583 - "portage should have the ability to configure the 'superuser' at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:265660 - "sys-process/anacron: allow normal users to run anacron" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:265867 - "Ebuild for sys-fs/rofs-filtered" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:266235 - "Ebuild request for OggConvert" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:266327 - "games-emulation/psemu-gpupetemesagl: version bump (sort of)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:266359 - "[new package] app-dicts/simpledict-0.3.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:266470 - "[science overlay] sci-libs/lapackpp (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:266530 - "[new package] mumbles-0.4-r1.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:266588 - "New ebuild for mini-iconv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:266742 - "please add eldy to portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:266836 - "--newuse silently drops packages with use changes that break use deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:266861 - "depclean error message does not indicate precisely when --with-bdeps=y is necessary" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:266921 - "[new ebuild] Jaws 0.8.9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:267016 - "portage-2.2 parallel-fetch without background terminal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:267101 - "New ebuild for app-misc/SimplyConnMgr (Simply Accounting Connection Manager for Linux)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:267235 - "rcssserver-13.2.0.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:267312 - "jetsnguns-demo [request] [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:267400 - "app-i18n/scim-pinyin table not configured" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:267498 - "sys-process/at-[pam] tries accessing /etc/shadow after dropping root privileges" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:267555 - "dev-libs/adobe-air-sdk-bin: Adobe AIR SDK on Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:267865 - "net-wireless/btscanner: New ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:267884 - "sys-apps/pcsc-ctapi-wrapper: New ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:267890 - "New ebuild avantafax" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:267910 - "Ebuild request: iTunnel, allows ssh connection to iPhone via USB" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:268026 - "[New ebuild] PEAR-System_Daemon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:268112 - "www-apps/horde-klutz ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:268117 - "New Ebuild for BankID netbank plugin (nexus_personal_SE-bin-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:268194 - "portage error while installing binary packages with PKGDIR on vfat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:268290 - "media-gfx/rapid-photo-downloader (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:268313 - "dev-java/javatoolkit xml rewriter inconsistencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:268774 - "Initial ebuild for the pong2 video game" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:268778 - "New ebuild: x11-plugins/pidgin-blinklight" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:268800 - "New package: media-tv/xdtv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:268891 - "Add support for USE flags with portage @sets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:269064 - "portage should be able to handle umask" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:269315 - "[TRACKER] sys-devel/binutils[default-gold] linker breakage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:269533 - "DVBlast 1.0 ebuild (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:269606 - "Please create an ebuild for Redcar editor and possibly include it in the main tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:269628 - "sys-apps/gtk-systrace, sys-apps/systrace, sys-kernel/systrace-sources ebuilds request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:269630 - "Rigs of Rods (new package request)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:269633 - "games-sports/billards (new package request)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:269732 - "Add eclass check for multiple slots being pulled to classpath" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:269817 - "[Ebuild Request] - Engrid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:269884 - "sys-process/anacron: init.d: add stop function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:269885 - "[science overlay] sci-chemistry/mgltools split ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:269904 - "With wpa-supplicant, sys-apps/baselayout 1.* and 2.*/openrc's 'need net' dep fails to check for a working network interface" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:270050 - "New ebuilds - games-fps/prey-02192009, games-fps/prey-data-02192009" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:270095 - "sys-apps/portage- emerge wrongly reports "New USE for ** are incorrectly set"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:270361 - "More clearly communicate when a USE flag dependency is aimed at flag state parity between package and dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:270363 - "SmartTagFix: new (partial) ebuild with patch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:270386 - "dev-tex/pybtex (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:270392 - "ekhtml lib needed by dev-php5/pecl-html_parse pecl package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:270442 - "Request for an ebuild for shrew a VPN client" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:270661 - "New package app-misc/rtm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:270668 - "New package perl-gcpan/WebService-RTMAgent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:270968 - "[NEW EBUILD] media-fonts/faruma-1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:270975 - "media-fonts/vulcanius-1.04 new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:270977 - "x11-themes/smplayer-themes-nonfree-0.1.1 - icon themes for smplayer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:271056 - "request for dev-libs/disko-9999 ebuild in portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:271293 - "caster-demo [new package] [request]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:271305 - "net-analyzer/{nam,ns}: New packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:271315 - "69-odofonts.conf from opendesktop-fonts causes missing text in some flash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:271347 - "Structorizer (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:271406 - "mail-client/swiftdove, www-client/swiftweasel (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:271418 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-autoresize-0.6 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:271775 - "New ebuild: x11-wm/cairo-compmgr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:271832 - "New Ebuild: dev-libs/libhl-2.1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:271853 - "media-tv/tv-viewer (Player for ivtv based TV-Cards) ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:272100 - "[Ebuild-request] Request a new ebuild for drivers for DJ Hercules MP3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:272393 - "dev-libs/cyrus-sasl should set saslauthd to run under its own user" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:272412 - "net-libs/activemq-cpp [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:272453 - "Terminus 12 fonts as consolefont gives error: * Setting user font ... > putfont: KDFONTOP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:272488 - "Please implement PROPERTIES="set" feature" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:272793 - "emerge -s should not require @ when category is specified" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:272850 - "similarity-tester [new ebuild]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:272988 - "New /etc/portage/hooks/{post,pre}-{run,sync,ebuild,configure,compile,install}.d/ functionality" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:273041 - "Prelink invalidates file checksums for "equery check"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:273102 - "Portage should output clearly when the logs of QA warnings start and stop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:273104 - "New QA check: installed OSX fork files (if I got the name right)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:273123 - "net-analyzer/unicornscan (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:273199 - "sys-kernel/ccs-sources-2.6.29.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:273257 - "dev-libs/unittest (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:273277 - "[Vague Idea] Would e nice to re-use persistent connection for fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:273283 - "equery depends fails to list all dependent packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:273457 - "sci-mathematics/cplex-bin-11.2.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:273472 - "go-ollie [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:273475 - "dev-games/tuxcap [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:273881 - "media-sound/ear_candy (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:273940 - "games-mud/mudlet-0.2_beta010008-r1.ebuild ( New Package )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:274032 - "emerge --depclean multiple revisions listed as separate pkg entries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:274389 - "Combining ROOT= with PKGDIR= causes "Permission denied: '/usr/portage/packages'"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:274454 - "sys-apps/portage doesn't show all possible updates unless --with-bdeps=y is specified" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:274539 - "ebuild request : opengrok" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:274612 - "dev-python/pottymouth-2.1.2 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:274812 - "add USE flag categories to reduce USE flag hunting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:275112 - "new ebuilds: net-libs/libpdel-0.5.3 and net-dialup/mpd-4.4.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:275212 - "new ebuild: dev-util/cutehg-9999" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:275313 - "gmcb-data-20090622.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:275314 - "gmcb-1.0.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:275450 - "ebuild request: Eucalyptus - an open-source software infrastructure for implementing "cloud computing" on clusters." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:275612 - "How to tweak ARCH when arch USE flags are filtered out" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:275717 - "Add an ebuid for CableSwig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:275823 - "sys-apps/portage - emerge: --tree may lead to suboptimal handling of weak blocks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:275848 - "sys-apps/portage - emerge: "existing preserved libs"-warning should respect --quiet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:275898 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge -N should not upgrade if possible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:275921 - "www-apps/orangehrm (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:275986 - "sys-apps/sed-4.2 - tests utf8-[1-4] fail ("XPASS")" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:276015 - "Perform no* FEATURES before collision-protect/protect-owned" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:276028 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-cmds (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:276058 - "Ebuild request: media-video/mistelix Mono based DVD and slideshow authoring" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:276275 - "[New Ebuild] games-util/evemon-1.2.8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:276317 - "dev-python/spawning-0.8.10 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:276345 - "new config protect setting via env.d does not work for first installation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:276478 - "When Component=New packages, assign to maintainer-wanted@ automatically" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:276481 - "sys-apps/portage (2.1 and 2.2 branches) : emerge should warn that there are ewarns/errors to read" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:276635 - "app-text/par doesn't include the UTF-8 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:276877 - "app-shells/bashdb fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:276959 - "Add racoon2 to portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:277142 - "ebuild for moby-thesaurus, thesaurus for dictd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:277428 - "app-text/unrtf fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:277433 - "--depclean doesn't handle properly shared libs with copies in multiple packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:277478 - "sci-libs/rsl-1.40.ebulid (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:277479 - "sci-geoscience/aweater-0.1.ebulid (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:277572 - "sys-fs/lde fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:277611 - "udp-broadcast-relay-0.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:277789 - "Automatic font installation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:277827 - "new ebuild: belier" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:277838 - "Support atoms in /etc/portage/profile/package.provided consistent with ordinary profiles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:277880 - "app-admin/superadduser-1.0.9 does not make the account when you press enter then starts a new user called -d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:278333 - "media-libs/giflib - gifclrmp does nothing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:278362 - "kernel-2.eclass: default unipatch directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:278375 - "New package: media-video/cinepaint" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:278525 - "app-misc/yokadi-0.10.0 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:278599 - "sys-libs/gdbm "Block size error" with specific xfs mount option largeio and swidth" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:278657 - "app-antivirus/clamd-stream-client-1.3 New application" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:278662 - "ebuild request for acm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:278693 - "w3c-validator (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:278761 - "sys-apps/sandbox log integration with PM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:278769 - "dev-embedded/palm-novacom dev-embedded/PalmSDK new ebuilds (palm-mojo-sdk, novaterm, novacom)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:278861 - "media-plugins/autotalent-0.1 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:278862 - "ebuild request for PEAR-PHP_UML" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:278886 - "confusing error message with invalid sets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:278929 - "app-backup/safekeep (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:279096 - "download distfiles to a temporary file and rename upon successful completion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:279191 - "ebuild for dlinkctrl-0.5.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:279315 - "www-apps/foswiki-1.0.6: requesting ebuild for twiki fork" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:279458 - "Val(a)IDE - ebuild for dev-util/valide" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:279495 - "sys-cluster/gnbd init scripts reference cman but no RDEPEND on it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:279623 - "add emerge option for aggressive --jobs parallelization so packages may be built before their satisfied dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:279625 - "ebuild for Gnome-Art NextGen : 0.7.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:279668 - "[new ebuild] media-gfx/qfontviewer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:279778 - "sjinn-1.01.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:279845 - "app-misc/cycle ebuild submission" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:279853 - "dev-lang/cobra-0.8.0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:279922 - "revdep-rebuild fails to rebuild elf files if the ldpath is too long" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:279947 - "new ebuild: app-text/pdfmod: a simple tool for modifying PDF documents" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:280034 - "ebuilds for app-misc/2gis & app-misc/2gis-data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:280131 - "sys-process/god-0.7.13 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:280341 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: revdep-rebuild fails to find owning package of some files in /usr/lib64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:280478 - "emerge --info shares private information (passwords)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:280486 - "app-portage/genlop no working merge found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:280597 - "new ebuild for VRRender a dicom viewer and volume renderer; version 0.8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:280653 - "emerge --config ignores current environment variables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:280801 - "Ardentryst (NEW EBUILD)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:280804 - "Only build binary packages if compile time is significant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:280895 - "games-board/eboard should install timeseal by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:280898 - "ebuild for dev-tcltk/tclgpg-9999" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:280951 - "New package: sys-fs/scrounge-ntfs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:281024 - "New ebuild: media-video/disper-0.2.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:281028 - "yapet-0.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:281049 - "games-strategy/dominions3-3.23b - Dominions 3: The Awakening is an epic turn-based fantasy strategy game" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:281112 - "games-fps/csl 0.8 and SVN ebuilds for Cube Server Lister" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:281122 - "games-simulation/xplane: ebuild for X-Plane 9 flight simulator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:281125 - "net-analyzer/gtknetcat - a GUI frontend for netcat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:281194 - "New ebuild for i2phex, gnutella file-sharing application over i2p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:281229 - "app-editors/cafe: GTK+ text editor with perl macros (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:281347 - "dev-libs/quicklz/quicklz-1.4.1_beta3.ebuild - new ebuild, dependency of app-arch/tamp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:281349 - "app-arch/tamp - Multi-threaded compressor, many times faster than lzop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:281483 - "[NEW EBUILD] app-office/wiipresent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:281914 - "net-mail/queue-repair introduces new errors on mails not yet precessed in queue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:281960 - "sys-apps/portage: glsa-check --list new behavior is deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:281961 - "[enhancement idea] make revdep-rebuild more intelligent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:282009 - "--depclean changes (extends) dependency list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:282058 - "on first java-vm set, JAVA_HOME does not get changed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:282120 - "new build: gcf qt generic component framework" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:282151 - "fontconfig bad font matching NewCenturySchlbk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:282236 - "[ebuild] New package: net-misc/netkit-telnet-ssl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:282240 - "[new ebuild] media-gfx/alchemy-007" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:282397 - "net-dns/dnsmasq-2.45 multiple-instance init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:282412 - "media-libs/a52dec: Please consider default enabling USE=djbfft" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:282450 - "app-admin/sysklogd-1.5 takes over existing build logfiles on restart." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:282464 - "[ebuild request] games-strategy/hiverise-1.0.3140" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:282531 - "[ebuild request] Vacuum magic game" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:282840 - "net-wireless/wpa_supplicant: wpa_cli.sh/openrc racy when wifi connection drops/comes back." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:282904 - "app-i18n/xjdic - Electronic Japanese-English Dictionary Program" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:282928 - "dev-util/catalyst doesn't work over NFS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:283022 - "gnome-extra/alarm-clock-applet-0.2.6 : ebuild proposal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:283354 - "emerge should try excruciatingly hard not to break on an update world" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:283422 - "move gcc and glibc to first position of list when emerge -e world" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:283587 - "depclean removes currently eselected packages (kernel, etc..)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:283694 - "New ebuild: app-editors/tweak-3.01" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:283711 - "mudlet-02_beta14-r1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:283719 - "x11-misc/mando (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:283967 - "DEPEND in package.env is using colons for sepreating both packages and SLOT, if colons are used in EANT_GENTOO_CLASSPATH" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:284083 - "emerge should be more stringent in naming the arguments (--foo-only vs --baronly)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:284101 - "java-pkg_regjar in java-utils-2.eclass does not strip correctly ${D}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:284200 - "grit-0.8.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:284259 - "sys-process/atop with sys-process/vixie-cron should strip username from cron.d script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:284289 - "Ebuild request: raop_play (alsa_raoppcm) is able to stream music to an Apple Airport Express WLAN access point." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:284477 - "emerge --depclean shows non-working suggestions (?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:284737 - "media-tv/pytivo-wmcbrine: new ebuild for pyTivo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:284775 - "sys-apps/portage- userpriv breaks shared ccache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:284844 - "preserve-libs should not preserve .so symlinks in /lib when a ldscript is available in /usr/lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:284934 - "emerge should treat new USE deps added w/out revbump as implicit --newuse" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:285012 - "Portage’s multi-resume is broken. (Allow unlimited levels with »emerge --resume«.)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:285086 - "games-engines/instead ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:285121 - "bugzilla improvement suggestions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:285167 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc40: --newuse drops packages without use changes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:285192 - "www-apps/bugzilla add USE flag for language support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:285199 - "Ability to unpack parts of an archive instead of the complete one" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:285225 - "if a package fails due to unsatisfied deps, say so in output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:285334 - "sys-apps/portage improve error message if system set is undefined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:285341 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: revdep-rebuild: "sandbox:main signal SIGQUIT already had a handler" warnings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:285428 - ">=app-shells/gentoo-bashcomp-20090613, emerge --info completion problem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:285769 - "[calculate] sys-apps/keyexec (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:285771 - "[calculate] sys-apps/calculate-server (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:285772 - "[calculate] sys-apps/calculate-client (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:285774 - "[calculate] sys-apps/calculate-lib (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:285779 - "ebuild request for tragtor (GUI for ffmpeg)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:285817 - "Update problem with USE dependencies and IUSE defaults" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:285856 - "dev-util/edb [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:285905 - "net-print/foomatic-db patch for Brother QL-500 and QL-550 ptouch.xml driver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:285936 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --keep-going / --resume failure triggered by unsatisfied dependencies of installed packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:286030 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-convreverse - Pidgin ConvReverse Plugin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:286083 - "REQ: Bash Beginner's Guide" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:286100 - "Collect elog messages for dropped packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:286214 - "emerge: report blockers automatically" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:286323 - "New Ebuild for libcitadel, needed by Citadel and Webcit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:286362 - "net-im/freetalk ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:286550 - "New package: dev-ada/qtada" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:286553 - "games-board/gogui - a graphical user interface to programs that play the board game Go and support the Go Text Protocol such as GNU Go" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:286647 - "net-news/rss-notify (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:286934 - "Retire: Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn (chithanh)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:286998 - "[new ebuilds] app-admin/noobjuice app-admin/noobjuice-plugins app-admin/noobjuice-viewer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:287318 - "track *.la dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:287493 - "x11-misc/fmenu-0.1 new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:287707 - "[TRACKER] Use rpm_src_unpack instead of rpm_unpack && unpack..." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:287840 - "Make samba run ioniced." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:287900 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc44 fails to build @preserved-rebuild if one package doesn't exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:288032 - "[science overlay] sci-libs/lwpr-1.2.2.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:288059 - "media-sound/ossp: userspace oss deamon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:288083 - "Warn/report license-based masking" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:288163 - "dev-python/mainnav-reader-0.3.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:288202 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc44: emerge --quiet resorts to non-quiet output for all packages if any of them has PROPERTIES="interactive"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:288287 - "net-misc/openssh-5.2_p1-r3 fails interop-tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:288330 - "dev-python/pytyrant-1.1.17 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:288379 - "OneSwarm ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:288663 - "Record shebang dependencies in NEEDED or similar file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:288665 - "Portage- does not properly filter NEEDED based on INSTALL_MASK" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:288871 - "Add --notes option to emerge, or something like that." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:289004 - "dev-python/pyexiv2-0.3.2 (New package, deprecated upstream)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:289079 - "x11-misc/gwhere-0.2.3-r1.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:289147 - "emerge --depclean doesn't respect select python slot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:289276 - "dev-games/game-editor - ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:289477 - "NEW EBUILD dev-util/launchtool-0.7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:289483 - "'How to get meaningful backtraces in Gentoo' should mention how to enable dumps of apps running as root" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:289554 - "dev-lang/kumir - Educational programming language and IDE. It has very simple syntax, also known as "Russian algorithmical language" (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:289605 - "app-cdr/cue2tracks-0.2.11 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:289626 - "Allow to kill all existing emerge processes with a "--terminate" option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:289706 - "www-apache/xslt_filter-1.5.3.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:289724 - "[PATCH-provided] much faster --pretend processing for app-portage/genlop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:290038 - "GLEP 42 Display-If-Profile does not work for partial profile paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:290102 - "desktop.eclass: make_desktop_entry creates ugly .desktop file names" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:290191 - "optionally ignore already downloaded files when using -f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:290201 - "updatedb on laptop starts, even when AC power is unplugged" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:290272 - "java-config: man path broken if unmerging user and system vm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:290312 - "[science overlay] dev-ml/mlgmpidl (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:290341 - "`emerge --debug` should recurse into ebuild helpers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:290417 - "sci-libs/libgis (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:290494 - "Ebuilds for Brother PT-9500PC LPR driver and CUPS wrapper." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:290502 - "app-misc/autokey-gtk - a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:290554 - "dev-python/concurrence-0.3.1 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:290626 - "sci-libs/vision-workbench-2.0_beta3 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:290671 - "New package: dev-util/bugle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:290684 - "new ebuild dev-util/topcased-3.1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:290878 - "app-emulation/msim-1.3.7 new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:291057 - "New ebuild - Webilder desktop-background download/rotater" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:291165 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-bad ships a copy of rsvg plug-in, missing from tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:291304 - "smtp-cli-2.6.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:291724 - "app-emulation/bochs-2.4.1-r1 enhancement" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:291784 - "virtual/jdk (jre) should have X USE flag and pull it from the jdk implementations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:291851 - "[Ebuild] Burg - Brand-new Universal loadeR from GRUB" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:291900 - "www-apps/wordpress USE=vhosts does redirects only to the first accessed install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:291960 - "New media-libs/spulibs ebuild split out of media-libs/libsdl, needed for SPU-accelerated video in SDL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:292089 - "Please add contactos" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:292126 - "[ebuild] app-antivirus/sav - Symantec AntiVirus for Linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:292294 - "New Clojure eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:292295 - "New package: dev-lang/clojure-contrib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:292310 - "delayed installation (emerge buildworld/installworld)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:292319 - "games-simulation/glfrontier: new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:292356 - "[EBUILD] anytun-0.3.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:292471 - "app-editors/emacs[gtk] crashes on X disconnect (was: reconnection to emacs-daemon failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:292472 - "net-analyzer/lltdscan-20090908 - Scan for LLTD-enabled hosts on your network" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:292618 - "New ebuild for PowerAdmin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:292643 - "new games-puzzle/syasokoban-2.0.1.ebuild - Still Yet Another Sokoban :)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:292728 - "savedconfig.eclass should not die if it can't restore a config file on first install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:292749 - "app-misc/pwsafe and app-crypt/gorilla should be in the same category" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:292766 - "preserve-libs.eclass: preserve_old_lib_notify should coalesce multiple revdep-rebuild calls via regexp syntax" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:292847 - "Add ebuild metadata so it is possible to check for orphaned files in $FILESDIR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:293039 - "app-admin/webapp-config-1.50-r3 blocks access to keyboard" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:293139 - "sys-apps/openrc: start one implicit provider, and allow weighting of providers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:293140 - "Addition of compat-wireless stable branch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:293238 - "ispCP Omega ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:293257 - "Interesting game not in portage: "Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:293290 - "quake injector - map installer for quake1 engines" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:293327 - "media-video/realplayer- (death ebuild regeneration)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:293341 - "realtime filesystem monitoring program" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:293462 - "dev-util/jhbuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:293490 - "new ebuild rocketraid231x-2.5 for highpoint rocketraid 2310" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:293650 - "net-misc/mimms-3.2.1: new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:293705 - "request to port unxsbind into gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:293745 - "roboptim-core-0.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:293827 - "sys-apps/portage: List each file only once when using --pretend --fetchonly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:293830 - "sys-apps/portage: List only one url per line for --pretend --fetchonly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:293859 - "app-admin/webapp-config-1.50-r3 ignores hooked script's exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:293921 - "dev-build/libtool requires /usr/lib*/libltdl.la" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:294005 - "New ebuild: dev-libs/rudeconfig-5.0.5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:294006 - "New ebuild: dev-libs/rudedatabase-4.1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:294016 - "net-p2p/flush-0.8 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:294053 - "New ebuild: net-mail/r2eui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:294103 - "[EBUILD] uanytun-0.3.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:294229 - "app-admin/webapp-config-1.50.16-r3 does not install http server config files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:294249 - "x11-misc/gpick - an advanced color picker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:294333 - "[EBUILD] New package: net-misc/videojak-2.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:294664 - "Ebuild request: SQL Buddy (an AJAX web client for MySQL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:294727 - "New ebuild: x11-misc/keynav" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:294935 - "media-fonts/romancyrillicstd (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:294936 - "media-fonts/saweri (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:294942 - "media-fonts/tagdoc (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:295229 - "sys-apps/portage- --keep-going option makes emerge think digest failure is a as fetch one" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:295333 - "Portage QA addition: ELF files in /usr/share" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:295338 - "app-portage/genlop-0.30.8-r2 is confused by log error." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:295350 - "sys-apps/portage- depclean fails because of a rdep not built with proper USE flag" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:295364 - "Portage should have a feature to write .info files with --info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:295371 - "vrms analogue for Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:295503 - "new (actually old) package media-gfx/openvrml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:295861 - "[new package] ut2004-outofhell singleplayer TC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:296040 - "New ebuild request: get_iplayer (BBC TV over http)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:296124 - "ut2004-bonuspack-ucmp-1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:296255 - "Ebuild for gosm - the Gtk OpenStreetMap tool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:296269 - "dev-tex/beamerposter (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:296271 - "www-servers/apache - Proposition to adopt Debian way of managing vhosts and modules" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:296468 - "net-voip/yate-2.0.0: runs as root" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:296474 - "x11-misc/unicode-screensaver new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:296564 - "net-misc/marionnet - a virtual network laboratory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:296640 - "net-analyzer/jnetmap-0.5.3 - graphical network monitoring and documentation tool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:296817 - "new ebuild for tkgate-2.0-b10" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:296968 - "webapp.eclass webapp_serverowned handles directories wrong" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:297153 - "net-misc/openvpn: init script finishes before openvpn is up, causing dependent services to fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:297197 - "myrulib - Create your own collection of e-books" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:297328 - "sys-apps/portage- USE="*" emerge ... doesn't enable all USE flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:297358 - "portage stops dead if permission denied while trying to make binpkgs (regardless of --keep-going)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:297396 - "=sys-libs/db-4.8.24 cross compile fail at MIPS platform" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:297457 - "ebuild submission media-sound/mp3cd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:297508 - "media-video/freetuxtv-0.6.6 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:297517 - "genlop -c confused by same-name packages in different categories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:297665 - "New Ebuild: FreeIPA security information management" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:297667 - "New package: dev-java/eventbus" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:297669 - "New package: dev-java/bare-bones-browser-launch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:297756 - "New package: media-libs/proxymusic (Java)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:297785 - "sys-apps/portage: change the way dependency conflicts are reported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:297895 - "sys-apps/metastore - tool to store the metadata of files,directories,links in a file tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:297979 - "dev-db/libdbi-drivers-0.8.3 installs 2 directories in /usr/share/doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:298011 - "FreeGo-4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:298060 - "sys-fs/tagfs: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:298071 - "Request retriever download manager" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:298078 - "New Ebuild dev-libs/libcgi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:298101 - "net-misc/mico fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:298116 - "proposing media-video/vlmc (http://www.vlmc.org/) addition to the tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:298263 - "media-gfx/uimge: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:298281 - "New ebuild: app-editors/sxemacs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:298430 - "dev-python/formbuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:298457 - "Apache ActiveMQ open source messaging and Integration Patterns provider" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:298474 - "app-cdr/burneronfire-0.1 - a multi-threaded program that can write same content (iso files for now) to multiple CD/DVD burners simultaneously" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:298564 - "[EBUILD] sci-astronomy/AA+ library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:298608 - "Paragraph on overriding configure scripts is vague and needs to be expanded." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:298757 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-manualsize - pidgin plugin for resizing the text input area of the message window" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:298892 - "ebuild for mammut parser generator (C++)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:298972 - "media-gfx/baires" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:299038 - "New ebuild: p2kfuse - mounter for FS of P2K mobile phones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:299224 - "sci-mathematics/calc fails to build with parallel make" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:299304 - "New ebuild for mpDris" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:299369 - "media-libs/libid3tag: additional patches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:299430 - "x11-misc/multiplicationstation - grid based flashcard drill for learning multiplication tables and more" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:299437 - "x11-misc/stepintochinese - Chinese language mining tool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:299439 - "app-misc/researchmaster - research media organization and management tool for multi-taskers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:299509 - "cycfx2prog-0.47.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:299566 - "[request] Please add dev-python/scrapemark to portage." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:299582 - "Initial ebuild for lcr (v1.6)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:299622 - "liblzf-3.5.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:299664 - "New Ebuild: sys-block/compcache-tools-0.6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:299732 - "app-emulation/netemul (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:299817 - "app-admin/loganalyzer ebuild request: view system messages via web" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:299938 - "app-misc/perroquet-1.0.1 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:300030 - "app-misc/XORSearch (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:300071 - "[TRACKER] Portage dependency conflict resolution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:300084 - "net-p2p/mytv-0.1.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:300085 - "XML-RSSLite-0.15.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:300094 - "x11-themes/lila-gnome-0.6.4 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:300297 - "new ebuild: dev-util/xwpe" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:300382 - "dev-python/hyphenator: new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:300622 - "games-emulation/kega (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:300625 - "Documented Ebuild Policy lacks Bundled Deps section" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:300703 - "media-sound/rumor: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:300715 - "new ebuild: app-laptop/dellfand-0.9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:300740 - "Separate distcc and non-distcc MAKEOPTS variables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:300765 - "cueplayer-9999.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:300863 - "media-fonts/arphicfonts-0.2.20080216.1 has wrong spacing for letter U+02C8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:300889 - "media-gfx/xsplash-0.8.5: new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:301047 - "media-sound/madplay-0.15.2b-r1 may monopolize ALSA sound devices" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:301051 - "x11-apps/xinit: /etc/X11/Sessions/Xsession ignores session passed by login managers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:301423 - "Please add GNU Techne to Portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:301429 - "games-simulation/aviation Please add to Portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:301465 - "dev-python/pysyncml - syncml support for app-office/taskcoach" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:301487 - "Logfile Navigator - new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:301541 - "sys-apps/util-linux: fsck fails with reiserfs external journal (fsck.reiserfs needs the --journal option)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:301561 - "[ebuild] please add dev-cpp/cli-1.1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:301640 - "force emerge @preserved-rebuild even if some packages are lacking" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:301881 - "pluto-2.4.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:301882 - "Ebuild request for OPTI-SAFE Xtreme UPS software" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:301937 - "sys-apps/portage- shows a different "unsatisfied dependencies" for each package even if they are depending on the same masked stuff" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:301997 - "[science overlay] sci-geosciences/pydap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302007 - "[science overlay] sci-geosciences/pydap_handlers_nca" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302008 - "[science overlay] sci-geosciences/pydap_handlers_netcdf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302010 - "[science overlay] sci-geosciences/pydap_responses_netcdf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302011 - "[science overlay] sci-geosciences/pydap_responses_kml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302084 - "[science overlay] sci-geosciences/pydap_handlers_cdms" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302095 - "sys-auth/otpasswd One-time Passwords Authentication System (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:302106 - "games-board/qbriscola - Italian card game called briscola" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302115 - "portage does not take into account package.mask during depclean" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:302121 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2: improve set-related error messages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302136 - "dev-lang/gambas - a free development environment based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302190 - "twin-0.6.1 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302337 - "New ebuild: games-rpg/pylotro" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302484 - "Updated ebuild for Breakage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:302485 - "xe-guest-utilities-5.5.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302621 - "[Tracker] pkgs depending on hdf5 should use hdf5[mpi=] and mpi wrappers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:302697 - "net-nntp/urd-1.11.1 - Usenet Resource Downloader" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302723 - "media-libs/libcddb: econf --without-cdio makes cddb_query query fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:302787 - "net-fs/gdocsfs ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302862 - "games-arcade/sdlscavenger Ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:302917 - "dev-tex/grtexstr-0.6 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:303044 - "sys-apps/ureadahead ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:303047 - "dev-python/web2py: open source full-stack enterprise framework in Python" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:303055 - "games-emulation/gelide-0.1.5 - new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:303069 - "Request for foo2xqx printer driver (HP LaserJet M1120 MFP)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:303223 - "sys-devel/z88dk-1.9 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:303233 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-embeddedvideo - Pidgin Embedded Video" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:303403 - "Store all necessary package requisites in the /var/db/pkg (VDB) database" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:303405 - "libwebcam, uvcdynctrl package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:303593 - "revdep-rebuild should support paths with spaces in them" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:303653 - "[science overlay] sci-mathematics/lattE-macchiato (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:303657 - "Ebuild request for Jackrabbit 2.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:303853 - "app-admin/gkrellm-2.3.4 and kde-4.3 - Invisible theme isn't invisible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:303867 - "be-9999.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:304125 - "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc8-r1 : equery colors are inconsistent with those used by eix, emerge and other tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:304197 - "media-tv/tv-player (ebuild request)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:304413 - "Anarchist FAQ a la debian apt-get" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:304631 - "sys-apps/portage : backtracking error message is not correct" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:304633 - "revdep-rebuild handle missing libs for non-portage packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:304817 - "app-portage/gentoolkit- euse -i does not reflects /etc/portage/package.use" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:305301 - "New ebuild for gstreamer-java" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:305337 - "sys-process/powernap (ebuild request)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:305363 - "[ebuild] dev-util/quickly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:305477 - "F*EX (Frams' Fast File EXchange) is a service to send big (large, huge, giant, ...) files from a user A to a user B." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:305901 - "portage-2.2_rc62 depclean disagrees with @world -epv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:305905 - "dev-build/qconf generates configure scripts that call qmake directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:306349 - "sys-boot/gujin ebuild wanted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:306353 - "request for "weborf" package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:306417 - "app-portage/gentoolkit - revdep-rebuild should not log broken files (and their packages) to syslog (by default?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:306459 - "Grammatical Framework (GF)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:306535 - "dev-python/lpod-python-0.9.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:306537 - "Ebuild : app-doc/lpod-docs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:306611 - "Ebuild request: LH-ABC (BitTorrent Client based on ABC)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:306709 - "ebuild for freshen a cucumber clone in python" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:306835 - "[tracker] portage-multilib support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:307069 - "new package request: BUSH, the BUisness SHell" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:307073 - "new package request: TextTools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:307077 - "new package request: TIA, the Tiny IDE for Ada/Anything" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:307081 - "new package request: TwUtils, utilities for TWIN" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:307137 - "net-misc/hans (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:307187 - "app-misc/kupfer - an interface for quick and convenient access to applications and their documents" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:307199 - "net-misc/ntp-4.2.4p7-r1 switches syslog facility" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:307355 - "media-video/DeckLink-7.5.2_rc15 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:307357 - "media-video/MediaExpress-2.0.2_rc31 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:307361 - "net-analyzer/netdisco - an Open Source web-based network management tool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:307391 - "Have FEATURES="preserved-libs" honor SEARCH_DIRS_MASK in /etc/revdep-rebuild/*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:307439 - "sys-fs/dmraid-1.0.0_rc16-rc1 libdmraid-events-isw.so is not loaded beacaus pthread_mutex_trylock is undefined symbol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:307629 - "app-editors/mined (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:307701 - "app-text/pdfcrop ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:307825 - "dev-libs/findlocale ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:307919 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-audacious-remote - Pidgin Audacious Remote" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:308147 - "app-text/FoxitReader new package, PDF viewer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:308249 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-sendscreenshot - Pidgin Send Screenshot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:308399 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-autoanswer - Pidgin Autoanswer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:308527 - "app-portage/gentoolkit - euse -i has no support for USE_EXPAND stuff" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:308627 - "media-video/mediathek-2.0.0 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:308811 - "WebObjects server adaptor - Apache 2.2 module (mod_WebObjects)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:308849 - "New ebuild for repoze.what-pylons" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:309121 - "media-video/segmenter-9999 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:309131 - "net-dns/ndu - HOMEPAGE/SRC_URI Err 404" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:309143 - "Request an ebuild for DirSync Pro" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:309173 - "dev-lang/stackless_python-2.6.4-r1 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:309181 - "revdep-rebuild: Add blurb to man page describing "there are no ebuilds to satisfy..."" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:309197 - "New translation application: app-i18n/virtaal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:309221 - "sys-fs/cryptsetup-1.0.6-r2 (also 1.1.0) fails to create encrypted device when ESSIV is requested" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:309269 - "Ebuild request: Syntext Serna Free - Open Source Visual XML Editor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:309285 - "ebuild for quackle-0.96" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:309445 - "Please help me create ebulid for dev-python/gdchart-py-0.6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:309537 - "new ebuild app-misc/openca-tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:309763 - "new ebuild net-voip/sipwitch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:309829 - "new ebuild www-apps/mailzu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:309951 - "more ebuild request for Dog Tag PKI system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:310053 - "media-libs/glc-lib - C++ library for high performance 3D application based on OpenGL and Qt4 GUI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:310057 - "media-gfx/glc-player - Open Source 3D viewer used to view 3d models" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:310155 - "games-engines/fife (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:310319 - "Request for new ebuild: app-editors/oxygenxml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:310337 - "sys-apps/portage - could FEATURES="unmerge-logs" be named somewhat more intuitively please?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:310437 - "dev-db/libdbi and dev-db/libdbi-drivers fail to respect env CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310531 - "new ebuild dev-java/osutil" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:310539 - "new ebuild app-misc/pki-native-tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:310541 - "new ebuild app-crypt/dogtag-pki-ca-ui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:310543 - "new ebuild app-crypt/dogtag-pki-common-ui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:310545 - "new ebuild app-misc/pki-setup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:310547 - "new ebuild app-misc/pki-common" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:310613 - "[PATCH] sys-apps/portage - emerge should track which use flag triggers a dependency for better circular dep messages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310691 - "x11-themes/arc-colors-2.7 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:310871 - "new ebuiild app-admin/pki-console" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310875 - "new ebuiild app-crypt/dogtag-pki-console-ui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310877 - "new ebuiild app-crypt/dogtag-pki-kra-ui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310879 - "new ebuiild app-crypt/dogtag-pki-ocsp-ui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310881 - "new ebuiild app-crypt/dogtag-pki-ra-ui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310883 - "new ebuiild app-crypt/dogtag-pki-tks-ui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310885 - "new ebuiild app-crypt/dogtag-pki-tps-ui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310887 - "new ebuiild app-crypt/pki-ca" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310889 - "new ebuiild app-crypt/pki-ra" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310891 - "new ebuiild app-crypt/pki-symkey" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310893 - "new ebuiild app-crypt/pki-tps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310901 - "new ebuiild pki-kra" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310905 - "new ebuiild pki-ocsp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310907 - "new ebuiild pki-silent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310909 - "new ebuiild app-crypt/pki-tks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310911 - "new ebuiild app-misc/pki-util" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310913 - "new ebuild tomcatjss" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:310965 - "media-video/ekd-2.0.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:311053 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: add an option to revdep-rebuild to check for only libs/la files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:311101 - "Unification of variables used within VCS eclasses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:311397 - "www-apache/mod_anonstats new ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:311511 - "Full retirement control to the retirement team" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:311619 - "rohc-1.3.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:311707 - "sys-apps/portage: support .deb/.rpm package formats" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:312313 - "new package request: Artha" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:312407 - "net-voip/yate fails to build (parallel make issue)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:312509 - "dev-cpp/geglmm (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:312639 - "net-analyzer/pulledpork-0.7.0 - snort rule management" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:312789 - "portage-2.2_rc63: --keep-going doesn't work with @preserved-rebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:312827 - "media-video/dirac-1.0.2 installs unit test application and does not use it for testing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:312983 - "app-misc/egads upstream website disappeared (and QA warnings)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:313277 - "emerge --depclean is not able to handle upgrades outside world" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:313743 - "dev-java/openmq (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:313785 - "mount.nilfs2 output wrangling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:313853 - "new ebuild: app-backup/vchanger-0.8.5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:313857 - "--resume should work for sets as well" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:313897 - "Request for ebuild for vc-gwim" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:314121 - "revdep-rebuild, "--library" does not override old .rr files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:314397 - "x11-misc/rss-glx should depend on || (media-gfx/imagemagick media-gfx/graphicsmagick[imagemagick])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:314431 - "[TRACKER] packages should depend on || (media-gfx/imagemagick media-gfx/graphicsmagick[imagemagick])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:314593 - "?-?/atimon: New ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:314649 - "New package: indicator-application, indicator-session and indicator-sound" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:314703 - "www-apache/mod_vhost_dbd ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:314753 - "games-fps/quake2-r1q2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:314763 - "EMC2 - G-Code interpreter for Linux based CNC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:314809 - "games-utils/bennugd new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:314835 - "www-misc/htdig-3.2.0_beta6-r3 fails without USE "ssl"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:315037 - "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0_rc10-r1: euse fails when PORTDIR contains special characters" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:315165 - "net-libs/udt.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:315277 - "New ebuild: games-rpg/digital" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:315357 - "desktop-effects-0.8.5.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:315647 - "garmintools ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:315777 - "sys-boot/lilo-22.8-r2: Fatal: cache_add: LILO internal error (with loop device)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:315801 - "[science-overlay]: dev-python/pythonocc: New Ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:315803 - "[TRACKER] Moving prefix/EAPI-3 support into the gentoo-x86 tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:316067 - "Request for atari++ ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:316095 - "dev-lang/ruby: rbconfig saves too many flags in CONFIG["CFLAGS"]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:316407 - "New ebuild: media-video/scte65scan-0.2.1.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:316443 - "media-sound/nightingale (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:316595 - "Remobo (Instant Private Network) ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:316693 - "Portage is unable to source profile.bashrc files when profile path contains newlines" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:316695 - "sys-apps/portage- duplicate repo_name in overlay causes /usr/bin/ebuild to exit without error/warning" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:316779 - "New package: Sentelics touchpad utility (fsp-lnxdrv)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:316867 - "net-misc/calendarserver-2.4 ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:316877 - "[ebuild] brother dcp-145c lpr && cupswrapper ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:317191 - "net-analyzer/snortreport-1.3.4 - an add-on module for the Snort Intrusion Detection System that provides realtime reporting from the MySQL database generated by Snort" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:317193 - "net-analyzer/bittwist-2.0 - a simple yet powerful libpcap-based Ethernet packet generator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:317199 - "net-analyzer/playcap - Plays back pcap captures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:317221 - "Portage does not report correct source file when reporting invalid atoms in directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:317311 - "dev-db/cassandra - an open source distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:317363 - "[new ebuild] sci-physics/KRT - lattice solver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:317463 - "media-gfx/fswebcam - A neat and simple webcam app which captures images from a V4L1/V4L2 compatible device" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:317569 - "dev-libs/libcassandra-9999: New ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:317655 - "[science overlay] dev-python/astropysics-9999 new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:317801 - "sys-apps/ifplugd apparently starting only on eth0 interface when eth0 and wlan0 are both present" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:317893 - "ebuild wanted: Uniform File Permission Modifier" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:318165 - "app-portage/gentoolkit - revdep-rebuild should not consider -q/--quiet as a flag change after -p/--pretend" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:318249 - "option to remove entries from /var/lib/portage/world which are dependencies of others" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:318423 - "dev-java/wowza-media-server (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:318425 - "dev-java/wms-bwchecker-plugin (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:318427 - "dev-java/wms-idledisconnect-plugin (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:318431 - "dev-java/wms-livestreamrecord-plugin (new plugin)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:318435 - "dev-java/wms-loadbalancer-plugin (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:318439 - "dev-java/wms-mediacasterstreammanager-plugin (new plugin)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:318441 - "dev-java/wms-mediasecurity-plugin (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:318443 - "dev-java/wms-streamnamealias-plugin (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:318445 - "dev-java/wms-textchat-plugin (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:318447 - "dev-java/wms-videopassthru-plugin (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:318501 - "New ebuild: sys-apps/gprename-2.6.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:318625 - "dev-java/javatoolkit / java eclasses: xml-rewriter should rewrite <javadoc> calls to include failonerror="yes"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:318685 - "pecl-runkit-9999.ebuild (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:318901 - "emerge world doesn't update new useflag .. sometimes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:318941 - "Portage OSError: [Errno 40] Too many levels of symbolic links:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:319423 - "sys-apps/openrc: nfs-rooted system hangs with Memory access error when reboot or shutdown" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:319439 - "app-shells/pdsh: add --with-dshgroups configure option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:319849 - "Grouping of USE flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:319855 - "View USE flags not specified in make.conf through euse." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:319857 - "New ebuild: ubuntuone-storage-protocol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:319859 - "There's no way to view the USE flags whcih have hard dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:319875 - "Automatic cleaning of package.*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:319995 - "New ebuild for webcamstudio" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:320153 - "Ebuild for dev-db/sqlite3-pcre" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:320379 - "app-i18n/ibus-tegaki: New package(s)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:320391 - "net-analyzer/p0f: Include improved init.d file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:320481 - "dev-ruby/rubygems & app-eselect/eselect-ruby drop multiple gem commands" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:320565 - "net-analyzer/hogger-0.2.1 New Ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:320577 - "sys-apps/portage: quickpkg should support building packages with recursive dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:320691 - "New ebuild: sciplore mindmapping" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:320869 - "New ebuild: scannedonly daemon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:320905 - "sys-apps/portage: show a warning (similar to new news items one) when unread elog files are present in LOGDIR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:320969 - "games-board/realmspeak{,-data}: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:321109 - "dev-lang/spim - Stochastic Pi Machine: a programming language for designing and simulating computer models of biological processes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:321165 - "use emake to to compile single executables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:321301 - "games-util/instead-launcher-0.3 ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:321317 - "Change VDB (/var/db/pkg) format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:321351 - "new ebuild: blendelf game engine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:321423 - "sys-apps/util-linux or sys-fs/e2fsprogs - `fsck -A' should respect loop offset option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:321519 - "gstat-2.5.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:321523 - "libcsf-2.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:321635 - "mail-client/exmh-2.7.2 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:321711 - "Enhancement: Make emerge --sync respect a "lockfile concept" so a --sync won't run during an active merge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:321811 - "app-misc/gsar-1.21 - a General Search And Replace utility (binary safe)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:322071 - "sys-devel/symlookup-0.5.0 new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:322099 - "app-arch/freearc modern general-purpose archiver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:322119 - "[new package] app-portage/findcruft-20090615" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:322129 - "New package: indicator-appmenu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:322179 - "New ebuild: net-analyzer/davtest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:322265 - "sys-block/mbuffer-20090113 potential race condition" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:322299 - "New package: app-office/taskjuggler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:322311 - "x11-misc/obapps-0.1.5 ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:322829 - "RSSOwl (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:322853 - "network location aware startup scripts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:322869 - "Tvoe Radio (Your Radio) ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:322883 - "portage package set operator expressions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:323277 - "media-fonts/artwiz_ru-1: New ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:323347 - "www-plugins/activeicm (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:323499 - "games-arcade/aquaria: Source ebuilds for game and BBGE engine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:323581 - "media-gfx/bundler - a structure-from-motion (SfM) system for unordered image collections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:323723 - "sys-cluster/disco (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:323725 - "dev-db/discodb (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:323775 - "net-misc/openssh[X] should PDEPEND on a ssh-askpass provider" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:323819 - "net-im/jitsi(-bin) - An audio/video SIP VoIP phone and instant messenger written in Java" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:324013 - "app-forensics/samhain ebuild petulantly dropped from tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:324025 - "hpsmh ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:324179 - "validate_ebuild_environment still checks / when ROOT is set." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:324349 - "series60-remote-0.3.93.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:324421 - "games-puzzle/krank" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:324447 - "new ebuild net-p2p/xbtt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:324569 - "dev-libs/lua-cyrussasl (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:324717 - "Add Magento open source online e-commerce shop solution to portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:324729 - "sys-apps/portage should support logrotate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:324745 - "sys-boot/unetbootin - Started via Alt+F2, unetbootin tries to run as root" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:325105 - "New ebuild: Octopus (scientific program aimed at the ab initio virtual experimentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:325345 - "dev-lua/lua-zmq (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:325349 - "New ebuild: dev-ruby/zmq2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:325479 - "New ebuild: dev-ruby/ffi-rzmq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:325711 - "app-portage/genlop-0.30.8-r2: displays slotted packages as being the same version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:325795 - "app-text/ghostscript-gpl with USE=l10n_ja pulls in specific (non-free) font" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:325861 - "New ebuild: x11-plugins/grekllm-wifi (new upstream)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:325919 - "wish: silent option for emerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:325927 - "games-strategy/xscorch has a new GTK2-compatible version available" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:326293 - "net-libs/cvm fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:326315 - "revdep-rebuild freezes up when trying to print shared library dependencies of getstack2(pax)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:326743 - "kamal-1.0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:326957 - "net-libs/libsoup tests require apache with some mods enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:326961 - "new ebuild for games-fps/wolf4sdl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:327177 - "Portage should prefer masked version over non-existing one with || ( ) deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:327435 - "New package: games-puzzle/osmos-demo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:327607 - "dev-scheme/mosh-0.2.5 new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:327649 - "oVirt ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:327685 - "app-admin/gkrellm-2.3.4: sensors stop updating after it's been running for some time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:327701 - "[Future EAPI] Recommended / suggested dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:327827 - "Qt cross compilation support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:327855 - "New ebuild: vim-spell-et-0.1.ebuild: Estonian spell-checking for ViM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:327921 - "'maintainance' of selected binary packages which are not installed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:327975 - "x11-themes/shiki-colors Add support to murrine version (patch)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:328103 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.18 - cfdisk: FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 1: Partition ends in the final partial cylinder" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:328115 - "dev-db/libdbi-0.8.3 fails to build with doc USE flag because X00E1 is not a function name in /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xml-simple-dtd-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:328167 - "media-gfx/sift new ebuild David Lowe's SIFT keypoint detector" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:328179 - "media-gfx/sba new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:328295 - "libboard-0.9.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:328343 - "emerge should be able to cope with unsatisfied dependencies by pruning off unsolvable parts of the graph" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:328449 - "[EBUILD] frogatto-1.0.ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:328497 - "Ebuild request: Opsview network monitoring system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:328499 - "app-admin/eurephia - New package for Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:328641 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge should warn about invalid values in USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:328747 - "{dev-java,www-servers}/jetty* - A web server and javax.servlet container, plus support for many other integrations." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:328897 - "www-apps/etherpad-lite-1.2.91 : ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329101 - "New package: net-dns/zonecheck" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329147 - "ebuild for app-forensics/log2timeline" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329163 - "virtual/httpd-cgi should require actual CGI capabilities in webservers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:329169 - "[science overlay] sci-mathematics/cipi (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329187 - "[science overlay] sci-mathematics/ufc-1.4.2 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329189 - "[science-overlay] dev-python/ufl-0.5.4 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329191 - "[science overlay] dev-python/ffc-0.9.4 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329193 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc67: /etc/portage/bashrc is evaluated too late" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:329195 - "[science overlay] dev-python/fiat-0.9.2 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329197 - "[science overlay] dev-python/instant-0.9.8 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329199 - "[science overlay] dev-python/viper-0.4.6 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329223 - "Add *spell spell checker dictionaries for Luxemburgish" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329231 - "net-p2p/wuala (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329259 - "www-apps/horde-vacation - a Horde module for managing user e-mail "vacation notices" or "auto-responders"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:329295 - "sci-geosciences/obdgpslogger (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329297 - "Tor blocking not working" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:329419 - "BigDFT ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329429 - "Wannier90 ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329447 - "New ebuild, psketcher, a parametric 2D modeller" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329539 - "dev-libs/avl-0.3.5.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329589 - "dev-ruby/hostmap new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329593 - "kmozillahelper-0.6.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329697 - "sys-apps/firecontrol: new package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329773 - "new ebuild: games-fps/hexen2-portals" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:329799 - "Make java eclasses warn when there's both virtual/jdk and virtual/jre atoms in DEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:329833 - "x11-apps/xdm: should require x11-apps/xsm, x11-apps/xmproxy and x11-wm/twm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:330171 - "Package request: XXE, or XMLMIND 4.6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:330391 - "dev-util/gccsense (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:330395 - "dev-util/gcc-code-assist (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:330399 - "media-sound/ripperx-2.7.2 on hardened-amd64: segfault when encoding from existing wav files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:330415 - "dev-ruby/PlugMan new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:330469 - "qpamat-0.5.3. New package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:330651 - "lvm2 udev scripts do not properly set up /dev: udev permissions rules on my LVM don't run" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:331231 - "dev-cpp/libdime new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:331327 - "net-misc/ices-0.4 ebuild request (new slot?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:331465 - "media-sound/qmp3gain-0.9.0 new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:331777 - "[EBUILD] And Yet It Moves demo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:331933 - "[tracker] packages that do not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:332001 - "Portage should ignore KEYWORDS stored in binary packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:332023 - "media-libs/libnghost - a media center frontend for car PC type systems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:332025 - "media-video/nghost - a media center frontend for car PC type systems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:332029 - ">=sys-apps/portage- hides real dependency conflict when an update also needs to be skipped" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:332049 - "emerge: add an option to describe reason for package install (which can be recovered later by user)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:332125 - "emerge: write access check for / should be done after processing bashrc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:332147 - "new ebuild - net-libs/slirp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:332263 - "New ebuild for Gnome2 Vte Perl interface to the Virtual Terminal Emulation library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:332371 - "new ebuild for ocilib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:332407 - "x11-term/clusterm new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:332633 - "[tracker] packages that keepdir /var/{run,lock}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:332869 - "sys-fs/gfs2: Ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:332997 - "app-misc/fet-5.14.1 - automatically scheduling the timetable of a school, high-school or university" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:333235 - "dbh-4.6.0.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:333237 - "New package: media-sound/soundtracker (GTK+-2 port)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:333309 - "media-gfx/ocrfeeder: ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:333531 - "[TRACKER] portage migration to git" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:333701 - "commit hooks/portage to rsync conversion scripts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:333771 - "sys-libs/pthreads-w32: new ebuild for Windows pthreading library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:333851 - "QA documentation should reference hardened pages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:333885 - "www-servers/apache[static]: non-standard use (doesn't produce a static apache)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:334049 - "ebuild proposal for 'app_swift'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:334105 - "sys-devel/distcc: xorg-server build enters endless loop "libtool: compile: Waiting for --shave-mode=compile.o.lock to be removed"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:334109 - "cross-distcc failure (arm/amd64)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:334171 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc67: every run, portage wants to reinstall the same binary" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:334251 - "net-p2p/transgui - uTorrent-like frontend for Transmission daemon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:334317 - "dev-cpp/opensaml (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:334385 - "xmltooling-c (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:334441 - "XSession management audit of DM's (for x11@g.o)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:334473 - "sfperms breaks setuid LD_PRELOAD libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:334685 - "DKIM for gentoo.org" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:334721 - "emerge shortest unique abbreviation commands don't work right" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:334733 - "net-analyzer/netactview - a graphical network connections viewer for Linux, similar in functionality with Netstat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:334745 - "dev-util/pscan does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:334825 - "NEW games-board/brutalchess-0.5.2_r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:334989 - "games-fps/ut2004-data-3186-r4: failed by uncompressing files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:335308 - "apache-2.eclass: check_module_depends dies on "bad" USE flag combinations instead of relying on REQUIRED_USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:335380 - "www-servers/aspen: New ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:335544 - "net-print/foo2zjs-20200221 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:335560 - "net-p2p/shakespeer: new ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:335593 - "net-irc/rhapsody-0.28b-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:335601 - "dev-python/rdfextras new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:335613 - "media-gfx/fly-2.0.1 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:335623 - "net-misc/tiers-1.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:335637 - "Apache Traffic Server™ is fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 compliant caching proxy server." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:335661 - "[science overlay] sci-mathematics/oid-4.0 (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:335711 - "net-misc/dcetest does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:335828 - "portage prints a non-fatal error about name resolution on sync" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:336043 - "new ebuild net-nds/slapi-nis" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:336046 - "new ebuild net-misc/aftr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:336079 - "sys-apps/tcprstat - ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:336081 - "app-shells/gentoo-bashcomp does not complete all options for /etc/init.d/*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:336131 - "net-mail/qmailanalog does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:336265 - "New ebuild request: games-puzzle/colorcube" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:336334 - "New ebuilds: app-pda/ideviceactivate-9999 and app-pda/libirecovery-9999" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:336380 - "[ebuild request] sharpsvn (Apache 2.0 license)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:336407 - "New ebuild sys-apps/dc3dd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:336419 - "GLSA bot only posts one at a time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:336520 - "(Ebuild request) bahamut, an IRC server." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:336580 - "how to set up a server for emerge-delta-webrsync?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:336592 - "emerge and make need a way to utilize all CPU resources" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:336660 - "Amnesia: The Dark Descent (amnesia tdd) - Demo games-rpg/amnesia-tdd-demo-1.0.ebuild (NEW EBUILD)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:336890 - "Ebuild for the New 1.0 Release of Caph Game" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:337082 - "app-mobilephone/gnokii: init.d and conf.d default files proposal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:337456 - "ability to specify binpkg FEATURE on a per-package basis" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:337491 - "[ebuild request] yet another forum (GPL license)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:337605 - "media-sound/dbmeasure does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:337672 - "diaspora new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:337696 - "support alternative cache formats besides existing $PORTDIR/metadata/cache format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:337751 - "www-apps/bugtracker-mono Bugtracker .Net (GPL-2) btnet (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:337807 - "games-board/holtz-1.3.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:337823 - "Inconsistency in reloads when using sets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:338257 - "sys-apps/openrc: dependency cache not updated when run before etc-update and dependency changes after" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:338347 - "revdep-rebuild: support fixing of 'foobar has different size in shared object, consider re-linking'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:338403 - "media-libs/lightmediascanner package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:338438 - "app-shells/posh: variable assignments do not affect the env when calling a function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:338447 - "emerge should be able to inhibit automatic sleep while it is running" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:338547 - "emerge crashs if the PORTAGE_TMPDIR directory is on a nfs4 which is wrong configured" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:338555 - "sys-apps/portage: warn about make.conf syntax that is not shell-compatible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:338670 - "Proposed ebuild for repoze.who" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:338683 - "emerge -vpuD (--diff?) world|system|atom" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:338794 - "New package request: WinFF" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:338883 - "portage installs split-debugs only root readable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:338909 - "net-p2p/gnunet: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:338955 - "sys-apps/procmeter3-3.5c.ebuild (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:339007 - "x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics: I ported the clickpad patch to xf86-input-synaptics-1.3.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:339021 - "[ebuild request] media-video/swarmplayer-2.0.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:339051 - "PMS should require PM to encode URLs listed in SRC_URI before fetching" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:339138 - "emerge --resume --jobs X runs with only 1 job" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:339189 - "net-misc/streamtuner2: New package: 2.2.1 ebuild request (2010 successor of streamtuner)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:339282 - "epkginfo can't handle newlines in <longdescription> field of metadata.xml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:339351 - "New ebuild: silentbob" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:339440 - "sci-chemistry/xcrysden-1.6 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:339472 - "sys-fs/nilfs-utils: need init.d helper for rootfs on nilfs2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:339485 - "Check and/or ensure that QA notice 'do not file a gentoo bug and instead report the above QA issues' only shows when user enables QA output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:339557 - "sci-biology/ucsc-genome-browser-260-r2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:339579 - "Enh request: disable --jobs if emerge is working on 1 file only" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:339646 - "ebuild request for jstest-gtk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:339713 - "sys-apps/portage - "emerge -g" doesn't respect no_proxy variable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:339761 - "media-gfx/lightzone-4.0 - Open-source digital darkroom software" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:339864 - "sys-apps/eject-2.1.5-r2 with USB Flash Drive" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:339949 - "Shader Maker ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:340000 - "Request for Dicorime ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:340173 - "Unexpected behaviour for --complete-graph --unmerge, and confusing --depclean docs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:340287 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc91: --keep-going sometimes fails to work" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:340321 - "dev-java/java-config-2.1.11: VersionManager.package_parser parses atoms incorrectly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:340505 - "media-libs/imlib: imlib-config: punt broken --{cflags,libs}-gdk since imlib gdk has been removed too" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:340521 - "new ebuild www-apps/pgpoolAdmin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:340595 - "Support for multiple distccd instances" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:340649 - "New ebuild: net-misc/danbooru-grabber" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:340721 - "Ebuild request for Dionaea" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:340763 - "[Future EAPI] package manager should fetch and share distfiles through p2p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:340881 - "app-misc/geolitecity (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:340953 - "linux-pcnfsd2-1.6.640.1.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:341015 - "app-dicts/orayta-books: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:341017 - "app-text/orayta new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:341059 - "New ebuild for new otrtool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:341411 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2_rc97: only the /etc/portage/package.mask and package.mask in user's profile are global" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:341735 - "'g-octave -v gsl' works, but 'g-octave -uv gsl' fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:341829 - "netmount fails to unmount busy NFSv4 filesystems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:341859 - "Ebuild Request: Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:342045 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge checks too many files for package collisions 'nodoc/noinfo' FEATURE is enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:342181 - "media-libs/libresample-0.1.5 - real-time library for sample rate conversion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:342185 - "[Tracker] KEYWORDS must not be set in eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:342187 - "New ebuild for dev-utils/snaked-9999" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:342197 - "Please add the SuperSym pymol plugin to the tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:342369 - "eclean has an incorrect statement in its output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:342771 - "Re-add net-misc/gfax (version 0.7.7)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:342853 - "games-board/infector-0.4::betagarden ebuild request for new Version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:342887 - "dev-php/pecl-expect - PHP extension for expect library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:342953 - "net-misc/dhcp: rfc3442 (classless static routes) not supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:343119 - "unclear error output when $PKGDIR is full" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:343253 - "Ebuild request: Postgres ADO .NET SQL Connector" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:343259 - "Ebuild request: IBM Informix .NET Provider" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:343343 - "net-mail/autorespond-2.0.5 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:343427 - "'equery belongs' looks for file only among installed packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:343495 - "Amnesia: The Dark Descent (amnesia tdd): games-rpg/amnesia-tdd-1.0.1.ebuild (NEW EBUILD)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:343553 - "dev-tex/logreq-1.0 new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:343617 - "dev-libs/bglibs fails to build (parallel make issue?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:343629 - "`ebuild rpm' doesn't explicitly check for app-arch/rpm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:343855 - "dev-python/key-mon new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:343859 - "sys-block/gpart-0.1h-r2 can't handle disks larger than 2GiB" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:343877 - "sys-block/gpart-0.1h-r2 doesn't read partition tables properly on amd64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:344037 - "app-editors/bpe - a ncurses-based binary editor." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:344053 - "emerge should automatically update configuration files not changed by the admin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:344111 - "www-apache/mod_pagespeed (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:344171 - "filerunner new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:344213 - "app-admin/sentinella new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:344261 - "dev-vcs/reposurgeon-0.2 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:344589 - "games-arcade/steelstorm (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:344705 - "libdc - dynamic drawing library (maintainer wanted)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:344859 - "media-tv/mediathekview (new package, from source, formerly zdfmediathek)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:344867 - "media-video/mtn-200808a (new package): movie thumbnailer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:344877 - "x11-libs/libcrystalhd ebuild for library and kernel module" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:345003 - "Package reassignment: Naohiro Aota (naota)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:345063 - "dbdesigner-fork (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:345105 - "[ebuild request] net-libs/exmpp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:345113 - "x11-apps/menu: new ebuild - generates programs menu for all menu-aware applications" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:345129 - "media-sound/pyjama- (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:345169 - "aiotrade (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:345221 - "app-benchmarks/gmpbench - GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library benchmark" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:345287 - "net-libs/opendpi-netfilter-wrapper-1.1 - Netfilter wrapper for OpenDPI library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:345475 - "request for utorrent-server ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:345573 - "GitSharp ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:345637 - "ksing-0.0.7.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:345885 - "sys-block/mhvtl: mhvtl module provides Virtual (SCSI) Tape Library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:345951 - "games-server/bf2-server ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:345981 - "x11-base/xorg-server tries to initialize x11-drivers/xf86-input-synaptics and touchscreen devices twice and logs errors about it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:346043 - "pkgmove: dev-php5/ZendOptimizer, new version dev-php/ZendGuardLoader" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:346063 - "portage should set CCACHE_BASEDIR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:346075 - "Ignore backup files in /etc/portage subdirectories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:346093 - "app-portage/gentoolkit - revdep-rebuild should accept more than one (--library) option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:346203 - "A 'purge' option for Portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:346275 - "Emerge should support shorthand." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:346281 - "Switches to modify emerge behavior during update/mergers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:346343 - "emerge --verbose --depclean should show depgraph until a world set item is matched" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:346351 - "--depclean is not able to clean away circular dependencies between packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:346435 - "app-emulators/beebem-0.0.13 - BeebEm (Acorn BBC B and Master 128 Emulator)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:346441 - "daemonfs ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:346443 - "[TRACKER] app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:346475 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: revdep-rebuild no longer works properly with --library regular expressions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:346561 - "sys-power/nut: UPS shutdown by usb fails due to usb no longer exists at system shutdown" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:346653 - "app-emacs/ebuild-mode: highlight /etc/portage/make.conf better" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:346671 - "app-office/flexibee (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:346713 - "sys-fs/jfsutils problem during linux start up: prompt to proceed "mkdir -p /var/lib/init.d"." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:346723 - "[gentoo-science] New ebuild: eselect module for intel c/c++ compiler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:346741 - "net-analyzer/cacti-0.8.7g with plugin-achitecture 2.9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:346803 - "[Tracker] Gentoo Hardened Documentation update tracker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:347187 - "sci-visualization/elastix - a toolbox for rigid and nonrigid registration of images" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:347189 - "New ebuilds: Zorp GPL - An advanced protocol analyzing firewall" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:347195 - "[science-overlay]: sci-libs/mesquite (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:347311 - "games-arcade/new-supaplex-803 - Clone of the game Supaplex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:347473 - "dev-util/trace (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:347515 - "net-mail/archiveopteryx-3.1.3: new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:347539 - "[Science] Please add PyRx to the tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:347611 - "java wrappers should output more helpful messages when system-vm is not set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:347613 - "Output more information in case of dependency resolution failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:347646 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.0_alpha4 has problems with make.profile being a relative symlink inside a relative symlinked dir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:347695 - "sys-apps/openrc: stop-start-daemon should have an option to open session for a user without dropping privs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:347825 - "app-shells/compleat - Generate command-line completions using a simple DSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:347836 - "sci-mathematics/nusvm-2.3.1 +minisat doesn't compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:347874 - "net-mail/lurker-2.3 - a mailing list archiver designed for capacity, speed, simplicity, and configurability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:347876 - "net-misc/openssh-5.6_p1-r2[X509] fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:348029 - "sci-biology/tablet-bin: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:348036 - "media-video/eos-movrec - EOS Camera Movie Record - Controls a Canon EOS camera" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:348135 - "net-analyzer/mgen - MGEN (Multi-Generator) is powerful network load generator and performance testing/measuring tool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:348206 - "Revived ebuild for sci-libs/comedilib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:348280 - "ebuild request: webcheck - a website checking tool for webmasters" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:348434 - "dev-db/sqlite-3.33.0[debug] fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:348843 - "alternatives module for eselect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:348863 - "mail-filter/procmail lmtp support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:348866 - "mail-mta/courier enable trashquota option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:348870 - "mail-mta/courier option to disable local-extensions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:348903 - "New ebuild dev-util/jsmin-20080803" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:348918 - "new ebuild for games-emulation/spacewar-0.1.0_beta" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:348940 - "x11-themes/human-theme-0.39.2 - Ubuntu's default desktop theme" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:349033 - "docbook-mathml ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:349081 - "[REQUEST] (new package) ebuild for the open-source game Zero Ballistics (v2.0)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:349105 - "ebuild app-i18n/scim-unikey request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:349210 - "new ebuild for evopedia - Offline Wikipedia Viewer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:349310 - "net-analyzer/mnc-9999 - A netcat-alike for multicast. Supports IPv4 and IPv6." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:349359 - "Robocode - a programming game, where the goal is to develop a robot battle tank to battle against other tanks in Java or .NET." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:349461 - "sys-apps/coreutils-8.8 getenforce command not found during src_test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:349592 - "sys-apps/openrc: document env cleansing in runscript(8)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:349702 - "gnome-base/gnome-keyring: add support for ssh agent at session startup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:349719 - "emerge needs the ability to fetch a subset of the portage tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:349994 - "Need Network Traffic Monitor (ntm) ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:350027 - "New ebuid: sci-libs/pygrib-1.8.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:350048 - "games-puzzle/atris - Alizarin tetris" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:350052 - "Ebuild request app-doc/opengl-manpages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:350112 - "ebuild request for Cover Thumbnailer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:350230 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge silently ignores packages with conflicting use settings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:350302 - "dev-util/android-sdk-update-manager: provide use-flag to switch X-dependencies on/off" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:350393 - "sasc-ng ebuild needed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:350649 - "games-action/noiz2sa-0.51a: random segfaults" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:350910 - "sys-apps/openrc: symlinked init scripts must be in the same directory as their symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:350939 - "app-editors/scribes - a text editor that is simple, slim and sleek, yet powerful (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:351104 - "dev-python/pykickstart-1.80 - python library that is used for reading and writing kickstart files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:351201 - "ruby-ng.eclass should handle creation of API documentation itself" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:351391 - "compFUSEd is a compressed overlay filesystem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:351417 - "net-mail/davmail-3.9.7.ebuild new ebuild for DavMail Exchange Gateway" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:351432 - "New Ebuild for bmpanel2-9999" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:351559 - "[TRACKER] packages failing to use parallel make" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:351563 - "[REQUEST] QxORM SQL ORM Library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:351630 - "zina-2.0_beta22.ebuld (update to zina version 2.0)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:351740 - "media-video/mplayer installs outdated localized man-pages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:351806 - "rarcrack ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:351808 - "Emerge Quick Sync" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:351964 - "Request for ebuild: dev-libs/libfreenect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:352010 - "media-libs/libid3tag-0.15.1b-r2 et_EE locale - genre.dat:68:1: error: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before 'static'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:352203 - "mail-filter/spamassassin-botnet gives a false positive for all IPv6 connections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:352225 - "ebuild request for granola" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:352340 - "dev-scheme/guile-1.8.8 fails socket.test when linux is built without IPv6 (Address family not supported by protocol)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:352387 - "dev-python/django-coverage (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:352502 - "new ebuild: dev-python/pyccuracy-1.2.45" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:352539 - "Ebuild for The League of Moveable Type fonts." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:352541 - "New ebuild: x11-plugins/imgur-integration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:352549 - "Request for ebuild: x11-misc/kinect-mouse" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:352676 - "Ebuild Request: AMD FirePro drivers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:352797 - "New package: sdictviewer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:352848 - "Add Package: net-misc/pimd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:352878 - "New package: dev-util/dwarf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:352981 - "dev-games/netradiant: new package (replace dev-games/gtkradiant)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:352984 - "sys-apps/portage- : slotted RDEPEND behavior is no longer preserving two versions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:353037 - "app-portage/ewo - Emerge (-e) World Optimizer (EWO)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:353233 - "sys-fs/jfsutils USE=static - Warning... fsck.jfs for device /dev/mapper/vg-tmp exited with signal 11." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:353295 - "app-admin/bomgar - Bomgar simplifies support by letting technicians control remote computers, servers, smartphones and network devices over the internet or network" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:353335 - "sci-geosciences/glosm-9999 - OpenGL viewer and tiler for openstreetmap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:353412 - "sys-power/m4api - M4ATX power supply utility" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:353508 - "sci-electronics/pcb2gcode-1.1.0 [New package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:353531 - "portage-2.2.0_alpha19: emerge prefers shell environment variable for http_proxy instead of make.conf settings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:353548 - "plotdrop-0.5.3.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:353649 - "portage-2.2.0-alpha19 - Wildcard atoms do not support version operators and SLOT handling is buggy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:353655 - "rgldg - generates word-lists from regular expressions (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:353895 - ">=dev-java/java-config-2.1.11 tries to use a JRE for building when set as system vm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:353981 - "javatoolkit rewrites build.xml incorrectly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:354327 - "app-misc/quickfast - C Implementation of FAST protocol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:354443 - "Make --newuse an alias for --reinstall=new-use" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:354459 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:354525 - "sys-apps/netplug - occasional eth0 failure to start with sys-apps/openrc, RC_PARALLEL=yes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:354543 - "[ebuild request] Orchard CMS (BSD license)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:354681 - "weird behaviour of --skip-first" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:354787 - "sys-apps/portage- - emerge does not reinstall lower SLOTs when USE flags have changed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:354829 - "Transmageddon is a video transcoder for Linux and Unix systems built using GStreamer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:354857 - "ebuild request for DVB Driver TBS 6980" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:354859 - "net-misc/ices init script enhancement" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:354879 - "New Package: greensql" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:354891 - "www-apps/sqlgreywebinterface - sgwi is a web-interface to SQLGrey (SQLGrey is a greylister for Postfix)." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:354893 - "mergeme() -> stat.S_ISREG() rewrite" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:354931 - "sys-apps/portage should say "turn off ccache before reporting a bug" on failure." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:355075 - "Please add an ebuild for pyroscope bittorrent tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:355173 - "gentoo mirror in Minsk, Belarus (BY)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:355327 - "dev-lang/zoem-10.265 - interpretive macro/programming language" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:355329 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.19: remount nfs root fs read/write does not work" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:355455 - "dev-db/mysql-5.1.51 fails to compile. strings/.libs/libmystrings.so: undefined reference to `finite'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:355497 - "New Package: games-util/qtsixa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:355673 - "games-server/bukkit ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:355887 - "x11-misc/xclip: running xclip-copyfile with --help results in unexpected output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:355937 - "New Package: app-backup/synkron-1.6.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:356193 - "net-analyzer/nagios-check_multi - a multi purpose wrapper plugin for Nagios" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:356247 - "new package - lucidor-0.9.3.ebuild - an e-book reader application" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:356329 - "dicom3tools ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:356341 - "net-mail/cyrus-imapd-2.4.12: deliver has wrong permissons." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:356399 - "dev-python/flask-debugtoolbar (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:356539 - "Create a meta ebuild to pull in needed packagers/unpackagers for file-roller, ark..." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:356669 - "app-eselect/eselect-ruby: patch to improve cooperation with gem command" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:356719 - "new ebuild dev-libs/libjsonspirit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:356737 - "dev-lang/mono incompatible with aslr, pie and large address spaces" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:356749 - "new ebuild: xvba-sdk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:357191 - "NFS-root netbooting with NFSv4 is impossible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:357199 - "severe typo in Chinese version of forum (word: moderator)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:357225 - "revdep-rebuild --library does not follow symlinked components in full paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:357227 - "sys-fs/cryptsetup init-script should support "keyscript"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:357253 - "sys-fs/ramlog - mounts a tmpfs/ramfs/ramdisk on /var/log and saves logs on shutdown" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:357443 - "dev-ruby/rre2: a ruby wrapper around the Google RE2 library for fuzzy matching" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:357523 - "Add QA check to ruby-fakegem.eclass to warn about vendored code" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:357623 - "Requesting update on portage system , an enhancement when indicating specific package version with emerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:357641 - "New package: games-puzzle/spacechem-demo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:357643 - "New package: games-puzzle/spacechem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:357869 - "sys-apps/kbd with sys-apps/openrc - windowkeys="NO" in /etc/conf.d/keymaps does not work reliably" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:358013 - "media-tv/xawtv-3.103 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:358077 - "sci-visualization/vtkPOFFReader: New ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:358125 - "media-sound/songwrite2: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:358447 - "net-proxy/squid init.d stopping too related from squid health" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:358505 - "[Ebuild request] sspi module for apache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:358697 - "New package: sys-fs/zfs-fuse" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:358721 - "www-plugins/roozz - browser plugin to allow you to run executable binaries within the browser window" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:358727 - "dev-lang/qb64 - a compiler (C++ emitter) with an editor (IDE) that strives for 100% Qbasic and QuickBasic 4.5 compatibility" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:358841 - "Gentoo Printing Guide- net-print/cups does not require users in lp group to be able to print" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:358905 - "M.A.R.S. — a riddiculous shooter to get into portage e.g. as games-arcade/mars" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:358967 - "sys-kernel/genkernel - TpmCrypt support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:359003 - "net-analyzer/free-sa-1.6.2 - Free Squid Analysis Report Generator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:359063 - "sys-apps/openrc-0.6.8 uses umount options unsupported by busybox in netmount" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:359111 - "improve mailing list bans/moderations transparency and tracking" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:359301 - "www-apps/piwik (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:359421 - "mail-mta/ssmtp-2.64 FromLineOverride option is ignored" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:359455 - "required documentation updates on the capabilites listing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:359551 - "ebuild request: DragonFly Mail Agent - mail-mta/dma" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:359805 - "media-gfx/draftsight-bin 2D CAD (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:360019 - "Search suggestions for atoms with version restrictions could be improved" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:360053 - "ebuild for teradata odbc driver (tdodbc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:360127 - "sys-apps/portage: support for -~* in package.keywords." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:360255 - "New ebuild to replace dev-java/jsr67-1.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:360283 - "[science overlay] virtual/geant (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:360309 - "mail-mta/courier should not create certificates by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:360447 - "emerge/portage does not handle resumes effectively in recent versions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:360545 - "quickpkg should support short options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:360761 - "dev-util/icescrum - the free platform for your agile developments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:360823 - "media-video/kazam - A screencasting program created with design in mind" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:360913 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-libnotify+: up-to-date and highly customizable libnotify plugin for Pidgin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:361051 - "[patch] requesting enhancement for tuxonice support with gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:361097 - "Submission of a new package: dev-java/jboss-init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:361185 - "Pion Network Library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:361191 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-twitterstatus - Use your Twitter account as your Pidgin status message" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:361207 - "dev-util/csup should be moved to dev-vcs/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:361215 - "media-sound/mt-daapd- init script: start-stop-daemon: did not create a valid pid in `/var/run/mt-daapd.pid'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:361441 - "New ebuild: l2tpv3tun-0.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:361491 - "net-dialup/roger-router: Implements fax over TCP on your Fritz!Box [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:361529 - "sys-apps/openrc: restart services with diff conf.d files when changing runlevels" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:361707 - "media-sound/osd-lyrics new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:361837 - "games-strategy/oilrush - A real-time strategy game based on control of oil platforms and naval/air units" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:361935 - "dev-java/java-config gjl fails when SIGCHLD ignored" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:361989 - "portage reports doing work in phases that have no work to be done" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:362317 - "dev-db/eXist (new package) - an open source native XML database" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:362707 - "media-gfx/font-manager-0.7.5 - A font management application for the GNOME desktop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:362921 - "media-gfx/gtkrawgallery ebuild request - retouching software for raw images" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:363307 - "provide virtual/eselect module for sci-chemistry/dssp and sci-chemistry/ksdssp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:363309 - "Added eclass for mgltools and move them from sci overlay to tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:363401 - "Attach `emerge --info' output to build log (always on failure, or always when opted in)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:363453 - "sys-fs/diskdev_cmds _FORTIFY_SOURCE indicates presence of overflow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:363565 - "dev-util/duma fails to build (error: open with O_CREAT in second argument needs 3 arguments)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:363567 - "sys-apps/portage: make emerge exit if unread news items are still present" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:363769 - "net-analyzer/snort needs explicit parameter to find daq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:363849 - "Advanced Search with set Status but unset ("---") Resolution finds no bugs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:364047 - "equery meta reports missing metadata.xml if an overlay is missing but main tree has" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:364107 - "x11-misc/xphoon-20000613 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:364115 - "games-arcade/moon-lander-1.0 - SDL game based on the classic moon lander" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:364129 - "media-gfx/iscan-network-nt- - EPSON Image Scan! Network Plugin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:364143 - "sys-apps/portage- leaves temp dir on NFS after successful emerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:364185 - "New ebuild: games-rpg/dtipb - Don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:364189 - "new package - www-apps/openmelody" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:364211 - "app-editors/nano[magic]: /bin/nano links to /usr/lib/libmagic.so" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:364227 - "qextserialport - cross-platform serial port class library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:364271 - "New ebuild: dev-ruby/ncursesw-ruby - ruby wrapper for ncurses with wide character support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:364357 - "games-misc/fortune-mod-giovine01 - Quotes from the italian blog 'Giovine01 - una mente binaria'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:364359 - "Enter Bug: make size of duplicate field search static (so it doesn't constantly move form elements around when refreshing)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:364479 - "games-strategy/spacezero: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:364487 - "[Future EAPI] Posix file-based capabilities support - Function for setting caps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:364689 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: revdep-rebuild should not scan /usr/lib{,64}/debug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:364709 - "media-gfx/iscan-plugin-cx4400 (new ebuild) for EPSON CX4300/CX4400/CX4450/CX5500/CX5600/DX4400/DX4450" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:365373 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: echangelog: add flag to ignore removals" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:365561 - "sci-geosciences/viking-1.1 - should install or RDEPEND on "gcget"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:366005 - "Support Ivan Čukić on creating a Gentoo-branded version of his stripes wallpaper" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:366121 - "Create gentoo grub2 theme" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:366143 - "net-vpn/strongswan ebuild issues/improvements" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:366503 - "New ebuild x11-drivers/asus-switcheroo for Asus laptops with nvidia cards" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:366609 - "net-analyzer/pf_ring-kmod-4.6.3 - A new type of network socket that improves packet capture speed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:366693 - "quickpkg should print a specific error message when disk is full" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:366723 - "Emerge --resume after successful emerge runs entire emerge again" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:366763 - "app-text/asciidoc-8.6.4 should RDEPEND on app-text/dblatex || ( www-client/w3m www-client/lynx )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:367221 - "portage should ask which package should use to satisfy a virtual" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:367893 - "new ebuild: media-gfx/tiledriller-2.2a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:368133 - "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.0: equery list -b '*' traceback" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:368435 - "proj/qa-scripts: genrdeps problems with || ( ( a b ) c)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:368475 - "app-portage/gentoolkit- revdep-rebuild emerge ordering problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:369033 - "emerge --depclean removes python version Portage is running on and then fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:369193 - "dev-embedded/jal fails to build with non-GNU/bfd linker (gold and other platforms)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:369811 - "sys-apps/openrc: Patch to measure time required for starting daemons (was: delay to sys-auth/consolekit init script)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:370085 - "app-portage/gentoolkit- euse should ignore/workaround GREP_OPTIONS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:370181 - "dev-ruby/bundler-1.0.13 bundle exec does not work together with bundle install installed gems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:371326 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: eclean-dist enhancement suggestions based on the script "distclean.py" that does [more or less] the same" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:371525 - "[TRACKER] packages with unaligned accesses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:371543 - "Offer vector graphic of newage/modern "gentoo" text" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:371735 - "Weak ownership aka. package affinity for files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:372005 - "sys-apps/portage- update silently ignores installed package which ebuild was removed or masked by keyword or license" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:372267 - "sys-process/lsof complains about accessing a path not under the specified +D path" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:372541 - "Add descriptive postinst usage msg to packages which fullfill virtual/fortran" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:372779 - "virtual/httpd-fastcgi should require actual CGI capabilities in webservers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:373405 - "An easy access to duplicate search for wranglers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:373843 - "virtual/initscripts for different initscripts implementations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:373905 - "emerge should suggest to use --tree for blocker troubleshooting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:374223 - "net-misc/memcached: support listening on socket" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:374771 - "app-portage/elt-patches: elibtoolize() should patch libtool-1.? which drops CFLAGS during --mode=link" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:374823 - "New flag: automask, automatically mask failed steps in the build queue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:374867 - "mono.eclass forces assemblies to be placed in wrong location" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:375115 - "sys-apps/portage: Improve depclean warning when trying to pull a system package due virtuals resolution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:375143 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.4.3 - sandbox violation in ldconfig -n /usr/lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:375169 - ">=sys-apps/portage- in cnf/logrotate.d/elog-save-summary there is an invalid option for <app-admin/logrotate-3.8.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:375415 - "www-misc/opa-9999.ebuild (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:375751 - "Allow ROOT=/prefix steps to reuse binary packages created for ROOT=/ during previous steps of the same emerge run" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:375975 - "app-doc/eclass-manpages: add @SEE_ALSO, @DEPRECATED, @EXPORTED, @PRE_INHERIT..." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:376187 - "app-misc/freefilesync - Open Source folder comparison and synchronization software" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:377205 - "[ebuild request] www-apps/mooha: Lightweight PHP-based SyncML server." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:377303 - "webapp.eclass: webapp_serverowned should die if arguments start with ${D}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:378289 - "sys-libs/db: builds static libraries without USE=static-libs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:378479 - "media-gfx/visualizationlibrary (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:378645 - "dev-perl/Math-Pari ignores ARCH / CFLAGS / ? and fails when compiling x86 userland on amd64 kernel" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:379279 - "media-gfx/mscgen[-png] cannot run tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:379345 - "logrotate skips summary.log because of insecure (group write) permissions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:379749 - "profile update is not applied to ROOT=... prefix resulting in file collision" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:379953 - "net-wireless/rtlwifi{,-firmware} new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:380025 - "[TRACKER] Packages that hard-code LIBDIR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:380233 - "Slot conflict halts parallel emerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:380237 - "sys-block/brcm_iscsi_uio- ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:380443 - "Store checksums of uncompressed versions of distfiles aside with the checksums of the compressed versions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:380637 - "app-misc/byobu with app-misc/screen - /etc/screenrc: termcapinfo xterm 'k1=\E[11~:k2=\E[12~:k3=\E[13~:k4=\E[14~' breaks F2-F4 functions keys" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:381583 - "app-portage/gentoolkit- equery check - UnicodeDecodeError" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:382167 - "New ebuild: net-misc/umph" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:382345 - "sys-apps/openrc: start-stop-daemon(1) should allow --retry for --signal as well" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:382755 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.0_alpha55 --depclean wants to remove $package (such as pysqlite) and emerge @world -uDN wants to remerge it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:383193 - "app-emulation/bochs bundles a copy of libltdl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:383329 - "media-libs/libsidplay bundles media-libs/resid, and lmms bundles one or the other" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:383499 - "media-video/periscope - python module for searching subtitles on the web" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:383989 - "some newer opengl graphics drivers needs paxctl -m" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:384109 - "gentoolkit: revdep-rebuild unnecessarily rebuilds packages with .la files not intended for linking" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:384193 - "sys-apps/portage: add a check to detect -Werror usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:384201 - "[new] Request ebuild for ruby/unicorn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:384457 - "Verify metadata.xml using Relax-NG schema (instead of DTD)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:384545 - "media-libs/libpano13-2.9.18 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:384579 - "app-admin/conky-colors-8.1.1 - an easier way to configure Conky" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:384717 - "portage- is unable to find a gcc update if not explicitly tell" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:384719 - "New ebuild: SendmailAnalyzer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:384857 - "Can't load loop image from NFS that is a symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:384869 - "app-admin/webalizer should not die on USE=nls and no LINGUAS in pkg_setup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:384899 - ""emerge --autounmask=no" shows only mask errors and no use errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:385015 - "dev-lang/ossp-js - a javascript engine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:385329 - "sys-apps/portage: remove support for p.unmask in profiles/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:385333 - "Remove profiles/package.unmask from overlays" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:385785 - "Ajax-based search on enter_bug (Expert mode) does not return near-100% matches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:385995 - "media-gfx/flam3-3.0.1 adds itself CFLAGS="-g"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:386473 - "net-libs/ntrack - Network connectivity tracking library for desktop applications" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:386965 - "media-video/dirac has automagic dependency on dev-util/cppunit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:387061 - "New ebuild games-roguelike/tome4-1.0.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:387067 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2: sets/portage.conf should use a layer of indirection for implementation classes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:387107 - "[RFC] sys-apps/openrc: --wait should periodically check for pidfile existence" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:387139 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge fails to handle simple slot conflict" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:387355 - "sys-apps/openrc: use of extended regular expressions with "sed" may not be supported on some systems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:387391 - "sys-apps/portage make --buildpkgonly less hackish" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:388049 - "Permissions within /var/tmp/portage are non-consistent and unusable (for GDB) for non-root user" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:388213 - "Detect LICENSE/COPYING files in ${ED}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:388543 - "New package: app-pda/syncevolution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:388611 - "Duplicate gutenprint printer driver names in cups model list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:388997 - "sys-apps/portage (and echangelog): Automated ChangeLog generation has different behavior for Manifest file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:389249 - "12.2 Merging/Directories requires PM to do the impossible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:390201 - "Make --ask more interactive, providing support for partial target updates" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:390257 - "Race condition in emerge when aborting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:390323 - "dev-debug/valgrind-3.7.0: fails to run because of undefined strlen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:391165 - "New package: dev-java/sqlite-jdbc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:391323 - "Make --quiet-build less quiet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:391359 - "portage-2.2.0_alpha77: Masked package message misleading (due to backtracking)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:391365 - "dev-ruby/virtualbox-0.9.1 - Create and modify virtual machines in VirtualBox using pure ruby" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:391439 - "extensible uri protocols" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:391443 - "sys-kernel/genkernel doesnt autodetect the key device if at other address than specified" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:391701 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: Split gentoolkit into separate packages and make gentoolkit a meta ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:391945 - "sys-apps/openrc: Dependency loop solver from Debian" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:392239 - "[Future EAPI] BADEPEND - built-against deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:392289 - "app-admin/monit should be started as last service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:393139 - "[science overlay] sci-chemistry/nwchem - Delivering High-Performance Computational Chemistry to Science" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:393445 - "stage3 should be the @system set and the accumulation of "packages.default"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:393527 - "[science] sci-libs/k3match - Fast matching of large sets of points in 3D space, in O(N log N) time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:393673 - "[TRACKER] x32 porting issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:394335 - "Show genlop-like ETA with quiet-build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:394411 - "Synchronise installation of intel devel tools and make it eselectable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:394691 - "Add timestamps to emerge's output (esp. with --quiet-build=y)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:394775 - "Improved output for 'emerge --buildpkgonly' dependency failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:394857 - "libtool.eclass: relink patch cleanup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:394939 - "emerge.log shows emerge leaked arguments (--quiet-build=? --package-moves=?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:395153 - "media-libs/libfishsound-1.0.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:395203 - "sys-apps/mdadm-3.2.1 not shutting down imsm raid array properly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:396153 - "persistent administrative override of file and directory permissions (like dpkg-statoverride)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:396169 - "savedconfig.eclass - re-building and then upgrading deletes previous configuration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:396233 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.20-r1: odd agetty (?) behavior change" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:396315 - "PKG_INSTALL_MASK is not supported by quickpkg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:396735 - "net-misc/twonky - media server, that allows connected devices to browse and stream media files over a home network" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:397703 - "New ebuild: www-misc/abloadtool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:397837 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: equery should have a "last installed" list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:398051 - "[TRACKER] Files installed in /bin, /lib and /sbin linking to libraries in /usr/lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:398053 - "sys-apps/coreutils[gmp]: /bin/expr links to /usr/lib/libgmp.so" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:398099 - "New ebuild: dev-python/simplekml - Python module that creates KML files with the least possible effort" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:398273 - "sys-apps/modprobed_db - Keeps track of EVERY kernel module that has ever been probed. Useful for 'make localmodconfig'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:398295 - "stage3-amd64-20120105 has PAGER=/usr/bin/less set but sys-apps/less not installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:398657 - "sys-apps/portage: ebuild helpers should die when given extra arguments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:398773 - "[Tracker] Ebuilds with bad or broken headers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:398899 - "www-servers/apache: /var/log/apache2 shouldn't be world readable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:399013 - "[Tracker] Requests for printer drivers, for hardware NOT covered by existing gentoo packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:399837 - "portage-2.2.0_alpha84: no message on corrupt distfile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:400705 - "More versatile return codes for emerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:400913 - "app-portage/gentoolkit improvement for rdepend scan" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:401995 - "gnome-extra/evolution-tray - The plugin for placing evolution in notification area" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:402293 - "net-misc/whois doesn't honor LINGUAS for locale files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:402467 - "Signals should be blocked on actual merge/unmerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:402581 - "[Future EAPI] Add pkg_test() and a FEATURES=run-test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:403157 - "Script to dynamically add user rubygems bindir to PATH" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:403207 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.0_alpha85: autounmask doesn't satisfy REQUIRED_USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:403319 - "New ebuild: games-engines/flare a free Action RPG Engine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:403337 - "app-emulation/virtualbox: save machine state when shutting down" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:403655 - "x11-libs/wxGTK doesn't honor LINGUAS for locale files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:404207 - "check-reqs.eclass needs porting for non-Linux platforms" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:404443 - "x11-misc/cairo-dock-9999 - a pretty, light and convenient interface to your desktop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:404495 - "dev-util/gtk-doc: automagic build-time detection of pdf generator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:405297 - "--autounmask-write should write to a default file(name) in /etc/portage/package.*/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:405485 - "[TRACKER] Packages not respecting LINGUAS when installing locales" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:405561 - "emerge gives unhelpful message if manifest changes during runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:406003 - "sys-apps/portage : missing RDEPEND on less" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:406207 - "app-portage/genlop always reports "no working merge found" on all platforms" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:406445 - "Add "My Votes" link" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:406499 - "emerge failure when compiling on separate machines in Prefix on a shared NFS mount" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:406687 - "media-radio/morse (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:406759 - "sys-fs/mdadm-3.1.4: silent failure with large volumes and metadata 0.90" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:407167 - "sys-apps/openrc: localmount unmounts all local filesystems when switching or booting to runlevel 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:407195 - "net-misc/openvpn: path to network tools get hardcoded at build time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:407279 - "Gentoo Bugzilla sends secure bugs in dos(?) format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:407351 - "Dependency resolver should automatically pull an older version to resolve circular dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:407809 - "Retire: Michael Palimaka (kensington)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:408065 - "app-portage/g-cpan : g-cpan -i "Image::Magick" should check for "+perl" USE flag in media-gfx/imagemagick" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:408307 - "media-gfx/hp2xx-3.4.4 - to_x11.c:47:22: fatal error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:408519 - "app-shells/bash partly ignores *FLAGS, fails to cross-compile because of this" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:408909 - "New package: games-arcade/cervi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:408963 - "[TRACKER] Support LLVM/Clang as alternative system compiler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:409813 - ">=media-libs/openjpeg-1.5.0 needs to build (or have USE flag to enable) extensions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:409821 - "dev-php/pear-1.9.4 fails quitely on network errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:409849 - "etc-update does not work with Emacs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:410069 - "emerge --info does not take into consideration package.env" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:410173 - "net-misc/blitzableiter ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:410395 - "media-sound/alsa-firmware always installs hdsp/hdspm firmware" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:410721 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.0_alpha99 - Parameter substitution in portage environment files doesn't work anymore" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:411061 - "Ebuilds for Brother MFC-6490CW LPR driver and CUPS wrapper" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:411069 - "Portage shouldn't check $EAPI to get the EAPI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:411375 - "Request documentation about libtool archive (.la)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:411457 - "new ebuilds: games-strategy/opendungeons games-strategy/opendungeons-data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:411523 - ">=app-text/texi2html-5.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:411559 - "sys-kernel/genkernel cmdline encrypted volumes w/ LUKS support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:411649 - "sys-libs/tdb and sys-libs/talloc fails to build into ROOT without python" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:411957 - ">sys-fs/dmraid-1.0.0_rc14 can't read LBA extended partitions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:412003 - "x11-apps/xinit: support /usr/share/xsessions in chooser.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:412241 - "www-servers/apache init script on lxc/openvz/vserver host" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:412425 - "app-portage/gentoolkit - have echangelog check the validity of "e-mail addresses"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:412619 - "dev-util/coprthr - CO-PRocessing THReads (COPRTHR) SDK (new cl implementation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:413311 - "Clarify the difference between DEPEND and RDEPEND for strong blockers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:413347 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: echangelog; please add an option not to print the diff" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:414327 - "dev-libs/libcsv - A simple, fast library to read and write CSV data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:414955 - "Portage should undefine FEATURES inside ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:414997 - "[TRACKER] Packages depending on old versions at the same stabilization level" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:415167 - "=app-text/texi2html-5.0-r1 installs bundled copies of libintl-perl and Unicode-EastAsianWidth in /usr/share/texi2html/lib/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:415201 - "emerge --quiet-build=y should show per-package build times" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:415249 - "sys-apps/util-linux: fsck -a should skip fs mounted rw already" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:415443 - "net-fs/junglediskworkgroup-3.16 - Networked storage/backup using Amazon's S3 service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:415971 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge should not install (or, at least, warn) when trying to install empty files with dodoc and similar helpers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:416341 - "java-vm-2.eclass: ROOT is not handled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:416429 - "virtual/checkpassword circular dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:416667 - "Ebuilds should have method (variable) to record bundled libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:416707 - "app-portage/gentoolkit- revdep-rebuild --library foo|foo2 segfaults" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:416719 - "portage needs an ebuild-helpers/internal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:416783 - "sys-apps/shadow-4.1.5 dev-db/postgresql-server cannot start via initscript "su: Cannot drop the controlling terminal"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:416871 - "sys-apps/portage- emerge instructions to break circular dependencies are incomplete due to FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:416907 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge option to remove package and its dependencies (equivalent to emerge --deselect <packages> && emerge --depclean, but only remove specified <packages> and their dependencies which are no longer needed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:417013 - "Decouple repository format from EAPI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:417099 - "games-simulation/cubetrain new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:417163 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.0_alpha107: slot conflict display is too verbose when showing "installed) pulled in by"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:417505 - "ruby-ng inherit in eapi4 mess S variable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:417671 - "Product change page should display Component descriptions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:417675 - "Fixing the recursive dependency hell with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:417881 - "Add check for missing/automagic deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:417941 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge should automatically skip fetch restricted packages if restriction is not solved" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:418221 - "scope of sandbox variables varies between the managers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:418991 - "sys-apps/portage: please provide ability to call 'ebuild ... unpack' with unsatisfied REQUIRED_USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:419381 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.0_alpha109: emerge autounmask comment shows confusing "required by" dependency graph" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:419421 - "new ebuilds: games-fps/unvanquished games-fps/unvanquished-data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:419579 - "Retire: Sergey Popov (pinkbyte)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:420165 - "Add init scripts for encrypted swap and jails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:420189 - "FEATURES='userpriv userfetch' still leaves local distdir/ owned by root:root" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:420241 - "media-libs/x264 doesn't support x32 ABI with asm code" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:420435 - "net-firewall/ebtables should check for kernel configuration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:420445 - "etc-update / dispatch.conf should accept a config file of accept / reject tuples" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:421337 - "media-libs/sdl-mixer, media-libs/sdl2-mixer cannot be merged to USE flags constraints" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:421353 - "'The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied:' is not specific enough" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:423265 - "net-analyzer/icinga restricts tests due to missing dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:423293 - "emerge --verbose --tree: group pulled in dependencies by USE flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:423745 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxx-0.0_p20120528: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:424283 - "[Future EAPI] Runtime-switchable USE flags, used only for deps and REQUIRED_USE (GLEP 62)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:424339 - "ruby-ng.eclass should deal with the eselected ruby not being in USE_RUBY for an ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:424531 - "autotools.eclass and econf failure of "error: po/Makefile.in.in was not created by intltoolize."" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:425132 - "dev-db/riak - highly scalable, schema-free document-oriented database" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:425174 - "sys-devel/autogen fails to cross-compile: checking whether strcspn matches prototype and works...: configure: error: cannot run test program while cross compiling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:425240 - "dev-ruby/simple-rss-1.2.3-r1: fails tests due to lack of UTF-8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:425308 - "media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta: about using global "encode" USE flag to pull in encoders" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:425682 - "True parallel fetch for each job running (current parallel-fetch is asynchronous)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:425702 - "[TRACKER] The LICENSE variable should always include the license of installed init scripts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:425786 - "media-video/mkclean-0.8.6-r1: bundles or statically links libz/libbz2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:425874 - "app-admin/sud LICENSE variable does not reflect init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:425878 - "app-admin/sysklogd's LICENSE variable does not reflect init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:425892 - "app-crypt/heimdal's LICENSE variable does not reflect init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:425930 - "dev-libs/cyrus-sasl's LICENSE variable does not reflect init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:425932 - "dev-libs/opencryptoki LICENSE variable does not reflect init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:425972 - "media-sound/shoutcast-trans-bin's LICENSE variable does not reflect init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:426032 - "net-ftp/tftp-hpa's LICENSE variable does not reflect init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:426046 - "net-mail/popa3d's LICENSE variable does not reflect init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:426076 - "net-misc/ntp's LICENSE variable does not reflect init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:426104 - "net-nds/rpcbind's LICENSE variable does not reflect init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:426148 - "sys-apps/netkit-base's LICENSE variable does not reflect init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:426156 - "sys-apps/xmbmon's LICENSE variable does not reflect init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:426166 - "sys-process/anacron's LICENSE variable does not reflect init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:426222 - "sys-apps/portage: autounmask could handle USE conflicts better" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:426262 - "autotools eclasses should rename configure.in to configure.ac internally (automake-1.14 compatibility)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:426286 - "dev-php/xhprof-0.9.2 missing files/functionality" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:426450 - "Using "File a new bug" on the bugzilla search result page leads to a different bug entry form than "New" in the header" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:426564 - "dev-libs/dmalloc-5.5.2-r7: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:426944 - "OpenRC: split mount tasks per mountpoints" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:426948 - "sys-apps/openrc - stacked runlevels break dependency order" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:427092 - "sys-apps/fbset may provide /etc/fb.modes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:427188 - "media-libs/id3lib: fails to read ID3 v2.4 tags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:427190 - "drop obsolete USE masks for sys-fs/evms" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:427216 - "openrc should also log stderr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:427290 - "app-portage/gentoolkit-9999: revdep-rebuild does not detect all missing libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:427346 - "=dev-scheme/guile-1.8.8-r1 fails to build with clang-3.1-r4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:427362 - "media-libs/libsmf-1.3: collides with media-sound/jack-smf-utils" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:427654 - "QA failure detecting improper CXXFLAGS when FC/FFCFLAGS are not set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:427672 - "Detect ignorance of CC & CXX (and other tools, like pkg-config?) through provision of gcc/g++/etc wrappers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:427888 - "[TRACKER] Introduction of xattr based pax markings to Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:427920 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: epkinfo should have an option to show plain output for piping to a file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:427938 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge ignores optional build-time only dependencies when updating system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:428018 - "x11-misc/mdm - display manager used in Linux Mint" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:428082 - "sys-apps/portage ( and 2.2.0_alpha120) symlink-preserve warning: "ignore list" request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:428262 - "pkg_pretend() make calls cause 'Permission denied' errors with distcc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:428268 - "PORT_LOGDIR split logs for pretend/merge/unmerge unnecessarily" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:428792 - "Provide Unity on Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:429308 - "[tracker] ebuilds not forcing verbose build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:429498 - "sys-infiniband/mstflint-1.4: ignores cflags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:429506 - "dev-ruby/bundler - fetching fakeweb, artifice, sinatra, rake, rack, and builder for the tests to use..." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:429732 - "sys-apps/portage: collision between file and directory symlink requires special handling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:429966 - "sys-fs/cryptsetup: Migrate from /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt to /etc/crypttab" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:430028 - "sci-geosciences/gmt-4.5.8: collides with sci-geosciences/gshhs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:430082 - "qmail.eclass: qmail_set_cc should generate verbose output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:430102 - "sys-apps/portage: running emerge in a directory that will be deleted outputs lots of "getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:430126 - "dev-libs/libmemcached-1.0.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:430160 - "Please consider increasing the bugzilla attachment size limit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:430406 - "Typo on Foundation_news.xml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:430426 - "sys-fs/nilfs-utils - nilfs_cleanerd does not run when /dev/root is missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:430616 - "media-libs/libifp- _FORTIFY_SOURCE reports presence of overflow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:430702 - "[TRACKER] sys-libs/musl porting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:430914 - "[TRACKER] Packages depending on app-text/doxygen[dot]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:431038 - "sys-apps/sandbox: path checks miss chroot() behavior" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:431106 - "Forum Confirmation Email Includes Plaintext Password" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:431280 - "app-arch/p7zip fails to cross-compile, hardcodes the target arch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:431348 - "[Future EAPI] Clean up 'merging and unmerging' rules" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:431408 - "[Future EAPI] USE_EXPAND should be possible per package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:431578 - "app-shells/gentoo-bashcomp - proper support for atoms preceded by equal sign in _pkgname()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:431614 - "[science overlay] intel-sdp.eclass: please extract all RPMs in one call to tar" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:431662 - "sys-infiniband/infinipath-psm-2.9-r1: fails to build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:433127 - "=media-video/lives-2.4.6 - New package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:433145 - "Driver for Realtek 5289 Card Reader" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:433515 - "emerge app-text/NaturalDocs-1.52 : request Prefix support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:433563 - "Provide config.site with cached values for common system tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:433916 - "[Tracker] Packages not respecting udevdir= variable from udev.pc (and not using udev.eclass for it)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:434152 - "When upgrading packages blocking one another, portage could delay the merge until both are built" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:434268 - "dev-util/catalyst: custom CHOST vs stage3+" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:434624 - "app-shells/bash: tests: QA Notice: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:434728 - "app-text/calibre-bin - binary version of app-text/calibre" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:434830 - "net-print/hplip-3.12.6-r1 - checks for updates when configured not to (default)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:434850 - "net-dialup/ngetty-1.1 - A daemon for virtual console terminals" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:435070 - "eclassdoc: @tag for eclass-exported variables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:435514 - "app-shells/xiki - A shell console with GUI features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:435954 - "Portage: please lift the 'package name must not end with hyphen-version' requirement" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:436722 - "app-text/bibclean-2.11.4: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:437084 - "app-text/openjade-1.3.2-r4 - broken /usr/lib64/*.la (requires -lstdc++)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:437262 - "app-text/fbreader-0.99.1 produces non-working binary with ld.gold" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:437398 - "sys-fs/diskdev_cmds version bump request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:437932 - "app-shells/gentoo-bashcomp: bash 4 breaks versioned atom (=*) completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:438028 - "sys-fs/quota - quotacheck: Cannot stat() mounted device /dev/root: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:438178 - "dev-util/catalyst should gpg sign the DIGESTS file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:438292 - "app-portage/gentoolkit- - equery b mishandles directory search" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:438380 - "[tracker] software that relies on /dev/root" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:438490 - "www-plugins/mozilla-gnome-keyring - A firefox extension that enables Gnome Keyring integration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:438502 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --emptytree pulls in python:2.6 when backtracking for python:2.7 slot conflict" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:438636 - "sci-biology/ucsc-genome-browser-260: tries to link libpng.a and fails (due to missing -lm)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:438830 - "media-sound/ambdec - An Ambisonic decoder for first and second order" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:438904 - "fortran.eclass?: provide function for short fortran compiler name" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:438964 - "sys-apps/openrc-0.10.5 writes to /lib64/rc/console/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:439042 - "portage should prefer a no-masked package when there are more packages with same $PN" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:439082 - "sys-boot/grub: does not boot when built with gold linker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:439092 - "[tracker] services misusing "need net"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:439424 - "Document the recommendation of *not* setting downgrading dependencies on 'the same stabilization level" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:439574 - "sys-apps/coreutils: tests set low VM limit (ulimit) which crashes due to higher memory usage w/sandbox active" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:439580 - "media-sound/oggsplit - a simple tool for splitting multiplexed (grouped or chained) Ogg files into separate streams" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:439938 - "sys-apps/openrc-0.11.2 does not allow vlans and bridges to be used together" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:440220 - "app-admin/eselect: profile.eselect: support long descriptions of profiles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:440484 - "apache-2.eclass: some elog messages should only be shown for the first install." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:440524 - "man 5 ebuild does not describe mirror:// syntax for SRC_URIs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:441672 - "emerge should use a timer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:442076 - "sys-apps/portage: option to only pull in the latest lower SLOTted version if it satisfies all the installed dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:442110 - "net-fs/usmb - FUSE filesystem for SMB shares" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:442176 - "games-util/steam-launcher - New package - Installer for Valve's Steam client for Linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:442224 - "savedconfig.eclass: only show elog messages on first install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:442388 - "app-backup/storebackup - Storebackup is a backup suite that stores files on other disks." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:442526 - "emerge should auto-resume and/or clean binpkgs that are in Packages but have digest mismatches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:442548 - "sys-devel/gcc: doesn't build n32 libraries in n64 mips multilib config" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:443512 - "[science overlay] sci-physics/fullprof-bin (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:443528 - "=net-misc/olsrd-0.6.4 uses bundled nmealib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:443612 - "Wrong terminology in multiple package instances in a snigle package slot error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:443718 - "mail-filter/dcc-1.3.55: fortify sources report presence of overflow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:444149 - "Please document how to handle Kernel security bugs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:444206 - "[TRACKER] Packages that install .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:444402 - "net-misc/memcached - Malformed pid filename when running multiple instances" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:444610 - "sys-apps/openrc output is unfriendly on high resolution/wide monitors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:444800 - "Octave Forge framework - alternative for app-portage/g-octave" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:444828 - "Provide eclass support for libraries with ruby bindings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:444894 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --tree should display the most relevant parent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:444952 - "Add KDE Plasma Mobile support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:445374 - "app-admin/keepass printing does not work" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:445582 - "Name ppp devices arbitrarily" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:446014 - "dev-perl/Apt-Pkg - Perl interface to libapt-pkg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:446018 - "sys-fs/cryptsetup - dmcrypt init script should use keymaps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:446752 - "app-misc/sphinx : add USE=static-libs support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:447118 - "FEATURES=clean-logs can be dangerous" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:447140 - "Please allow ebuilds (eclasses) to prohibit metadata updates in special cases" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:447142 - "portage does not detect cache invalidity triggered by special environment variables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:447324 - "sys-apps/portage : emerge -C/-c doesn't report that it is waiting for a lock file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:447328 - "sys-kernel/genkernel-3.4.45: encrypted filesystems from initramfs.mounts cannot be mounted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:447658 - "root's ownership in PKGDIR impossible on certain NFS shares" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:447778 - "dev-util/intltool-debian - Internationalization Tool Collection with support for RFC822 compliant config files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:447878 - "net-misc/scamper - Parallel Internet measurement utility" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:447970 - "sys-apps/sandbox makes autoconf's getcwd long path test take hours" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:447992 - "extend profiles to handle wildcards for masks et al" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:448458 - "Invalid USE-dep reports should list the whole dep atom" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:448704 - "dev-util/lintian - Debian package checker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:448882 - "[Tracker] packages not providing systemd units" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:449094 - "Support for "passthru subslots" to rebuild all the reverse dependency graph." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:449316 - "[Tracker] eselect-java bugs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:449450 - "app-benchmarks/ramspeed-3.5.0: fails to build with hardened/PIE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:450410 - "dev-java/maven-bin and app-eselect/eselect-java should install /usr/bin/mvnDebug symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:450444 - "dev-util/gammaray - Tool to poke around in a Qt application and manipulate it to some extent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:450736 - "sys-apps/portage- spaces in the patch filenames" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:451024 - "running out of space during merge leaves unrecorded files in files system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:451080 - "sys-apps/portage emerge.log should record fetch time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:451158 - "sys-apps/portage: handle [Errno 28] No space left on device (ENOSPC) errors when there is no space left on /var/tmp/portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:451396 - "app-portage/flaggie-0.2-r3 - Should not remove category/* if there are still packages installed from that category." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:451446 - "sys-cluster/fake-1.1.10: ignores cflags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:451744 - "[TRACKER] Packages failing to build (or still using AM_CONFIG_HEADER, AM_PROG_CC_STDC) with automake 1.13" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:451810 - "dev-libs/tvmet-1.7.2-r1[doc] fails to install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:451974 - "mvn launcher doesn't respect GENTOO_VM env. var." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:452054 - "sci-astronomy/pyraf-2.0 - PyRAF is a command language for running IRAF tasks that is based on the Python scripting language." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:452374 - "app-admin/sshguard-1.5 - add support for other firewall backends" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:452474 - "net-analyzer/munin-2.0.9-r1: fails tests on an IPv6-only system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:452732 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge should have an option to be stricter when updating and try to update all packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:453132 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.0_alpha157: '* Fatal error: No module named portage' in middle of 'emerge -C'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:453300 - "app-eselect/eselect-java, support GENTOO_MAVEN env var like GENTOO_VM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:453438 - "app-misc/egads-0.9.5-r2: installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:453618 - "sys-apps/portage: better optional runtime dependency handling with IUSE_RUNTIME (GLEP 62)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:453658 - "dev-util/jenkins - application that monitors executions of repeated jobs, such as building a software project or jobs run by cron." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:453664 - "x11-themes/gartoon-redux-1.10 - make: execvp: rsvg: Permission denied (PATCH)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:454472 - "emerge incorrectly warns that PORTAGE_BINHOST is unset when ROOT is also set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:454644 - "[TRACKER] gx86 multilib eclass attempt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:454684 - "app-portage/smart-live-rebuild-1.3: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:454898 - "Portage should warn or stop when GENTOO_MIRRORS contains address not up" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:454942 - "sys-fs/cryptsetup-1.6.0 fails tests (tcrypt-images/tc_2-rmd160-lrw-aesUUID)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:455756 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-bot-sentry-1.3.0: fails to build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:455842 - "apache-2.eclass: should check for CONFIG_SYSVIPC in kernel" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:455904 - "PMS is unclear on the meaning of subslots" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:456008 - "sys-apps/portage- PORTAGE_TMPDIR busy after IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:456076 - "portage declares variables like D and ED readonly, making it impossible to localize them" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:456078 - "Allow to automatically run emerge --ask --update --newuse --deep --with-bdeps=y @world from depclean" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:456730 - "buildsyspkg FEATURE package list must be USE-extendable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:456766 - "dev-python/matplotlib: bundles x11-libs/agg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:456780 - "media-libs/icclib-2.14: iccdump segfaults on startup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:456938 - "dev-perl/XML-SAX-0.990.0, dev-perl/XML-SAX-Base-1.80.0: Fail to remove vendor_perl/.../ParserDetails.ini on unmerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:457530 - "[TRACKER] Failures with sys-libs/ncurses[tinfo]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:457592 - "Please remove redundant /lib and /usr/lib entries from LDPATH in /etc/env.d/00basic env file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:457598 - "kernel-2.eclass: show elog messages only first time the package is installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:457986 - "net-misc/cadaver-0.24: fails to install NLS files due to automake >=1.12 and calls commands that do not exist (@mkdir_p@)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:457990 - "dev-lang/python smtplib.SMTP.__init__() fails to catch "Resource temporarily unavailble" unavailable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:458058 - "dependency information not tracked back correctly (due to ||() deps?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:458124 - "Allow PATH overrides in OpenRC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:458276 - "genkernel mount /usr fails because of iversion mount option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:458292 - "media-libs/libdv calls unnecessarily epunt_cxx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:458446 - "app-accessibility/rhvoice-1.0 - Free and open source speech synthesizer for Russian language" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:458530 - "games-rpg/deliantra-client new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:458894 - "games-action/supertuxkart bundles a copy of dev-games/irrlicht and sci-physics/bullet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:459038 - "sys-apps/portage- preserve-libs does not work for libs that are dynamically removed from the ld.so search path by tools like binutils-config and gcc-config" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:459064 - "libtool.eclass: elibtoolize fails with whitespace in PORTAGE_TMPDIR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:459116 - "app-admin/rex-0.39.0: collides with dev-ruby/rexical" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:459270 - "sys-block/gpart - HOMEPAGE / SRC_URI 404" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:459776 - "media-gfx/converseen - verify dependency on imagemagick/graphicsmagick" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:459936 - "multiprocessing.eclass: please support nesting of subprocesses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:460066 - "net-analyzer/kojoney - low level interaction honeypot that emulates an SSH server" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:460102 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.0_alpha164 did not execute profile update package move" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:460386 - "dev-util/omake fails to build with ncurses[tinfo]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:460414 - "emerge <pkg> doesn't error out if <pkg> is ambiguous but one of the packages is already installed and reinstalls that one" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:460474 - "LVM does not search zfs zvols for VGs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:460588 - "app-editors/se-3.0 - A screen oriented version of the classic editor, ed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:460866 - "sys-apps/portage: add QA check for link to libraries provided by previous version of package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:461314 - "app-editors/vim-core - vimrc autocmd violates global options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:461422 - "sys-apps/portage- emerge --usepkg cancels out --rebuild-if-new-rev" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:461500 - "sys-process/procps: vmstat test fails with hardened/grsec & FEATURES="userpriv"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:461812 - "net-misc/openbgpd - Implementation of the Border Gateway Protocol from OpenBSD" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:461874 - "sys-devel/crossdev: change build CFLAGS/etc... into BUILD_CFLAGS/etc... and generate clean/default CFLAGS in package.env" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:462058 - "[TRACKER] packages not providing openrc scripts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:462060 - "sys-apps/ipmiutil should install init scripts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:462298 - "svte, A minimal, tabbed, VTE-based terminal, ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:462352 - "sys-apps/sandbox: add man pages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:462482 - "Support ${repository}/profiles/{package.accept_keywords,package.keywords}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:462564 - "mail-filter/pfixtools - SRS daemon for Postfix MTA" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:462776 - "x11-libs/fltk-1.3.2 wrong FLTK_INCLUDE_DIRS in /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FLTKConfig.cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:462910 - "sys-apps/portage- emerge --regen --jobs fails to honour system limits" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:463326 - "sys-cluster/ceph bundles dev-cpp/gtest dev-libs/jerasure dev-libs/gf-complete and many more packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:463489 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: equery uses does not always display all use flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:463734 - "Provide a way to enforce using packages from a repo even if newer version is elsewhere" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:463846 - "dev-libs/gobject-introspection - dumper.py file for g-ir-scanner calls `gcc' directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:463964 - "FEATURES=getbinpkg can not be overriden in /etc/portage/package.env" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:463976 - "sys-apps/portage: rebuild triggered by dependency upgrade has incorrect merge order, caused by circular dependencies (affects slot-operator/sub-slot rebuilds and --rebuild-* options)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:463994 - "Please allow users to set uid/gid and perms for $PKGDIR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:464662 - "quickpkg --include-config=y breaks config file protection" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:464906 - "sys-apps/portage: support pkgmirrors, like thirdpartymirrors but for PORTAGE_BINHOST load-balancing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:464912 - "emerge should make autounmask-written file name configurable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:465124 - "sci-chemistry/psi-4.0 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:465192 - "[Future EAPI] Please support 'exit hooks'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:465202 - "net-im/instantbird - Cross-platform instant messenging client based on XULRunner and libpurple" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:465312 - "Noticing odd portage behavior when building gcc with USE="-gcj" on command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:465414 - "sys-apps/portage: app-arch/libarchive - dependency conflict (subslot related?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:465500 - "'emerge -uvDN --resume --skipfirst world' fails with Invalid resume list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:465762 - "media-gfx/xli-1.17.0-r4 fails to build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:465976 - "dev-util/jsonrpc-cpp-0.4 -- an implementation of the JSON-RPC protocol in C++, based upon JsonCpp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:465980 - "dev-lang/snobol-1.4.1 multiple sandbox violations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:466338 - "net-print/cups-pk-helper doesn't honor lpadmin group" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:466484 - "portage complains about 'automake --get-libdir' call" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:466648 - "dev-ml/ocaml-bitstring - request new package from ibormuth overlay" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:467118 - "sys-apps/kexec-tools: purgatory/purgatory.c:1:0: error: code model ‘large’ not supported in x32 mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:467350 - "=sys-libs/talloc-2.0.8 with distcc - Build failed: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'bin/default/lib/replace/getpass_2.d'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:467610 - "=app-accessibility/sphinx2-0.6 fails with automake-1.13 - error: 'AM_PROG_CC_STDC': this macro is obsolete" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:467702 - "sys-apps/portage- "r U" upgrades and the implied "rR" rebuilds (--rebuild-if-new-rev) all emerged by --buildpkgonly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:467774 - "Unable to explicitely downgrade a library due to problems with subslots" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:467834 - "Disallow category names, package names, and slots beginning with a plus sign" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:467928 - "sys-apps/portage- excluding package that needs rebuild due to sub-slot change triggers unsolved slot conflicts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:468062 - "distutils-r1: PYTHONPATH set in user env causes problems with Python ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:468450 - "[ebuild request] dev-python/graphite" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:468698 - "Rename gentooAccess to gentooACL in LDAP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:468802 - "sys-apps/portage: action_info support to log output to a file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:468852 - "libtool.eclass: packages using AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR() miss patches to configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:469444 - "app-portage/gentoolkit- equery --early-out with multiple search items: return one result per item, not a single result (for all items)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:469600 - "sys-apps/baselayout-java - Install a .desktop file to execute .jar files that don't come from Portage with "java -jar %U"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:469648 - "sys-apps/portage: account for blockers when satisfying dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:470006 - "sys-apps/portage: support --binhost-profile to avoid superfluous syncing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:470880 - "sys-apps/portage: FEATURES=keepwork causes emerge to re-use WORKDIR despite different USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:470882 - "dev-libs/libelf: ELF_C_RDWR doesn't allow you to change ELF Program headers." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:471102 - "[TRACKER] handling of Large File System (LFS) in packages (typically 32bit/glibc userland)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:471106 - "www-servers/nginx - add USE flag to allow the addition of the ngnx_pagespeed mod" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:471136 - "net-misc/openssh tests fails due to hardcoded port numbers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:471166 - "whatis database should be handled by portage, like GNU info database" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:471388 - "Please document installation policies for openrc init files, logrotate files and systemd unit files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:471484 - "FEATURES=bashrc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:471682 - "dev-lang/php: bundled libmagic code can conflict with file libmagic.so leading to crashes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:472098 - "sys-auth/polkit-0.111 + =sys-apps/systemd-204 : the active users haven't enough permissions when CONFIG_GRKERNSEC_PROC is active" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:472178 - "www-servers/tomcat: permit switching tomcat-juli.jar and/or enable tomcat-extras tomcat-juli.jar replacement" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:472208 - "emerge should show a warning when it is skipping a newer version due to some problem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:472330 - "x11-themes/tango-icon-theme: would use a local description for USE=png" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:472800 - "sys-apps/portage: support sets in --usepkg-exclude and other *ignore* and *exclude* options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:472836 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: eshowkw mis-applies package.mask?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:472916 - "app-misc/sphinx - multiple instances support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:473034 - "app-admin/zxfer: Zxfer is a fork of zfs-replicate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:473160 - "dev-db/tarantool - An efficient, extensible in-memory data store." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:473506 - "emerge-delta-webrsync neglects PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS if tarsync is installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:473598 - "ARCH in prefix/linux profiles differs from primary keyword, which violates PMS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:473878 - "sparse file support in ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:474890 - "Requesting ebuild for dev-db/sqlite3todot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:474968 - "app-admin/webapp-config fails when sys-apps/portage has not been installed for a supported python version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:475030 - "provide X-VCS-Maintainer info for gentoo-commits mails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:475170 - "Forums - message_die() was called multiple times." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:475302 - "netifrc - /lib64/rc/net/ip6rd.sh has two problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:475488 - "font.eclass add non-standard Xorg FontPath elements (WAS: media-fonts/termsyn should install a fontconfig file)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:475624 - "dev-ruby/notmuch-ruby - ruby bindings for net-mail/notmuch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:475640 - "=x11-misc/slim-1.3.5-r2, =sys-auth/pambase-20120417-r2 - Slim restarts during fingerprint scanner swipe. - slim: unexpected signal 15 - localhost polkitd: Error converting subject to JS object: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: ..." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:475796 - "media-gfx/scanbd - scanner buttons daemon to perform scan actions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:475850 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.0_alpha186 always rebuilding packages that cannot upgrade due to conflict" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:475916 - "sys-apps/portage - Error output for USE_EXPAND flags is unclear towards the user; doesn't suggest whether to do PHP_TARGETS="php_targets_php5-3" or PHP_TARGETS="php5-3", leaves user confused." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:475958 - "app-portage/gentoolkit - Make regex file matching quicker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:476044 - "sys-apps/hdparm: add udev rule for configuring devices on the fly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:476350 - "emerge --keep-going should be able to do everything not blocked." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:476484 - "sys-apps/metamorphose - A file and folder renamer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:476668 - "dev-lang/ruby-2.0.0_p247 - Files built without respecting LDFLAGS have been detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:476818 - "Systemd guide should explain people how to prevent tty1 clearing (like it's documented with agetty+openrc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:476846 - "sys-apps/portage: throw eqawarn when build tree grows large and there's no check-reqs* inherit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:476984 - "subversion.eclass: $DISTDIR/svn-src stores two copies of files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:477380 - "[TRACKER] /usr/share/bash-completion shouldn't be hardcoded, but bash-completion-r1 functions like get_bashcompdir() needs to be respected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:477538 - "www-client/chromium: munging of command line breaks `netstat -p` processing via /proc/$pid/comm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:477544 - "Portage using dependencies from installed package, possibly related to a slot-operator dep" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:477630 - "sys-devel/distcc-3.1-r8 - ERROR: failed to open /var/log/distccd.log: Permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:477780 - "dev-java/libjitsi - Secure Audio/Video Communication for Java Applications" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:477784 - "dev-java/fmj - A single API/Framework which can be used to capture, playback, process, and stream media across multiple platforms." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:477938 - "sys-apps/portage: prevent packages from installing files into non-sane paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:477956 - "[TRACKER] Build sys-devel/gcc as an N64 binary on MIPS profiles with non-N64 default ABI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:478292 - "sys-apps/entropybroker - An infrastructure for distributing entropy data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:478310 - "portage logging broken/incomplate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:478330 - "sys-apps/portage: support storing & syncing cache separately from repo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:478368 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge should only shown output related with needed changes in use/keywords" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:478380 - "www-client/chromium: Install ChromeVox extension for visually impaired users" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:478850 - "Unit files need a copyright" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:479060 - "sys-apps/portage: ftp binhost TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not error_perm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:479314 - "gnome-base/gdm: add pam fingerprint usage support (?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:479422 - "www-client/pybugz needs templates for new bugs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:479606 - "sys-fs/dd-rescue - help the user to decide between ddrescue and dd_rescue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:480014 - "net-fs/nfs4-acl-tools merge upstream bugfixes since 0.3.3 release" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:480260 - "gnustep-base/gnustep-{base,gui}: problems on libobjc.so change (cannot find libobjc.so.3)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:480428 - "Please make COLLISION_IGNORE apply only to unowned files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:480762 - "[Future EAPI] USE-flag groups/sets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:480834 - "media-sound/pithos - screensaver activation does not deactivate music" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:481318 - "sys-cluster/ceph-deploy - Deploy Ceph with minimal infrastructure, using just SSH access" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:481320 - "Hardlink issues with grsec's RBAC when portage merge files from TMDPIR to rootfs on the same EXT4 filesystem." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:481420 - "app-admin/webapp-config - hardlinks cause running multiple instances of www-apps/wordpress to fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:481434 - "[Future EAPI] src_fetch() for fetching VCS sources" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:481456 - "www-servers/nginx - init.d script should not check configuration on reload/upgrade (upstream said)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:481488 - "dev-python/wxpython leaves orphaned wxversion.py[co] files in site-packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:481628 - "sys-apps/portage: autounmask should solve SLOT conflicts involving USE deps solvable by USE adjustments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:482250 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --info readability improvement request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:482282 - "app-text/hfst-ospell-0.2.4 - Small spell-checker library and tools based on FST technology" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:482464 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.1 egencache gives confusing error when using "--repositories-configuration"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:482550 - "net-voip/yate- configure script fails to detect openssl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:482648 - "sys-apps/portage: wildcard atom in package.*-configs does not work with ~ operator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:482666 - "[Future EAPI] pkg_needrebuild() to replace smart-live-rebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:482798 - "Gmvault : a gmail backup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:483262 - "media-libs/libmpeg2-0.5.1-r2: not quite correct dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:483758 - "multibuild.eclass: please support nested multibuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:483780 - "net-misc/minidlna-1.1.0-r3: systemd failed to start minidlna" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:483962 - "app-misc/vramsteg-1.0.1 - adds progress-bar capability to a script/program" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:484086 - "app-emacs/emacs-tiny-tools - a collection of packages (extensions) and libraries designed to be OS and X/Emacs platform independent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:484210 - "app-misc/anomaly-9999 - can detect anomalous data in a numeric stream." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:484398 - "[TRACKER] Packages relying on python wrapping internals" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:484420 - "dev-python/wxpython: does magic on top of Python script wrapping" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:484498 - "support for decrypting multiple drives with a gpg key" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:484918 - "app-emulation/spim-9.1.9 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:485000 - "www-servers/tomcat should support systemd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:485622 - "media-sound/timidity++ should alternatively depend on media-sound/fluid-soundfont[timidity]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:486166 - "=net-voip/yate- - Doesn't install h323 support." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:486592 - "multilib-build.eclass sets IFS which breaks paludis" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:486610 - "A switch in SELinux policy should require update on /etc/selinux/sepolgen.conf (eventually)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:486640 - "sys-power/nut-2.6.5-r1 with dev-libs/libusb-compat-0.1.5-r2 - nut-scanner -U: Cannot load USB library (libusb) : file not found. USB search disabled." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:486778 - "[Future EAPI] Provide a way to update deps of installed packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:486968 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.1: emerge x11-libs/libpciaccess wants to rebuild sys-libs/zlib for no apparent reason" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:487092 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp default logging might fill up /var/log" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:487286 - "app-officeext/dmaths[office_implementation_openoffice] fails on accepting license" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:487474 - "[Future EAPI] Make it possible for pkg_setup to create build-writable files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:487592 - "OpenRC: Add timing info to parallel startup output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:487694 - "sys-block/open-iscsi: Split init scripts into iscsid and iscsiadm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:487740 - "media-libs/libpng: libpng-config --L_opts repeats default -L/usr/lib64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:487930 - "=perl-core/Encode-2.550.0 - /bin/pwd: cannot open directory '../../../../../../..': Permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:488252 - "www-servers/tomcat build and install jmx-remote extra-jar (patch)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:488334 - "net-misc/nomachine net-misc/nxplayer - cross-platform remote desktop access" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:489088 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.7: FEATURES='cgroup ipc-sandbox network-sandbox' do not fail gracefully" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:489150 - "games-board/pokerth: use system copy of dev-qt/qtsingleapplication" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:489152 - "app-text/cb2bib: use system copy of dev-qt/qtsingleapplication" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:489158 - "net-misc/owncloud-client: use system copy of dev-qt/qtsingleapplication" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:489322 - "app-crypt/md5deep-4.3 installs 5x exactly the same binary using 5 different names" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:489324 - "media-video/linuxtrack - head tracking for Linux and Mac OS X using webcams, Wiimote and TrackIR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:489608 - "ruby-ng.eclass forces RUBY_TARGETS to be set in pkg_setup even if ruby is optional" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:489648 - "media-fonts/sil-padauk-2.8 has invalid postscript font names" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:489652 - "media-fonts/myanmar3: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:489822 - "net-misc/netifc - Please consider to add man pages and/or always point out where the documentation is." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:489872 - "mail-mta/ssmtp-2.64-r2 case sensitive from header" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:489956 - "net-analyzer/munin: missing dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:490014 - "portage should not preserve EROOT in environment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:490144 - "www-apache/passenger doesn't show up in gem list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:490196 - "games-rpg/thedarkmod ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:490350 - "sys-apps/portage: Extended user interface of --ignore-built-slot-operator-deps=y" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:490492 - "emerge --sync prints incorrect error message when /var/tmp is full" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:490948 - "x11-plugins/whatsapp-purple is a plugin that adds Whatsapp protocol support for Pidgin (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:490950 - "dev-ruby/thread_safe-0.3.5: segfault during tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:491194 - "sys-boot/plymouth - doesn't provide OpenRC services" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:491600 - "sci-electronics/gwave-20090213-r1: fails to parse input depending on decimal separator in locale" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:491716 - "dev-lang/swig generates code incompatible with ~dev-scheme/guile-1.8.8[-discouraged] (causing build failure of media-gfx/graphviz[guile])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:491764 - "euse does not correctly handle package names containing numbers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:491790 - "systemd fails to start swap if fstab entry uses UUID" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:492424 - "www-client/chromium: incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:492498 - "dev-games/ps2-packer-? version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:492724 - "sys-apps/fakeroot: when using FEATURES=fakeroot, build sleeps for ever in src_install()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:492854 - "portage does not expand env. variables inside make.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:492910 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge fails with ccache due to CCACHE_DIR permission issues (CCACHE_UMASK would help)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:492938 - "backtrack value causes linear performance hit, early bailout possible?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:492960 - "dev-embedded/arduino: add "core-only" (-java) support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:493154 - "sys-apps/portage: trying to install files into /var/{cache,lib,lock,run}/ or /run/ should trigger a QA warning" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:493216 - "media-libs/mesa - notify on install about getting firmware when USE="nouveau (vdpau|xvmc)"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:493352 - "Retire: Andrew Savchenko (bircoph)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:493680 - "=sys-devel/distcc-3.1 - /etc/conf.d/distccd: set log level severity to something more severe than "notice"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:493740 - "dev-ruby/rake-0.9.6 - /usr/lib64/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems.rb:15:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems/compatibility (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:493840 - "=dev-libs/libverto-0.2.5 - pkg-config --list-all: Variable 'exec_prefix' not defined in '/usr/lib/pkgconfig/libsasl2.pc'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:494154 - "dev-python/librsync-0.1.5 - A ctypes wrapper for net-libs/librsync" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:494300 - "support Gentoo Live PXE boot out of the box" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:494326 - "games-strategy/freeserf new ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:494328 - "games-arcade/lix new package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:494996 - "net-misc/mail_ru-bin - cloud sync for mail.ru" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:495976 - "dev-python/txJSON-RPC dev-python/txjsonrpc - JSON RPC library for dev-python/twisted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:496202 - "dev-libs/cyrus-sasl installs a pre-formatted saslauthd.8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:496318 - "www-servers/nginx - init script gives message that should be programmatically checked" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:496368 - "dev-libs/icu-76.1-r1 ignores CFLAGS in one library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:496392 - "media-libs/xine-lib convert to multilib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:496750 - "app-vim/perl-support fails when creating *.t : E121: Undefined variable: g:Perl_Templates" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:496816 - "strip ANSI color codes from build logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:496996 - "app-admin/webalizer should create /run/webalizer in cron job" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:497166 - "sys-apps/portage could show the mask reason when an USE flag change is caused by package.use.mask" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:497170 - "=sys-power/nut-2.6.5-r1: blazer_usb driver is broken with =dev-libs/libusb-1.0.18[udev]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:497378 - "epatch_user: support patches ending in .diff" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:497664 - "net-dns/dnssec-tools-2.0-r1 - signed zone rollover requires Net::DNS::RR::NSEC3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:497798 - "Unified EVCS_UMASK for live eclasses to handle umask of files checked to distfiles subdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:497802 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.8: emerge tries to unmask hardmasked package when it's not needed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:497882 - "Subslot rebuild failures prevent --depclean from working" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:498088 - "media-libs/crystalhd - Library supporting the Broadcom CrystalHD linux kernel driver (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:498106 - "[Future EAPI] Wildcard slots in package dependency specifications" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:498122 - "portage-2.2.8 takes nearly twice as long to calculate dependencies for world update" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:498362 - "media-libs/libvpx-1.3.0: tests fail when USE ssse3 is enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:498364 - "media-libs/libvpx-1.3.0: USE="sse" - vp9_onyx_if.c:(.text+0x3b2d): undefined reference to `vp9_sad4x8_sse'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:498376 - "sys-apps/upstart - Event-based replacement for /sbin/init which handles starting of tasks and services during boot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:498648 - "emirrordist: Does not add files to the mirror from the distfiles-local dir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:498746 - "x11-terms/xfce4-terminal-0.6.2-r1 - launching terminal on second screen kills existing terminal that was running on first screen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:498748 - "app-portage/gentoolkit- - equery u uwsgi: UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 10: ordinal not in range(128)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:498878 - "net-firewall/iptables: move from / to /usr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:498944 - "x11-misc/twmn - a notification system for tiling window managers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:499100 - "net-im/viber-bin - proprietary messaging and calling app for Linux (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:499190 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.7: selecting ports is broken when ssh:// sync-uri is used" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:499192 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.7: PORTAGE_BINHOST="ssh://..." and ="sftp://..." print to terminal instead of /var/log/emerge-fetch.log" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:499196 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.7: different commands and different behaviour for Packages files and .tbz2 files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:499226 - "Portage isn't able to resolve multiple package instances within a single package slot anymore" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:499336 - "=media-libs/libvpx-1.4.0 on x32 - vp9_encodemb.c:(.text+0x105): undefined reference to `vp9_subtract_block_sse2'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:499370 - "Portage keeps installed non-world packages when USE dependencies are no longer satisfied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:499528 - "sys-apps/portage - OSError: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy: '.../temp/.nfs000000000000NNNNNNNNNNNN'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:499572 - "app-cdr/ccd2cue - a CCD (CloneCD) sheet to CUE sheet converter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:499662 - "sys-apps/openrc: restart init process before remounting read-only" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:499738 - "x11-misc/slim should not run xinitrc.d* files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:499744 - "`emerge <ebuild>` should work" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:499994 - "=media-libs/xine-lib-1.2.6 - eq.c: In function 'process_MMX': eq.c:52:3: error: 'asm' operand has impossible constraints" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:500030 - "emirrordist: Please support a directory of whitelist files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:500204 - "/usr/bin/slimlock from x11-misc/slim probably needs to be set SUID" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:500458 - "`ebuild ... manifest` should explain why no Manifest is created (when one isn't)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:500574 - "dev-libs/redland-1.0.16 - src_install(): libtool: ld: cannot find -lrdf (parallel make)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:500836 - "Output for subslot rebuilds too similar to output for circular deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:501162 - "app-misc/info-beamer (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:501296 - ""emerge --depclean" prints incomplete list of packages it wants to remove" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:501654 - "sci-mathematics/giza++ - statistical language translation model toolkit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:501668 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge -K, says "there are no ebuilds" when it really means "there is no BINPKG"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:501708 - "net-misc/openssh - sshd.socket won't trigger ssh host key generation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:501712 - "sys-apps/portage: ebuild.sh outputs QA notice when automake is called from _automake_version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:501830 - "gnome-base/dconf's test abicheck.sh fails on ia64/hppa due to gmon_initializer symbol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:501962 - "dev-vcs/crap: new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:502062 - "gitolite - log gpg commit validation, and send to syslog instead of files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:502236 - "sys-apps/portage: Unsolvable blockers prevent slot operator rebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:502290 - "dev-lisp/picolisp - a fast and lightweight Lisp interpreter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:502318 - "llvm-core/llvm: pass --with-c-include-dirs on prefix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:502386 - "app-text/ghostscript-gpl[cups] USE enforced for no reason while updating." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:502566 - "app-text/ghostscript-gpl-9.10: minor ebuild tweaks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:502982 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: equery meta should support pkgspec queries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:503204 - "=sys-apps/portage-2.2.8-r1: use "=" in output to allow its direct usage by emerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:503400 - "net-analyzer/masscan - masscan: FAIL: unknown 'show' spec: all" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:503578 - "net-print/foo2zjs-99999999 - src_install(): Error: foomatic-rip is not installed!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:503726 - "ebuilds with uppercase letters" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:503732 - "app-editors/vim - USE=minimal should collide with USE=python and other USE flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:503754 - "new ebuild: dev-java/ice4j" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:503756 - "new ebuild: dev-java/gnu-zrtp4j" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:504048 - "Improve "unmet requirements" output by adding origin of USE-Flags (required use, unsatisfied)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:504092 - "sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.103[clvm,cman] auto_activation_volume_list not respected, no stop_volumes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:504654 - "app-portage/gentoolkit- - revdep-rebuild,py UnicodeDecodeError and KeyError tracebacks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:504702 - "dev-lang/moarvm does not respect CC, AR, RANLIB, CFLAGS, LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:504716 - "dev-lang/moarvm incomplete license information" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:504720 - "dev-lang/moarvm-2024.10 libmoar.so lacks a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:504732 - "Suggestions for dependency resolution should be amended to minimize potential future problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:504828 - "sys-apps/portage: --depclean --with-bdeps=n doesn't allow to remove dev-lang/python:3.3 while it's unused" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:504942 - "net-misc/strongswan missing USE flags for plugins" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:505402 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.9 - Error during set creation: Could not import 'smartliverebuild.sets.SmartLiveRebuildSet' for section 'smart-live-rebuild'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:505482 - "app-emulation/virtualbox-4.3.8 - .../work/VirtualBox-4.3.8/src/VBox/GuestHost/OpenGL/include/state/cr_bufferobject.h:12:33: fatal error: state/cr_statefuncs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:506214 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.10 fails to resolve a slot conflict with itself due to a repo change." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:506230 - ".away is not properly read when contains more than one line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:506844 - "Make locks timeout and/or display a message to check for old processes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:506964 - "Portage reports incorrect source of invalid dependency atoms" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:507510 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.10: unclear instructions shown by emerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:507524 - "sys-apps/portage: `emerge -u @set` should not exit(0) when some packages in @set missed updates (add option making missed updates fatal)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:507656 - "=sys-devel/patch-2.7.1-r3 bails a dry run when a symlink is removed and a file with the same name is subsequently written" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:507740 - "sys-apps/portage should output a QA warning when an ebuild tries to write to filesystem in phases like pkg_pretend" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:507840 - "sys-apps/portage: FEATURES=distcc uses different DISTCC_DIRs unnecessarily when PORTAGE_TMPDIR changes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:508290 - "app-admin/conserver - src_configure() should not set --with-port" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:508710 - "media-video/ccextractor: several bundled libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:508814 - "~net-analyzer/echoping-6.0.2_p434 - echoping -m <>: Cannot load ".so" (I tried the short name, then the complete name in "/usr/lib64/echoping"): /usr/lib64/echoping/.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:509024 - "death hooks do not run when registered in same func when implicit die runs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:509366 - "app-admin/logrotate: Unify how service are restarted/reloaded on openRC and systemd for logrotate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:509498 - ">=net-dialup/freeradius-3.0.2 - parallel make install fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:509662 - "sys-apps/portage: --usepkg omits some downgrades in @world" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:509700 - "app-arch/arj-3.10.22-r8 with llvm-core/clang miscompiles postproc - ./linux-gnu/en/rs/tools/postproc linux-gnu/en/rs/arj/arj: Patch not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:509966 - "Empty GCC_SPECS="" overrides "Forced --as-needed" instructions." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:510014 - "Pre-commit hook for DTD validation in repositories.xml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:510180 - "[TRACKER] Multilib: delayed dep conversions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:510346 - "Retire: Yury German (blueknight)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:510480 - "sci-mathematics/maxima-5.38.1 keyword request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:510922 - "net-nds/openldap: revisit USE=cxx,sasl once deps are converted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:510958 - "net-misc/infoqscraper - a web scraper for InfoQ" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:510966 - "media-gfx/sane-backends: revisit USE=snmp once deps are converted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:511186 - "app-portage/gentoolkit euse should consider defaults that were put in IUSE as a result of respecting the USE layers listed in USE_ORDER in make.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:511426 - "sys-libs/talloc: automagic dep on dev-libs/libbsd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:511478 - "sys-libs/readline fails to compile with format-security in rlfe example" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:511658 - ">=www-servers/apache-2.4: multiple MPMs not supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:511888 - "dev-libs/cyrus-sasl: revisit USE=mysql,postgresql once deps are converted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:511902 - "=app-text/docbook2X-0.8.8-r4 fails test: at1.texi:874: raising the section level of @unnumberedsubsubsec which is too low" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:511906 - "app-crypt/heimdal - daemons should not run as root by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:512186 - "sys-apps/portage: CONTENTS: add new object type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:512392 - "net-libs/c-client fails to compile with format-security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:512400 - "media-libs/giflib fails to compile with format-security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:512408 - "app-text/ps2pkm fails to compile with format-security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:512592 - "Portage refuses to build packages when using --buildpkgonly and --keep-going if a single package in the list lacks build-time depends" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:512656 - "www-servers/tomcat umask for Tomcat instances (patch)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:512798 - "allow setting EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS and maybe FEATURES per package set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:512920 - "sys-apps/portage: PORT_LOGDIR setting is incoherent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:513352 - "plocale.eclass - support multiple directories in plocale_find_changes()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:513470 - "app-admin/eselect: Use $PAGER on eselect news read" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:513496 - "gnome-extra/gnome-color-manager-3.22.2 fails gcm-self-test (No support for image/x-kodak-kdc content type)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:513658 - "dev-lang/vala: please use alternatives.eclass or eselect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:513916 - "Portage shouldn't warn about skipping upgrades as that doesn't mean anything" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:514092 - "app-admin/sud-1.3-r1 fails to install due to a parallel make issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:514314 - "dev-util/bakefile-0.2.9 fails to build (py3 incompatible?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:514454 - "sys-apps/grep-2.16[pcre] with dev-libs/libpcre[-jit]: segmentation fault in match (...) at pcre_exec.c:2621" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:514922 - "app-misc/sphinx - New enhanced runscript" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:515412 - "fonts.eclass: should not declare a default DOCS since it causes `default` to run `dodoc` and trigger a QA warning" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:515556 - "sys-devel/distcc-3.2_rc1: distutils does not respect CC/CXX" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:515612 - "src_install() expects S to exist or it fails - src_install(): The source directory '/var/tmp/portage/app-portage/S-is-not-needed-0.2/work/S-is-not-needed-0.2' doesn't exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:515630 - "sys-apps/portage: doesn't try solving circular dependencies via using latter || () items" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:515834 - "failure to resolve to a stable dev-libs/openssl dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:515938 - "net-misc/mico-2.3.13-r14 shared libraries lack a SONAME / NEEDED entries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:515948 - "dev-libs/libmelf-0.4.0-r1 shared libraries lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:515960 - "sys-libs/libixp-0.5_p20110208-r3 shared libraries lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:516014 - "[Future EAPI] call eclass phase functions from all eclasses by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:516568 - "[TRACKER] Packages using RESTRICT=userpriv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:516572 - "dev-python/pycuda: uses RESTRICT=userpriv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:516576 - "[TRACKER] Multiple games use RESTRICT=userpriv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:516586 - "net-mail/qmailadmin: uses RESTRICT=userpriv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:516612 - "sys-apps/portage: please disable dynamic-deps by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:516614 - "[Future EAPI] support enforcing supplementary groups instead of RESTRICT=userpriv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:516616 - "[Future EAPI] 'esudo' to limit the scope of raised privileges" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:516736 - "dev-libs/libdynd-0.6.2 USE=cuda - nvcc: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.3/include/stddef.h(432): error: identifier "nullptr" is undefined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:517032 - "=net-analyzer/nast-0.2.0-r1 - ncurses/n_comm.c:266:21: warning: array subscript is above array bounds [-Warray-bounds]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:517536 - "net-vpn/iodine-0.7.0 - automagic dependencies on systemd and selinux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:517658 - "[Future EAPI] Add TDEPEND to avoid circular dependencies with FEATURES="test"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:517696 - "media-libs/libvpx-1.3.0: undefined reference to `pthread_setspecific'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:518642 - "|| ( foo:= bar:= ) deps should not allow switching providers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:518768 - "Default src_test should additionally pass -i (--ignore-errors) to make -n when detecting supported test targets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:518870 - "dev-libs/apr-util: copies CPP from dev-libs/apr instead of using current CC/CXX (+ uses pregen libtool)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:519578 - "Make /var/lib/gentoo portage_var_lib_t (or similar)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:519608 - "x11-libs/gtksourceview-2.10.5-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:519682 - "readme.gentoo-r1.eclass should expand common PMS variables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:519978 - "net-libs/libgadu-1.12.0: recent issues sending messages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:520012 - "emerge --newuse(?) regards unmasked but still disabled USE flag as a USE flag change" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:520066 - "bad PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI - File "/usr/lib/portage/pym/portage/mail.py", line 116, in send_mail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:520138 - "RFE: Limit key algorithms for signatures to whitelist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:520354 - "dev-util/vera++ - A programmable tool for verification, analysis and transformation of C++ source code" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:520404 - "[TRACKER] Ebuild that install into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:520422 - "Please add a warning for format-security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:520522 - "sys-libs/freeipmi-1.6.14 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:520584 - "net-analyzer/nagios-check_glsa2 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:520594 - "dev-php/PEAR-PEAR-1.10.15 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:520964 - "app-accessibility/nfbtrans fails to compile with format-security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:521002 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5-appl fails to compile with format-security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:521032 - "app-emulation/hercules fails to compile with format-security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:521146 - "[TRACKER] bash-completion-2.1-r100" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:521248 - "app-text/dvipdfm fails to compile with format-security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:521282 - "sys-fs/mac-fdisk-0.1-r7: FORTIFY_SOURCE reports presence of overflow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:521804 - "Migrate away from ntp-units.d files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:521968 - "llvm-core/llvm-9999 with sys-apps/portage-2.2.12 - KeyError: '<portage.util._dyn_libs.LinkageMapELF.LinkageMapELF._ObjectKey object at 0x7f5a0a9556e0> (/usr/lib64/libLLVM-3.5svn.so) not in object list'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:522024 - "dev-db/mysql-init-scripts logrotate.mysql sends HUP signal which can terminate long queries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:522242 - "dev-java/ktable - a custom SWT table widget that provides a flexible grid of cells to display data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:522374 - "app-backup/duplicati - a free backup client that securely stores encrypted, incremental, compressed backups on cloud storage services and remote file servers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:522636 - "emerge ignores the value of PORTDIR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:522660 - "app-text/ocrmypdf - OCRmyPDF adds an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files, allowing them to be searched" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:522752 - "dev-libs/xapian-bindings-1.2.18 fails tests: ImportError: /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/xapian-bindings-1.2.18/work/xapian-bindings-1.2.18/python/xapian/_xapian.so: undefined symbol: PyBytes_AsStringAndSize" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:522984 - "emerge should not unset user defined LD_PRELOAD" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:523634 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.13: pkg_preinst sanity check no longer runs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:523706 - "sys-apps/portage: config protection for file modes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:523770 - "write a list of atoms that have been emerged / were ultimately not emerged" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:524304 - "imgurbash-1.0.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:524432 - "sys-process/scron-0.3.2 - Simple cron daemon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:524528 - "dev-java/rhino-1.7.14: test suite disabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:525248 - "=sys-apps/portage-2.2.8-r2 should not go interactive when distfiles will not be available due to fetch restrictions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:525462 - "net-libs/udns-0.4 file collision with mail-filter/rblcheck-1.5-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:526106 - "gkey-ldap Does not exit with correct codes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:526178 - "www-servers/apache-2.4.10-r1: fails to build with /bin/sh -> dash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:526254 - "the PIC fixing guide needs a revamp to adapt to gcc's new methods" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:526268 - "[TRACKER] Packages failing with /bin/sh != bash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:526286 - "? produces false positiv QA warning (was: dev-vcs/git-flow-0.4.1: installs no-op completion file (?!))" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:526456 - "[Future EAPI] Introduce a more flexible yet simpler version syntax" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:526528 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.8-r2: etc-update clobbers command-line settings when it loads the config file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:526670 - "need android-json package in tree?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:526752 - "sys-apps/logwatch: emerge.log parsing broken since Perl 5.18.x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:527130 - "Change --unmerge behavior to --depclean by default :)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:527134 - "add ability to forbid package downgrades" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:527476 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5-appl-1.0.3-r3: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:527952 - "[TRACKER] packages with old package.mask entries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:528168 - "eselect kernel show print version + suffix only (like uname -r)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:528394 - "sys-apps/portage: add a repos.conf setting to declare a repo as immutable, for optimized performance" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:528836 - "sys-apps/portage: extend _solve_non_slot_operator_slot_conflicts to solve blocker conflicts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:529148 - "net-fs/autofs - automagic dependency on sys-auth/sssd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:529212 - "net-misc/tor should install upstream systemd tor.service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:529286 - "sys-apps/portage: add emerge --expand-virtual-args option, for pulling in packages referenced by virtuals in sets like @system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:529332 - "selinux avc denials on openrc service management" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:529436 - "net-misc/openssh-6.7_p1[sctp]: configure: error: *** Can not use SCTP - maybe libsctp-dev is missing ***" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:529690 - "Portage etc_t labeling issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:529706 - "sys-block/btrace-1.0.1-r1 compilation fails: btreplay.o:btreplay.c:function tip_init: error: undefined reference to 'pthread_create'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:529800 - "media-gfx/hp2xx-3.4.4: fails to build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:530130 - "games-fps/etlegacy - ET: Legacy is based on the source code of the Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:530152 - "Multilib Qt5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:530278 - "dipper.gentoo.org/mysql is not monitored" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:530318 - "net-misc/lksctp-tools-1.0.16 with gold linker - ld: error: symbol sctp_connectx has undefined version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:530632 - "[TRACKER] Packages using configure.in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:530912 - "[TRACKER] Portage domain and SELinux refactoring" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:531016 - "dev-lang/ghc USE=binary - /usr/lib/ghc-7.6.3/settings sets wrong "C compiler command"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:531170 - "app-vim/bash-support-4.2.1: file collisions with app-vim/perl-support-5.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:531352 - "PORTDIR override not respected on initial clone" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:531390 - "net-firewall/iptables: circular dependencies in systemd restore service units" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:531676 - "sys-apps/portage: die due to ebuild permissions with FEATURES=userpriv should give a hint about userpriv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:531786 - "sys-apps/portage: poor handling of virtual/jdk+jre resolution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:532092 - "dev-util/pycharm-educational - Intelligent Python IDE with unique code assistance and analysis - Educational Edition" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:532420 - "GLEP 42 Display-If-Profile incompatible with /etc/portage/make.profile being a directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:532508 - "i accidentally pasted an escape which breaks xml output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:532710 - "www-servers/apache: move conf.d file to a /etc/apache.modules.conf or similar?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:533574 - "sys-apps/portage: autounmask does not solve USE conflicts involving blockers ("x11-libs/vte:2.90[glade]" is blocking x11-libs/vte-0.38.2)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:533614 - "RFE: Auto-detect key to use from keyring based on long keyid of signature issuer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:533714 - "Navigation broken without javascript on the Gentoo Wiki" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:533776 - "games-emulation/mekanix-0.73 version bump; solves license problem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:533958 - "document EXTRA_ECONF as user-configuration feature in PMS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:534088 - "autotools.eclass: autoreconf fails to reconfigure libltdl after libtoolizing it in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:534482 - "media-sound/shoutcast-server-bin uses old documentation URL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:535870 - "sys-apps/portage: best_version in pkg_postrm() assumes the package is still installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:536126 - "sys-infiniband/srptools-1.0.2 - sandbox violation in /var/lib/rpm/.dbenv.lock by rpm -q sles-release" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:536252 - "kde-apps/okular-4.14.3: when viewing .dvi with included .eps files, these .eps files are shown in wrong places/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:536282 - "net-misc/netifrc: net scripts depend on start-stop-daemon from OpenRC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:536314 - "/var/log/gkeys/ owned by root" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:536390 - "Portage says ebuild is fetch-restricted, but also that distfile is present and fine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:536442 - "dev-embedded/gpsim - ld: -warn-once: unknown option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:536466 - "app-portage/genlop-? - genlop -u shows all merges and unmerges (ignores name)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:536882 - "sys-apps/portage: show a QA warning when -flto is used during building" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:536962 - "unable to force build a package listed in package.provided" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:536976 - "logrotate_t cannot su" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:537048 - "sys-apps/kbd - multiple wrong key mappings with keymap="de"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:537080 - "soft blockers are remedied dangerously late in emerge order" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:537112 - "rsync timeout in PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS= not working" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:537128 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.15: summary.log is not even created when package fails to build due to a sandbox error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:537162 - "dev-haskell/cabal-install should use TLS to download packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:537484 - "prepstrip: add another knob for controlling # of parallel jobs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:537622 - "sys-apps/openrc sometimes forgets to calculate or miscalculates dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:538484 - "xfce-base/xfce4-panel - xfce4-panel hangs when opening clock plugin settings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:538678 - "REQUIRED_USE errors do not mark masked flags appropriately" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:538710 - "media-libs/spandsp-0.0.6_pre21: fails hard when a single 'lower' instruction set is missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:538716 - "sys-apps/portage outputs incorrect "slot conflict" data for a world file conflict" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:539420 - "Up to 50 mails daily passing through the spam filter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:539738 - "emaint "merges" complains about packages that do not exist and will not fix them" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:539958 - "dev-java/javatoolkit: drop manifestclasspath task during rewrite of build.xml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:540040 - "net-fs/nfs-utils[-nfsv4]: nfsclient init.d still needs rpc.idmapd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:540146 - "sys-apps/portage: limit no of exported variables in EAPI 6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:540274 - "sys-process/cronbase: run-crons: add code to display script name for cron.{h,d,w,m}*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:540544 - "portageq: add commands for probing repos.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:540784 - "sys-apps/portage-? - metadata/timestamp.x: time zone is written twice" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:541118 - "sys-apps/portage: don't show QA warning about missing configure option when the error comes from a subconfigure instance" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:541124 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge should warn if /tmp doesn't have proper permissions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:541226 - "sys-apps/portage: profiles/repo_name should not take priority over repos.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:541244 - "app-text/pandoc missing dependency/einfo?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:541378 - "non-incremental USE_EXPAND-ed variables should be allowed to increment explicitly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:541484 - "sys-infiniband/infinipath-psm: udev spew about kernel device nodes cannot be renamed: kcopy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:541722 - "media-plugins/live fails to compile with format-security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:541758 - "media-libs/libpostproc-10.20140517-r1 CPU_FLAGS_X86* USE flags are broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:541880 - "dev-vcs/git-2.3.1: QA Notice: systemd units using /etc/conf.d detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:541982 - "=net-misc/vpnc-0.5.3_p550: fails tests: Error decrypting signature: unexpected decrypted size 512 (expected 256)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:542110 - "Innocent domains trying to search cgroups location (/sys/fs/cgroups)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:542166 - "sys-apps/portage: improve masking message for conditional RESTRICT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:542202 - "[TRACKER] packages using RESTRICT=binchecks instead of QA_*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:542480 - "sys-apps/portage: Add an option or a configuration variable to suppress building of binpkgs (e.g. for bindist restricted ebuilds)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:542632 - "dev-util/strace-4.10 fails test stat64-v.test on amd64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:542818 - "Portage can not properly handle equally named sets in independent repos with different priorities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:542968 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.18: Improved error message for misspelled options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:543150 - "sys-apps/portage: repos.conf; support listing repositories for syncing only (disabling runtime use)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:543290 - "sys-apps/portage: unable to install systemd because of udev related blockers (emerge -uDN @world solves it though)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:543774 - "sys-apps/portage: triggering a sandbox violation during portage dep generation fails badly: * ISE:write_logfile: unable to append logfile: ..." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:543776 - "sys-power/apcupsd-3.14.13: ebuild enhancement request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:544092 - "[TRACKER] Shutdown of Google Code" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:544108 - "[TRACKER] packages that need qt{4,5}_get_bindir (dev-qt/qtchooser automagic cleanup)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:544150 - "app-emulation/qemu is missing binfmt registration files in /usr/lib/binfmt.d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:544490 - "app-admin/syslog-ng-3.6.2 has sys-apps/util-linux (libuuid) automagic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:544560 - "[TRACKER] Packages applying or advertising use of Apache's AddHandler/AddType directives (security)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:544582 - "www-servers/apache ships 00_mod_mime.conf, advertising insecure AddHandler directive without mentioning security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:544706 - "Add --autounmask-comments so Portage simply writes mask changes without comment text" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:544938 - "[TRACKER] wrong dev-qt/linguist-tools (R)DEPEND (it should be BDEPEND)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:545052 - "multilib: Support for different CFLAGS for different ABIs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:545840 - "ebuild request for Qt Installer Framework" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:546210 - "[TRACKER] deprecated PORTDIR and PORTDIR_OVERLAY usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:546248 - "net-nds/openldap-2.4.40 fails to build on amd64 multilib for x86: .../work/openldap-2.4.40-.x86/libtool: line 1759: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -m32: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:546432 - "app-i18n/kcc-1.0 : file collision with app-crypt/heimdal-1.5.3-r2:0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:546520 - "metadata/timestamp*: please clean up and set a standard format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:546536 - "RFE: Metadata-only repository checkout" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:546692 - "sys-libs/musl: Install sys-libs/fortify-headers for use with sys-devel/gcc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:546870 - "emerge --buildpkgonly warns about a non-existent SLOT conflict (and then allows you to proceed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:546874 - "app-crypt/heimdal-1.5.3-r2 underlinking issue causes samba-4.1.17 to fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:546998 - "Make portageq metadata more flexible on package names" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:547018 - "sci-biology/bioperl-1.6.9 dev-perl/Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene-1.91.0-r1 circular dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:547068 - "net-vpn/tor: allow more than one tor instance" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:547150 - "media-libs/fontconfig-2.11.93: Pessimization in font rendering" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:547622 - "It takes emerge -av <pkg> over 1 minute to figure out <pkg> does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:547764 - "dev-libs/geoip-database - a package that installs databases for dev-libs/geoip" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:547858 - "Move "musepack" mask from use.mask into use.stable.mask for arm, ia64, and sparc profiles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:548124 - "net-dns/bind-tools: Please add more tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:548206 - "app-emulation/remotebox - remote management for virtualbox" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:548250 - "sys-apps/sandbox: path-handling on paths >= 4096 bytes fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:548254 - "sys-libs/talloc : wrong license (should be LGPL, but declared GPL-3)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:548296 - "dev-python/jsmin may be non-free" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:548354 - "sys-kernel/genkernel fails to fsck separate /usr partition" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:548814 - "sys-apps/portage: suggestion to make --ask behaviour depend on os.isatty()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:548836 - "media-libs/fontconfig-2.11.93:wrong size bitmap font selected through libXft" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:548876 - "hooks/post-receive.gentoo-commits: uninitialized value $field - difficult to reproduce" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:549092 - "new QA warning: detect missing LFS usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:549324 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.18 does not function properly when PKGDIR is readonly for --getbinpkg, unmerge-backups, and downgrade-backup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:549482 - "sync: rsync plugin can't handle repos without timestamp.chk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:549574 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1[threads] - fails to build on ppc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:549580 - "emerge --resume should resume first build if temp dir already exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:549644 - "sci-biology/emboss: try to install mimetype information" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:549790 - "proj/net-tools.git: retire the repo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:549792 - "app-crypt/heimdal-1.5.3-r2 fails to build with libheimbase.so: error: undefined reference to 'pthread_key_create'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:549906 - "emerge should free up some memory before starting compilation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:549994 - "cross-*/gcc: handling of internal gcc search paths (libstdc++.so.6 and friends)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:550000 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.20: Incorrect parsing of atom in error display" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:550056 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge slot conflict output should suggest solutions involving USE changes for conditional dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:550104 - "app-shells/bash - bashrc does not set the window title correctly for gnu screen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:550158 - "Add a box to specify the affected package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:550228 - "sys-fs/lvm2 on musl gives extra error messages on volume activation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:550482 - "portage: lfs qa check needs to handle multilib setups properly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:550516 - "few dev-ruby/* does not respect slotted packages, installed the latest which breaks an application" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:550532 - "portage sync log should include unique ids to correlate multiple entries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:550604 - "net-misc/lldpd: add s6 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:550664 - "net-misc/ntp: add s6 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:550760 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.20 - /usr/bin/ebuild - Missing error message when skipping files with special characters in manifest creation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:550886 - "Test suite should internally enable more FEATURES when it is possible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:551020 - "sys-fs/e2fsprogs whole device check is inconsistent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:551152 - "[TRACKER] Incorrect uses of nonfatal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:551394 - ">=sci-libs/cln-1.3.3[+doc]: !pdfTeX error: pdfetex (file /usr/share/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/cm-super/cm- super-t1.enc): invalid encoding vector (a name or `[' missing):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:551430 - "[Future EAPI] Remember kernel config options from packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:551432 - "app-eselect/eselect-ruby should check RUBY_TARGETS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:551434 - "Portage should save all XATTRs into vdb" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:551788 - "app-arch/zip[natspec]: Unable to store Unix permissions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:551900 - "sys-apps/watchdog-5.14 clamps hardware timeout to 254s but not the interval" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:551904 - "[TRACKER] Unused eclasses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:551956 - "x11-libs/fox-1.7.49 on PPC64 - .../work/fox-1.7.49/lib/.libs/libFOX-1.7.so: undefined reference to `__sync_bool_compare_and_swap_16'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:552026 - "dev-build/libtool-2.4.6: tests fail without fortran compiler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:552142 - "dev-libs/apr-1.5.2 fails tests with /bin/sh -> dash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:552556 - ">=sys-apps/portage-2.2.16 emaint sync ignores sync-uri from repos.d/gentoo.conf for websync/webrsync type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:552704 - "net-analyzer/cacti-spine - spine expects perl scripts from net-analyzer/cacti to be installed at /var/www/localhost/htdocs/cacti/scripts/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:552950 - "[TRACKER] Repository QA issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:553024 - "[TRACKER] Repositories without owner Bugzilla account" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:553568 - "sys-apps/portage: Enhance portageq to return default values of make.conf variables if unset" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:553646 - "sys-apps/portage: skip a mirror tier after having few of the mirrors fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:553788 - "sys-apps/portage: emaint sync creates no log entries in /var/log/emerge.log" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:553790 - "app-portage/genlop-0.30.10-r1: --rsync option - each sync listed twice" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:553868 - "sec-policy/selinux-bitcoin has missing contexts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:553978 - "errors on boot -> "/lib64/rc/sh/rc-cgroup.sh: line 89:"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554240 - "Enable compress-build-logs FEATURE by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:554258 - "[TRACKER] Packages installing files u-w" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554342 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.0.20: installs some headers without write permissions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554350 - "dev-libs/openssl-1.2.0d: installs libraries u-w" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554360 - "net-dialup/ppp-2.4.7-r1: installs /usr/bin/pppd u-w" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554362 - "net-misc/dhcpcd installs files u-w" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554364 - "net-misc/rdate-1.4-r4: installs files u-w" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554372 - "sys-libs/db-6.0.30-r1: installs files u-w" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554374 - "sys-libs/readline-6.3_p8-r2: installs libraries u-w" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554464 - "dev-libs/cdk-5.0.20131107 fails with parallel make" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554554 - "net-misc/whois: external -liconv is not linked in when needed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554564 - "app-eselect/eselect-java: Use proper install location for current-user-vm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554804 - "net-misc/openssh: init script lacks "need root" when SSH host keys are missing (error "Read-only file system")" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554828 - "app-portage/cpuinfo2cpuflags-2: please re-keyword ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:554916 - "mail-mta/courier-0.76.4- breaks STARTTLS due to missing dhparams.pem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:555060 - "app-vim/colorschemes-20140623-r1 breaks under compatibility mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:555374 - "sys-apps/portage restores old value of CXX which is no longer valid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:555572 - "package.keywords ATOM wildcards not suppots version precisely" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:555694 - "net-dns/resolvconf-symlink-0 : mv: cannot move ...: Device or resource busy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:555756 - "sys-process/cronbase: run-crons: sub-jobs should be run with timeouts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:555822 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.20: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/tmp/portage/*/*/build-info/BINPKGMD5' with FEATURES="parallel-install -ebuild-locks":" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:555912 - "sys-app/portage-2.2.20: dependency conflict message atom diff marker mistaken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:556012 - "sys-apps/portage shouldn't save all repeated messages if they are the same" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:556216 - "app-text/pandoc ebuild (and other haskell ebuilds) doesn't respect CC and CXX" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:556346 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.5.1-r2 :baum.c:605:19: error: ‘SDL_SysWMinfo’ has no member named ‘info’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:556352 - "FEATURES="nodoc" should also remove /usr/share/gtk-doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:556468 - "emerge --autounmask-write with --fetch has differing dependence resolution than without --fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:556514 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: euse can't source files from make.conf directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:556652 - "MLS policy does not include secadm, auditadm, logadm roles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:556824 - "sys-apps/portage add /usr/local to install-qa-check.d/20deprecated-directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:557024 - "app-eselect/eselect-java: unable to set user-vm for users without interactive shell" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:557108 - "perl_ldap: please link to wiki in help/usage output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:557112 - "git signed rejection should clarify the reason" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:557176 - "repo/gentoo.git: reject dumb 'git pull' merges" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:557322 - "dev-scheme/scm-5f2 bump request (released 2015-01-16)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:557346 - "rpc.idmapd failed to start" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:557874 - "net-firewall/pglinux with net-libs/libmnl compiled with clang - /usr/lib64/libnetfilter_queue.so: undefined reference to `mnl_attr_parse'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:558024 - "etc-update generates lint, duplicate files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:558168 - "sys-apps/portage fails to switch from sys-apps/systemd[python] to dev-python/python-systemd (prefer choices that match the latest unmasked version)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:558446 - "x11-misc/xosview2 - an experimental new branch of xosview called xosview2, by the original author" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:558616 - "fsck tool for UDF filesystem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:558644 - "dev-build/cmake - ninja generator does not support fortran compiler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:558926 - "dev-libs/.../wrap.cpp:114:40: error: ‘initexample’ was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:559012 - "sys-apps/portage should pass emerge --sync (non-)verbosity to sync-modules" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:559224 - "portage- incomplete dependency resolution on emerge -uDN @world" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:559354 - "sys-apps/portage: add emerge option which directs it to "update any packages necessary" (which --update does not do)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:559380 - "applications using OpenGL require dev_rw_dri access" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:559420 - "media-libs/fontconfig-ultimate-2016.04.23: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:559692 - "net-misc/vconfig fails to compile with format-security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:559710 - "[gnome overlay] gen_archlist script wrongly considers new versions in new slots as stable candidates" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:559836 - "don't run repo.postsync.d hooks on sync failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:560204 - "emerge should warn people about present summary.log present in the system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:560518 - "dev-util/catalyst: Create /etc/portage/repos.conf/gentoo.conf in stages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:560938 - "emerge -pv @preserved-rebuild should show also the preserved lib causing the needed rebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:560966 - "FEATURES=keeptemp breaks Haskell rebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:561052 - ">=net-fs/samba-4.0[system-mitkrb5]: some tools are missing, no actual DC support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:561206 - "sys-apps/portage- : ignores "--accept-restrict=-fetch" in EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:561248 - "x11-misc/clipit-1.4.2 A lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:561406 - "add feature for installing test dependencies without installing test dependencies recursively" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:561456 - "repo/gentoo.git: reject ebuilds with $header$ and filled $id$" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:561732 - "app-text/dvipdfm-0.13.2d-r2 : configure: error: PS_HEADER and/or VF formats not found in Kpathsea header files." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:561746 - "SELinux installation gives 'Broken pipe' error during emerge of policies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:561834 - "Dependancies generated by g-cpan-0.16.5 do not match the actual requirements in the Perl package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:561898 - "virtual/libiconv should have static-libs USE flag?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:561970 - "gitweb.gentoo.org: allow to click on "#9999" or "bug #9999" fields" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:562326 - "Create fonts meta-package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:562464 - "ros-catkin.eclass: QA warning "Variable 'KEYWORDS' should not be set by /usr/portage/eclass/ros-catkin.eclass"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:562828 - "newdevfill.sh should ask for wikiuser name" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:563034 - "sys-apps/portage- subslot deps (or all deps?) broken when ROOT != /" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:563120 - "dev-util/phpstorm - php ide (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:563270 - "[Future EAPI] Add a <~ dependency operator acting like <= but ignoring the revision part" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:563368 - "=net-proxy/squidguard-1.5_beta-r1 - src_test(): ../src/squidGuard: can't write to logfile /var/log/squidGuard/squidGuard.log" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:563442 - "x11-misc/nvidia-graphics-debugger" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:563610 - "portage should merge libs from $D to $ROOT first and sort by SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:563614 - "sys-devel/binutils-config: update not atomic enough (probably sys-devel/gcc-config too)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:563668 - ">=www-client/{chromium,google-chrome}-46.0.2490.71_p1: ERROR:nss_util.cc(853)] After loading Root Certs, loaded==false: NSS error code: -8018" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:563702 - "portage does not validate KEYWORDS at all" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:563760 - "[TRACKER] Command-line cd players without alsa support are unusable on recent sytems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:563798 - "[TRACKER] Portage incompatibilities with PMS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:563814 - "gentoo news pre-receive hook is obtuse" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:563908 - "dev-python/python-sane - Python interface to the SANE scanner and frame grabber" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:563920 - ">=net-misc/ntp-4.2.8_p3 FEATURES=test - packetProcessing.c:141:15: warning: array subscript is above array bounds [-Warray-bounds]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:563984 - "portage does not consistently validate names (section "3.1 Restrictions upon Names" in PMS)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:564036 - "Add post-receive hook that prints gitweb URL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:564038 - "app-admin/webapp-config-1.5.4 does not seem to honour the -h (vhost) flag anymore" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:564302 - "sci-physics/root bundles whole llvm/clang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:564328 - "Failed to set XATTR_PAX markings error could be clarified better" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:564572 - "virtual/podofo-build sticks calibre in endless U/UD loop when running @preserved-rebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:564894 - "sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils: mount.ecryptfs_private doesn't work unless suid flag is set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:564970 - "See Also: please allow PHP tracker URLs (covers bugs.mysql.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:564984 - "=dev-db/mariadb-10.0.22 PORTAGE_NICENESS!=0 - src_test(): sys_vars.innodb_sched_priority_cleaner_basic 'xtradb' w3 [ fail ]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:565000 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.23: floods console with "USE flags should not start with a '+':"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565034 - "app-office/texmacs-1.99.2-r1 : /.../new:129:41: error: declaration of ‘void* operator new(std::size_t) throw (std::bad_alloc)’ h" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565084 - "sci-biology/bioclipse - visual platform for chemo- and bioinformatics based on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565164 - "=sys-apps/portage-2.2.24 Resolver issue due to sys-apps/portage conflict" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565216 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge: NOCOLOR functionality does not work with gcc-4.9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565326 - "portage should warn when LC_ALL has been set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:565354 - "pax-utils.eclass install/merge phases: setfattr: /var/tmp/portage/…: Operation not supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565386 - "sys-apps/portage - emerge --sync does not respect --ask when sync-type=git" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:565408 - "app-portage/gentoolkit - equery y (keywords) not documented in man page" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565536 - "egencache --update-changelog: please allow exclude of directories and commits" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565538 - "egencache --update-changelog: please allow exclude of lines in changelog messages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565718 - "Add usersync feature for repo.postsync.d hooks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565740 - "media-libs/fontconfig-2.11.94 failed to emerge with USE=doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565750 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.6.0-r1 : /.../baum.c:605:19: error: ‘SDL_SysWMinfo’ has no member named ‘info’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565792 - "sys-apps/portage: apply PROVIDES_EXCLUDE and REQUIRES_EXCLUDE to preserve-libs logic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565910 - "sys-apps/portage- emerge shouldn't die due to a bogus Manifest affecting other ebuild version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:565914 - "sys-apps/portage: enable FEATURES split-log by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:565980 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: eshowkw should show keywords for all installed packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:566342 - "[Future EAPI] Ban or rename assert" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:566398 - "layout.conf: Allow EAPIs via allowed-eapis= whitelist rather than banning them" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:566614 - "[Future EAPI] allow src_install to run as a single non-root user" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:566738 - "emerge does not exit if epatch is not imported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:566762 - "fowners arguments are not specified" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:566764 - "fperms arguments are not specified" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:567192 - "[TRACKER] dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.46.0: g-ir-scanner causes sandbox violation - packages trying to use XDG_CACHE_HOME in real file system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:567490 - "list user patches in emerge --info output for a specific package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:567684 - "app-portage/gentoolkit- "equery check -N" conflicts with python buffering" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:568014 - "media-sound/bplay-0.991: SRC_URI and HOMEPAGE dead" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:568072 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.24: enhance make.conf.example SMTP example" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:568084 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge wants to rebuild the same packages with preserved-rebuild (virtual/libgudev consumers)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:568182 - "dev-ruby/ruby-opengl-0.10.0-r1 has broken .png files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:568238 - "sci-electronics/espresso-ab-1.0-r1 - unate.c: In function ‘unate_complement’: unate.c:130:26: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘restrict’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:568416 - "media-gfx/mscgen can't find default font" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:568464 - "[feature request] loopback.cfg grub ISO boot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:568480 - "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.1: revdep-rebuild gives different result than revdep-rebuild.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:568504 - "sys-apps/portage: Please re-add squashdelta support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:568830 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.26: "emaint sync" complains: module 'sync' does not have option '--check'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:568902 - "revdep-rebuild wants to rebuild libreoffice but not revdep-rebuild.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:569260 - ">sys-apps/portage- (all python-r1 versions of it) broken by new eclass changes - mv: cannot stat ‘/var/tmp/portage/sys-apps/portage-2.2.26/image/usr/bin/archive-conf’: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:569844 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: revdep-rebuild should auto-ignore .la files that don't point to ELFs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:569946 - "dev-build/make: automatic linkage against dev-libs/libelf due to AC_FUNC_GETLOADAVG" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:570026 - "net-misc/dhcp: dhcrelay6.service: Invalid environment assignment, ignoring: "lower-iface="" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:570472 - "sys-apps/portage: allow to depclean in parallel" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:570494 - "sys-apps/haveged starts to late with systemd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:570560 - "improve git gpg checking message" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:570566 - "=sys-apps/portage-2.2.26 fails tests: sys-apps/portage-2.2.26/temp/tmpXXXXXX/var/repositories/test_repo/dev-libs/A/A-1.ebuild: Permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:570606 - "automatic integration w/-freport-bug (gcc-5+ flag)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:570624 - "media-libs/gstreamer: sandbox failure with gst-plugins-scanner (/dev/video|/dev/dri*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:570656 - "dev-ruby/maxitest-1.5.4 : file collision with net-mail/uw-mailutils-2007f:0::gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:570664 - "dev-embedded/bossa: program ARM microcontrollers from ATMEL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:570758 - "Add a DISTDIR_FETCH variable and location for fetch restricted packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:570912 - "dev-perl/EV bundles dev-libs/libev" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:570924 - "sys-devel/distcc: distcc-config should not export default settings in env.d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:571228 - "llvm-runtimes/openmp on ABI=x32 - runtime/src/z_Linux_util.c:154:6: error: #error Wrong code for setaffinity system call" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:571236 - "postfix[*] in _p (patch) in package.accept_keywords" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:571358 - "x11-misc/sddm: Protect '/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup' through etc-update mechanism" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:571592 - "8.2.10 SRC_URI: clarify uses of (local) 'mirror'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:571834 - "[TRACKER] x11-apps apps that are in the wrong category" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:572032 - "sci-electronics/freerouting: Printed Circuit Board Routing Software from FreeRouting.net" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:572090 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.26: autounmask doesn't know how to solve a blocker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:572344 - "sys-auth/polkit - pkcheck segfaults when run without action id" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:573194 - "Make --misspell-suggestions more verbose" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:573500 - "ACCEPT_LICENSE check priority changes when package is installed with different SLOT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:573572 - "=media-libs/xine-lib-1.2.6-r1 USE=-libav - checking for FFMPEG_POSTPROC... configure: error: Package requirements (libpostproc) were not met: No package 'libpostproc' found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:573710 - "www-servers/nginx - Add support for external 3rd party modules" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:573908 - "emerge-delta-webrsync / infra: need to add GPG signature of uncompressed tarball rather than compressed one" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:574054 - "sys-apps/kexec-tools: update config files for new linux-4.3 kexec knobs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:574146 - "Retire: Göktürk Yüksek (gokturk)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:574206 - "app-text/ttf2pt1-3.4.4-r1 : fprintf(stderr, "error: charstring_buf full (%d bytes)\n"," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:574476 - "app-portage/gentoolkit- QA warning on install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:574490 - "dev-ruby/rails-4.2.9 stabilization request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:574606 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.14 installs files into unexpected paths (/default.el)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:574986 - "app-eselect/eselect-java: make naming schema consistent (system versus system-vm)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:575026 - "dispatch-conf should print an error if EDITOR and VISUAL are not defined or empty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:575042 - "qa-reports.gentoo.org: Broken link 'Non-fetchable distfiles'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:575504 - "media-libs/libass-0.13.2[abi_x86_32] generates TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:575534 - "Editing on XS screens" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:575540 - "media-sound/dcadec-0.2.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:575572 - "[Req] mininim - opensource version of original "Prince Of Persia"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:575598 - "=www-servers/apache-2.4.18 - apache2 has detected an error in your setup: AH00526: Syntax error on line 110 of /etc/apache2/modules.d/00_default_settings.conf: Invalid command 'Require', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:575908 - "sci-chemistry/tinker-7.1.2 : file collision with sci-libs/ssm-1.4:0::gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:576216 - "app-admin/cpulimit: pkgmove to app-admin/limitcpu(?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:576506 - "media-fonts/droid: removal request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:576574 - "app-portage/grs with sys-apps/systemd: "cannot run because /sys/fs/cgroup is read only"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:576590 - "media-sound/mp3splt-gtk fails to compile with format-security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:576646 - "dev-libs/liboil-0.3.17-r3 requires -fheinous-gnu-extensions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:576768 - "media-libs/raspberrypi-userland-bin-1.20160209 has broken #include statements" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:576800 - "sys-apps/portage - include emerge options in build log" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:576842 - "app-arch/rpm2targz: rpmoffset fails in some cases" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:577126 - "sys-apps/portage: egencache: always create a new inode (break hardlink) when writing a file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:577364 - "sys-apps/portage: Allow specifying branch name of VCS repo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:577484 - "sys-kernel/genkernel- Resume from disk corrupts ZFS pool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:577546 - "sys-apps/portage should suggest updating itself first if ebuilds are masked by EAPI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:577666 - "sys-auth/polkit-pkla-compat-0.1-r2 fails to build with musl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:577772 - "net-nds/rpcbind-0.2.2-r1 : src/rpcb_svc_com.c:1298:6: error: ‘SVCXPRT {aka struct __rpc_svcxprt}’ has no member named ‘xp_auth’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:577790 - "echangelog: error due missing skel.ChangeLog in gentoo repository" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:577936 - "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.1*: revdep-rebuild is missing the --exact switch and manual about it is wrong" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:578338 - "Add a tool that would remove local packages that are also present on binhost" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:578474 - "sys-apps/portage: Please make it possible to exclude some of package's deps when using --onlydeps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:578554 - "sys-apps/roccat-tools-3.9.0: fails to build with -Werror=format-security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:578600 - "dev-python/drf - Django Rest Framework" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:578658 - "www-servers/nginx: should use REQUIRED_USE for http-modules rather than silently ignoring USE=http" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:578826 - "env-update support for app-shells/fish" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:578980 - "dobin fails with 'Operation not permitted' if ebuild run as unprivileged user" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:579098 - "dev-util/geany-1.25 : IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/var/tmp/portage/dev-util/geany-1.25/temp/matplotlib-portage/fontList.cache'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:579310 - "media-libs/cogl: make X support optional and misc dependency fixes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:579402 - "sys-apps/portage: egencache --update-changelogs could be better optimized for merge commits" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:579410 - "sci-mathematics/unuran-1.8.1 : !!! Unable to set SELinux security labels" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:579526 - "sys-apps/portage - run pkg_pretend phase in parallel jobs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:579540 - "dev-lang/ruby: configure.in implicitly uses AC_LANG_WERROR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:579576 - "Request for new overlay 'veremit' to layman" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:579702 - "app-admin/paxtest-0.9.14 build failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:579968 - "etc-update: config file overwrites command line parameters" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:580030 - "x11-libs/gtk+: add USE="win32" to support crossdev-mingw and prefix/windows" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:580444 - "gnome2-utils.eclass: move to upstream way of running gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:580474 - "gnome-base/gnome-control-center 3.20 fails to change mouse settings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:580734 - "net-libs/ignition-transport-1.1.0 : Test fails and processes do run furthermore even if emerge finishes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:580736 - "app-office/wps-office- fails to start on hardened (all components)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:580754 - "GitHub CI stalls when encountering a fatal error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:580794 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: info from overlays always shadows info from the main repo in `equery meta` output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:580870 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt: various compiler_rt libs should be produced for all appropriate targets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:580908 - "app-crypt/signify-17-r1 : file collision with net-mail/signify-1.14" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:580940 - "mail-filter/spamprobe-1.4d : /.../jpeglib.h:790:3: error: ‘size_t’ does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:581306 - "sys-auth/nss_ldap-265-r11: installs soname that are missing symlink(s) -> lib/libnss_ldap.so.2 -> nss_ldap.so.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:581558 - "www-apps/openproject: web-based project management system similar to MS Project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:581796 - "revdep-rebuild --library with age filter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:581880 - "sys-apps/portage: Incorrect distcc permissions if compiler is called first in pkg_setup()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:582194 - "python-utils-r1.eclass sets PYTHON_SITEDIR to the wrong path while cross-compiling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:582282 - "PMS: prohibiting changes to $TMPDIR and $HOME doesn't make sense" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:582416 - "portage ignores --accept-properties=-interactive --accept-restrict=-fetch in EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="..." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:582484 - "net-misc/dhcpcd: provide systemd service which delays network-online.target" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:582572 - "sys-apps/portage-2.2.28: spurious / confusing output during gcc reinstall" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:582636 - "Retire: Marek Szuba (marecki)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:582638 - "app-i18n/ibus doesn't call "dconf update" when installing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:582706 - "custom_extraperms.cgi doesn't encode + signs in email addresses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:583104 - "gnome-base/gconf-3.2.6-r6: The ebuild is installing to one or more unexpected paths: /root/.gconfd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:583440 - "general-concepts/news: add information about how and when to remove news items" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:583458 - "handle cap_setuid/cap_setgid filesystem capabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:583544 - "[Future EAPI] Add a dependency restriction operator that only applies to installed packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:583570 - ">=net-nds/openldap-2.4.44 init script awk warning" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:583610 - "dev-util/geany-1.27 : Makefile:880: recipe for target 'geany-gtkdoc.h' failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:583916 - "media-gfx/gimp: fails tests test-save-and-export test-ui test-single-window-mode test-tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:583920 - "=dev-libs/libffi-3.2.1 - src_test() ignores CC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:583986 - "sys-apps/portage: qcheck =dev-lang/ghc-7.10.3 reports multiple missing files in /usr/lib64/ghc-7.8.4/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:584012 - "multilib eclasses: multilib_copy_sources should be a nop when there's only one ABI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:584052 - "dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.22: cross-compiling fails with "src/syscfg/lock-obj-pub.<tuple>.h': No such file or directory"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:584072 - "=sys-libs/talloc-2.1.7 - src_configure(): Couldn't determine size of 'bool'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:584218 - "x11-themes/smplayer-themes-18.6.0: QA Notice: broken .png files found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:584394 - "dev-lang/rakudo-2016-04-r1 fails pkg_pretend with cryptic "Rakudo is known to fail compilation with the jvm backend if it's already installed."" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:584458 - "dev-qt/qtsql (all versions): libqsqlodbc.so plugin is terribly broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:584524 - "mail-filter/MailScanner-5.0.2 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:584598 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: eshowkw treats ebuilds with KEYWORDS="arch ~arch" as unstable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:584604 - "[Future EAPI] Clarify whether multiple keywords for one arch are allowed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:584760 - "FEATURES="xattr" failure results in broken merge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:584814 - "app-eselect/eselect-cpugov-0.1: eselect frequency/governor cpu control module (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:585046 - "archives.gentoo.org unable to parse PGP/MIME emails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:585206 - "net-misc/lldpd: creates /no/usr.sbin.lldpd in /" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:585362 - "sys-apps/ufiformat: UFI USB floppy disk formatter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:585364 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.28 fails tests on alpha: misc: setarch: [03] uname26-version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:585432 - "[Future EAPI] Define "default" for all phases that an EAPI supports, including noops" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:585514 - "dev-ruby/facter-3.1.8 : /.../rubygems.rb:15:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems/compatibility (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:585524 - "Georgia Tech Rsync Mirror is incredibly slow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:585528 - "dev-libs/sdformat-4.1.0 : /.../rubygems.rb:15:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems/compatibility (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:585564 - "sys-fs/fuse-2.9.6 with sys-kernel/hardened-sources and musl: realpath is restricted causing mount failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:585810 - "dev-haskell/hslua[system-lua] needs slot operator and broken with lua-5.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:585898 - "Maintainer: Tomáš Mózes (hydrapolic)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586152 - "Improve bootstrap-prefix.sh to pre-fetch EPREFIX/usr/portage/distfiles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586252 - "sys-apps/portage: confusing USE=bindist slot conflict triggered by dev-qt/qt-creator dependency on dev-libs/botan[-bindist]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586268 - "sys-apps/portage: space separated emerge --exclude arguments must be quoted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586288 - "sys-devel/crosstool-ng-1.22.0: infinite recursion with sys-apps/install-xattr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586390 - "Maintainer: Philippe Chaintreuil (peep)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586404 - "portage did not stop upgrading @world although a package failed in pkg_postinst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586416 - "[TRACKER] FILESDIR accesses in global scope or pkg_* functions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586446 - "php-ext-source-r3.eclass improvements" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586520 - "dev-libs/keybinder-0.3.1-r300 : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586722 - "x11-misc/gpaste-3.18.3 : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586728 - "sys-auth/pam_apparmor ebuild request pam module package for RBAC mode." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586746 - "sci-libs/adolc-2.5.2 : /.../ampisupport.cpp:53:56: error: ‘ADTOOL_AMPI_push_CallCodeReserve’ was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586754 - "app-misc/g15macro-1.0.3-r1 segfaults with dev-libs/libg15render-1.2-r2[truetype] and >=sys-libs/glibc-2.23" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586872 - "media-fonts/ricty-3.2.0-r1 : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:586882 - "vim-plugin.eclass should allow for neovim as alternate DEPENDS instead of just vim/gvim" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:587100 - "review: Uppercase characters are strongly discouraged, but technically valid." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:587230 - "app-emulation/qemu - sys-apps/install-xattr segfaults in qemu-arm-user" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:587410 - "sys-apps/elfix Consider installing paxctl-ng to /bin or /sbin instead" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:587526 - "Add a section (or new page) for listing "common failures when specifying dependecies"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:587550 - "dev-scheme/guile-1.8.8-r2 : /.../sh: line 1: 6261 Segmentation fault makeinfo --force -o guile-procedures.txt guile-procedures.texi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:587946 - "media-libs/ftgl-2.1.3_rc5 : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:588140 - "portage: log command line parameters in a sorted order" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:588226 - "[TRACKER] GCC version checks failing with clang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:588334 - "dev-lang/ruby: uses hardcoded CC from earlier dev-lang/ruby build when building extensions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:588336 - "sys-apps/portage: REQUIRED_USE report does not indicate flag changes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:588454 - "net-mail/sympa - a feature-rich open source mailing list software" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:588640 - "x11-libs/wxGTK - requires large disk space to build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:588718 - "Rename dev-php/PEAR-Net_Sieve to dev-php/Net_Sieve" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:588944 - "sys-apps/portage: make doins error out if insinto wasn't used" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:589094 - "Multilib support for musl libc based Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:589114 - "app-emulation/vagrant-1.8.4: RuntimeError, when using a gems env that use vagrant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:589240 - "Give a hint for a good subject line in bugzilla (solution included)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:589242 - "ebuild request for heroku client" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:589308 - "sci-mathematics/mathmod-4.1-r1 : gl_viewer/glviewer.cpp:235:19: error: ‘GL_LINE_SMOOTH’ was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:589434 - "app-misc/pax-utils: scanelf: --needed should walk DT_RPATH/DT_RUNPATH paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:590094 - "sys-libs/libieee1284 needs extra configure option applied when building on musl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:590236 - "app-arch/pbzip2-1.1.12/-1.1.13 fails to decompress files at random points returns -4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:590238 - "media-fonts/oldstandard-2.2 HOMEPAGE: Server not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:590388 - "webapp-config: Paludis-support broken in many ways" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:590504 - "Add the ability to check for fulfilled kernel options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:590616 - "sys-boot/vboot-utils requires mosys (and flashmap) for /usr/bin/crossystem to function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:590756 - "media-libs/rtaudio-4.1.2 - ../.libs/librtaudio.so: error: undefined reference to 'pa_strerror'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:591022 - "sys-apps/elfix: Provide one-line output format for paxctl-ng" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:591134 - "Portage ignores FEATURES="-selinux" for some selinux operations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:591234 - "sci-mathematics/msieve-1.51 : /.../ld: cannot find -lgomp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:591296 - "sci-biology/velvet-1.2.10 : src/splay.c:25:17: fatal error: omp.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:591400 - "archives: Please make it possibly to conveniently reply to mails from archives" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:591420 - "sys-apps/portage - /etc/portage/patches is not documented" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:591498 - "net-analyzer/pnp4nagios: add systemd service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:591636 - "sys-devel/crossdev generated pkg-config ignores PKG_CONFIG_PATH" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:591772 - "app-misc/screen: hardcoded socked dir using screen without suid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:591824 - "net-irc/hopm: Hybrid Open Proxy Monitor, new package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:592104 - "sys-apps/baselayout: simplify the ebuild as much as possible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:592250 - "app-misc/tmate-2.2.1 : configure: error: "msgpack >= 1.1.0 not found"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:592380 - "media-video/flowblade - multitrack non-linear video editor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:592392 - "sys-apps/baselayout: look into automating updates of /etc/services" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:592880 - "sys-apps/help2man dependents don't trigger dev-perl/Locale-gettext rebuilds during perl upgrade" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:592884 - "new feature: vendor stickiness" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:593086 - "sys-apps/portage: UseManager should warn about USE-deps in package.use, and discard them" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:593364 - "[TRACKER] Runtime-variable functions called in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:593478 - "dev-lang/ruby and dev-ruby/ffi support for Hardened Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:593674 - "[TRACKER] Shared libraries relying on implicit linkage (failing with -Wl,-z,defs)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:593730 - "net-firewall/shorewall-5.2.8-r1 - QA Notice: systemd units using /etc/conf.d detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:593846 - "Please add new ebuild of x11-misc/mate-dock-applet (version 0.74)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:593912 - "dev-python/selenium-2.46.0 dev-ruby/selenium-webdriver-2.53.4-r1 - file collision with FEATURES="splitdebug"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:593914 - "Too many open files when using --jobs with emerge -avu --deep world" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:594446 - "app-portage/flaggie-0.2.1: chokes on wildcards" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:594452 - "sys-apps/portage unnecessarily runs pkg_pretend() again when resuming build via 'ebuild ... package merge'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:594564 - "proj/gentoo-mate: request to add hooks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:594800 - "net-mail/dbmail-3.2.3 : /.../ld: cannot find -levent_pthreads" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:594910 - "dev-libs/OpenNI2-2.2_beta2 : /.../system_error: At global scope:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:595040 - "llvm-runtimes/openmp: missing options/flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:595086 - ">=www-servers/apache-2.4.23-r1: systemd hardening breaks php mail function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:595224 - "sys-apps/portage: detect conflicts that appear to be solvable with 1 additional backtracking run, and solve them" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:595310 - "dev-libs/libmemcached-1.0.18-r3 : ./.../thread.hpp:59:93: error: throw will always call terminate() [-Werror=terminate]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:595408 - "sys-block/thin-provisioning-tools-0.6.1 : ./.../block.tcc:193:68: error: throw will always call terminate() [-Werror=terminate]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:595436 - "www-client/ungoogled-chromium: Google Chromium variant for removing Google integration and enhancing privacy, control, and transparency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:595556 - "dev-util/squashdelta-0.1 : /.../util.cxx:145:41: error: throw will always call terminate() [-Werror=terminate]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:595574 - "dev-qt/qtwebengine checks GCC version based on what dev-qt/qtcore was built with" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:595686 - "net-libs/libosmo-dsp-0.3 : configure: error: Package requirements (fftw3f >= 3.2.0) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:595724 - "sci-chemistry/mpqc-2.3.1-r4 : ../.../lapack.h:2:41: fatal error: chemistry/.../f77sym.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:595744 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxx (ppc*) - In file included from ../src/thread.cpp:13:0: ../include/thread:431:73: error: ‘(9.223372036854775807e+18 / 1.0e+9)’ is not a constant expression" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:595884 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.1: emerge -Of shouldn't try to resolve REQUIRED_USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:595984 - "sci-biology/plink-1.90_pre140514 : plink_cluster.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to `dsyevr_'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:596168 - "Add group for KVM and add udev rule" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:596210 - "sys-block/thin-provisioning-tools-0.4.1 : ./.../space_map.h:125:9: error: deleted function 'virtual persistent_data::space_map_detail::missing_counts::~missing_counts()'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:596338 - "Let emerge store resolve information in a file, and resolve using past resolutions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:596446 - "ebuild for DELL SonicWALL netExtender" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:596524 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.1: allow to expand preserved-rebuild message" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:596920 - "sci-libs/arpack-3.1.3-r1 - configure: error: Cannot find LAPACK libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:597238 - "app-admin/webapp-config-1.54-r1 with www-apps/drupal-7.51 - No option 'vhost_appdir' in section: 'USER'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:597268 - "app-text/fbreader-0.99.4-r2: bad rendering (suspected unicode problem)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:597584 - "net-misc/dropbear: scp fails due to missing symlink when openssh is not installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:597886 - "Maintainer: Takuto Yoshida (otakuto)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:598318 - "Inform in build.log about custom package.env being used" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:598380 - "The documentation does not define URL strings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:598499 - "Include package slot in preserved libs output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:598503 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge dependency calculation failures could filter out noise from conflicts involving built slot operator deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:598521 - "[Future EAPI] Extend * version syntax to all arith operators" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:598523 - "[Future EAPI] Version operators that force a specific version and compare revisions (alike GLSA)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:598525 - "[Future EAPI] [TRACKER] Version operator syntax enhancements" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:598595 - "app-portage/flaggie: unknown python backtrace" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:598627 - "[Future EAPI] Allow alternative version restriction syntax: <pkg> [<op> <version>]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:598682 - "sci-visualization/gwyddion - several automagic dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:598806 - "sys-apps/sandbox: More issues with long paths (was: app-arch/libarchive-3.2.2)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:598880 - "sys-apps/baselayout-2.3 fails if /usr/local is invalid symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:598934 - "Ease build.log permissions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:598984 - "app-shells/quoter: Please pass CC environment variable." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:598986 - "dev-scheme/guile-2.0.12-r1 fails to build with -ffast-math (from -Ofast)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:599398 - "net-misc/ucarp-1.5.2-r5 : ucarp.c:(.text.startup+<snip>): undefined reference to `pcap_lookupdev'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:599470 - "[TRACKER] sys-auth/elogind - Integration into Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:599494 - "sys-apps/dbus: sys-auth/elogind support upstreaming" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:599584 - "[Future EAPI] Installed file-triggered postinst actions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:599624 - "games-fps/worldofpadman-1.6 crashes at start up" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:599944 - "media-sound/shntool-3.0.10-r1 - USE flags control RDEPENDs only" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:599952 - "dev-libs/xapian-bindings-1.4.1 : configure: error: SWIG doesn't yet support PHP7 (/usr/bin/php-config reports version 7.0.13-pl0-gentoo)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:599968 - "media-sound/timidity++-2.14.0-r2: stuck in infinite loop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600010 - "app-admin/eselect: eselect kernel should add/remove selected kernel to world file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600020 - "Force developers to specify the right SLOT variant on next eapi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600126 - "emerge: display ALL unsatisfiable ebuilds/arguments in a single run." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600134 - "multilib-build.eclass: Setting MULTILIB_COMPAT prevents use by non-multilib arches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600236 - "Maintainer: Olivier Laurantin (charlot)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600276 - "app-arch/p7zip-16.02-r1: fails to compile with clang and -fsanitize=address" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600362 - "llvm-runtimes/libunwind: build failure on ABI=x32" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600364 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxx-9999: fails static assertions on x32" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600394 - "Package Dependencies - Use of compact form conditionals is confusing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600626 - "sys-apps/portage: apply_recursive_permissions function could use os.fwalk to avoid "OSError: [Errno 63] File name too long"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600712 - "[TRACKER] Useless USE=tools descriptions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600720 - "app-text/wv: improve USE=tools desc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600800 - "Maintainer: Guillaume Seren (S0rin)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600804 - "sys-apps/portage: Introduce a separate build user/group to avoid conflicts with 'portage' uid/gid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:600968 - "=sys-apps/portage-2.3.0: duplicate description src_unpack/src_prepare in man 5 ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:601166 - "dev-libs/libcdio-0.94-r1 fails test check_cdtext.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:601272 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.0: does not list all packages causing rebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:601276 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.0: Misleading autounmask output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:601386 - "app-misc/todoman - A simple, standards-based, cli todo (aka: task) manager" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:601572 - "gnome-base/gnome-extra-apps: pull in x11-themes/gnome-icon-theme-extras" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:601740 - "Package atoms are oversimplified before being added to the world file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:601750 - "SPF policies review: handling of SPF failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:601782 - "dev-libs/leatherman-0.10.0 : /.../json_container.cc:591:24: error: aggregate ‘leatherman::json_container::json_value s’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:601896 - "gentoo-news.git repository checks do not block bad pushes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:601952 - "Add List-Unsubscribe headers to all Bugzilla mail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:601954 - "Add HTTP list-unsubscribe headers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:601956 - "Add List-Unsubscribe headers for forums" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:601958 - "Add List-Unsubscribe headers to all Wiki mail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:602030 - "Add page listing editbugs users" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:602170 - "Send emerge overall progress by mail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:602282 - "net-misc/insync - Advanced cross-platform Google Drive client" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:602358 - "Migrating docs from the removed VPS project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:602444 - "dev-python/pypy3: investigate distutils C compiler calls" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:602606 - "games-fps/quake2-icculus-0.16.1-r1 : /.../xf86dga.h:11:37: fatal error: X11/.../Xxf86dga.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:602608 - "sci-libs/libsigrok-0.4.0: build tries to write to /root/cache when running `dot` for doxygen generation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:602636 - "archives.gentoo.org: add a link to gossamer-threads.com" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:602664 - "sys-apps/portage: FEATURES=cgroup disables itself silently" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:602706 - "sys-apps/portage: systemd support for FEATURES=cgroup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:602712 - "gnome-extra/gnome-pomodoro - A Pomodoro timer for Gnome" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:602758 - "app-admin/webapp-config: --copy doesn't handle symlinks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:602832 - "app-emulation/xen-tools has sys-process/numactl automagic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:602882 - "Stop willikins from spewing notes in public" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:603062 - "net-libs/libtrace-4.0.0_beta : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:603132 - ""disqualify" binpkg if ebuild is not available" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:603258 - "mail-filter/postgrey: root privilege escalation via init script race condition" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:603308 - "net-mail/dovecot-2.2.27 : configure: error: conditional "SSL_VERSION_GE_102" was never defined." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:603372 - "x11-misc/virtualgl: init script should use checkpath instead of truncate/chmod" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:603388 - "app-backup/duplicity-0.7.10: Multiple test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:603492 - "=app-portage/g-cpan-0.16.9 fails test 'Got PORTDIR_OVERLAY'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:603570 - "app-crypt/heimdal-7.1.0 - this heimdal Version need an patch to build samba with it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:603592 - "app-text/fbreader-0.99.4-r2 compiles in src_install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:603636 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.15.1-r2 installs files that contain writable and executable section" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:603664 - "revdep-rebuild doesn't want to rebuild calibre, but revdep-rebuild.sh does" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:603882 - "emerge: --tree option changes packages to be installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:604080 - "[Future EAPI] Follow POSIX Utility Syntax Guidelines for command options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:604108 - "[Future EAPI] Provide a flexible mechanism to combine licenses with exceptions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:604112 - "dev-libs/xapian-bindings-1.4.2 : configure: error: /usr/bin/php-config reports version 7.1.0 - PHP5 bindings need PHP 5.x where x >= 5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:604142 - "Maintainer: William Breathitt Gray (vilhelmgray)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:604322 - "media-fonts/osifont ebuild request: free TTF font for CAD projects, very close to IS0 3098" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:604346 - "[TRACKER] Raku support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:604566 - "[Future EAPI] Tips on circular dependency resolution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:605072 - "make.conf.example suggests setting up SYNC variable, but emerge complains about it." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:605082 - "Add metadata to CONTENTS_ files in vdb" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:605084 - "[TRACKER] dev-python/twisted-* split pkg dep update" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:605200 - "Maintainer: Azamat H. Hackimov (winterheart)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:605274 - "sys-cluster/vzctl-4.9.4 uses deprecated #!/sbin/runscript instead of #!/sbin/openrc-run" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:605276 - "Store uncompressed docs in binary packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:605374 - "media-sound/mpdscribble-0.25 : installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:605446 - "net-misc/openssh-7.4_p1: test failure: interop-tests: conch-ciphers.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:605448 - "net-dns/pdnsd-1.2.9a-r2 : installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:605494 - "media-gfx/verapdf ebuild request PDF/A validator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:605530 - "redirected output of "equery -N u" is out of order" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:605648 - "overlays.g.o: text from repositories.xml isn't escaped" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:605708 - "dev-util/ragel- fails tests - environment: line 316: cd: /var/tmp/portage/dev-util/ragel- No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:605732 - "sys-devel/crossdev fails to compile glibc with default compiler set to clang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:605774 - "Maintainer: Punarbasu Purkayastha (ppurka)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:605874 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.0: emerge output should explain how to get all the output for preserved-libs messages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:605880 - "sys-libs/db: rethinking the current slotting model (see comment #11 about how to properly RDEPEND on db)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:606136 - "Support differentiating GLSA notifications that have an upgrade path from those that don't in GLSA checking tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:606670 - "profiles/base/make.default: inallowed backslash escape in COLLISION_IGNORE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:606712 - "dev-ruby/rake[doc] triggers circular dependency with rdoc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:606730 - "dev-texlive/texlive-basic-2016 and co hard blockers (workaround specified in Whiteboard field)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:606854 - "Installation of icons (doins vs. doicon, newicon)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:606940 - "Keyword for saying: Merge keyworded package only if no stable version is available" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:607130 - "dev-python/PyQtChart: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:607224 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --autounmask-unrestricted-atom could omit operator and version number for packages that are not slotted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:607252 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.3 emerge --fetchonly reports slot conflict inconsistently with dev-ml/camlp4-4.04_p1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:607426 - "sys-process/cronbase: wrong permissions on dirs lets any user to use cron." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:607672 - "media-libs/libsidplay-2.1.1-r4 - make[1]: Entering directory '/home/portage/media-libs/libsidplay-2.1.1-r4/work/sidplay-libs-2.1.1-abi_x86_32.x86/libsidplay' make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'all'. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:607752 - "sys-block/buffer-1.19-r2 HOMEPAGE Not Found, bad SRC_URI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:607852 - "sys-apps/portage: deprecate /etc/portage/package.keywords, in favor of package.accept_keywords" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:607884 - "app-backup/amanda-3.4.2 : ./.../libamanda.so: undefined reference to `OPENSSL_init_ssl'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:607910 - "sys-apps/portage: Redesign FEATURES=multilib-strict to have some sanity" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:608158 - "Some built-slot dependencies are not rebuilt automatically on update (needs --rebuild-if-new-slot by default)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:608168 - "<portage>/dev-perl/ & perl-core/ metadata description lacks accuracy." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:608198 - "Bugzilla doesn't show the "Package list" and "Runtime testing required" fields for a stable request saved as a template" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:608208 - "Lots of obsolete news items shown on a first install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:608356 - "sys-apps/portage: document that FEATURES=unmerge-backup overwrites binary packages, suggest FEATURES=binpkg-multi-instance" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:608396 - "cargo.eclass should have helpers for path dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:608504 - "gnome-extra/evolution-ews-3.22.4 (and earlier) fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:608546 - "sys-apps/portage: prefer dependency choices with unsatisfied USE over those with missing IUSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:608580 - "Maintainer: David Roman (stkw0)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:608718 - "app-emulation/wine: install bigger/scalable icons" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:608764 - "app-misc/pax-utils: dumpelf: multiple misaligned address error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:609054 - "app-text/pdfium - library for viewing, printing and form filling PDF files - required by >=LibreOffice-6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:609056 - "app-misc/brewtarget-2.3.1 : /.../qbasicatomic.h:93:23: error: ‘QAtomicOpsSupport’ was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:609070 - "[TRACKER] Non-POSIX init scripts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:609122 - "sys-libs/db-5.3.28-r2:5.3 test failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:609338 - "[Future EAPI] USE-conditional flag masking/forcing / implicit flag selection (was: GLEP 73)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:609390 - "net-libs/phodav-2.1 - review init and unit file installation conditionals" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:609392 - "sys-apps/portage: Spit a nice, readable summary at the end of emerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:609440 - "app-shells/push-2.0-r1 app-shells/quoter-3.0_p2-r1 app-portage/eix-0.32.5-r1: does not work as documented" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:609448 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-base-1.10.3 fails elements/multifdsink and elements/videoscale on arm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:609472 - "sys-apps/portage: package.provided does not work for virtuals unless the version corresponds to an available ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:609498 - "app-vim/c-support-6.1.1 collides with app-vim/perl-support-5.3.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:609632 - "app-emulation/xen-tools: bundles app-emulation/qemu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:610010 - "mozcoreconf-*.eclass: PYTHON_COMPAT set in eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:610022 - "dev-haskell/geniplate- : Data/.../Geniplate.hs:69:25: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:610120 - "=dev-vcs/git-annex[s3] requires old http-conduit / http-client" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:610340 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-base-1.10.3 - ./.libs/libgstaudio-1.0.so: undefined reference to `resample_gint32_linear_1_sse41'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:610350 - "dev-haskell/yesod-routes- : Yesod/.../ParseRoute.hs:53:5: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:610594 - "app-vim/vim-r-1.3.1 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:610702 - "sys-apps/portage: stat()s all installed binaries (?) at every install/removal (LinkageMapELF)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:610760 - "general-concepts/filesystem: further clarify /var" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:610772 - "dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.50.0 - ImportError: ./.libs/_giscanner.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:610960 - "x11-misc/gpaste-3.20.3 : No package 'gnome-keybindings' found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:611024 - "media-gfx/vpaint - Experimental vector graphics and 2D animation editor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:611226 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.3: emerge-webrsync doesn't show errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:611274 - "sys-apps/portage: conflicting use flags should be sanity checked" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:611336 - "sys-libs/db:4.8 (maybe others) - add support for debian-compatible symbol versions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:611396 - "sys-apps/portage: warn users when PATH in env.d changes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:611564 - "ssl USE flag semantics" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:611566 - "app-emulation/bochs-2.6.8 : ../config.h:362:4: error: #error IDLE_HACK will only work with the X11 or term gui. Correct configure args and retry." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:611852 - "portageq: Add subcommand `conflicts-subslot`" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:611974 - "x11-misc/gpaste-3.20.3 : configure: error: Package requirements (gdk-x11-3.0 >= 3.20.0) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:612068 - "sys-apps/portage: support conditional USE configuration based on available IUSE for a given package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:612090 - "sys-apps/portage: add support for PROPERTIES="sparse-files" in ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:612254 - "RESTRICT=binchecks handling and binary (non-ELF/executable) checks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:612486 - "portage: --verbose-conflicts does not show all conflicts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:612488 - "sys-apps/portage: AttributeError: 'AtomArg' object has no attribute 'installed'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:612500 - "[TRACKER] Gna! (gna.org) closing soon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:612666 - "sci-libs/quicktions ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:612842 - "Changes in long values of "Package list" field are unreadable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:612994 - "[Tracker] DISTDIR globs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:613110 - "[Tracker] ${S} used outside src_*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:613364 - "gnome2.eclass: Unable to pass arguments to gnome2_src_install since EAPI-6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:613374 - "gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon fails dev-python/python-dbusmock power plugin test suite" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:613456 - "sys-apps/portage emerge --ask should run pkg_pretend before asking" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:613698 - "sys-apps/elfix-0.9.2 "paxctl-ng -L foo" fails but returns success when foo has no PT_PAX_FLAGS header" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:613742 - "corrupt/invalid ebuilds should be made fatal at the emerge level" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:613826 - "net-misc/rsync-3.1.2 fails xattrs-hlink and xattrs tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:613950 - "Change of Mailing Address: tracker bug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:613958 - "Change of Mailing Address: Banking" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:613972 - "Change of Mailing Address: Infra servers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:614154 - "media-sound/pulseaudio LICENSE metadata and expressing license strictening due to linkage or not" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:614240 - "app-portage/gentoolkit - all tools should handle CTRL-C gracefully" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:614354 - "sys-libs/gdbm: Potentially wrong LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:614720 - "Maintainer: Emir Marincic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:614746 - "app-portage/gentoolkit*: ekeyword fails on KEYWORDS inside bash if ... then ... else ... fi statement" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:614748 - "app-portage/gentoolkit*: ekeyword switch to not drop stable keywords." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:614952 - "Support /etc/portage/*.d directory (alternatively to directories without .d suffix)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:614998 - "sys-apps/portage: Makes .so linker scripts executable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:615060 - "dev-vcs/git-tools - live ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:615062 - "games-emulation/advancescan-1.18 version bump request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:615144 - "gnome2-utils.eclass: gnome2_disable_deprecation_warning also kills GIMP_DISABLE_DEPRECATED" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:615154 - "gnome-base/gnome-keyring: add multilib support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:615188 - "sys-apps/makedev-3.23.1 : /.../sh:line <snip>: 19323 Segmentation fault ./gendac960 > makedev.d/dac960" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:615376 - "app-editors/vile-9.8s : make[1]: *** [makefile:250: sh-filt.o] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:615748 - "=dev-build/libtool-2.4.6-r6: libtool strips LDFLAGS/CFLAGS for "--param<space>option" style flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:615824 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge fails to report slot conflicts involving autounmask USE changes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:615832 - "app-editors/vim: Multiple problems with py2/py3 support and plugins" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:615882 - "dev-util/bazle doesn't seem to respect -j1 for make" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:615930 - "dev-util/gnome-builder: review dependency or information expressing for included project scaffolding templates" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:616022 - "sys-process/systemd-cron-1.5.4 : file collision with sys-process/anacron-2.3-r4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:616046 - "licenses: LIBGLOSS and NEWLIB licenses should probably be replaced by individual licenses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:616054 - "dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia-0.94_p1: breaks ABI without bumping SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:616180 - "sys-auth/polkit-0.113 - Failed to set XATTR_PAX markings -mre test/polkitbackend/.libs/polkitbackendjsauthoritytest." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:616258 - "ruby-fakegem.eclass binwrap does not ignore folders in the bin directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:616298 - "dev-libs/libmemcached: builds tests unnecessarily" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:616380 - "net-misc/openssh does not respect stack-protection" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:616422 - "Maintainer: Christian Strahl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:616498 - "cmake-multilib.eclass: einstalldocs is called both in install & install_all" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:616566 - "llvm-core/clang-4.0.0 uses the wrong chost prefix for symlinks (CHOST != CHOST_arm)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:616612 - "depend.apache.eclass unusable for EAPI={6,7} mandatory packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:616616 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.7.1 : /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libthreads-fibers.so is empty, not checked." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:616800 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: `equery uses package` does not respect LANG, prints first lang listed in metadata.xml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:617262 - "app-text/podofo-0.9.6_pre20170428 : /.../PdfError.h:164:92: error: throw will always call terminate() [-Werror=terminate]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:617266 - "sys-cluster/legion-17.02.0 : file collision with dev-util/ragel-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:617298 - "sys-apps/sandbox: upgrading while other packages are using it can randomly lead to crashes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:617658 - "sci-biology/gmap-2015.12.31.5 : ../.../mpidebug.c:29:31: error: ‘MPI_MODE_RDONLY’ undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:617710 - "Mailing lists: allow off-list replies to messages on the mailing list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:617722 - "app-misc/elasticsearch: multiple bundled java packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:617776 - "llvm-core/llvm does not install ${CHOST}-prefixed tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:617788 - "sys-devel/gcc-7.2.0[multilib,obj-gc]: missing abi DEPEND on dev-libs/boehm-gc: configure: error: system bdw-gc required but not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:617826 - "media-gfx/flamenco ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618080 - "dev-libs/libcroco-0.6.12-r1 : configure: error: Package requirements (" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618132 - "Maintainer: Nils Freydank (holgersson)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618218 - "media-video/ffmulticonverter-1.8.0 New Package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618228 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --autounmask-backtrack would also be useful with --autounmask=n" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618458 - "dev-python/carbonate: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618468 - "app-arch/ecm new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618494 - "media-libs/gstreamer-1.14.1: app-emulation/spice configure blocks while "checking for the appsrc GStreamer element..." when old media-libs/gst-plugins-bad-1.12.4 is installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618550 - "[TRACKER] LTO issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618558 - "sys-apps/portage (and tools) should accept atoms with a version but without an equal/greater than/littler than sign preceding it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618642 - "[TRACKER] x11-libs/wxGTK consumers migration to WX_GTK_VER=3.0-gtk3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618742 - "Historical cvs->git repo: dev-python/fusil/Manifest initial commit wrongly combined with dev-python/networkx initial" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618866 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.5: emerge --keep-going dropping pkgs unrelated to the failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618918 - "=media-libs/freetype-2.8: font 'Terminus' renamed to 'xos4 Terminus'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:618926 - "sys-apps/portage build log for pretend phase gets clobbered" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:619048 - "sys-fs/cryptsetup-1.7.4: do not use hash in plain mode with keyfile specified" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:619108 - "definition of "Severity" levels in bugzilla" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:619132 - "Add new field <remote-id type="debian"> to metadata.xml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:619316 - "sci-libs/pastix-5.2.3 fails tests - cp: cannot create regular file '/usr/bin/pastix-conf': Permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:619318 - "media-gfx/swatchbooker - reads and writes color palettes from and to all major open and closed source graphic programs and standards" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:619490 - "toolchain-funcs.eclass: clang-*version functions return literal string '__clang_major__.__clang_minor__' instead of actual values if CC is not clang (improve doc and change precondition)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:619552 - "sys-libs/gpm-1.20.7-r2: unable to paste with middle click button" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:619596 - "sys-apps/portage: Have a way to see changed FEATURES compared to existing install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:619646 - "dev-ruby/redcloth-4.3.2 : LoadError: cannot load such file -- rake/extensiontask" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:619698 - "=media-libs/libcaca-0.99_beta19 - In file included from .../libcaca-0.99.beta19/test/canvas.cpp:15: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/5.4.0/include/g++-v5/bits/c++0x_warning.h:32:2: error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the[...]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:619706 - "dev-libs/elfutils-0.186: Test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:619838 - "[TRACKER] Distfiles with bad names" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:620074 - "dev-debug/systemtap-3.1 - ld: i386:x86-64 architecture of input file `.../work/systemtap-3.1/python/py2build/temp.linux-x86_64-2.7/HelperSDT/_HelperSDT.o' is incompatible with i386 output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:620122 - "dev-python/pysvn-1.8.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:620134 - "net-analyzer/ripe-atlas-tools-1.2.3-r1 fails test: Failure: ModuleNotFoundError (No module named IPy ) ERROR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:620140 - "net-libs/stem-1.5.4 fails tests: test_connections_ipv6 - test_connections_ipv6_by_user" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:620406 - "app-editors/komodo-edit-bin freeware editor for dynamic and web languages (ebuild attached)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:620484 - "app-crypt/simple-tpm-pk11-0.06 : src/common.cc:137:7: error: throw will always call terminate() [-Werror=terminate]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:620524 - "sys-apps/install-xattr: setxattr() failed: Operation not permitted - on hardened profile with FEATURES="userpriv" during src_compile as opposed to src_install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:620650 - "[TRACKER] Oversized files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:620938 - "Improve feedback of emerge after being killed because of oom" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:621066 - "dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-r11 : configure: error: Cannot enable LDAPDB plugin: You need to specify --with-ldap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:621136 - "Maintainer: David Zero (zero-one)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:621224 - "Can't send mail to webmaster@gentoo.org" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:621296 - "=sys-apps/portage-2.3.6 allows installing blocked packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:621468 - "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.4.0 Update the manpage for revdep-rebuild SEARCH_DIRS_MASK" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:621648 - "app-emulation/remotebox new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:621678 - "media-gfx/msc-generator ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:621772 - "media-libs/sdl2-mixer-2.0.1 : file collision with media-libs/sdl-mixer-1.2.12-r4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:621966 - "[TRACKER] .desktop file is executable while it should not be" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:622120 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.12 : Error: ERROR "Caught fatal error [memory may be damaged]"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:622156 - "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.3: equery b does not work when using symlinks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:622336 - "net-misc/cgminer-4.10.0 : configure: error: You have configured more than one driver in with a driver that is designed to be standalone only (see ./configure --help)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:622402 - "app-backup/bacula: overcomplex/confusing REQUIRED_USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:622598 - "net-analyzer/symon: Depends on virtual/pmake but calls 'pmake' directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:622662 - "media-libs/libdv-1.0.0-r3 does not emerge w/ sys-devel/gcc-7.1.0-r1[pie,ssp] with gold on x86 (error: error: .libs/idct_block_mmx.o: relocation R_386_GOTOFF against preemptible symbol preSC cannot be used when making a shared object)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:622778 - "xfce-base/libxfce4ui-4.13.2 : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:622986 - "dev-perl/MARC-File-XML-1.0.5-r1 fails tests ( Failed test 'should have refused to parse MARCXML record containing external entitities, but did not )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623054 - "app-misc/maitreya-8.0.1 - Software for western and Vedic Astrology (Jyotish)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623174 - "sys-apps/portage: --onlydeps applies soft blockers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623236 - "sys-apps/portage: add a better explanation for handling exactly-one-of REQUIRED_USE constraint" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623262 - "media-sound/tk707-0.8-r1 : /.../sh: /.../sh: cannot execute binary file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623282 - "dev-go/go-spew-0_pre20150619 : fails with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623320 - "app-crypt/md5deep-4.4 : fails test - FAIL: tests.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623340 - "net-vpn/iodine-0.7.0-r4 fails test: common.c:100:F:Common:test_parse_format_ipv4:0: Assertion 'addr_len == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)' failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623424 - "net-libs/gupnp-1.0.2 : FAIL: test-context" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623436 - "sys-auth/libnss-cache-0.10.2 : fails with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623448 - "net-analyzer/symon-2.88 : fails with FEATURES=test ( Makefile:1: *** missing separator )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623524 - "sys-libs/db-5.3.28-r2 : fails with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623586 - "games-util/umodpack-0.5_beta16-r2 fails tests on perl 5.26 (Unimplemented: POSIX::tmpnam() at test.pl line 14)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623600 - "app-backup/spideroak-bin-6.3.0 fails to build: cannot find section .rela.dyn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623726 - "[betagarden] media-tv/mediathekview-bin-13.0.2 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623728 - "net-vpn/tinc-1.1_pre14-r3 : fails with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623752 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.6: ebuild-ipc: daemon process not detected (race?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623818 - "net-misc/kea-1.2.0-r1 : FAILED kea-dhcp6.server_pid_file_test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623850 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.6: -* in profile package.use is reported as "Invalid USE flag"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623854 - "sys-apps/portage should provide a way for ebuilds to disable FEATURES=sandbox" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:623856 - "x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.1.2 : xdg-mime does not handle paths correctly ( line 323: [: too many arguments )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623910 - "net-libs/libotr-4.1.1 : fails with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623962 - "sys-libs/musl should depend on sys-libs/timezone-data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:623994 - "dev-build/autoconf-2.63-r1 : fails with FEATURES=test ( 171. Unusual Automake input files (torture.at:1463): FAILED )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624062 - "dev-util/hotspot - Qt5 GUI for the Linux perf profiler; ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624076 - "x11-misc/shared-mime-info-1.8 causes all browsers to stop opening .swf files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624094 - "sys-apps/portage: summarize hard blockers at the end of all the output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624248 - "llvm-runtimes/openmp-4.0.1 : fails with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624262 - "Making Gentoo Bugzilla instance secure enough to handle embargoed issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624308 - "app-crypt/gnupg ipc socket handling violates sandbox" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624310 - "dev-libs/xerces-c-3.1.4 fails tests ( /ThreadTest': free(): invalid next size (normal): 0x00007fe040009dc0, OutOfMemoryException )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624346 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.7.1 : /.../ld: cannot find -lmoduleEveryLB" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624464 - "sys-kernel/dracut Support USE=doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:624540 - "net-voip/murmur: Support SIGHUP and SIGUSR1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624560 - "media-libs/gst-rtsp-server-1.10.3 : configure: Package glib-2.0 , required by virtual:world , not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624578 - "net-voip/yate-5.5.0-r1 : h323chan.cpp:3394:5: error: PTrace has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624614 - "net-dns/opendnssec-2.1.10 fails tests: ./test.sqlite: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624660 - "euse in app-portage/gentoolkit can't handle dev-python/PyQt5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:624846 - "sys-firmware/intel-microcode: point to some instructions to update microcodes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:625122 - "sys-boot/vboot-utils-59_p20170413 : tests/vboot_api_kernel5_tests.c:186: Image good ... FAILED" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:625150 - "Maintainer: Robert Förster (Dessa@gmake.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:625268 - "dev-libs/xapian-bindings-1.4.4 : php7/xapian_wrap.cc:1096:27: error: xapian_globals was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:625306 - "dev-build/make-4.2.1-r1 : Error running /.../make (expected 0; got 14):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:625364 - "net-firewall/iptables-1.4.21-r4 will not build with USE static-libs and conntrack: ../extensions/libext.a(libxt_connlabel.o): In function `connlabel_open':" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:625560 - "app-emulation/wine-{any,vanilla,staging,d3d9} && app-eselect/wine: winegcc fails to link when using a variant symlink other than /usr/bin/winegcc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:625796 - "media-sound/sndpeek-1.4 will not build with USE oss" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:626058 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge unexpectedly tries to autounmask =dev-db/postgresql-10_beta2, and --autounmask-keep-masks suppresses the problem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:626092 - "sys-apps/portage: support switch for non-hardlink $D to rootfs merge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:626134 - "dev-lang/rust-1.19.0 could check for required RAM if -ggdb in CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:626226 - "media-video/ffmpeg: disable optional libilbc support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:626512 - "dev-java/drip - Fast JVM launching without the hassle of persistent JVMs (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:626600 - "Maintainer: Sergey Ilinykh (rion4ik at gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:626612 - "dev-python/parsel-1.2.0 package is needed for scrapy-1.4.0 (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:626952 - "sys-boot/syslinux-6.04_pre1-r5 won't compile on musl: wrapper.h:30:2: error: unknown type name ‘__uint16_t’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:626982 - "More arch testing hardware access for kernel team (or Mike Pagano/Alice Ferrazzi)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:626986 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.7.1 : libthreads-fibers.c:1106:21: fatal error: windows.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:627526 - "dev-db/cockroach: MAKEOPTS won't get be effective" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:627646 - "rsbac: no reply to project status mail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:627652 - "samba: no reply to project status mail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:627702 - ">=sys-apps/dbus-1.10.22 fails test test-refs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:627708 - "sys-libs/cracklib: creates unowned dictionary files, and does not clean them up on removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:627714 - "Discrepancy in USE=wayland use" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:627740 - "emerge pretend output without color cannot show @world items" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:627840 - "Gentoo mail forwarding (aliases) cause SPF failures for incoming third-party mail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:627842 - "virtual/ttf-fonts: add corefonts USE flag" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:627886 - "sys-block/thin-provisioning-tools-0.7.0 : make: *** [unit-tests/Makefile:<snip>: unit-test]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628004 - "Please implement GLEP73 REQUIRED_USE enforcing support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628074 - "games-roguelike/crossfire-client-1.72.0: version bump (ebuild attached)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628110 - "dev-haskell/threads- : Test suite test-threads: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628202 - "net-libs/libgadu-1.12.1 : FAIL: resolver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628266 - "sys-cluster/libqb-1.0.1 : FAIL: log.test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628330 - "dev-haskell/connection-0.2.4: build fails when depending on >=dev-haskell/tls-1.3 due to change in API between TLS-1.2 and 1.3 (in particular contextNew function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628356 - "mate-extra/brisk Menu extensions (ebuild request)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628388 - "app-shells/push-3.0: Please bump; ebuild should be modified" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628390 - "app-shells/quoter-4.0: Please bump; ebuild should be modified" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628412 - "sys-block/thin-provisioning-tools-0.7.0 : [ FAILED ] ArrayBlockTests.can_create_an_empty_array (6 ms)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628470 - "dev-ruby/rake-12.0.0 - /usr/lib64/ruby/2.1.0/rubygems.rb:15:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems/compatibility (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628888 - "dev-lang/rust-1.19.0 fails to build when CFLAGS contains any flag not supported by C++ compiler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628892 - "postgres-multi.eclass: typo?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628916 - "kernel: through 4.12.9 local users bypass the KASLR protection (CVE-2017-{13693,13694,13695})" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:628984 - "java-utils-2.eclass: queries DEPEND in java-pkg_switch-vm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629004 - "dev-scheme/guile-2.0.14-r2 fails test 00-repl-server.test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629048 - "If Gentoo is offline, portage could store in a file all the SRC_URI of the packages to be merged, in order to get them in another machine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:629050 - "media-gfx/nufraw fork to replace media-gfx/nufraw (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629262 - "dev-python/pyperclip-1.5.27 No protocol specified : cannot connect to X server :0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629498 - "dev-util/splitpatch - A utility to split a diff patch into separate sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629598 - "dev-util/open-vcdiff-0.8.4-r1 : src/varint_bigendian_test.cc:109:66: error: narrowing conversion of 255 from int to char inside { } [-Wnarrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629626 - "app-admin/pass-1.7.1 : not ok 8 - Git is consistent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629630 - "app-admin/consul-template-0.18.5-r1 : FAIL github.com/hashicorp/consul-template" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629646 - "media-libs/gst-rtsp-server-1.10.3 : FAIL: gst/rtspserver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629736 - "sys-cluster/mpich-3.2-r1 : libhwloc.so: error adding symbols: File in wrong format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629772 - "app-text/gtkspell does not build with >=app-text/enchant-2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629810 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.30.1 : schedutils: chrt-non-user KNOWN FAILED (1 from 1 sub-tests)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629838 - "[TRACKER] Incompatibilities with >=app-text/enchant-2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629854 - "Maintainer: Wade Cline (wadecline AT hotmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629870 - "sci-geosciences/nccmp- (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:629952 - "portage --keep-going=y continues to proceed with subslot rebuilds even if the subslot change causing the rebuilds has failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:630006 - "app-backup/rdedup: does not respect -j1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:630034 - "net-nds/openldap: creates a PID file after dropping privileges to a non-root account" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:630072 - "app-text/enchant-1.6.1-r1: libtool: error: specify a tag with '--tag'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:630248 - "dev-cpp/metslib-0.5.3 : ../.../model.hh:248:5: error: uniform_int is not a member of std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:630262 - "dev-vcs/git-mailz-0.14 : - git-mailz: error: no sender in empty-file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:630382 - "dev-db/cockroach-1.0.3 : make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: build] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:630422 - "[Future EAPI] Functions for sandbox control" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:630488 - "Conflicts between dependency and actual USE flags should indicate what is conflicting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:630546 - "x11-wm/xpra - add support for nvenc (--with-nvenc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:630614 - "x11-themes/gtk-engines-2.20.2-r2 : FAIL: torture_clearlooks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:630656 - "dev-libs/liboil-0.3.17-r3 : FAIL: stride" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:630658 - "net-misc/openssh-7.5_p1-r2: cmp: /.../copy: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:630686 - "x11-themes/gartoon-redux-1.10-r1 : Error reading SVG:Error domain 1 code 4 on line 1 column 1 of file:/.../bluefish-icon.svg: Start tag expected, < not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:630806 - "PMS: relation between slotmoves and subslots is not properly documented" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:630830 - "gnome-base/gdm: root privilege escalation via "chown" in pkg_postinst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:630906 - "net-analyzer/munin: root privilege escalation via "chown -R" in pkg_config" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:631026 - "www-apps/ikiwiki-3.20200202.3-r1 fails tests ( missing dependencies with USE=minimal , and more )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631052 - "dev-vcs/git-mailz-0.14 : env: cram : No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631108 - "Mask arch-specific USE-flags in an overlay" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631260 - "media-gfx/hp2xx-3.4.4-r3 : to_tif.c:9:20: fatal error: tiffio.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631266 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.7.1 : Fatal Error by charmc in directory /var/tmp/portage/sys-cluster/charm-6.7.1/work/charm-6.7.1/tests/charm++/load_balancing/lb_test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631276 - "dev-lang/rakudo-2017.08 : * Make test failed. See above for details." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631336 - "app-misc/beanstalkd-1.10 : ct/ct.c:27:32: error: initializer element is not constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631364 - ">=sys-block/thin-provisioning-tools-0.7.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631432 - "x11-misc/gpaste-3.20.3 : * Make check failed. See above for details." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631450 - "gitweb: https:// urls in commit messages aren't hyperlinks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631546 - "sys-auth/polkit: root privilege escalation via "chown -R" in pkg_postinst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631548 - "sys-cluster/cluster-glue: root privilege escalation via "chown -R" in pkg_postinst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631722 - "PMS: improve description of sandboxing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631766 - "dev-lang/rakudo-2017.09 fails tests : 04-nativecall 07-writebarrier.t, 21-callback-other-thread.t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:631872 - "sys-apps/portage: egencache --update-use-local-desc unhandled xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632008 - "app-text/lesspipe-1.83 : less testok/a\ b NOT ok" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632034 - "woodpecker: perl_ldap: warning during cleanup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632082 - "gnome-base/dconf-0.26.0-r1 : Tests fail if system dbus instance is not running" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632098 - "app-office/auto-multiple-choice fails compile: Use of \@xmultirow doesn't match its definition" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632164 - "net-misc/openssh-7.5_p1-r2: failed conch ciphers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632225 - "sys-apps/pcm: New package request (replaces sys-apps/intel-performance-counter-monitor)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632247 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.15.2 : FAIL: des: kadmin.local srvtab (unmatched output: xst -k localhost-new-srvtab gssservice/localhost kiprop/localh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632271 - "emerge --onlydeps <PKG> still prompts for unmasking/keywording of <PKG> even though it won't be installed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632386 - "app-backup/rdup-1.1.15 : FAIL: Run rdup-simple with encryption" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632416 - "media-libs/libgii-1.0.2-r1 : This package has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:632426 - "dev-libs/libxdiff-0.23-r2 : This package has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:632432 - "www-misc/htdig-3.2.0_beta6-r5 : This package has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:632532 - "dev-java/sbt-1.0.2 1.1.6 1.2.0-RC 1.3.6 forks a second java process and hangs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632574 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5-appl-1.0.3 : Resolve library did not return a fully qualified domain name." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632618 - "[TRACKER] eselect modules fiddling with package-manager controlled locations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632688 - "postinst-qa-check.d/50gnome2-utils: gnome2_icon_cache_check(): Broken behavior in case of missing icon-theme.cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632690 - "app-eselect/eselect-php: upstream the php-fpm OpenRC service script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632724 - "Maintainer: Cheyenne Wills (cwills AT witznd.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632736 - "Maintainer: Iván Atienza (gentoo.power AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632744 - "Maintainer: Paul B. Henson (henson AT acm.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632746 - "Maintainer: James Ausmus (james.ausmus AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632748 - "Maintainer: Julian Simioni (julian AT simioni.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632752 - "Maintainer: Felix Janda (felix.janda AT posteo.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632768 - "Maintainer: Ferenc Erki (erkiferenc AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632778 - "Maintainer: François Bissey (frp.bissey AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632794 - "Maintainer: Tharvik (tharvik AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632798 - "Maintainer: vincent.hardy.be AT gmail.com" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632802 - "Maintainer: Dustin J. Mitchell (dustin AT v.igoro.us)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632814 - "Maintainer: Boris Vingradov (no111u3 AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632820 - "Maintainer: Pavel Kretov (firegurafiku AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632846 - "Maintainer: Jan Breuer (honza.breuer AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632860 - "Maintainer: Ruslan Osmanov (rrosmanov AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632864 - "Maintainer: Dominique Michel (dominique.c.michel AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632872 - "Maintainer: Peter Gantner (gentoo AT nephros.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632874 - "Maintainer: Pierre-Olivier Mercier (nemunaire AT nemunai.re)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632894 - "Maintainer: Martin Dummer (martin.dummer AT gmx.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632902 - "Maintainer: c.affolter AT purplehaze.ch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632904 - "Maintainer: Stéphane Veyret (sveyret AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632908 - "Maintainer: Antti Järvinen (antti.jarvinen AT katiska.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632912 - "Maintainer: aditsu AT yahoo.com" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632916 - "Maintainer: Jordan Ritter (jpr5+gentoo AT darkridge.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632920 - "Maintainer: My Th (rei4dan AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632928 - "Maintainer: Laurent Vivier (laurent AT lamzi.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632932 - "Maintainer: Bertrand Jacquin (bertrand AT jacquin.bzh)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632936 - "Maintainer: Zoltan Puskas (zoltan AT sinustrom.info)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632938 - "Maintainer: Pedro Arizmendi (dwosky AT pm.me)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632942 - "Maintainer: Georg Rudoy (0xd34df00d AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632946 - "Maintainer: Oliver Freyermuth (o.freyermuth AT googlemail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632952 - "Maintainer: Uwe Scholz (u.scholz83 AT gmx.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632956 - "Maintainer: Marek Behun (kabel AT blackhole.sk)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632958 - "Maintainer: Graeme Lawes (graemelawes AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632962 - "Maintainer: W. Trevor King (wking AT tremily.us)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632968 - "Maintainer: Petric Frank (pfrank AT gmx.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632970 - "Maintainer: Joshua Downer (joshua.downer AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632978 - "Maintainer: Kolbjørn Barmen (gentoo AT kolla.no)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632982 - "Maintainer: Simon Levermann (simon-bgo AT slevermann.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:632988 - "Maintainer: Igor Testen (igor AT itesten.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633012 - "Maintainer: Luigi Mantellini (luigi.mantellini AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633020 - "Maintainer: Daniel Kenzelmann (gentoo AT k8n.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633026 - "Maintainer: Martin Gysel (me AT bearsh.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633032 - "Maintainer: Paolo Pedroni (paolo.pedroni AT iol.it)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633034 - "Maintainer: Tomek Lutelmowski (tomek AT lutel.pl)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633036 - "Maintainer: Samuel Bauer (samuel.bauer@yahoo.fr)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633038 - "Maintainer: Andrew Schenck (galiven AT users.sourceforge.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633042 - "Maintainer: Perfect Gentleman (perfect007gentleman AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633048 - "Maintainer: Luke Dashjr (luke-jr+gentoobugs AT utopios.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633056 - "Maintainer: Christian Gerloff (chrgerloff AT gmx.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633060 - "Maintainer: Christopher Head (chead AT chead.ca)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633088 - "Maintainer: Christian Tietz (christian.tietz AT mailbox.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633104 - "Maintainer: Guillaume Castagnino (casta AT xwing.info)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633108 - "Maintainer: Daniel Scheller (d.scheller.oss AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633110 - "Maintainer: Petr Pisar (petr.pisar AT atlas.cz)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633120 - "Maintainer: Andrzej Pauli (andrzej.pauli AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633130 - "Maintainer: Florian Tham (fgtham AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633138 - "Maintainer: Sven Eden (sven.eden AT prydeworx.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633140 - "Maintainer: Max Satula (maksym.satula AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633144 - "Maintainer: Benoit Gschwind (gschwind AT gnu-log.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633148 - "Maintainer: Galym Kerimbekov (kegalym2 AT mail.ru)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633156 - "Maintainer: Jaco Kroon (jaco AT uls.co.za)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633158 - "Maintainer: Alexander Lopatin (alopatindev AT codonaft.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633168 - "Maintainer: Alexander Miller (alex.miller AT gmx.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633172 - "Maintainer: Dainius Masiliūnas (GreatEmerald) (pastas4 AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633180 - "Maintainer: contact AT hacktivis.me" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633186 - "Maintainer: Quentin Minster (quentin AT minster.io)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633196 - "Maintainer: Yuri Konotopov (ykonotopov AT gnome.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633198 - "Maintainer: Sergey Starikoff (ikonta AT yandex.ru)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633204 - "Maintainer: Alex Efros (powerman-asdf AT yandex.ru)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633214 - "Maintainer: Pavel Denisov (pavel.a.denisov AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633216 - "Maintainer: Róbert Čerňanský (openhs AT tightmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633220 - "Maintainer: Muhammad Herdiansyah (herdiansyah AT netc.eu)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633234 - "Maintainer: Kevin Cernekee (cernekee AT chromium.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633260 - "Maintainer: Gerion Entrup (gerion.entrup AT flump.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633278 - "Maintainer: Mathy Vanvoorden (mathy AT vanvoorden.be)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633288 - "Maintainer: Peter Levine (plevine457 AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633298 - "Maintainer: Ethan Kiang (chocopuff298 AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633422 - "dev-lang/ruby-2.3.5 (and 2.4.2) fails to install on ARM (miniruby segfault)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:633464 - "dev-db/bucardo-5.4.1 : installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:633488 - "app-admin/consul-template-0.18.5-r1 : --- FAIL: TestCatalogNodesQuery_Fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633602 - "Isnt lib should be symlink to lib64 on arm64?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633638 - "dev-libs/mongo-c-driver-1.6.2 : make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: test] Error 134" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633672 - "dev-util/glade-3.20.0 : FAIL: create-widgets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:633758 - "Set a limit on total FILESDIR size" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:634064 - "dev-lang/python builds fail with "-fopenmp" in CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:634092 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --unmerge should respect --exclude" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:634208 - "app-text/kding - resurrect package - new package (new version/new upstream)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:634264 - "sec-policy/selinux-virt does not contains virtlogd type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:634270 - "Proxy-maintained packages without proxy-maint team" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:634396 - "epatch.eclass: epatch_user silently fails where portage is unable to traverse containing path" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:634400 - "sys-apps/portage: eapply_user does not die it fails to access patches due to file permissions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:634610 - "net-misc/kafka-bin: loose permissions on /var/{lib,log}/kafka" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:634648 - ">>>===media-libs/faac- on non-x86 - .../work/faac-1.29.8/libfaac/quantize.c:21:23: fatal error: immintrin.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:634766 - "x11-misc/xautolock-2.2_p5_p1 - xautolock -locknow: Could not locate a running xautolock" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:634822 - "net-mail/dovecot-2.2.32: test failure on sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:635020 - "[TRACKER] sys-apps/portage native-extensions issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:635040 - "x11-libs/gtk+:3 emake failed; Can't recognize the image file format for file ....png" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:635210 - "sys-fs/e2fsprogs: test failure: m_hugefile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:635306 - "=net-mail/mailutils-3.3 fails compilation on file mailutils-mh.el" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:635320 - "dev-libs/libusb-1.0.21 : Failed 4 tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:635440 - "media-fonts/ricty-3.2.0-r1 : ricty_generator.sh:line <snip>: <snip> Segmentation fault $fontforge_cmd -script ${tmpdir}/${ricty_generator} 2> $redirection_stderr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:635604 - "sys-apps/portage: postinst failure of packages does not stop emerge, but result in non zero exit code later" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:635656 - "app-misc/icdiff-1.9.5 : * Tests failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:635752 - "portage - support of emerge package dependencies to certain depth" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:635788 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.8 --autounmask-continue doesn't factor for USE= in ENV and creates broken dep graphs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:635906 - "www-apache/mod_auth_kerb-5.4-r2 : src/mod_auth_kerb.c:1394:68: error: request for member length in something not a structure or union" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:635910 - "sci-libs/kim-api-1.8.2 : /.../Makefile.SanityCheck:70: *** KIM API requires the xxd utility to be installed in order to build. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:635934 - "[TRACKER] Packages failing with dev-build/scons and Python 3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:635952 - "dev-python/pyxattr-0.6.0 : FAILED (errors=18)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636016 - "media-video/miraclecast - remote screen via WIFI support in Gentoo (OpenRC)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636036 - "app-text/jabref-bin-4.0 and 4.1 is in pre alpha state" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636120 - "sys-cluster/gasnet-1.32.0 : checking for C compiler flag --param max-inline-insns=100000... no/error: cc1: error: invalid --param name max-inline-insns" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636256 - "rsync procedure does not guarantee monotonous mtimes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636328 - "net-nds/yp-tools-4.2.2-r1 : xdrfile-test.c:44:11: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type struct ypbind3_binding" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636344 - "dev-tex/latex2html-2015: Can't locate L2hos.pm in @INC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636566 - "sys-process/htop: use pkg-config to find libraries." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636578 - "media-libs/soxr-0.1.2 : 1 - 20-bit-perfect-44100-96000 (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636710 - "revdep-rebuild in gentoolkit-0.4.0 causes infinite rebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636778 - "Create symlinks only at the end when everything else was successful" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636832 - "media-sound/terminatorx-4.0.1[-X]: emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636906 - "app-backup/duplicity-0.7.14 : ERROR: test_delete (testing.unit.test_backend_instance.Par2BackendTest)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636912 - "app-i18n/scim-tomoe-0.6.0-r3 : Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/^(.*)\${ <-- HERE ?([A-Z_]+)}?(.*)$/ at ../intltool-update line 884." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:636952 - "Not install runtime-paths at all with new EAPI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:637004 - "app-shell/bash: install headers and pkg-config file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637062 - "x11-plugins/guifications-2.16 : Unescaped left brace in regex is illegal here in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/^(.*)\${ <-- HERE ?([A-Z_]+)}?(.*)$/ at ../intltool-update line 950." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637390 - "dev-haskell/yesod-core-1.4.31 : Yesod/.../Types.hs:470:56: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637414 - "mate-base/caja has automagic on sys-libs/libselinux:0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637422 - "dev-util/android-sdk-update-manager could be updated to use the command-line SDK tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:637526 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.15.2: test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637528 - "dev-games/simgear-2020.3.13: test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637532 - "dev-lang/ghc fails to build on RAP systems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637706 - "apache-2.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637708 - "apache-module.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637730 - "depend.apache.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637732 - "dotnet.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637734 - "font-ebdftopcf.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637744 - "git-r3.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637752 - "gnome2.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637754 - "gnome.org.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637758 - "golang-vcs.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637760 - "golang-vcs-snapshot.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637766 - "java-osgi.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637788 - "mercurial.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637796 - "mozconfig-v6.52.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637806 - "mozcoreconf-v4.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637808 - "mozcoreconf-v5.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637810 - "multibuild.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637812 - "multilib-build.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637832 - "office-ext-r1.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637850 - "python-any-r1.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637874 - "scons-utils.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:637892 - "webapp.eclass: eclassdoc problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638134 - "Maintainer: Robert Siebeck (gentoo.2019 at r123.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638162 - "llvm-runtimes/openmp-4.0.1: test failure: worksharing/for/kmp_doacross_check.c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638226 - "Retire: Mike Frysinger (vapier)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638236 - "dev-db/etcd-3.2.10 fails test: --- FAIL: TestDialTimeout" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638240 - "sci-libs/coinor-cbc-2.8.9 : ./.../libCbcSolver.so: undefined reference to virtual thunk to OsiClpSolverInterface::getColName[abi:cxx11](int, unsigned int) const" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638244 - "dev-libs/libebml needs rebuilding after gcc7 update" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638384 - "sci-libs/arpack-3.5.0 : configure: error: cannot find BLAS libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638414 - "app-eselect/wine-eselect should create symlinks in /usr/lib64 and /usr/lib32 for the selected wine version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638512 - "dev-libs/xerces-c-3.1.4-r1 fails test: make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: check] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638582 - "media-plugins/gst-plugins-nvenc package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638638 - "sys-apps/portage - bashrc problems introduced by update" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638764 - "sci-mathematics/yafu-1.34.3 : factor/.../sieve_macros_32k.h:68:2: error: asm operand has impossible constraints" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638822 - "dev-util/ragel-7.x fails against colm: - tree.c:953: colm_tree_downref: Assertion `tree->refs > 0' failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:638908 - "Implement GLEP 74 full-tree verification support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:639096 - "dev-lang/ghc-7.8.4 fails configure : relocation R_X86_64_32S against symbol can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:639134 - "emerge --pretend @world disregards USE_ORDER as defined by package.env" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:639168 - "sys-apps/portage: --usepkg does not respect FEATURES="test"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:639210 - "=app-cdr/brasero-3.12.2-r1: fix dependencies for vcd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:639236 - "Maintainer: Bernd Waibel (waebbl-gentoo at posteo.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:639374 - "sys-apps/portage: KeyError when repository is synced while emerge is running" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:639376 - "sys-apps/portage: Separate program, debuginfo and source into 3 files when building binary package (like deb or rpm)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:639410 - "media-gfx/opentoonz-1.1.2 : /.../SDL_config.h:33:10: fatal error: SDL_platform.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:639450 - "Threading is broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:639498 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.13-r1: emerge confuses /proc/$pid/exe symlink values (internal value)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:639540 - "dev-libs/libbson-1.6.2 fails test: make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: test] Error 134" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:639588 - "sys-apps/portage: Resolution of test dependencies not possible with --usepkg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640020 - "xdg.eclass: call gnome2_icon_cache_update (or move the logic to xdg-utils.eclass) when possible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640098 - "dev-python/kid-0.9.6-r1 fails test: E AssertionError: assert (True and invalid continuation byte == ordinal not in range(128)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640248 - "app-office/libreoffice- on profile 17.0 - mailconfigpage.o: build failure with -O1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640282 - "dev-libs/mongo-c-driver-1.8.2 : /.../ld: ./.../libmongoc.a(libmongoc_la-mongoc-rand-openssl.o): undefined reference to symbol RAND_seed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640322 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.10 - main.c: In function 'main': main.c:451:32: error: storage size of 'estack' isn't known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640342 - "sys-apps/portage: port ignored for rsync with sync-uri = ssh://user@host:port/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640410 - "dev-python/restkit-4.2.2 fails test: ERROR: tests.004-test-client.test_007" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640428 - "dev-db/cockroach-1.1.3 : snappy_unittest.cc:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to testing::internal::IsTrue(bool)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640446 - "dev-util/argouml: bad distfile name 'manual-0.34.pdf'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640474 - "dev-perl/GD-Graph3d-0.630.0-r2 fails test: Failed tests: 1-5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640504 - "[TRACKER] Fetch failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640538 - "games-action/descent1-data: fetch failure (missing RESTRICT=mirror?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640656 - "[TRACKER] portage: merge prefix branch to master" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:640744 - "x11-misc/x11vnc init script is incompatible with x11-misc/sddm display manager" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640778 - "sys-apps/portage: linux_ro_checker can return wrong path when multiple mounts use the same device" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640962 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --version profile output does not work correctly for profiles in a repo other than gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:640986 - "sys-libs/pwdb-0.62-r1 : common/.../_pwdb_headers.h:23:10: fatal error: rpcsvc/ypclnt.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:641014 - "app-admin/cronolog: unmaintained package with single revdep (app-admin/fifo-cronolog)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:641040 - "dev-python/pyzmq-16.0.2: upstream marked Gentoo QA notices as RESOLVED/WONTFIX" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:641102 - "xfce-base/xfce4-panel-4.13.2 : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:641160 - "dev-libs/libgcrypt: Missing license for OCB >=1.7.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:641186 - ">=sys-apps/grep-3.0 USE=static - /usr/lib64/libpcre.a(libpcre_la-pcre_jit_compile.o): In function `sljit_free_exec': (.text+0x133c): undefined reference to `pthread_mutex_lock'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:641394 - "net-libs/libesmtp-1.0.6-r2 : ntlmdes.c:33:27: error: unknown type name const_des_cblock ; did you mean const_DES_cblock ?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:641450 - "app-crypt/gnupg-2.2.3 fails test: Failed tests: <extended-key-format>tests/openpgp/quick-key-manipulation.scm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:641532 - "dev-python/jsonrpclib-0.3.1 fails test: FAIL: testJoin (tests.test_threadpool.ThreadPoolTest)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:641646 - "dev-libs/xerces-c SRC_URI 404" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:641732 - "media-radio/wsjtx-2.7.0_rc4 produces an executable with writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:641740 - "x11-wm/windowmaker should set a sub-SLOT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:642074 - "sys-apps/portage: ${PKGDIR}/Packages hashes should be configurable (beyond MD5 and SHA1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:642198 - "media-sound/pulseaudio running under gnome-base/gdm - breaking at least zeroconf setup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:642334 - "sci-geosciences/googleearth Re-introduce to the tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:642354 - "app-text/enchant-1.6.1::gentoo fails to compile without hunspell" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:642634 - "sys-libs/libsemanage-3.0 - You must install libselinux-python and libsemanage-python before running this tool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:642850 - "sci-libs/kim-api-1.8.2 : Makefile:<snip>: *** Makefile.KIM_Config does not exist. Please create this file in order to compile the KIM API package. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:643228 - "[TRACKER] kernel: Meltdown and Spectre - A flaw in modern processors (CVE-2017-{5715,5753,5754})" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:643366 - "Bump www-apps/mythweb-0.28.1 to 33.1 (fixed compatibility with PHP 8.1, MySQL 8)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:643418 - "app-text/lios (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:643650 - "Maintainer: Joao Santos (joaompssantos AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:643654 - "Maintainer: Henning Schild (henning AT hennsch.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:643656 - "Maintainer: Andreas Zuber (a.zuber AT gmx.ch)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:643658 - "Maintainer: Oz Tiram (oz.tiram AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:643660 - "Maintainer: Domonkos Lezsák (lezsakdomi1 AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:643662 - "Maintainer: Matthias Gerstner (matthias.gerstner AT nefkom.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:643666 - "Maintainer: Jan Henke (gentoo AT taujhe.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:643772 - "net-libs/ignition-transport-3.1.0-r1 fails test: 5 - UNIT_ign_src_TEST (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:643870 - "sys-apps/portage: eliminate global QueryCommand._db variable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:643872 - "sys-apps/portage: quickpkg could automatically prevent creation of duplicate packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:643920 - "sys-apps/portage: eliminate global portage.const.EPREFIX variable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:643964 - "logdna-agent-1.4.8 CLI for the API of the LogDNA cloud provider" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:643968 - "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.4.1: eshowkw displays wrong "unused" column values for certain multi-SLOT situations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644072 - "dev-libs/libical-2.0.0-r3: timezones test fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644196 - "dev-qt/qt3dstudio (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644224 - "sci-astronomy/gnuastro-0.3 : argp-parse.c:180:11: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type struct rpl_option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644444 - "dev-python/binaryornot-0.4.3 fails test: ERROR: test_never_crashes (tests.test_check.TestDetectionProperties)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644510 - "Some of the repos (repo/proj/wine) aren't propagated to gitweb" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644538 - "dev-build/cmake: stores incorrect paths to lib64 libraries (?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644636 - "net-print/cups and USB printer. Permissions in /dev/bus/usb do not allow to print" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644724 - "MATE doesn't respect NoDisplay in desktop files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644760 - "sys-apps/intel-sa-00075-tools-1.2 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644828 - "www-apps/webdavcgi-0.8.3[suid] breaks depclean" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644832 - "dev-libs/libgdata-0.17.9-r1: 2 youtube tests fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644850 - "app-admin/diradm- fails tests on profile 17.1 ( couldn't execute "/usr/lib/openldap/slapd": no such file or directory )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644886 - "mail-client/mailx- breaks ancient uuencode attachment possibility" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:644990 - "sys-apps/portage: add mode for binary package installation without regard for ebuild repository or profile state" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645020 - "Maintainer: Stephen Shkardoon (ss23)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645024 - "sys-apps/net-tools should be removed from @system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645090 - "sys-devel/gcc USE="-cxx go" should not build instead of disabling go" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:645102 - "net-fs/samba-4.5.15 USE=dmapi - .../work/samba-4.5.15-.sparc32/source3/wscript:303: error: DMAPI support requested but not found." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645232 - "dev-lang/orc: Suboptimal orc-test handling with meson build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645270 - "signet-desktop-client-0.9.8 password manager (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645440 - "app-admin/kpcli-3.1 - Clipboard commands (copy-to-clipboard and erase-clipboard) have no effect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645450 - "dev-db/mariadb: does not respect CFLAGS (fno-stack-protector)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645490 - "sys-apps/portage: portage.util.apply_permissions: BytesWarning: str() on a bytes instance" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645518 - "media-libs/devil-1.8.0 version bump, drop IUSE=nvtt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645728 - "dev-scheme/chicken-4.10.0-r1 with dev-lang/mono- - file collision in /usr/bin/csc /usr/bin/csi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645754 - "mozextension.eclass: incompatible with new JSON manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645796 - "net-print/hplip-3.21.10 - This package has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645810 - "Please add a small tool to inject distfiles into DISTDIR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:645882 - "app-misc/gcal-4.1 : gcal.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to u8_strlen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645890 - "app-portage/gentoolkit - Incorrectly states virtual/rubygems dependency is unconditional" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645912 - "net-mail/dovecot- - configure: error: Can't build with MySQL support: libmysqlclient not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:645914 - "virtual deps no longer correctly satisfied when using ||() deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646012 - "app-admin/mongo-tools: CFLAGS are ignored" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646102 - "x11-terms/xfce4-terminal-0.8.6: failed to execute child" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646142 - "app-admin/clog-1.3.0 : file collision with app-misc/clog-1.3.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646154 - "=net-p2p/cpp-ethereum-genoil-117 cpp-ethereum fork with GPU support (new ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646170 - "dev-haskell/skylighting-0.3 fails to build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646466 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --oneshot portage does not update if EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS enables --selective" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646522 - "msikeyboardlight Control backlight of MSI laptop keyboards without node.js (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:646546 - "net-misc/minissdpd: QA issues with init.d file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646560 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.31.1 fails test: colcrt: regressions FAILED (1 from 3 sub-tests)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646588 - "[TRACKER] Remove sys-apps/which from @system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646622 - "sys-apps/portage: add egencache option to generate QA report for changed dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646662 - "[haskell overlay] dev-haskell/transformers- - Control/Monad/Trans/Error.hs:69:10: error: Duplicate instance declarations: instance MonadPlus IO" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646758 - "Add Spectre v2 (CVE-2017-5715) mitigation flags to the hardened gcc specs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646830 - "dev-ruby/fuubar-2.3.1: test failures when stdout is not a tty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646866 - "dev-ruby/activesupport: test failure: test_iso8601_output_and_reparsing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:646924 - "dev-util/premake-5.0.0_alpha12 fails test: Couldn t resolve host name" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647076 - "PORTAGE_BINHOST lacks preference ordering now (FEATURES=-binpkg-multi-instance)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647162 - "x11-themes/gtk-engines-2.20.2-r2 fails test: FAIL: torture_mist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647174 - "Maintainer: Tobias Leupold (tl AT stonemx.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647180 - "Maintainer: Rob Levitsky (kitsunenokenja AT protonmail.ch)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647194 - "sys-block/mtx-1.3.12 mtx fails when autochanger has many slots" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647286 - "sys-devel/binutils: test failures on sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647294 - "net-libs/qxmpp-0.9.3-r2 fails test: FAIL! : tst_QXmppTransferManager::testSendFile(any - any) Compared values are not the same" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647298 - "app-accessibility/orca: Review gstreamer dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647494 - "dev-util/schroot[doc] - cd /home/GENTOO/work/portage/dev-util/schroot-1.6.10-r3/work/schroot-1.6.10_build/doc && ./sbuild.dox ... /bin/sh: ./sbuild.dox: Permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647592 - "sys-apps/portage: USE="${USE} ..." give confusing results in make.defaults and make.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647718 - "Maintainer: Michael Vetter (jubalh AT iodoru.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647742 - "media-libs/clutter-1.26.2 fails test: ERROR: actor-layout - too few tests run (expected 2, got 0)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647824 - "sys-apps/portage: Please disable the circular RDEP bypass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647938 - "Any of many dependency in ebuild with use flags solved wrong ( pkg not installed || pkg installed with a specific use flag )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:647974 - "app-portage/grs triggers weird portage errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:blocker
- Bug:648002 - "x11-misc/srandrd: New package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:648180 - "dev-cpp/ETL-0.04.15 fails test: fprintf(stderr, fixed: Failed test on line %d in _FILE_ .\n ,_LINE_);" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:648192 - "app-portage/eix: important messages coming at the end of emerge --sync can be easily ignored after eix-update output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:648246 - "app-admin/ansible-9999 fails to build: ERROR: AsciiDoc 'a2x' command is not installed but is required to build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:648522 - "sys-apps/portage: please add an option to (temporarily) ignore PDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:648600 - "net-misc/netifrc: issues in linux container (lxd)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:648788 - "x11-wm/xpra needs its own initscript for proxy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:648880 - "sys-apps/baselayout should own the /var/run symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:648964 - "app-text/ots-0.5.0-r1 : make[2]: *** No rule to make target ../src/libots-1.la , needed by ots . Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:648988 - "dev-python/numpy-1.13.3 - src_compile(): don't know how to compile Fortran code on platform 'posix'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649002 - "git.gentoo.org should not just warn, but reject "Bug: NNNNNN" style comments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:649278 - "net-misc/memcached should not listen on UDP port by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649348 - "net-misc/wget-1.19.1-r2 fails tests: testenv Test-504" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649362 - "stages for use in external continuous integration systems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649366 - "[gentoo-user] bounced messages notification" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649396 - "net-libs/gnutls-3.8.0 fails 4 seccomp using tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649420 - "dev-qt/qtcore: CXX, CXXFLAGS, LDFLAGS not fully respected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649432 - "net-fs/nfs4-acl-tools-0.3.3 : * ERROR: net-fs/nfs4-acl-tools-0.3.3::gentoo failed (configure phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649442 - "emerge's spinner freezes for long periods, making it rather useless" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649490 - "app-emacs/twittering-mode-3.0.0 : twittering-mode.el:9628:6:Error: missing value for twittering-idle-timer-for-redisplay at end of setq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649586 - "dev-db/etcd-3.3.1 fails test: mkdir /root/cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649622 - "sys-apps/portage: virtual/w3m-0 keeps being installed when updating my system and de-installed by depclean" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649668 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge spends time calculating dependencies even if later will die due to ambiguous name" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649686 - "please allow using qmanifest as an alternative to gemato for tree verification" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649712 - "portage-2.3.24-r1 resolves DISTDIR wrong for fetch restricted files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649726 - "OpenRC should provide and own {/etc,/usr/lib}/modules-load.d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:649932 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.90: sandbox issue with ps2pdf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:650034 - "dev-lang/php: emerge @preserved-rebuild loop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:650116 - "net-vpn/openvpn-2.4.5 : openssl_compat.h:717:1: error: conflicting types for SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:650144 - "sys-apps/portage: [TRACKER] issues related to 'rsync-verify' USE flag" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:650186 - "dev-lang/mlton-20180207 : make[1]: *** [Makefile:<snip>: compiler] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:650278 - "bootstrap-prefix.sh masks LD_LIBRARY_PATH" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:650438 - "app-portage/grs default timeout on tar unpack too short" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:650568 - "sys-apps/portage: Please add a CLI option to enable tests only on directly specified packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:650584 - "sys-apps/openrc: net-online when host is unreachable ping waits for 3 seconds but only one second is counted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:650588 - "xfce-base/thunar depend on xfce-extra/tumbler to display thumbnails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:650612 - "Maintainer: Jiayi Zhao (jeff.no.zhao AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:650614 - "Maintainer: Alexander Tsoy (alexander AT tsoy.me)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:650918 - "dev-python/mox3-0.24.0 : ImportError: cannot import name ReparseException" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:651232 - "sys-apps/portage: unmerge logic blocks removing itself when replaced through blocker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:651254 - "sys-apps/portage: add emerge --speed [y|n] option that optimizes dependency resolution defaults for speed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:651332 - "net-fs/samba needs libnsl and libtirpc as runtime dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:651374 - "sys-apps/portage: add emerge --autounmask-continue option to avoid writing configuration file changes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:651484 - "www-servers/apache-2.4.33 : * http2 does not work with prefork MPM." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:651524 - "media-video/ccextractor-0.94 version bump - Add USE ocr,ffmpeg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:651556 - "media-libs/fontconfig-2.13.0 - Fontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/fonts.conf", line 5: unknown element "its:rules" (and so on)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:651740 - "net-misc/openssh[debug]: In file included from sandbox-seccomp-filter.c:38: /usr/include/bits/types/sigval_t.h:5:7: error: redefinition of ‘union sigval’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:651754 - "dev-util/kdstatemachineeditor-1.2.3 fails test: 1 - test_layouter (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:651778 - "dev-lang/ghc-8.0.4 doesn't build under musl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:651836 - "dev-db/myodbc-5.3.10-r2 : /.../dll.c:114:5: error: my_thread_end_wait_time undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:651908 - "llvm-core/clang should create ${CHOST}-clang & co symlinks based on LLVM_TARGETS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:651924 - "media-gfx/gifsicle-1.90 with CFLAGS=-march=[non-generic] - test failures: multiple segmentation faults" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:651950 - "media-video/yamdi-1.9 - Yet Another MetaData Injector for FLV" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652010 - "app-misc/fdutils Please set VARTEXFONTS=${T}/fonts to prevent sandbox violations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652016 - "dev-lang/mlton Please set VARTEXFONTS=${T}/fonts to prevent sandbox violations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652022 - "dev-util/ragel Please set VARTEXFONTS=${T}/fonts to prevent sandbox violations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652030 - "sci-biology/wise Please set VARTEXFONTS=${T}/fonts to prevent sandbox violations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652036 - "sys-cluster/charm Please set VARTEXFONTS=${T}/fonts to prevent sandbox violations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652110 - "mail-filter/spamassassin spamd init script overrides admin-provided --username, --groupname options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652138 - "sys-apps/portage --depclean can incorrectly mark slotted packages for removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652168 - "Maintainer: Nikos Chantziaras (realnc AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652212 - "app-text/texlive-core-2017-r3: Remove xpdfopen, or fix its X dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652246 - "Consider an extension for locking comments." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652324 - "games-sports/openomf [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652328 - "dev-games/libshadowdive [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652378 - "app-admin/librenms new ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652382 - "sys-apps/portage: preserve-libs dependency cycles prevent elimination of preserved libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652426 - "emerge without -v must show repo change" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652708 - "app-eselect/eselect-chuck bad HOMEPAGE, description and SRC_URI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652722 - "sys-apps/portage: add emerge option for rebuild of reverse deps after a new slot is installed (without world update)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:652814 - "app-portage/grs "Bad command: hashit" errors out on arm/musl profile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:652870 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.10.0 : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653018 - "mail-filter/dcc: /etc/dcc/map should be relocated under /var" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653086 - "sci-geosciences/sfcgal - new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653178 - "media-gfx/gnome-photos-40.0: fails test on fresh install: (FAIL: basic.py)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653200 - "portage: QA check for NEEDED.ELF.2 not in RDEPEND or @system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653312 - "media-libs/libmygpo-qt-1.1.0_pre20180401 : /.../ld: cannot find -lQt5::Test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653324 - "Want better error message when USB printer permissions in /dev are incorrect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653332 - "emerge --search in long decription in package metadata.xml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:653408 - "games-strategy/hedgewars-0.9.24 fails test: 1 - drillrockets_boom.lua (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653474 - "sci-chemistry/cyana: move to science overlay instead of complete removal?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653614 - "dev-util/gdbgui - browser-based frontend to gdb" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653618 - "kde-apps/okular fails several tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653850 - "dev-lang/python fails test_fsize_ismax (test.test_resource.ResourceTest) on alpha" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653896 - "dev-games/ode-0.14-r1 [doc] : FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'docs/*'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653934 - "mozconfig-v6.58.eclass, mozconfig-v6.60.eclass: Missing @DEFAULT_UNSET in documentation of 5 variables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:653996 - "app-crypt/libsecret-0.18.6 fails several tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654022 - "Should infra-gitbot be allowed to post to security-restricted bugs?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654122 - "app-portage/portage-utils - qcheck: add support for acl/xattr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654130 - "media-libs/clutter-gst-3.0.26: parallel build issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654138 - "sys-apps/portage: add FEATURES=overwrite-dir-perms option to make fperms calls overwrite existing directory permissions for purposes of automation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:654178 - "[Tracker] ebuilds that ignore or incorrectly interpret MAKEOPTS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654242 - "dev-python/pypy-6.0.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654308 - "dev-ruby/rdoc-6.0.1 - src_compile(): cannot load such file -- rdoc/markdown (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654400 - "media-libs/aubio-0.4.6 : src/libaubio.so: undefined reference to av_get_media_type_string" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654404 - "media-video/harvid-0.8.2 : ffdecoder.c:321:21: error: invalid initializer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654498 - "media-fonts/liberation-fonts - please restore 1.07.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654586 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.31 - ctrl+c during postinst can break /var/db/pkg/*/*/environment.bz2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654610 - "dev-ruby/rake should install versioned symlinks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654648 - "media-video/dirac-1.0.2-r1 fails test: ERROR: 1 test was run," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654670 - "sys-apps/portage: add emerge option to assert that any package pulled into the graph has an ebuild available" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654700 - "dev-libs/protobuf-3.5.2 fails tests protobuf-test:LoggingTest.DefaultLogging and protobuf-test:LoggingTest.NullLogging" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654784 - "Portage masked-by warning picks up ")" if dependency in DEPEND is masked" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654820 - "dev-lisp/clozurecl-1.12.1 installs file (usr/lib64/clozurecl/lx86cl64) with TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654868 - "sys-apps/portage: for wildcard atoms with versions, support is very limited, =kde-frameworks/*-5.45.0 does not work" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654890 - "x11-themes/gartoon-redux-1.10-r1 : sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:654996 - "dev-libs/jemalloc-5.0.1 fails tests if hugepages disabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655034 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxx-6.0.0 fails test: FAILED: test/CMakeFiles/check-cxx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655166 - "Containerized amd64(+x86) devbox for mgorny's LLVM/PyPy work" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655184 - "Service migration: repository mirrors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655190 - "Service migration: gentoo-ci" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655232 - "Enable HTTP/2 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655286 - "media-libs/libquvi-0.9.4-r1 fails test: FAIL: ../tests/script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655360 - "dev-db/cockroach-2.0.1 fails test: --- FAIL: TestRunGH" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655478 - "app-misc/pax-utils: lddtree.py unable to detect default shared lib search path to mimic ld.so" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655496 - "net-misc/uftp-4.9.5 : file collision with net-ftp/uftpd-2.4-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655552 - "notification area not being drawn properly (package unknown, suspect xfce)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655554 - "sys-libs/libsemanage: unable to apply fcontext" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655594 - "Maintainer: Gioacchino Mazzurco (gio AT eigenlab.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655596 - "Maintainer: Daniel Maslowski (cyrevolt AT googlemail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655598 - "Maintainer: Boris Carvajal (boris2.9 AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655746 - "dev-lang/snobol-1.4.1 : file collision with games-arcade/sdb-1.0.2-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655810 - "sys-process/time-1.9-r1 fails test: FAIL: tests/time-max-rss.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655830 - "x11-themes/gtk-engines-2.20.2-r2 fails test: FAIL: torture_glide" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655880 - "dev-db/mysql-5.7.22 fails test: Failing test(s): rpl.rpl_xa_survive_disconnect_table binlog.binlog_mysqlbinlog_filter rpl.rpl_multi_source_mts_reset_worker_info ..." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655962 - "games-emulation/mupen64plus: segmentation fault during unlink (using m64py to play Quest 64)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:655990 - "www-client/chromium - /usr/lib64/chromium-browser/chrome contains writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656028 - "dev-db/plr- fails test: Makefile:<snip>: /.../contrib-global.mk: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656074 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge list non-deterministic when @world contains 2 different atoms that match the same package, when one atom is more specific" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656302 - "games-fps/doomsday-2.1.1 has automagic dependency on media-libs/sdl2-mixer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:656310 - "pkgcheck CI does not validate actual commit that causes CI to fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656352 - "dev-scheme/scm-5.5.6-r3 fails test: make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: check] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656452 - "Verify sparc kernels are less than 7.2MB" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656456 - "net-im/jabberd2-2.6.1 - readd package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656484 - "net-proxy/adblock2privoxy-9999 - Convert adblock config files to privoxy format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656488 - "dev-python/pyphen: bundles a lot of dictionaries, in multiple copies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656490 - "games-puzzle/sgt-puzzles has double menu entries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656504 - "media-fonts/culmus-0.120-r4 : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656540 - "=media-fonts/alegreya-sans-2.008 installs ttf instead of otf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:656542 - "=sys-apps/portage-2.3.40 - TypeError: signal handler must be signal.SIG_IGN, signal.SIG_DFL, or a callable object" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656708 - "app-crypt/gpg-ringmgr has no proper SRC_URI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656712 - "net-misc/memcached-1.5.8 fails test: t/cas.t 3/43 Failed to connect to unix domain socket: No such file or directory /tmp/memcachetest.5880.3 at t/cas.t line 22." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656716 - "sys-apps/portage: documentation should discourage use of collision-protect (use protect-owned instead)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656720 - "games-emulation/advancemame-3.7: stack smashing detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:656762 - "app-vim/perl-support-5.4 : file collision with app-vim/c-support-6.1.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656800 - "app-text/enchant-1.6.1 fails test: FAIL: enchant.test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656860 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.3.7 fails test: Failing test(s): mariabackup.mdev-14447" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656946 - "gnome-base/gnome-extra-apps: pull gnome-extra/gnome-clocks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:656974 - "games-engines/stratagus-2.4.1 : /.../mng.cpp:100:10: error: TRUE was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:657026 - "dev-vcs/git-2.38.2: test failures on hppa (t7810)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:657034 - "Portage Color Map for terminal with white background" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:657050 - "net-proxy/squidguard-1.5_beta-r2 fails test: make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: test] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:657284 - "net-analyzer/kapacitor-1.4.1-r1: ignores MAKEOPTS=-j1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:657320 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.40: Manifest verification fails on rsync due to update marker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:657324 - "sys-apps/portage: USE=rsync-verify tries to verify manifests for excluded from sync packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:657408 - "dev-haskell/lens-4.14 : src/.../FieldTH.hs:619:28: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:657412 - "app-metrics/postgres_exporter: ignore or incorrectly interpret MAKEOPTS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:657548 - "app-admin/vault-0.10.2: ignore or incorrectly interpret MAKEOPTS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:657582 - "sys-apps/portage: keeps wrongly updating permissions when CCACHE_DIR overriden by bashrc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:657598 - "dev-util/ragel- : inputdata.cc:413:7: error: inLibRagel was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:657724 - "app-containers/containerd: ignore or incorrectly interpret MAKEOPTS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:657934 - "Retire: Georgy Yakovlev (gyakovlev)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:657964 - "sci-libs/xdmf2-1.0_p141226-r4: compile failure: libXdmfCore.so: undefined reference to H5..." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:658004 - "net-dialup/ppp-2.4.7-r6 : eap-tls.c:1210:7: error: SSL3_RT_HEADER undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:658102 - "x11-misc/yabar- status bar for X" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:658126 - "sys-apps/portage: AbstractEbuildProcess calls _unexpected_exit when child is killed by SIGINT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:658176 - "dev-vcs/git-annex-6.20170818 : * environment, line 686: Called cabal-show-brokens-and-die setup configure failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:658412 - "app-arch/p7zip-16.02-r2[static]: cannot find -lwx_gtk2u_xrc-3.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:658450 - "Maintainer: William Pettersson (william AT ewpettersson.se)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:658496 - "kde-plasma/plasma-desktop-5.12.5-r1 with dev-util/desktop-file-utils-0.23: QA Notice: This package installs one or more .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:658540 - "add support for COLORTERM to various places" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:658572 - "[feature request] support for "stacked prefix" (aka "prefix chaining")" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:658586 - "dev-tex/latex2rtf-2.3.15 fails test: ERROR: ld.so: object libsandbox.so from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:658612 - "sci-electronics/pcb2gcode new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:658768 - "net-proxy/mtprotoproxy [new package]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:658826 - "sys-fs/ddrutility (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:658964 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.7.3_p3 : ./.../libnetsnmpmibs.so: undefined reference to headerGetEntry" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:658992 - "Maintainer: Rodrigo Saboya (saboya AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:658996 - "Maintainer: Frederic Culot (gentoo AT culot.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:659000 - "Maintainer: Lucian Poston (lucianposton AT pm.me)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:659008 - "sci-electronics/pcb2gcodegui new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:659084 - "media-sound/timidity++-2.14.0-r2: hangs on init.d shutdown" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:659192 - "dev-cpp/libjson-rpc-cpp-1.4.0 : [QA] One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:659202 - "Warning "!!! You have no world file" occurs on empty world files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:659250 - "'Manifest mismatch for metadata/glsa/Manifest' after `emaint sync -r gentoo --sync-submodule glsa`" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:659306 - "[TRACKER] Retirement of inactive proxied maintainer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:659446 - "dev-libs/appstream-glib-0.7.9 meson build test phase writes and leaves files in /tmp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:659486 - "sys-apps/portage: extended attributes merging error with CONFIG_EXT4_FS_SECURITY=n" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:659724 - "dev-lang/spark-2017: gnatprove ignores -aP option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:659740 - "media-gfx/openmesh-7.1 : Unknown CMake command acg_qt4_automoc ." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:659806 - "Add nagios checks for expiry of critical GPG keys" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:659824 - "Start enforcing GnuPG specs per the GLEP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:660282 - "dev-libs/libical-3.0.3 fails test: 42 - icalrecurtest-r (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:660506 - "sys-devel/crossdev-20180508 / i686 / mingw: any exe crashs at start (CFLAGS=-mindirect-branch=thunk)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:660598 - "sys-apps/acl-2.2.53 fails test: FAIL: test/cp.test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:660766 - "dev-embedded/fossasia: Open Source Pocket Science Lab" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:660848 - "Bugzilla: assignees can resolve bugs but can't mark them CONFIRMED/IN_PROGRESS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:660854 - "dev-libs/libexplain-1.4-r2 : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:660860 - "[TRACKER] sys-apps/portage: use parallelization in dependency calculations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:660962 - "Move abandoned Gentoo projects from github org to git.gentoo.org" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:660990 - "www-client/browsh - a fully-modern text-based browser" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:661094 - "git-r3.eclass: rewriting git:// or http:// SUBMODULE URLs to https://" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:661128 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.42-r1: weird suggestion for dep-cycle involving nose/twisted/zope-*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:661138 - "lemonbar-xft-9999.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:661216 - "IMAP/SMTP: provide ability to login with dedicated password(s)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:661332 - "sys-apps/portage: PORTAGE_BINHOST uses package only from binhost on the right when an identical package exists in multiple binhost" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:661376 - "sys-apps/portage: allow override of key refresh mechanism" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:661438 - "dev-cpp/gtk3-nocsd-3 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:661460 - "net-irc/rbot-0.9.15_p20160325-r1 : LoadError: cannot load such file -- gettext/tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:661526 - "xfce-base/thunar-1.8.1 : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:661550 - "media-libs/libarib25 new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:661602 - "mail-client/astroid: lightweight graphical threads-with-tags style email client for notmuch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:661744 - "app-text/podofo-0.9.6_pre20171027 : -- Performing Test PODOFO_HAVE_OPENSSL_1_1 - Failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:661780 - "net-dns/dnsmasq-2.79[static]: cannot find -lhogweed -lgmp -lnettle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:661998 - "gnustep-base/gnustep-make-2.{8.0-r1,9.0} : * Could not find Objective-C runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662172 - "media-libs/libgig: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:662196 - "app-antivirus/clamav-0.100.1 systemd: possible duplication of systemd service files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662224 - "emerge fails with "Manifest verification failed" using a mirror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:662346 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge should send all dependency calculation output to stdout" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662354 - "php-ext-source-r3.eclass should dereference symlinks when copying source files to a slot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662386 - "emerge should warn users if verification failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662460 - "app-shells/bash-4.4_p12: incorrect failglob handling causes sys-apps/portage to not reject ebuilds with failglob failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:662538 - "sci-libs/udunits-2.2.20 : * Currently no working fortran compiler is available (see /var/tmp/portage/sci-libs/udunits-2.2.20/temp/_fortran_compile_test.log for information)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662600 - "x11-misc/gpaste-3.20.3 fails test: cc1: warning: /.../x86_64-linux-gnu: No such file or directory [-Wmissing-include-dirs]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662670 - "sys-apps/portage 10ignored-flags does not check effective flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662676 - "dev-python/apispec-0.35.0 fails test: _ ERROR collecting tests/test_ext_flask.py _" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662680 - "dev-vcs/git-annex-6.20170818 : Not in scope: type constructor or class EnableEncryption" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662700 - "env-update does not fail gracefully when run as a non-root user" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:662708 - "blogs.g.o: privilege error when trying to remove my old OpenID" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662714 - "[Tracker] Cross compilation support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662720 - "llvm-core/llvm: llvm-config being a binary breaks cross compilation of dependent packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662724 - "sci-chemistry/mpqc-2.3.1-r4 : make[4]: O2: Command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662758 - "sys-apps/portage: solve dependencies with a generic satisfiability problem solver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662774 - "dev-lisp/asdf-3.1.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662832 - "dev-cpp/json: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662846 - "KrcStat: GUI to replace Gentoo rc-status and rc-update command line utilities (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:662848 - "kmtail-2.0 New package to monitor various log files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:662928 - "dev-python/pbr-3.1.1 fails to compile when unrelated python modules don't exist (e.g. bleach) for given python version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662956 - "Implement 2FA to woodpecker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662964 - "app-office/libreoffice: Error: a unit test failed: Test::TestDrawString: XPath '/primitive2D/metafile/transform/textsimpleportion' number of nodes is incorrect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:662982 - "[TRACKER] New default locations for the Gentoo repository, distfiles, and binary packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:663138 - "golang-build.eclass hardcodes ${WORKDIR}/${P} rather than using ${S}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:663182 - "app-backup/amanda-3.3.9 won't compile with GCC7.3 (rpc/rpc.h stable system)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:663228 - "www-client/rtv: Browse Reddit from your terminal (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:663304 - "dev-vcs/rcshist-1.04.20180325: rcs history (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:663312 - "www-servers/apache-2.4.34-r1 syntax error cannot load module into server" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:663314 - "release sys-apps/portage source tarballs using the .tar.xz format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:663424 - "=dev-perl/Sys-CPU-0.610.0-r1: CPU speed detection does not work on sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:663490 - "dev-python/tornado-5.1 - ERROR: test_future_write (tornado.test.iostream_test.TestIOStream)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:663674 - "net-wireless/aisdecoder (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:663680 - "app-misc/lirc-0.10.1 - automagic dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:663692 - "sys-apps/portage: copy-on-write when applying package moves to binary packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:663700 - "games-emulation/libretro-bnes-0.0.1_pre20180723 fails test: gcc: error: check.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:663828 - "sys-apps/accountsservice - review extra admin groups" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664056 - "media-libs/libsdl2-2.0.8-r1: SDL_waylanddatamanager.c:(.text+0xc4): undefined reference to `pthread_sigmask'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664098 - "net-misc/yazproxy-1.3.10" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664122 - "dev-db/cockroach-2.0.1 : /.../inlineskiplist.h:282:11: error: void* memcpy(void*, const void*, size_t) writing to an object of type struct std::atomic<rocksdb::InlineSkipList<const rocksdb::MemTableRep::KeyComparator&>::Node*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664140 - "dev-haskell/hscolour-1.24.4: cannot satisfy -package Cabal-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664162 - "Maintainer: Andrey Mazo (ahipp0 AT pm.me)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664214 - "app-text/getxbook-1.2 : getgbook.c:46:35: error: %s directive output may be truncated writing up to 1023 bytes into a region of size 1014 [-Werror=format-truncation=]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664380 - "sys-apps/portage: check files to uninstall for readonly fileysystem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664384 - "net-misc/openssh-7.7p1: openssh private key decryption breakage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664530 - "net-analyzer/sarg-2.3.11-r1 : util.c:555:20: error: %s directive writing up to 255 bytes into a region of size 30 [-Werror=format-overflow=]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664636 - "media-sound/pavumeter: please verify icon themes dep" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664650 - "dev-libs/wayland test failure due to long socket path" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664668 - "net-fs/samba-4.8.4: default/lib/ldb-samba/libldbsamba-samba4.so: undefined reference to `ldb_schema_set_override_GUID_index@LDB_1.3.0'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664698 - "sci-calculators/tiemu-3.03-r1 : /.../stdlib.h:588:24: error: macro abort passed 1 arguments, but takes just 0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664842 - "dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-r11 : * Failed to generate sasldb2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664850 - "media-gfx/iscan-plugin-gt-x820- inconsistent versions?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:664940 - "sys-apps/portage: File-directory replacement behavior leaves cruft on the filesystem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:664960 - "app-text/urlscan: Mutt and terminal url selector, similar to urlview (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:664992 - "www-client/chromium[-suid]: FATAL:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(116)] No usable sandbox! [...]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:665084 - "random assortment of avc denials logged by dmesg on startup (default/linux/amd64/17.0/musl/hardened/selinux profile)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:665178 - "net-misc/sslh: sslh-fork.c:110:connect: Connection refused" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:665230 - "dev-util/ccglue-0.6.0 : /.../stl_iterator_base_funcs.h:183:2: error: no match for operator-- (operand type is indexed_ifstream_vector<int>::iterator )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:665262 - "dev-libs/cpp-pcp-client-1.5.7 (New ebuild)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:665508 - "sys-devel/crossdev: report gcc version being used" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:665512 - "sys-devel/crossdev: support winpthreads by default for mingw (<mutex> and friends does not work)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:665572 - "gnome-extra/gnome-weather uses installed version during tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:665578 - "GNOME packages vala handling in a meson world (default enable?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:665590 - "media-libs/amdvlk - AMD Open Source Driver for Vulkan" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:665652 - "sci-electronics/pcb-rnd [new package] (fork of sci-electronics/pcb)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666056 - "sci-libs/gdal: Validate DEPEND on virtual/mysql" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666170 - "net-im/ramme instagram client for the desktop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666174 - "Maintainer: Michael Mair-Keimberger (bu9zilla AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666182 - "Maintainer: Quentin Retornaz (gentoo AT retornaz.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666184 - "Maintainer: Merlijn Wajer (gentoo AT wizzup.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666198 - "app-crypt/acsccid-1.1.5: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:666200 - "dev-games/clanlib-4.0.0 USE="-X" fails src_compile ( input_code.h:38:10: fatal error: X11/keysym.h: No such file or directory )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666214 - "sys-power/thermald missing tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666238 - "media-libs/libquvi-0.9.4-r1 : /.../libcurl.so: undefined reference to BrotliDecoderCreateInstance" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666406 - ">=www-servers/apache-2.4.33 segfaults with ssl enabled and apr-util with mysql" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:666482 - "media-libs/clutter-gst-3.0.26 : make[2]: *** [Makefile:<snip>: stamp-marshal] Error 127" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666746 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.49: try to show errors different than slot/subslot conflicts as late as possible in the output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666878 - "dev-libs/starpu-1.2.6 : sandbox issue (XDG_xxx_DIR related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666908 - "vote scripts should not run as root" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666918 - "media-libs/fontconfig-2.13.1-r2 fails test check-missing-doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:666930 - "net-analyzer/chronograf- : outputs redirect not working" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:667060 - "net-libs/zmqpp-4.2.0 : /.../proxy.cpp:14:3: error: zmq_proxy was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:667088 - "Maintainer: Kai Krakow (hurikhan77+bgo AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:667090 - "app-text/expander-2.0.5-r2 : file collision with app-crypt/hashcat-utils-1.9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:667116 - "sci-libs/torch7 framework new package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:667132 - "sys-apps/portage: USE dependency conflict triggers inappropriate autounmask package.unmask changes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:667226 - "linux_ro_checker produces false positives in the presence of read-only bind mounts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:667316 - "dev-lang/ghc-8.0.2[binary]: pre-compressed docs installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:667614 - "dev-libs/openssl uses -Werror when building the "depend" target" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:667840 - "net-libs/libssh2-1.8.0-r2: mv: cannot stat '/tmp/portage/net-libs/libssh2-1.8.0-r2/image//usr/share/doc/libssh2/*': No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:667876 - "Moving more install-qa-check.d from sys-apps/portage to the repo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:667918 - "Inconsistent USE=mariadb behavior across packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:667958 - "dev-haskell/hackage-security- : ld: -r and -pie may not be used together // collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:667978 - "media-libs/xine-lib-1.2.9-r2 : configure: error: MNG support requested, but libmng not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:668154 - "media-video/vlc-3.0.20-r10 partially ignores LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:668158 - "ownership of directories will get lost on first merge for newly created user/groups" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:668164 - "portage.dbapi.porttree.portagetree.portroot, portage.dbapi.porttree.portagetree.getname(): Suggested deletion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:668202 - ">=sys-apps/portage-2.3.49 fails sync on git repositories (fatal: 'remotes' does not appear to be a git repository)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:668560 - "dev-db/mariadb-connector-c[mysqlcompat]: installs /usr/include/mysql symlink atop a directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:668586 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92 : make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: compiler.fas]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:668736 - "[TRACKER] package requires m4/* directory update, libtool has become obsolete" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:668768 - "New rsync mirror: Viktor Villafuerte - 1000 Mb/s @ Sydney (NSW), Australia" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669048 - "net-misc/openssh: USE flag pie doesn't do anything" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669154 - "sys-apps/portage: disable backtracking for USE dependency conflicts, add emerge --use-conflict-backtrack=<y|n> option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669156 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge should report multiple dependencies that trigger autounmask USE changes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669364 - "gnome-base/libgtop-2.38.0 : /.../sysdeps.h:61: syntax error, unexpected identifier in G_STATIC_ASSERT((1UL << (28 - 1)) <= at G_STATIC_ASSERT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669416 - "Maintainer: Samuel Holland (samuel AT sholland.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669418 - "Maintainer: Matthias Hauber (crito AT fnordpipe.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669420 - "Maintainer: Michael Seifert (m.seifert AT digitalernachschub.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669422 - "Maintainer: Jeffrey Lin (jeffrey AT icurse.nl)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669424 - "Maintainer: Josiah Mullins (jomull01 AT protonmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669426 - "Maintainer: Xin Yang (yangmame AT icloud.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669446 - "media-video/mjpg-streamer-0_pre20120621-r1 : /.../statx.h:25:8: error: redefinition of struct statx_timestamp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669620 - "net-libs/ntirpc-1.7.0 : ../.../libntirpc.so.1.7.0: undefined reference to _mm_crc32_u64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669704 - "sys-apps/portage: add FEATURES=user-patches setting to allow eapply_user to be disabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669838 - "app-text/xapian-omega-1.4.8 : query.cc:347:52: error: STEM_SOME_FULL_POS is not a member of Xapian::QueryParser" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669878 - "$HOME content not preserved between phases" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669912 - "app-portage/g-cpan generates wrong ebuild for packages using "v" version prefix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:669974 - "-j (jobs) parameter cannot be combined (e.g. -Oj1) - silently ignored" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:669978 - "ebuilds that should disable distcc FEATURE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:670122 - "kernel-team needs github:repo-admin on: elivepatch-client elivepatch-server Gentoo_kernelCI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:670334 - "net-libs/libtirpc: USE=static-libs doesn't enforce static build for virtual/krb5 dep (USE=kerberos)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:670374 - "media-plugins/kodi-* - addons will not work with kodi as installed, cannot load shared library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:670392 - "Wiki lacks basic user administration capabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:670482 - "FEATURES=getbinpkg from make.conf overrides emerge command-line argument (--getbinpkg=n)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:670530 - "net-analyzer/nagios-check_glsa2-20120930-r1 : [QA] This ebuild installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:670558 - "portageq eclass_path fails with eroot parameter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:670664 - "Maintainer: Pablo Orduna (pabloorduna98 AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:670670 - "Maintainer: Alec Ten Harmsel (alec AT alectenharmsel.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:670684 - "media-sound/ptabtools-0.5.0 : [QA] Missing soname symlink(s)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:670686 - "app-admin/fifo-cronolog-1.1.1-r2 : [QA] #!/sbin/runscript is deprecated, use #!/sbin/openrc-run instead:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:670720 - "dev-haskell/text : not independent of ghc version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:670775 - "app-cdr/dvdisaster-0.79.5 can't download source code" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:670777 - "=sys-apps/portage-2.3.51: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'/var/log/portage/...log.gz'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:670830 - "dev-lisp/sbcl should suggest to source /etc/profile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:671004 - "net-wireless/wpa_supplicant-2.6 default prepare prevents git patches being applied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:671018 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin-0.4.1 : pulseaudio-config.h:23:10: fatal error: dbus/dbus-glib.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:671174 - "sys-apps/portage: default sync-type git" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:671378 - "dev-ruby/capybara-3.37.1: test failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:671478 - "app-office/libreoffice offline help broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:671622 - "'etc-update' doesn't work for files with space in the name" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:671666 - "media-plugins/gst-plugins-libav-1.14.2[libav] fails to build: src/libavutil/libm.h:54:32: error: static declaration of ‘cbrt’ follows non-static declaration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:671690 - "emerge --sync should ignore .zfs directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:671736 - "rust-toolchain.eclass: improve CHOST matching" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:671840 - "dev-util/redo-0.31 - .../work/redo-redo-0.31/builder.py: IOError: [Errno 6] No such device or address: '/dev/tty'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:671864 - "sys-apps/portage: varbapi aux_update transactions with write-ahead logging" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:671886 - "app-admin/puppet 6.0.2-r1 should install vendored modules" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:671902 - "net-vpn/wireguard-modules: consider checking for NET_FOU instead of NET_UDP_TUNNEL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:671936 - "app-eselect/eselect-timezone Improvement" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:671958 - "gnome-base/gnome-keyring fails test test-data-der and test-gnome2-private-key on 32-bit arches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:672060 - "app-arch/star, app-cdr/cdrtools: replaced by schily-tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:672128 - "sys-fs/zfs-0.7.9: init script "zfs-import" has weird output for "status"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:672280 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.51-r1 - proceeds to sync with an outdated rsync mirror when timestamp.chk comparison fails (locale may trigger strptime ValueError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:672570 - "sys-devel/gettext: Ship ITS files for metainfo.xml translation rules" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:672596 - "Maintainer: Sergey Torokhov (torokhov-s-a AT yandex.ru)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:672796 - "emerge --sync -q output makes server failure hard to debug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:672914 - "sys-apps/portage: add emerge --rebuild-if-conflict option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:672920 - "virtual/libusb should support USE=static-libs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673010 - "net-irc/quassel openrc init script wrongly forces listening only on ipv4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673050 - "Please add OpenWebStart" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673076 - "net-analyzer/wireshark - revisit USE=kerberos USE=ssl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673116 - "Unification of 7z/7zip useflag" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673174 - "media-video/vcdimager-2.0.1: test failures (check_vcd20.sh, check_svcd1.sh)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673176 - "dev-lang/ruby-2.4.5: lib/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require': cannot load such file -- openssl.so (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673200 - "sci-libs/netcdf-4.6.1-r1: test failures (t_dap3a, test_cvt3, test_vara, tst_ncdap3.sh)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673210 - "net-mail/dovecot-2.3.4 /var/run/dovecot//stats-writer failed: Permission" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673242 - "sys-fs/lvm2 - lvremove on an active LV does not remove it from /dev" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673334 - "games-arcade/lbreakout2 is no longer maintained. Please play the remake LBreakoutHD instead" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673384 - "mirrorselect: should handle http and https for the same address" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673610 - "net-libs/zeromq-4.3.0: tests/test_shutdown_stress fails on hppa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673614 - "media-plugins/gst-plugins-libav- broken cinepak playback" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673630 - "/etc/portage/env/* doesn't support EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673680 - "net-irc/quassel: useless REQUIRED_USE constraints" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:673694 - "metadata/install-qa-check.d/08gentoo-paths should have a copyright and license header" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:674066 - "gnome-extra/libgda-5.2.8 : configure: error: Vala Extensions (Utility GObject clases written in Vala) is requested but GEE library development is not present" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:674118 - "net-analyzer/icinga2-2.14.3: QA issues: installs systemd units that use /etc/conf.d - installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:674212 - "sys-apps/portage: warn if portage user home directory does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:674270 - "TODO: download→signatures: get key info from gpg instead of hardcoding it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:674394 - "dev-libs/stb should have a meaningful description" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:674410 - "customisations for resulting prefix (cflags, features, libc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:674658 - "net-vpn/tor - /etc/init.d/tor should show what is actually wrong with config on checkconfig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:674696 - "net-misc/iputils-20180629 USE='-* idn' depends on but does not use net-dns/libidn2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:674698 - "net-misc/wget-1.20.1 USE=-* - src_test(): init.c:2008:14: error: 'struct options' has no member named 'hsts_file'; did you mean 'body_file'?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:674846 - "[TRACKER] New hardened & selinux profiles for powerpc64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:674950 - "dev-libs/libbsd: should not depend on sys-kernel/linux-headers (but virtual/os-headers)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675026 - "dev-lang/rust-1.31.1 with dev-lang/rust-9999:git - file collision in /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_cargo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675144 - "Explain clearly that people should not file bug reports when eapply_user fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675146 - "app-arch/tar-1.31: "compress: gzip" test fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675410 - "Make emerge/portage more verbose about missing repo's masters" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675434 - "app-crypt/ccrypt-1.10 fails test: FAIL: length-check.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675550 - "media-gfx/potrace-1.15 fails test: FAIL: postscript-check.sh, pdf-check.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675630 - "dev-go/go-tools-0_pre20180817 fails test: --- FAIL: TestCallgraph" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675656 - "perl-module.eclass: pkgmoving a package in perl-core breaks uninstall for packages already installed in VDB" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:675726 - "sys-boot/vboot-utils-72_p20181229 fails tests: tests/vb2_misc_tests.c:119: wb.buf == workbuf + 16, vb_workbuf_from_ctx() buf FAILED" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675760 - "dev-util/lttng-tools-2.7.1: runas.c:535:28: error: ‘SIGUNUSED’ undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean ‘SI_USER’?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675790 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.3.11 fails tests: Failing test(s): mariabackup.absolute_ibdata_paths main.mysqldump mariabackup.incremental_..." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675792 - "dev-vcs/cssc-1.4.0 fails tests: FAIL: test_mylist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675848 - "unknown option --rebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675904 - "dev-db/{mariadb,mysql,percona-server,mysql-connector-c}: ENABLED_LOCAL_INFILE in the client is exploitable by the server" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:675954 - "sys-devel/gcc: `gcc -print-multi-os-directory` returns ../lib64 (should be ../lib or .) on 64-bit musl and uclibc systems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:676068 - "games-strategy/liquidwar-5.6.4-r2 : distor.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to fsqrt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:676108 - "games-arcade/supertux-0.6.3-r2 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project: VCPKG_BUILD" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:676156 - "media-sound/alsa-tools-1.1.6 - hdajackretask depends on CONFIG_SND_HDA_RECONFIG" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:676366 - "mail-client/evolution: gpg key trust extrapolation to new UIDs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:676378 - "dev-libs/libpipeline-1.5.0 : make[2]: *** [Makefile:<snip>: fcntl.h] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:676616 - "Suggestion: Dark theme for wiki" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:676734 - "mail-client/balsa-2.5.6-r1 fails to authenticate against mail-mta/netqmail-1.06-r5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:676818 - ">sys-devel/bison-3 - configure: add --enable-relocatable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:676896 - "sci-electronics/gtkwave-3.3.111 undefined reference to xdrmem_create, xdr_double" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:676934 - "sys-devel/crosstool-ng-1.23.0 : configure: error: Required tool not found: GNU bash >= 3.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:677044 - "sci-libs/gsl-1.16 : uninstalling, orphaned links are left behind, causing breakage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:677182 - "www-misc/xxv-1.6.1-r3 : [QA] QA Notice: This ebuild installs into paths that should be created at runtime." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:677190 - "sys-cluster/vzctl-4.9.4 : [QA] The ebuild is installing to one or more unexpected paths:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:677196 - "sys-process/daemontools-0.76-r12 : [QA] The ebuild is installing to one or more unexpected paths:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:677304 - "'into' documentation does not match implementation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:677438 - "sys-apps/portage: warn verbosely about package license changes on upgrade" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:677456 - "dev-util/re2c segfaults with bad permissions on /tmp (was: dev-lang/yasm-1.3.0 fails to compile)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:677532 - "sys-auth/libnss-mysql-1.5_p20060915-r4 : checking for MySQL libraries... configure: error: Cannot locate MySQL libraries. Try using --with-mysql=DIR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:677540 - "dev-libs/glib-2.58.3: test_GDateTime_get_utc_offset: assertion failed (ts == (tm.tm_gmtoff * G_TIME_SPAN_SECOND)): (0 == 3600000000)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:677586 - "dev-util/pahole: uncertain license of hash.h" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:677600 - "sys-apps/portage: 10ignored-flags misfires on non-native ELF files as "Files built without respecting CFLAGS have been detected" (was: dev-scheme/guile-2.2.4 ignores CFLAGS)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:677714 - "dev-ruby/ruby-gtk3-3.3.2 : * extconf.rb failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:677794 - "dev-db/repmgr-4.2: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:677876 - "dev-java/openjdk-11.0.2_p7 configure fails with FEATURES=ccache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678044 - "net-firewall/iptables: failure to run iptables commands where kconfig option CONFIG_BPFILTER is set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:678082 - "media-video/avidemux-2.8.1 : [QA] One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:678084 - "media-libs/avidemux-plugins-2.8.1-r2 : [QA] One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:678130 - "dev-db/mariadb-connector-c-3.3.8 : [QA] One or more CMake variables were not used by the project: CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_GSSAPI_CLIENT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:678144 - "sys-cluster/kubelet does not respect MAKEOPTS=-j1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678296 - "dev-embedded/stlink - typo in installed udev rules comment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678306 - "sys-apps/coreutils-8.30: test-lock hangs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678332 - ">=dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.12 fails to build when <dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.12 is already installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678340 - "sys-apps/portage: ACCEPT_LICENSE settings in profiles are not incremental" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678372 - "app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.46.0 fails test memory (TIMEOUT)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678376 - "Maintainer: Simon van der Veldt (simon.vanderveldt + gentoo AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678388 - "Maintainer: Daniel Müller (deso AT posteo.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678392 - "Maintainer: Ovidiu - Dan Bogat (ovi AT ovidiu.at)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678394 - "Maintainer: Wilfried Holzke (gentoo AT holzke.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678398 - "Maintainer: Kalin KOZHUHAROV (kalin AT thinrope.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678514 - "dev-db/cockroach: make -j1 is not effective" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678522 - "media-video/libva-utils-2.4.0 : VDecAccelVA.cpp:45:10: fatal error: va/va_x11.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678626 - ""See also" field doesn't allow opensuse bugs (bugzilla.novell.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678638 - "sys-fs/udev-init-scripts-33 - system does not boot successfully with rc_parallel=YES" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678792 - "x11-libs/fox-1.7.54 on arm64 - .../work/fox-1.7.54/lib/.libs/libFOX-1.7.so: error: undefined reference to '__sync_bool_compare_and_swap_16'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678882 - "emerge: pdb is invoked requiring manual operation when there is not enough disk space in PORTAGE_TMPDIR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:678972 - "add equery module to find what packages own binaries that link to a soname" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678982 - "app-containers/docker-proxy-0.8.0_p20181207 - src_compile(): failed to initialize build cache at /root/cache/go-build: mkdir /root/cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:678998 - "games-puzzle/groundhog-1.4-r1 : /.../msgmerge: error while opening sv.po for reading: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679028 - "signed-off-by check rejecting commit with valid signed-off-by footer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679050 - "app-admin/consul-replicate-0.2.0 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679072 - "app-containers/docker-swarm-1.2.5 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679078 - "sys-cluster/zetcd-0.0.4 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679080 - "app-admin/mtail-3.0.0_rc5 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679082 - "dev-go/go-sqlite3-1.1.0_p20160307 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679086 - "app-metrics/burrow_exporter-0.0.6-r1 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679116 - "app-misc/go-jira-1.0.20 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679118 - "app-admin/serf-0.8.1-r1 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679120 - "app-metrics/bind_exporter-0.2.0_p20180307 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679154 - "app-admin/docker-bench-0_p20171206 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679158 - "autofs breaks portage distfile symlinks to NFS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679164 - "net-misc/calicoctl-3.1.3 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679190 - "app-metrics/postgres_exporter-0.4.7 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679208 - "app-containers/flannel-0.10.0 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679220 - "media-gfx/gimp breaks application desktop name to zzz-gimp.desktop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679240 - "net-libs/cvm-0.96-r1: random.c:26:10: fatal error: crypto/surfrand.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679306 - "app-containers/docker-machine-0.13.0 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679308 - "dev-util/clair-2.0.6 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679334 - "app-metrics/pushgateway-0.7.0 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679358 - "sys-apps/baselayout: include Gentoo logo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679364 - "app-metrics/uwsgi_exporter-0.7.0 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679386 - "dev-util/catalyst: Patches to fix a few items" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679526 - "gnome-base/gdm: Do not let gdm's pulseaudio capture the bluetooth sources and sinks, which renders them unavailable for the user" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679542 - "net-analyzer/chronograf-1.7.3 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679548 - "net-misc/memcached-1.5.12: testapp: testapp.c:941: validate_response_header: Assertion `response->message.header.response.status == status' failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679550 - "app-admin/kube-bench-0.0.23 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679614 - "app-metrics/process-exporter-0.4.0-r1 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679712 - "net-analyzer/kapacitor-1.5.1 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679830 - "app-benchmarks/hey-0.1.1_p20181017 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679836 - "sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.45.0-r1 with sys-process/dcron - /etc/cron.d/e2scrub_all uses usernames which dcron does no understand" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679838 - "=sys-auth/sssd-2.1.0 FEATURES=network-sandbox - configure: error: nsupdate does not support 'realm'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679948 - "sys-cluster/teleport-3.0.1 : fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /var/tmp)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679962 - "net-libs/zeromq-4.3.1: Build static libs with -fPIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:679974 - "app-crypt/cfssl-1.3.2 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680038 - "net-vpn/openvpn should specify argument for --daemon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680074 - "www-servers/caddy-0.10.11 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680078 - "app-metrics/prom2json-0.1.0_p20170523 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680106 - "app-vim/ansiesc doesn't support portage generated log files properly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680142 - "app-misc/notary-0.6.1-r1 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680146 - "app-containers/umoci-0.2.1 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680254 - "app-admin/consul-template-0.19.5 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680292 - "app-emulation/xen-tools: mask USE flags irrelevant for x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680396 - "games-puzzle/anagramarama: HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI are down" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680432 - "sys-auth/keystone: update to use dev-python/python-ldap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680456 - "sys-apps/portage: "Unable to unshare" messages could be more specific, and could be deduplicated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680496 - "[Future EAPI] Add the ability to make the state of a particular USE flag part of the subslot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680686 - "net-analyzer/mbrowse-0.4.3-r1 : configure: error: SNMP checks failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680748 - "dev-vcs/hub-2.10.0 fails tests: make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: test] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680770 - "games-board/megamek-0.45.3 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680884 - "app-backup/duplicity-0.7.17 fails tests: ERROR: test_sigchain_fileobj (testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680886 - "dev-db/etcd-3.3.12 fails tests: * (no error message)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680914 - "Error relocating /usr/lib/libGL.so.1: XMaxRequestSize: initial-exec TLS resolves to dynamic definition in /usr/lib/libGL.so.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680960 - "dev-go/go-md2man-1.0.8 fails tests: failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:680984 - "cargo.eclass; Improve rust packaging (package crates individually?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:681062 - "Could not compile `rustc_allocator`" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:681080 - "sys-auth/elogind connection timeouts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:681330 - "app-emulation/spice-vdagent: only supports consolekit or systemd for session-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:681356 - "sys-auth/elogind: Please support minimal install that does not collide with systemd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:681592 - "existing preserved libs output should include slots & repos in output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:681640 - "sci-biology/mothur-1.27.0-r1 : classifyseqscommand.cpp:571:17: error: MPI_MODE_CREATE was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:681660 - "dev-lang/python-exec-2.4.6: python3_4 reference in /etc/python-exec/python-exec.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:681706 - "net-misc/dropbear: Cannot read OpenSSH_7.9p1 keys: Unrecognised key type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:681754 - "media-fonts/ricty-3.2.0-r2 : make:.*Error Error ." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:681790 - "[Tracker] >=sys-libs/glibc-2.28 changes behavior of getdents() readdir() and friends, breaking qemu emulation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:681886 - "dev-ruby/asciidoctor: /.../asciidoctor:9:in load : cannot load such file -- /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/asciidoctor-1.5.8/bin/asciidoctor (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:681940 - "dev-libs/libebml-1.4.2 uses internal copy of dev-libs/utfcpp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:681958 - "app-admin/consul-1.4.4 : failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:681986 - "app-misc/vlock-2.2.3-r1 segfaults in tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:681996 - "media-video project: disband or reduce?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:681998 - "sound project: disband or reduce?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682106 - "antivirus project: disband?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682136 - "dev-java/ant: 1.10.9-launch.patch - Warning: Unable to determine tools.jar location." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682196 - "sys-auth/elogind needs SELinux policy support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682198 - "media-libs/giflib-5.1.9 breaks older packages that require GifQuantizeBuffer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682208 - "sys-apps/portage: add an option to rebuild packages when they are installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682278 - "sci-geosciences/geocode-glib-3.26.4-r201: fails tests: 2/3 API test FAIL 0.07 s (killed by signal 6 SIGABRT)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682370 - "dev-lang/rust-1.33.0 error: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682392 - "[META-TRACKER] Big porting efforts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682410 - "Disband or reduce Games project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682432 - "dev-python/git-review-1.27.0 : QA Notice: This ebuild installs into the following deprecated directories:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:682572 - "net-libs/gnutls-3.6.7: several test failures (tls11-check-rollback-val resume-dtls tls13/post-handshake-with-cert-ticket srp tls12-resume-psk tls12-resume-anon)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682578 - "=sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.183 USE=udev leads to long delays in the initramfs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682586 - "media-libs/libsdl2-2.0.9: undefined reference to `SDL_LinuxSetThreadPriority_REAL'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682610 - "sys-apps/portage: FETCHCOMMAND should fallback to wget --user-agent "Mozilla"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682652 - "net-fs/samba-4.10.1: does not respect MAKEOPTS=-j1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682804 - "games-simulation/senken-0.3.0-r2 : QA Notice: This ebuild installs into the following deprecated directories:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:682810 - "sys-apps/openrc: a 1-liner under /etc/local.d/ gives "no $HOME found in environment."" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:682856 - "net-misc/aria2-1.34.0-r1: test failure: test aria2c failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683072 - "gentoo-commits mail hook is wrong about committer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683080 - "gnome-base/nautilus-3.30 won't generate thumbnails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683104 - "sys-apps/smartmontools: Merging new version doesn't update existing drivedb.h" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683152 - "net-misc/memcached: possible unsafe PID file ownership" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683184 - "[TRACKER] alioth.debian.org was shut down" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683292 - "net-fs/wsd deamon to compliment samba" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683302 - "xdg.eclass: xdg_pkg_preinst does not recognise symlinks (was: app-office/libreoffice- QA Notice)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683332 - "mail-mta/nullmailer-2.2 - installs system executables owned by nonzero uid: /usr/bin/mailq /usr/sbin/nullmailer-queue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683398 - "dev-libs/xbyak-5.73 fails tests: make[1]: ./test_nm.sh: Command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683400 - "media-libs/lsp-plugins-1.1.7-r1 fails tests: /.../modules.h:150: undefined reference to lsp::test_plugin_metadata::metadata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683418 - "app-metrics/openvpn_exporter-0.2.1 fails tests: failed to initialize build cache at /.../go-build: mkdir /.../cache: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683464 - "app-office/texmacs-1.99.6-r2 : One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:683474 - "dev-php/xdebug-2.7.0 fails tests: FAIL Test for assertion callbacks [tests/assert_test-001.phpt]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683478 - "[TRACKER] Files installed +x into /usr/share/doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683488 - "media-sound/mpc: installs files +x into /usr/share/doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683492 - "sys-apps/dbus: installs files +x into /usr/share/doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683502 - "Installer: lead election overdue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683518 - "Gentoostats: lead election overdue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683526 - "Bug-cleaners: lead election overdue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683528 - "Geosciences: lead election overdue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683538 - "Openstack: lead election long overdue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683540 - "MySQL: lead election long overdue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683544 - "Accessibility: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683546 - "Embedded: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683554 - "ARM: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683560 - "Catalyst: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683564 - "Elections: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683572 - "Genkernel: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683578 - "GURU: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683584 - "Java: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683588 - "Video: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683590 - "MIPS: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683598 - "Netmon: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683600 - "OpenRC: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683604 - "PostgreSQL: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683606 - "PowerPC: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683616 - "S390: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683618 - "Science: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683626 - "Sound: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683628 - "Systemd: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683630 - "TeX: no lead election date set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683912 - "sys-apps/portage: warn about /distfiles, /local, and /packages in ebuild repositories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683934 - "[TRACKER] Projects with overdue lead selection" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:683994 - "dev-qt/qtmqtt - a standard compliant implementation of the MQTT protocol specification" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684054 - "app-misc/beanstalkd-1.10 fails tests: ct/ct.c:47:19: error: CLOCK_MONOTONIC undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684064 - "Obsolete ::gentoo mirror on GitHub: https://github.com/portage/portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684100 - "net-mail/dovecot- fails tests: http payload echo (client nested ioloop): parallel : FAILED: Test is hanging" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684130 - "net-misc/ipv6calc-2.0.0 - src_test(): ERROR : stderr not empty: ipv6calcweb.cgi WARN : System overloaded" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684354 - "Modernize "init scripts" documentation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684372 - "app-misc/away: HOMEPAGE unavailable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684424 - "dev-libs/openssl-1.1.0j-r1 fails tests: Failed test: 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684496 - "vim-spell.eclass uses SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/.."" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684504 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.62: fetch instructions should be printed at the end, not before list of packages to be rebuilt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684512 - "app-vim/vim-spell-* vim should use system spellchecker instead" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684538 - "sci-libs/mdal: Mesh Data Abstraction Library - C++ library for handling unstructured mesh data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684722 - "media-sound/musescore-3.3* : ninja: error: dependency cycle: mops1 -> CMakeFiles/mops1 -> all.h -> libmscore/libmscore_autogen -> libmscore/CMakeFiles/libmscore_autogen -> mops1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684746 - "net-libs/canlock-2b fails tests: collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684748 - "www-apps/trickster-0.1.9 fails tests: go: github.com/.../gopher-json@v0.0.0-20180125190556-5a6b3ba71ee6: git fetch -f origin refs/.../*:refs/heads/* refs/.../*:refs/tags/* in /.../46ec037d413acb455219ff1d7b3f5c52002532b4624f2fd2392fae9906" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684762 - "sys-apps/acl-2.2.53 with sys-apps/sed[forced-sandbox]: make[1]: *** No rule to make target all . Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684872 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt-8.0.0: configure fails with llvm-core/llvm[-gold]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684888 - "xdg.eclass: updates desktop database unnecessarily when .desktop files do not specify MimeType=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684896 - ">=dev-lang/rust-1.34.0 : please add rust_target for thumbv7neon-unknown-linux-gnueabihf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:684940 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --sync / emaint sync needs locking in case of concurrent calls" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:685022 - "How should the copyright hook handle branches of external sources?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:685072 - "net-misc/gophernicus-9999 New ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:685096 - "app-misc/ckermit-8.0.211-r4 : ckucmd.c:7118:48: error: FILE {aka struct _IO_FILE } has no member named _cnt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:685146 - "dev-util/ghidra - NSA decompiler and reverse engineering tool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:685160 - "[TRACKER] ebuilds using colon (:) as a sed delimiter break on CFLAGS=-falign-functions=32:25:16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:685236 - "sys-apps/portage: add reentrant lock method to bindbapi class (similar to vardbapi) for use by tools like eclean-pkg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:685378 - "sys-apps/portage: asynchronous operations for binary packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:685542 - "x11-plugins/asmon-0.71 : misc.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to list_cons" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:685572 - "sys-process/anacron-2.3-r2 : file collision with sys-process/systemd-cron-1.5.12-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:685646 - "x11-misc/xxkb-1.11.1 with gnome-base/librsvg-2.40.20 - xxkb: SVG file `/usr/share/xxkb/en.svg': Operation not supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:685654 - "sys-apps/portage: emirrordist option to fetch from gentoo mirrors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:685670 - "dev-util/tokei - A program that allows you to count your code, quickly." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:685708 - "sys-apps/portage:: emirrordist ignores USE-conditional RESTRICTs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:685946 - "sys-devel/gcc: incomplete multilib dependencies (automagically depends on multilib sys-devel/zlib)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:685982 - "media-video/smplayer-24.5.0-r1 partially ignores CFLAGS and LDFLAGS (simple_web_server)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686010 - "dev-db/cockroach-2.0.1 : /.../version_edit.h:156:33: error: implicitly-declared constexpr rocksdb::" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686120 - "Bugzilla lists recipients of a notification but it should not send a notification and does not send a notification" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:686132 - "games-engines/stratagus-2.4.1 : make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/.../build.make:82: tolua.cpp] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686134 - "sys-cluster/mpich-3.3 : /.../cdesc.h:118:107: error: unknown type name MPIO_Request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686280 - "multilib-build.eclass: Support for ppc64 multilib profile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686310 - "app-crypt/heimdal-7.6.0: fails test_ca, test_chain and test_cms test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686342 - "sys-apps/portage: suppress doins python traceback" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686344 - "sys-apps/portage: generate --autounmask changes for installed packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686350 - "savedconfig.eclass: Configuration file schemes with ${CTARGET} / ${CHOST} should not be used when ${CTARGET} / ${CHOST} are empty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686352 - "savedconfig.eclass: Documentation of arguments of restore_config() does not match implementation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686416 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.8-r1 - /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.2/x86_64-linux/auto/NetSNMP/agent/agent.so links against previous /usr/lib64/libnetsnmp.so.*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686442 - "=sys-apps/portage-2.3.66-r1 prints confusing license list on rejection: sys-kernel/linux-firmware-20190514::gentoo (masked by: || ( ) linux-fw-redistributable license(s))" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686474 - "Inheritance explosion, break profiles up?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686540 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.66-r1: OSError: [Errno 117] Structure needs cleaning: b'/usr/src/linux-4.19.5-gentoo/tools/perf/pmu-events/arch/x86/westmereep-sp/memory.json'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686546 - "media-gfx/exiv2-0.27.1: please sanitize wrt. static libs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:686610 - "net-nds/gssproxy-0.8.2 : configure: error: GSSAPI library does not support gss_import_cred" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686650 - "dev-util/ikos Static analyzer for C/C++ based on the theory of Abstract Interpretation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686830 - "sys-firmware/intel-microcode: installation will fail when /boot is mounted ro only" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:686888 - "package.license can not be used in profiles, only in /etc/portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687070 - "x11-misc/xsecurelock: X11 screen lock utility (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687124 - "dev-libs/openssl-1.1.0k fails tests: make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: tests] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687140 - "Maintainer: Rafael Kitover (rkitover AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687144 - "Maintainer: Harald Judt (h.judt AT gmx.at)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687148 - "Maintainer: Felix Neumärker (xdch47 AT posteo.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687342 - "sci-libs/gsl-2.5: test failure: test multifit_nlinear fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687358 - "dev-libs/xbyak-5.73 fails tests: /.../stubs.h:7:11: fatal error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687382 - "sys-apps/netkit-base MCONFIG file generation uncompatible dash/(POSIX) echo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687390 - "dev-libs/bglibs-2.04-r2 fails tests: selftests.sh:line <snip>: <snip> Segmentation fault ./test > ./test.out 2>&1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687540 - "app-text/podofo-0.9.6_p20180715 fails tests: * self test failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687578 - "x11-misc/gpaste-3.20.3 fails tests: data/.../org.gnome.GPaste.Ui.appdata.xml: FAILED:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687668 - "sys-apps/portage: --autounmask-backtrack=n prevents triggering of slot operator rebuilds when old subslot is masked and triggers autounmask" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687682 - "Maintainer: Alexey Korepanov (kaikaikai AT yandex.ru)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687708 - "dev-qt/linguist-tools lacks dependency declaration on dev-qt/qtwidgets[png]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687750 - "games-engines/stratagus-3.2.0 : -- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687754 - "app-backup/snapper-0.8.3 fails tests: FAIL: cmp-lt.test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687864 - "net-mail/cyrus-imapd-3.0.10-r1[xapian]: /usr/include/unicode/ucnv.h:585:1: error: conflicting declaration of C function ‘void icu::swap(icu::LocalUConverterPointer&, icu::LocalUConverterPointer&)’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687928 - "games-arcade/burgerspace installs binary to "unexpected path" /usr/games/bin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687952 - "sys-cluster/corosync-2.4.2 : configure: error: Package requirements (rdmacm) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:687956 - "sys-apps/portage: default emerge --ignore-soname-deps=n behavior" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688052 - "'emerge --depclean' exits silently when given a wildcard that matches nothing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688172 - "sci-libs/mathgl-2.4.1: CMake Error at scripts/qt5.cmake:8 (message): Couldn't find Qt5 OpenGL library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688218 - "dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.12.3 fails to build with clang: missing ../../3rdparty/chromium/chrome/android/profiles/afdo.prof" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688230 - "games-engines/stratagus-2.4.1 : /.../ai_plan.cpp:346:13: error: unable to find string literal operator operator _C_ with const char [43] , long unsigned int arguments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688242 - "net-mail/cyrus-imapd-3.0.10-r1: Could not import extension sphinxlocal.builders.manpage (exception: cannot import name 'MACRO_DEF')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688312 - "games-strategy/liquidwar6-0.4.3681-r1 : configure: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688354 - "[Future EAPI] doins: support preserving executable bits" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688380 - "Add .well-known/security.txt as suggested in RFC 9116" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688394 - "dev-libs/protobuf-c-1.3.1 with linker GOLD: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688430 - "net-firewall/iptables[-ipv6] installs ipv6 related stuff" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:688454 - "dev-tex/arara - A TeX automation tool based on rules and directives." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688542 - "[TRACKER] Requests for new packages which depend on Maven" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688636 - "media-gfx/graphite2-1.3.13 : [TEST] # Failed test use Text::Gr2;" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688638 - "llvm-core/clang-8.0.0 fails tests: FAILED: test/CMakeFiles/check-clang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688640 - "dev-php/xdebug-2.7.2 fails tests: FAIL Test for bug #421: xdebug sends back invalid characters in xml sometimes [tests/bug00421-001.phpt]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688668 - "dev-python/m2crypto: respect arch in CHOST for swig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688696 - "dev-ruby/postgres_ext-3.0.1 : sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688758 - "dev-util/cram-0.7 fails tests: * Tests fail with python3.6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:688898 - "xfce-base/xfconf-4.13.8 fails tests: FAIL: t-set-string" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689008 - "media-gfx/opentoonz-1.3.0 : /.../ld: /.../libcblas.so: undefined reference to zgemm_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689058 - "media-sound/mpc could install doc/index.rst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689080 - "x11-terms/xterm-351: fails to start with 'open ttydev: I/O error' on musl-libc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:689128 - "sys-apps/portage: optimize away unnecessary config.setcpv logic related to IUSE for "depend" phase" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689172 - "sys-apps/portage: machine readable emerge output (JSON, DOT, etc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689202 - "sci-biology/plink-1.90_pre140514 : plink_calc.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to cblas_dger" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689288 - "sci-libs/clapack-3.2.1-r8: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:51 (message): --> BLAS libraries needed but not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689326 - "net-analyzer/barnyard2-1.9-r2 : configure: ERROR: unable to find mysqlclient library (libmysqlclient.*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689336 - "dev-lang/rust should use existing installation of Rust for building and cross-compiling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:689348 - "sys-apps/portage: fetch-restricted package checksum failure handling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689488 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.2.22-r1: unable to configure mariadb with an empty root password" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689490 - "dev-qt/qtmultimedia-5.12.3 Build fails for CPU prior to Haswell/Bulldozer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689540 - "media-libs/harfbuzz-2.3.1 fails to build with gcc-8.3.0 and -fno-builtin-strlen in C(XX)FLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689560 - "dev-lang/rust: shell completion contains reference to rustup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689644 - "[TRACKER] sys-apps/portage fails to provide correct build order during reinstallation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689648 - "net-libs/courier-authlib and not net-mail/courier-imap should install /lib/systemd/system/courier-authdaemond.service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689734 - "media-gfx/llgal-0.13.19-r2: fails tests: make: *** No rule to make target test . Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689752 - "app-forensics/sleuthkit: multiple bundled libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689776 - "dev-util/vint-0.3.19 fails tests: E ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689854 - "Portage spams warnings about symlinks not specific to the emerged packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:689920 - "games-rpg/zsdx-1.9.0-r1 : !!! Fetched file: zsdx-1.9.0.tar.gz VERIFY FAILED!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:690010 - "New package request: dev-java/sqlite-jdbc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:690112 - "sys-apps/portage: propagate profile package.keywords settings to installed and binary package metadata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:690148 - "dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.2.1: tests VerboseFormatterTest NameErrorExtensionTest are failing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:690208 - "dev-debug/systemtap-3.1-r1 fails to install (suid/sgid file(s) with suspicious hardlink(s): /usr/bin/staprun)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:690266 - "net-proxy/havp-0.92a-r2 : clamlibscanner.cpp:207:61: error: invalid conversion from int to cl_scan_options* [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:690294 - "[Tracker] /usr merge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:690340 - "dev-libs/leatherman-1.6.1 : /.../json_container.cc:4:10: fatal error: rapidjson/document.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:690466 - "sys-apps/portage: generate emerge --help output with argparse" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:690480 - "Broken handling of non-UTF-8 files when merging from ${D} to ${ROOT}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:690542 - "net-firewall/ebtables: support running 32-bit ebtables on 64-bit kernel" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:690728 - "dev-vcs/hub-2.12.3 : make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: share/man/man1/hub.1.txt] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:690904 - "Detecting low battery before installing package." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:690906 - "sys-devel/distcc-3.3.2-r5 - configure: error: --with-auth was given but no GSS-API library found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691120 - "Maintainer: Mattéo Rossillol‑‑Laruelle (beatussum AT protonmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691122 - "Maintainer: Vieri Di Paola (rentorbuy AT yahoo.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691172 - "net-nds/phpldapadmin- : QA Notice: broken .png files found:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691262 - "sys-apps/ucspi-unix-0.36-r3 : env.c:4:10: fatal error: sysdeps.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691296 - "dev-qt/qtgui-5.12.3-r1: mouse wheel does not work on big endian" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691460 - "Many broken EAPI-7 bumps done by alexxy to packages maintained by others" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691580 - "Maintainer: Christopher Byrne (salah.coronya AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691584 - "Maintainer: YUE Daian (sheepduke AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691586 - "Maintainer: David Racine (bass_dr AT hotmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691588 - "Maintainer: Jenny Danzmayr (mail AT evilscientress.at)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691592 - "Maintainer: Jake Lilly (lillyjsm AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691640 - "net-voip/linphone-4.1.1 new package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691670 - "mail-mta/netqmail-1.06-r6 with dev-libs/openssl-1.0.2 - qmail-remote.c:273:42: error: 'TLS_ST_BEFORE' undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean 'SSL_ST_BEFORE'?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691744 - "net-print/hplip update should trigger update of net-print/hplip-plugin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691748 - "SWAPGS Spectre side-channel vulnerability (CVE-2019-1125)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691768 - "app-office/dia-0.97.3 fails tests: make[1]: *** [Makefile:<snip>: check-recursive] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691798 - "sys-apps/portage: add option for emerge to ignore a selected set of categories when no category is specified" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:691804 - "dev-lang/orc ppc64 USE unmasking" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691806 - "dev-lang/orc related USE flag masked while orc is stable or keyworded" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691896 - "net-fs/mc-2019. : go: error loading module requirements" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:691900 - "llvm-core/lld llvm-runtimes/libcxx llvm-runtimes/libcxxabi should be SLOTted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692006 - "OpenRC should create /run/openrc/exclusive when missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692096 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92 : make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: full] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692128 - "dev-lang/python-3.6.? USE=ncurses with sys-libs/ncurses[tinfo] - .../work/Python-3.6.5/python: symbol 'LINES': can't resolve symbol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692308 - "sci-chemistry/modeller-9.22 : * (no error message)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692450 - "games-board/crafty is useless without books to open" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692472 - "media-fonts/texcm-ttf: removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692500 - "mozcoreconf-v6.eclass: /powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/ld.gold: --reduce-memory-overheads: unknown option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692532 - "media-gfx/wkhtmltopdf-bin - Convert html to pdf (and various image formats) using webkit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692536 - "x11-libs/gtkmathview: depends on deprecated media-fonts/texcm-ttf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692554 - "games-fps/darkplaces-20140513-r1 : ../.../jpeg.c:41:10: fatal error: jpeglib.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692576 - "sys-apps/portage: GNU make jobserver integration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692606 - "sys-power/nut-2.7.4-r3 with OpenRC: upsmon: parent: Unable to call shutdown command: /sbin/shutdown -h +0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692634 - "net-mail/tpop3d-1.5.5-r5: auth_mysql.c:102:5: error: unknown type name my_bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692736 - "QA: reverse policy on subdirectories of /var/cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692776 - "sys-apps/portage: inconsistent slotmove behavior for versioned atoms, *DEPEND not correctly adjusted for atoms w/ subslot deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692820 - "Maintainer: Zohran Londais (zohran.londais AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692922 - "sys-apps/portage: prepare_build_dirs shutil.rmtree PermissionError for unprivileged user following chmod a-w" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:692994 - "amend bylaw to gender neutral version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693004 - "cron.eclass: removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693054 - "app-portage/portage-utils: Please add reading from compressed log‐files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693058 - "net-wireless/multimode-1.4_p20140831-r1: 'Validation failed' for 'grcc -d . multimode.grc'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693252 - ">=sys-devel/gcc-3.4.3 on IA64 should use system libunwind.so from sys-libs/libunwind, sys-libs/libunwind should install shared libraries for native ABI in /lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693254 - "sys-apps/portage: eqawarn 301 redirects when fetching" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693288 - "sys-kernel/*-sources: non-redistributable files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693292 - "net-misc/AQtion-2.2.7 : make[1]: *** /.../build: No such file or directory. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693306 - "Optimize PATH in ebuild environment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693308 - "ROOTPATH code in Portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693326 - "Policy vote: explicitly require proxy listed for proxied maintainers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693348 - "dev-vcs/hub-2.12.3 fails tests: go: github.com/.../blackfriday@v0.0.0-20180526075726-670777b536d3: g" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693362 - "sys-apps/portage: unnecessary group write permission for /var/lib/portage/{config,preserved_libs_registry}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693364 - "[science overlay] Retire the science overlay" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693366 - "env-update: Canonicalize paths in generated files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693460 - "net-libs/libssh2-1.9.0 installs /usr/lib/cmake/libssh2/Libssh2Config-gentoo.cmake with ABI-specific content" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693514 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge "installed packages are masked" warning should include keyword masked packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693522 - "dev-libs/nss-3.46 - /usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/8.3.0/include/arm_neon.h:26094:1: error: inlining failed in call to always_inline ‘vmull_p64’: target specific option mismatch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693582 - "sys-apps/sandbox: detect strace invocation better for users" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:693616 - "dev-build/autoconf-2.69-r4 fails tests: ERROR: 493 tests were run," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693682 - "www-apps/trickster-0.1.9 fails tests: make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: go-mod-vendor] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693762 - "app-admin/kube-bench-0.0.34 : go: github.com/.../go-mssqldbGet https:/.../v0.0.0-l tcp: lookup proxy.golang.org on read udp>12" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693780 - "emerge -C output split unnecessarily" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693916 - "Document BDEPEND and its interaction with test dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693924 - "app-metrics/consul_exporter-0.4.0 : command failed: build -o consul_exporter -ldflags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:693950 - "Purchase disk sleds/caddies for catbus (oracle t5-2)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694022 - "wiki: Unable to grant bot permissions to edit Project: page" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:694246 - "[TRACKER] sys-apps/portage soname dependency support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694270 - "dev-util/pycharm-community: wrong LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694272 - "dev-util/pycharm-professional: wrong LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694278 - "Add a way to execute a script at the end of emerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:694336 - "net-libs/ngtcp2 installs /usr/share/doc/ngtcp2-0_pre20190912/README which instructs users to read /usr/share/doc/ngtcp2-0_pre20190912/README.rst.bz2 instead" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694340 - "ebuild ... test no longer magically enables USE=test ?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694388 - "gnome-extra/nemo-extensions: A set of extensions for Nemo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:694454 - "cargo.eclass needs to include a BIG FAT WARNING about LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694482 - "www-servers/apache-2.4.62 - installs empty directories installed to /var:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694568 - "sci-libs/ViSP-3.2.0-r2 : /.../io.inl.hpp:105:16: error: readJPEG is not a member of vpImageIo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694570 - "dev-python/odfpy-1.3.6 : error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694740 - "Maintainer: Wilson Michaels (thebitpit AT austincustomerrands.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694752 - "media-libs/partio-1.5.4 : CMake Error at /.../FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:137 (message): Could NOT find GLUT (missing: GLUT_INCLUDE_DIR)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694790 - "[TRACKER] Missing LICENSE entries for cargo (rust) crates" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694792 - "[TRACKER] Missing LICENSE entries for Go ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694866 - "sys-process/cronbase: QA issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694870 - "sys-apps/mcstrans: QA issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694872 - "sys-apps/restorecond: QA issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694894 - "app-containers/{containerd,docker}: incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694898 - "app-containers/docker-proxy: incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694906 - "app-emulation/{go-secbench,skopeo,umoci}: incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694936 - "www-servers/apache: '/etc/init.d/apache2 gracefulstop' doesn't remove openrc status files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694944 - "'Avago' license: is it @BINARY-REDISTRIBUTABLE?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:694986 - "net-vpn/tor: can't read its own files when run via systemd service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695064 - "media-plugins/alsa-plugins: QA issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695098 - "net-misc/cgminer: QA issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695104 - "sys-devel/parity: QA issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695106 - "sec-policy/selinux-base: QA issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695124 - "net-proxy/haproxy: QA issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695126 - "net-vpn/strongswan: QA issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695128 - "net-misc/wget: QA issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695150 - "sys-fs/dmraid: QA issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695214 - "app-metrics/{consul_,github-,grok_,memcached_,process-,rabbitmq_}exporter: incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695236 - "dev-embedded/arduino-builder: incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695240 - "dev-util/drone{,-cli}: incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695278 - "net-analyzer/{chronograf,kapacitor,telegraf}: incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695284 - "app-containers/cni-plugins: incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695286 - "net-misc/geoipupdate: incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695300 - "sys-cluster/kube{-apiserver,-controller-manager,-proxy,-scheduler,ctl,let}: incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695304 - "sys-cluster/kubeadm: incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695310 - "sys-cluster/teleport: incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695424 - "dev-cpp/rpclib - modern msgpack-rpc for C++" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695460 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge -1kB unpacks binpackages to tempdir and exits" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695570 - "net-mail/tnef-1.4.17 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695572 - "net-misc/AQtion-2.2.7 : ERROR: crc_itu_t [/var/tmp/portage/net-misc/AQtion-2.2.7/work/AQtion-.../atlantic.ko] undefined!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695600 - "sys-apps/portage: document /etc/portage/patches in the portage(5) man page" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695750 - "sys-apps/portage: map underscores to hyphens in USE flag names if the package has only the latter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:695990 - "app-text/epspdf: removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:696052 - "net-misc/openssh: enable +libedit by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:696054 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.76 : Repository Constraints failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:696070 - "net-wireless/bluez-5.51 - error: Symlink points to BuildRoot: /usr/lib/systemd/user/dbus-org.bluez.obex.service -> /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/bluez-5.51/image/usr/lib/systemd/user/obex.service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:696492 - "app-laptop/i8kutils: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:696494 - "dev-util/kdstatemachineeditor: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:696522 - "games-emulation/jrommanager: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:696536 - "dev-libs/libusb-compat-0.1.12: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:696682 - "x11-misc/quitcount: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:696750 - "dev-util/visual-regexp: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:696832 - "[QA] Ban RESTRICT=primaryuri from ::gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697002 - "media-sound/jack-smf-utils-1.0-r1 : file collision with media-libs/libsmf-1.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697060 - "http://ftp.twaren.net/Linux/Gentoo/distfiles/ have permissions problems on some (?) files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697390 - "app-eselect/eselect-cblas: removal (was: please bump to a newer EAPI)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697560 - "dev-libs/openssl-1.1.1d-r2[asm] - ld: apps/ca.o: in function `ca_main': ca.c:(.text+0x3694): undefined reference to `OPENSSL_cleanse'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697574 - "Unable to suspend ebuild with Ctrl+Z" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697638 - "dev-python/tornado-5.1 USE=doc - src_compile(): loading intersphinx inventory from https://docs.python.org/3.6/objects.inv... Warning, treated as error: failed to reach any of the inventories with the following issues: []" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697732 - "Check anti-spam service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697766 - "Bugzilla: Reenable SecureMail extension" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697768 - "virtual/wine[staging]: pulls two wine versions simultaneously" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697786 - "sys-apps/portage: FEATURES=noman could handle all locations in MANPATH, not just /usr/share/man" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697816 - "[TRACKER] *-compat transition" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697914 - "sys-apps/portage FEATURES= request: test-delay" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697938 - "dev-db/mysql++-3.2.5 : checking for MySQL include directory... configure: error: Didn t find the MySQL include dir in /include /include/mysql" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697944 - "media-gfx/gimageview-0.2.27-r4 : /.../ld: /.../libmng.so: error adding symbols: file in wrong format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:697960 - "sys-apps/portage: RESTRICT=strip makes dostrip ineffective" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698026 - "media-sound/musique-1.12 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698148 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-datetime-plugin-0.8.0 : datetime.c:721:32: error: expected expression before t_datetime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698200 - "Retire: Vadim Misbakh-Soloviov (mva)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698232 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.76: strange keyword suggestion after slot conflict" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698246 - "ebuild(1) incorrectly states that "[t]he src_unpack() function is also responsible for making the appropriate patches to the sources"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698326 - "dev-libs/libgcrypt: incomplete license" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698358 - "GitHub origin repo cleanup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698400 - "Portage 2.3.49: @system set scheduling constraints leak from BROOT to SYSROOT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698440 - "media-fonts/croscorefonts-1.31.0 should install /usr/share/fonts/croscorefonts/SymbolNeu.ttf or should not install 62-croscore-symbolneu.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698478 - "dev-tex/latex2html-2017.2-r2 : sed: can t read /.../pstoimg.pl: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698678 - "abusive behavior from mgorny on gentoo-portage-dev" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698706 - "xfce-base/xfce4-meta-4.14: hide xfce-base/thunar-volman dependency behind a USE flag" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:698792 - "app-laptop/pommed: SRC_URI down due to alioth.debian.org shutdown" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698840 - "Forum rejects posts with too long subjects and displays an unhelpful error message." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698920 - "sys-apps/portage feature request: "Soft" USE flag specification in package.use" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:698972 - "sys-apps/portage feature request: --uninstall-leaves" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699016 - "x11-libs/libfm-1.3.1 USE='examples -gtk' : In file included from gtk-compat.c:22: gtk-compat.h:24:10: fatal error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699030 - "New changes to portage keyword handling breaks multiple live packages, and others"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699046 - "dev-python/wxpython-4.0.6: <built-in>: fatal error: when writing output to : No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699078 - "I_KNOW_WHAT_I_AM_DOING support for ebuild command" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699246 - "net-misc/npapi-sdk: Removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699252 - "sys-apps/portage: install-qa-check.d bans libtool files and static libs from /, leading to unnecessary divergence from upstream" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699254 - "Confirming QA policy vote: static archives and .la files must not be installed to /lib*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699468 - "dev-lisp/sbcl - sbcl: fatal error encountered in SBCL pid xxx(tid 0xnnnnnnnn): can't find core file at /usr/lib/sbcl//sbcl.core" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699516 - "QA notice for absolute symlinks pointing to paths starting with ${D}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699550 - "sys-apps/install-xattr - install-xattr incorrectly processes -Z flag" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:699580 - "dev-go/go-tools-0_pre20190911 fails tests: --- FAIL: TestAdHocOverlays" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699812 - "sys-devel/dev86: switch to a maintained fork" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699872 - "[TRACKER] mysql: multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2019-{2938,2974})" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699894 - "Post-receive webhook error when deleting a remote branch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:699950 - "app-containers/docker-19.03.4 - start-stop-daemon: fopen `/run/docker.pid': No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700096 - "sys-process/bcron-0.10 : bcron.h:6:10: fatal error: adt/ghash.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700138 - "If PORTAGE_TMPDIR is on btrfs, use subvolume instead of directory for performance" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700146 - "x11-themes/adapta-gtk-theme- : make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: all-recursive] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700186 - "x11-libs/libfm-1.3.1 : libtool: error: cannot find the library libfm-extra.la or unhandled argument libfm-extra.la" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700204 - "Maintainer: Rolf Eike Beer (eike AT sf-mail.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700210 - "Maintainer: Hank Leininger (hlein AT korelogic.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700212 - "Maintainer: Matthew Ogilvie (mmogilvi+gnto AT zoho.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700218 - "Maintainer: Joakim Tjernlund (joakim.tjernlund AT infinera.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700224 - "dev-python/hypothesis: Enable more tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700264 - "net-dns/knot-2.9.0 : /.../libknot.so: error: undefined reference to sem_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700326 - "media-sound/zyn-fusion: new ebuild [wip]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700336 - "dev-util/pkgcheck: support 'do not depend on me' category of USE flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700492 - "app-office/abiword-3.0.2-r2 : ./.../libabiword-3.0.so: error: undefined reference to g_module_close" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700530 - "'There are no ebuilds to satisfy' messages could use readability improvement" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700542 - "=sys-fs/xfsprogs-5.3.0 should not install static library /usr/lib64/libhandle.a (?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700788 - "dev-libs/libtecla-1.6.3 : x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: error: cannot find -lc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700854 - "Maintainer: Wim Muskee (wimmuskee AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700856 - "Maintainer: Randy Barlow (randy AT electronsweatshop.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700860 - "Maintainer: William Wennerström (william AT wstrm.dev)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700884 - "sys-libs/musl-1.1.24 : static libraries have all one object file with "no machine" instead of "ARM"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:700978 - "sys-apps/portage Please update emerge manpage to mention that --depclean respects --exclude" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:700982 - "dev-haskell/cabal- with ghc-8.6.5: Ambiguous occurrence ‘<>’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:701066 - "net-mail/qmailanalog-0.70-r1 : * doexe failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:701184 - "sys-apps/portage: there is no configuration-based means of guaranteeing unprivileged syncing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:701188 - "go-module.eclass: support EGO_VENDOR unpack for versioned module paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:701310 - "apache-2.eclass: --suexec-uidmin=1000 is unreasonable and causes problems for service accounts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:701316 - "dev-db/cockroach-19.1.1: iaesx64.s:1: Error: junk at end of line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:701550 - "[musl-overlay] net-fs/samba: init script is broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:701574 - "Maintainer: Gavin D. Howard (gavin AT gavinhoward.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:701636 - "dev-lang/ruby-2.5.7: miniruby hangs forever during build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:701978 - "dev-libs/libgdata-0.17.11 fails tests: 3/13 calendar FAIL (killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702022 - "Maintainer: Philipp Ammann (philipp.ammann AT posteo.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702082 - "dev-util/premake-5.0.0_alpha12 fails tests: vs2010_extension_targets.addsImport_onEachNuGetPackage: ** Error: NuGet API error (0)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702084 - "app-crypt/gcr-3.34.0 fails tests: ERROR: test-system-prompt process failed: -5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702114 - "net-irc/telepathy-idle-0.2.0-r2 fails tests: ImportError: No module named gobject" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702134 - "[Future EAPI] query functions for ebuild-defined variables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702148 - "games-fps/ut2004-3369.3-r2 : obsolete, somewhat misleading pkg_postinst message" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702154 - ">=sys-apps/portage-2.3.80: "emerge -pf ..." and "emerge -pF ..." try to fetch layout.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702208 - "app-text/libxmlpatch-0.3.3 fails tests: check_diff.c:243:21: error: initializer element is not constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702464 - "[Future EAPI] Cross-flag USE dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702548 - "app-portage/unsymlink-lib does not handle /usr/lib/debug/..." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702648 - "Maintainer: Jannis Achstetter (kripton AT kripserver.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702742 - "app-crypt/asedriveiiie-{serial,usb}: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702746 - "sys-apps/ifd-gempc: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702752 - "dev-libs/opencryptoki: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702778 - "sys-boot/tboot-1.9.6_p20171118 installs orphan files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:702996 - "dev-python/strict-rfc3339-0.7-r1: test_strict_rfc3339.TestTimestampToRFC3339UTCOffset, test_strict_rfc3339.TestTimestampToRFC3339UTCOffset fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703064 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.81 allow to show as much possible of USE conflicts for each run" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703160 - "dev-embedded/jlink - Tools for Segger J-Link JTAG adapters" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703258 - "[Future EAPI] die instead of outputting QA warning when encountering unknown commands during phase processing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703278 - "sys-apps/portage pid-sandbox causes qemu-user failure launch process in PID namespace (qemu_thread_create: Invalid argument)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:703348 - "sys-apps/portage: suggest users -with-test-deps workaround when a test circular dep issue is detected, and handle test deps like PDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703446 - "sys-auth/libnss-cache-0.10.2 fails tests: /bin/sh: sudo: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703458 - "sys-apps/portage: persist test dependencies for binary and installed packages for emerge --with-test-deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703466 - "net-fs/samba-4.8.6-r2: glusterfs automagic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703684 - "GitHub CI: implement a signed-off-by check at CI level" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703744 - "dev-lang/rust: rustlib should be in /usr/${LIBDIR}/rustlib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703824 - "dev-qt/qtgui-5.14.0-r1: multiple definition of `__bss_start' and more" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703840 - "=dev-lang/ruby-2.6.5 fails to cross-compile with multilib-portage: coroutine/x86/Context.S:18: Error: invalid instruction suffix for `push'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703866 - "media-libs/libwebp without gui-libs/gdk-pixbuf-loader-webp no longer provides GNOME applications with WEBP support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703928 - "app-shells/bashdb- fails tests: FAIL: test-misc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703958 - "app-eselect/eselect-repository - eselect repository add should cross-check repo_name from repo uri" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:703978 - "dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.14.0 - ld: .../work/qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.14.0/src/core/release/obj/third_party/openh264/openh264_common_yasm/dct.o: warning: relocation in read-only section `.text'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:704054 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.12.1-r1 : /.../egl-helpers.h:46:55: error: unknown type name Window" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:704324 - "app-misc/ktoblzcheck-1.50 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:704498 - "FEATURES=pid-sandbox - SIGTSTP does not stop all children" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:704504 - "sys-cluster/corosync-2.4.2 : /.../ld: cannot find /.../qblog_script.ld: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:704514 - "sys-cluster/libqb-1.0.5 installs non-elf (text file) libqb.so and cannot be linked against" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:704574 - "media-tv/v4l-dvb-saa716x regression with sys-kernel/vanilla-kernel-5.4.7 cleanup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:704762 - "=app-admin/puppet-6.11.1: puppet fails to start with NameError" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:704962 - "virtual/perl6 should be renamed to virtual/raku" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:704980 - "sys-kernel/dracut - fails to build initrd with SELinux in enforcing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:blocker
- Bug:705020 - "Maintainer: Huang Rui (vowstar AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:705102 - "Gentoo Logo: Font license" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:705182 - "[TRACKER] Obsolete c++* standard USE flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:705738 - "app-text/docbook-sgml-utils-0.6.14-r3 : /.../install: cannot stat ./api.html : No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:705764 - "[TRACKER] Packages failing with -fno-common" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:705918 - "app-emulation/bochs-2.6.10[avx]: undefined reference to `create_corei7_icelake_u_cpuid(BX_CPU_C*)'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:705922 - "net-print/foo2zjs-99999999: can't fetch foo2zjs.tar.gz" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:705960 - "net-misc/networkmanager-1.18.4-r2 changes WiFi MAC address with every activation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:705976 - "Add JSON/YAML version of 'Packages' index file for easier machine parsing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:706022 - "Maintainer: Christopher Steward (cstew2)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:706226 - "blogs.g.o: repeating login problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:706284 - "media-video/harvid-0.8.2 : Makefile:<snip>: *** libjpeg is required - install libjpeg-dev, libjpeg8-dev or libjpeg62-dev . Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:706384 - "emerge: Consider ALL non-option arguments before terminating" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:706472 - "rename license files to their SPDX short identifier" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:706542 - "dev-haskell/zlib- : /.../ld: -r and -pie may not be used together" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:706764 - "acct-user/squid-0-r3 : QA Notice: This ebuild installs into paths that should be created at runtime." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707012 - "app-doc/zsh-lovers-0.9.0: UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 5882: ordinal not in range(128)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707078 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxxabi-14.0.4 fails to compile on arm with: cxa_personality.cpp:573:22: error: '_URC_FATAL_PHASE1_ERROR' was not declared in this scope'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707098 - "Planet: gokturk: Gentoo feed is empty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707100 - "Planet: pacho: Gentoo feed is empty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707318 - "sys-apps/portage: add FEATURE to remount readonly filesystems as writable (or mount unmounted filesystems) on-demand" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707390 - "dev-qt/qtgui: emake failed: Illegal instruction (RDRND detected on CPUs with no support)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707392 - "app-misc/jq-1.6-r3 fails tests: FAIL: tests/optionaltest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707394 - "app-misc/yq-2.9.2-r1 fails tests: FAIL: test_datetimes (_main_.TestYq)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707494 - "app-portage/hackport-0.6.3 : Could not find module ‘Data.Semigroup’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707572 - "bin/phase-helpers.sh: add an option to enable patch --backup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707662 - "dev-libs/avro-c-1.9.1 fails tests: 3 - memcheck_test_data_structures (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707824 - "sys-apps/portage: support a structured configuration file format (like toml or yaml) for miscellaneous settings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707834 - "dev-util/herdtools7-7.54 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707886 - "media-sound/ptabtools-0.5.0 fails tests: tests/ptb.c:29:12: error: storage class specified for parameter test_get_tone_fn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:707972 - "sys-apps/portage: should print local time zone in log message" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:707978 - "media-video/mediaelch ebuild request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:708120 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge could omit unslotted world atom for a system package if system atom is also unslotted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:708456 - "Should be a check before rc-update adds service to boot/default depending on mount-ro" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:708466 - "media-sound/easytag-2.4.3-r5 - fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:708484 - "x11-wm/aewm: SRC_URI 404" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:708592 - "sys-cluster/charm: missing python_check_deps()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:708674 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge can display the merge list interleaved with depgraph display_problems output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:708676 - "sys-apps/elfix-0.9.5 should use python-single-r1.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:708726 - "dev-perl/MogileFS-Server-2.730.0 : Error: Crashed on purpose at lib/MogileFS/Worker/Query.pm line 186." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:709308 - "dev-ruby/packetfu-1.1.13 : /.../ruby24: No such file or directory -- bundle (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:709366 - "sys-cluster/galera fails to compile on ia64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:709450 - "[TRACKER] /usr/share/appdata location is deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:709568 - "[TRACKER] cargo.eclass and *-sys crates" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:709688 - "Maintainer: Kurt Kanzenbach (kurt AT kmk-computers.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:709782 - "dev-python/pylibacl-0.5.3: testEquivMode fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:709836 - "app-backup/snapper-0.8.5: test failure: test humanstring.test failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:709854 - "Please improve the wording of CI bug reports to make urgency clear" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:709864 - "dev-ruby/* - /usr/lib64/ruby/2.4.0/rubygems.rb:17:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems/compatibility (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710116 - "dev-haskell/crypto-conduit-0.5.5-r2 : src/.../Conduit.hs:63:1: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710200 - "media-libs/stk-4.6.1 : RtAudio.cpp:9005:3: error: oss_sysinfo was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710274 - "eclass-reference: please add IDs to link to functions/variables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710290 - "www-client/google-chrome installs into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710334 - "app-text/tokyodystopia-0.9.15 : * doins failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710378 - "sys-libs/gcc-libs: new that provides a minimal runtime-only set of libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:710380 - "dev-lang/rust-1.41.0 breaks backtrace-0.3.44 test "smoke" with --all-features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710420 - "sci-astronomy/montage-5.0 - ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710486 - "media-gfx/tachyon-0.99_beta6-r1 : * sed failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710546 - "games-fps/darkplaces-20140513-r1: Incomplete LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710584 - "net-wireless/welle-io-2.1 (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:710604 - "dev-db/mysql-init-scripts: tidy up conf.d file slightly by using compound command instead of control operator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:710606 - "games-board/eboard-1.1.1-r2 - ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710608 - "games-util/glbsp-2.24 - ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710672 - "Clarify that insinto will create target dir if missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710834 - "www-misc/bookmarksync-0.3.4-r3 : Makefile:<snip>: *** multiple target patterns. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710896 - "sys-apps/netkit-base-0.17-r9 : ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710958 - "net-libs/axtls-2.1.5 - ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:710968 - "sci-biology/seaview-4.6 : ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711032 - "net-wireless/wepattack-0.1.3-r5 : ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711062 - "smtp.gentoo.org spamassassin false positives" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711084 - "dev-db/percona-server- fails tests: Failing test(s): binlog_gtid.binlog_gtid_rbr_only_flag binlog_gtid.binlog_gtid_n" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711090 - "dev-python/cffi-1.13.2: test_func_as_funcptr fails because of -Werror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711104 - "net-libs/gnutls-3.7.7 fails tests: FAIL: dtls-with-seccomp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711116 - "dev-qt/qtgui-5.13.2: Wrong colours of non-GL widgets when using OpenGL on big endian" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711156 - "sci-libs/pastix-5.2.3 : ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711256 - ""See Also" field doesn't support Python bug tracker URLs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711310 - "app-cdr/cdrtools-3.02_alpha09 schily header files try to include headers with a wrong path x86_64-linux-gcc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711346 - "games-board/mah-jong-1.14-r1 : ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711352 - "dev-haskell/pcre-light- : tests/Unit.hs: error: Couldn't match type `Regex' with `()'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711366 - "dev-perl/Gtk3-0.34.0 fails tests: t/overrides.t Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, <snip>)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711390 - "dev-libs/check-0.14.0 test failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711452 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge could try harder to satisfy broken build time slot operator deps for built packages (trigger rebuilds)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711458 - "net-print/brother-ql700-bin- (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:711466 - "Inform user when they install an unmaintained package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:711528 - "Switch to headline view by default?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711532 - "dev-lang/python-{3.6.10,3.7.6}: test_poll/test_select fail: AssertionError: 0.19999999995343387 not greater than or equal to 0.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711540 - "sci-libs/cholmod-3.0.13 : configure: error: Could not find ccolamd library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711544 - "app-forensics/quickfuzz-0.1_p20160920 : src/Time.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711636 - "dev-util/kdstatemachineeditor-1.2.4 fails tests: Errors while running CTest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711716 - "app-crypt/certbot-pdns Let's encrypt plugin to use DNS-01 authentication via net-dns/pdns (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:711772 - "llvm-core/lldb-10.0.0_rc3 fails tests: ERROR: test_sb_command_return_object (TestSBCommandReturnObject.TestSBCommandReturnObject)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:711990 - "sci-libs/clblast-0.10.0: CMake Error at /.../FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:146: Could NOT find OpenCL (missing: OPENCL_LIBRARIES)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712050 - "games-strategy/warzone2100 add use flag/additional package for proprietary cd media" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:712056 - "dev-python/pysvn-1.8.0 : Error: PyCXX version not as required." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712074 - "dev-ruby/sass: 'sass' wrapper broken if another version of ruby is eselected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712274 - "sys-libs/db-6.0.35-r2 fails tests: * Some tests failed, please see /var/tmp/portage/sys-libs/db-6.0.35-r2/work/db-6.0.35/build_unix-a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712304 - "toolchain.eclass: "gcc-config: Could not locate profile # !" when removing last cross toolchain" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712348 - "net-analyzer/iptraf-ng-1.1.4-r3 : src/ipfrag.c: error: struct tcphdr has no member named source" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712352 - "Repeated immature behavior of monsieurp in response to criticism of ebuild issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712390 - "app-arch/dump-0.4.47-r3 : bylabel.c: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712456 - "net-analyzer/hunt-1.5_p6_p1 : hunt.c: error: struct tcphdr has no member named source" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712458 - "app-emulation/libdsk-1.5.18 : drvposix.h: error: conflicting types for posix_close" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712462 - "media-libs/libebur128-1.2.4 : CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:33 (message): queue.h not found, please set ENABLE_INTERNAL_QUEUE_H to ON" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712482 - "app-laptop/tpb-0.6.4-r1 : file collision with app-arch/sharutils-4.15.2-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712488 - "flag-o-matic gives false positives when clang-10 warns about unknown CUDA version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712492 - "app-admin/ccze-0.2.1-r5 : ccze-compat.h: error: redefinition of struct argp_option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712494 - "sys-libs/libselinux-3.0 : /.../ld: undefined reference to symbol fts_open" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712504 - "sci-biology/emboss-6.6.0-r2 : embossversion.c: error: _USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712524 - "dev-python/pypiserver-1.3.1-r1: test_partial_authed_open_download fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712532 - "net-wireless/hostap-utils-0.4.7-r1 : wireless_copy.h: error: unknown type name _uint32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712546 - "app-misc/splitvt-1.6.6-r3 : misc.c: error: too many arguments to function setpgrp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712560 - "add note how to create and remove IRC channels" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712580 - "dev-lang/fpc-3.2.2 : (.text+<snip>): undefined reference to _libc_csu_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712586 - "media-sound/cdtool-2.1.8-r1 : commands.c: error: O_RDONLY undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712614 - "sys-block/fio-3.19 : t/io_uring.c: error: field rand has incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712616 - "net-analyzer/ipsumdump-1.86-r1 : ../.../llrpc.h: error: _IOC_DIRSHIFT was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712620 - "media-sound/peercast-0.1218-r2 : ../.../sys.h: error: PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712622 - "app-misc/mmv-1.01b_p19 : mmv.c: error: MAXNAMLEN undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712638 - "app-crypt/bsign-0.4.5-r1 : filewalk.cc:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to fts_read" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712644 - "net-analyzer/iplog-2.2.3-r3 : ./iplog.h: error: unknown type name u_int32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712652 - "sci-biology/blat-34-r3 : fof.c: error: arithmetic on pointer to an incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712654 - "dev-util/hxd-0.70.02-r2 : general.h: error: unknown type name loff_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712662 - "media-gfx/iscan-plugin-gt-x820- : iscan-registry: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712664 - "media-libs/glyr-1.0.10-r1 : /.../glyrc.c: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712676 - "sys-libs/libieee1284-0.2.11-r8 : /.../ld: ./.../libieee1284.so: undefined reference to outb_p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712686 - "net-misc/ethercard-diag-20050321.1g-r1 : alta-diag.c: error: unknown type name u_int32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712690 - "app-containers/lxc-3.1.0-r1 : ./compiler.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712694 - "net-analyzer/dhcpdump-1.8 : dhcpdump.c: error: struct udphdr has no member named len" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712698 - "sys-fs/xfsprogs-5.5.0: Building with -O3 results in <artificial>:(.text+0x19f0): undefined reference to `.L366'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712700 - "net-firewall/pglinux-2.3.1_p20171006-r1 : src/pgld.c: error: struct tcphdr has no member named source" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712710 - "dev-libs/jerasure-2.0.0-r2 : reed_sol_time_gf.c: error: storage size of tv isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712712 - "sys-process/audit-2.8.5 : /.../ld: /.../libauparse.so: undefined reference to rawmemchr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712748 - "dev-cpp/kokkos-3.7.1 : /.../Kokkos_Stacktrace.cpp: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712752 - "sys-fs/android-file-transfer-linux-3.9 : /.../Exception.cpp: error: no matching function for call to std::_cxx11::basic_string<cha" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712754 - "app-arch/afio-2.5.1-r2 : compfile.c: error: DIRSIZ undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712758 - "sys-apps/portage: offload compression to a separate process for FEATURES=compress-build-logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:712762 - "app-portage/elogv-0.7.8-r1 crashes when a log file contains characters not in current locale's charset" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712764 - "sys-apps/isapnptools-1.27 : ../.../iopl.h: fatal error: asm/io.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712774 - "dev-util/hxtools-20201116 : cctypeinfo.c: error: loff_t undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712816 - "app-shells/rush-2.1 : librush.h: error: field start has incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712818 - "app-admin/tmpwatch-2.11-r3 : bind-mount.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to obstack_free" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712826 - "net-analyzer/gvm-libs-10.0.1 : /.../ld: ../.../libgvm_base.so.10.0.1: undefined reference to malloc_trim" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712842 - "sys-fabric/opensm-3.3.24 : ../.../cl_debug_osd.h: fatal error: bits/wordsize.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712850 - "x11-plugins/wmmisc-1.2 : src/dockapp_main.c: fatal error: bits/getopt_core.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712860 - "net-dialup/linux-atm-2.5.2-r1 : atmsigd.c:(.text.startup+<snip>): undefined reference to on_exit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712864 - "app-misc/sphinx-2.2.11-r5 : sphinx.cpp: error: expected unqualified-id before numeric constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712866 - "net-analyzer/tcptrack-1.4.2 : TCPHeader.h: error: u_char does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712870 - "app-misc/recoll-1.25.19 : mimetype.cpp:(.text+<snip>): warning: undefined reference to pxattr::get(std::_cxx11::basic_string<char," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712874 - "net-p2p/cpuminer-opt-3.12.13 : sha512_avx2.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to htobe64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712876 - "net-analyzer/nstats-0.4-r3 : src/packet.c: error: struct tcphdr has no member named source" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712894 - "x11-terms/aterm-1.0.1-r6 : rxvt.h:658:30: error: ‘RXVT_WTMP_FILE’ undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712962 - "sci-libs/avogadrolibs-1.93.0 fails to build with USE="vtk"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712970 - "dev-libs/avro-c-1.9.1-r2 : /.../avro_generic_internal.h: error: ssize_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712974 - "app-text/rpl-1.5.5-r1 : iconv: unrecognized option: o" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:712996 - "net-im/pidgin-2.13.0-r8 (py3.8?): ./libgnt/.libs/libgnt.so: undefined reference to `_Py_Dealloc' (and more)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713078 - "net-analyzer/netperf-2.7.0-r5 : /.../sched.h: error: invalid storage class for function _CPU_AND_S" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713086 - "media-video/vdr-2.6.4 : tools.h: error: missing binary operator before token (" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713088 - "media-video/dvbsnoop-1.4.50-r2 : ../.../helper.h: error: unknown type name u_long" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713130 - "mail-filter/sqlgrey-1.8.0 : make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: manpage] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713140 - "dev-util/bsdiff-4.3-r4 : bspatch.c: error: unknown type name u_char" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713142 - "media-libs/libgii-1.0.2-r3 : misc.c: error: #error You need to set the default temporary path for this system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713144 - "net-misc/ndppd-0.2.5-r1 : src/logger.cc: error: could not convert strerror_r((* _errno_location()), ((char*)(& buf)), sizeof (buf)) f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713154 - "net-nds/openldap-2.4.49-r1 : chown: cannot access /.../openldap: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713156 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.4.12 : /.../ld: /.../libbfd.so: undefined reference to libintl_dgettext" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713158 - "media-sound/mp3asm-0.1.3-r2 : mp3asm.h: fatal error: argz.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713162 - "dev-util/android-tools-9.0.0_p3-r1 : core/.../trace.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713164 - "app-crypt/signify-24 : sha2.h: error: unknown type name u_int32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713172 - "sys-fs/libfat-0.3a-r1 : libfat.c: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713186 - "media-gfx/iscan-3.61.0 : connexion.cpp: error: missing sentinel in function call [-Werror=format=][MUSL]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713188 - "media-libs/clutter-1.26.4 fails tests: * Failed to run emake check -C tests/conform" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713202 - "net-analyzer/netwatch- : dispdata.c: error: struct tcphdr has no member named dest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713250 - "app-crypt/pesign-116 : /.../libdpe.h: error: unknown type name loff_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713252 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.18 : /.../plugins.c: error: missing binary operator before token (" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713260 - "net-analyzer/echoping-6.0.2_p434-r5 : whois.c: error: storage size of tcpinfo isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713266 - "media-libs/alsa-oss-1.1.8 : /.../alsa-oss.c: error: redefinition of open" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713268 - "net-libs/wvstreams-4.6.1_p14-r2 : argp-namefrob.h: error: redefinition of argp_fmtstream_write" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713270 - "net-misc/utelnetd-0.1.11-r3 : utelnetd.c:(.text.startup+<snip>): undefined reference to getpt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713288 - "media-sound/a2jmidid-12 : ../.../sigsegv.c: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713296 - "app-misc/regex-markup-0.10.0-r2 : version-etc.c: error: assignment to expression with array type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713302 - "sys-apps/apmd-3.2.2_p14-r3 : apmd.c: error: _WCOREFLAG undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713312 - "media-video/cclive-0.9.3-r2 : ./.../error.h: error: could not convert strerror_r(((int)ec), ((char*)(& buf)), sizeof (buf)) from i" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713372 - "sys-apps/heirloom-tools-070715-r6 : getdir.c: fatal error: sys/dirent.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713374 - "app-misc/irtrans-irserver-6.09.04-r1 : linuxserio.c: error: LOCK_EX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713380 - "app-misc/regionset-0.2 : dvd_udf.c: error: cast to union type from type not present in union" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713384 - "dev-perl/Net-RawIP-0.250.0-r3 : RawIP.xs: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713396 - "net-news/rsstool-1.0.1_rc2 : misc/misc.h: error: unknown type name time_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713398 - "sys-apps/qingy-1.0.0-r6 : misc.h: error: unknown type name time_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713400 - "sys-block/mpt-status-1.2.0-r1 : ../.../mpi_type.h: error: unknown type name u_int32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713406 - "net-dialup/sercd-3.0.0-r2 : unix.c: fatal error: termio.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713426 - "dev-libs/Ice-3.6.5-r2 : Exception.cpp: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713430 - "net-libs/socket_wrapper-1.4.0 : /.../socket_wrapper.c: error: redefinition of fopen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713432 - "dev-util/kcov-40 : /.../ptrace.cc: error: _ptrace_request was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713434 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5-appl-1.0.3-r4 : fake-addrinfo.c: error: too few arguments to function gethostbyname_r" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713440 - "net-voip/yate-6.2.0 : Mutex.cpp: error: expected initializer before _THROW" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713442 - "media-sound/mpfc- : make[2]: *** No rule to make target ../config.h, needed by bindtextdom.o. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713446 - "sys-process/procenv-0.51 : procenv.c:(.text.get_major_minor+<snip>): undefined reference to major" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713452 - "dev-libs/rremove-1.0.5 : rremove.c: fatal error: error.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713458 - "sys-apps/oomd - userspace Out-Of-Memory (OOM) killer for linux systems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713488 - "dev-java/openjfx-11.0.7_p0 : /.../gtktypeutils.h: error: GTypeDebugFlags is deprecated [-Werror=deprecated-declarations]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713498 - "net-dns/dnscap-1.10.3 : pcap-thread/pcap_thread.h: error: duplicate member source" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713514 - "net-mail/fdm-2.0-r1 : fdm.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713532 - "dev-util/stressapptest-1.0.9-r1 : sat.cc: error: _SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713538 - "app-text/wv2-0.4.2-r3: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:73: No iconv support - unable to continue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713548 - "java-ebuilder uses non-existent Maven host" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713576 - "[TRACKER] packages that fail to build with format-security" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713606 - "app-mobilephone/gnokii-0.6.31-r4 : socketphonet.c: error: F_SETFL undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713608 - "media-tv/dvbtune-0.5-r1 : tune.c: fatal error: error.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713610 - "sys-fabric/mstflint-4.23.0_p1 : mtcr_ul_com.c: fatal error: sys/pci.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713624 - "dev-libs/libratbag-0.9 : ../.../ratbag-command.c: error: PATH_MAX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713630 - "dev-libs/libdnsres-0.1a-r3 : ./dnsres.h: fatal error: sys/bitypes.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713634 - "dev-libs/xerces-c-3.2.2-r1 : ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713636 - "net-analyzer/nsat-1.5-r6 : ./ADMsmb.c: error: F_SETFL undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713644 - "dev-util/astyle-3.1-r2 : astyle_main.cpp: error: PATH_MAX was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713648 - "dev-util/dropwatch-1.4_p20150706 : /.../ld: /.../libbfd.so: undefined reference to libintl_dgettext" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713650 - "media-libs/libifp- : /.../ld: ../.../libifp.so: undefined reference to fts_open" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713652 - "app-misc/vcp-2.2-r2 : copyall.c: error: struct stat has no member named st_mtimespec" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713660 - "x11-misc/alock-1.0.0-r1 : auth_sha1.c: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713688 - "[TRACKER] Packages without seccomp enabled or seccomp-related bugs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713690 - "net-vpn/tor: seccomp not enabled by USE flag" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713696 - "media-video/atomicparsley-0.9.0 : AP_commons.h:46:30: error: conflicting declaration ‘typedef long long unsigned int uint64_t’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713714 - "net-misc/ifenslave-1.1.0-r6 : ifenslave.c: error: unknown type name _uint32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713716 - "x11-apps/xload-1.1.4 : /.../get_rload.c: fatal error: protocols/rwhod.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713742 - "mail-client/alpine-2.22 : configure: error: Unrecognized system: x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713750 - "net-libs/libcrafter-1.0-r1 : crafter/.../DNSQuery.cpp: error: ns_name_compress was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713754 - "app-misc/hivex-1.3.18 : make[2]: [Makefile:<snip>: Makefile-pl] Error 1 (ignored)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713766 - "sys-libs/freeipmi-1.6.4 : /.../ld: ../.../libfreeipmi.so: undefined reference to putmsg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713778 - "app-editors/lpe- : make[2]: *** No rule to make target libintl.@l@a, needed by all-yes. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713786 - "[Tracker]: missing includes for musl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713790 - "net-misc/telnet-bsd-1.2-r2 : ./misc-proto.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713802 - "New QA policy suggestion: Ban live-only packages (where snapshot is available)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713836 - "www-apps/cgit-1.2.3-r203 : ./git-compat-util.h: error: #error Git requires REG_STARTEND support. Compile with NO_REGEX=NeedsStartEnd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713838 - "dev-util/dissembler-0.9-r1 : dissembler.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to strfry" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713842 - "sys-apps/dnotify-0.18.0-r1 : configure: error: kernel has fl_owner bug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713848 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.13.0-r2 : xc_sr_restore.c: error: format %lu expects argument of type long unsigned int, but argument 7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713854 - "media-video/lxdvdrip-1.77-r1 : lxdvdrip.c: error: unknown type name _off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713860 - "net-analyzer/pktstat-1.8.5-r1 : tcp.c: error: IPPORT_USERRESERVED undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713864 - "net-wireless/airtraf-1.1-r4 : detailed_analysis.c: error: struct tcphdr has no member named dest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713870 - "sys-apps/portage: extend readonly filesystem check to also check for unmounted filesystems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713900 - "dev-qt/qtwebengine: GN run error: ERROR at the command-line "--args":1:1671: Undefined identifier (arm_version=n)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713920 - "dev-ruby/json does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713924 - "dev-db/mysql-connector-c fails to compile on ia64: relocation truncated to fit: GPREL22" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713926 - "net-print/gutenprint fails to compile on ia64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713942 - "media-gfx/iscan-plugin-esdip- : * doexe failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713958 - "net-analyzer/tptest-3.1.7-r2 : server.c: error: O_RDWR undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713968 - "dev-cpp/libjson-rpc-cpp-1.3.0 : ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713972 - "net-vpn/iodine-0.7.0-r4 : common.c: error: static declaration of daemon follows non-static declaration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713974 - "dev-lang/micropython-1.17 : ../.../db.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713976 - "net-fs/davfs2-1.7.0-r1 : cache.c: fatal error: error.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713980 - "sys-fs/vzquota-3.1 : ../.../quota.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:713994 - "dev-debug/systemtap fails to compile on ia64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714004 - "dev-ruby/json-2.3.0: test_states fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714028 - "sys-fs/aufs-util-4.14_p20190603 : au_util.h: fatal error: error_at_line.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714036 - "dev-db/redis-4.0.14: [err]: Server is able to generate a stack trace on selected systems in tests/integration/logging.tcl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714038 - "x11-misc/wdm-1.28-r8 : util.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to sigsetmask" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714042 - "dev-build/kbuild-0.1.9998.3592 : /.../kDefs.h: error: #error Port Me" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714092 - "[tracker] packages being broken by app-shells/dash with LINENO support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714104 - "sys-auth/nss_ldap-265-r11 : /.../ldap-nss.h: error: expected declaration specifiers or before * token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714108 - "x11-plugins/wmDownload-0.1.2a-r3 : wmDownload.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to strtouq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714134 - "dev-db/percona-server- : /.../real_syscalls.cc: error: there are no arguments to dlvsym that depend on a template paramete" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714140 - "sys-fs/autorun-3.17 : autorun.cc: error: redefinition of struct argp_option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714142 - "x11-terms/kterm-6.2.0-r7 : charproc.c: fatal error: kfontlist.c: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714160 - "sci-biology/foldingathome-7.5.1: /etc/init.d/foldingathome broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714168 - "net-misc/networkmanager-1.26.2: udev rule for setting ENV{ID_NET_DRIVER} on devices is broken because of wrong hardcoded path for sed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714196 - "media-libs/avidemux-core-2.7.8 : /.../sched.h: error: void* myAdmMemcpy(void*, const void*, size_t) redeclared as different kind o (musl)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714206 - "dev-util/debugedit-5.0 : tools/debugedit.c: fatal error: error.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714218 - "app-misc/egads-0.9.5-r1 : make: *** No rule to make target notfound/ps.o, needed by egads. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714224 - "sys-apps/epoch-1.3.0 : ../.../main.c: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714340 - "app-laptop/pommed-1.39-r2 : beep.h: error: unknown type name pthread_mutex_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714584 - "sys-fs/shake-1.0 : /.../executive.c: fatal error: error.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714640 - "sys-fs/yaffs2utils-0.2.9 : yaffs2/yaffs_guts.h: error: unknown type name loff_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714642 - "dev-libs/libf2c-20130927-r1 : uninit.c: fatal error: fpu_control.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714674 - "media-gfx/gphotofs-0.5-r1 : gphotofs.c: error: LC_CTYPE undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714762 - "app-admin/bitwarden-cli - command-line interface tool to access and manage your Bitwarden vault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:714796 - "Maintainer: ilmostro7 AT gmail.com" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715036 - "media-sound/abcde: requires old dev-python/eyeD3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715110 - "Enable FEATURES=parallel-install by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:715190 - "net-dialup/picocom-3.1 : termios2.h: error: struct termios has no member named c_ispeed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715248 - "app-admin/clog-1.3.0-r1 : /.../FS.cpp: error: PATH_MAX was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715254 - "app-admin/tmpreaper-1.6.17 : tmpreaper.c: error: #error _USE_GNU not defined on a linux system, investigate! And report to tmpreap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715258 - "sci-geosciences/gpscorrelate-1.6.1-r2 : unixtime.h: error: unknown type name time_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715262 - "media-sound/bplay-0.991 : bplay.c: error: expected =, ,, ;, asm or _attribute_ before _P" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715264 - "x11-plugins/wmpower-0.4.3-r1 : configure: error: One or more system headers that are necessary to compile this program are missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715274 - "app-editors/qemacs-0.4.1_pre20170225 : make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: qe-doc.html] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715280 - "app-shells/smrsh-8.15.2-r1 : ../.../cdefs.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715284 - "mail-filter/couriersrs-0.1.2 : plural.c: error: too few arguments to function _gettextlex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715360 - "app-containers/snapd::gentoo-snappy depends on dev-vcs/bzr which is scheduled for removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:715362 - "media-libs/opencollada-1.6.68 : /.../CommonFWriteBufferFlusher.h: error: int64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715370 - "dev-util/bsdiff: Review ChromiumOS's patches for inclusion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715414 - "sys-apps/netplug- : netplug.h: error: unknown type name time_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715418 - "app-misc/physlock-11-r1 : /.../pam_client.h: error: unknown type name u_int32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715430 - "media-video/harvid-0.9.0 : timecode.h: error: conflicting types for int64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715462 - "net-analyzer/bwmon-1.3-r2 : ../.../bwmon.h: error: unknown type name ulong" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715464 - "dev-games/libnw-1.30.02 : collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715476 - "dev-lang/teyjus-2.1-r2 : ../.../standardlib.h: fatal error: bits/wordsize.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715496 - "=app-eselect/eselect-rails-0.24 doesn't switch /usr/bin/rails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715520 - "net-misc/nicstat-1.95 : nicstat.c: error: conflicting types for uint64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715524 - "media-radio/xastir-2.1.8-r1 : util.c: error: PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715556 - "sci-libs/sundials-6.2.0 fails tests on x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715558 - "app-benchmarks/tiobench-0.5.0 : constants.h: error: #error no large file support available, remove -DLARGEFILES from makefile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715564 - "net-misc/iaxmodem-1.3.3 : iax.c: fatal error: error.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715570 - "dev-libs/opencryptoki-3.6.1-r1 : configure: error: tpm token build requested but TSS development files not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715576 - "sci-libs/dmlc-core-0.5 : /.../logging.h: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715578 - "dev-util/uftrace-0.9.3 : /.../ld: /.../uftrace.o: undefined reference to symbol argp_usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715600 - "app-dicts/verbiste-0.1.47 : make[1]: *** No rule to make target ../config.h, needed by bindtextdom.o. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715604 - "www-client/firefox{,-bin}: MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 set by wrapper breaks mouse wheel scrolling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715632 - "sci-libs/hdf-4.2.13-r1 : local_nc.h: fatal error: rpc/types.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715646 - "sci-biology/foldingathome: notify about nvidia-drivers[nvm] for optional runtime CUDA support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715680 - "ppc/ppc64 profile rework" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715686 - "media-tv/dvbstream-0.7_pre20080516-r1 : tune.c: fatal error: error.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715692 - "dev-libs/dbus-c++-0.9.0-r5 : /.../eventloop.cpp: error: PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715696 - "sys-apps/iotools-1.5 : misc.c: error: conflicting types for cpu_set_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715700 - "media-radio/tlf-1.4.0 : configure: error: xmlrpc library not found..." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715710 - "games-puzzle/lpairs-1.0.4-r1 : main.c: error: LC_ALL undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715716 - "games-fps/rott-1.1.2-r1 : dosutil.c: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715718 - "sci-biology/abyss-2.3.4 : Uncompress.cpp: error: redefinition of FILE* fopen(const char*, const char*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715740 - "dev-lisp/ecl-16.1.3 : checking character sequence for end of line... configure: error: Unable to determine linefeed mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715776 - "net-misc/netkit-timed-0.17-r11 : make[2]: *** No rule to make target ../../MCONFIG. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715786 - "dev-libs/libezV24-0.1.1-r2 : ezV24.c: error: MAXNAMLEN undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715798 - "app-misc/digitemp-3.7.1 : src/ds2438.c: error: unknown type name ushort" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715840 - "sys-block/smp_utils-0.99 : mpi_type.h: error: unknown type name u_int32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715842 - "sys-block/gpart-0.3-r1 : l64seek.h: error: unknown type name loff_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715844 - "sys-apps/fwts-22.03.00 : fwts_backtrace.c: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715852 - "media-sound/cdstatus-0.97.03 : cdstatus.c: error: unknown type name int32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715860 - "sci-electronics/spice-3.5.5-r4 : /.../resource.c: error: HZ undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715872 - "media-sound/substract_wave-0.3-r1 : substract_wave.c: error: unknown type name fd_set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715888 - "net-libs/gnutls-3.6.14 kills too many processes (including sandbox) when 'key-material-dtls' test fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715896 - "dev-go/go-tools-0_pre20190911 : internal/oserror: internal/oserror," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715906 - "sys-apps/linux-misc-apps-5.8-r1 : tools/.../timestamping.c: error: caddr_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715914 - "games-puzzle/bastet-0.43.2 : Ui.cpp: error: aggregate Bastet::Ui::DropBlock(Bastet::BlockType, Bastet::Well*)::timeval time has in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715916 - "sci-libs/coinor-alps-1.5.7 : AlpsSubTree.cpp: error: variable AlpsSubTree::exploreUnitWork(bool, int, double, AlpsExitStatus&, int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715926 - "net-dialup/mwavem-2.0-r2 : /.../mwmparse.c: error: expected declaration specifiers before _THROW" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715930 - "dev-util/pahole-1.17 : /.../swab.h: error: expected ; before unsigned" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715932 - "app-crypt/asedriveiiie-serial-3.5 : Ase.h: error: unknown type name ushort" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715952 - "sys-process/anacron-2.3-r4 : readtab.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to _obstack_begin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715976 - "=app-shells/fish-3.0.2: Test failures without en_US.UTF-8 locale generated." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715988 - "media-gfx/jpegtoavi-1.5 : jpegtoavi.c: error: PATH_MAX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:715992 - "app-shells/soapbox-0.3.1-r2 : libsoapbox.c: error: redefinition of open" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716010 - "media-sound/mt-daapd- : mp3-scanner.c: error: MAXNAMLEN undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716014 - "dev-games/clanlib-4.0.0 : System/system.cpp: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716032 - "ftp.iij.ad.jp and other 6 mirrors are out of date since Jan 22" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716046 - "sys-apps/portage: sys-apps/portage upgrade triggers .../._portage_reinstall_..../bin/ebuild.sh: .../build-info/${PF}.ebuild: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716054 - "sys-cluster/cluster-glue-1.0.12: -fstack-protector used unconditionally" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716078 - "sci-biology/ucsc-genome-browser-260-r1 : fof.c: error: arithmetic on pointer to an incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716080 - "net-analyzer/symon-2.88 : error.c: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716090 - "app-crypt/asedriveiiie-usb-3.5 : Ase.h: error: unknown type name ushort" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716106 - "games-action/nighthawk-4.0 : nighthawk.cc: error: FILE {aka struct _IO_FILE} has no member named _fileno" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716112 - "media-sound/mp3wrap-0.5 : crc.c: error: unknown type name u_int32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716114 - "sci-visualization/xd3d-8.3.1-r1 : * configure failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716160 - "www-apps/cgisysinfo-0.4.1 : network.c: error: caddr_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716178 - "linux-5.4.8 on s390 - fcntl(fd, F_NOTIFY, DN_MULTISHOT) fails with EINVAL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716186 - "sci-libs/pcl-1.14.0 : /.../pcl_macros.h: error: #error aligned_malloc not supported on your platform" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716188 - "mail-filter/dcc-1.3.158 : ../.../dcc_errlog.h: error: unknown type name u_char" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716190 - "sys-fs/cramfs-1.1 : mkcramfs.c: error: unknown type name loff_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716192 - "net-misc/AQtion-2.3.4-r1 : /.../aq_pci_func.c: error: implicit declaration of function ioremap_nocache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716206 - "media-sound/brutefir-1.0o : shmalloc.c: error: ptrdiff_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716222 - "net-misc/ipv6calc-4.0.1-r1 : Unimplemented option: -n (in install phase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716270 - "net-analyzer/nttcp-1.47-r3 : nttcp.c: error: SIGCLD undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716280 - "sci-chemistry/theseus-3.3.0-r1 : NWfill.c: fatal error: error.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716282 - "app-admin/paxtest-0.9.15-r1 : chpax-0.7/chpax.h: fatal error: a.out.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716284 - "sys-auth/nss-myhostname-0.3 : nss-myhostname.c: error: conflicting types for _nss_myhostname_gethostbyname4_r" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716302 - "media-fonts/oto-0.5 : u2c.h: error: expected ; before extern" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716310 - "dev-lang/python-2.7.17-r2 fails test test_bdb - FAIL: test_skip (test.test_bdb.StateTestCase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716326 - "app-arch/tapeutils-0.4-r1 : tapeio.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to rexec" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716342 - "dev-lang/lisaac-0.13.1-r2 : FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: beditor/emacs/*.elc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716372 - "sys-apps/netkit-base-0.17-r9 : inetd.c: error: _environ undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716418 - "sys-fs/mhddfs-0.1.39-r2 : src/main.c: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716422 - "[TRACKER] Lack of backtrace support in musl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716436 - "dev-ruby/google-protobuf-3.11.4 : upb.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to _va_copy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716460 - "games-util/wit-3.02a : ./.../dclib-color.c: error: assignment of read-only variable stdout" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716462 - "sys-libs/pwdb-0.62-r1 : make[1]: *** [Makefile:<snip>: common/commonio.o] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716464 - "x11-plugins/wmweather+-2.18-r1 : wmweather+.c: error: expected declaration specifiers before _THROW" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716466 - "media-gfx/iscan-plugin-gt-x770- : * doexe failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716474 - "xfce-base/xfce4-panel-4.14.3 : libxfce4panel-2.0.gir:2359.7-2359.40: error: overriding method Xfce.PanelPlugin.remote_event is inc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716534 - "app-backup/snapper-0.8.6 : AppUtil.cc: error: invalid conversion from int to const char* [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716542 - "sys-process/minicoredumper-2.0.2 : corestripper.c: fatal error: printf.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716580 - "hd_brummy: reassigning packages without reassigning bugs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716582 - "net-misc/netkit-fingerd-0.17-r3 : lprint.c: error: O_RDONLY undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716604 - "net-analyzer/sslscan-1.11.13-r1 : sslscan.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to strnstr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716610 - "games-misc/wumpus-1.4-r2 : wump.c: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716614 - "dev-python/requests-2.23.0: test_use_proxy_from_environment[*https] fails with TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument '_socks_options'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716618 - "sys-apps/portage: environmental PYTHONPATH settings like PYTHONPATH=. can interfere portage internals" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:716662 - "dev-lang/parrot-8.1.0-r4 : ./.../compiler.h: error: missing binary operator before token (" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716704 - "dev-lisp/clozurecl-1.12.1 : ../pmcl-kernel.c: fatal error: mcheck.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716706 - "sys-apps/fakechroot-2.20.1_p2 : strlcpy.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716762 - "app-misc/taskd-1.1.0-r3 : /.../Directory.cpp: error: PATH_MAX was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716768 - "dev-util/wasmer-0.11.0 : error: could not find native static library stdc++, perhaps an -L flag is missing?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716778 - "dev-db/firebird- on musl : /.../os_utils.h: error: mode_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716804 - "net-libs/libcork-0.15.0 : -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716812 - "net-mail/mswatch-1.2.0-r1 : util.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716870 - "net-misc/asterisk-13.32.0-r1: econf failed: configure: *** The CAP installation appears to be missing or broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716878 - "sys-process/memwatch-0.3.3-r1 : /.../process_info.c: error: PATH_MAX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716886 - "dev-util/crash-7.2.8 : plural.c: error: too few arguments to function _gettextlex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716902 - "sys-fs/lessfs-1.7.0-r2 : lib_safe.h: error: unknown type name mode_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:716916 - "net-analyzer/ippl-1.4.14-r6 : defines.h: error: unknown type name u_int32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717022 - "sys-fs/arm-fdisk-3.0.6-r1 : read.c: error: unknown type name loff_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717036 - "net-proxy/havp-0.92a-r3 : scannerhandler.cpp: error: strerror was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717066 - "sys-power/intel-undervolt-1.7-r1 : measure.c: error: suseconds_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717068 - "app-text/gv-3.7.4 : configure: error: SIGCLD is needed. You can try --enable-SIGCHLD-fallback. Its secure on MacOS X, but on Fr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717080 - "dev-perl/perl-headers-0.0.2 : specs/.../select.c: error: _fd_mask undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717146 - "[TRACKER] GNOME 3.36 Official Release" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717178 - "sci-libs/ogdi-4.1.0-r1 installs shared libraries that lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717186 - "net-print/npadmin-0.8.7-r1 : getopt.h: error: conflicting declaration of C function int getopt()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717218 - "dev-perl/YAML-1.260.0-r1: t/2-scalars.t test fails on hppa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717222 - "net-misc/zsync-0.6.2-r2 : sha1.h: error: unknown type name off_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717224 - "media-video/vamps-0.99.2-r2 : requant.c: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717226 - "=net-misc/netifrc-0.7.1 breaks wireless device startup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:717336 - "app-office/abiword-3.0.5-r1 installs metainfo files into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717420 - "games-util/loki_patch-20091105 : brandelf.c: error: expected =, ,, ;, asm or _attribute_ before _P" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717428 - "sys-apps/readahead-list-1.20060421.1016-r3 : readahead-list.c: error: loff_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717488 - "app-crypt/ekeyd-1.1.5-r101 : stream.h: error: ssize_t declared as function returning a function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717492 - "app-emulation/xen-tools: disable automagic deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:717528 - "app-misc/flirc: Version bump to 3.25.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717542 - "app-backup/bacula-9.6.3 : fstype.c: error: _PATH_MOUNTED was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717544 - "net-analyzer/portsentry-1.2-r1 : In file included from ./portsentry.h:51, from ./portsentry.c:20: ./portsentry_tcpip.h:47:14: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘struct’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717658 - "dev-games/freecell-solver-6.8.0 : /.../tree.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717660 - "dev-ruby/rack-2.1.1: Rack::MockResponse#test_0004_provide access to persistent cookies: Expected 2020-10-12 23:49:21 +0200 to be < 2020-10-12 23:49:21 +0200" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717680 - "qt5-build.eclass does not respect CXX (WAS: dev-qt/qtxml calls directly g++)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717688 - "dev-python/pypy-7.3.9-r1 : /.../environment:line <snip>: ./pypy-c: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717694 - "sci-mathematics/calc- : fposval.h: error: FPOS_POS_LEN undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717814 - "app-forensics/unhide-20130526 : unhide-linux-compound.c: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717822 - "media-tv/w_scan-20170107 : version.h: error: unknown type name uint" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717898 - "sys-auth/pam-pgsql- : src/pam_pgsql_options.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717908 - "dev-libs/librdkafka-1.4.0: SIGBUS in testsuite" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717990 - "net-nntp/suck-4.3.3-r1 : both.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to Rsend" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:717992 - "dev-util/amtterm-1.6-r1 : amtterm.c: error: storage size of tv isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:718016 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-clipman-plugin installs metainfo files into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:718022 - "xfce-base/libxfce4ui has parallel make issue in install phase: libxfce4ui.h: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:718026 - "sys-fs/zfs: Add support for Intel QuickAssist (QAT) acceleration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:718048 - "app-accessibility/flite-2.2-r2 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:718052 - "sys-libs/libsemanage calls ranlib directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:718078 - "app-arch/zstd calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:718124 - "app-crypt/sbsigntools-0.9.5 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:718146 - "app-forensics/memdump-1.01-r1 : memdump.c: error: _PATH_MEM undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:718396 - "sys-apps/portage: document non-incremental behavior for USE_EXPAND variable setting in make.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:718562 - "dev-libs/softhsm-2.5.0 : configure: error: OpenSSL library has no GOST support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:718628 - "games-fps/etlegacy server with wolfadmin + Geoip + omnibot 32bits for x86_64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:718788 - "sys-apps/portage: make emerge-webrsync to include IP addresses for mirrors in the output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:718856 - "sys-apps/portage feature request: Parallel Uninstall" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:718860 - "x11-wm/fluxbox-1.3.7-r4 : sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:718914 - "dev-python/pylibacl fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719024 - "dev-libs/kpathsea fails tests: cnfline.test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719078 - "dev-libs/libmcrypt fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719128 - "emerge: handle fetch error gracefully instead of hanging" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719172 - "dev-libs/openssl-compat-1.0.2u-r2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719240 - "dev-util/triton - dynamic binary analysis framework package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719256 - "net-irc/ngircd: server-login-test occasional failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719344 - "dev-ruby/dalli-2.7.10-r1: DalliError: localhost:19987 is down: . If you are sure it is running, ensure memcached version is > 1.4." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719676 - "=sci-biology/foldingathome-7.6.9 wants missing libhsa-ext-finalize64.so.1 (fix included)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719688 - "dev-libs/openssl fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719718 - "dev-lang/mono- Failed build on arm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719720 - "maintainer needed contact should not advertise Proxied Maintainers Project in Bugzilla" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719786 - "app-misc/cmatrix-2.0-r1 fails src_install: Sandbox violation fopen_wr: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.dir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719788 - "dev-python/python-distutils-extra: removal?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719798 - "dev-util/catalyst-3.0.9: No examples in doc directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719860 - "app-misc/tmuxp-1.5.4: test failures (test_window_options_after, test_if_session_killed_before)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:719898 - "dev-tex/lgrind-3.67-r3 : ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720050 - "dev-lang/python-3.8.2-r2 : hangs at install phase (related to multiprocessing, maybe related to qemu?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720078 - "sys-apps/util-linux misc: mountpoint test fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720224 - "default/linux/**/prefix profiles are using inconsistent $ARCH value" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720232 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.35.1-r2 - test failures: ipcs/mk-rm-msg, ipcs/mk-rm-sem, and ipcs/mk-rm-shm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720258 - "dev-python/zc-lockfile fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720382 - "www-client/seamonkey-2.53.2_beta1 : make: *** [client.mk:362: configure] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720384 - "app-admin/radmind-1.15.4-r1 : list.c: error: unknown type name u_int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720394 - "dev-ruby/http-cookie fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720398 - "dev-ruby/launchy fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720704 - "dev-util/ragel fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720888 - "dev-libs/totem-pl-parser does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720890 - "media-libs/libmpeg2 calls nm directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720964 - "media-libs/rtaudio-6.0.1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:720990 - "net-irc/hexchat-2.16.2 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721006 - "media-libs/freeglut - Add libglvnd USE flag" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721008 - "[Tracker] Bugtickets marked as spam" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721088 - "[Future EAPI] Don't export A" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721190 - "[TRACKER] perl packages with licensing issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721210 - "dev-perl/App-CLI minor upstream license ambiguity" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721264 - "media-video/avidemux-2.7.4-r1 : /.../Q_dummyWidget.cpp: error: GL_PROJECTION was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721276 - "net-misc/rabbitmq-server fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721344 - "[Tracker] Libatomic-related build failures on 32-bit arches (non-x86) and riscv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721358 - "sci-libs/ogdi fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721504 - "sys-boot/vboot-utils-80_p20200108 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721508 - "sys-block/tgt-1.0.92 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721596 - "sys-devel/dev86-0.16.21-r3 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721634 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxxabi fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721886 - "PMS uses 'ar' to unpack .deb and .a files, should use $AR or ${CHOST}-ar (was: app-backup/synology-cloud-station-backup calls ar directly)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721930 - "sci-libs/coinor-clp-1.17.6 : ClpFactorization.cpp: error: double CoinFactorization::ftranCountInput_ is protected within this cont" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:721932 - "sci-libs/coinor-cbc-2.10.5 : CbcCutGenerator.cpp: error: class CglTreeInfo has no member named parentSolver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722016 - "app-dicts/dictd-wn calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722020 - "dev-lisp/sbcl calls nm directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722062 - "dev-go/go-tools installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722064 - "app-benchmarks/tiobench-0.4.2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722084 - "app-admin/paxtest installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722094 - "net-misc/onedrive: Free Client for OneDrive on Linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722172 - "app-emulation/bochs-2.7 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722174 - "app-emulation/spim-8.0-r3 fails to compile: ../CPU/spim.h:71:31: error: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘(’ token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722350 - "app-misc/hivex-1.3.23-r1: ./hivex.syms: file not recognized: file format not recognized" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722354 - "app-misc/tmuxp-1.9.4 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722370 - "app-misc/beanstalkd: calls nm directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722404 - "app-misc/hexcompare-1.0.4 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722440 - "app-shells/shish-0.7_pre3-r1 fails to compile: /usr/include/sys/stat.h:502:1: error: conflicting types for ‘stat64’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722470 - "app-text/htmlrecode-1.3.1-r2 calls cpp directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722476 - "app-text/libxmlpatch fails to compile (check_diff.c:262:5: error: too many arguments to function ‘_tcase_add_test’)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722500 - "[TRACKER] Packages blocking removal of old versions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722526 - "media-gfx/openmesh-7.1 : /.../MeshViewerWidgetT.hh: error: GL_DIFFUSE was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722580 - "net-misc/openvswitch-2.17.2-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722586 - "dev-python/pytest-tempdir fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722596 - "dev-db/cockroach fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722614 - "app-text/yodl calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722620 - "sci-libs/lemon-1.3.1 : /.../ld: /.../libClp.so: undefined reference to CoinArrayWithLength::conditionalNew(long)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722694 - "dev-games/ps2-packer-0.4.4-r1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722698 - "dev-erlang/stringprep-1.0.30 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722716 - "dev-python/wxpython fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722806 - "cross-*/gcc-10.2.0-r4[systemtap] with sys-devel/crossdev-20201129 - configure: error: sys/sdt.h was not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722832 - "sys-apps/portage feature request: slightly more context of active tasks with --quiet output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722840 - "dev-python/pysvn fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722868 - "sys-apps/portage: support read locks for ebuild repositories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722898 - "app-office/glabels-3.4.1-r1 installs metainfo files into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722932 - "dev-lang/lfe calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722934 - "dev-util/omake-0.10.3-r1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722936 - "dev-lang/parrot calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722938 - "dev-lang/mlton-20180207 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722946 - "dev-lang/moarvm-2024.10 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722950 - "dev-lang/fpc-3.2.2 calls ld directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722968 - "dev-lang/snobol calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722970 - "dev-libs/dietlibc-0.34 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:722992 - ""llvm-libunwind" USE flag for usage of llvm-runtimes/libunwind" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723044 - "dev-libs/log4sh-1.4.2 calls commands that do not exist when running tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723046 - "dev-libs/libtecla-1.6.3-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723134 - "dev-libs/tvmet calls g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723146 - "dev-lisp/clozurecl fails to compile: /bin/sh: as: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723198 - "sci-astronomy/gnuastro-0.3 : argp-parse.c: error: invalid use of undefined type struct rpl_option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723200 - "=dev-libs/uulib-0.5.20-r1 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723238 - "[TRACKER] perl packages with toolchaining issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723266 - "What's up with the Mastodon account?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723284 - "app-emacs/twittering-mode-3.0.0 : twittering-mode.el:6616:36:Error: Wrong type argument: listp, image" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723340 - "dev-python/secretstorage-3.1.2: test failures: secretstorage.exceptions.SecretServiceNotAvailableException: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723384 - "Maintainer: Alarig Le Lay (alarig AT swordarmor.fr)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723386 - "Maintainer: Arjan Adriaanse (arjan AT adriaan.se)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723388 - "Maintainer: Alexey Sokolov (alexey+gentoo AT asokolov.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723438 - "app-i18n/enca-1.19-r2 fails to build with USE=doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723454 - "app-admin/tmpwatch-2.11-r2: example cron script has obsolete /usr/portage/distfiles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:723530 - "dev-vcs/p4v Proprietary Perforce Helix Visual Client (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:723550 - "dev-python/flit fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723558 - "dev-python/cffi calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723616 - "dev-python/python-jose fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723652 - "dev-python/mediafile fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723662 - "dev-ruby/actionpack-xml_parser fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723714 - "dev-python/pypy calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723732 - "dev-ruby/coffee-rails-5.0.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723742 - "dev-python/pysvn does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723752 - "app-cdr/cdrtools calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723788 - "sci-libs/gmsh License appears to be incorrect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723824 - "dev-ruby/html2haml fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723926 - "dev-ruby/recog-2.3.23 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:723938 - "dev-ruby/metasm-1.0.5-r1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724240 - "dev-util/wasmer calls ld directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724242 - "dev-vcs/gitsh fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724250 - "dev-util/plan9port-0_pre20240617 calls nm directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724288 - "dev-util/conf2struct-1.5 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724292 - "=dev-util/duma-2.5.15-r2 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724314 - ">=sys-devel/gcc-10: stack corruption (internal compiler error/ICE) in cp_gimplify_expr() when building dev-libs/boost on AMD Ryzen (znver1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:724406 - "net-mail/checkpassword calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724422 - "games-board/natch-2.4-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724446 - "dev-libs/bglibs-2.04-r2 stable request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724450 - "net-analyzer/ntopng-4.0 without PF_RING support displays incorrect traffic metrics" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724476 - "sys-apps/pick-3.0.1 : cat: config.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724484 - "sys-libs/musl should disable stripping when CHOST != CTARGET" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724518 - "media-gfx/gif2png-3.0.0: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724614 - "dev-debug/gdb-9.1 crashes with "sect_index_text not initialized"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724658 - "9base shoud probably be a free license" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724702 - "media-sound/cmus-2.12.0 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724710 - "media-libs/stk calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724732 - "media-gfx/sane-frontends calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724736 - "media-sound/a2jmidid fails to compile: Dependency "dbus-1" not found, tried pkgconfig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724762 - "media-sound/jack-smf-utils calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724764 - "mail-mta/courier-1.3.12 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724806 - "media-libs/libdvd-audio-1.0.0 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724834 - "net-analyzer/arp-sk-0.0.16-r2 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724840 - "media-video/dirac-1.0.2-r2 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724848 - "media-libs/raspberrypi-userland-bin installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724850 - "media-libs/opencollada installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724856 - "net-analyzer/cnet-3.3.4 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724892 - "portage-utils-0.87: qlist -F output mangles USE flags." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:724914 - "net-analyzer/xprobe calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724916 - "net-irc/psybnc fails to compile: src/bsd-setenv.c:145:1: error: conflicting types for ‘unsetenv’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724928 - "net-firewall/firehol-3.1.7-r2 fails tests: newns: line 17: /sbin/sysctl: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724954 - "net-analyzer/telegraf does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724960 - "net-im/ysm installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724970 - "net-irc/rhapsody-0.28b-r1 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:724980 - "Provide a stable directory for unqualified symlinks for current compiler. Usefile for USE=-native-symlinks." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725024 - "net-mail/lbdb-0.47 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725028 - "net-mail/email-3.1.3-r2 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725032 - "net-mail/qtools calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725034 - "net-mail/qmailanalog calls ranlib directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725094 - "net-mail/imapsync-1.977 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725098 - "net-mail/qmailanalog calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725102 - "net-mail/eps calls ranlib directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725112 - "sys-apps/portage: add FEATURES=parallel-install-collision-protect support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:725136 - "dev-libs/avro-c-1.9.1-r2 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725138 - "dev-libs/libserdes-5.4.0-r1 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725144 - "net-wireless/rtl-sdr-2.0.1 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725160 - "net-misc/ipsvd-1.0.0-r3 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725188 - "net-wireless/airtraf-1.1-r5 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725190 - "net-misc/kea-2.0.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725192 - "net-misc/mico-2.3.13-r14 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725198 - "net-misc/ipv6calc-4.0.1-r1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725218 - "net-misc/ipsvd-1.0.0-r3 calls ranlib directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725244 - "net-misc/zsync-0.6.2-r2 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725248 - "net-proxy/wwwoffle-2.9j installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725252 - "sci-libs/eccodes-2.16.0 : -- Performing Test IEEE_BE - Failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725254 - "net-misc/nx calls ld directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725260 - "net-news/rsstool-1.0.1_rc2 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725282 - "sci-astronomy/montage calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725308 - "sci-biology/velvet-1.2.10 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725310 - "sci-biology/plink-1.90_pre140514 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725312 - "sci-biology/t-coffee-11.00-r2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725322 - "sci-biology/mafft-7.490 fails tests: ../core/mafft: line 911: /dev/stderr: Permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725328 - "sci-biology/ucsc-genome-browser-260-r2 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725386 - "mail-client/roundcube-1.3.11: QA Notice: Symbolic link /usr/share/webapps/roundcube/1.3.11/htdocs/vendor/bin/crypt-gpg-pinentry …" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725392 - "sci-libs/ViSP-3.3.0 : /.../type_traits: error: static assertion failed: template argument must be a complete class or an unbounded" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725398 - "sys-apps/portage: remove deprecated FEATURES=webrsync-gpg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725424 - "sci-electronics/xcircuit-3.10.30-r1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725428 - "sci-electronics/spice-3.5.5-r4 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725440 - "sys-cluster/charm calls g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725448 - "sci-geosciences/laszip-3.4.1 installs shared libraries that lack NEEDED entries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725456 - "sci-libs/cminpack fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725464 - "sci-electronics/irsim fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725474 - "x11-themes/elementary-xfce-icon-theme-0.15 : sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725544 - "sci-mathematics/form-4.3.1 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725560 - "sci-mathematics/form-4.3.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725612 - "sys-apps/ipmiutil-3.1.9 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725618 - "sci-libs/ogdi-4.1.0-r1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725620 - "sci-libs/netcdf-cxx fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725624 - "sci-libs/orocos-bfl-0.8.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725626 - "sci-mathematics/petsc-3.16.0 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725628 - "sci-mathematics/gsl-shell calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725710 - "doebuild.py: validate_desktop_entry should check .desktop files in /usr/share/xsessions too" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725726 - "sys-apps/linux-misc-apps calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725744 - "sys-cluster/gasnet fails tests: multiple definition of `gasnett_backtrace_user" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725754 - "sys-apps/ucspi-proxy calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725770 - "sys-auth/pam_yubico-2.26-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725772 - "sys-block/endpoint calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725792 - "sys-apps/gradm-3.1.201903191516 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725800 - "sys-block/tapecat calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725812 - "sys-devel/dev86 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725816 - "sys-apps/ifd-gempc fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725820 - "sys-block/tgt calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725828 - "sys-cluster/cluster-glue-1.0.12-r2 calls commands that do not exist ( * ./config.status: line 538: QUIET_MAKE_OPTS: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725840 - "dev-build/cons-2.3.0 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725872 - "dev-util/android-tools-9.0.0_p3-r1 : x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++: error: argument to -Wformat= should be a non-negative integer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725980 - "sys-kernel/vanilla-kernel calls ld directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725990 - "sys-process/daemontools-encore-1.11-r2 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:725994 - "sys-fs/lufs-0.9.7-r4 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726006 - "sys-process/dumb-init-1.2.5 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726024 - "sys-fs/snapraid fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726026 - "sys-libs/nss-usrfiles-2.18.1 fails to compile: src/nss_altfiles/files-hosts.c:335:22: error: ‘RES_USE_INET6’ undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726034 - "Decide on the policy around use of unprefixed tools as part of build systems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726038 - "dev-util/dogtail-0.9.11 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726088 - "www-misc/mergelog-4.5-r2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726098 - "gnustep-base/gnustep-base-1.27.0 : configure: error: The Objective-C compiler does not work or is not installed properly." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726112 - "qmake-utils.eclass: qmake ignores QMAKE_CXX, runs g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726138 - "x11-misc/netwmpager-2.05 fails to compile (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: unrecognized option '-Wl,-O1')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726158 - "Maintainer: Matthew Turnbull (sparky AT bluefang-logic.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726160 - "Maintainer: Hans Fernhout (hfern AT fernhout.info)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726162 - "Maintainer: Viktar Patotski (xp.vit.blr AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726164 - "Maintainer: Pavel Kalugin (paul.kalug AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726186 - "=x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.20 does not respect CC/CC_FOR_BUILD variable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726204 - "sys-apps/gawk-5.0.1: tests fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726266 - "x11-themes/gkrellm-themes-0.1-r2 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726276 - "x11-wm/treewm-0.4.5-r2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726310 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.99-r2 emerge asks about merging packages even when using --buildpkgonly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726334 - "Suggestion: use git sync method by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:726366 - "app-backup/spideroak-bin-7.5.0-r3 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726384 - "app-admin/profile-cleaner-2.37 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726388 - "app-backup/consul-backinator does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726568 - "app-emulation/bochs-2.7 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726570 - "sys-devel/dev86-0.16.21-r3 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726654 - "dev-db/pgxnclient-1.3 : ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pytest-runner (from versions: none)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726722 - "dev-lisp/sbcl > 1.4.9 fails to build with /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.28' not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726738 - "=app-text/tokyodystopia-0.9.15 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726786 - "x11-themes/adwaita-icon-theme-3.32.0 takes ages to install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726812 - "dev-python/wxpython-4.0.7: test hangs (lib_agw_piectrl_Tests::test_lib_agw_piectrlMethods)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726820 - "dev-python/cherrypy-18.5.0: test failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726858 - "dev-lang/fpc does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726860 - "dev-embedded/u-boot-tools-2022.07 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726862 - "dev-embedded/powersoftplus-libftdi-0.1.8-r1 installs shared libraries that lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726866 - "=dev-cpp/antlr-cpp-4.7.2 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726894 - "dev-lang/mlton-20180207 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726898 - "dev-lang/mlton-20180207 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726918 - "dev-lang/parrot-8.1.0-r4 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726934 - "dev-libs/criterion-2.4.1-r1 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726956 - "dev-db/pgxnclient-1.3 : pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The pip distribution was not found and is required by the application" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:726992 - "=dev-libs/libvterm-0.1.3 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727052 - "www-apache/passenger-6.0.24 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727100 - "portage: add timestamp of the sync in the build log" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727188 - "=app-office/libreoffice- - xmlfilterjar.cxx:(.text+0x2436): undefined reference to `non-virtual thunk to cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper<utl::OInputStreamWrapper, com::sun::star::io::XSeekable>::acquire()'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727206 - "sci-libs/orocos-bfl-0.8.0: QA: ./revision: line 1: svn: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727244 - ">=net-mail/dovecot- test failure (backtrace_append)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727248 - "dev-lang/micropython calls size directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727270 - "net-libs/gnutls-3.6.14: cannot create regular file 'srptool-args.h': Permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727396 - "dev-python/blosc-1.11.1 : One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727440 - "dev-debug/systemtap-5.0 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727488 - "dev-util/trace-cmd-2.9.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727490 - "dev-util/premake-5.0.0_beta2 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727492 - "dev-util/wasmer does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727496 - "games-server/mtavc installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727500 - "games-emulation/mekanix-070-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727578 - "media-libs/libsdl2: Test failures for pygame caused by ARM optimisations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727620 - "dev-haskell/tls-1.3.9 : Not in scope: type constructor or class Network.Socket" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727674 - "xfce-base/xfce4-panel fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727684 - "app-shells/fish-3.1.2: fkr.expect test fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727710 - "sys-apps/coreutils-8.32-r1: help2man: can't get `--help' info from man/dircolors.td/dircolors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727716 - "app-vim/nerdcommenter fixed licence and continues now with CC0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727806 - "dev-lang/rakudo-2024.10 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727808 - "dev-lang/nqp-2024.10 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727822 - "sys-apps/kbd fails test dumpkeys-bkeymap on big-endian archs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727926 - "dev-lang/mono- calls "as" directly ( sh: as: command not found w/ binutils-config[-native-symlinks] )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727954 - "sci-electronics/irsim-9.7.93-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727956 - "sci-electronics/ngspice-43 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727960 - "net-misc/nx- does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727962 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727964 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 installs shared libraries that lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727968 - "sys-cluster/charm calls commands that do not exist (../bin/../include/conv-mach-gfortran.sh: line 21: and: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727972 - "sci-libs/arprec-2.2.19 installs shared libraries that lack NEEDED entries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727974 - "sci-astronomy/montage-5.0 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727980 - "sci-chemistry/modeller-10.5 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:727992 - "dev-ruby/dotenv-2.7.5 : file collision with dev-python/python-dotenv-0.13.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728030 - "sci-mathematics/prover9-2009.11a-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728048 - "sci-mathematics/fricas-1.3.11-r3 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728054 - "sys-libs/libsemanage-3.7 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728066 - "www-servers/apache: upgrade TLS protocols in 00_default_ssl_vhost.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728084 - "sys-apps/linux-misc-apps-5.8-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728100 - "estrip: Use -R with eu-strip" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:728148 - "sys-process/criu-3.19 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728160 - "sys-cluster/fake-1.1.10 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728310 - "dev-ruby/actionpack- multiple test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728320 - "dev-ruby/asciidoctor-1.5.8 USE=doc - src_compile(): .../temp/environment: line 561: rdoc: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728324 - "x11-wm/wmii-3.9.2-r8 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728456 - "toolchain-funcs.eclass: misses functions to get variables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728562 - "net-print/foomatic-db-engine-4.0.12 : /.../install: cannot stat *.1: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728580 - "sys-apps/portage: _writer coroutine has unsafe remove_writer call in finally block" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728638 - "sys-devel/gcc[lto] fails src_compile with binutils-config[-native-symlinks] ( /work/build/./prev-gcc/gcc-ar: Cannot find binary 'ar' )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728656 - "Deadloop when trying to move a bug to PMS/EAPI component" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728746 - "dev-db/percona-server- CMake Error at storage/.../TokuSetupCompiler.cmake:221 (message): /usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ doesn't support -std=c++11 or -std=c++0x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728800 - "media-sound/spotify: USE flag for selecting either media-sound/apulse or media-sound/pulseaudio" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:728818 - "Split debug information into separate binary packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:728864 - "net-print/hplip-3.20.{5,6}: fails to build with musl libc - missing #include's" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:728900 - "dev-libs/tre-0.8.0-r2: test failure: en_US.ISO-8859-1 locale is missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729024 - "app-text/html2text-2.0.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729030 - "app-admin/consul fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729062 - "Services and Software which is critical for Gentoo should be developed/run in the Gentoo namespace" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729104 - "app-benchmarks/filebench- fails to compile: parser_lex.c:(.text+0x1075): undefined reference to `dofile'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729116 - "app-crypt/bsign calls strip directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729124 - "app-benchmarks/forkbomb-1.4-r2 fails to compile: clang-13: error: unable to make temporary file: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729130 - "app-benchmarks/ramspeed-3.5.0-r2 fails to compile: amd64/fltmem.samd64/intmem.s::5051::22: : error: error: invalid instruction mnemonic 'loopq'invalid instruction mnemonic 'loopq'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729134 - "app-accessibility/powiedz-1.0-r2 fails to compile: aufile.c:381:12: error: non-void function 'write_audio_fd' should return a value" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729138 - "app-arch/dump installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729144 - "app-admin/profile-cleaner-2.37 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729160 - "app-crypt/md5deep-4.4 fails to compile: ./xml.h:103:82: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729162 - "app-crypt/md4sum calls size directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729166 - "app-crypt/pkcs11-dump-0.3.4 fails to compile: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'int' to 'CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE' (aka 'unsigned long') in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729186 - "net-misc/rsync-3.2.0-r1[zstd]: configure.sh: error: Failed to find ZSTD_minCLevel function in zstd lib." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729230 - "sci-biology/infernal-1.0.2-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729238 - "app-editors/wily-1.0-r2 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729250 - "app-doc/tldp-howto installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729266 - "app-emulation/gxemul-0.6.0-r1 fails to compile: cpu.cc:248:15: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729282 - "app-misc/cdcat-0.3-r1 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729288 - "app-misc/g810-led-0.3.6 fails to compile: clang-10: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729320 - "sys-apps/portage: support package.accept_license and package.accept_properties" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:729384 - ">=dev-lang/R-4.0.2[-lapack] on HPPA with >=sys-devel/gcc-10 - dsvdc.f:107:34: Error: Expression at (1) must be of INTEGER type, found REAL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729406 - "app-mobilephone/anyremote-6.5 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729422 - "app-crypt/johntheripper-1.8.0 fails to compile: (with -mavx or -mxop): john.c: undefined reference to `CPU_detect'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729426 - "sys-boot/syslinux-6.04_pre1-r2: fails to compile: fatal error: 'stdarg.h' file not found / clang-10: error: unsupported option '--print-libgcc'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729436 - "media-sound/supercollider-3.11.0 fails tests: Errors while running CTest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729452 - "dev-ml/stdlib-shims does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729454 - "app-i18n/ibus USE=-X should not install /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/95-xim /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/ibus.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729464 - "[Future EAPI] Change sandbox path matching order" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729466 - "net-wireless/soapybladerf-0.4.1 : /.../bladeRF_Settings.cpp: error: bladerf_serial was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729476 - "dev-util/android-studio should depend on dev-libs/libdbusmenu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729488 - "app-misc/gtypist: failed build (/var/tmp/portage/app-misc/gtypist-2.9.5-r1/work/gtypist-2.9.5/tools is a directorymake[2]: *** [Makefile:348: gtypist-mode.elc] Error 255)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:729512 - "app-misc/sphinx-2.2.11-r5 fails to compile: sphinx.cpp:27820:15: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier [-Wreserved-user-defined-literal]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729520 - "app-text/barcode-0.99-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: rpl_calloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729522 - "app-misc/tmate-2.4.0 fails to compile: make: *** No rule to make target 'compat/forkpty-linux.c', needed by 'compat/forkpty-linux.o'. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729526 - "app-office/magicpoint-1.13a_p20121015-r2 will fail to build with clang16 (error: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729528 - "app-misc/irtrans-irserver-6.09.04-r1 fails to compile: xbmc.c:274:14: error: non-void function 'XBMC_GetPID' should return a value" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729546 - "app-text/fictionup-0.2.1 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729548 - "app-shells/bashdb calls strings directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729552 - "dev-cpp/mm-common-1.0.6 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729576 - "sci-libs/ViSP-3.3.0: error: '/usr/lib64/liblapack.a', needed by 'lib/libvisp_core.so.3.3.0', missing and no known rule to make it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729634 - "sci-libs/spqr-2.0.9-r4 : I can't find file `epsf'." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729636 - "sci-libs/spqr-2.0.9 - qrdemoc.c:(.text.startup+0x94): undefined reference to `cholmod_l_norm_sparse'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729644 - "emerge seems to open and close log files for each (unmerge?) line it wants to write" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729686 - "dev-db/firebird- calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729688 - "dev-db/kyotocabinet-1.2.79-r1 fails to compile: kcthread.cc:671:50: error: cannot initialize a parameter of type 'void *' with an rvalue of type 'int'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729694 - "dev-db/opendbx calls commands that do not exist (line 46: -c: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729696 - "dev-db/percona-xtrabackup fails to compile with clang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:729710 - "dev-db/pgpool2-4.0.5 fails to compile: checking types of arguments for accept()... configure: error: could not determine argument types" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729712 - "dev-embedded/pk2cmd-1.20-r1 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729738 - "dev-games/newton fails to compile: can't create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32S against symbol: vtable for dgAABBPolygonSoup in readonly segment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729746 - "dev-util/sasm-3.12.1 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729758 - "dev-java/openjdk-jre-bin-21.0.5_p11 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729846 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.38.1-r2: flock tests fail on hppa and sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729854 - "app-portage/g-cpan-0.17.0 fails tests: # Failed test EROOT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729868 - "dev-libs/libvarlink-19 fails to compile: lib/org.varlink.service.varlink.c.inc:1:50: error: use of undeclared identifier 'R'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729872 - "dev-lang/fpc-3.2.2 fails to compile: clang-13: error: unsupported option '--64'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729890 - "dev-libs/libIDL calls commands that do not exist (./libtool: line 42: -c: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729898 - "dev-libs/rocr-runtime does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729900 - "dev-libs/bemenu-0.4.1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: can't create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:729906 - "dev-libs/libdnsres-0.1a-r3 - ld.lld: error: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/10.1.0/../../../../lib64/crt1.o is incompatible with elf_x86_64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730002 - "net-misc/clockspeed-0.62-r9 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730004 - "net-misc/clockspeed-0.62-r9 calls ranlib directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730008 - "dev-lisp/clozurecl-1.13 calls as directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730016 - "dev-libs/yaz-3.0.53 fails to compile: configure: error: tcpd development libraries missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730020 - "dev-libs/uulib-0.5.20-r1 fails to compile: specify a tag with '--tag'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730026 - "dev-libs/tvmet-1.7.2-r2 fails to compile: configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730032 - "emerge --info prints about gcc and GNU ld while CC and LD point to something else" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730072 - "llvm-core/clang-10.x fails test: clang-tidy/checkers/abseil-duration-factory-scale.cpp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730118 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-sipe-1.25.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730142 - "dev-util/intel-ocl-sdk- installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730144 - "dev-util/intel-ocl-sdk- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730186 - "sys-fs/growpart: doesnt work with recent fdisk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730200 - "metadata/AUTHORS: inclusion of myself and prior employers that may own copyright" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730250 - "dev-db/mariadb fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730262 - "sys-apps/portage: Add timeout configuration for sync-type = git" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730314 - "sys-cluster/openmpi-4.1.2 - checking size of Fortran CHARACTER... configure: WARNING: Could not determine size of CHARACTER // configure: error: Cannot continue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730618 - "Sorting results from package searches/queries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:730684 - "media-libs/libshout-2.4.3: clang - linking fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730698 - "dev-util/ftnchek-3.3.1-r2 fails to compile: configure: error: Unable to find an integer datatype with more than 16 bits" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730766 - "x11-libs/gtksourceview-4.6.1: /usr/share/gtksourceview-4/language-specs/gentoo.lang is broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730792 - "games-misc/c++robots-0-r1 fails to compile: combat.c:734:1: error: C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730794 - "games-arcade/bomns-0.99.2-r1 fails to compile: level.cpp:166:21: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'int' to 'Sint16' (aka 'short') in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730798 - "games-simulation/micropolis-1.0_p20220604 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730822 - "games-action/maelstrom-3.0.6-r3 fails to compile: ../load.h:109:22: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier [-Wreserved-user-defined-literal]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730824 - "games-arcade/savagewheels-1.6.1-r2: src/CSdl.cpp:122:21: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'Sint32' (aka 'int')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730836 - "dev-util/wiggle-1.0 fails to compile: vpatch.c:1373:2: error: function definition is not allowed here" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730856 - "games-puzzle/einstein-2.1.1 fails to compile: screen.cpp:119:32: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'int' to 'Uint16' (aka 'unsigned short') in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730860 - "games-simulation/pmars-sdl-0.9.2e-r1 fails to compile: ./sim.h:104:12: error: redefinition of 'round' as different kind of symbol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730864 - "games-board/xfreecell-1.0.5b-r1 fails to compile: util.cpp:5:21: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned short' in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730866 - "media-libs/libggi-2.2.2-r1 fails to compile: configure: error: LibGII is not properly installed on the system. You need LibGII for building LibGGI. Please compile LibGII first." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730868 - "dev-vcs/git-mantle-0.6 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730874 - "games-emulation/libretro-dosbox-0.0.1_pre20180723 fails to compile: src/dos/dos_programs.cpp:81:20: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'int' to 'char' in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730876 - "games-board/crafty-24.1-r2 fails to compile: egtb.cpp:6237:36: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier [-Wreserved-user-defined-literal]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:730884 - "dev-libs/gobject-introspection: Fixed "lib" for pylibdir prevents multilib support on amd64 multilib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731000 - "dev-libs/libmemcached-1.0.18-r3 conditionally depends on but never uses dev-libs/libevent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731004 - "[TRACKER] Packages that have failures with LLD linker (llvm-core/lld)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:731012 - "media-sound/mcdp-0.4b fails to compile: cddev.c:63:38: error: function definition is not allowed here" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731014 - "media-sound/id3ted-1.0 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731016 - "media-libs/devil-1.7.8-r6 fails to compile: error: invalid argument '-std=gnu99' not allowed with 'C++'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731024 - "media-libs/libdc1394-2.2.6 fails to compile: control.c:286:19: error: fields must have a constant size: 'variable length array in structure' extension will never be supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731026 - "media-sound/gbsplay-0.0.91-r2 fails to compile: checking for working compiler: error executing 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-clang'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731030 - "media-libs/sdl2-image calls commands that do not exist (./libtool: line 46: -c: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731034 - "media-libs/sdl2-mixer calls commands that do not exist (./libtool: line 46: -c: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731040 - "media-plugins/caps-plugins-0.9.26 fails to compile with clang++ - no matching function for call to 'v4f_map'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731046 - "media-libs/xine-lib-1.2.11 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: cannot preempt symbol: xine_set_flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731050 - "media-plugins/vamp-aubio-plugins fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731064 - "media-sound/mpdas-0.4.2 fails to compile with clang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731066 - "media-sound/munt-mt32emu-alsadrv-2.3.0 fails to compile: src/alsadrv.cpp:134:29: error: invalid suffix 'd' on floating constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731068 - "media-sound/ogmtools-1.5-r3 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: vorbis_comment_clear" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731072 - "media-sound/streamtranscoder-3.1.11-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: lame_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731076 - "media-sound/tudor-volumed-0_pre20110427 fails to compile: environment.cpp:15:38: error: addition of default argument on redeclaration makes this constructor a default constructor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731092 - "media-video/dv2sub-0.3-r1 fails to compile: configure: error: ANSI/ISO C99 compiler not found or not in this mode!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731096 - "media-video/dirac-1.0.2-r1 fails to compile: mot_comp.cpp:1068:44: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'int' to 'dirac::ValueType' (aka 'short') in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731150 - "sys-apps/portage does not enforce dependencies on installed non-@world packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731152 - "net-im/ysm calls strip directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731158 - "net-firewall/itval-1.2_p20121104-r1 fails to compile: src/chains.cc:129:46: error: ordered comparison between pointer and zero ('char *' and 'int')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731170 - "net-dns/ndu-0.4-r4 fails to compile: ndu.cpp:407:43: error: ordered comparison between pointer and zero" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731184 - "net-analyzer/ippl-1.4.14-r6 fails to compile: main.c:57:16: error: redefinition of 'log' as different kind of symbol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731198 - "net-irc/unrealircd-5.2.3 fails to compile: undefined symbol: ioctlsocket" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731200 - "net-libs/wvstreams-4.6.1_p14-r1 - In file included from utils/wvfork.cc:22: ./include/wvscatterhash.h:186:46: error: invalid use of non-static data member 'xstatus'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731202 - "net-analyzer/firewalk calls strip directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731208 - "net-firewall/nfacct-1.0.2 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: nfacct_nlmsg_build_hdr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731214 - "net-analyzer/lft does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731216 - "net-fs/autofs does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731230 - "net-dialup/linux-atm-2.5.2-r1 calls objcopy directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731248 - "sci-libs/umfpack-5.7.9 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731252 - "net-mail/checkpassword calls ranlib directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731260 - "net-libs/libsrsirc-0.0.14-r1 fails to compile: libsrsirc.so: undefined reference to ERR_print_errors_fp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731270 - "Mark Gentoo Docker images as "Official Images"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731276 - "sys-apps/portage: "emerge -p" with --autounmask-continue returns 1 while it passes without -p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731282 - "net-mail/tpop3d-1.5.5-r5 fails to compile: checking whether the C compiler works... no" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731678 - "net-p2p/cpuminer-opt-3.21.1 fails to compile: crypt-jane-portable-x86.h:313:3: error: unknown token in expression a2(mov [%1 + 0], eax)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731686 - "net-voip/yate calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731700 - "net-misc/ip-sentinel calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731706 - "dev-python/rarfile-4.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731736 - "emerge: an option to wipe PORTAGE_TMPDIR before emerge starts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:731764 - "dev-lang/rust: support system-bootstrap in a sysroot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731766 - "dev-lang/python-3.7.8-r1 fails tests: ERROR: test_session (test.test_ssl.ThreadedTests)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731772 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92 : /.../regexi.c: error: struct object_tab_ has no member named misc_encoding" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731810 - "Maintainer: David Denoncin (gentoo AT denoncin.fr)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731812 - "Maintainer: Volkmar W. Pogatzki (gentoo AT pogatzki.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731856 - "sci-libs/coinor-symphony-5.5.7 fails to compile: ordered comparison between pointer and zero ('int *' and 'int')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731862 - "sci-biology/t-coffee-11.00-r3 fails to compile: dp_lib/evaluate_dirichlet.c:543:8: error: 'lgamma_r' is missing exception" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731864 - "sci-libs/hypre-2.21.0 fails to compile (ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: omp_set_num_threads)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731868 - "sci-libs/dmlc-core-0_p20170719-r1: CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:165 (message): Could NOT find OpenMP_C" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731876 - "sci-libs/eccodes-2.16.0 fails to compile: Error: Type mismatch between actual argument at (1) and actual argument at (2) (REAL(8)/REAL(4))." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731882 - "sci-electronics/irsim-9.7.93-r1 calls ld directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731900 - "sci-libs/colpack-1.0.10 fails to compile: GraphColoring/GraphColoring.cpp:974:20: error: expected an OpenMP directive" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731902 - "sci-electronics/ngspice-40 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731904 - "sci-libs/sundials-6.5.0 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: can't create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731912 - "sci-libs/arprec calls commands that do not exist (./configure: line 5219: ax_cxx_fma: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731916 - "sci-libs/arprec-2.2.19 fails to compile: erfc.cpp:43:33: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731918 - "sci-libs/dealii-9.5.2-r1 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:731928 - "sci-libs/cqrlib fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732034 - "sys-apps/ipmiutil-3.1.8 fails to compile: clang-10: error: unable to make temporary file: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732044 - "sys-apps/ifd-gempc-1.0.8 calls commands that do not existt (makedepend: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732050 - "sys-apps/kexec-tools-2.0.20-r1 fails to compile: purgatory/arch/i386/entry32-16.S:23:2: error: unknown directive" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732062 - "sys-apps/ucspi-proxy calls ranlib directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732064 - "sys-apps/tomoyo-tools-2.5.0_p20130214-r1 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732074 - "sys-auth/munge-0.5.15 fails to compile: configure: error: unable to locate cryptographic library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732138 - "dev-go multiple packages last rites" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732140 - "dev-go multiple packages lastrites" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732150 - "app-admin/salt-3000.3: makeconf module fails if make.conf is a directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732156 - "slack links are dead - registration page for non users is also dead" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732180 - "dev-python/scikit-build-0.11.1: needs Fortran for tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732186 - "dev-db/opendbx lost most keywords" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732196 - "a feature that adds emerge --info at the end of build log" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:732218 - "sys-process/daemontools-encore-1.11-r2 calls ranlib directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732230 - "=dev-python/metakernel-0.20.4 fails test on LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732246 - "sys-block/tgt-1.0.79 fails to compile: bs_sheepdog.c:297:19: error: unused function 'is_data_obj_writeable'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732254 - "sys-fs/fatresize-1.1.0 fails to compile: libparted-fs-resize.so: undefined reference to uuid_generate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732258 - "sys-fs/fuse-convmvfs-0.2.6-r1 fails to compile: convmvfs.cpp:115:32: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732264 - "sys-process/criu-3.14 - clang-10clang-10: error: unknown argument: '-fprofile-update=atomic'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732368 - "app-emulation/xen-4.16.2 calls objcopy directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732400 - "sys-apps/portage-2.3.103 does not pull in depends with --newuse on package rebuild: (was: dev-python/oct2py-4.0.6 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'markupsafe')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732420 - "x11-misc/wmname-0.1-r1 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732426 - "x11-misc/sent-1-r1 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732442 - "x11-libs/dnd-1.1-r4 fails to compile: configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C++ compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732446 - "x11-plugins/wmweather+-2.18 (LLD) fails to configure: linking error in pcre check" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732448 - "x11-misc/piedock-1.6.9 fails to compile: Cartouche.cpp:113:3: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732474 - "app-metrics/redis_exporter fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732520 - "sys-kernel/vanilla-kernel fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732530 - "app-shells/bash calls size directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732580 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-verve-plugin-2.0.0 : /.../libverve.ver:2: syntax error in VERSION script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732606 - "net-fs/mc fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732614 - "app-accessibility/brltty-6.1-r1 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732634 - "dev-perl/CryptX: bundles dev-libs/libtommath, dev-libs/libtomcrypt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732648 - "[TRACKER] >=dev-build/autoconf-2.70 issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732656 - "dev-lang/tcl: includes bundled libtommath" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732666 - "media-tv/kodi: test failure (TestFile.Stat)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732684 - "app-admin/radmind-1.15.3-r1 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732686 - "dev-lang/ghc-8.0.2: fails to compile with lld: ld.lld: error: unknown argument '-no-relax'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732690 - "app-admin/logstalgia-1.1.4 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732706 - "[TRACKER] sys-devel/gcc-11 porting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732708 - "net-vpn/strongswan charon program complains about missing caps (net-misc/networkmanager needs CAP_SETPCAP?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732738 - "net-irc/convos: new package (modern IRC client)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732756 - "app-admin/tripwire fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732806 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-good-1.16.2: fails rtpbin_buffer_list test on arm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732812 - "dev-libs/criterion-2.4.1: cram tests fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732816 - "media-libs/gstreamer-1.16.2: fails gst/gstdatetime test on non-UTC timezone" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732830 - "dev-python/simpy fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732866 - "media-sound/flac2all - Multi-threaded audio converter of FLAC to either Ogg Vorbis or MP3 retaining all tags and metadata. (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732870 - "gnome-base/gnome-shell: add dconf option to disable blur in lock screen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:732874 - "net-analyzer/chronograf-1.8.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732876 - "net-analyzer/chronograf-1.8.5 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732882 - "app-backup/vzdump-1.2 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732884 - "app-backup/synology-cloud-station-backup-4469 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732906 - "app-cdr/cuecue-0.2.2-r3 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:732920 - "llvm-core/llvm-10.0.0: 62 test failures on sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733012 - "app-crypt/md5deep-4.4 calls commands that do not exist ( checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ./configure: line 4984: -MD: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733016 - "app-crypt/sbsigntools fails test: ...llvm-objcopy: error: invalid output format: 'efi-app-x86_64'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733060 - "games-emulation/mupen64plus-core-2.5.9-r4 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733078 - "arm profile: unmask virtual/rust and dev-lang/rust" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733088 - "sci-libs/octomap fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733214 - "app-emulation/xen-4.16.0-r4 calls objdump directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733252 - "Prefix on Gentoo bootstrap shortcut is broken: installing bash Permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733258 - "[SCI] dev-java/lucene-8.7.0: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733298 - "dev-python/llfuse fails test test_rounding: OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733310 - "net-misc/hylafaxplus-7.0.6-r4 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733380 - "www-client/seamonkey calls readelf directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733384 - "x11-misc/efax-gtk calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733398 - "app-backup/rdup fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733424 - "Automatically satisfy REQUIRED_USE for tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733472 - "dev-util/sasm-3.10.1 fails to compile (main.cpp:47:10: fatal error: QtSingleApplication: No such file or directory)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733480 - "dev-utils/cmake does not determine ${libdir} gracefully, and is not suitable for Gentoo Prefix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733490 - "sys-apps/portage: show a message that some QA test have been skipped due to parallel-install FEATURE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733556 - "media-video/ffmpeg-4.2.3: fails to build on i486 (src/libswscale/x86/rgb2rgb_template.c:1665:9: error: ‘asm’ operand has impossible constraints)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733606 - "app-office/wps-office- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733624 - "net-wireless/aircrack-ng-1.7 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733668 - "dev-libs/gobject-introspection[-doctool] installs unused doctool python files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733670 - "net-dns/coredns-1.7.0 fails tests: --- FAIL: TestDnsProgrammingLatency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733694 - "dev-util/android-studio-2023.1.1.22-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733742 - "Feature request: --jobs applied only to binpkg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733748 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.36 fails lsblk tests: FAILED (14 from 14 sub-tests)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733770 - "media-tv/mythtv calls nm directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733856 - "mail-mta/ssmtp: doesn't play well with "gnutls"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733860 - "media-libs/freetype-2.10.2-r1[harfbuzz,utils]: tttypes.h:27:10: error: #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733898 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-mount-plugin-1.1.3 : /.../libmount.ver:2: syntax error in VERSION script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733900 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt-sanitizers-10.0.1 fails tests: FAILED: test/CMakeFiles/check-compiler-rt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:733920 - "Live DVD hangs at "Waiting for uevents to be processed"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734004 - "Feed added.atom should not contain new revisions for existing packages but it does" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734052 - "net-analyzer/wireshark-3.2.5 USE=qt5? - CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1097 (find_package): By not providing "FindQt5Core.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5Core" [...]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734134 - "media-gfx/sane-backends-1.1.1-r13: test failure (FAIL: genesys_unit_tests) on x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734180 - "app-i18n/scim-bridge-0.4.16-r3 fails to compile: scim-bridge-agent-signal-listener.cpp:67:9: error: no matching function for call" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734202 - "app-misc/detox fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734218 - "app-emulation/aranym-1.1.0-r1 fails configure when using LLD (neither SDL nor SDL2 found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734220 - "app-emulation/fs-uae-3.1.66 fails to compile: blkdev.cpp:758:40: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'int' to 'uae_u8' (aka 'unsigned char') in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734222 - "app-emulation/xen-tools fails to compile with lld" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734232 - "app-emulation/bochs-2.7 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734234 - "app-emulation/virt-viewer installs metainfo files into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734242 - "app-misc/flirc-3.25.2 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734244 - "app-office/auto-multiple-choice-1.3.0-r1 fails to compile: AMC-detect.cc:25:10: fatal error: 'cv.h' file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734266 - "app-metrics/fusioninventory-agent-2.5.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734274 - "app-office/dia-0.97.3-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: .libs/wmf.o: unable to find library from dependent library specifier: gdi32" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734280 - "app-office/abiword-3.0.5 fails to compile: ap_UnixApp.cpp:866:29: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier [-Wreserved-user-defined-literal]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734314 - "games-server/crossfire-server-1.71.0-r1 : check_c_object.c: error: too few arguments to function _ck_assert_failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734316 - "sys-cluster/libqb-1.9.0 fails IPC test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734606 - "app-text/qpdf-10.0.1-r1: libqpdf.so: undefined reference to `__atomic_fetch_add_8'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734626 - "sys-apps/portage: enable DeprecationWarning message by default where appropriate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734784 - "app-shells/ctypes-sh-1.2-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734890 - "app-text/fbreader-0.99.4-r6 fails to compile: Linking FBReader ...ld.lld: error: can't create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment; recompile object files with -fPIC or pass '-Wl,-z,notext' to allow text relocations in t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734896 - "app-text/lesspipe-1.84 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734902 - "app-text/djview-4.10.6-r2 calls commands that do not exist (conftest.d/conftest.sh: line 1: creating: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:734952 - "app-text/pdfgrep-2.1.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735018 - "dev-haskell/cryptonite-0.26-r1 : * setup configure failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735062 - "media-plugins/kodi-visualization-projectm-19.0.1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735064 - "media-plugins/kodi-visualization-projectm-19.0.1 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735082 - "net-libs/ignition-transport-8.0.0 : * cmake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735154 - "dev-lang/rust USE=system-llvm should be enabled by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735186 - "GLSA security templates" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:735622 - "app-portage/esearch last rites" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735654 - "dev-haskell/dns-2.0.6 : Network/.../Decode.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735672 - "dev-cpp/metslib-0.5.3 fails tests: ../metslib/model.hh:248:10: error: no member named 'uniform_int' in namespace 'std'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735680 - "dev-db/tokyocabinet-1.4.48-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735690 - "dev-db/pgmodeler-0.9.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735728 - "dev-db/wxsqlite3-3.2.1-r1 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735734 - "dev-cpp/ETL-1.4.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735742 - "dev-haskell/network-bytestring- : /.../Setup.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735834 - "dev-haskell/tls-1.5.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735838 - "dev-haskell/x509-1.7.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735846 - "dev-haskell/cryptonite-0.26-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735852 - "dev-haskell/basement-0.0.11 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: unknown argument '-no-relax'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735876 - "dev-haskell/cryptohash-sha256- fails to compile: ld.lld: error: unknown argument '-no-relax'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735880 - "dev-haskell/quickcheck-2.9.2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735898 - "dev-haskell/foundation-0.0.25 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: unknown argument '-no-relax'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735910 - "dev-haskell/deriving-compat-0.3.5 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735932 - "dev-haskell/tls-session-manager-0.0.4 : Network/.../SessionManager.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735934 - "dev-haskell/stringbuilder-0.5.0 : src/.../Builder.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735946 - "dev-haskell/parsec1- : Text/.../Prim.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:735970 - "net-print/cnrdrvcups-lb-5.80 QA Notice: Missing soname symlink(s)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736038 - "app-arch/zstd fails to compile: legacy/zstd_v04.c:77:10: fatal error: debug.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736046 - "net-analyzer/sslscan installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736120 - "xfce-base/xfwm4-4.15.0 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736132 - "dev-erlang/jiffy-1.0.5 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736226 - "net-misc/minidlna: remote DoS and memory corruption" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:736276 - "dev-haskell/encoding-0.8.2 : * setup build failed: arithmetic overflow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736398 - "Suggest --changed-deps usage when fails to resolve dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736446 - "dev-haskell/x509-validation-1.6.11 fails tests: too many pending signals" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736455 - "perl-module.eclass/perl-functions.eclass: Implement some provision of tooling to store "binscripts" somewhere other than /usr/bin/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736473 - "sys-apps/portage: anydbm cache module does not support multiprocessing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736483 - "dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.2.1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736507 - "[TRACKER] New package requests for Gimp extensions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736637 - "sci-libs/ViSP-3.5.0-r1 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736663 - "dev-libs/bglibs-2.04-r2[+doc] - make: [Makefile:19: refman.dvi] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736695 - "sci-mathematics/wxmaxima-23.08.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736828 - "Strange chars in the build log" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736840 - "dev-java/jffi-1.3.13 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736842 - "dev-vcs/darcs-2.14.5 : src/.../External.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736856 - "llvm-core/llvm-10.0.1: Can't be built for Celeron N4100 (Gemini Lake)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736936 - "sys-boot/ventoy-1.0.18: create bootable USB drive for ISO files (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:736988 - "dev-lang/moarvm-2020.07 : Error: clang-10: error: invalid integral value 32:25:16 in -falign-functions=32:25:16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737018 - "dedicated text field for emerge --info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737046 - "games-emulation/libretro-snes9x-0.0.2_pre20200107 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737048 - "media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-twentyfortyeight- does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737050 - "media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-twentyfortyeight- installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737066 - "dev-lang/micropython-1.11 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737112 - "dev-libs/collada-dom-2.5.0-r1 fails to compile: can't create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment; recompile object files with -fPIC or pass '-Wl,-z,notext' to allow text relocations in the output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737116 - "dev-libs/dietlibc-0.34 fails to compile: undefined reference to `bcmp'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737118 - "dev-libs/cereal-1.3.0 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: __atomic_load" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737148 - "sys-apps/portage: allow repos to use -* in package.mask to disinherit package.mask entries from master repos" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:737198 - "dev-lisp/clozurecl-1.13 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737204 - "dev-libs/openssl-compat-1.0.2u-r2 fails to compile: rc5_skey.c:119:32: error: unsupported inline asm: input with type 'unsigned long' matching output with type 'unsigned int'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737210 - "dev-libs/libfstrcmp-0.7-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737216 - "dev-libs/protobuf-c-1.3.3 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: google::protobuf::RepeatedField<int>::RepeatedField(google::protobuf::RepeatedField<int> const&)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737406 - "dev-tex/culmus-latex-0.7-r1 : make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: tfms.DONE] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737448 - "dev-perl/RedisDB-2.570.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737612 - "app-text/pandoc stable request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737620 - "dev-python/black: needs pypy3 port" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737814 - "app-admin/mtail-3.0.0_rc35 : make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: print-version] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737840 - "dev-php/geos-php-1.0.0 fails test 001_Geometry.phpt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737844 - "dev-php/pecl-yaz-1.2.3 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737860 - "dev-php/pecl-rrd-2.0.3 fails tests rrd_{016,017}.phpt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737864 - "dev-php/pecl-event-3.0.8 fails to compile: configure: error: event_free not found in event_core library, or the library is not installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737878 - "dev-python/selenium-3.141.0-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737880 - "dev-python/selenium-3.141.0-r1 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737922 - "dev-python/django_polymorphic-3.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737932 - "Add a qa-upstream category to skip QA warning unfixable by us" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737938 - "dev-games/libblack-hole-solitaire: New package, used by kde-apps/kpat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737960 - "New GLSAMaker: Update UI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737962 - "[TRACKER]: GLSA improvements" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737966 - "GLSA dtd update" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:737968 - "dev-python/zope-i18nmessageid-5.0.1: error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('coverage')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738006 - "dev-python/mediafile-0.2.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738070 - "dev-python/oslo-vmware-3.3.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738108 - "dev-perl/ExtUtils-CppGuess calls g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738118 - "app-containers/cri-o-1.18.3 calls strip directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738136 - "dev-python/pycadf-2.9.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738206 - "dev-python/pypy-7.3.6 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738218 - "dev-vcs/git: cross-compiling uses the native curl's configuration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738298 - "dev-python/python-troveclient-2.17.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738304 - "dev-python/python-heatclient-1.17.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738310 - "dev-python/python-saharaclient-2.2.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738372 - "dev-python/simpy-3.0.13 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738392 - "app-arch/cpio-2.12-r1 fails symlink-long test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738414 - "app-admin/sudo-1.9.2 : configure: error: Cannot mix mutually exclusive (PAM) and regular (S/Key) authentication methods" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738474 - "dev-lang/perl: ExtUtils::CBuilder uses LD in some places where CC/CXX should be used instead" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738500 - "app-eselect/eselect-gnome-shell-extensions-20180306-r1 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738508 - "dev-util/strace-5.8[elfutils,static]: undefined reference to `dlopen'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738560 - "sci-libs/fcl-0.6.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738604 - "dev-python/pycurl: replace USE=curl_ssl_* with USE={gnutls,libressl,nss,openssl}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738640 - "net-misc/openssh doesn't kill active sessions when the machine is rebooted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738658 - "dev-ruby/elasticsearch-transport-6.8.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738662 - "dev-ruby/facter-3.14.24 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738686 - "dev-python/pyyaml-5.3.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738702 - "dev-ruby/hiera-eyaml-3.3.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738706 - "dev-ruby/metasm-1.0.5-r1 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738708 - "dev-ruby/mini_magick-4.10.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738712 - "p.g.o: Add a visible "Deals with Github pull requests" note on maintainer page" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738716 - "dev-ruby/parallel-1.22.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738774 - "media-sound/lltag-0.14.6 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738776 - "dev-ruby/sparklines-0.5.2-r7 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738780 - "dev-ruby/parslet-1.8.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738786 - "dev-ruby/spy-1.0.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738794 - "gnome-extra/gnome-extra-apps: suggested additions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738802 - "app-admin/haskell-updater gets stuck in rebuilds on haskell binpkgs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738808 - "dev-ruby/web-console-3.7.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738816 - "dev-ruby/tty-file-0.7.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738834 - "dev-lang/nqp-2020.08 : nqp-m.c:(.text.unlikely+<snip>): undefined reference to _ubsan_handle_nonnull_arg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738848 - "dev-ruby/best_in_place-3.1.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738852 - "dev-tex/style-check-0.14 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738854 - "dev-tex/rail-1.2_p1-r1 fails to compile: rail.c:57:1: error: first parameter of 'main' (argument count) must be of type 'int'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738860 - "dev-tex/bibtex2html-1.99 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738878 - "dev-python/whoosh-2.7.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738882 - "dev-python/pycuda-2019.1.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738888 - "dev-util/apitrace-9.0-r3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738890 - "llvm-core/llvm: llvm-objdump does not recognize '-g' option (was: dev-util/ccache-3.7.11 fails tests)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738892 - "app-accessibility/speech-tools-2.5.0-r2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738898 - "dev-util/android-sdk-update-manager-24.4.1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738906 - "dev-lang/perl: missing Prefix on Android support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738960 - "dev-util/kdstatemachineeditor-1.2.4 fails to compile: test_layoutinformation.cpp:41:22: error: calling 'shape' with incomplete return type 'QPainterPath'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738962 - "dev-util/goland-2022.3.3-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738966 - "dev-util/intel-ocl-sdk- installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:738982 - "dev-vcs/git-annex-8.20200810 : Database/Types.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739008 - "dev-util/open-vcdiff-0.8.4-r1 fails to compile: gflags/src/gflags.cc:361:43: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier [-Wreserved-user-defined-literal]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739038 - "dev-util/xdelta-3.0.11 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739048 - "dev-vcs/git-mailz-0.14 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739074 - "games-arcade/berusky-1.7.1-r2 fails to compile: ./defines.h:450:47: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier [-Wreserved-user-defined-literal]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739096 - "games-arcade/commandergenius-2.4.0 fails to compile (error: cast from 'char *' to 'vectorcallfunc *' (aka '_object *(**)(_object *, _object *const *, unsigned long, _object *)') increases required alignment from 1 to 8 )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739098 - "games-arcade/gish-demo-1.6-r1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739108 - "games-arcade/sdb-1.0.2-r2 fails to compile (sdb.h:45:10: fatal error: GL/glu.h: No such file or directory)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739182 - "sys-libs/db-3.2.9_p2-r1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739204 - "games-fps/doomsday-2.1.1-r1 fails to compile: opengl.h:33:12: fatal error: 'QOpenGLExtensions' file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739214 - "sys-libs/db-1.85-r4 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739246 - "games-fps/worldofpadman-1.6-r2 fails to compile: code/asm/snapvector.c:78:3: error: ambiguous instructions require an explicit suffix (could be 'fistps', or 'fistpl')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739292 - "games-puzzle/enigma-1.21-r3 installs metainfo files into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739298 - "econf: undocumented gnuconfig magic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739312 - "games-puzzle/pingus-0.7.6-r5 fails to compile: getters.hpp:33:15: error: no viable conversion from" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739326 - "dev-tex/opendetex fork of detex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739328 - "games-roguelike/dwarf-fortress-0.47.05-r1 fails to compile: g_src/graphics.cpp:229:30: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'char' to 'unsigned char' in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739356 - "games-strategy/maxr-0.2.9: src/dedicatedserver.h:23:10: fatal error: 'string' file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739380 - "games-sports/billardgl-1.75-r2 fails to compile: Kugel.cpp:422:18: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'double' to 'GLfloat' (aka 'float') in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739382 - "games-sports/dustrac-1.13.0 fails to compile: CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739388 - "games-sports/ultimatestunts-0.7.7-r1 fails to compile: gamerenderer.cpp:81:30: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type 'double' to 'GLfloat' (aka 'float') in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739406 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-base-1.16.2 fails to compile: gstbasetextoverlay.h:31:10: fatal error: pangocairo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739410 - "net-fs/cifs-utils-7.0-r1 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739502 - "sci-libs/libsigrok: failing test tests/main" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739506 - "xfce-base/xfconf fails all tests: xfconfd is not running and can not be autostarted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739536 - "gnome-extra/nautilus-sendto-3.8.6-r1 installs metainfo files into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739582 - "[youbroketheinternet] www-client/torbrowser: Outdated and vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:739596 - "media-fonts/noto-cjk-20190416 media-fonts/noto-20200521 and media-fonts/noto-emoji-20200317 Use a slimmer distfile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739602 - "Maintainer: robert AT gnzler.io" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739608 - "Maintainer: Matthias Coppens (coppens.matthias.abc AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739610 - "Maintainer: Harry Smallbones (info AT harrysmallbones.co.uk)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739612 - "[musl] sys-libs/binutils-libs-2.34-r2: libbfd.so depends on libintl_dgettext" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739620 - "sci-libs/ViSP-3.5.0-r1 : One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739664 - "sys-cluster/classads-1.0.10 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739878 - "mail-filter/zdkimfilter-3.17 fails to compile: configure: error: either specify a valid zlib installation with --with-zlib=DIR or disable zlib usage with --without-zlib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739930 - "Show Python deprecation warnings on packages?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739932 - "Per-maintainer/project dashboard/report" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739990 - "media-gfx/librecad-2.1.3-r6 - clang-10: error: unknown argument: '-fext-numeric-literals'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:739996 - "media-gfx/wkhtmltopdf-0.12.5 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740026 - "media-gfx/wings- does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740040 - "media-libs/audiofile-0.3.6-r4 fails to build tests with clang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740042 - "media-libs/coin-4.0.2 fails to compile: include/Inventor/system/gl-headers.h:48:2: error: "don't know how to include gl.h header"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740050 - "media-libs/glm- fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740118 - "dev-util/wxglade has been updated to Python3, can we get it readded to portage?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740144 - "media-libs/libmpd-11.8.17-r1 calls commands that do not exist (../libtool: line 42: -c: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740146 - "media-libs/sdl2-ttf-2.0.15 calls commands that do not exist (./libtool: line 46: -c: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740168 - "media-libs/zvbi-0.2.35-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740174 - "media-gfx/gimp-2.10.20-r1: configure: error: missing dependency poppler-glib >= 0.50.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740178 - "media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2-r1 fails to compile: SDL_Pango.c:661:1: error: conflicting types for 'SDLPango_CopyFTBitmapToSurface'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740188 - "net-mail/cyrus-imapd-3.0.13 - fails enum_default test: 1. ./cunit/libconfig.testc:210 - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(delete_mode=0,IMAP_ENUM_DELETE_MODE_DELAYED=1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740246 - "media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-snes9x- does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740248 - "media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-snes9x- installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740260 - "app-text/xpdf: Multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2020-{24996,24999})" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740278 - "media-radio/flamp-2.2.05 fails to compile: flamp.cxx:841:8: error: ordered comparison between pointer and zero ('void *' and 'int')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740280 - "media-radio/js8call-2.2.0-r1: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gfortran: error: unrecognized command-line option ‘-fopenmp=libomp’; did you mean ‘-fopenmp-simd’?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740284 - "media-radio/cqrlog-2.4.0 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740310 - "media-libs/libsoundtouch[openmp] built with clang causes issues with other apps like audacity: error: /usr/lib64/libSoundTouch.so: undefined reference to __kmpc_for_static_fini" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740346 - "media-sound/fmit-1.0.15-r3 installs metainfo files into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740362 - "media-sound/horgand-1.14-r2 fails to compile: HORGAN.cxx:127:45: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier [-Wreserved-user-defined-literal]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740384 - "games-emulation/lxdream-0.9.1-r4 calls commands that do not exist (svnversion: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740424 - "[Tracker] dev-games/ogre-2.1 breakage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740482 - "media-video/cclive-0.9.3-r2 fails to compile: ./cc/options.h:750:44: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier [-Wreserved-user-defined-literal]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740486 - "net-voip/murmur-1.3.2 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: google::protobuf::RepeatedField<int>::RepeatedField(google::protobuf::RepeatedField<int> const&)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740532 - "media-sound/tk707-0.8-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740562 - "net-analyzer/arp-sk-0.0.16-r2 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740710 - "net-libs/libnetfilter_acct-1.0.3 - src_test(): ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: nfacct_alloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740720 - "net-libs/ignition-msgs-5.2.0 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: libignition-msgs5.so.5.2.0: undefined reference to google::protobuf::RepeatedField<double>::RepeatedField(google::protobuf::RepeatedField<double> const&)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740748 - "portage.5 man page needs updates for package.keywords deprecation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740800 - "net-misc/ofono-1.34 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740806 - "net-misc/netsed-1.3 fails tests (make: ruby: No such file or directory)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740812 - "net-misc/ndisc6-1.0.3 fails to compile: trace-tcp.c:57:11: error: fields must have a constant size: 'variable length" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740822 - "net-misc/AQtion-2.3.4-r1 fails to compile: jiffies.h:12:10: fatal error: timeconst.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:740830 - "net-misc/wget2-1.99.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741058 - "net-wireless/ubertooth-2018.12.1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: libubertooth.so.1.1: undefined reference to pthread_create" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741060 - "net-p2p/xmr-stak-2.10.8 fails to compile: soft_aes.hpp:116:24: error: redefinition of '__rord' as different kind of symbol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741080 - "sci-astronomy/montage-5.0 fails to compile with Clang: initdistdata.c:36:6: error: void function 'closefitsfile' should not return a value [-Wreturn-type]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741098 - "net-voip/yate-6.2.0 fails to compile: frame.cpp:232:27: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741106 - "net-print/foo2zjs-20200221 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741178 - "sci-biology/libgtextutils-0.6.1-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741202 - "sci-biology/wise-2.4.0_alpha-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741212 - "sci-calculators/tilp2-1.18-r1 installs metainfo files into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741214 - "sci-chemistry/GromacsWrapper-0.8.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741316 - "sci-chemistry/mpqc-2.3.1-r4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741354 - "sci-geosciences/gtk-g-rays2-2.05 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741356 - "sci-electronics/spice-3.5.5-r2 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741364 - "sci-electronics/xcircuit-3.9.73 fails to compile: Display.c:519:6: error: non-void function 'AsciiSinkInitialize' should return a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741374 - "sci-electronics/pcb-4.2.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741388 - "sci-libs/cgnslib-3.4.0 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: can't create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741438 - "sci-libs/hdf5-1.10.5-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741442 - "sci-libs/ignition-fuel-tools-4.1.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741452 - "net-print/foo2zjs-20200221 : sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741504 - "app-portage/gemato-16.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741512 - "sci-libs/lemon-1.3.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741528 - "sci-libs/nfft-3.3.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741530 - "sci-libs/orocos-bfl-0.8.0: src/filter/mixtureParticleFilter.cpp:105:27: error: member reference base type 'Mixture<SVar> *' is not a structure or union" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741532 - "sci-libs/pastix-5.2.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741550 - "dev-python/pbr-5.5.0: test_capitalized_headers, test_get_kwargs_corner_cases, test_invalid_tag_ignored, test_non_canonical_tagged_version_bump fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741586 - "sci-mathematics/yacas-1.9.1 fails to compile: Could NOT find GTest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741592 - "sci-misc/nco-4.5.1-r2 fails to compile: nco_omp.c:210:53: error: variable 'fp_stderr' must have explicitly specified" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741604 - "sci-libs/spqr-2.0.9 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741634 - "sci-physics/reduze-2.4-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741640 - "sci-visualization/grace-5.1.25_p17 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741652 - "sci-visualization/xyscan-4.3.0 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741708 - "dev-lang/rust: requires CPU_FLAGS_SSE2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741777 - "dev-ruby/rspec-expectations-3.9.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741780 - "app-misc/g15daemon- fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741786 - "mail-mta/courier-1.1.8-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741912 - "sys-boot/lilo-24.2: edit.c:195:31: error: initializer element is not a compile-time constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741921 - "sys-auth/keystone-17.0.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741927 - "sys-auth/pam_ssh_agent_auth-0.10.4-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: unknown argument '-Wl,-O1'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741933 - "sys-cluster/ampi-0_pre20140616 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:741942 - "sys-boot/elilo-3.16-r5 fails to compile on llvm-objcopy (missing support for EFI target)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742266 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.14.0-r1 : /.../egl-helpers.h: fatal error: epoxy/egl.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742284 - "dev-debug/gdb-9.2 calls commands that do not exist (ERROR: couldn't execute "gnatmake", no such file or directory sh: prelink: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742287 - "sys-devel/distcc-3.3.3-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742326 - "gannet.gentoo.org is not available over ipv6 (at least from HE.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742404 - "games-util/wit-3.02a adds -march=x86-64 to CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742422 - "sys-libs/libstdc++-v3-3.3.6-r4 fails to compile: except.c:(.text+0xff5): undefined reference to `libc_name_p'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742452 - "www-apache/mod_maxminddb-1.2.0 fails to compile with clang/llvm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742524 - "games-board/cockatrice-20190304-r1 : ninja: error: unknown target install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742581 - "app-emulation/gxemul-0.6.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742599 - "www-client/luakit-2017.08.10 fails test_undo_close_works test_undo_close_restores_tab_history test_scrolling_works" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742605 - "www-misc/xxv-1.6.1-r3 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742635 - "dev-python/line-profiler-3.0.2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742737 - "media-video/x264-encoder-0.0.20240513 calls strings directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742752 - "x11-misc/openbox-menu-0.8.0 fails tests ((openbox-menu:38): Gtk- [1;33mWARNING [0m **: [34m23:08:38.646 [0m: cannot open display:)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742791 - "x11-misc/kaqaz-1.2.0-r5 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742794 - "x11-misc/light-locker-1.9.0-r2 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742803 - "x11-misc/quitcount-3.1.3 installs metainfo files into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742818 - "x11-misc/snixembed-0.3.3 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742836 - "x11-plugins/gkrellaclock-0.3.4-r2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742839 - "x11-plugins/gkrellfire-0.4.2-r2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742905 - "x11-plugins/gkrellm-cpupower-0.2-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742917 - "x11-plugins/gkrelltop-2.2.13-r3[-X]: failed (install phase): !!! doexe: gkrelltop.so does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742920 - "net-vpn/logmein-hamachi- installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742947 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-mpris-0.2.6 fails to compile: checking for dbus_glib.. configure: error: Package requirements (dbus-glib-1 >= 0.50) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742956 - "app-text/htmldoc-1.9.16 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:742992 - "app-text/mandoc-1.14.4 : make: echo: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743004 - "sci-libs/dmlc-core-0_p20170719 : /.../s3_filesys.cc: error: aggregate HMAC_CTX ctx has incomplete type and cannot be defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743046 - "x11-themes/gtk-engines-2.20.2-r2 calls commands that do not exist (../../libtool: line 45: -c: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743049 - "x11-themes/gtk-engines-nodoka-0.7.5 calls commands that do not exist (./libtool: line 45: -c: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743052 - "x11-themes/kvantum-1.0.7 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743067 - "sci-chemistry/raster3d-3.0.6-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743094 - "x11-wm/lumina-1.6.2-r1 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743163 - "app-emulation/virtualbox-guest-additions-6.1.14a with kernel 5.8.9 and VMSVGA - no resizing or clipboard" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743181 - "dev-python/cffi-1.15.1 fails tests: test_verify_anonymous_struct_with_star_typedef" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743295 - "dev-python/scipy fails test test_bisplev_integer_overflow Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743331 - "net-wireless/blueman-2.1.3 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743451 - "dev-python/lz4-3.0.2 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743457 - "dev-python/lxml-4.9.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743583 - "x11-misc/primus-0.2-r2 calls g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743598 - "dev-util/pretrace-0.4-r1 : cant find file to patch at input line 7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743607 - "media-sound/gigedit-1.1.1-r1 : ./.../libgigedit.so: error: undefined reference to pthread_create" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743706 - "dev-libs/starpu-1.2.6-r1 has unrecognized configure options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743778 - "dev-util/aruba-0.14.14 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743802 - "app-crypt/autofirma - New package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743814 - "dev-embedded/micronucleus: Tool/firmware/bootloader for Atmel µCs (ebuild attached)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:743938 - "media-tv/kodi-19.0_alpha1_p20200920 fails test "TestCPUInfo.GetCPUFrequency"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744043 - "games-emulation/gngeo-0.8-r2 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744049 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-cpufreq-plugin-1.2.1 fails to compile: xfce4-cpufreq-plugin.c:816:29: error: a parameter list without types is only" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744055 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-genmon-plugin-4.0.2 fails to compile: main.c:1025:46: error: expected function body after function declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744064 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-mount-plugin-1.1.3 fails to compile: mount-plugin.c:1096:29: error: a parameter list without types is only allowed in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744067 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-verve-plugin-2.0.0 fails to compile: verve-plugin.c:1468:29: error: a parameter list without types is only allowed in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744103 - "sys-apps/portage: could wrap compilers to avoid exponential job growth" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744109 - "app-containers/distrobuilder-1.1 uses -Werror for build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744178 - "sys-apps/portage: allow ebuild command to override RESTRICT=test via explicit test phase argument" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744319 - "sys-process/bcron-0.11 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744322 - "sys-process/bcron-0.11 calls ranlib directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744343 - "net-fs/samba-4.11.13 installs shared libraries that lack NEEDED entries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744511 - "x11-themes/adapta-gtk-theme- : sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744514 - "app-antivirus/clamav-0.103.0-r1: rc script assumes clamav:clamav ownerhip of /run/clamav - should use /etc/clamd.conf settings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744601 - "app-containers/buildah-1.23.1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744631 - "net-print/ql570: cups driver for Brother QL-570" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744679 - "media-libs/devil-1.7.8-r2 : ./.../il_nvidia.cpp: fatal error: nvcore/Memory.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744751 - "sys-apps/iproute2: rtnl_wilddump_request() is gone but still advertised on manpage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744817 - "Requesting access to a / new Gentoo-hosted build-machine for the proxy-maint team" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744856 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.14.0-r1 fails to compile with clang/llvm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:744904 - "media-radio/aprs-weather-submit-1.5.ebuild (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:744916 - "dev-build/scons-4.0.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:745018 - "app-misc/rox-filer-2.11 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:745039 - "[TRACKER] Packages that fail with clang and compiler-rt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:745120 - "app-admin/haskell-updater-1.3.2 does not respect CC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:745267 - "app-crypt/asedriveiiie-serial-3.5 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:745273 - "app-crypt/asedriveiiie-usb-3.5 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:745495 - "app-text/fbreader-0.99.4-r6 calls g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:745831 - "app-crypt/heimdal-7.8.0-r2 fails to compile: ld.gold: error: cannot open libdb.so: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:745837 - "dev-libs/tomsfastmath-0.13.1 fails to compile when changing CC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:745906 - "app-crypt/pkcrack-1.2.2-r2 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:746062 - "dev-db/oracle-instantclient- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:746149 - "net-im/discord-canary-bin or discord-ptb-bin or new USE flags for Discord-bin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:746164 - "app-admin/ansible-2.10.0 : * (no error message)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:746197 - "app-portage/pgo: could it include slot information in "Available Versions" section" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:746203 - "app-portage/pgo: -b does not work, it seems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:746275 - "dev-haskell/* installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:746353 - "sys-apps/portage: 'masked by: package.mask' prints wrong context (?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:746437 - "dev-perl/DBI: insufficient parameter validation in DBD::File (CVE-2014-10402)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:746632 - "dev-libs/libbase58-0.1.4-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:746641 - "sci-electronics/qelectrotech-0.70 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:746878 - "x11-misc/nitrogen-1.6.1-r1 : /.../libintl.h: error: expected unqualified-id before const" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:746887 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --info doesn't distinguish pypy from cpython" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:746929 - "app-misc/mosquitto fails tests "v3 client message" and "v3 sub" tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747016 - "sys-apps/portage: allow configurable lru_cache scaling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747037 - "virtual/blas,cblas,lapack,lapacke: make eselect-ld-so non optional" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747136 - "[TRACKER] BLAS/LAPACK cleaning and restructuring" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747160 - "dev-db/pgbouncer : add systemd support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747313 - "sci-libs/openblas: make eselect-ldso behaviour default and remove eselect-ldso flag" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747385 - "Maintainer: Jonas Toth (gentoo AT jonas-toth.eu)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747388 - "Maintainer: Richard Fröhning (misanthropos AT gmx.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747391 - "Maintainer: Mario Haustein (mario.haustein AT hrz.tu-chemnitz.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747394 - "Maintainer: Sebastian Hamann (gentoo-bugs AT ares-macrotechnology.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747397 - "Maintainer: Daniel Novomesky (dnovomesky AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747598 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.12 fails to compile: checking for isfinite.. checking for finite().. configure: error: no" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747760 - "dev-lang/rust{,-bin}: introduce RUST_TARGETS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747793 - "x11-apps/xdm - add gnome keyring unlocking support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:747844 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt-sanitizers-10.0.1 : CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:748051 - "dev-qt/qt3d-5.15.1 fails to detect system-assimp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:748438 - "media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-nestopia- does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:748441 - "media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-nestopia- installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:748975 - "sys-devel/crossdev should handle profiles explicitly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:749207 - "dev-qt/qtgui-5.15.1-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:749381 - "dev-lang/rust-1.47.0-r1: cargo: error while loading shared libraries: libgit2.so.1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:749591 - "[TRACKER] Packages failing with sys-libs/timezone-data[zic-slim]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:749594 - "dev-python/python-dateutil-2.8.1-r2 fails tests with sys-libs/timezone-data-2020b and slim bloats" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:749606 - "[Tracker] Breakage with OCaml 4.10" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:749612 - "Maintainer: Jesús Perez Rey (gentoo AT chuso.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:749624 - "RESTRICT=binchecks forces running scanelf, despite documentation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:749831 - "dev-libs/nettle-3.6-r2[doc] fails src_configure without sys-apps/texinfo ( configure: error: Cannot find 'makeinfo', required for documentation )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:749879 - "dev-util/github-cli-2.33.0 uses -Werror for build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:749897 - "dev-util/numdiff-5.9.0 QA Notice: Colliding files found by ecompress" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:749906 - "app-portage/nattka integration with bugs.gentoo.org doesn't report failures in minor arch keyword reqs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:749966 - "app-misc/mosquitto fails test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:750041 - "sys-apps/portage: failed emerge invocations can leave the system in an broken state that can cause later emerge invocations to fail unless emerge --update --deep is used" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:750074 - "games-action/supermariowar-2.0_beta1-r2 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:750083 - "dev-python/webob-1.8.6[doc] failed to emerge (pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'webob' distribution was not found and is required by the application)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:750170 - "sys-power/powertop-2.13-r1 : ../config.h: error: rpl_malloc was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:750320 - "dev-python/scipy-1.8.1 fails to compile: source.c:(.text.startup+0x8c): undefined reference to `cblas_ddot'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:750410 - "app-containers/lxd LXD startup failing on non-systemd environments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:750509 - "games-util/slade-3.1.12a fails to compile: sol.hpp:6821:39: error: call of overloaded ‘push<const wchar_t*>(lua_State*&, const wchar_t [2], const wchar_t*)’ is ambiguous" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:750515 - "games-strategy/hedgewars-1.0.0-r100 installs metainfo files into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:750818 - "GURU Access Request: James Beddek" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:750827 - "sys-apps/portage request: make portage's rsync PDEPEND an (on-by-default) USE=rsync IUSE=+rsync PDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:750839 - "dev-libs/sdformat-9.3.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:750917 - "[Tracker] Features / changes proposed for future profile versions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:751184 - "dev-games/openscenegraph-qt-3.5.7-r1 : One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:751253 - "sys-apps/portage: a tool to add/remove binary packages from a repository and merge two binpkg caches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:751361 - "media-gfx/iscan-plugin-gt-f720- : /.../environment:line <snip>: iscan-registry: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:751436 - "media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-bnes- does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:751439 - "media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-dosbox- does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:751445 - "media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-dosbox- installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:751451 - "media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-bnes- installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:751517 - "net-mail/notmuch-0.31-r1: the package seems to have used distutils and setuptools simultaneously" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:751541 - "mail-filter/afew-3.0.1: depends on deprecated notmuch python bindings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:751571 - "app-admin/conserver-8.2.6 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:751616 - "gnome-base/librsvg-2.52.5: Partly ignores *FLAGS, resulting in cross-compile failure with multilib-portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:751622 - "dev-python/pyzmq: partly ignores *FLAGS, results in cross-compile failure with multilib-portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:751649 - "dev-lang/rust: Add use flag for `sanitizers` option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:751715 - "media-sound/audiotools-3.1.1 fails to compile: ld.gold: error: pcm_conv.o: file is empty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:751745 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-good-1.16.2 fails tests: FAIL: elements/flvmux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:752099 - "dev-libs/console_bridge-1.0.1 fails tests: 2 - console_bridge_cppcheck (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:752150 - "sci-biology/gmap-2020.10.27 : file collision with sys-apps/cpuid-20201006" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:752153 - "sys-apps/portage: build time slot operator dependencies do not trigger rebuilds (golang packages for example)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:752459 - "Like to get the source for the livedvd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753149 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --rebuild-if options triggers AttributeError: 'DummyTree' object has no attribute 'get_pkgindex_uri'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753176 - "app-portage/cfg-update-1.8.9: prefix: Aborting due to QA concerns: invalid shebangs found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753293 - "acct-user/pulse-0 : QA Notice: This ebuild installs into paths that should be created at runtime." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753359 - "dev-lang/python-3.10.0_alpha1 fails tests: ERROR: test_connect_capath (test.test_ssl.SimpleBackgroundTests)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753473 - "sys-appts/clgngd: broken HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI, but new upstream" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753494 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge should use a different exit code if it fails during dependency calculation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753500 - "sys-apps/portage: support dynamic symbol version dependencies (like for glibc magic compat symbols)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753596 - "dev-debug/gdb-10.1 fails tests: FAIL: gdb.base/break-interp.exp: ldprelink=NO: ldsepdebug=NO: reach-(_dl_debug_state|dl_main): reach" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753605 - "sys-boot/lilo-24.2-r2 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753695 - "app-containers/snapd: App confinement not working" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753728 - "app-emulation/grub-xen-host fails to recognize ZSTD-compressed domU kernels" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753749 - "games-action/supertuxkart-1.2 : /.../font_manager.cpp: fatal error: harfbuzz/hb-ft.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753770 - "app-admin/salt-3002.1 - start using upstream systemd units" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753836 - "Disbanding Cluster team and giving packages away?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:753979 - "media-libs/lilv-0.24.10 fails tests: ImportError: Failed to import test module: test_api" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:754165 - "dev-python/pytest-forked-1.4.0-r1 fails test_xfail_behavior tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:754204 - "dev-python/pypy-7.3.2: fails test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:754228 - "media-video/vlc should not unconditionally depend on virtual/opengl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:754285 - "dev-haskell/ghc-syb-utils- : * setup configure failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:754321 - "sci-libs/pastix- parallel build error: i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot open output file /var/tmp/portage/sci-libs/pastix- No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:754324 - "dev-python/matplotlib-3.3.2 fails test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:754405 - "media-libs/lilv-0.24.10: fails testRun (test_api.InstanceTests) test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:754756 - "x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.40.0 : file collision with x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.40.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:754777 - "sys-apps/portage: finer-grained scoring for prioritization of build-time dependencies in emerge dependency cycle handling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:754957 - "dev-libs/icu[abi_x86_32] fails without CONFIG_COMPAT_32BIT_TIME kernel option: The futex facility returned an unexpected error code." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:755020 - "dev-db/cockroach-19.1.1 : -- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755062 - "net-dns/https_dns_proxy-0_pre20200925 : /.../dns_poller.c: error: NAN undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755086 - "[science overlay] sci-biology/bamql-1.6.1 : configure: error: We could not detect the llvm libraries make sure that llvm-config is on your path or s" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755110 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt-sanitizers-11.0.0 fails test/gwp_asan/CMakeFiles/check-gwp_asan-unit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755134 - "[science overlay] sci-libs/mesquite-2.3.0 : QA Notice: Unrecognized configure options:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755179 - "sys-apps/policycoreutils-3.7 uses -Werror for build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755443 - "sci-libs/scikit-image-0.17.2-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755446 - "net-im/psi-1.5-r2 has unrecognized configure options (--without-webkit)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755449 - "llvm-core/llvm-roc-3.9.0 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755518 - "[science overlay] sci-biology/caftools-2.0.2 : messubs.c: error: sys_nerr undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755533 - "[science overlay] sci-biology/salmon-0.10.2 : fails to build with -fno-common or gcc-10" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755599 - "net-dns/https_dns_proxy-0_pre20200925 : error: invalid integral value 32:25:16 in -falign-functions=32:25:16 [clang-diagnostic-err" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755656 - "powerpc: Speculative execution vulnerability (CVE-2020-4788)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755734 - "[science overlay] sci-libs/wannier90- : /.../wannier90- <snip>: append-fflags: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755761 - "[science overlay] sci-biology/merlin-1.1.2 : janpdf/PDF.cpp: error: narrowing conversion of 199 from int to char [-Wnarrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755767 - "[science overlay] sci-biology/ncbi-blast+-2.8.1 : configure: error: Do not know how to parse GCC version number 10.2.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755788 - "sci-biology/trf-4.04-r1 : file collision with sci-biology/trf-bin-4.09" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755821 - "[science overlay] sci-physics/tauola-1.1.5 : Files matching a file type that is not allowed:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:755953 - "dev-perl/Search-Xapian- :Xapian.c: error: WildcardError was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:756001 - "app-admin/r10k-4.1.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:756079 - "net-vpn/tor - make init-r9 file more generic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:756103 - "dev-python/passlib-1.7.4 fails tests with PyPy3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:756112 - "media-sound/mellowplayer-3.6.6 New Package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:756199 - "sys-apps/portage: find_smallest_cycle sometimes selects a single node" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:756409 - "net-wireless/suwidgets-0.1.0 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:756718 - "sci-libs/libticonv-1.1.5 :torture_ticonv.c:(.text.startup+<snip>): undefined reference to ticonv_iconv_open" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:756814 - ">dev-db/mariadb-10.2.22-r2 crashes during startup on ppc64-linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:756904 - "[science overlay] dev-perl/go-db-perl-0.04-r1 : file collision with dev-perl/go-perl-0.150.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:757141 - "dev-db/cockroach-19.1.1 : /.../configure:line <snip>: text: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:757510 - "dev-python/numpy: automagically linking against libflame.so" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:757543 - "dev-util/android-sdk-update-manager-24.4.1-r2 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:757588 - "app-eselect/eselect-library: new eselect module for managing runtime loading of libraries - use case for current BLAS LAPACK - in recent future for BLAS64 LAPACK64 SCALAPACK SCALAPACK64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:757663 - "dev-python/eyeD3: fails tests ( tar: ./eyeD3-test-data/Metro Pakt - Neue Stra\341en (1981).mp3: Cannot open: Illegal byte sequence)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:757804 - "virtual/mpi: status of the MPI overlay and the GSOC 2017 project final output - fixing up the MPI subsystem in gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:757897 - "app-portage/gentoolkit - "equery m git" shows one of 3 packages on each run, instead of reporting "Ambiguous package name." like "equery m glib" does." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:757927 - "games-rpg/kqlives-0.99-r2 calls cpp directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:757960 - "dev-libs/libical-3.0.8 fails tests: 41 - timezones (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:758035 - "games-strategy/hedgewars-1.0.0-r1 calls ld directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:758167 - "Fix bootstrapping linker/compiler packages for clang-based darwin prefix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:758356 - "app-text/podofo-0.9.6_p20190928-r100 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:758392 - "net-libs/rtrlib-0.7.0 fails tests: 5 - test_live_validation (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:758467 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "sys-libs/gdbm:0/1.13=[berkdb]" (message for unsatisfied :${SLOT}= dependencies is confusing)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:758767 - "dev-libs/simdjson-3.11.2 : One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:759067 - "FEATURES=getbinpkg overrides emerge command line args: --usepkg=n --getbinpkg=n" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:759109 - "sys-devel/bc: bc-1.07.1-use-system-bc.patch - needs sys-devel/bc in BDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:759127 - "dev-libs/nss-3.59: ...work/nss-3.59/nss-abi_x86_64.amd64/cmd/shlibsign/./sign.sh: line 49: shlibsign: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:759145 - "[crossdev] app-crypt/gnupg-2.2.25: configure: error: You need libusb to build the internal ccid driver. Please install a libusb suitable for your system." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:759151 - "net-wireless/wpa_supplicant-2.9-r2: ../src/drivers/driver_nl80211.c:17:10: fatal error: netlink/genl/genl.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:759154 - "dev-qt/qtcore-5.15.2: ERROR: Feature 'system-doubleconversion' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'features.doubleconversion && libs.doubleconversion' failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:759157 - "dev-qt/qtxml-5.15.2: Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: core-private" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:759196 - "dev-db/cockroach-19.1.1 : /.../version_edit.h: error: implicitly-declared constexpr rocksdb::FileDescriptor::FileDescriptor(const" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:759199 - "dev-lang/ispc-1.18.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:759217 - "dev-build/cmake: PROCESSOR_AFFINITY doesn't work due to unbundled libuv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:759229 - "dev-libs/icu-68.1 fails tests: FAIL: testConverter: fahrenheit to celsius" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:759523 - "sci-libs/gdal-3.2.0 USE=doc Extension error: Could not import extension breathe (exception: No module named 'breathe')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:759976 - "app-text/djview-4.12: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760042 - "dev-util/cucumber-3.2.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760126 - "sys-apps/portage: CLI parser does not handle shorthand '--job' correctly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760138 - "app-shells/mksh-59c calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760153 - "sci-libs/lapack-3.9.0 fails to build with existing ninja versions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760255 - "dev-lang/spidermonkey:102[clang] fails to compile on arm with fatal error: 'type_traits' file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760405 - "dev-lang/rust-bin-1.47.0-r1: claims to support x32 ABI but that's not the case" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760486 - "sys-apps/roccat-tools-5.9.0: automagically links against dev-lang/luajit if present" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760492 - "app-text/convmv-2.05-r1 calls commands that do not exist during tests (test.tmp: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760594 - "net-print/hplip-3.24.4-r1 calls commands that do not exist (gcc/g++: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760630 - "dev-python/eyeD3-0.9.5 calls commands that do not exist (pip: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760693 - "media-libs/skia-89 a complete 2D graphic library for drawing Text, Geometries, and Images. new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760783 - "sys-apps/portage: warn when a package without existing ebuild in the repos is pulled in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760866 - "sys-fs/growpart: lacks init script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:760929 - "sys-apps/portage: add feature to enable runtime fallback of native file copy (from USE=native-extensions)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:761073 - "Gentoo Forums password reset sends unencrypted password via email (and does not force changing it)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:761088 - "net-libs/axtls-2.1.5-r102 calls commands that do not exist during tests ( ssltest: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:761103 - "dev-java/rxtx-2.2_pre2-r1 : lockdaemon.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to minor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:761238 - "net-libs/webkit-gtk: Consider re-enabling NDEBUG" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:761358 - "net-libs/libcork-0.15.0-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:761448 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.15.1-r2 USE="ovmf" fails to link with ld.gold: fatal error: -pie and -static are incompatible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:761532 - "net-misc/wide-dhcpv6::qsx: openrc, new patches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:761559 - "net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.30.4-r1: Could NOT find Threads (missing: Threads_FOUND) (error: unrecognized command-line option ‘-fcolor-diagnostics’) (ccache related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:761700 - "dev-ruby/http-parser-1.2.3-r1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:761715 - ">=dev-db/mysql-8.0.22: failed build on ppc, riscv (error: static assertion failed: (unsigned) long long type on this platform does not have an always-lock-free property. Bailing out ...)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:761864 - "net-libs/daq-2.2.2: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:761924 - "dev-libs/igraph: bundled libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762175 - "media-video/parole-4.16.0 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762262 - "media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.125.0-r1 calls commands that do not exist (md5: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762337 - "app-pda/sogo-connector::sogo-connector QA problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762343 - "qa-reports: turn off experimental checks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762349 - "media-sound/cdplay: unusable without alsa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762352 - "media-sound/cdtool: unusable without alsa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762355 - "media-sound/dcd: unusable without alsa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762358 - "media-sound/mcdp: unusable without alsa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762406 - "[TRACKER] Packages that have failures with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762454 - "meson.eclass: needs to understand different libdirs for different ROOTs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762469 - "mail-filter/MailScanner is broken by 17.1 profiles on amd64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762475 - "dev-util/lttng-tools-2.12.0 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762721 - "gnustep-base/gnustep-base-1.27.0: test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762724 - "gnustep-base/gnustep-gui-0.28.0: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762757 - "media-sound/r128gain multi-format loudness scanner (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762931 - "gnome-base/libgtop-2.40.0-r2 automagically depends on x11-libs/libXau" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:762985 - "dev-libs/xapian-bindings-1.4.17-r100 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:763018 - "llvm-core/llvm-11.0.0: Host compiler appears to require libatomic, but cannot find it (macOS Big Sur, Clang bootstrap)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:763096 - "dev-db/pgrouting-3.1.2 fails to compile: type_traits_std.hpp:54:25: error: expected template-name before ‘<’ token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:763258 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.12 src_unpack environment race condition?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:763480 - "[Tracker] Validate use of virtual/mysql" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:763840 - "net-mail/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2-r1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:763843 - "net-mail/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2-r1 calls ranlib directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:763891 - "app-containers/docker: runscript defines default ulimit options that depend on bash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:763909 - "www-servers/sniproxy-0.6.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764080 - "dev-libs/libvarlink-24 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764083 - "dev-lang/micropython-1.23.0 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764089 - "dev-libs/granite-6.2.0 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764092 - "dev-libs/sdformat-9.8.0 fails to compile: Converter.cc:84:16: error: ‘conversionMap’ was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764095 - "dev-lang/julia-bin-1.8.3 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764182 - "sci-geosciences/viking-1.10 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764188 - "sys-auth/elogind-252.9 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764278 - "dev-python/xcffib-0.11.1: fails tests (xvfb)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764323 - "media-libs/SoXt-1.4.0 : /.../ld: /.../libsimage.so.20: undefined reference to sf_open" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764389 - "Maintainer: David Flogeras" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764443 - "sys-apps/portage: repeat postinst messages at the very end of emerge output (after preserved-libs)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764650 - "mail-filter/opensmtpd-filter-rspamd-0.1.7: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764656 - "dev-libs/libx86-1.1-r4 - thunk.c:14:10: fatal error: sys/io.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764863 - "media-libs/x264-0.0.20231114-r1 - illegal instruction (4) at 3fffa0c9163c nip 3fffa0c9163c lr 3fffa0c91938 code 1 in libx264.so.164[3fffa0c00000+16d000] on <POWER7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:764950 - "FEATURES=noauto incorrectly clears environment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:765214 - "dev-python/iminuit-2.25.2 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:765340 - "sys-cluster/openmpi links to sys-auth/munge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:765352 - "<sys-cluster/crmsh-4.5.0: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:765382 - "mail-client/thunderbird-91.4.1: Files built without respecting CFLAGS have been detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:765475 - "games-board/grhino-0.16.1-r2 calls commands that do not exist (scrollkeeper-preinstall: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:765601 - "dev-util/crash-8.0.6 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:765703 - "dev-scheme/guile-2.2.7: FAIL: check-guile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:765709 - "[tracker] Packages failing to build with dev-build/slibtool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:765802 - "app-misc/piper-0.5.1 : file collision with net-proxy/piper-1.14" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:765817 - "dev-lisp/clozurecl-1.13 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:765823 - "games-emulation/generator-0.35_p4-r1 fails to compile (cpu68k-b.c:506:3: error: unterminated comment)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:765835 - "app-editors/bluefish-2.2.15 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:765850 - "app-containers/cri-o: enable choice between runc and crun" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:765871 - "sci-chemistry/modeller-9.25 : /.../environment:line <snip>: 2to3: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:765883 - "Please remove all the user watches I have" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:766159 - "dev-ruby/http-parser-1.2.3: test failures (on sparc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:766222 - "net-misc/xrdp - an open source RDP server (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:766258 - "sys-apps/portage: CONFIG_PROTECT sometimes (?) ineffective for /etc/python-exec/python-exec.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:766294 - "sci-mathematics/rstudio: restore package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:766318 - "QA Notice: Unrecognized ELF file(s) (riscv32)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:766381 - "dev-db/cockroach-19.1.1 calls commands that do not exist (line 13088: text: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:766692 - "app-backup/amanda-3.5.4-r1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:766698 - "app-backup/amanda-3.5.4-r1 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:766779 - "sys-apps/portage: preserve-libs should not re-parent preserved libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:766836 - "dev-util/roctracer-4.0.0-r1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:767148 - "dev-libs/starpu-1.2.6-r1 calls commands that do not exist (checking for OPENBLAS... no ./configure: line 34929: text: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:767274 - "www-client/luakit-2.2.1-r100 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:767319 - "mail-mta/qpsmtpd-0.84-r2 : * postdrop is not a valid GID" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:767466 - "media-radio/cqrlog-2.4.0 calls ld directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:767745 - "net-fs/autofs-5.1.9-r1 installs shared libraries that lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:767820 - "app-containers/snapd: ebuild forces systemd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:767856 - "sys-process/numactl-2.0.14: checktopology fails on sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:767889 - "sys-process/bpytop-1.0.68-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:767901 - "dev-haskell/zlib- fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:768180 - "dev-haskell/persistent- : Database/.../Raw.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:768288 - "app-crypt/pinentry-1.1.1: broken border depending on terminal size" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:768438 - "dev-python/pycryptodome-3.9.9-r1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:768507 - "app-crypt/heimdal-7.7.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:768603 - "net-wireless/rfcat was tree cleaned due to Py2 removal. Rfcat has now full Py3 support, please restore" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:768801 - "media-libs/sdl2-image-2.0.5 fails to compile: configure: error: SDL version 2.0.8 not found!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:768864 - "OASIS-Open (used by app-emacs/org-mode) may be a free software license" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:768993 - "[TRACKER] GTK-2 EOL and removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769038 - "media-sound/aumix: drop gtk2 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769086 - "app-i18n/uim: drop optional gtk2 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769107 - "app-i18n/ibus: drop optional gtk2 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769128 - "app-admin/gtkdiskfree: drop optional gtk2 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769155 - "media-gfx/xsane-0.999-r3 Preview window from xsane is broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769179 - "service_started always returns 1 in stop_pre context" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769248 - "sys-cluster/teleport-5.1.2: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769263 - "media-fonts/iosevka: build from source to allow different styles to be installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769281 - "dev-util/coz-profiler: cpp profiler (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769284 - "app-text/gtkspell:2 depends on x11-libs/gtk+:2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769305 - "<net-im/pidgin-3[gtk,spell] depends on app-text/gtkspell:2 and x11-libs/gtk+:2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769350 - "<media-gfx/gimp-2.99 depends on x11-libs/gtk+:2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769359 - "sys-apps/install-xattr - allow installing files from filesystems without xattr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:769452 - "[Tracker] virtual/rust lacks keywords on several arches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769473 - "dev-lang/rust-bin: add armv4, armv5 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769527 - "dev-haskell/quickcheck-classes- : Not in scope: data constructor Apply2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769686 - "media-libs/virglrenderer-1.0.1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769689 - "www-plugins/lightspark-0.8.4 fails to compile: tags.cpp:2758:36: error: ‘AV_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE’ was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769734 - "dev-lang/lfe-2.0.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769746 - "dev-db/timescaledb-2.0.1 uses -Werror for build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769779 - "sci-libs/pastix-5.2.3 : sopalin/.../starpu_submit_tasks.c: error: expected expression before ; token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769812 - "dev-db/barman-2.19 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:769815 - "dev-db/citus-12.1.6 calls cpp directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770058 - "dev-util/clib-2.7.0 (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:770073 - "sys-devel/kgcc64-9.3.0-r2 (hppa) : many test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770109 - "metadata/install-qa-check.d/08gentoo-paths: allow more than /usr/share/doc/${PF} for docs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770115 - "media-video/peek-1.5.1-r1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770118 - "media-video/celluloid-0.26 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770136 - "git shallow clone of the gentoo git repository results in: error 504" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770235 - "net-analyzer/tcpflow-1.6.1-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770337 - "<sys-fs/zfs-{2.1.15,2.2.0}: ipv6 access control confusion (CVE-2013-20001)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:770484 - "games-emulation/lxdream-0.9.1-r3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770496 - "sci-chemistry/tinker-8.2.1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770733 - "x11-misc/macopix-3.4.0-r1 calls commands that do not exist (gl_EXTERN_INLINE: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770736 - "games-puzzle/sgt-puzzles-20190415 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770748 - "app-admin/conky-1.11.6-r2: src/CMakeFiles/conky.dir/main.cc.o: in function `__gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add(int volatile*, int)': undefined reference to `__atomic_fetch_add_4'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770763 - "dev-libs/xerces-c: XML parser contains a use-after-free error triggered during the scanning of external DTDs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:770829 - "Please upload your pstats dumps here." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770838 - "sci-physics/looptools-2.15 - does x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gfortran append underscores... error linking Fortran and C" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770985 - "sys-boot/mbr-1.1.11-r2 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:770994 - "media-libs/raspberrypi-userland-0_pre20201022: no longer installs GL includes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:771009 - "app-metrics/uwsgi_exporter-0.8.0 - command failed: build -o bin/uwsgi_exporter -ldflags -X github.com/timonwong/uwsgi_exporter/ven" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771048 - "sys-cluster/zetcd-0.0.4 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771051 - "sys-cluster/teleport-4.1.4 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771129 - "[tracker] go packages that do not build with go 1.16 due to being unable to find the main module" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771189 - "x11-themes/gtk-engines-2.20.2-r101 fails tests: fatal: making test-suite.log: failed to create exported_clearlooks.trs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771216 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-5.10.16, sys-kernel/vanilla-kernel-5.10.17 uses -Werror for build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771288 - "www-apache/mod_h2-2.0.29 uses -Werror for build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771306 - "dev-util/wasmer-0.11.0 - error: unused import: std::panic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771324 - "kernel-build.eclass: use SYSROOT for configs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771360 - "sys-apps/sandbox: please allow sandbox to work with kernel.yama.ptrace_scope = 2 (i.e. disabling ptrace)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771540 - "sys-apps/portage: make.conf documentation about security.* exclusion is incorrect, and PORTAGE_XATTR_EXCLUDE="security.* -security.capability" is desirable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771588 - "sci-mathematics/cgal-5.2 - /.../camera.h: error: QOpenGLFunctions_2_1 does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771777 - "dev-libs/gjs-1.64.4[sysprof] with glib[sysprof] error: ‘sysprof_capture_writer_set_flush_delay’ was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771864 - "app-laptop/pbbuttonsd-0.8.1a - driver_mixer_alsa.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to moddata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771867 - "app-emulation/punes-0.107 - /.../gl32.h: error: void _glewActiveTexture(GLenum) redeclared as different kind of entity" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771879 - "Maintainer: Jonathan Davies (jpds AT protonmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771885 - "Maintainer: Peter Alfredsen (crabbedhaloablution AT icloud.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771888 - "Maintainer: Chris Pritchard (chris AT christopherpritchard.co.uk)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771891 - "Maintainer: Alex Barker (alex AT 1stleg.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771894 - "Maintainer: Florian Förster (foerster.florianjr AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:771987 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --keep-going support for behavior related to --ignore-world and --implicit-system-deps=n" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:772236 - "app-crypt/moolticute-0.43.19 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:772269 - "p.g.o doesn't show all licenses - only from newest version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:772338 - "app-editors/vis-0.8 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:772350 - "net-misc/AQtion-2.3.4-r1 - /.../aq_filters.h: error: field aq_fsp has incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:772353 - "sys-apps/portage: optimize LinkageMapELF rebuild method to update data structures efficiently" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:772380 - "sys-apps/portage: implement an ebuild generator for "ebins" which are inspired by paludis "pbins" and IUSE_RUNTIME (GLEP 62)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:772818 - "dev-util/colm-0.14.7: fails 1 test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:772860 - "dev-db/cockroach-19.1.1 go: cannot find main module" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:772902 - "media-libs/zimg-3.0.1: failed build on arm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:772986 - "app-shells/bash-4.3_p48-r2 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:772989 - "sys-block/ndctl-71.1 - configure: error: Package requirements (bash-completion >= 2.0) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773229 - "net-mail/dbmail-3.3.1: stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773241 - "net-dialup/radiusclient-ng-0.5.6-r1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773244 - "dev-libs/papi- fails to compile (error: ‘_papi_hwi_my_thread’ undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean ‘_papi_hwi_read’?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773259 - "please document binpkg-multi-instance binary format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773262 - "sci-astronomy/cpl-7.0 - configure: error: Building with thread support requires a thread-safe libcfitsio! Please update your cfits" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773271 - "app-doc/eclass-manpages: Add direct links to eclass source" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773400 - "dev-db/kyotocabinet-1.2.77 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773475 - "dev-util/premake:5: contains several *vulnerable* bundled libraries (curl, mbedtls, ...)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773580 - "dev-haskell/prettyprinter-1.6.1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773586 - "x11-libs/libQGLViewer-2.7.2 - animation.cpp:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to glColor3f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773610 - "dev-python/pandas-1.2.1 fails test TestTimestampProperties.test_is_leap_year" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773925 - "dev-python/pytest-salt-factories-0.121.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773964 - "media-video/ttcut-0.19.6_p1-r1 - /.../ld: obj/ttmpeg2window.o: undefined reference to symbol glLoadIdentity" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:773985 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-5.11.2 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:774099 - "sci-mathematics/yafu-1.34.3-r1 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:774111 - "x11-misc/primus: nvidia compat libs cleanups" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:774144 - "dev-lang/jsonnet-0.17.0-r1 calls python directly (dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:774153 - "games-strategy/0ad-0.0.26_alpha fails to compile (ERROR: Building ICU requires either yasm or a GNU assembler.)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:774165 - "Maintainer: Emily Mills (emily AT emlove.me)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:774168 - "media-sound/solfege-3.23.4 - /.../compiler.h: fatal error: asm/rwonce.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:774315 - "dev-libs/pmdk-1.9.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:774324 - "net-print/cnrdrvcups-lb-5.80 calls commands that do not exist ( ./configure: line 2780: COMMON_SUFFIX: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:774384 - "sys-apps/portage-prefix: Add option to disable locking or use symlinks for systems that do not support hardlinks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:774399 - "games-action/lugaru-1.2 installs metainfo files into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:774540 - "dev-lang/ghc: cross compilation of haskell packages fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:774549 - "sys-apps/portage: automatically handle variance in var/db/pkg/*/*/EPREFIX" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:774693 - "sys-power/apcupsd-3.14.14-r2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:774744 - "Dependencies: update example for Use-conditional-dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:774996 - "net-voip/yate-6.2.0 - configure: error: iSAC Fixed and iSAC Float can not be enabled both at the same time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775020 - "dev-libs/starpu-1.2.6-r1 w/ media-libs/freeglut built with OpenGL_GL_PREFERENCE=GLVND: configure: error: cannot find glut" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775137 - "media-libs/libepoxy-1.5.4 does not respect LDFLAG norelro" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775149 - "x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.42.2 does not respect LDFLAG norelro" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775152 - "dev-libs/atk-2.36.0 does not respect LDFLAG norelro" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775191 - "[Tracker] Packages using forbidden (undefined) variables in various phases (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775212 - "dev-util/redo-0.42c - ksh... failed s60 W94 F102 W114 W118" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775293 - "sci-libs/arprec-2.2.19 - main.cpp: error: variable or field FC_FUNC_ declared void" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775374 - "dev-ruby/rails-html-sanitizer-1.4.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775398 - "gnome2-utils.eclass: uses emktemp in gnome2_gdk_pixbuf_update()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775407 - "media-libs/rlottie: 'examples' IUSE does nothing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775416 - "sys-apps/sandbox: causes unlink() to return EACCES instead of ENOENT for missing pyc & pyo files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775443 - "media-sound/mixxx-{2.3.1-r3,2.3.9999,9999}: upstream has changed from libshout to libshout-idjc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775470 - "Indicate if a package is ALLARCHES" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775476 - "portage: --usepkg-exclude should allow "*::overlay"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:775488 - "net-print/cups-2.3.3-r2 enables pie on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775569 - "dev-util/xdelta-3.0.11-r1 calls commands that do not exist during tests (xdelta3: testing externally_compressed_io.........sh: line 1: compress: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775590 - "sci-mathematics/fann-2.2.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775608 - "sys-cluster/libqb-2.0.8 [doc] make: *** No rule to make target 'doxygen'. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775794 - "dev-libs/libgaminggear-0.15.1[doc] fails to configure: INSTALL DIRECTORY given no DESTINATION!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775893 - "app-editors/leafpad depends on x11-libs/gtk+:2 (replaced by app-editors/l3afpad?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775929 - "net-libs/libcork-0.15.0-r2 calls python directly (dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775935 - "net-irc/znc-igloo-push-20200520 fails to compile (Error: znc-buildmod requires python)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775977 - "Maintainer: Octiabrina Terrien-Puig (myrvogna AT electrosphe.re)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:775986 - "net-misc/ntp-4.2.8_p15 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776022 - "media-fonts/liberation-fonts-2.1.3 - !!! Couldnt download liberation-fonts-ttf-2.1.3.tar.gz. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776316 - "dev-ruby/minitest-5.14.4[ruby_targets_ruby27]: rubygems.rb:16:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems/compatibility (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776328 - "dev-ruby/hashicorp-checkpoint-0.1.5-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776391 - "sci-libs/trilinos-13.0.1 calls python directly (dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776616 - "sys-apps/pick-4.0.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776640 - "dev-ruby/xmlrpc-0.3.0 - * ERROR: dev-ruby/xmlrpc-0.3.0::gentoo failed (install phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776730 - "sys-devel/dwz-0.13 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776820 - "dev-ruby/stringex-2.8.5 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776835 - "mail-mta/qpsmtpd-0.95-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776841 - "app-shells/pdsh-2.34-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776847 - "sys-fs/xwmfs-0.86 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776850 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin-5.10.20-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776880 - "x11-misc/xvkbd-4.1 - /.../ld: /.../libXaw3d.so: undefined reference to multiSinkObjectClass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:776919 - "dev-libs/glib-2.66.7[abi_x86_32] fails test "glib:glib+slow / 1bit-emufutex"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777042 - "dev-libs/libsigc++-3.4.0[doc] The ebuild is installing to one or more unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777066 - "dev-vcs/subversion-1.14.1[apache2] cannot stat '.libs/libmod_dav_svn.a': No such file or directory when using rlibtool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777084 - "dev-libs/libtomcrypt-1.18.2-r2 rlibtool: error logged in slbt_lconf_open(), line 73: flow error: unexpected condition or other. when using rlibtool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777111 - "sys-apps/portage: score binary packages by difference between built USE configuration and desired USE configuration as alternative to --binpkg-respect-use" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777120 - "sys-apps/portage: newins error message could be better if new filename argument contains a slash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777129 - "[Tracker] Packages with multiple KEYWORDS lines defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777351 - "sci-chemistry/modeller-9.25 - Package glib-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777360 - "pCloud console client (New package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:777441 - ">=net-dns/bind-tools-9.16.13 rlibtool: error: --mode must be specified (when using MAKEFLAGS='LIBTOOL=rlibtool')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777459 - "sys-apps/sysvinit: add pf:12345:powerwait:/sbin/halt back to inittab" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777471 - "Maintainer: nick black (dankamongmen AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777495 - "sys-fs/aufs-util-4.14_p20190603-r1 calls readelf directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777510 - "media-gfx/krita-4.4.2[-gsl] fails to build: KisBezierUtils.cpp:738:19: error: gsl_vector does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777561 - "dev-libs/libpmemobj-cpp - C++ bindings for dev-libs/pmdk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777609 - "[TRACKER] Requests for new packages which depend on Gradle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777624 - "sys-apps/portage: add USE mapping for splitdebug and installsources FEATURES like we have for FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777627 - "sys-apps/portage: support package.buildpkg configuration file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777636 - "dev-libs/glib-2.74.6 [gtk-doc] fails to build: ERROR: Unknown variable "libgdbus_example_objectmanager_dep"." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777645 - "app-metrics/unbound-telemetry-0.1.0_pre20210920-r1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777654 - "sys-fabric/opensm-3.3.23-r1 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:777918 - "[TRACKER] sunrise was discontinued in 2016. Time for final shutdown and clean up." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778038 - "sys-apps/portage: -k breaks slot rebuilds on virtual/dist-kernel upgrade" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778047 - "dev-util/dialog-1.3.20240101 - rlibtool: error logged in slbt_lconf_open(), line 597: flow error: unexpected condition or other." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778173 - "apache-module.eclass: uses dohtml in apache-module_src_install even with EAPI 7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778191 - "flag-o-matic.eclass: add support for filtering MAKEOPTS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778197 - "net-fs/samba-4.14.2 : does not respect -j1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778284 - "How to protect our trademark?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778326 - "dev-libs/rocm-device-libs-4.0.0 - /.../llvm-link: error: linked module is broken!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778356 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.17-r2 fails tests: SimpleEmergeTestCase: Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778422 - "dev-python/autobahn-21.2.1 collides with other packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778479 - "net-misc/dhcp-4.4.3_p1-r5 - rdlibtool: error: --mode must be specified." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778485 - "sys-devel/crosstool-ng-1.26.0 - rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_lconf_open(), line 597: flow error: unexpected condition or other." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778518 - "sys-cluster/ceph-15.2.10-r1 sandbox violation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778536 - "media-plugins/calf-0.90.3: doesn't fully respect CFLAGS (forces -O3)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778539 - "dev-games/ode-0.16: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778860 - "sys-apps/portage: use [INFO], [WARN] and [ERROR] prefixes to ensure that severity of emerge messages is clearly distinguishable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:778866 - "sys-apps/portage: add emerge --rage option that disables all delays, so --rage-clean is equivalent to --rage --unmerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:778872 - "sys-apps/portage: add emerge --ask-delay=n option that disables all delays when --ask is specified" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:779082 - "dev-libs/rocr-runtime-4.1.0: clang-12: error: unable to execute command: Segmentation fault (core dumped)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:779094 - "media-sound/spotify-1.1.55 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:779184 - "media-tv/kodi-21.0-r2 fails tests on 32-bit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:779364 - "[TRACKER] packages that use $(LIBTOOL) without autotools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:779460 - "Elastic-2.0 license" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:779577 - "dev-lang/mono: add support for Heimdal (use virtual/krb5 once supported upstream)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:779658 - "dev-util/roctracer-4.0.0-r1 fails to compile (roctracer_kfd.h:29:10: fatal error: kfd_ostream_ops.h: No such file or directory)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:779697 - "media-libs/waffle-1.7.0 - ../.../meson.build: ERROR: Dependency wayland-protocols not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:779715 - "dev-python/pycryptodome-3.10.1 - /.../ld: cannot find -ltomcrypt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:779754 - "app-admin/sagan-2.0.1-r4 - configure: error: The Maxmind GeoIP library cannot be found." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:779766 - "emerge: long delay during refreshing keys over IPv6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:779781 - "app-emulation/spim-8.0-r3 calls nm directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:779823 - "net-print/cndrvcups-lb-3.70 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:780036 - "app-arch/stormlib-9.23-r1 - /.../ld: cannot find -ltomcrypt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:780078 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.14.1-r2 - /.../ssh.c: fatal error: libssh/sftp.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:780324 - "Set up project web resource hosting for Kernel" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:780327 - "new git repository: proj/genpatches-misc.git" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:780333 - "new git repository: GKernelCI repositories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:780540 - "games-roguelike/tome-2.3.5 - main-gtk2.c: fatal error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:780543 - "games-misc/wumpus-1.4-r2 - file collision with games-misc/bsd-games-3.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:780579 - "<dev-python/django-{2.2.20,3.0.14,3.1.8}: MultiPartParser directory traversal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:780582 - "app-containers/umoci: host file overwrite" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:780627 - "app-portage/nattka should report line/pkg which caused nattka to skip bug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:780666 - "dev-libs/OpenNI2 Add ARM64 patches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:780732 - "games-fps/etqw-demo-2.0_p1-r3 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:780840 - "sci-libs/libsigrok-0.5.2-r1 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: error: src/.../libdrivers.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:780933 - "sci-mathematics/dsfmt-2.2.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:781083 - "net-misc/secpanel-0.6.1-r1 - convert: no decode delegate for this image format GIF @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/572." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:781827 - "meson.eclass: provide a way to inject custom values to [binaries] section" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:781851 - "dev-ml/llvm: uses hardcoded CC from OCaml build-time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:781857 - "app-admin/webapp-config: emerge successful after webapp-config install error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:781875 - "sys-apps/portage: improve make.conf parser" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:781881 - "New policy on removing old GLEP 81 acct-user/acct-group packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:781944 - "genkernel should provide kernel.config for hppa c8000 (parisc64)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:781950 - "[Future EAPI] Move initd/confd functions out of PMS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:781953 - "Document usage of FFLAGS and FCFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:781995 - "games-strategy/knights-demo-1.32-r4 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:782088 - "sys-devel/binutils: tests fail on hppa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:782094 - "dev-haskell/quickcheck-2.13.2 - Test/.../Random.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:782391 - "games-sports/ultimatestunts-0.7.7-r1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:782559 - "sys-block/libfabric-1.11.2 - configure: error: Cannot continue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:782610 - "net-print/c2esp-27 fails to compile: undefined reference to `cupsDitherNew'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:782619 - "sci-chemistry/tinker-8.2.1-r1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:782622 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 fails to compile: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gfortran: error: unrecognized command-line option -frecord-gcc-switches.a; did you mean -frecord-gcc-switches?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:782670 - "xfce-base/exo-4.16.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:782712 - "net-analyzer/ntopng-6.0 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:782871 - "media-sound/fluidsynth does not find soundfont from media-sound/fluid-soundfont by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:782910 - "sys-apps/portage: add variable like PORTAGE_LOG_FILTER_FILE_CMD that's used to filter stdout if it's not a tty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:782982 - "[guru] games-emulation/np2kai depends on x11-libs/gtk+:2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:783105 - "gnome-base/librsvg-2.50.4 does not respect CC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:783147 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge sync verification with gemato raised unhandled OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:783606 - "games-server/mtavc: bump to newer version (and build from source?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:783666 - "www-servers/fnord-1.11-r3 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784005 - "[guru] app-shells/zsh-autosuggestions-0.6.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784062 - "app-misc/ca-certificates - update-ca-certificates symlink generation varies based on --root" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784104 - "app-i18n/fcitx-libpinyin-4.9999: Package dependency requirement 'libpinyin >= 2.6.0' could not be satisfied." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784155 - "app-misc/lirc-0.10.1-r4 - /.../install: cannot stat ./.../lirc-0.10.1.tar.gz: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784245 - "dev-lang/julia: enable polly and polly-openmp support for automatic parallelization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784263 - "[TRACKER] Packages that do not enable available tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784275 - "dev-java/aspectj please provide the aspectj compiler (ajc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784317 - "x11-misc/nitrogen-1.6.1-r2 calls commands that do not exist (./configure: line 3858: ++: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784482 - "dev-php/theseer-Autoload-1.26.0 - /.../php:line <snip>: /.../php: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784488 - "net-mail/dbmail-3.2.3-r3: configure: error: Could not find ZDB library." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784527 - "net-wireless/tempestsdr-0.0_p20200221-r1 calls g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784602 - "opensearch amazon's free/oss elasticsearch fork (Open source distributed and RESTful search engine.)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784620 - "dev-qt/qtpaths (and others?) uses old CC/CXX value from some other package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784623 - "dev-lang/ghc-8.8.4 has unrecognized configure options: --with-compiler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784626 - "dev-python/python-swiftclient-3.10.1 calls commands that do not exist (line 2816: flake8: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784680 - "[guru] sys-fs/gfs2-utils-3.4.1 uses automake in maintainer-mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:784803 - "dev-java/ant-contrib-1.0_beta6_pre20201123-r1: tests are disabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785040 - "net-analyzer/flow-tools-0.68.6-r1 moved config dir to /etc/flow-tools/flow-tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785304 - "dev-python/git-review-2.4.0 is missing tests (does not enable tests)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785361 - "dev-scheme/guile-gi-0.3.1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785460 - "sys-apps/portage: unit test failures and errors when source directory and TMPDIR contain non-UTF8 characters" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:785499 - ">=app-emulation/wine-staging-6.7 implicitly forces clang with wrong CFLAGS?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785514 - "x11-misc/xmobar-0.37 - src/.../Parse.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785580 - "sys-apps/mlocate-0.26-r3: find ... File name too long" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785583 - "app-arch/file-roller-3.38.1: Opening files with .. in name inside .zip results in leaving the temporary dir (~/.cache/.fr-xxxxxx)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785607 - "[TRACKER] QA issues for packages in guru overlay" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785610 - "app-containers/k3d-4.4.2 calls commands that do not exist (/bin/bash: line 1: golangci-lint: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785709 - "dev-lang/lazarus-2.2.0 calls ld directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785715 - "dev-python/djangorestframework-3.12.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785784 - "[guru] net-misc/purritobin-0.5.2 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785799 - "dev-vcs/git-annex-8.20200810 - BuildFlags.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785808 - "dev-db/cockroach-19.1.1 - Makefile:<snip>: *** Variable LIBTOOL is not recognized by this Makefile. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:785820 - "dev-java/java-config: depend-java-query - if invalid jdk specification is used (virtual/jdk:*) then the error should say that version must be specified" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786018 - "[guru] www-client/badwolf-1.3.0-r1 installs .desktop files with MimeType but does not update desktop mimeinfo cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786102 - "net-dialup/freeradius-3.0.21-r1 - rdlibtool: error: --shared is not a synonym for -shared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786531 - "net-misc/rygel-0.40.3 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786537 - "net-misc/rygel-0.40.1 - /.../rygel-media-art-store.c:101: undefined reference to media_art_plugin_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786588 - "dev-python/matplotlib-3.4.1: fails tests on x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786594 - "dev-python/pandas-1.2.3-r1: fails one test on x86 (test_rolling_quantile_interpolation_options)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786600 - "dev-python/matplotlib-3.4.1: fails two LaTeX tests (test_minus_signs_with_tex[lualatex-pdf], test_pdf_pages[lualatex])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786639 - "sci-mathematics/calc- calls gcc(?) directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786663 - "sci-astronomy/skymaker-3.10.5 - /.../ld: fft.o:/.../threads.h:132: multiple definition of nproc; alterimage.o:/.../threads.h:132:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786735 - "media-sound/schismtracker-20240523 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786810 - "log fetch failures in the same way as normal." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786879 - "sys-auth/pam_dotfile-0.7-r2 - Couldnt open -:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786969 - "app-editors/nano-5.6.1[static]: fails to build ((.text+0x758): undefined reference to `dlclose')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786972 - "sys-fs/dd-rescue-1.99.10: fails tests (dd_rescue: (fatal): crypt(0): Could not write key/IV/pass/salt file)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:786981 - "sys-fs/dd-rescue-1.99.10: fails to build on ppc ( /usr/lib/gcc/powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu/10.2.0/include/altivec.h:34:2: error: #error Use the "-maltivec" flag to enable PowerPC AltiVec support)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:787032 - "random/package: build failure because a DEPEND is not scheduled before" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:787056 - "sys-devel/{binutils,gcc}: improve man & info page handling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:787197 - "games-strategy/freesynd-0.7.5 - src/dump.cpp: fatal error: default_ini.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:787275 - "dev-python/iminuit bundles sci-libs/minuit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:787293 - "gui-libs/gtk-4.2.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:787314 - "net-misc/ptpd-2.3.1-r2 - /.../ossl_typ.h: error: conflicting types for EVP_MD_CTX; have struct evp_md_ctx_st" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:787404 - "[Tracker] gd-related Perl module issues (it's a mess)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:787425 - "media-libs/libpano13-2.9.20: removal (depends on deprecated jdk / jre)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:787542 - "sys-apps/portage: die hooks called when ${T} does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:787572 - "app-emulation/virtualbox-6.1.20-r1 kmk_builtin_redirect […]/Runtime/errmsgdata.h Segmentation fault kmk: *** Exiting with status 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:787755 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge option to recursively remove a package and its reverse dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:787770 - "[TRACKER] sys-apps/portage: use database(s) with mmap and zero-copy support to reduce memory footprint" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:787785 - "sys-apps/portage: add unit test option to report profiling results similar to a code coverage report" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:787869 - "sci-geosciences/gmt-5.4.4 - file collision with sci-geosciences/gmaptool-08220" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:787878 - "net-irc/irccloud-desktop-bin-0.16.0-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:788130 - "<dev-python/django-{2.2.21,3.1.9,3.2.1}: directory-traversal via uploaded files with suitably crafted file names (another one)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:788139 - "Maintainer: Esteve Varela Colominas (esteve.varela AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:788175 - "sys-auth/thinkfinger-0.3-r3 has unrecognized configure options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:788250 - "=dev-python/numpy-1.20.2 fails to built with CFLAGS="-O2 -Wextra" (build system uses -Werror)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:788325 - "support MAKEOPTS="-jauto"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:788337 - "x11-themes/tango-icon-theme: use kde-plasma/kde-cli-tools in addition to gnome-base/librsvg?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:788346 - "sys-apps/portage: improve numeric sorting of USE flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:788394 - "app-portage/smart-live-rebuild: media-libs/freetype-9999: [KeyError] "Environment does not declare: ['EGIT_REPO_URI']"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:788415 - "Improve error message for masked USE-flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:788652 - "dev-python/scipy-1.6.2: fails 1 test on ppc64 (TestNoData.test_nodata)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:788691 - "dev-build/kbuild-0.1.9998.3407 kmk_builtin_redirect […]/kUtil/kUtil.a Segmentation fault (GCC 11.1?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:788943 - "dev-lang/julia-1.8.5-r1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:788946 - "dev-lang/julia-1.8.5-r1 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:788955 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: equery uses docker results are nondeterministic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:788985 - "media-libs/vamp-plugin-sdk-2.10 fails to compile: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: ./libvamp-hostsdk.a: error adding symbols: file format not recognized" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789408 - "dev-haskell/hashable- - * setup configure failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789444 - "dev-java/sbt-0.13.18-r1 - [error] Could not create file /.../outjava.io.IOException: Too many open files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789486 - "sci-libs/ignition-math-6.5.0: ignores -j2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789552 - "sci-visualization/paraview license review" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789570 - "dev-ruby/execjs-2.8.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789621 - "app-text/tokyodystopia-0.9.15 - * dodoc failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789639 - "games-arcade/sdb-1.0.2-r2 - file collision with dev-lang/snobol-1.4.1-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789669 - "[Future EAPI] Make unpack fail when passed an unsupported file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789678 - "net-irc/iroffer-dinoex-3.32 - src.de/iroffer_transfer.c: error: expected expression before % token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789690 - "app-editors/mousepad-0.5.5 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789723 - "media-libs/xine-lib-1.2.11 - configure: error: Package egl, required by virtual:world, not found." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789729 - "Problem merging symbolic links over directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789750 - "sci-libs/alglib-3.17.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789756 - "x11-wm/ctwm-4.0.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789789 - "app-backup/snapper-0.8.15-r1 - BtrfsUtils.cc: error: aggregate snapper::BtrfsUtils::qgroup_query_usage(int, snapper::BtrfsUtils::q" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789957 - "dev-ruby/rubygems-3.0.9 Errno::EACCES: Permission denied @ rb_file_s_rename when trying to bundle install using rubygems > 3.0.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:789984 - "sys-cluster/ucx-1.10.0_rc5 - Package 'knem', required by 'virtual:world', not found - checking whether KNEM_CMD_GET_INFO is declared... no" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790173 - "games-fps/ut2003-demo-2206-r5 - !!! Fetched file: ut2003demo-lnx-2206.sh.bin VERIFY FAILED!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790197 - "dev-util/geany-1.37.1 - UnicodeEncodeError: ascii codec cant encode character \xe1 in position 130918: ordinal not in range(128)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790401 - "Probably false messages from either g-sorcery, layman, or portage regarding masters attribute" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790422 - "[Future EAPI] USE-dependent USE-flag masking" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790425 - "sci-libs/pastix-5.2.3[starpu] - /.../ld: sopalin/.../starpu_submit_tasks_ge.o:(.bss+<snip>): multiple definition of starpu_pastix_sched_po" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790452 - "Maintainer: Vladimir Kuznetsov (fulade AT riseup.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790461 - "glibc-2.33: /var/lib/portage/preserved_libs_registry void and all preserved libs killed after glibc update" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:790464 - "sci-visualization/zhu3d-4.2.6-r1 - /.../ld: gldraw.o: undefined reference to symbol glNormal3fv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790491 - "sys-cluster/kubectl-1.21.1 - make[1]: *** [Makefile.generated_files:657: gen_bindata] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790518 - "dev-ruby/bundler-2.2.17 - uh-oh! RDoc had a problem:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790584 - "sys-block/thin-provisioning-tools-0.9.0: fails 94 tests on ppc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790593 - "media-libs/libheif-1.11.0: fails (go) tests on ppc64 ( ./heif-test.go:83:12: undefined: heif.NewContext)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790608 - "dev-java/xom: skips tests because of unresolved test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790641 - "app-office/abiword-3.0.4 - /.../xap_UnixModule.cpp:50: undefined reference to g_module_open" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790716 - "Users not in LDAP, but with historical CVS commits" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790749 - "games-arcade/gish-demo-1.6-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790833 - "sys-cluster/legion-19.06.0 - CMake Error at cmake/FindGASNet.cmake:327 (message):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:790839 - "sys-apps/portage: make emerge --noconfmem the default behavior" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791019 - "games-fps/etqw-demo-2.0_p1-r3 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791022 - "games-fps/etqw-demo-2.0_p1-r3 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791025 - "games-fps/ezquake-bin-2.2-r3 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791028 - "games-fps/transfusion-bin-1.01-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791088 - "media-tv/mythtv-31.0_p20210225 failed to emerge [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791130 - "dev-vcs/git-annex-8.20200810[benchmark] failed to emerge (Database/Benchmark.hs:95:26: error: Couldn't match type [Char] with B8.ByteString)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791241 - "sys-cluster/gasnet-1.30.0 - gasnet_ofi.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to fi_dupinfo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791304 - "dev-util/peg-0.1.18 - cp: cannot create regular file /.../peg.1: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791370 - "x11-misc/compose-tables-1.8.4-r1: configure: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -E defines unix with or without -undef" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791478 - "media-gfx/iscan-3.65.0 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++: error: unrecognized command-line option -weak (slibtool)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791592 - "dev-util/lttng-modules-2.12.5 - /.../lttng-tracepoint-event-impl.h: error: conflicting types for trace_kmem_cache_free; have void(" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791628 - "net-misc/mulk-0.7.0-r1 - checksum.h: error: unknown type name MD2_CTX" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791661 - "games-emulation/atari800-4.2.0 - rdevice.c: error: caddr_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791685 - "sys-apps/portage: add profile-formats extension to enable repository-local USE_EXPAND settings in $repository/profile/make.defaults so third-party overlays to have their way with USE_EXPAND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791724 - "media-libs/libffado-2.4.9 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791856 - "sys-apps/portage: package moves not applied with FEATURS=binpkg-multi-instance when any package instance for the same CPV already exists: Cannot update binary: Destination exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:791958 - "dev-cpp/gstreamermm-1.10.0 always builds examples regrardless of the USE=examples" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792057 - "net-dns/dnsmasq-2.85 - crypto.c: error: missing binary operator before token (" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792321 - "toolchain.eclass: forcibly sets *FLAGS for crossdev GCCs, prevents debug symbols from being built" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792384 - "sci-libs/libint-2.9.0 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792471 - "dev-db/ocp-0.3 - configure: error: This software requires Oracle installation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792480 - "sci-mathematics/maxima-5.45.0[sbcl]: Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792597 - "sci-chemistry/cara-bin-1.8.4-r2 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792645 - "net-libs/libyang-2.0.97 - Header checksum mismatch, aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792771 - "dev-ruby/ruby-prof-1.4.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792948 - "Maintainer: Adel KARA SLIMANE (adel.ks AT zegrapher.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792966 - "net-misc/netpipes-4.2-r2 - file collision with net-p2p/go-ethereum-1.10.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792972 - "sys-cluster/mpich-3.3-r1 - /.../env.c:247: undefined reference to MPL_strsep" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792984 - "sys-libs/libstdc++-v3-3.3.6-r4 calls objdump directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792996 - "sec-policy/selinux-clockspeed-2.20210203-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:792999 - "sec-policy/selinux-ccs-2.20210203-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793005 - "sec-policy/selinux-dcc-2.20210203-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793008 - "sec-policy/selinux-ddcprobe-2.20210203-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793014 - "sec-policy/selinux-imaze-2.20210203-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793017 - "sec-policy/selinux-howl-2.20210203-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793023 - "sec-policy/selinux-denyhosts-2.20210203-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793035 - "dev-debug/gdb-10.2 fails tests: - ERROR: test suppressed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793050 - "meson.eclass: support a native configuration function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793131 - "sec-policy/selinux-kudzu-2.20200818-r2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793134 - "sec-policy/selinux-xprint-2.20200818-r2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793137 - "sec-policy/selinux-rgmanager-2.20210203-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793140 - "sec-policy/selinux-podsleuth-2.20200818-r2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793143 - "sec-policy/selinux-lockdev-2.20210203-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793146 - "sec-policy/selinux-pcmcia-2.20200818-r2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793149 - "sec-policy/selinux-pyicqt-2.20210203-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793152 - "sec-policy/selinux-speedtouch-2.20200818-r2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793155 - "sec-policy/selinux-roundup-2.20200818-r2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793224 - "media-gfx/pstoedit-3.75 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793230 - "dev-vcs/hub-2.14.2-r1 fails tests: - FAIL github.com/github/hub/ui [build failed]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793272 - "acct-{user,group}/netbox: removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793437 - "llvm-runtimes/openmp-12.0.0 fails tests: - FAILED: runtime/test/CMakeFiles/check-libomp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793680 - "sys-cluster/kubeletctl-1.6 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793710 - "sys-cluster/libquo-1.2.9 - topology-opencl.c: error: CL_DEVICE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE_PCIE_AMD undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793770 - "sys-apps/portage: false positives on "QA Notice: Pre-stripped files found:" for files without ".symtab"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:793818 - "acct-user/root-0-r2: The ebuild is installing to one or more unexpected paths: /root" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794013 - "games-action/gltron-0.70-r2 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794016 - "media-gfx/pstoedit-3.75 fails to compile: configure: error: Cannot find ghostscript If it is already installed, Check PATH" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794028 - "app-portage/java-ebuilder: should verify and adjust HOMEPAGE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794049 - "app-backup/rdedup-1.0.2 - error: could not compile sodiumoxide" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794157 - "[science overlay] sci-biology/msautil-1.1-r1 - fac.c:(<snip>) undefined reference to Fasta_Read_Entry" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794175 - "LLVM buildbot on Gentoo Infra" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794181 - "[Future EAPI] ROOT-awareness for get_libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794199 - "app-vim/Vim-Jinja2-Syntax-0.0_pre20210604 - file collision with dev-python/jinja-2.11.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794205 - "[TRACKER] ARCH=riscv, two level lib path breakage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794229 - "[science overlay] dev-lang/berkeley_upc-2020.12.0 - cp: cannot create regular file ./upcr_util.pl: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794235 - "dev-util/ragel - up and downgrade each day" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794487 - "sys-apps/portage: support GLEP 75 mirror layout.conf in DISTDIR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:794607 - "media-gfx/panini-0.73.0 - /.../glext.h: error: typedef PFNGLDEPTHBOUNDSEXTPROC is initialized (use decltype instead)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794613 - "media-libs/partio-1.10.1 - doesn't respect python sitedir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794712 - "app-admin/cronlocker-0.4.0_p20180710 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794742 - "dev-python/cfn-lint-0.49.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794751 - "games-puzzle/nudoku-2.1.0 - main.c: error: LC_ALL undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794760 - "net-analyzer/netdata-1.31.0 - ./.../rrdenginelib.h: error: unknown type name uLong" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794763 - "app-text/ttf2pt1-3.4.4-r1 - ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794781 - "dev-libs/aws-checksums-0.1.10 - /.../crc32c_sse42_asm.c: error: asm operand has impossible constraints" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794868 - "sci-biology/fasttree-2.1.11 - FastTree-2.1.11.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to mm_sum" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794904 - "app-text/yodl-4.03.00 - * programs failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794916 - "app-containers/cri-o-1.21.0 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794922 - "sci-mathematics/geogebra-bin: support openjdk-bin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794934 - "Community membership in RISC-V International" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794940 - "app-containers/img-0.5.11 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794943 - "app-containers/k3d-4.4.2 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:794946 - "app-containers/nerdctl-0.8.0 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795006 - "[Future EAPI] call eclass_init functions for all inherited eclasses, which resembles constructor usage in any other language" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:795027 - "[guru] media-gfx/sic-0.19.0 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795036 - "media-sound/mpg321-0.3.2 - mad.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to audio_linear_dither" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795051 - "sys-apps/fwts-20.11.00 - ../.../fwts_framework.h: error: enumerator value for FWTS_ASSERT_str_too_small_in_line_99 is not an integ" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795120 - "app-editors/lpe-1.2.8_p20210401 - lpe.c: error: LC_ALL undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795138 - "[Tracker] Breakage with OCaml 4.12" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795339 - "dev-perl/Graphics-ColorObject-0.5.0-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795381 - "app-text/texlive-core-2021: Powerdot ps2pdf conversion now need to manually pass -dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY while it wasn't needed with texlive 2020" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795414 - "[Future EAPI] automatic conditional dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795492 - ""Automated Package Removal and Addition Tracker" mails have been broken since 2020-11" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795717 - "Maintainer: Sebastian Parborg (darkdefende AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795720 - "Maintainer: Ekaterina Vaartis (vaartis AT kotobank.ch)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795744 - "app-office/multitalk-1.4-r1 - ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795747 - "dev-db/libdbi-drivers-0.9.0-r1 - dbd_firebird.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to isc_commit_transaction" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795756 - "app-crypt/monkeysphere-0.44 - gpg-agent processes still running after emerge finished" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795816 - "sci-mathematics/maxima-5.45.0 QA Notice: Pre-stripped files found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795864 - "dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia: EAPI 8 request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795903 - "app-emulation/diskimage-builder-3.33.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795909 - "app-emulation/glean-1.23.0-r1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795939 - "net-misc/arpsponge-3.17.11 - syntax error at ../sbin/asctl line 492, at EOF" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:795942 - "dev-libs/leatherman-1.12.5 - /.../main.cc: fatal error: catch.hpp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796152 - "dev-python/cfn-lint-0.51.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796158 - "app-misc/tmux2html-0.1.11 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796161 - "dev-util/crash-7.3.0 - make[4]: *** No rule to make target ../bfd/libbfd.a, needed by gdb. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796164 - "dev-util/rustup-1.24.3 - error: could not compile ripemd160" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796185 - "net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.8_rc1 - /.../ld: cannot find -lsupp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796197 - "dev-python/fsspec-2021.05.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796200 - "dev-python/uvloop-0.15.2 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796239 - "dev-python/apsw-3.35.4_p1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796242 - "app-portage/java-ebuilder: SRC_URI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796245 - "[Future EAPI] Allow calling EXPORT_FUNCTIONS with arbitrary/custom functions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796281 - "app-arch/brotli-1.0.9-r3 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796293 - "dev-python/feedgenerator-1.9.1-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796296 - "dev-python/joblib-1.0.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796299 - "dev-python/python-poppler-qt5-0.75.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796425 - "dev-games/ps2-packer-0.4.4-r1 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796473 - "dev-python/lit-12.0.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796485 - "sys-cluster/kube-proxy-1.21.1 - make[1]: *** [Makefile.generated_files:657: gen_bindata] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796491 - "sci-libs/dcmtk: is OFFIS license free?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796536 - "media-libs/alsa-lib- no UCM support, no sound" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796596 - "dev-lang/zig: keywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796635 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.20: emerge --autounmask-continue may display irrelevant mask messages about package which required USE changes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796752 - "app-admin/eclean-kernel: should be aware of unmounted /boot?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:796827 - "app-shells/nushell-0.32.0 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796875 - "[TRACKER] java packages that provide module-info.java and can otherwise be built with jdk 1.8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796887 - "sys-apps/portage: add QA check for ignored RUSTFLAGS (meanwhile rust packages use QA_FLAGS_IGNORED to suppress false positives)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:796905 - "dev-haskell/tree-diff-0.1 - src/.../Golden.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797220 - "emerge color output shifts between bright and normal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:797226 - "Gracefully bailout if repo directory is not writable/immutable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797247 - "<net-dialup/lrzsz-0.12.20-r9: information leak" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:797274 - "media-gfx/cairosvg-2.5.2 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797481 - "dev-python/debtcollector-2.2.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797484 - "dev-python/oslo-config-8.7.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797517 - "[cygwin][prefix] app-arch/libarchive-3.5.1 broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797538 - "dev-python/oslo-context-3.1.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797547 - "dev-python/oslo-serialization-4.2.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797550 - "dev-python/oslotest-4.4.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797559 - "dev-python/testscenarios-0.5.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797673 - "<dev-lang/ruby-3.1 fails to build against dev-libs/openssl-3: ossl_pkey_rsa.c:877:58: error: ‘RSA_SSLV23_PADDING’ undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797703 - "<sys-firmware/edk2-202105: heap overflow vulnerability (CVE-2021-28211)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797757 - "dev-python/blinker-1.4-r2 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797763 - "dev-python/lockfile-0.12.2-r2 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797766 - "dev-python/pyclipper-1.3.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797775 - "dev-python/apipkg-2.0.0_rc1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797784 - "dev-python/aws-sam-translator-1.40.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797787 - "dev-python/bandit-1.7.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797790 - "dev-python/bashate-0.6.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797799 - "dev-python/commonmark-0.9.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797817 - "dev-python/keystoneauth1-4.4.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797820 - "dev-python/os-service-types-1.7.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797823 - "dev-python/requestsexceptions-1.4.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797826 - "dev-python/testresources-2.0.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797829 - "dev-python/decorator-5.1.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797832 - "dev-python/deprecated-1.2.12 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797844 - "dev-python/doc8-0.9.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797847 - "dev-python/dogpile-cache-1.1.4 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797868 - "dev-python/django-filter-21.1-r2 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797895 - "dev-db/cockroach-19.1.1 - fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /var/tmp)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797910 - "dev-python/openstacksdk-0.50.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797913 - "dev-python/fastimport-0.9.11 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797916 - "dev-python/fixtures-3.0.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797925 - "dev-python/fqdn-1.5.1-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797928 - "dev-python/genson-1.1.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797931 - "dev-python/git-review-2.1.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797934 - "dev-python/github3-py-2.0.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:797937 - "dev-python/gsd-2.5.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798057 - "dev-python/logfury-0.1.2-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798069 - "dev-python/mock-4.0.3 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798081 - "dev-python/lark-0.11.3 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798153 - "dev-python/os-client-config-2.1.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798159 - "dev-python/osc-lib-2.4.2 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798168 - "dev-python/parameterized-0.8.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798174 - "dev-python/munch-2.5.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798177 - "dev-python/ply-3.11-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798186 - "dev-python/progressbar2-3.55.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798216 - "dev-python/pyproj-3.1.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798219 - "dev-python/python-utils-2.5.6 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798228 - "dev-python/traceback2-1.4.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798246 - "dev-python/ntplib-0.4.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798255 - "dev-python/openstackdocstheme-2.2.5 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798267 - "dev-libs/libtecla-1.6.3 - install: enhance does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798276 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.12 - /.../ld: ./libpre_gcl.a(typespec.o):(.bss+<snip>): multiple definition of sLcons; ./libpre_gcl.a(main.o):(.b" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798288 - "sys-apps/portage: temporary feature similar to RESTRICT=primaryuri behavior for files that are not mirrored yet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798333 - "dev-python/django-3.2.8 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798342 - "dev-python/pycxx-7.1.8-r1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798366 - "dev-build/scons-4.2.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798369 - "dev-python/pyghmi-1.5.22 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798390 - "dev-python/pysvg-0.2.2_p3 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798396 - "dev-python/python-ironicclient-4.4.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798429 - "media-plugins/vdr-skinelchi-0.3.0-r2 - bitmap.c: error: invalid operands of types MagickCore::Quantum {aka double} and int to bina" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798462 - "dev-util/conf2struct-1.3-r1 - : No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798480 - "app-text/djvu: multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-{3500,32490,32491,32492,32493})" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798537 - "dev-python/python-openstackclient-5.4.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798540 - "dev-python/podman-1.6.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798543 - "dev-python/python-swiftclient-3.10.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798546 - "dev-python/xmlsec-1.3.11 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798549 - "dev-python/pyusb-1.2.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798564 - "dev-python/python-keystoneclient-4.3.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798570 - "dev-python/requests-mock-1.9.3 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798573 - "dev-python/requests-unixsocket-0.2.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798582 - "dev-python/sphinxcontrib-spelling-7.2.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798606 - "dev-python/urllib3-1.26.7 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798612 - "dev-python/wxpython-4.0.7-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798636 - "dev-python/python-neutronclient-7.2.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798642 - "dev-python/python-novaclient-17.2.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798657 - "sys-fabric/mstflint-4.20.0_p1 - /.../install: cannot create regular file /.../regaccess.py: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798699 - "sci-electronics/gazebo-11.14.0 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798708 - "emerge --quiet --sync is not quiet for subversion repositories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798711 - "net-misc/pssh: line buffering (buffering=1) isn't supported in binary mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:798816 - "sys-apps/portage: windows support via bash from git-bash.exe from git-for-windows" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:798819 - "[TRACKER] cross-platform dissemination tracker (also known as the Gentoo "world domination" tracker)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:798852 - "dev-ruby/bundler-2.2.21 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:798888 - "app-metrics/unbound-telemetry-0.1.0_pre20210321-r1 - error: could not compile h2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799053 - "dev-util/dogtail-0.9.11 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799059 - "dev-util/gertty-1.6.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799074 - "gnome-extra/libgda-5.2.9 - Class object has no attribute get_parameter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799095 - "app-admin/ansible-modules-hashivault-4.6.2 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799110 - "sci-electronics/pcb-4.2.2 - gsvit.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to gdImageCreate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799185 - "dev-lang/lazarus-2.0.6 - /.../compiler_compilation_options.pas(395,18) Error: (3205) Illegal qualifier" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799224 - "sys-cluster/gasnet-1.30.0 - /.../gasnet_bootstrap_mpi.c: error: MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799227 - "dev-java/openjfx-8.1000: fails to build with whitespace in LDFLAGS (gcc: error: : linker input file not found: No such file or directory)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799260 - "=sys-apps/portage-3.0.20-r6: dostrip -x prevents FEATURES=installsources from installing sources" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799329 - "dev-ruby/rubygems-3.2.14 fails tests: <internal:gem_prelude>:2:in `require': cannot load such file -- did_you_mean (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799347 - "net-irc/rbot-0.9.15_p20160325-r3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799374 - "media-sound/denemo-2.5.0 remove hard dependency to app-text/evince" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:799626 - "sys-apps/portage: one config file to bind them all" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799740 - "net-misc/nxplayer- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799785 - "dev-libs/keystone: multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2020-{36404,36405})" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:799791 - "<app-text/tesseract-5.0.0: use after free vulnerability (CVE-2021-36081)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:799806 - "dev-python/thriftpy2-0.4.14-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799824 - "dev-libs/gf2x-1.3.0 - 17377..17393 TC:8.3e-03 tunefft: fft/gf2x-ternary-fft.c:1038: gf2x_ternary_fft_info_adjust: Assertion K >= 6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799842 - "net-dns/bind-9.16.15-r1 - rdlibtool: error: output file prefix does not match its (shared library) suffix; the expected prefix was" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:799845 - "sci-libs/libsigrok-0.5.2-r2 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: error: missing filename after -o" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800094 - "[guru] dev-python/azure-storage-blob-12.8.1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800113 - "app-emulation/glean-1.18.2 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800115 - "dev-libs/libdnet-1.14-r2 calls commands that do not exist (./configure: line 8601: conftest.c: command not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800165 - "app-containers/s6-overlay- installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800169 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-time-out-plugin-1.1.2 - time-out-fadeout.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to XCreateWindow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800239 - "dev-db/postgis-3.4.1 - raster2pgsql.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to rtdealloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800269 - "[guru] dev-python/i3ipc-2.2.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800353 - "[guru] dev-python/pyinquirer-1.0.3_p20200708 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800515 - "net-irc/iroffer-dinoex-3.32-r2 - src.de/iroffer_admin.c: error: invalid suffix s on integer constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800542 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge possibly useless suggestion to "run emaint --check world"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800596 - "[guru] dev-python/yams-0.7.3 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800599 - "x11-libs/cairo-1.16.0-r4 fails to compile: configure: error: Xlib surface backend feature could not be enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800608 - "dev-build/cmake-fedora-2.7.1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800644 - "sci-libs/lis-1.6.5 - /.../ld: fortran/.../libsaamg.a(lis_s_aggregate_mod.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol _data_structu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800722 - "dev-perl/glib-perl should be rebuilt before dev-perl/Cairo-GObject" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800731 - "[guru] dev-lang/aldor-1.2.0_p20190730-r1 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800788 - "gui-libs/xdg-desktop-portal-wlr-0.4.0 - meson.build: ERROR: Problem encountered: Neither libsystemd, nor libelogind, nor basu was" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800812 - "dev-ruby/dalli-3.2.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800833 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge should log failures in the log explicitly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:800848 - "app-arch/arj-3.10.22-r7 - Fatal error: cant create linux-gnu/.../filemode.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:800899 - "games-fps/quakeforge-0.7.2_p20210601 - joy.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to in_amp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801082 - "[guru] x11-misc/tbsm-0.7 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801097 - "dev-db/pgtap-1.2.0 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801136 - "dev-python/requests-mock-1.9.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801142 - "net-mail/notmuch-0.32.2: Add Ruby bindings support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:801172 - "media-libs/dav1d: broken with lto (at least clang+lto)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801223 - "sci-libs/atlas-3.10.2 - multiple definition of `ATL_SetAtomicCount'; libatlas.a(ATL_SetAtomicCount_arch.o):ATL_SetAtomicCount_arch.c:(.text+0x0): first defined here" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801232 - "sci-libs/octomap-1.9.8 - ninja: error: unknown target docs_dynamicEDT3D" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801250 - "dev-cpp/ETL-1.4.1 fails to compile: configure: error: You need to install glibmm-2.4 version 2.24.2 or higher" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801319 - "dev-python/uvloop-0.15.2 - Configuration error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801352 - "x11-wm/lumina: Patches the user to connect to Freenode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801355 - "net-analyzer/nagircbot: Seems to default-connect into Freenode. Also HOMEPAGE is 404" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801370 - "www-servers/nginx: Entirely running as non-root via capabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801580 - "sys-devel/gcc-11.1.0-r2[jit]: gccjit runtime failure with ccache (was: app-editors/emacs-28.0.9999[jit] fails with FEATURES=ccache)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801589 - "games-roguelike/tomenet-4.7.3 - c-util.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to close_audio_sdl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801616 - "app-vim/haskellmode-20101118-r1 - file collision with app-vim/pytest-1.1.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801685 - "sci-chemistry/molequeue-0.9.0-r1 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: b/var/tmp/portage/sci-chemistry/moleque" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801895 - "dev-ruby/curb-0.9.11-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801907 - "dev-db/libdbi-drivers-0.9.0-r1 - * ERROR: dev-db/libdbi-drivers-0.9.0-r1::gentoo failed (setup phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801940 - "media-sound/lilypond-2.23.2 - lilypond-book.py: error: file not found: colorado.itexi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:801997 - "dev-libs/dietlibc-0.34 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802084 - "app-admin/lnav: uses bundled dev-libs/libfmt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802132 - "sci-astronomy/wcslib-7.4 - file collision with sci-astronomy/montage-5.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802165 - "<dev-java/ant{,-core}-1.10.14: multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-{36373,36374})" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:802180 - "sci-libs/pastix-5.2.3 calls ranlib directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802189 - "mail-filter/spamassassin: undeclared dependency on virtual/perl-DB_File" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802264 - "dev-python/pythran-0.9.12_p1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802291 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 - ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802294 - "x11-drivers/xf86-video-qxl-0.1.5 should have BDEPEND="x11-misc/util-macros"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:802378 - "acct-user/zeppelin-0-r3 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802423 - "app-arch/arj-3.10.22-r7 - Fatal error: cant create linux-gnu/.../today.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802441 - "=dev-texlive/texlive-basic-2021[luajittex] fails with "returning error due to option --strict [..] failed to build: 3 (luahbtex/luahbtex luatex/luatex luatex/dviluatex)"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802462 - "dev-perl/Config-INI-0.25.0 fails tests: - # Failed test read_file on non-plain-file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802621 - "dev-libs/starpu-1.3.8 fails tests: - FAIL: openmp/task_01" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802741 - "net-analyzer/openvas-scanner-21.4.4-r2 fails tests: - 1 - attack-test (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802753 - "app-editors/diakonos-0.9.4-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802762 - "net-analyzer/netdata-1.31.0-r1 fails tests: - <artificial>:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to _wrap_rrdhost_find_by_hostname" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802864 - "net-mail/dovecot- fails tests: - ./configure:line <snip>: rpcgen: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802873 - "app-shells/fish-3.3.1-r1 fails tests: - FAILED: CMakeFiles/serial_test_interactive /var/tmp/portage/app-shells/fish-3.3.1-r1/work/fish-3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802888 - "Maintainer: Daniel Hodges (hodges.daniel.scott AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802954 - "sys-apps/selinux-python-3.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:802993 - "dev-perl/Pod-LaTeX-0.610.0-r2 fails tests: - Result: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803062 - "Eclass Writing Guide: eclass testing (tests-common.sh) is undocumented" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:803080 - "dev-debug/cgdb-0.7.1 fails tests: - ERROR: tcl error sourcing /var/tmp/portage/dev-debug/cgdb-0.7.1/work/cgdb-0.7.1/test/kui.base/basic.ex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803152 - "[Tracker] Invalid use of Python eclasses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803188 - "acct-user/ros-0 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803197 - "dev-util/lttng-tools-2.12.3 fails tests: - ERROR: tools/filtering/test_invalid_filter - exited with status 80" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803239 - "x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.29[abi_x86_32] pkg_postinst fails saying "Update immodules cache failed (for x86)" and "error while loading shared libraries: libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803281 - "net-im/telepathy-mission-control-5.16.6 fails tests: - FAIL: account-manager/avatar.py (1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803359 - "dev-lisp/roswell- fails tests: - collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803380 - "sci-electronics/gwave-20190116 - wavelist.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to SCM_LIST1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803422 - "dev-perl/Conf-Libconfig-0.100.0-r2 fails tests: - # Failed test ok - add hash key" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803491 - "dev-libs/OpenNI2-2.2_beta2-r1 - file collision with dev-libs/OpenNI-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803494 - "sys-block/gparted-1.3.1 fails tests: - FAIL: test_BlockSpecial" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803521 - "[TRACKER] EAPI 7 removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803527 - "dev-ruby/ruby-gobject-introspection-3.4.3 fails tests: - Failure: test_may_return_null?(TestCallableInfo):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803617 - "[Tracker] Vulnerabilities in MySQL (Oracle CPU July 2021)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803620 - "<dev-db/mysql-{5.7.35,8.0.26}: multiple vulnerabilities (Oracle CPU July 2021)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:803635 - "dev-db/percona-server: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:803656 - "net-irc/telepathy-idle-0.2.2 fails tests: - FAIL: connect/connect-close-ssl.py (1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803662 - "dev-perl/mecab-perl-0.996 fails tests: - make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: test_dynamic] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803845 - "dev-perl/AnyEvent-HTTP-2.250.0 fails tests: - Result: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803848 - "dev-perl/VM-EC2-1.280.0 fails tests: - Result: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803857 - "dev-perl/Crypt-Cracklib-1.700.0-r3 fails tests: - # Failed test dictionary" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803875 - "x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.29 - /.../gdkdisplay-wayland.h: fatal error: epoxy/egl.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803926 - "glsamaker.gentoo.org should send HSTS headers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:803959 - "Maintainer: Hans Fredrik Nordhaug (hansfn AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804091 - "[guru] media-libs/alvr-16.0.0 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804094 - "[guru] media-libs/alvr-15.2.1_p20210604 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804157 - "[graaff] app-emacs/cucumber-el-0.20190801 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804160 - "[graaff] app-emacs/ejira-0.20200206 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804169 - "[graaff] app-emacs/reformatter-0.5 fetches file(s) that do not match recorded size" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804196 - "[graaff] app-emacs/lsp-ui-7.0.1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804199 - "dev-perl/Text-Aspell-0.90.0-r2 fails tests: - # Failed test Make sure word test is in dictionary" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804202 - "[graaff] app-emacs/pivotal-tracker-0.20170720 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804205 - "[graaff] dev-haskell/language-docker-10.0.0 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804208 - "[graaff] dev-db/MySlowTranCapture-0.20110406-r1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804225 - "[graaff] =dev-libs/lasso-2.6.0 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804231 - "[graaff] dev-python/django-evolution-2.1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804234 - "[graaff] dev-ruby/appsignal-2.11.9-r1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804237 - "[graaff] dev-ruby/appsignal-2.11.9-r1 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804240 - "[graaff] dev-ruby/scrypt-3.0.7 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804246 - "[graaff] dev-ruby/acts-as-taggable-on-6.5.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804249 - "[graaff] dev-ruby/appsignal-2.11.9-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804255 - "[graaff] dev-ruby/authlogic-oid-1.0.4-r4 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804261 - "[graaff] dev-libs/lasso-2.6.0 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804264 - "[graaff] dev-python/django-braces-1.13.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804270 - "media-libs/sdl2-mixer should not force a softsynth for MIDI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804357 - "[graaff] dev-ruby/browser-4.2.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804375 - "[graaff] dev-ruby/pipedrive-rb-0.3.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804378 - "[graaff] dev-ruby/pipedrive-ruby-0.3.3-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804393 - "[graaff] dev-ruby/request-log-analyzer-1.13.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804399 - "[graaff] dev-ruby/roo-2.8.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804414 - "[graaff] dev-ruby/rack-coffee-1.0.3 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804450 - "dev-util/pycharm-community-2024.2.1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804453 - "dev-util/pycharm-community-2024.2.1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804456 - "dev-util/pycharm-community-2024.2.1 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804468 - "Improvements to ABI breakage section" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804483 - "[graaff] dev-ruby/vault-0.16.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804504 - "[graaff] dev-util/hadolint-1.22.1-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804507 - "[graaff] dev-util/mdl-0.11.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804513 - "dev-util/vint-0.3.21 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804651 - "app-crypt/gcr-3.40.0 - docs/.../meson.build: ERROR: Unknown variable gcr_ui_dep." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804699 - "dev-perl/Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene-1.730.0: stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804852 - "dev-util/scanmem-0.17 - * Failed running intltoolize!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804963 - "net-proxy/shadowsocks-libev-3.3.5 - checking whether mbedtls supports Cipher Feedback mode or not... configure: error: MBEDTLS_CIP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804966 - "games-emulation/dolphin-5.0_p20210506 - /.../MD5.cpp: error: mbedtls_md5_starts_ret was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804978 - "net-proxy/privoxy-3.0.32-r1 - ssl.c: fatal error: mbedtls/config.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804981 - "sys-fs/dislocker-0.7.3 - /.../ssl_bindings.h: fatal error: mbedtls/config.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:804984 - "sys-cluster/ampi-0_pre20140616 - configure: error: in /.../ampi-0_pre20140616:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:805011 - "[TRACKER] >=net-libs/mbedtls-3.0 breaks multiple revdeps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:805155 - "dev-python/uvloop-0.15.3-r1 fails tests (tests.test_tcp.Test_AIO_TCPSSL hangs)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:805281 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1 - make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: compiler.fas]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:805308 - "dev-db/postgresql: depends on sys-apps/less when any pager will do" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:805518 - "sys-apps/pmount-0.9.99_alpha-r8 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:805578 - "sci-libs/gsl-2.7 - FAIL: test_c11" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:805884 - "Maintainer: Karl-Johan Karlsson (creideiki+gentoo-bugzilla AT lysator.liu.se)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:805908 - "app-misc/carbon-c-relay-3.7.2-r1 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ranlib: /.../libfaketime.a: No such file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:805932 - "dev-util/trace-cmd-2.9.1 - collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:805941 - "[Tracker] Packages violating small file policy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:805995 - "dev-python/tables-3.6.1-r1: fails tests: tables.tests.test_index_backcompat.Indexes2_*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806067 - "sci-biology/bowtie-2.4.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806088 - "app-misc/digitemp-3.7.1 - ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806238 - "dev-ruby/tty-editor-0.7.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806310 - "net-misc/spice-gtk-0.39[-gtk3]: doc/.../meson.build: ERROR: Unknown variable spice_client_gtk_lib." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806314 - "dev-haskell/quickcheck-classes-base- - src/.../Bitraversable.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806346 - "sci-mathematics/gsl-shell-2.3.0_beta1-r1 - file collision with dev-haskell/yaml-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806442 - "dev-util/duma: unexpected CFLAGS dropping" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806462 - "dev-cpp/gstreamermm-1.10.0 fails to compile: test-bin.cc:27:112: error: parameter ‘element_name’ may not appear in this context" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806474 - "dev-python/pytest-tempdir-2019.10.12: removed whole git clone of parso" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:806478 - "sci-libs/ceres-solver-2.0.0 - /.../ld: /.../libunwind-x86_64.so: error adding symbols: file in wrong format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806556 - "games-roguelike/nethack-3.6.6-r1 - /.../sh:line <snip>: ../.../makedefs: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806592 - "[Future EAPI] ECLASS_REVISION and autogenerated ebuild microrevisions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806764 - "net-misc/memcached-1.6.10 fails tests: - # Failed test rejected connections recorded" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806779 - "dev-build/cmake: RunCMake.CPack_TXZ fails (library: Cannot allocate memory)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806794 - "systemd-tmpfiles does not work on prefix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806800 - "net-misc/mulk-0.7.0-r1 - parse.c: fatal error: buffio.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806815 - "dev-haskell/quickcheck-classes- - Not in scope: type constructor or class Eq1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806851 - "sys-apps/bolt-0.9.8-r1 fails to compile: -native-symlinks issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806869 - "sci-libs/orocos_kdl-1.5.1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806983 - "games-misc/opensfx-1.0.3 fails tests: - /.../bash:line <snip>: m: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:806992 - "sys-cluster/libcircle-0.3.0 - configure: error: You should check to see if MPI is setup properly." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807016 - "net-vpn/networkmanager-openvpn-1.8.14: Options error: --cert fails with '': No such file or directory (errno=2)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807040 - "media-libs/sdl2-mixer-2.0.4[-mp3,-mad]: automagic dependency on mpg123" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807175 - "sys-cluster/gasnet-1.32.0 - checking for C compiler flag --param max-inline-insns=100000... no/error: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807244 - "dev-perl/Speech-Recognizer-SPX-0.80.100-r2 fails tests (Can't load '../blib/arch/auto/Audio/SPX/SPX.so' for module Audio::SPX: /usr/lib64/libsphinx2ad.so.0: undefined symbol: _E__pr_header at /usr/lib64/perl5/5.34/x86_64-linux/DynaLoader.pm line 193.)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807274 - "app-crypt/ccrypt-1.11-r3 fails tests: - FAIL: crypt3-check" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807277 - "dev-libs/librdkafka-1.7.0 fails tests: - [0105_transactions_mock / 9.330s] Error TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED: ProduceRequest for mytopic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807280 - "media-libs/gst-rtsp-server-1.18.4 fails tests: - FAILED: meson-test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807286 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.13_pre99 - configure: error: exiting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807550 - "sys-fs/duperemove-0.11.3 - !!! Fetched file: duperemove-0.11.3.tar.gz VERIFY FAILED!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807565 - "[TRACKER] AT badges for RISC-V arch testers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:807610 - "dev-lang/nim: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:807667 - "dev-libs/dietlibc-0.34_pre20140729-r1 - make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: bin-x86_64/elftrunc]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807673 - "app-office/abiword-docs-3.0.2 - make[3]: *** [Makefile:<snip>: howtobidi.html]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807679 - "dev-python/matplotlib-3.4.2: test failures on hppa and sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807703 - "[lanodanOverlay] media-fonts/3270font-2.0.0 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807715 - "[lanodanOverlay] app-text/dadadodo-1.04 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807718 - "[lanodanOverlay] games-emulation/reicast-8.1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807721 - "[TRACKER] Issues blocking riscv keywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807733 - "sys-cluster/torque-4.1.7-r1 - mv: cannot stat libtool: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807742 - "app-shells/fish-3.3.1-r1: 2 tests failed on riscv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807811 - "[lanodanOverlay] sys-apps/tcb-1.2-r1 installs shared libraries that lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807859 - "mail-filter/MailScanner- installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:807983 - "media-libs/libpqstego-0.0.1-r2 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808039 - "sys-devel/distcc-3.4 - configure: error: in /.../distcc-3.4:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808051 - "net-mail/qtools-0.56 - !!! Couldnt download qtools-0.56.tar.gz. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808165 - "sys-process/below-0.6.3 - error: failed to run custom build command for below v0.3.0 (/var/tmp/portage/sys-process/below-0.3.0/wor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808240 - "dev-python/happybase-0.9_p20210701: mismatched upstream version?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808246 - "sys-cluster/drbd-utils-9.15.1-r1: internal collisions between non-identical files with /lib/drbd vs /lib64/drbd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:808444 - "games-board/pioneers: Avoid dev-util/gob:2 BDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808459 - "dev-util/gob:2: dead upstream(?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808504 - "dev-python/aioresponses-0.7.2 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808540 - "dev-util/premake-4.4_beta5 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808549 - "media-sound/csound-6.16.2 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808564 - "app-misc/beanstalkd-1.10-r1 - /.../environment:line <snip>: -i: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808615 - "[Tracker] Packages not (correctly) using tmpfiles.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808723 - "media-sound/quodlibet-4.6.0-r2 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808731 - "media-libs/vigra[hdf5] with >=sci-libs/hdf5-1.12: hdf5impex.cxx: too few arguments to function H5Oget_info_by_name3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808733 - "[TRACKER] sci-libs/hdf5-1.12 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808743 - "please add sourceware to willikins bugl command" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808785 - "sci-libs/rtabmap-0.20.13-r1: librtabmap_gui.so.0.20.13: undefined reference to `pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::removeCoordinateSystem(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, int)'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808835 - "dev-haskell/http-types-0.12.3 fails tests: - Test suite doctests: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808841 - "dev-haskell/xml-conduit- fails tests: - Test suite doctest: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808843 - "dev-haskell/prettyprinter-ansi-terminal- fails tests: - Test suite doctest: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808899 - "dev-haskell/hslua- fails tests: - Test suite test-hslua: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808901 - "media-sound/csound-6.16.2 - /.../ld: libcsound.so.6.0: undefined reference to csp_orc_sa_instr_add_tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808915 - "dev-haskell/network-byte-order- fails tests: - Test suite doctest: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808917 - "dev-haskell/bsb-http-chunked- fails tests: - Test suite doctests: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808919 - "dev-haskell/http2-2.0.3 fails tests: - Test suite doctest: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:808999 - "dev-haskell/email-validate- fails tests: - Test suite doctests: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809011 - "net-im/ysm- - !!! Couldnt download ysmv7_2_9_9_1.tar.bz2. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809026 - "app-office/libreoffice- localc returns meaningless exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809044 - "media-sound/sonata-1.7.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809152 - "net-mail/checkpassword-0.90-r5 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809188 - "net-mail/qmailadmin-1.2.16-r1 has unrecognized configure options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809212 - "dev-lang/rust-1.54.0 - The futex facility returned an unexpected error code." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809245 - "app-misc/yq-2.12.0 fails tests: - FAIL: test_jq16_arg_passthrough (_main_.TestYq)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809290 - "net-misc/ipsvd-1.0.0-r2 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809341 - "net-misc/mulk-0.7.0-r1 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809365 - "dev-haskell/yesod-form-1.6.7 - Yesod/.../Fields.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809368 - "games-util/datutil-2.46 - !!! Couldnt download dutil246.zip. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809389 - "net-dns/coredns-1.8.3 fails tests: - --- FAIL: TestHealthMaxFails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809470 - "net-print/foo2zjs-20200221 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809515 - "net-mail/qmailadmin-1.2.16-r1 fails to compile: chown: cannot access qmailadmin: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809545 - "[anders-larsson] games-util/dwarf-therapist-41.2.2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809548 - "[anders-larsson] app-admin/duo_unix-1.11.3 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809554 - "dev-vcs/git-mailz-0.14 fails tests: - - git-mailz: error: missing operand" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809601 - "dev-perl/Glib-Object-Introspection-0.49.0 fails tests: - Result: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809605 - "etc-update gets confused by symlinked dirs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809725 - "sci-biology/wise-2.4.0_alpha-r1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809734 - "sci-libs/profnet-1.0.22 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809746 - "Maintainer: Ian Hixson (mujo AT sdf.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809779 - "x11-libs/xforms-1.2.4-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809854 - "dev-python/pandas-1.3.1: tests fail with "ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'int64_t' but got 'int'" and similar" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809872 - "[booboo] app-dicts/stardict-hnd-de-vi-20050917 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809875 - "[booboo] app-dicts/stardict-hnd-en-vi-20050917 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809878 - "[booboo] app-dicts/stardict-hnd-fr-vi-20050917 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809881 - "[booboo] app-dicts/stardict-hnd-ru-vi-20050917 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809884 - "[booboo] app-dicts/stardict-hnd-vi-de-20050917 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809887 - "[booboo] app-dicts/stardict-hnd-vi-en-20050917 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809899 - "[booboo] app-dicts/stardict-hnd-vi-fr-20050917 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809902 - "[booboo] app-dicts/stardict-hnd-vi-vi-20050917 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809911 - "[booboo] app-dicts/stardict-mova-ozhegov-2.4.2 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809914 - "[booboo] app-dicts/stardict-mova-ushakov-2.4.2 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809917 - "[booboo] app-dicts/stardict-quick-eng-fra-2.4.2 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809935 - "net-libs/nodejs-16.6.2-r1 - make: printf: Argument list too long" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809941 - "[booboo] =dev-embedded/libmpsse-1.3.2 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809944 - "[booboo] app-misc/kdrill-6.5 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809947 - "[booboo] dev-embedded/slsnif-0.4.4 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809950 - "[booboo] dev-go/ingo-9999 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809953 - "[booboo] app-eselect/eselect-qtgraphicssystem-1.1.1 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809956 - "[booboo] dev-haskell/terminal-progress-bar-0.2 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809959 - "[booboo] app-misc/crazyflie-clients-python-2017.06.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809962 - "[booboo] app-misc/crazyflie-clients-python-2017.06.1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809965 - "[booboo] app-mobilephone/vcf2csv-0.6.201011061941 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809968 - "[booboo] app-mobilephone/vcf2csv-0.6.201011061941 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809971 - "[booboo] dev-embedded/serproxy-0.1.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:809992 - "[booboo] =dev-libs/librs232-9999 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810001 - "[booboo] dev-lang/sedsed-9999 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810004 - "[booboo] dev-python/unpaddedbase64-1.1.0-r1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810007 - "[booboo] dev-python/cflib-0.1.7 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810010 - "[booboo] dev-python/canonicaljson-1.4.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810013 - "[booboo] dev-python/pymacaroons-0.13.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810016 - "[booboo] dev-python/pymacaroons-0.13.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810019 - "[booboo] dev-python/python-olm-3.1.5 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810025 - "[booboo] dev-python/pythonocc-0.18.1 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810028 - "[booboo] dev-python/signedjson-1.1.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810034 - "media-libs/plib: integer overflow leading to code execution (CVE-2021-38714)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810052 - "sci-libs/fftw-3.3.9 - configure: error: could not find mpi library for --enable-mpi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810073 - "[booboo] dev-util/uefitool-0.28.0 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810079 - "[booboo] games-arcade/taisei-1.0a fetches file(s) that do not match recorded size" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810082 - "[booboo] dev-util/lemon-3.31.1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810085 - "[booboo] media-fonts/arialuni-2 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810103 - "[booboo] =media-sound/rsound-1.1 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810231 - "[booboo] =net-misc/gnurl-7.72.0 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810233 - "[booboo] media-libs/libmafw-shared-0.3.2010.36 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810235 - "[booboo] net-libs/pjsip-2.7.2 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810237 - "[booboo] net-p2p/chimera-1.20 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810243 - "[booboo] media-libs/libmafw-0.2.2010.06 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810255 - "[booboo] media-sound/acousticbrainz-gui-9999 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810257 - "[booboo] sys-apps/9mount-1.3 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810259 - "sci-libs/pastix-6.0.3 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810261 - "[booboo] sys-apps/lfsb-0.4.4 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810265 - "[booboo] sys-apps/lfsb-0.4.4 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810267 - "[booboo] x11-misc/xautoclick-0.31 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810271 - "[booboo] media-sound/cursynth-1.4 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810273 - "[booboo] net-fs/diod-1.0.24 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810277 - "[booboo] sys-apps/nix-1.11.1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810279 - "[booboo] net-libs/bctoolbox-0.2.0 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810281 - "[booboo] media-libs/rem-0.4.7 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810299 - "sys-cluster/ampi-0_pre20140616 - modified.c: error: MPI_ERR_ARG undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810323 - "sci-mathematics/4ti2-1.6.7-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810419 - "git.g.o please consider an upgrade (for disk)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810421 - "dev-python/weasyprint-53.0 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810423 - "dev-lang/nasm: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:810425 - "games-emulation/mupen64plus-core-2.5.9-r2[debugger] - ../.../dbg_memory.c: error: print_insn_i386 undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810431 - "supervise-daemon keeps reporting service as stopped wrongly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810466 - "[winny] =dev-libs/tomlc99-1.0_pre20210627 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810469 - "[winny] dev-games/libtcod-1.5.1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810472 - "[winny] dev-libs/libnbcompat-20201 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810475 - "[winny] dev-libs/tomlc99-1.0_pre20210627 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810478 - "[winny] dev-python/readability-lxml-0.6.1 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810481 - "media-sound/tenacity: add privacy-friendly fork of media-sound/audacity" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810532 - "www-client/netsurf-3.10-r4: glib-compile-resources fails due to missing directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810553 - "[winny] dev-util/hex2bin-2.5 fails to compile with -fno-common" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810556 - "[winny] games-roguelike/tsl-0.40-r1 fails to compile with -fno-common" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810559 - "[winny] net-misc/sacc-1.00-r1 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810562 - "[winny] dev-util/hopper-4.7.5 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810565 - "[winny] dev-util/hopper-4.7.5 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810571 - "[winny] media-sound/mpvc-1.0.7-r1 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810583 - "media-libs/libmad-0.16.0: future version bump (Tenacity fork)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810604 - "[winny] x11-misc/xbanish-1.5 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810607 - "[winny] www-servers/darkhttpd-1.8 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810649 - "sci-libs/rocPRIM-4.3.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810700 - "sci-libs/rocBLAS-4.3.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810721 - "sci-libs/rocBLAS-5.1.3-r4 does not respect CFLAGS/LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810775 - "sys-apps/lnxhc-1.2-r2 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810802 - "dev-qt/qttranslations - packaging considerations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810811 - "sys-fs/dislocker-0.7.3[ruby] w/ >=dev-lang/ruby-3.0: src/config.c: error: expected identifier or ( before numeric constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810829 - "sys-apps/tuned-2.15.0-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:810850 - "xfce-base/xfce4-panel shows a pile of pop-ups "unexpectedly left the panel" every other time I log in to X" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811081 - "sys-process/daemontools-encore-1.11-r2 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811090 - "www-apache/passenger-6.0.10-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811105 - "fcaps.eclass: fcaps should not default the non-caps mode to suid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811135 - "sci-physics/reduze-2.4 - -- Could NOT find MPI_C (missing: MPI_C_LIB_NAMES MPI_C_WORKS)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811162 - "media-libs/opencv lto-wrapper: fatal error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811195 - "www-misc/xxv-1.6.1-r3 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811345 - "dev-util/cppunit: bump to EAPI-8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:811405 - "dev-python/google-auth-oauthlib-0.4.6 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811432 - "dev-db/etcd-3.4.14 - * ERROR: dev-db/etcd-3.4.14::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811468 - "app-admin/cronlocker-0.5.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811477 - "net-misc/memcached-1.6.14 fails three chunked-extstore tests on RISC-V" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811486 - "sys-fs/dislocker-0.7.3 - * ERROR: sys-fs/dislocker-0.7.3::gentoo failed (prepare phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811720 - "sys-cluster/gasnet-1.30.0 - ../.../Makefile-echovar.mak:1: ofi-seq.mak: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811735 - "sys-apps/minijail-12 fails tests: - /.../minijail0_cli_unittest.cc: error: loop variable profile creates a copy from type const std::_cx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811738 - "gui-libs/gtk-4.4.0 fails tests: - 212/674 gtk:gsk / parser empty-text.node FAIL 0.51s exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811789 - "app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.40.3 misses dependencies on systemd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811873 - "dev-python/watchdog-2.1.5: error in one test (tests/test_inotify_buffer.py::test_move_to) on s390" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811909 - "[Tracker] ElGamal Plaintext Recovery in dev-libs/botan" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811942 - "net-vpn/fp-multiuser-0.0.2 - make: *** [Makefile:<snip>: fp-multiuser] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:811990 - "media-sound/ecasound: disable optional oil support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:812011 - "dev-db/mysql++-3.3.0 - /.../environment:line <snip>: mysql_config: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:812017 - "sci-visualization/kst-2.0.8-r2 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:812260 - "dev-db/percona-server- - /.../toku_pthread.cc: error: int pthread_yield() is deprecated: pthread_yield is deprecated, use" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:812314 - "net-irc/psybnc-2.4.3 - fails to compile: cp: cannot open '/usr/share/psybnc/salt.h' for reading: Permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:812482 - "media-libs/gd: OOB read (CVE-2021-40812)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:812542 - "dev-ruby/ffi-1.14.2 fails tests: Could not find 'rspec-support' (~> 3.10.0) - did find: [rspec-support-3.9.4] (Gem::MissingSpecVersionError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:812656 - "git push hanging in post-receive.h00-bugs hook" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:812662 - "dev-python/sphinx-bootstrap-theme-0.8.0-r1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:812764 - "dev-python/pyzmq-22.1.0: fails tests on arm64 (on one machine)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:812767 - "games-server/pvpgn- - file collision with dev-db/mariadb-10.5.12" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:812794 - "dev-libs/openssl: introduce USE=hardened with stronger defaults (based on dev-lang/python)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:812890 - "dev-python/u-msgpack-python-2.7.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:812938 - "sys-devel/gcc: allow building just libgcc, libstdc++ (or split into new packages)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:812986 - "[TRACKER] GNOME 41 Official Release" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813007 - "dev-python/paramiko: ~/.ssh/known_hosts is overwritten and comments are lost (upstream bug)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813114 - "media-libs/qhull: drop deprecated libraries?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813321 - "autotools.eclass: qa notices do not begin with 'QA Notice'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813324 - "chromium-2.eclass: qa notices do not begin with 'QA Notice'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813333 - "gnome2.eclass: qa notices do not begin with 'QA Notice'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813336 - "gstreamer-meson.eclass: qa notices do not begin with 'QA Notice'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813339 - "haskell-cabal.eclass: qa notices do not begin with 'QA Notice'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813345 - "multilib-build.eclass: qa notices do not begin with 'QA Notice'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813348 - "python-r1.eclass: qa notices do not begin with 'QA Notice'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813351 - "python-utils-r1.eclass: qa notices do not begin with 'QA Notice'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813354 - "rpm.eclass: qa notices do not begin with 'QA Notice'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813366 - "wxwidgets.eclass: qa notices do not begin with 'QA Notice'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813369 - "xorg-3.eclass: qa notices do not begin with 'QA Notice'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813471 - "sci-libs/cgnslib-3.4.0 - CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:210 (add_executable):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813504 - "Link to wiki page for circular dependencies (and possibly other common errors)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:813528 - "Uploading to experimental" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813633 - "x11-misc/xmobar-0.37 - * setup configure failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813636 - "dev-haskell/scientific- - * setup configure failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813645 - "sys-cluster/kube-apiserver: webhook redirect vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:813702 - "sys-cluster/teleport: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:813804 - "dev-python/scikit-build-0.12.0 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813813 - "Maintainer: John Turner (jturner.usa+gentoo AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813828 - "[stable] app-text/enchant-1.6.1-r1 - configure: error: Package requirements (hunspell) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813834 - "[stable] sci-libs/qd-2.3.22 - fpu.cpp: error: variable or field FC_FUNC_ declared void" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813849 - "app-forensics/aflplusplus-3.14c-r2 - clang-12: error: invalid integral value 32:25:16 in -falign-functions=32:25:16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813867 - "[stable] media-gfx/pstoedit-3.75 - ! LaTeX Error: File pdftexcmds.sty not found." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:813945 - "sys-devel/smatch-1.72 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814149 - "net-fs/samba: seems to compile in src_install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814182 - "[stable] sci-mathematics/coq-8.12.0-r1 - make: [Makefile.make:178: submake] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814245 - "[bombo82] games-rpg/open-adventure-1.9 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814317 - "app-text/pspdftool-0.03 - configure: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814338 - "sci-libs/lis-1.6.5 - Error: Type mismatch between actual argument at (1) and actual argument at (2) (INTEGER(4)/REAL(8))." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814413 - "ezzieyguywuf: ascend to trusted contributor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814575 - "New package: xlogin display manager" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814623 - "University of Waterloo mirror seems to be broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814629 - "[stable] dev-db/percona-xtrabackup-2.4.15 - /.../ld: CMakeFiles/.../xbstream.c.o:(.bss+<snip>): multiple definition of datasink_bu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814668 - "media-libs/libvpx-1.10.0 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814806 - "dev-lang/julia-1.6.3-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814809 - "dev-lang/julia-1.6.3 calls gfortran directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814845 - "sci-libs/ginkgo-1.4.0 - configure fails: Could not find a package configuration file provided by "hipblas"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814857 - "sys-apps/portage: doexe preserves all xattrs, including ACL, from source file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814893 - "app-shells/ctypes-sh: pkgcheck QA warnings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814896 - "app-text/docbook-sgml-utils: pkgcheck QA warnings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814950 - "dev-python/scipy-1.8.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:814953 - "dev-python/scipy-1.8.1 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815007 - "sci-libs/adolc-2.7.2 - ampisupport.cpp: error: struct ADTOOL_AMPI_FPCollection has no member named push_CallCodeReserve_f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815043 - "x11-misc/synergy- stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:815073 - "dev-python/lmfit-1.0.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815094 - "x11-misc/synergy- fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815097 - "dev-libs/dbus-c++-0.9.0-r4 - Header checksum mismatch, aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815112 - "media-libs/libjpeg-turbo-2.1.1-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815181 - "app-portage/eix prefixes tools with ${CHOST} when cross-compiling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815218 - "dev-haskell/yesod-core- - src/.../Types.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815220 - "[TRACKER] Packages relying on preservation of extended metadata (xattrs, ACLs, fcaps) when merging" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815286 - "dev-ruby/eventmachine-1.2.7-r3 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815313 - "games-action/supertuxkart-1.2 - /var/tmp/portage/games-action/supertuxkart-1.2/distdir/supertuxkart.png is not a valid file/direct" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815382 - "[stable] dev-db/percona-xtrabackup-2.4.15 - /.../ld: .../ds_buffer.c.o:(.data.rel.local+<snip>): first defined here" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815484 - "media-libs/libgig: heap overflow (CVE-2021-32294)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815514 - "sci-libs/libqalculate-4.1.1 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815523 - "dev-lang/gnat-gpl-2021-r5 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815688 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt-sanitizers-19.1.0 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815745 - "[guru] www-apps/jackett-bin-0.20.3288 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815793 - "[guru] app-text/koodo-reader-bin-1.6.3 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:815877 - "app-misc/pax-utils: allow runtime disabling of seccomp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:816078 - "media-sound/linuxsampler-2.2.0 - lscp_shell_reference.cpp: error: missing terminating character" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:816150 - "dev-ruby/railties: stabilisation on non-amd64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:816243 - "dev-embedded/u-boot-tools-2024.01-r1 calls ld directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:816312 - "Restore --autounmask-license=y default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:816393 - "=sys-auth/polkit-0.120 /usr/lib/polkit-1/polkit-agent-helper-1 and /usr/bin/pkexec not installed as suid binary" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:816396 - "sys-apps/sandbox: rust's direct use of clone3 syscall leads to internal sandbox deadlocks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:816474 - "games-fps/nexuiz HOMEPAGE is dead" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:816498 - "[Tracker] Breakage with OCaml 4.13" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:816531 - "[guru] [HELP] dev-python/threadloop-1.0.2 fails tests ImportError: cannot import name 'ThreadLoop' from 'threadloop'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:816570 - "dev-ruby/slim-3.0.9-r1 fails TestSlimCodeEvaluation#test_code_attribute_does_not_modify_argument" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:816651 - "[guru] dev-python/cotyledon-1.7.3 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:816759 - "app-emulation/libguestfs-1.48.6 fails to compile: ./libguestfs.syms: file not recognized: file format not recognized" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:816993 - "sys-cluster/ceph-16.2.6 - /.../ZFS.cc: error: too few arguments to function int zfs_iter_snapshots_sorted(zfs_handle_t , zfs_iter_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:817005 - "[stable] dev-db/pgrouting-3.1.1 - /.../point_point.hpp: error: redefinition of template<class Point1, class Point2, class Strategy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:817188 - "=dev-python/pythran-0.10.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:817191 - "[guru] dev-python/monotonic-1.6 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:817266 - "[guru] net-misc/rpki-client-9.3 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:817299 - "[guru] dev-python/cotyledon-1.7.3 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:817317 - "Maintainer: Alfred Wingate (parona AT protonmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:817347 - "app-text/htmltidy-5.8.0-r1 spurious warning for same-document references" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:817416 - "sci-libs/rocSPARSE-4.3.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:817440 - "[TRACKER] Tinderbox cannot test ROCm ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:817770 - "sci-libs/hdf5-1.12.1-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:817884 - "x11-drivers/xf86-input-mtrack-0.5.0 - configure: error: Package requirements (xorg-server >= 1.7 xproto inputproto ) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818109 - "[guru] dev-python/ncclient-0.6.12 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818187 - "app-admin/puppet-agent-8.10.0 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818448 - "dev-perl/Crypt-Random-1.540.0 dev-perl/Statistics-ChiSquare-1.0.0 rekeywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818457 - "app-text/qpdfview-0.4.18_p1 - /.../ld: cannot find -lmupdf-third" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818526 - "dev-python/utidylib-0.7-r2: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818547 - "dev-perl/Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene-1.730.0[examples]: collides with sci-biology/bioperl-1.6.9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818592 - "acct-user/icecream-0-r2 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818616 - "sci-biology/wise-2.4.0_alpha-r1 - ! LaTeX Error: Bad math environment delimiter." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818628 - "net-vpn/libreswan-4.5 - /.../fetch.c: error: too many arguments to function fetch_curl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818694 - "[stable] dev-lisp/ecl-16.1.3-r1 - ;;; Loading src:lsp;setf.lspmake[1]: [Makefile:<snip>: bin/ecl] Error 139" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818727 - "x11-misc/gpaste-3.36.3 - meson.build: ERROR: Dependency mutter-clutter-6 not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818817 - "dev-lisp/alexandria-20171029 - make: sbcl: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818889 - "dev-lang/mmix-20160804-r1 - mmix-mem.w: fatal error: mmix-pipe.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818895 - "dev-python/indexed-gzip-1.6.4 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818982 - "app-emulation/grub-xen-host-1.0-r1 installs ELF files with RESTRICT=binchecks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:818985 - "dev-perl/Crypt-Random - forbidden division t_INT % t_REAL. at /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Crypt-Random-1.540.0/work/Crypt-Random-1.54/blib/lib/Crypt/Random.pm line 97dev-perl/Crypt-Random-1.540.0:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:819024 - "[guru] app-crypt/gnome-encfs-manager-1.9-r2 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:819399 - "dev-games/clanlib-4.1.0 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:819405 - "dev-lang/rust-1.76.0-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:819582 - "Maintainer: Jakov Petrina (jakov.petrina AT sartura.hr)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:819663 - "net-libs/ntirpc-3.4 - -- KRB5 was not found. Make sure the entries KRB5_ are set." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:819891 - "<dev-db/mysql-{5.7.36,8,0,27}: multiple vulnerabilities (Oracle CPU Oct 2021)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:819915 - "sys-apps/sandbox: failed emerges with namespaces (sandbox:ns_net_setup ioctl(SIOCSIFFLAGS, lo) failed: Operation not permitted)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:819954 - "media-libs/libcaca-0.99_beta19-r8 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820014 - "app-text/linuxdoc-tools-0.9.82 - Error: nsgmls -D .../sgmltmp.guide.02.nsgmlsout failed with exit status: 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820062 - "[TRACKER] packages which should enable a telemetry use flag" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820104 - "dev-libs/libatomic_ops: figure out when we need it on various arches, add to profiles?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820194 - "dev-lang/tcc-0.9.27_p20230223 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820200 - "dev-lang/tcc-0.9.27_p20211022 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820272 - "app-crypt/gnupg-2.3.3: gettime.c:(.text+0x6f4): undefined reference to `bug_at'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820461 - "dev-python/aiopylgtv-0.4.1 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820497 - "[guru] x11-libs/gtk-fortran-4.6.0 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820590 - "media-sound/musescore-3.6.2 - all.h: fatal error: QQuickWidget: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820686 - "app-admin/sudo-1.9.8_p2: fails tests with sandbox namespaces enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820833 - "net-misc/ipv6calc-4.0.0-r1 - Can't locate Digest/SHA1.pm in @INC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820851 - "[Tracker] Breakage with dev-cpp/tbb-2021.4.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820869 - "[TRACKER] Java packages for which building javadoc fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:820878 - "net-misc/ipv6calc-4.0.0-r1 - configure: error: No APXS binary found: cannot create Apache module - missing httpd-devel?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821070 - "net-print/libinklevel-0.9.2 fails to compile: configure: error: required header file missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821115 - "sys-libs/libxcrypt-4.4.25: fails test/explicit-bzero test on sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821229 - "dev-haskell/hspec-expectations-0.8.2 - unpack: hspec-expectations-0.8.2.tar.gz does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821235 - "[stable] sci-chemistry/openbabel-perl-2.4.1 - -- Could NOT find wxWidgets (missing: wxWidgets_LIBRARIES wxWidgets_INCLUDE_DIRS)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821328 - "net-mail/notmuch: sandbox ACCESS VIOLATION with smart card reader keyboard plugged in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821346 - "dev-db/redis: integer overflow via bundled hiredis" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821388 - "`emerge --test` should run ebuild tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:821403 - "sys-apps/sandbox-3.0: handing off children to new tracer fails w/yama.ptrace_scope=1: ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH): Operation not permitted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821427 - "net-analyzer/driftnet-1.3.0 fails to compile with >=net-libs/libwebsockets-4.3.0 (httpd.c:194:9: error: extra brace group at end of initializer)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821451 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-sipe-1.25.0-r1 - configure: error: Voice and video support explicitly requested, but not available" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821499 - "launching sandbox as non-root should retain CAP_SYS_PTRACE capabilities to bypass yama ptrace_scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821511 - "Vendor/bundle Portage's Python dependencies to ease upgrades (static portage/emerge)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821517 - "dev-libs/libxls: null pointer dereferences" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:821523 - "sys-apps/sandbox-3.1: breaks dev-lang/go bootstrapping" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821565 - "sci-libs/pastix-6.0.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821601 - "acct-user/ez-ipupd-0-r2 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821613 - "=sci-libs/orocos_kdl-1.5.1 USE=models - error: ‘ifstream’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘std::ifstream’?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821625 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-base-1.18.4-r1 - ../.../meson.build: ERROR: Problem encountered: Could not find requested OpenGL library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821643 - ">=sys-apps/sandbox-3.0 breaks build on tmpfs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821967 - "net-mail/qmailadmin-1.2.16-r1 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:821982 - "dev-util/rebar-2.6.4-r1 - Uncaught error in rebar_core: {EXIT," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822033 - "sys-apps/portage: bash_command_not_found_re does not detect command not found when sh is busybox" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822048 - "sys-auth/polkit-pkla-compat-0.1-r1 - chown: cannot access .../localauthority: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822051 - "app-admin/vault-1.8.5 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: prep] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822060 - "dev-db/timescaledb-2.4.2 - CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:557 (message):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822075 - "net-misc/portfwd-0.29-r1 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822078 - "net-misc/usbip-5.15 installs ELF files with RESTRICT=binchecks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822105 - "dev-python/jschema-to-python-1.2.3 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822108 - "dev-python/sarif-om-1.0.4 setuptools warnings detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822126 - "dev-lisp/roswell- - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-windres: cant get BFD_RELOC_RVA relocation type: cause of error unknown" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822171 - "sci-libs/dcmtk-3.6.5 - /.../syncpub.h: error: invalid conversion from int to dcmtk::log4cplus::thread::MutexImplBase [-fpermissive" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822201 - "app-cdr/cdrtools-3.02_alpha09-r4: fails to build on arm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822204 - "dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.15.2_p20211019: fails to build on arm (//skia/BUILD.gn:799:11: Undefined identifier. configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:compiler_arm_fpu" ])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822225 - "net-print/foo2zjs-20200221 fails to compile: Error: ex is not installed!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822276 - "dev-lisp/ecl-21.2.1-r4 - /.../sh:line <snip>: cd: .../.git: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822300 - "net-misc/olsrd-0.9.8_p20210612 - src/gpsdclient.c: error: STATUS_NO_FIX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822318 - "dev-ml/gsl-ocaml-1.24.3-r1 - Fatal error: exception Sys_error(gsl_include.sexp: No such file or directory)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822354 - "[TRACKER] Packages broken by dev-python/setuptools >= 60 (SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS=local)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822498 - "media-video/pipewire: No sound, wireplumber fails to start when launching gentoo-pipewire-launcher" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822507 - "net-im/skypeforlinux- installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822534 - "games-fps/quake1-rally-1.2-r1 - !!! Couldnt download qr12.zip. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822591 - "[ssnb] app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite-9.0.1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822594 - "[ssnb] app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite-9.0.1 installs metainfo files into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822597 - "[ssnb] app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite-9.0.1 installs .desktop files with MimeType but does not update desktop mimeinfo cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822600 - "[ssnb] app-editors/visual-studio-code-1.62.0 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822618 - "[ssnb] dev-python/ldif-4.1.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822624 - "[ssnb] dev-python/snooty-lextudio-1.8.10 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822627 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/amazon-ec2-0.9.17 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822630 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/aws-2.10.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822633 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/azure-0.7.10 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822642 - "sys-apps/openrc-0.44.7: rc-service returns SELinux assertion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822645 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/ffi-rzmq-2.0.7 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822648 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/ffi-rzmq-core-1.0.7 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822651 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/inflection-1.0.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822654 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/ipaddress-0.13.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822657 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/make-0.3.1 collides with other packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822660 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/memcache-client-1.8.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822663 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/mysql-2.9.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822666 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/parse-cron-0.1.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822669 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/rubygems-update-3.1.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822672 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/thin-1.7.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822675 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/xmlparser- fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822678 - "[ssnb] dev-ruby/zendesk_api-1.26.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822756 - "[Tracker] MySQL "compromise"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822774 - "app-misc/socnetv-3.0.4 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822834 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1 - checking for CLISP version... configure: error: .../clisp -K boot -E UTF-8 -Emisc 1:1 -Epathname 1:1 -" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822885 - "[ssnb] sys-block/partclone-0.3.18 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822936 - "bootstrap-prefix.sh - portage.exception.OperationNotPermitted: chown('/nas/weka.zone/resources/tools/apps/software/bio/gentoo/var/lib/portage', -1, 0)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822951 - "media-libs/libdv should not require X11 and / or SDL to build and be usable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:822963 - "www-client/netsurf-3.10-r4: fails tests on x86 (32-bit in general?) (test/time.c:368:F:date string to time_t:date_string_compare:9: Assertion 'rfc1123_date(time_out) == t->expected' failed:)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:822996 - "<media-gfx/nomacs-3.16.0: buffer overflow via crafted MNG file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:823185 - "[TRACKER] Python 3.10 porting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823218 - "install-qa-check.d/60bash-completion loads system completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823245 - "dev-cpp/gstreamermm-1.10.0-r1 fails tests: test-bin.cc:27:112: error: parameter ‘element_name’ may not appear in this context" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823257 - "dev-cpp/gstreamermm-1.10.0-r2 [doc] installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823272 - "[lmiphay] dev-python/eliot-1.3.0 fails tests: TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument min_satisfying_examples" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823326 - "[lmiphay] app-misc/homeassistant-bin-0.108.9 fails to compile: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement homeassistant==0.108.9 (from versions: none)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823362 - "[lmiphay] dev-python/pyhs100- does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823365 - "[lmiphay] dev-python/python-smpplib-20180221 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823368 - "[lmiphay] dev-python/srptools-1.0.1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823398 - "[lmiphay] dev-python/eliot-tree-18.0.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823470 - "net-wireless/bluez: memory leak DoS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:823626 - "dev-qt/qt3d-5.15.2-r10 - /.../abstractpickingjob.cpp: error: cannot convert const Matrix4x4 {aka const Qt3DCore::Matrix4x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823656 - "sandbox: dev-db/mysql unittest segfault-t doesn't produce output when running via sandbox" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823665 - "dev-perl/Gtk3-0.38.0: FAILED--Further testing stopped: OS unsupported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823698 - "dev-cpp/cpp-hocon-0.3.0 calls python directly (dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823704 - "dev-libs/elfutils-0.186 fails tests: - FAIL run-backtrace-native.sh (exit status: 1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823707 - "dev-util/cmocka-1.1.5 fails tests: - 20 - test_exception_handler (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823710 - "sys-auth/thinkfinger-0.3-r3 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823724 - "app-crypt/gnupg-2.3.3 fails tests: - Failed tests: <keyboxd>tests/openpgp/default-key.scm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823732 - "sys-apps/systemd: UIDs and GID above 60000 are not usable for system accounts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823762 - "[TRACKER] ~ only candidate arches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823768 - "ppc(32) some package de-stabilization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823772 - "new ppc(32) devbox?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823786 - "media-libs/libepoxy-1.5.9-r1: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823814 - "sys-fs/lufs-0.9.7-r4 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823860 - "Consider making a public wiki database dump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823926 - "[gerislay] app-arch/rarcrack-0.2 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823930 - "[gerislay] dev-cpp/gperftools-2.7 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823934 - "[gerislay] dev-python/rauth-0.7.2 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823938 - "[gerislay] media-gfx/leocad-18.02 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823942 - "[gerislay] sys-fs/gocryptfs-1.8.0 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823958 - "net-mail/cyrus-imapd-3.4.2-r1 - lib/acl.c: fatal error: imap/imap_err.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823962 - "dev-haskell/hashable- - Not in scope: data constructor Natural" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823966 - "[stable] mail-client/thunderbird-78.13.0 - 4:00.50 error[E0557]: feature has been removed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823970 - "app-emulation/bochs-2.7 - ../.../config.h: error: #error IDLE_HACK will only work with the X11 or term gui. Correct configure args" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:823982 - "dev-games/mygui-3.4.1 - Could not find a package configuration file provided by OGRE with any of" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824058 - "emerge: add an option to disable BDEPEND walking" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:824062 - "emerge: rename --with-bdeps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824070 - "www-misc/mergelog-4.5-r2 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824110 - "[seden] dev-cpp/pwxlib-0.9.0 fails to compile: CRandom.h:138:46: error: ‘RAND_MAX’ was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824114 - "[seden] dev-tex/rtf2latex2e-2.2.3 fails to compile with -fno-common: ld: main.o:(.bss+0x38): multiple definition of `eqn_end_display; eqn.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824122 - "[seden] games-strategy/glfrontier-20060623-r5 fails to compile: audio.c:17:11: fatal error: codec.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824126 - "[seden] media-plugins/vocoder-ladspa-0.4-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824130 - "[seden] media-plugins/vocoder-ladspa-0.4-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824134 - "[seden] perl-cpan/DBD-Oracle-9999 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824410 - "[haarp] x11-plugins/multiload-ng-1.5.2 fails to compile with -fno-common: multiple definition of `graph_types; multiload-ng-core.a(multiload_ng_core_la-multiload.o):(.bss+0x20): first defined here" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824462 - "[haarp] net-vpn/dns2tcp-0.5.2 fails to compile with -fno-common: ld: auth.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `debug; rr.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824506 - "dev-haskell/optparse-applicative- - tests/test.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824514 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-good-1.18.4 fails tests: - FAILED: meson-test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824522 - "dev-python/tornado-6.1 fails tests: - FAIL: test_localhost (tornado.test.netutil_test.CaresResolverTest)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824534 - "app-text/htmltidy-5.8.0-r1 fails tests: - Test execution failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824842 - "sys-apps/portage: world_sets seem to be unnecessarily evaluated on every emerge run" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824850 - "[sattvik] =net-wireless/airspyhf-1.6.8 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824858 - "[sattvik] net-wireless/nanovna-qt-0.1_p20200507 fails to compile: configure: error: eigen3 not installed Dense include not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824866 - "[sattvik] x11-misc/prismatik- fails to compile: make[1]: No rule to make target ru_RU.qm, needed by qrc_LightpackResources.cpp. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824870 - "[sattvik] app-emulation/vagrant-bin-1.9.4 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824874 - "[sattvik] app-emulation/vagrant-bin-1.9.4 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824878 - "[sattvik] app-emulation/vagrant-bin-1.9.4 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824882 - "[sattvik] app-emulation/vagrant-bin-1.9.4 installs binaries linked to libcrypt.so without depend on virtual/libcrypt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824886 - "[sattvik] app-emulation/vmware-workstation- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824890 - "[sattvik] app-emulation/vmware-workstation- installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824894 - "[sattvik] app-emulation/vmware-workstation- installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824898 - "[sattvik] app-misc/todoman-4.0.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824902 - "[sattvik] sci-electronics/digilent-waveforms-3.14.3-r1 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824906 - "[sattvik] sci-electronics/digilent-waveforms-3.14.3-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824910 - "[sattvik] sci-electronics/digilent-waveforms-3.14.3-r1 installs .desktop files with MimeType but does not update desktop mimeinfo cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824914 - "[sattvik] sci-electronics/digilent-waveforms-3.14.3-r1 installs mime-info files but does not update mime-info cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824966 - "sci-electronics/gwave-20190116 - configure: error: No Guile development packages were found." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824974 - "media-sound/schismtracker-20211116 - schism/clippy.c: error: expected expression before ) token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824978 - "media-plugins/vdr-xineliboutput-2.2.0-r4 - /.../ld: .../libcec.so: undefined reference to CEC::CTDA995xCECAdapterDetection::FindAd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:824982 - "dev-util/kernelshark-1.2 - dataplot.cpp:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to glutInit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825002 - "app-misc/tmux2html-0.1.11 - ValueError: Newlines are not allowed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825006 - "sys-block/thin-provisioning-tools-0.9.0 fails tests: - /.../gtest-printers.h: error: no matching function for call to testing::internal:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825114 - "[AstroFloyd] media-gfx/tex2im-1.8 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825118 - "[AstroFloyd] net-im/whatsapp-purple-9999 fails to compile: make: protoc: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825122 - "[AstroFloyd] net-misc/globus-toolkit-5.2.0 fetches file(s) that do not match recorded size" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825126 - "[AstroFloyd] sci-astronomy/analysemcmc-0.7.2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825130 - "[AstroFloyd] sci-astronomy/skychart-bin-3.6.2150 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825134 - "[AstroFloyd] sci-libs/fgsl-1.2.0 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825142 - "[AstroFloyd] sci-libs/levmar-2.6-r2 fails to compile: ld: lmdemo.c.o: undefined reference to symbol sqrt@@GLIBC_2.2.5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825186 - "[AstroFloyd] sci-astronomy/libthesky-0.4.2-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825190 - "[AstroFloyd] sci-astronomy/soltrack-2.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825194 - "[AstroFloyd] sci-astronomy/soltrack-2.2 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825198 - "[AstroFloyd] sci-electronics/labjack-ljm-64bit-20171221-r2 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825202 - "[AstroFloyd] sci-electronics/labjack-ljm-64bit-20171221-r2 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825206 - "[AstroFloyd] sci-electronics/labjack-ljm-64bit-20171221-r2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825210 - "[AstroFloyd] sci-electronics/labjack-ljm-64bit-20171221-r2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825214 - "[AstroFloyd] sci-electronics/labjack-ljm-64bit-20171221-r2 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825218 - "[AstroFloyd] sci-electronics/labjack-ljm-64bit-20171221-r2 installs shared libraries that lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825226 - "[AstroFloyd] sys-apps/man-pages-linux-kernel-api-4.5.2 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825246 - "dev-cpp/tbb-2021.4.0 fails tests: - 119 - conformance_arena_constraints (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825250 - "app-admin/awscli-1.22.10 fails tests: - _ ERROR collecting .../test_shadowing.py _" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825254 - "[klondike] dev-haskell/random-stream-0.1.1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825258 - "[klondike] media-sound/jackmaster-0.0.2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825262 - "[klondike] net-p2p/linuxdcpp-1.1.0 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825266 - "[klondike] net-p2p/mimicmod-9999 fails to compile: openssl.c:109:24: error: invalid use of incomplete typedef ‘BIO’ {aka ‘struct bio_st’}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825270 - "[klondike] net-p2p/mimicmod-lan-9999 calls commands that do not exist: _use_me_now_inverted: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825274 - "www-client/seamonkey: system-sqlite default is harmful" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825290 - "=sys-auth/fprintd-1.94.0[pam] fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825322 - "app-portage/g-octave-0.4.1-r7 - ValueError: Newlines are not allowed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825366 - "www-client/netsurf-3.10-r4 fails tests: - make: [test/Makefile:<snip>: corestrings_test] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825490 - "dev-java/jnr-ffi-2.2.12: tests not enabled because of still missing junit-jupiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825514 - "sci-libs/spqr-2.0.9-r1 - spqr_parallel.cpp: fatal error: tbb/task_scheduler_init.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825558 - "dev-python/tubes-0.2.0-r1 - ValueError: Newlines are not allowed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825574 - "[TRACKER] virtual/jdk:17 issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825730 - "dev-util/diffuse-0.9.0 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825734 - "[gentoo-zh] =app-i18n/zh-autoconvert-0.3.16-r3 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825750 - "[gentoo-zh] =dev-libs/libdwarf-20140208 misses USE=static-libs and installs '.a' files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825766 - "dev-lang/lua: build as C++" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825794 - "[gentoo-zh] app-admin/cockpit-234 fails to compile: configure: error: Package requirements (libsystemd >= 235) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825806 - "[gentoo-zh] app-i18n/fcitx- fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825810 - "[gentoo-zh] app-misc/gpick-0.2.6 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825818 - "[gentoo-zh] app-crypt/etoken-sac-10.3 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825822 - "[gentoo-zh] app-crypt/etoken-sac-10.3 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825826 - "[gentoo-zh] app-crypt/etoken-sac-10.3 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825830 - "[gentoo-zh] app-crypt/etoken-sac-10.3 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825834 - "[gentoo-zh] app-crypt/etoken-sac-10.3 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825838 - "[gentoo-zh] app-crypt/etoken-sac-10.3 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825842 - "[gentoo-zh] app-crypt/etoken-sac-10.3 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825846 - "[gentoo-zh] app-crypt/etoken-sac-10.3 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825850 - "[gentoo-zh] app-editors/typora-0.11.16 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825854 - "[gentoo-zh] app-editors/typora-0.11.16 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825858 - "[gentoo-zh] app-editors/typora-0.11.16 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825862 - "[gentoo-zh] app-editors/typora-0.11.16 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825866 - "[gentoo-zh] app-editors/visual-studio-code-bin-1.62.3 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825870 - "[gentoo-zh] app-editors/visual-studio-code-bin-1.62.3 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825874 - "[gentoo-zh] app-editors/visual-studio-code-bin-1.62.3 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825878 - "[gentoo-zh] app-emulation/deepin-udis86-1.72-r4 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825882 - "[gentoo-zh] app-emulation/deepin-udis86-1.72-r4 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825886 - "[gentoo-zh] app-emulation/deepin-udis86-1.72-r4 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825890 - "[gentoo-zh] app-emulation/deepin-wine-helper-5.1.27-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825894 - "[gentoo-zh] app-emulation/deepin-wine-helper-5.1.27-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825898 - "[gentoo-zh] app-emulation/deepin-wine-helper-5.1.27-r1 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825902 - "[gentoo-zh] app-emulation/deepin-wine-plugin-5.1.13-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825906 - "[gentoo-zh] app-emulation/deepin-wine-plugin-5.1.13-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825910 - "[gentoo-zh] app-emulation/deepin-wine-plugin-5.1.13-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825914 - "[gentoo-zh] app-emulation/deepin-wine-plugin-5.1.13-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825918 - "[gentoo-zh] app-emulation/deepin-wine-plugin-5.1.13-r1 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825922 - "[gentoo-zh] app-emulation/deepin-wine-plugin-5.1.13-r1 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825926 - "[gentoo-zh] app-i18n/zh-autoconvert-0.3.16-r3 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825930 - "[gentoo-zh] app-i18n/zh-autoconvert-0.3.16-r3 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825934 - "[gentoo-zh] app-i18n/zh-autoconvert-0.3.16-r3 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825938 - "[gentoo-zh] app-i18n/zh-autoconvert-0.3.16-r3 installs soname that are missing symlink(s)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825942 - "[gentoo-zh] app-misc/bcompare- installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825946 - "[gentoo-zh] app-misc/bcompare- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825950 - "[gentoo-zh] app-misc/bcompare- does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825954 - "[gentoo-zh] app-misc/bcompare- does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825958 - "[gentoo-zh] app-misc/ccal-2.5.3 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825962 - "[gentoo-zh] app-office/bytedance-feishu- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825966 - "[gentoo-zh] app-office/bytedance-feishu- installs .desktop files with MimeType but does not update desktop mimeinfo cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825974 - "[gentoo-zh] app-office/freeoffice-1036-r3 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825978 - "[gentoo-zh] app-office/freeoffice-1036-r3 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825982 - "[gentoo-zh] app-office/freeoffice-1036-r3 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825986 - "[gentoo-zh] app-shells/gitstatus-1.5.2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825990 - "[gentoo-zh] app-text/ydcv-rs-0.4.7 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:825998 - "[gentoo-zh] dev-libs/lunar-date-3.0.0 fails to compile: Program gdbus-codegen not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826002 - "[gentoo-zh] app-office/wps-office- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826006 - "[gentoo-zh] app-office/wps-office- does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826010 - "[gentoo-zh] app-office/wps-office- does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826014 - "[gentoo-zh] app-text/groff-utf8-0-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826018 - "[gentoo-zh] app-text/groff-utf8-0-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826022 - "[gentoo-zh] app-text/ydcv-rs-0.4.7 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826026 - "[gentoo-zh] app-text/ydcv-rs-0.4.7 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826030 - "[gentoo-zh] dev-python/conda-package-handling-1.7.3 fails to compile: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named Cython" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826034 - "[gentoo-zh] dev-python/janus-0.4.0-r1 fails tests: AssertionError: True is not false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826038 - "[gentoo-zh] sys-apps/pacman-6.0.0 fails to compile: meson.build:1:0: ERROR: Unknown options: "libcurl"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826042 - "[gentoo-zh] dev-util/fernflower-1 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826046 - "[gentoo-zh] games-board/othello-0.2.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826050 - "[gentoo-zh] media-plugins/gimp-gap-2.8.0 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826054 - "[gentoo-zh] media-plugins/osdlyrics-20200403-r1 fails to compile: Package gtk+-2.0, required by virtual:world, not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826058 - "[gentoo-zh] net-fs/ksmbd-3.4.2-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826062 - "[gentoo-zh] net-misc/Cloudreve-3.3.2 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826066 - "[gentoo-zh] net-misc/pcmanx-gtk2-1.3 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826070 - "[gentoo-zh] net-proxy/qvplugin-ss-1.2-r1 fails to compile: ssl_tls.c:1726:41: error: argument 2 of type ‘unsigned char[36]’ with mismatched bound [-Werror=array-parameter=]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826074 - "[gentoo-zh] net-proxy/qvplugin-ssr-2.0.3 fails to compile: catch.hpp:10791:58: error: call to non-‘constexpr’ function ‘long int sysconf(int)’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826082 - "[gentoo-zh] sys-apps/aptly-1.4.0 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826090 - "[gentoo-zh] sys-fs/f2fs-tools-9999 fails to compile: eapply_user (or default) must be called in src_prepare()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826098 - "[gentoo-zh] dev-python/imgviz-1.3.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826102 - "[gentoo-zh] dev-python/labelme-4.6.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826110 - "[gentoo-zh] dev-util/jetbrains-toolbox-1.20.7939 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826114 - "[gentoo-zh] dev-util/jetbrains-toolbox-1.20.7939 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826118 - "[gentoo-zh] media-gfx/scangearmp-2.4.10 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826122 - "[gentoo-zh] media-gfx/scangearmp-2.4.10 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826126 - "[gentoo-zh] media-sound/linnya-2.2.0 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826130 - "[gentoo-zh] media-sound/netease-cloud-music-1.2.1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826134 - "[gentoo-zh] media-sound/netease-cloud-music-1.2.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826138 - "[gentoo-zh] media-sound/netease-cloud-music-1.2.1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826142 - "[gentoo-zh] media-sound/yesplaymusic-bin-0.4.2 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826146 - "[gentoo-zh] media-sound/yesplaymusic-bin-0.4.2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826150 - "[gentoo-zh] media-sound/yesplaymusic-bin-0.4.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826154 - "[gentoo-zh] media-video/tenvideo-1.0.10 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826158 - "[gentoo-zh] media-video/tenvideo-1.0.10 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826162 - "[gentoo-zh] media-video/tenvideo-1.0.10 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826166 - "[gentoo-zh] media-video/tenvideo-1.0.10 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826170 - "[gentoo-zh] net-im/dingtalk- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826174 - "[gentoo-zh] net-im/dingtalk- does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826178 - "[gentoo-zh] net-im/dingtalk- does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826182 - "[gentoo-zh] net-im/dingtalk- installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826186 - "[gentoo-zh] net-im/tencent-qq-2.0.0_beta2_p1089 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826190 - "[gentoo-zh] net-im/tencent-qq-2.0.0_beta2_p1089 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826194 - "[gentoo-zh] net-im/wechat-uos-2.0.0 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826198 - "[gentoo-zh] net-im/wechat-uos-2.0.0 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826202 - "[gentoo-zh] net-im/wechat-uos-2.0.0 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826206 - "[gentoo-zh] net-im/wechat-uos-2.0.0 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826210 - "[gentoo-zh] net-im/wemeet- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826214 - "[gentoo-zh] net-misc/Cloudreve-3.3.2 operates on file that does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826218 - "[gentoo-zh] net-misc/baidunetdisk-3.5.0 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826222 - "[gentoo-zh] net-misc/baidunetdisk-3.5.0 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826226 - "[gentoo-zh] net-misc/baidunetdisk-3.5.0 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826230 - "[gentoo-zh] net-misc/baidunetdisk-3.5.0 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826234 - "[gentoo-zh] net-misc/nomachine-enterprise-client- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826238 - "[gentoo-zh] net-misc/nomachine-enterprise-client- installs binaries linked to libcrypt.so without depend on virtual/libcrypt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826242 - "[gentoo-zh] net-misc/prips-1.0.0 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826246 - "[gentoo-zh] net-misc/you-get-9999 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826250 - "[gentoo-zh] net-p2p/n2n-2.8 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826254 - "[gentoo-zh] net-print/epson-inkjet-printer_201207w-1.0.0 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826258 - "[gentoo-zh] net-print/epson-inkjet-printer_201207w-1.0.0 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826262 - "[gentoo-zh] net-proxy/lantern-bin-6.9.1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826266 - "[gentoo-zh] net-proxy/lantern-bin-6.9.1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826270 - "[gentoo-zh] net-proxy/lantern-bin-6.9.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826274 - "[gentoo-zh] net-proxy/lantern-bin-6.9.1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826278 - "[gentoo-zh] net-proxy/lantern-bin-6.9.1 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826282 - "[gentoo-zh] net-proxy/shadowsocks-9999 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826286 - "[gentoo-zh] net-proxy/shadowsocks-rust-bin-1.12.2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826290 - "[gentoo-zh] net-proxy/shadowsocks-rust-bin-1.12.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826294 - "[gentoo-zh] net-proxy/v2ray-bin-4.42.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826298 - "[gentoo-zh] sys-devel/ucc-1.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826302 - "[gentoo-zh] sys-devel/ucc-1.1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826306 - "[gentoo-zh] sys-libs/elog-functions-0.0.2 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826310 - "[gentoo-zh] sys-libs/elog-functions-0.0.2 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826314 - "[gentoo-zh] x11-libs/libvdpau-va-gl-9999 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826318 - "[gentoo-zh] x11-misc/fqterm- fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826322 - "[gentoo-zh] x11-misc/9menu-1.8 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826326 - "[gentoo-zh] x11-misc/9menu-1.8 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826330 - "[gentoo-zh] x11-misc/ly-0.5.0-r1 fails to compile: fatal: could not read Username for github.com: terminal prompts disabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826334 - "[gentoo-zh] x11-terms/contour- fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826338 - "[gentoo-zh] x11-wm/9wm-1.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826342 - "[gentoo-zh] x11-wm/9wm-1.1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826498 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.5.13 fails tests: - Failing test(s): client.mariadb-conv client.mariadb-conv-utf16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826514 - "dev-util/babeltrace-1.5.8 - error.c:(.text+<snip>): multiple definition of bt_packet_seek_get_error; .../libctf-types.a(error.o):e" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826518 - "media-libs/partio-1.10.1 - partview.cpp:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to glutTimerFunc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826590 - "[fem-overlay] app-emulation/grub-xen-host-1.0-r2 installs ELF files with RESTRICT=binchecks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826602 - "dev-util/cppcheck-2.4.1 calls python directly (dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826758 - "sys-devel/gcc-11.2.0 fails tests: - FAIL: c-c++-common/asan/strncpy-overflow-1.c -O1 (test for excess errors)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:826970 - "dev-util/cppcheck-2.9 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827010 - "media-libs/embree-4.3.0 fails to compile: string sub-command REPLACE requires at least four arguments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827042 - "sci-libs/netcdf-4.7.4: nc_test fails when optimization level is -O2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827131 - "www-misc/htdig-3.2.0_beta6-r5 - configure: error: Cannot find ssl libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827176 - "games-engines/openxcom-1.0.0_p20180317-r1 not compatible with dev-cpp/yaml-cpp-0.7.0-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827179 - "app-admin/tripwire- fails tests: - -- policy creation test *FAILED*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827233 - "net-print/lexmark-upd-ppd- does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827290 - "app-doc/kicad-doc-7.0.X has issues with USE="pdf"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827334 - "sci-libs/libxc-5.1.6: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827374 - "app-office/libreoffice-bin- installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827378 - "app-office/libreoffice-bin- installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827382 - "media-radio/direwolf-1.7 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827410 - "[lmiphay] app-misc/g13-20150528_p1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827414 - "[lmiphay] app-misc/g13-20150528_p1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827426 - "[lmiphay] dev-python/astral-1.6.1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827434 - "[lmiphay] dev-python/fuzzywuzzy-0.18.0 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pycodestyle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827446 - "app-admin/syslog-ng: reload by logrotate can fail due to config version upgrade" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827454 - "[lmiphay] dev-python/heat-translator-9999 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827458 - "[lmiphay] dev-python/kafka-python-9999 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827490 - "media-radio/direwolf-1.6 - /.../dwgpsd.c: error: #error libgps API version might be incompatible." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827760 - "[lmiphay] app-misc/g13-20150528_p1 calls g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827763 - "[lmiphay] app-misc/hexdiff-0.0.50 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827778 - "[lmiphay] media-sound/shairport-20141210-r2 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827781 - "[lmiphay] media-sound/shairport2_helper-9999 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827784 - "[lmiphay] media-sound/squeezelite- calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827790 - "[lmiphay] net-misc/ntp-proxy-9999 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827824 - "cross-x86_64-w64-mingw32/gcc-11.2.0: fatal error: sys/mman.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827846 - "Maintainer: Paymon MARANDI (darwinskernel AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827935 - "dev-tex/latex2html-2021.2-r2[-gif] - sed: can't read /var/tmp/portage/dev-tex/latex2html-2021.2-r2/image/usr/lib64/latex2html/pstoimg.pl: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:827964 - "sci-electronics/gazebo-11.14.0: gazebo/msgs/poses_stamped.pb.h: No such file or directory with cmake 3.22.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828021 - "sci-libs/mkl-2020.4.304: INTEL MKL ERROR: /usr/lib64/libmkl_vml_def.so: undefined symbol: mkl_lapack_dspevd." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828027 - "net-analyzer/netdata-1.32.0 - configure: error: You have requested --with-aclk-ng but it cant be built. See reasons in lines above" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828029 - "sci-libs/gmsh: bundles dev-cpp/picojson" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828056 - "app-crypt/johntheripper-jumbo-1.9.0_p20240102 fails to compile: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-as: invalid option A" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828059 - "sys-apps/portage: Handling of conflicting package names is counterintuitive" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828079 - "app-admin/ansible: error "ansible 4.8.0 has requirement ansible-core<2.12,>=2.11.6, but you have ansible-core 2.12.0." is blocking PIP usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828106 - "net-dns/getdns-1.7.0-r1 - CMake Error at .../FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828117 - "media-gfx/blender-2.93.6 fails tests: 106 - compositor_filter_test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828118 - "media-gfx/blender-4.0.1-r1 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828124 - "dev-lang/mlton-20180207 - pdflatex failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828136 - "sys-apps/portage mishandles ebuilds containing two identical || blocks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:828137 - "sys-libs/libucontext-1.1-r1 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828141 - "sys-libs/libunwind-1.5.0-r1 - ld: .libs/os-linux.o: in function `_Ux86_get_elf_image': os-linux.c:(.text+0x55a): undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail_local' (on musl)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828306 - "net-misc/netsed-1.3: stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828417 - "x11-wm/lumina-1.6.2-r1 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828427 - "media-sound/openmpt123-0.5.13 - configure: error: Unable to find libportaudio." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828435 - "dev-libs/leatherman-1.12.6-r1 - FAILED: CMakeFiles/install.util" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828454 - "net-nntp/inn Package request (was treecleaned in 2018)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828460 - "app-emulation/hercules-3.13-r1 - hdl.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to opcode_c4xx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828463 - "media-libs/lsp-plugins-1.2.14 [doc] installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828472 - "sys-apps/zram-generator-1.1.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828490 - "<dev-python/django-{3.2.10,3.1.14,2.2.25}: Potential bypass of an upstream access control based on URL paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:828493 - "app-vim/tlib-1.27 - file collision with app-vim/pytest-1.1.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828529 - "app-admin/ansible-5.0.1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828540 - "sys-libs/libosinfo-1.9.0-r1: tries to use Clang if it was used to build Python" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828551 - "[Tracker] Packages failing with --enable-option-checking=fatal (unknown arguments)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828565 - "sys-devel/gettext-0.21-r1: fails with unknown configure arguments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828588 - "app-text/dvipsk: fails with unknown configure arguments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828598 - "dev-scheme/kawa-3.1.1 - cat: selected-java-source: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828604 - "dev-python/eyeD3: eyed3 0.9.6 has requirement coverage[toml]==5.*,>=5.3.1, but you have coverage 6.2 (was: www-client/firefox-95.0: According to "pip check", the current Python environment has package-compatibility issues.)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828653 - "app-crypt/tpm2-tools-5.2: tests hang after completion on arm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828667 - "app-admin/fam-2.7.0_p17_p3 - /.../Listener.c++: error: invalid conversion from caddr_t {aka char } to int [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828669 - "x11-misc/slim-1.3.6-r5 - /.../panel.cpp: error: basename was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828679 - "games-arcade/blockrage-0.2.3-r1 - configure: invalid parameter --enable-option-checking=warn; use --help to show usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828694 - "llvm-core/clang-15.0.6 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project: LLVM_BUILD_TESTS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828697 - "llvm-runtimes/openmp-16.0.5 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project: CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_CUDA - LIBOMPTARGET_BUILD_AMDGCN_BCLIB - LIBOMPTARGET_BUILD_NVPTX_BCLIB" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828707 - "dev-lang/yap-6.3.4-r1 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828709 - "net-libs/ntirpc-4.0-r1 - Could NOT find NSL (missing: NSL_LIBRARY)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828712 - "app-misc/recoll-1.31.0 - utils/fstreewalk.cpp: error: dev_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828793 - "dev-db/unixODBC-2.3.9 - configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-editline, --enable-iconv, --disable-drivers, --disable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828794 - "dev-haskell/network- - configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-compiler, --with-hc-pkg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828795 - "dev-haskell/old-time- - configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-compiler, --with-hc-pkg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828802 - "net-dialup/freeradius-3.0.22-r2 - QA Notice: Unrecognized configure options:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828804 - "dev-haskell/x11-1.9.2 - configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-compiler, --with-hc-pkg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828805 - "dev-lang/ghc-8.10.4-r1 - coreutils: cannot stat .../package.conf.d: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828808 - "dev-libs/libserdes-5.4.0-r1 - econf failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828813 - "games-fps/nexuiz-2.5.2-r1 - sys_shared.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to moncontrol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828816 - "media-libs/portaudio-19.07.00-r2 - configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-debug-output, --enable-cxx, --with-alsa, --" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828839 - "dev-tcltk/tktreectrl-2.4.1 - configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828843 - "media-libs/libemf-1.0.13 - /.../byteswap.h: error: a function-definition is not allowed here before { token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828856 - "app-admin/authbind-2.1.2 fails to compile with clang/lld" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828860 - "dev-lang/xsb-4.0.0 - configure: error: uncecognized option: --enable-option-checking=warn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828861 - "sci-physics/bullet-3.22b - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828896 - "sys-cluster/cluster-glue-1.0.12-r2 - configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-ipmilan, --with-group-id, --with-ccmuser-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828903 - "net-libs/wvstreams-4.6.1_p14-r2 - configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-debug, --with-dbus, --with-pam, --disable-op" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828906 - "net-dialup/accel-ppp-1.12.0_p20210430 - /.../if_arp.h: error: redefinition of struct arpreq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828907 - "dev-ruby/eventmachine-1.2.7-r3 - rubymain.cpp: warning: 'VALUE ruby::backward::cxxanyargs::rb_rescue(VALUE ( )(...), VALUE, VALUE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828908 - "dev-lang/ghc-8.10.4-r1 - /.../ghc-pkg-8.10.4-orig:line <snip>: .../ghc-pkg: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828920 - "games-mud/tf-5.0_beta8_p8-r1 - malloc.c: error: unknown type name caddr_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828922 - "dev-python/python_orocos_kdl-1.5.1 - CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:12 (find_package):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828927 - "sys-apps/proot-5.1.0-r2 - ./.../tracee.h: error: field restart_how has incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828944 - "media-gfx/povray- - vfesession.h: error: uint has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828972 - "Maintainer: Philipp Rösner (rndxelement AT protonmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828973 - "Maintainer: orbea (orbea AT riseup.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828976 - "sys-block/libfabric-1.11.2-r2 - /.../ld: .../libfabric.so: undefined reference to pthread_yield" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828977 - "dev-haskell/resolv- - configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-compiler, --with-hc-pkg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828979 - "net-misc/ethercard-diag-20050321.1g-r2 - /.../if_ether.h: error: redefinition of struct ethhdr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828980 - "dev-lang/fpc-3.2.2 - make[1]: ./fpmake: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828981 - "app-admin/sagan-2.0.1-r6 - sagan.h: error: field event_time has incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:828982 - "app-accessibility/flite-2.2 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: b/var/tmp/portage/app-accessibility/flite-2." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829005 - "games-rpg/manaplus- - configure: error: Unable to find SDL2_gfx library (http://www.ferzkopp.net/joomla/software-mainme" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829026 - "dev-util/ply-2.1.1-r1 - /.../ronn:9:in load: cannot load such file -- .../ronn (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829027 - "Shutdown of dead HPPA mailinglist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829056 - "app-containers/cri-o-1.22.1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829058 - "app-containers/podman-3.4.4 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829060 - "app-i18n/im-chooser-1.7.3 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: libimchooseui.so: undefined reference to IceAddConnectionWatch [--no-allow-shlib-undefined]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829070 - "dev-java/log4j-api-2.15.0: tests not enabled because of still missing junit-jupiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829072 - "[TRACKER] Packages which require junit-jupiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829080 - "sci-libs/flann[cuda] fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829081 - "app-laptop/i8kutils-1.43 fails to compile: clang-13: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829083 - "app-i18n/scim-hangul-0.4.0 - configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-skim-support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829094 - "app-misc/tdfsb-0.0.10-r2 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829106 - "net-proxy/privoxy-3.0.33 - configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-static" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829116 - "dev-perl/App-cpanminus: signature verification bypass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829130 - "subversion.eclass: support EAPI 8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829143 - "sci-libs/dealii-9.5.2-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829149 - "app-i18n/scim-tables-0.5.13 - configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-skim-support, --without-arts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829157 - "net-fs/nfs4-acl-tools-0.3.7 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829166 - "app-shells/bash-3.1_p23 and app-shell/bash-3.2_p57 fails to compile: printf.def:552:5: error: non-void function printstr should return a value [-Wreturn-type]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829174 - "sys-libs/pwdb-0.62-r2 - common/.../public.h: error: unknown type name _uid_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829176 - "sys-cluster/galera-26.4.17 - galerautils/.../gu_arch.h: fatal error: bits/wordsize.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829187 - "sci-chemistry/modeller-10.2 version bump request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829188 - "app-text/vilistextum- - /.../environment:line <snip>: locale: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829197 - "sci-libs/matio-1.5.23 - getopt_long.c: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829230 - "app-text/llpp-33 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: cant create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment; recompile object files with -fPIC or pass -Wl,-z,notext to allow text relocations in the output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829232 - "games-strategy/ja2-stracciatella-0.21.0-r1 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829236 - "net-libs/gsoap-2.8.114-r1 - stdsoap2_cpp.cpp: error: invalid conversion from int to const char [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829237 - "games-puzzle/lpairs-1.0.5 - plural.c: fatal error: plural.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829241 - "dev-games/libmt_client-0.1.98-r1 - /.../ld: .../libmaitretarot.a(net.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol stderr can not be" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829243 - "net-misc/suite3270: configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --without-x, --without-fontdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829248 - "sys-apps/netkit-base-0.17-r9 - pingpack.h: error: redefinition of struct ip" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829249 - "net-dialup/ppp-2.4.9-r5 - leases.h: error: unknown type name u_int8_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829260 - "app-misc/jail-2.0-r4 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829273 - "sci-libs/ignition-math-6.8.0 - CMake Error at .../FAKE_INSTALL-build-RelWithDebInfo.cmake:49 (message):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829287 - "net-libs/ignition-msgs-5.11.0 - /.../version.pb.h: error: expected unqualified-id before unsigned" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829290 - "media-libs/zvbi-0.2.35-r2 - /.../misc.h: error: assignment to expression with array type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829294 - "net-analyzer/rtpbreak-1.3a-r2 - queue.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829305 - "games-action/teeworlds: code execution via malicious map file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:829317 - "[guru] media-fonts/unscii-2.1 fails to compile: BDF Error on line 31: invalid number of CHARS in BDF file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829322 - "dev-ruby/actionmailbox- fails tests: Could not find gem sprockets-rails (>= 2.0.0), which is required by gem rails, in any of the sources" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829324 - "net-misc/lldpd-1.0.13-r1 - /.../ld: cannot find libasan_preinit.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829338 - "dev-db/libodbc++-0.2.5-r3 fails to compile: configure: error: No ODBC driver manager configured Pperhaps you need to give configure --with-odbc=/some/location?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829341 - "dev-db/mysql-5.7.36-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: libmysqlclient.a: archive has no index; run ranlib to add one" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829343 - "dev-db/timescaledb-2.8.1 fails to compile: subspace_store.c:119:18: error: Access to field storage results in a dereference of a null pointer (loaded from variable last) [clang-analyzer-core.NullDereference,-warnings-as-errors]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829351 - "media-print(?)/pappl packaging request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829401 - "sys-apps/portage: display (swap through) currently running builds in emerge --jobs status message" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829403 - "dev-ruby/activesupport-7.0.0 fails tests: Could not find gem terser (>= 1.1.4) in locally installed gems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829404 - "dev-games/newton-3.14 fails to compile: dgVector.h:1952:22: error: use of undeclared identifier _mm_cmpeq_epi64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829427 - "net-im/zoom- possible GPL violation for bundled quazip" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829452 - "dev-libs/starpu-1.3.9 - /.../ld: ../.../libstarpu-1.3.so: undefined reference to swapcontext" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829454 - "media-video/vdr-2.4.7-r1 - tools.h: error: DEFFILEMODE was not declared in this scope (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829457 - "app-shells/ksh-1.0.0_beta1: shcomp-pty.ksh test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829488 - "dev-db/libdbi-drivers-0.9.0-r1 - openjade:../dbd_firebird.sgml:3:0:E: reference to entity BOOK for which no system identifier coul" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829489 - "media-libs/libemf-1.0.13 - libemf.cpp: error: _bswap_32 was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829498 - "llvm-core/llvm-roc-4.3.0-r1 - /.../FuzzerInterceptors.cpp: error: size_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829511 - "dev-cpp/cairomm-1.18.0 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829512 - "dev-cpp/glibmm-2.78.1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829513 - "dev-cpp/gtkmm-4.14.0 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829514 - "dev-cpp/pangomm-2.50.1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829543 - "app-misc/recoll-1.31.2 - ./.../conf_post.h: error: missing binary operator before token (" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829563 - "dev-lang/gprolog-1.5.0 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829564 - "dev-lang/micropython-1.17 fails to compile: objgenerator.c:102:21: error: variable n_exc_stack_unused set but not used [-Werror,-Wunused-but-set-variable]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829587 - "[Tracker] Log4j uncontrolled recursion DoS (affects 2.16)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829616 - "dev-lang/smlnj-110.99.4 - /.../run.amd64-linux: Fatal error -- Uncaught exception SysErr with <unknown> raised at <sysconf.c>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829617 - "media-sound/substract_wave-0.3-r1 - substract_wave.c: error: FD_SETSIZE undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829620 - "sci-libs/arprec-2.2.19 - main.cpp: error: f_main was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829623 - "Broken soname dependencies with --depclean" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829634 - "sys-apps/intel-sa-00075-tools-1.0 - INTEL-SA-00075.h: fatal error: bits/wordsize.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829651 - "x11-themes/gentoo-artwork bad SRC_URI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:829657 - "app-crypt/signify-30-r1 fails tests: tar: out: file changed as we read it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829659 - "x11-misc/colord-1.4.7-r1 installs shared libraries that lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829661 - "dev-lang/xsb-4.0.0 fails to compile: /usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: cannot find -lgcc_s" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829663 - "dev-libs/ffcall-2.4-r1 fails to compile: avcall-x86_64.s:588:2: error: changed section flags for .eh_frame, expected: 0x2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829665 - "dev-libs/mimetic-0.9.8 fails to compile: cutee.cxx:346:31: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier [-Wreserved-user-defined-literal]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829666 - "dev-libs/papi- fails to compile: ld.lld: error: cant create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment; recompile object files with -fPIC or pass -Wl,-z,notext to allow text relocations in the output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829678 - "dev-libs/tvision-2.2.3 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829680 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.13_pre99 fails to compile: main.c:653:2: error: use of undeclared identifier OBJNULL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829683 - "dev-perl/Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA-0.100.0 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829684 - "app-metrics/prometheus-2.31.1 - find: The environment is too large for exec()." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829691 - "sys-apps/portage: soname dependency resolution does not distinguish bundled libraries from real providers (libOpenCL.so.1 should not be provided by nvidia-cuda-toolkit)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829702 - "media-sound/schismtracker-20211116 - schism/clippy.c: error: XA_PRIMARY undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829704 - "sys-auth/pam_smb-2.0.0_rc6-r3 - smblib-util.c: error: parameter 1 (fd) has incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829707 - "sci-physics/reduze-2.4 - /.../job.h: error: MPI has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829708 - "sys-block/buffer-1.19-r4 - sem.c: error: storage size of arg isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829749 - "dev-perl/OpenGL-0.700.0-r1 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829750 - "dev-perl/PDL-2.63.0 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829751 - "dev-perl/PGPLOT-2.270.0 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829753 - "dev-perl/Speech-Recognizer-SPX-0.80.100-r2 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829762 - "dev-lang/parrot-8.1.0-r4 - init::hints - Load platform and local hints files...Cant exec .../linux.pm line 71." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829766 - "dev-perl/Text-Kakasi-2.40.0-r3 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829767 - "Errno::EADDRINUSE: Address already in use - listen(2)dev-ruby/xmlrpc-0.3.2-r1:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829773 - "dev-util/crash-8.0.3 - ax.cc:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to libintl_gettext" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829795 - "sci-libs/netcdf-cxx-4.3.1 - ncAtt.cpp:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to nc_inq_attlen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829796 - "lxde-base/lxde-common-0.99.2-r1 - configure: error: Your intltool is too old. You need intltool 0.40.0 or later." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829804 - "net-proxy/havp-0.92a-r3 - clamlibscanner.cpp: error: CL_SCAN_STDOPT was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829825 - "x11-wm/fluxbox-1.3.7-r4 - make[2]: [Makefile:<snip>: fluxbox.cat] Error 127" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829832 - "media-gfx/ditaa-0.11.0 - /.../lein:line <snip>: .../java: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829835 - "sys-devel/patch: invalid free vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829850 - "dev-perl/perl-headers-0.0.2 fails to compile: select.c:4:5: error: first parameter of main (argument count) must be of type int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829852 - "dev-python/krb5-0.2.0 fails to compile: _creds_opt.c:2261:3: error: tp_print is deprecated [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-declarations]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829853 - "dev-python/iminuit-2.25.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829860 - "dev-ruby/minitest-power_assert-0.3.1 fails tests: rubygems/specification.rb:2245:in `raise_if_conflicts': Unable to activate railties-, because activesupport- conflicts with activesupport (= (Gem::ConflictError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829901 - "media-video/rav1e-0.5.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829940 - "dev-qt/qtpositioning-5.15.2-r1 fails to compile: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++: error: unrecognized command-line option ‘-Winconsistent-missing-override" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829952 - "sci-libs/ignition-fuel-tools-4.4.0 fails to compile: zip.h:285:11: error: expected ‘; at end of member declaration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829982 - "app-dicts/aspell-oc: Aspell package for Occitan language" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:829996 - "app-dicts/myspell-oc: Myspell/Hunspell package for Occitan language (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830018 - "media-video/cheese: extend RDEPEND for media-video/pipewire[gstreamer,v4l]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830041 - "sci-biology/kallisto-0.46.2 - /.../Bootstrap.h: error: uint has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830043 - "dev-libs/libusb-1.0.24-r2 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: api-1.0]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830045 - "games-board/scid-4.7.0 - /.../scidlet.cpp: error: aggregate inputReady()::timeval tv has incomplete type and cannot be defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830049 - "media-plugins/caps-plugins-0.9.26 - basics.h: error: int32 was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830051 - "games-strategy/uqm-0.8.0 - src/.../ndindex.ci: error: FD_SETSIZE undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830052 - "sci-mathematics/verit-2021.06.2 - src/.../veriT-qsort.c: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830053 - "sci-mathematics/num-utils-0.5-r2 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830054 - "dev-util/ignition-cmake-2.8.0 - ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830055 - "sys-cluster/legion-21.09.0-r1 - /.../threads.cc: error: pthread_attr_setaffinity_np was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830057 - "dev-perl/XML-Fast-0.170.0-r1 - /.../config.h: error: unknown type name sigjmp_buf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830061 - "dev-perl/MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS-1.0.8 fails to build with musl - /.../config.h: error: unknown type name sigjmp_buf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830065 - "media-gfx/exact-image-1.0.2-r8 - codecs/dcraw.h: error: invalid conversion from int to std::ios_base::seekdir [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830070 - "net-voip/yate-6.2.0 - Mutex.cpp: error: PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830072 - "dev-libs/libuev-2.4.0 - make[2]: [Makefile:<snip>: ../doc/libuev.tag]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830073 - "dev-ruby/charlock_holmes-0.7.7-r1 - /.../memory.h: error: conflicting declaration of void ruby_nonempty_memcpy(void , const void ," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830075 - "app-admin/sud-1.3-r2 - control.h: error: unknown type name u_short" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830077 - "dev-util/wasmer-0.11.0 - error[E0432]: unresolved import libc::_libc_xmmreg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830080 - "dev-perl/Fuse-0.16.1-r2 - Fuse.xs: error: IOC_IN undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830084 - "app-shells/peco-0.5.8 - patch -p1 failed with /var/tmp/portage/app-shells/peco-0.5.8/files/peco-0.5.7-go.sum.patch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830092 - "dev-lang/mlton-20180207 - /.../mlton:line <snip>: .../mlton-compile: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830093 - "sci-libs/adolc-2.7.2 - configure: error: in /.../ADOL-C-releases-2.7.2:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830095 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 - ckobjid.h: error: CkArrayIndexBase does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830101 - "sys-devel/bc-1.07.1[libedit] - /.../ld: bc.o:(.bss+<snip>): multiple definition of histev; main.o:(.bss+<snip>): first defined here" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830154 - "[guru] gui-apps/tiramisu-2.0.20211107 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830155 - "[guru] gui-apps/tiramisu-2.0.20211107 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830157 - "net-dns/knot-3.1.5 - /.../in.h: error: redefinition of struct in6_addr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830165 - "media-video/ffmpeg, media-video/ffmpeg-chromium does not compile with "-march=native" on ARM64 (--cpu=host not supported with compiler aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830187 - "go lang ebuild: SRC_URI too long that it causes "Argument list too long" error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830210 - "dev-scheme/ypsilon-0.9.6_p3-r2 fails to compile: clang-13: error: unsupported option -dumpspecs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830218 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.16.0 - xenalyze.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to argp_state_help" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830219 - "dev-python/tables-3.7.0 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: bRELEASE_NOTES.txt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830220 - "net-misc/fatrat-1.2.0_beta2_p20161204 - /.../container_wrapper.hpp: error: decltype(auto) type specifier only available with -std=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830238 - "sci-libs/scikit-image-0.19.3-r1 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830239 - "app-accessibility/brltty-6.6-r1 fails to compile: Unimplemented option: -n" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830246 - "net-dialup/ppp-2.4.9-r5 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830253 - "net-misc/lanmap SRC_URI and HOMEPAGE are 404 (last rites)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830262 - "dev-util/qstlink2-1.2.3 fails to compile: Project ERROR: Platform not supported!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830263 - "games-action/clanbomber-2.2.0 fails to compile: ScreenSDL.cpp:42:22: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type int to Sint16 (aka short) in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830265 - "dev-util/rr-5.5.0 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830268 - "app-admin/gtkdiskfree-2.0.4_p20200224 fails to compile: main.c:45:15: error: LC_NUMERIC undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830270 - "dev-libs/xerces-c-3.2.5 fails to compile: sh: line 1: gencat: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830271 - "app-admin/mongosh-bin-2.0.2 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830272 - "app-admin/op-cli-bin-1.12.3 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830290 - "dev-libs/rocm-opencl-runtime-4.3.0 - fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /var/tmp)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830293 - "app-backup/bareos-22.1.2-r1 fails to compile: mntent_cache.cc:246:25: error: _PATH_MOUNTED was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830299 - "games-action/violetland-0.5 fails to compile: ImageUtility.cpp:26:29: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type char to Uint8 (aka unsigned char) in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830300 - "games-arcade/briquolo-0.5.7 fails to compile: Constante.cpp:106:19: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier [-Wreserved-user-defined-literal]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830301 - "games-arcade/gav-0.9.0-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: attempted static link of dynamic object libstdc++.so" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830302 - "games-arcade/holotz-castle-1.3.14-r1 fails to compile: JFS.cpp:1247:23: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier [-Wreserved-user-defined-literal]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830303 - "games-arcade/asteroid-1.2.1 installs icons but does not update icon cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830306 - "[TRACKER] Packages that use /var/run instead of /run" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830309 - "app-containers/buildah-1.23.1-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830310 - "app-containers/cri-o-1.22.1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830311 - "app-containers/podman-3.4.4 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830312 - "app-containers/s6-overlay- installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830314 - "app-cdr/dvdisaster-0.79.5 fails to compile: cacheprobe.c:29:22: error: _SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830373 - "dev-python/ujson: stack-based buffer overflow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:830393 - "sci-electronics/fritzing-0.9.4-r2 - src/.../welcomeview.cpp: error: variable QDate cd has initializer but incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830395 - "dev-libs/leatherman-1.12.6-r2 - cmake -E tar: error: Unsupported ZIP compression method (8: deflation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830401 - "sys-cluster/gasnet-1.32.0 - ammpi_reqrep.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to gasnett_linkconfig_idiotcheck_RELEASE_MAJOR_1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830404 - "[TRACKER] Packages that fail to build with mold linker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830407 - "sys-cluster/pacemaker-2.1.2 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830424 - "sci-libs/flann-1.9.1-r4: Fails in cmake, CMake Error at src/matlab/CMakeLists.txt:19 (get_property):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830432 - "games-arcade/sdlsasteroids-3.0.1-r1 fails to compile: sasteroids.cppui.cpp::811101::75:: warning: error: ISO C++11 does not allow conversion from string literal to char" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830433 - "app-editors/lpe-1.2.8_p20210401 fails to compile: sh: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830434 - "app-editors/wxhexeditor-0.24-r1 fails to compile: mutils.h:250:70: error: _Bool has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830451 - "Maintainer: Dennis Eisele (kernlpanic AT dennis-eisele.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830456 - "media-gfx/meshlab-2020.12-r1 - /.../glarea.cpp: error: variable QTextStream out has initializer but incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830474 - "app-forensics/unhide-20210124 fails to compile: unhide-linux-compound.c:70:16: error: PATH_MAX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830475 - "app-i18n/ibus-fbterm-1.0.1 fails to compile: fbterm.c:310:32: error: WAIT_ANY undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830476 - "app-i18n/ibus-unikey-0.7.0_beta1 fails to compile: unikey_config.h:41:43: error: missing sentinel in function call [-Werror=format=]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830489 - "dev-cpp/tbb-2021.5.0 fails tests: 61 - test_eh_thread" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830491 - "games-emulation/zsnes-2.0.9 fails to compile: c_dma.c:86:18: error: invalid operand in inline asm:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830492 - "games-engines/gargoyle-2019.1.1 fails to compile: llvm-ar: error: unknown option /" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830495 - "games-fps/blackshades-20070723-r1 fails to compile: GameDraw.cpp:768:31: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type double to GLfloat (aka float) in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830497 - "games-fps/quakeforge-0.7.2_p20210722 fails to compile: vec4f.h:205:18: error: use of unknown builtin __builtin_shuffle [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830502 - "app-i18n/scim-anthy-1.2.7-r2 fails to compile: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol libintl_nl_current_default_domain can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830503 - "app-i18n/scim-input-pad- fails to compile: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol libintl_nl_domain_bindings can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830506 - "app-misc/golly-4.2 fails to compile: wxprefs.cpp:2641:11: error: expected unqualified-id before numeric constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830522 - "app-misc/lirc-0.10.2 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830523 - "media-gfx/plantuml: tests not enabled because of missing eclass support of junit-jupiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830531 - "media-gfx/panini-0.73.0 - /.../glext.h: error: GLclampd was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830551 - "dev-db/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.33-r1 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830562 - "dev-lang/mono- - Issue with Let's Encrypt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830570 - "dev-lang/julia-1.8.5-r1 fails to compile: Make.inc:1207: "Attempting to build OpenBLAS or SuiteSparse without a functioning fortran compiler!"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830573 - "games-simulation/flightgear-2020.3.11 fails to compile: FlightGear_js.h:28:10: fatal error: string file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830576 - "app-shells/ctypes-sh-1.2-r1 fails to compile: unpack.c:26:21: error: static declaration of mempcpy follows non-static declaration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830582 - "sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.14 - CMake Error at .../FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830596 - "net-irc/iroffer-dinoex-3.32-r2 - src.de/iroffer_utilities.c: error: expected ) before ime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830598 - "net-misc/ipsvd-1.0.0-r2 - cdb.h: error: unknown type name uint32" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830625 - "games-util/atlas-0.6.1_beta_pre20181202 fails to compile: libtool: error: specify a tag with --tag" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830627 - "games-util/slade-3.2.0_beta2 fails to compile: TextureXList.h:70:25: error: type const char [16] cannot be narrowed to bool in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830628 - "gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon-41.0 fails to compile: ld: libgeocode-glib.so: undefined reference to json_node_get_int@libjson-glib-1.0.so.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830658 - "dev-db/pgmodeler-0.9.4 fails to compile: main.cpp:23:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830661 - "dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.15.2_p20211216: fails pre-emerge checks when distcc or large host is used because of too high RAM requirements" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830677 - "dev-util/radare2-5.5.4 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830687 - "sci-libs/trilinos-13.4.0-r3 - /.../Kokkos_Stacktrace.cpp: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830694 - "media-video/dvgrab-3.5-r1 - error.h: error: _ASSERT_FUNCTION was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830700 - "dev-embedded/gnusim8085-1.3.7 fails to compile: main.c:51:14: error: LC_ALL undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830701 - "dev-embedded/kobs-ng- fails to compile: mtd.c:2909:57: error: expected expression before struct" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830702 - "dev-embedded/picp-0.6.8 fails to compile: serial.c:16:10: fatal error: termio.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830703 - "dev-games/clanlib-0.8.1-r2 fails to compile: init_linux.cpp:99:23: error: PATH_MAX was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830715 - "<www-apps/wordpress-5.8.3: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:830733 - "dev-haskell/x509-validation-1.6.11 fails tests: - Test suite test-x509-validation: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830737 - "dev-libs/libfmt-9.1.0-r1 fails tests: 2 - assert-test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830741 - "dev-libs/aws-c-cal-0.4.5 fails tests: - 40 - ecdsa_p384_test_key_gen_export (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830761 - "dev-perl/Locale-PO-0.270.0-r1 fails tests: - # Failed test found no matches - good" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830763 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge reports "mirror+" URLs as unfetchable, but can fetch them" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830764 - "Qixuan 'Alex' Fan (alex.fan.q AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830775 - "net-misc/nyx-2.1.0-r2 fails tests: - ImportError: Failed to import test module: nyx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830804 - "dev-vcs/git-pw-2.2.3 fails tests: - E AssertionError: Expected git_config to be called once. Called 0 times." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830809 - "app-misc/splitvt-1.6.6-r3 - vttest.c: error: TIOCGETP undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830818 - "dev-lang/xsb-4.0.0 fails to compile: thread_xsb.c:1937:59: error: PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK_NP undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830819 - "dev-lang/julia-bin-1.10.0 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies (on MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830820 - "dev-libs/libtecla-1.6.3 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830835 - "www-servers/puma-5.5.2 fails tests: - Failure:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830836 - "dev-ruby/ruby-cairo-gobject-3.4.3 - /.../mkmf-gnome.rb:449:in install_missing_native_package: uninitialized constant NativePackage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830854 - "[TRACKER] Packages using leaked package-manager-specific environmental variables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830884 - "New rsync mirror: Alibaba Cloud, gentoo-portage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830895 - "sci-libs/netcdf-4.8.1-r1 fails to compile: zip.h:285:21: error: expected :, ,, ;, } or __attribute__ before str" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830897 - "media-gfx/gnome-photos-40.0 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: libgeocode-glib.so: undefined reference to json_reader_is_value@libjson-glib-1.0.so.0 [--no-allow-shlib-undefined]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830899 - "media-gfx/iscan-3.65.0-r2 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: utsushi::_drv_::esci::compound_base::get_information()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830905 - "app-cdr/mirage2iso-0.4.2-r1 fails tests: - FAIL: 01_poweriso_bin.toc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830906 - "app-crypt/ima-evm-utils-1.4-r1 fails tests: - FAIL: ima_hash.test sign_verify.test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830907 - "dev-lang/moarvm-2023.12 - probing whether your compiler thinks that it is gcc Cant compile simple gcc probe, so something is badly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830943 - "dev-libs/papi- fails to compile: perf_event_system_wide.c:43:9: error: unknown type name cpu_set_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830948 - "media-gfx/sam2p-0.49.4_p20190718-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: cant create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment; recompile object files with -fPIC or pass -Wl,-z,notext to allow text relocations in the output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830987 - "media-libs/vigra-1.11.1-r8 fails to compile: export_graph_rag_visitor.hxx:329:60: error: no viable conversion from NumpyArray<[...], Singleband<vigra::UInt32>, [...]> to NumpyArray<[...], unsigned int, [...]>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830989 - "media-libs/rlottie-0.2_p20210405 installs shared libraries that lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830991 - "games-misc/opensfx-1.0.3 fails tests: - make: [Makefile:<snip>: opensfx-1.0.3.md5] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830992 - "app-shells/kshdb-1.1.0 fails tests: - FAIL: test-sort.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:830993 - "net-libs/ignition-transport-8.1.0 fails tests: - 7 - UNIT_Discovery_TEST (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831014 - "net-fs/autofs-5.1.8 has trouble mounting /net shares" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831018 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 - Error> option: tcp is not supported in this version!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831027 - "dev-libs/pmdk-1.9.2 fails tests: - make: [Makefile:<snip>: check-doc] Error 123" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831030 - "sys-devel/smatch-1.72 fails tests: - error: FAIL: test constexpr-binop.c failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831044 - "media-libs/xvid-1.3.7: replaces -mcpu with -mtune, leading to build failure." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831047 - "sys-cluster/ceph: volume does not respect configured osd_dmcrypt_key_size" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:831064 - "net-analyzer/flowgrind-0.8.2 - src/flowgrind.h: error: expected identifier before numeric constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831071 - "net-analyzer/multipath-tcp-tools-2018_p12_p21-r1 - /.../if_ether.h: error: redefinition of struct ethhdr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831076 - "net-analyzer/softflowd-1.0.0 - common.h: error: unknown type name _uid_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831082 - "dev-games/openscenegraph-3.6.5-r110 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831100 - "dev-perl/SDL-2.548.0-r1 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831103 - "media-plugins/vdr-suspendoutput-2.0.1-r1 fails to compile: timer.c:124:28: error: no member named max in namespace std; did you mean simply max?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831104 - "media-plugins/vdr-systeminfo-0.1.4-r1 fails to compile: displayinfo.c:176:24: error: no member named min in namespace std; did you mean simply min?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831110 - "sci-libs/sundials-5.8.0 - ERROR: F2003 interface is not compatible with 32-bit indicies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831118 - "dev-perl/File-Pid-1.01 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831125 - "dev-perl/perl-headers-0.0.2 - specs/.../socket.c: error: _ss_aligntype undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831127 - "dev-perl/Net-AMQP-RabbitMQ-2.40009 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831159 - "<net-analyzer/zabbix-{4.0.37,5.0.19,5.4.9}: authenticated stored XSS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:831177 - "media-sound/dvda-author-10.06-r1 fails to compile: make: No rule to make target all" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831178 - "media-sound/gtkguitune-0.8 fails to compile: lcdview.cc:26:31: error: addition of default argument on redeclaration makes this constructor a default constructor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831179 - "media-sound/moc-2.6_alpha3-r6 fails to compile: configure: error: I dont know how to compile pthreads code on this system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831184 - "media-sound/bplay-0.991 - shmbuf.c: error: SEMMSL undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831186 - "net-wireless/libxtrxdsp-0.0_p20200830 - /.../xtrxdsp.c: error: ifunc is not supported on this target" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831192 - "media-sound/ttaenc-3.4.1-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: put_unary" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831211 - "packages with unconditional dependency on media-video/ffmpeg[xvid] and/or media-libs/xvid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831228 - "dev-python/numpy-1.22.1 fails to compile: error: Command "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc ..." failed with exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831233 - "sys-libs/libsepol-3.3: flex: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831237 - "dev-python/pypy-exe-bin-7.3.9 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831244 - "media-video/subtitleeditor-0.54.0_p5 fails to compile: document.cc:81:40: error: addition of default argument on redeclaration makes this constructor a copy constructor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831245 - "net-analyzer/dsniff-2.4_beta1_p30 fails to compile: sshmitm.c:45:21: error: redefinition of csin as different kind of symbol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831248 - "dev-java/c3p0- does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831257 - "net-dns/avahi-0.8-r5 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831258 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.13_pre99 - tkAppInit.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to Tk_MainWindow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831261 - "sys-block/fio-3.27-r3 - /.../libnfs.h: error: field atime has incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831264 - "app-backup/snapper-0.9.1 - /.../ld: ../.../libsnapper.so: undefined reference to _nl_msg_cat_cntr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831296 - "dev-util/heaptrack-1.3.0 - /.../heaptrack_inject.cpp: error: ELF_R_SYM was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831301 - "Maintainer: Anton Fischl (github AT fischl-online.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831303 - "dev-qt/qtlocation-5.15.2-r10 fails to compile: thread.cpp:14:5: error: pthread_getname_np was not declared in this scope; did you mean pthread_setname_np?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831306 - "net-firewall/ipt_netflow-2.6 fails to compile: test.c:4:17: error: tentative definition has type struct proc_ops that is never completed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831307 - "net-firewall/itval-1.2_p20121104-r1 fails to compile: getline.cc:13:9: error: redefinition of a extern inline function getline is not supported in C++" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831309 - "net-irc/irssistats-0.75-r1 fails to compile: irssistats.c:1567:3: error: function definition is not allowed here" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831323 - "net-libs/libdmapsharing-2.9.39 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: libdmapsharing-3.0.so: undefined reference to floorf [--no-allow-shlib-undefined]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831341 - "java-utils-2.eclass: ensure dev-java/java-dep-check is pulled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831358 - "[TRACKER] sys-cluster/openmpi - packages using deprecated MPI symbols (removed in openmpi-4)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831367 - "sci-libs/ipopt-3.14.4-r1 - checking if .../javac failed (see config.log, check the CLASSPATH?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831368 - "sci-libs/ipopt-3.14.4 - QA Notice: Unrecognized configure options: --with-mumps-incdir, --with-mumps-lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831386 - "net-misc/sks-1.1.6_p20200624-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: cant create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment; recompile object files with -fPIC or pass -Wl,-z,notext to allow text relocations in the output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831390 - "net-print/c2esp-27 fails to compile: c2espcommon.c:31:10: fatal error: driver.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831434 - "media-gfx/tachyon-0.99.5: new upstream release" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831437 - "[TRACKER] Breakage with media-video/ffmpeg-5.0 and media-video/ffmpeg-5.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831450 - "dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.70.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831452 - "sci-astronomy/wcslib-7.4 fails to compile: checking for dummy main to link with Fortran 77 libraries.. unknown" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831467 - "sys-apps/portage is printing spinner in middle of ambiguous name search results" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831469 - "net-libs/gupnp-igd-1.2.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831486 - "dev-games/openscenegraph-3.6.5-r110 with ffmpeg-5: FFmpegPacket.hpp:45:17: error: ‘av_free_packet’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘av_new_packet’?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831490 - "sci-biology/uchime-4.2.40 fails to compile: invalid argument -std=c++14 not allowed with C" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831494 - "games-sports/foobillard-3.0a-r1 - sound_stuff.c: fatal error: sys/unistd.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831513 - "netifrc: remove the udev rules that start and stop the interfaces" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831514 - "Release a new Android tarball." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831520 - "sci-electronics/gnetman-0.0.1_pre20110124 fails to compile: relocation R_X86_64_32S against .bss can not be used when making a PIE object; recompile with -fPIE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831522 - "dev-util/apitrace-9.0-r3 fails to compile: backtrace.h:54:10: fatal error: gstdint.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831523 - "dev-util/cpputest-4.0 fails to compile: MemoryLeakDetectorMallocMacros.h:37:53: error: expected identifier before string constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831551 - "games-simulation/senken-0.3.0-r2 - /.../ld: cannot find .../libintl.a: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831557 - "dev-games/openscenegraph-3.6.5-r111 - /.../OscHostEndianness.h: error: #error please edit OscHostEndianness.h to configure endiann" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831560 - "games-mud/tf-5.0_beta8_p8-r1 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: b../-help/ .html" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831570 - "sci-libs/libsigrok-0.5.2-r3 fails to compile: zip.h:285:21: error: expected :, ,, ;, } or __attribute__ before str" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831572 - "dev-util/memprof-0.6.2-r1 fails to compile: main.c:1683:36: error: WAIT_ANY undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831593 - "app-i18n/fcitx- - CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831599 - "sci-geosciences/gmt-5.4.4 fails to compile: grdlandmask.c:470:2: error: condition of OpenMP for loop must be a relational comparison (<, <=, >, >=, or !=) of loop variable row" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831600 - "sci-geosciences/grass-7.8.6-r1 fails to compile: fatal error: ogr_srs_api.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831622 - "dev-lang/cxprolog-0.98.2 - /.../ld: cannot find -ljvm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831634 - "media-video/guvcview-2.0.8: gviewv4l2core.h:36:1: error: unknown type name __BEGIN_DECLS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831637 - "dev-python/aiohttp-3.8.1 - Could not import extension sphinxcontrib.towncrier (exception: No module named sphinxcontrib.towncrier)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831640 - "media-libs/lvtk-1.2.0-r2 - AttributeError: module waflib.Utils has no attribute str_to_dict" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831665 - "dev-vcs/cvsps-2.2_beta1-r1 fails to compile: ld: text_util.c:(.text+0x4fa): undefined reference to memfro" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831667 - "games-action/atanks-6.6 fails to compile: debug.h:102:54: error: basename was not declared in this scope; did you mean rename?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831668 - "games-action/luola-1.3.2-r1 fails to compile: fs.c:141:26: error: PATH_MAX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831669 - "media-libs/plib-1.8.5-r4 fails to compile: ssgLoadFLT.cxx:173:4: error: ushort was not declared in this scope; did you mean short?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831670 - "games-arcade/berusky-1.7.1-r2 fails to compile: editor.cpp:32:10: fatal error: error.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831672 - "games-arcade/briquolo-0.5.7 fails to compile: configure: error: You need OpenGL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831681 - "sci-libs/coinor-alps-1.5.7 fails to compile: AlpsSearchStrategyBase.h:97:35: error: assigning to AlpsSearchType from incompatible type int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831682 - "sci-libs/coinor-bcps-0.94.5 fails to compile: AlpsSearchStrategyBase.h:97:35: error: assigning to AlpsSearchType from incompatible type int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831683 - "sci-libs/coinor-blis-0.94.8 fails to compile: AlpsSearchStrategyBase.h:97:35: error: assigning to AlpsSearchType from incompatible type int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831684 - "sci-libs/coinor-dip-0.95.0-r2 fails to compile: AlpsSearchStrategyBase.h:97:35: error: assigning to AlpsSearchType from incompatible type int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831685 - "sci-libs/coinor-flopcpp-1.2.5 fails to compile: MP_set.hpp:212:9: error: no matching conversion for functional-style cast from const flopc::SUBSETREF to flopc::MP_domain" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831686 - "sci-libs/coinor-symphony-5.6.17 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: cannot find linker script P" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831723 - "sci-libs/dealii-9.3.1-r4 fails to compile: llvm issue?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831724 - "sci-libs/eccodes-2.18.0 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: libeccodes.so: undefined reference to omp_init_nest_lock [--no-allow-shlib-undefined]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831725 - "sci-libs/hdf-4.2.15-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: cant create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment; recompile object files with -fPIC or pass -Wl,-z,notext to allow text relocations in the output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831762 - "net-misc/openssh: Modify OpenRC init script to enable control of SSH HostKey algorithm generation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:831784 - "games-board/scid-4.7.0-r1 fails to compile: scidlet.cpp:78:5: error: fd_set was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831785 - "games-emulation/desmume-0.9.13 fails to compile: features_cpu.c:154:25: error: CLOCK_MONOTONIC undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831786 - "games-emulation/lxdream-0.9.1-r4 fails to compile: cd_linux.c:27:10: fatal error: fstab.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831787 - "games-engines/gargoyle-2019.1.1 fails to compile: sha2.cpp:117:23: error: #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831789 - "games-engines/qtads-3.3.0-r1 fails to compile: sha2.cpp:117:23: error: #include expects "FILENAME" or <FILENAME>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831790 - "games-fps/darkplaces-20140513-r2 fails to compile: sys_shared.c:(.text+0x18d): undefined reference to moncontrol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831791 - "games-fps/gzdoom-4.7.1 fails to compile (MUSL): ld: zipdir.c:(.text+0x704): undefined reference to fts_read" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831794 - "games-kids/lletters-0.1.95-r4 fails to compile: : No rule to make target libintl.@l@a, needed by all-yes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831795 - "games-kids/tuxtype-1.8.3-r2 fails to compile: gettext.h:67:27: error: expected identifier or ( before const" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831796 - "games-emulation/mastergear-bin-4.9-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831797 - "games-fps/ezquake-bin-2.2-r3 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831799 - "sci-libs/qd-2.3.23 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831807 - "distfiles.xml and rsync.xml (in api.git) do not follow the syntax specified by mirrors.dtd (in dtd.git)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831833 - "dev-python/pyproj-3.3.0 - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pyproj._network" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831834 - "dev-util/astyle-3.1-r2 - astyle_main.h: fatal error: jni.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831845 - "games-puzzle/picpuz-2.5-r1 fails to compile: zfuncs.h:39:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831865 - "sci-mathematics/dataplot-20131220 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: cant create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment; recompile object files with -fPIC or pass -Wl,-z,notext to allow text relocations in the output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831866 - "sci-mathematics/gretl-2021d fails to compile: ld.lld: error: libgretl-1.0.so: undefined reference to dsyrk_ [--no-allow-shlib-undefined]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831871 - "sci-physics/thepeg-2.2.2 fails to compile: configure: error: either specify a valid zlib installation with --with-zlib=DIR or disable zlib usage with --without-zlib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831872 - "sci-physics/xfoil-6.99 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: cant create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment; recompile object files with -fPIC or pass -Wl,-z,notext to allow text relocations in the output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831873 - "sci-physics/yoda-1.9.0 fails to compile: configure: error: either specify a valid zlib installation with --with-zlib=DIR or disable zlib usage with --without-zlib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831875 - "games-roguelike/dwarf-fortress-0.47.05 fails to compile: renderer_curses.cpp:101:7: error: mvwaddwstr was not declared in this scope; did you mean mvwaddstr?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831876 - "games-rpg/egoboo-2.8.1-r2 fails to compile: file_linux.c:46:30: error: PATH_MAX undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831877 - "games-simulation/searchandrescue-1.7.0-r1 fails to compile: os.h:265:33: error: conflicting types for int64_t; have long long int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831878 - "games-sports/bygfoot-2.3.2-r2 fails to compile: language.c:(.text+0x2f0): undefined reference to _nl_msg_cat_cntr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831879 - "games-sports/xmoto-0.6.1-r100 fails to compile: Locales.cpp:(.text+0x105): undefined reference to _nl_msg_cat_cntr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831881 - "games-rpg/vendetta-online-bin-1.8.296-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831904 - "dev-lang/mlton-20180207 - make[1]: No rule to make target <snip>/specialsections.conf. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831907 - "sci-visualization/xd3d-8.3.1-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: cant create dynamic relocation R_X86_64_32 against local symbol in readonly segment; recompile object files with -fPIC or pass -Wl,-z,notext to allow text relocations in the output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831912 - "app-misc/pax-utils: lddtree applies main ELF's rpath to all children lookups" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831942 - "mail-filter/opendkim-2.10.3-r26 - rbl.h: error: expected =, ,, ;, asm or _attribute_ before _P" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831943 - "x11-libs/libXtst-1.2.3-r2 - Document .../recordlib.xml does not validate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831956 - "dev-python/black-21.12_beta0-r1 fails tests: cp: cannot create regular file primer.json: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831981 - "dev-lisp/cl-unicode-0.1.5 - gcl is not supported by /usr/lib/portage/python3.9/ebuild.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831991 - "sys-apps/portage: portage.process.run_exitfuncs Bad file descriptor in _thread_weakrefs_atexit for API consumer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:831999 - "mail-mta/sendmail- fails to compile: cdefs.h:29:12: fatal error: cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832000 - "mail-filter/couriersrs-0.1.2 fails to compile: plural.c:146:10: fatal error: plural.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832001 - "mail-filter/dcc-2.3.168 fails to compile (musl): configure: line 724: test: syntax error: unexpected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832017 - "sys-boot/mbr-1.1.11-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: : error: error: target emulation unknown: -m or at least one .o file required" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832022 - "sys-cluster/mpich-3.4.3 fails to compile: configure: error: Unable to configure with Fortran support because configure could not determine the size of a Fortran INTEGER Consider setting CROSS_F77_SIZEOF_INTEGER to the length in bytes of a Fortran INTEGER" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832023 - "sys-devel/gcc-10.3.1_p20211126 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: ix86_isa_flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832029 - "sys-fs/clamfs-1.2.0 fails to compile: configure: error: librlog not found!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832049 - "media-libs/libsixel: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:832050 - "limit for bugzilla search" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:832054 - "media-gfx/slic3r: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:832083 - "gitweb.gentoo.org throws Error 503 Response object too large" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832085 - "media-gfx/nvidia-cg-toolkit-3.1.0013-r6 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832089 - "emerge: add an option to skip pkg_pretend" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:832090 - "dev-lang/yap-7.1.0 - ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832093 - "dev-libs/quazip-1.3-r2 fails tests: 1 - qztest_test (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832103 - "Request for readme.gentoo-r1.eclass to support versions via parameters" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:832148 - "media-plugins/caps-plugins-0.9.26 fails to compile: basics.h:52:9: error: __int8_t does not name a type; did you mean __int128_t?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832157 - "dev-libs/dbus-c++-0.9.0-r5 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832167 - "sys-apps/systemd[homed] should depend on sys-auth/pambase[homed]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832168 - "emerge behavior with --onlydeps --with-test-deps --usebinpkg is nonsensical" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832170 - "dev-texlive/texlive-luatex-2021 - fmtutil [ERROR]: running luatex -ini -jobname=optex -progname=optex optex.ini </.../null return" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832184 - "sci-biology/mrbayes-3.2.7 fails to compile: avxintrin.h:318:1: error: inlining failed in call to always_inline _mm256_mul_ps: target specific option mismatch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832185 - "sci-electronics/gnucap-20210107 calls g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832189 - "sci-electronics/gnucap-20210107 installs shared libraries that lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832196 - "media-tv/kodi-20.3 fails to compile: wrapper.c:48:25: error: unknown type name __off_t; did you mean off_t?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832197 - "dev-java/openjdk-bin-21.0.1_p12 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832206 - "app-portage/portage-utils utility qfile should distinguish between 'no owner' and 'error occurred'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832215 - "net-misc/sks-1.1.6_p20200624-r1 - Error (warning 6 [labels-omitted]): label cmp was omitted in the application of this function." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832217 - "dev-lang/yap-7.1.0 - stack smashing detected : terminated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832229 - "x11-misc/primus-0.2-r3 fails to compile: gl-passthru.def:2:1: error: ifunc must point to a defined function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832233 - "media-radio/js8call-2.2.0-r1 fails to compile: Fatal Error: Cannot open module file crc.mod for reading at (1): No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832237 - "media-sound/apetag-1.12-r3 fails to compile: basic.C:28:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832295 - "dev-python/httpcore-0.14.5: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832298 - "sci-chemistry/mpqc-2.3.1-r4 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832300 - "media-sound/helm-0.9.0-r1 fails to compile: juce_core.cpp:97:12: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832323 - "media-sound/munt-mt32emu-alsadrv-2.6.1 fails to compile: alsadrv.h:28:24: error: field stamp has incomplete type timeval" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832324 - "media-sound/pamix-1.6-r3 fails to compile: pamix.hpp:25:46: error: mvaddnwstr was not declared in this scope; did you mean mvaddnstr?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832344 - "media-sound/sndpeek-1.41-r1 fails to compile: util_sndfile.h:179:27: error: loff_t does not name a type; did you mean off_t?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832345 - "media-sound/solfege-3.23.4 fails to compile: iconv: -o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832346 - "media-sound/sonic-visualiser-4.5 fails to compile: TestVampRealTime.h:139:24: error: aggregate timeval tv has incomplete type and cannot be defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832359 - "media-sound/spotify-1.1.84-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832362 - "app-office/abiword-docs-3.0.2 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832363 - "dev-erlang/fast_xml-1.1.48 - This BEAM file was compiled for a later version of the run-time system than 23." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832382 - "media-video/oxine-0.7.1-r6 fails to compile: logger.c:27:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832387 - "media-video/rav1e-0.5.1 installs shared libraries that lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832388 - "media-video/vamps-0.99.2-r2 does not die in src_compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832418 - "Gentoo SMTP server resends mails on permanent error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832422 - "net-fs/cvmfs-2.9.4 fails to compile: execinfo.h is missing on your system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832426 - "x11-wm/amiwm-0.22.01_p20230916 fails to compile: lex.l:4:10: fatal error: gram.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832428 - "net-fs/openafs- fails to compile: checking your AFS sysname.. configure: error: An AFS sysname is required" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832429 - "net-ftp/filezilla-3.66.5 fails to compile: configure: error: idna.h not found which is part of GNU libidn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832446 - "rsync mirrors have stale file metadata/install-qa-check.d/60distutils-use-setuptools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832478 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-sensors-plugin-1.4.2 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: gtk_sensorstacho_get_type()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832502 - "sys-apps/uutils-coreutils-0.0.14 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832514 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1 - /.../unistd.h: error: #error Please include config.h first." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832528 - "sci-libs/avogadrolibs-1.93.0 USE=vtk - fatal error: QVTKOpenGLWidget.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832547 - "net-misc/casync-2_p20190407 fails to compile: test-caencoder.c:152:41: error: S_IFDIR undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832560 - "sys-cluster/torque-6.0.4-r2 - ../.../lib_net.h: error: redefinition of int connect_local_xsocket" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832561 - "llvm-core/lldb-19.1.1 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832563 - "net-misc/mptcpd-0.9: fails to build on musl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832570 - "dev-db/postgis-3.2.3 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832577 - "dev-embedded/stlink: collision with dev-util/qstlink2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832578 - "dev-python/h2-4.1.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832580 - "net-misc/vmpsd-1.4 fails to compile: daemon.c:109:24: error: SIGCLD undeclared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832599 - "[Tracker] PIL.ImageMath.eval arbitrary expression evaluation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832608 - "net-print/lexmark-upd-ppd- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832609 - "net-vpn/logmein-hamachi- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832614 - "net-p2p/eiskaltdcpp-2.4.2 fails to compile: ld: libeiskaltdcpp.so.2.4: undefined reference to _nl_msg_cat_cntr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832616 - "net-print/cnrdrvcups-lb-5.40 fails to compile: cnjbig.c:142:9: error: unknown type name fd_set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832630 - "sys-cluster/gasnet-1.32.0 - gasnet_ofi.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to fi_strerror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832669 - "sci-astronomy/ds9-bin-7.4 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832678 - "sci-astronomy/galaxy-2.2-r1 fails to compile: zfuncs.h:40:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832680 - "sci-biology/trf-4.04-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832696 - "dev-java/jackson-databind-2.13.0: restricts test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832703 - "auto-CC for bugs modified via commit tags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832705 - "dev-erlang/proper-1.3 - This BEAM file was compiled for a later version of the run-time system than 23." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832708 - "sci-astronomy/montage-5.0 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: bman/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832723 - "games-strategy/dunelegacy doesn't start (tree clean?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:832737 - "sci-electronics/gerbv: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832738 - "sys-libs/glibc: Revisit --enable-stack-protector value" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832741 - "sci-calculators/tiemu-3.03-r1 fails to compile: ld: cannot find libintl.a: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832743 - "sci-electronics/klayout-0.28.9 fails to compile with musl : laySignalHandler.cc:44:12: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832745 - "sci-chemistry/modeller-10.5 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832746 - "sci-chemistry/xds-bin-20170930 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832747 - "sci-electronics/petrify-4.2-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832752 - "dev-scheme/guile-gi-0.3.2 - make[1]: [Makefile:<snip>: module/gi.go] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832755 - "dev-lang/lfe-2.0 - make[1]: [Makefile:<snip>: ebin/cl.beam]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832766 - "sci-geosciences/gtk-g-rays2-2.05 fails to compile: wbt201.c:386:16: error: LC_ALL undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832770 - "sci-chemistry/mpqc-2.3.1-r4 - /.../ld: .../libint.a(init_libint.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol build_eri can not be u" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832788 - "sci-libs/clblas-2.12-r2 fails to compile: fileio.h:44:9: error: unknown type name u_int64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832790 - "sci-libs/ignition-common-3.14.2 fails to compile: Remotery.c:2327:5: error: unknown type name fd_set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832791 - "sci-libs/libdap-3.20.9 fails to compile: configure: error: Cannot determine DODS XDR integer sizes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832809 - "dev-libs/rocr-runtime-4.5.2 fails to compile: multilib-strict check failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832812 - "sci-libs/taucs-2.2-r1 fails to compile: make: No rule to make target linux-musl_shared.mk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832813 - "sci-mathematics/gretl-2021d fails to compile: matrix_extra.c:2716:21: error: M_SQRT2 undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832822 - "dev-python/python-socks-2.0.3: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832825 - "dev-python/pytest-regressions-2.3.1: fails tests/test_ndarrays_regression.py::test_different_data_types on SPARC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832847 - "dev-java/commons-csv-1.9.0 restricts tests because of missing junit-jupiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832855 - "sys-apps/portage: installed in venv fails if ROOT!=/ due to wrong profile check" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832882 - "sys-apps/hponcfg- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832884 - "sys-apps/mlxup-bin-4.13.0 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832887 - "sys-cluster/torque-6.0.4-r2 - configure: error: cgroup support requires the hwloc development package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832892 - "media-video/gpac-1.0.1 - utils/Remotery.c: error: unknown type name fd_set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832893 - "dev-libs/opencryptoki-3.6.1-r1 - ../.../apictl.h: error: unknown type name key_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832905 - "sys-apps/qingy-1.0.0-r5 fails to compile: vt.c:104:10: error: assignment of read-only variable stdin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832907 - "sys-apps/udevil-0.4.4-r5 installs systemd units that use /etc/conf.d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832933 - "sys-block/lsiutil-1.62-r3 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832945 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-mount-plugin-1.1.5 - devices.c: fatal error: fstab.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832946 - "app-shells/bash[mem-scramble] broken on hppa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832963 - "dev-qt/qtwayland-5.15.10-r4 fails to configure: Project ERROR: Test config.qtwayland_client.tests.dmabuf-server-buffer tries to use undeclared library drm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832967 - "sys-cluster/torque-6.0.4-r6 fails to compile: port_forwarding.h:38:27: error: u_int was not declared in this scope; did you mean int?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832968 - "sys-fabric/perftest- fails to compile: perftest_parameters.c:139:24: error: _SC_LEVEL1_DCACHE_LINESIZE undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832971 - "sys-fs/fragview-0.1.1 fails to compile: clusters.cc:162:58: error: cannot convert stat to const stat64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832972 - "sys-fs/reiserfsprogs-3.6.27-r1 fails to compile: misc.h:248:39: error: unknown type name __compar_fn_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832973 - "sys-cluster/drbd-utils-9.19.1 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832976 - "x11-wm/page-1.9.9-r3 - main.cxx: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832989 - "media-plugins/gst-plugins-opencv-1.18.4-r2 - ../.../meson.build: ERROR: Problem encountered: OpenCV support enabled but required d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832994 - "www-apache/mod_backtrace-2.01-r2 fails to compile: diag.c:56:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:832995 - "www-apache/passenger-6.0.12 fails to compile: aligned_alloc.hpp:44:10: fatal error: aligned_alloc.hpp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833004 - "sci-mathematics/cgal-5.2.2-r1 - /.../qglviewer_impl.h: error: GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833015 - "app-text/llpp-35 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833030 - "www-servers/mongrel2-1.11.0-r1 fails to compile: ld: task.c:(.text+0x156): undefined reference to makecontext" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833056 - "sys-devel/gcc-11.2.1_p20220115 - /.../ld: i386 architecture of input file .../crti.o is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833057 - "net-misc/packETH-2.1 - cli_send.c: error: _sum16 undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833058 - "app-editors/wxhexeditor-0.24-r1 - src/HexDialogs.cpp: error: mhash was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833081 - "media-libs/stk-4.6.2 - configure: error: OSS support requires ALSA for RtMidi!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833085 - "www-apps/nextcloud stabilization should happen without jumping major revisions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833104 - "x11-misc/evolvotron-0.7.1-r1 fails to compile: common.h:75:22: error: __STRING was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833141 - "dev-games/mygui-3.4.3 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project: (MYGUI_USE_SYSTEM_GLEW)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833160 - "www-apps/chromedriver-bin: CSRF to code execution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:833161 - "x11-misc/qterm-0.7.3-r1 fails to compile: main.cpp:42:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833167 - "dev-games/mygui-3.4.1: fails to build with dev-games/ogre-2 (.../MyGUI_OgreTexture.h: error: field mTmpData has incomplete type Ogre::PixelBox)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833169 - "dev-lang/micropython-1.17 fails tests: - FAIL extmod/uasyncio_wait_task.py" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833175 - "dev-games/ogre-2.1 with USE=-double-precision fails to build on arm (error: ‘MathlibNEON’ does not name a type)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833176 - "dev-libs/rocm-comgr-4.5.2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833177 - "dev-libs/rocm-comgr-4.5.2 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833178 - "dev-libs/rocm-opencl-runtime-5.0.2-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833179 - "dev-libs/rocm-opencl-runtime-5.0.2-r1 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833180 - "dev-libs/rocm-opencl-runtime-4.5.2 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833181 - "www-client/jdim New Package (successor of www-client/jd)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833182 - "www-client/jd has gtk2 dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833198 - "app-i18n/ibus-hangul-1.5.4 fails test - FAIL: ibus-hangul" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833260 - "app-admin/fluentd-1.14.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833264 - "dev-python/mpi4py-3.1.3 fails tests ( res_nsearch error: Connection refused)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833271 - "dev-util/meld-3.20.4 fails test - E gi.repository.GLib.GError: gtk-icon-theme-error-quark: Icon meld-change-apply-right not presen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833273 - "dev-util/qdevicemonitor-1.0.1-r2 fails to compile: qtgui-config.h:26: error: "QT_NO_IMAGEFORMAT_JPEG" redefined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833307 - "net-irc/unrealircd-6.0.2 - invite.c: error: MODE_SECRET undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833329 - "sci-geosciences/gpsbabel-1.7.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833337 - "app-admin/pass-1.7.4-r2 fails tests: not ok 1 - not ok 3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833340 - "dev-perl/Debug-Client-0.310.0-r1 fails test - # Failed test show_view8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833343 - "dev-haskell/cereal-vector- - test/test.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833348 - "app-accessibility/espeak-ng-1.51 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833361 - "dev-libs/rocm-device-libs-4.5.2 fails test - 1 - constant_fold_lgamma_r (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833363 - "dev-libs/sdformat-9.8.0 fails test - 87 - INTEGRATION_schema_test (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833382 - "app-admin/helm-3.8.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833384 - "app-arch/cabextract-1.9.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833385 - "app-admin/logstash-bin-7.17.16 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833386 - "app-arch/libarchive-3.6.1 fails tests on musl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833418 - "app-arch/zpaq-7.15 fails tests on MUSL: make: [Makefile:33: check] Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833422 - "net-misc/xmrig cuda support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:833451 - "dev-db/sqlite: record leakage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:833456 - "dev-java/log4j-core: tests not enabled because of still missing junit-jupiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833466 - "net-print/dymo-cups-drivers-1.4.0-r2 fails test - TestLabelWriterDriver.cpp: error: reference to byte is ambiguous" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833468 - "dev-java/log4j-12-api: tests not enabled because of still missing junit-jupiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833482 - "sci-chemistry/ParmEd-3.4.3 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named numpy - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named simtk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833483 - "dev-util/android-studio-2020.3.1.24: missing dependency on openssl-compat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833565 - "media-fonts/pcf2bdf: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:833567 - "[Future EAPI] src_fetch_extra phase that runs after src_unpack" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833571 - "app-portage/portage-utils: support GLEP 78 gpkg binpkg format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833593 - "dev-cpp/notcurses-3.0.5 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833597 - "media-gfx/iscan-data- - ERROR: media-gfx/iscan-data- failed (install phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833613 - "net-libs/daq-2.0.7 - daq_nfq.c: fatal error: sys/unistd.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833626 - "media-sound/gigedit-1.2.0-r1 - ../compat.h: error: const Pango::Alignment Pango::ALIGN_LEFT redeclared as different kind of entity" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833761 - "net-analyzer/pmacct-1.7.6-r3 - ndpi.c: error: SIZEOF_ID_STRUCT undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833789 - "sci-libs/scotch-7.0.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833800 - "www-apps/dokuwiki-20200729 - errors at runtime - unusable without patches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:833803 - "net-analyzer/fail2ban: init script with --quiet parameter is not quiet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833847 - "app-misc/dateutils-0.4.9 fails tests on MUSL: FAIL: strptime.003.ctst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833856 - "app-misc/elasticsearch-8.15.1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833866 - "dev-libs/cereal-1.3.1-r1[test]: unrecognized command-line option ‘-m32’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833874 - "app-misc/hello-2.11 fails tests on MUSL: FAIL: atexit-1 multibyte-1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833877 - "app-misc/notary-0.7.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833880 - "app-misc/scrub-2.6.1-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833897 - "app-misc/xmind-3.7.6_p201801311814 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833906 - "dev-perl/Devel-NYTProf-6.110.0 - file collision with dev-util/FlameGraph-1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833936 - "app-office/libreoffice- fails to compile: configure: error: linux-musl operating system is not suitable to build LibreOffice for!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833960 - "sys-cluster/legion-23.03.0 - /.../faults.cc: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833963 - "app-shells/dsh-0.25.10-r1 fails tests: FAIL: param-gnu-getopt.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833964 - "app-shells/ksh-1.0.0_beta2 fails tests on MUSL: test math(shcomp) failed at 2022-02-24+08:14:32 with exit code 267 [ 17 tests (killed by SIGSEGV) ]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:833980 - "app-shells/yash-2.52 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834015 - "app-text/par-1.53.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834025 - "app-emulation/waydroid: a container to run Android apps on Linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834031 - "app-text/xapian-omega-1.4.20 fails tests on MUSL: FAIL: omegatest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834048 - "app-forensics/sleuthkit-4.11.1 - configure: error: .../config.sub x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834069 - "dev-cpp/libxmlpp-2.40.1-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834073 - "dev-db/postgresql-10.21 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834089 - "dev-embedded/u-boot-tools-2022.01 fails to compile: kwboot.c:627:20: error: struct termios has no member named c_ospeed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834144 - "sci-libs/dmlc-core-0_p20170719-r1 fails to compile: ld: cannot find -ldmlc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834151 - "dev-lang/gforth-0.7.3-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834155 - "dev-lang/ruby-2.6.9 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834156 - "dev-libs/apr-util-1.6.1-r9 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834157 - "dev-libs/aws-c-io-0.9.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834158 - "dev-libs/cereal-1.3.1-r1 fails to compile: basic_string.h:6725:43: error: no matching function for call to __to_xstring<std::string>(int ()(char, size_t, const char, __isoc_va_list), const int&, const char [3], float&)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834159 - "dev-libs/ding-libs-0.6.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834241 - "dev-python/rpyc-5.0.1 fails tests: ssl.SSLError: [SSL: NO_CIPHERS_AVAILABLE] no ciphers available (_ssl.c:1147)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834290 - "Maintainer: Thomas Bettler (thomas.bettler AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834291 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.30-r1: Spurious "Error! Installing dynamic libraries (.so) with blank PROVIDES!" with FEATURES=fakeroot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834331 - "sci-libs/orocos-bfl-0.8.0 fails to compile: ! LaTeX Error: File subfigure.sty not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834338 - "dev-libs/gmime-2.6.23-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834343 - "dev-libs/libcss-0.9.1-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834344 - "dev-libs/libdispatch-5.6.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834345 - "dev-libs/libgcrypt-compat-1.5.6 fails tests on MUSL: basic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834346 - "dev-libs/libgit2-glib-1.1.0 fails tests on MUSL: 1 repository FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834348 - "dev-libs/libgudev-237-r1 fails tests on musl: 3 test-double FAIL 0.01s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834349 - "dev-libs/libkpass-6-r2 fails tests on MUSL: FAIL: test1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834350 - "dev-libs/libp11-0.4.11-r2 fails tests on MUSL: fork-change-slot.c:57:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834351 - "dev-libs/libpcre2-10.40 fails tests on MUSL: FAIL: RunGrepTest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834353 - "dev-libs/librelp-1.10.0 fails tests on MUSL: receive.c:60:24: error: storage size of tvSelectTimeout isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834354 - "dev-libs/libsigsegv-2.14 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834357 - "net-fs/curlftpfs-0.9.2-r4 - configure: error: We need libcurl with support for FTP protocol." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834363 - "dev-libs/libwacom-1.12 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834365 - "dev-libs/libxml2-2.9.14-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834366 - "media-sound/milkytracker-1.03.00 - /.../RtMidi.h: error: expected , or before && token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834368 - "dev-libs/xbyak-5.73 fails tests on MUSL: ld: cannot find -lgcc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834393 - "media-sound/moc-2.6_alpha3-r5 with ffmpeg-5.0: ffmpeg.c:69:9: error: unknown type name ‘AVCodecContext’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834412 - "dev-lua/luv- fails tests on MUSL: Uncaught Error: test-udp.lua:319: EMSGSIZE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834413 - "dev-perl/Ace-1.920.0-r6 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834414 - "dev-perl/Apache-LogFormat-Compiler-0.360.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834430 - "net-mail/public-inbox-1.9.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834432 - "dev-perl/DateTimeX-Easy-0.89.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834466 - "sci-libs/ViSP-3.5.0: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834467 - "dev-games/ogre-2.1: dropped ~arm keyword" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834468 - "[Tracker] dev-games/ogre-1.12 breakage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834469 - "sci-libs/ViSP-3.3.0-r1: fails to build with dev-games/ogre-1.12.9-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834472 - "dev-games/mygui-3.4.1-r1 fails to compile: make: Docs: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834474 - "dev-perl/Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckChangesHasContent-0.11.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834476 - "dev-perl/IO-Socket-INET6-2.720.0-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834485 - "sci-mathematics/gsl-shell-2.3.2 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834486 - "sys-cluster/torque-6.0.4-r2 - machine.cpp: error: struct hwloc_obj has no member named memory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834490 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt-sanitizers-13.0.1 /usr/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld: cannot find -l:libunwind.so" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834497 - "dev-python/octave_kernel-0.34.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834499 - "net-im/centrifugo - Scalable real-time messaging server; centrifugo-3.1.1.ebuild attached (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834506 - "dev-perl/MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS-1.0.9 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834508 - "dev-perl/Net-Jabber-2.0.0-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834509 - "dev-perl/Net-LibIDN2-1.10.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834510 - "dev-perl/Net-Works-0.220.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834511 - "dev-perl/Number-Format-1.750.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834513 - "dev-perl/POSIX-strftime-Compiler-0.440.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834514 - "dev-perl/Parse-Syslog-1.100.0-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834515 - "dev-perl/PostScript-Simple-0.90.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834516 - "dev-perl/Time-Format-1.160.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834517 - "dev-perl/Time-TZOffset-0.40.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834519 - "dev-perl/Web-Scraper-0.380.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834529 - "dev-perl/XML-Stream-1.240.0-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834557 - "dev-python/aiohttp-socks-0.7.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834558 - "dev-python/aiorpcX-0.22.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834560 - "dev-python/apsw-3.35.4_p1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834562 - "dev-python/atpublic-2.3 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834564 - "dev-python/backports-zoneinfo-0.2.1-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834566 - "dev-python/bpython-0.22.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834572 - "sys-apps/portage emerge --emptytree gets dependency ordering wrong for sys-libs/pam (orders sys-devel/bison after sys-libs/pam, despite BDEPEND via virtual/yacc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834587 - "dev-python/django-auth-ldap-3.0.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834589 - "dev-python/django-configurations-2.3.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834590 - "dev-python/django-mptt-0.13.4 fails tests on musl (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tzdata', backports.zoneinfo._common.ZoneInfoNotFoundError: 'No time zone found with key America/Chicago')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834591 - "dev-python/django-redis-5.2.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834600 - "Ignore collisions if target symlink owned by same package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834611 - "media-libs/tg_owt-0_pre20220209 - A required package was not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834616 - "dev-python/easyprocess-1.1-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834617 - "dev-python/fakeredis-1.9.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834619 - "dev-python/gssapi-1.8.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834620 - "dev-python/httpx-0.22.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834623 - "app-laptop/asus-touchpad: asus touchpad numpad switch driver (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834652 - "dev-python/hypothesis-6.54.3 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834654 - "dev-python/jc-1.20.4 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834655 - "dev-python/joblib-1.1.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834657 - "dev-python/krb5-0.4.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834659 - "dev-python/logbook-1.5.3 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834661 - "dev-python/lz4-4.0.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834666 - "Maintainer: Marco Sirabella (marco AT sirabella.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834680 - "dev-python/nbdime-3.1.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834681 - "dev-python/netaddr-0.8.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834688 - "<net-proxy/haproxy-{2.2.21,2.4.14,2.5.4}: infinite loop on HTTP responses with Set-Cookie2 header" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:834692 - "media-gfx/mandelbulber-2.26-r1 - /.../algorithm: error: copy_n is not a member of std (sci-libs/gsl bug?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834696 - "dev-lang/mono- fails to build when a PROFILE environment variable is set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:834707 - "dev-python/packaging-21.3-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834708 - "dev-python/paramiko-2.11.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834709 - "dev-python/partd-1.2.0 fails tests on MUSL (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834712 - ""Old" or "historical" Gentoo distfiles mirror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:834726 - "sci-libs/scotch-7.0.1-r1 - common_thread.h: error: unknown type name cpu_set_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834732 - "sci-libs/avogadrolibs-1.95.1 - /.../gl32.h: error: void _glewActiveTexture(GLenum) redeclared as different kind of entity" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834753 - "[guru] dev-python/srt-3.5.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834761 - "media-tv/mythtv-31.0_p20210731-r1 - /.../AudioBuffer.h:90: multiple definition of GetDefaultChannelLayout; .../AudioBuffer.h:90: f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834764 - "app-office/libreoffice- fails test - S=/var/tmp/portage/app-office/libreoffice- && I=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834774 - "dev-python/plyvel-1.4.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834775 - "dev-python/portend-3.1.0 fails tests on MUSL (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834787 - "media-libs/audiofile-0.3.6-r4 - FEATURES=test yields to OOM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834801 - "<net-misc/httpie-3.2.1: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:834811 - "dev-python/pyatspi-2.38.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834812 - "dev-python/pybtex-docutils-1.0.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834813 - "dev-python/pygresql-5.2.4 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834814 - "dev-python/pytest-asyncio-0.19.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834818 - "dev-python/pytest-xprocess-0.18.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834819 - "dev-python/python-gammu-3.2.4 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834820 - "dev-python/keyutils-0.6 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834823 - "dev-python/psycopg-2.9.3 calls commands that do not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834850 - "sys-auth/nss_ldap-265-r10 - /.../ldap-pwd.c: error: NSS_TRYAGAIN undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834879 - "app-text/lowdown-0.11.1 fails to compile: ld: cannot find -llowdown" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834883 - "dev-python/redis-4.1.4 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834884 - "dev-python/mrcfile-1.3.0 fails tests on x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834886 - "dev-python/rq-1.11 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834887 - "dev-python/scikit-build-0.15.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834888 - "dev-python/seaborn-0.11.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834889 - "dev-python/setproctitle-1.3.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834890 - "dev-python/setuptools-60.9.2[test]: test_pip_upgrade_from_source fails "No module named 'jaraco' "" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834892 - "dev-python/sphinx-gallery-0.10.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834895 - "dev-python/strict-rfc3339-0.7-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834903 - "dev-ruby/activesupport- fails tests on x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834945 - "dev-util/xdelta-3.1.0: Version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834947 - "gentoo-dev: post devmanual-commits to mailing list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834952 - "dev-python/tld-0.12.6 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834953 - "dev-python/translate-toolkit-3.7.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834956 - "dev-python/txAMQP-0.8.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834970 - "linux kernel: multiple vulnerabilities in Xen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834985 - "sys-auth/polkit-pkla-compat-0.1-r1 fails test - ERROR:test/polkitbackendlocalauthoritytest.c:138:test_get_admin_identities: assert" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834987 - "media-video/aravis-0.8.5 fails test - 5/6 aravis:main / fake FAIL 1.07s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:834990 - "sys-fs/cryptsetup-2.4.3-r1 - tokens/.../ssh-utils.c: fatal error: libssh/sftp.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835004 - "sci-chemistry/modeller-9.25 - except ImportError:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835007 - "dev-db/pglogical-2.4.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835015 - "Missing meeting logs on security project wiki page" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835021 - "sci-libs/flann-1.9.1-r5[octave] cannot find -loctinterp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835024 - "Maintainer: Evgeny Grin (k2k AT narod.ru)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835025 - "Maintainer: Nickolas Raymond Kaczynski (nrk AT disroot.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835041 - "dev-python/zconfig-3.6.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835074 - "<app-admin/keepass-2.56: logs plaintext password" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:835080 - "<media-libs/libpano13-2.9.21: oob read" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:835084 - "x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.32 fails to compile with dev-libs/glib-2.70.4 (but not dev-libs/glib-2.70.2) -- glib-compile-resources failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835087 - "gnome-bases/nautilus-41.2 test failures due to app-misc/tracker tracker-sandbox problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835118 - "dev-ruby/ammeter-1.1.5 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835129 - "sys-fabric/mstflint-4.23.0_p1 - /.../install: cannot change permissions of .../mtcr.py: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835142 - "sys-cluster/glusterfs-10.2-r2: fails to compile: glusterfs/dict.h:332:2: error: #error "unknown word size"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835193 - "dev-ruby/ethon-0.15.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835314 - "dev-ruby/eventmachine-1.2.7-r3 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835316 - "dev-ruby/fakefs-1.3.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835318 - "dev-ruby/google-protobuf-3.14.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835320 - "dev-ruby/hocon-1.3.1-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835323 - "dev-ruby/mechanize-2.8.4 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835326 - "dev-ruby/net-smtp-0.3.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835327 - "dev-ruby/nokogiri-1.13.8 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835328 - "dev-ruby/pathutil-0.16.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835340 - "<dev-lang/lua-5.4.4: UAF leading to sandbox escape" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835341 - "<media-video/gpac-2.2.0: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835370 - "portage should detect & reject bare phase functions in eclasses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835380 - "[Tracker] Portage performance bugs/improvements" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835406 - "dev-ruby/typhoeus-1.4.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835413 - "www-servers/caddy-2.4.6 - ERROR: www-servers/caddy-2.4.6::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835420 - "dev-ruby/xmlrpc-0.3.2-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835421 - "dev-ruby/yard-0.9.27 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835422 - "dev-scheme/c-wrapper-0.6.1-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835423 - "dev-scheme/guile-2.2.7-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835437 - "dev-perl/Test-Mock-LWP-0.80.0 - Cant locate .../Install.pm in @INC (you may need to install the inc::Module::Install module) <@INC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835442 - "dev-scheme/guile-ncurses-3.0-r3 fails tests (hang) on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835448 - "[TRACKER] GNOME 42 Official Release" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835455 - "app-misc/xmind-3.7.6_p201801311814: Cannot launch on JRE 11+: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/annotation/PreDestroy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:835457 - "media-libs/harfbuzz[abi_x86_32] fails test phase with Clang -O1/-O2/-O3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835511 - "dev-util/cdecl-12.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835517 - "net-analyzer/traceproto-1.1.2_beta1 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835526 - "[guru] dev-python/hunter-3.5.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835583 - "sci-mathematics/coq-8.15.0-r2 - Fatal error: exception Stack overflow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835610 - "net-p2p/go-ethereum: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:835624 - "net-im/pidgin: No GUI built with tk USE flag." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835626 - "sci-mathematics/yacas-1.9.1-r1 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835647 - "dev-db/percona-server- - /.../ld: cannot find -lldap_r" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835657 - "dev-libs/pmdk-1.12.1 calls nm directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835695 - ""ebuild ... test" creates .tested file even on failure, and wrongly returns success return code on repeat test runs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835710 - "dev-util/open-vcdiff-0.8.4-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835711 - "dev-util/oprofile-1.4.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835746 - "dev-vcs/cssc-1.4.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835747 - "dev-vcs/git-2.35.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835748 - "dev-vcs/mercurial-6.0.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835749 - "dev-vcs/reposurgeon-4.27 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835785 - "app-text/NaturalDocs-1.52-r2 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835793 - "app-i18n/jfbterm installs to /usr/share/fonts without updating cache (was: app-doc/devmanual-0_pre20210118 - sandbox issue)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835819 - "[Tracker] net-nds/openldap-2.6.x breakage (e.g. dropping reentrant -lldap_r library)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835853 - "games-arcade/commandergenius-2.4.0-r1 fails to compile: Debug.cpp:413:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835854 - "games-arcade/supertux-0.6.3-r2 fails to compile: ld: compositor.cpp:(.text+0x5d5): undefined reference to _obstack_begin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835855 - "games-puzzle/atomix-3.34.0-r1 fails to compile: meson.build:21:0: ERROR: Dependency "libgnome-games-support-1" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835856 - "games-puzzle/bastet-0.43.2 fails to compile: Ui.cpp:328:5: error: fd_set was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835874 - "dev-python/lit-14.0.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835918 - "app-misc/ledit-2.04 - Error: This expression has type (MLast.patt MLast.expr) list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835963 - "net-analyzer/wireshark-3.6.2 - fails suite_capture, suite_decryption, suite_release tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835964 - "sys-apps/portage: support git binary diffs as patches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835982 - "net-im/pidgin-2.14.12 fails to compile: configure: line 19851: gconftool-2: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835984 - "mail-client/geary-40.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:835998 - "mail-client/neomutt-20220429 fails tests (hang) on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836000 - "sci-physics/espresso-4.1.3 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836008 - "dev-util/qdevicemonitor-1.0.1-r2 - /.../qtgui-config.h:4: error: QT_OPENGL_ES redefined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836031 - "app-cdr/cdrtools: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836032 - "app-cdr/dvdisaster: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836042 - "app-shells/squirrelsh: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836045 - "dev-db/cockroach: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836051 - "dev-lang/julia-bin: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836052 - "dev-lang/perl: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836055 - "dev-libs/bglibs: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836057 - "dev-libs/libpqxx: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836059 - "dev-perl/Emacs-PDE: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836060 - "dev-perl/libwww-perl: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836062 - "dev-tex/hevea: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836064 - "games-roguelike/nethack: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836065 - "games-util/wit: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836066 - "mail-filter/dcc: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836067 - "mail-filter/spamassassin: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836069 - "media-fonts/liberation-fonts: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836071 - "media-gfx/povray: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836076 - "media-sound/flake: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836081 - "net-analyzer/isic: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836084 - "net-libs/cvm: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836086 - "net-mail/ezmlm-idx: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836087 - "net-mail/qlogtools: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836090 - "net-misc/sks: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836091 - "net-print/foo2zjs: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836092 - "net-proxy/rejik: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836095 - "sci-chemistry/theseus: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836096 - "sci-chemistry/vmd: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836100 - "sci-libs/coinor-cbc: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836101 - "sci-libs/coinor-cgl: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836102 - "sci-libs/coinor-clp: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836103 - "sci-libs/coinor-dylp: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836105 - "sci-libs/coinor-osi: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836106 - "sci-libs/coinor-utils: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836107 - "sci-libs/coinor-vol: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836108 - "sci-libs/ipopt: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836115 - "llvm-core/llvm-roc: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836117 - "sys-process/bcron: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836120 - "x11-libs/libSM: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836121 - "x11-wm/lumina: uses variables banned in scope (VariableScope)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836137 - "mail-client/neomutt-20220408 calls commands that do not exist: w3m" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836171 - "dev-lang/neko-2.3.0-r1 - ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836220 - "[Tracker] Packages failing to build with libc++ (libcxx)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836226 - "mail-client/thunderbird-102.2.1 fails to compile: ERROR: The rust compiler host (x86_64-unknown-linux-musl) is not suitable for the configure host (x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836228 - "mail-mta/nullmailer-2.2-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836231 - "media-gfx/hydrus-476 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836232 - "media-gfx/mypaint-2.0.1-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836233 - "media-gfx/opentoonz-1.4.0 fails to compile: tstopwatch.cpp:14:10: fatal error: unistd.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836234 - "media-gfx/pqstego-0.0.1 fails to compile: ld: libpqstego.so: undefined reference to gsl_rng_alloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836241 - "dev-libs/stb: reachable assertion in stbi__create_png_image_raw" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:836257 - "media-libs/coin-4.0.0 fails to compile: TestSuiteUtils.cpp:42:2: error: #error Unknown system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836259 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-base-1.20.1 fails tests on MUSL: meson-test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836260 - "media-libs/gstreamer-1.20.1 fails tests on MUSL: meson-test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836272 - "dev-util/hip-5.5.1 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836273 - "net-libs/libnetfilter_queue-1.0.5 calls commands that do not exist: dot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836276 - "media-libs/libkate-0.4.1-r4 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836277 - "media-libs/libopenmpt-0.6.5 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836279 - "llvm-core/llvm-roc-5.0.2 - /.../backtrace_linux_libc.cpp: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836280 - "net-nds/openldap-2.6.1-r1 - /.../ld: cannot find -lkrb5: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836289 - "media-libs/taglib-1.12 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836306 - "sys-apps/dbus-1.14.0-r1 installs gtk-doc into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836312 - "dev-java/assertj-core-2.3.0{,-r1}: does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836313 - "games-strategy/0ad-0.0.25b_alpha - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836314 - "dev-libs/glib-2.72.0 fails test - 132/264 glib:gio / contenttype FAIL 0.01s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836318 - "sys-apps/dbus-1.14.0 fails test - ERROR: test-bus-dispatch - missing test plan" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836359 - "media-video/aravis-0.8.5 - viewer/.../meson.build: ERROR: Function does not take positional arguments." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836372 - "<dev-util/re2c-3.1: infinite recursion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:836376 - "llvm-core/lld-15.0.4 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836391 - "media-video/aravis-0.8.21: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836404 - "net-misc/wget-1.21.3 fails test - FAIL: Test-auth-no-challenge-url.px" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836415 - "dev-db/pglogical-2.4.4 fails to compile: pglogical_apply_spi.c:505:15: error: assignment of read-only variable stdin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836416 - "dev-python/ephemeral-port-reserve-1.1.4 fails tests on MUSL: socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name does not resolve" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836422 - "dev-db/DBSamizdat: PostgreSQL database object manager for the command line (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:836425 - "dev-scheme/guile-lib-0.2.7 fails tests on MUSL: FAIL: os.process.scm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836427 - "net-voip/mumble-1.4.287-r1 fails to compile: mumble_positional_audio_linux.h:62:32: error: basename was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836436 - "dev-python/dulwich-0.20.35 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836437 - "dev-python/cherrypy-18.6.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836441 - "dev-python/pytest-salt-factories-1.0.0_rc13 : fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836442 - "sys-auth/libfprint-1.94.3 fails test - .../ aes2501 FAIL 0.21s exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836443 - "dev-python/pywinrm-0.4.2-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836445 - "dev-scheme/gambit-4.9.4 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836466 - "media-sound/ptabtools-0.5.0 fails tests on MUSL: check.c:20:10: fatal error: check.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836467 - "media-tv/tvheadend-4.2.8-r2 fails to compile: queue.h:8:10: fatal error: queue.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836471 - "net-misc/kea-2.0.2 fails test - [ FAILED ] 8 tests, listed below:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836477 - "dev-python/watchdog-2.1.9 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836552 - "dev-perl/HTML-TableParser-0.430.0 fails test - # Failed test data/ned.html data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836574 - "media-video/vcdimager-2.0.1 fails tests on MUSL: FAIL: check_nrg.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836575 - "net-analyzer/ike-scan-1.9.4 fails tests on MUSL: FAIL: check-error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836584 - "net-dialup/lrzsz-0.12.20-r4 fails tests (hang) on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836591 - "net-dns/c-ares-1.18.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836592 - "net-dns/dnsviz-0.9.4 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836593 - "net-dns/pdns-4.6.3 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836594 - "net-dns/pdnsd-1.2.9a-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836595 - "net-firewall/xtables-addons-3.21 fails to compile: xt_LOGMARK.c:37:55: error: const struct nf_conn has no member named mark" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836596 - "net-dns/dnsviz-0.9.4 fails test - FAIL: test_dnsviz_graph_output_format (_main_.DNSGraphRunTestCase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836607 - "app-shells/nushell-0.60.0 fails test - test shell::pipeline::commands::external::stdin_evaluation::does_not_panic_with_no_newline_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836613 - "net-misc/mptcpd-0.9 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836615 - "net-im/centerim-5.0.1-r1 fails tests on MUSL: window.cpp:21:63: error: taking address of rvalue Warning-Options.html#index-fpermissive]]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836624 - "net-irc/quassel-0.14.0-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836625 - "net-irc/telepathy-idle-0.2.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836626 - "net-libs/courier-unicode-2.2.3-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836627 - "net-libs/libgadu-1.12.2-r1 fails to compile: base64.h:22:42: error: unknown type name ssize_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836631 - "net-libs/libnftnl-1.2.3 fails tests on MUSL: nft-rule-add.c:112:21: error: struct tcphdr has no member named dest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836632 - "net-libs/libnice-0.1.22 fails tests on MUSL (segfaults)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836637 - "net-analyzer/sngrep-1.4.7-r1 fails test - FAIL: test-001" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836639 - "dev-util/vint-0.3.21 fails test - FAILED .../test_cli.py::TestCLI::test_exec_vint_with_no_args - As..." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836641 - "www-servers/adsf-1.4.6-r1 fails test - rake aborted!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836642 - "dev-libs/dbus-glib-0.112 fails to cross compile with segfault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:836649 - "media-gfx/openmesh-9.0 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836658 - "net-libs/libotr-4.1.1 fails tests (hang) on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836698 - "dev-util/unifdef-2.12 fails test - FAILED: whitespace-1.out: unifdef -DFOO whitespace.c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836703 - "net-misc/chrome-remote-desktop-99.0.4844 : spews : rmdir: failed to remove '/etc/chromium/native-messaging-hosts': Directory not empty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836704 - "net-libs/libsoup-2.74.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836706 - "net-libs/tox-0.2.18-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836707 - "net-libs/uhttpmock-0.5.3 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836710 - "net-mail/cyrus-imapd-3.4.4-r1 fails tests on MUSL: timeofday.c:220:2: error: #error "Dont know how to intercept gettimeofday for this libc"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836718 - "net-misc/mptcpd-0.9 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836719 - "net-misc/nextcloud-client-3.6.0 fails to compile: cmdline.c:(.text+0x45): undefined reference to argp_parse" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836720 - "net-misc/sipsak-0.9.8 fails tests on MUSL: FAIL: check_auth" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836721 - "net-misc/sitecopy-0.16.6-r2 fails to compile: libintl.h:221:1: error: unterminated comment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836722 - "net-misc/socket-burst-dampener-1.3.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836737 - "net-news/newsboat-2.28 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836738 - "net-nntp/nzbget-21.1-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836743 - "net-proxy/squid-5.4.1-r2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836744 - "net-vpn/6tunnel-0.13 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836745 - "net-vpn/tor- fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836749 - "dev-python/setuptools-61.3.0: tests failure: ERROR test_virtualenv.py, FAILED test_integration.py" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836753 - "dev-java/fop: Generate 'event-model.xml' files by running EventProducerCollectorTask with input from pom.xml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836754 - "dev-java/fop: Build the module "fop-transcoder-allinone" to allow running "batik-test-old" in dev-java/batik" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836763 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1 in docker: configure: error: you should not run configure as root (set FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1 in environment to bypass this check)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836764 - "sys-apps/uutils-coreutils-0.0.13 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836780 - "dev-python/pywavelets-1.4.1 with USE=doc fails to build: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pywt._extensions._pywt'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836791 - "app-containers/containerd-2.0.1 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836814 - "sci-biology/gmap-2020.10.27 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836818 - "llvm-core/llvm-roc-5.0.2 - /.../ld: .../libhsa-runtime64.so.1.5.0: undefined reference to hsaKmtRuntimeEnable@HSAKMT_1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836837 - "dev-ruby/facter-3.14.21 - ERROR: dev-ruby/facter-3.14.21::gentoo failed (configure phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836839 - "dev-lua/lgi-0.9.2-r100 fails test - (process:<snip>:Lgi-WARNING : 15:49:46.973: Error raised while calling lgi.cbk (number): Regre" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836856 - "sci-biology/newick-utils-1.6-r1 fails tests on MUSL: FAIL: test_nw_gen.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836858 - "sci-calculators/datamash-1.7-r1 fails tests on MUSL: FAIL: decorate-errors.pl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836860 - "sci-libs/inchi-1.06-r1 fails to compile: ld: util.c:(.text+0x1b75): undefined reference to __isascii" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836920 - "sys-apps/busybox: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836942 - "dev-perl/Apache-Test-1.420.0 fails test - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836945 - "sci-misc/h5utils-1.13.1 - /.../ld: cannot find -loctinterp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:836954 - "Upgrade CONTENTS hash algorithm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837014 - "sci-libs/coinor-cppad-20210000.5-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837026 - "sci-libs/kissfft-131.1.0 fails to compile: testcpp.cc:46:35: error: M_PIl was not declared in this scope; did you mean M_PI?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837029 - "sci-libs/orocos_kdl-1.5.1 fails to compile: kinfamtest.cpp:143:50: error: uint was not declared in this scope; did you mean rint?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837035 - "sci-libs/scalapack-2.1.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837044 - "sci-libs/p4est-2.8-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837068 - "dev-python/anyio-3.6.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837077 - "Maintainer: Yu 'ArchFeh' Gu (guyu2876 AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837167 - "app-forensics/rkhunter explain how the user can update rkhunter since we patched --update away" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837170 - "app-forensics/rkhunter License change" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837233 - "dev-java/byte-buddy{-agent}: could benefit from having modulemaker-maven-plugin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837263 - "dev-lang/maude-3.1-r1 - /.../ld: cannot find -lcurses: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837269 - "sci-physics/clhep- fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837272 - "sci-physics/reduze-2.4 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837284 - "dev-util/poke-2.1 fails test - ERROR: tcl error sourcing /var/tmp/portage/dev-util/poke-2.1/work/poke-2.1/testsuite/poke.repl/repl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837287 - "sci-libs/libgeotiff-1.7.1-r1 - listgeo.c:(<snip>) undefined reference to TIFFGetField" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837341 - "app-crypt/moolticute-0.43.19 - src/.../Downloader.cpp: error: invalid use of incomplete type class QDebug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837350 - "app-backup/amanda-3.5.1-r3 fails test - FAIL: hexencode-test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837365 - "net-vpn/networkmanager-vpnc-1.4.0 fails to compile: nm-default.h:49:10: fatal error: nm-version.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837368 - "net-vpn/networkmanager-sstp-1.2.6 fails to compile: nm-default.h:105:10: fatal error: nma-ui-utils.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837386 - "sys-apps/acl-2.3.1-r1 fails tests on MUSL: FAIL: misc.test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837392 - "sys-apps/findutils-4.9.0 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837536 - "app-portage/g-cpan creates folder in /var/tmp which may be deleted any time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837542 - "<dev-ruby/yajl-ruby-1.4.2: heap corruption with very large inputs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:837572 - "Can't access gentoo-guru archives: Internal Server Error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837590 - "sys-apps/nvme-cli-2.2.1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837629 - "[Tracker] Removing Berkeley DB (bdb, sys-libs/db)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837662 - "dev-java/mockito:4 tests not enabled because of still missing junit-jupiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837680 - "media-plugins/hexter-1.1.1 - configure: error: error: could not link readline libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837692 - "games-simulation/openttd-14.1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837695 - "sys-apps/gawk-5.1.1-r1 fails tests (hang) on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837704 - "net-vpn/logmein-hamachi: nonexistent blocker RDEPEND="!net-misc/hamachi": no matches in repo history" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837707 - "acct-user/mail: /var/spool/mail should be /var/mail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837770 - "sys-apps/hwloc-2.8.0 fails to compile: user.h:4:9: error: unknown type name __int32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837773 - "sys-apps/keyutils-1.6.3 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837776 - "sys-apps/man-db-2.10.2-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837779 - "sys-apps/minijail-17 fails tests on MUSL: libminijail_unittest.cc:253:12: error: PIPE_BUF was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837785 - "sys-apps/the_silver_searcher-2.2.0_p20201217-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837788 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.38.1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837812 - "[TRACKER] Packages linking -lcurses (need sys-libs/ncurses compatibility symlink)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837824 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837965 - "vala.eclass: clarify whether vala_setup should be no-op for binpkgs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837971 - "sys-devel/gnuconfig-20220508 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837974 - "sys-devel/m4-1.4.19 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837980 - "[Tracker] Transition from dev-libs/libpcre to dev-libs/libpcre2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837986 - "sys-libs/libselinux: consider dropping USE=pcre2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:837995 - "media-plugins/vdr-live: bump to 3.1.5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838010 - "net-analyzer/zabbix: multiple bundled jars" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838019 - "[Tracker] Transition from sys-fs/fuse:0 to sys-fs/fuse:3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838028 - "sys-apps/s390-tools: bump to 2.20.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838052 - "app-text/texi2html on MUSL: Undefined subroutine &Locale::Messages::dgettext called at texi2html line 29628" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838169 - "sys-libs/libnvme-1.0 fails to compile: fabrics.c:328:31: error: SCOPE_DELIMITER undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838175 - "llvm-runtimes/libunwind-15.0.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838178 - "sys-process/numactl-2.0.14-r1 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838181 - "media-sound/dcaenc-2-r2 - /.../ld: cannot find -ldcaenc: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838211 - "app-text/crm114-20100106-r1 - crmregex_tre.c: error: unknown type name regamatch_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838268 - "dev-php/composer: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838295 - "games-board/gnuchess-book: has RESTRICT="userpriv"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838373 - "llvm-core/clang: compilation of e.g. www-client/firefox-99.0.1 and mail-client/thunderbird fails (error: always_inline function '_mm_crc32_u64' requires target feature 'crc32')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838382 - "media-sound/sox: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838397 - "Add QA warning for 'doexe' without 'exeinto'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838415 - "x11-misc/shared-mime-info-2.2 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838451 - "gui-libs/gtk-4 doesn't look for /usr/share/cursors/xorg-x11/ path in wayland" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838664 - "Maintainer: Thiago Donato Ferreira (flowlnlnln at gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838847 - "x11-plugins/wmbiff-0.4.36 fails tests on MUSL: FAIL: test_wmbiff" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838922 - "dev-python/pystache: Poor quality commit message not describing substantial changes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838943 - "sys-apps/portage FEATURES=network-sandbox should mount a new instance of sysfs at /sys" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838949 - "app-crypt/seahorse-43.0-r3 [-ldap] fails test "pgp / gpgme-backend"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838964 - "x11-wm/herbstluftwm-0.9.5 fails tests (hang) on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838976 - "dev-libs/bglibs-2.04-r2 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: refman.dvi] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838979 - "llvm-core/llvm-14.0.1 - /.../Signals.inc: error: backtrace was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838982 - "sys-process/audit-3.0.8 - /.../un.h: error: redefinition of parameter strlen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:838997 - "net-dns/avahi-0.8-r5 - Cant locate .../xmltoman line 21." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839000 - "dev-python/sphobjinv-2.2.2 - Could not import extension sphinx_removed_in (exception: No module named sphinx_removed_in)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839078 - "app-i18n/ibus-1.5.26 fails to compile: emojier.c:9293:17: error: expected identifier or ( before while" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839081 - "sys-boot/plymouth-22.02.122-r3 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839102 - "sci-mathematics/coq-serapi-0.15.0-r1 - :(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to camlCmdliner_entry" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839252 - "app-misc/clockywock-0.3.1a - clockywock.cpp: error: operands to ?: have different types int and std::nullptr_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839294 - "x11-apps/xdpyinfo-1.3.3 fails to compile: configure: error: Package requirements (xext x11 xtst x11-xcb xcb xproto >= 7.0.22) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839345 - "gnome-extra/gnome-calculator: fails tests on riscv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839360 - "<net-analyzer/bwm-ng-0.6.3: OOB write if malloc fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:839366 - "media-gfx/dcraw: integer overflow via malicious x3f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:839396 - "[guru] app-accessibility/mimic1- installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839495 - "sci-libs/dealii-9.3.3 - CMake Error at .../macro_configure_feature.cmake:196 (MESSAGE):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839507 - "net-misc/sks-1.1.6_p20200624-r1 - ocamlfind: Not supported in your configuration: ocamlopt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839510 - "net-libs/ntirpc-5.0 - CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839528 - "app-text/languagetool: multiple bundled java packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839564 - "install-arm64-minimal-20220417T235403Z.iso fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839579 - "dev-util/cbindgen-0.22.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839627 - "[guru] app-misc/mobile-datovka-1.10.0 fails to compile: environment: line 1342: lrelease: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839681 - "java-pkg-simple.eclass: support JAVA_TESTING_FRAMEWORKS="junit-vintage junit-jupiter"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839690 - "[TRACKER] JUnit 5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839741 - "<media-libs/libcaca-0.99_beta19-r4: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:839792 - "dev-perl/Module-Build-0.423.100 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839819 - "media-libs/mesa-22.0.1 fails test - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839825 - "sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.46.5-r1 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839831 - "media-libs/libepoxy-1.5.10 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839843 - "media-libs/gstreamer-1.20.1 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839846 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-good-1.20.1 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839906 - "[TRACKER] sys-devel/gcc-12 porting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839936 - "llvm-runtimes/openmp-14.0.1 fails test - FAILED: .../check-libomp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:839975 - "[Tracker] Breakage with sys-libs/musl-1.2.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840014 - "sys-devel/gcc-12.2.1_p20221210 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840113 - "sci-mathematics/gsl-shell-2.3.2 - vm_x86.dasc:437: error: bad integer number -8:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840176 - "dev-texlive/texlive-xetex-2021-r1 - ERROR: dev-texlive/texlive-xetex-2021-r1::gentoo failed (postinst phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840203 - "dev-db/percona-server- - CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:1587 (MESSAGE):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840248 - "mail-mta/courier-1.3.12 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840257 - "[guru] media-gfx/zw3d-2023.0.3.1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840332 - "net-im/biboumi-9.0-r4 - /.../bridge.cpp: error: strlen was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840356 - "sys-cluster/libqb-2.0.4 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840365 - "[guru] sci-electronics/verible-0.0.3124 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840442 - "Maintainer: Chaquen Beliakov Amaya (c AT cgps.ch)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840445 - "Maintainer: Thomas Bracht Laumann Jespersen (t AT laumann.xyz)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840460 - "media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.125.0-r1 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840463 - "[guru] dev-python/pdfminer-six-20220319-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840505 - "sys-devel/gettext-0.21-r1 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840511 - "app-crypt/gnupg-2.3.5-r1 fails test - Failed tests: <keyboxd>tests/openpgp/use-exact-key.scm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840523 - "net-misc/seafile-client-8.0.6 - /.../utils.cpp: error: invalid use of incomplete type const class QSslCipher" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840529 - "sys-devel/binutils-2.38-r2 fails test on hardened amd64 - FAIL: DWARF parse during linker error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840535 - "media-libs/libpano13-2.9.21 - /.../ld: libpano13.so.3.0.0: undefined reference to cholmod_l_sdmult" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840541 - "media-libs/fontconfig-2.14.0-r1 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840553 - "dev-haskell/git-lfs-1.1.0 - Network/GitLFS.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840619 - "dev-haskell/th-lift-instances-0.1.14 - tests/Main.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840674 - "app-crypt/libsecret-0.20.5-r2 fails test - 20/24 libsecret:libsecret / test-collection FAIL 4.16s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840770 - "dev-python/statsmodels-0.13.2: failed (test phase) (x86)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840948 - "app-admin/logsentry-1.1.1-r3 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840954 - "app-backup/amanda-3.5.1-r5 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:840975 - "sys-cluster/vzctl-4.9.4 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841005 - "dev-perl/PDF-Builder-3.23.0 fails test - Result: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841125 - "app-crypt/veracrypt-1.25.7 - ../.../cpu.c: error: unknown type name _m128i" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841140 - "net-irc/limnoria-20220203 fails test - FAIL: testLocaltimePytz (Geography.test.GeographyLocaltimeTestCase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841197 - "sys-libs/cracklib-2.9.7 fails test - ERROR: test_VeryFascistCheck (test_cracklib.TestModuleFunctions)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841212 - "Make GLEP 65 (post-install QA checks) optional" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841251 - "sys-cluster/vzctl-4.9.4 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841311 - "net-libs/libnetfilter_cthelper-1.0.1 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841314 - "net-libs/libnetfilter_cttimeout-1.0.0-r1 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841383 - "dev-ruby/psych-4.0.3: psych.so: undefined symbol: Init_psych" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841437 - "dev-libs/efl-1.26.2 - /.../btSoftBodyHelpers.h: fatal error: ../.../CommonFileIOInterface.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841470 - "dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.15.3: QXdgDesktopPortalTheme errors like ‘QDBusMessage’ was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841551 - "dev-libs/thrift-0.16.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841581 - "app-emulation/bochs-2.7 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841587 - "app-emulation/qemu-init-scripts-0.3.0-r1 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841632 - "dev-util/visualvm-2.1.7-r1: multiple bundled java packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841641 - "sys-apps/portage: --keep-going fails to consider different versions of packages from those scheduled to merge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841701 - "app-emulation/bochs-2.7 does not respect USE flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841713 - "app-i18n/libcangjie-1.3 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841728 - "net-misc/rsync-bpc- - syscall.c: error: FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841740 - "dev-debug/edb-debugger-1.3.0 - -- Package dependency requirement capstone >= 3.0.4 could not be satisfied." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841800 - "app-misc/livecd-tools-2.11 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841803 - "app-misc/sphinx-2.2.11-r5 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841818 - "dev-python/twisted-22.4.0: RealDeviceWithProtocolInformationTests and RealDeviceWithoutProtocolInformationTests fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841863 - "app-shells/ctypes-sh-1.2-r2 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841866 - "app-shells/pdsh-2.34-r2 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:841869 - "app-text/barcode-0.99-r1 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842003 - "dev-util/rocm_bandwidth_test-5.4.3 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842006 - "dev-util/rocm_bandwidth_test-5.3.3 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842036 - "dev-lang/rust: fails to build on s390x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842057 - "Maintainer: Adrian Schollmeyer (nex+b-g-o AT nexadn.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842078 - "dev-db/libodbc++-0.2.5-r3 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842081 - "dev-db/opendbx-1.4.6-r6 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842087 - "dev-db/psqlodbc-16.00.0000 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842102 - "dev-embedded/stlink-1.7.0 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842105 - "dev-embedded/stlink-1.7.0 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842129 - "media-sound/muse-0.9.2_p20161002 - src/.../encsetbox.cpp: error: could not convert nullptr from std::nullptr_t to int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842144 - "sci-libs/hipCUB-4.3.0-r1 fails to compile: hangs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842210 - "net-analyzer/openvas-scanner-21.4.4-r1 - !!! newexe: .../gvm-feed-sync-21.4.4.sh does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842246 - "rust-toolchain.eclass: needs major overhaul" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842255 - "dev-lang/python-3.9.12: fails test_flush_return_value test on hppa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842351 - "[TRACKER] module-info (jep 261) issue tracker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842360 - "sci-libs/hipCUB-5.0.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842363 - "sci-libs/rocThrust-5.0.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842387 - "sci-biology/t-coffee-11.00-r3 - io_lib/io_func.c: error: cannot convert std::nullptr_t to int in return" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842414 - "sci-libs/hipSPARSE-5.0.2 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842558 - "sys-fs/fuse-common-3.10.4 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842615 - "sci-mathematics/z3-4.8.16 - CMake Error at .../FindJava.cmake:171 (message):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842738 - "dev-libs/darts-0.32h_pre20181117064816 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842750 - "dev-lang/gforth-0.7.3-r2 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842858 - "sys-kernel/vanilla-kernel - missing dependency on dev-libs/openssl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842867 - "dev-libs/c-capnproto-0.3 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842879 - "dev-lang/ispc-1.17.0-r1 - fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /var/tmp)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:842999 - "[guru] net-misc/can-utils-2023.03 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843044 - "net-proxy/privoxy-3.0.33 - checking size of size_t... configure: error: in /.../privoxy-3.0.33-stable:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843068 - "dev-libs/rocm-comgr-4.3.0-r1 fails to compile: comgr-metadata.h:40:10: fatal error: TargetRegistry.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843071 - "dev-libs/openct-0.6.20-r5 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843077 - "dev-libs/uulib-0.5.20-r1 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843080 - "sys-block/ndctl-72.1 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843134 - "dev-util/weka-3.8.6: multiple bundled jars" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843143 - "app-text/llpp-33 - make: ocamlopt: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843149 - "<app-text/poppler-22.05.0: DoS in Hints::Hints" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:843158 - "[Tracker] dev-lang/squirrel: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843161 - "<net-nds/openldap-2.6.2: sql injection in back-sql slapd backend" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:843215 - "Remove block between sys-apps/file and dev-python/python-magic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843305 - "dev-perl/Mail-SRS-0.310.0-r3 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843326 - "dev-cpp/opentelemetry-cpp-1.3.0-r2 - prometheus-cpp package was not found. Please either provide it manually or" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843395 - "x11-libs/xosd-2.2.14_p2_p1 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843419 - "net-analyzer/gsa-21.4.4 fails to compile: Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: Package subpath tokenize is not defined by "exports" in package.json" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843431 - "dev-vcs/mercurial-5.8.1 fails tests on stable ppc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843548 - "media-libs/grok: new ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843680 - "[Tracker] Eclasses using reserved function and variable names" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843719 - "webapp.eclass uses reserved function and variable names" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:843731 - "<dev-libs/icu-71.1-r1: Heap buffer overflow in V8 Internationalization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:843836 - "dev-java/openjfx:11[media] depends on media-libs/alsa-lib, which is not declared in ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843842 - "app-containers/grype-0.36.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:843995 - "sys-cluster/kronosnet-1.25 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844007 - "sys-cluster/mpich-3.4.3 - /.../sock.c:58: undefined reference to MPL_socket" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844067 - "app-office/wps-office: code execution in spreadsheets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844076 - "dev-libs/libevdev-1.12.1: "Event codes" test fails with timeout" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844202 - "net-libs/libmnl-1.0.5 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844208 - "dev-cpp/tclap-1.2.5 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844214 - "media-libs/opus-1.3.1-r3 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844238 - "[Tracker] Packages using deprecated EGO_SUM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844424 - "dev-go/licenseclassifier: uses deprecated EGO_SUM (DeprecatedEclassVariable)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844466 - "dev-vcs/reposurgeon: uses deprecated EGO_SUM (DeprecatedEclassVariable)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844469 - "net-analyzer/chronograf: uses deprecated EGO_SUM (DeprecatedEclassVariable)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844532 - "[Tracker] Packages using deprecated golang-vcs.eclass/golang-build.eclass/golang-base.eclass/golang-vcs-snapshot.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844568 - "app-containers/docker: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844571 - "app-containers/docker-cli: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844574 - "app-containers/docker-credential-helpers: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844577 - "app-containers/docker-proxy: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844580 - "app-containers/docker-registry: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844613 - "app-metrics/burrow_exporter: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844622 - "app-metrics/prom2json: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844625 - "app-metrics/rabbitmq_exporter: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844628 - "app-metrics/uwsgi_exporter: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844631 - "app-metrics/vault_exporter: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844634 - "app-misc/rtlamr: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844655 - "dev-go/go-colortext: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844664 - "dev-go/gom: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844706 - "mail-filter/opensmtpd-filter-rspamd: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844709 - "mail-filter/postforward: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844712 - "net-analyzer/kapacitor: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844718 - "net-misc/calicoctl: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844727 - "sys-cluster/teleport: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844730 - "sys-cluster/zetcd: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844733 - "sys-cluster/zookeepercli: uses deprecated Go eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844736 - "<net-libs/pacparser-1.4.0: Memory overwrite vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:844907 - "sci-libs/rocSPARSE-5.0.2 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844943 - "[Tracker] Packages without Python 3.10 in stable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844946 - "dev-db/postgresql-14.3[llvm]: tests using llvm jit failed on riscv: "with fatal llvm error: Relocation type not implemented yet!"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:844970 - "maintainer-needed assignee should advertise Github pull requests wiki page" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:845003 - "dev-python/pyflakes-2.4.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:845018 - "[guru] sys-apps/qemu-openrc-0.11.1 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:845027 - "<app-text/xpdf-4.05: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:845039 - "dev-embedded/u-boot-tools: unbounded memcpy in nfs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:845207 - "app-accessibility/brltty-6.4-r1 installs udev rules without inheriting udev.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:845246 - "app-emulation/virtualbox: drop dependency on dev-libs/libIDL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:845282 - "dev-erlang/stringprep-1.0.28 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:845294 - "dev-util/android-sdk-update-manager-24.4.1-r2 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:845339 - "app-doc/linkers-and-loaders-1-r1 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:845378 - "dev-python/ecdsa-0.18.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:846392 - "<media-gfx/inkscape-1.0: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:846416 - "dev-util/qstlink2-1.2.3 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:846443 - "dev-python/xlsxwriter-3.0.3 fails tests: OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files: README.md)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:846668 - "games-server/pvpgn- installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:846674 - "media-libs/cal3d-0.11.0-r1 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:846695 - "sci-libs/ldl-2.2.6 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:846959 - "sci-libs/libgeotiff-1.7.1-r1 - /.../xtiffio.h: fatal error: tiffio.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:846962 - "sys-cluster/legion-21.09.0-r1 - /.../ld: .../libgasnet_tools-seq.so.1: error adding symbols: bad value" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:846977 - "media-gfx/wings- - % 670| io:format(~p:~p: Error: ~p ~p~n, [?MODULE, ?LINE, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()])," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:846989 - "dev-util/pkgcheck-0.10.10 UnusedInherits false positive" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847142 - "net-wireless/wpa_supplicant USE=privsep causes netlink failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847148 - "[Tracker] Failures with FORTIFY_SOURCE=3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847181 - "[guru] dev-python/readability-lxml-0.8.1 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847193 - "[guru] net-im/jitsi-meet-2022.3.1-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847214 - "mail-mta/qpsmtpd-0.95-r1 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847220 - "net-libs/courier-authlib-0.72.0 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847238 - "media-tv/v4l-dvb-saa716x-0.0.1_p20170225-r5 calls commands that do not exist: /sbin/lsmod" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847310 - "app-misc/icdiff-2.0.5 fails tests: Could not find black" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847493 - "app-misc/pax-utils: scanelf symbol search fails with non-stripped binaries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847499 - "sys-apps/razercfg-0.42-r1 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847514 - "media-libs/vamp-plugin-sdk-2.10 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847523 - "media-plugins/calf-0.90.4 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847604 - "app-admin/ansible-core-2.13.0: AttributeError: module 'typing_extensions' has no attribute 'OrderedDictTypedDict'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847616 - "net-print/foo2zjs-20200221 - Error: gs is not installed!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847631 - "dev-python/pytest-shell-utilities-1.3.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847634 - "sci-mathematics/petsc-3.17.1 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847637 - "sci-mathematics/slepc-3.17.1 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847649 - "media-plugins/xsynth-dssi-0.9.4 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847817 - "dev-embedded/arduino-1.8.19: multiple bundled jars, some with vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847841 - "app-misc/tracker-miners-3.3.1: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847847 - "x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.42.8: fails gdk-pixbuf:slow / pixbuf-randomly-modified test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847850 - "dev-util/umockdev-0.17.9: test failure on sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:847862 - "www-client/epiphany-42.2: fails 'Web view test' test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:848000 - "Maintainer: Kai-Chun Ning (kaichun.ning AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:848006 - "Maintainer: Randall T. Vasquez (ran.dall AT icloud.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:848471 - "media-video/isight-firmware-tools-1.6-r2 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:848486 - "app-admin/ansible-core-2.13.0: blocks upgrade of dev-python/resolvelib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:848504 - "egencache fails when there isn't $REPO/metadata/md5-cache directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:848708 - "net-dns/bind-9.18.29-r2 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:848729 - "net-analyzer/pmacct-1.7.8 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:848732 - "net-analyzer/sguil-sensor-1.0.0-r3 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:848735 - "net-analyzer/sinfo-0.0.48-r1 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:848738 - "net-dialup/freeradius-client-1.1.7-r3 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:848741 - "net-dialup/radiusclient-ng-0.5.6-r2 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:848744 - "net-dns/dnscap-1.10.3 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849212 - "[Tracker] Breakage with dev-python/sphinx-5.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849257 - "net-mail/mailgraph-1.14-r4 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849260 - "net-mail/pop-before-smtp-1.42 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849266 - "net-misc/casync-2_p20190407 installs udev rules without inheriting udev.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849272 - "net-misc/iaxmodem-1.3.3 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849275 - "net-misc/minissdpd-1.6.0 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849281 - "net-misc/ntp-4.2.8_p18 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849284 - "net-misc/portfwd-0.29-r2 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849320 - "sys-cluster/kube-controller-manager-1.23.5 - make[1]: [Makefile.generated_files:466: gen_conversion] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849335 - "qa IUSE request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:849434 - "sys-apps/likwid-5.2.2 fails to compile: ld: cannot find -llikwid: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849443 - "net-vpn/pptpd-1.4.0-r4 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849494 - "net-wireless/madwimax-0.1.1-r2 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849503 - "dev-games/ogre-1.12.9-r1: error: no matching function for call to 'min(float&, Ogre::Real&)'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849512 - "dev-lang/luajit: enable ARCH=riscv support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849521 - "app-misc/muttprint-0.73-r5 - make[2]: [Makefile:<snip>: manual-de.pdf] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849527 - "dev-util/lttng-modules-2.13.3 - /.../lttng-probe-random.c: fatal error: .../random.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849533 - "sys-process/criu-3.19 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849554 - "dev-libs/gmime-3.2.11 - checking if x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc supports -c -o file.o... .../rm: cannot remove conftest : No such file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849611 - "[guru] dev-util/psautohint-2.4.0 fails to compile: mv: cannot stat : No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849632 - "[guru] media-gfx/zwcad-2023. installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849641 - "ros-meta/ament_cmake-1.3.0 fails to compile: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ament_package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849704 - "sci-libs/coinor-cbc-2.10.5 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849707 - "sci-libs/coinor-cgl-0.60.3 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849710 - "sci-libs/coinor-dylp-1.10.4 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849713 - "sci-libs/coinor-osi-0.108.6 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849716 - "sci-libs/coinor-utils-2.11.9 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849719 - "sci-libs/coinor-vol-1.5.4 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849833 - "net-analyzer/openvas-scanner-21.4.4-r2 - /.../nasl_ssh.c: fatal error: libssh/sftp.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849851 - "media-libs/cal3d-0.11.0-r1 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: doc-guide] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849914 - "sci-electronics/geda-1.10.2-r2 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849926 - "sci-libs/iml-1.0.5 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849929 - "sci-libs/ipopt-3.14.4-r1 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849932 - "sci-libs/superlu-4.3-r3 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:849947 - "app-text/xdvik-22.87.03-r4 - /.../ld: .../libXaw3d.so: undefined reference to multiSinkObjectClass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:850319 - "sys-cluster/corosync-3.1.0 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:850322 - "sys-cluster/pacemaker-2.1.2 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:850361 - "sys-fs/ncdu-2.1.2: rekeyword" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:850382 - "sci-electronics/magic-8.3.309 - grTCairo1.c: fatal error: cairo/cairo-xlib.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:850391 - "sci-mathematics/pspp-1.6.2-r2 fails to compile: texi2dvi: texinfo.tex appears to be broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:850394 - "media-gfx/blender-2.93.9::gentoo failed (test phase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:850688 - "games-roguelike/zangband: integer underflow vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:850712 - "dev-erlang/jose-1.11.2 - This BEAM file was compiled for a later version of the run-time system than 23." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:850940 - "sci-libs/netcdf-cxx-4.2-r301 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:850949 - "dev-libs/marisa-0.2.6 fails to compile on stable x86: bit-vector.cc:16:37: error: ‘_pdep_u64’ was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:850964 - "app-emulation/cloud-init-24.4-r3 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:850967 - "app-emulation/cloud-init-23.4 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:850970 - "app-laptop/msi-keyboard-1.0-r1 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851015 - "sys-apps/portage-*: ebuild "package" phase may generate non-unique temporary files when run in parallel with separate pid namespaces" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851042 - "dev-python/cvxopt-1.3.0 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851078 - "dev-cpp/opentelemetry-cpp-1.4.0 - Could not find a package configuration file provided by Libevent with any (looks for dev-libs/libevent cmake files)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851150 - "net-dialup/freeradius-3.2.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851159 - "net-analyzer/flow-tools-0.68.6-r1 - make[1]: [Makefile:<snip>: flow-expire.1] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851195 - "dev-build/autoconf-archive-2021.02.19 - broken Qt5 detection using AX_HAVE_QT macro" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851498 - "dev-embedded/libdisasm patches from google/breakpad" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851507 - "net-misc/fatrat-1.2.0_beta2_p20161204 - file INSTALL cannot find fatrat.qhc: No such file or directory." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851585 - "sci-chemistry/modeller: fix distutils-r1 usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851609 - "app-emulation/spice-vdagent-0.22.1 - QA Notice: Unrecognized configure options:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851660 - "sci-libs/netcdf-4.8.1-r2 fails to compile on stable ppc: Could NOT find HDF5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851672 - "dev-libs/libdynd-0.7.2-r1 - /.../callable.hpp: error: invalid cast from type std::nullptr_t to type void" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851675 - "dev-libs/tre-0.8.0_p20210321-r1 - configure: error: Cannot enable wide character support: no wcsrtombs or wcstombs found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851732 - "dev-lang/zig failed to test in riscv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851810 - "sys-apps/gradm-3.1.201903191516 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851813 - "sys-apps/netkit-base-0.17-r10 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851885 - "sys-apps/thunderbolt-software-user-space-0.9.3-r1 installs udev rules without inheriting udev.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851921 - "net-misc/sstp-client-1.0.17 - configure: error: pppd.h missing Hint: apt-get install ppp-dev" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851924 - "sys-auth/thinkfinger-0.3-r3 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851951 - "sys-apps/likwid-5.2.1 - ./.../topology.c: error: _cpu_mask undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851954 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.20 fails test - make[3]: [Makefile:<snip>: check-pytests] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:851957 - "games-roguelike/tomenet-4.7.3 - /.../ld: cannot find -lcurses: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852023 - "dev-libs/libdbusmenu-16.04.0-r2 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852062 - "sys-block/vblade-25 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852065 - "sys-cluster/ampi-0_pre20140616 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852068 - "sys-cluster/drbd-utils-9.27.0 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852071 - "sys-cluster/drbd-utils-9.27.0 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852086 - "sys-cluster/torque-6.0.4-r6 calls commands that do not exist: ac_fn_c_check_member" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852104 - "sys-cluster/vzctl-4.9.4 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852113 - "dev-libs/libical-3.0.14-r1 fails test - Errors while running CTest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852116 - "app-text/qpdf-10.6.3 fails test - qpdf 707 (check output (01-10)) FAILED (exp)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852125 - "app-office/dia-0.97.3-r1 fails test - SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to print. Did you mean print(Missing dependencies:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852170 - "sys-fs/lufs-0.9.7-r4 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852176 - "sys-fs/udftools-2.3 installs udev rules without inheriting udev.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852179 - "net-im/biboumi-9.0-r4 fails test - FAILED: .../catch-download" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852257 - "sys-apps/portage-9999 crashes badly in asyncio in /tmp out-of-space condition" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852293 - "www-apps/bugzilla-5.0.6-r2 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852638 - "sys-power/apcupsd-3.14.14-r3 fails to compile: install-xattr: failed to stat apcupsd: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852695 - "net-dns/bind-tools-9.16.32 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852704 - "dev-lang/mlton-20180207 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852707 - "dev-libs/libtraceevent-1.7.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852713 - "www-apps/webdavcgi-1.1.2 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852719 - "www-servers/thin-1.8.2 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852839 - "media-gfx/solvespace-3.x segmentation fault on language change with system mimalloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852845 - "sys-kernel/genkernel: implement the kernel bootconfig support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852896 - "x11-misc/lineak-defaultplugin-0.9.0-r3 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852899 - "x11-misc/lineak-xosdplugin-0.9.0-r3 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:852962 - "dev-util/gitlab-runner-15.0.0: fails to build for arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853013 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-encryption-3.1-r1 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853031 - "dev-python/botocore-1.27.7 fails tests on stable sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853034 - "Maintainer: Thomas Juerges (aliens.satin0y AT icloud.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853064 - "dev-qt/qtbluetooth-5.15.5 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853070 - "llvm-core/llvm-14.0.5 - Could not import extension sphinx.builders.linkcheck (exception: No module named six)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853088 - "games-emulation/atari800-5.0.0 - codecs/container.c: error: video_codec undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853094 - "net-dialup/freeradius-3.2.0 - configure: error: set --without-rlm_sql_oracle to disable it explicitly." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853103 - "dev-qt/qtserialbus-5.15.5 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853106 - "dev-qt/qtspeech-5.15.5 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853145 - "net-im/err-6.1.9 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named graphli" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853148 - "dev-java/jdbc-postgresql: tests not enabled because of still missing junit-jupiter and junit-vintage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853160 - "[guru] dev-python/libcst-0.4.3_p20220607 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853163 - "[guru] dev-python/libcst-0.4.3_p20220607 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853187 - "dev-python/jinja-3.1.2 - ERROR: dev-python/jinja-3.1.2::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853631 - "net-libs/libgsasl: last rites" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853709 - "dev-util/trace-cmd-3.0.2 - trace-read.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to trace_seq_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853751 - "sys-process/below-0.5.0 - error[E0432]: unresolved import nix::sys::statfs::CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853757 - "llvm-core/llvm-roc-5.0.2 - /.../hwasan_exceptions.cpp: error: _Unwind_Word does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853805 - "cmake.eclass - cmake_src_prepare calls default_src_prepare unconditionally" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853856 - "media-gfx/renderdoc-1.30-r1 - /.../linux_callstack.cpp: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853877 - "sci-electronics/magic-8.3.365 - ../.../magsgtty.h: fatal error: termio.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853883 - "sys-block/partimage-0.6.9-r3 - partimaged-client.cpp: error: cannot convert std::nullptr_t to int in assignment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853913 - "dev-python/translate-toolkit-3.7.3 - no theme named sphinx-bootstrap found (missing theme.conf?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:853931 - "dev-libs/libtraceevent-1.7.2 - make: No rule to make target install-doc. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854108 - "app-vim/haskellmode-20101118-r1 - file collision with app-vim/tlib-1.27" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854141 - "dev-java/assertj-core: Higher versions than 3.10.0 need JUnit 5 modules even for compilation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854156 - "net-mail/dbmail-3.3.1 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854159 - "app-accessibility/speech-tools-2.5.0-r1 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854171 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-1.1 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854174 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-1.1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854210 - "app-backup/deja-dup-42.8 fails to configure: Run-time dependency packagekit-glib2 found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854273 - "games-board/pioneers-15.6 - configure: error: itstool not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854303 - "dev-util/kdstatemachineeditor-1.2.8 - /.../graphvizlayouterbackend.cpp: error: textlabel_t {aka struct textlabel_t} has no member" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854405 - "app-accessibility/espeak-ng-1.51 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854594 - "sci-libs/symengine-0.12.0 - /.../sh:line <snip>: cd: .../doc: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854612 - "net-misc/rsync-bpc- - lib/sysacls.c: error: #error No ACL functions defined for this platform!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854687 - "app-laptop/laptop-mode-tools-1.74 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854729 - "app-misc/g15composer-3.4 fails to compile (lto): g15composer.c:136:15: error: type of [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854735 - "app-misc/irtrans-irserver-6.09.04-r1 fails to compile (lto): lanio.c:193:45: error: type of time does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854750 - "app-misc/flirc-3.25.2 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854753 - "app-misc/g15daemon-3.0.4-r1 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854756 - "app-misc/g810-led-0.4.2 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854795 - "net-analyzer/netdata-1.33.1-r1: error: exception handling disabled, use '-fexceptions' to enable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854846 - "app-portage/g-cpan-0.18.0-r1 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854852 - "x11-plugins/wmnet-1.06-r2 - drivers.c: fatal error: net/if_ppp.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854855 - "net-dialup/accel-ppp-1.12.0_p20210430 - /.../pppoe.c: fatal error: printf.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:854864 - "app-portage/ufed-0.96 fails to compile (lto): ufed-curses-globals.h:24:19: error: type of [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855014 - "app-text/llpp-33 fails to compile (lto): link.c:987:27: error: invalid operands to binary >= (have fz_location and int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855062 - "dev-java/jopt-simple: tests not enabled because of missing continuous-testing-toolkit and google-collections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855263 - "app-i18n/fcitx-libpinyin-0.5.3 - gen_binary_files: table_info.cpp:126: pinyin::TABLE_DATABASE_FORMAT_TYPE to_table_database_format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855281 - "media-sound/kid3-3.9.1 with media-libs/chromaprint[-tools]: sandbox access violation running gst-plugin-scanner on emerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855317 - "dev-games/ogre-1.9.0-r4 fails to compile (lto): ps1.0_grammar.y:43:15: error: type union YYSTYPE violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855404 - "sys-apps/kmscon-9.0.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855416 - "dev-util/amtterm-1.6-r1 - amtterm.c: error: unknown type name fd_set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855419 - "media-gfx/iscan-plugin-gt-x770- - /.../environment:line <snip>: iscan-registry: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855479 - "[guru] dev-cpp/parallel-hashmap-1.35 fails to compile: fatal: unable to access : Could not resolve host: github.com" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855515 - "net-firewall/ufw-0.36.1-r1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855542 - "games-simulation/flightgear-2020.3.13 - /.../ld: .../libiaxclient_lib.a(audio_openal.c.o): undefined reference to symbol alSourcef" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855545 - "media-fonts/oto-0.5 - ot.h: error: unknown type name _END_DECLS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855551 - "media-sound/schismtracker-20220506 - schism/clippy.c: error: SDL_SysWMmsg has no member named event" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855662 - "dev-lang/yap-7.1.0 fails to compile (lto): exec.c:982:7: error: type of MkErrorTerm does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855884 - "app-shells/nushell-0.64.0 - rustc: .../APInt.h:1470: uint64_t llvm::APInt::getZExtValue() const: Assertion getActiveBits() <= 64 &" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855899 - "net-irc/quassel-0.14.0-r1 - CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855935 - "net-misc/openvswitch-2.17.2 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:855941 - "net-libs/rpc2-2.14-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856055 - "app-arch/lrzip: DoS via invalid arithmetic shifts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:856064 - "Maintainer: Pavel Balaev (mail AT void.so)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856112 - "dev-perl/Math-Pari-2.10.809.0-r2 fails to compile (lto): paricast.h:22:50: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856115 - "media-libs/libva-intel-media-driver-22.5.4 fails to build on certain systems (execinfo.h required)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856274 - "dev-lang/ruby-2.7.6 - make: [uncommon.mk:380: do-install-nodoc] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856319 - "sys-cluster/zetcd-0.0.4-r2 - github.com/.../zetcd.go: cannot find package github.com/.../zetcd in any of:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856370 - "dev-python/python-xlib-0.31-r1 fails tests on stable amd64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856409 - "[TRACKER] Java packages with tests excluded (unsolved test failures)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856412 - "cdi-api-4.0.1: tests restricted - unclear why test failures happen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856415 - "sci-chemistry/gromacs: uses distuitls-r1.eclass incorrectly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856418 - "[TRACKER] Packages that require libexecinfo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856466 - "<=net-dns/totd-1.5.1: lacking DNS transaction ID randomization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:856475 - "app-text/xpdf: multiple vulnerabilities ("fixed in xpdf-5")" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:856478 - "<media-libs/tiff-4.5.0: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:856493 - "net-libs/libtrace-4.0.26 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856514 - "dev-util/redo-0.42d - ERROR - Config value: plugins. Error: The exclude plugin is not" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856571 - "dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0 fails to compile (lto): tkConfig.c:1554:33: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856583 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.16.0-r4 - cc1: all warnings being treated as errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856646 - "gui-libs/gtk-4.6.5: 'vbox-with-2-wrapping-labels-where-one-should-wrap.ui' and 'unaligned-offscreen' test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856691 - "net-im/ejabberd-22.05-r1: repeated crashes caused by acct-user/ejabberd not updating ejabberd user's home" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856799 - "sci-physics/lhapdf-6.5.1 install more files when doxygen is present" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856826 - "dev-java/commons-imaging: tests not enabled because of still missing junit-jupiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856841 - "dev-python/line-profiler-3.5.1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:856874 - "[guru] dev-python/sse-starlette-0.10.3 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named httpx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857036 - "dev-games/ogre-1.12.9-r2 - /.../OgreApplicationContextSDL.cpp: error: union SDL_SysWMinfo::<unnamed> has no member named x11" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857042 - "app-containers/cri-o-1.24.1 - vendor/.../list.go: syntax error: unexpected interface, expecting ]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857102 - "dev-python/numpy-1.23.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857195 - "sci-libs/ignition-common-3.14.0 fails to compile: Image.cc:161:8: error: memcpy is not a member of std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857273 - "media-sound/alsaplayer-0.99.82 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857561 - "app-shells/nushell-0.70.0[extra] fails to compile: error: could not compile arrow2 (uint64_t llvm::APInt::getZExtValue() const: Assertion `getActiveBits() <= 64 && "Too many bits for uint64_t"' failed.)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857570 - "dev-python/protobuf-python-3.19.3-r3 fails tests on stable arm (AssertionError: 4294967295 != -1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857579 - "x11-misc/colord-1.4.6 - The tmpfiles processor exited with a non-zero exit code" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857648 - "net-vpn/openvpn-2.5.6 - The tmpfiles processor exited with a non-zero exit code" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857762 - "dev-java/typesafe-config: does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857777 - "media-plugins/live: heap buffer overread" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857825 - "llvm-runtimes/openmp fails compile phase with llvm-libunwind[-static-libs]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857849 - "app-emulation/libguestfs-1.48.4 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857861 - "dev-db/redis-6.2.7-r1 fails tests on stable arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857864 - "dev-db/redis-6.2.7-r1 fails tests on stable sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857885 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.16.2 calls strip directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:857951 - "kernel: Retbleed: Arbitrary Speculative Code Execution with Return Instructions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858116 - "[Tracker] Retbleed: Arbitrary Speculative Code Execution with Return Instructions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858131 - "dev-python/qiskit-aer-0.11.2-r1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858134 - "dev-python/tweedledum-1.1.1-r1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858206 - "sci-geosciences/grass-8.2.0-r1 - qtree.c: fatal error: grass/qtree.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858284 - "dev-python/rdflib-6.2.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858302 - "dev-java/woodstox-core: deletes lines from module-info.java" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858359 - "sys-block/nbd-3.24 fails tests on stable arm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858443 - "dev-util/objconv-2.51 fails to compile (lto): disasm1.cpp:2646:6: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858482 - "Maintainer: Fredrik Eriksson (gentoo AT wb9.se)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858485 - "Maintainer: Michael Crawford (mcrawford AT eliteitminds.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858488 - "Maintainer: Gábor Oszkár Dénes (gaboroszkar AT protonmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858536 - "dev-libs/angelscript-2.37.0 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858557 - "sys-cluster/spark-bin: multiple bundled libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858563 - "sys-libs/glibc-2.35-r8 m68k: fails to build: undefined reference to `_wordcopy_fwd_dest_aligned'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858656 - "dev-java/gson: has JAVA_TEST_EXCLUDES for unresolved test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858731 - "games-engines/scummvm-2.8.1-r1 fails to compile (lto): ags_plugin.cpp:752:73: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858737 - "games-fps/alienarena-7.66 fails to compile (lto): r_ragdoll.c:75:13: error: type of [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858764 - "app-containers/lxc-5.0.0 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858767 - "dev-java/jakarta-el-api: tests not enabled because of still missing junit-jupiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:858869 - "[ag-ops] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859214 - "games-rpg/manaplus- fails to compile (lto): font.cpp:101:14: error: [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859304 - "games-util/dzip-2.9-r5 fails to compile (lto): decode.c:521:40: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859307 - "games-util/fteqcc-2501 fails to compile (lto): qcc_pr_comp.c:8357:96: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859334 - "dev-python/blinker-1.5 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: bdocs/html/." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859535 - "emerge message warning skipped packages should be softened" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859568 - "dev-cpp/atkmm-2.28.3 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859625 - "app-emulation/virt-manager: add ~riscv keyword (WIP)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859643 - "[guru] app-crypt/uacme-1.7.1 fails to compile (lto): ev.h:729:52: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859655 - "[guru] app-misc/zellij-0.29.1 fails to compile (lto): undefined reference to RegisterSetjmp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859703 - "app-emulation/libvirt: enable support for riscv arch (WIP)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859706 - "[guru] dev-games/surgescript-0.5.5 fails to compile (lto): util.c:332:14: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859709 - "[guru] dev-lang/aldor-1.2.0_p20190730-r1 fails to compile (lto): foam.c:635:31: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859712 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-1.1 fails to compile (lto): Tapir.h:39: error: createTaskCanonicalizePass violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859727 - "[guru] dev-lisp/PSL-6.1_p20210604 fails to compile (lto): lisp2.c:376:14: error: type of [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859772 - "[guru] dev-util/psautohint-2.4.0 installs pkg-config files with mismatched Version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859898 - "dev-libs/libgpiod-2.1.1 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859979 - "[guru] games-emulation/np2kai-22_p20210211 fails to compile (lto): egc.c:60:41: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:859988 - "[guru] games-engines/nxengine-evo-2.6.4 fails to compile (lto): doctor_frenzied.cpp:16:6: error: type STATES violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860081 - "www-apache/mod_fcgid-2.3.9-r2 - /.../sh: .../libtool: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860153 - "media-libs/harfbuzz-4.3.0 fails to compile in Docker with CalledProcessError when calling ldd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860162 - "[guru] media-libs/alvr-16.0.0 fails to compile (lto): warning: openvr_driver_capi.h:172:67: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860168 - "[guru] media-libs/grok-9.7.6 fails to compile (lto): cmsplugin.c:181:15: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860171 - "[guru] media-libs/openxr-loader-1.0.20 fails to compile (lto): <artificial>:(.text+0x3d04): undefined reference to std::experimental::filesystem::v1::current_path[abi:cxx11]()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860189 - "[guru] net-irc/tiny-0.10.0 fails to compile (lto): undefined reference to GFp_ia32cap_P" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860207 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2-r2 - QA Notice: Unrecognized configure options:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860225 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.2.8 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860300 - "dev-embedded/u-boot-tools-2024.01-r1 calls python directly (dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860303 - "dev-python/fdsend-0.3.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860315 - "[guru] net-misc/gemserv-0.6.6 fails to compile (lto): undefined reference to GFp_ia32cap_P" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860363 - "[Future EAPI] pkg_failed phase (formalization of death hooks)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860390 - "x11-wm/xmonad-0.15-r1 fails to compile: Parse error in pattern: prop_point_within" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860432 - "dev-haskell/texmath- - server/Main.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860456 - "app-crypt/ekeyd-1.1.5-r101 - stream.h: error: unknown type name estream_read_fn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860522 - "[guru] sys-apps/fselect-0.8.0 fails to compile (lto): undefined reference to BZ2_bzDecompressEnd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860783 - "[guru] sys-power/gtherm-0.0.3 installs pkg-config files with mismatched Version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860831 - "dev-util/pkgcheck: broken on macOS prefix (NameError: name 'parser' is not defined)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860852 - "[guru] x11-terms/tabby-bin-1.0.146 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860891 - "net-misc/netevent-2.2.1 - src/socket.cpp: error: ::memcpy has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860963 - "dev-ruby/asciidoctor-diagram-2.0.5-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860987 - "media-tv/mythtv-33.1-r2 fails to compile (lto): ld: ccE2NFbL.ltrans8.ltrans.o: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against undefined symbol `mask24l' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:860996 - "dev-libs/ncnn-20220721 - {standard input}:85: Error: no such instruction: vcvtps2phx (%r12,%rax,2),%ymm0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861002 - "media-sound/chuck- - util_console.cpp: fatal error: termio.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861026 - "java-pkg-simple.eclass: does not sufficiently skip compilation if USE=binary is set. (was: app-misc/rundeck-cli-bin-2.0.1 - ejavac failed )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861197 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-screensaver-4.16.0 - gs-auth-pwent.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to crypt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861245 - "dev-games/aseprite-1.2.35: failed (test phase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861389 - "app-containers/containerd-1.6.4 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: man/containerd.8] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861395 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.6.8-r1 - /.../ld: .../libjoblist.so: undefined reference to ERR_error_string_n" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861401 - "media-sound/audiotools-3.1.1-r1 - collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861407 - "dev-haskell/persistent- - Database/.../Base.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861563 - "Create metadata/pkgcheck.conf with list of serious QA issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861701 - "[TRACKER] packages that install pkg-config files with mismatched libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861770 - "dev-libs/thrift-0.16.0-r1 - file collision with dev-db/mariadb-10.6.8-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861806 - "app-shells/squirrelsh: multiple vulnerabilities via bundled dev-lang/squirrel" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:861845 - "net-p2p/cpuminer-opt-23.9 fails to compile (lto): algo-gate-api.c:295:34: error: type of [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861857 - "net-proxy/dante-1.4.1-r6 fails to compile (lto): sockd.c:1234:27: error: type of module_redirect_keyv does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861875 - "net-news/canto-curses-0.9.9 installs compiled Python modules that have older timestamps than the corresponding source files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861878 - "net-news/canto-daemon-0.9.8 installs compiled Python modules that have older timestamps than the corresponding source files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:861941 - "gnustep-base/gnustep-base-1.28.0-r1 fails to compile: checking iconv support.. no" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862088 - "app-backup/deja-dup-42.8 fails tests on MUSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862097 - "app-benchmarks/bootchart2-0.14.9-r1 fails to compile (MUSL): ImportError: Error relocating _cairo.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: cairo_xcb_surface_set_size: symbol not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862112 - "dev-lang/yasm: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862246 - "sci-astronomy/skymaker-3.10.5 fails to compile (lto): globals.h:32:25: error: type of gstr does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862348 - "app-forensics/aflplusplus-4.01c-r1 - src/afl-ld-lto.c: error: PATH_MAX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862375 - "app-crypt/veracrypt-1.25.9 fails to compile (MUSL): jitterentropy.h:124:1: error: unknown type name ssize_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862390 - "dev-python/scipy-1.9.1 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862435 - "x11-misc/xmobar-0.44.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862498 - "x11-misc/bbppp-0.2.5-r1 - pppstat.cc: fatal error: net/if_ppp.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862549 - "dev-python/tweedledum-1.1.1-r1 - /.../ghack.hpp: fatal error: fpu_control.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862651 - "net-nds/rpcbind-1.2.6 - rpcbind.c:(<snip>) undefined reference to _nss_configure_lookup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862759 - "sci-libs/hdf5-1.10.5-r1 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862771 - "[guru] dev-util/rust-analyzer-20220822 fails tests (lto)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862792 - "media-libs/tg_owt-0_pre20230921 - /.../reorder_optimizer.cc: error: int64_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862816 - "net-ftp/lftp-4.9.2 - /.../ld: .../libsocks.so: undefined reference to bindresvport" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862819 - "dev-db/percona-xtrabackup- - /.../dns_srv.cc: error: res_ninit was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862852 - "[guru] gui-apps/szyszka-1.0.0 fails tests (lto): error: test failed, to rerun pass --bin szyszka" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862855 - "net-irc/atheme-services-7.2.12-r3 - configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862948 - "sci-libs/qd-2.3.24 installs pkg-config files that do not respect libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:862954 - "app-emulation/xe-guest-utilities-6.2.0_p1120-r1 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863002 - "sys-fs/genext2fs-1.5.0 fails tests on stable sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863005 - "dev-cpp/highway-0.17.0 fails tests on stable sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863050 - "sci-mathematics/fann-2.2.0-r1 installs pkg-config files that do not respect libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863077 - "dev-lang/python-3.11.0_beta5-r1: Error loading shared library libcrypt.so.2: No such file or directory (needed by _crypt.cpython-311-x86_64-linux-musl.so)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863080 - "sci-biology/STAR-2.7.10a - SharedMemory.cpp: error: _key was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863083 - "x11-libs/fox-1.7.67 - /.../ld: cannot find gcrt1.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863188 - "dev-db/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.33-r1 - /.../socket_detail.cc: error: res_ninit was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863191 - "dev-haskell/warp-tls-3.2.12 - Not in scope: tlsClientCertificate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863251 - "dev-python/scipy-1.9.1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863278 - "sci-physics/fastjet-contrib-1.055 fails to compile (lto): RecursiveSymmetryCutBase.hh:82:7: error: type [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863326 - "app-misc/rbutil-1.5.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL): sansaio.h:73:5: error: unknown type name loff_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863374 - "dev-python/pypy3-7.3.9_p4 - /.../environment:line <snip>: ./pypy3.9-c: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863386 - "dev-java/byte-buddy-1.1{4.0,5.1}: has JAVA_TEST_EXCLUDES for unresolved test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863410 - "sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils-111_p20170609-r1 - configure: error: Cannot find tspi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863413 - "media-sound/linuxsampler-2.2.0 - econf failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863416 - "sys-libs/musl-nscd-1.1.1-r1 - yacc: e - line 41 of src/nsswitch.y, syntax error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863419 - "<media-sound/milkytracker-1.04.00: stack overflow via crafted XM module file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:863452 - "net-voip/mumble-1.4.287 - /.../SSL.cpp: error: converting to bool from std::nullptr_t requires direct-initialization [-fpermiss" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863521 - "sys-libs/libstdc++-v3-3.3.6-r4 calls nm directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863527 - "app-office/libreoffice- fails tests (MUSL): Internal Error: Your version of iconv does not support the "Mac Roman" encoding" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863542 - "dev-libs/lockdev- - src/lockdev.c: error: #error lock filename build missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863557 - "app-misc/qlcplus-4.12.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863560 - "dev-python/bottle-0.12.23 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863584 - "sci-mathematics/mathomatic-16.0.5-r1 - /.../install: cannot stat .pdf: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863596 - "media-plugins/ir_lv2-1.3.4-r1 - ir_gui.cc: fatal error: lv2.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863629 - "app-portage/nattka-0.3.1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863659 - "sci-mathematics/genius-1.0.27 - gtkpsfont.c: fatal error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863833 - "app-vim/haskellmode-20101118-r1 - file collision with app-vim/vim2hs-0.1_p20171106" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863836 - "media-sound/sonic-visualiser-4.5 - /.../ld: piper-vamp-simple-server.p/piper-vamp-cpp_vamp-server_simple-server.cpp.o: undefined r" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863863 - "games-util/libstrangle: broken at runtime with glibc-2.36 due to hash-style changes (fatal error: cannot find real dlsym)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863887 - "dev-db/libodbc++-0.2.5-r3 installs pkg-config files that do not respect libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863944 - "media-libs/vamp-plugin-sdk-2.10 - /.../ld: error: ./libvamp-sdk.a: file too short" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863986 - "dev-lisp/sbcl-2.2.6 - sed: cant read contrib/vanilla-module.mk: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863992 - "app-backup/rdedup: 'cargo audit' reports one or more bundled CRATES as vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:863998 - "app-benchmarks/hyperfine: 'cargo audit' reports one or more bundled CRATES as vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864013 - "app-i18n/yaskkserv2: 'cargo audit' reports one or more bundled CRATES as vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864025 - "app-misc/weggli: 'cargo audit' reports one or more bundled CRATES as vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864028 - "app-shells/mcfly: 'cargo audit' reports one or more bundled CRATES as vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864031 - "app-shells/nushell: 'cargo audit' reports one or more bundled CRATES as vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864043 - "dev-lang/starlark-rust: 'cargo audit' reports one or more bundled CRATES as vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864046 - "dev-python/adblock: 'cargo audit' reports one or more bundled CRATES as vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864052 - "dev-util/bingrep: 'cargo audit' reports one or more bundled CRATES as vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864067 - "dev-util/rustup: 'cargo audit' reports one or more bundled CRATES as vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864076 - "dev-util/wachy: 'cargo audit' reports one or more bundled CRATES as vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864079 - "dev-util/wasmer: 'cargo audit' reports one or more bundled CRATES as vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864082 - "dev-vcs/mercurial: 'cargo audit' reports one or more bundled CRATES as vulnerable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864085 - "dev-libs/rocm-comgr-5.1.3 - /.../comgr-compiler.cpp: error: cannot convert llvm::raw_ostream to bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864163 - "dev-cpp/libjson-rpc-cpp-1.4.0[test] fails to compile with >=catch-3.0.1: main.cpp:11:10: fatal error: catch.hpp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864166 - "dev-cpp/notcurses-3.0.5 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864172 - "dev-cpp/taskflow-3.3.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864175 - "dev-cpp/tbb-2021.5.0-r1 fails to compile (MUSL): conformance_resumable_tasks.cpp:37:24: error: suspend is not a member of tbb::v1::task" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864196 - "sys-apps/lnxhc-1.2-r1 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: installconsumers] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864301 - "dev-ruby/capistrano-2.15.5-r3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864328 - "dev-db/mysql-5.7.36-r1 fails to compile (MUSL): fsp0fsp.cc:1284:28: error: converting to bool from std::nullptr_t requires direct-initialization [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864331 - "dev-embedded/gpsim-0.31.0 fails to compile (MUSL): modules.cc:50:10: fatal error: error.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864334 - "dev-embedded/kobs-ng- fails to compile (MUSL): mtd.h:182:9: error: unknown type name 'loff_t'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864343 - "media-libs/libjpeg-turbo-2.1.3 - CMake Error at .../FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864352 - "dev-games/openscenegraph-3.6.5-r114 fails to compile (MUSL): PThread.cpp:34:14: fatal error: unistd.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864355 - "dev-libs/collada-dom-2.5.0-r1 fails to compile (MUSL): daeDom.cpp:114:12: error: cannot convert std::nullptr_t to daeInt {aka int} in return" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864391 - "dev-python/pyside2-5.15.14 installs pkg-config files that do not respect libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864397 - "sys-apps/hwloc-2.8.0 - configure: error: Cannot continue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864433 - "media-libs/libmpeg2: buffer overflow in impeg2_mc_fullx_fully_8x8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:864453 - "media-sound/sndpeek-1.41-r1 - RtAudio.cpp: error: oss_sysinfo was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864545 - "media-gfx/hp2xx-3.4.4-r1 - to_jpg.c: fatal error: jpeglib.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864555 - "lxqt-config-monitor consumes file handles when running with a KVM switch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864751 - "app-misc/tracker-3.6.0-r1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864767 - "dev-libs/dmalloc-5.5.2-r7 fails to compile (MUSL): hang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864775 - "sys-cluster/rocm-k8s-device-plugin-0.3.0 - go install -ldflags=-X main.gitDescribe=v1.18.1-8-gabd271e ./cmd/k8s-device-plugin fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864787 - "dev-libs/elfutils-0.187 fails tests (MUSL): saridx.c:106: undefined reference to error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864789 - "dev-libs/glib-2.72.3 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864833 - "app-containers/docker-cli-20.10.16 - gen-manpages failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864863 - "dev-libs/libgudev-237-r1 fails tests (MUSL): test-enumerator-filter test-sysfsattr test-double" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864865 - "dev-libs/libgweather-40.0 fails tests (MUSL): test_libgweather" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864869 - "dev-libs/libnop-2021.11.03 fails tests (MUSL): environment: line 580: 1434 Segmentation fault test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864883 - "net-analyzer/python-gvm-21.11.0 - TypeError: < not supported between instances of NoneType and String" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864885 - "dev-libs/nspr-4.34.1 fails tests (MUSL) (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864899 - "dev-libs/nss-3.81 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864921 - "New License: SEGGER" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864933 - "dev-db/mysql-8.0.27 - <jemalloc>: Error in dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, pthread_create)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864963 - "dev-libs/tre-0.8.0_p20210321-r1 calls commands that do not exist: locale" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864969 - "[guru] media-gfx/heatshrink-0.4.1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864975 - "[guru] media-gfx/heatshrink-0.4.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864987 - "sci-biology/velvet-1.2.10 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: fatal error: cannot read spec file libgomp.spec: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864993 - "dev-perl/CryptX-0.73.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:864995 - "dev-perl/DBIx-Class-0.82.842 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865031 - "Upgrade license of websites to CC-BY-SA-4.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865035 - "dev-haskell/persistent-sqlite- - Database/.../Sqlite.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865091 - "dev-java/objenesis-3.3: tests not enabled because of still missing junit-jupiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865109 - "dev-perl/Gtk2-1.249.930 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865117 - "[TRACKER] sys-devel/gcc-13 porting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865135 - "app-portage/hackport- : Could not find module ‘Distribution.Extra.Doctest’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865141 - "dev-scheme/racket-8.6 - QA Notice: Unrecognized configure options:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865205 - "dev-python/pyspnego-0.5.3 fails tests on stable amd64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865233 - "gnome-extra/gnome-power-manager-3.32.0-r1 - FAILED: man/gnome-power-statistics.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865251 - "net-dns/dnrd: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:865259 - "media-(libs|sound)/sonivox: New package, optional dependency of media-sound/drumstick (bundled previously)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865273 - "app-backup/burp-2.4.0-r1 fails tests: runner" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865285 - "app-crypt/libsecret-0.21.4-r2 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865289 - "dev-perl/Math-BigInt-GMP-1.600.700 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865291 - "dev-perl/Math-BigInt-Lite-0.190.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865293 - "dev-perl/Redis-1.998.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865295 - "dev-perl/Scope-Upper-0.320.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865355 - "dev-python/APScheduler-3.9.1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865357 - "dev-python/PySDL2-0.9.13 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865381 - "dev-python/beautifulsoup4-4.11.1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865473 - "dev-python/cachelib-0.9.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865475 - "dev-python/cattrs-22.1.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865477 - "dev-python/cython-0.29.32 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865479 - "dev-python/fsspec-2022.7.1 fails to compile (MUSL): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pbr.pbr_json" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865487 - "dev-python/fitsio-1.1.7 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865491 - "dev-python/flask-sqlalchemy-2.5.1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865493 - "dev-python/django-4.1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865495 - "dev-python/django-cacheops-6.1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865517 - "dev-python/httpretty-1.1.4-r1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865519 - "dev-python/httpx-0.23.0 fails tests (MUSL): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named chardet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865525 - "media-gfx/blender: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:865641 - "net-dns/maradns-3.5.0022 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865651 - "app-emulation/bochs-2.7 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865653 - "dev-python/jedi-0.18.1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865655 - "dev-python/jsonmerge-1.8.0-r1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865663 - "sys-fs/udisks-2.9.4 - The tmpfiles processor exited with a non-zero exit code" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865679 - "dev-python/libpillowfight-0.3.0_p20210816 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865691 - "dev-python/logutils-0.3.5-r1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865721 - "dev-python/nbconvert: arbitrary html injection" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:865749 - "sys-apps/toybox-0.8.9 sandbox violation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865783 - "dev-python/myst-parser-0.18.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865785 - "dev-python/natsort-8.2.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865787 - "dev-python/notebook-shim-0.1.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865795 - "x11-misc/xmobar-0.44.1 - src/.../UVMeter.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865799 - "dev-libs/roct-thunk-interface-5.1.3 - CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:162 (find_library):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865803 - "net-vpn/networkmanager-sstp-1.3.0 - configure: error: Package requirements (gtk4 >= 4.0) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865841 - "sys-apps/portage: --quiet-build is not so quiet if terminal is noninteractive" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865845 - "sys-apps/portage: getpkg lacks proper error handling in case PORTAGE_BINHOST is misconfigured" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865863 - "dev-python/pexpect-4.8.0-r3 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865865 - "dev-python/pip-22.2.2 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865867 - "dev-python/pgspecial-2.0.1 calls commands that do not exist: locale" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865873 - "dev-util/trace-cmd-3.0.2 - trace-timesync-kvm.c: error: PATH_MAX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865909 - "sys-cluster/minikube-1.26.1 - ERROR: sys-cluster/minikube-1.26.1::gentoo failed (install phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865921 - "sci-libs/coinor-cgl-0.60.3 - CglLandPUtils.hpp: error: invalid cast from type std::nullptr_t to type OsiRowCut" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865929 - "dev-python/pycairo-1.21.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865947 - "app-misc/muttprint-0.73-r5 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:865977 - "dev-db/postgresql: --config doesn't die on initdb failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:866005 - "app-backup/bacula-13.0.1 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866007 - "dev-python/pyx-0.15_p1 fails tests (MUSL): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pyx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866011 - "dev-python/setuptools-65.1.1 fails tests (MUSL): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named jaraco" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866037 - "dev-java/java-service-wrapper-3.5.50-r1 - [exec] logger.c: fatal error: gnu/libc-version.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866047 - "app-text/master-pdf-editor-5.9.82 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866049 - "dev-python/sphinxcontrib-spelling-7.6.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866085 - "installing binpkgs in parallel doesn't actually install in parallel" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866091 - "sci-libs/hdf5: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866103 - "sci-libs/avogadrolibs-1.97.0:0 - /.../spheregeometry.cpp: error: invalid cast from type std::nullptr_t to type const GLvoid {aka c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866137 - "net-misc/mptcpd-0.12 - ../.../sockaddr.h: error: initializer element is not constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866169 - "dev-python/urllib3-1.26.12 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866171 - "dev-python/uvicorn-0.18.2 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866173 - "dev-python/uvloop-0.16.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866175 - "dev-python/waitress-2.1.2 fails tests (MUSL): test_adjustments.py::TestAdjustments::test_ipv6_no_port" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866177 - "dev-python/websockets-10.3 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866199 - "dev-java/jnr-posix-3.1.15: ignores one test (testMessageHdrMultipleControl) on ppc64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866269 - "dev-cpp/abseil-cpp-20211102.0-r2 fails to compile (lto): flag_test.cc:45:1: error: FLAGS_mistyped_string_flag violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866287 - "net-fs/smbnetfs-0.6.3:0 - common.c: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866317 - "sci-libs/ignition-math-6.10.0:6/6 - Unknown CMake command python3_add_library." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866356 - "sys-cluster/teleport: remote code execution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:866362 - "dev-cpp/notcurses-3.0.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866365 - "dev-cpp/libxmlpp-2.40.1-r2 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866368 - "net-dns/knot-3.2.0:0 - ./.../bpf-user.h: fatal error: bpf/xsk.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866377 - "dev-build/cmake-fedora-2.9.3:0 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866386 - "app-arch/unzip: null pointer dereference" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:866422 - "sys-devel/binutils: strip command does not support lto archives" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866443 - "games-action/multimc-bin: installs executable .desktop file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866449 - "sys-cluster/ceph-17.2.3-r3 fails to compile: Messenger.h:723:30: error: class ConfigValues has no member named ms_die_on_unhandled_msg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866452 - "[guru] dev-lang/hare-0_pre20220730 fails to compile: ld: BFD (Gentoo 2.38 p4) 2.38 internal error, aborting at merge.c:939 in _bfd_merged_section_offset" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866455 - "[guru] dev-python/scrapy-2.6.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866581 - "Mirror is having connection problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866665 - "Maintainer: Alexander Puck Neuwirth (alexander@neuwirth-informatik.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866704 - "dev-games/ogre-1.12.9-r2:0/1.12 - Unknown CMake command set_package_properties." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866719 - "sci-physics/pythia-8.3.12 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866725 - "sys-apps/earlyoom-1.7 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866935 - "net-p2p/eiskaltdcpp-2.4.2[pcre] - CMake Error at .../FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message): Could NOT find PCRE (missing: PCRE_LIBRARIES)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:866956 - "sci-physics/hepmc-3.2.5:3 - /.../_multiarray_api.h: error: converting to bool from std::nullptr_t requires direct-initialization [" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867034 - "dev-libs/libdynd-0.7.2-r1 calls commands that do not exist: epstopdf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867040 - "Maintainer: Holger Hoffstätte (holger AT applied-asynchrony.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867043 - "Maintainer: Eric Joldasov (bratishkaerik AT landless-city.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867058 - "net-vpn/libreswan-4.7:0 - /.../ld: cannot find -levent_pthreads: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867070 - "x11-misc/xidle wrong HOMEPAGE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867274 - "dev-libs/libgweather-4.0.0-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867280 - "net-wireless/urh[sdrplay] depends on <net-wireless/sdrplay-3.0.0, blocking cleanup old" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867286 - "dev-ruby/liquid-5.4.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867328 - "<dev-python/oslo-utils-4.12.1: plaintext logging of certain passwords" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:867337 - "dev-ruby/facter-3.14.24:0 - <internal:/.../kernel_require.rb>:167:in ensure in require: CRITICAL: RUBYGEMS_ACTIVATION_MONITOR.owne" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867364 - "dev-util/cppcheck-2.9 fails tests: TestProcessExecutor - TestThreadExecutor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867367 - "dev-libs/libtraceevent-1.7.2 calls commands that do not exist: source-highlight" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867400 - "app-mobilephone/gammu-1.42.0:0 - /.../devfunc.c: error: storage size of timer isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867409 - "dev-java/rxtx-2.2_pre2-r2:2 - /.../fuserImp.c: error: PATH_MAX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867643 - "dev-libs/tvmet-1.7.2-r2 calls commands that do not exist: latex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867658 - "dev-ruby/ruby-vte3-3.4.3 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867664 - "dev-ruby/stamp-0.6.0-r1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867697 - "gui-libs/gtk-4.6.7:4 fails test - .../ gl unaligned-offscreen FAIL 0.46s exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867736 - "media-sound/subsonic-bin: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:867811 - "dev-perl/Math-BigInt-Lite-0.190.0:0 fails test - # Failed test $x = Math::BigInt::Lite->bnorm(0b_101);" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867823 - "sys-cluster/libquo-1.3.1-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867826 - "app-forensics/aflplusplus-4.06c does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867829 - "sys-cluster/libquo-1.3.1-r2 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867841 - "dev-tex/dot2tex-2.11.3 calls commands that do not exist: latex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:867934 - "flag-o-matic.eclass: test-flags-* docs do not describe output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868000 - "sys-libs/freeipmi-1.6.11 fails to compile: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: error: libipmiconsole.3: linker input file not found: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868006 - "sci-mathematics/twelf-1.7.1-r2:0/1.7.1 - /.../mlton:line <snip>: .../mlton-compile: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868009 - "dev-db/percona-server- - /.../real_syscalls.cc: error: dlvsym was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868012 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.16.2:0/4.16 - /.../ebpf_rss.c:52: undefined reference to bpf_program_set_socket_filter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868174 - "dev-util/d-feet-0.3.16 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868177 - "dev-util/debugedit-5.0-r1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868183 - "dev-util/gource-0.55 fails tests (MUSL): FAIL: gource_tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868186 - "dev-util/heaptrack-1.4.0 fails tests (MUSL): tst_parser - tst_inject" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868192 - "dev-util/librnp-0.17.0-r2 sandbox violation (musl)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868195 - "dev-util/lttng-tools-2.13.7 fails tests (MUSL): FAIL: test_unix_socket 3 - Sent test payload file descriptors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868201 - "dev-util/treecc-0.3.10-r1 fails to compile (MUSL): texi2html failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868204 - "dev-util/umockdev-0.17.13 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868207 - "dev-util/wasmer-0.11.0 fails to compile (MUSL): error: could not compile wasmer-runtime-core due to 3 previous errors; 4 warnings emitted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868213 - "dev-perl/Starlet-0.310.0-r1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868216 - "net-libs/ignition-msgs-5.8.0:5 - /.../Generator.hh: error: string does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868219 - "sys-cluster/ucx-1.13.0:0 - util/reloc.c: error: RTLD_DI_SERINFOSIZE undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868231 - "dev-lang/rust-1.62.1:stable/1.62 - /.../Signals.inc: error: backtrace was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868252 - "sys-cluster/vzctl-4.9.4-r1:0 - ../.../fs.h: error: conflicting types for fsmount; have int(envid_t, fs_param , dq_param , int) {aka i" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868255 - "net-misc/anydesk: does NOT work without x11-libs/gtkglext" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868264 - "Plasma Bigscreen new packages: kde-plasma(?)/{aura-browser,plank-player,plasma-remotecontrollers}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868303 - "European name and logo usage guidelines are only in German" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868336 - "[Tracker] Packages with to-be-removed USE=threads" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868357 - "Maintainer: Efe İzbudak (efe.izbudak AT metu.edu.tr)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868363 - "sci-biology/augustus-3.4.0-r3 calls g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868366 - "gui-libs/libhandy-1.8.1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868372 - "net-libs/libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.9:0 - ERROR: net-libs/libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.9::gentoo failed (setup phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868378 - "media-video/motiontrack-0.1.3-r2:0 - configure: error: No useable image I/O libraries have been found!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868414 - "dev-perl/Wx-Perl-ProcessStream-0.320.0-r4 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868498 - "dev-python/pypy3: searches for ncurses in /usr/lib (not $(get_libdir)): skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libncursesw.so when searching for -lncursesw" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868552 - "dev-python/xmlsec: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868657 - "dev-libs/appstream-glib-0.8.1: fails as-self-test test (Unable to open /root/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/dconf/profile/user: Permission denied)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868666 - "gui-apps/tuigreet-0.9.1-r1 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868681 - "dev-java/snakeyaml-1.33: excludes ContextClassLoaderTest because of unresolved test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868684 - "dev-java/snakeyaml-{1.33,2.0}: ebuild removes 3 tests because of not packaged org.projectlombok:lombok" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868702 - "dev-python/Frozen-Flask-0.18-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868720 - "games-puzzle/enigma-1.21-r3 fails to compile (MUSL): Value.cc:152:31: error: invalid cast from type std::nullptr_t to type double" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868723 - "games-arcade/blobby-1.0-r1 fails to compile (MUSL): Clock.h:66:17: error: time_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868729 - "games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1 fails to compile (MUSL): libcore.h:187:14: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868732 - "games-fps/gzdoom-4.10.0 fails to compile (MUSL): Threads.h:80:9: error: unknown type name cpu_set_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868735 - "games-roguelike/scourge-0.21.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL): character.h:66:32: error: cannot convert std::nullptr_t to int in return" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868738 - "games-strategy/s25rttr-0.9.5 fails to compile (MUSL): Debug.cpp:48:14: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868777 - "media-gfx/pencil-0.6.6-r1:0 - src/checkupdatesdialog.cpp: error: invalid use of incomplete type class QDebug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868927 - "[guru] dev-python/schema-0.7.5 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named mock" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:868933 - "[guru] app-misc/ledger-live-2.47.0 installs ELF files with RESTRICT=binchecks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869020 - "app-i18n/ibus-1.5.31 installs stray .pyc files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869026 - "games-util/antimicrox-3.3.4 fails to compile (MUSL): main.cpp:63:14: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869029 - "gnome-base/dconf-0.40.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869035 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxxabi-15.0.0:0 - CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869041 - "dev-ml/llvm-16.0.5 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869050 - "sys-auth/nss_ldap-265-r11:0 - /.../ldap-rpc.c: error: invalid use of undefined type struct rpcent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869086 - "gui-libs/gtk-4.6.7 fails to compile (MUSL): gtk-reftest.c:28:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869176 - "media-libs/harfbuzz-5.1.0:0/4.0.0 fails test - .../ check-symbols FAIL 0.16s exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869185 - "[guru] sci-electronics/bluespec-2022.01-r1 fails tests: FAIL: sysGCD.bsc-vcomp-out.filtered differs from empty.expected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869188 - "[guru] sci-electronics/bluespec-2022.01-r1 trap divide error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869191 - "dev-lang/ruby-3.1.2-r1:3.1 fails test - [2022-09-08 14:09:21] ERROR CGIHandler: .../ruby31: error while loading shared libraries:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869233 - "mail-filter/zdkimfilter-2.2 fails to compile (MUSL): dkim-mailparse.h:16:32: error: expected =, ,, ;, asm or __attribute__ before __P" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869275 - "app-admin/lnav: use system dev-libs/yajl with --with-yajl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869329 - "dev-util/ctags-20220828.0:0 fails test - echo mini-geany: FAILED; \" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869335 - "media-gfx/mandelbulber-2.28:0 - src/file_downloader.cpp: error: invalid use of incomplete type class QDebug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869365 - "<net-misc/openvswitch-2.17.8: DoS via crafted packet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:869392 - "app-misc/rbutil-1.5.1:0 - /.../httpget.cpp: error: class QNetworkReply has no member named sslConfiguration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869413 - "sys-apps/man2html: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869431 - "dev-vcs/tig-2.5.7 - src/util.c: error: conflicting types for time_now; have int(struct timeval , struct timezone )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869443 - "dev-build/autoconf-dickey-2.52_p20210509 fails tests: conftest.c:(.text.startup+0x7): undefined reference to Be_doomed_if_your_libc_has_a_function_named_like_this" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869449 - "[guru] sci-chemistry/xcrysden-1.6.2 fails to compile: xcviewport.c:21:10: fatal error: glu.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869452 - "[guru] sci-chemistry/xcrysden-1.6.2 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869455 - "[guru] sci-chemistry/xcrysden-1.6.2 calls gfortran directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869467 - "sys-apps/portage: gpkg-sign doesn't work as unprivileged user" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869479 - "media-gfx/gscan2pdf-2.12.8 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869482 - "media-gfx/iscan-plugin-gt-f720- fails to compile (MUSL): doins failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869485 - "media-gfx/kuickshow-0.10.2 fails to compile (MUSL): imagewindow.cpp:65:10: fatal error: netwm.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869509 - "media-sound/dvda-author-10.06-r1:0 - QA Notice: Unrecognized configure options:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869518 - "games-fps/quakeforge-0.7.2_p20210722-r2 - libs/.../sys.c: error: storage size of tzp isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869644 - "Maintainer: Nathan E. Egge (unlord AT xiph.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869647 - "Maintainer: YOSHIOKA Takuma (lo48576 AT hard-wi.red)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869686 - "media-libs/coin: new wayland/EGL capability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869698 - "dev-go/golangci-lint-1.49.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869767 - "dev-python/hatch-fancy-pypi-readme-22.6.0 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named jsonschema" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869809 - "media-libs/partio-1.17.1 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869821 - "dev-python/termcolor-2.0.0:0 - ModuleNotFoundError: Error getting the version from source `vcs`: No module named 'jsonschema'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869851 - "media-libs/zvbi-0.2.35-r2 calls commands that do not exist: unicode-config" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869854 - "media-libs/vamp-plugin-sdk-2.10 calls commands that do not exist: dot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869956 - "dev-python/sphinxcontrib-autoprogram-0.1.7 fails to compile (lto): Could not import extension sphinx.builders.epub3 (exception: No module named sphinxcontrib.serializinghtml)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:869986 - "font.eclass: unconditionally adds USE=X" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870019 - "meson.eclass: Consider setting -Dauto_features to avoid automagic dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870028 - "dev-debug/valgrind: build failure without sys-devel/gcc installed for libgcc (ld.lld: error: unable to find library -lgcc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870037 - "<app-backup/amanda-3.5.4: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:870040 - "www-apps/moodle: XSS via crafted topic fields" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:870055 - "llvm-core/clang: please upstream prefix-specific patches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870076 - "media-tv/mythtv-31.0_p20210731-r2 fails to compile (MUSL): mmulticastsocketdevice.h:53:68: error: u_char has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870121 - "[Future EAPI] Rename KEYWORDS → PLATFORMS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870130 - "[Future EAPI] Rename IUSE → OPTIONS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870133 - "dev-lang/snobol-1.4.1-r1:0 - mv: cannot stat Makefile2.tmp.tmp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870196 - "dev-lang/snobol-1.4.1-r1:0 - Makefile2.tmp:863: missing separator. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870256 - "sci-electronics/eagle-7.7.0-r1 - !!! Couldnt download eagle-lin64-7.7.0.run. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870376 - "sys-fs/aufs-util-4.14_p20190603:0 - /.../install: cannot stat aufs.5: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870403 - "games-emulation/dosbox-staging-0.78.1:0 - /.../ld: .../hardware.cpp.o: undefined reference to symbol inflate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870412 - "[Tracker] Modern C (C99) porting (default -Werror=implicit-function-declaration,implicit-int,int-conversion,incompatible-pointer-types)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870430 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.16.2:0/4.16 - configure: error: Unable to find library for openpty and login_tty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870490 - "sci-mathematics/dataplot-20131220:0 - gl_src.c: error: type of title defaults to int [-Werror=implicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870541 - "app-accessibility/powiedz-1.0-r2:0 - holmes.c: error: parameter den was not declared, defaults to int; ISO" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870550 - "dev-libs/bglibs-2.04-r2:0/2 - unix/sig_suspend.c: error: call to undeclared function sigpause; ISO C99" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870556 - "media-libs/libggi-2.2.2-r1:0 - crossblit.c: error: ambiguous instructions require an explicit suffix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870568 - "sys-apps/dnotify-0.18.0-r1:0 - configure: error: SIGRTMIN not supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870574 - "app-admin/gam-server-0.1.10-r3:0 - gam_listener.c: error: call to undeclared function gam_exclude_check;" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870604 - "media-tv/libv4l fails tests (MUSL): Error loading shared library libbpf.so.0: No such file or directory (needed by ir-keytable)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870643 - "app-editors/aee-2.2.21:0 - aee.c: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning to" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870778 - "app-misc/irtrans-irserver-6.09.04-r1 - fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870787 - "app-misc/ckermit-9.0.302 - ckucmd.c: error: call to undeclared function cmdconchk; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870793 - "games-board/xscrabble-2.10-r4 - /.../install: cannot stat src/xscrab: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870955 - "media-gfx/transfig-3.2.5e-r1 - (.text+<snip>): undefined reference to main" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:870982 - "sys-auth/pam_smb-2.0.0_rc6-r3 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871018 - "net-analyzer/cryptcat-1.2.1-r2 - fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871039 - "net-wireless/sigutils-0.1.0-r1 - clang-15: error: no such file or directory: /var/tmp/portage/net-wireless/sigutils-0.1.0-r1/work/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871123 - "x11-plugins/wmmp3-0.12-r1 - configure:908:1: error: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int'; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit int [-Werror,-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871150 - "dev-lang/go fails to compile on mips with sys-devel/binutils-2.39 and CGO_ENABLED" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871156 - "dev-lang/snobol-1.4.1-r1 - lib/.../dynamic.c: fatal error: sys/vadvise.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871186 - "net-misc/netkit-rsh-0.17-r14 - sed: cant read MCONFIG: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871207 - "app-misc/irtrans-irclient-6.01.05-r1 - client.c: error: call to undeclared function close; ISO C99 and later" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871237 - "net-misc/mico-2.3.13-r14 - unpack mico-2.3.13-gentoo-r14.patch: file format not recognized. Ignoring." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871261 - "sci-mathematics/prover9-2009.11a - select.c: error: parameter max_constrained was not declared, defaults" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871267 - "dev-lang/pcc-1.1.0-r1 - ../.../match.c: error: call to undeclared function ffs; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871288 - "net-nds/openldap-2.6.3 - configure: error: broken POSIX regex!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871303 - "net-misc/ipsvd-1.0.0-r2 - chkshsgr.c: error: call to undeclared function setgroups; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871306 - "net-analyzer/tsung-1.8.0 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871429 - "net-misc/jwhois-4.0-r1 - jwhois.c: error: call to undeclared function timeout_init; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871435 - "sci-libs/pcl-1.12.1-r2 - /.../sparse_matrix.hpp: error: member reference base type MatrixEntry<T> is not a structure or union" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871441 - "games-server/crossfire-server-1.71.0-r2 - resurrection.c: error: call to undeclared function unmake_perma_dead;" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871453 - "dev-libs/jerasure-2.0.0-r2 - jerasure_02.c: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871459 - "games-emulation/gnuboy-1.0.3-r4 - fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871477 - "media-sound/aucatctl-0.1 - aucatctl.c: error: call to undeclared library function strlcpy with type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871504 - "net-mail/qmailanalog-0.70-r1 - matchup.c: error: call to undeclared function alloc_re; ISO C99 and later" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871531 - "dev-libs/rocksdb-6.17.3 - db_stress_driver.cc:(<snip>) undefined reference to _atomic_is_lock_free" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871591 - "dev-libs/liboil-0.3.17-r4 - wavelet.c: error: invalid use of a cast in a inline asm context" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871594 - "net-misc/smbc-1.2.2-r3 - smb-pack.c:224:3: error: call to undeclared function 'RmsgOff'; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871636 - "sys-apps/man-pages-posix-2017a: LICENSE is non-free and blocks modification" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871651 - "dev-python/Levenshtein-0.20.9 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871666 - "dev-ruby/barby-0.6.8 installs colliding files (found by ecompress)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871669 - "net-analyzer/icinga2-2.13.5 fails tests (MUSL): 95 - dst (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871672 - "net-analyzer/nfdump-1.6.24 fails tests (MUSL): FAIL: test.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871699 - "net-print/cnrdrvcups-lb-5.40 - execjob.c: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion passing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871702 - "app-i18n/skkfep-0.87-r1 - fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871744 - "dev-java/snakeyaml-1.33: skips single tests for unresolved test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871933 - "gnustep-base/libobjc2-2.1 - clang-15: error: unknown argument: -fobjc-gc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:871999 - "dev-ruby/google-protobuf-4.28.0 fails to compile (lto): <artificial>:(.text+0x1357): undefined reference to __wrap_memcpy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872002 - "net-im/biboumi-9.0-r4 fails tests (MUSL): colors.cpp:1:10: fatal error: catch.hpp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872008 - "net-irc/ergo-2.10.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872011 - "net-irc/limnoria-20220814 fails tests (MUSL): FAIL: testICalc (Math.test.MathTestCase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872020 - "dev-debug/valgrind-3.19.0 fails tests on stable arm (armv8l / arm32-on-arm64)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872044 - "net-libs/cppzmq-4.6.0 fails to compile (MUSL): unrecognised option: verbosity" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872050 - "net-libs/gssdp- installs gtk-doc into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872134 - "app-text/paperwork-backend-2.1.1-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872146 - "net-libs/libmrss-0.19.2-r1 fails to compile (MUSL): error: Problems running dot: exit code=127" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872149 - "net-libs/libnetconf2-2.1.11 fails tests (MUSL): 8 - test_server_thread (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872152 - "net-libs/libnxml-0.18.3-r1 fails to compile (MUSL): error: Problems running dot: exit code=127" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872158 - "net-libs/stem-1.8.0_p20211118 fails tests (MUSL): test_compression_lzma - test_exit_used - test_install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872164 - "net-mail/automx2-2022.1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872173 - "net-mail/mailutils-3.15 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872215 - "dev-java/jakarta.servlet-api: tests not enabled because of still missing junit-jupiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872227 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.36 fails to choose alternative dependency and prefers to keep old/no longer existing version installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872281 - "Various deprecation warnings for MediaWiki 1.35 - that may lead to breakage in future MediaWiki upgrade" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872314 - "sci-libs/rocPRIM-5.1.3 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872317 - "sci-libs/rocThrust-5.1.3 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872326 - "net-misc/dropbear-2022.82 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872329 - "net-misc/gsasl-2.2.0 fails tests (MUSL): FAIL: version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872338 - "net-misc/owncloud-client- fails to compile (MUSL): cmdline.c:(.text+0x55): undefined reference to argp_parse" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872341 - "dev-lisp/roswell- - resources.o:(.rsrc$01+<snip>): dangerous relocation: collect2: fatal error: ld terminated with sig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872356 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2-r4 - checking whether CC supports --target... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: error: unrecognized command-line option --t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872359 - "dev-python/jq: bundles app-misc/jq and dev-libs/oniguruma" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872362 - "net-analyzer/zabbix-6.2.3 - configure: error: OpenSSL library libssl or libcrypto not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872437 - "[Tracker] Ambiguous parsing of OCI images (CVE-2021-41190)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872479 - "net-p2p/classified-ads-0.15 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872482 - "net-proxy/mitmproxy-8.1.1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872485 - "net-vpn/networkmanager-libreswan-1.2.16 fails to compile (MUSL): nm-libreswan-service.c:896:38: error: __MAX_BAUD undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872488 - "sys-libs/nss_wrapper-1.1.15 fails to compile (MUSL): nss_wrapper.c:102:3: error: #error "No nsswitch support detected"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872491 - "app-misc/FreeSSM-1.2.5_p20210702 fails to compile (MUSL): serialCOM.cpp:140:23: error: TCGETS2 was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872521 - "net-wireless/bladerf-2021.03 fails to compile (MUSL): Could not find Doxygen Unable to build libbladeRF API documentation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872530 - "dev-util/kernelshark-2.2.1-r2 calls commands that do not exist: epstopdf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872608 - "sys-apps/sandbox depends on libc realpath removing duplicate slashes (net-wireless/kismet-2022.08.1-r1 sandbox violation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872611 - "net-wireless/sdrplay-3.07.1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872617 - "sys-apps/portage: auto-deduplicate (CoW) against specified tree" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:872653 - "mail-client/bower-0.12 - % Computing liveness in comparison predicate for type gpgme.validity mode 0 Error making Mercury/cs/json." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872707 - "dev-util/gnome-builder-44.2-r1: Run-time dependency sysprof-ui-4 found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872782 - "dev-db/redis-7.0.5: fails tests on x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872797 - "app-arch/pack- - file collision with media-libs/allegro-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:872983 - "dev-python/scipy bundles boost" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873010 - "sci-electronics/qelectrotech-0.80 calls commands that do not exist: dot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873013 - "sci-astronomy/gnuastro-0.16 fails tests (MUSL): FAIL: sort-by-night.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873019 - "sci-biology/STAR-2.7.10a fails to compile (MUSL): SharedMemory.h:142:27: error: expected ) before key" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873022 - "sci-biology/abyss-2.3.4 fails to compile (MUSL): Timer.h:17:17: error: clock_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873025 - "sci-biology/augustus-3.4.0-r2 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873034 - "sci-biology/trf-4.04-r2 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873058 - "games-strategy/0ad: tests fail to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873076 - "[Tracker] Integer overflow in bundled hiredis" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873136 - "sys-firmware/seabios-1.16.3 fails to compile: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: acpi-dsdt.dsl.i.orig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873154 - "gnome-base/gdm-43.0 61-gdm.rules wrongly assumes location of systemd's system-sleep dir and disables wayland on nvidia due to not finding a file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873259 - "sci-libs/coinor-osi-0.108.6 fails tests (MUSL): OsiTestSolverInterfaceIO.cpp:425:22: error: invalid cast from type std::nullptr_t to type const char" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873268 - "sci-libs/dcmtk-3.6.7-r1 installs pkg-config files that fail validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873280 - "dev-util/sccache-0.3.0 - error[E0432]: unresolved import sha1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873301 - "sci-libs/dlib-19.24 fails tests (MUSL): new_allocator.h:158:33: error: void operator delete(void, std::size_t) called on pointer <unknown> with nonzero offset [8, 9223372036854775800] [-Werror=free-nonheap-object]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873304 - "sci-libs/eccodes-2.18.0 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873313 - "sci-libs/fcl-0.6.1-r1 calls commands that do not exist: epstopdf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873316 - "sci-libs/gts-20121130 installs gtk-doc into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873409 - "sci-libs/libint-2.6.0-r5 fails to compile (MUSL): ! LaTeX Error: File wrapfig.sty not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873451 - "media-libs/vamp-plugin-sdk-2.10 - /.../ld: ./libvamp-sdk.a: error adding symbo file truncated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873502 - "dev-db/mongodb creates socket in /tmp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873592 - "sci-mathematics/nestedsums-1.5.2-r1 calls commands that do not exist: latex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873601 - "sci-libs/vtk-9.1.0-r2 fails to compile (MUSL): loguru.cpp:98:18: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873613 - "sci-mathematics/pspp-1.6.2 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873631 - "x11-terms/kterm-6.2.0-r7 fails to build clang, worse with clang16 (error: non-void function 'TrackText' should return a value)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873649 - "sci-physics/lammps-20220217 fails to compile (MUSL): info.cpp:1329:41: error: missing binary operator before token "("" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873652 - "sci-physics/lhapdf-6.5.2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873655 - "sci-physics/lhapdf-6.5.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873781 - "sys-apps/pkgcore: pmaint regen: generate QA report for changed dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873799 - "sci-physics/reduze-2.4-r1 calls commands that do not exist: latex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873913 - "app-misc/tdl-1.5.2-r4 - [5] [6] [7] [8]make: [Makefile:<snip>: tdl.pdf] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873919 - "dev-vcs/git-annex-10.20220624 - Utility/FileSystemEncoding.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:873952 - "games-emulation/dolphin: use sys-libs/zlib-ng, sys-libs/minizip-ng" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874009 - "dev-libs/liberasurecode-1.6.3 - /.../erasurecode.h: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874015 - "media-tv/gtk-v4l-0.4-r1 - gtk-v4l-device.c: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874039 - "sys-apps/memtest86+-6.00 - ../.../main.c: error: indirect goto in function with" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874054 - "dev-libs/OpenNI- - ../.../SceneDrawer.cpp: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874090 - "net-misc/mico-2.3.13-r14 - cexp.y: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874096 - "dev-libs/rocm-comgr-5.1.3 - /.../comgr-compiler.cpp: error: too many arguments to function call, expected 4, have 5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874282 - "media-libs/osl- fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874285 - "media-libs/openimageio- fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874288 - "dev-python/weasyprint-56.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874291 - "app-emulation/spim-8.0-r3 - lex.yy.c: error: call to undeclared function isatty; ISO C99 and later" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874300 - "games-strategy/maxr-0.2.9 - /.../drawingcache.cpp: fatal error: algorithm file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874306 - "dev-ruby/ruby-gtk3-4.0.5: version bump (and gtk4 support)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:874345 - "dev-cpp/doctest: tests fail intermittently on alpha, hppa (timeout-related)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874351 - "[Tracker] "eselect MODULE set N" should output a confirmation of the selected option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:874363 - "games-strategy/s25rttr-0.9.5 fails tests: 14 - Test_lua (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874372 - "mail-client/alot-0.10 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874378 - "dev-libs/OpenNI- - ../.../org_openni_NativeMethods.cpp: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874411 - "sci-visualization/spyview-2018.12.24 fails to compile (MUSL): Gnuplot_Interface.H:27:3: error: pid_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874423 - "net-p2p/cpuminer-opt-3.20.1 - ./.../simd-64.h: error: argument to _builtin_ia32_palignr must" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874429 - "www-misc/htdig-3.2.0_beta6-r5 - os_map.c: error: call to undeclared function CDB_db_eopnotsup; ISO C99" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874438 - "sys-auth/libnss-pgsql-1.5.0_beta-r1 - backend.c: error: call to undeclared function asprintf; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874441 - "x11-libs/wxGTK-3.0.4-r5 - configure: error: zlib library not found or too old! Use --with-zlib=builtin to use built-in version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874444 - "dev-java/rxtx-2.2_pre2-r2 - call to undeclared function major; ISO C99 and later do not support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874459 - "sys-apps/apparmor-3.0.4 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874465 - "sys-apps/bolt-0.9.3 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874471 - "sys-apps/coreutils-9.1-r1 fails tests (MUSL): long.c:5:1: error: expected identifier or ( before string constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874474 - "sys-apps/cpu-x-4.5.3 fails to compile (MUSL): Could NOT find Backtrace (missing: Backtrace_LIBRARY Backtrace_INCLUDE_DIR)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874480 - "sys-apps/file-5.43 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874483 - "x11-plugins/wmcms-0.3.5-r4 - char (const char , const char ); ISO C99 and later do not support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874507 - "sci-chemistry/surf-1.0 - io.c: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and later" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874525 - "sys-process/criu-3.17-r1 - amdgpu_plugin.c: error: variable 'buffer' is used uninitialized" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874531 - "net-analyzer/isic-0.07-r2 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874552 - "app-i18n/scim-1.4.18 - scim_panel_gtk.cpp: error: type double cannot be narrowed to guint16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874564 - "games-board/stockfish-16-r1: benchmark.cpp:(.text+0xc5): undefined reference to `__llvm_profile_instrument_memop'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874579 - "sys-boot/syslinux-6.04_pre1-r3 - clang-15: error: unsupported option --print-libgcc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874585 - "dev-lang/yap-7.1.0 - /.../arrays.c: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion passing Term (aka unsigned long) to paramete" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874591 - "sys-libs/minizip-ng-4.0.7 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874609 - "media-libs/lsp-plugins-1.2.14 installs shared libraries that lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874630 - "net-libs/libsoup-2.74.2 fails test ssl-test: "Connection terminated unexpectedly (expected 200 OK)"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874636 - "sys-apps/gawk-5.1.1-r2 calls commands that do not exist: locale" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874645 - "dev-util/usb-robot-0.2.0-r1 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874657 - "app-editors/emacs-28.2 - configure: error: ELisp native compiler was requested, but libgccjit header files were" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874666 - "net-misc/rsync-bpc- - lib/compat.c: error: too few arguments to function gettimeofday" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874672 - "sci-electronics/irsim-9.7.93 - cp: cannot stat irsim: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874699 - "dev-libs/dietlibc-0.34 - clang-15: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874708 - "x11-misc/sent-1-r1 - clang-15: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874720 - "net-print/cndrvcups-common-lb-3.70 - printerinfo.c: error: implicit declaration of function cupsGetPPD" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874741 - "sci-chemistry/moldy-2.16e-r2 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874831 - "sys-apps/netplug- calls commands that do not exist: hg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874840 - "sys-auth/libfprint-1.0 fails to compile (MUSL): bozorth.h:221:14: error: conflicting type qualifiers for stderr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874846 - "sys-auth/polkit-121 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874873 - "dev-java/felix-framework-7.0.5 fails tests: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Found unsatisfied components: 35" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874921 - "app-i18n/uim-1.8.9 - /.../stdio.h: error: exception specification in declaration does" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:874939 - "app-cdr/dvdisaster-0.79.5 - ERROR: app-cdr/dvdisaster-0.79.5::gentoo failed (configure phase): test compile... failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875002 - "games-server/pvpgn- - /.../sql_mysql.cpp: error: unknown type name my_bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875005 - "games-util/etswitch-0.1.14-r2 - etswitch.c: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion passing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875032 - "net-news/canto-curses-0.9.9 - canto_curses/widecurse.c: error: implicit declaration of function waddwstr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875062 - "x11-terms/kterm-6.2.0-r7 - cursor.c: error: call to undeclared function TrackText; ISO C99 and later" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875068 - "dev-lang/micropython-1.17 - ../.../objgenerator.c: error: variable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875071 - "dev-libs/libmelf-0.4.0-r1 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875098 - "media-libs/icclib-2.14 - icc.c: error: type defaults to int in declaration of ix [-Werror=implicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875110 - "net-misc/sock-1.1-r1 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875113 - "sys-auth/pam_ssh_agent_auth-0.10.4 - /.../ld: pam_ssh_agent_auth.o:(.bss+<snip>): multiple definition of _progname; openbsd-compat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875125 - "www-client/w3mmee-0.3.2_p24-r12 - ERROR: www-client/w3mmee-0.3.2_p24-r12::gentoo failed (configure phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875137 - "x11-plugins/wminet-3.0.0-r2 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875155 - "net-analyzer/iplog-2.2.3-r3 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875170 - "games-fps/quake2-icculus-0.16.1-r2 - src/.../m_boss31.c: error: type defaults to int in declaration of SP_monster_makron [-Werror=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875236 - "sci-visualization/xd3d-8.3.1-r2 - perfide.c: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875242 - "net-misc/zssh-1.5c-r2 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875260 - "media-gfx/tachyon-0.99_beta6-r2 - ../.../trace.c: fatal error: omp.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875263 - "app-arch/mscompress-0.3-r1 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875275 - "net-libs/libsrsirc-0.0.14-r1 - clang-15: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875320 - "sys-apps/iproute2-5.15.0[bpf] fails to compile: undefined reference to `bpf_load_program'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875335 - "sys-libs/db-6.0.35-r4: Failed running 'autoconf'! (error: possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_JAVAC)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875359 - "ebuild manifest: improve behavior" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:875407 - "media-video/ffmpeg-4.4.2 - ERROR: vidstab >= 0.98 not found using pkg-config" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875431 - "games-action/maelstrom-3.0.6-r3 - Maelstrom-netd.c: error: return type defaults to int [-Werror=implicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875434 - "games-action/xbomber-101-r1 - sound.c: error: call to undeclared function doall; ISO C99 and later do" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875437 - "sci-libs/pgplot-5.2.2-r8 - ./.../pgdisp.c: error: call to undeclared function initlock; ISO C99" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875461 - "sci-biology/clustalw-mpi-0.13-r3 - interface.c: error: non-void function check_param should return a value" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875470 - "x11-plugins/wmmaiload-2.3.0-r2 - dockapp.c: error: call to undeclared library function exit with type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875479 - "app-accessibility/emacspeak-ss-1.9.1 - void (int) _attribute_((noreturn)); ISO C99 and later do not support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875482 - "www-apache/mod_qos-11.72 - qsrespeed.c: error: call to undeclared function gettimeofday; ISO C99" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875485 - "sys-cluster/pconsole-1.0-r4 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875488 - "dev-perl/Alien-Libxml2-0.170.0 - Cant locate .../MM.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Alien::Build::MM module) <@INC snip> a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875494 - "app-admin/pwcrypt-1.2.2-r3 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875497 - "games-sports/foobillard-3.0a-r1 - billmove.c: error: parameter nr was not declared, defaults to int;" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875512 - "dev-libs/openssl-compat-1.0.2u-r2 - t1_lib.c: error: call to undeclared function kssl_tgt_is_available; ISO C99 and later do not s" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875587 - "sys-cluster/corosync-3.1.0 has unrecognized configure options: --enable-doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875590 - "sys-block/thin-provisioning-tools-0.9.0-r1 fails tests (MUSL): optional.hpp:1656:3: error: static assertion failed: If you want to output boost::optional, include header optional_io.hpp>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875593 - "sys-boot/vboot-utils-80_p20200108 fails tests (MUSL): vb2_common_tests.c:204:13: error: arrays of functions are not meaningful" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875599 - "sys-cluster/libquo-1.3.1-r2 fails to compile (MUSL): quo-private.h:123:5: error: unknown type name pid_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875623 - "dev-python/h5py-3.7.0 fails tests: OSError: Unable to create file (page buffering is disabled for parallel)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875629 - "dev-build/libtool-2.4.7 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875635 - "dev-build/bmake-20220924 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875641 - "dev-qt/qtwebengine: update has_version test for llvm-core/clang[default-libcxx]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875650 - "QA_* variable needed to suppress "Unresolved soname dependencies" warning" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875659 - "net-dialup/kpnadsl4linux-1.11 - adsl.c: error: call to undeclared function usage; ISO C99 and later do" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875662 - "net-mail/popa3d-1.0.2-r2 - virtual.c: error: implicit declaration of function crypt [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875665 - "net-analyzer/ippl-1.4.14-r6 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875680 - "app-accessibility/julius-4.2.2-r1 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875695 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin-5.19.14 - fixdep: error opening file: ic/fixdep.c: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875719 - "media-sound/sexypsf-0.4.8 - oss.c: error: implicit declaration of function sexy_stop [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875734 - "mail-filter/rblcheck-1.5-r2 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875824 - "[guru] x11-wm/berry-0.1.11 installs pkg-config files with wrong LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875827 - "[guru] x11-wm/berry-0.1.12 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875839 - "sys-devel/mold-1.5.1 fails tests (MUSL): 229 - x86_64-version.sh (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:875848 - "dev-lang/gdl-1.0.1 fails tests: 176 - test_tic_toc.pro (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876052 - "dev-util/ply-2.3.0 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876058 - "sys-libs/musl-nscd-1.1.1-r1 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876067 - "sys-libs/libfaketime-0.9.10 fails tests (MUSL) (functests/test_walkone.sh, libfaketime: In parse_ft_string(), failed to parse FAKETIME timestamp.)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876070 - "sys-libs/uid_wrapper-1.2.9 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876073 - "sys-power/upower-0.99.20 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876076 - "sys-process/audit-3.0.9 fails tests (MUSL): FAIL: lookup_test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876079 - "www-apps/hugo-0.104.3 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876289 - "sci-calculators/tiemu-3.03-r2 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876295 - "dev-util/goland-2021.3.3 with dev-util/pycharm-professional - file collision in /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/*/*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876337 - "games-strategy/lgeneral-1.4.4 - ../config.h: fatal error: direct.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876346 - "x11-plugins/wmsystray-0.1.1-r1 - void (void , int, unsigned long); ISO C99 and later do not support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876394 - ">=dev-util/android-tools-33.0.3-r1: ~ppc64 keyword request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876409 - "media-sound/terminatorx-4.2.0-r1 calls commands that do not exist: AC_CHECK_INCLUDES_DEFAULT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876415 - "media-sound/muse-0.9.2_p20161002 calls commands that do not exist: dot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876430 - "media-sound/mup-6.9 fails to compile (lto): <artificial>:(.text+0xc7d): undefined reference to yywrap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876472 - "x11-libs/cmrt-1.0.6-r2 fails to compile (MUSL): os_defs.h:112:33: error: typedef __CONCAT is initialized (use decltype instead)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876475 - "x11-libs/gl2ps-1.4.2 fails to compile (MUSL): !pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file tcrm1000): Font tcrm1000 at 600 not foun" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876481 - "x11-misc/fireflies-2.08-r1 fails to compile (MUSL): main.cc:(.text.startup+0x1e): undefined reference to argp_parse" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876535 - "games-server/monopd-0.10.2-r1 - estategroup.cpp:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to mu::ParserBase::SetExpr(std::_cxx11::basic_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876631 - "llvm-core/lldb-16.0.0_pre20221010: LLVM ERROR: inconsistency in registered CommandLine options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876712 - "net-libs/libnma-1.10.2 fails to compile: ld: libgcr-ui-3.so: undefined reference to gdk_wayland_window_set_transient_for_exported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876718 - "app-misc/cw-1.0.16-r3 - cw.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to isastream" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876724 - "dev-embedded/arduino-ctags-20161123-r1 - /.../types.h: error: redeclaration of enumerator FALSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876745 - "x11-misc/zim-0.75.1 fails tests (MUSL)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876823 - "dev-python/pylint-2.15.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876839 - "x11-plugins/wmudmount-3.0-r1 fails to compile (MUSL): fsm.c:20:10: fatal error: unistd.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876841 - "x11-terms/xfce4-terminal-1.0.4 fails to compile (MUSL): ld: libxfce4ui-2.so: undefined reference to gdk_wayland_display_get_type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876847 - "dev-haskell/wai-extra- - file collision with dev-libs/openpace-1.1.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876851 - "app-text/texlive-core bug in dvipdfmx.cfg affecting pstricks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876883 - "[Tracker] Migration to 64-bit time_t (time64)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876941 - "xfce-base/xfwm4-4.16.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL): ld: libxfce4ui-2.so: undefined reference to gdk_wayland_display_get_type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876947 - "dev-db/postgresql-14.5 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: install-xml2-recurse] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876949 - "media-gfx/meshlab-2020.12-r1 - filter_func.cpp:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to mu::ParserBase::DefineVar(std::_cxx11::basic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:876955 - "dev-libs/collada-dom-2.5.0-r1 - clang-15: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877019 - "app-text/bibclean-3.06 - /.../types.h: error: unknown type name socklen_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877075 - "xfce-base/exo-4.17.2 fails to compile (MUSL): ld: libxfce4ui-2.so: undefined reference to gdk_wayland_display_get_type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877109 - "x11-plugins/wmbinclock-0.51 - wmBinClock.c: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877121 - "media-libs/avidemux-core-2.7.8 - clang-15: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877123 - "app-editors/wily-1.0-r2 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877209 - "Complete migration to 17.1 profiles for amd64 & drop 17.0 profiles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877219 - "net-misc/sks-1.1.6_p20200624-r2 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877241 - "sys-apps/portage: should binary package index be signed as well?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877275 - "Maintainer: Jay Faulkner (jay AT jvf.cc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877277 - "Maintainer: Cyr Wolf (etc404 AT protonmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877281 - "games-board/xboard-4.9.1 - configure: error: --with-Xaw3d was given, but test for Xaw3d failed. Make sure that you have Xaw3d inst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877283 - "sys-fabric/mstflint-4.20.0_p1 - /.../mlxcfg_expression.cpp:159: undefined reference to mu::ParserBase::SetExpr(std::_cxx11::basic_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877345 - "FEATURES="usersync" invokes git as root" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877373 - "Making #gentoo-chat an official part of #gentoo namespace" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877385 - "app-misc/lirc-0.10.2 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877387 - "sci-libs/silo-4.11.1-r1 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877391 - "app-misc/lirc-0.10.2 install more files (doc) in presence of available programs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877401 - "media-sound/snd-22.8 - sndplay.c:(<snip>) undefined reference to mus_sound_initialize" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877455 - "dev-python/py: ReDoS via subversion repository with crafted info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:877497 - "media-sound/alsamixergui last rites" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877505 - "dev-util/rr: bundles blake2, app-arch/brotli" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877527 - "dev-cpp/kokkos-3.7.0 fails tests: 4 - KokkosCore_UnitTest_LogicalSpaces (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877531 - "app-backup/spideroak-bin-7.5.0-r2 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877537 - "net-libs/wvstreams-4.6.1_p14-r2 calls commands that do not exist: dot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877547 - "[guru] sys-kernel/uek-sources- fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877581 - "dev-lang/rust-1.62.1: Fails to build on big endian arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877593 - "<dev-db/mysql-{5.7.40, 8.0.31}: multiple vulnerabilities (Oracle CPU Oct 2022)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877609 - "app-emulation/qemu: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877615 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-5.19.16: /sys/devices/system/cpu/possible lists non-existing processors (or nproc/glibc uses it wrong)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877627 - "net-misc/mptcpd-0.13 calls commands that do not exist: dot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877635 - "net-misc/smbc-1.2.2-r3 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877673 - "[Tracker] Build failures with CPP="gcc -E"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877721 - "dev-scheme/guile-ssh-0.16.3 fails to compile (MUSL): log.c:32:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877741 - "net-vpn/openvpn-2.5.7 fails tests (lto): <artificial>:(.text+0x1316): undefined reference to __wrap_parse_line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877755 - "net-wireless/iwd-1.30 fails tests (lto): <artificial>:(.text+0x90a): undefined reference to __wrap_l_ecc_supported_ike_groups" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877759 - "geospatial-overlay application within layman repositories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:877785 - "dev-scheme/guile-lib-0.2.7 - make[1]: [Makefile:<snip>: graph/topological-sort.go] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877815 - "dev-lang/rust-bin-1.82.0-r100 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877843 - "sci-visualization/quickplot-1.0.1_rc - mv: ... same file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:877883 - "sys-fs/ncdu-bin - please rename binary to ncdu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878033 - "app-backup/emborg python wrapper for borg backup (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878055 - "dev-ruby/llhttp-ffi-0.4.0 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878057 - "dev-ruby/llhttp-ffi-0.4.0 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878063 - "sci-electronics/xcircuit-3.10.30-r1 fails to compile (lto): xcircuit.h:196:28: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878137 - "install-qa-check.d/60pkgconfig false positives with lib/python*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878157 - "Add systemd/hardened profiles, make systemd/selinux inherit them" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878163 - "net-irc/psybnc-2.4.3-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878181 - "media-gfx/eom-1.26.0 - 605 | gboolean rsvg_handle_close (RsvgHandle handle, GError error);" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878203 - "app-accessibility/brltty-6.5 - The tmpfiles processor exited with a non-zero exit code" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878223 - "mate-extra/caja-actions-1.28.0 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878257 - "mail-filter/mimedefang-3.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878287 - "dev-vcs/lab-0.23.0 - ERROR: dev-vcs/lab-0.23.0::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878291 - "games-engines/stratagus-3.3.2 - cc1plus: fatal error: .../tolua.cpp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878293 - "dev-debug/gdb-12.1-r2 - guile/guile.c: error: scm_install_gmp_memory_functions was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878295 - "sci-electronics/geda-1.10.2-r1 - configure: error: you need Guile 2.x (at least version 2.0.10)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878301 - "app-portage/portage-utils-0.94.3[qmanifest, static]: undefined reference to `gpgrt_lock_unlock'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878303 - "app-admin/awscli-1.25.89: fails tests/functional/test_timeformat.py::TestCLITimestampParser::test_iso test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878307 - "media-sound/snd-22.8 - nrepl.c: error: s7 undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878311 - "sci-mathematics/maxima-5.46.0 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878411 - "www-client/chromium-107.0.5304.29: AVX vector return of type '__m512' (vector of 16 'float' values) without 'avx512f' enabled changes the ABI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878445 - "net-libs/pjproject-2.12.1-r2: +webrtc fails in x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878461 - "dev-python/nbconvert-7.1.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878463 - "sys-fs/dm-vdo userspace tools for managing pools of deduplicated and/or compressed block storage (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878477 - "new package: net-misc/auks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:878521 - "sci-mathematics/yafu-1.34.3-r1 - /.../ld: cannot find -lgomp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878533 - "dev-ruby/rdiscount: bundles app-text/discount" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878547 - "dev-python/QtPy: defaults to +sql and pulls dev-python/PyQt5[sql] but that is not the default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878605 - "net-p2p/kubo-0.15.0 - fatal error: fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878607 - "app-text/llpp-33 - link.c: error: mixing declarations and code is incompatible with" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878615 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5-appl-1.0.3-r3 - cmds.c: error: parameter argc was not declared, defaults to int; ISO" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878623 - "dev-util/patdiff-0.15.0 : (.text+0x52a0): undefined reference to `core_unix_gettid'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878633 - "media-libs/libbsb-0.0.7-r1 - clang-15: error: unknown argument: -nologo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878641 - "x11-plugins/wmdiskmon-0.0.2-r1 - int (int); ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878755 - "app-text/xml2rfc-3.15.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878761 - "<app-admin/ansible-8.3.0: ec2_instance tower_callback credential leakage into logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:878777 - "media-libs/libopenraw-0.3.2 fails tests: Could not import extension sphinx.ext.pngmath (exception: No module named sphinx.ext.pngmath)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878805 - "[guru] sci-electronics/slang-3.0 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878807 - "[guru] x11-wm/berry-0.1.12 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878809 - "[guru] x11-wm/dk-1.7 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878813 - "app-i18n/ibus-1.5.27 - panel.c: fatal error: libnotify/notify.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878845 - "app-misc/gourmand Gourmand Recipe Manager with Python 3 support (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878853 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.6.10: automagic zstd, liburing dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878871 - "media-sound/opus-tools-0.2-r1 - opusdec.c:(<snip>) undefined reference to op_read_float_stereo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878899 - "media-video/handbrake-1.6.1 fails to compile (lto): error: type of 'combo_search_key_press_cb' does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878913 - "meson.eclass: our --localstatedir diverges from upstream" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:878919 - "app-crypt/shash-0.2.6-r4 - QA Notice: Unrecognized configure options:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879019 - "media-video/tsmuxer: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:879021 - "app-text/rtf2html: heap overread vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:879037 - "app-misc/socnetv-2.2-r1 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: graph.o]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879057 - "dev-libs/glib-2.74.1 fails test - 199/312 glib:gio / contenttype FAIL 0.01s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879059 - "sys-devel/gettext-0.21.1 fails test - FAIL: test-execute.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879063 - "media-libs/harfbuzz-5.3.1 fails test - .../ check-symbols FAIL 0.13s exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879067 - "x11-libs/cairo-1.17.6[debug]: ERROR: Problem encountered: symbol lookup via bfd was enabled via options but is not available (bfd might be too old) (sys-libs/binutils-libs installs a "broken" bfd.h)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879079 - "dev-perl/Math-BigInt-GMP-1.600.700 fails test - # Failed test $x = Math::BigInt->bnorm(0b_101);" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879083 - "Add QA check for stray man pages (e.g. /usr/share/man/foo.1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879087 - "sys-apps/sandbox: clean up state of master to get back into releaseable state" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879097 - "app-containers/lxc-5.0.3 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879109 - "sys-apps/tuned-2.19.0: systemd service depends on polkit.service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879143 - "net-misc/mosh-1.4.0 fails test - FAIL: local.test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879169 - "sci-mathematics/alectryon-1.4.0-r2 [doc] fails to compile - AssertionError" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879185 - "dev-python/mitmproxy_wireguard-0.1.16 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879201 - "app-misc/rbutil-1.5.1-r1 fails test - 53 - TestHttpGet.testServerTimestamp (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879233 - "dev-util/cdecl: build failure with FLEX="reflex" (sys-devel/reflex)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879287 - "[TRACKER] Java packages that do not enable tests because of missing dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879311 - "sys-fs/fscrypt-0.3.3 fails test - FAIL github.com/google/fscrypt/cmd/fscrypt 0.004s" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879493 - "dev-java/zstd-jni: bundles app-arch/zstd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879525 - "sys-devel/gcc-12.2.1_p20221008 - clang-15: error: unsupported option -print-multi-os-directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879527 - "dev-lang/perl-5.36.0-r1 - ERROR: dev-lang/perl-5.36.0-r1::gentoo failed (configure phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879529 - "games-engines/solarus-1.6.5 - CMake Error at .../FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879531 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2 - ln: failed to create symbolic link .../haddock: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879547 - "sys-apps/likwid-5.2.1 - Fatal error: cant create GCC/access_client.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879551 - "media-libs/libcanberra-0.30-r7 - /.../ld: cannot find -lcanberra: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879605 - "app-i18n/uim-1.8.9-r1 - /.../ld: ./.../libuim-scm.so: undefined reference to SCM_INT_VALUE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879607 - "media-sound/snd-22.8 - snd-utils.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to Pa_Terminate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879623 - "app-text/sile: new package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879631 - "app-i18n/xvnkb: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879659 - "dev-libs/atf: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879671 - "dev-libs/libmemcached: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879677 - "dev-scheme/gauche: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879679 - "dev-scheme/sigscheme: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879681 - "dev-util/cpputest: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879685 - "dev-util/unicorn: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879693 - "games-emulation/yabause: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879697 - "media-libs/avidemux-core: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879711 - "media-sound/gstreamripper: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879721 - "net-dns/getdns: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879731 - "net-libs/libntlm: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879741 - "net-misc/ip-sentinel: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879743 - "net-misc/openrsync: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879745 - "net-p2p/gtk-gnutella: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879755 - "sci-chemistry/mpqc: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879773 - "sys-devel/gcc-apple: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879777 - "sys-libs/musl-nscd: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879785 - "x11-misc/xsetleds: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879789 - "x11-plugins/wmwifi: possible configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879793 - "dev-libs/libtecla-1.6.3 - Fatal error: cant create normal_obj/direader.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879821 - "[guru] dev-lang/hare-0_pre20230222 fails to compile: ld: unrecognized option -Wl,-O1#############################..] unix::tty###################...] getopt##.#.#.#.#.#....] .hare::module..] temphare::parse" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879847 - "net-libs/c-client-2007f-r8 - make[1]: No rule to make target rebuild, needed by build. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879859 - "sys-apps/less: becomes unresponsive when searching file with very long lines" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879861 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt-sanitizers-15.0.3: failed (test phase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879867 - "app-text/openjade-1.3.2-r9 - primitive.cxx: fatal error: InterpreterMessages.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879869 - "net-analyzer/thc-ipv6-3.2-r1 - inject_alive6.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to debug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879871 - "dev-java/java-service-wrapper-3.5.50 - [exec] wrapper_i18n.c: fatal error: opening dependency file .deps/wrapper_i18n.pp: No such" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879895 - "dev-python/mkdocs move to app-text/mkdocs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879909 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt-15.0.4 - CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879911 - "net-libs/ldns-1.8.1 - /.../sh:line <snip>: drill/drill.1: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879913 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.9.3 - ln: failed to create symbolic link .../snmpinform: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:879983 - "Maintainer: Pascal Jäger (pascal.jaeger AT leimstift.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880023 - "dev-haskell/cabal- - Distribution/.../Structured.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880029 - "sci-astronomy/wcslib-7.12 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ranlib: .../libwcs-7.12.a: No such file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880043 - "media-gfx/kuickshow: upstream media-libs/imlib2 support, port to Qt6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880057 - "app-containers/containerd-1.6.8 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: man/containerd-config.toml.5] Error 1 shuffle=4293901373" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880067 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2 - /.../install: cannot create regular file .../ghc-9.0.2: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880071 - "Gentoo Forums phpBB Upgrade" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880075 - "virtual/secret-service: Add >=kde-frameworks/kwallet-5.97" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880093 - "app-admin/cancd-0.1.0-r6 - make: [<builtin>: cancd.o] Error 127 shuffle=1788293786" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880119 - "net-libs/gnutls: introduce USE=hardened with stronger defaults" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880121 - "sys-auth/crypto-policies: new package to control systemwide crypto policies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880125 - "app-emulation/nemu: dropped keywords" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880131 - "dev-lang/python-3.11.0_p1: test failures in test_posix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880151 - "sys-cluster/teleport-4.1.4 - zip I/O error: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880159 - "net-libs/ldns-1.8.1 - /.../drill.h: fatal error: config.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880167 - "dev-haskell/hsyaml- - src/.../Internal.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880169 - "app-accessibility/speech-tools-2.5.0-r1 - /.../ld: cannot find -leststring: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880189 - "sys-apps/heirloom-tools-070715-r4 - make[1]: No rule to make target y.tab.h, needed by parse.o. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880191 - "sys-devel/binutils: fails tests on musl amd64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880197 - "sys-cluster/ceph-19.2.0-r1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880201 - "net-libs/farstream-0.2.9 - libtool: error: cannot find the library libfarstream-0.2.la or unhandled argument libfarstream-0.2.la" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880231 - "<net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.9.4: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:880253 - "dev-lang/mlton-20180207 - basis/.../strtor.c: fatal error: gdtoa/gdtoa.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880319 - "sci-physics/heppdt-3.04.01-r1 - Fatal error: cant create shared/translateGeanttoPDT.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880321 - "net-libs/c-client-2007f-r8 - make[3]: [Makefile:<snip>: osdep.h] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880323 - "mail-client/alpine-2.26-r1 - /.../rm: cannot remove libtoolT: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880331 - "sys-apps/texinfo-7.0 - ../system.h: error: a function declaration without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880333 - "app-text/msort-8.53-r1 - misc.c: error: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880337 - "dev-lang/swig-4.1.0 fails test - make[3]: [../.../Makefile:<snip>: ruby_run] Error 134" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880341 - "dev-libs/libdnsres-0.1a-r3 - arc4random.c: error: call to undeclared function time; ISO C99 and later" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880349 - "dev-scheme/elk-3.99.8 - make[2]: No rule to make target ../src/libelk.la, needed by elk. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880353 - "dev-cpp/string-theory-3.5 fails test - [ FAILED ] 1 test, listed below:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880357 - "dev-util/lttng-ust-2.13.2 fails test - ERROR: .../test_abi0_conflict - exited with status 4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880363 - "media-sound/dagrab-0.513-r2 - dagrab.c: error: passing arguments to cddb_getdir without a prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880367 - "sys-apps/hwinfo-22.1-r1 - make: No rule to make target <snip>/libhd.a, needed by hwinfo. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880369 - "media-gfx/fontforge-20220308 - /.../crctab.c: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880371 - "games-util/datutil-2.46 - mkdir: cannot create directory .../drv: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880383 - "media-sound/gsm-1.0.22_p1 - src/toast_lin.c: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880389 - "dev-libs/opencryptoki-3.6.1-r1 - apiutil.c: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880397 - "app-misc/screen-4.9.0-r1 - fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880399 - "net-ftp/vsftpd-3.0.5-r1 - ssl.c: error: passing arguments to setup_bio_callbacks without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880403 - "media-gfx/apngopt-1.4 - error: unable to open output file .../LSBFDecoder.o: No such" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880407 - "media-libs/opencollada-1.6.68 - /.../adler32.c: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880409 - "net-proxy/privoxy-3.0.33 - filters.c: error: passing arguments to a function without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880417 - "dev-scheme/guile-3.0.8 - hash.c: error: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880419 - "app-editors/ng-1.5_beta1-r3 - basic.c: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880421 - "media-gfx/apngopt-1.4 - Fatal error: cant create .../InByte.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880423 - "dev-perl/CryptX-0.73.0 fails test - # Failed test $x = Math::BigFloat->new(-144); $y = Math::BigFloat->new(-60); Math::BigFloat::b" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880433 - "dev-util/treecc-0.3.10-r1 - c_skel.c: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880435 - "app-crypt/ckpass-0.2-r2 - ckpass.c: error: passing arguments to init_windows without a prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880439 - "sys-apps/daemonize-1.7.8 - getopt.c: error: passing arguments to write without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880457 - "media-gfx/icoutils-0.32.3 - tmap.c: error: passing arguments to a function without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880481 - "net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.8_rc2-r2 - ./pr_fnmatch_loop.c: error: a function definition without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880483 - "app-misc/dateutils-0.4.9 - dexpr-parser.y: error: a function declaration without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880487 - "x11-plugins/wmCalClock-1.25-r3 - wmCalClock.c: error: passing arguments to jd without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880489 - "media-libs/gd-2.3.3-r1 - /.../gd_nnquant.c: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C an" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880491 - "app-benchmarks/i7z-93_p20131012-r2 - clang-15: error: no such file or directory: i7z.o" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880497 - "sys-apps/likwid-5.2.1 - ./.../perfmon_pm.h: fatal error: perfmon_pm_events.h file not" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880499 - "dev-libs/apr-util-1.6.1-r10 - dbm/.../sdbm_pair.c: error: a function definition without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880501 - "app-editors/vile-9.8w - /.../install: cannot create regular file .../vile-m4-filt: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880503 - "dev-lua/luaossl-20220711 - /.../openssl.c: error: passing arguments to a function without a prototype is deprecated in all version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880505 - "dev-libs/libtar-1.2.20-r5 - ../.../strmode.c: error: a function definition without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880507 - "dev-util/mingw64-toolchain-10.0.0_p1-r1 - ldgram.y: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880509 - "sys-apps/stroke-0.1.3-r1 - aux.c: error: passing arguments to scwd without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880511 - "dev-lang/fpc-3.2.2 - fpwidestring.pp(26,3) Fatal: Can't find unit charset used by fpwidestring Fatal: Compilation aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880521 - "GLSA announcements show non-vulnerable versions of packages as affected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:880525 - "dev-libs/eb-4.4.1-r1 - binary.c: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880531 - "app-text/dictd-1.13.0-r5 - strlcat.c: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880533 - "dev-util/redo-0.42d fails test - ERROR: dev-util/redo-0.42d::gentoo failed (test phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880535 - "net-misc/sipsak-0.9.8 - src/auth.c: error: passing arguments to MD5Init without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880537 - "app-accessibility/sphinx2-0.6 - util.c: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880545 - "[Tracker] Packages fail with -std=gnu23/-std=c23 (-Werror=deprecated-non-prototype and friends)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880591 - "app-accessibility/speech-tools-2.5.0-r1 - deq_example.cc:(<snip>) undefined reference to EST_Chunk::~EST_Chunk()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880597 - "dev-haskell/microstache-1.0.2 - src/.../Parser.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880599 - "app-accessibility/mbrola-3.3-r1 - Fatal error: cant create .../vp_error.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880603 - "media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.125.0-r1 - evmon.c: error: incompatible function pointer types passing void (jack_port_id_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880613 - "dev-util/cccc-3.1.6-r1 - ccccmain.cc: fatal error: CParser.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880627 - "<www-servers/varnish-7.1.2: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:880631 - "Maintainer: Guillermo Joandet (gjoandet AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880655 - "media-video/dirac-1.0.2-r2 - configure: error: Unsupported Compiler version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880669 - "[Tracker] Go x/text DoS via crafted Accept-Language header" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880683 - "media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.126: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880799 - "net-wireless/bss-0.8-r2 - bss.c: error: call to undeclared function time; ISO C99 and later do not" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880803 - "dev-lang/inform-6.35_p4 - /.../install: cannot create regular file .../bin: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880819 - "media-sound/flake-0.11 - clang-15: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880827 - "sys-apps/ifd-gempc-1.0.8 - make[1]: [Makefile:<snip>: check_stamp] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880829 - "x11-misc/lineakd-0.9.0-r4 - chmod: cannot access .../send_to_keyboard: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880831 - "app-misc/splitvt-1.6.6-r3 - prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880835 - "net-voip/yate-6.2.0 - sig/camel_map.cpp: error: type const char[1] cannot be narrowed to" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880841 - "app-accessibility/speech-tools-2.5.0-r1 - make[1]: No rule to make target libestools.so, needed by .build_shared. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880843 - "net-analyzer/fragroute-1.2.6-r4 - unsigned long (char , const char , unsigned long); ISO C99 and later" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880883 - "media-plugins/frei0r-plugins-1.8.0 calls commands that do not exist: dot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880901 - "net-mail/checkpassword-0.90-r5 - buffer_2.c: error: incompatible function pointer types initializing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880905 - "net-libs/rpc2-2.14-r1 - yywarn; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880913 - "net-mail/asmail-2.1-r2 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880917 - "net-libs/telepathy-glib-0.24.2 - protocol.c: error: incompatible function pointer types passing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880921 - "sci-electronics/iverilog-11.0 - mv: cannot move cprop.d to dep/cprop.d: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880929 - "sci-astronomy/xfitsview-2.2-r2 - mv: cannot move ./fmem.o to ../.../fmem.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880935 - "media-video/mkclean-0.8.10-r1 - ebmlmaster.c: error: incompatible function pointer types passing int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880943 - "media-libs/libifp- - userfile.c: error: incompatible function pointer types passing int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880949 - "games-arcade/lbreakout-010315-r1 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880951 - "dev-libs/libpqxx-7.7.4 - configure: error: This libpqxx version needs at least C++17." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880953 - "net-mail/checkpassword-0.90-r5 - hier.c: error: call to undeclared function c; ISO C99 and later do not" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880959 - "dev-lang/smlnj-110.99.4 - ../.../unix-prof.c: error: incompatible function pointer types" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880965 - "x11-plugins/wmmand-1.3.2-r1 - ../.../wmgeneral.c: error: incompatible pointer to integer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880967 - "net-misc/nx- - ./.../Imake.tmpl: fatal error: X11 .rules" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880971 - "dev-util/btyacc-3.0-r4 - main.c: error: incompatible function pointer types passing void (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880979 - "dev-libs/libee-0.4.1 - libtool: link: cannot find the library `../src/libee.la' or unhandled argument `../src/libee.la'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880981 - "sci-biology/velvet-1.2.10 - Fatal error: cant create obj/concatenatedPreGraph.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880983 - "dev-scheme/gauche-gtk-0.6.1 - gtkcelllayout.c: error: incompatible function pointer types passing void" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:880987 - "media-libs/quesoglc-0.7.2-r1 fails to compile: unicode.c:653:42: error: incompatible function pointer types passing 'void (*)(GLenum)' (aka 'void (*)(unsigned int)') to parameter of type '_GLUfuncptr' (aka 'void (*)(void)') [-Werror,-Win" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881001 - "sys-boot/syslinux-6.04_pre1-r5 - /.../stdarg.h: fatal error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881003 - "sys-cluster/lmod-8.6.14 - /.../sh:line <snip>: .../Banner.lua: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881009 - "net-misc/hylafaxplus-7.0.6 - make[3]: No rule to make target ../util/libfaxutil.so.7.0.6, needed by faxmodem. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881013 - "dev-ml/lablgl-1.06-r1 - ml_glu.c: fatal error: gl_tags.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881017 - "sci-libs/djbfft-0.76-r3 - 8mr.c: error: call to undeclared function fftc8_mul; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881033 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1 - /.../sh:line <snip>: ../.../ccmp2c: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881059 - "sci-libs/lapack-3.12.0-r1 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881067 - "app-accessibility/mbrola-3.0.1h-r6 - file collision with app-accessibility/mbrola-voices-0_pre20200331" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881069 - "media-video/mkvalidator-0.5.2 - ebmlmaster.c: error: incompatible function pointer types passing int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881071 - "games-fps/alienarena-7.66 - server/sv_ents.c: error: call to undeclared function MSG_WriteSizeInt;" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881073 - "dev-lang/gforth-0.7.3-r2 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: kernl16b.fi-] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881079 - "x11-plugins/asapm-3.1-r1 - undefined reference to `XpmCreatePixmapFromData'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881083 - "sci-libs/ogdi-4.1.0-r1 - /.../ld: cannot find -logdi: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881087 - "sys-devel/smatch-1.72 - smatch_untracked_param.c: error: incompatible function pointer types" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881089 - "dev-util/splint-3.1.2-r2 - Headers/flag_codes.h: fatal error: flag_codes.gen: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881091 - "net-libs/c-client-2007f-r7 - cat: CFLAGS: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881099 - "app-emulation/qemu-9999 Firmwares at /usr/share/qemu/ not present" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881119 - "dev-lang/mercury-22.01.1 - mv: cannot stat .../mmake: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881125 - "games-emulation/advancemame-3.9 - error: error: unableunable to toopen outputopen fileoutput .../2612intf.o: file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881133 - "dev-lang/idris2-0.6.0 - Error: Module Data.Nat not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881135 - "sys-devel/dev86-0.16.21-r3 - logwtmp.c:55.37: error: O_WRONLY undeclared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881137 - "sci-mathematics/calc- - ./alloc.h: error: unknown type name E_FUNC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881143 - "net-analyzer/p0f-3.09_beta-r1 - .build-34.c: error: call to undeclared library function printf with type int (const char , ); ISO" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881147 - "dev-perl/mecab-perl-0.996-r1 - /.../perl.h: fatal error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881149 - "app-emulation/dosemu-1.4.1_pre20130107-r5 - collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881195 - "llvm-core/llvm-roc-5.0.2: calls Python directly / uses Python not in PYTHON_COMPAT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881199 - "app-crypt/bsign-0.4.5-r1 - Fatal error: cant create o/bsign.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881201 - "dev-libs/input-pad-1.0.99_pre20140916 - /.../ld: cannot find -linput-pad-1.0: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881213 - "media-libs/urt-3.1b-r3 - avg4.c: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and later" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881215 - "app-crypt/princeprocessor-0.22 - clang-15: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881225 - "[jkolo] Ebuild failures occurring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881243 - "media-libs/openimageio- - clang-15: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881245 - "dev-ruby/ruby-opengl-0.10.0-r1 - gl-1.0-1.1.c: error: incompatible function pointer types passing VALUE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881251 - "net-misc/sshrc: dead upstream" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881257 - "app-crypt/gorilla-1.4-r2: SRC_URI tag deleted upstream? Needs version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:881273 - "net-misc/owncloud-client- fails tests: 7 - CookiesTest (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881277 - "dev-db/redis-7.0.5-r1: failed (test phase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881311 - "media-gfx/entangle-3.0-r2: libraw_r.so: undefined reference to `__kmpc_end_critical'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881313 - "dev-games/ode-0.14-r1 - demo_tracks.cpp: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881317 - "dev-cpp/antlr-cpp-4.7.2 - ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881329 - "app-crypt/efitools-1.9.2-r1 - make: [Make.rules:121: KeyTool-signed.efi]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881337 - "sys-block/di-4.51 - make[2]: [Makefile:<snip>: options.o] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881339 - "dev-python/libsass-0.22.0 - error: invalid argument -std=gnu++<snip> not allowed with C" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881347 - "games-arcade/moleinvasion-0.4-r3 - editor.c: error: parameter mousey was not declared, defaults to int;" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881351 - "app-text/xpdf: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881357 - "packages still maintained by ppc arch team" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881395 - "net-voip/murmur-9999: configure fails due to relative path assertions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881405 - "[Tracker] UAF in Expat's xmlparse.c:doContent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881421 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 - machine.c: error: call to undeclared function EmergencyExit; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881423 - "dev-games/newton-3.14 - clang-15: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881425 - "dev-util/rocm-clang-ocl-5.0.2-r1 - CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:44 (message):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881467 - "[guru] x11-wm/i3-rounded-4.21.1 fails tests: 1 complete-run FAIL 26.60s exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881469 - "dev-haskell/haddock-library-1.10.0 - src/.../Monad.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881475 - "sci-mathematics/prover9-2009.11a - /.../cp: cannot stat mace4: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881503 - "app-laptop/pbbuttonsd-0.8.1a - configure: error: SMBios library not available. Please install development files for libsmbios." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881541 - "[guru] games-util/xivlauncher-1.0.4-r2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881543 - "[guru] games-util/xivlauncher-1.0.4-r2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881549 - "dev-scheme/kawa-3.1.1-r2 - ./.../IfFeature.java:3: error: cannot find symbol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881611 - "[guru] dev-python/databases-0.6.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881621 - "x11-wm/herbstluftwm-0.9.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881665 - "net-nds/openldap: incorrect license version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881667 - "dev-haskell/jira-wiki-markup-1.4.0 - src/.../Core.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881671 - "media-sound/beets-1.6.0 - ERROR: media-sound/beets-1.6.0::gentoo failed (install phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881673 - "Prelude SIEM: removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881683 - "sci-astronomy/wcslib-7.11 - /.../install: target <snip>/wcslib-7.11: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881685 - "sys-boot/syslinux-6.04_pre1-r3 - *** No rule to make target '/var/tmp/portage/sys-boot/syslinux-6.04_pre1-r3/work/syslinux-6.04-pre1/efi64/core/../codepage/cp865.cp', needed by 'codepage.cp'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881775 - "sys-cluster/resource-agents-4.11.0 sandbox violation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881783 - "sci-biology/bedtools-2.30.0 - src/.../version.cpp: fatal error: version_git.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881789 - "sys-devel/dev86-0.16.21-r3 - /.../errno.h:6: error: Cannot open include file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881797 - "media-plugins/vdr-rpihddevice-1.0.5: fails to compile on arm64: ovgosd.c:643:9: error: ‘EGL_DISPMANX_WINDOW_T’ does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881815 - "net-misc/rabbitmq-server-3.11.2 crashes immediately after starting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881825 - "media-gfx/eom-1.26.0-r1 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881829 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2 - warning: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C [-Wstrict-prototypes]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881859 - "dev-cpp/elfio-3.12 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881865 - "app-accessibility/yasr-0.6.9-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): ui.c:684:27: error: passing arguments to a function without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-non-prototype]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881867 - "app-admin/analog-6.0.13 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): ioapi.c:68:18: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-non-prototype]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881953 - "app-admin/chrootuid-1.3-r2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): chrootuid.c:57:9: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-non-prototype]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881971 - "app-admin/socklog-2.1.0 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): alloc_re.c:13:12: error: passing arguments to alloc without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-non-prototype]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881975 - "app-admin/sshguard-2.4.2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): blocker.c:64:13: error: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is treated as a zero-parameter prototype in C2x, conflicting with a subsequent de" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881977 - "app-admin/sudo-1.9.12_p1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): configure: error: Sudo version 1.9.12p1 requires an ANSI C compiler to build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881981 - "app-admin/whowatch-1.8.6-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): proctree.h:22:5: error: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is treated as a zero-parameter prototype in C2x, conflicting with a previous d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881985 - "app-arch/afio-2.5.1-r2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): match.c:65:1: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-non-prototype]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881987 - "app-arch/arc-5.21p-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): arccvt.c:42:18: error: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is treated as a zero-parameter prototype in C2x, conflicting with a previous declarat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:881991 - "app-arch/gzip-1.12-r2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): bits.c:112:6: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-non-prototype]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882009 - "sci-libs/atlas-3.10.2 fails to compile: xconfig: config.c:602: ProbeOS: Assertion iret failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882011 - "dev-lang/ruby-2.7.6 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882013 - "dev-lang/ruby-2.7.6 - prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882015 - "sys-devel/dev86-0.16.21-r3 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882025 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2 - cp: cannot create regular file .../CCS.hs-boot: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882029 - "dev-scheme/sigscheme-0.9.1 - format.c: error: call to undeclared function scm_string2number; ISO C99" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882031 - "net-analyzer/gsa-21.4.4 - ERROR: net-analyzer/gsa-21.4.4::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882035 - "app-containers/containerd-1.6.8 - ld.lld: error: .../cpu.doinit: .text+<snip>): R_X86_64_GOTTPOFF must be used in MOVQ or ADDQ ins" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882039 - "net-analyzer/gsa-21.4.4 - Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882047 - "sys-devel/smatch-1.72 - options.c: fatal error: version.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882051 - "sys-apps/hwloc-2.8.0-r1 fails test - FAIL: 40intel64-4n10c+pci-conflicts.output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882079 - "x11-misc/xdg-utils: xdg-email mailto thunderbird mishandling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:882085 - "Maintainer: Francisco Javier Félix (web AT inode64.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882095 - "sys-cluster/lmod-8.6.14 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882113 - "dev-perl/HTML-Template-Pro-0.952.400: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘_strdup’; did you mean ‘strdup’? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882139 - "media-libs/libva-intel-media-driver-22.6.4[-X] fails to compile: ddi_vp_functions.cpp:26:10: fatal error: va_dricommon.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882155 - "app-arch/pax-20201030: conftest.c:4:20: warning: implicit declaration of function 'strtonum'; did you mean 'strtouq'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882169 - "x11-terms/aterm-1.0.1-r5 - protos.h: fatal error: grkelot.pro: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882203 - "dev-libs/dietlibc-0.34 - getenv.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to bcmp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882209 - "app-editors/diakonos-0.9.7 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): LoadError: cannot load such file rake_task" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882241 - "x11-themes/gtk-engines-rezlooks-0.6-r1 - warning: implicit declaration of function 'rezlooks_draw_menubar_button'; did you mean 'rezlooks_draw_slider_button'? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882261 - "dev-python/scipy-1.9.3 - Wheel build failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882287 - "dev-python/pandas-1.5.0: full-support should install dev-python/tabulate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882289 - "app-containers/docker fails to start on boot: containerd is already running" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882311 - "app-emulation/spim-8.0-r3 - xspim.c: fatal error: y.tab.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882313 - "dev-lang/jimtcl-0.81 fails test - FAILED: 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882335 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.39: git syncing broken on overlayfs w/ squashfs below" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882343 - "dev-util/intel-ocl-sdk- installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882345 - "app-editors/emacs-18.59-r15 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): eval.c:1269:5: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion passing unsigned char[1] to parameter of type int [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882351 - "Add new Upstream <remote-id type="apache">" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882353 - "[Feature request] Add xfce-gitlab upstream remote-id type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882355 - "sci-biology/hmmer-3.1_beta2-r1 leaves trace of segfault in dmesg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882359 - "dev-libs/libconfig-1.7.3 - grammar.y: error: passing arguments to libconfig_yyget_lineno without a prototype is deprecated in all" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882361 - "dev-lang/ocaml-4.11.2-r2 - interp.c: error: passing arguments to a function without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882363 - "media-gfx/transfig-3.2.5e-r1 - imake: Exit code 1." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882369 - "dev-util/babeltrace-1.5.8 fails test - ERROR: bin/test_packet_seq_num - exited with status 8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882375 - "dev-ml/ocamlfuse-2.7.1_p7-r1 - [ERROR] Opam has not been initialised, please run opam init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882401 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.9.3-r1 - /.../ld: cannot find -lnetsnmpagent: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882405 - "sci-libs/vtk-9.1.0-r4 fails to compile on ppc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882435 - "Insufficient committer validation in git hooks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882443 - "sci-mathematics/jags: configure breakage with Clang 16 (uses outdated dev-lang/R R.m4 macro)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882451 - "dev-ada/ada_language_server-22.0.0 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882453 - "dev-ada/libadalang-23.0.0-r2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882455 - "dev-ada/libadalang-tools-24.0.0-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882459 - "app-editors/ted-2.23-r3 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): regexp.c:8:13: fatal error: pcre.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882469 - "mail-filter/razor-2.85-r4 - Cant write-open .../MM.pm line 153." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882477 - "net-vpn/libreswan-4.9 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ar: parser.tab.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882479 - "net-misc/mico-2.3.13-r14 - /.../ld: cannot find -lmicocoss2.3.13: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882499 - "net-nntp/nzbget-21.1-r2 fails test - tests/.../RarRenamerTest.cpp:216: FAILED:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882531 - "app-containers/containerd-1.6.8 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882535 - "dev-cpp/libxmlpp-2.40.1-r2 fails test - /.../sh:line <snip>: dom_build/make_check.sh: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882543 - "net-analyzer/zabbix: configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882545 - "dev-lang/ghc: configure breakage with Clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882571 - "<app-arch/advancecomp-2.4: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882581 - "app-emulation/nemu-3.1.0 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): nm_network.c:142:24: error: use of undeclared identifier IFF_UP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882585 - "net-analyzer/cryptcat-1.2.1-r2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): netcat.c:240:22: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion passing unsigned int to parameter of type char [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882633 - "net-misc/mico-2.3.13-r14 - make[1]: No rule to make target naming/CosNaming.o, needed by libmicocoss2.3.13.a. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882651 - "app-eselect/eselect-wine-2.0.0 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882655 - "app-misc/flirc-3.25.2 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882657 - "app-misc/g15composer-3.4 fails to compile: g15composer.l:68:59: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning to char from void [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882659 - "app-misc/g15macro-1.0.5 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): g15macro.c:191:14: error: parameter keystate was not declared, defaults to int; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit int [-Werror,-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882663 - "sci-libs/metis-5.1.0-r5 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882671 - "sci-mathematics/calc- - make[1]: No rule to make target ../have_memmv.h, needed by c_help.o. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882673 - "sci-mathematics/calc- - make[1]: No rule to make target ../endian_calc.h, needed by c_register.o. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882675 - "net-analyzer/xprobe-0.3-r1 - /.../ld: cannot find xplib/libxplib.a: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882687 - "sci-mathematics/calc- - make[1]: No rule to make target ../longbits.h, needed by c_help.o. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882719 - "dev-libs/dietlibc-0.34 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: error: unrecognized command-line option -fno-integrated-as" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882723 - "www-servers/varnish-7.5.0 - cc: error: unrecognized command-line option '-Wstring-plus-int'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882725 - "www-servers/varnish-7.1.2-r1 - cc: error: unrecognized command-line option '-Wunused-parameters'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882745 - "dev-db/postgresql-12.13 - cc1: error: unrecognized argument to -flto= option: thin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882779 - "[Tracker] Vulnerabilty in app-arch/qpress" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882783 - "dev-db/percona-xtrabackup{-bin,}: directory traversal (or memory corruption?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882807 - "Maintainer: Brahmajit Das (brahmajit.xyz AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882809 - "Maintainer: Joe Kappus (joe AT wt.gd)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882813 - "sys-cluster/ucx-1.13.1 - <unknown>:663: undefined reference to _kmpc_global_thread_num" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882825 - "Align to 32-bit rather than 16-bit on m68k with -malign-int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882829 - "dev-perl/Math-Pari-2.10.809.0-r2 - function without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882927 - "games-arcade/xjump-2.7.5-r2 - record.c: error: incompatible function pointer types passing int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882929 - "app-text/vilistextum- - ERROR: app-text/vilistextum- failed (configure phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:882931 - "dev-haskell/cabal-install- - setup: Failed parsing ./cabal-install.cabal." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883043 - "app-cdr/dvdisaster-0.79.5 - icon-factory.c: fatal error: inlined-icons.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883045 - "net-misc/nx- - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883047 - "dev-haskell/ghc-paths- - setup: Failed parsing ./ghc-paths.cabal." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883059 - "app-text/libspectre-0.2.12 calls commands that do not exist: dot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883101 - "app-pda/pilot-link-0.12.5-r4 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): linuxusb.c:60:16: error: incompatible function pointer types assigning to ssize_t ()(pi_socket_t , const unsigned char , size_t, int) (aka long ()(struct pi_socket , const unsigned ch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883105 - "app-shells/bash-4.4_p23-r2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): string.h:478:14: error: expected identifier or (" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883125 - "net-misc/vmpsd-1.4 - daemon.c: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883129 - "dev-scheme/scm-5.5.6-r4 - scmfig.h: fatal error: scmflags.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883135 - "net-wireless/airtraf-1.1-r4 - make[1]: No rule to make target ../libncurses/libairgui.a, needed by ../airtraf. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883155 - "dev-util/dialog-1.3.20220728 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: error: unrecognized command-line option -Qunused-arguments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883165 - "dev-lang/gprolog-1.5.0 - prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883199 - "[guru] sys-block/partclone-0.3.20 calls commands that do not exist: dpkg-architecture" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883205 - "app-text/ttf2pt1-3.4.4-r2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): ft.c:537:2: error: incompatible function pointer types initializing FT_Outline_MoveToFunc (aka int ()(const struct FT_Vector_ , void )) with an expression of type int (FT_Vector , void )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883209 - "app-text/yodl-4.03.00 calls commands that do not exist: ps2pdf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883213 - "sci-mathematics/frobby-0.9.0-r3 - mkdir: cannot create directory bin/: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883225 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt-sanitizers fails to build due to wrong order of upgrades (needs dependency adjustments?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883245 - "dev-cpp/kokkos-3.7.0 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883249 - "sci-physics/bullet-3.21 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883259 - "sys-boot/elilo-3.16-r5 - make: No rule to make target devschemes/devschemes.o, needed by elilo.so. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883267 - "dev-tex/rail-1.2_p1-r1 - ./rail.h: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883275 - "dev-lang/mmix-20160804-r1 - abstime.w:21:1: error: return type defaults to ‘int’ [-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883281 - "sys-boot/syslinux-6.04_pre1-r3 - clang-15: error: no input files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883283 - "sci-mathematics/gretl-2021d - /.../sh:line <snip>: .deps/pdtr.d: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883295 - "dev-lang/gforth-0.7.3-r2 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883297 - "dev-haskell/dbus-1.2.27 - setup: Failed parsing ./dbus.cabal." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883301 - "sys-process/criu-3.17-r1 - criu/net.c: warning: a function declaration without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883327 - "dev-db/mysql-8.0.31-r1 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883351 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.13_pre99 - make[1]: ../.../saved_pre_gcl: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883353 - "app-misc/ledit-2.04 - Error while loading pa_local.cmo: file not found in path" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883359 - "x11-misc/pcmanfm, x11-libs/libfm: broken homepage link" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883385 - "dev-python/cryptography-38.0.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883387 - "dev-lang/spark-2021 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883389 - "dev-libs/dmalloc-5.5.2-r7 calls commands that do not exist: xno" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883397 - "sci-mathematics/frobby-0.9.0-r3 - make: No rule to make target .../frobby. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883409 - "dev-util/rocm-smi-5.4.2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883411 - "dev-lang/starlark-rust-0.8.0 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): error: could not compile starlark due to 4 previous errors; 8 warnings emitted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883415 - "sys-devel/gcc-11.3.1_p20221007 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): clang++: libstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_3.4.30 not found (required by libLLVM-15.so)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883417 - "dev-libs/liberasurecode-1.6.3 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): rs_galois.c:48:27: error: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C [-Werror,-Wstrict-prototypes]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883421 - "dev-libs/opencryptoki-3.6.1-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): soft_specific.c:2200:8: error: incompatible function pointer types assigning to int ()(CK_BYTE ) (aka int ()(unsigned char )) from int ()(SHA_CTX ) (aka int ()(struct SHAstate_st ))" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883431 - "dev-libs/sleef-3.5.1 build with clang installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883463 - "games-arcade/pengupop-2.2.5-r1 - singleplayer.c: error: call to undeclared function swprintf; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883555 - "mail-filter/dcc-2.3.168 installs colliding files (found by ecompress)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883581 - "dev-perl/Linux-PipeMagic-0.30.0-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): PipeMagic.xs:57:14: error: call to undeclared function sendfile; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883585 - "app-shells/powerline-2.7-r2 installs more files with clang stricter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883609 - "sys-libs/binutils-libs-2.39-r4: fails specific tests on all devboxes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883613 - "app-emacs/ebuild-run-mode color support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:883615 - "sys-devel/dev86-0.16.21-r3 - rm: cannot remove ../.../malloc.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883617 - "sys-apps/hwinfo-22.1-r1 - hwinfo.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to search_str_list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883619 - "media-libs/gexiv2-0.14.0 - ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883627 - "app-emulation/dosemu-1.4.1_pre20130107-r5 - dpmi.c: fatal error: version.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883629 - "app-editors/zile-2.6.2-r2 - error: Package gee-0.8 not found in specified Vala API directories or GObject-Introspection GIR direct" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883631 - "dev-perl/PerlIO-Layers-0.12.0 - /.../perl.h: fatal error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883637 - "<app-metrics/prometheus-2.40.4 app-metrics/prometheus-bin: basic authentication bypass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:883639 - "[Tracker] Prometheus basic authentication bypass via exporter-toolkit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883657 - "dev-perl/Search-Xapian- - /.../perl.h: fatal error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883659 - "app-crypt/dieharder-3.31.1-r4 - prototype is deprecated in all versions of C [-Wstrict-prototypes]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883663 - "sci-biology/clustalw-mpi-0.13-r3 - stupid.c: error: implicit declaration of function pforward_pass [-Werror=implicit-function-decl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883665 - "[Tracker] Denial of service in Go's net/http" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883667 - "[Tracker] Denial of service in Go's crypto/ssh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883669 - "media-sound/qmmp-2.1.5 bump request (requires Qt >=6.2)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883675 - "sci-astronomy/wcslib-7.11 - ar: cel_f.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883691 - "<www-apps/moodle-{3.11.12,4.0.6}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:883703 - "dev-perl/Ogg-Vorbis-Header-0.110.0 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): Header.xs:183:12: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion returning SV (aka struct sv ) from a function with result type int [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883705 - "dev-perl/PGPLOT-2.270.0 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): pgfun.c:47:1: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit int [-Werror,-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883735 - "www-client/w3mmee-0.3.2_p24-r12 - fm.h: fatal error: funcname1.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883737 - "sci-mathematics/calc- - /.../ld: cannot find -lcustcalc: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883743 - "app-editors/zile-2.6.2-r2 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883745 - "dev-perl/Alien-LibGumbo-0.50.0-r2 - Cant locate .../ModuleBuild.pm line 25." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883747 - "dev-ruby/tokyocabinet-1.32.0-r1 - tokyocabinet.c: error: incompatible function pointer types passing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883751 - "dev-perl/Safe-Hole-0.140.0 - /.../perl.h: fatal error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883753 - "dev-perl/BSD-Resource-1.291.100-r2 - Unable to build!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883755 - "app-backup/amanda-3.5.1-r3 - /.../perl.h: fatal error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883767 - "dev-libs/libdbusmenu-16.04.0-r2 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883777 - "<dev-libs/capnproto-0.10.4: out-of-bounds read" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:883809 - "sys-fs/multipath-tools: add proper USE=split-usr handling or move into /usr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883821 - "[guru] gnome-extra/junction-1.6-r1 installs .desktop files with MimeType but does not update desktop mimeinfo cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883823 - "[guru] gnome-extra/junction-1.6-r1 installs icons but does not update icon cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883849 - "media-libs/simage-1.8.3 installs pkg-config files that do not respect libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883875 - "x11-misc/lineakd-0.9.0-r3 - mkdir: cannot create directory .libs: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883889 - "dev-lang/jwasm-2.13 - error: error: error: unableunable tounableto opentoopen outputopenoutput fileoutput .../lqueue.o: NosuchNo s" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883891 - "sci-biology/wise-2.4.0_alpha-r1 - int (const char , const char ); ISO C99 and later do not support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:883893 - "games-board/gnushogi-1.4.1-r1 - deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884003 - "net-irc/muh-2.2a-r2 - configure: error: ansi-c headers are required!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884007 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.9.3-r1 - /.../install: cannot stat ../.../large_fd_set.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884009 - "net-analyzer/nsat-1.5-r6 - SockSet.cpp:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to AuditSet::AuditSet()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884015 - "net-misc/hylafaxplus-7.0.6-r1 - Incompatible/missing ZLIB Library." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884019 - "dev-db/mysql-8.0.31-r1 - Unknown CMake command CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884051 - "x11-libs/gtk+-2.24.33-r2 - /.../gtkalias.h::509476: error: warning: macro expansion producing defined has undefined behavior [-Wex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884091 - "dev-python/tavern: multiple missynced dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884125 - "app-editors/pluma-plugins-1.26.0-r1 fails to compile: Package pluma, required by virtual:world, not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884129 - "dev-db/firebird- does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884141 - "dev-python/subunit-1.4.2 fails to compile: RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884183 - "dev-db/firebird- - collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884207 - "app-forensics/aide-0.17.4-r3 - configure: error: You dont have zlib properly installed. Install it or try --without-zlib." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884245 - "sys-libs/libnbd-1.18.1 passed test suite but did not execute any tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884247 - "sys-libs/libnbd-1.18.1-r1 calls commands that do not exist: no" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884267 - "net-libs/gsoap-2.8.114-r1 - /.../ld: cannot find -ly: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884269 - "net-irc/rhapsody-0.28b - a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884279 - "dev-ml/lablgl-1.06-r1 - ml_glarray.c: fatal error: raw_tags.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884281 - "app-cdr/cuetools-1.4.1-r1 - /.../ld: ../.../libcuefile.a(toc_parse.o):(.bss+<snip>): multiple definition of yyss; ../.../libcuefil" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884293 - "app-cdr/cuecue-0.2.2-r5 - ld.lld: error: .../Scrt1.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884317 - "sys-libs/libapparmor-3.0.4 - scanner.l: fatal error: grammar.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884319 - "app-text/dictd-1.13.0-r3 - cc1: fatal error: servparse.c: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884321 - "app-i18n/uim-1.8.9-r1 - checking whether to have gosh and GaUnit... ERROR: cannot find .../lib /usr/share/gauche-0.98/0.9.12/lib)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884329 - "media-libs/freeimage-3.18.0-r8 - ld.lld: error: unable to find library -lomp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884331 - "media-sound/audiotools-3.1.1-r2 - src/.../alac.c: error: call to undeclared function total_frame_sizes; ISO C99 and later do not s" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884339 - "net-misc/hylafaxplus-7.0.6-r1 - /.../bash:line <snip>: sman.apps/faxsetup.linux.1m: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884357 - "dev-lang/lazarus-2.2.0 - /.../cp: cannot create regular file .../freetypelaz.compiled: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884359 - "app-accessibility/mbrola-3.3-r1 - error: unable to open output file .../database_old.o: No" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884395 - "llvm-core/clang: check whether needs adaptation for IEEE long double" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884417 - "[Tracker] Failures with -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884423 - "install-qa-check.d/60pkgconfig: libdir check wrongly uses ${ED} instead of ${EROOT}?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884471 - "[guru] sys-cluster/kops-bin-1.25.3 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884483 - "dev-util/cproto-4.7u fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): clang-15: error: no such file or directory: y.tab.c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884485 - "dev-util/crash-8.0.1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): sh: line 1: go-exp.c.tmp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884487 - "dev-util/cutils-1.6-r5 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): mv: cannot stat y.tab.c: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884507 - "sys-apps/mount-gtk- - dialogs.cpp: error: too few arguments to function int close(int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884511 - "x11-wm/amiwm-0.22.01_p20200826 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884525 - "dev-util/rbtools-4.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884531 - "sci-mathematics/picosat-965 fails to compile: picomcs.c:(.text.startup+0x4ad): undefined reference to picosat_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884547 - "dev-util/ftjam-2.5.3_rc2-r3 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): mv: cannot stat y.tab.c: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884549 - "www-client/chromium-108.0.5359.94 failed to emerge (error: inlining failed in call to ‘always_inline’ ‘vdotq_u32’: target specific option mismatch)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884561 - "sys-apps/nawk-20220122-r1 - awkgram.tab.c: error: redefinition of yylen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884569 - "lxde-base/lxdm: can't "switch user" from within KDE Plasma" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884609 - "dev-db/percona-server- - cc1plus: all warnings being treated as errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884615 - "net-print/foo2zjs-20200221 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884625 - "sci-visualization/kst-2.0.8-r2 - /.../algorithm: error: copy_n is not a member of std (sci-libs/gsl bug?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884627 - "net-misc/mulk-0.7.0-r1 - checksum.h: error: MD2_DIGEST_LENGTH undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884663 - "dev-vcs/gitg-41 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): gitg-ext-message-bus.c:440:6: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning to GType (aka unsigned long) from gconstpointer (aka const void ) [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884687 - "[guru] dev-python/stdlibs-2022.6.8 fails tests (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884689 - "[guru] dev-python/transaction-3.0.1-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): Could not import extension repoze.sphinx.autointerface (exception: No module named repoze)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884697 - "[guru] dev-util/gammaray-2.11.3 fails tests (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884709 - "games-arcade/commandergenius-2.4.0-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): miniunz.c:627:68: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion passing const char to parameter of type int [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884749 - "dev-util/patchutils-0.4.2 - configure: error: in /.../patchutils-0.4.2:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884751 - "media-libs/plotutils-2.6-r2 - gram.cc: error: conflicting declaration of C function char getenv()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884777 - "[guru] games-puzzle/atris-1.0.7 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: -a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884779 - "games-board/xscrabble-2.10-r4 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): mess.c:101:17: error: incompatible function pointer types initializing XtActionProc (aka void ()(struct _WidgetRec , union _XEvent , char , unsigned int )) with an expression of type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884785 - "media-sound/linuxsampler-2.2.0 - lscp.y: error: yyprhs was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884791 - "Enable -DNDEBUG by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884821 - "www-plugins/lightspark- - /.../Dictionary.cpp: error: std::allocator<std::pair<lightspark::ASObject const, lightspark::asAt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884823 - "games-emulation/lxdream-0.9.1-r4 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): gdrom.c:157:25: error: call to undeclared function htonl; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884827 - "games-emulation/zsnes-2.0.10 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): fatal error: the sse unit is not supported with this instruction set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884829 - "games-fps/avp-20150214-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): avp_menus.c:3242:14: error: incompatible function pointer types assigning to int ()(char , int, int, int, enum AVPMENUFORMAT_ID) from int (const char , int, int, int, enum AVPMENUFORMAT_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884831 - "games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): error: trigraphs was enabled in PCH file but is currently disabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884835 - "[guru] media-gfx/azpainter-3.0.4 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): ld: libmlk.a(mlk_zlib.o): undefined reference to symbol deflateInit_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884837 - "dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2.1.28-r4 - ln: failed to create symbolic link ./gssapi.c: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884849 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: euse -E shouldn't exit when USE flag is not defined in use.desc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884859 - "app-containers/buildah: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:884867 - "sci-mathematics/picosat-965 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): picosat.c:8150:10: fatal error: unistd.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884879 - "pkgdev manifest warning about no profile detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884913 - "[guru] net-misc/tooth-9999 fetches file(s) that do not match recorded size" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884917 - "games-sports/foobillard-3.0a-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): font.c:439:57: error: incompatible function pointer types passing void (GLenum) (aka void (unsigned int)) to parameter of type _GLUfuncptr (aka void ()(void)) [-Werror,-Wincompatib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884921 - "games-strategy/xbattleai-1.2.2-r2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884925 - "games-util/uglygs-0_rc11-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): config.c:268:9: error: call to undeclared function parse_config_file; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884971 - "[jkolo] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884975 - "[kaa] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884987 - "[miramir] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:884995 - "[pdilung] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885027 - "mail-client/bower-0.12 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885043 - "mail-filter/bmf-0.9.4-r4 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): lex.c:189:36: error: parameter c was not declared, defaults to int; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit int [-Werror,-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885045 - "[guru] sci-electronics/circt-1.14.0 fails tests (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): top.mlir:9:16: error: CHECK-NEXT: is not on the line after the previous match" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885059 - "mail-filter/mapson-3.3.1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): fastmint_library.c:92:17: error: call to undeclared function SHA1_Transform; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885061 - "mail-mta/netqmail-1.06-r16 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): error: sig_term.ccall to undeclared function lseek; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885063 - "mail-mta/notqmail-1.08-r6 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): seek_cur.c:7:10: error: call to undeclared function lseek; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885065 - "dev-lang/lfe-2.0.1 - cp: cannot create regular file ebin/lfe.app: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885075 - "app-arch/libarchive: installed .pc file references iconv in Requires.private, but iconv lacks a pkgconfig file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885301 - "media-gfx/librecad-2.1.3-r7 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): rs_actiondrawcircletan2.cpp:49:26: error: backing array for std::initializer_list member enTypeList is a temporary object whose lifetime would be shorter than the lifetime of the const" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885303 - "media-gfx/sane-frontends-1.0.14-r6 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): make: No rule to make target install" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885313 - "gnome-extra/libgda-5.2.9-r1 - objects-cloud.c: error: _common_marshal_VOID_ENUM_STRING undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885327 - "kde-frameworks/kirigami-5.103.0 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885351 - "[guru] sys-apps/systemd-bootchart-234 fails tests (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885357 - "dev-haskell/commonmark-extensions- - src/.../FancyList.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885361 - "sci-libs/mkl-2023.1.0.46342 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885371 - "[guru] sys-libs/nss-tls-1.1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): meson.build:56:0: ERROR: Dependency "libsoup-2.4" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885379 - "[guru] sys-devel/fcode-utils-1.0.3 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885381 - "[guru] sys-devel/fcode-utils-1.0.3 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885383 - "portage deadlock while simulations emerge calls" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885417 - "media-plugins/gst-plugins-sndio- fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): sndiosrc.c:209:27: error: incompatible function pointer types assigning to guint ()(GstAudioSrc , gpointer, guint, GstClockTime ) (aka unsigned int ()(struct _GstAudioSrc ," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885421 - "media-libs/soxr-0.1.3-r1 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885435 - "dev-lang/julia-1.8.5-r1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885437 - "net-irc/emech-3.0.99_p20221123 fails tests: alias.c:57:9: error: dodebug undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885453 - "gnome-extra/polkit-gnome-0.105-r2 - configure: error: Package requirements (polkit-agent-1 >= 0.97) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885455 - "lxde-base/lxsession-0.5.5 - configure: error: Package requirements (polkit-agent-1) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885465 - "[guru] dev-lang/hare-0_pre20221031 calls as directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885467 - "dev-libs/nspr-4.35 fails test - /.../testfile.c: error: incompatible function pointer types passing void ( )(void ) to parameter o" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885469 - "dev-perl/Digest-CRC-0.230.0 - /.../perl.h: fatal error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885473 - "dev-perl/Module-Build-XSUtil-0.190.0 fails test - # Failed test at t/01_build.t line 19." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885489 - "sys-process/numactl-2.0.16 fails test - cat: .../cpulist: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885493 - "dev-perl/RedisDB-Parser-2.230.0 - /.../perl.h: fatal error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885495 - "media-libs/tiff-4.4.0-r2 fails test - FAIL: testdeflatelaststripextradata.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885503 - "sci-physics/lhapdf-6.5.4 - ./configure:line <snip>: test: syntax error: -march=native unexpected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885505 - "net-misc/memcached-1.6.17 - /.../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld.bfd: cannot find .../libclang_rt.profile-x86_64.a: No such file or directo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885507 - "media-plugins/gst-plugins-sndio: HOMEPAGE gone?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885533 - "media-sound/sexypsf-0.4.8 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): PsxMem.c:81:47: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning to char from u32 (aka unsigned int) [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885545 - "dev-lang/vala-0.56.3 fails test - FAIL: delegates/params-array.vala" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885549 - "media-libs/zvbi-0.2.35-r2 fails test - /.../libzvbi.h: error: invalid UTF-8 in comment [-Werror,-Winvalid-utf8]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885553 - "x11-libs/gtkmathview-0.8.0-r4 - SVG_RenderingContext.cc: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885555 - "dev-util/xdelta-3.0.11-r1 fails test - testing/file.h: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885557 - "sys-apps/uutils-coreutils-0.0.15 fails test - test test_df::test_file_column_width_if_filename_contains_unicode_chars FAILED" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885565 - "net-irc/znc-1.8.2-r2 fails test - FAILED: .../inttest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885569 - "dev-scheme/cyclone-0.35.0 fails test - ld.lld: error: .../Scrt1.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885579 - "dev-cpp/opentelemetry-cpp-1.6.0 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885581 - "games-strategy/dopewars-1.6.1 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ranlib: .libs/libsound_sdl.a: malformed archive" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885585 - "media-libs/libgphoto2-2.5.30 fails test - /.../test-pedantic-compilation.c: error: a function declaration without a prototype is d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885589 - "sys-libs/pam: proposal for new defaults for pam_limits" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:885599 - "media-video/recordmydesktop- fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): rmd_get_frame.crmd_capture_sound.c::205100::2729:: error: error: call to undeclared library function malloc with type void (unsigned long); ISO C99 and later do not support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885617 - "sys-devel/binutils-2.39-r4, sys-devel/binutils-2.40-r2: fails ld-ifunc/pr23169b test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885623 - "dev-scheme/scm-5.5.6-r4 - crs.c: error: incompatible function pointer types initializing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885625 - "dev-db/textsearch_ja-9.0.0 - make: .../clang: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885629 - "dev-util/cram-0.7-r2 fails test - ERROR: dev-util/cram-0.7-r2::gentoo failed (test phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885631 - "dev-cpp/gulrak-filesystem-1.5.12 - ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885639 - "dev-haskell/alsa-mixer-0.3.0 - /.../floatn-common.h:214: (column 23) [ERROR] >>> Syntax error !" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885659 - "[fem-overlay] app-emulation/xen-sriov-0.2020705 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885701 - "net-ftp/yafc-1.3.7-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): completion.c:(.text+0x3ef): undefined reference to strlcpy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885725 - "[fem-overlay] media-video/bmusb-0.7.6-r1 fails to compile: bmusb.cpp:641:16: error: target attribute takes one argument" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885739 - "app-admin/lnav-0.11.0 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885741 - "app-admin/pass-otp-1.2.0-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885765 - "net-irc/znc-1.8.2-r2 installs pkg-config files that do not respect libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885769 - "net-dns/knot-3.2.9 - libknot/.../eth.c: error: implicit declaration of function bpf_get_link_xdp_info [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885771 - "net-libs/cvm-0.97-r2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld.bfd: libpwcmp.a(client.o): undefined reference to symbol crypt@@XCRYPT_2.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885777 - "[fem-overlay] media-video/mxflib-1.0.1 fails to compile: smartptr.h:506:48: error: member reference base type SmartPtr<T> is not a structure or union" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885783 - "app-backup/amanda-3.5.1-r5 calls commands that do not exist: let" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885787 - "app-cdr/cdck-0.7.0-r3 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): checking version of x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc .. configure: 18125: exec: 15: not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885795 - "llvm-core/llvm: build failure on PPC with >= sys-devel/gcc-11(?) with -fsanitize=undefined (Error: operand out of range)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885805 - "net-libs/rest-0.9.1-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885827 - "PROPERTIES token for binary (non-source) packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885841 - "net-mail/popa3d-1.0.2-r2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): virtual.c:230:14: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion passing int to parameter of type const char [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885869 - "net-mail/queue-fix-1.4-r3 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): queue-fix.c:144:21: error: call to undeclared function chown; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885871 - "net-mail/serialmail-0.75-r5 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): config.c:82:5: error: call to undeclared function close; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885875 - "net-misc/gnome-remote-desktop-43.2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): grd-rdp-audio-playback.c:517:3: error: initializer element is not a compile-time constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885877 - "net-misc/ipsvd-1.0.0-r2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): udpsvd.c:271:32: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion passing gid_t[61] (aka unsigned int[61]) to parameter of type unsigned long [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885881 - "net-misc/smbc-1.2.2-r3 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): fnet.c:62:3: error: function definition is not allowed here" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885887 - "app-crypt/pkcs11-dump-0.3.4 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): config.status: 1369: shift: cant shift that many" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885889 - "app-crypt/sbsigntools-0.9.4 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): x509: Error on line 1 of config file "ca.cnf"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885891 - "dev-libs/opencryptoki-3.6.1-r1 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): slotmgr.h:313:19: error: SBIN_PATH undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885895 - "app-editors/padre-1.0.0-r2 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885915 - "[ahyangyi-overlay] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885941 - "[pigfoot] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885961 - "net-print/cndrvcups-common-lb-3.70 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): printerinfo.c:204:11: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning to const char from int [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:885973 - "app-i18n/ibus-1.5.27 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): FAIL: ibus-compose - xkb-latin-layouts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886009 - "app-text/mupdf: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886027 - "www-apps/wordpress: SSRF" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:886041 - "[guru] dev-embedded/arachne-pnr-0_p20180827 fails to compile: util.hh:191:24: error: moving a local object in a return statement prevents copy elision [-Werror=pessimizing-move]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886053 - "[guru] app-crypt/ifcplugin-bin- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886055 - "[guru] app-text/the-platinum-searcher-bin-2.2.0 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886057 - "[guru] app-text/the-platinum-searcher-bin-2.2.0 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886061 - "net-wireless/uhd- fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): ssse3_pack_sc12.cpp:79:10: error: always_inline function _mm_shuffle_epi8 requires target feature ssse3, but would be inlined into function convert_star_4_to_sc12_item32_3 that is compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886063 - "sci-libs/atlas-3.10.2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): ATLrun.sh: line 4: 310 Segmentation fault $" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886065 - "sci-biology/wise-2.4.0_alpha-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): compressed_protein_index.dy:223:10: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion returning void from a function with result type boolean (aka int) [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886071 - "app-laptop/pbbuttonsd-0.8.1a installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886073 - "app-misc/dateutils-0.4.9 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): FAIL: dzone.008.ctst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886077 - "app-misc/kanatest-0.4.8 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): install: cannot stat de.mo: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886107 - "sci-chemistry/mpqc-2.3.1-r4 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld.bfd: libSCdft.so: undefined reference to sc::SCF::init_threads()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886109 - "app-office/gtg-0.6-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named icalendar" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886135 - "sci-electronics/gnucap-20210107 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): ld: cannot find -ltermcap: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886139 - "sci-electronics/gwave-20190116 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): sp2sp.c:237:16: error: call to undeclared function fopen64; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886141 - "app-office/texstudio-4.3.1-r1 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): Project ERROR: poppler-qt5 development package not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886145 - "net-misc/mrouted-4.4 - file collision with sys-libs/glibc-2.36-r6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886161 - "app-shells/fish-3.5.1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): 93 - check-completions.fish / 166 - redirect.fish" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886165 - "app-text/diffpdf-2.1.3-r2 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): generic.hpp:15:10: fatal error: poppler-qt5.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886167 - "sci-electronics/magic-8.3.309-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): grTOGL1.c:22:10: fatal error: gl.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886169 - "sci-geosciences/gmt-6.4.0 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): common_sighandler.c:190:73: error: call to undeclared function strsignal; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886171 - "sci-geosciences/grass-8.2.0-r2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld.bfd: libgrass_gpde.8.2.so: undefined reference to __kmpc_end_critical" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886173 - "sci-geosciences/gmt-6.3.0 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886253 - "app-text/djvu-3.5.28-r3 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886255 - "dev-libs/collada-dom-2.5.0-r1 adds debug flags (-g/-ggdb) on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886257 - "dev-libs/collada-dom-2.5.0-r1 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886267 - "media-gfx/mandelbulber-2.28-r1 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886271 - "media-libs/opencv-4.6.0-r4 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886277 - "sci-libs/gerris-20131206-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): Pointers cannot be stored in doubles on this architecture" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886281 - "sci-libs/kim-api-2.2.1 installs pkg-config files that do not respect libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886285 - "app-text/katarakt-0.2 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): Package poppler-qt5, required by virtual:world, not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886287 - "app-text/llpp-33 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): link.c:642:42: error: pdf_document {aka struct pdf_document} has no member named rev_page_count" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886291 - "app-text/psiconv-0.8.3-r1 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): html_links.sh: 3: function: not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886293 - "app-text/psiconv-0.8.3-r1 calls commands that do not exist: Magick-config" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886299 - "app-text/sdcv-0.5.4 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): 10 - t_datadir (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886301 - "app-text/unrtf-0.21.10 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886305 - "dev-libs/tvision-2.2.3 - ld.lld: error: .../crti.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886313 - "app-pda/jpilot-2.0.1 - todo_gui.c: fatal error: slcurses.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886321 - "dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1 fails tests: http_repository - catalog_test - dns" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886323 - "sci-visualization/paraview-5.11.0_rc2-r1 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886329 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.16.3_pre1-r1 adds debug flags (-g/-ggdb) on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886331 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.16.3_pre1-r1 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886335 - "dev-libs/papi- overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886337 - "media-gfx/quat-1.20-r3 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886339 - "sys-process/tiptop-2.3.1_p4_p20221211 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886351 - "sys-apps/nawk-20220122-r1 - awkgram.tab.c: error: expected identifier at end of input" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886456 - "sci-libs/libxc-5.1.7 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): libtool.m4: error: problem compiling FC test program" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886457 - "sci-libs/mc-1.5 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): estim.c:714:18: error: call to undeclared function Aprx_markRefineDorfler; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886458 - "sci-libs/miopen-5.1.3-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): clang-15: error: unable to execute command: Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886459 - "sci-libs/netcdf-fortran-4.5.4 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): configure: error: Fortran could not compile .f90 files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886461 - "sci-libs/punc-1.5 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): main.c:115:1: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit int [-Werror,-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886462 - "sci-libs/qd-2.3.23 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): configure: error: Fortran does not accept free-form source" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886463 - "sci-libs/qfits-6.2.0 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): qextract.c:69:14: error: call to undeclared function qfits_query_n_ext; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886464 - "sci-libs/silo-4.11-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): silo_hdf5.c:1869:13: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion passing char to parameter of type const char ; take the address with & [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886466 - "sci-libs/superlu_mt-3.1-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): psgssvx.c:580:2: error: call to undeclared function sp_colorder; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886467 - "sci-libs/taucs-2.2-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): taucs_blas_nounderscore_test.c:(.text+0xa8): undefined reference to dgemm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886470 - "dev-cpp/metslib-0.5.3 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): mets.hh:116:4: error: #error "Unable to find unordered_map header file Please use a recent C++ compiler supporting TR1 extension."" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886478 - "sci-biology/embassy-signature-0.1.660-r1 - file collision with app-admin/tripwire-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886484 - "sys-devel/gcc - Generates invalid -march option when ARMv8 sha3 extensions present" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886489 - "dev-util/ply-2.3.0 - invalid option: --header-file=lexer.hreflex [options] [file ]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886497 - "<media-video/ffmpeg-5.1: null pointer dereference" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886503 - "Docker: disband (merge into Containers)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886533 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-verve-plugin: migrate to dev-libs/libpcre2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886537 - "www-servers/nginx: drop support for obsolete dev-libs/libpcre" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886539 - "dev-libs/modsecurity: drop support for obsolete dev-libs/libpcre" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886589 - "dev-ml/ppx_deriving-5.2.1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): Error: Files findlib_dynload.cmxa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886597 - "sci-mathematics/prover9-2009.11a-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): select.c:236:44: error: parameter max_constrained was not declared, defaults to int; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit int [-Werror,-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886605 - "sci-visualization/quickplot-1.0.1_rc operates on file that does not exist: REPO_VERSION" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886609 - "sci-visualization/xd3d-8.3.1-r2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): x11device.c:371:2: error: call to undeclared function x11ColormapRVB_; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886611 - "dev-db/libdbi-drivers-0.9.0-r3 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886623 - "dev-lang/mercury-22.01.1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886631 - "[guru] sys-kernel/usermode-kernel-6.0.12 fails to compile: tar: Option --owner=0 is not supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:886991 - "dev-qt/qtdeclarative-5.15.7-r1 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887023 - "dev-libs/libIDL-0.8.14-r4 - configure: error: flex is required to create the libIDL scanner" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887047 - "sys-apps/systemd[gnuefi] sys-apps/systemd-utils[boot] fails to compile with llvm-objcopy (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): error: unknown argument --section-alignment=512" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887057 - "net-libs/gsoap-2.8.114-r1 - symbol2.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to yylineno" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887065 - "<dev-haskell/xml-conduit- infinite loop via crafted xml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:887085 - "sys-libs/slang: migrate to dev-libs/libpcre2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887107 - "dev-games/clanlib-2.3.7-r4 calls commands that do not exist: pcre-config" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887115 - "sys-firmware/seabios-1.16.0 fails to compile with clang: error: unknown argument: -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887121 - "sys-cluster/gasnet-1.32.0 installs pkg-config files that do not respect libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887123 - "sys-cluster/libquo-1.3.1-r2 installs less files with clang stricter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887129 - "sci-mathematics/libpoly-0.1.11 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): factorization.c:1269:7: error: variable enabled_count set but not used [-Werror,-Wunused-but-set-variable]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887131 - "dev-libs/kpublictransport-22.12.0 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): 35 - cachetest (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887135 - "dev-libs/modsecurity-3.0.12 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): configure: error: YAJL was explicitly referenced but it was not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887137 - "dev-libs/opencryptoki-3.6.1-r1 calls commands that do not exist: configure: 15253 .. not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887143 - "dev-libs/rocr-runtime-4.3.0 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): fatal error: cannot open file opencl.bc: Opaque pointers are only supported in -opaque-pointers mode (Producer: LLVM15.0.6 Reader: LLVM 14.0.0roc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887145 - "dev-libs/s2n-1.0.0 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887149 - "media-sound/snd-22.9 - audio.c: fatal error: samplerate.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887155 - "sys-apps/ipmiutil-3.1.8 - file collision with sys-apps/renameutils-0.12.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887159 - "sys-apps/sysvinit-3.06 - Error: msgmerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887161 - "dev-libs/libbytesize-2.7 - msgmerge: error while loading shared libraries: libgomp.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887171 - "[TRACKER] Ubuntu Indicators to Ayatana Indicators Transition" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887185 - "sys-process/ctop-0.7.7 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): network is unreachable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887189 - "dev-libs/udis86-1.7.2-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): difftest.sh: 33: function: not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887231 - "dev-lisp/alexandria-1.4 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): You dont have a working TeX binary (tex) installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887241 - "dev-lang/ghc-8.10.6-r1 - rts/.../Signals.c: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887285 - "dev-lang/go-1.19.4: cgo runtime sets -Werror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887315 - "[guru] app-misc/brightnessctl-0.5.1 adds debug flags (-g/-ggdb) on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887329 - "www-client/w3mmee-0.3.2_p24-r12 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): etc.c:927:1: error: conflicting types for strerror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887337 - "x11-libs/gtk+-2.24.33-r2 calls commands that do not exist: ac_fn_c_try_run" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887345 - "dev-perl/Config-AutoConf-0.320.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887347 - "dev-python/httpx-socks-0.7.5 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887349 - "dev-python/tiny-proxy-0.1.1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887361 - "dev-perl/Expect-1.350.0-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887385 - "dev-util/rocminfo-6.1.2 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887389 - "net-dialup/freeradius-3.2.0 - grep: write error: Broken pipe" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887399 - "[guru] dev-embedded/arachne-pnr-0_p20180827 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887401 - "[guru] dev-embedded/arachne-pnr-0_p20180827 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887409 - "sci-mathematics/prover9-2009.11a - /.../ld: cannot find index_lits.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887415 - "[guru] dev-lang/aldor-1.2.0_p20190730-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): oslow.c:705:36: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion passing FiWord (aka unsigned long) to parameter of type PFmt6 (aka struct Fmt6 ) [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887417 - "[guru] dev-lang/fbc-bootstrap-1.08.1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): fb.c:1471:2: fatal error: indirect goto in function with no address-of-label expressions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887425 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-1.1 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887451 - "[guru] dev-libs/sirit-0_p20220725 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887455 - "dev-lang/mlton-20180207 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887457 - "[guru] dev-lisp/PSL-6.1_p20210604 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): lisp2.c:849:13: error: parameter c was not declared, defaults to int; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit int [-Werror,-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887471 - "app-accessibility/speech-tools-2.5.0-r1 - kvl_example.cc:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to std::ostream::put(char)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887493 - "[Tracker] Build failures with media-libs/libraw-0.21" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887545 - "dev-scheme/chicken-5.3.0 - /.../install: cannot stat libchicken.so: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887585 - "sys-apps/portage feature request: allow specifying default etc-update and dispatch-conf file for auto resolution during emerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887619 - "x11-misc/gmrun-1.4w-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): ERROR: stdio.h is required" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887623 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-encryption-3.1-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): keys.c:99:59: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion passing time_t (aka long) to parameter of type time_t (aka long ) [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887629 - "dev-perl/Proc-Daemon-0.230.0-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887631 - "dev-perl/Search-Sitemap-2.130.0 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887641 - "[guru] games-action/netrek-brmh-2.6.0 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): main.c:1060:21: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion passing int to parameter of type int ; take the address with & [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887643 - "[guru] games-action/netrek-brmh-2.6.0 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): death.c:33:13: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit int [-Werror,-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887645 - "[guru] games-board/openriichi- fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): OpenGLRenderer.c:2707:101: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion passing int to parameter of type const void [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887647 - "[guru] games-emulation/np2kai-22_p20210211 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): fontmng.c:477:37: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion passing SDL_Surface (aka struct SDL_Surface ) to parameter of type Uint16 (aka unsigned short) [-Wint" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887655 - "[guru] dev-python/httptools-0.1.1 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887667 - "[guru] games-action/blackvoxel-2.50 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887689 - "media-fonts/unifont-14.0.03 - /.../sh:line <snip>: unifont_csur.hex: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887693 - "app-office/libreoffice- - /.../ld: cannot find -ljawt: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887699 - "x11-plugins/wmmp3-0.12-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887733 - "[guru] media-fonts/unscii-2.1 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887755 - "sys-apps/portage: include app-alternatives/* USE flags in emerge --info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887765 - "dev-php/scrypt-1.4.2 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): crypto_scrypt-nosse.c:238:31: error: expected ) before TSRMLS_CC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887771 - "[guru] media-video/kikoplay-0.8.2 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): mediainfo.cpp:(.text+0x1be0): undefined reference to GlobalObjects::normalFont" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887773 - "[guru] media-libs/amdvlk-2023.1.1 compiles in src_install phase" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887775 - "[guru] media-libs/amdvlk-2024.3.1 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887785 - "[guru] media-sound/zita-ajbridge-0.8.4-r1 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887803 - "dev-perl/Math-Pari fails to compile on hppa: error: missing '(' after predicate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887841 - "x11-wm/xpra-4.3.4 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): clang-15: error: unknown argument: -fpreprocessed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887843 - "dev-python/GitPython-3.1.27 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887847 - "dev-python/amodem-1.15.3-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887849 - "dev-python/apipkg-3.0.1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887859 - "dev-python/dirty-equals-0.5.0 fails tests with pypy3 7.3.10 (?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887873 - "[guru] net-p2p/monero- fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): threadpool.h:96:10: error: no template named deque in namespace std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887889 - "[guru] net-misc/can-utils-2023.03 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887899 - "[guru] net-misc/xmrig-mo-6.21.2 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887901 - "[guru] [HELP] net-nntp/inn-2.6.5 compiles in src_install phase" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887907 - "[guru] sci-electronics/bluespec-2023.07 adds debug flags (-g/-ggdb) on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887909 - "[guru] sci-electronics/bluespec-2023.07 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887911 - "[guru] sci-electronics/bluespec-2023.07 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887915 - "[guru] sci-electronics/kactus2-3.10.0 compiles in src_install phase" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887935 - "dev-python/elementpath-3.0.2 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): Error: unsupported locale setting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:887987 - "[guru] sci-mathematics/mccs-1.1 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): cudf.c:674:16: error: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier [-Wreserved-user-defined-literal]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888013 - "dev-python/irc-20.1.0 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888027 - "[guru] sys-fs/ddrescueview-0.4.5 fails to compile (CLANG-STRICTER-SYSTEM): ddrescueview.lpr(25,10) Fatal: (10022) Cant find unit Interfaces used by ddrescueview" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888101 - "app-eselect/eselect-repository-13: confusing terminology "enabled" vs "installed"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888143 - "dev-python/metakernel-0.29.4 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888151 - "[guru] x11-plugins/purple-mm-sms-0.1.7 adds debug flags (-g/-ggdb) on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888153 - "[guru] x11-plugins/purple-mm-sms-0.1.7 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888157 - "[guru] x11-wm/dk-1.7 overwrites user's optimization (-O*)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888177 - "emerge --resume (or --keep-going) fails because of circular dependencies for rust update with USE=system-bootstrap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888189 - "acct-user.eclass - usermod fails if the uid, username, or homedir is changed for a running process" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888193 - "dev-python/oslo-config-9.0.0 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named sphinx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888231 - "[fem-overlay] x11-plugins/pidgin-carbons-0.2.3 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888473 - "x11-wm/stumpwm-22.05_p20220818 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888497 - "sys-block/gpart-0.3-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888501 - "dev-ruby/actionpack-action_caching-1.2.2 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): dependency.rb:313:in to_specs: Could not find activerecord (< 7) - did find: [activerecord-7.0.4] (Gem::MissingSpecVersionError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888505 - "dev-ruby/autoprefixer-rails- fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888535 - "dev-ruby/console-1.16.2 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): NoMethodError: undefined method call for Sus::Be:Class" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888537 - "dev-ruby/faraday-1.3.1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888553 - "sci-astronomy/montage-5.0 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ar: util/checkFile.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888565 - "dev-ruby/faraday-net_http-1.0.1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888567 - "dev-ruby/hashie-4.1.0-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888575 - "x11-libs/libcryptui-3.12.2-r2 - configure: error: Appropriate version of GnuPG not found. Please install one of versions: 1.2 1.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888583 - "x11-themes/adwaita-icon-theme-43_p1 - The ebuild phase preinst has exited unexpectedly. This type of" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888609 - "dev-debug/cgdb-0.8.0 - configure: error: Please install flex before installing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888613 - "mail-client/s-nail-14.9.24 - compile broken under musl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888647 - "sys-cluster/legion-21.09.0-r1 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888659 - "dev-libs/libpcre2: fails to install on sparc ('find: ‘cksum’: File name too long' in multilib header check)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888683 - "sys-auth/libfprint-1.94.7 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888721 - "games-emulation/advancemame-3.9 - Fatal error: cant create .../interfac.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888731 - "sci-mathematics/petsc-3.18.2 fails tests: Possible error running C++ ex19 with 1 MPI process" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888733 - "sci-mathematics/slepc-3.18.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888755 - "dev-ruby/rack-test-1.1.0-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888759 - "dev-ruby/sprockets-rails-3.4.2-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888763 - "xfce-base/xfdesktop-4.18.0 (and earlier) frequently consuming near 100% CPU for no apparent reason" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888767 - "www-client/firefox-102.6.0 - annoying output at terminal if started with a filename as a parameter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888777 - "app-arch/gzip, app-arch/bzip2: drop from @system to allow app-arch/pigz / app-arch/pbzip2 / app-arch/lbzip2 to fully replace them via app-alternatives/gzip and app-alternatives/bzip2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888779 - "dev-util/coccinelle-1.1.1-r4 - emerge hangs at few tinderbox images" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888815 - "eerror/ewarn on orphaned collisions leads to confusing emails/log files (e.g. when merging app-alternatives/sh-0)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888821 - "media-video/mplayer-1.5 with media-video/ffmpeg-4.4.3 crashes with signal 11 in libavcodec code" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888833 - "dev-util/numdiff-5.9.0 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): sh: 1: [: yes: unexpected operator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888835 - "dev-util/ignition-cmake-2.17.0 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888853 - "dev-db/firebird- - src/.../Lexer.cpp: fatal error: opening dependency file .../Lexer.d: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888855 - "app-misc/golly-4.1-r1 - Fatal error: cant create ObjGTK/qlifedraw.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888873 - "[guru] app-misc/onefetch-2.14.2 fails tests: error: test failed, to rerun pass --test repo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888874 - "[guru] app-misc/onefetch-2.15.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888884 - "Deprecate support for WHIRLPOOL in checksums" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888885 - "x11-plugins/wmxkb-1.2.2-r1 - wmxkb_xrm.c: fatal error: datadir.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888887 - "sys-apps/proot-5.3.0 - python.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to PyInit_proot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888892 - "games-board/gnome-chess-43.0 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888894 - "games-board/gnome-mahjongg-3.38.3 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888930 - "dev-lang/rust-1.66.0 fails to compile: ICE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888936 - "dev-lang/rust-1.66.0 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888938 - "sys-apps/edac-utils-0.18-r2 fails to compile: libedac.c:456:5: error: __builtin_strncpy output may be truncated copying 63 bytes from a string of length 63 [-Werror=stringop-truncation]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888944 - "games-emulation/dolphin-5.0_p20220520-r3 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888976 - "games-puzzle/five-or-more-3.32.3 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): libxml2.parserError: Reference to default namespace not in scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888982 - "app-crypt/gpgme-1.18.0-r2 fails test - FAIL! : TestRemarks::testRemarkReplaceSingleUIDExportable() remark returned FALSE. ()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:888988 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-base-1.20.4 fails test - FAILED: meson-internal_test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889000 - "games-puzzle/quadra-1.3.0 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): input.h:26:10: fatal error: SDL.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889012 - "games-simulation/EmptyEpsilon-2022.10.28 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889016 - "dev-db/cockroach-19.1.1-r1 - go: cannot find main module, but found Gopkg.lock in /var/tmp/portage/dev-db/cockroach-19.1.1-r1/work" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889018 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1 - ../.../predtype.d: fatal error: arilev0.c: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889042 - "dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.15.7_p20221122 fails to compile: common-operator.h:599:34: error: call to non-constexpr function v8::internal::compiler::IrOpcode::Value v8::internal::compiler::Node::opcode() const" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889048 - "gnome-extra/gnome-calculator-43.0.1 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): libxml2.parserError: Reference to default namespace not in scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889050 - "gnome-extra/gnome-clocks-43.0 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): libxml2.parserError: Reference to default namespace not in scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889054 - "dev-cpp/atkmm-2.28.3 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): meson.build:112:0: ERROR: Automatic wrap-based subproject downloading is disabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889056 - "games-util/joycond-0.1.0_p20220720-r1 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889058 - "media-libs/libmad-0.15.1b-r10 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889060 - "gui-libs/gtksourceview-5.6.1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889062 - "gui-libs/libhandy-1.8.0 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889064 - "net-misc/sks-1.1.6_p20200624-r1 - Error: Unbound module Bdb" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889066 - "sys-power/powerstat-0.02.27 - powerstat.c: error: static declaration of strlcpy follows non-static declaration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889068 - "media-video/vcdimager-2.0.1 fails test - FAIL: check_vcd20.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889070 - "sci-physics/looptools-2.15 - econf failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889074 - "app-i18n/uim-1.8.9-r1 - ../.../module-srfi48.c: error: parameter 1 (fcap) has incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889082 - "gui-libs/tepl-5.0.1-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889084 - "lxde-base/lxappearance-0.6.3-r3 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): cursor-theme.c:25:10: fatal error: gdkx.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889144 - "dev-util/cdecl-13.0 fails test - FAIL: ac-cast_into.exp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889186 - "mail-client/clawsker-1.3.7 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889188 - "app-admin/fam-2.7.0_p17_p3 - /.../RPC_TCP_Connector.c++: error: rresvport was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889212 - "www-servers/varnish-7.1.2-r1 - configure: error: Could not find backtrace() support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889214 - "net-analyzer/sslsplit-0.5.5 - emake failed: make: /bin/sh: No file descriptors available" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889220 - "app-text/crm114-20100106-r1 leaves trace of segfault in dmesg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889222 - "dev-libs/tre-0.8.0_p20210321-r1 fails test - FAIL: run-tests.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889226 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2-r2 - inlined from writeCCSReportJson at rts/ProfilerReportJson.c: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889238 - "media-gfx/asymptote-2.83 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889240 - "media-gfx/openvdb-10.0.1 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): ninja: error: libtbb_debug.so, needed by libopenvdb.so.9.1.0, missing and no known rule to make it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889242 - "media-gfx/cellwriter-1.3.6 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): options.c:286:48: error: CELLWRITER_URL undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889276 - "x11-terms/kterm-6.2.0-r7 - main.c: error: storage size of deftio isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889288 - "net-analyzer/gvm-libs-21.4.4-r3 - cmake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889290 - "sys-apps/merge-usr should check for additional conflicts in /bin, /sbin, and /usr/sbin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:889296 - "sys-auth/nss_ldap: removal in favour of sys-auth/nss-pam-ldapd?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889316 - "[guru] net-p2p/monero- overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889332 - "app-admin/puppetdb-7.11.1 installs systemd units that use /etc/conf.d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889334 - "app-arch/pax-20201030 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889346 - "app-containers/snapd-2.58 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889356 - "media-libs/openglide-0.09_rc9_p20191120 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): configure: 18931: Bad substitution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889358 - "media-libs/wxsvg-1.5.23 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): ld: libwx_gtk3u_core-3.0-gtk3.so: undefined reference to gdk_x11_window_foreign_new_for_display" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889384 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.9.3-r2 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889386 - "dev-libs/s2n-1.0.0 fails test - 1 - s2n_3des_test (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889390 - "app-arch/dpkg-1.21.15-r2 - nfmalloc.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to _obstack_free" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889392 - "net-fs/cvmfs-2.9.4 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889404 - "net-mail/dot-forward-0.71-r5 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889406 - "x11-wm/ctwm-4.0.3 fails test - Errors while running CTest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889418 - "sys-apps/portage: incomplete cleanup with directories outside ${WORKDIR}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889424 - "net-libs/libsoup-3.4.3 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889442 - "app-arch/dpkg-1.21.15 fails tests: update_alternatives.t .. 1/712 update-alternatives: error: cannot set symlink generic-test timestamp: Permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889450 - "app-emulation/gxemul-0.6.2 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): debug_new.cc:602:33: error: ISO C++17 does not allow dynamic exception specifications" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889452 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.16.3 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): physdev.h:404:31: error: COMPAT_FLEX_ARRAY_DIM undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889454 - "media-radio/cqrlog-2.5.2 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): cqrlog.lpr(6,3) Fatal: (10022) Cant find unit Interfaces used by cqrlog" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889462 - "media-sound/cdstatus-0.97.03 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): config.status: 1087: shift: cant shift that many" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889500 - "[ixit] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889506 - "[liftm] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889520 - "[setkeh] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889553 - "net-misc/vde-2.3.3 - libvdetap.c: error: redefinition of open" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889557 - "sys-apps/isapnptools-1.27 - pnp-select.c: error: NULL undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889563 - "sys-fs/quota-4.09 - file collision with net-mail/cyrus-imapd-3.4.4-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889565 - "app-arch/dpkg-1.21.15 fails test - # Failed test update-alternatives --install .../date should work." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889567 - "media-libs/partio-1.14.6 fails test - 1 - testiterator (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889610 - "media-video/mplayer-1.5_p20241125 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889612 - "media-sound/paprefs-1.2-r3 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): paprefs.cc:30:10: fatal error: gdkx.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889614 - "media-sound/pasystray-0.8.2 with x11-libs/gtk+[-X wayland] fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): x11-property.c:38:10: fatal error: gdkx.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889616 - "media-sound/pnmixer-0.7.2-r1 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): hotkeys.c:23:10: fatal error: gdkx.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889640 - "[Future EAPI] profiles/parent: support <repo>: prefix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:889652 - "x11-libs/wxGTK- fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): utilsx11.cpp:914:12: error: wxGetKeyStateX11 was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889660 - "media-video/rav1e-0.6.3 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): error: The argument --debug <debug> requires a value but none was supplied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889662 - "media-video/subtitleeditor-0.54.0_p5 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): main.cc:33:10: fatal error: gdkx.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889668 - "games-emulation/generator-0.35_p4-r1 - cpu68k-8.c: error: expected declaration or statement at end of input" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889674 - "dev-libs/leveldb-1.20 fails test - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889680 - "net-dialup/freeradius-3.2.0 fails test - /.../sh:line <snip>: .../autoconf.h.mk: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889690 - "net-analyzer/barnyard2-1.13 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): map.c:480:67: error: file undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889700 - "net-analyzer/ipcad-3.7.3 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): checking packet source type.. configure: 5086: test: -a: unexpected operator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889702 - "net-analyzer/nfdump- fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): nfxV3.c:450:85: error: v undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889704 - "net-analyzer/pbnj-2.04-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889708 - "dev-db/tokyocabinet-1.4.48-r3 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): ld: cannot find -ltokyocabinet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889710 - "dev-python/ijson-3.2.0_p0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889742 - "dev-lang/R-4.3.2-r1 fails to compile with dev-libs/tre[debug]: R: tre-parse.c:131: tre_expand_ctype: Assertion TRE_MB_CUR_MAX == 1 failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889758 - "net-misc/tipcutils-3.0.6 - inventory_sim.c: error: storage size of timeLimit isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889788 - "dev-db/kyotocabinet-1.2.80 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): ld: cannot find : cannot find -llzo2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889790 - "dev-libs/libmemcached-1.0.18-r4 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): ld: libhashkit.so.2.0.0: version node not found for symbol __malloc_initialize_hook@GLIBC_2.2.5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889792 - "dev-db/repmgr-5.1.0 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): repmgr-client.c:187:53: error: invalid use of undefined type struct passwd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889796 - "dev-erlang/jiffy-1.1.1 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889798 - "net-misc/memcached-1.6.17 installs systemd units that use /etc/conf.d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889836 - "net-libs/quiche-0.22.0-r2 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): sed: cant read quiche.pc: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889854 - "app-crypt/gcr-3.41.1-r1 fails test - 43/47 gcr:gcr-base / gnupg-collection FAIL 0.06s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889866 - "dev-perl/Gtk2-1.249.930 fails test - Result: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889868 - "dev-util/source-highlight-3.1.9-r1 fails test - diff: test.css.java.html: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889886 - "dev-python/pytest-cov-4.0.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889898 - "perl-functions.eclass: Improve doc comment for perl_delete_module_manpages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889912 - "net-mail/gnubiff-2.2.17-r2 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): eggtrayicon.h:44:3: error: GtkPlug does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889914 - "net-misc/arpsponge-3.17.11-r1 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): Cant locate ARP.pm in @INC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889916 - "net-misc/clusterssh-4.16 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): Cant locate Tk.pm in @INC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889918 - "net-misc/dhcdrop-0.5-r1 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): config.status: 1131: shift: cant shift that many" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889920 - "net-misc/electrum-ltc- fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889924 - "net-misc/mulk-0.7.0-r1 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): m_malloc.c:66:37: error: cast from pointer to integer of different size [-Werror=pointer-to-int-cast]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889946 - "app-text/pdfgrep-2.1.2 fails test - FAIL: Context after -- edge case" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:889950 - "dev-libs/gost-engine-3.0.1-r1 fails test - 14 - engine (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890010 - "[guru] net-client/castor-0.9.0 fails tests: error: test failed, to rerun pass --bin castor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890018 - "dev-java/swt-4.10-r2 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): os.c:2937:49: error: GdkSurface undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890026 - "net-wireless/wavemon-0.9.5 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): wavemon.c:(.text+0x32): undefined reference to LINES" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890028 - "<=app-misc/pax-utils-1.3.7 unknown crash in scanelf_file_get_symtabs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890030 - "dev-scheme/kawa-3.1.1-r2 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890034 - "app-admin/yadm-3.2.1 - emerge failed, but no clue, why" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890074 - "sci-mathematics/petsc-3.18.2 - econf failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890162 - "app-metrics/consul_exporter: basic authentication bypass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:890172 - "sci-geosciences/gnome-maps-43.3 fails tests: urisTest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890182 - "Maintainer: Alfred Persson (cat AT catcream.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890184 - "Maintainer: Nic Boet (nic AT boet.cc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890186 - "Maintainer: Julien Roy (julien AT jroy.ca)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890188 - "Maintainer: Jan-Espen Oversand (sigsegv AT radiotube.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890190 - "Maintainer: Mathis Winterer (mrmagic223325 AT fedora.email)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890200 - "dev-cpp/rapidfuzz-cpp-1.10.4: failed (test phase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890202 - "www-apps/ikiwiki-3.20200202.3-r1: failed (test phase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890210 - "net-misc/eventd-0.29.0-r2 - ../.../ws.c: fatal error: libsoup/soup.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890232 - "sys-libs/libixp-0.5_p20110208-r3 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890234 - "dev-lang/zig-0.10.0 - /.../xlocale.h: error: cannot add abi_tag attribute in a redeclaration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890285 - "[guru] media-sound/jacktrip-1.7.1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890296 - "sci-astronomy/stuff-1.26.0 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890300 - "dev-python/h5py-3.7.0 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890305 - "=sys-apps/portage-3.0.41-r2: Unable to unshare: ENOSPC (for FEATURES="ipc-sandbox network-sandbox pid-sandbox")" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890346 - "sci-physics/reduze-2.4-r1 - /.../functions.cpp: error: MPI has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890369 - "media-sound/gogglesmm-1.2.2 bump request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:890373 - "www-apps/mediawiki: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:890393 - "[guru] app-misc/mat2-0.13.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890407 - "dev-python/logbook-1.5.3-r1 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): An error happened in rendering the page base" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890415 - "sys-apps/portage: protection on loops" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:890417 - "sci-biology/fasta-36.3.8i fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): comp_lib9.c:(.text+0xad6): undefined reference to adler32" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890421 - "sci-geosciences/gmt-6.4.0 fails to compile: Cannot determine GSHHG version:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890429 - "sci-libs/getdata-0.11.0 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): ld: libgetdata.so: undefined reference to gd_coladd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890433 - "sci-libs/octomap-1.9.8 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890435 - "sci-libs/rocPRIM-5.1.3 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890439 - "xfce-base/libxfce4windowing-4.19.1: fatal error: gdk/gdk.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890453 - "sys-apps/install-xattr-0.8-r1 fails tests: setfattr: a: Operation not supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890461 - "sci-libs/mkl-2023.1.0.46342 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890463 - "sys-cluster/mpich-3.4.3 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890489 - "sci-libs/octomap-1.9.8 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890501 - "sci-libs/nemesis-6.09 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): testing global init info output...ne_test: H5CS.c:224: H5CS_pop: Assertion fstack->nused > 0 failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890503 - "sci-libs/netcdf-fortran-4.5.4 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): FAIL: tst_fill_int64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890505 - "sci-libs/nfft-3.5.2 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): configure: 16116: Bad substitution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890511 - "sci-libs/arpack-3.8.0 - configure: error: could not compile a Fortran MPI test program" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890571 - "dev-libs/imath-3.1.6: failed (test phase) (x86)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890579 - "<=app-misc/pax-utils-1.3.7: scanmacho multiple crashes from fuzzing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890628 - "net-firewall/iptables-1.8.9 fails tests: FAIL: xlate-test.py" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890634 - "[Tracker] Breakage with dev-python/sphinx-6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890656 - "app-text/pelican-4.8.0 fails to compile: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pelican" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890748 - "<media-video/ffmpeg-5.1: null pointer dereference" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890782 - "sci-physics/heppdt-3.04.01-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): FAIL: testPID.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890784 - "sci-physics/thepeg-2.2.3 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): configure: 19099: Bad substitution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890786 - "sci-visualization/quickplot-1.0.1_rc fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): plot.c:26:10: fatal error: gdkx.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890788 - "sci-physics/clhep- installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890792 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2-r3 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): mv: cannot stat lib lib64: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890823 - "quickpkg: use portage's umask as default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890835 - "sys-apps/minised-1.16 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): Running test 8bit-class run: 29: Bad substitution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890837 - "sys-apps/mlocate-0.26-r3 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890881 - "sys-auth/pam_p11-0.3.1 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890905 - "dev-libs/bglibs-2.04-r2 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890909 - "Maintainer: Oskari Pirhonen (xxc3ncoredxx AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890939 - "sys-cluster/lmod-8.7.23 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): configure: 4255: Bad substitution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890943 - "dev-util/global-6.6.4 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890945 - "dev-util/jenkins-bin-2.375.2-r1 installs systemd units that use /etc/conf.d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890975 - "mail-filter/policyd: treeclean" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890977 - "profiles mask: dev-libs/dietlibc and friends" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890981 - "dev-util/wachy-0.1.0_alpha6-r1 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): warning: demangle.c:1:10: fatal error: demangle.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890983 - "dev-vcs/fossil-2.24-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890989 - "sys-fs/genimage-16 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890995 - "sys-libs/libchipcard-5.1.6 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): configure: error: Unknown endian type little" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:890997 - "sys-libs/libixp-0.5_p20110208-r3 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891019 - "app-alternatives/sh: sh[ksh] should warn that local isn't supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891033 - "sys-process/numad-0.5_p20180531: segfault in bind_process_and_migrate_memory -> malloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891037 - "dev-python/flask-babel-4.0.0 fails to compile: no theme named furo found (missing theme.conf?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891045 - "games-arcade/berusky-1.7.1-r2 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): level_game.cpp:107:29: error: expected primary-expression before , token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891047 - "games-board/pioneers-15.6 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): Failed running intltoolize!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891049 - "games-arcade/emilia-pinball-0.3.1-r3 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891051 - "www-apps/bugzilla-5.0.6-r1 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM): Cant locate object method "feature" via package "Bugzilla" at 001compile.t line 81" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891055 - "www-client/uget-2.2.1-r1 calls commands that do not exist: let" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891059 - "www-servers/webfs-1.21 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): Make.config:1: empty variable name" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891103 - "[sspreitz] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891121 - "x11-libs/c++-gtk-utils-2.2.20 fails tests (DASH-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891155 - "x11-misc/fpm2-0.90 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): main.c:26:10: fatal error: gtk.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891173 - "sys-apps/portage: replace all uses of MD5 hash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891175 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.4.26 fails to compile: Cannot find appropriate system libraries for SSL Use WITH_SSL=bundled to" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891177 - "dev-perl/X11-XCB-0.190.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891185 - "games-rpg/vendetta-online-bin-1.8.296-r1 fetches file(s) that do not match recorded size" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891187 - "kde-apps/kmail-22.08.3-r1 with net-fs/samba[ldap] libsmbconf.so.0: undefined reference to `ber_set_option@OPENLDAP_2.200'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:891219 - "app-admin/gopass-1.15.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891235 - "Update KEYWORD description" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891243 - "sci-mathematics/ent-1.4 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891257 - "Retire: Team Anniversary (ten)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891265 - "<net-dialup/freeradius-3.2.2: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:891289 - "x11-wm/wm2-4-r1 fails to compile (DASH-SYSTEM): sh: 1: Syntax error: Bad fd number" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891299 - "media-libs/libgig-4.3.0 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891305 - "<media-video/gpac-2.2.1: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891341 - "app-text/qpdf-11.9.1 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891345 - "media-libs/lsp-plugins-1.2.14 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891373 - "dev-db/redis-7.0.8: failed (test phase) (x86)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891375 - "media-plugins/kodi-visualization-projectm-19.0.1 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891377 - "app-admin/puppet-agent-8.10.0 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891379 - "media-plugins/vdr-remote-0.7.0-r2 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): remote.c:799:42: error: invalid new-expression of abstract class type cLircRemote" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891393 - "[TRACKER] Packages that fails with libarchive implementation of TAR (app-alternatives/tar[-gnu,+libarchive])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:891399 - "app-text/evince: missing gtk+[X] dep? (was: media-sound/denemo-2.6.0 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): ld: libevview3.so: undefined reference to gdk_x11_window_get_xid)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891425 - "dev-libs/dqlite-1.14.0 fails tests: FAIL: unit-test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891427 - "media-sound/lxmusic-0.4.7-r2 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): configure: error: The intltool scripts were not found Please install intltool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891431 - "app-editors/texworks-0.6.7 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): Could NOT find Poppler (missing: qt5) (found version "23.01.0")" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891453 - "media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-apps- installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891461 - ""maintainer-wanted" assignee should advertise the GURU project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891463 - "dev-python/snakeoil-0.10.8 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891465 - "media-tv/tvheadend-4.2.8-r2 installs systemd units that use /etc/conf.d (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891479 - "dev-libs/xmlrpc-c-1.59.03 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891567 - "net-libs/cvm-0.97-r2 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891601 - "app-shells/mksh-59c adds -Werror flag on its own (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891611 - "dev-python/python-poppler-qt5-21.3.0 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command [pkg-config, --cflags-only-I, poppler-qt5] returned non-zero exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891635 - "can't stay subscribed to opensource mailing lists due to excessive bounces" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891667 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.15_pre3 fails to compile: configure: error: ABI=amd64 is not among the following valid choices: 64 x32 32" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891687 - "net-misc/sslh-1.22c installs systemd units that use /etc/conf.d (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891701 - "[guru] media-gfx/WebPlotDigitizer-bin-4.7 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891739 - "sci-libs/atlas-3.10.2 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): error: inlining failed in call to ‘always_inline’ ‘_mm256_sub_*’: target specific option mismatch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891743 - "dev-embedded/stlink-1.7.0 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891751 - "dev-lang/gforth-0.7.3-r2 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891761 - "net-fs/sshfs is no longer maintained or developed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:891763 - "dev-lang/jsonnet-0.19.1 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): 8 - regression_test (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891765 - "dev-lang/mercury-22.01.1-r1 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891769 - "dev-lang/mercury-extras-22.01.1 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891777 - "<www-apache/mod_security-2.9.7, <dev-libs/modsecurity-3.0.9: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:891779 - "app-emulation/dynamips: use of uninitialized variable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:891785 - "media-libs/opusfile: null pointer dereference" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:891789 - "media-libs/libcaca-0.99_beta20 bump request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:891815 - "dev-libs/c-capnproto-0.3 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891821 - "sys-fs/lvm2-2.03.17-r2: breakage with cached volumes when USE=lvm (-thin)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891831 - "sci-electronics/librepcb-0.1.7 adds -Werror flag on its own (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891835 - "sci-geosciences/gtk-g-rays2-2.05 fails to compile (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM): Failed running intltoolize!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891897 - "sci-libs/libaec-1.0.6 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:891989 - "dev-perl/Image-Scale-0.140.0 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892051 - "net-analyzer/scapy-2.5.0 fails tests: Exception: Unable to import public key" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892055 - "www-servers/apache-2.4.54-r7 installs systemd units that use /etc/conf.d (USR-MERGE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892057 - "dev-perl/WWW-Form-UrlEncoded-0.260.0 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892059 - "dev-perl/WWW-Form-UrlEncoded-XS-0.260.0 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892079 - "sys-devel/gcc-12.2.1_p20230121-r1[sanitize] - .../sanitizer_common/sanitizer_linux.cpp: In function 'void __sanitizer::GetPcSpBp(void*, uptr*, uptr*, uptr*)': .../sanitizer_linux.cpp:2074:31: error: 'struct mcontext_t' has no member named 'regs' (on musl)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892215 - "dev-python/emcee-3.1.3 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): test_longdouble.py::test_longdouble_actually_needed[TempHDFBackend] Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892217 - "dev-python/ifaddr-0.2.0 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): test_ifaddr.py::TestIfaddr::test_get_adapters_contains_localhost Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892219 - "dev-python/meshio-5.3.4 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): test_moab.py::test_io[mesh0] Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892235 - "sci-mathematics/coq-serapi-0.16.2-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892255 - "multilib-minimal should always go last in inherit order" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892257 - "[Feature request] Add repology remote-id type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892259 - "dev-python/amqp-5.1.1-r1 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892265 - "dev-python/netcdf4-1.5.8 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): python3.9: H5CS.c:224: H5CS_pop: Assertion fstack->nused > 0 failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892269 - "sys-fs/zfs-9999: uses conf.d files in systemd units" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892331 - "toolchain-funcs.eclass: add function for default C and C++ standards" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892349 - "dev-python/pytest-trio-0.8.0-r1 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): Reason: UndefinedError("logo is undefined")" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892351 - "dev-python/discid-1.2.0-r1 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892365 - "app-i18n/man-pages-ru status enquiry / possible removal?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892383 - "dev-python/pytidylib-0.3.2-r2 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): test_docs.py::TestDocs1::test_alt_added_to_img Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892409 - "games-emulation/dolphin-5.0_p20220520-r1 fairs to build with gcc-13.0.1_pre20230122 on arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892449 - "Add repository: GentooStudio" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892475 - "sys-block/tw_cli HOMEPAGE is 404" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892555 - "dev-util/py-spy-0.3.14 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892557 - "dev-python/shapely-2.0.0 fails to compile: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named numpy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892561 - "dev-python/plotly-5.15.0 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892571 - "[guru] acct-user/paludisbuild-0 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892587 - "sci-libs/sundials-6.5.0 fails to compile: f951: Fatal Error: Cannot rename module file test_utilities.mod0 to test_utilities.mod: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892601 - "[guru] x11-misc/gobble-1.2-r1 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892603 - "dev-python/readme-renderer-37.3 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): FAILED test_rst.py::test_rst_fixtures[test_rst_008.rst] - assert <p>He.." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892605 - "dev-python/sh-1.14.3 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): ERROR: test_piped_exception2 (__main__.FunctionalTests)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892609 - "dev-python/sphinx-notfound-page-0.8.3 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892619 - "dev-python/tornado-6.2-r1 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): TypeError: Python directive method get_signature_prefix() must return a list of nodes. Return value was coroutine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892621 - "dev-python/yarl-1.8.2 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): FAILED test_url_parsing.py::TestScheme::test_not_a_scheme2 - AssertionError: .." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892653 - "virtual/daemontools should be provided by sys-process/runit and sys-apps/s6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892690 - "dev-scheme/fibers-1.2.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892720 - "dev-python/myst-parser requires <dev-python/sphinx-5.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892730 - "dev-util/roctracer-5.3.3 fails tests: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++: error: unrecognized command-line option -print-resource-dir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892740 - "dev-util/bootconfig-5.18 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): tar: Option --wildcards is not supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892774 - "net-vpn/logmein-hamachi License changed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892786 - "x11-libs/cairo-1.18.2-r1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892792 - "dev-util/kdevelop-22.12.1 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): tar: Option --mode=go=rX,u+rw,a-s is not supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892806 - "<dev-python/django-{3.2.17,4.0.9,4.1.6}: Potential denial-of-service via Accept-Language headers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:892826 - ">=media-video/pipewire-3.53_p20220704-r1: media-plugins/alsa-plugins[pulseaudio] will be uninstalled when migrating from pulseaudio" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892832 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.44: emerge -pvuDN world silently skips tiff update" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892874 - "sys-devel/gcc: fails to cross-compile for powerpc-gentoo-linux-musl (dfp-bit.h:291:2: error: #error "unknown long double size, cannot define BFP_FMT")" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892886 - "sci-misc/vitables-3.0.2_p4 fails tests: test_samples.py::TestTableOpening::test_opening_files Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892888 - "[guru] dev-db/pg_repack-1.5.0 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892900 - "app-admin/clsync-0.4.5 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892902 - "app-admin/testdisk-7.2 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892906 - "media-libs/libcanberra-0.30-r7 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892920 - "net-vpn/i2p: bundles sources of rrd4j.jar" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892930 - "app-crypt/md5deep-4.4 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892956 - "sys-libs/glibc[static-libs] (and probably virtual/libc[static-libs]) should provide enough libraries to make simple static linking work" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892960 - "app-editors/vis-0.8-r1 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892990 - "app-emulation/guestfs-tools-1.48.2 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:892994 - "sys-apps/fakechroot-2.20.1_p2 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893004 - "app-forensics/afl-2.57b-r2 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893090 - "app-i18n/libskk-1.0.5_p20210830 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): FAIL: user-dict" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893096 - "sys-apps/smartmontools-7.3 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893108 - "sys-cluster/ceph-16.2.11 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893136 - "net-analyzer/ntopng-6.0 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893138 - "app-misc/jdupes-1.27.3 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893140 - "app-misc/lirc-0.10.2 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893144 - "app-metrics/mysqld_exporter-0.14.0_p20221209 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): -buildmode=pie not supported when -race is enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893150 - "app-metrics/pushgateway-1.5.1 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): -buildmode=pie not supported when -race is enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893154 - "app-metrics/uwsgi_exporter-1.1.0 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): -buildmode=pie not supported when -race is enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893156 - "app-misc/ola-0.10.8 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893196 - "[guru] media-sound/drumgizmo-0.9.20 fails to compile: configure: error: Package requirements (alsa >= 1.0.18) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893200 - "app-mobilephone/gammu-1.42.0-r1 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893204 - "media-gfx/gphoto2-2.5.28 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893242 - "sci-libs/miopen: installs incomplate AMDGPU_TARGETS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893256 - "FontAwesome icons outdated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893260 - "media-gfx/opentoonz-1.4.0-r1 fails to compile: tfarmserver.cpp:54:10: fatal error: sysctl.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893270 - "app-text/dictd-1.13.0-r5 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): buffer overflow detected : terminated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893274 - "app-text/htmldoc-1.9.16 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893276 - "app-text/multitail-7.1.2 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893278 - "dev-cpp/notcurses-3.0.8 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893280 - "dev-db/percona-server- redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893306 - "dev-embedded/stlink-1.7.0 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893338 - "dev-lang/mercury-22.01.1 fails to compile (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893348 - "dev-lang/ispc-1.24.0 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893350 - "dev-libs/bemenu-0.6.21 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893352 - "dev-libs/cgreen-1.3.0 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893356 - "[TRACKER] Packages that fail because of a missing DEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:893398 - "dev-libs/libflatarray-0.4.0_pre20201009 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): FAILED: run_soa_array_test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893434 - "[Tracker] Build failures with dev-build/autoconf-2.72" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893454 - "sys-fs/ext3grep-0.10.2-r1 fails to compile: backtrace.cc:31:2: error: #error : Please add --disable-optimize to your configure options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893456 - "dev-util/repolite-0.4.0 fails to compile: pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The repolite distribution was not found and is required by the application" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893470 - "dev-libs/pmdk-1.12.1 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893474 - "sys-block/ndctl-77-r1 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893532 - "sys-apps/debianutils: outdated LICENSE: BSD is not relevant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893614 - "sys-apps/memtest86+-6.10: "error: not a valid root device." in grub2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893644 - "media-sound/easytag-2.4.3-r5: switch from media-libs/id3lib to media-libs/taglib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893666 - "sys-apps/dbus: enable checks (not assertions) by default?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893668 - "[TRACKER] net-libs/webkit-gtk:4: Remove" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893700 - "media-gfx/gthumb: Migrate from net-libs/webkit-gtk:4 to :4.1 if possible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893718 - "x11-libs/wxGTK: Migrate from net-libs/webkit-gtk:4 to :4.1 if possible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893720 - "x11-misc/meteo: Migrate from net-libs/webkit-gtk:4 to :4.1 if possible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893742 - "app-crypt/heimdal-7.8.0-r3 calls commands that do not exist: no" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893746 - "[guru] dev-lang/hare-0_pre20221031 fails to compile: Syntax error: unexpected end of file at 6666cab1df72422e921dca468646c59d901b99416ff154a3bc12272c3a505a8d.td:21:2764, expected ,, }" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893754 - "net-vpn/headscale-0.16.2 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893808 - "dev-python/jupyter-console-6.5.0 fails tests: FAILED test_console.py::test_console_starts - pexpect.e.." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893810 - "dev-python/jupyter-client-8.0.2 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): RuntimeError: Kernel died before replying to kernel_info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893812 - "dev-python/jupyter-server-2.2.1 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): BufferError: Existing exports of data: object cannot be re-sized" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893814 - "dev-python/kombu-5.3.0_beta2 fails to compile (HARDENED-SYSTEM): error in kombu setup command: tests_require must be a string or list of strings containing valid version requirement specifiers; Expected end or semicolon (after name and no valid version s" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893846 - "dev-python/trimesh-3.19.3 fails tests: FAILED test_points.py::PointsTest::test_kmeans - assert False" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893890 - "media-sound/cmus: possible configure breakage with clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893894 - "net-irc/scrollz: possible configure breakage with clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893904 - "games-fps/quakeforge: possible configure breakage with clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893908 - "app-misc/rlwrap: possible configure breakage with clang 16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893934 - "dev-util/sonarqube-bin- service failed to start with java 17" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:893956 - "dev-lang/go overrides linker, hardcodes sys-devel/binutils' gold on arm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894000 - "[TRACKER] Python package dependency mismatches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894020 - "Maintainer: Jimi Ayodele (folajimi AT post.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894036 - "sci-libs/cantera-2.6.0-r2 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): ...............Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894042 - "sci-libs/rocSPARSE-5.1.3 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): multilib-strict check failed!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894056 - "sci-libs/miopen-5.1.3-r1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894062 - "media-libs/lasi-1.1.3 - Cant create a GtkStyleContext without a display connection" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894066 - "dev-java/scala-cli-bin-0.1.20 - ERROR: dev-java/scala-cli-bin-0.1.20::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894132 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.14: ../unixport/saved_pre_gcl: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894160 - "dev-libs/isl-0.24-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): configure: error: No ffs implementation found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894168 - "sys-apps/kexec-tools-2.0.24 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894190 - "dev-lang/julia-1.8.3-r4 fails to compile: System library symlink failure: Unable to locate libspqr.so on your system!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894192 - "app-admin/conky-1.19.8 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): libtcp-portmon.cc:30:10: fatal error: cstdio file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894194 - "app-admin/conserver-8.2.6-r3 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): sched.h:84:7: error: expected parameter declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894196 - "app-admin/cronolog-1.6.2-r5 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): getopt.c:577:30: error: call to undeclared library function strcmp with type int (const char , const char ); ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-fun" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894210 - "dev-libs/log4cxx-1.0.0 - /.../smtpappender.cpp: error: to was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894212 - "dev-scheme/fibers-1.2.0 - extensions/epoll.c: error: static declaration of scm_pipe2 follows non-static declaration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894220 - "app-emulation/dosemu-1.4.1_pre20130107-r5 - ../.../config.h: fatal error: confpath.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894226 - "dev-libs/libqt5pas-1.2.9 - src/qsslcipher_c.cpp: error: expected type-specifier before QSslCipher" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894230 - "sci-mathematics/bertini-1.6 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894252 - "dev-java/protobuf-java needs com.google.truth:truth (https://github.com/google/truth/tags)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894276 - "dev-db/mariadb: update java deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:894280 - "dev-python/openstacksdk-1.0.1 fails tests: json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894288 - "[guru] dev-cpp/xtl-0.7.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894294 - "[guru] dev-cpp/xtensor-0.24.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894304 - "dev-util/cppi-1.18 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894308 - "sys-cluster/cilium-cli-0.12.1 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): -buildmode=pie not supported when -race is enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894310 - "sys-cluster/hubble-0.10.0 fails tests (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): -buildmode=pie not supported when -race is enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894318 - "app-admin/tmpwatch-2.11-r3 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): bind-mount.c:112:5: error: incompatible function pointer types passing struct _obstack_chunk (long) to parameter of type void ()(size_t) (aka void ()(unsigned long)) [-Wincompatible-functio" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894322 - "app-arch/sharutils-4.15.2-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): uuencode.c:204:3: error: call to undeclared function bindtextdomain; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894324 - "app-arch/tapeutils-0.4-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): tapeio.c:282:28: error: call to undeclared function rexec; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894326 - "app-backup/bareos-22.0.2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): error: environment variable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH () must be a non-negative decimal integer <= 253402300799" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894332 - "app-accessibility/speech-tools-2.5.0-r1 installs less files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894372 - "app-editors/aee-2.2.21 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): journal.ckeys.c::218224::31:: error: call to undeclared function wprintf; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894378 - "app-editors/kakoune-2023.08.05 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): command_manager.cc:825:104: error: no matching function for call to gather" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894380 - "app-editors/levee-4.0 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): unixcall.c:282:7: error: too many arguments provided to function-like macro invocation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894382 - "app-editors/vile-9.8y fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): vl_crypt.h:73:18: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion passing int to parameter of type const char [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894408 - "<dev-python/django-{3.2.18,4.0.10,4.1.7}: Potential denial-of-service vulnerability in file uploads" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:894450 - "sys-apps/systemd, sys-auth/pambase: incomplete pam config for SELinux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894496 - "app-i18n/uim-1.8.9-r2 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894506 - "x11-libs/gl2ps-1.4.2 sandbox violation (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894508 - "app-emulation/gallium-nine-standalone-0.9-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): present.c:1771:24: error: call to undeclared function XrmUniqueQuark; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894510 - "sys-apps/fakeroot-1.32.2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): libfakeroot.c:147:13: error: typedef redefinition with different types (int vs unsigned int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894512 - "app-emulation/nemu-3.1.0 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): nm_network.c:20:59: error: expected function body after function declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894536 - "dev-libs/libevent changes API based on the presence of arc4random in libc (net-vpn/tor: undefined symbol: evutil_secure_rng_add_bytes)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894538 - "app-admin/entr-5.3-r1 fails tests: FAIL: spacebar triggers utility" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894542 - "http{,s}://lists.gentoo.org/ should redirect to https://archives.gentoo.org/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894552 - "app-misc/irtrans-irserver-6.09.04-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): fileio.c:99:2: error: call to undeclared library function memset with type void (void , int, unsigned long); ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894554 - "app-misc/lirc-0.10.2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): mplay.c:200:12: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion initializing pthread_t (aka struct __pthread ) with an expression of type int [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894566 - "app-misc/splitvt-1.6.6_p7 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): vttest.c:53:16: error: variable has incomplete type struct sgtty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894574 - "app-mobilephone/gnokii-0.6.31-r4 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): 117:12: error: call to undeclared function fcntl; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894596 - "app-office/libreoffice- [java] fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): com_sun_star_comp_beans_LocalOfficeWindow.c:33:10: fatal error: jni.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894602 - "app-pda/gtkpod-2.1.5-r4 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): AtomicParsley.cpp:4940:13: error: no matching function for call to fsetpos" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894610 - "net-firewall/nftlb-1.0.8-r1 - ../.../zcu_backtrace.c: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894620 - "x11-terms/aterm-1.0.1-r6 - rxvt.h: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894622 - "sci-biology/seqan-3.1.0: The SDSL library is required, but wasn't found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894630 - "dev-util/py-spy-0.3.14 - error: failed to run custom build command for remoteprocess v0.4.10" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894636 - "dev-util/shellcheck-0.9.0 - src/.../Fixer.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894638 - "app-shells/ctypes-sh-1.2-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): dutil.h:44:8: error: unknown type name __always_inline" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894650 - "app-text/enchant-1.6.1-r2 calls commands that do not exist (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): 1.6.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894680 - "app-backup/restic maintenance" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894694 - "games-roguelike/tomenet-4.7.3 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894704 - "app-text/linuxdoc-tools-0.9.82 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation) (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894706 - "app-text/llpp-33 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): link.c:286:5: error: unsafe buffer access [-Werror,-Wunsafe-buffer-usage]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894712 - "app-text/talkfilters-2.3.8-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): getopt.c:408:30: error: call to undeclared library function strcmp with type int (const char , const char ); ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894724 - "net-fs/davfs2-1.7.0-r1 - dav_fuse.c: error: storage size of tv isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894726 - "app-emulation/q4wine-1.3.13 - /.../ld: cannot find -lQt5::DBus: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894732 - "media-gfx/netgen-6.2.2302 - /.../exception.cpp: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894752 - "dev-libs/libmemcached-1.0.18-r4 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): (.text+0x5eda): undefined reference to __sanitizer::struct_rlimit64_sz" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894754 - "sys-apps/shadow should use capabilities instead of suid root for new{g,u}idmap binaries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894756 - "games-simulation/EmptyEpsilon-2022.10.28 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894772 - "dev-games/ogre-1.9.0-r3 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): OgreMemorySTLAllocator.h:130:4: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894776 - "dev-lang/cxprolog-0.98.2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): Extra.h:97:37: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894786 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2-r3 - patch -p1 failed with /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2-r3/files/ghc-9.0.2-sphinx-6.patch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894798 - "dev-lang/maude-3.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): MersenneTwister.h:187:2: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:894990 - "sci-geosciences/gmt-6.4.0 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895018 - "media-libs/oidn-2.3.0 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895020 - "net-analyzer/p0f-3.09_beta-r1 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895022 - "x11-wm/xpra-4.3.4 fails to compile (LIBARCHIVE-SYSTEM): AssertionError: pandoc --from markdown --to html -o Xdummy.html Xdummy.md --lua-filter links-to-html.lua returned 127" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895024 - "dev-lang/parrot-8.1.0-r4 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): gcc_x86.c:54:46: error: function-like macro sizeof is not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895026 - "dev-lang/qu-prolog-10.7 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): heap_qp.h:293:3: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895030 - "dev-lang/yap-7.1.0 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): sysbits.h:194:9: error: call to undeclared library function va_start with type void (struct __va_list_tag , ...); ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-functio" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895032 - "dev-libs/OpenNI- fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): LinuxDebug.cpp:27:10: fatal error: execinfo.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895034 - "dev-libs/OpenNI2-2.2_beta2-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): Bayer.cpp:50:3: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895036 - "dev-libs/bglibs-2.04-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): bindu.c:31:3: error: call to undeclared library function strcpy with type char (char , const char ); ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declar" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895042 - "dev-libs/dbus-c++-0.9.0-r5 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): pipe.h:47:3: error: unknown type name ssize_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895056 - "dev-libs/mimetic-0.9.8 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): itparser.h:237:9: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895072 - "dev-perl/Compiler-Lexer-0.230.0 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): Compiler_double_charactor_operator.cpp:9:54: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895078 - "media-gfx/entangle-3.0-r3 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895084 - "dev-python/mpi4py-3.1.3 - error in mpi4py setup command: executables must be a list of Executable (got [<mpidistutils.Executable(p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895104 - "net-misc/olsrd-0.9.8_p20210612[pud] - src/gpsdclient.h: error: redefinition of struct fixsource_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895124 - "app-cdr/cdck-0.7.0-r3 - econf failed: checking version of x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc ... ./configure[18125]: 15: inaccessible or not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895184 - "dev-perl/Net-LDAPapi-3.0.7-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): LDAPapi.c:624:11: error: call to undeclared function ldap_bind_s; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895186 - "dev-perl/Net-RawIP-0.250.0-r3 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): ifaddrlist.h:3:5: error: unknown type name u_int32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895204 - "sci-biology/augustus-3.4.0-r3 - ../.../sqliteDB.hh: error: uint64_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895210 - "media-libs/plib-1.8.5-r4 - ssgLoadFLT.cxx: error: struct fltNodeAttr has no member named mask_words" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895262 - "dev-perl/mecab-perl-0.996-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): MeCab_wrap.cxx:564:7: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895268 - "app-editors/texworks-0.6.7 fails tests (GCC-13-SYSTEM): 1 - test_poppler-qt5 (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895296 - "media-sound/sndpeek-1.41-r1 - sndpeek.cpp: error: SF_INFO {aka struct SF_INFO} has no member named frames" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895360 - "dev-python/llfuse-1.4.2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): llfuse.c:41887:21: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning to uintptr_t (aka unsigned long) from pthread_t (aka struct __pthread ) [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895362 - "dev-python/mecab-python-0.996-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): MeCab_wrap.cxx:568:7: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895376 - "sys-libs/liburing-2.3-r4 fails test - Running test eeed8b54e0df.t cqe error: -95" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895418 - "sys-apps/proot-5.3.0 - proot_wrap.c:1: error: unterminated raw string" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895506 - "media-sound/opus-tools-0.2-r1 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895512 - "sci-libs/symengine-0.11.1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): Could NOT find EXECINFO (missing: EXECINFO_INCLUDE_DIRS)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895514 - "dev-python/tagpy-2022.1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): id3.cpp:268:43: error: reference to optional is ambiguous" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895516 - "dev-qt/qtlocation-5.15.8 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): integral_wrapper.hpp:73:31: error: integer value -1 is outside the valid range of values [0, 3] for this enumeration type [-Wenum-constexpr-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895532 - "net-analyzer/ike-scan-1.9.5 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895536 - "app-text/xournalpp-1.1.1-r3 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): BackgroundConfig.h:28:47: error: uint32_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895540 - "dev-ruby/mecab-ruby-0.996-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): MeCab_wrap.cpp:672:7: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895544 - "<net-libs/nodejs-{14.21.3,16.19.1,18.14.2}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:895546 - "net-analyzer/sslscan-2.1.4 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895560 - "dev-libs/rapidjson-1.1.0-r3 - /.../gtest-internal.h: error: it was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895574 - "sci-electronics/geda-1.9.2-r1 - configure: error: you need at least version 2.0.0 of guile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895618 - "dev-cpp/sdbus-c++-1.2.0-r1 - ../.../socket-util.c: error: NI_IDN undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895646 - "www ads: vr.org no longer appears to be "Host Virtual"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895672 - "dev-java/java-service-wrapper-3.5.50 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895674 - "net-fs/davfs2-1.7.0 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895694 - "dev-cpp/opentelemetry-cpp-1.6.0 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): hex.h:37:21: error: uint8_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895704 - "dev-db/sqlitestudio-3.4.3 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): ld: qrc_qmake_qmake_qm_files.o symbol number 3 references nonexistent SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX section" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895742 - "net-irc/irker-2.23: fails to build docbooks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895764 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2-r4 - ERROR: dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2-r4::gentoo failed (setup phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895766 - "dev-haskell/xml-conduit- - compiling .../Setup.hs failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895770 - "sci-mathematics/stp-2.3.3-r2 help2man: can't get `--help' info from /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/stp-2.3.3-r2/work/stp-2.3.3_build/stp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895800 - "net-misc/miniupnpd-2.3.7 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895806 - "net-p2p/eiskaltdcpp-2.4.2 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895816 - "media-libs/libva-intel-media-driver-22.6.6 - /.../mos_utilities_specific.cpp: error: backtrace was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895826 - "dev-util/amtterm-1.6-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): amtterm.c:71:20: error: variable has incomplete type struct timeval" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895828 - "dev-util/cpputest-4.0 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): sched.h:84:7: error: expected parameter declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895836 - "dev-build/kbuild-0.1.9998.3499-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): chmod.c:235:18: error: use of undeclared identifier ALLPERMS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895838 - "dev-util/kernelshark-2.2.0 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): libkshark-tepdata.c:1202:27: error: incompatible function pointer types assigning to stream_find_id_func (aka int ()(struct kshark_data_stream , const char )) from const int (struct kshark_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895842 - "dev-util/premake-5.0.0_beta2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): mkstemp.c:76:8: error: call to undeclared function getpid; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895848 - "dev-util/xxdiff-4.0.1_p20170622-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): getopt.c:578:30: error: call to undeclared library function strcmp with type int (const char , const char ); ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimpli" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895882 - "games-board/awale-1.6 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): getopt.c:589:30: error: call to undeclared library function strcmp with type int (const char , const char ); ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895898 - "games-emulation/dosbox-0.75_pre4302 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): render_templates_sai.h:46:3: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895916 - "dev-libs/roct-thunk-interface-5.4.3 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895918 - "sys-fabric/opensm-3.3.24-r1 - ../.../cl_types.h: error: #error Need to know WORDSIZE to tell how to cast to unsigned long int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895942 - "sys-libs/nss_wrapper-1.1.15 - /.../nss_wrapper.c: error: struct nwrap_libc_symbols has no member named _libc_getgrent_r" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895954 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.43-r1: emerge --config does not respect package.env" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895976 - "games-emulation/mupen64plus-video-rice-2.5.9-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): ConvertImage.cpp:344:9: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895978 - "games-fps/blackshades-20070723-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): Maths.h:8:19: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895984 - "games-kids/memonix-1.6-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): MersenneTwister.h:187:2: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895988 - "games-puzzle/gnome-taquin-3.38.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): overlayed-list.c:1087:27: error: incompatible function pointer types passing void (gconstpointer, gpointer) (aka void (const void , void )) to parameter of type GFunc (aka void ()(" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:895992 - "games-puzzle/rezerwar-0.4.2-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): Checking for SDL_mixer.. test_sdl_mixer.c:5:1: error: type specifier missing," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896000 - "games-strategy/widelands-1.1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): i18n.cc:(.text+0x254e): undefined reference to _nl_msg_cat_cntr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896002 - "games-util/loki_patch-20091105 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): brandelf.c:61:13: error: variable has incomplete type void" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896006 - "games-puzzle/toppler-1.1.6-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): keyb.cc:218:3: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896044 - "sys-cluster/k3s treeclean" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896054 - "mail-filter/spamprobe-1.4d-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): configure: error: No suitable BerkeleyDB db.h header file found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896062 - "sci-biology/t-coffee-11.00-r3 - io_lib/tree_util.c: error: invalid operands of types long unsigned int and std::nullptr_t to binar" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896064 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.16.3 - ../.../fuse.c: error: FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896096 - "mips: promotion from exp -> stable profile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896164 - "dev-python/numpy-1.24.2 fails to compile: numpy.distutils.fcompiler.CompilerNotFound" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896166 - "net-dns/resolv_wrapper-1.1.8 - /.../resolv_wrapper.c: error: #error No res_ninit function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896172 - "sci-biology/bedtools-2.30.0 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896178 - "dev-python/blessed-1.20.0 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896202 - "dev-cpp/tbb-2020.3 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): proxy.cpp:27:47: error: token is not a valid binary operator in a preprocessor subexpression" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896216 - "media-gfx/graphicsmagick-1.3.42 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): clang-16: error: unsupported option -p for target x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896220 - "media-gfx/kphotoalbum-5.9.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl-ld.bfd: libraw.so.23: undefined reference to __kmpc_dispatch_next_4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896228 - "media-gfx/quat-1.20-r3 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896236 - "media-libs/avidemux-core-2.8.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): os_bsd_check.cpp:6:2: error: Unable to detect GCC for BSD family" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896246 - "media-libs/libfpx-1.3.1_p10 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): npixel.h:107:5: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896266 - "media-libs/smpeg2-2.0.0-r4 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): MPEGaudio.h:133:7: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896312 - "sci-astronomy/wcslib-7.12 - wcspih.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to dpfill" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896314 - "sys-apps/heirloom-tools-070715-r4 - grep.h: fatal error: config.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896336 - "games-emulation/gngeo-0.8-r2 - Missing licenses + potential licensing issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896340 - "sys-fs/e2fsprogs: Enable LFS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896354 - "mail-filter/dcc-2.3.168 - db.h: error: u_int32_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896356 - "net-dns/knot-3.2.2 - libknot/.../eth.c: error: storage size of info isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896398 - "[TRACKER] Python 3.11 porting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896406 - "dev-python/libtmux-0.21.0 fails tests (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896408 - "sci-libs/coinor-dip-0.95.0-r2 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896410 - "media-libs/zvbi-0.2.35-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): export.c:1471:2: error: array type va_list (aka __builtin_va_list) is not assignable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896418 - "media-plugins/gst-plugins-v4l2-1.20.5 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): gstv4l2object.c:539:23: error: incompatible function pointer types assigning to gint ()(gint, ioctl_req_t, ...) (aka int ()(int, unsigned long, ...)) from int (int, int, ...) [-W" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896420 - "media-video/mplayer-1.5_p20231206 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): ve_raw.c:166:19: error: incompatible function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896426 - "media-sound/cdtool-2.1.8-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): commands.c:59:15: error: call to undeclared function open; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896444 - "dev-lang/perl-5.36.0-r2 - pp_sort.c: error: inlining failed in call to always_inline S_amagic_i_ncmp: function not considered for" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896446 - "www-servers/mongrel2-1.11.0-r2 - Parse error near line 29: no such column: @chat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896608 - "app-office/gtg: needs upgrade to Python 3.11 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896656 - "app-vim/splice: needs upgrade to Python 3.11 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896660 - "app-vim/vimpython: needs upgrade to Python 3.11 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:896964 - "games-strategy/0ad: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897180 - "net-wireless/liblms7002m: needs upgrade to Python 3.11 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897196 - "sci-chemistry/ParmEd: needs upgrade to Python 3.11 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897262 - "sys-apps/razercfg: needs upgrade to Python 3.11 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897290 - "sys-cluster/pacemaker: needs upgrade to Python 3.11 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897758 - "dev-python/qiskit-aer: test failures with GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897762 - "Maintainer: jinqiang zhang (peeweep AT 0x0.ee)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897764 - "dev-ada/langkit-23.0.0-r1 fails tests: printers.py:42: error: Item "None" of "Optional[List[SubPrettyPrinter]]" has no attribute "append" [union-attr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897770 - "[guru] dev-cpp/workflow-0.10.5 fails to compile: gtest-port.h:270:2: error: #error C++ versions less than C++14 are not supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897778 - "dev-util/hip-5.1.3-r4 fails to compile (HARDENED-SYSTEM): comgrctx.hpp:26:10: fatal error: amd_comgr.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897780 - "sci-mathematics/4ti2-1.6.7-r1 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): Assertion __n < this->size() failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897784 - "sci-libs/rocBLAS-5.1.3-r2 installs unrecognized ELF file (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897788 - "media-sound/lash-0.5.4-r5 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): main.c:42:12: fatal error: mcheck.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897792 - "media-sound/mp3blaster-3.2.6-r2 calls commands that do not exist (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): -z" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897800 - "media-sound/wavbreaker-0.16 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): moodbar.c:48:9: error: call to undeclared function kill; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897804 - "app-emulation/qemu-7.2.0-r3: ERROR: Cannot find Ninja" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897806 - "media-video/bino-1.6.8 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897810 - "media-video/dvgrab-3.5-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): io.c:165:17: error: variable has incomplete type struct timeval" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897814 - "media-video/harvid-0.9.0 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): timecode.h:34:23: error: typedef redefinition with different types (long long vs long)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897818 - "net-analyzer/dhcp_probe-1.3.1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): get_myeaddr.c:88:2: error: call to undeclared library function bzero with type void (void , unsigned long); ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-fu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897824 - "net-analyzer/hunt-1.5_p6_p1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): tap.c:28:10: fatal error: if_packet.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897826 - "net-analyzer/netwatch- fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): netresolv.h:8:2: error: unknown type name u_int32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897828 - "net-analyzer/portsentry-1.2-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): portsentry_tcpip.h:47:1: error: unknown type name __BEGIN_DECLS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897834 - "net-analyzer/webfuzzer-0.2.0-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): header.c:126:20: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion passing char to parameter of type int [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897838 - "net-analyzer/xprobe-0.3-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): misc.cc:21:3: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897840 - "net-analyzer/zabbix-6.2.7 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): net.c:115:79: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion initializing int with an expression of type void [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897842 - "net-dialup/linux-atm-2.5.2-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): unix.c:24:5: error: call to undeclared library function strcpy with type char (char , const char ); ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897844 - "net-dialup/mwavem-2.0-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): dspmgr.h :error: 936incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning to HANDLE (aka int) from pthread_t (aka struct __pthread ) [-Wint-conversion]:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897846 - "net-dialup/picocom-3.1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): termios2.c:64:15: error: use of undeclared identifier TCSETS2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897860 - "net-libs/wvstreams-4.6.1_p14-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): wvbufferstore.cc:47:9: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897864 - "net-irc/iroffer-dinoex-3.32-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl-ld.bfd: cannot find gcrt1.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897868 - "net-irc/unrealircd- fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): clang-16: error: unable to make temporary file: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897878 - "dev-lisp/cl-unicode-0.1.5 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897906 - "www-apache/mod_gnutls: incorrect timeout handling leads to excessive resource consumption" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:897912 - "media-libs/freeimage: oob read" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:897916 - "<net-vpn/libreswan-4.10: denial of service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:897922 - "dev-python/scripttest-1.3.0-r2 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897926 - "sys-cluster/glusterfs: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897928 - "<net-dns/knot-resolver-5.6.0: DoS via many TCP connections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:897940 - "net-mail/tpop3d-1.5.5-r5 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): configure: error: backtrace enabled but cant find execinfo.h" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897942 - "games-roguelike/nethack: buffer overflow via illegal input" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:897946 - "net-misc/ipsvd-1.0.0-r3 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): cdb_make.c:18:21: error: incompatible function pointer types passing ssize_t (int, const void , size_t) (aka long (int, const void , unsigned long)) to parameter of type int ()() [-Wincompatib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:897952 - "app-text/htmltidy: arbitrary code execution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898042 - "sys-devel/sparse-0.6.4-r2 fails tests (HARDENED-SYSTEM): error: actual error text does not match expected error text" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898044 - "sys-apps/linux-misc-apps-5.8-r1 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898054 - "sys-cluster/keepalived-2.2.8 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898056 - "sys-cluster/sanlock-3.8.5 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898072 - "sci-electronics/gtkwave-3.3.111 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): main.c:2083:31: error: call to undeclared function gtk_plug_new; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898084 - "net-proxy/squidguard-1.6.0-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): sg.h:209:3: error: unknown type name DB_INFO" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898086 - "net-misc/mico-2.3.13-r14 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): util.cc:870:5: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898088 - "net-misc/mptcpd-0.12 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): network_monitor.c:50:19: error: call to undeclared function __bswap_constant_32; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898094 - "net-misc/sipsak-0.9.8 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning to char from int [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898096 - "net-misc/tipcutils-3.0.6 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): inventory_sim.c:719:2: error: use of undeclared identifier fd_set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898110 - "sci-biology/STAR-2.7.10a fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): SharedMemory.h:142:22: error: unknown type name key_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898112 - "sci-biology/abyss-2.3.4 calls commands that do not exist (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): :" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898114 - "sci-biology/clustalw-2.1-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): FileParser.cpp:37:5: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898118 - "sci-biology/primer3-2.3.7-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): dpal.cdpal.c::368368::55:: error: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898120 - "sci-biology/mosaik-2.2.30 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): SHA1.cpp:76:2: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898122 - "sci-biology/pals-1.0-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): comp.cpp:31:5: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898126 - "sci-libs/coinor-utils-2.11.4 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): CoinOslC.h:37:15: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898134 - "sci-chemistry/mpqc-2.3.1-r4 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): configure: error: could not determine F77 symbol names" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898140 - "dev-python/pyrate-limiter-2.10.0 fails tests: FAILED test_context_decorator.py::test_ratelimit__delay_synchronous[monotonic1]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898144 - "sys-cluster/hpx-1.8.1 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898152 - "90gcc-warnings: improve fortify_source warnings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:898168 - "sci-electronics/splat-1.4.2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): rfsplat.cpp:570:2: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898170 - "dev-java/rxtx-2.2_pre2-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): hang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898174 - "sci-geosciences/gtk-g-rays2-2.05 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): wbt201.c:386:5: error: call to undeclared function setlocale; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898194 - "app-portage/portage-utils - qwhich: shows non existing packages from custom overlays" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898200 - "dev-lang/go: test failure on arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898204 - "x11-misc/xaos-3.6: HOMEPAGE incorrect (was 'Homepage' metadata incorrect)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898226 - "[guru] app-admin/oet- fails to compile: !!! dosbin: oet does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898242 - "x11-misc/lineak-defaultplugin-0.9.0-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898244 - "x11-misc/lineak-xosdplugin-0.9.0-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898246 - "x11-misc/lineakd-0.9.0-r4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898256 - "app-text/texlive-core-2024-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs: memicmp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898260 - "sci-libs/volk-2.5.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898266 - "sci-mathematics/geomview-1.9.5-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898272 - "sci-libs/trilinos-13.4.1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): trilinos_klu_factor.c:506:19: error: call to undeclared function omp_get_num_threads; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898280 - "sci-libs/gmsh-4.10.3 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): edgegen.c:1680:18: error: call to undeclared library function strlen with type unsigned long (const char ); ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-de" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898282 - "sci-libs/hdf5-1.10.5-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): H5Odeprec.c:141:8: error: call to undeclared function H5CX_set_apl; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898284 - "sci-libs/itpp-4.3.1-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): siso.h:668:5: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898292 - "sci-libs/spr-3.3.2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): SprSymMatrix.cc:198:4: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898294 - "sci-libs/taucs-2.2-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): taucs_config.c:244:5: error: call to undeclared function 'mkdir'; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898296 - "sci-libs/taucs-2.2-r1 does not respect CFLAGS (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898302 - "sci-mathematics/gretl-2021d fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): csvdata.c:2167:12: error: call to undeclared function strptime; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898392 - "x11-wm/windowmaker-0.96.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898412 - "x11-misc/xsetleds-0.1.3-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898416 - "sci-mathematics/petsc-3.18.2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): gmake[3]: No rule to make target w" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898454 - "x11-plugins/asapm-3.1-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (HARDENED-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898476 - "sci-mathematics/petsc-3.18.2 - gmake[3]: No rule to make target w. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898514 - "dev-python/ubelt: bundles a ton of libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898524 - "dev-python/olefile-0.46-r2 fails to compile (HARDENED-SYSTEM): RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898528 - "sys-apps/man-pages-6.04 calls commands that do not exist (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): locale" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898534 - "sci-physics/lammps-20220217 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): info.cpp:1329:27: error: function-like macro __GLIBC_PREREQ is not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898536 - "sci-visualization/gle-4.3.3-r3 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): lzwencode.cpp:128:2: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898538 - "sys-apps/apmd-3.2.2_p14-r3 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): apmd.c:372:14: error: call to undeclared function __W_EXITCODE; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898540 - "sys-apps/baobab-43.0 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): baobab-cellrenderers.c:429:45: error: incompatible function pointer types assigning to void ()(GtkCellRenderer , GtkSnapshot , GtkWidget , const GdkRectangle , const GdkRectangle , GtkCellRendere" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898544 - "sys-apps/edac-utils-0.18-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): split.c:43:51: error: comparing a pointer to a null character constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898548 - "sys-apps/netkit-base-0.17-r9 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): mysleep.c:16:14: error: use of undeclared identifier NULL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898554 - "sys-auth/nss_ldap-265-r11 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): ldap-nss.h:657:22: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit int [-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898558 - "sys-block/buffer-1.19-r4 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): sem.c:79:14: error: variable has incomplete type union semun" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898564 - "sys-boot/plymouth-22.02.122-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): ply-command-parser.c:734:21: error: call to undeclared function rpmatch; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898568 - "sys-devel/distcc-3.4-r4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898570 - "sys-devel/gettext-0.22.5-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898572 - "sys-devel/dwz-0.14 operates on file that does not exist (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): COPYRIGHT_YEARS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898586 - "dev-util/crash-8.0.5 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898592 - "x11-libs/wxGTK- has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898596 - "sys-devel/m4-1.4.19-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898602 - "sys-fs/genext2fs-1.5.0-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898614 - "sys-fs/lde-2.6.1-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): y.tab.c:1118:16: error: call to undeclared function yylex; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898632 - "games-engines/scummvm-2.7.0 - common/.../vise.cpp: error: inflateZlibHeaderless is not a member of Common" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898636 - "media-gfx/meshlab-2020.12-r1 - /.../Object3D.h: error: glVertex3f was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898640 - "dev-lang/go build hangs with FEATURES=usersandbox" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898648 - "quickpkg: add support for parallel processing (creation of binpkgs)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898656 - "app-backup/bareos-22.0.2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898670 - "dev-python/fonttools-4.38.0-r1 fails tests (CYTHON3-SYSTEM): collecting .. Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898742 - "sys-libs/libcap-ng-0.8.3 installs modules that are not byte-compiled (CYTHON3-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898752 - "dev-util/rocm_bandwidth_test-5.3.3 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): base_test.hpp:48:10: fatal error: hsa.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898760 - "dev-games/libmaitretarot-0.1.98-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898788 - "games-action/deathchase3d-0.9-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898790 - "games-action/gltron-0.70-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898792 - "games-action/tuxkart-0.4.0-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898796 - "games-arcade/cob-0.9-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898802 - "games-arcade/xbubble-0.5.8-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898804 - "games-board/gtkboard-0.11_pre0-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898806 - "media-libs/freealut-1.1.0-r5 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898812 - "app-text/libspectre-0.2.12 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898816 - "gnome-base/libgtop-2.40.0-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898820 - "media-libs/libaom-3.5.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898832 - "www-apps/zeppelin-bin-0.10.1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898878 - "x11-misc/evolvotron-0.7.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): dialog_about.cpp:55:18: error: unknown type name Build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898886 - "x11-misc/lineakd-0.9.0-r4 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl-ld.bfd: pluginmanager.o: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol _ZSt19piecewise_construct can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898890 - "x11-misc/tint2-17.1.3 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): clang-16: error: unknown argument: -finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=tracing.c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898900 - "dev-util/rocm_bandwidth_test-5.7.1 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898936 - "games-fps/quakeforge-0.7.2_p20210722-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898938 - "net-misc/eventd-0.29.0 - server/.../meson.build: ERROR: Dependency gssdp-1.6 not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898948 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 - libmemory-hooks-charmdebug.c: error: _malloc_hook undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898968 - "x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.37 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898972 - "net-misc/sstp-client-1.0.18 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898974 - "net-misc/zssh-1.5c-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898976 - "sci-libs/rocSPARSE-5.1.3-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898984 - "games-mud/circlemud-3.1-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898986 - "games-mud/tf-5.0_beta8_p8-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898988 - "games-puzzle/concentration-1.2-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898992 - "games-strategy/lgeneral-1.4.4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:898994 - "games-strategy/xbattleai-1.2.2-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899000 - "games-puzzle/fbg-0.9-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899004 - "games-puzzle/glightoff-1.0.0-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899016 - "games-roguelike/zangband-2.7.4c-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899024 - "games-util/qstat-2.14 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899042 - "x11-plugins/wmmisc-1.2 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): dockapp_utils.c:21:10: fatal error: time_t.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899054 - "media-libs/speexdsp-1.2.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899056 - "net-libs/libetpan-1.9.4-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899068 - "x11-wm/oroborus-2.0.20-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899186 - "sys-apps/util-linux: trying to invoke bash completion on "su - -s" outputs "chsh --help"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899214 - "sys-fabric/mstflint-4.20.0_p1 - /.../install: cannot create regular file .../mtcr.py: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899220 - "app-admin/rasdaemon-0.8.0 - ras-events.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to tep_filter_alloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899564 - "media-sound/mixxx-2.3.6 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899570 - "[TRACKER] dev-java/testng-7.7.1: dependencies missing for version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899576 - "games-arcade/epiar-0.5.1-r1 - Package dependency requirement ftgl >= 2.1.3 could not be satisfied." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899582 - "llvm-core/clang provides incomplete static libraries in llvm profiles (missing TF helpers, e.g. ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: __multf3)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899586 - "[chymeric] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899598 - "catalyst: fix current .pylintrc warnings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899652 - "dev-lang/swig-4.1.1-r1 fails test - # Failed test double out" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899752 - "media-plugins/kodi-audiodecoder-timidity-3.0.0 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): MidiScan.h:88:3: error: uint8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899756 - "media-plugins/kodi-pvr-hts-8.4.0 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): HTSPVFS.h:53:3: error: uint32_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899776 - "mail-filter/dcc-2.3.168 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899780 - "mail-filter/rblcheck-1.5-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899784 - "mail-filter/spamprobe-1.4d-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899794 - "com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs:4.7.1: needed for dev-java/testng version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899800 - "media-gfx/psftools-1.0.10 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899802 - "media-gfx/quat-1.20-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899804 - "media-gfx/sane-frontends-1.0.14-r6 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899808 - "media-libs/blib-1.1.7-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899816 - "media-libs/libde265-1.0.15 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899818 - "media-libs/libggigcp-1.0.2-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899820 - "media-libs/libggimisc-2.2.2-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899822 - "media-libs/libggiwmh-0.3.2-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899824 - "media-libs/libifp- has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899830 - "media-libs/libva-intel-driver-2.4.1-r6 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899832 - "media-libs/libxmi-1.3-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899834 - "media-libs/nas-1.9.5-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899850 - "media-sound/gstreamripper-0.2-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899852 - "media-sound/id3tool-1.2a has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899854 - "media-sound/mp3c-0.31-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899856 - "media-sound/sidplay-2.0.9-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899858 - "media-sound/streamtranscoder-3.1.11-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899860 - "media-sound/vbrfixc-0.24-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899864 - "media-video/blinkentools-2.9-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899870 - "media-video/mplayer-1.5_p20231206 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899880 - "net-p2p/syncthingtray: Qt-based tray application to integrate net-p2p/syncthing (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899904 - "app-admin/augeas-1.14.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899906 - "app-text/mandoc-1.14.6 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899908 - "net-misc/openssh-9.9_p1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899912 - "net-misc/memcached-1.6.31 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899914 - "media-video/subsync-0.0.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899918 - "net-analyzer/cacti-spine-1.2.20 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899922 - "net-analyzer/firewalk-5.0-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899928 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.9.4-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899930 - "net-analyzer/snort-2.9.20 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899932 - "net-analyzer/ipcad-3.7.3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899936 - "net-analyzer/iplog-2.2.3-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899938 - "net-analyzer/isic-0.07-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899942 - "app-admin/monit-5.34.2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:899990 - "java-utils-2.eclass should support USE-conditional dependencies in CP_DEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900004 - "[guru] dev-cpp/parallel-hashmap-1.3.8 fails to compile: container_memory_test.cc:15:10: fatal error: phmap.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900006 - "[guru] dev-python/python-pkcs11-0.7.0-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900008 - "[guru] dev-python/python-pkcs11-0.7.0-r2 fails to compile: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named sphinx_rtd_theme" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900020 - "[guru] x11-terms/tabby-bin-1.0.189 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900028 - "net-analyzer/nrpe-4.1.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900032 - "net-analyzer/nsca-2.7.2-r104 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900034 - "net-analyzer/pathload-1.3.2-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900038 - "net-analyzer/sarg-2.4.0-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900044 - "net-analyzer/xprobe-0.3-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900046 - "net-analyzer/zabbix-7.0.4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900070 - "net-ftp/yafc-1.3.7-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900080 - "net-irc/muh-2.2a-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900082 - "net-irc/ngircd-26.1-r5 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900086 - "net-libs/canlock-3.3.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900094 - "sys-libs/ldb-2.6.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900108 - "app-antivirus/clamav-1.0.1 fails tests (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): 5 - freshclam (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900110 - "app-arch/tarlz-0.23 fails tests (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900112 - "app-backup/pdumpfs-1.3-r3 fails tests (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900114 - "app-crypt/pesign-114 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): : No rule to make target cdefs.h, needed by libdpe.o" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900118 - "app-arch/gzip-1.13-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900122 - "app-backup/mirdir-2.1-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900126 - "app-cdr/ccd2iso-0.3-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900128 - "app-cdr/cue2toc-0.4-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900132 - "app-crypt/hashalot-0.3-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900134 - "dev-db/postgresql-17.0-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900150 - "mirror unavailable: mirrors.zju.edu.com - 1000 Mb/s @ Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900174 - "net-mail/dovecot- has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900186 - "net-mail/mswatch-1.2.0-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900190 - "net-mail/qmrtg-2.1-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900196 - "net-mail/renattach-1.2.4-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900226 - "Portage creates binpkgs in PKGDIR, when it should use a temp dir and move the finished build binpkg later into PKGDIR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900228 - "Document idempotency requirement for pkg_preinst? (Portage's quickpkg may run pkg_preinst a second time, after already run on live system)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900248 - "app-arch/sharutils-4.15.2-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900250 - "dev-libs/librdkafka-2.2.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900268 - "net-nntp/leafnode-1.12.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900270 - "net-nntp/slrn-1.0.3-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900272 - "net-misc/dhcpcd-ui-0.7.8 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900282 - "net-misc/hylafaxplus-7.0.6-r4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900290 - "net-proxy/squidguard-1.6.0-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900292 - "net-misc/minidlna-1.3.3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900294 - "net-misc/ntp-4.2.8_p17-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900298 - "net-voip/yate-6.2.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900302 - "net-misc/openrsync-0.5.0_p20220508 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900312 - "net-misc/rsync-bpc- has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900316 - "net-misc/scponly-4.8-r8 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900324 - "app-emulation/bochs-2.7 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900328 - "app-emulation/hercules-3.13-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900342 - "app-emulation/xcpc-0.37.0-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900344 - "dev-scheme/gambit-4.9.5 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900360 - "[guru] dev-python/skia-pathops-0.7.4 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900388 - "app-i18n/uim-1.8.9-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900390 - "app-laptop/tpb-0.6.4-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900394 - "app-misc/rlwrap-0.46.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900398 - "app-i18n/xvnkb-0.2.11 fails to configure with Modern C" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900402 - "app-misc/boxes-2.2.0 fails tests (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900404 - "net-wireless/uhd- fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): compat_check.hpp:67:40: error: uint8_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900406 - "net-wireless/wepdecrypt-0.8-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900408 - "sci-astronomy/gnuastro-0.16-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900410 - "dev-lang/python-3.12.0_alpha6 - : error: Incorrect number of arguments. uuid3 requires a namespace and a name. Run python -m uuid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900433 - "java-pkg-simple.eclass: Support building multi-release JAR files [JEP 238]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900467 - "app-misc/dateutils-0.4.10 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900469 - "app-misc/gcal-4.1-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900477 - "app-misc/rl-0.2.7-r2 calls commands that do not exist (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): #include" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900479 - "app-misc/rl-0.2.7-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900485 - "app-shells/dsh-0.25.10-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900487 - "app-shells/rush-2.3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900489 - "app-text/bibclean-3.06 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900499 - "app-office/calligra-3.2.1-r5[pdf] fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): Target "calligra_filter_pdf2svg" links to: Poppler::Qt5 but the target was not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900501 - "sci-astronomy/xfitsview-2.2-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900507 - "dev-python/fonttools-4.39.0 fails to compile (GCC-13-SYSTEM): AttributeError: module pythran has no attribute __version__" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900511 - "app-admin/eselect: omit 'stable' and 'dev' from 'eselect profile list' by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900519 - "sys-devel/gcc-12.2.1_p20230304: ICE in ix86_print_operand_address_as when building dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.15.8-r3 and others with LTO (bitcode mismatch?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900525 - "dev-lang/ruby-3.3.6-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (CLANG-17-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900529 - "app-text/psiconv-0.8.3-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900537 - "app-text/xdvik-22.87.06-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900549 - "sci-biology/gmap-2020.10.27 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900553 - "sci-biology/kalign-2.03-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900555 - "sci-biology/mcl-14.137 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900557 - "sci-biology/unafold-3.8-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900559 - "sci-calculators/datamash-1.7-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900561 - "sci-libs/coinor-cbc-2.10.5 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900563 - "sci-libs/coinor-cgl-0.60.3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900565 - "sci-libs/coinor-clp-1.17.6-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900567 - "sci-libs/coinor-dylp-1.10.4-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900569 - "sci-libs/coinor-osi-0.108.6 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900571 - "sci-libs/coinor-utils-2.11.9 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900573 - "sci-libs/coinor-vol-1.5.4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900577 - "sci-calculators/transcalc-0.14-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900579 - "app-alternatives/awk-4 does not manage /usr/share/man/man1/awk.1.bz2 symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900583 - "dev-libs/liblognorm-2.0.6-r1 fails to compile (CLANG-17-SYSTEM): asprintf.c:27:5: error: expected parameter declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900603 - "media-sound/muse-0.9.2_p20161002 - configure: error: both portaudio and jack are enabled, disable one" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900665 - "app-containers/lxc-5.0.2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (CLANG-17-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900669 - "sys-fs/lxcfs-5.0.3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (CLANG-17-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900671 - "sci-chemistry/moldy-2.16e-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (GCC-13-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900689 - "dev-embedded/include-0.4.2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900691 - "dev-embedded/upslug2-11 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900693 - "dev-lang/mercury-22.01.1-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900695 - "sci-libs/buddy-2.4-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900699 - "dev-libs/glib-2.74.6: ERROR: Dependency lookup for libelf with method 'pkgconfig' failed: Could not generate cargs for libelf:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900703 - "dev-cpp/edencommon-2023.02.06.00 fails tests (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): 5 - Fixture.lookup_expires (SEGFAULT)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900705 - "dev-cpp/gulrak-filesystem-1.5.14 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): filesystem_test.cpp:24:10: fatal error: algorithm file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900711 - "dev-db/sqlitestudio-3.4.4-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG-SYSTEM): posixcrashhandler.cpp:5:10: fatal error: execinfo.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900713 - "sys-devel/crossdev: arm-none-eabi builds stage3, not stage4 (no C++ compiler)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900731 - "media-libs/libjpeg-turbo- - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900751 - "dev-python/numpy-1.24.2 fails to compile on s390 & ia64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900755 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 - ckobjid.h: error: const struct _ObjectID::s_array has no member named idx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900767 - "dev-java/javatoolkit does not support multi-release JAR files (in /usr/libexec/javatoolkit/class-version-verify.py)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900887 - "games-strategy/freecol-1.0.0 fails tests: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Serif can not display LATIN CROSS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900889 - "dev-libs/libmemcached-awesome-1.1.4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900913 - "Maintainer: Cristian Othón Martínez Vera (cfuga AT cfuga.mx)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900943 - "net-nds/openldap: init script modernization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900947 - "app-misc/qcma-0.4.2_pre20181227-r2 - avdecoder.cpp: error: AVStream {aka struct AVStream} has no member named codec" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900955 - "sci-electronics/pcb2gcode-2.1.0 generates gcode for a CNC-driven mill from gerber files (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900977 - "app-text/ghostscript-gpl-10.0.0-r5 does not build all static libraries with USE="static-libs"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900979 - "[guru] dev-python/python-http-client-3.3.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900981 - "[guru] app-accessibility/rhvoice-1.6.0 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900993 - "[guru] app-admin/chezmoi-2.20.0 fails tests: -buildmode=pie not supported when -race is enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:900999 - "[guru] app-crypt/intel-ipsec-mb-1.3 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901001 - "[guru] app-crypt/intel-ipsec-mb-1.3 compiles tests without FEATURES="test"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901021 - "[guru] app-misc/electricsheep-3.0.2_p20191005 fails to compile: path_traits.hpp:495:85: error: call of overloaded _check_convertible_to_path_source(const wxString&) is ambiguous" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901023 - "[guru] app-misc/far2l-2.4.0_beta fails to compile: vtcompletor.cpp:107:23: error: time was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901029 - "[guru] app-misc/brightnessctl-0.5.1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901109 - "app-misc/zellij-0.40.1-r1 fails to compile: error: couldnt read compact-bar.wasm: No such file or directory (os error 2)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901113 - "dev-python/pyscreenshot-3.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901131 - "[guru] dev-crystal/kilt-0.6.1 fails tests: Error: Error executing run (exit code: 1): process test.liquid __kilt_io__ ctx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901133 - "[guru] dev-games/surgescript-0.5.5 fails to compile: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named regex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901135 - "[guru] dev-go/staticcheck-0.3.3 fails tests: internal error: package "errors" without types was imported from "bytes"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901147 - "[guru] dev-python/aiopg-1.4.0 fails to compile: TypeError: Python directive method get_signature_prefix() must return a list of nodes Return value was coroutine async-with" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901155 - "[guru] app-mobilephone/flashlight-0.1.1-r2 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901159 - "[guru] app-text/klogg- overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901165 - "[guru] dev-db/rum-1.3.14 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901171 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-1.1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901173 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-1.1 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901175 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-bin-2.1 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901183 - "[guru] dev-libs/fsst-0_pre20200830-r1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901195 - "[guru] dev-lisp/PSL-6.1_p20210604 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901219 - "[guru] dev-python/starkbank-ecdsa-2.2.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901223 - "[guru] gui-apps/sfwbar-1.0_beta10 installs icons but does not update icon cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901225 - "[guru] dev-raku/Getopt-Long-0.3.3-r1 fails to compile: env: install-dist.raku: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901227 - "[guru] dev-raku/File-Which-1.0.1 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901237 - "media-video/pipewire-0.3.67 - ../.../meson.build: ERROR: Dependency avahi-client not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901257 - "[Tracker] Packages broken with media-video/ffmpeg-6.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901269 - "sci-libs/netcdf-cxx-4.3.1-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901271 - "sci-libs/netcdf-fortran-4.6.1 fails to compile: error: tag HTML_FOOTER: footer file footer.html does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901273 - "dev-python/pygame-2.5.2-r1 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901277 - "[guru] games-board/fairy-stockfish-14.0.1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901279 - "[guru] games-puzzle/atris-1.0.7 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901283 - "[guru] media-gfx/zwcad-2023. installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901285 - "[guru] media-libs/grok-9.7.6 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901289 - "[guru] media-libs/svt-vp9-0.3.0 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901301 - "[guru] games-board/fairy-stockfish-14.0.1 fails tests: fairy-stockfish: bitboard.h:460: Stockfish::RiderType Stockfish::pop_rider(RiderType): Assertion r failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901333 - "[guru] net-libs/ixwebsocket-11.4.4 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901335 - "[guru] net-libs/picotls-0_pre20220721 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901337 - "[guru] net-libs/td-1.8.0 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901385 - "git sync: Add sync-git-verify-commit-signature "if-signed" mode and default to it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901393 - "app-admin/doas: vulnerable to privilege escalation via TIOCSTI/TIOCLINUX command injection" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:901415 - "[guru] sys-apps/systemd-bootchart-235 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901457 - "[guru] sci-electronics/circt-1.76.0 fails to compile: gold-plugin.cpp:38:10: fatal error: plugin-api.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901469 - "[guru] dev-python/sendgrid-6.9.7 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901729 - "dev-ml/opam-installer-2.1.2-r1: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901743 - "dev-java/jdom- skips tests because of unresolved test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901775 - "x11-misc/tint2-17.1.3: crashes with >=dev-libs/glib-2.76.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901783 - "xfce-base/thunar: crash with dev-libs/glib-2.76?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901797 - "dev-util/ostree-2023.1 - The tmpfiles processor exited with a non-zero exit code" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901805 - "[Tracker] Breakage with dev-libs/glib-2.76" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:901999 - "dev-python/pytest-qt-4.2.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902001 - "dev-python/tpm2-pytss-2.3.0 calls cpp directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902043 - "[displacer] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902079 - "app-misc/tracker-3.5.0_rc fails to compile: meson.build:12:0: ERROR: Program dot not found or not executable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902103 - "Maintainer: Jonas Frei (freijon AT pm.me)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902105 - "Maintainer: Robert Pearce (bugs.gentoo AT flitspace.org.uk)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902111 - "net-p2p/biglybt: tests not enabled because junit-jupiter not in JAVA_TESTING_FRAMEWORKS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902115 - "app-portage/hackport- - compiling .../Setup.hs failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902215 - "portage.tests.emerge.test_simple.SimpleEmergeTestCase test failure with app-alternatives/tar[libarchive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902221 - "[TRACKER] Repositories using obsolete hashes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902227 - "ag-ops: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902229 - "ahyangyi-overlay: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902233 - "alexcepoi: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902235 - "aluco: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902239 - "anyc: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902243 - "average: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902247 - "blender-gentoo-logo: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902249 - "booboo: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902253 - "cg: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902259 - "displacer: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902261 - "dmchurch: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902271 - "flightsim: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902275 - "fol4: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902277 - "gamarouns: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902287 - "grub2-themes: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902297 - "ixit: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902299 - "java: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902301 - "jkolo: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902303 - "jmbsvicetto: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902315 - "liftm: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902321 - "luke-jr: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902327 - "Miezhiko: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902329 - "moaxcp: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902331 - "multilib-portage: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902333 - "musl: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902335 - "musl-clang: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902337 - "oddlama: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902339 - "openclonk: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902341 - "pdilung: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902343 - "pentoo: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902345 - "pg_overlay: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902353 - "pixlra: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902357 - "qownnotes-overlay: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902373 - "R_Overlay: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902377 - "rukruk: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902385 - "scrill: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902389 - "smaeul: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902403 - "twister: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902407 - "wbrana: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902413 - "youbroketheinternet: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902415 - "yurij-overlay: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902417 - "zugaina: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902419 - "zx2c4: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902421 - "argent-main: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902423 - "eclipse: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902425 - "menelkir: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902427 - "roslin: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902431 - "sft: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902433 - "simonvanderveldt: obsolete hashes used in Manifest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902435 - "net-irc/emech-3.0.99_p20221123: failed: error: conflicting types for 'Calloc'; have 'void *(int)'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902467 - "net-analyzer/wireshark-4.0.4-r1 - /.../wspcap.h: fatal error: pcap.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902483 - "media-libs/netpbm-11.1.1: -Wreturn-type warnings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902491 - "<media-gfx/cairosvg-2.7.0: fetches arbitrary resources from SVG files by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902533 - "dev-ada/gpr-23.0.0-r5 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902559 - "llvm-core/lld-15.0.7: SIGABRT compiling chromium[lto] on ppc64le" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902713 - "Portage might create a directory during merge then pause before installing files (dev-python/shapely-2.0.1 fails to compile: AttributeError: module pythran has no attribute __version__)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902723 - "dev-java/jdbc-mysql: tests not enabled because of missing eclass support of junit-jupiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902755 - "dev-perl/PDL-2.63.0 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902835 - "media-video/dvdauthor-0.7.2-r2 - subgen-image.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to GetExceptionInfo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:902989 - "sys-apps/nawk-20220122-r1 - awkgram.tab.c:1751: error: set undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903001 - "dev-libs/libressl: Add libressl back please" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903035 - "[guru] dev-util/wxformbuilder-3.10.1-r1 fails to compile: Could NOT find wxWidgets (missing: wxWidgets_LIBRARIES)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903107 - "dev-java/java-config: depend-java-query ignores USE flag like '>=virtual/jdk-11:*[-headless-awt]'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903139 - "<app-arch/upx-4.0.2 <app-arch/upx-bin-4.0.2: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:903177 - "games-server/pvpgn- - CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903199 - "sys-boot/syslinux-6.04_pre1-r5 - nasm: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903293 - "dev-util/redo-0.42d - ERROR: dev-util/redo-0.42d::gentoo failed (install phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903347 - "sys-apps/accountsservice-23.13.9 fails tests: FAIL: test_languages (__main__.Tests.test_languages) (tests fail without en_IE.UTF-8 locale)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903349 - "media-sound/qmidiroute-0.4.0-r1 installs .desktop files with MimeType but does not update desktop mimeinfo cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903503 - "lxde-base/lxdm-0.5.3-r4: lxdm overwrites LC_MESSAGES=C with LC_MESSAGES=en_GB.utf8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903516 - "sys-block/ndctl-76.1 - event_trace.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to tep_event_fields" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903519 - "dev-java/bsh: skips tests because of unresolved test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903551 - "Update downloadable media terminology from LiveCD/DVD/LiveUSB to "live image"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903579 - "app-i18n/ibus-1.5.27 - Package 'systemd', required by 'virtual:world', not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903602 - "dev-util/Tensile-5.4.2-r1 - ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903603 - "mail-client/thunderbird-102.9.1 - 40:09.67 .../strlcpy.c: error: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all ve" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903604 - "net-misc/bird-2.0.12-r1 - /.../sh:line <snip>: .../proto-build.c: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903611 - "[Tracker] Breakage with sys-libs/musl-1.2.4 (9999) LFS shims being removed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903627 - "x11-libs/wxGTK- fails to compile: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: wxWidgets-3.2.2-docs-html" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903628 - "media-libs/libcaca-0.99_beta19-r11 fails to compile: mv: cannot stat refman.pdf: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903637 - "sci-electronics/magic-8.3.365 - grTCairo2.c: fatal error: cairo/cairo-xlib.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903661 - "net-misc/oidentd-3.0.0-r1 - configure: error: No parser generator found; please install bison" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903667 - "dev-java/junit-5.9.2 does not define MAVEN_PROVIDES" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903693 - "x11-plugins/gkrellmss-2.6-r5 - emerge hangs during configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903706 - "media-sound/ncmpc-0.47[-nls] - /.../libintl.h: error: expected unqualified-id before const" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903707 - "x11-libs/pango-1.50.13 - Dependency 'cairo' is required but not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903760 - "net-analyzer/wireshark-4.0.4-r1 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903769 - "dev-perl/* and perl-core/* packages are not playing well with crossdev" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:903777 - "media-sound/lilypond-2.24: Build updates" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903803 - "dev-debug/edb-debugger: denial of service vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:903806 - "<app-admin/vault-{1.11.9,1.12.5}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:903811 - "[guru] gui-apps/meteo-qt-3.3 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903887 - "dev-libs/nspr-4.35-r1 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903896 - "sys-devel/gcc-12.2.1_p20230304 - /.../proc.c: error: #error unknown case for SETCONTEXT_CLOBBERS_TLS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903897 - "dev-java/mockito-2.28.2: skips some tests because of unresolved test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903899 - "dev-python/flask-babel-3.0.1-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903921 - "[TRACKER] Packages calling tar without -f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903928 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel: splitdebug and -Wl,--build-id causes conflicts between slots" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903974 - "dev-python/pygame-2.2.0: test phase aborts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:903975 - "dev-build/scons-4.4.0-r1: test/DVIPS/DVIPSFLAGS.py fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904037 - "<app-arch/bzip3-1.3.0: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:904041 - "<net-analyzer/tcpdump-4.99.4: OOB write in SMB decoder" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:904055 - "ruby-utils.eclass: add ruby_fix_shebangs function to fix shebangs (like python_fix_shebangs)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904065 - "app-metrics/carbonapi-booking-0.3.0-r1 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904066 - "net-ftp/yafc-1.3.7-r2 - src/syshdr.h: error: unknown type name CPPFunction" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904069 - "net-dns/bind-9.16.39 - file collision with app-crypt/yubihsm-shell-2.4.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904073 - "games-server/crossfire-server-1.71.0-r2 - econf failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904080 - "app-text/rpl-1.15.2 fails to compile: help2man: cant get --help info from rpl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904087 - "sys-fs/zfs-kmod should not always require CONFIG_MODULES" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:904096 - "dev-libs/glib-2.76.1 - ../.../desktop-app-info.c: error: expected ; before ) token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904124 - "games-strategy/freeorion-0.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904126 - "app-text/groonga-14.0.4 fails to compile: configure: error: No sphinx-build found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904127 - "sys-devel/gcc-11.3.1_p20230303[fortran] adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904133 - "net-analyzer/pmacct-1.7.8 - ndpi.c: error: too few arguments to function ndpi_detection_process_packet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904140 - "llvm-runtimes/openmp should be slotted per LLVM versions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:904154 - "app-misc/screen-4.9.1-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904160 - "app-editors/ted-2.23-r3 - emake failed: YOU MUST BE ROOT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904192 - "dev-lua/lgi-0.9.2-r100 fails test - ERROR: dev-lua/lgi-0.9.2-r100::gentoo failed (test phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904193 - "net-mail/mu-1.10.2 fails test - 11/27 test-message FAIL 0.02s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904203 - "dev-python/uvicorn-0.21.1 fails tests: test_asgi_return_value[H11Protocol-WebSocketProtocol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904217 - "app-metrics/go-carbon-0.17.1 fails test - FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904228 - "sys-boot/grub: Grub fails to detect LVM volumes with: error: disk `lvmid/*/*' not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:904233 - "dev-libs/glib-2.82.2 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904236 - "dev-perl/YAML-PP-0.36.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904240 - "dev-util/diffuse-0.7.7 fails test - 2/2 Validate appstream file FAIL 0.02s exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904244 - "games-engines/solarus-1.6.5 - Could not find a package configuration file provided by Qt5LinguistTools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904270 - "dev-java/jdbc-sqlite- skips several tests because of unresolved test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904274 - "dev-python/rich-13.3.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904275 - "app-text/discount-2.2.7c-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904286 - "dev-libs/libdbusmenu-16.04.0-r2 fails test - FAIL: test-gtk-objects-test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904297 - "dev-python/pyspelling-2.8.2: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904305 - "[guru] app-misc/pueue-3.1.2 fails tests: error: test failed, to rerun pass -p pueue --test tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904312 - "media-gfx/netgen-6.2.2301 - !!! newins: .../netgen-2.png does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904313 - "app-i18n/im-chooser-1.7.3 - eggsmclient-private.h: fatal error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904315 - "dev-cpp/libjson-rpc-cpp-1.4.0 fails test - 6 - connector_tcpsocket (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904356 - "dev-libs/bitshuffle: strict aliasing violations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904359 - "x11-terms/mlterm-3.9.3 - /.../commonhd.h: fatal error: wnnerror.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904368 - "dev-util/spirv-llvm-translator-15 fails tests on riscv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904369 - "sys-devel/gcc rename USE pie/ssp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:904378 - "sys-fs/zfs-2.2.7 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904379 - "sys-fs/zfs-kmod-2.2.6 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904395 - "app-i18n/kakasi-2.3.6-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904398 - "sci-mathematics/z3-4.12.1 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904416 - "app-crypt/yubihsm-shell-2.4.0 - ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904417 - "net-dns/knot-3.2.2 - libknot/.../quic.c: error: unknown type name ngtcp2_conn_stat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904450 - "dev-db/pgbouncer-1.23.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904464 - "[guru] app-office/obsidian-1.1.16 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904465 - "[guru] app-office/obsidian-1.1.16 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904466 - "[guru] app-office/obsidian-1.1.16 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904479 - "net-dns/knot-3.2.1-r1 - libknot/.../quic.c: error: ngtcp2_settings has no member named max_udp_payload_size" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904480 - "sci-electronics/iverilog-12.0 - invalid option: --verbose" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904497 - "dev-python/pyamg: rekeyword" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:904502 - "Setting PORTAGE_SCHEDULING_POLICY to "idle" in make.conf breaks emerge on musl (posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicy etc are not implemented)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:904503 - "dev-cpp/opentelemetry-cpp-1.9.0: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904517 - "lua-single.eclass: LUA_SINGLE_TARGET should be set to a default value as PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904530 - "dev-lang/ruby-3.2*: missing jit on all platforms but amd64/arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904559 - "[TRACKER] Python 3.11 stabilizations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904667 - "dev-db/percona-server- - /.../ld: cannot find -lldap_r: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904704 - "media-libs/harfbuzz-7.1.0[cairo]: failed (configure phase): Run-time dependency cairo found: NO; ERROR: Automatic wrap-based subproject downloading is disabled (x11-libs/libX11 or x11-libs/cairo[X] needs RDEPEND on xorg-proto)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904713 - ">=gnome-base/gdm-44_rc breaks net-misc/keychain" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904731 - "sci-visualization/paraview-5.12.0_rc1-r1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project: VTK_GROUP_ENABLE_Tk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904748 - "net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.40.0-r600 - CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904855 - "sys-apps/nawk-20220122-r1 - awkgram.tab.c:519: error: unterminated #if" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904873 - "app-text/groonga-13.0.1 - window_function_executor.cpp: fatal error: .../api.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904939 - "app-text/podofo: heap buffer overread" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:904943 - "<dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit-12.1.0: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:904948 - "dev-python/nox-2023.04.22 fails tests: pypy3: error: Can not specify both --no-color and --force-color" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904990 - "dev-ruby/rmagick: tests fail on ppc32, ppc64 (Magick::Image::Info#origin)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904995 - "dev-vcs/subversion-1.14.2-r1 fails tests: FAIL: error-test 3: test svn_error_symbolic_name" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:904999 - "x11-libs/neXtaw-0.15.1-r5 - laylex.l: error: VERTICAL undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905001 - "dev-db/percona-server- - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905009 - "app-admin/lnav: arm, arm64 keywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905081 - "x11-misc/gpaste-3.42.5 ERROR: Dependency "mutter-clutter-9" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905089 - "dev-lang/jerryscript: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:905090 - "app-laptop/tuxedo-control-center-bin: Electron UI does not display in Wayland" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905092 - "media-libs/libmp4v2: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:905103 - "<media-tv/kodi-21.0: denial of service via heap buffer overflow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:905104 - "media-libs/allegro: denial of service via buffer overflow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:905106 - "media-libs/game-music-emu-0.6.3 fails to compile: ld: cannot find -lgme: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905136 - "sci-libs/hdf5: heap buffer overread" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:905183 - "sys-apps/qingy-1.0.0-r6 - rm: cannot remove .../qingy: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905206 - "<app-emulation/cloud-init-23.4: secrets written to logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:905207 - "app-text/xpdf: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905213 - "media-gfx/opentoonz-1.6.0 fails to compile: CMake Error at Qt5LinguistToolsMacros.cmake:99 (add_custom_command): Attempt to add a custom rule to output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905217 - "app-admin/lnav: fails tests on arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905273 - "[guru] dev-util/lemminx-bin-0.27.1 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905274 - "[guru] gui-apps/espanso-2.1.8 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905291 - "sci-libs/rocThrust-5.1.3 includes are installed in the wrong folder" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905301 - "net-dns/coredns: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:905315 - "net-dns/knot-3.2.2 - ./.../quic.h: error: unknown type name ngtcp2_connection_close_error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905319 - "dev-lang/lua: heap buffer overread" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:905321 - "<net-dns/dnsmasq-2.90: excessive EDNS.0 UDP packet size limit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:905323 - "<net-analyzer/tcpreplay-4.4.4: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:905329 - "<dev-java/gradle-bin-{7.6.1,8.0}: long PGP key ID collision vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:905339 - "sys-cluster/ceph: RGW crash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905342 - "app-emulation/qemu: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905374 - "Maintainer: Andie Verbus (andieverbus AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905393 - "media-libs/libjxl: assertion failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:905404 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2-r4 - rts/.../Evac.c: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905406 - "net-mail/dovecot- calls commands that do not exist: rpcgen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905408 - "app-metrics/prometheus-2.43.0-r2: curl -s http://localhost:9090/graph fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905412 - "dev-db/mariadb-connector-c-3.3.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905415 - "dev-tex/dot2tex-2.11.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905431 - "www-client/firefox[jumbo-build]: Modifying FILES_PER_UNIFIED_FILE crashes the build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905440 - "emerge should call systemd-inhibit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:905448 - "dev-lang/julia-1.8.5-r1 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905471 - "[guru] net-nntp/inn-2.7.1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905476 - "[guru] dev-lang/gnu-apl-1.8 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905477 - "[guru] dev-lang/gnu-apl-1.8 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905588 - "dev-util/umockdev-0.17.17 fails tests (gphoto2: not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905625 - "dev-lang/perl : depend on perl-cleaner even when USE minimal is set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905637 - "media-sound/frescobaldi-3.3.0 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905678 - "sys-auth/pambase: please consider using a safer password hashing function by default (e.g. yescrypt)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905680 - "sci-libs/cgnslib-4.4.0-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905690 - "x11-libs/qscintilla: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905705 - "dev-lang/rust-1.69.0-r1 - libssh2-sys crate has a vendored copy of net-libs/libssh2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905711 - "sys-libs/libselinux-3.5 does not build on musl-1.2.4: selinux_restorecon.c:440:23: error: storage size of 'sb' isn't known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:905713 - "dev-util/android-tools-34.0.0 does not build on musl-1.2.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905735 - "dev-python/lmdb-1.4.1 fails to compile: UndefinedError("'style' is undefined")" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905736 - "dev-python/statsmodels-0.13.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905738 - "x11-wm/marco-1.26.1 fails to compile: configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-3.0 >= 3.22.0 gio-2.0 >= 2.25.10 pango >= 1.2.0 libcanberra-gtk3 xcomposite >= 0.3 xfixes xrender xdamage xres xcursor libgtop-2.0) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905763 - "app-accessibility/emacspeak-56.0-r1 - /.../environment:line <snip>: cd: .../emacspeak: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905765 - "net-mail/cyrus-imapd-3.4.5-r1 - file collision with dev-python/tables-3.8.0-r3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905783 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: eclean --changed-deps crashes when evaluating a binary package with a deprecated EAPI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905788 - "net-vpn/tor: make the openrc script ready for multi-relay" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905790 - "dev-python/pulsectl: requires media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon for testing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905791 - "dev-python/pika: src_test() fails because of crashing rabbitmq-server" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905830 - "[guru] dev-python/skia-pathops-0.7.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905834 - "[guru] dev-nim/nimbus-1.1.4 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905840 - "dev-python/pypy3: ctypes broken with dev-libs/libffi[debug]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905849 - "No guide on proper testing darwin prefix packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905855 - "Allow pseudonyms when committing to repos" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905861 - "app-metrics/prometheus - wep api cannot be deactivated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905864 - "app-office/abiword-docs-3.0.2 - make[3]: [Makefile:<snip>: howtodocs.html]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905874 - "dev-libs/Ice-3.7.8-r2: ruby32 support missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905880 - "<dev-python/flask-{2.2.5,2.3.2}: client cached response confusion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:905882 - "<net-misc/frr-8.4.1: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905895 - "dev-util/visualvm-2.1.10 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905923 - "app-accessibility/julius-4.2.2-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905941 - "app-admin/logsurfer+-1.8-r5 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905942 - "app-admin/procinfo-ng-2.0.304-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): linux26_netstat.cpp:60:18: error: invalid use of incomplete type const struct dirent64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905946 - "sci-visualization/gr failed to emerge with USE=agg - no matching function for call to ‘agg::rasterizer_sl_clip<agg::ras_conv_dbl>::rasterizer_sl_clip(agg::rasterizer_cells_aa<agg::cell_aa>&)’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905952 - "media-radio/cqrlog-2.4.0 - Error: .../ppcx64 returned an error exitcode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905957 - "app-text/enchant:0: Last Rites" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905990 - "app-containers/netavark-1.6.0 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905992 - "app-admin/yadm-3.2.2 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905993 - "app-antivirus/clamav-1.2.1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): ld: cannot find -lunwind: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905994 - "app-arch/stormlib-9.25 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): FileStream.cpp:160:23: error: aggregate BaseFile_Open(TFileStream, const TCHAR, DWORD)::stat64 fileinfo has incomplete type and cannot be defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905995 - "app-backup/snapper-0.10.7 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): FileUtils.cc:393:26: error: aggregate snapper::SDir::statvfs() const::statvfs64 fsbuf has incomplete type and cannot be defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:905997 - "app-crypt/cfssl-1.6.4 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): sqlite3-binding.c:32520:42: error: pread64 undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906000 - "app-crypt/yubihsm-shell-2.4.0 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): <command-line>: error: "_FORTIFY_SOURCE" redefined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906011 - "net-libs/nodejs-20.11.1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): external-reference-table.cc:15:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906012 - "app-editors/emacs-28.3_rc1-r2 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906015 - "app-editors/kakoune-2024.05.18 calls commands that do not exist (MUSL-SYSTEM): locale" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906019 - "app-editors/neovim-0.9.0-r1 - hardcoded usage of ccache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906020 - "app-editors/xvile-9.8y fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): x11.c:2166:47: error: caddr_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906022 - "app-editors/wily-1.0-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906023 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906027 - "[Tracker] Implicit function declarations in configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906040 - "sys-devel/gcc-config-2.10 on llvm profile: unmerging leaves /etc/clang/gentoo-gcc-install.cfg with stale --gcc-install-dir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:906052 - "dev-python/osc-lib-2.8.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906055 - "x11-libs/libxcb-1.17.0 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906056 - "dev-util/cunit-2.1_p3-r1 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906058 - "Don't allow RESOLUTION as WONTFIX/INVALID without a comment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:906077 - "[Tracker] Build failures with >=dev-libs/libfmt-10.0.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906108 - "net-im/rocketchat-desktop-bin: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:906111 - "app-text/catdoc: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906112 - "<net-analyzer/sngrep-1.7.0: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:906113 - "<net-dns/maradns-3.5.0036: integer underflow vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:906115 - "<dev-libs/log4cxx-1.2.0[odbc]: SQL injection" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:906142 - "sys-apps/ack-3.7.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906147 - "sys-libs/pam-1.5.3 - /.../tty_conv.c: fatal error: termio.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906168 - "app-emulation/nemu-3.1.0 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): nm_ftw.c:116:43: error: PATH_MAX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906169 - "app-emulation/simh-3.11.1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): sim_fio.c:271:23: error: off64_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906187 - "app-forensics/foremost-1.5.7-r4 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): engine.c:(.text+0xcbe): undefined reference to fopen64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906188 - "dev-util/google-perftools-2.10-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): malloc_hook_mmap_linux.h:63:39: error: off64_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906190 - "app-misc/btail-0.3-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): br.h:18:9: error: off64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906191 - "app-misc/check-jsonschema-0.21.0-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906209 - "app-misc/spire-1.6.2 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): sqlite3-binding.c:35911:42: error: pread64 undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906210 - "app-misc/splitvt-1.6.6_p7 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): vttest.c:53:23: error: storage size of ttold isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906211 - "app-misc/tmate-2.4.0-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): imsg.h:32:9: error: unknown type name u_char" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906214 - "media-gfx/graphviz fails to build on prefix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906219 - "app-office/scribus-1.6.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): PGFplatform.h:541:17: error: off64_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906225 - "sci-mathematics/why3-1.6.0 - Error: Cannot load ppx_sexp_conv: this object file uses unsafe features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906248 - "[guru] sys-kernel/dpdk-kmod-23.03 fails to compile: kni_dev.h:112:37: error: FOLL_TOUCH undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906249 - "app-shells/esh-0.8.5-r3 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): esh.c:669:3: error: unknown type name sig_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906251 - "app-text/rarian-0.8.4 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): FAIL: check_rarian" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906305 - "sys-apps/systemd, sys-apps/systemd-utils: sort out Valgrind handling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906319 - "sys-apps/kexec-tools-2.0.24 - unpack: failure unpacking kexec-tools-2.0.24.tar.xz" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906342 - "net-mail/ytnef-2.1.2 installs pkg-config files with mismatched Version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906347 - "dev-lang/gforth-0.7.3-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906349 - "dev-cpp/folly-2023.06.19.00 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): MemoryMapping.h:102:5: error: off64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906353 - "dev-lang/gdl-1.0.1-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): file.cpp:454:22: error: aggregate lib::FindInDir(const DString&, const DString&)::stat64 statStruct has incomplete type and cannot be defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906354 - "dev-cpp/muParserX-4.0.11 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): mpDefines.h:70:22: error: int64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906355 - "dev-lang/julia-1.8.5-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): raw_ostream.cpp:807:11: error: ::lseek64 has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906358 - "dev-cpp/sdbus-c++-1.2.0-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): dirent-util.h:38:43: error: invalid application of sizeof to incomplete type struct dirent64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906360 - "dev-db/pgrouting-3.6.1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): identifier.h:43:42: error: int64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906361 - "dev-db/rqlite-8.16.8 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): sqlite3-binding.c:35911:42: error: pread64 undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906364 - "dev-games/hdl_dump- fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): osal_unix.c:118:11: error: unknown type name off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906367 - "Support zstd for FEATURES="compressdebug" (--compress-debug-sections=zstd)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906369 - "sys-apps/portage: better progress reporting for applying package updates" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906370 - "sys-apps/smartmontools-7.3 fails to read nvme error log: Read 16 entries from Error Information Log failed: NVMe Status 0x13" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906379 - "dev-libs/criterion-2.4.1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): mockfile.c:42:9: error: unknown type name off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906393 - "dev-libs/libaio-0.3.113 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): 23.t:75:17: error: unknown type name off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906401 - "[alesharik] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906402 - "[andrey_utkin] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906407 - "[cdlp] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906408 - "[cg] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906433 - "[metahax] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906435 - "[myrvolay] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906437 - "[pyfa] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906440 - "[riru] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906443 - "[sergiotarxz] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906447 - "[unity-gentoo] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906453 - "Running elibtoolize: Darwin patch set 'darwin-conf' failed to apply!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906456 - "dev-libs/libdex-0.4.3 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): liburing.h:223:39: error: unknown type name cpu_set_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906458 - "dev-libs/libmemcached-awesome-1.1.4 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906508 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin: install on 64ul/32ul systems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906509 - "www-client/firefox (and other Mozilla packages): add Valgrind support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906525 - "sys-cluster/mpich-3.4.3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906536 - "dev-libs/redland-1.0.17-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906537 - "dev-perl/BackupPC-XS-0.620.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906538 - "dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.38 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM) (REC2 tests, Compare error at position 37)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906540 - "dev-libs/re2-0.2022.12.01 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): pcre.h:503:11: error: int32_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906544 - "dev-scheme/guile-lzlib-0.0.2-r100 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906558 - "app-admin/rasdaemon-0.8.0 - fetch fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906559 - "[lisp overlay] dev-lisp/cl-launch and sci-mathematics/cliquer file collision" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906593 - "dev-perl/Inline-C-0.810.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906594 - "dev-perl/Mojolicious-9.220.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906595 - "dev-perl/POE-Component-Client-DNS-1.54.0-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906596 - "dev-perl/File-RsyncP-0.760.0-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906603 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt-sanitizers: clang -fsanitize=memory (msan) broken w/ sys-libs/musl-1.2.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906619 - "dev-perl/Sysadm-Install-0.480.0-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906620 - "dev-perl/Test-LectroTest-0.500.100-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906661 - "dev-python/keystoneauth1-5.2.0 fails tests: AttributeError: MockHTTPResponse object has no attribute close" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906665 - "app-portage/java-ebuilder-0.5.1-r1: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906684 - "dev-perl/Text-VimColor-0.290.0-r2 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906685 - "dev-perl/perl-headers-0.0.2 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): sigcontext.c:5:61: error: FP_XSTATE_MAGIC2 undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906686 - "dev-php/libvirt-php-0.5.7 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): libvirt-php.c:1179:35: error: AI_CANONIDN undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906688 - "dev-php/pecl-eio-3.0.0_rc4 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906692 - "dev-php/pecl-yaml-2.2.2 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906694 - "dev-php/xhprof-2.3.5 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906696 - "dev-python/autopage-0.5.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): AssertionError: 0 != 11" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906697 - "dev-python/click-8.1.3 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906706 - "sys-apps/portage - automatic garbage collection fails when syncing gentoo.git" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906711 - "sys-apps/portage: print log file path and binpkg path (if applicable) and the end of emerge" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906713 - "dev-util/cflow: stack overflow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906721 - "dev-python/httpbin-0.7.0-r5 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): test_digest_auth - test_digest_auth_wrong_pass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906722 - "dev-python/jsonpickle-3.0.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): pandas_test.py::test_dataframe_roundtrip" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906724 - "dev-python/myst-parser-1.0.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906759 - "net-irc/psybnc-2.4.3 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: bSCRIPTING" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906778 - "dev-python/podman-4.5.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): test_network.py::NetworkTestCase::test_remove" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906780 - "dev-python/amqp-5.1.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): Could not import extension sphinx_celery.apicheck (exception: No module named 'six')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906781 - "dev-python/pyamg-5.0.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): test_air.py::TestAIR::test_upwind_advection <- test_air.py Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906783 - "dev-python/pyparted-3.12.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): FAIL: runTest (tests.test__ped_disktype.DiskTypeStrTestCase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906809 - "sys-apps/portage: allow merging RDEPEND after merging a package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906817 - "dev-python/jupyter-server-proxy: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906825 - "x11-wm/marco-1.26.2-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906833 - "dev-python/pytest-httpserver-1.0.7 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906835 - "dev-python/python3-saml-1.15.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906837 - "dev-python/requests-cache-1.0.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906838 - "dev-python/requests-unixsocket-0.3.0-r2 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906839 - "dev-python/responses-0.23.1-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906840 - "dev-python/sphinx-pytest-0.0.5 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906841 - "dev-python/sphinxcontrib-bibtex-2.5.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906842 - "dev-python/tasklib-2.5.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named tzdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906843 - "dev-python/terminaltables-3.1.10-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906845 - "dev-python/tzlocal-5.0.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906846 - "dev-python/ubelt-1.2.4 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906855 - "net-libs/libsignal-protocol-c: replace with a fork net-libs/libomemo-c?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906860 - "app-text/doxygen-1.10.0-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906861 - "dev-scheme/guile-ncurses-3.1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): curs_port.c:49:37: error: unknown type name off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906864 - "dev-scheme/sigscheme-0.9.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906873 - "app-text/xdvik-22.87.06-r1 - events.c: fatal error: .../Form.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906875 - "app-portage/gemato-20.2 breaks emerge --sync when gentoo.org is not accessible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906880 - "sys-libs/ncurses-compat-6.4_p20230401 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906891 - "dev-libs/foma-0.10.0_p20220612 - /.../spelling.c: error: too many arguments to function node_delete_min" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906899 - "sys-cluster/kubeseal-0.21.0 - !!! Couldnt download sealed-secrets-0.21.0-deps.tar.xz. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906902 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt-sanitizers-15.0.7 - /.../sanitizer_platform_limits_posix.cpp: error: use of undeclared identifier dirent64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906913 - "media-sound/zynaddsubfx-3.0.6-r4 calls commands that do not exist: dot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906916 - "[TRACKER] dev-libs/libevent-2.2.1 breakage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:906919 - "dev-util/unicorn-2.0.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906923 - "dev-util/drone-2.18.0 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): sqlite3-binding.c:32081:42: error: pread64 undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906924 - "dev-util/gtk-doc-1.33.2 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906925 - "dev-util/include-what-you-use-0.20 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): exitcode_syntax_error.c:15:1: error: unknown type name this" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906926 - "dev-util/kernelshark-2.2.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): libkshark.h:193:9: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ssize_t with no type [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906927 - "dev-util/libabigail-2.3-r2 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): FAIL: runtestdiffpkg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906928 - "dev-util/lttng-tools-2.13.9 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): fcntl.h:25:43: error: unknown type name off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906930 - "dev-util/stressapptest-1.0.9-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): os.cc:146:3: error: off64_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906932 - "games-arcade/holotz-castle-1.3.14-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): JFS.cpp:890:55: error: alphasort64 was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906933 - "games-emulation/libretro-bnes-0.0.1_pre20180723 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): file.hpp:168:21: error: aggregate nall::file::exists(const nall::string&)::stat64 data has incomplete type and cannot be defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906935 - "games-emulation/vbam-2.1.7 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): Patch.cpp:24:9: error: off64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906941 - "net-misc/remmina-1.4.30 crashes when opening 1 or sometimes multiple RDP sessions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906943 - "games-roguelike/dwarf-fortress-0.47.05-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906955 - "net-misc/sysrepo-2.2.60 - /.../ds_json.c: error: operator && has no right operand" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906986 - "dev-perl/iCal-Parser-1.210.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906987 - "dev-java/openjdk- fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): attachListener_linux.cpp:448:17: error: aggregate AttachListener::vm_start()::stat64 st has incomplete type and cannot be defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906988 - "games-simulation/EmptyEpsilon-2022.10.28 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): stringImproved.h:683:5: error: int64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:906997 - "games-strategy/widelands-1.1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): game_loader.h:39:9: error: int32_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907033 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.14 - cp: cannot create regular file .../default.el: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907036 - "sci-mathematics/libpoly-0.1.11 - mv: cannot move .../lib to a subdirectory of itself, /var/tmp/portage/sci-mathematics/libpoly-0.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907037 - "dev-util/py-spy-0.3.14 - .../fs.rs:1538: undefined reference to stat64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907053 - "dev-python/execnet-1.9.0-r1 fails tests: AttributeError: type object Gateway has no attribute _trace" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907057 - "lxde-base/lxde-common-0.99.2-r1 calls commands that do not exist (MUSL-SYSTEM): intltool-update" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907058 - "games-puzzle/ltris-1.0.19-r2 still uses configure.in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907070 - "dev-python/distlib-0.3.6 fails tests: FAIL: test_custom_shebang (test_scripts.ScriptTestCase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907072 - "games-engines/box2d-2.4.1 failed to emerge - SANDBOX ACCESS VIOLATION with /doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907082 - "sys-fs/mdadm-4.2-r1 - restripe.c: error: off64_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907096 - "sys-fs/cryfs-0.10.3-r1 - /.../os.h: error: aggregate spdlog::detai:os::filesize(FILE )::stat64 st has incomplete type and cannot b" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907097 - "sys-process/criu-3.18 - criu/.../restorer.c: error: invalid use of undefined type struct rlimit64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907099 - "net-libs/ntirpc-4.3 - /.../netconfig.h: error: expected ; before extern" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907121 - "<app-admin/sysstat-12.6.2-r1: incomplete fix for CVE-2022-39377" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:907134 - "net-libs/libasr-1.0.4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907135 - "[TRACKER] RISC-V big-endian support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907168 - "app-editors/levee-3.5a - display.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to Malloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907170 - "net-libs/liboping-1.10.0-r3 - oping.c: error: NI_MAXHOST undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907172 - "sys-apps/cpu-x-4.5.3 - core.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to glGetString" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907187 - "sys-apps/nvme-cli-2.4-r2 fails to compile: meson.build:48:14: ERROR: Automatic wrap-based subproject downloading is disabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907188 - "dev-lang/perl-5.36.1-r1 fails test - # Failed test Pod::Text::Color output is correct" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907208 - "app-portage/java-ebuilder: should support metadata/license-mapping.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907216 - "media-gfx/graphicsmagick-1.3.42 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): ld: cannot find gcrt1.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907218 - "dev-python/pywlroots-0.16.4 - build/.../wlroots._ffi.c: fatal error: .../libinput.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907219 - "dev-perl/POE-1.368.0 fails test - Result: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907220 - "dev-erlang/p1_utils-1.0.25 fails test - ERROR: One or more eunit tests failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907222 - ">=sci-mathematics/petsc-3.16.0[mpi]: sandbox violation during configure to /dev/dri/renderD128" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907228 - "dev-python/numpy-1.24.2: tests TestUfunc::test_identityless_reduction_huge_array and TestKind::test_all fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907249 - "net-ftp/yafc-1.3.7-r2 - ./.../ftp.h: fatal error: libssh/sftp.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907256 - "media-video/gpac: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907257 - "dev-python/pyrsistent-0.19.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907258 - "media-libs/alsa-oss-1.1.8 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): stdioemu.c:58:22: error: unknown type name off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907259 - "media-libs/jasper-4.0.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): 5 - run_test_3 (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907260 - "media-libs/libaom-3.6.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): environment: line 2885: 42239 Segmentation fault ${P}-testdata" test_libaom" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907262 - "media-libs/liboggz-1.1.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): FAIL: httpdate_test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907271 - "net-p2p/deluge: show some messages only the first time package is installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907272 - "media-video/pipewire-0.3.70-r2 points to wrong wiki documentation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907275 - "media-libs/libmp4v2: memory leaks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:907286 - "dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.15.9_p20230505: failed to build anything." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907288 - "optfeature.eclass: add an option to force the message to be shown unconditionally" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907289 - "dev-python/virtualenv-20.23.0 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907299 - "dev-util/crash-8.0.3 - yacc-reference: e - line 34 of .../cp-name-parser.y, syntax error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907305 - "dev-cpp/abseil-cpp-20220623.1 - /.../alloc_traits.h: error: static assertion failed: allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<A::value_ty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907343 - "[guru] sys-cluster/opencoarrays-2.10.1-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907345 - "media-libs/openimageio- fails test - 50 - gif-broken (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907367 - "net-libs/webkit-gtk:6: -O3 causes crashes on runtime with complex websites" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907385 - "<media-libs/libjpeg-turbo-3.0.0: buffer overflow in lossless 12-bit image parsing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907386 - "games-action/teeworlds: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:907400 - "x11-terms/aterm-1.0.1-r6 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907421 - "dev-util/lttng-modules-2.13.7 - /.../lttng-events.c: error: passing argument 1 of lttng_guid_gen from incompatible pointer type [-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907426 - "dev-lang/rust-1.69.0-r1 - [io-lifetimes 1.0.1] error: aborting due to previous error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907453 - "[TEST] media-fonts/font-alias-1.0.5 failed in unpack - unpack: font-alias-1.0.5.tar.xz does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907471 - "media-sound/gbsplay-0.0.94 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): Test failed: 6!=2 at util.c:45" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907473 - "media-sound/lash-0.5.4-r5 calls commands that do not exist: texi2html" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907550 - "app-admin/syslog-ng-4.2.0[python]: private virtualenv is not initialized" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907602 - "app-accessibility/julius-4.2.2-r1 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907603 - "media-video/bino-1.6.8 - media_object.cpp: error: AVStream {aka struct AVStream} has no member named codec" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907609 - "dev-perl/SDL-2.548.0-r2 fails tests: perl: sv.c:4125: Perl_sv_setsv_flags: Assertion &(ssv->sv_u.svu_iv) == &(((XPVIV) SvANY(ssv))->xiv_iv) failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907670 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-bad-1.22.3-r1 does not install Intel Quick Sync plugin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907677 - "media-sound/timidity++-2.15.0-r6 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): timer.c:42:21: error: storage size of dmy isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907678 - "media-sound/zynaddsubfx-3.0.6-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): FilterParams.h:102:9: error: int64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907680 - "dev-java/openjdk-11.0.18_p10 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): os_linux.inline.hpp:73:20: error: ::lseek64 has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907681 - "media-video/lsdvd-0.17 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): Failed running automake!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907687 - "net-misc/eventd-0.29.0 - plugins/.../meson.build: ERROR: Dependency xkbcommon-x11 not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907694 - "media-video/lxdvdrip-1.77-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): requant.c:180:16: error: unknown type name uint" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907706 - "media-video/ttcut-0.19.6_p1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): ttfilebuffer.h:65:3: error: off64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907707 - "media-video/vamps-0.99.2-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): requant.c:661:27: error: uint undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907713 - "sci-physics/lammps-20230328 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907725 - ">=net-wireless/iwd-1.11 - openresolv/systemd is no longer required for DNS resolution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907740 - "media-gfx/tuxpaint-0.9.29 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907741 - "media-gfx/tuxpaint-0.9.29 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907742 - "sys-apps/nvme-cli-2.4-r2 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907749 - "net-analyzer/nagircbot-0.0.33 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): br.h:20:9: error: off64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907751 - "net-analyzer/tcpflow-1.6.1-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): TimeVal.h:105:8: error: int64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907752 - "net-analyzer/zabbix-6.4.11 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): sqlite3-binding.c:35901:42: error: pread64 undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907753 - "net-dns/dnstop-20140915-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): bpf.h:97:9: error: unknown type name u_int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907756 - "net-analyzer/netdata-1.44.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907808 - "dev-libs/libbytesize-2.11 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907810 - "sys-libs/glibc-2.37-r3 fails test - FAIL: catgets/de/libc.cat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907813 - "net-irc/eggdrop-1.9.5 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907827 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.6.13 fails test - Failing test(s): main.mysql_client_test main.mysql_client_test_comp unit.pfs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907830 - "app-arch/gzip: zcat-reference/gunzip-reference not compatible with app-alternatives/gzip" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:907832 - "net-libs/libgadu-1.12.2-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907833 - "net-mail/fdm-2.2-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907834 - "net-libs/gssdp-1.6.2 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): Functional test FAIL 0.02s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907835 - "net-libs/gupnp-igd-1.6.0 collides with other packages (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907836 - "net-libs/socket_wrapper-1.4.0 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): socket_wrapper.c:7578:5: error: conflicting types for recvmmsg; have int(int, struct mmsghdr , unsigned int, int, struct timespec )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907837 - "net-libs/srt-1.5.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907840 - "dev-lang/ruby-3.1.4-r2 fails test - /.../assertions.rb:109:in assert: Expected .../ruby31: error while loading shared libraries: l" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907841 - "dev-perl/Pod-LaTeX-0.610.0-r2 fails test - # Failed test Count lines" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907846 - "dev-erlang/jose-1.11.2 - Compiling src/jose_curve25519_libdecaf.erl failed:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907849 - "Portage accepts := in set definitions but crashes on slot rebuilds (AttributeError: 'SetArg' object has no attribute 'installed')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907865 - "media-video/bluray_info-1.10 - configure: error: Package requirements (mpv) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907867 - "dev-perl/Locale-PO-0.270.0-r1 fails test - # Failed test the file now exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907869 - "Make GURU more visible in the New Bug page" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:907878 - "net-misc/dhcp-4.4.3_p1-r6 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907880 - "net-misc/openssh-contrib-9.7_p1-r4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907883 - "net-misc/asterisk-18.18.0 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): sched.h:84:8: error: expected declaration specifiers or .. before string constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907884 - "net-misc/asterisk-21.1.0 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): ast_expr2.y:277:20: error: expected =, ,, ;, asm or __attribute__ before __P" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907885 - "net-misc/hylafaxplus-7.0.6-r4 sandbox violation (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907886 - "net-misc/netkit-fingerd-0.17-r3 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): util.c:231:5: error: unknown type name loff_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907902 - "www-servers/kore-4.2.3 - src/jsonrpc.c: error: JSONRPC_SERVER_ERROR undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907904 - "app-text/doxygen-1.9.7-r1 fails test - 61 - 061_Únicod€_file (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907905 - "app-office/libreoffice-, app-office/libreoffice- stuck on oosplash after world update when built with clang + LTO" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907924 - "dev-python/reportlab: remote code execution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:907928 - "<dev-libs/iniparser-4.1-r1: null pointer dereference" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907929 - "<dev-python/starlette-0.27.0: local file inclusion vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:907935 - "net-mail/imapsync: insecure tmp directory usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907940 - "sys-apps/dtc-1.7.2 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907942 - "net-wireless/aircrack-ng-1.7-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907944 - "dev-util/plan9port-0_pre20240617 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907958 - "net-p2p/retroshare-0.6.6-r1 - ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: xml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907969 - "sys-cluster/resource-agents-4.12.0 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907971 - "sci-biology/bedtools-2.30.0 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): BamAux.h:10:17: error: int32_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907972 - "sci-biology/kallisto-0.46.2-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): common.h:132:24: error: std::string pretty_num redeclared as different kind of entity" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907973 - "sci-chemistry/bodr-10 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907986 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2-r4 - rts/Libdw.c: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:907995 - "media-libs/tiff[jbig] has wrong license: libtiff instead of GPLv2+" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:907998 - "app-emulation/q4wine-1.3.13 - /.../httpcore.cpp: error: class QNetworkRequest has no member named setSslConfiguration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908019 - "net-dialup/freeradius-3.2.2 - src/.../rlm_sql_mongo.c: error: unknown type name mongoc_ssl_opt_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908020 - "sci-chemistry/votca-2022.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908034 - "<net-p2p/syncthing-1.23.5: XSS via shared folder names" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:908037 - "<app-text/xpdf-4.05: divide by zero vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908039 - "net-im/rocketchat-desktop-bin: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908040 - "<app-admin/keepass-2.56: password disclosure via memory dump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:908048 - "net-vpn/vpncloud-2.3.0 - rustc: .../InstructionPrecedenceTracking.cpp:97: void llvm::InstructionPrecedenceTracking::validate(const" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908061 - "x11-libs/libXpm fails 'XpmWrite 1' test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908074 - "sci-electronics/irsim-9.7.93-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908075 - "sci-electronics/netgen-1.4.52 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908078 - "gui-libs/gtk-4.10.4 fails to compile on ~amd64 llvm profile ld.lld: error: target emulation unknown: -m or at least one .o file required" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:908079 - "media-libs/mesa-23.0.3-r1:0: 4 test failures on hppa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908086 - "www-apps/moodle: XSS in headers and footers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:908093 - "sci-geosciences/gpsd-3.25 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): Error relocating cc1: isl_ctx_reset_error: symbol not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908154 - "sci-libs/parmetis-4.0.3_p20230326-r1: stablereq, then cleanup old" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:908217 - "<net-libs/grpc-1.55.1: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908223 - "net-misc/nextcloud-client-3.8.2-r1 fails test - 47 - SyncXAttrTest (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908233 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxxabi: fails to configure (unknown CMake command "CHECK_C_SOURCE_COMPILES".)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908251 - "dev-libs/gjs-1.76.1 failed in configure - Package xproto was not found in the pkg-config search path." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908257 - "<media-libs/openexr-3.1.11: oss-fuzz stack buffer overread" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:908266 - "app-misc/jdupes-1.23.0 - jdupes.c:(<snip>) undefined reference to dedupefiles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908289 - "[Future EAPI] econf should pass --localstatedir="${EPREFIX}/var" to configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908295 - "Maintainer: moltonel AT gmail.com" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908299 - "dev-cpp/cppgir-0_p20230606 fails tests: 1 - gi-test (Subprocess aborted)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908309 - "sci-libs/coinor-bcp-1.4.4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908310 - "sci-libs/coinor-flopcpp-1.2.5 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908311 - "sci-libs/coinor-netlib-1.2.9 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908312 - "sci-libs/coinor-smi-0.96.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908349 - "net-irc/ngircd-26.1-r5: config file permissions can be improved" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:908392 - "sci-libs/libsigrok-0.5.2-r5 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908398 - "sci-libs/dcmtk-3.6.7-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): offile.h:359:16: error: ::fopen64 has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908410 - "sci-libs/ignition-common-3.14.2 failed in compile - .../gz-common-ignition-common3_3.14.2/profiler/src/ProfilerImpl.hh:56:59: error: ‘uint32_t’ has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908417 - "New Developer: Jeffery Gazso (jgaz)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908446 - "dev-cpp/cppdap-0_pre20230605-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): environment: line 2174: 54599 Segmentation fault cppdap-unittests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908448 - "sci-libs/linux-gpib-4.3.5 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): ibutil.c:103:38: error: PTHREAD_ADAPTIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908450 - "sci-libs/nfft-3.5.2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908451 - "media-sound/audacity-3.3.3: RealtimeEffectState.cpp:307:22: error: no viable constructor or deduction guide for deduction of template arguments of 'owner_less'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908455 - "crossdev avr build fails because of nonexistent gcc folder (mv: cannot stat '/var/tmp/portage/cross-avr/gcc-12.2.1_p20230428-r1/image/usr/lib64/libcc1*': No such file or directory)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908459 - "sci-electronics/iverilog-12.0 - "./lexor.lex", line 4: unrecognized %option: reentrant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908479 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: init.fas]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908483 - "sci-libs/qfits-6.2.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908484 - "sci-libs/silo-4.11-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): H5FDsilo.c:544:5: error: initializer element is not computable at load time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908485 - "sci-mathematics/4ti2-1.6.7-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): 4ti2_config.h:12:23: error: int32_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908520 - "<media-libs/libjxl-0.8.2: integer underflow leading to infinite loop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:908526 - "dev-python/pyside6-6.5.2-r1 installs pkg-config files that do not respect libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908527 - "dev-python/shiboken6-6.5.2 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908530 - "sys-apps/ccs-tools-1.8.3_p20130214 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): ccstools.c:1518:45: error: DT_DIR undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908537 - "sys-apps/ifd-gempc-1.0.8 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908552 - "EBUILD_PHASE and EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC have bad values in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908572 - "sys-apps/nawk-20230909-r1 calls commands that do not exist (MUSL-SYSTEM): locale" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908574 - "sys-apps/renameutils-0.12.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908577 - "sys-auth/munge-0.5.15 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908580 - "sys-auth/pam_mysql-0.8.2-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908583 - "sys-auth/pam_ssh_agent_auth-0.10.4-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908584 - "sys-block/endpoint-0.1.0-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908585 - "sys-cluster/gasnet-1.32.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908586 - "sys-cluster/pconsole-1.0-r4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908588 - "sys-cluster/glusterfs-11.0 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): syscall.h:276:32: error: unknown type name off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908590 - "sys-cluster/teleport-4.1.4 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): sqlite3-binding.c:32520:42: error: pread64 undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908593 - "net-print/foo2zjs-20200221 - install hangs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908594 - "sys-apps/mount-gtk- - mount_entries.cpp: error: too few arguments to function int close(int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908597 - "net-analyzer/netdata-1.40.0 - configure: error: You have requested --with-cloud but ACLK cant be built. See reasons in lines above" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908661 - "sys-fs/cachefilesd-0.10.10-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): cachefilesd.c:982:23: error: conflicting types for create_object; have struct object (struct object , const char , struct stat64 )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908662 - "sys-fs/dmraid-1.0.0_rc16-r7 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): file.c:(.text+0x13f): undefined reference to lseek64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908663 - "sys-fs/erofs-utils-1.5-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): xattr.c:470:23: error: storage size of st isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908665 - "sys-fs/libeatmydata-131 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): libeatmydata.c:47:44: error: unknown type name off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908666 - "sys-fs/unionfs-fuse-3.3 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908667 - "sys-fs/zfs-2.1.12 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): sysmacros.h:101: error: "_NOTE" redefined [-Werror]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908668 - "sys-libs/libfaketime-0.9.10 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): libfaketime.c:926:42: error: invalid use of undefined type struct stat64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908669 - "sys-power/power-profiles-daemon-0.13 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908671 - "sys-process/minicoredumper-2.0.2 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): common.h:39:9: error: unknown type name off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908672 - "sys-process/psmisc-23.6 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908677 - "sys-libs/zlib-ng-2.1.2-r1 adds -Werror flag on its own (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908692 - "[Tracker] Migrate from linux-mod.eclass to linux-mod-r1.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908708 - "net-misc/AQtion migration to linux-mod-r1.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908709 - "games-fps/quakeforge-0.7.2_p20210722-r1 - /.../vulkan_core.h: fatal error: vk_video/vulkan_video_codec_h264std.h: No such file or" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908712 - "media-libs/svgalib migration to linux-mod-r1.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908717 - "sys-apps/portage-9999: can't resolve upgrade to LLVM 17 snapshots" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908724 - "[Tracker] dev-lang/perl-5.38* related issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908727 - "sys-cluster/knem migration to linux-mod-r1.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908751 - "sys-power/nut-2.8.2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908752 - "[guru] dev-lang/harec-0_pre20230611 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908753 - "[guru] dev-lang/hare-0_pre20230813 calls as directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908757 - "app-forensics/memdump-1.01-r1 - file collision with dev-libs/libmemcached-1.0.18-r4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908758 - "net-misc/wget-1.21.4[cookie-check,static]: cannot find -lpsl: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908801 - "sys-apps/sandbox - musl LFS64 deprecation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908819 - "[Tracker] nuget credential leakage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908820 - "<dev-dotnet/dotnet-sdk-bin-6.0.417-r4: nuget credential leakage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:908825 - "dev-python/asteval-0.9.30 fails tests: AssertionError: ImportError != None" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908830 - "www-misc/htdig-3.2.0_beta6-r5 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908831 - "x11-libs/dnd-1.1-r4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908843 - "x11-misc/i3status-2.14-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): 1 run-tests FAIL 0.48s exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908851 - "sci-libs/suitesparseconfig-7.0.0: fails to configure (Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908855 - "dev-perl/Math-BigInt-GMP-1.601.200: fails tests (dev-lang/perl-5.38?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908858 - "sci-libs/cholmod-4.0.3 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908859 - "sci-libs/spqr-3.0.3 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908866 - "dev-python/tox-4.6.3 fails tests: AttributeError: PluginManager object attribute list_plugin_distinfo is read-only" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908875 - "[Tracker] Build failures with sys-devel/gettext-0.22" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908911 - "x11-plugins/wmdiskmon-0.0.2-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908912 - "x11-plugins/wminet-3.0.0-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908913 - "x11-plugins/wmmp3-0.12-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908940 - "[GURU] games-util/hid-nintendo: migration to linux-mod-r1.eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908946 - "[GURU] sys-apps/corefreq: migration to linux-mod-r1.eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908952 - "[GURU] sys-kernel/dpdk-kmod: migration to linux-mod-r1.eclass (DeprecatedEclass)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908964 - "games-strategy/tornado-1.4-r3 - emake failed: pt.po: warning: Charset "CHARSET" is not a portable encoding name." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908995 - "sys-process/below-0.6.3 - error: failed to run custom build command for below v0.6.3 (/var/tmp/portage/sys-process/below-0.6.3/wor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:908996 - "app-eselect/eselect-php: add openlitespeed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909009 - "dev-qt/qtwebengine: No progress information from parallel build with ninja" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909013 - "dev-lang/snobol-1.4.1-r1 - Makefile: recipe commences before first target. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909019 - "dev-libs/openssl-3.0.9: fails 70-test_sslmessages.t test on sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909033 - "games-misc/solarus-quest-editor-1.6.5 - /.../gl32.h: error: void glad_glReadBuffer(GLenum) redeclared as different kind of entity" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909048 - "sci-geosciences/merkaartor-0.19.0-r1 - /usr/lib64/qt5/bin/uic Docks/PhotoLoadErrorDialog.ui -o ui_PhotoLoadErrorDialog.h" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909064 - "dev-debug/systemtap-4.8 - error: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-util/systemtap-4.8/work/systemtap-4.8/py" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909068 - "PORTAGE_BINPKG_TAR_OPTS have no effect with BINPKG_FORMAT=gpkg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909070 - "dev-ml/async_unix: rekeywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909071 - "dev-ml/core_bench: rekeywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909074 - "dev-ml/alcotest: rekeywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909083 - "dev-lang/gnat-gpl-2021-r4 - /.../install: cannot stat gnatdll: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909088 - "dev-util/diffoscope-243 fails tests: test_python.py::test_diff Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909147 - "Prefixify script shebangs for ebuilds with EAPI newer than 7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909159 - "media-video/harvid-0.9.0 - ffdecoder.c: error: const struct AVCodec has no member named flush" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909190 - "media-video/motion-4.3.2-r3 - ffmpeg.c: error: assignment of member video_codec in read-only object" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909277 - "dev-ruby/activemodel- fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909279 - "dev-ruby/activestorage- fails tests: Could not find compatible versions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909297 - "dev-util/sccache-0.5.3 - error[E0277]: the trait bound Operator: cache::cache::Storage is not satisfied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909308 - "app-emacs/dap-mode-0.7-r1 - dap-hydra.el: Error: Symbols value as variable is void: gud-minor-mode-map" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909309 - "app-emacs/elscreen - emerge hangs for 12 hours" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909322 - "dev-ruby/actionmailer- fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909329 - "sci-mathematics/coq-8.17.1 - Error: No rule found for plugins/ltac2/ltac2_plugin.cmxs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909330 - "www-servers/varnish-7.1.2-r2 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909337 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 - global-elfgot.C: error: #error Global-elfgot wont work properly under smp version: -swapglobals disabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909363 - "Portage should include a way to list packages within a set or a superset" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:909388 - "net-misc/nx- - QA Notice: Unrecognized configure options:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909393 - "net-misc/x2goserver- installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909444 - "sci-mathematics/coq-serapi-0.17.0 - Error: Unbound module Stdlib.List" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909499 - "sys-apps/likwid-5.2.2 calls cpp directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909500 - "sys-apps/likwid-5.2.2 calls as directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909506 - "[guru] dev-libs/ls-hpack-2.3.0 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909509 - "games-strategy/0ad-0.0.26_alpha - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pyexpat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909547 - "[guru] dev-libs/lsbcrypt-1.0.0 installs less files with -native-symlinks and does not die in src_compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909551 - "Maintainer: foti.giuseppe AT gmail.com" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909553 - "dev-python/yarl-1.9.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909567 - "dev-python/websockets-11.0.3-r1 fails tests if sys-apps/pkgcore is not installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909580 - "www-servers/nginx-1.24.0-r1 with http_sticky module: error: 'SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH' undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean 'MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH'?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909726 - "[guru] dev-libs/lsbcrypt-1.0.0-r1 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909732 - "sci-mathematics/kind2-1.9.0 - ERROR: sci-mathematics/kind2-1.9.0::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909747 - "[Tracker] >=dev-lang/python-3.11.4 urllib parser fix breaks tests with non-compliant input data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909749 - "app-misc/khal-0.11.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909754 - "app-crypt/swtpm: annoying dependency on net-libs/gnutls[tools] requiring user to set USE=tools on gnutls" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909755 - "dev-util/global-6.6.13 fails to compile: texi2dvi: Your TeX installation appears to be broken - texi2dvi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909758 - "sys-libs/glibc-2.37-r3[vanilla] fails to compile because of sandbox violation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909794 - "mail-filter/dcc-2.3.168: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:909815 - "app-emulation/qemu: compilation failure with dev-libs/capstone-5.0_rc4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909817 - "app-office/auto-multiple-choice-1.6.0 fails to compile: buildpdf.cc:30:10: fatal error: cairo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909829 - "StackRot vulnerability: Linux kernel privilege escalation via VMA" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909848 - "gui-apps/wlopm - Simple client implementing zwlr-output-power-management" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909855 - "[TRACKER] PEP517 porting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909872 - "app-emulation/cloud-init-24.4-r3: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909884 - "app-portage/elicense-1.0.2-r1: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909889 - "app-portage/grs: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909900 - "app-text/nfoview: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909906 - "dev-java/javatoolkit-0.6.7-r1: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909910 - "dev-libs/pigpio: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909925 - "dev-python/parallax: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909931 - "dev-python/py-zabbix: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909945 - "dev-python/pysnmp: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909946 - "dev-python/pysnmp-mibs: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909973 - "dev-python/wxpython-4.2.1-r2: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909977 - "dev-util/dogtail: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909980 - "dev-build/gyp: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909984 - "mail-filter/afew-3.0.1-r1: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909985 - "media-gfx/mypaint: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909989 - "media-sound/audiotools-3.1.1-r2: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909991 - "media-sound/gpodder: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909998 - "net-analyzer/fail2ban-1.1.0: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:909999 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910000 - "net-analyzer/scapy: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910002 - "net-firewall/ufw: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910003 - "net-irc/limnoria: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910004 - "net-mail/notmuch-0.38.3: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910012 - "net-misc/s4cmd: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910017 - "sci-biology/pysam-0.22.1: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910018 - "sci-chemistry/ParmEd: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910020 - "sci-chemistry/modeller: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910036 - "sys-block/seekwatcher-0.15: needs to use PEP517 build (DistutilsNonPEP517Build)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910049 - "media-plugins/audacious-plugins-4.3.1-r2 - gl-spectrum.cc: error: glColor4f was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910052 - "app-text/djview-4.10.6-r2 fails to compile: configure: error: Cannot successfully run Qt program qmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910053 - "dev-python/markdown-exec-1.6.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910055 - "dev-python/importlib-metadata-6.8.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910060 - "app-editors/gnome-latex-3.44.0 - /.../Tepl-6.gir: error: Failed to parse included gir GtkSource-300" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910070 - "sys-devel/gettext-0.22-r1 fails to honor --disable-attr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910076 - "dev-python/pysnmp: pysnmp 4.4.12 requires pycryptodomex, which is not installed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910080 - "dev-lang/ocaml does not work on macOS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:910091 - "net-im/gitter-bin-5.0.1-r1 - !!! Couldnt download gitter_5.0.1_amd64.deb. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910096 - "[guru] dev-libs/lsquic-3.2.0 fails to compile: Could not find Go" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910097 - "[guru] dev-libs/lsbcrypt-1.0.0-r2 fails to compile: patch -p1 failed with 1.0.0-fix-flags-directly.patch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910098 - "[guru] dev-python/steam-1.4.4 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910099 - "media-libs/libjxl-0.10.3 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910103 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.39.1[nls] does not install translated man pages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910177 - "net-print/cups: Migrate to GLEP 81" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910205 - "dev-ada/gtkada-23.0.0-r2 - gprbuild: .../tools.gpr processing failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910212 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.49 - why does it want to rebuild mesa ?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910216 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.49 fails to update due to complex qt libs subslot conflicts with autounmask enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910242 - "[guru] dev-python/devtools-0.10.0-r1 fails to compile: mkdocs_compile: mkdocs build failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910246 - "[guru] dev-libs/lsquic-4.0.8 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910267 - "www-apps/nextcloud-notify_push-0.6.3 - rustc: .../InstructionPrecedenceTracking.cpp:97: void llvm::InstructionPrecedenceTracking::" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910268 - "app-shells/mcfly-0.5.13 - rustc: .../InstructionPrecedenceTracking.cpp:97: void llvm::InstructionPrecedenceTracking::validate(cons" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910270 - "acct-user.eclass doesn't play well when user exists in LDAP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910279 - ""Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 500)" error on visual edit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:910292 - "Illustrations for gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:910332 - "[Tracker] Portage issues with signal handling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910342 - "app-text/groonga-13.0.1 - /.../ld: ../.../libgroonga.so: undefined reference to grn_nfkc150_normalize_options_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910363 - "Enable "gdk-pixbuf" in gnome profiles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910384 - "dev-python/pecan-1.5.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910386 - "net-im/gajim: New USE flag to enable Audio/Video conferences" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:910399 - "sys-block/tgt has moved to github" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:910401 - "macOS .bundle vs .so naming for plugin modules" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:910427 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 - cp: cannot stat charm: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910430 - "sys-apps/less: broken for some terminfo (e.g. TERM=xterm-direct256) (was: sys-libs/ncurses-6.4_p20230401: some terminfos became broken)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:910444 - "media-gfx/gimp-2.10.34-r2 fails tests: FAIL: test-tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910446 - "[guru] dev-nim/nake-1.9.4-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910459 - "media-sound/csound-6.17.0 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910460 - "net-analyzer/fail2ban-1.0.2-r2: still breaks umask after running tests?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910471 - "net-misc/gupnp-tools-0.12.0-r1 - meson.build: ERROR: Unexpected [provides] section, did you mean [provide]?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910477 - "dev-python/polib-1.2.0 fails tests with >=sys-devel/gettext-0.22" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910478 - "dev-python/pygobject-3.44.1 fails tests with pypy3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910482 - "[guru] x11-misc/pywal-3.3.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910489 - "dev-lang/snobol-1.4.1-r1 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910490 - "dev-perl/Coro-6.570.0 - ERROR: Cannot copy Select.pm to ../.../Select.pm: Permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910502 - "[Tracker] Packages failing with 32-bit time_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910508 - "sci-libs/parmetis-4.0.3_p20230326-r1: fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910526 - "gnome2-utils.eclass: gnome2_giomodule_cache_update calls binary from ROOT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910527 - "sci-electronics/kicad bundles dev-libs/libfmt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910558 - "x11-misc/wbar-2.3.4-r3 - SuperBar.cc:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to imlib_context_set_filter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910572 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge could match packages to update entries and inform about renames" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910578 - "dev-db/mysql: multiple vulnerabilities (Oracle CPU July 2023)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:910610 - "dev-python/qscintilla-python: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910631 - "sci-mathematics/maxima-5.47.0-r1: please stabilize" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910643 - "app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.48.3 fails test - 3/9 memory FAIL 0.02s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910645 - "sys-block/nbdkit-1.32.4 - ssh.c: fatal error: libssh/sftp.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910652 - "dev-python/cssutils-2.7.1: fails TestErrorHandler::test_handlers test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910669 - "dev-ruby/actiontext-7.0.6 fails tests: Could not find compatible versions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910679 - "app-misc/gnuit-4.9.5-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (PYTHON-3.12-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910681 - "dev-util/wasmer-0.11.0 - error: variable does not need to be mutable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910685 - "dev-python/nbclassis in needed by dev-python/notebook-7.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910686 - "sci-mathematics/picosat-965 - collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status: ./libpicosat.so: file not recognized: file format not recognized" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910693 - "media-libs/tiff-compat-4.4.0-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (PYTHON-3.12-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910703 - "Maintainer: PF4Public (pf4public AT mail.ru)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910704 - "Maintainer: Zurab Kvachadze (zurabid2016 AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910711 - "dev-util/sccache-0.5.4 - error: none of the selected packages contains these features: simple-s3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910715 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.15_pre3 fails to build on arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910722 - "dev-python/mss-9.0.1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910753 - "sci-chemistry/raster3d-3.0.6-r1 - Error: More actual than formal arguments in procedure call at (1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:910755 - "app-portage/portage-utils: allow qfile -o to search recursively" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911121 - "dev-tex/latex-beamer-3.70 causes build failures: Package beamerfontthemeneo Error: Patching frame title failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911126 - "dev-python/jupyterlab-server blocks dev-python/openapi-core upgrade" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911134 - "dev-python/pbr-5.11.1 requires <dev-python/sphinx-7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911136 - "dev-python/twisted: blocks on old dev-python/priority" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911150 - "app-admin/rsyslog - unmask USE=mongodb on arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911153 - "net-misc/wget-1.21.4 fails test - FAIL: Test-auth-basic.px" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911154 - "sys-libs/glibc-2.37-r3 fails test - FAIL: io/bug-ftw1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911155 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.21.1 fails test - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911157 - "app-text/po4a-0.69 fails test - # Failed test Executing Parse plural forms -- Command: perl ../po4a-translate -f pod -k 0 -m t-13-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911159 - "dev-lang/swig-4.1.1-r1 fails test - SWIG:1: Error: PCRE regex support not enabled in this SWIG build." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911174 - "emerge raises a KeyError: 'PKGDIR' exception when executed after installed from pip on a non-gentoo distro" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911213 - "sys-libs/liburing-2.4 fails test - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911214 - "dev-perl/HTML-Mason-1.600.0 fails test - Result: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911215 - "dev-perl/Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.600.0 fails test - # Failed test scrape_text_by_id" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911216 - "dev-perl/Test-Strict-0.520.0 fails test - # Failed test Syntax check /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Test-Strict-0.520.0/temp/d5fLcF8dbI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911217 - "net-libs/libyang-2.1.55 fails test - 59 - yanglint_in_list (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911247 - "dev-python/indexed-gzip-1.8.3 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911264 - "net-misc/openssh-contrib-9.3_p2 fails test - cmp: .../copy: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911291 - "app-emacs/edb-1.34 fails to compile: Error: user-error ("This command doesn’t work in strings or comments")" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911310 - "sys-libs/ldb-2.7.2: automagically installs libcmocka-ldb.so sometimes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911318 - "dev-perl/Config-Any-0.330.0 fails test - Result: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911319 - "sys-libs/glibc-2.37-r3 fails test - FAIL: elf/constload1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911329 - "Create a new test environment for forums/restore access to the previous/current one." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911374 - "dev-perl/Net-Pcap-0.210.0 fails test - # Failed test calling setbuff() with no argument" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911396 - "net-wireless/suwidgets-0.3.0 fails to configure: Project ERROR: sigutils development package not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911402 - ">=app-antivirus/clamav-1.1.0: x86 builds with USE=system-mspack fail tests and may result in false negatives when unpacking chm/cab files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911405 - "games-board/jja-0.7.1 fails to compile: error: could not find system library liburing required by the librocksdb-sys crate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911408 - "games-board/jja-0.9.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911413 - "media-libs/openimageio- - /.../ivgl.cpp: error: glLoadIdentity was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911493 - "app-admin/lnav-0.11.2 - mv: cannot stat ./.../ .schema.json: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911494 - "app-text/ansifilter-2.20 - /.../install: cannot create regular file .../: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911508 - "app-cdr/cdrtools-3.02_alpha09-r4 - collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911529 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.17.1-r1 - ../.../replay-tools.c: warning: conflicting types for replay_save_clock due to enum/integer mi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911553 - "ERROR: dev-lang/R-4.3.1::gentoo_prefix failed on macOS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911554 - "sci-mathematics/prover9-2009.11a - /.../cp: cannot stat prover9: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911556 - "net-ftp/yafc-1.3.7-r2 - Failed running glib-gettextize!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911576 - "Use different favicons for different websites under Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:911581 - "[Tracker] Build failures with sys-devel/binutils-2.41" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911592 - "[TRACKER] sys-libs/glibc-2.38 related issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911596 - "app-arch/dump-0.4.47-r3[sqlite static] - configure: error: sqlite support requested, but not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911599 - "sys-libs/tevent-0.15.0 installs more files in presence of available programs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911622 - "dev-python/pandas-1.5.3: fails TestDataFramePlots::test_plain_axes test with matplotlib-3.7.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911624 - "app-misc/tracker-3.5.3: fails ontology, ontology-change, fts, sparql-blank, sparql test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911625 - "dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL-2.83.0: Can't locate auto/Net/SSLeay/DTLS1_VERSI.al" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911626 - "dev-libs/liblinear-246: 404 on fetch attempt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911636 - "app-forensics/afl-2.57b-r2 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911641 - "app-emulation/libguestfs-1.48.6 fails to compile (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): configure: error: hivex library is required" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911643 - "sys-fabric/mstflint-4.23.0_p1 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911644 - "dev-python/zeroconf-0.72.0 - AttributeError: CAnalysedBaseTypeNode object has no attribute name" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911645 - "dev-scheme/fibers-1.2.0_p20230522 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: all] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911647 - "sci-electronics/iverilog-12.0 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: all] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911655 - "sci-astronomy/wcslib-7.12 - collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911701 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-6.1.85 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911730 - "sys-libs/tevent doesn't actually need libtirpc to build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911747 - "dev-perl/Config-AutoConf-0.320.0 fails test - # Failed test byacc is executable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911749 - "app-crypt/moolticute-1.01.0 - MPSettingsBLE.cpp:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to DeviceSettingsBLE::device_languageChanged(i" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911776 - "net-analyzer/symon-2.88 - ../.../platform.h: error: expected declaration specifiers or before ( token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911783 - "net-misc/kea-2.2.0 fails test - ERROR: PID file:[/var/tmp/portage/net-misc/kea-2.2.0/work/kea-2.2.0/test_pidfile_dir/test_config.k" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911790 - "<dev-qt/qtcore-5.15.10-r1, <dev-qt/qtbase-6.5.2: potential buffer overflow issue in QXmlStreamReader" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911806 - "net-analyzer/netdata-1.41.0 fails test - exporting/.../test_exporting_engine.c: error: too few arguments to function simple_patter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911814 - "net-libs/c-client-2007f-r8 - make[2]: [Makefile:<snip>: lnp] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911815 - "dev-perl/Math-BigInt-GMP-1.600.700 fails test - # Failed test $x = Math::BigFloat->new(0); $y = Math::BigFloat->new(10); $x->bcos(" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911818 - "dev-util/catfish-4.18.0 - error: command intltool-update failed: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911819 - "dev-util/corrosion package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911827 - "dev-db/mysql-5.7.41 fails to compile: semisync_slave.cc:124:28: error: opt_debug_sync_timeout was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911833 - "net-libs/gnutls-3.8.1-r1 calls commands that do not exist: 2006-09-23 00:00:00" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911843 - "app-editors/vim-core-9.0.1677 installs less files with higher MAKEOPTS value" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911860 - "dev-python/pgzero-1.2.1-r2 fails tests: python3.11: typeobject.c:3832: _PyType_Lookup: Assertion !PyErr_Occurred() failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911869 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2-r4 - make: [Makefile:<snip>: .../ghc-stage2] Error 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911873 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.15_pre3 - ./configure:line <snip>: <snip> Segmentation fault ( $CC $LDFLAGS -Wl,-T gcl.script foo.c -o foo && ./f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911874 - "dev-ml/gsl-ocaml-1.24.3-r1 - Failed to run command: dune build @install --display=short --profile release -j 5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911875 - "sys-apps/coreutils-9.3-r3 fails test - FAIL: tests/misc/cut-huge-range.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911880 - "identify & source rackmount kit for hake.hppa.dev.g.o (HP c3600)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911889 - "[RAP] Stage3 sys-devel/glibc undefined reference from libstdc++.so" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911891 - "sys-apps/systemd appears to link against the installed package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911910 - "dev-perl/HTML-Tree-5.70.0-r1 fails tests (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911911 - "app-office/magicpoint-1.13a_p20121015-r2 - parse.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to yylineno" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911914 - "x11-misc/xdaliclock-2.47: installs executable .desktop file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911926 - "media-libs/avidemux-core-2.8.1-r1 - /.../ADM_coreLibVA.cpp: fatal error: va/va_x11.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911980 - "app-portage/smart-live-rebuild-1.4.1 fails test - FAILED smartliverebuild/filtering.py::smartliverebuild.filtering.PackageFilter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911981 - "app-admin/webapp-config-1.55-r3 fails test - ERROR: test_showpostinst (_main_.EbuildTest.test_showpostinst)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911982 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.15_pre3 - dvipdfm:warning: Couldnt open font map file ckx.map." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911983 - "net-wireless/sigdigger-0.3.0 - include/.../Library.h: fatal error: WFHelpers.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911991 - "gui-libs/gtk, x11-libs/gtk+: allow media-libs/libsvgtiny-pixbuf as a fallback for gnome-base/librsvg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:911997 - "gnome-base/nautilus-45.2.1-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912000 - "dev-python/coverage-7.2.7 fails tests (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): AssertionError: assert inside foo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912040 - "dev-db/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.27-r1 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912052 - "net-misc/zerotier: LICENSE has incorrect 'Change Date' for Business Source Licence" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912057 - "dev-python/mypy-1.5.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912067 - "dev-python/paste-3.5.3 fails tests (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): collecting .. Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912147 - "app-accessibility/speech-tools-2.5.0-r1 - track_regression.cc:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to EST_Track::val(int) const" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912148 - "media-sound/flake-0.11 - /.../flake.c:383: undefined reference to wavfile_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912152 - "dev-lang/go-1.21.0 fails test - lto1: internal compiler error: qsort checking failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912156 - "[Tracker] Breakage with dev-lang/go-1.21" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912159 - "dev-lang/go-bootstrap segfaults on loong" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912163 - "sci-visualization/gnuplot-5.4.8 fails to compile: ld: libwx_gtk3u_core-3.2-gtk3.so: undefined reference to gdk_wayland_display_prefers_ssd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912173 - "[Tracker] Build failures with dev-libs/boost-1.83" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912175 - "net-nds/ldapvi-1.7_p20101214-r4 - configure: error: libgnutls-openssl not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912183 - "dev-libs/redland-bindings[php]: depends on masked php:7.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912192 - "dev-libs/libedit-20221030.3.1 installs pkg-config files with mismatched Version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912208 - "git-r3.eclass: expose git commit used in pkg_info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912244 - "media-libs/libharu: examples (unconditionally) installed to datadir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912260 - "media-gfx/imagemagick- installs pkg-config files with mismatched Version (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912263 - "media-plugins/audacious-plugins-4.3.1-r2 - opus.cc:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to op_read_float" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912284 - "sys-devel/binutils-2.41-r1[gprofng] on musl - /.../iolib.c: error: off64_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912302 - "[guru] app-text/owo-0.1.0 fails to compile: error: no matching package named regex found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912303 - "[guru] app-misc/twertlefetch-1.1.0 fails to compile: error: no matching package named colored found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912307 - "dev-libs/libdnsres-0.1a-r3 - deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912308 - "x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.42.10-r1 - ../.../meson.build: ERROR: Unknown variable gdkpixbuf_gir." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912340 - "dev-ruby/shoulda-context-1.2.2-r1 fails tests (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912348 - "sys-fs/libfat-0.3a-r1 - mkdir: cannot create directory .libs: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912349 - "dev-libs/xerces-c-3.2.4 - ninja -v -j5 -l0 failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912350 - "media-sound/timidity++-2.15.0-r6 - net.c: error: NI_MAXSERV undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912356 - "sys-cluster/glusterfs-11.0-r1 - xlator.c: error: default_copy_file_range undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912370 - "<app-antivirus/clamav-{0.103.9, 1.0.2, 1.1.1}: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:912374 - "linux-info.eclass: add checks for the running kernel" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912382 - "sys-devel/binutils-2.41-r1 [clang] - /.../iolib.c: error: no member named _builtin_snprintf_chk in struct CollectorUtilFuncs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912384 - "net-vpn/ovpn-dco-0.2.20230426 - /.../ovpn.c: error: implicit declaration of function skb_gso_segment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912386 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.9.4 - ../.../net-snmp-config.h: error: unknown type name unknown" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912394 - "www-apps/gitea-1.21.7 - modules/.../bindata.go:3626: syntax error: unexpected EOF in argument list; possibly missing comma or )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912396 - "app-doc/mathjax-docs-3.2.2 - ERROR: app-doc/mathjax-docs-3.2.2::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912426 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.39.2 installs pkg-config files with mismatched Version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912429 - "dev-vcs/python-gitlab-3.13.0 fails tests (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): AssertionError: Not all requests have been executed [(DELETE, 26), (DELETE, 27)]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912430 - "dev-vcs/reposurgeon-4.27 fails tests (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): make: golint: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912431 - "games-action/wordwarvi-1.00-r1 fails to compile (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): wordwarvi.c:31:10: fatal error: gtk.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912435 - "net-libs/biblesync-2.1.0 - /.../biblesync.cc: error: invalid operands to binary expression (_bind<int &, sockaddr , unsigned long>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912436 - "media-sound/quimup-1.4.4 - /.../locale: error: expected parameter declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912439 - "sys-fs/lufs-0.9.7-r4 - ftplib.cpp: error: assigning to int from" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912444 - "app-misc/khard-0.18.0 [doc]: khard.texi:5725: @menu reference to nonexistent node `1'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912574 - "dev-libs/imath-3.1.6 - AttributeError: PosixPath object has no attribute rstrip" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912583 - "dev-libs/libcbor-0.10.2 - AttributeError: PosixPath object has no attribute rstrip" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912589 - "[Tracker] Portage proxy support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912648 - ""emaint binhost -f" leaks host settings into Packages files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912665 - "dev-libs/c-blosc2-2.10.1 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912666 - "sci-libs/netcdf-4.9.2 - error: source .../internal.md is not a readable file or directory..kipping." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912668 - "sys-libs/libnbd-1.16.1-r1 - fatal error: cgocheck > 1 mode is no longer supported at runtime. Use GOEXPERIMENT=cgocheck2 at build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912683 - "app-admin/rsyslog-8.2404.0 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912694 - "dev-python/radon-6.0.1 - Reason: ThemeError(Local asset file paths must not contain query strings: _static/MathJax.js?config=TeX-A" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912713 - "app-crypt/heimdal-7.8.0-r3 installs files into unexpected paths (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912742 - "[guru] sys-kernel/uek-sources- calls commands that do not exist: env_setup_xmakeopts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912761 - "dev-scheme/guile-gi-0.3.2-r2 - In procedure module-lookup: Unbound variable: connect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912762 - "dev-lang/R-4.3.1 - ! LaTeX Error: File pdftexcmds.sty not found." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912763 - "app-text/groonga-13.0.1 - db.c: warning: conflicting types for grn_obj_columns due to enum/integer mismatch; have grn_rc(grn_ctx ," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912765 - "sci-mathematics/cudd-3.0.0 - ! LaTeX Error: File pdftexcmds.sty not found." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912803 - "media-libs/openimageio- fails to compile (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): heifinput.cpp:9:10: fatal error: heif_cxx.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912810 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1 links to dev-libs/libunistring" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912814 - "dev-python/cython-3.0.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912819 - "[Tracker] Breakage with dev-libs/protobuf-23.3, dev-cpp/abseil-cpp-20230802" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912821 - "[Tracker] Issues with LLVM 17" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912827 - "net-libs/libad9361-iio-0.3 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912829 - "net-analyzer/ostinato-1.2.0 - /.../span.h: error: Container was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912838 - "games-strategy/0ad-0.0.26_alpha-r1 fails to compile: js-config.h:28:4: error: #error "SpiderMonkey was configured with --disable-debug, so DEBUG must be not defined when including this header"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912847 - "dev-util/patchelf-0.18.0: test failures on sparc (repeated-updates.sh, replace-add-needed.sh)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912851 - "mail-mta/courier-1.3.12 calls commands that do not exist: spellcheck" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912889 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxx-16.0.6 - /.../iterator_operations.h: error: use of built-in trait _remove_cvref(_Tp) in function signature; use li" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912958 - "app-i18n/uim-1.8.9-r1 - uim-leim.el: Error: Symbols function definition is void: set-face-underline-p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912972 - "app-arch/tar-1.35 fails tests in 32 bit arches" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912974 - "dev-db/percona-server- - /.../ld: .../message_field_chain.cc.o: undefined reference to symbol AbslInternalSpinLockWake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912975 - "[Tracker] Portage handling of tests in packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:912990 - "[guru] media-video/kooha-2.2.3 fails tests: thread element_properties::tests::element_properties panicked at GStreamer has not been initialized Call gst::init first., structure.rs:56:9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913002 - "dev-python/watchfiles-0.21.0-r1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913021 - "dev-python/pybind11-2.12.0: fails tests on hppa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913022 - "dev-python/pip-23.2.1: fails TestDiagnosticPipErrorPresentation_ASCII::test_complete_color, TestDiagnosticPipErrorPresentation_Unicode::test_complete_color tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913028 - "net-analyzer/wtfis, net-analyzer/shodan: rekeywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913044 - "net-libs/ignition-msgs-5.11.0 - Could not find a configuration file for package protobuf that is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913083 - "app-emulation/qemu-8.1.0 ../accel/tcg/cputlb.c: In function ‘do_ld_mmio_beN’: unreachable code reached" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913087 - "sys-libs/pam: useless doc tarball downloaded / doesn't install docs?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913097 - "Maintainer: Paul Zander (negril.nx+gentoo AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913106 - "net-analyzer/ostinato-1.2.0 fails to compile (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): policy_checks.h:79:2: error: #error "C++ versions less than C++14 are not supported."" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913119 - "dev-ruby/grpc-1.66.0-r2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913122 - "binpkgs compiled with USE=-test cannot be used with FEATURES=test (and vice versa)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913132 - "net-mail/autorespond-2.0.5 fails to compile (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): autorespond.c:379:7: error: conflicting types for strcasestr; have char (char , char )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913157 - "app-office/magicpoint-1.13a_p20121015-r2 - mgp-mode20.el: Error: Invalid read syntax: ., 181, 40" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913159 - "net-dialup/accel-ppp-1.12.0_p20230609 - /.../sessionTable.c: error: redefinition of parameter sessionTable_oid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913166 - "net-analyzer/netdata-1.42.2 - libnetdata/.../dyn_conf.h: error: unknown type name json_object" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913168 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2-r4 - inlined from LdvCensusForDead at rts/LdvProfile.c: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913197 - "sys-apps/portage: support "forcing" downgrade to lowest package versions satisfying dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913201 - "net-dialup/accel-ppp-1.12.0_p20230609 - /.../ipoe.c: error: ipoe_wlock undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913202 - "net-dns/knot-3.2.9 - /.../protoc-c: symbol lookup error: .../protoc-c: undefined symbol: _ZN6google8protobuf8internal17AssignDescr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913219 - "dev-python/qiskit-aer-0.11.2-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913244 - "gui-wm/sway-1.8.1 - ../.../ipc-json.c: fatal error: .../libinput.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913254 - "[SwordArMor] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913260 - "[apriluwu] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913264 - "[booboo] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913268 - "[darkelf] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913271 - "[dilfridge] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913278 - "[fidonet] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913282 - "[fortunelay] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913283 - "[frr-gentoo] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913285 - "[gerislay] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913293 - "[jmbsvicetto] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913301 - "[milos-rs] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913302 - "[nelson-graca] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913308 - "[pica-pica] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913310 - "[pross] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913321 - "[sergiotarxz] Repository URI unaccessible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913324 - "[simonvanderveldt] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913339 - "Consider -ftrivial-auto-var-init=zero for future hardened profiles?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913341 - "media-video/obs-studio pipewire/screencast inconsistent use flag naming" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:913344 - "net-misc/arpsponge-3.17.11-r1 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913351 - "app-admin/eclean-kernel: removes fresh kernel installed by sys-kernel/installkernel[systemd]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913358 - "[guru] dev-db/dbeaver-bin-24.2.2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913359 - "[guru] dev-db/dbeaver-bin-24.2.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913366 - "sys-apps/dnotify-0.18.0-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (PYTHON-3.12-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913369 - "sci-libs/rocSOLVER-5.4.2 fails to compile (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld.bfd: libamdhip64.so.5.4: undefined reference to hsa_executable_load_agent_code_object@ROCR_1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913371 - "sci-libs/rocBLAS-5.1.3-r4 installs files into unexpected paths (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913380 - "app-text/groonga-8.0.2-r2 - There is a syntax error in your configuration file: Missing parentheses in call to print. Did you mean" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913390 - "git-r3.eclass: add verify-sig.eclass-style functionality, a la Portage's git repository support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913406 - "Suppress other conflicts if a REQUIRED_USE issue is found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913409 - "app-admin/sysstat-12.6.2-r1: fails to install in EPREFIX" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913419 - "sys-apps/ipmiutil-3.1.9 fails to compile (GLIBC-2.38-SYSTEM): ipmi_sample.c:(.text.startup+0x10a): undefined reference to print_lan_opt_usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913469 - "gnome-extra/gnome-color-manager-3.36.0 - compile failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913486 - "FAILED: man/gnome-power-statistics.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913489 - "net-libs/glib-networking-2.76.1: can't find libpxbackend-1.0.so while in EPREFIX" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913515 - "app-emulation/cloud-init: package-update-upgrade-install does not work on Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913529 - "www-servers/kore-4.2.3 - src/acme.c: error: HTTP_METHOD_GET undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913537 - "[Tracker] Failures with >=sys-process/procps-4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913539 - "Maintainer: Mason Rocha (turret AT turret.cyou)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913540 - "Maintainer: Leonardo Hernández Hernández (leohdz172 AT proton.me)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913550 - "sci-mathematics/coq-8.17.1 - Failed to run command: dune build @install --display=short --profile release -j 5 --for-release-of-pa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913552 - "dev-libs/bglibs-2.04-r2 - ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: _unordtf2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913555 - "app-i18n/zinnia-0.06-r3 - svm.cpp: error: no member named random_shuffle in namespace std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913556 - "app-misc/aldo-0.7.7 - [clang] menu.cc: error: no matching constructor for initialization of IT (aka" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913557 - "dev-db/percona-server- - /.../backup.cc: error: redefinition of 'read'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913559 - "net-misc/smbc-1.2.2-r3 - [clang] fnet.c: error: call to undeclared function itoaAddChar; ISO C99 and later" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913561 - "net-wireless/uhd- - [clang] /.../dboard_iface.cpp: error: ambiguous conversion for functional-style cast from rep (aka long long) t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913567 - "app-arch/arj-3.10.22-r8 - [clang] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913572 - "net-analyzer/cryptcat-1.2.1-r2 - [clang] netcat.c: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913574 - "net-mail/mswatch-1.2.0-r1 - [clang] libsocketwatch.cc: error: redefinition of a extern inline function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913579 - "sys-process/tini-0.19.0-r1 - [clang] ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: _unordtf2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913581 - "net-misc/tigervnc-1.13.1-r3 - [slibtool] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_link_create_dep_file(), line 1091: path not found: ../../../../" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913583 - "app-benchmarks/libc-bench-20110206 - [clang] ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: _multf3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913591 - "sci-biology/clustalw-2.1-r2 - [clang] ./.../FileReader.h: error: no template named auto_ptr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913592 - "sci-biology/mosaik-2.2.30 - [clang] JumpDnaHash.cpp: error: use of undeclared identifier random_shuffle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913593 - "app-text/hnb-1.9.18-r1 - [clang] prefs.c: error: embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913594 - "app-shells/squirrelsh-1.2.7-r1 - [clang] /.../limits: error: expected expression" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913603 - "x11-plugins/wmclockmon-0.8.1-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (PYTHON-3.12-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913620 - "<dev-python/django-{4.2.5,4.1.11,3.2.21}: Potential denial of service vulnerability in django.utils.encoding.uri_to_iri()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:913624 - "dev-util/maturin-1.5.1-r1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913630 - "www-apache/mod_fcgid-2.3.9-r2 - [slibtool] rdlibtoolrdlibtool: error logged in slbt_lconf_open(), line 597: flow error: unexpected condition" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913632 - "sci-biology/iedera-1.05-r2 - [clang] ./automaton.h: fatal error: ext/slist file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913635 - "media-sound/alsaplayer-0.99.81-r4 - [clang] Playlist.cpp: error: use of undeclared identifier random_shuffle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913636 - "dev-util/gengetopt-2.23-r1 - [clang] ./gm_utils.h: error: no template named unary_function in namespace" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913637 - "x11-wm/blackbox-0.77-r1 - [clang] Screen.cc: error: no member named mem_fun in namespace std; did you" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913639 - "sys-fs/duperemove-0.12 - [clang] ./memstats.h: error: expected expression" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913641 - "dev-lang/yap-7.1.0 - FAILED: startup.yss .../startup.yss" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913645 - "net-misc/connman-1.42[l2tp] - [slibtool] libppp-plugin.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to ipcp_gotoptions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913646 - "dev-perl/Gtk2-1.249.930 - Can't find 'boot_Gtk2' symbol in blib/arch/auto/Gtk2/Gtk2.so" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913647 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.15_pre3 - tkMain.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to Tcl_GetVar2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913648 - "sys-fabric/mstflint-4.23.0_p1 - [slibtool] make[2]: No rule to make target ../tools_layouts/libtools_layouts.a, needed by libreg_access.a. St" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913651 - "sci-misc/lttoolbox-3.7.1 - [clang] ../.../sorted_vector.hpp: error: no member named back_inserter in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913663 - "Portage does not accept proxy settings from the environment/shell" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913666 - "dev-db/percona-xtrabackup-2.4.24 - /.../unique_ptr.h: error: no matching function for call to std::_uniq_ptr_data<xbcloud::S3_sign" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913669 - "sci-chemistry/gnome-chemistry-utils-0.14.17_p6-r2 - [slibtool] cdx.cc:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to pango_font_description_from_stri" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913677 - "sys-libs/openipmi-2.0.33[perl] - [slibtool] OpenIPMI_wrap.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to ipmi_domain_get_port_info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913679 - "x11-themes/tango-icon-theme-0.8.90-r1 - convert: no decode delegate for this image format PNG @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/746." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913682 - "dev-util/lttng-ust-2.13.6[examples] - [slibtool] /.../ld: ../.../liblttng-ust.so: undefined reference to lttng_ust_add_fd_to_tracker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913695 - "app-admin/usbview-3.0 - convert: no decode delegate for this image format PNG @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/781." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913724 - "www-apache/mod_security-2.9.7 - [slibtool] apache2_config.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to ap_server_root_relative" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913730 - "sys-apps/toybox-0.8.9 - /.../ld: cannot find -lselinux: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913743 - "media-sound/schismtracker-20230906 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913745 - "dev-libs/rocr-runtime-5.3.3-r1 - fatal error: cannot open file .../opencl.bc: Unknown attribute kind (86) (Producer: LLVM16.0.6 Re" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913747 - "sys-apps/toybox-0.8.9 - /.../ld: cannot find -lsmack: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913749 - "games-engines/solarus-1.6.5 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913754 - "sys-apps/flatpak-1.14.4-r3 - configure: error: Package requirements ( polkit-agent-1 >= 0.98) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913841 - "media-video/qmplay2-23.09.05 - /.../OpenGLCommon.hpp: fatal error: QOpenGLFunctions_1_5: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913850 - "media-libs/roc-toolkit-0.4.0 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913851 - "dev-php/pecl-xattr-1.4.0 fails tests: 004-create-replace.phpt - 002-set-get.phpt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913865 - "sci-visualization/quickplot-1.0.1_rc - convert: no decode delegate for this image format PNG @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/746." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913873 - "media-video/bino-2.0 - /.../widget.cpp: error: GL_RGBA16 was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913874 - "sys-apps/fwupd-efi-1.4-r1 with >=sys-boot/gnu-efi-3.0.17: relocation error on arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913894 - "media-libs/libopenraw-0.3.3 - error[E0277]: cannot multiply u64 by NonZeroU8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913903 - "profiles: set a UTF-8 locale by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913908 - "sys-apps/portage: detect Rust executables and automatically omit C/LDFLAGS for them" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913919 - "dev-lang/python: installs Makefile at /usr/lib/python3.11/config-3.11-${CHOST}/Makefile with INSTALL path hardcoded (possibly including Portage tmpdir if upgraded itself)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913920 - "[Tracker] Issues with binary reproducibility (reproducible builds)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913924 - "x11-wm/awesome-4.3-r102 - [slibtool] convert: no decode delegate for this image format PNG @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/746." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913926 - "media-plugins/zam-plugins-4.1 - /.../ld: ../.../DistrhoPluginMain_JACK.cpp.o: undefined reference to symbol pa_proplist_gets@@PULS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913927 - "media-gfx/pngtools-0.4_p20220314 - jw: There is no frontend called "/usr/share/sgml/docbook/utils-0.6.14/frontends/docbook"." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913950 - "dev-python/meson-python-0.14.0: failed (compile phase): error: Could not find ninja version 1.8.2 or newer." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913968 - "llvm-runtimes/libunwind-16.0.6-r1 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: error: unrecognized command-line option -nostdlib++" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913969 - "app-text/groonga-8.0.2-r2 - io.c: error: too few arguments to function grn_mmap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:913970 - "www-client/netsurf-3.10-r7 - /.../ld: .../libnsfb.so: undefined reference to SDL_WaitEvent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914057 - "net-irc/iroffer-dinoex-3.32-r2 - configure phase failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914060 - "media-gfx/netgen-6.2.2302 - convert: no decode delegate for this image format ICO @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/746." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914062 - "sys-cluster/lmod-8.7.23 - The program "/usr/bin/lua5.1" must be in your path" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914065 - "media-libs/libglvnd-1.7.0 - ../.../meson.build: ERROR: <PythonExternalProgram python3 -> [/var/tmp/portage/media-libs/libglvnd-1.7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914075 - "profiles: enable USE=system-* for various packages like www-client/firefox in hardened profiles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914077 - "dev-libs/liblouis: automagic dev-libs/libyaml dependency (possible build system error)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914100 - "net-vpn/networkmanager-strongswan-1.6.0 - [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find none: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914107 - "media-libs/audiofile: please last-rite" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914108 - "media-gfx/gozer-0.7-r4 - main.c:(<snip>) undefined reference to imlib_load_font" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914150 - "dev-vcs/hg-evolve-11.0.2 - convert: no decode delegate for this image format SVG @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/781." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914167 - "dev-libs/libsodium-1.0.19 - !!! Couldnt download .layout.conf. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914182 - "dev-util/shellcheck-0.9.0: keyword request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914194 - ">=dev-db/postgresql-16: switch to Meson" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914214 - "sys-apps/eza-0.12.0 fails tests: error: test failed, to rerun pass --test cli_tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914221 - "www-apache/mod_qos-11.74-r1 stable request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914238 - "app-vim/tasklist-1.0.1-r1 - The source directory .../tasklist-1.0.1 doesnt exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914240 - "x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.99.917_p20230201 - checking which acceleration method to use by default... configure: error: No def" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914241 - "app-vim/tcomment-4.00 - file collision with app-vim/tlib-1.27" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914242 - "app-vim/pytest-1.1.4 - file collision with app-vim/tcomment-4.00" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914256 - "net-misc/curl: 'checking if getifaddrs seems to work' configure test hangs in app-emulation/qemu's qemu-user ppc32 (cURL getiffaddress() not functioning within qemu user chroot ppc32)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914257 - "app-portage/mirrorselect: prepare for Tor hidden services (.onion) mirrors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914276 - "app-misc/jo-1.9 - file collision with app-text/jo-1.6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914278 - "sci-mathematics/flocq-4.1.1 - Error: The variable Z_div_mod_eq was not found in the current environment." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914280 - ">=gnome-base/librsvg-2.56.4 fails test reference::tests::bugs_bug668_small_caps_svg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914285 - "dev-util/pycharm-professional-2023.2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914286 - "dev-util/pycharm-professional-2023.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914287 - "dev-util/pycharm-professional-2023.2 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914301 - "man emerge says to use repoman" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914303 - "GURU Access Request: Nathan Tibbitts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914345 - "gnome-extra/gnome-shell-extensions-45.2 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914346 - "dev-db/libdbi-drivers-0.9.0-r1 - install: cannot stat ./.../ : No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914360 - "sci-chemistry/gromacs: don't drop GMXRC files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914364 - "app-admin/syslog-ng-4.2.0: invalid pid values shown in log" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914373 - "dev-python/subunit-1.4.4 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914374 - "sys-fs/mount-zip-1.0.10 fails tests: subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command mount-zip, pkware-specials.zip, tmp46q041z9] returned non-zero exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914390 - "sci-mathematics/libpoly-0.1.11 - /.../integer.h: fatal error: gmpxx.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914391 - "app-admin/ulogd-2.0.8 - LinuxdocToo:process_file: Error: nsgmls -D .../sgmltmp.ulogd.02.nsgmlsout failed with exit status: 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914407 - "dev-perl/Apache-SizeLimit-0.980.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:914430 - "dev-lang/python-3.11.5 does not respect LDFLAGS for _bootstrap_python" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:914433 - "media-sound/snd-22.9 - snd-1.h: error: duplicate member current_cursor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914435 - "dev-db/psqlodbc-15.00.0000 - /.../pqexpbuffer.h: error: unknown type name bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914439 - "sys-process/iotop-0.6_p20230124: QA warning: Python extension modules found installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914447 - "dev-python/notebook: unbundle mathjax-3.x?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914450 - "media-libs/libsndfile: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:914454 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt-sanitizers-19.1.1 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914457 - "app-portage/mirrorselect: enhancement requests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914458 - "dev-java/apache-rat-0.15[doc] fails to compile with java 17 - java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.sun.source.util.DocTreePath.getTreePath()" because "path" is null" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914466 - "net-mail/public-inbox-1.9.0: amd64 stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914554 - "dev-python/flake8-7.0.0 - Could not import extension sphinx-prompt (exception: No module named sphinx-prompt)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914557 - "x11-misc/rss-glx-0.9.1-r3 - driver.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to _GLXEW_SGI_swap_control" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914560 - "dev-python/psycopg-3.1.10: test_connect_timeout[asyncio] and test_ctrl_c_handler fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914567 - "www-apache/mod_musicindex-1.4.1-r4 - ./configure:line <snip>: syntax error near unexpected token ," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914580 - "[TRACKER] sys-devel/gcc-14 porting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914584 - "x11-wm/fluxbox: fails to build with libcxx (no template named 'auto_ptr' in namespace 'std'), needs c++14" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914587 - "Maintainer: Rahil Bhimjiani (me AT rahil.rocks)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914588 - "Maintainer: Andrew Udvare (audvare AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914589 - "sys-apps/toybox-0.8.10: fails to compile (,help.hscripts/make.sh: line 266: 785 Segmentation fault (core dumped) "$UNSTRIPPED"/config2help ...)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914595 - "games-rpg/vendetta-online-bin-1.8.296-r2 - !!! Couldnt download vendetta-online-bin-1.8.296-amd64.sh. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914630 - "Search for non existing package exit code" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914634 - "sys-devel/crosstool-ng-1.26.0-r1 - mv: cannot stat .../crosstool-ng-1.26.0: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914637 - "sys-apps/keyutils-1.6.3 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of KEYUTILS_1.7 to symbol keyctl_restrict failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914642 - "llvm-core/llvm-16.0.6 - [clang] clang++: error: clang frontend command failed with exit code 139 (use -v to see invocation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914644 - "dev-libs/libgcrypt-compat-1.5.6 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of GCRYPT_1.2 to symbol gcry_md_get failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914645 - "app-admin/syslog-ng-4.3.1 - [clang] ./.../atomic-gssize.h: error: cannot initialize a parameter of type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914660 - "media-sound/ecasound-2.9.3-r1 - [clang] eca-neteci-server.cpp: error: assigning to int from incompatible type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914709 - "app-mobilephone/gnokii-0.6.31-r4 - [clang] ../.../compat.h: error: expected parameter declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914712 - "sys-libs/talloc-2.4.1 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of local to symbol _end failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914713 - "dev-lang/moarvm-2023.02-r1 - /.../stdlib-bsearch.h:33:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to _ubsan_handle_function_type_mismatch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914736 - "app-arch/p7zip: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914759 - "gnome-extra/evolution-data-server-3.50.4 failed to build with USE=gtk-doc: CMake Error at cmake/modules/GtkDoc.cmake:201 (add_dependencies): The dependency target "etestserverutils" of target "gtkdoc-evolution-data-server" does not exist." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914836 - "dev-libs/elfutils-0.189-r4: failed (test phase) (x86): Aborted (core dumped)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914857 - "sys-libs/tdb-1.4.9 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of TDB_1.2.1 to symbol tdb_do_delete failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914859 - "x11-wm/e16-1.0.25-r1 - ttfont.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to imlib_context_set_font" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914860 - "dev-db/percona-xtrabackup- - [clang] /.../hash.hpp: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914862 - "net-misc/rsync-bpc- - [clang] lib/compat.c: error: too few argumentsclang -I. -I. -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -Wall" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914864 - "app-antivirus/clamav-1.2.0 - [clang] /.../qsort.c: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914865 - "net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.8.0-r3 - [clang] rrd_snprintf.c: warning: a function declaration without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914866 - "dev-libs/libplatform- - [clang] /.../StringUtils.cpp: error: no member named ptr_fun in the global namespace" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914867 - "media-sound/sox-14.4.2_p20210509-r2 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol lsx_lpc10_create_decoder_state failed: symbol not d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914878 - "media-libs/sratom-0.6.14-r1 - FAILED: .../singlehtml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914880 - "net-misc/wget-1.21.4 fails test - FAIL: Test-metalink-http.py" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914881 - "multilib.eclass: use proper LDFLAGS for compiler driver (stop passing raw LDFLAGS via LD)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914898 - "net-fs/samba-4.19.0: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of 'local' to symbol '_end' failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914916 - "net-libs/qxmpp-1.5.5 fails test - Errors while running CTest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914917 - "dev-util/gtk-doc-1.33.2-r1 fails test - 30/37 test-gobject-mkhtml FAIL 0.70s exit status 6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914918 - "dev-db/tora-3.2-r2 - /.../toscintilla.cpp: error: no matching function for call to toScintilla::bytesAsText(char &)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:914966 - "dev-libs/apr-1.7.4-r1 fails test - Programs failed: testall" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915000 - "[Tracker] Miscompilations or likely undefined behavior (UB)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915017 - "dev-debug/gdb: automagic dependency on dev-util/babeltrace" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915049 - "dev-scheme/guile-ncurses-3.1 fails test - FAIL: menu_gc_refcount.scm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915050 - "app-crypt/certbot-nginx-2.6.0 fails test - ImportError: cannot import name parse_authorization_header from werkzeug.http (/usr/lib/python3.11/site-pac" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915053 - "app-arch/vimball-0.5.1-r1 fails test - ImportError: cannot import name parse_authorization_header from werkzeug.http (/usr/lib/python3.11/site-package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915058 - "media-gfx/gozer: SRC_URI and HOMEPAGE appear to be gone" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915061 - "sys-kernel/genkernel-4.3.6 with --iscsi requires openssl[static-libs] to build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915065 - "media-libs/openh264-2.3.1-r3: failed (test phase) (x86)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915074 - "dev-libs/rocm-opencl-runtime-5.5.1 fails test - RESULT_VARIABLE No such file or directory OUTPUT_VARIABLE:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915075 - "media-libs/tiff-compat-4.4.0-r1 fails test - FAIL: ppm2tiff_pbm.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915087 - "dev-libs/totem-pl-parser-3.26.6-r1 fails to link with clang-17: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of 'LIBTOTEM_PL_PARSER_MINI_1.0' to symbol 'totem_disc_media_type_get_type' failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915094 - "dev-python/jupyterlab-server-2.23.0: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915103 - "net-dns/unbound-1.18.0 - /.../protoc-c: symbol lookup error: .../protoc-c: undefined symbol: _ZN6google8protobuf8internal17AssignDescriptorsEPFPKNS1_1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915104 - "app-metrics/rabbitmq_exporter-0.29.0-r1 - Unable to parse config file: .promu.yml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915105 - "net-wireless/aircrack-ng-1.7-r3 - ERROR setuptools_scm._file_finders.git listing git files failed - pretending there arent any" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915186 - "dev-libs/cgreen-1.6.3: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915196 - "media-libs/audiofile: heap-buffer-overflow in FLAC.cpp:133:11" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915199 - "sys-libs/ldb-2.8.0 fails to link with clang-17: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of 'local' to symbol '_end' failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915221 - "app-i18n/mozc-2.28.5029.102 - ../.../surrounding_text_util.cc: error: no match for operator= (operand types are std::string {aka std::_cxx11::basic_st" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915330 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.51 - emerge: distfile integrity check and unpack is not atomic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915342 - "<media-gfx/optipng-0.7.8: out-of-bounds read" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915349 - "media-video/motionplus: package fork/continuation of media-video/motion?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915360 - "net-vpn/networkmanager-openconnect-1.2.10-r1 - [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find none: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915363 - "app-text/qpdf-11.6.2 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915401 - "dev-util/kdevelop-pg-qt: bundles dev-util/astyle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915409 - "dev-php/pecl-mongodb-1.16.2: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:915468 - "Maintainer: Matt Whitlock (gentoo AT mattwhitlock.name)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915491 - "dev-lang/mercury-22.01.1 - cp: cannot stat .dvi: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915494 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.52: FEATURES="getbinpkg" gets stuck in infinite rebuilding loop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915495 - "app-office/mdbtools-1.0.0 - configure: error: ODBC requires flex and bison for the SQL engine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915511 - "dev-perl/DBD-mysql-5.1.0:dbdimp.c:1407:31: error: ‘MYSQL_OPT_GET_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY’ undeclared and more "undeclared" errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915513 - "dev-util/wasmer-0.11.0 - error: casting &T to &mut T is undefined behavior, even if the reference is unused, consider instead using an UnsafeCell" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915514 - "dev-util/ply-2.3.0 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915516 - "media-sound/lilypond-2.24.3 - ERROR: Please install required programs: convert" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915537 - "[guru] sys-libs/iceoryx-2.0.3 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915538 - "[guru] sys-libs/iceoryx-2.0.3 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915543 - "app-backup/spideroak-bin-7.5.0-r3 - !!! Couldnt download spideroak-bin-7.5.0_amd64.deb. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915553 - "[Tracker] HTTP/2 Rapid Reset vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915568 - "<www-servers/tomcat-{8.5.94,9.0.81,10.1.14}: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:915574 - "sys-libs/glibc-2.38-r5 fails test - FAIL: nss/tst-nss-gai-hv2-canonname" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915575 - "sys-devel/binutils-2.41-r2 fails test - ERROR: compilation of test program in mttest failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915576 - "dev-db/citus-12.1.0 - make[3]: No rule to make target install. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915577 - "media-libs/harfbuzz-8.2.0 fails test - 418/431 harfbuzz:subset / glyf_partial_instancing FAIL 0.09s exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915585 - "www-servers/apache-2.4.58-r2 - [slibtool] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_lconf_open(), line 597: flow error: unexpected condition or other." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915592 - "sys-cluster/rdma-core-48.0 - /.../verbs.c: error: rdma_core_efa undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915595 - "news/2023-05-11-openssh: discrepancy about openssh packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:915597 - "xfce-base/xfce4-meta - for security reasons please support not pulling in xfce-base/tumbler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915631 - "[guru] app-editors/imhex-1.35.4-r1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915641 - "dev-perl/JSON-XS-4.30.0 fails test - # Failed test at t/08_pc_base.t line 67." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915644 - "dev-util/redo-0.42d fails test - ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915645 - "net-analyzer/scapy-2.5.0 fails test - ImportError: Cannot execute crypto-related method! Please install python-cryptography v1.7 or later." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915646 - "net-mail/serialmail-0.75-r5 - !!! Couldnt download serialmail-0.75-patch.tar.bz2. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915682 - "dev-libs/xmlrpc-c-1.54.06 fails test - FAILED" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915684 - "sys-power/autosuspend-5.0.0 fails test - E AttributeError: ContentServer object has no attribute expect_request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915689 - "Collapse USE_EXPAND USE flags in --binpkg-respect-use warning" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915693 - "dev-perl/String-Print-0.940.0 fails test - # Failed test use String::Print;" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915700 - "dev-perl/Time-TAI64-2.110.0-r3 fails test - # Failed test unixtai64n(1.194785)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915704 - "[Tracker] Compatibility issues with >=sys-apps/xdg-desktop-portal-1.18.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915705 - "gnome-base/gnome-flashback: missing portals configuration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915715 - "net-libs/libssh-0.10.5 fails test - 17 - torture_packet (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915716 - "dev-perl/DateTime-Tiny-1.70.0 fails test - # Failed test ->locale ok" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915723 - "media-libs/xine-lib depends on dev-libs/openssl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915725 - "[guru] dev-embedded/squareline-studio-1.3.2 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915768 - "dev-perl/Log-Report-Optional-1.70.0 fails test - # Failed test use Log::Report::Util;" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915769 - "x11-terms/xfce4-terminal-1.1.1 - configure: error: Either both X11 and Wayland support was disabled, or required dependencies are missing. One of the" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915770 - "www-apps/nextcloud: occ lacks executable bit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915779 - "[Tracker] dev-qt/qtscript:5 removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915785 - "<app-misc/qlcplus-5.0.0_beta2 depends on deprecated dev-qt/qtscript:5 (was: app-misc/qlcplus-5.0.0_beta2 version bump)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915790 - "net-p2p/eiskaltdcpp[javascript] depends on deprecated dev-qt/qtscript:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915800 - "media-tv/mythtv depends on deprecated dev-qt/qtscript:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915801 - "app-emulation/libcacard-2.8.1 - FAILED: tests/setup-softhsm2.log" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915802 - "dev-util/cookiecutter-2.4.0 fails test - _ ERROR collecting tests/test_generate_context.py _" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915804 - "net-p2p/transmission-4.0.4 fails test - 108 - LT.DhtTest.usesBootstrapFile (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915809 - "app-emulation/qemu-8.0.4: ../linux-user/syscall.c:6863:15: error: use of undeclared identifier 'F_GETLK64'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915810 - "dev-debug/valgrind-3.21.0-r2 fails test - collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915813 - "sys-libs/glibc-2.38-r12: several tests fail on sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915825 - "app-backup/rdup-1.1.15-r1 fails test - FAIL: Run rdup | rdup-tr -Otar | tar" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915836 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin with extlinux fails to boot: Bad Linux ARM64 Image magic!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915901 - "dev-cpp/abseil-cpp-20230802.0: test failures on sparc32" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915958 - "Give "merged usr" stages more visibility (at least for systemd setups)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:915998 - "=dev-qt/qtsvg-6.6.0-r0 loading invalid QML image source can cause application crash (CVE-2023-45872)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916007 - "Maintainer: Alexey Lunev (cheembox573 AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916013 - "net-vpn/strongswan-5.9.11 - [slibtool] est_tls.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to tls_socket_create" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916043 - "www-servers/apache-2.4.58: adjust indent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916045 - "gnome-base/gnome-session: xinitrc.d files need to check XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP not obsolete DESKTOP_SESSION" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916067 - "media-video/ffmpeg-6 doesn't build with USE=-pic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916077 - "app-arch/stuffit - http://my.smithmicro.com/downloads/files/stuffit520.611linux-i386.tar.gz No longer exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916101 - "Maintainer: Kacper Słomiński (kacper.slominski72 AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916102 - "Maintainer: Cat Kasin (cat AT aulucya.gay)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916103 - "Maintainer: Violet Purcell (vimproved AT inventati.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916113 - "sci-astronomy/stellarium[-qt6,scripting] depends on deprecated dev-qt/qtscript:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916123 - "dev-util/roctracer-5.3.3-r1 - sh:line <snip>: .../clang: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916125 - "games-rpg/drascula-1.0-r4 - !!! Couldnt download drascula-2.2.0.dat. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916126 - "gnustep-base/gnustep-make-2.9.0 - Compilation failed in require at .../latex2html line 39." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916131 - "dev-ml/async_extra-0.14.0 - ppx.exe: unknown option '-check-doc-comments'." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916136 - "sci-mathematics/form-4.3.1 - /.../sh:line <snip>: ./version.sh: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916147 - "app-antivirus/clamav-1.2.0: config file PidFile should point to /run/clamd.pid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916179 - "dev-util/shellcheck-0.9.0-r2 stabilization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916184 - "x11-misc/xmobar-0.46 - error: CairoSurface.hsc: fatal error: cairo/cairo-xlib.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916205 - "app-text/doxygen-1.9.8 - Error: Error: fontconfig: Didnt find expected font family. Perhaps URW Type 1 fonts need installing?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916206 - "dev-python/bcrypt-4.0.1 - ERROR: dev-python/bcrypt-4.0.1::gentoo failed (unpack phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916241 - "<dev-libs/openssl-{3.0.12, 3.1.4}: Incorrect cipher key & IV length processing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916262 - "dev-java/ant-ivy: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:916269 - "sys-cluster/rdma-core-48.0 - /.../efa_trace.h: error: expected ) before ( token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916295 - "dev-libs/openpace-1.1.3 - file collision with dev-haskell/isocline-1.0.9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916317 - "app-arch/patool-1.12_p20230424: failed (test phase): Unable to allocate enough memory for operation (x86) with processors that have more than 10 threads" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916318 - "app-emulation/softgun-0.22-r1: stabilization request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916319 - "<www-apache/modsecurity-crs-3.3.5: Content-Type confusion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916327 - "app-eselect/eselect-postgresql: wrongly reports "Clients only"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916374 - "media-libs/lsp-plugins-1.2.6 - [slibtool] php: line 27: ..../.libs/php: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916382 - "portageq --help lists internal signal_interrupt, uses_configroot functions (and says "MISSING DOCUMENTATION!")" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916388 - "x11-base/xorg-server: use-after-free bug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916396 - "[TRACKER] virtual/jdk:21 issues tracker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916462 - "Confusing error description when a missing USE flag blocks a package from being updated/rebuilt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916464 - "kde-frameworks/bluez-qt-5.111.0: suspicious -Wundef warnings for __BYTE_ORDER and __LITTLE_ENDIAN" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916473 - "dev-haskell/glib- - System/.../Signals.chs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916475 - "[TRACKER] virtual/jdk:21 packages failing tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916502 - "dev-python/pandas-2.1.2: fails tests on big endian" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916510 - "<net-misc/memcached-1.6.22: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:916513 - "<net-libs/nodejs-{18.18.2,20.8.1}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916547 - "app-editors/pluma-plugins-1.26.0-r1 - configure: error: Package requirements (" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916564 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel: adapt to new upstream hardening fragments for 6.7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916577 - "dev-python/mypy-1.13.0 [native-extensions]: sets -Werror and forces -O3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916580 - "app-containers/podman: uses -Werror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916581 - "media-libs/openglide-0.09_rc9_p20191120[-sdl] - [slibtool] window.cpp:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to XStoreColors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916597 - "app-text/dangerzonepdf - Removes malicious code from PDF files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:916599 - "profiles/thirdpartymirrors: inline the "lokigames" mirror?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916619 - "portage: conflicts with missing argument should more clearly emphasise the missing package(s), not bury it in middle of list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916622 - "app-containers/runc-1.1.10: Version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916661 - "dev-dotnet/dotnet-sdk use architecture-independent source tarball" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916679 - "sci-mathematics/4ti2-1.6.7-r1 - [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -l4ti2common: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916690 - "media-libs/game-music-emu: upstream moved" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916693 - "[guru] www-apps/libmedium-20231020 fails to compile: eapply_user (or default) must be called in src_prepare()!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916694 - "[guru] media-libs/vvdec-2.1.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916698 - "[guru] net-misc/yt-dlg-2023.08.16 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916699 - "[guru] acct-user/libmedium-0 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916701 - "[guru] media-libs/vvdec-2.3.0 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916702 - "[guru] media-libs/vvdec-2.3.0 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916714 - "media-libs/libid3tag: Different size of the tarball from upstream URL." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916715 - "dev-libs/libdatachannel-0.19.4 - C/C++ WebRTC network library for media-video/obs-studio-30" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:916719 - "dev-lang/zig-0.11.0-r1 - warning: Encountered error: UnexpectedEndOfFile, falling back to default ABI and dynamic linker." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916743 - "dev-haskell/prettyprinter-ansi-terminal-1.1.3 - src/.../Internal.hs: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916785 - "dev-haskell/pandoc-lua-engine- - setup build failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916789 - "dev-db/influxdb-1.8.10 - file collision with dev-db/influx-cli-2.7.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916866 - "app-text/catdoc: null pointer dereferences" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:916902 - "<net-misc/frr-9.0.2: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:916952 - "portage-3.0.46: emerge --depclean wants to remove dev-lang/python-2.7.18_p16-r1 even though an installed package depends on python:2.7[threads]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916958 - "sys-apps/portage: ^c can lead to Portage attempting to create a binpkg prematurely (and fortunately failing)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916961 - "dev-libs/zxcvbn-c: New package request - required by app-office/libreoffice" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916971 - "dev-haskell/pandoc-server- - setup build failed: <command line>: cannot satisfy -package-id pandoc-3.1.8-3Nc3mnM5ml52lGyWYm9QLS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916976 - "dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit should not depend on x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:916989 - "[guru] dev-python/rstcheck-6.2.0 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named typer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917007 - "sci-physics/reduze-2.4-r1 - /.../nodeimpl.h: error: YAML::noncopyable::noncopyable(const YAML::noncopyable&) is private within this context" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917025 - "media-sound/gogglesmm-1.2.1-r2 - /.../fox.h: fatal error: FXMemMap.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917042 - "app-arch/xarchiver- fails to install translations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917051 - "sys-apps/kmscon lacks OpenRC support and does not install man page" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917066 - "sci-mathematics/coq-serapi-0.18.1 - Failed to run command: dune build @install --display=short --profile release -j 4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917071 - "dev-qt/qtwidgets:5 will need several backports from qtbase-6 to get proper GTK theming support on Gnome" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917113 - "media-video/jellyfin-media-player-1.9.1 - /.../ld: .../libcec.so: undefined reference to CEC::CTDA995xCECAdapterDetection::FindAdapter()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917117 - "app-containers/crun-1.11.2 - src/libcrun/container.c:26:10: fatal error: seccomp.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917130 - "app-cdr/cuecue-0.2.2-r5 - QA Notice: Unrecognized configure options:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917145 - "Portage handles emulated USE flag renames in || any-of deps poorly (cannot install =sys-kernel/installkernel-systemd-2-r4)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917150 - "[guru] www-apps/pleroma-2.7.1 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917159 - "media-gfx/opentoonz-1.6.0 - /.../lutcalibrator.cpp: error: glPushMatrix was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917252 - "sci-chemistry/pdbmat-3.89-r1 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917260 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.51: does dependency resolution timer include waiting for lockfile?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917266 - "net-libs/libgadu-1.12.2-r1 - protoc-c: symbol lookup error: protoc-c: undefined symbol: _ZN6google8protobuf8internal17AssignDescriptorsEPFPKNS1_15Desc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917275 - "media-video/vlc: bundled dev-libs/json-parser" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917279 - "media-gfx/transfig: removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917287 - "FEATURES=splitdebug should follow usrmerge symlinks in /usr/lib/debug/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917289 - "sci-physics/heppdt-3.04.01-r1 - Fatal error: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../include/HepPDT -I../../include -I../../include -O2 -p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917304 - "net-misc/zerotier-1.12.2 - node/Peer.hpp: error: ZeroTier::Mutex::Mutex(const ZeroTier::Mutex&) is private within this context" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917316 - "Using emoji in a forum post causes 'Error in posting'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917328 - "dev-python/python-poppler-qt5-21.3.0 - Wheel build failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917330 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.2.8 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917331 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.0.2-r4 - Error 2 shuffle=3696850168 + gmp warning" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917332 - "net-misc/AQtion-2.3.4-r1 - /.../hw_atl_utils_fw2x.c: error: WAKE_PHY undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917344 - "sci-electronics/iverilog-12.0 - mv: cannot move PNamedItem.d to dep/PNamedItem.d: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917350 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.9.4 - /.../install: cannot stat ../.../snmpIPBaseDomain.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917361 - "sys-devel/gcc, llvm-core/clang: maybe install ${COMPILER}-cachekey or such for ccache usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917391 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.2.8 - /.../install: cannot create regular file .../ghc-9.2.8: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917402 - "<dev-java/gradle-bin-8.4: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:917408 - "dev-db/tora-3.2-r2 - /.../Diff.hpp: error: assignment of member trivial in read-only object" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917419 - "mail-client/thunderbird-115.4.1 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917434 - "dev-db/wxsqlite3-4.9.7 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917437 - "dev-lang/cxprolog-0.98.3 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917449 - "app-editors/gvim-9.0.1627: build failure with x11-libs/gtk+ -X" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917462 - "Ryan Qian (i AT bitbili.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917463 - "<net-libs/pjproject-2.13.1: heap buffer overflow when parsing DNS packet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917473 - "sci-libs/rocFFT-5.1.3 crashes." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:917495 - "dev-lisp/sbcl-2.3.9: emerge hangs since 8 hours" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917509 - "dev-libs/libjodycode-3.1 - /.../install: cannot create regular file .../libjodycode.so.3.1: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917510 - "x11-misc/obconf-2.0.4_p20150213-r1 - src/main.c: error: xmlIndentTreeOutput undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917515 - "<dev-db/mariadb-{10.6.16,10.11.6}: denial of service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:917519 - "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.6.1-r3: "!!! Invalid package: '-'" in wrong line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917521 - "dev-lang/yap-7.1.0 - FAILED: .../java_compiled_jpl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917531 - "dev-lang/yap-7.1.0: calls javac directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917537 - "[Tracker] Build failures with dev-libs/libxml2-2.12.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917538 - "app-misc/openrgb-9.0 (LLVM Profile) - 'std::basic_stringstream<char>' (error: implicit instantiation of undefined template)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917544 - "dev-python/numpy-1.26.2: Includes faulty float16 implementation on ppc64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917548 - "x11-libs/gtkmathview-0.8.0-r5 - libxml2_Model.cc: error: xmlParseFile was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917552 - "dev-libs/modsecurity-3.0.10 - modsecurity.cc: error: xmlInitParser was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917565 - "dev-scheme/fibers-1.2.0_p20230522 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917570 - "net-misc/x2goclient- - make: No rule to make target .../x2goclient_fr.qm, needed by qrc_resources.cpp. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917571 - "Adding a non binary ebuild for dev-dotnet/dotnet-sdk:6.0?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:917577 - "dev-util/promu-0.15.0 segfault on x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917586 - "dev-util/android-tools-34.0.0 - /.../jsonpb.cpp: error: class absl::lts_20230125::string_view has no member named as_string" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917591 - "media-video/handbrake-1.7.0 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917595 - "dev-haskell/cabal-install- - ERROR: dev-haskell/cabal-install- failed (prepare phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917613 - "net-libs/pjproject: UAF in SRTP media transport" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917626 - "games-strategy/0ad: migrate to WX_GTK_VER="3.2-gtk3"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917674 - "[guru] dev-libs/gpds-1.7.0-r1 fails to compile: addition_assignment.cpp:1:10: fatal error: container.hpp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917676 - "net-fs/davfs2-1.7.0 non-proper man pages are being generated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917677 - "move ppc64 to ELFv2 ABI?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917679 - "<media-libs/openimageio- multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917685 - "gnome-extra/libgda-6.0.0 version bump request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917686 - "sci-mathematics/calc- - alloc.h: error: unknown type name CONST" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917687 - "dev-haskell/monads-tf- - setup configure failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917693 - "dev-python/pypy3_10-exe-7.3.13_p2 broken : RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917698 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --ask could ask for input instead of failing on ambiguous package atom" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917699 - "net-libs/pjproject-2.13.1: fails with +sdl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917755 - "app-shells/nushell-0.87.0 - ERROR: app-shells/nushell-0.87.0::gentoo failed (unpack phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917757 - "net-analyzer/telegraf-1.26.3-r1 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917759 - "net-analyzer/bmon-4.0-r1 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: bREADME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917760 - "media-sound/flake-0.11 - make[1]: No rule to make target <snip>/libflake.a, needed by flake_g. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917761 - "app-backup/bareos-22.1.2-r1 - /.../sql_get.cc: error: cannot convert std::vector<std::_cxx11::basic_string<char> >::iterator to const char" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:917769 - "<net-analyzer/traceroute-2.1.3: improper command line parsing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918003 - "dev-python/pyrate-limiter: arm64 keywordreq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:918096 - "media-sound/cadence: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918097 - "dev-lang/lazarus-2.2.4-r1 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918102 - "app-crypt/p11-kit: broken symbol versioning with llvm-core/lld-17 (app-crypt/pinentry fails to build with llvm-lld-17: ...)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918112 - "dev-util/sccache-0.5.4 - ERROR: dev-util/sccache-0.5.4::gentoo failed (unpack phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918118 - "<app-backup/tsm- multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918405 - "app-misc/ddcui-0.3.0-r1 - A required package was not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918410 - "<sys-cluster/ceph-17.2.7: improperly verified POST keys" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918413 - "<www-servers/caddy-2.7.5: http/2 rapid reset vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918415 - "net-proxy/haproxy: http/2 rapid reset vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918416 - "<www-servers/varnish-7.5.0: http/2 rapid reset vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918427 - "<dev-python/pip-23.3: mercurial configuration injection on installation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918428 - "dev-java/sbt{,-bin}: arbitrary file overwrite" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918436 - "<media-gfx/gifsicle-1.94: floating point exception DoS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918438 - "<media-video/ffmpeg-6.1: OOB read" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918441 - "<dev-python/pypdf-3.17.0: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918449 - ">=app-text/docbook2X-0.8.8-r4: ~mips keywording request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:918482 - "sys-auth/pam_mktemp-1.1.1 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol pam_sm_authenticate failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918484 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.2.8 - /.../ld: .../Main.o: relocation R_X86_64_32S against symbol stg_bh_upd_frame_info can not be used when making a PIE object; recom" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918489 - "dev-perl/Guard-1.23.0-r1 - /.../perl.h: fatal error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918519 - "media-sound/kid3-3.9.4: CMake Error at src/plugins/oggflacmetadata/CMakeLists.txt:31 (target_link_libraries): Target "oggflacmetadata" links to: FLACPP::FLACPP but the target was not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918522 - "net-voip/yate-6.2.0 - YMD5.cpp: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918523 - "dev-perl/Conf-Libconfig-1.0.3 - /.../perl.h: fatal error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918526 - "<dev-python/twisted-23.10.0_rc1: response ordering vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918527 - "<net-misc/rabbitmq-server-3.12.9: DoS via very large requests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918533 - "<net-p2p/qbittorrent-4.6.1: default credentials allowed by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918542 - "app-admin/graylog: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:918544 - "sci-electronics/gerbv: denial of service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918549 - "<media-sound/vorbis-tools-1.4.2-r4: heap buffer overread" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918550 - "dev-lang/jerryscript: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:918556 - "media-gfx/dpic: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918563 - "net-analyzer/pnp4nagios: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918564 - "www-client/w3m: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918567 - "sci-chemistry/openbabel: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918581 - "games-emulation/advancemame: heap buffer overread" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918587 - "<net-dns/knot-resolver-5.7.0: DoS via TCP reconnections (again)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918590 - "net-analyzer/sngrep: heap buffer overflow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918598 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxx-17.0.5 - path.cpp:(<snip>) undefined reference to _cxa_call_terminate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918605 - "dev-db/mongodb-5.0.16-r1 - ERROR: dev-db/mongodb-5.0.16-r1::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918609 - "<media-gfx/librecad- multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918617 - "net-analyzer/snort: IP geolocation rule circumvention" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:918620 - "<media-libs/exempi-2.5.1: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918621 - "media-libs/freeimage: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918623 - "sci-libs/hdf5: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918624 - "dev-libs/zziplib: invalid memory access" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918639 - "=dev-ml/dune-2.9.3-r3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918645 - "=sys-process/systemd-cron-1.16.7-r1 fails tests: make: pyflakes3: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918647 - "dev-java/openjdk{,-bin}-21.0.5_p11 : stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918649 - "app-text/podofo-0.10.1-r1 - /.../charconv_compat.h: error: from_chars is missing exception specification noexcept" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918653 - "media-video/noad-0.8.8 - dobin failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918673 - "net-vpn/openvpn: DoS via crafted reset packet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918675 - "games-strategy/scorched3d-44-r3 - Failed to find configuration base-unicode-3.2-gtk3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918679 - "dev-libs/stb: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918682 - "sys-apps/portage: find_smallest_cycle can be optimized to traverse fewer nodes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918689 - "app-text/zotero-bin requires both gtk+:3 and gtk+:2, while is working fine with gtk+:3 only" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918695 - "net-print/hplip-3.23.8: heap overflow and null pointer derefence -> unable to print" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918697 - "[Tracker] MySQL DoS (Oracle CPU Oct 2023)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918698 - "dev-db/mysql: multiple vulnerabilities (Oracle CPU Oct 2023)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918701 - "<net-analyzer/zabbix-{4.0.48,5.0.37,6.0.21,6.4.6}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918706 - "<net-print/hplip-3.23.12: hpps insecure tmpfile usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918711 - "games-strategy/scorched3d-44-r2 - Failed to find configuration base-unicode-3.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918869 - "llvm-core/llvm-16.0.6 - [clang] clang++: error: clang frontend command failed with exit code 139 (use -v to see invocation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918872 - "kde-apps/dolphin-23.08.4-r1: fails to build on musl+clang profile: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: fts_close" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918873 - "Use stable groups to bind tighter dependencies for "suites" of software" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918894 - "www-client/chromium fails to compile with -march=native" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:918909 - "dev-debug/systemtap-4.9: fails to build with clang (tapsets.cxx: error: expected namespace name)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918913 - "net-firewall/ipset-7.21 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of LIBIPSET_1.0 to symbol ipset_parse_name failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918924 - "sys-power/wluma-4.3.0 - = note: .../ld: cannot find -lvulkan: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918933 - "dev-php/theseer-Autoload-1.26.3-r1: Failure in src_prepare due to symlinks into real root directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918934 - "dev-python/cysignals-1.11.4 - [clang] build/.../implementation.c: error: cysignals must be compiled without _FORTIFY_SOURCE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918937 - "sys-libs/basu-0.2.1 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol sd_bus_attach_event failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918939 - "app-crypt/heimdal-7.8.0-r3 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of HEIMDAL_ROKEN_1.0 to symbol err failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918940 - "sys-cluster/rdma-core-50.0 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of IBVERBS_PRIVATE_34 to symbol ibv_cmd_query_device failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918944 - "dev-libs/log4cpp-1.1.3-r3 - [clang] AppendersFactory.cpp: error: use of undeclared identifier af" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918947 - "sci-physics/reduze-2.4-r1 - [clang] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918952 - "media-plugins/kodi-vfs-sftp-9999 fails to compile: error: expected initializer before ‘:’ token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918955 - "dev-python/leechcorepyc-2.16.9 - [clang] oscompatibility.c: error: address argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to _Atomic type (uint32_t (aka unsig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918961 - "media-gfx/pqiv-2.11 - ERROR: media-gfx/pqiv-2.11::gentoo failed (configure phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918963 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 - [clang] lex.yy.c: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918995 - "net-misc/clockspeed-0.62-r8 - [clang] install.c: error: call to undeclared function chown; ISO C99 and later do" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:918998 - "media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.125.0-r1 - [clang] sndio_driver.c: error: call to undeclared library function strlcpy with type unsigned long (char ," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919020 - "dev-libs/cxxtools-3.0-r2 - [clang] ./iodeviceimpl.h: error: no member named swap in std::exception_ptr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919021 - "net-nntp/suck-4.3.4 - [clang] type unsigned long (const char ); ISO C99 and later do not support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919022 - "dev-util/roctracer-5.3.3-r1 - [clang] /.../roctx.cpp: error: reinterpret_cast from const void to decltype(report_activity.load()) (aka int ( )(activity_domain" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919023 - "games-fps/alienarena-7.66 - [clang] game/g_cmds.c: error: no member named _dprintf_chk in game_import_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919034 - "net-libs/libtorrent-0.13.8-r3 - [clang] block_list.cc: error: no member named mem_fun_ref in namespace std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919040 - "[guru] media-video/obs-multi-rtmp- adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919044 - "app-text/blahtexml-1.0 - [clang] Source/.../LayoutTree.h: error: no template named auto_ptr in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919045 - "net-misc/aria2-1.37.0 - Platform.cc: error: setClientTLSContext is not a member of aria2::SocketCore" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919048 - "net-misc/remmina-1.4.31 depends on GTK, with or without X" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919049 - "media-sound/mp3diags-1.5.01-r1 - [clang] ./OsFile.h: error: no template named auto_ptr in namespace std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919053 - "app-misc/logiops-0.3.3 - [clang] /.../variant: error: no matching function for call to object of type std::less<void>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919055 - "net-misc/openvswitch-2.17.6 - [clang] lib/vlog.c: error: no member named _syslog_chk in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919058 - "net-misc/taptap-1.0-r1 - [clang] void (void , int, unsigned long); ISO C99 and later do not support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919064 - "app-forensics/afl-2.57b-r2 - [clang] clang-17: error: assembler command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919067 - "media-video/ffmpeg-6.1: fails to compile (vulkan_av1.c:183:43: error: initialization of ‘long long unsigned int’ from ‘void *’ makes integer from pointer without a cast [-Wint-conversion])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919070 - "media-sound/peercast-0.1218-r2 - [clang] /.../_config: error: cannot combine with previous" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919114 - "dev-cpp/muParserX-4.0.11 - /.../limits: error: exponent has no digits" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919115 - "app-text/rtf2html-0.2.0-r1 - [clang] rtf_table.cpp: error: no member named bind2nd in namespace std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919122 - "media-libs/avidemux-core-2.8.1-r1 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919131 - "sys-cluster/kube-apiserver: authentication bypass vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:919146 - "[guru] media-video/obs-streamfx-0.12.0 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919153 - "dev-util/cdecl-15.0: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919155 - "dev-python/mkdocs-static-i18n-1.2.0: multiple test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919160 - "app-admin/salt-3006.4 and 3006.9-r2 breaks when target is running Python 3.12 (e.g. on Fedora 39): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'backports'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919167 - "app-emulation/softgun-0.22-r1 - m16c/idecode_m16c.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(uint16_t) {aka vo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919169 - "net-dialup/accel-ppp-1.12.0_p20230609 - [clang] type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and later do not" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919170 - "games-board/eboard-1.1.1-r2 - [clang] cimg.cc: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919171 - "sys-block/di-4.52 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919176 - "app-misc/carbon-c-relay-3.7.4-r2 - dispatcher.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to dispatch_semaphore_signal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919177 - "dev-db/spatialite-5.0.1-r2 - gg_advanced.c: error: implicit declaration of function gaiaSetGeosAuxErrorMsg_r" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919178 - "app-i18n/ibus-handwrite-3.0.0-r1 - /.../gtype.h: error: passing argument 1 of gtk_grid_attach from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919181 - "media-sound/gimmix- - gimmix-lyrics.c: error: implicit declaration of function gimmix_metadata_set_song_details [-Wimplicit-function-declara" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919185 - "net-analyzer/cryptcat-1.2.1-r2 - netcat.c: error: implicit declaration of function farm9crypt_read [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919187 - "x11-misc/xvkbd-4.1 - xvkbd.c: error: passing argument 2 of XawListChange from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919191 - "media-video/ccextractor-0.88 - [clang] /.../utility.h: error: expected parameter declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919194 - "net-irc/unrealircd- - [clang] configure: error: in /.../unrealircd-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919195 - "x11-libs/xbae-4.60.4-r1 - Methods.c: error: passing argument 1 of xbaeEventToRowColumn from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919197 - "dev-libs/gdl-3.40.0 - gdl-dock-item.c: error: passing argument 1 of gdl_dock_object_class_set_is_compound from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919199 - "net-mail/mboxgrep-0.7.9-r3 - scan.c: error: passing argument 1 of gzwrite from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919203 - "mail-filter/gld-1.7-r4 - sockets.c: error: passing argument 3 of getpeername from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919209 - "net-analyzer/bing-1.3.5 - [clang] bing_misc.c: error: use of undeclared identifier _glibc_objsize" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919213 - "sci-chemistry/gperiodic-3.0.3 - gperiodic.c: error: passing argument 1 of gtk_label_set_selectable from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-poin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919214 - "net-p2p/cpuminer-opt-23.9 - [clang] ./miner.h: error: use of undeclared identifier x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919215 - "sci-biology/yass-1.14-r3 - assemble.c: error: implicit declaration of function hashVerifie [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919216 - "media-sound/aumix-2.9.1 - [clang] common.c: error: call to undeclared function bind_textdomain_codeset;" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919218 - "x11-plugins/wmcms-0.3.5-r4 - wmcms.c: error: implicit declaration of function strstr [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919220 - "net-analyzer/barnyard2-1.13 - spo_database_cache.c: error: passing argument 2 of SQLRowCount from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-ty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919221 - "x11-terms/mlterm-3.9.3-r1 - [clang] ui_window_cairo.c: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919222 - "dev-ruby/grpc-1.54.0 - [clang] rb_channel.c: error: incompatible function pointer types passing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919224 - "net-dns/idnkit-2.3 - localconverter.c: error: passing argument 2 of iconv from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919226 - "media-libs/libvmaf-2.3.1 - ../.../vif_avx2.c: error: passing argument 1 of _mm_loadu_si128 from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919227 - "x11-plugins/asapm-3.1-r1 - apm_x.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to XpmCreatePixmapFromData" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919230 - "media-sound/chuck- - [clang] host/.../RtAudio.cpp: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919231 - "www-apache/mod_qos-11.74-r1 - qsfilter2.c: error: passing argument 1 of OPENSSL_sk_new from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919233 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1 - /.../gdbm.c: error: passing argument 5 of gdbm_open from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919234 - "app-accessibility/kaldi: New package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919236 - "app-accessibility/vosk: New package request (required by future dev-libs/ktextaddons:6)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919237 - "games-fps/quakeforge-0.7.2_p20210722-r2 - ./.../compat.h: error: conflicting types for strndup; have size_t(const char , size_t) {aka long unsigned in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919242 - "dev-libs/libx86emu-3.5-r1: failed (test phase): make[1]: ./prepare_test: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919247 - "net-libs/nodejs-16.20.2 - [clang] ../.../bit-field.h: error: integer value 7 is outside the" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919250 - "net-wireless/mdk-3.6-r1 - mdk3.c: error: passing argument 2 of getline from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919251 - "sci-biology/clustalw-mpi-0.13-r3 - interface.c: error: return with no value, in function returning non-void [-Wreturn-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919254 - "sci-biology/bfast-0.7.0a - RGMatch.c: error: passing argument 1 of feof from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919257 - "dev-libs/libvformat-1.13-r2 - vf_access_calendar.c: error: passing argument 1 of vf_date_string_to_time from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919259 - "net-dialup/moserial-3.0.21 - src/SettingsDialog.c: error: passing argument 2 of moserial_settings_dialog_cancel from incompatible pointer type [-Winco" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919261 - "sci-libs/scikit-learn-1.3.2-r1 - sklearn/.../_dist_metrics.c: error: passing argument 1 of _pyx_f_7sklearn_7metrics_13_dist_metrics_19EuclideanDistanc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919262 - "sci-geosciences/tcd-utils-20120115-r2 - build_tide_db.c: error: passing argument 3 of create_tide_db from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-po" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919265 - "sys-apps/ifd-gempc-1.0.8 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919270 - "dev-libs/libxlsxwriter-1.1.5-r1 - [clang] /.../app.c: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion passing char[43] to parameter of type int [-Wint-conve" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919278 - "sci-electronics/irsim-9.7.93 - [clang] cp: cannot stat gentbl: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919286 - "app-text/chasen-2.4.5 - [clang] print.c: error: expected parameter declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919287 - "games-engines/odamex-10.4.0-r1 - [clang] /.../m_wdlstats.cpp: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type size_type (aka unsigned long) to int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919289 - "games-kids/lletters-0.1.95-r5 - checking for shared library run path origin... .../config.rpath: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919291 - "media-libs/intel-hybrid-codec-driver-2.0.0 - [clang] /.../intel_hybrid_hostvld_vp9_engine.h: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919292 - "x11-libs/fox-1.7.84 - [clang] clang++: error: unsupported option -p for target x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919295 - "app-i18n/jfbterm-0.4.7-r4 - term.c: error: passing argument 1 of time from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919299 - "app-editors/scite-5.3.5 - [clang] ld.lld: error: cannot open .../libclang_rt.asan_static-x86_64.a: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919300 - "dev-libs/redis-ipc-0.1.0 - /.../redis_ipc.c: error: passing argument 2 of redisGetReply from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919301 - "sci-electronics/spice-3.5.5-r4 - /.../atander.c: error: implicit declaration of function EqualDeriv [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919303 - "app-backup/bareos-22.1.2 - [clang] CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919324 - "www-client/chromium does not respect MAKEOPTS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919341 - "sci-physics/heppdt-3.04.01-r1 - Fatal error: cant create shared/ParticleName.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919342 - "x11-misc/qarma-1 - Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: dbus" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919344 - "app-emulation/uade-2.13-r2 - [clang]: Native CC clang not found, please install a C compiler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919345 - "app-i18n/scim-1.4.18 - [clang] /.../variant: error: too few arguments provided to" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919346 - "dev-python/pyaudio-0.2.13-r1 - [clang] ld.lld: error: .../crti.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919347 - "gui-apps/waybar-0.9.24 - ../.../clock.cpp: error: make_zoned is not a member of date" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919348 - "media-libs/devil-1.7.8-r6 - ./.../il_jp2.c: error: initialization of ssize_t ( )(jas_stream_obj_t , char , size_t) {aka long int ( )(void , char , lon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919349 - "media-libs/libopenraw-0.3.7 - [clang] configure: error: invalid value: boost_major_version=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919351 - "media-sound/peercast-0.1218-r2 - [clang] ../.../xml.cpp: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919354 - "sci-mathematics/frobby-0.9.0-r4 - [clang] src/.../hashtable.h: error: use of undeclared identifier" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919357 - "x11-misc/bbacpi-0.1.5-r4 - [clang] LinkedList.cc: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919358 - "net-analyzer/raddump-0.3.1 - pktrecord.c: error: passing argument 3 of pcap_next_ex from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919360 - "app-accessibility/sphinx2-0.6-r1 - srvcore.c: error: passing argument 2 of accept from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919361 - "app-admin/sud-1.3-r2 - interactive.c: error: passing argument 1 of time from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919363 - "dev-perl/Net-AMQP-RabbitMQ-2.40010 - RabbitMQ.xs: error: passing argument 1 of Perl_newRV_noinc from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919367 - "media-video/xvattr-1.3-r3 - gxvattr.c: error: passing argument 1 of set_color_widget from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919368 - "net-analyzer/monitoring-plugins-2.3.5 - [clang] SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919369 - "net-irc/scrollz-2.3.1 - [clang] configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919370 - "net-mail/dot-forward-0.71-r5 - gen_allocdefs.h: error: passing argument 1 of alloc_re from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919376 - "dev-php/ca-bundle-1.3.1: Supplied autoload.php does not respect EPREFIX" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919381 - "sci-libs/coinor-vol-1.5.4 - [clang] ./VolVolume.hpp: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919388 - "app-forensics/afl-2.57b-r1 - [clang] <stdin>: error: type specifier missing, defaults to int; ISO C99 and later" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919389 - "net-ftp/pureadmin-0.4-r3 - [clang] helper.c: error: call to undeclared function crypt; ISO C99 and later do" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919392 - "sys-fs/hfsutils-3.2.6_p15 - tclhfs.c: error: passing argument 2 of Tcl_Merge from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919394 - "dev-util/drone-2.18.0 - [clang] ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: _unordtf2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919402 - "dev-db/opendbx-1.4.6-r6 - [clang] firebird_basic.c: error: incompatible pointer to integer conversion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919409 - "sys-fs/arm-fdisk-3.0.6-r1 - fdisk.c: error: passing argument 2 of getopt_long from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919415 - "x11-misc/shared-mime-info-2.4 w/ dev-libs/libxml2-2.12.2: update-mime-database: in /usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml: Error in <match> element: Mask is longer than value." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919421 - "x11-themes/gtk-engines-2.20.2-r101 - [clang] /.../lua_style.c: error: call to undeclared function g_printf; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919443 - "x11-plugins/wmnetload-1.3-r6 - wmnetload.c: error: passing argument 4 of DAMakePixmapFromData from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919444 - "x11-misc/sent-1-r1 - [clang] sent.c: warning: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919447 - "games-misc/bsd-games-3.2 - [clang] adventure/advent.c: error: use of undeclared identifier _glibc_objsize" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919449 - "net-proxy/squidguard-1.6.0-r1 - [clang] econf failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919453 - "sci-mathematics/nauty-2.8.6-r1 - [clang] ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: _gmpz_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919459 - "sys-apps/heirloom-tools-070715-r6 - date.c: error: passing argument 1 of gettimeofday from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919460 - "x11-misc/grun-0.9.3-r1 - [clang] grun.c: error: call to undeclared function gettext; ISO C99 and later" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919461 - "media-plugins/vdr-vdrmanager-0.14 - [clang] serversock.cpp: error: invalid operands to binary expression (_bind<int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919467 - "virtual/python-*: removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919469 - "x11-libs/gtkmathview-0.8.0-r5 - [clang] ./StringHash.hh: error: no template named unary_function in namespace" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919471 - "net-analyzer/hunt-1.5_p6_p1 - tpserv.c: error: passing argument 2 of connect from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919472 - "dev-php/reactphp-promise-2.8.0: Generated autoload.php does not respect EPREFIX" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919473 - "sci-biology/amap-2.2-r5 - [clang] ./MultiSequenceDag.h: error: no template named binary_function; did you" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919488 - "<app-shells/fish-3.7.0: command substitution output can trigger shell expansion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:919493 - "app-laptop/dispad-0.3.1-r1 - conf.c: error: initialization of long int from incompatible pointer type uint8_t {aka unsigned char } [-Wincompatible-poi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919497 - "dev-lang/perl-5.38.2 fails to build on m68k (qemu-user), segfault in miniperl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919500 - "app-text/pspdftool-0.03 - [clang] common.c: error: use of undeclared identifier fmt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919502 - "media-sound/jack-rack-1.4.8_rc1-r1 - ui_callbacks.c: error: implicit declaration of function lash_get_fqn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919504 - "media-gfx/kuickshow-0.10.2 - <command-line>: error: macro names must be identifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919507 - "net-analyzer/tleds-1.05_beta11-r2 - [clang] ld.lld: error: .../Scrt1.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919508 - "net-irc/inspircd-3.16.1 - [clang] A suitable C++ compiler could not be detected on your system!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919509 - "net-misc/mico-2.3.13-r14 - [clang] ../.../iop.h: error: no template named binary_function in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919510 - "sys-fs/jmtpfs-0.5-r1 - [clang] 82 | : MtpFilesystemErrorWithErrorCode(errorCode, Cant read file) {}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919576 - "kde-apps/cantor-23.08.5: Fails parallel build: No rule to make target 'thirdparty/discount_project-build/libmarkdown.a'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919578 - "net-irc/unrealircd- - [clang] dispatch.c: error: call to undeclared function ioctlsocket; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919703 - "feature request: capture releng.git similar to snapshot, to avoid inconsistencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919709 - "Maintainer: Yongxiang 'yongxiang' Liang (tanekliang AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919715 - "media-libs/libemf-1.0.13 - [clang] libemf.cpp: error: no member named bind2nd in namespace std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919716 - "dev-perl/Text-Kakasi-2.40.0-r3 - [clang] ld.lld: error: .../crti.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919717 - "media-video/gpac-2.2.1-r1 - [clang] utils/os_file.c: error: no member named _printf_chk in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919718 - "dev-perl/DBD-SQLite-1.740.0 - [clang] ld.lld: error: .../crti.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919719 - "media-plugins/caps-plugins-0.9.26 - [clang] ./.../IIR2.h: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919720 - "net-analyzer/tcptrack-1.4.2 - [clang] ./Guesser.h: error: no template named unary_function; did you mean" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919721 - "sci-mathematics/jags-4.3.1 - [clang] DistTab.cc: error: use of undeclared identifier bind2nd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919722 - "dev-db/mysql++-3.3.0 - [clang] ./version: error: unknown type name echo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919724 - "dev-perl/Speech-Recognizer-SPX-0.80.100-r2 - [clang] ld.lld: error: .../crti.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919725 - "net-libs/libnetfilter_cttimeout-1.0.1 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of LIBNETFILTER_CTTIMEOUT_1.0 to symbol nfct_timeout_policy_unset fai" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919726 - "dev-games/newton-3.14 - [clang] ld.lld: error: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 cannot be used against symbol vtable for dgAABBPolygonSoup; recompile with -fPIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919727 - "media-sound/pms-0.42_p20170508-r1 - [clang] /.../config.cpp: error: use of undeclared identifier ptr_fun" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919728 - "sci-mathematics/nestedsums-1.5.2-r1 - [clang] basic_letter.cc: error: call to pow is ambiguous" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919733 - "sys-apps/inxi inxi --repos fails to produce results" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:919740 - "sci-libs/lapack-3.12.0 fails to build with clang-17 and lto enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919745 - "musl+clang/llvm: Erroneous .gnu_debuglink entry copied from C runtime files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919751 - "emerge @golang-rebuild re-emerges the just upgraded version of dev-lang/go" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919752 - "app-portage/gentoolkit-0.6.3 : (all) file collision(s)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919754 - "[guru] media-libs/grok-11.0.0 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919755 - "[guru] media-libs/vvenc-1.11.1 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919756 - "[guru] media-libs/vvenc-1.11.1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919773 - "app-forensics/chkrootkit-0.57 - [clang] ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: _unordtf2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919774 - "sys-libs/freeipmi-1.6.11 - [clang] clang-cpp: clang-cpp: error: no such file or directory: libipmidetect.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919775 - "x11-misc/xosview-1.23 - [clang] linux/intmeter.cc: error: no viable conversion from iterator (aka" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919776 - "app-laptop/tpb-0.6.4-r1 - [clang] econf failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919779 - "www-apps/cgit-1.2.3-r202 - [clang] ../filter.c: error: no member named _fprintf_chk in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919783 - "games-fps/quake2-icculus-0.16.1-r2 - [clang] src/.../g_ai.c: error: no member named _dprintf_chk in game_import_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919784 - "app-crypt/coolkey-1.1.0-r9 - [clang] coolkey.cpp: error: redefinition of log as different kind of symbol" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919792 - "net-misc/portspoof-1.3 - [clang] Server.cpp: error: assigning to int from incompatible type _bind<int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919793 - "dev-util/open-vcdiff-0.8.4-r1 - [clang] src/decodetable.h: error: no template named auto_ptr in namespace std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919821 - "dev-lang/perl-5.38.2 - ERROR: dev-lang/perl-5.38.2::gentoo failed (configure phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919823 - "net-proxy/cntlm-0.93_beta5-r4 - [clang] sed: cant read .../Makefile:<snip> No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919825 - "sci-libs/coinor-osi-0.108.6 - [clang] OsiSolverInterfaceTest.cpp: error: no member named bind2nd in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919828 - "media-libs/libopenaptx-0.2.0-r1 - [clang] ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: _unordtf2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919831 - "media-plugins/vdr-remote-0.7.0-r1 - [clang] remote.c: error: allocating an object of abstract class type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919833 - "sci-astronomy/wcslib-7.11 - [clang] configure: error: in /.../wcslib-7.11:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919834 - "app-admin/rsyslog-8.2312.0 - QA Notice: Unrecognized configure options:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919836 - "x11-apps/xinput_calibrator-0.7.5-r2 - [clang] ./main_common.hpp: error: reference to incomplete type const std::string" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919837 - "dev-libs/opencl-clang-16.0.0-r1 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol CheckLinkOptions failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919839 - "app-text/bact-0.13-r2 - [clang] bact_classify.cpp: error: no template named binary_function in namespace" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919840 - "sys-cluster/glusterfs-11.1 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol client_dump failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919841 - "media-sound/qmidiarp-0.7.0[lv2] - [slibtool] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_install_entry(), line 568: path not found: .libs/qmidiarp_arp.so." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919845 - "media-libs/tremor-0_pre20130223-r3 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of libvorbisidec.so.1 to symbol vorbis_comment_add failed: symbol not de" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919846 - "x11-misc/imake-1.0.9 - ./mdepend.cpp: error: invalid preprocessing directive #Flag" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919847 - "media-gfx/povray- - [clang] backend/.../matrices.cpp: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919849 - "sys-apps/smc-sum- - /.../sum_bios.c: error: initialization of char from _u64 {aka long long unsigned int} makes pointer from integer wi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919851 - "sci-biology/iqpnni-3.3.2-r2 - [clang] brent.cpp: error: reference to vector is ambiguous" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919854 - "net-misc/memcached-1.6.22 - [clang] ld.lld: error: cannot open .../libclang_rt.profile-x86_64.a: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919857 - "corrupt sqlite dep cache wedges portage with no recovery explanation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919870 - "dev-libs/libgamin-0.1.10-r6 - [clang] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol FAMDebugLevel failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919872 - "net-ftp/yafc-1.3.7-r2 - [clang] configure: error: inet_ntop, getaddrinfo, or gai_strerror is missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919874 - "sys-apps/ucspi-tcp-0.88-r19 - pathexec_env.c: error: passing argument 1 of alloc_free from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919876 - "net-misc/netkit-timed-0.17-r11 - measure.c: error: passing argument 6 of recvfrom from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919877 - "net-misc/taptap-1.0-r1 - taptap-1.0.c: error: implicit declaration of function memset [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919882 - "<www-servers/h2o-2.3.0_pre20241014: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:919883 - "media-sound/muse-0.9.2_p20161002 - [clang] src/pipe.cpp: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919896 - "media-libs/assimp-5.2.5-r1 fails tests on hppa: ai_assert failure in glTFImporter.cpp(441): validRes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919898 - "app-admin/lnav-0.11.2 - [clang] configure: error: pcre2 is required to build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919901 - "dev-util/roctracer-5.3.3-r1 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:919982 - "app-misc/cdargs-2.1 - ../.../cdargs.cpp: error: PATH_MAX was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920023 - "dev-lang/R-4.3.2: configure: error: which is required but missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920035 - "sys-libs/timezone-data: installs man3 manpages without corresponding libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920037 - "dev-libs/libbulletml-0.0.6 - [clang] ./auto_ptr_fix.h: error: variable has incomplete type void" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920039 - "dev-python/pydevd-2.10.0 fails tests: AssertionError: TimeoutError (note: error trying to dump threads on timeout)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920040 - "x11-wm/xpra-4.4.6-r2 needs <dev-python/pillow-10 but pulls in dev-python/pillow-10.1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920056 - "sci-astronomy/celestia-1.7.0_pre20221215 - /.../glutmain.cpp: error: bindtextdomain was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920064 - "<app-misc/jq-1.7.1: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920071 - "sci-electronics/pcb-4.3.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:920093 - "app-portage/gentoolkit: eclean-pkg does not handle 'package basename mismatched' invalid binpkgs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920097 - "Inject implicit C++ stdlib (libstdc++, libc++/libcxx) dependency to RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920099 - "[guru] dev-db/dbeaver-bin-24.2.2 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920100 - "[guru] dev-db/dbeaver-bin-24.2.2 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920108 - "dev-libs/rocksdb-8.10.0 - /.../offpeak_time_info.h: error: int64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920139 - "sci-physics/pythia-8.3.09 and friends: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:920140 - "sci-biology/augustus-3.4.0-r3 and friends: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:920156 - "sys-apps/audio-entropyd-2.0.3-r1 - audio-entropyd.c: error: passing argument 5 of get_random_data from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-point" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920159 - "sys-fs/dd-rescue-1.99.13-r1 - fallocate64.h: error: unknown type name off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920161 - "net-misc/connman-1.42 - src/dnsproxy.c: error: stderr undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920173 - "mail-filter/rspamd-3.8.4 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920174 - "sys-devel/autogen-5.18.16-r2 - fmemopen.c: error: off64_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920177 - "<app-admin/vault-1.14.8: denial of service via large HTTP requests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:920180 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.52 with app-portage/getuto breaks --search" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920182 - "Maintainer: Takuya Wakazono (pastalian46 AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920183 - "Maintainer: Jake Shipton (jake AT crazylinuxnerd.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920186 - "LiGurOS duplicates _some_ Gentoo maintainer information" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920191 - "net-analyzer/httping-2.9-r1 - utils.h: error: unknown type name useconds_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920192 - "sci-mathematics/normaliz-3.10.1 - libnormaliz/general.cpp: error: aggregate libnormaliz::timeval libnormaliz::TIME_global_begin has incomplete type an" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920193 - "dev-libs/openct-0.6.20-r5 - ifdhandler.c: error: passing argument 2 of ifd_get_eventfd from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920195 - "sys-apps/sysvinit: Add local description for USE=ibm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920196 - "sys-boot/yaboot{,-static}: Add local description for USE=ibm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920197 - "sys-kernel/genkernel: Add local description for USE=ibm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920199 - "dev-games/ogre: USE=egl should be USE=egl-only?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920207 - "[guru] www-apps/pleroma-2.7.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920208 - "[guru] www-apps/pleroma-2.7.1 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920209 - "[guru] www-apps/pleroma-2.7.1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920241 - "[Tracker] Portage test coverage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920242 - "Test coverage: handling new dependency classes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920243 - "Test coverage: preserved-libs and LinkageMapElf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920244 - "Test coverage: non-empty EPREFIX (in CI at least)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920245 - "Test coverage: non-empty ROOT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920246 - "Add debug option for Portage to dump depgraph via pickling for ResolverPlayground" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920247 - "Test coverage: fowners, fperms" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920259 - "sys-power/nut-2.8.0-r2: failed (configure phase) with +tcpd use flag: configure: error: libwrap not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920261 - "media-libs/openjpeg-2.5.0-r6: failed (test phase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920264 - "net-irc/unrealircd: denial-of-service by sending an oversized packet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920265 - "media-libs/draco: New package request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920267 - "app-misc/logiops-0.3.3 - /.../schema.h: error: uint was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920275 - "sys-auth/pam_ssh_agent_auth-0.10.4-r1 - ssh-ecdsa.c: error: passing argument 1 of DSA_SIG_get0 from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920280 - "[Tracker] Terrapin Vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920284 - "dev-libs/crypto++: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:920296 - "app-admin/eclean-kernel-2.99.7 fails tests on big-endian: ecleankernel.file.UnrecognizedKernelError: Kernel file ... terminates before expected version string position (4608)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920299 - "<dev-python/paramiko-3.4.0: terrapin vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920310 - "app-office/wps-office- - !!! Couldnt download wps-office_11.1.0.11698_amd64.deb. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920312 - "sci-mathematics/msieve-1.53-r1 - common/savefile.c: error: assignment to struct gzFile_s from incompatible pointer type gzFile {aka struct gzFile_s }" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920313 - "net-wireless/suscan-0.3.0 - /.../cfg.c: error: g_config_desc_count undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920314 - "net-print/c2esp-27 - c2esp.c: error: unknown type name cups_lut_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920316 - "sci-astronomy/montage-5.0 - mPresentation.c: error: implicit declaration of function strcpy [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920323 - "net-proxy/tsocks-1.8_beta5-r9 - tsocks.c: error: passing argument 2 of set_log_options from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920324 - "sci-mathematics/yafu-1.34.3-r1 - top/.../soe_util.c: error: assignment to _mpz_struct ( )[1] from incompatible pointer type _mpz_struct [-Wincompatibl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920329 - "dev-python/pyrate-limiter tests stuck in infinite loop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920333 - "sys-apps/kexec-tools-2.0.22 - unpack: failure unpacking kexec-tools-2.0.22.tar.xz" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920339 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1 - Installation failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920350 - "sys-devel/gcc ICE m68k with -fzero-call-used-regs=all - internal compiler error: in change_address_1, at emit-rtl.cc:2287" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920351 - "=sci-calculators/pcalc-5 fails tests on sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920353 - "net-misc/nextcloud-client-3.10.1 fails tests: 'QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mibEnum() == 3' returned FALSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920356 - "app-admin/gam-server-0.1.10-r3 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): gam_eq.c:127:17: error: [-Wreturn-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920362 - "media-libs/urt-3.1b-r3 - timer.c: error: implicit declaration of function sigpause [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920364 - "sys-power/wluma-4.4.0-r1 - error: failed to run custom build command for v4l-sys v0.3.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920369 - "app-editors/ng-1.5_beta1-r3 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): tty.c:284:17: error: [-Wreturn-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920440 - "dev-db/libdbi-drivers-0.9.0-r3: installs empty directories installed to /var" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920444 - "[guru] media-gfx/vimiv-qt-0.9.0 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named PyQt5.QtGui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920450 - "sys-devel/dev86-0.16.21-r3 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): dbprintf.c:24:9: error: implicit declaration of function [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920451 - "app-i18n/skkfep-0.87-r1 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): jc.c:260:33: error: [-Wreturn-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920452 - "app-misc/ckermit-9.0.302 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): ckwart.c:531:1: error: return type defaults to [-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920453 - "app-misc/dateutils-0.4.10 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): strptime.c:167:38: error: passing argument 1 of proc_lines from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920455 - "app-metrics/smartctl_exporter-0.11.0 does not respect CFLAGS (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920464 - "net-im/telegram-desktop-4.12.2: Error: Could not initialize WebView." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920476 - "sys-libs/glibc >=net-misc/openssh-9.0_p1-r6: Fatal glibc error: cannot get entropy for arc4random" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920478 - "x11-terms/aterm-1.0.1-r6 - command.c: error: passing argument 3 of read_32bit_property from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920482 - "dev-python/pivy-0.6.8[-soqt] still automagically detects SoQt, failing with: /.../SoQtViewer.h:52: Error: Unable to find cmath" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920488 - "dev-perl/Apache-SizeLimit-0.980.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920509 - "<mail-mta/postfix-3.8.4: SMTP smuggling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:920521 - "app-shells/bash-3.0_p22 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): bashversion.c:138:21: error: implicit declaration of function [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920522 - "app-shells/ctypes-sh-1.2-r2 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): struct.c:415:74: error: passing argument 4 of cu__find_struct_by_name from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920525 - "app-text/pelican-4.9.1 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): Could not import extension sphinxext.opengraph (exception: No module named sphinxext)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920526 - "app-text/grip-4.6.2 does not enable tests (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920527 - "app-containers/lxd: lxd will lose access to upstream image server hosted by linuxcontainers, which is default in Gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920529 - "dev-haskell/persistent-sqlite- - <command line>: .../libHSbitvec- undefined symbol: _gmpn_popcount" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920536 - "[TRACKER] LLVM 16 porting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920541 - "dev-util/intel-graphics-compiler: requires LLVM 15" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920542 - "dev-qt/qtbase-6.6.1-r1 fails tests on arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920544 - "dev-python/shiboken2: requires LLVM 15" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920550 - "llvm-core/llvm-17.0.6 fails tests on sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920555 - "dev-qt/qtwebengine-6.6.1 when built with gcc -march=armv8-a+pauth bytecode_builtins_list_generator/gen-regexp-special-case build tool crash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920563 - "games-util/mangohud" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920577 - "dev-lang/nim-1.6.14-r1 fails tests ppc64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920580 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.57: single_targets autounmask results in conflicts with dependencies required_use" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920630 - "sys-devel/gcc[sanitize] fails to compile on armv6 with error: invalid use of incomplete type 'struct __sanitizer::stat64' with sys-libs/musl-1.2.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920640 - "dev-lang/gforth-0.7.3-r2 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): fflib.c:177:46: error: passing argument 1 of alloc_callback from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920644 - "sys-process/btop fails to compile on armv6 when CFLAGS -mcpu=arm1176jzf-s applied and -flto" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920671 - "app-backup/duplicity: should use verify-sig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920682 - "<dev-lang/erlang-26.2.1: Terrapin vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920703 - "media-libs/arcan-0.6.3: scriptable multimedia engine (new package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:920710 - "Removal of legacy distfile mirror layout breaks eclasses which use mirror://gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920711 - "Removal of legacy distfile mirror layout breaks ebuilds and eclasses which use mirror://gentoo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920719 - "sys-devel/gcc-13.2.1_p20231216 bootstrap comparison failure on s390x (stage1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920720 - "sys-apps/openrc[sysv-utils] - make reboot/poweroff work standalone (sys-kernel/dracut-059-r5 modules.d/99shutdown/module-setup.sh installs broken poweroff and reboot binaries)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920737 - "sparc64-solaris Prefix no longer supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920745 - "dostrip: add some way to fine-tune the stripping performed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920768 - "dev-python/pypy-exe-7.3.13 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): pypy_module__cffi_backend.c:1879:19: error: assignment to char from incompatible pointer type const char const [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920773 - "net-libs/ignition-transport-8.4.0 - /.../ld: .../libignition-msgs5.so.5.11.0: undefined reference to google::protobuf::internal::AssignDescriptors(goo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920774 - "net-mail/relay-ctrl-3.1.1-r3 - [clang] relay-ctrl-check.c: error: call to undeclared function do_chdir; ISO C99" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920776 - "x11-wm/metacity-3.50.0 - meta-compositor-vulkan.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to vkCreateXlibSurfaceKHR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920778 - "dev-python/pypy-7.3.14 - ERROR: dev-python/pypy-7.3.14::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920779 - "dev-scheme/elk-3.99.8-r1 - [clang] ../.../extern.h: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920781 - "dev-util/babeltrace-2.0.5 - [clang] /bin/sh ../../../../../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile clang -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I../../../../../include -I../../../../../src" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920782 - "dev-util/babeltrace-2.0.5 - [clang] parser.c: error: variable yynerrs set but not used" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920783 - "dev-util/crash-8.0.4 - [clang] ./.../enum-flags.h: error: integer value -1 is outside the valid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920794 - "net-misc/netkit-telnetd-0.17-r13 - [clang] /.../commands.cc: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920796 - "sys-apps/memtest86+-7.00 - [clang] <instantiation>: error: macros cannot be nested more than 20 levels deep. Use -asm-macro-max-nesting-depth to increase t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920808 - "media-video/ffmpeg-4.4.4-r8: fails to emerge "read-only segment has dynamic relocations"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920810 - "www-misc/mergelog-4.5-r2 - mergelog.c: error: passing argument 1 of gzread from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920815 - "dev-util/strace Fails on m68k xlat/pollflags.h:75:1: error: static assertion failed: "POLLWRBAND != 0x0100"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920824 - "net-misc/AQtion-2.3.4-r1 - [clang] ln: failed to create symbolic link Module.symvers: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920825 - "app-emulation/qemu-8.2.0 qemu-system-m68k segfault ALSA lib /var/tmp/portage/media-libs/alsa-lib-1.2.10-r3/work/alsa-lib-1.2.10/src/pcm/pcm_dmix.c:1000:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920829 - "media-gfx/autopano-sift-C-2.5.1-r1 - [clang] /.../pr_queue_k.h: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920830 - "media-radio/direwolf-1.6 - [clang] /.../string.h: error: expected parameter declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920843 - "Test coverage: metadata regeneration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920846 - "cmake.eclass: pass -DFETCHCONTENT_FULLY_DISCONNECTED=ON" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920879 - "app-text/pandoc-cli-0.1.1-r1 - setup build failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920880 - "games-emulation/gnuboy-1.0.3-r4 - [clang] palette.c: error: call to undeclared function vid_setpal; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920883 - "media-gfx/pencil-0.6.6-r1 - [clang] <built-in>:<built-in>3:: 10fatal error: :.obj/core_lib fatal error: file.obj/core_lib notfile foundnot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920884 - "XFCE: install xfce-mimeapps.list and enhance xfce-base/xfce4-meta" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920902 - "x11-misc/qterm-0.7.3-r1 - [clang] /.../qtermzmodem.h: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920906 - "sys-cluster/ceph-18.2.0-r2 cannot load mgr plugins, import issue dev-python/bcrypt-4.1.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:920908 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.39.2-r1 fails tests on arm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920912 - "<dev-python/pycryptodome-3.19.1: side-channel leakage with OAEP decryption" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920915 - "app-emulation/softgun-0.22 - arm/arm9cpu.h: error: type of value defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920916 - "dev-lang/xsb-3.8.0 - [clang] biassert.c: error: parameter Arg3 was not declared, defaults to int; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit int [-Wimplicit-in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920917 - "sci-biology/emboss-6.6.0-r3 - ajreg.c: error: assignment to struct real_pcre from incompatible pointer type pcre {aka struct real_pcre8_or_16 } [-Winc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920918 - "sys-fs/ecryptfs-utils-111_p20170609-r1 - ecryptfs_generate_tpm_key.c: error: assignment to int from incompatible pointer type char [-Wincompatible-poi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920927 - "dev-util/kernelshark-2.2.1 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): LatencyPlot.cpp:306:14: error: for_each is not a member of std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920930 - "dev-util/babeltrace-2.0.5 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:920937 - "emerge --getbinpkg shows 'Local copy of remote index is up-to-date and will be used' twice" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921000 - "dev-perl/DBD-mysql-5.1.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:921020 - "games-emulation/generator-0.35_p4-r1 - generator.c: error: assignment to struct gzFile_s from incompatible pointer type gzFile {aka struct gzFile_s }" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921024 - "games-action/gltron-0.70-r2 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): gltron.c:13:30: error: passing argument 2 of initSubsystems from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921025 - "games-action/xbomber-101-r1 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): x.c:49:1: error: return type defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921028 - "games-fps/alienarena-7.66 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): sv_game.c:323:21: error: assignment to cvar_t ()(char , char , int) {aka struct cvar_s ()(char , char , int)} from incompatible pointer type cvar_t ()(const char , const char , int) {aka struct" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921029 - "games-fps/worldofpadman-1.6-r2 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): y.tab.c:641:16: error: implicit declaration of function yylex [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921030 - "games-mud/tf-5.0_beta8_p8-r1 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): socket.c:2657:27: error: assignment to String from incompatible pointer type conString [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921031 - "games-rpg/egoboo-2.8.1-r2 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): egoboo_vfs.c:1254:50: error: passing argument 2 of PHYSFS_readSLE64 from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921032 - "app-arch/lha-114i_p20210328 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): CPP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921034 - "games-sports/trigger-0.6.1-r1 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): AX_LANG_COMPILER_MS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921038 - "gnome2.eclass: does not respect EPREFIX in gnome2_pkg_preinst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921087 - "net-print/c2esp-27 - [clang] : error: call to undeclared function cupsLutNew; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921088 - "=app-antivirus/clamav-1.2.1: clamd init script reporting as crashed (but running)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921095 - "dev-libs/weston fails to build with net-misc/freerdp-3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921096 - "media-video/vlc fails to build with net-misc/freerdp-3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921098 - "dev-python/moddb: blocks on old dev-python/pyrate-limiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921101 - "sci-biology/t-coffee-11.00-r3 - [clang] util_lib/util_make_tree.c: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921110 - "sys-boot/plymouth-22.02.122-r1: musl+clang-16: error: call to undeclared function 'rpmatch'; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921112 - "net-vpn/networkmanager-libreswan-1.2.16 - [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find none: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921115 - "[guru] app-crypt/intel-ipsec-mb-1.5 fails to compile: multilib-strict check failed!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921116 - "[guru] app-crypt/intel-ipsec-mb-1.5 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921117 - "[guru] app-crypt/intel-ipsec-mb-1.5 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921118 - "[guru] app-crypt/intel-ipsec-mb-1.5 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921124 - "media-gfx/blender-3.4.1-r3 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): indexer.c:562:33: error: AV_CODEC_CAP_AUTO_THREADS undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921126 - "media-libs/blib-1.1.7-r3 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): bsender.c:186:34: error: passing argument 5 of b_packet_new from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921136 - "games-misc/lucidlife-0.9.2-r1 - lucidlife.c: error: passing argument 1 of gtk_toolbar_set_style from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921146 - "sci-libs/plplot-5.15.0_p6 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921147 - "dev-java/jdepend: RESTRICT="test" because of unresolved test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921150 - "net-misc/zsync-0.6.2-r3 - zsync.c: error: returning char from a function with incompatible return type const char const [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921157 - "[guru] app-misc/vocabsieve-0.11.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921162 - "media-sound/aumix-2.9.1 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): CPP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921164 - "media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.125.0-r1 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921182 - "dev-util/patchelf-0.18.0 fails shared-rpath.sh test with clang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921185 - "net-analyzer/snort-2.9.20 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): dce2_smb.c:6932:60: error: pointer type mismatch in conditional expression [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921186 - "net-dialup/mwavem-2.0-r2 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): mwmload.c:94:39: error: passing argument 3 of vsprintf from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921187 - "media-video/mediainfo-23.10 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): libzen-config - libmediainfo-config" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921188 - "net-analyzer/arp-scan-1.10.0 installs files with broken symlink (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921195 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-*: lockdown=integrity mode, secure boot and the generic-uki" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921196 - "app-text/docbook2X-0.8.8-r4 fails tests with sys-apps/groff (an.tmac:VCR.7:189: warning: tbl preprocessor failed, or it or soelim was not run; table(s) likely not rendered (TE macro called with TW register undefined))" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921223 - "minimal iso missing isolinux files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921241 - "dev-util/selenium-manager-4.15.0 fails tests with network-sandbox: error sending request for url (https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/last-known-good-versions-with-downloads.json)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921245 - "media-video/rav1e-0.6.6 fails to compile on sparc: Assertion `DT.dominates(RHead, LHead) && "No dominance between recurrences used by one SCEV?"' failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921260 - "sci-biology/stride-20060723 fails to fetch (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921262 - "net-mail/asmail-2.1-r3 does not respect LDFLAGS (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921264 - "net-print/gutenprint-5.3.4-r2 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): dlopen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921271 - "perl-module.eclass: add QA warning for doc-only installs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921294 - "dev-python/matplotlib-3.8.2-r1 fails tests: module 'luaotfload-main' not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921310 - "x11-plugins/wmmaiload-2.3.0-r2 - [clang] prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921321 - "Ugly output during updates for 'Binpkg update ignored for signed package'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921333 - "Wrong merge order with dev-qt/{qtcore,qtxmlpatterns} and kde-frameworks/syntax-highlighting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921342 - "[guru] app-office/obsidian-1.5.3 installs icons but does not update icon cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921343 - "[guru] app-office/obsidian-1.5.3-r1 installs .desktop files with MimeType but does not update desktop mimeinfo cache" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921347 - "sci-electronics/librepcb-1.1.0 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): Target "librepcb_editor" links to: OpenGL::GLU but the target was not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921350 - "sci-libs/mathgl-8.0.1-r1 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): i:110: ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921353 - "sci-mathematics/gsl-shell-2.3.5 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): lua-filesystem.c:52:23: error: implicit declaration of function strerror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921364 - "sci-misc/ncview-2.1.8 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): dataedit.c:214:46: error: passing argument 2 of XawListChange from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921365 - "sci-mathematics/lean-4.11.0 does not respect CFLAGS (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921382 - "sys-apps/syd-3.13.1 does not respect CFLAGS (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921488 - "games-fps/doomsday-2.3.1 - [clang] /.../src_core_turbo.cpp: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type double to float in initializer list [-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921489 - "media-libs/spandsp-0.0.6-r3 - v17rx.c: error: passing argument 1 of vec_circular_dot_prodi16 from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-ty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921509 - "tex-overlay.git, tex-dev.git, tex-patches.git: permission changes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921511 - "sci-mathematics/msieve-1.53-r1 - [clang] clang-17: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921521 - "mail-mta/sendmail: smtp smuggling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921530 - "net-fs/cifs-utils[-acl] automagic links to net-fs/samba" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921539 - "Maintainer: Alexander Pavlov (t.x00100x.t AT yandex.ru)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921540 - "Maintainer: Kirill Chibisov (contact AT kchibisov.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921541 - "bootstrap-bash.sh, bootstrap-prefix.sh: needs porting to GLEP 75" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921554 - "sys-devel/crosstool-ng-1.26.0-r1 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): gl_HOST_CPU_C_ABI_32BIT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921555 - "sys-fabric/mstflint-4.23.0_p1 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): ofed_info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921557 - "x11-plugins/wmacpimon-0.2.1-r1 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921571 - "dev-lang/python-2.7.18_p16-r1[tk] - /.../_tkinter.c: error: passing argument 1 of Tcl_NewUnicodeObj from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921572 - "net-libs/daq-2.0.7 - daq_nfq.c: error: passing argument 2 of nfq_get_payload from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921573 - "x11-misc/viewglob-2.0.4-r1 - ../.../conf-to-args.c: error: passing argument 4 of hardened_read from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921574 - "dev-haskell/chell- - [clang] setup configure failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921582 - "sci-libs/pcl: cuda should be build with supported compiler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921583 - "gnome-base/gnome-control-center-45.2: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921598 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gfortran: error: argument to -fmessage-length= should be a non-negative integer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921600 - "x11-misc/xdaliclock-2.44 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): configure: error: Couldnt build even a trivial ANSI C program: check CC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921601 - "x11-wm/fvwm-2.7.0-r5 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): PictureImageLoader.c:482:13: error: implicit declaration of function png_get_color_type [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921615 - "app-emulation/fuse-1.6.0-r1 - ui/.../uijoystick.c: error: joysticks_supported undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921625 - "[guru] mail-filter/postfix-mta-sts-resolver-1.4.0 fails to compile: The source directory postfix_mta_sts_resolver-1.4.0 doesnt exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921632 - "Implicit libc injection creates large (artificial) cycles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921635 - "[guru] x11-wm/qtile-extras-0.23.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921639 - "[TRACKER] Packages that install deprecated .egg or .egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:921640 - "dev-perl/Business-FedEx-DirectConnect-1.10.0-r2 - unpack: Business-FedEx-DirectConnect-1.01.tar.gz does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921641 - "[TRACKER] Packages that install python modules with invalid/suspicious names or versions in the site-packages directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:921642 - "app-admin/ansible-core-2.16.4 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921647 - "dev-debug/gdb-14.1 - common/nrun.c: fatal error: opening dependency file .../nrun.Tpo: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921650 - "[TRACKER] Packages that install unexpected files/directories in the site-packages directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:921655 - "dev-python/parallax-1.0.8 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921659 - "net-misc/portfwd-0.29-r2 - [clang] yconf.c: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921661 - "sys-apps/busybox-1.36.1-r1 - [clang] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921669 - "dev-python/py-zabbix-1.1.7 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921671 - "app-i18n/ibus-1.5.29_rc1 - ibusimcontext.c: error: unknown type name Window" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921685 - "gnome-extra/gnome-system-monitor-45.0.2: fails to build with LTO: ../gnome-system-monitor-45.0.2/src/application.h:85:8: error: type ‘struct MutableProcInfo’ violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921689 - "dev-python/pysnmp-4.4.12-r2 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921690 - "dev-python/pysnmp-mibs-0.1.6 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921691 - "dev-python/python-netlink-0.1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921693 - "dev-python/socketio-client-nexus-0.7.6 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921717 - "sci-mathematics/form-5.0.0_beta1 - evaluate.c: error: struct T_const has no member named auxr_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921719 - "sys-apps/hwinfo-23.2-r1 - make[2]: No rule to make target cdb/isdn_cdb.h, needed by cdbisdn.o. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921728 - "llvm-core/lld: segmentation fault when building media-libs/vips-8.15.1 with -flto" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921729 - "sys-firmware/edk2{,-bin}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921734 - "<dev-python/jinja-3.1.3: HTML attribute injection when passing user input as keys to xmlattr filter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921741 - "[guru] dev-crystal/crystal-sqlite3-0.19.0 fails tests (GCC-14-SYSTEM): Error: abstract def DB::Driver#connection_builder(uri : URI) must be implemented by SQLite3::Driver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921745 - "[guru] dev-hare/hare-ssh-0_pre20230623 fails tests (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921747 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-1.1 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): Signals.h:119:8: error: variable or field CleanupOnSignal declared void" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921758 - "media-gfx/argyllcms-3.1.0 - [clang] icc/icc.c: error: no member named _printf_chk in struct _icmFile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921776 - "[guru] dev-python/asyncmy-0.2.8 fails tests (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921791 - "[guru] dev-python/colored-1.4.3 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921815 - "[guru] dev-python/graphql-relay-3.2.0 fails tests (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921824 - "[guru] dev-python/libcst-0.4.3_p20220607 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921826 - "[TRACKER] Python 3.12 porting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921845 - "[guru] mail-filter/postfix-mta-sts-resolver-1.4.0 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named aiosqlite" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921850 - "[guru] dev-python/itemadapter-0.8.0 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921851 - "[guru] dev-python/itemloaders-1.1.0 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921854 - "[guru] dev-python/playsound-1.3.0 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921870 - "[guru] dev-python/sendgrid-6.9.7 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921871 - "[guru] dev-python/sphinxcontrib-katex-0.9.9 installs unexpected files/directories in the site-packages directory (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921875 - "[guru] dev-python/sysv_ipc-1.1.0 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921886 - "[guru] dev-util/insomnia-bin-2023.5.8 does not respect LDFLAGS (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921887 - "[guru] dev-util/insomnia-bin-2023.5.8 does not respect CFLAGS (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921888 - "[guru] dev-util/insomnia-bin-2023.5.8 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921890 - "[guru] games-util/minigalaxy-1.2.6 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921891 - "[guru] dev-python/itemadapter-0.8.0 fails tests (GCC-14-SYSTEM): AttributeError: FieldInfo object has no attribute field_info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921892 - "[guru] dev-python/jupyter-sphinx-0.4.0 fails tests (GCC-14-SYSTEM): ImportError: cannot import name path from sphinx.testing.util util.py)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921893 - "[guru] dev-python/manhole-1.8.0-r1 fails tests (GCC-14-SYSTEM): AttributeError: TestProcess object has no attribute reset" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921898 - "[guru] dev-python/pytest-benchmark-4.0.0 fails tests (GCC-14-SYSTEM): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named importlib_metadata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921906 - "[guru] dev-util/haredo-1.0.2 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921910 - "[guru] games-emulation/np2kai-22_p20210211 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): boardspb.c:146:9: error: initialization of void ()(UINT, UINT) {aka void ()(unsigned int, unsigned int)} from incompatible pointer type void ()(UINT, UINT8) {aka void ()(unsigne" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921911 - "[guru] games-engines/boxtron-0.5.4-r2 fails tests (GCC-14-SYSTEM): AssertionError: c0452d6addcde172b71cac7b339e074f5f13a7ad83f2ee4736d47025dcbc760e != 17bf9cedc6e694983eb2a49c2add264b0e84c4efd3b1fba307cfcab5e21843e5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921916 - "[guru] games-util/minigalaxy-1.1.0 fails tests (GCC-14-SYSTEM): ImportError: Failed to import test module: minigalaxy.ui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921929 - "net-libs/libsmi-0.5.0-r5 - parser-smi.y:4553: error: IB_INDEX is not a valid filename" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921930 - "app-editors/helix-23.10-r2 - ignores makeopts -j2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921934 - "[guru] gui-apps/tiramisu-2.0.20211107 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): notification.vala.c:580:38: error: passing argument 2 of g_hash_table_foreach from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921951 - "dev-db/spatialite: underlinked libspatialite.so.7 breaks building sci-libs/gdal-3.7.3 (/usr/lib64/libspatialite.so.7: undefined reference to `pj_ctx_alloc')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921953 - "dev-libs/libbson-1.24.4: fails tests (mongoc/fixtures/fake_imds/start, mongoc/fixtures/fake_imds/stop)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921956 - "sci-libs/geos-3.11.2: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921957 - "dev-python/psutil-5.9.6: fails tests: FAIL: psutil.tests.test_posix.TestProcess.test_nice: AssertionError: '-' != 19" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921958 - "dev-python/networkx-3.2.1: fails test_traveling_salesman.py::test_asadpour_tsp test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921959 - "dev-libs/botan-3.2.0-r1: fails to compile (error: inlining failed in call to ‘always_inline’ ‘__m128i _mm_setzero_si128()’: target specific option mismatch)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:921960 - "dev-python/numpy-1.26.2: fails TestKind::test_int test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922017 - "[guru] media-gfx/oda-file-converter- installs files into unexpected paths (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922033 - "[guru] sci-electronics/lxi-tools-2.3 fails tests (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922044 - "[guru] sci-mathematics/frama-c-25.0-r2 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): Error: This expression has type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922045 - "[guru] sec-keys/openpgp-keys-russallbery-20230000 fetches file(s) that do not match recorded size (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922050 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.61-r1: "Package basename mismatched" with */lldb move" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922058 - "app-portage/mirrorselect-2.4.0 -- UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xc5 - net-analyzer/netselect output changes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922059 - "<net-p2p/syncthing-1.27.2: DoS in bundled quic-go's path validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:922077 - "Maintainer: YiFei Zhu (zhuyifei1999 AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922078 - "Maintainer: Pratham K (prathamin AT proton.me)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922079 - "Maintainer: Sv. Lockal (lockalsash AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922081 - "[guru] acct-user/librarian-0 installs into paths that should be created at runtime (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922084 - "[guru] www-client/badwolf-1.3.0 installs icons but does not update icon cache (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922085 - "[guru] www-client/vimb-3.7.0 installs .desktop files with MimeType but does not update desktop mimeinfo cache (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922091 - "[guru] sys-devel/lcc-2021.01.11-r1 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): y.tab.c:210:25: error: implicit declaration of function malloc [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922094 - "[guru] www-apps/rimgo-1.2.1 fetches file(s) that do not match recorded size (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922097 - "[guru] gui-apps/coreuniverse-4.5.0 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922101 - "net-wireless/sigdigger-0.3.0 - Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: opengl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922108 - "app-admin/ngxtop-0.0.3_pre141201-r2 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922109 - "dev-java/javatoolkit-0.6.7-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922118 - "app-arch/stenc-2.0.0 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): ]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922119 - "app-arch/tardelta-1.0.1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922131 - "sys-apps/portage: transparently apply updates (moves) to source repositories (especially for overlays)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922136 - "=app-admin/setools-4.4.2: missing dependency on dev-python/networkx for 'sedta'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922140 - "sys-apps/systemd-utils: consider inclusion of cgls and cgtop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922145 - "New Developer: Yiyang Wu (wuyy)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922147 - "dev-java/openjdk-21.0.1_p12: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of 'SUNWprivate_1.1' to symbol '_ZTVZ21WB_HandshakeWalkStackE16TraceSelfClosure' failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922151 - "app-crypt/nwipe-0.35 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): libconfig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922160 - "app-emulation/cloud-init-24.4-r3 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922163 - "media-video/obs-studio - browser useflag fail to compile with LLVM profile with or without LTO (even fallback to gcc)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922164 - "app-emulation/glean-1.23.0 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922170 - "app-laptop/tuxedo-control-center-bin-2.1.8 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922182 - "dev-php/pecl-mongodb-1.16.2 fails to build: configure: error: system libbson must be upgraded to version >= 1.24.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922187 - "dev-libs/libtomcrypt-1.18.2-r4: failed to compile, duplicate LC_RPATH" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922201 - "app-admin/syslog-ng: automagic MQTT dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922202 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxx, llvm-runtimes/libcxxabi: Cannot build shared library with clang++ -stdlib=libc++ -static-libstdc++ (build them as PIC?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922204 - "app-misc/chkcrontab-1.7-r2 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922207 - "app-misc/icdiff-2.0.7 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922208 - "app-misc/lfm-3.1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922209 - "app-misc/lirc-0.10.2 installs python files to /usr/lib64 instead of /usr/lib (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922210 - "app-portage/elicense-1.0.2-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922212 - "app-portage/esearch-1.3-r3 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922213 - "app-portage/grs-0.8-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922216 - "app-portage/mirrorselect-2.4.0 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922218 - "app-shells/powerline-2.7-r2 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922236 - "multiple rust crates fail to compile on ppc: error[E0432]: unresolved import `std::sync::atomic::AtomicI64`" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922239 - "dev-python/rpy-3.5.14 fails tests: rpy2.rinterface_lib.embedded.RRuntimeError: X11 is not available" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922253 - "sys-firmware/edk2{-bin,}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922254 - "sys-libs/ncurses: Make threaded libraries optional" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922256 - "dev-python/scipy-1.11.4 fails tests on x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922258 - "sci-electronics/pcb-4.3.0 fails tests: ERROR: xgettext failed to generate PO tempalte file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922284 - "app-admin/fsvs-1.2.12 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): direnum.c:416:42: error: invalid application of sizeof to incomplete type fsvs_dirent {aka struct dirent64}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922287 - "app-backup/backintime-1.3.3-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): OSError: [Errno 99] Address not available" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922288 - "app-backup/restic-0.16.2 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922291 - "app-containers/cri-o-1.29.0 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): sqlite3-binding.c:38268:42: error: pread64 undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922293 - "app-containers/lxd-5.20 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): sqlite3-binding.c:38268:42: error: pread64 undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922297 - "gnome-base/libglade-2.6.4-r3 calls commands that do not exist (MUSL-SYSTEM): GNOME_COMMON_INIT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922298 - "x11-libs/gtk+-2.24.33-r3 calls commands that do not exist (MUSL-SYSTEM): -DHAVE_CONFIG_H" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922299 - "x11-libs/gtk+-2.24.33-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922300 - "dev-embedded/gpsim-0.32.1 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): conftest.c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922301 - "dev-embedded/sdcc-4.3.0-r1 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): -O2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922302 - "Proposal to apply OpenPGP key policies to SSH keys (GLEP 63)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922303 - "give ferringb push permissions to proj/pkgcore/*.git repositories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922304 - "net-analyzer/ostinato-1.3.0 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922306 - "net-analyzer/ostinato depends on deprecated dev-qt/qtscript" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922308 - "www-client/otter depends on deprecated dev-qt/qtscript" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922309 - "x11-misc/vym depends on deprecated dev-qt/qtscript" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922310 - "x11-misc/vym-2.9.22 (or 2.9.26?) version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922311 - "media-gfx/opentoonz depends on deprecated dev-qt/qtscript" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922322 - "dev-libs/libdbh-5.0.22 calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): rodentman1dir - FDUPES_ACT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922326 - "mate-base/mate-settings-daemon-1.26.1 - [slibtool] msd-a11y-keyboard-plugin.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to mate_settings_plugin_get_type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922329 - "dev-build/{cons,tup}: removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922334 - "dev-ruby/pg-1.5.4-r1 fails tests on x86: ruby-pg-1.5.4/spec/pg/type_spec.rb:1256: [BUG] Segmentation fault at 0xe8a5c000" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922343 - "emerge -U fails to detect changed USE (very simple repro ebuilds attached)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:922351 - "app-editors/xmlcopyeditor- calls commands that do not exist (MUSL-SYSTEM): CXXFLAGS?=: - ,:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922374 - "Last-rite tensorflow associated ecosystem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922380 - "[didos] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922383 - "[ledgersmb] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922386 - "[sft] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922387 - "[superposition] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922388 - "[ubuilds] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922390 - "app-emulation/pcem-17-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): wx-config.c:1465:39: error: unknown type name off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922392 - "dev-ruby/grpc-1.54.0 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): pcre.h:503:11: error: int32_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922396 - "dev-build/gyp-20200512145953 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922397 - "<sys-libs/pam-1.6.1: local denial of service vulnerability in `pam_namespace.so`" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922437 - "media-video/dvdauthor-0.7.2-r3 - subgen-image.c: fatal error: magick/api.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922459 - "Weakened ASLR on 64-bit systems and non-existent ASLR on 32-bit systems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922460 - "dev-libs/cjose- calls commands that do not exist (GCC-14-SYSTEM): ON" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922464 - "app-forensics/zzuf-0.15_p20220529 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): libc_fcns.h:5:33: error: unknown type name off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922465 - "app-i18n/scim-input-pad- fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): ld: cannot find -lltdl: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922466 - "app-i18n/scim-pinyin-0.5.92 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): ld: cannot find -lltdl: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922467 - "app-i18n/scim-tables-0.5.13 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): ld: cannot find -lltdl: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922469 - "app-misc/broot-1.33.1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): = note: ld: cannot find -lz: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922470 - "app-misc/datovka-4.23.1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): Project ERROR: The application requires libdatovka-0.3.0 or newer to compile and work properly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922481 - "app-misc/libdatovka-0.6.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): isds-datestring2tm - utf82locale" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922482 - "app-misc/ltunify-0.3 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): ltunify.c:320:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922485 - "[Tracker] Build failures with sys-kernel/linux-headers-6.7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922493 - "app-misc/no-more-secrets-1.0.1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): nmstermio.c:299:23: error: assignment of read-only variable stdin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922496 - "media-gfx/imv-4.4.0[gif] fails to build with media-libs/libnsgif-1.0.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922503 - "app-office/denaro-2024.2.0 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922505 - "dev-dotnet/csharp-gentoodotnetinfo-1.1.1-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922509 - "app-misc/tracker-miners-3.5.4 fails tests: gi.repository.GLib.GError: TrackerDBus: GDBus.Error:org.gtk.GDBus.UnmappedGError.Quark._TrackerDBus.Code1: Module does not support writeback for video/mp4 (1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922514 - "dev-python/mypy-1.7.1 fails tests: mypy/test/teststubtest.py::StubtestUnit::test_runtime_typing_objects - AssertionError: test_module.Y.__mutable_keys__" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922516 - "portage is not able to upgrade cronie: "Permission denied" due to unlabeled keep files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922517 - "sec-policy/selinux-zfs: missing allow rule on zfs compatibility file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922528 - "app-shells/fsh-1.0.0_p20220816-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922532 - "app-office/gnucash-5.4-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922535 - "app-shells/mcfly-0.5.13 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): util_libc.rs:112:(.text._ZN9getrandom9util_libc13open_readonly17hb2147bc8ae8bb3ccE+0x3b): undefined reference to open64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922538 - "sys-apps/shadow: useradd fails to create user with -Z" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922578 - "mask www-apps/nextcloud (28.0.0 & 28.0.1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922581 - "blogs.gentoo.org: Install a WordPress plugin for ActivityPub" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:922584 - "app-admin/salt-3005.1-r1 fails tests: AttributeError: module 'docker' has no attribute 'version_info'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922596 - "sys-boot/syslinux-6.04_pre1-r5 - /.../cfgtype.c: warning: conflicting types for pci_set_config_type due to enum/integer mismatch; have int(enum pci_co" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922598 - "dev-util/poke-3.3 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922599 - "games-strategy/war1gus-3.3.2 - convert: no decode delegate for this image format ICO @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/746." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922601 - "app-text/nfoview-1.28.1-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922602 - "app-text/pdfarranger-1.10.1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922604 - "dev-build/ignition-cmake-2.17.2-r1 adds -Werror flag on its own (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922605 - "dev-cpp/tbb-2021.13.0 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922606 - "dev-db/litedb-5.0.17-r2 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922615 - "Maintainer: Ian Jordan (immoloism AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922623 - "sys-apps/portage: best_version and has_version could transparently support updates (moves)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922641 - "dev-util/lttng-modules-2.13.10 fails to build on kernel 6.7: error: implicit declaration of function ‘lookup_fd_rcu’; did you mean ‘lookup_fdget_rcu’?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922642 - "sys-libs/glibc: seekdir() unexpected directory stream positioning on 32bit arm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922650 - "app-admin/salt-3006.2 fails to build: /var/tmp/portage/app-admin/salt-3006.2/files/salt-3006-tests.patch: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922671 - "dev-python/chainstream-1.0.1: please stabilize" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922673 - "dev-lang/R-4.3.2-r1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): configure: error: date-time conversions do not work in 2020 is tzdata installed?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922674 - "dev-build/autoconf-vanilla-2.13 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922675 - "dev-build/autoconf-vanilla-2.71 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922677 - "dev-cpp/opentelemetry-cpp-1.6.0 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): hex.h:21:11: error: int8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922678 - "dev-cpp/rapidfuzz-cpp-3.0.0 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): JaroWinkler.hpp:14:5: error: int64_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922681 - "dev-db/influxdb-2.7.3-r2 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): error: could not compile cfg-if (lib) due to 2 previous errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922682 - "dev-libs/libmemcached-1.0.18-r4 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): ld: cannot find -lubsan: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922683 - "dev-db/postgis-3.4.1 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): convert: attempt to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy draw0 @ 989" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922685 - "dev-dotnet/fantomas-6.2.3 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922687 - "dev-php/pecl-rrd-2.0.3 fails to compile (GCC-14-SYSTEM): rrd.c:79:40: error: passing argument 2 of rrd_fetch from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922690 - "dev-libs/libcec-6.0.2-r1[cubox]: fails check for TDA995x support silently and installs library with unresolved symbols" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922697 - "dev-go/gom-0_pre20151110-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922701 - "dev-lang/fpc-3.2.2 fails to compile (MUSL-SYSTEM): make: fpmake: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922703 - "dev-debug/duma-2.5.15-r3 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922704 - "dev-debug/systemtap-5.0 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922718 - "net-im/telepathy-logger-0.8.2-r1 - conf.c: error: assignment to GObject {aka struct _GObject } from incompatible pointer type TplConf [-Wincompatible-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922724 - "net-ftp/tnftp-20230507 stabilization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922739 - "dev-python/pyamg-5.0.1: tests hang on x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922741 - "dev-lang/openjdk, dev-java/openjdk (maybe), dev-java/openjdk-jre-bin, dev-java/icedtea, dev-java/icedtea-bin: needs to compress man pages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922747 - "dev-lang/rust-1.74.1 - RuntimeError: failed to run: .../config.toml -j4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922749 - "media-tv/kodi-21.1 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project: CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR, CORE_PLATFORM_NAME, PROJECTSOURCE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922754 - "dev-libs/check-0.15.2-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922756 - "dev-libs/girara-0.4.2 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922757 - "dev-libs/libgusb-0.4.7 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): 3 gusb-umockdev-test FAIL 0.01s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922758 - "dev-libs/libinput-1.25.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): libinput:all / test-litest-selftest - libinput:all / test-utils" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922759 - "dev-libs/libpipeline-1.5.7 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922760 - "dev-libs/libportal-0.7.1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922761 - "dev-libs/libratbag-0.17 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM): Assertion failed: interface != NULL libratbag.c: ratbag_create_context: 577)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922763 - "dev-libs/libwbxml-0.11.8 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922764 - "dev-libs/libx86emu-3.5-r1 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922775 - "dev-java/ant-1.10.15: skips 20 tests because of unresolved test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922785 - "net-wireless/limesuite-23.11.0 - rm: cannot remove .../Desktop: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922787 - "net-misc/ntp-4.2.8_p17-r1 fails to build tests on ppc: ntp_config.o:(.got2+0x1c4): undefined reference to `Version' (and others)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922802 - "app-arch/rpm- installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922803 - "dev-tex/dot2tex-2.11.3 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922805 - "dev-util/gertty-1.6.0-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info (GCC-14-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922807 - "dev-perl/Crypt-PWSafe3-1.220.0 fails tests (MUSL-SYSTEM)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922820 - "Please export woodpecker:/space/projects/tex as http(s)://dev.gentoo.org/projects/tex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922866 - "net-wireless/aic8800-1.0.3 - /.../rwnx_main.c: error: struct wireless_dev has no member named mtx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922870 - "mate-base/mate-applets-1.26.1 unconditionally depends on net-wireless/wireless-tools" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922885 - "media-gfx/fig2dev-3.2.9-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922887 - "githooks/notify-webhook throws IndexError when deleting a branch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922891 - "dev-perl/Mail-Box-3.10.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922894 - "games-simulation/singularity-1.00-r2 installs unexpected files/directories in the site-packages directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922901 - "dev-python/tables-3.9.2 - /.../b2nd.h: fatal error: blosc-private.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922902 - "mail-client/hap-3.7-r1 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922906 - "<=app-misc/pax-utils-1.3.7: heap-buffer-overflow in dumpelf dumpelf.c:137:3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922908 - "dev-util/lcov-2.0-r2 fails tests: Error: Missing Perl module JSON required by criteria" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922914 - "[guru] dev-python/aiomysql-0.1.1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922924 - "app-emulation/qemu-8.0.5 fails tests: can't add socket to multicast group No such device" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922930 - "dev-dotnet/dotnet-sdk-bin multiple SDKs (enhancement)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:922931 - "<sys-boot/shim-15.8: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922934 - "sys-devel/gcc: please add USE flag to enable "libstdcxx-backtrace" at emerge time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922937 - "mate-base/mate-applets-1.26.1-r2 /usr/libexec/mate-applets/stickynotes-applet fails to spawn sticky notes, then crashes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922940 - "git push to pax-utils broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922941 - "[guru] games-puzzle/blockout-2.5 calls g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922942 - "[guru] games-puzzle/blockout-2.5 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922947 - "media-libs/bio2jack-0.9-r2 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922949 - "media-libs/lib3ds-2.0.0_rc1-r1 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922955 - "[guru] dev-python/dateparser-1.2.0 fails tests: AssertionError: datetime.timedelta(0) != datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922957 - "[guru] sys-kernel/uek-sources- collides with other packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922962 - "x11-wm/marco - OBS loses XCompsite window view when minimised" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922965 - "media-libs/partio-1.17.1 installs python files to /usr/lib64 instead of /usr/lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922966 - "media-libs/portaudio-19.07.00-r2 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922967 - "media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2-r1 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922969 - "dev-ml/facile-1.1.4 - Failed to run command: dune build @install --display=short --profile release -j 4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922989 - "media-sound/awesfx-0.5.2 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922990 - "media-sound/beets-1.6.0-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922991 - "media-sound/gpodder-3.11.4 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922993 - "dev-php/pecl-imagick-3.7.0-r3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:922994 - "dev-python/aiocache-0.12.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923000 - "dev-python/cypari2-2.1.4-r1 fails tests: Assertion failed: (PyObject )frame + frame->f_code->co_nlocalsplus + frame->f_code->co_stacksize + FRAME_SPECIALS_SIZE == tstate->datastack_top ceval.c: _PyEvalFrameClearAndPop: 6401)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923007 - "media-sound/meterbridge-0.9.3 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923009 - "net-nds/openldap-2.5.18 - stable request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923012 - "net-p2p/eiskaltdcpp-2.4.2 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923014 - "dev-util/buildbot: requires <dev-python/sqlalchemy-1.5.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923025 - "sys-kernel/installkernel: improve external kernel module rebulding" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923031 - "sys-fs/fstransform New package Request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923035 - "<www-client/httrack-3.49.5 httrack's bundle of zlib Minizip affected by CVE-2023-45853" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923042 - "media-video/aravis-0.8.5-r1 fails to compile: arvxmlschema.c:104:51: error: passing argument 2 of xmlSetStructuredErrorFunc from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923043 - "media-sound/lame-3.100-r3 fails to compile: util.c:933:19: error: _FPU_MASK_IM undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923047 - "dev-python/hvac-2.1.0 fails tests: __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --dist worksteal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923050 - "dev-python/jaraco-envs-2.6.0 fails tests: test_envs.py::test_root_pathlib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923051 - "dev-python/jinja-3.1.3 fails tests: AssertionError: assert just a small example link to a webpage == just a small example link to a webpage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923052 - "dev-python/jq-1.6.0-r1 fails tests: ValueError: parse error: Invalid string: control characters from U+0000 through U+001F must be escaped at line 1, column 5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923066 - "dev-lang/rust-1.74.1[llvm_targets_ARC] fails to compile: The target `ARC' is experimental and must be passed via LLVM_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS_TO_BUILD" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923069 - "sci-mathematics/octave-8.3.0-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923070 - "dev-python/magic-wormhole-0.13.0 fails tests: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: locale" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923071 - "dev-python/mitmproxy_wireguard-0.1.20 fails tests: util_libc.rs:150:(.text._ZN9getrandom9util_libc13open_readonly17hd90c5f0ed2bf6dddE+0x4a): undefined reference to open64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923072 - "dev-python/nbclient-0.9.0 fails tests: RuntimeError: Kernel didnt respond in 60 seconds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923073 - "dev-python/numpydoc-1.6.0 fails tests: AssertionError: assert {1: [EX01, SA01]} == {2: [EX01]}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923076 - "dev-python/pgspecial-2.1.1 fails tests: AssertionError: assert [None, [(public, postgres), (schema1, postgres), (schema2, postgres), (schema3, postgres)], [Name, Owner], SELECT 4] == [None, [(public, pg_database_owner), (schema1, postgres), (schema2, pos" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923077 - "sys-libs/pkgcraft-0.0.13 fails to compile: Error: CliError { error: Some(1 job failed), exit_code: 101 }" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923078 - "dev-python/poetry-1.7.1 fails tests: assert 0 == 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923079 - "net-analyzer/bwm-ng-0.6.3 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923080 - "net-analyzer/fail2ban-1.1.0-r2 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923081 - "net-analyzer/fragroute-1.2.6-r4 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923082 - "net-analyzer/ifstat-1.1-r2 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923085 - "net-analyzer/nstats-0.4-r3 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923086 - "net-analyzer/rain-1.2.9_beta1-r1 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923088 - "net-analyzer/scapy-2.5.0 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923089 - "net-analyzer/squidview-0.86 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923091 - "net-analyzer/trafshow-5.2.3-r1 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923092 - "net-analyzer/upnpscan-0.4-r3 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923093 - "net-dns/dnrd-2.20.3-r3 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923094 - "net-firewall/ufw-0.36.1-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923095 - "net-ftp/lftp-4.9.2-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923098 - "net-libs/libnids-1.26-r1 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923099 - "net-libs/libpcapnav-0.8-r1 has a configure.in file which has long been deprecated" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923100 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.2.8 fails to compile: ghc: could not execute: opt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923101 - "app-crypt/efitools-1.9.2-r1 fails to compile with 'Invalid DOS header magic' with >=sys-boot/gnu-efi-3.0.17 on arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923102 - "app-crypt/sbsigntools-0.9.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923103 - "Maintainer: Sasha Finkelstein (fnkl.kernel AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923104 - "Maintainer: Lucio Sauer (watermanpaint AT posteo.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923110 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxx-17.0.6 - /.../path.h: error: use of built-in trait _remove_pointer(typename std::_1::decay<_Tp>::type) in function signature; use libr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923116 - "app-admin/gentoo-retirement-scripts-2 should install files in /usr but not in /opt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923125 - "sci-geosciences/gpscorrelate-2.0 - gpx-read.c: error: implicit declaration of function malloc [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923128 - "dev-ruby/nokogiri-1.16.0 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923132 - "gnome-extra/libgsf-1.14.53 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923133 - "dev-python/pydot-2.0.0 fails tests: AssertionError: "dot" with args [-Tjpe, tmpf68z0w11] returned code: 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923134 - "dev-python/pyenchant-3.2.2-r1 fails tests: test_broker.py::test_prov_ordering Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923138 - "dev-python/pypy-exe-7.3.13 fails to compile: [platform:Error] platcheck_67.c:108:25: error: field s has incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923141 - "dev-python/pytest-mpl-0.16.1 fails tests: except ImportError:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923142 - "net-irc/limnoria-20221116-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923146 - "net-mail/mairix-0.24-r1 fails to compile: parse.c:1: error: expected identifier or ( before numeric constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923149 - "app-emulation/vagrant-2.3.7 fails tests: Error: require "fake_ftp"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923151 - "app-metrics/collectd-5.12.0-r10 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923152 - "media-libs/libjpeg-turbo-3.0.4 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923161 - "net-misc/htail-1.5 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923164 - "dev-python/pytest-twisted-1.14.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923169 - "sys-libs/libnbd-1.18.1-r1: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:923170 - "app-text/xml2doc-20030510-r2 - defs.c: error: implicit declaration of function malloc [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923175 - "Maintainer: Christopher Fore (csfore AT posteo.net)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923219 - "dev-python/pytest-xdist-3.5.0 fails tests: AssertionError: assert 1 == 0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923220 - "app-text/highlight-4.9 fails tests: regression.sh: line 6: highlight: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923222 - "app-admin/conky-1.19.6-r2 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923223 - "net-misc/omniORB-4.3.0 installs unexpected files/directories in the site-packages directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923225 - "net-misc/s4cmd-2.1.0-r2 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923227 - "net-wireless/kismet-2023.07.1-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923235 - "dev-python/spdx-tools-0.8.2 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named tzdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923252 - "dev-libs/rocksdb-8.10.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923261 - "dev-util/cucumber-messages-19.1.4 fails tests: cannot load such file cucumber-compatibility-kit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923268 - "[TRACKER] Test regressions with >=dev-python/pytest-8.0.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923270 - "dev-python/unrardll-0.1.7 fails tests: test_extract (test.test_basic.BasicTests.test_extract) .. gcmodule.c:113: gc_decref: Assertion "gc_get_refs(g) > 0" failed: refcount is too small" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923272 - "sci-chemistry/modeller-9.25 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923273 - "sci-chemistry/ParmEd-3.4.3 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923275 - "app-accessibility/brltty-6.6-r2 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923280 - "sys-fs/zfs-kmod-2.2.6 [debug] fails to compile: ldo.c:181:9: error: infinite recursion detected [-Werror=infinite-recursion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923283 - "app-dicts/ipadic-2.7.0-r2 - /usr/libexec/chasen/makeda: table.cha:810: illegal format" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923284 - "app-i18n/ibus-1.5.29 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923285 - "app-backup/bareos-23.0.1 - /.../addresses_and_ports_config.cc: error: sort is not a member of std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923286 - "dev-db/mysql-8.0.34 - FAILED: .../libmysql_api_test.out" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923305 - "media-video/obs-studio-30.0.2: wayland marked as dependency for browser source but it works without wayland" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:923307 - "dev-libs/glib-2.82.2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923308 - "sys-apps/groff-1.23.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923312 - "dev-lang/gnat-gpl-2021-r5 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923317 - "dev-util/rocminfo-5.7.1 fails to compile: ld: libhsa-runtime64.so.1.11.0: undefined reference to hsaKmtReturnAsanHeaderPage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923320 - "dev-ruby/actionview-7.0.8 fails tests: kernel_require.rb>:127:in require: cannot load such file action_controller (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923326 - "sys-apps/openrc-0.53 fails to power off system: free(): double free detected in tcache 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923327 - "sys-apps/portage: random/package: build failure because a DEPEND is not scheduled before" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923340 - "[guru] app-shells/fzf-tab-0_pre20230611 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923341 - "dev-ruby/async-io-1.41.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923342 - "dev-ruby/async-process-1.3.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923343 - "dev-ruby/async-rspec-1.17.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923346 - "app-admin/selint-1.2.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923349 - "dev-ruby/cgi-0.4.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923357 - "sys-apps/pmount-0.9.99_alpha-r7 QA Notices" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923361 - "x11-misc/copyq-7.1.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923364 - "app-cdr/cdrtools-3.02_alpha09-r5 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923374 - "dev-python/pythonnet-3.0.3 fails tests: test_codec.py::test_list Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923376 - "app-crypt/stoken-0.92-r3 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of STOKEN_PRIVATE to symbol stoken__strcasestr failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923378 - "sci-mathematics/lean-4.11.0 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923379 - "sci-visualization/paraview-5.12.0_rc1-r1 fails to compile: collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923381 - "dev-ruby/did_you_mean-1.6.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923383 - "dev-ruby/digest-3.1.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923385 - "dev-ruby/fake_ftp-0.3.0 fails tests: Error: raise Errno::EADDRINUSE, port.to_s if !control_port.zero? && running?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923391 - "dev-ruby/html-pipeline-2.14.3 fails tests: conversions.rb:108:in <class:Array>: undefined method deprecator for ActiveSupport:Module (NoMe" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923392 - "dev-ruby/io-console-0.7.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923395 - "dev-texlive/texlive-langpolish-2021 fails to compile: env: fmtutil: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923398 - "games-engines/solarus-1.6.5 - /.../matrix_transform_2d.hpp: error: #error GLM: GLM_GTX_matrix_transform_2d is an experimental extension and may change" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923399 - "games-simulation/EmptyEpsilon-2022.10.28 - /.../quaternion.hpp: error: #error GLM: GLM_GTX_quaternion is an experimental extension and may change in t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923400 - "media-sound/audiotools-3.1.1-r2 - /.../ld: cannot find .../pcm_conv.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923401 - "sys-apps/zram-generator-1.1.2 - /.../ronn:9:in load: cannot load such file -- .../ronn (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923405 - "www-apps/grafana-bin-10.3.1 stabilization request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923406 - "net-misc/ofono-2.3[-atmodem] - stk.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to _stop_stk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923418 - "dev-python/wxpython-4.2.1-r2 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923421 - "sys-apps/apparmor-utils-3.1.4-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923422 - "sys-libs/libapparmor-3.1.4 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923423 - "dev-libs/c-blosc2-2.11.3 fails tests on arm: Bus error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923427 - "net-proxy/haproxy-2.9.4 fails tests: environment: line 2437: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923429 - "sys-apps/razercfg-0.42-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923435 - "dev-build/gyp test failures are nonfatal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923436 - "dev-lang/go: illegal instruction error (dev-lang/go-bootstrap needs rebuilding without SSE or SSE2?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923443 - "[guru] www-client/yandex-browser- fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923444 - "media-gfx/imagemagick- has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923445 - "app-editors/scite-5.3.5 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of VERS_1.0 to symbol lua_absindex failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923447 - "app-emacs/parsebib-4.3 fails to compile: random/package: build failure because a DEPEND is not scheduled before" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923449 - "sys-block/seekwatcher-0.15 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923451 - "sys-devel/distcc-3.4-r3 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923452 - "dev-ruby/io-event-1.4.0 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923453 - "dev-ruby/io-event-1.1.7 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923460 - "[fem-overlay] dev-perl/Net-Libdnet-0.99-r2 fails to compile: sv.h:1952:31: error: passing argument 3 of Perl_SvPV_helper from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923463 - "[fem-overlay] app-backup/borrg-0.1.0_pre20231225 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923464 - "[fem-overlay] app-backup/borrg-0.1.0_pre20231225 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923467 - "[fem-overlay] media-video/bmusb-0.7.6-r1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923468 - "[fem-overlay] media-video/ffmpeg-5.1.2-r1 fails to compile: mathops.h:125: Error: operand type mismatch for shr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923472 - "[fem-overlay] sys-fs/fuse-ts-2022.11.15.1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923473 - "dev-dotnet/dotnet-sdk-8.0.100-r2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923477 - "app-emulation/qemu-9.1.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs: vaesmcq_u8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923480 - "dev-ruby/llhttp-ffi-0.5.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923481 - "dev-ruby/localhost-1.1.10 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923574 - "dev-ruby/grpc-1.59.2 fails to compile: llvm-strip: error: libboringssl.a: not stripping symbol .L.str because it is named in a relocation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923581 - "net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.8.0-r4 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol rrd_graph failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923588 - "dev-ruby/net-imap-0.3.7 fails tests: Error: test_starttls(IMAPTest): OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_write" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923593 - "dev-ruby/rspec-rails-6.0.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923595 - "sys-apps/hwloc-2.9.3-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923596 - "dev-build/automake-vanilla-1.15.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923597 - "dev-debug/systemtap-5.0 fails tests on arm64: gcc: error: unrecognized command-line option -m32" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923604 - "dev-java/jackcess-4.0.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923605 - "dev-java/jackrabbit-webdav-2.10.1-r3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923608 - "dev-java/jaxb-runtime-4.0.0-r1[doc] "${args[@]}" || die "ejavadoc failed" - module not found: jakarta.xml.bind" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923609 - "dev-java/jnr-posix-3.1.16 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923613 - "dev-lang/gforth-0.7.3-r2 fails to compile: libltdl is not configured" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923614 - "sys-auth/polkit-124-r1: breaks suspend to ram and restart in KDE Plasma 5.27.10 (works with sys-auth/polkit-123)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923619 - "dev-ruby/rubyntlm-0.6.3-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923627 - "app-misc/sphinx-2.2.11-r5 fails to compile: sphinxplugin.cpp:227:4: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type long to int in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923629 - "app-misc/tmate-2.4.0-r2 fails to compile: compat.h:240:7: error: expected parameter declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923631 - "media-sound/gbsplay-0.0.95: please bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923632 - "dev-python/ansible-compat-4.1.11 fails tests: FAILED test_runtime.py::test_install_galaxy_role_unlink - FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: null -> acme.ge.." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923635 - "dev-lang/moarvm-2023.02 - src/.../containers.c: error: incompatible function pointer types" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923645 - "media-video/bino-1.6.8 - /.../qglobal.h: error: #error You must build your code with position independent code if Qt was built with -reduce-relocation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923702 - "app-editors/neovim-0.9.5 - FAILED: .../lua_api_c_bindings.generated.c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923704 - "net-vpn/networkmanager-vpnc-1.2.8 - [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find none: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923705 - "net-wireless/suwidgets-0.3.0 - ./Version.h: fatal error: sigutils/version.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923709 - "app-text/pspdftool-0.03 fails to compile: common.h:24:6: error: expected parameter declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923710 - "x11-wm/lumina-1.6.2-r1 fails to compile: lthemeengineplatformtheme.cpp:40:10: fatal error: Xcursor.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923713 - "dev-ruby/sus-fixtures-async-0.1.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923716 - "dev-ruby/webmock-3.19.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923718 - "dev-libs/tree-sitter-regex-0.20.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923719 - "dev-libs/isa-l-2.30.0-r1 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923721 - "provide a stage*latest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:923726 - "games-strategy/freeciv-3.1.0_beta2 - ERROR: games-strategy/freeciv-3.1.0_beta2::gentoo failed (install phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923737 - "dev-util/crash-8.0.4 fails to compile: plural-exp.h:102:23: error: conflicting types for libintl_gettextparse; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923758 - "dev-lisp/roswell- - [clang] without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923759 - "dev-cpp/gtksourceviewmm-3.18.0-r2 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923761 - "dev-db/firebird- fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol _IO_stdin_used failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923762 - "dev-db/mydumper- fails to compile: myloader_stream.c:26:7: error: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is treated as a zero-parameter prototype in C2x, conflicting with a subsequent definition [-Werror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923763 - "dev-db/mysql-workbench-8.0.36 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: undefined reference due to --no-allow-shlib-undefined: glXQueryVersion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923765 - "dev-util/dogtail-0.9.11 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923766 - "dev-util/pycharm-professional-2023.3.3-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923769 - "dev-util/elfshaker-0.9.0_p20240122 fails to compile: util_libc.rs:150:(.text._ZN9getrandom9util_libc13open_readonly17hd90c5f0ed2bf6dddE+0x4a): undefined reference to open64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923770 - "dev-util/heaptrack-1.5.0 fails to compile: suppressions.h:20:5: error: int64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923771 - "dev-util/runme-2.0.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923772 - "dev-util/rustup-1.25.2 fails to compile: util_libc.rs:117:(.text._ZN9getrandom9util_libc13open_readonly17hc9d974455f8dcd81E+0x4a): undefined reference to open64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923773 - "dev-vcs/git-absorb-0.6.11 fails to compile: util_libc.rs:112:(.text._ZN9getrandom9util_libc13open_readonly17hd05a7d5e9891fa5bE+0x3b): undefined reference to open64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923776 - "dev-perl/Sys-CPU-0.610.0-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923777 - "dev-debug/apitrace-9.0-r4 fails to compile: process_name.cpp:52:1: error: redefinition of a extern inline function readlink is not supported in C++" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923782 - "app-crypt/hashalot-0.3-r2 - file collision with dev-haskell/sha-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923786 - "dev-debug/d-feet-0.3.16 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923787 - "Maintainer: Armas Spann (zappel AT simple-co.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923790 - "dev-python/cheroot-10.0.0 fails tests: AssertionError: assert wrong version number in [SSL] record layer failure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923791 - "dev-python/contourpy-1.2.0 fails tests: test_filled.py::test_filled_z_nonfinite[nan1-inf-inf-mpl2014] Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923814 - "games-engines/zoom-1.1.5-r2 calls commands that do not exist: --cflags - --libs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923815 - "games-emulation/melonds-0.9.5_p20231231 fails to compile: GdbStub.h:90:65: error: ssize_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923823 - "dev-python/fastbencode-0.2 fails tests: AssertionError: RuntimeError not raised by bdecode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923824 - "dev-python/ipyparallel-8.6.1 fails tests: TypeError: < not supported between instances of str and datetime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923826 - "media-libs/mesa-24.0.0: compile failed - undefined reference to clang::getClangFullVersion()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923828 - "games-rpg/manaplus- fails to compile: dumplibs.cpp:142:49: error: invalid conversion from const char const to const char [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923832 - "dev-dotnet/dotnet-sdk-8.0.100-r2 missing testhost.exe" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923836 - "dev-java/slf4j-reload4j-2.0.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923843 - "sci-physics/lammps-20230802-r1 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++: error: language hip not recognized" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923845 - "[Tracker] Breakage with dev-libs/openssl-3.2.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923882 - "dev-lang/julia-1.8.5-r1 fails to compile: clang++: error: unknown argument: -fno-gnu-unique" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923883 - "dev-lang/nqp-2023.12 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923885 - "dev-lang/souffle-2.4.1 fails to compile: CellInterface.h:11:10: fatal error: chrono file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923886 - "dev-libs/cjose- fails to compile: version.h:32:26: error: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C [-Werror,-Wstrict-prototypes]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923887 - "dev-libs/criterion-2.4.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923888 - "dev-libs/cutlass-3.3.0 fails to compile: error: #error unsupported GNU version! gcc versions later than 12 are" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923889 - "llvm-core/llvm-15.0.7-r3 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of LLVM_15 to symbol LLVMCreateDisasm failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923890 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.17.3 fails to compile: Ghostscript command not available Cannot create bitmaps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923892 - "sys-apps/attr-2.5.2 fails tests: FAIL: attr.test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923895 - "dev-python/pyftpdlib-1.5.9 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923896 - "dev-python/pyglet-2.0.10 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923897 - "sys-cluster/openmpi-5.0.6 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923902 - "games-simulation/openttd-13.4 fails tests: 1 - regression_regression (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923904 - "games-sports/xmoto-0.6.1-r100 fails to compile: DBuffer.cpp:189:3: error: int32_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923905 - "games-strategy/megaglest-3.13.0-r1 fails to compile: platform_common.cpp:1133:36: error: GLOB_ONLYDIR was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923906 - "games-strategy/scorched3d-44-r3 fails to compile: alloca.h:11:20: error: void size_t redeclared as different kind of entity" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923909 - "[guru] dev-lang/hare-0_pre20230813 fails to compile: platform_abort.ha:4:1: syntax error: Unknown attribute @noreturn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923914 - "net-irc/iroffer-dinoex-3.32-r2 - /.../anyargs.h: error: passing argument 3 of rb_define_method_00 from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-point" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923919 - "dev-libs/libbpf-1.3.0 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of LIBBPF_0.3.0 to symbol btf__new_split failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923920 - "dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.15.12-r1 calls commands that do not exist: uic_wrapper.sh: 6: exec: uic: not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923923 - "sys-fs/cryptsetup-2.6.1 calls commands that do not exist: PKGMODULES+= openssl:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923924 - "dev-libs/libcgroup-3.1.0 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of CGROUP_3.0 to symbol cgroup_create_scope failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923927 - "dev-libs/libffi-3.4.4-r4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923928 - "dev-libs/libffi-compat-3.3-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923937 - "app-i18n/ibus-pinyin-1.5.0-r5 - [slibtool] lua-plugin.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to lua_type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923938 - "dev-vcs/subversion-1.14.3 - subversion/.../core.c: error: passing argument 1 of RB_NIL_P makes integer from pointer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923943 - "sys-apps/groff-1.23.0 calls commands that do not exist: make LIBTOOL=rlibtool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923944 - "sys-devel/gcc-13.2.1_p20240113-r1 installs files that contain a TEXTREL: libgfortran.so.5.0.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923945 - "sys-devel/gcc-13.2.1_p20240113-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923948 - "dev-debug/gdb-14.1-r1 fails to compile: rlibtool: error: <compiler> is missing - linux-tdep.c:(.text+0x234c): undefined reference to gcore_elf_build_thread_register_notes(gdbarch, thread_info, gdb_signal, bfd, std::unique_ptr<char, gdb::xfree_deleter<cha" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923949 - "dev-libs/librdkafka-2.2.0-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol rd_ut_coverage_check failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923951 - "<dev-libs/expat-2.6.0 quadratic runtime denial of service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923961 - "app-crypt/gpgfrontend: Manage gpg keys similar to kgpg, but without KDE dependencies built with C++, cmake (New Package)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:923966 - "<www-client/chromium-121.0.6167.160, <www-client/google-chrome-121.0.6167.160, <www-client/microsoft-edge-121.0.2277.113 <www-client/opera-107.0.5045.21: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923967 - "dev-python/pandas-2.2.0-r1 fails tests: pandas/tests/frame/test_arrow_interface.py::test_dataframe_to_arrow - AttributeError: 'pyarrow.lib.RecordBatchReader' object has no attribute 'equals'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923968 - "dev-python/pyarrow-15.0.0 fails to configure on sparc: CMake Error at cmake_modules/SetupCxxFlags.cmake:42 (message): Unknown system processor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923969 - "dev-libs/apache-arrow-15.0.0 fails tests on x86 (32-bit?): arrow-compute-scalar-math-test, arrow-compute-aggregate-test, arrow-utility-test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923978 - "<dev-python/django-{3.2.24,4.2.10,5.0.2}: Potential denial-of-service in intcomma template filter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:923984 - "dev-libs/ucl-1.03-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923985 - "dev-libs/mpfr-4.2.1 fails tests: FAIL: tsprintf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923987 - "dev-libs/tree-sitter-ruby-0.20.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923988 - "app-admin/procinfo-ng-2.0.304-r2 calls commands that do not exist: CXXFLAGS+= -Wall" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923989 - "app-admin/sysstat-12.6.2-r1 calls commands that do not exist: CFLAGS+= -m32" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923990 - "app-arch/lrzip-0.651 calls commands that do not exist: libtool: 1: 7zCrcOpt_asm.lo: -e:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923993 - "mail-mta/opensmtpd-7.4.0_p1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923994 - "gui-apps/waybar-0.9.24 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923996 - "mail-filter/zdkimfilter-3.17 fails to compile: checking if there is res_ninit().. configure: error: missing resolv.h res_ninit()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:923997 - "mail-mta/proton-mail-bridge-3.6.1 fails to compile: sqlite3-binding.c:37644:42: error: pread64 undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924003 - "mate-extra/mate-power-manager-1.26.1 fails to compile: msgfmt: cannot locate ITS rules for org.mate.power.policy.in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924004 - "mate-extra/mate-sensors-applet-1.26.0 fails to compile: i2c-proc-plugin.c:148:41: error: LC_NUMERIC undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924009 - "net-misc/nextcloud-client-3.14.3 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924016 - "dev-python/sympy-1.12-r1 fails tests: Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924018 - "net-misc/arpsponge-3.17.11-r1 - syntax error at arpsponge line 1, next token ???" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924024 - "=app-antivirus/clamav-{1.0.3,1.1.0,1.1.3,1.2.1}: vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924026 - "sci-geosciences/qgis-3.28.10: fails to build with >=sci-libs/pdal-2.6.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924027 - "dev-python/cython-3.0.8 fails tests on x86: AssertionError: Failed doctest test for cpp_stl_any.cast_test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924040 - "dev-python/typing-extensions-4.9.0 fails tests: AssertionError: Items in the first set but not the second:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924042 - "dev-python/vcrpy-6.0.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924043 - "dev-python/wurlitzer-3.1.0 fails tests: test.py::test_pipes Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924044 - "dev-python/yappi-1.6.0 fails tests: (tests.test_functionality.StatSaveScenarios.test_merge_multithreaded_stats) ... python3.11: Objects/typeobject.c:3823: _PyType_Lookup: Assertion `!PyErr_Occurred()' failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924046 - "dev-lang/elixir-1.15.6 fails to compile: sh: line 1: make LIBTOOL=rlibtool: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924047 - "dev-scheme/chicken-5.3.0 fails to compile: sh: line 1: make LIBTOOL=rlibtool: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924050 - "media-gfx/gtkimageview-1.6.4 calls commands that do not exist: GNOME_COMMON_INIT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924051 - "app-admin/syslog-ng-4.6.0 - [slibtool] /.../basic_string.tcc:229:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to std::_cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, s" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924056 - "media-gfx/blender-4.0.1 fails to compile: VecMat.h:40:19: error: uint has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924057 - "dev-python/wxpython-4.2.1-r2 fails to compile: sip_corewxAppTraits.cpp:474:79: error: class wxAppTraits has no member named GetAssertStackTrace" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924063 - "dev-java/openjfx-11.0.11_p1-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924064 - "dev-db/rqlite-8.16.8 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924102 - "dev-debug/apitrace-9.0-r4 fails tests: 1 - libbacktrace_btest (SEGFAULT)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924104 - "media-libs/libopenraw-0.3.7 fails to compile: ld: libopenraw.so: undefined reference to open64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924111 - "[guru] dev-python/pydub-0.25.1 fails tests: AttributeError: AudioSegmentTests object has no attribute assertEquals Did you mean: assertEqual?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924114 - "media-gfx/xloadimage-4.1-r16 fails to compile: window.c:836:24: error: __sighandler_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924115 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.17.3 fails to compile: ERROR: GNU make (make LIBTOOL=rlibtool) not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924129 - "<net-misc/openvswitch-2.17.9-r1: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:924138 - "app-i18n/mecab-skkserv-0.03-r1 calls commands that do not exist: CFLAGS+=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924140 - "app-misc/ebusd-23.3-r2 calls commands that do not exist: EXTRA_LIBS+=-lrt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924141 - "app-misc/sphinx-2.2.11-r5 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924143 - "app-misc/khard-0.18.0[doc] fails to compile: Error: Failed to run: make LIBTOOL=rlibtool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924144 - "media-libs/mesa-amber-21.3.9-r1 fails tests: +0:12(21): preprocessor error: Error: macro foo invoked with 2 arguments (expected 1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924147 - "media-libs/openfec- fails tests: 3 - code_params (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924157 - "dev-perl/RRD-Simple-1.440.0-r3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924159 - "app-portage/hackport- installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924173 - "app-admin/haskell-updater-1.3.2-r1 fails to compile: ghc: out of memory (requested 1048576 bytes)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924174 - "dev-libs/dmalloc-5.6.5-r1 fails to compile: append.c:(.text+0x135): undefined reference to __stack_chk_fail_local" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924185 - "[TRACKER] Packages failed due to insufficient RAM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924186 - "[TRACKER] Packages failed to build because the maximum number of open files is exceeded" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924194 - "dev-libs/capnproto-0.10.4-r1: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:924199 - "[guru] www-client/yandex-browser- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924201 - "app-admin/sagan-2.0.2 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924202 - "app-arch/gzip-1.13-r1 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924203 - "app-backup/mirdir-2.1-r3 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924204 - "app-benchmarks/ramspeed-3.5.0-r2 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924205 - "app-crypt/johntheripper-jumbo-1.9.0_p20240102 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924207 - "dev-libs/crypto++-8.9.0 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924210 - "app-admin/socklog-2.1.0-r1 fails to compile: pathexec_run.c:19:17: error: passing argument 2 of execve from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924212 - "net-libs/nodejs-20.11.0 fails to compile: ld: error: v8_base_without_compiler.api.o(.eh_frame) is too large (0x2e01c bytes)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924214 - "app-crypt/johntheripper-1.9.0 fails to compile: x86-64.S:1372: Error: pushq is only supported in 64-bit mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924215 - "dev-libs/libbson dev-libs/mongo-c-driver: alpha arm mips ppc ppc64 s390 sparc keyword req" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924217 - "dev-util/cargo-nextest-0.9.67 fails to compile: error: cannot produce proc-macro for async-trait v0.1.74 as the target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl does not support these crate types" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924220 - "games-strategy/megaglest-3.13.0-r2 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924228 - "app-crypt/princeprocessor-0.22 fails to compile: stubs.h:10:11: fatal error: stubs-64.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924230 - "sys-devel/gettext-0.22.4 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924231 - "media-sound/aqualung-1.2-r3 fails to compile: configure: error: debug builds need backtrace support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924239 - "dev-php/libvirt-php-0.5.7 fails tests: FAIL: runtests.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924240 - "dev-php/pecl-eio-3.1.0_rc1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924242 - "dev-libs/libpcre-debian-8-r3 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924243 - "dev-lang/gnat-gpl-2021-r4 fails to compile: collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924245 - "media-sound/denemo-2.6.0-r3 fails to compile: pageturner.c:574:57: error: M_PI undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924278 - "dev-util/librnp-0.17.0-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924279 - "games-board/scid-4.7.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924280 - "dev-python/bitarray-2.9.2 fails tests: MemoryError" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924281 - "dev-libs/rocm-comgr-5.7.1 fails tests: 16 - comgr_compile_device_libs_test (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924282 - "app-text/writerperfect-0.9.6 calls commands that do not exist: CDR_CFLAGS+=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924283 - "games-board/stockfish-16-r1 fails to compile: types.h:81:22: error: _pext_u64 was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924285 - "media-sound/mp3splt-gtk-0.9.2-r1 fails to compile: configure: error: libltdl not found - check libtool installation !" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924294 - "media-gfx/fotoxx was renamed to fotocx, please move to media-gfx/fotocx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924295 - "x11-libs/pango-1.51.0 prefix keywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924316 - "net-analyzer/yersinia-0.8.2-r2 - yersinia.c: error: implicit declaration of function term_add_node [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924330 - "media-sound/fluidsynth-2.4.0 fails to compile: {standard input}:827: Error: unknown mnemonic fnstsw fnstsw [sp,4]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924331 - "games-strategy/colobot-0.2.1_alpha fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924332 - "gnome-base/nautilus-45.2.1-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924334 - "dev-python/exceptiongroup-1.2.0 fails tests: AssertionError: RecursionError not raised" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924336 - "dev-erlang/fast_xml-1.1.49 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924340 - "media-sound/reaper-bin-7.27 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924345 - "media-sound/sooperlooper-1.7.8_p2 fails to compile: pathscanner.cc:76:23: error: PATH_MAX was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924346 - "media-sound/terminatorx-4.2.0 fails to compile: tX_engine.cc:138:31: error: struct sched_param has no member named __sched_priority" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924347 - "media-tv/mythtv-33.1-r1 fails to compile: remotefile.cpp:784:49: error: ::lseek64 has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924348 - "media-video/rav1e-0.7.1 fails to compile: ld: cannot find -lz: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924358 - "dev-lang/jerryscript-2.4.0-r4 fails to compile: cc1: error: -fno-fat-lto-objects are supported only with linker plugin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924361 - "dev-lang/erlang-26.2.1 fails to compile on x86 with gcc-14: erl_bits.c:551:9: error: invalid conversion from type _Float16 without option -msse2]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924362 - "sci-mathematics/octave-8.3.0-r1 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924363 - "sci-libs/netcdf-4.9.2 installs pkg-config files that do not respect libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924371 - "dev-lang/starlark-rust-0.8.0 fails to compile: error: box_syntax has been removed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924380 - "dev-util/difftastic-0.55.0 - does not respect makeopts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924381 - "net-analyzer/sslscan-2.1.3 - does not respect make flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924382 - "app-admin/passwordsafe-1.17.0 - does not respect make opts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924383 - "dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.15.12_p20240122 - does not respect make opts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924384 - "dev-libs/libmemcached-1.0.18-r4 - does not respect make opts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924389 - "x11-wm/mutter-45.5 fails tests: Expected size 800x600 didn't match actual size 500x400" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924392 - "media-gfx/fotocx needs more entries in LICENSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924401 - "dev-python/pycuda-2024.1 fails to compile: integral_wrapper.hpp:73:31: error: integer value -1 is outside the valid range of values [0, 3] for the enumeration type udt_builtin_mixture_enum [-Wenum-constexpr-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924402 - "dev-python/pytesseract-0.3.12 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924406 - "dev-libs/libmaxminddb-1.7.1 fails tests: FAIL: external_symbols_t.pl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924413 - "net-im/signal-desktop-bin-7.3.0 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924414 - "net-im/fractal-6 fails to compile: thread coordinator panicked at bug.rs:36:26:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924420 - "dev-lang/mercury-22.01.1 calls commands that do not exist: exec: mercury_compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924421 - "net-libs/rustls-ffi-0.10.0-r1 fails tests: thread main panicked at debug_asserts.rs:540:13:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924425 - "dev-python/python-lsp-black-2.0.0 fails tests with >=dev-python/black-24.2.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924455 - "[Tracker] "KeyTrap" DNS DoS vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924457 - "<net-dns/unbound-1.19.1: "KeyTrap" DNS DoS vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924459 - "<net-dns/knot-resolver-5.7.1: "KeyTrap" DNS DoS vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924461 - "x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.42 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924465 - "[guru] dev-util/spi-tools-1.0.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924482 - "app-emulation/aranym-1.1.0-r1 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924483 - "app-emulation/spectemu-0.99.3-r1 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924484 - "sys-libs/ncurses-compat-6.4_p20230401 fails to compile: configure: error: getopt is required for building programs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924485 - "dev-ml/ocaml-gettext-0.3.7-r3 fails to compile: Error: Unbound module CamomileLibraryDefault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924487 - "app-i18n/ibus-fbterm-1.0.1 fails to compile: ibusfbcontext.c:712:56: error: passing argument 3 of g_settings_set_strv from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924489 - "net-mail/vpopmail-5.4.33-r9 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924490 - "net-misc/anydesk-6.3.3 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924495 - "net-misc/socat- has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924501 - "net-misc/hurl-4.1.0 fails tests: thread simple_sample panicked at sample.rs:33:9:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924502 - "net-misc/ipv6calc-4.0.1-r1 fails tests: Cant locate Entities.pm in @INC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924503 - "net-misc/nextcloud-client-3.12.3 fails to compile: utility.cpp:195:22: error: variable OCC::Utility::freeDiskSpace(const QString&)::statvfs64 stat has initializer but incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924506 - "dev-php/pecl-mongodb-1.16.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924508 - "media-libs/flac-1.4.3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924509 - "llvm-core/llvm-17.0.6 fails to compile: ld: final link failed: memory exhausted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924510 - "app-admin/syslog-ng-4.6.0 fails to compile: slog.c:937:63: error: passing argument 4 of g_io_channel_write_chars from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924516 - "media-libs/opensubdiv-3.6.0-r1 fails tests: isolated-functions.sh: line 100: glImaging: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924540 - "dispatch-conf: Provide wider support for shells & terminal envs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:924545 - "equery belongs returns matches symlinked files not owned by any package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924551 - "app-text/doxygen-1.10.0-r1: fails to compile (MUSL-CLANG19): implicit instantiation of undefined template 'std::char_traits<unsigned char>'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924552 - "dev-libs/starpu-1.3.9 calls commands that do not exist: CFLAGS+=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924568 - "net-misc/stunnel-5.71-r1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924598 - "net-misc/trurl-0.7 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924600 - "net-misc/yt-dlp-2023.12.30 fails tests: AttributeError: NoneType object has no attribute shutdown" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924628 - "app-text/xiphos-4.2.1-r2 fails to compile: parallel_view.cc:69:15: error: no_content violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924631 - "dev-util/debhelper-13.2.1 fails to compile: UTF-8 "xF3" does not map to Unicode at TransTractor.pm line 583" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924632 - "dev-lang/go-1.22.0: Various Go packages fail to build with "-buildmode=pie requires external (cgo) linking, but cgo is not enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924634 - "app-crypt/princeprocessor-0.22 fails to compile: cc1: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924636 - "[tex-overlay] dev-tex/bibtexu-4.00_p20230311 fails tests: FAIL: bibtex8.test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924638 - "sci-astronomy/cpl-7.3.2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924640 - "net-print/cups-2.4.7-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924642 - "net-print/foo2zjs-20200221 fails to compile: tbl:foo2ddst-wrapper.1:237: error: ignoring vertical line at leading edge of boxed table" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924643 - "net-vpn/vpncloud-2.3.0 fails to compile: util_libc.rs:110:(.text._ZN9getrandom9util_libc13open_readonly17h90911459be6fb42eE+0x4a): undefined reference to open64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924644 - "net-wireless/uhd- fails to compile: rm: cannot remove tests: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924645 - "net-wireless/wavemon-0.9.5 fails to compile: iw_if.c:29:22: error: storage size of ifr isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924646 - "sci-astronomy/cpl-7.3.2 fails tests: FAIL: cpl_polynomial-test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924649 - "dev-lang/go-1.22.0 fails to compile: (hang) - Building Go bootstrap go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:924650 - "app-benchmarks/cpuburn-1.4a-r5 fails to compile: burnCortexA9.s:18: Error: selected FPU does not support instruction vdup.16 d0,r0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924655 - "media-tv/v4l-dvb-saa716x-0.0.1_p20170225-r6 fails to compile: saa716x_hybrid.c:36:10: fatal error: zl10353.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924656 - "mail-mta/notqmail-1.08-r6 fetches file(s) that do not match recorded size" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924666 - "app-cdr/cdrtools-3.02_alpha09-r5 fails to compile: sh: line 1: O2: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924668 - "notification for masked packages should not be in between package list and confirmation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924674 - "dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.15.12_p20240122 - ERROR: Feature 'webengine-pulseaudio' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs.webengine-pulseaudio' failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924675 - "sci-libs/gdal-3.8.0: CMake Error at cmake/helpers/CheckDependentLibraries.cmake:202 (message): Configured to use ORACLE, but not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924694 - "sci-biology/unafold-3.8-r1 fails tests: Cant locate Parser.pm in @INC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924696 - "sci-chemistry/gperiodic-3.0.3 fails to compile: install: cannot create regular file gperiodic.mo: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924698 - "sci-chemistry/gelemental-2.0.2 calls commands that do not exist: dot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924699 - "sci-electronics/gnetman-0.0.1_pre20110124 calls commands that do not exist: svnversion - swig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924700 - "media-plugins/vdr-skinelchi-0.3.0-r2 - videostatus.h: error: conflicting declaration typedef enum eAspectRatio eAspectRatio" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924701 - "gnome-base/librsvg-2.57.0 - configure: error: Package requirements ( cairo >= 1.17.0 cairo-png >= 1.17.0 cairo-gobject >= 1.17.0 freetype2 >= 20.0.14" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924702 - "dev-qt/qtwidgets-5.15.12-r1 - > Package harfbuzz-gobject was not found in the pkg-config search path." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924704 - "<net-libs/nodejs-{18.19.1,20.11.0}: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924710 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.19.1_pre0 fails to compile: configure: error: Unable to find as86, please install as86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924711 - "app-misc/rdfind-1.6.0 fails tests: FAIL: largefilesupport.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924712 - "app-misc/rox-filer-2.11 fails to compile: log.c:143:35: error: passing argument 1 of get_gtk_builder from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924713 - "x11-libs/goffice-0.10.56 fails to compile: go-ryu.c:1301:3: error: unknown type name __uint128_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924714 - "app-misc/irtrans-irserver-6.09.04-r1 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924717 - "sci-electronics/xcircuit-3.10.30-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924722 - "app-arch/gzip runtime issue and failed test when compiled with sys-libs/fortify-headers enablled - cmp: EOF on - after byte 32768, in line 887" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924725 - "app-shells/zsh-5.9-r6 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924741 - "media-plugins/vdr-mp3ng-0.0.1_pre5-r5 - /.../tools.h: error: expected , or before && token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924753 - "dev-python/argh-0.31.2 fails tests: collecting .. Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924759 - "dev-db/percona-server- fails to compile: lf_alloc-pin.cc:142:33: error: static assertion failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924761 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-notes-plugin-1.11.0 - application.c: error: assignment to GtkBox {aka struct _GtkBox } from incompatible pointer type GtkWidget {aka" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924764 - "dev-python/pyside6-6.6.2 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924770 - "dev-libs/keystone-0.9.2-r3 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924771 - "sys-libs/zlib-1.3.1-r1 fails to build (m68k, musl, 23.0 profile): read-only segment has dynamic relocations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924819 - "[guru] net-im/flare-0.12.0-r1 fails to compile: The system library gtk4-wayland required by crate gdk4-wayland-sys was not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924822 - "dev-games/ogre-1.9.0-r3 fails to compile: OgrePlatformInformation.cpp:46:18: fatal error: sysctl.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924823 - "sci-geosciences/gpscorrelate-2.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924828 - "dev-libs/dmalloc-5.6.5-r2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924858 - "dev-scheme/gauche-0.9.14-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924860 - "dev-scheme/guile-libyaml-20211124 fails to compile: (unknown):1: (unknown):1: parse failed at state 30, on input "("" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924863 - "dev-python/bottleneck-1.3.7 fails tests: FAILED memory_test.py::test_memory_leak - assert 983040 == 0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924865 - "dev-libs/isa-l_crypto-2.24.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924872 - "app-misc/skim-0.10.4 fails tests: error: literal out of range for usize (32-bit issue?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924875 - "app-misc/ledit-2.04 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924882 - "media-sound/supercollider-3.13.0 - /.../view.hpp: error: field sfInfo has incomplete type SF_INFO" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924884 - "media-plugins/vdr-weatherng-0.0.8_pre3-r1 - /.../tools.h: error: expected , or before && token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924885 - "dev-libs/gjs-1.78.4 - meson.build: ERROR: Dependency cairo-gobject not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924919 - "dev-java/xerces-2.12.2-r2[doc] with GENTOO_VM=openjdk{,-bin}-17 fails to compile: error: An internal exception has occurred" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924921 - "dev-libs/bcm2835-1.71 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924922 - "dev-libs/capstone-5.0.1 fails tests: 19 - capstone_test_mos65xx (SEGFAULT)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924923 - "media-gfx/asymptote-2.86 fails to compile: configure: error: Please install libz or zlib-devel on your system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924924 - "sys-libs/pkgcraft-0.0.14 fails to compile: make LIBTOOL=rlibtool: line 1: exec: make LIBTOOL=rlibtool: not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924927 - "app-office/libreoffice- fails to compile: checking whether i686-pc-linux-gnu-g++ supports C++17.. cc1plus: error: SSE instruction set disabled, using 387 arithmetics [-Werror]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924928 - "dev-util/anjuta-3.34.0-r2 fails to compile: anjuta-dock.c:406:33: error: assignment to GtkWidget {aka struct _GtkWidget } from incompatible pointer type AnjutaCommandBar {aka struct _AnjutaCommandBar } [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924958 - "dev-util/cpputest-4.0 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924963 - "dev-ruby/faraday-patron-1.0.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924966 - "dev-tex/bibtex2html-1.99 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924967 - "app-shells/shish-0.7_pre3-r1 fails to compile: cdefs.h:324:60: error: macro "__has_attribute" requires an identifier" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924968 - "app-text/htmlmin-0.1.12-r1 fails tests: RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924971 - "sci-mathematics/geogebra-bin-6.0.804.0 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924972 - "sci-libs/p4est-2.8.5-r3 fails to compile: mv failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924973 - "sci-libs/scikit-learn-1.3.2-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924974 - "sci-mathematics/gsl-shell-2.3.5 fails to compile: ld: libFOX-1.7.so: undefined reference to cupsGetDests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924975 - "media-libs/gstreamer-editing-services-1.22.3 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924976 - "app-arch/mscompress-0.3-r1 fails tests: sh: line 1: test.txt_: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924985 - "sci-physics/root-6.30.04 fails to compile: rpdutils.cxx:2204:8: error: ruserok was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924989 - "media-libs/mesa-amber-21.3.9-r1 fails to compile: meson.build:478:4: ERROR: Problem encountered: EGL requires dri, haiku, or windows" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924990 - "dev-lang/ispc-1.23.0 fails to compile: Either X86, ARM, WASM or XE targets need to be enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924991 - "media-libs/openimageio- fails to compile: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++: error: unrecognized command-line option -mf16c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:924996 - "<dev-java/commons-compress-1.26.0-r1: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:924998 - "sys-cluster/ceph-18.2.0-r2 - does not respect makeopts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925000 - "media-libs/raspberrypi-userland-0_pre20201022 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925001 - "media-libs/raspberrypi-userland-0_pre20201022 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925014 - "PR services lacking developer redundancy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925016 - "net-misc/dropbear: systemd support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925023 - "<www-apps/gitea-1.21.5: allows anonymous container access if RequireSignInView is enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:925028 - "[Tracker] runc container breakout vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925029 - "sys-cluster/nomad: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:925031 - "sys-apps/sandbox: makes unpacking much slower" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:925032 - "Outdated gnulib components in sandbox" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925066 - "dev-python/a2wsgi-1.10.1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925068 - "dev-util/rr-5.7.0 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of LINUX_2.6 to symbol __kernel_clock_getres failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925069 - "games-action/snipes-1.0.4-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: duplicate symbol: __gentoo_check_ldflags__" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925070 - "games-arcade/gav-0.9.0-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: duplicate symbol: __gentoo_check_ldflags__" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925072 - "sci-libs/gdal-3.9.1-r1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925074 - "dev-ada/e3-testsuite-26.0 fails tests on x86: FAILED test_adacore.py::test_timeout - AssertionError" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925075 - "dev-cpp/range-v3-0.12.0 fails to compile: type_traits:2575:12: error: template parameters not deducible in partial specialization:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925076 - "dev-cpp/sol2-3.3.1-r1 fails to compile: 1192 - incorrect alignment calculation.cpp:44:37: error: static assertion failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925077 - "dev-db/libiodbc-3.52.15-r1 fails to compile: unicode.c:1561:16: error: initialization of ucs4_t {aka unsigned int } from incompatible pointer type wchar_t {aka long int } [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925078 - "dev-db/mydumper- fails to compile: mydumper_stream.c:78:36: error: format %lli expects argument of type long long int, but argument 2 has type off_t {aka long int} [-Werror=format=]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925079 - "dev-db/percona-xtrabackup- fails to compile: log0recv.cc:4205:40: error: invalid conversion from ulint {aka long unsigned int} to size_t {aka unsigned int} [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925085 - "dev-db/pgcli-4.0.1: test suite hangs, asking for keyring password with dev-python/keyrings-alt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925086 - "sys-apps/bat-0.24.0 fails tests: ld: cannot find -lonig: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925087 - "sci-libs/rocBLAS-5.7.1-r1: 40G build size" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925104 - "x11-wm/blackbox-0.77-r1: build failure on x32 ABI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925109 - "net-proxy/haproxy (all versions) fails tests on arm: HTTP header is incomplete (SIGBUS)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925114 - "sci-libs/openblas-0.3.25-r1 fails to build on ppc: ../kernel/power/gemm_tcopy_4.S:164: Error: invalid operands (*UND* and *ABS* sections) for `*'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925116 - "net-libs/nodejs-18.19.0 fails tests: SystemError [ERR_SYSTEM_ERROR]: A system error occurred: uv_os_setpriority returned EACCES (permission denied)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925125 - "<dev-db/mysql-8.0.36: multiple vulnerabilities (Oracle CPU Jan 2024)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925129 - "sys-cluster/openmpi-5.0.3 calls strings directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925136 - "net-libs/libbloom-1.6 fails tests: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc: error: unrecognized command-line option -m64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925137 - "games-board/gtkboard-0.11_pre0-r2 fails to compile: sound.c:67:8: error: use of undeclared identifier opt_verbose" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925138 - "games-emulation/mgba-0.10.3 fails to compile: cli-debugger.c:21:6: error: no member named __printf_chk in struct CLIDebuggerBackend" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925140 - "games-fps/redeclipse-2.0.0-r1 fails to compile: clang++: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925141 - "games-fps/sauerbraten-2020.12.27 fails to compile: clang++: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925142 - "games-fps/yamagi-quake2-8.30 fails to compile: g_ai.c:465:6: error: no member named __dprintf_chk in game_import_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925143 - "games-kids/tuxmath-2.0.3-r2 fails to compile: titlescreen.c:198:26: error: incompatible function pointer types passing int ()(int, int) to parameter of type ResSwitchCallback (aka void ()(int, int)) [-Wincompatible-function-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925145 - "games-misc/bsd-games-3.2 fails to compile: input.c:237:13: error: too many arguments provided to function-like macro invocation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925149 - "dev-lang/cxprolog-0.98.2 fails tests: cxprolog unit tests failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925150 - "dev-lang/fuzion-0.086 fails tests: > testbin.c:37230:3: error: misaligned atomic operation may incur significant performance penalty; the expected alignment (8 bytes) exceeds the actual alignment (4 bytes) [-Werror,-Watomic-alignment]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925151 - "dev-java/openjdk-17.0.12_p7 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925153 - "sys-apps/qdirstat-1.9 fails to compile: SystemFileChecker.h:38:34: error: uid_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925154 - "sys-apps/syd-3.14.0 fails to compile: error: failed to run custom build command for libseccomp-sys v0.2.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925155 - "sys-apps/zram-generator-1.1.2 fails to compile: util_libc.rs:110:(.text._ZN9getrandom9util_libc13open_readonly17h0d8cf81fdad2aee3E+0x4a): undefined reference to open64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925156 - "sys-cluster/ucx-1.13.1 fails to compile: reloc.c:508:8: error: unknown type name Dl_serinfo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925160 - "dev-db/postgresql: no ability to use libedit instead of readline" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:925165 - "dev-lang/janet-1.32.1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925166 - "sci-libs/openlibm-0.8.3 fails to compile: make: No rule to make target Make.files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925178 - "games-roguelike/scourge-0.21.1-r1 fails to compile: util.cpp:428:2: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925181 - "dev-lang/polyml-5.9.1 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925182 - "dev-lang/smlnj-110.99.5 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925183 - "dev-lang/smlnj-110.99.5 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925184 - "dev-lang/smlnj-110.99.5 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925185 - "dev-lang/teyjus-2.1-r2 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925186 - "dev-util/omake-0.10.3-r1 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925187 - "sys-fs/fragview-0.1.2 fails to compile: mountpoint-select-dialog.cc:108:25: error: aggregate MountpointSelectDialog::MountpointSelectDialog()::statfs64 sfs has incomplete type and cannot be defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925188 - "sys-fs/safecopy-1.7-r1 fails to compile: simulatorlb.c:386:42: error: O_RDONLY undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925199 - "dev-libs/libpqxx-7.7.5 - rmlo.cxx:(<snip>) undefined reference to pqxx::internal::begin_cmd<(pqxx::isolation_level)0, (pqxx::write_policy)1>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925208 - "<dev-ruby/rack-{,}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925209 - "media-gfx/darktable: graphite handling needs improving" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925210 - "<dev-util/jenkins-{2.44.1:lts,2.442:0}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925212 - "FEATURES=dedupdebug: support sys-devel/dwz's multifile mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925217 - "dev-util/act-0.2.59 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925218 - "dev-libs/dietlibc-0.34 fails to compile: Makefile:77: unknown architecture, please fix Makefile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925219 - "dev-libs/gf-complete-2.0.0-r1 fails to compile: arm_neon.h:15717:1: error: inlining failed in call to always_inline vreinterpretq_p16_u16: target specific option mismatch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925221 - "net-misc/bird-2.0.12-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925223 - "games-strategy/scorched3d-44-r3 fails to compile: configure: error: FFTW must be installed on your system but couldnt be found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925224 - "dev-ruby/rr-3.1.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925225 - "dev-ruby/sass-3.7.4-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925228 - "dev-libs/libdynd-0.7.2-r1 fails tests: malloc(): unaligned tcache chunk detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925229 - "dev-libs/libffi-compat-3.2.1-r3 fails to compile: ffi.c:389:21: error: passing argument 1 of ffi_call_SYSV from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925230 - "dev-libs/libflatarray-0.4.0_pre20201009 fails to compile: main.cpp:172:43: error: no match for operator[] (operand types are LibFlatArray::soa_accessor<Cell, 32800, 32800, 1, 0> and LibFlatArray::coord<0, -2, -2>)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925233 - "sys-fs/xfsprogs-6.8.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925234 - "sys-fs/xfsdump-3.1.12 fails to compile: content_inode.h:30:9: error: unknown type name off64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925236 - "musl: sys-libs/libmodulemd-2.15.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925237 - "sys-power/switcheroo-control-2.6-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925238 - "sys-process/below-0.7.1 fails to compile: util_libc.rs:150:(.text._ZN9getrandom9util_libc13open_readonly17hd95b5a3e4c952258E+0x4a): undefined reference to open64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925239 - "sys-process/procenv-0.51-r1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925247 - "sys-process/uksmd-6.5.1 fails to compile: uksmd.c:29:10: fatal error: pidfd.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925248 - "dev-libs/opencryptoki-3.6.1-r1 installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925263 - "dev-python/django-5.1.4 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925265 - "dev-libs/sleef-3.5.1-r1 fails tests: 47 - roundtriptest1ddp_16 (SEGFAULT)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925267 - "dev-libs/ucl-1.03-r1 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925269 - "www-apps/blazeblogger-1.2.0-r1 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925275 - "media-sound/sooperlooper-1.7.8_p2 - control_osc.cpp: error: invalid conversion from int ( )(const char , const char , lo_arg , int, void , void ) to l" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925277 - "dev-util/rocm_bandwidth_test-5.7.1 fails to compile: ld: libhsa-runtime64.so: undefined reference to hsaKmtReturnAsanHeaderPage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925278 - "dev-lisp/clozurecl-1.12.2 fails to compile: Cant assign LDT entry" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925280 - "dev-lisp/flexi-streams-1.0.19 fails tests: - READ from #<INPUT STRING-INPUT-STREAM>: there is no package with name "ASDF"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925281 - "dev-lisp/gcl-2.6.15_pre3 fails to compile: cannot add -D_TIME_BITS=64 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 to CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925290 - "<sys-fs/zfs-{2.1.15,2.2.3}: Bundled old Lua is vulnerable to CVE-2020-24370" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925301 - "dev-vcs/git-extras-7.3.0 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925303 - "dev-vcs/hub-2.14.2-r1 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925304 - "dev-vcs/tig-2.5.10 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925305 - "dev-perl/Cache-FastMmap-1.570.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925307 - "sci-libs/gdal-3.9.1-r1 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925313 - "llvm-core/clang-17.0.6 - QA Notice: One or more CMake variables were not used by the project: CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_CUDAToolkit - CMAKE_DISABLE_FIND_PACKAGE_hsa-runtime64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925314 - "llvm-runtimes/openmp-17.0.6 - QA Notice: One or more CMake variables were not used by the project: LIBOMPTARGET_AMDGPU_ARCH" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925315 - "dev-go/act-1.6.0 - file collision with dev-util/act-0.2.59" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925318 - "dev-python/cython-3.0.8 fails to compile on MUSL+LTO" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925334 - "sys-libs/pam enables PIE unconditionally without a USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:925353 - "[guru] sci-physics/ovito-3.10.5 fails to compile: Could NOT find Qt6OpenGL (missing: Qt6OpenGL_DIR)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925356 - "dev-util/crash-8.0.4 fails to compile: rlibtool: error: <compiler> is missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925357 - "dev-util/dwdiff-2.1.3 fails to compile: make LIBTOOL=rlibtool failed See config.log for errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925358 - "dev-util/google-perftools-2.15 fails to compile: ld: cannot find -lstacktrace: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925359 - "dev-util/pkgcruft-0.0.1 fails to compile: make LIBTOOL=rlibtool: line 1: exec: make LIBTOOL=rlibtool: not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925360 - "dev-util/android-tools-34.0.5 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925362 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.39.4 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925363 - "sys-apps/asahi-startup-disk-0.1.3 fails to compile: install: cannot stat startup-disk: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925364 - "dev-perl/DBD-mysql-5.1.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925366 - "app-text/qpdf-11.9.0 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925417 - "xfce-base/xfwm4-4.18.0 - display.h: error: unknown type name XfceSMClient" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925418 - "net-libs/rpc2-2.14-r1 - rp2gen_parser.c: error: implicit declaration of function yylex [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925428 - "dev-util/wasm3-0.5.0 fails to compile: m3_compile.c:(.text+0x4f0b): undefined reference to sqrt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925429 - "net-libs/nodejs-20.12.1 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925430 - "sys-boot/plymouth-22.02.122-r3 installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925465 - "[guru] dev-python/exif-1.6.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925466 - "[guru] dev-python/plum-0.8.7 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925467 - "[guru] dev-python/rectangle-packer-2.0.2 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925468 - "[guru] media-gfx/beeref-0.3.3 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925475 - "gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon-45.0 fails to compile: Run-time dependency libcanberra-gtk3 found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925477 - "games-arcade/xtux-20030306-r1 fails to compile: make: all-recursive: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925491 - "net-wireless/limesuite-23.11.0 - CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925504 - "app-containers/lxd-6.1 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925505 - "media-sound/strawberry-1.0.23-1 binary package missing media-libs/libebur128-1.2.6 as runtime dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925508 - "xfce-base/xfce4-settings-4.19.1 - main.c: error: unknown type name XfceSMClient" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925510 - "sys-libs/libnvme-1.8 fails tests: sysfs TIMEOUT 30.05s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925512 - "sys-process/fcron-3.3.1-r2 installs system executables owned by nonzero uid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925513 - "www-misc/htdig-3.2.0_beta6-r5 installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925532 - "mail-mta/courier-1.3.12 installs system executables owned by nonzero uid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925533 - "mail-mta/nullmailer-2.2-r2 installs system executables owned by nonzero uid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925537 - "net-misc/remmina-1.4.35: no longer depends on freerdp less than version 3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925540 - "app-emulation/xen-tools-4.17.3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925547 - "app-arch/lrzip-next-0.12.6 is incompatible w/ musl pthreads" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925549 - "x11-libs/libXpm-3.5.17 fails tests: FAIL: XpmWrite 2 XpmWriteFileFromData - XpmWrite.c:200:test_WFFXD_helper: assertion failed (status == XpmSuccess): (-2 == 0)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925558 - "app-shells/rc-1.7.4-r2 - edit-edit.c: error: passing argument 2 of el_gets from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925579 - "media-libs/audiofile-0.3.6-r5 fails tests: Sign.cpp:160:39: error: non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type int32_t (aka int) to uint32_t (aka unsigned int) in initializer list [-Wc++11-narrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925580 - "media-libs/exempi-2.6.4 fails to compile: configure: error: invalid value: boost_major_version=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925583 - "dev-util/numdiff-5.9.0 fails to compile: cp: cannot create regular file #INST@751#: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925584 - "dev-util/rpmdevtools-9.5 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925585 - "media-libs/libggi-2.2.2-r1 calls commands that do not exist: terminfolibs+=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925587 - "dev-php/geos-php-1.0.0_p20220909 fails to compile: geos.c:895:54: error: passing argument 3 of zend_hash_get_current_key_ex from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925589 - "dev-php/pecl-mailparse-3.1.3 fails tests: extract_part_file - mailparse_mimemessage_extract_uue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925591 - "dev-php/scrypt-2.0.0 fails tests: FAIL Test scrypt() error conditions scrypt_errors.phpt]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925592 - "dev-python/astroid-3.1.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925593 - "dev-python/ujson-5.9.0 fails to compile: pypy_decl.h:709:25: error: initialization of void ()(size_t) {aka void ()(unsigned int)} from incompatible pointer type void ()(long unsigned int) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925595 - "sys-apps/systemd-readahead-216 - ./.../missing.h: error: expected identifier before numeric constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925596 - "sci-geosciences/gpxsee-13.16 - WARNING: Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: openglwidgets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925601 - "dev-libs/protobuf-22.5 fails to compile: text_format_decode_data.h:59:18: error: int32_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925602 - "dev-util/android-tools-34.0.1 fails to compile: mapped_file.h:50:61: error: off64_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925604 - "media-libs/gavl-1.4.0-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925613 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge produces logs that do not belong to a package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:925625 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --autounmask-continue can continue with an invalid dependency calculation when recursive USE changes are required" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925628 - "games-board/gtkatlantic-0.6.3 calls commands that do not exist: CFLAGS+=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925630 - "elisp.eclass: Clarify that SITEFILE is necessary in general, although not strictly required" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925660 - "dev-go/go-licenses-1.6.0: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925671 - "media-libs/libva-compat-1.8.3-r2 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of local to symbol vaCreateSurfaces_0_33_0 failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925673 - "media-libs/lvtk-1.2.0-r2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925677 - "net-libs/courier-authlib-0.72.0 fails to compile: configure: error: Unable to find ltdl.h Please install Libtools ltdl library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925678 - "dev-python/humanize-4.9.0 fails tests: OverflowError: timestamp out of range for platform time_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925679 - "app-shells/ctypes-sh-1.2-r2 fails to compile: dutil.h:44:23: error: expected ; before int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925680 - "dev-scheme/guile-zlib-0.1.0-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925687 - "dev-ruby/metasm-1.0.5-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925688 - "app-text/xournalpp-1.1.3-r2 fails to compile: Could NOT find Backtrace (missing: Backtrace_LIBRARY Backtrace_INCLUDE_DIR)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925689 - "media-plugins/dragonfly-reverb-plugins-3.2.10 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol VSTPluginMain failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925690 - "app-admin/gkrellm-2.3.11-r4 fails to compile: cp: cannot create regular file gkrellmpc.mo: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925691 - "java-pkg-simple.eclass: Support of module-info for javadoc is broken" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925696 - "[guru] app-admin/pass-update-2.2.1 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925706 - "media-sound/sndio-1.9.0 w/ dev-libs/libbsd-0.12.0: /.../bsd.h: fatal error: bsd/err.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925709 - "net-p2p/go-ethereum-1.13.14 - /.../main.cgo2.c:564:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to blst_p1_uncompress" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925714 - "Signals should be blocked on package updates" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925715 - "[Tracker] pkgmove/updates handling improvements" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925717 - "dev-lang/rapydscript-ng-0.7.22 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925718 - "[Tracker] dev-qt/qtwebengine:5 removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925722 - "www-client/otter depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925723 - "net-irc/quassel[urlpreview] depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925744 - "dev-util/ragel-7.0.4-r3 fails to compile: Ghostscript command not available Cannot create bitmaps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925750 - "mail-filter/spamassassin: spamassassin.service starts before resolv.conf setup, causing DNS resolution errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925754 - "media-video/mplayer-1.5_p20231206 fails to compile: clang: error: unsupported option -mcpu= for target x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925756 - "media-plugins/zam-plugins-4.2 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol VSTPluginMain failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925757 - "media-sound/din-58.1 fails to compile: RtAudio.cpp:10053:3: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925759 - "media-sound/fluidsynth-2.3.4-r1 fails tests: fluidsynth: error: Calling fluid_synth_start() while synth.dynamic-sample-loading is enabled is not supported" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925760 - "portage: make sub-slots world-recordable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925813 - "media-plugins/vdr-serial-0.0.6a-r1 obsolete tI18nPhrase found, disabled per sed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925814 - "media-plugins/vdr-serial-0.0.6a-r1 plugin use still the old Makefile handling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925815 - "media-plugins/vdr-serial-0.0.6a-r1 plugin isn't converted to gettext handling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925816 - "media-plugins/vdr-serial-0.0.6a-r1 object i18n.o found, removed per sed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925844 - "media-sound/cmus-2.12.0 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925846 - "games-roguelike/scourge-0.21.1-r1 calls commands that do not exist: pushd - popd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925848 - "media-gfx/iscan- fails to compile: backend.c:77:10: fatal error: ltdl.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925849 - "media-gfx/opentoonz-1.6.0 fails to compile: ld: libtiff.a(tif_error.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol _TIFFerrorHandler can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925850 - "media-gfx/sane-backends-1.2.1 fails tests: genesys.cpp:(.text+0x13e5): undefined reference to sanei_debug_msg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925851 - "media-libs/exempi-2.6.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925852 - "dev-ruby/tty-screen-0.8.2 fails tests: Error: expect(File).to have_received(:exist?).with(path)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925853 - "sci-libs/netcdf-4.9.2 fails to compile: semantics.c:605:60: error: passing argument 2 of ncaux_class_alignment from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925854 - "dev-python/parsedatetime-2.6-r1 fails tests: FAILED TestSimpleOffsets.py::test::testNextMonth - AssertionError: Tuples differ: ((2026, 2, 28, 22, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0), 1) != ((.." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925856 - "dev-python/pybind11-2.11.1 fails to compile: tensor.h:156:31: error: invalid conversion from const pybind11::ssize_t {aka const long int} to const int [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925858 - "app-admin/kubectx-0.9.4 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925872 - "dev-python/setuptools-69.1.1 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'packaging'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925875 - "dev-python/python-mpd2-3.1.1 fails tests: AssertionError: Mock got idle "database"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925878 - "app-editors/gvim-9.1.0470 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925882 - "dev-tex/hevea-2.36 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925890 - "[guru] dev-lang/harec-0.24.2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925891 - "[guru] dev-lang/harec-0.24.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925892 - "media-sound/mangler-1.2.5-r4 fails to compile: mangleraudio.cpp:226:5: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925893 - "media-sound/sndpeek-1.41-r1 fails to compile: MagFFT.cpp:211:7: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925894 - "media-sound/sooperlooper-1.7.8_p2 fails to compile: slconsole.cpp:421:5: error: no matching function for call to lo_server_add_method" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925895 - "media-tv/mythtv-33.1-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of LIBAVFORMAT_59 to symbol ffurl_protocol_next failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925897 - "media-libs/libltc-1.3.2 fails tests: rlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_link_create_executable(), line 1761: path not found: ltcloop.wrapper.tmp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925898 - "media-libs/libvorbis-1.3.7-r1 fails tests: rlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_link_create_executable(), line 1761: path not found: test.wrapper.tmp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925903 - "media-video/blinkensim-2.7-r2 fails to compile: OSError: [Errno 40] Too many levels of symbolic links: blinkensim" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925906 - "app-emulation/spice-vdagent-0.22.1 installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925913 - "media-video/motiontrack-0.1.3-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925914 - "media-video/streamdvd-0.4-r2 fails to compile: requant.c:376:27: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925915 - "media-video/makemkv-1.17.6 fails to compile: utility.h:41:5: error: expected parameter declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925916 - "dev-python/tagpy-2022.1 fails tests: test_deb-bug-438556.py::test_deb_bug_438556 Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925917 - "dev-python/textdistance-4.6.1 fails tests: test_common.py::test_simmetry[alg2] Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925918 - "dev-util/google-perftools-2.15 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925925 - "dev-python/trio-0.24.0 fails tests: FAILED test_threads.py::test_run_in_worker_thread - AssertionError: Regex pattern did not match" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925926 - "media-video/ushare-2.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925934 - "dev-vcs/cvs-1.12.12-r14 fails to compile: <artificial>:(.text+0xb33): undefined reference to vasnprintf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925935 - "dev-python/yapf-0.40.2 fails tests: AssertionError: Traceback (most recent call last):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:925936 - "dev-util/rebar-3.22.1-r1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926014 - "www-apache/mod_musicindex-1.4.1-r4 - Failed running autoconf!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926030 - "net-analyzer/kapacitor-1.5.5 fails tests: FAIL kapacitor 0.038s" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926032 - "net-analyzer/netdata-go-plugin-0.58.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926036 - "media-sound/flacon-10.0.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926039 - "net-analyzer/ostinato-1.2.0 fails to compile: port_def.inc:205:15: error: static assertion failed due to requirement 201103L >= 201402L: Protobuf only supports C++14 and newer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926040 - "net-analyzer/pnp4nagios-0.6.26_p20230918 installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926042 - "app-shells/fzf-0.49.0 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926052 - "media-sound/paprefs-1.2-r3 fails to compile: meson.build:17:11: ERROR: Dependency "libpulse" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926070 - "app-office/abiword-3.0.5-r1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926071 - "app-misc/recoll-1.37.4 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926072 - "net-ftp/atftp-0.8.0 fails tests: FAIL: test.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926074 - "net-firewall/pglinux-2.3.1_p20171006-r2 installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926076 - "media-tv/kodi-20.3 fails to compile: ld: libdvdnav.a(logger.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol stderr@@GLIBC_2.2.5 can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926082 - "dev-ruby/delayer-deferred-2.2.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926090 - "app-i18n/xvnkb-0.2.11 - ./configure failed to set an error code, but didnt create a Makefile either" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926096 - ""No gcc found" message improvement with profiles not requiring gcc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:926101 - "sys-apps/portage: highlights wrong part of dependency atom as version number in "skipped due to a dependency conflict" message" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926107 - "app-office/scribus-1.6.1-r1 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926108 - "app-misc/dfshow-0.9.1_beta-r1 - file collision with app-misc/siegfried-1.11.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926120 - "Figure out proper handling for LTO static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926123 - "dev-db/mysql-5.7.41 fails to compile: semisync_slave.cc:124:28: error: opt_debug_sync_timeout was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926125 - "net-misc/openvswitch-2.17.8 calls as directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926126 - "net-mail/mailgraph-1.14-r4 installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926127 - "net-misc/bopm-3.1.3-r7 installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926130 - "net-libs/libupnp-1.14.18[ssl] fails tests: ld.lld: error: undefined reference due to --no-allow-shlib-undefined: OPENSSL_init_crypto" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926131 - "net-libs/liquid-dsp-1.6.0 fails tests: agc.proto.c:305: error: agc_crcf_set_gain(), gain must be greater than zero" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926132 - "net-libs/ntirpc-5.0 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of NTIRPC_5.0 to symbol _authenticate failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926134 - "net-misc/cadaver-0.23.3-r1 fails to compile: configure: error: could not find library containing socket" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926135 - "net-misc/dhcdrop-0.5-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: etheraddr_bin_to_str" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926138 - "net-im/psi-1.5-r1 fails to compile: Error: need Xorg X11!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926139 - "net-analyzer/pmacct-1.7.8 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926147 - "[Tracker] Breakage with sys-libs/musl-1.2.5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926149 - "net-misc/httpie-3.2.3 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926150 - "dev-ruby/rjb-1.6.9 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926158 - "net-misc/kea-2.4.1 fails to compile: configure: error: Needs log4cplus library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926164 - "<dev-python/django-{3.2.25,4.2.11,5.0.3}: Potential ReDoS in django.utils.text.Truncator.words()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926166 - "www-client/chromium depends on qt5 if USE qt6 is enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926169 - "www-misc/litmus-0.13-r1 - configure: error: could not use external neon library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926178 - "sys-cluster/torque: new version 6.1.3 available" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926180 - "net-print/cups-2.4.7-r2 fails tests on alpha/mips: FAIL: 34 error messages, expected 33." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926186 - "app-crypt/gnupg-2.4.4-r1 generates keys incompatible with other PGP implementations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926190 - "net-misc/omniORB-4.3.0 fails to link with LLD because of /usr/lib in the link command line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926191 - "dev-lang/ocaml-4.09.0-r3 fails to compile: amd64.S:748:9: error: changed section flags for .rodata.cst8, expected: 0x12" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926200 - "dev-ruby/ruby-progressbar-1.13.0 fails tests: Error: expect(SmoothedAverage.new.strength).to be 0.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926201 - "dev-scheme/bytestructures-2.0.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926202 - "dev-scheme/stklos-2.00-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926204 - "media-libs/oidn-2.3.0 fails to compile: CMake Error at oidn_platform.cmake:8 (message): Intel(R) Open Image Denoise supports 64-bit platforms only" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926205 - "media-gfx/openvdb-11.0.0 fails to compile: TestValueAccessor.cc:436:46: error: static assertion failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926206 - "media-libs/x264-0.0.20240513 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926214 - "dev-perl/DBI-1.643.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926222 - "media-libs/libjxl-0.10.1 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926225 - "dev-libs/libp11-0.4.12-r6 Contains incorrect Blocker for OpenSSL 3.0.12+" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926229 - "media-gfx/opentoonz-1.7.1: version bump request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926232 - "dev-libs/bglibs-2.04-r1 - hardcodes GNU libtool in a ltcompile script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926238 - "media-libs/game-music-emu-0.6.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926239 - "media-libs/opus-1.5.1-r1 fails tests: 15 test_opus_decode TIMEOUT 240.14s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926240 - "media-libs/libmad-0.15.1b-r10 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926241 - "media-libs/libmpeg2-0.5.1-r3 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926242 - "media-libs/rlottie-0.2_p20210405 fails tests: Animation Testsuite FAIL 0.02s killed by signal 7 SIGBUS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926243 - "media-libs/raspberrypi-userland-0_pre20201022 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926244 - "media-libs/raspberrypi-userland-bin-1.20201201 installs ELF files with RESTRICT=binchecks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926246 - "Forums general admin function 'Make Includes' shows signs of issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926249 - "sci-electronics/spice-3.5.5-r4 fails to compile: collect2: fatal error: cannot find ld" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926254 - "net-vpn/networkmanager-fortisslvpn-1.4.0-r2 installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926255 - "net-print/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr-1.2.9 fails to compile: rlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_link_create_dep_file(), line 1091: path not found: libescpr2.a.disabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926257 - "dev-build/muon-0.2.0-r1 fails to compile: test.cc:6:9: error: guint64 was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926266 - "sci-libs/arprec-2.2.19 fails to compile: fft3.cpp:69:3: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926267 - "sci-libs/buddy-2.4-r1 fails to compile: lexer.cxx:623:2: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926270 - "sys-libs/libapparmor-3.1.4 fails to build without sys-apps/which: *** awk utility required for build but not available. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926279 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxxabi-19.1.1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926281 - "go-module.eclass: "dependency tarball" example produces tarballs with duplicate files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926289 - "sys-fs/mdadm-4.3 - mdadm.c:1363:18: error: call to undeclared function 'basename' and other failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926306 - "dev-python/aws-xray-sdk-2.13.0 fails tests: FAILED test_sqlalchemy_core_2.py::test_orm_style_select_execution - assert 0 == 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926308 - "java-pkg-2.eclass: minimal value of source / target should be set in a central place instead in the ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926310 - "sci-libs/superlu-4.3-r3 fails to compile: sp_ienv.c:75:5: error: call to undeclared function xerbla_; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926311 - "sci-libs/hdf5-1.10.5-r1 fails to compile: expr: syntax error: unexpected argument 1000000" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926312 - "sci-libs/ignition-math-6.15.1 fails tests: 113 - INTEGRATION_versioned_symbols (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926313 - "sci-libs/levmar-2.6-r1 fails tests: lmdemo: symbol lookup error: liblevmar.so: undefined symbol: dsytrf_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926314 - "sci-libs/linux-gpib-modules-4.3.5-r3 fails to compile: gpib_bitbang.c:1073:27: error: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C [-Werror,-Wstrict-prototypes]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926316 - "sci-libs/kim-api-2.2.1 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926317 - "mate-extra/mate-indicator-applet-1.26.0-r1 fails to compile: configure: error: Either Ayatana Indicators or Ubuntu Indicators are required to build mate-indicator-applet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926318 - "mail-filter/bmf-0.9.4-r4 calls commands that do not exist: CFLAGS+=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926319 - "mate-extra/caja-actions-1.26.0 calls commands that do not exist: let" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926321 - "dev-util/wasm3-0.5.0 fails to compile: wasi_core.h:46:1: error: negative width in bit-field __error_if_negative" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926325 - "dev-lang/swi-prolog-9.1.2-r1 fails tests: 4 - swipl:core (SEGFAULT)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926326 - "media-plugins/vdr-rpihddevice-1.0.5 fails to compile: audio.c:172:17: error: av_free_packet was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926328 - "media-sound/musescore-4.4.3 stabilisation, then cleanup old" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926334 - "sci-libs/coinor-couenne-0.5.8-r1 fails to compile: dsyevx_wrapper.cpp:(.text+0x177): undefined reference to dsyev_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926335 - "sci-libs/coinor-mp-1.8.4 fails tests: make: [Makefile:510: test] Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926336 - "sci-libs/netcdf-fortran-4.6.1 installs pkg-config files that do not respect libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926352 - "sci-libs/avogadrolibs-1.99.0 version bump and switch to Qt6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926361 - "games-emulation/dgen-sdl-1.33-r1 fails to compile: -DNASM_STACK_NOEXEC: fatal: more than one input file specified: -f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926362 - "games-emulation/dosbox-0.75_pre4302 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926363 - "sys-process/numactl-2.0.18 fails test - ./../test/checktopology numactl --hardware cpus look bogus" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926365 - "dev-build/libtool-2.4.7-r2 fails test - [slibtool] ERROR: 148 tests were run," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926366 - "dev-libs/libuv-1.48.0 fails test - Assertion failed in test/test-thread-priority.c on line 92: `priority == 0` (3 == 0)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926368 - "games-emulation/gens-2.15.5-r2 fails to compile: cd_aspi.c:56:1: error: parameter names (without types) in function declaration [-Wdeclaration-missing-parameter-type]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926369 - "games-emulation/dosbox-staging-0.81.1 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926370 - "games-emulation/gngeo-0.8-r2 fails to compile: make: nasm: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926371 - "sci-mathematics/cudd-3.0.0 fails tests: FAIL: test_cudd.test 2 cudd extra" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926372 - "games-emulation/gnuboy-1.0.3-r4 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926408 - "games-emulation/higan-116_pre20210818-r2 fails to compile: types.hpp:5:14: error: int128_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926410 - "[Tracker] Deprecation of defaults.list, migration to XDG mimeapps.list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926411 - "gnome-base/gnome-session: migrate to mimeapps.list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926413 - "mate-base/mate-session-manager: migrate to mimeapps.list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926418 - "media-gfx/imagemagick- - [slibtool] package installed without required .la files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926425 - "dev-lang/php-8.3.3 - [slibtool] installs libtool wrapper script instead of the php executable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926431 - "sys-apps/kmod-32-r2 installs pkg-config files that do not respect libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926435 - "sci-mathematics/twelf-1.7.1-r2 fails to compile: ! I cant find file texinfo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926436 - "sci-mathematics/yices2-2.6.4-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926438 - "sci-visualization/fityk-1.3.2 fails tests: catch.hpp:6465:21: error: variable length array declaration not allowed at file scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926439 - "sci-physics/root-6.32.00 installs unexpected files/directories in the site-packages directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926457 - "sci-libs/nfft-3.5.2 fails to compile: ld: libfastsum_threads.a(libfastsum_threads_la-fastsum.o): undefined reference to symbol omp_get_num_threads@@OMP_1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926458 - "sci-mathematics/gretl-2021d fails to compile: ld: nistcheck.o: undefined reference to symbol log@@GLIBC_2.29" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926461 - "games-emulation/mednafen-1.32.1 fails to compile: tests.cpp:1389:18: error: comparison between distinct pointer types off_t ()(gzFile) {aka long int ()(gzFile_s)} and off64_t ()(gzFile) {aka long long int ()(gzFile_s)} lacks a cast" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926462 - "games-fps/industri-1.01 fails to compile: glquake.h:36:10: fatal error: glu.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926463 - "games-fps/quakeforge-0.7.2_p20210722-r2 fails tests: FAIL: test-csvf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926464 - "games-fps/red-blue-quake2-0.1-r1 fails to compile: keys.c:243:16: error: implicit declaration of function toupper [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926465 - "games-fps/tenebrae-1.04-r1 fails to compile: cl_main.c:216:17: error: implicit declaration of function R_LoadSkys [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926468 - "games-kids/lletters-0.1.95-r5 fails to compile: lln_window.c:94:31: error: passing argument 1 of strrchr from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926469 - "dev-python/numpy-1.26.4 fails to compile: array_method.c:809:44: error: passing argument 3 of strided_loop from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926470 - "games-emulation/libretro-dosbox-0.0.1_pre20180723 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926471 - "games-emulation/mupen64plus-audio-sdl-2.6.0 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926472 - "games-emulation/mupen64plus-core-2.6.0 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926473 - "games-emulation/mupen64plus-input-sdl-2.6.0 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926474 - "games-emulation/mupen64plus-rsp-hle-2.6.0 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926475 - "games-emulation/mupen64plus-video-glide64mk2-2.6.0 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926476 - "games-emulation/mupen64plus-video-rice-2.6.0 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926477 - "games-emulation/vbam-2.1.9 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926478 - "games-fps/quake2-icculus-0.16.1-r3 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926479 - "games-fps/quake2-icculus-0.16.1-r3 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926480 - "games-fps/turtlearena-0.6.1-r1 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926481 - "games-fps/urbanterror-4.3.4_p20211208 calls commands that do not exist: sh: line 1: unknown-pkg-config: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926490 - "net-mail/queue-fix-1.4-r3 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926492 - "dev-python/kombu-5.3.5 fails tests: TypeError: LockError.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: message" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926499 - "dev-db/mysql-workbench-8.0.36 with libcxx: fatal error: 'tr1/unordered_map' file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926500 - "sci-libs/gdal-3.9.1-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926505 - "[Tracker] Build failures with llvm-core/clang-18" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926510 - "sci-physics/yoda-1.9.10 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926514 - "dev-db/sqlite-3.45.1-r1 fails test - [slibtool] sqlite-src-3450100-abi_x86_64.amd64/.libs/testfixture: error writing "file8": broken pipe" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926517 - "app-i18n/ibus-1.5.29 - emojier.c: error: unknown type name pointer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926518 - "sys-apps/dbus-1.15.8 fails test - tests failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926520 - "sys-libs/libselinux-3.6-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of AUDIT2WHY_2.9 to symbol initaudit2why failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926523 - "media-libs/mesa-24.0.2 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++: fatal error: cannot read spec file libgomp.spec: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926531 - "dev-go/protobuf-go: infinite loop with certain forms of invalid JSON" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:926545 - "sci-electronics/systemc-2.3.4-r2 fails to compile: configure: error: "sorry...architecture not supported"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926552 - "dev-cpp/gtest-1.14.0 fails test - 20 - googletest-filepath-test (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926553 - "app-arch/bzip2-1.0.8-r5 fails test - ./bzip2: error while loading shared libraries: libbz2.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or direc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926596 - "media-gfx/graphite2-1.3.14_p20210810-r3 - /.../ld: cannot find -lfreetype: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926606 - "net-libs/xrootd-5.7.2: keywording request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926610 - "dev-python/consonance-0.1.5: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926623 - "dev-python/scipy-1.13.1 fails tests on ppc64 BE: scipy/ndimage/tests/test_morphology.py::TestNdimageMorphology::test_distance_transform_cdt05[*] - assert 28 == -21" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926627 - "sys-apps/portage: emerge --depclean doesn't uninstall build time dependencies of binary packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926631 - "dev-python/python-distutils-extra-2.47 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926632 - "media-sound/cmusfm-0.5.0 calls commands that do not exist: readme.gentoo_pkg_postinst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926633 - "media-libs/clutter-1.26.4-r1 calls commands that do not exist: [[" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926634 - "sys-apps/fwts-22.03.00 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926635 - "sys-apps/pkgcraft-tools-0.0.14 fails to compile: make LIBTOOL=rlibtool: line 1: exec: make LIBTOOL=rlibtool: not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926636 - "sys-apps/xdg-desktop-portal-1.18.2 fails tests: error: fuse init failed: Cant mount path doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926637 - "sys-auth/pam_u2f-1.3.0 fails to compile: util.c:(.text+0x72): undefined reference to debug_fprintf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926639 - "sys-cluster/corosync-3.1.0 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of COROSYNC_CFG_0.82 to symbol corosync_cfg_administrative_state_get failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926641 - "sys-cluster/torque-6.0.4-r6 fails to compile: alps_reservations.c:566:17: error: cannot initialize a variable of type xmlErrorPtr (aka _xmlError ) with an rvalue of type const xmlError (aka const _xmlError )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926642 - "sys-fs/dmraid-1.0.0_rc16-r7 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of Base to symbol add_dev_to_array failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926643 - "sys-fs/treesize-0.54.1-r1 fails to compile: util.h:42:5: error: expected parameter declarator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926644 - "sys-fs/udisks-2.9.4-r3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926645 - "sys-fs/zfs-2.2.3 fails to compile: zfs_debug.h:92:9: error: dprintf macro redefined [-Werror,-Wmacro-redefined]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926646 - "sys-libs/libfaketime-0.9.10 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of GLIBC_2.2 to symbol timer_gettime failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926647 - "sys-libs/libnbd-1.18.1 fails tests: test-driver: line 112: 9915 Segmentation fault "$@" >> "$log_file" 2>&1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926649 - "sci-libs/openblas-0.3.26 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926653 - "unassigned@gentoo.org bugzilla email address" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:926654 - "app-office/texmaker-6.0.0 version bump: Switch to Qt6 and CMake build system (bonus: add IUSE webengine)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926655 - "<app-text/bibletime-3.1.0 depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926664 - "media-gfx/luminance-hdr depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926665 - "<media-sound/teamspeak-client-5.0.0_beta74 depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926666 - "media-video/jellyfin-media-player depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926667 - "sys-apps/gawk-5.3.0-r1 fails test - Make check failed. See above for details." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926669 - "net-analyzer/nmapsi-0.5_alpha2-r1 depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926670 - "net-im/psi[webengine] depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926671 - "net-im/whatsie depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926672 - "net-misc/fatrat[bittorrent] depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926674 - "net-misc/seafile-client[shibboleth] depends on deprecated dev-qt/qtwebengine:5 - needs 9.0.8 version bump and switch to Qt6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926675 - "sci-electronics/eagle depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926676 - "sci-geosciences/qmapshack-1.17.1 depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926677 - "sci-mathematics/yacas-1.9.1-r1[gui] depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926680 - "media-sound/supercollider-3.13.0[webengine] depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926681 - "media-sound/frescobaldi depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5 via dev-python/PyQtWebEngine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926684 - "dev-python/PyQtWebEngine depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926686 - "dev-python/QtPy[pyqt5,webengine] depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5 via dev-python/PyQtWebEngine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926687 - "<dev-python/spyder-6.0.0 depends on dev-qt/qtwebengine:5 via dev-python/QtPy[pyqt5,webengine]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926693 - "dev-perl/Net-Server-Mail-0.280.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926694 - "net-misc/networkmanager-1.46.0: -flto-partition=none not supported. Disable link-time optimization with -Db_lto=false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926723 - "[guru] net-irc/thelounge-4.4.3 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926728 - "dev-python/geographiclib-2.0 - file collision with sci-geosciences/GeographicLib-1.52-r2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926731 - "dev-libs/libfmt-9.1.0-r1 fails test - 2 - assert-test (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926747 - "media-sound/kid3-3.9.5 fails tests: 1 - test_cli_functions (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926749 - "x11-libs/fox-1.6.57-r3 fails to compile: FXUTF16Codec.cpp:57:3: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926750 - "media-sound/ogmtools-1.5-r3 calls commands that do not exist: CFLAGS+=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926758 - "dev-python/twine-5.0.0 fails tests: FAILED test_package.py::test_pkginfo_returns_no_metadata[unsupported Metadata-Version] - Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class twine.exceptions.InvalidDistribution>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926759 - "sci-libs/openblas-0.3.26 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926762 - "x11-libs/libXt-1.3.0 fails tests: FAIL: Alloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926776 - "dev-libs/xapian-bindings-1.4.25 fails test - # Failed test at ./t/04functions.t line 47." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926778 - "dev-perl/RedisDB-2.570.0 fails test - # Failed test DEBUG ERROR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926788 - "media-gfx/hugin: fix automagic openmp support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926793 - "dev-util/ccache-4.10.1 fails tests on hppa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926797 - "media-libs/intel-mediasdk: removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926798 - "dev-scheme/ypsilon-2.0.8: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926802 - "media-video/mplayer-1.5_p20241125 calls strings directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926804 - "sci-biology/glimmerhmm-3.0.4 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926805 - "sci-biology/glimmerhmm-3.0.4 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926813 - "x11-misc/light-locker-1.9.0-r2 fails to compile: clang: error: unknown argument: -export-dynamic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926815 - "x11-misc/notify-osd-0.9.34-r2 calls commands that do not exist: GNOME_COMMON_INIT - gnome2_icon_savelist - gnome2_icon_cache_update" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926817 - "x11-misc/seetxt-0.72-r1 installs world writable files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926818 - "media-sound/vsound-0.6-r1 calls commands that do not exist: CFLAGS+=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926819 - "media-video/gpac-2.2.1-r1 calls commands that do not exist: [[" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926822 - "media-libs/avidemux-plugins-2.8.1-r2 fails to compile: os_bsd_check.cpp:6:2: error: #error Unable to detect GCC for BSD family" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926835 - "x11-misc/virtualgl-3.1-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol clCreateContext failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926840 - "sci-geosciences/gmt-6.4.0-r1 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926842 - "x11-misc/xsri-2.1.0_p17_p12 calls commands that do not exist: adnl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926863 - "net-print/cups-2.4.10-r1 fails tests on hppa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926868 - "postgres-multi.eclass calls eapply_user after ebuild src_prepare possibly runs autoconf; doesn't handle PATCHES" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926870 - "[Tracker] Build failures with sys-kernel/linux-headers-6.8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926875 - "gnustep-base/libobjc2-2.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926888 - "x11-terms/mlterm-3.9.3-r1 fails to compile: ld.lld: error: version script assignment of mlterm to symbol vt_ctl_bidi_func_table failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926889 - "x11-misc/xaos-3.6 fails to compile: environment: line 2152: dvipdf: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926892 - "sys-cluster/glusterfs-11.1 fails to compile: ld: libglusterfs.so: undefined reference to _uatomic_link_error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926895 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-sources fails to build with LLVM/CLANG >15" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:926943 - "net-misc/networkmanager-1.46.0: fails to establish ipv4 connection: acd pending" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926945 - "media-sound/xmms2-0.9.3-r1 - waf: error: no such option: --notests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926951 - "app-pda/libimobiledevice-1.3.0_p20240201 - Unrecognized configure options:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:926994 - "sci-geosciences/gpsbabel-1.9.0 fails to compile: Relax-NG parser error : xmlRelaxNGParse: could not load docbook.rng" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927004 - "net-libs/libsmi-0.5.0-r5 calls commands that do not exist: ./libtool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927005 - "sys-libs/pkgcraft-0.0.14 fails to compile: thread main panicked at lib.rs:620:31:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927007 - "media-plugins/mpg123-output-plugins-1.32.3 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927008 - "sys-fs/dd-rescue-1.99.13-r1 fails to compile: dd_rescue.c:(.text+0x704): undefined reference to find_nonzero_arm6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927009 - "sys-libs/pwdb-0.62-r2 fails to compile: make: armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-gcc: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927010 - "sys-process/criu-3.19 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927011 - "sci-electronics/fasthenry- calls ranlib directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927029 - "dev-util/devhelp-43.0 fails to compile: FAILED: devhelp-3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927053 - "[guru] app-admin/pass-audit-1.2-r1 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927056 - "dev-python/superqt-0.6.2 fails tests: test_color_combo.py::test_q_color_combobox Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927070 - "net-p2p/automatic-0.9.0 calls commands that do not exist: CFLAGS+=:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927077 - "sci-misc/oww-0.86.5-r1 - mownetu.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to SerialNum" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927090 - "dev-ruby/asciidoctor-2.0.18-r1: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927096 - "sec-keys/openpgp-keys-gentoo-release-20230329: copy of D99EAC7379A850BCE47DA5F29E6438C817072058 is expired" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927105 - "net-analyzer/argus-clients- fails to compile: argus_client.c:4145:104: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927107 - "net-vpn/tinc-1.1_pre18 calls commands that do not exist: CURSES_LIBS+=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927149 - "sci-physics/espresso-4.2.0 fails to compile: dataspace.hpp:52:5: error: template<long unsigned int N> h5xx::dataspace::dataspace(const boost::array<long unsigned int, NumDims>&) cannot be overloaded with template<long unsigned int N> h5xx::dataspace::dat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927157 - "cmake.eclass: pass -DCMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION=OFF" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927161 - "Maintainer: Yuan Liao 'Leo3418' (liaoyuan AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927166 - "sci-astronomy/wcstools-3.9.5 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927167 - "sci-chemistry/chemtool-1.6.14-r1 calls commands that do not exist: LDFLAGS+=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927168 - "x11-libs/xforms-1.2.4-r1 calls commands that do not exist: eval" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927169 - "dev-ruby/httpclient-2.8.3-r3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927170 - "media-libs/avidemux-core-2.8.1-r1 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927171 - "media-gfx/netgen-6.2.2302 fails to compile: table.hpp:106:26: error: redefinition of size_t ngcore::TablePrefixSum(FlatArray<unsigned int, unsigned int>)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927172 - "media-libs/svgalib-1.9.25-r8 fails to compile: wrapdemo.c:629:5: error: return with no value, in function returning non-void [-Wreturn-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927177 - "net-dns/pdns-recursor-5.0.5 fails to compile: lib.rs.h:863:(.text+0x219): undefined reference to rust::cxxbridge1::String::String()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927180 - "app-admin/petrovich-1.0.0-r2 installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927181 - "app-admin/yadm-3.2.2 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927189 - "sci-libs/silo-4.11.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927206 - "media-libs/zmusic: bundles various dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927212 - "media-libs/libdv-1.0.0-r4 fails to compile: dv.c:224:90: error: passing argument 5 of _dv_quant_88_inverse_x86 from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927213 - "media-libs/libfame-0.9.1-r4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927215 - "app-crypt/eid-mw-5.1.15 fails to compile: p11.c:494:96: error: passing argument 5 of C_Sign from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927227 - "net-misc/mikutter-5.0.5 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927232 - "media-libs/opencolorio-2.3.0 fails to compile: CPUInfo.cpp:54: Error: bad register name %rbx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927240 - "games-util/wit-3.05a calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927245 - "gnome-base/gnome-shell needs mutter[screencast] for recording the screen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927253 - "media-libs/sg-1.5 fails to compile: vgl.c:593:15: error: passing argument 3 of XtAppAddTimeOut from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927268 - "www-apps/nanoc-4.12.20 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927275 - "dev-util/autoproject-0.20_p15 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927276 - "dev-texlive/texlive-luatex-2021-r2 fails to compile: env: fmtutil: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927290 - "app-metrics/prometheus-podman-exporter-1.10.1 - vendor/.../btrfs.go: fatal error: btrfs/ioctl.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927297 - "dev-perl/Syntax-Keyword-Try-0.290.0 - Cant locate .../5.38) at Build.PL line 6." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927301 - "sys-apps/portage: wrongly triggers REQUIRED_USE conflicts due to slot operator rebuilds when using --buildpkgonly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927329 - "sci-mathematics/verit-2021.06.2 calls commands that do not exist: CFLAGS+=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927331 - "net-p2p/amule-2.3.3-r3 fails tests: test-driver: line 112: 386 Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927332 - "net-p2p/mldonkey-3.1.7-r4 fails to compile: CryptoPP.cc:9488:6: error: type of cc_lprintf_nl does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927335 - "media-sound/baudline-1.08-r2 fails to fetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927337 - "media-sound/jamin-0.98.9_pre20170111 fails to compile: gtkmeter.c:283:16: error: returning GObject {aka struct _GObject } from a function with incompatible return type GtkWidget {aka struct _GtkWidget } [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927349 - "acct-{user,group}.eclass: use einfo instead of elog for certain informations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927351 - "dev-python/scikit-learn-1.3.2-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927352 - "dev-python/aiosmtpd-1.4.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927355 - "sci-biology/muscle-5.1.0 - x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++: fatal error: cannot read spec file libgomp.spec: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927356 - "media-gfx/wings-2.3: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927359 - "media-libs/mesa-23.3.6 fails tests on arm: mesa:llvmpipe / lp_test_arit: fract.v2(1.40129846e-45): ref = 1.40129846e-45, out = 0, precision = -0.000000 bits, FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927361 - "app-antivirus/clamav-1.0.5 fails tests on arm: AssertionError: assert -7 == 1 where -7 = CmdResult(ec=-7, out='', err='LibClamAV Warning: PNG: Unexpected early end-of-file.\n').ec" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927362 - "app-antivirus/clamav-1.0.5 fails tests on ppc: AssertionError: Expected item `Test.Import.Hash.UNOFFICIAL FOUND` not found in output:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927385 - "app-emulation/virt-manager-4.1.0-r1 fails tests: FAILED test_nodedev.py::testAPQNMdev - AssertionError: assert None == vfio_ap-passthrough" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927390 - "media-tv/kodi-20.3 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927391 - "media-tv/mythtv-33.1-r2 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927392 - "games-emulation/ryujinx-1.1.1221-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927393 - "dev-libs/ivykis-0.43 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927395 - "sys-apps/portage: add a save_summary variant to only save the summary" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927407 - "games-util/gamemode-1.8.1 fails to compile: common-cpu.h:44:9: error: unknown type name cpu_set_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927408 - "media-video/bino-1.6.8 calls commands that do not exist: reduce_relocations - xcb" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927409 - "media-video/popcorntime-bin-0.5.1-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927410 - "media-video/dvdauthor-0.7.2-r3 fails to compile: subgen-image.c:200:22: error: passing argument 1 of GetMagickVersion from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927411 - "media-video/obs-studio-30.1.0 fails to compile: gl-egl-common.c:423:37: error: passing argument 4 of query_dmabuf_modifiers from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927452 - "dev-util/cargo-c-0.9.30 - error: failed to run custom build command for libgit2-sys v0.16.2+1.7.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927454 - "sys-apps/coreutils-9.4-r1 fails test - FAIL: tests/du/long-sloop.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927472 - "<net-vpn/libreswan-4.14: Missing PreSharedKey for connection can cause crash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927480 - "app-laptop/pbbuttonsd-0.8.1a installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927481 - "sys-auth/polkit-pkla-compat-0.1-r2 installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927488 - "media-video/recmpeg-1.0.5 fails to compile: configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927489 - "net-analyzer/ike-scan-1.9.5 fails to compile: configure: error: cannot determine snprintf format string for long long int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927492 - "[guru] app-i18n/fcitx-skk-0.1.4 fails to compile: Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Fcitx"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927509 - "[guru] app-misc/lf-33 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927512 - "[TRACKER] `distutils_enable_tests setup.py` removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927521 - "dev-python/protobuf-python: still uses 'distutils_enable_tests setup.py'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927525 - "media-gfx/mypaint: still uses 'distutils_enable_tests setup.py'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927528 - "sci-geosciences/GeographicLib: still uses 'distutils_enable_tests setup.py'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927535 - "sci-geosciences/gpsbabel-1.9.0: rcc: Unknown option 'no-zstd'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927536 - "www-servers/thin-1.8.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927537 - "sys-fs/erofs-utils-1.7 calls commands that do not exist: CFLAGS+=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927538 - "sys-fs/snapraid-12.2 calls commands that do not exist: [[" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927541 - "mail-client/neomutt-20240201 - Error: Unable to find BerkeleyDB" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927543 - "net-misc/eventd-0.29.0-r2 - plugins/.../meson.build: ERROR: Dependency libpulse-mainloop-glib not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927544 - "The certificate's owner does not match hostname" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927550 - "games-engines/scummvm-tools-2.7.0_p1 - /.../ld: compress.o: undefined reference to symbol vorbis_block_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927551 - "net-dns/knot: some OpenRC service script improvements" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927556 - "x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.41 fails test - .../ check-icon-names FAIL 0.32s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927563 - "games-util/minigalaxy::guru: needs to use PEP517 build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927570 - "app-admin/calamares-3.3.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927573 - "dev-libs/dqlite-1.16.4-r1 fails test - FAIL: integration-test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927574 - "dev-lang/ruby-3.1.4-r5 fails test - sh:line <snip>: ruby: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927577 - "app-office/libreoffice-bin- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927578 - "app-shells/hstr-2.6 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927579 - "app-text/blogc-0.20.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927580 - "www-apache/mod_security-2.9.7 fails to compile: configure: error: pcre2 library is required" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927581 - "sys-process/procenv-0.51-r1 calls commands that do not exist: procenv:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927582 - "www-apache/mod_nss-1.0.18 calls commands that do not exist: CFLAGS+=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927584 - "sci-libs/exodusii-6.09-r1 fails tests: 1 - ExoIICTests (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927589 - "net-im/whatsapp-desktop-bin-0.5.2-r4 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927591 - "dev-perl/Unicode-UTF8-0.620.0-r1 fails tests (on 32-bit?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927640 - "app-portage/gentoolkit unable to identify which package files belongs to after merge-usr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927642 - "dev-libs/tree-sitter-gleam-0.33.0 fails test - Test suite failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927643 - "dev-db/mariadb-connector-c-3.3.8 fails test - 12 - ps_bugs (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927644 - "net-misc/httpstat-1.3.1-r1 fails test - Tests failed with python3.11" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927647 - "app-metrics/prometheus-podman-exporter-1.11.0 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927665 - "app-portage/genlop-0.30.12: several "Use of uninitialized value " when using -c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927667 - "net-fs/mc-2021. fails test - /.../sh:line <snip>: .../golangci-lint: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927668 - "net-analyzer/netdata-1.45.0 - ninja error: .../libbpf.a, needed by debugfs.plugin, missing and no known rule to make it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927671 - "app-text/simple-fb2-reader-1.1.3 fails to compile: auto_scroll_callback.c:7:85: error: passing argument 1 of gtk_menu_item_get_submenu from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927676 - "net-misc/asterisk-g729- installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927677 - "net-misc/asterisk-opus- installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927678 - "sci-mathematics/calc- installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927679 - "net-mail/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2-r1 fails to compile: getconfopt.h:46:43: error: initialization of const char from incompatible pointer type char [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927680 - "net-mail/smtptools-0.2.3-r1 fails to compile: logmsg.c:21:51: error: passing argument 3 of uoio_assign_w from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927681 - "net-mail/vpopmail-5.4.33-r9 fails to compile: vdelivermail.c:936:18: error: passing argument 2 of execv from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927684 - "dev-python/h5py-3.10.0-r1 fails to compile: defs.c:14832:85: error: passing argument 4 of H5Dread_chunk from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927686 - "media-libs/babl-0.1.108 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927706 - "dev-haskell/crypton-x509-validation-1.6.12 fails test - valid: Test suite test-x509-validation: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927711 - "dev-python/xarray-2024.2.0 fails tests on 32-bit: test_array_repr_dtypes_unix, TestDataset::test_repr_multiindex, TestDataArray::test_repr_multiindex, TestDataArray::test_repr_multiindex_long" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927713 - "app-accessibility/emacspeak-56.0-r1 - emacspeak-proced.el: Error: Misplaced t or otherwise clause" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927729 - "media-gfx/shotwell-0.32.4 fails to compile: ld: libportal-gtk3.so: undefined reference to gdk_wayland_window_unexport_handle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927766 - "app-arch/lrzip-0.651: "Unable to allocate enough memory for operation" on 32-bit architectures (was: app-arch/libarchive-3.7.2-r2 fails tests)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927778 - "x11-misc/e16menuedit2-0.0.3-r1 calls commands that do not exist: != - no" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927780 - "net-misc/nx- fails to compile: i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: error: MesaTnlAsmSrcs: linker input file not found: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927781 - "net-misc/nxplayer- fails to compile: tar: This does not look like a tar archive" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927782 - "net-p2p/deluge-2.1.1-r4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927784 - "net-misc/puf-1.0.0-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927785 - "net-misc/tipcutils-3.0.6 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927786 - "net-p2p/go-ethereum-1.14.8 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927787 - "net-p2p/mldonkey-3.2.1 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927794 - "net-print/cndrvcups-lb-3.70 fails to compile: execjob.c:1154:108: error: passing argument 3 of add_param_int makes integer from pointer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927805 - "[guru] dev-python/asgi-lifespan-2.1.0 fails tests: | AssertionError: assert lifespan == http" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927810 - "net-print/hplip-plugin-3.24.4 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927816 - "media-libs/tiff-compat-4.4.0-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927824 - "net-proxy/rejik-3.2.11 fails to compile: ld: cannot find pass.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927826 - "sys-boot/grub-2.12-r2 fails to build on x32 (grub/efi/api.h:1117:3: error: X32 does not support ‘ms_abi’ attribute)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927829 - "net-libs/liblockfile-1.17 fails test - make: [Makefile:<snip>: test-stamp] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927831 - "emerge --emptytree does not play nicely with --keep-going" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927836 - "media-video/obs-studio-30.1.1 stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927847 - "[guru] gui-apps/riverguile-0.1.0 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927851 - "dev-erlang/pkix-1.0.9 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927852 - "dev-erlang/sqlite3-1.1.14 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927860 - "app-accessibility/speechd-el-2.11 - Error: native-lisp-load-failed (/var/tmp/portage/app-accessibility/speechd-el-2.11/homedir/.emacs.d/eln-cache/29.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927865 - "net-wireless/libxtrxdsp-0.0_p20200830 fails to compile: ld: libxtrxdsp.so.0.0.1: undefined reference to xtrxdsp_iq16_ic16i_avx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927866 - "sci-astronomy/cpl-7.3.2 fails to compile: cpl_mask.c:55:26: error: implicit declaration of function _m_from_int64 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927867 - "sci-biology/embassy-topo-2.0.660-r1 fails to compile: topo.c:1900:33: error: passing argument 2 of ajGraphicsDrawsetPoly from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927868 - "sci-biology/gmap-2020.10.27 fails to compile: genome128_hr.c:3782:12: error: implicit declaration of function _mm256_extract_epi64 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927869 - "sci-biology/mcl-14.137 fails to compile: mcxquery.c:1237:58: error: passing argument 4 of get_cls_id from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927870 - "sci-astronomy/cdsclient-3.8.4-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927871 - "sci-biology/glimmerhmm-3.0.4 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927873 - "sci-libs/htslib-1.17 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927874 - "x11-terms/tilda-1.5.4 calls commands that do not exist: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927875 - "sys-apps/dnotify-0.18.0-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927879 - "[guru] dev-util/haredo-1.0.2 fails to compile: main.ha:231:1: syntax error: Unknown attribute @noreturn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927884 - "[guru] games-util/samrewritten-202008 fails to compile: Achievement.h:54:5: error: uint64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927886 - "media-libs/vidstab-1.1.1-r1 fails tests: tests.c:78: error: invalid use of void expression" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927894 - "sci-chemistry/autodock_vina-1.2.5 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927901 - "sci-chemistry/modeller-10.5 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927915 - "dev-python/cysignals-1.11.4: segmentation fault in tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927916 - "sys-apps/coreutils-9.4-r1 fails test - locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927933 - "dev-libs/apr-1.7.5 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927935 - "dev-python/leechcorepyc-2.18.7 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927936 - "x11-themes/fedora-backgrounds-38.1.1 calls commands that do not exist: pngquant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927937 - "sys-fs/go-mtpfs-1.0.0 fails to compile: collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata.str1.1' can not be used when making a PIE object; recompile with -fPIE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927938 - "sys-auth/pam_smb-2.0.0_rc6-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927939 - "sys-boot/makebootfat-1.4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927940 - "sys-fs/autorun-3.17 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927943 - "dev-ruby/faker-3.2.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927944 - "dev-ruby/hitimes-2.0.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927945 - "sci-geosciences/foxtrotgps-1.2.2-r1 fails to compile: main.c:212:30: error: passing argument 1 of gtk_label_set_label from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927950 - "dev-python/leechcorepyc-2.18.0: randomly installs more files ?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927963 - "media-sound/whipper-0.10.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927967 - "dev-python/pmw-2.1.1 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927969 - "media-tv/tvheadend-4.3_p20240618 fails to compile: checking for cc execinfo.h .. fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927973 - "sys-libs/glibc-2.39-r2 fails test with -march=znver4 (FAIL: elf/tst-shstk-legacy-1g)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927974 - "dev-util/colm-0.14.7-r3 - [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -lcolm: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927975 - "x11-base/xorg-server-21.1.11 fails test - 3/6 xserver / unit FAIL 0.12s (exit status 255 or signal 127 SIGinvalid)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927988 - "[guru] sys-boot/mkusb-23.2.0 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:927994 - "dev-libs/glib rebuilt before dev-util/sysprof-capture; causing LTO problems" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928015 - "www-client/epiphany-44.6 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928017 - "sci-libs/trilinos-15.0.0 fails to compile: Tpetra_Distributor.hpp:829:34: error: static assertion failed: Tpetra::Distributor::computeSends: sizeof(size_t) < sizeof(OrdinalType)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928019 - "sci-libs/dmlc-core-0.5 fails to compile: recordio_test.cc:32:24: error: no matching function for call to max(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>::size_type, long unsigned int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928021 - "sci-libs/coinor-alps-1.5.7 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928022 - "sci-libs/coinor-bcps-0.94.5 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928023 - "sci-libs/coinor-blis-0.94.8 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928024 - "sci-libs/coinor-bonmin-1.8.8 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928025 - "sci-libs/coinor-couenne-0.5.8-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928026 - "sci-libs/coinor-dip-0.95.0-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928027 - "sci-libs/coinor-mp-1.8.4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928029 - "sci-libs/coinor-symphony-5.6.17 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928030 - "media-video/dvgrab-3.5-r2 fails to compile: io.c:165:24: error: storage size of tv isnt known" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928031 - "media-video/guvcview-2.1.0 fails to compile: gviewv4l2core.h:36:14: error: expected ; before typedef" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928033 - "[guru] app-portage/showbuild-0.9.1-r1 fails to compile: The source directory files doesnt exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928040 - "dev-ruby/ruby_smb-3.2.5 fails tests: LoadError: cannot load such file rake_task" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928047 - "[guru] dev-libs/zfp-1.0.1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928048 - "sci-libs/libint-2.9.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928054 - "sci-libs/numkit-1.2.3 fails tests: ImportError: cannot import name Tester from numpy.testing __init__.py)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928057 - "sci-libs/pastix-6.0.3 fails to compile: Could NOT find CBLAS (missing: CBLAS_WORKS)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928064 - "sci-biology/yass-1.14-r3 - /.../ld: final link failed: bad value" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928081 - "sys-cluster/legion-23.03.0 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928086 - "[guru] gui-apps/wlopm-0.1.0 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928092 - "sci-libs/volk-3.1.0 fails tests: 108 - qa_volk_32fc_x2_conjugate_dot_prod_32fc (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928094 - "sci-mathematics/libpoly-0.1.11 fails to compile: polypyPolynomial3.c:260:5: error: initialization of Py_hash_t ()(PyObject ) {aka int ()(struct _object )} from incompatible pointer type long int ()(PyObject ) {aka long int ()(struct _object )} [-Wincompa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928095 - "sci-mathematics/opensmt-2.5.2 fails to compile: Polynomial.h:183:15: error: no declaration matches long unsigned int PolynomialT<VarType>::size() const" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928096 - "app-text/texlive-core-2023-r10 fails to compile: pdftexini.c:4015:25: error: assignment to boolean {aka int } from incompatible pointer type internalfontnumber {aka long int } [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] (32bit arches)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928097 - "sci-mathematics/vampire-4.8 fails to compile: Portability.hpp:23:20: error: static assertion failed: Vampire assumes that the size of a pointer is 8 bytes for efficiency reasons This may be relaxed in future, but for the moment expect problems if running" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928098 - "sci-mathematics/yafu-1.34.3-r1 fails to compile: med_sieve_32k.c:114:9: error: _INIT_SSE2_SMALL_PRIME_SIEVE undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928099 - "sci-physics/root-6.30.04-r1 fails to compile: ld: error: libclangCodeGen.a(CGStmtOpenMP.cpp.o)(.text._ZL28emitOutlinedFunctionPrologueRN5clang7CodeGen15CodeGenFunctionERNS0_15FunctionArgListERN4llvm9MapVectorIPKNS_4DeclESt4pairIPKNS_7VarDeclENS0_7Address" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928101 - "sci-mathematics/coq-8.20.0 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928110 - "dev-util/flatpak-builder-1.4.3 :version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928113 - "net-mail/mboxgrep-0.7.9-r3 - /.../ld: final link failed: bad value" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928117 - "sci-physics/thepeg-2.2.3-r1 fails to compile: Unitsystem.h:163:49: error: return type ThePEG::Units::Length {aka class ThePEG::Qty<std::ratio<1, 1>, std::ratio<0>, std::ratio<0> >} is incomplete" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928118 - "net-libs/rustls-ffi-0.12.1-r2 fails to compile: Error: CliError { error: Some(cannot produce cdylib for rustls-ffi v0.12.1 rustls-ffi-0.12.1-abi_x86_64.amd64) as the target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl does not support these crate types), exit_code: 101 }" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928121 - "<app-containers/apptainer-1.3.0: two DoS vulnerabilities in the bundled library jose" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928125 - "sci-physics/yoda-1.9.5 calls commands that do not exist: -c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928127 - "sci-libs/vtk: fails tests with: Loguru caught a signal: SIGFPE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928131 - "www-servers/nginx-1.25.3: consider using upstream default limits" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928143 - "app-admin/mcelog-198:0 -- ‘cputype’ has an incomplete type ‘enum cputype’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928153 - "media-gfx/openvdb-11.0.0 - SANDBOX ACCESS VIOLATION - /proc/self/task/109/comm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928156 - "dev-python/pipx-1.5.0 fails tests: FAILED test_install.py::test_name_tricky_characters[tox-ini-fmt-tox-ini-fmt==0.5.0] - assert installed package tox-ini-fmt in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928229 - "dev-python/mkdocstrings-python: blocks on <dev-python/markdown-3.6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928232 - "net-analyzer/ospd-openvas, net-analyzer/notus-scanner: block on <dev-python/packaging-{24,24.1}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928247 - "dev-perl/Image-Sane-5.0.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928248 - "dev-perl/Log-Log4perl-1.570.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928250 - "sys-apps/busybox-1.36.1-r2 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928252 - "x11-terms/wezterm-20240203.110809 fails to compile: warning: cairo-sys-rs@0.18.0: cairo-tor-scan-converter.c:660:6: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928253 - "[guru] dev-python/decopatch-1.4.10 fails tests: AttributeError: MiniMetafunc object has no attribute _arg2fixturedefs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928254 - "[guru] dev-python/graphene-3.2.2 fails tests: FAILED test_custom_global_id.py::TestUUIDGlobalID::test_str_schema_correct - AttributeError: TestUUIDGlobalID object has no attribute schema" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928257 - "[guru] dev-python/pg8000-1.29.4 fails tests: FAILED test_copy.py::test_copy_from_with_error - AssertionError: assert pg_strtoint32_safe in (pg_atoi, pg_strtoint32)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928259 - "[guru] dev-python/pymemcache-4.0.0 fails tests: FAILED test_compression.py::test_bench_compress_set_strings[none] - ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928262 - "[guru] dev-python/pytest-syrupy-4.0.0 fails tests: FAILED test_file.py::test_passed_custom - assert [- snapshot] == [+ received]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928264 - "[guru] games-emulation/np2kai-22_p20210211 fails to compile: amd98.c:475:32: error: passing argument 2 of iocore_attachout from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928265 - "[guru] dev-python/scramp-1.4.4 installs python packages with invalid/suspicious names or versions in the site-packages directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928269 - "games-misc/opengfx-7.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928291 - "Maintainer: Bill Prendergast (dek.devel AT baisenvar.info)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928292 - "Maintainer: Matthew White (mehw.is.me AT inventati.org)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928302 - "dev-util/kdstatemachineeditor-1.2.8 - /.../gvutils.cpp: error: TRUE was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928310 - "dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit-12.6.1 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928314 - "sys-boot/cromwell-2.40-r3 fails to compile: xbox.c:47:17: error: implicit declaration of function printk [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928315 - "sys-boot/elilo-3.16-r5 fails to compile: netfs.c:366:36: error: passing argument 5 of nfs->pxe->Mtftp from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928316 - "sys-cluster/drbd-utils-9.27.0 fails to compile: OSError: [Errno 40] Too many levels of symbolic links: drbdsetup-84" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928317 - "sys-cluster/mpich-3.4.3 fails tests: FAIL: test_double_serializer.test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928318 - "sys-cluster/ucx-1.13.1 fails to compile: bistro.h:24:4: error: #error Unsupported architecture" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928319 - "llvm-core/lld-16.0.6 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928321 - "[guru] media-gfx/gephi-bin-0.10.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928322 - "[guru] media-gfx/gephi-bin-0.10.1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928323 - "[guru] media-gfx/gephi-bin-0.10.1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928328 - "[guru] net-misc/openbgpd-8.6 installs empty directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928333 - "dev-python/cryptography-42.0.5 crashes on loong when built with dev-lang/rust" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928337 - "sys-apps/gawk-5.3.0-r1: fails when trying to install files to /usr/lib/modules even with no files for that path" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928343 - "app-misc/ddcutil installs the same files in both /lib/udev/rules.d/ and /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/ on split-usr profile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928346 - "cmake.eclass: export CMAKE_BUILD_PARALLEL_LEVEL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928351 - "media-libs/ctl-1.5.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928356 - "dev-python/asgiref-3.8.1 fails tests: FAILED test_sync.py::test_inner_shield_sync_and_async_middleware - assert not True" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928359 - "sys-fs/safecopy-1.7-r1 fails to compile: simulatorlb.c:(.text+0x86e): undefined reference to __stack_chk_fail_local" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928362 - "net-misc/apt-cacher-ng-3.7.4_p1-r2 fails to compile: acfg.cc:64:16: error: variable acng::cfg::timeval acng::cfg::furtherConTimeout has initializer but incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928363 - "net-misc/clusterssh-4.16 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928364 - "net-p2p/syncthing-1.27.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928367 - "[guru] sci-electronics/verilator-5.022 fails to compile: %Error: Internal Error: attempted to destroy locked Thread Pool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928370 - "[guru] www-apps/gotosocial-0.10.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928383 - "www-apps/postfixadmin: php[imap] is going away" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928385 - "www-apps/davical: php[imap] is going away" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928391 - "<dev-python/pillow-10.3.0: buffer overflow in _imagingcms.c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928392 - "x11-plugins/gkrellsun-1.0.0-r5 - !!! doexe: src20/gkrellsun.so does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928400 - "sys-apps/portage: unresoived libfreetype.so soname dependency when libfreetype.so is a symlink pointing to libfreetype.so.6.20.1 (for dev-java/openjdk-bin-21.0.2_p13)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928405 - "dev-libs/raft-0.22.1 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928407 - "sys-cluster/ceph-19.2.0-r1 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928413 - "sys-power/athcool-0.3.12 fails to compile: test.c:(.text.startup+0x31): undefined reference to pacc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928414 - "www-apps/nextcloud-notify_push-0.6.9 fails to compile: error: linking with cc failed: exit status: 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928415 - "www-servers/kore-4.2.3 fails to compile: seccomp.h:40:18: error: SYS_newfstatat undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928418 - "dev-python/jaraco-test-5.4.0 fails tests: FAILED cpython.py::test.cpython" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928435 - "[guru] app-text/pandoc-crossref-bin- does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928436 - "[guru] app-text/pandoc-crossref-bin- installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928437 - "sci-mathematics/verifpal-0.27.0 fails tests: panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928455 - "sys-libs/timezone-data-2024a-r1 fails test - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928478 - "dev-vcs/vcsh: rekeywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928479 - "dev-libs/libindicate-12.10.1-r4 fails tests: listener.h:34:10: fatal error: gdk-pixbuf.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928480 - "[guru] media-video/walksnail-osd-tool-0.3.0 fails to compile: The system library atk required by crate atk-sys was not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928483 - "dev-python/mecab-python-0.996-r1 fails tests: python3.10: typeobject.c:4421: excess_args: Assertion PyTuple_Check(args) failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928484 - "dev-python/openpyxl-3.1.2 fails tests: FAILED test_drawing.py::TestDrawing::test_ctor - AttributeError: TestDrawing object has no attribute drawing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928488 - "sys-libs/db-6.0.35-r5 - /.../atomic.h: error: too few arguments provided to function-like macro invocation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928498 - "dev-python/pytest-mpl: version bump, need to deal with tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928500 - "dev-python/rpy: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928502 - "dev-python/thrift: version bump, unexplained test restriction" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928510 - "dev-python/pulsectl-asyncio-1.1.1 fails tests: FAILED test_async_with_dummy_instance.py::AsyncDummyTests::test_get_peak_sample - AssertionError: 0.0 not greater than 0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928518 - "sys-fs/zfs-2.2.3 fails to compile: zpool_vdev_os.c:441:29: error: calloc sizes specified with sizeof in the earlier argument and not in the later argument [-Werror=calloc-transposed-args]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928521 - "media-plugins/vdr-rpihddevice-1.0.5 fails to compile: vgplatform.h:69:10: fatal error: khrplatform.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928526 - "net-fs/nfs-utils: Service files explicitly depend on nfsv3's nfs-server.service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928527 - "sys-devel/gcc-13.2.1_p20240210 - make[3]: No rule to make target gcc-13.2.1_p20240210, needed by .../cc1gm2. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928532 - "<net-libs/nodejs-{18.20.1,20.12.1}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928538 - "[TRACKER] HTTP/2 CONTINUATION frames can be utilized for DoS attacks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928561 - "dev-python/pyopengl-3.1.7-r1 fails tests: test_core.py::TestCore::test_arbwindowpos Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928562 - "dev-python/pysimdjson-6.0.2 fails tests: FAILED test_minefield.py::test_parsing - RuntimeError: BIGINT_ERROR: Big integer value that cannot be represented us.." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928563 - "dev-python/pytest-system-statistics-1.0.2-r2 fails tests: FAILED test_syststats.py::test_basic_sys_stats_uss - Failed: nomatch: PASSED" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928564 - "dev-python/python-glanceclient-4.5.0 fails tests: ERROR: test_download_has_no_stray_output_to_stdout (test_shell.ShellTestRequests)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928565 - "x11-plugins/wmbatteries-0.1.3-r1 fails to compile: main.c:132:8: error: type defaults to int in declaration of number_of_batteries [-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928567 - "sys-apps/lsd-1.1.2 fails tests: assertion left == right failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928568 - "sys-apps/plocate-1.1.22 fails to compile: stat.h:56:8: error: redefinition of struct statx_timestamp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928570 - "sys-apps/syd-3.15.6 fails to compile: error: failed to run custom build command for serde v1.0.197" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928583 - "sys-fs/mdadm-4.3 fails to compile: util.c:1031:29: error: NAME_MAX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928586 - "dev-libs/efl-1.27.0 - ../.../eina_file_posix.c: error: struct stat has no member named st_mtimensec" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928587 - "media-sound/zynaddsubfx-3.0.6-r2 - /.../ld: cannot find -lGL: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928588 - "sys-fs/mdadm-4.3 - util.c: error: NAME_MAX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928600 - "dev-python/scikit-image-0.23.0_rc2 fails tests with weird FP non-equality" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928604 - "gui-libs/wlroots: message about input group in pkg_postinst is obsolete" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928609 - "x11-wm/page-1.9.10-r1 fails to compile: renderable_fadeout_pixmap.cxx:64:55: error: call of overloaded time64_t(long int) is ambiguous" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928610 - "x11-wm/treewm-0.4.5-r2 fails to compile: client.h:46:32: error: narrowing conversion of -2147483648 from long int to long unsigned int [-Wnarrowing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928612 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxxabi-18.1.8 fails to compile: <command line>:5:9: error: _LIBCPP_HARDENING_MODE macro redefined [-Werror,-Wmacro-redefined]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928614 - "dev-python/tavern-2.10.1 fails tests: FAILED test_mqtt.py::test_host_required - TypeError: Client.__init__() missing 1 required positional argument: callb.." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928622 - "www-apps/jackett-bin-0.21.2146 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928623 - "www-apps/lidarr-bin- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928624 - "www-apps/prowlarr-bin- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928625 - "www-apps/radarr-bin- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928626 - "www-apps/readarr-bin- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928627 - "games-strategy/ja2-stracciatella-0.21.0 fails to compile: util_libc.rs:117:(.text._ZN9getrandom9getrandom17h056e21e14da38d0fE+0x1c5): undefined reference to open64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928637 - "app-arch/lzma-23.01: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928647 - "[guru] app-editors/neovide-0.12.2 fails to compile: error: could not compile skia-bindings (lib) due to 17 previous errors - error[E0412]: cannot find type GrGLFormat in the crate root" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928655 - "dev-util/difftastic-0.57.0 fails tests: error: test failed, to rerun pass --test cli - thread walk_hidden_items panicked at function.rs:250:5:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928658 - "llvm-core/clang doesn't show the same behaviour of libclang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928726 - "dev-libs/cdk-20230201-r1: stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928745 - "dev-db/sqlite-3.45.2 - clang: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928749 - "sys-libs/nss_wrapper: please keyword on s390" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928751 - "sys-devel/gcc-13.2.1_p20240210 - /.../_locale: error: _abi_tag_ attribute only applies to structs, variables, functions, and namespaces" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928768 - "dev-ruby/hoe-4.2.0 fails tests: NoMethodError: undefined method verbose" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928770 - "dev-ruby/liquid-c-4.2.0 fails tests: Message: <Liquid error: Invalid template encoding>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928849 - "www-apps/sonarr-bin- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928851 - "x11-misc/viewglob-2.0.4-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928853 - "sci-libs/octomap-1.9.8 fails to compile: OcTreeBase.h:46:21: error: template-id not allowed for constructor in C++20 [-Werror=template-id-cdtor]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928854 - "enable compression support for JSON responses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928855 - "dev-lang/python-3.11.9 - Python/ceval_gil.h: warning: a function declaration without a prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928864 - "dev-ruby/maildir-2.2.3-r1 fails tests: NoMethodError: undefined method exists? for FakeFS::File:Class" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928869 - "sys-apps/portage: install-qa-check.d/60bash-completion warns about git subcommand completion file from dev-vcs/git-machete" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928874 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.2.8 - ERROR: dev-lang/ghc-9.2.8::gentoo failed (setup phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928875 - "dev-util/hip-5.7.1-r2 - /.../os.hpp: error: _cpu_mask was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928877 - "net-misc/arpsponge-3.17.11-r1 - Compilation failed in require at ../lib/M6/ARP/Sponge.pm line 42." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928878 - "net-misc/networkmanager-1.46.0-r1: QA Notice: Unresolved soname dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:QA
- Bug:928883 - "dev-ruby/redis-4.8.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928892 - "dev-libs/libdex-0.4.3 - dex-fiber.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to getcontext" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928910 - "sci-libs/hdf: update to hdf 4.3.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928911 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-bad-1.22.11-r1 fails tests: 20 elements_mxfdemux FAIL 0.24s exit status 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928916 - "dev-ruby/ruby-filemagic-0.7.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928924 - "sys-apps/the_silver_searcher-2.2.0_p20201217-r3 fails to compile: zfile.c:473:1: error: conflicting types for zfile_seek; have int(void , off_t , int) {aka int(void , long int , int)}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928930 - "net-libs/czmq-4.2.1 passed test suite but did not execute any tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928931 - "app-forensics/yara-4.4.0 fails tests: test-driver: line 112: 1537 Aborted $@ >> $log_file 2>&1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928937 - "net-mail/fetchmail-6.4.38 - configure: error: could not find libsocks which is needed for built-in SOCKS support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928939 - "sci-electronics/magic-8.3.365 - 1633 | efReadError(Subscript syntax error\n);" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928941 - "media-plugins/dragonfly-reverb-plugins-3.2.10 - src/pugl.cpp: fatal error: cairo-xlib.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928944 - "app-admin/clsync-0.4.5 - configure: error: in /.../clsync-0.4.5:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928947 - "dev-java/snappy- - ld.lld: error: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 cannot be used against symbol vtable for std::logic_error; recompile with -fPIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928949 - "media-plugins/dragonfly-reverb-plugins-3.2.10 - src/pugl.cpp: fatal error: cairo-xlib.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928950 - "sci-misc/apertium-3.8.3 - ../.../perceptron_spec.h: error: no template named unary_function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928959 - "Maintainer: Aliaksei 'jamim' Urbanski (aliaksei.urbanski AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928964 - "dev-python/pdm-2.13.3 fails tests: FAILED test_project.py::test_project_packages_path - AssertionError: assert 3.12 == 3.10" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928965 - "dev-scheme/guile-gi-0.3.2-r2 fails tests: make: [Makefile:2063: value.log] Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928966 - "dev-tex/ivritex-1.1.2 fails to compile: ! LaTeX Error: File hypdoc.sty not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928967 - "dev-tex/rubber-1.6.0-r1 fails tests: error: Stopping because of compilation errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928969 - "app-misc/ddcutil-2.1.4 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928971 - "app-misc/liquidctl-1.12.1 fails tests: FAILED test_kraken3.py::test_krakenz3_not_totally_broken - AssertionError: Bulk write failed, wrong data for mode: gif, data index: 0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928976 - "dev-libs/libgnt-2.14.3 - ../.../gntwm.c: error: invalid use of incomplete typedef PANEL {aka struct panel}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928981 - "net-misc/connman-json-client-1.0_p20150721-r2 - renderers.c: error: invalid use of incomplete typedef ITEM {aka struct tagITEM}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928982 - "dev-libs/OpenNI- - ../.../LinuxDebug.cpp: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928984 - "dev-python/deepdiff-7.0.1 fails tests: FAILED test_delta.py::TestDeltaCompareFunc::test_list_of_alphabet_and_its_delta - TypeError: deepdiff.helper.Opcode() argument after must be a mapping, no.." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928986 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.11.7 fails to compile: my_global.h:384:18: error: size of array compile_time_assert is negative" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928987 - "dev-dotnet/dotnet-sdk-8.0.102 : does not respect -j4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:928999 - "sci-mathematics/gfan-0.6.2-r4 - /.../mathcalls.h: error: redeclaration of _if with a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929015 - "mail-filter/spamprobe-1.4d-r3 - ../.../LRUCache.h: error: no template named binary_function;" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929016 - "mail-filter/policyd-1.82-r4 - ld.lld: error: .../clang_rt.crtbegin-x86_64.o:(.text+<snip>): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 out of range: 3680298533 is not i" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929022 - "sys-auth/pam_dotfile-0.7-r2 - clang-18clang-18: : error: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929023 - "mail-filter/policyd-1.82-r4 - collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929026 - "app-shells/thefuck-3.32-r1 fails tests: FAILED test_utils.py::TestGetValidHistoryWithoutCurrent::test_get_valid_history_without_current[le cat-result0] - AssertionError: assert [ls cat, diff x] == [ls cat, diff x, café ô]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929034 - "net-analyzer/speedtest++-0.0.20210829 (v1.14) abnormal termination with std::invalid_argument in stof" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929042 - "app-text/blahtexml-1.0 fails to compile: ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929044 - "dev-libs/rocr-runtime-5.3.3-r1 fails to compile: No LLVM slot <= 15 satisfying the packages dependencies found installed!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929045 - "<dev-lang/python-{3.11.9,3.12.3}, <dev-python/pypy3_{9,10}-7.3.16: concurrency issues in collections.deque.index() and certificate store access in ssl module" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929058 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-2.1 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929059 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-2.1 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929060 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-2.1 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929061 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-2.1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929062 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-bin-2.1 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929070 - "sys-fs/f2fs-tools-1.16.0-r1 - [slibtool] [clang] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_link_create_library(), line 367: flow error: unexpected condition or other." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929072 - "dev-util/wachy-0.1.0_alpha6-r1 - wachy.fa6feb1fd05c5f15-cgu.02:(<snip>) undefined reference to open64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929073 - "dev-libs/libjwt-1.15.3 - [slibtool] [clang] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_link_create_executable(), line 246: flow error: unexpected condition or other." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929075 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.2.8 - [slibtool] [clang] ld: error: relocation R_X86_64_32S cannot be used against symbol ghcizm9zi2zi8_GHCiziMessage_QFail_con_info; recompile with -fPIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929076 - "dev-lang/qore-1.19.2 - checking for zlib libraries and header files... configure: error: no zlib library found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929082 - "dev-perl/Compiler-Lexer-0.230.0 - src/.../Compiler_double_charactor_operator.cpp: error: ISO C++17" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929083 - "dev-util/wachy-0.1.0_alpha6-r1 - !!! Couldnt download rustc-demangle-0.1.21.crate. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929084 - "dev-ruby/grpc-1.59.2 - 175:third_party/.../internal.h34::1194 :warning: 68unused: parameterwarning: min" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929085 - "net-print/dymo-cups-drivers-1.4.0-r2 - ../.../CupsFilter.h: error: use of undeclared identifier H" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929086 - "sys-apps/apparmor-3.1.4 - clang++: clang++: error: error: unknown argument: -flto-partition=noneunknown argument: -flto-partition=none" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929090 - "dev-perl/OpenGL-GLUT-0.720.0 - [slibtool] [clang] ld.lld: error: .../crti.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929091 - "media-libs/osl- - ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol test_shade failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929092 - "app-crypt/princeprocessor-0.22-r1 - Failed to run command: clang -W -Wall -std=c99 -O3 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -Werror=implicit-fun" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929093 - "media-gfx/yafaray-3.5.1-r4 - /.../imagesplitter.cc: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929095 - "dev-libs/xerces-c-3.2.4-r2 - FAILED: .../XercesMessages_en_US.cat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929096 - "app-misc/ddcutil-2.1.4 - i2c_strategy_dispatcher.c: error: expression which evaluates to zero" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929097 - "app-arch/lha-114i_p20210328 - configure: error: in /.../lha-26950220c9c7590fd603ecaa54a12a52371affed:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929098 - "sci-libs/spqr-2.0.9-r4 - failed to emerge with USE=doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929101 - "net-misc/connman-json-client-1.0_p20150721-r2: crash if WiFi SSID contains unicode characters" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929122 - "dev-vcs/mercurial-6.7.2 - getrandom.c3a677241ddeca11-cgu.0:(<snip>) undefined reference to open64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929123 - "dev-lang/crystal-1.12.0 - ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: _pthread_register_cancel" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929131 - "sys-libs/pkgcraft-0.0.14 - 915 | test_syntax_error (_(syntax error: %s unexpected), argv[pos]);" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929132 - "dev-util/bugbite-cli-0.0.8 [static] fails to compile on x86: encode.rs:500:(.text._ZN9toml_edit6encode11to_f64_repr17hbd2940451da785a9E+0x1f0): undefined reference to fmod" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:929133 - "net-mail/dovecot: make lzma support optional (USE=lzma)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929140 - "games-board/blokish: treeclean request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929194 - "dev-ruby/nokogiri-1.15.5 fails tests: Expected "2:1: FATAL: Premature end of data in tag foo line 1" to include "FATAL: Extra content at the end of the document"." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929197 - "<llvm-core/llvm-18: x11-wm/mutter-45.5 fails tests on loong: LLVM ERROR: Cannot select In function: fs_variant_partial" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929208 - "<dev-python/idna-3.7: potential DoS via resource consumption via specially crafted inputs to idna.encode()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929228 - "llvm-core/clang-18.1.3 crashes building ncnn (was: dev-libs/ncnn-20240410 - [clang] fatal error: error in backend: Cannot select: <snip>: v32bf16 = insert_subvector <snip>, <snip>, Constant:i64<16>)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929232 - "app-text/yodl-4.03.00 - [clang] stringvformat.c: error: array type va_list (aka _builtin_va_list) is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929236 - "media-libs/libvpl-2.10.2 - [clang] /.../base_allocator.h: error: no template named binary_function in namespace std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929237 - "games-puzzle/bastet-0.43.2 - [clang] BastetBlockChooser.cpp: error: use of undeclared identifier bind2nd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929250 - "dev-db/mydumper- - /.../mydumper_common.c: error: O_CREAT undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929251 - "dev-db/pglogical-2.4.4 - [clang] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929252 - "net-misc/apt-cacher-ng-3.7.4_p1-r2 - [clang] /.../fileio.cc: fatal error: experimental/filesystem file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929253 - "media-libs/libfishsound-1.0.0-r2 - fishsound-info.c: error: passing argument 3 of oggz_set_read_callback from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatibl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929254 - "dev-libs/libbpf-1.4.0 - [clang] usdt.c: error: call to undeclared function gelf_getnote; ISO C99 and" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929256 - "dev-util/wachy-0.1.0_alpha6-r1 - [clang] error: failed to run custom build command for cplus_demangle v0.1.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929258 - "dev-libs/xmlrpc-c-1.54.06 - [clang] girmem.cpp: error: use of undeclared identifier auto_ptr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929259 - "net-proxy/sqtop-2015.02.08 - [clang] sqstat.cpp: error: use of undeclared identifier ptr_fun" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929260 - "media-libs/stk-4.6.2 - RtMidi.cpp: error: pthread_yield was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929261 - "sci-physics/thepeg-2.2.3 - [clang] ../.../std.h: error: no template named" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929262 - "dev-db/citus-12.1.2 - [clang] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929287 - "app-benchmarks/bootchart2: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929313 - "app-emulation/virtualbox: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929314 - "app-emulation/virtualbox-kvm: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929345 - "app-office/gtg: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929362 - "app-text/gnome-doc-utils: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929375 - "app-vim/splice: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929376 - "app-vim/vimpython: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929377 - "dev-build/automake-vanilla: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929391 - "dev-debug/d-feet: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929405 - "dev-lang/yap: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929409 - "dev-libs/eekboard: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929424 - "dev-libs/librelp: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929427 - "dev-libs/pigpio: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929428 - "dev-libs/redland-bindings: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929429 - "dev-libs/stfl: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929431 - "dev-libs/udis86: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929441 - "dev-python/brython: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929443 - "dev-python/cangjie: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929469 - "dev-python/mecab-python: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929480 - "dev-python/pika: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929564 - "dev-vcs/subversion: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929650 - "media-plugins/ams-lv2: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929679 - "media-video/vidcutter: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929722 - "net-misc/electrum-ltc: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929751 - "sci-biology/bedtools: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929760 - "sci-chemistry/ParmEd: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929772 - "sci-libs/eccodes: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929784 - "sci-libs/numkit: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929786 - "sci-libs/plplot: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929800 - "sci-misc/vitables: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929801 - "sci-physics/espresso: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929820 - "sys-apps/razercfg: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929830 - "sys-cluster/pacemaker: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929878 - "www-client/seamonkey: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929887 - "x11-misc/menumaker: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929935 - "net-analyzer/monitoring-plugins-2.3.5 - [clang] configure: error: <wchar.h> cannot be used with this compiler (clang -O3 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929963 - "www.git: add Author field to news items" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929976 - "Maintainer: Robet Kirkman (tacokoneko AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929977 - "Maintainer: Gonçalo Negrier Duarte (gonegrier.duarte AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929981 - "[guru] dev-python/colored-2.2.4 fails to compile: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: README.rst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929982 - "[guru] dev-python/graphql-core-3.2.3 fails tests: ERROR test_build_ast_schema.py::test_build_schema_from_ast" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929988 - "dev-db/pgLatLon-0.15 - [clang] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929989 - "dev-lang/crystal-1.12.1 - ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: getcontext" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929990 - "media-libs/opencollada-1.6.68 - [clang] /.../CommonFWriteBufferFlusher.h: fatal error: tr1/unordered_map file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:929994 - "dev-util/sccache-0.5.4-r1 - sccache_dist.92d2c20f2eba2bcd-cgu.0:(<snip>) undefined reference to open64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930007 - "gui-libs/wlroots-0.15.1-r1 - ../.../dmabuf-capture.c: error: AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930009 - "media-sound/moc-2.6_alpha3-r6 - tags_cache.c: error: implicit declaration of function db_strerror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930017 - "dev-python/dbus-next-0.2.3-r1 fails tests: FAILED test_fd_passing.py::test_sending_file_descriptor_low_level - OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930028 - "media-sound/aumix-2.9.1 - gtk.c: error: passing argument 1 of gtk_widget_destroy from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930063 - "dev-embedded/rpi-eeprom-21.0_p1 version bump to rpi-eeprom-21.5_p1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930074 - "sys-apps/cpu-x-5.0.3 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930075 - "net-irc/psybnc-2.4.3-r1 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930091 - "<net-vpn/libreswan-4.15: Denial of Service vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930099 - "net-libs/nodejs-20.12.1 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930100 - "net-misc/rabbitmq-server-3.13.1 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930101 - "media-libs/libggi-2.2.2-r1 - dga.c: error: assignment to ggi_modelist_validate {aka int ( )(ggi_visual , long int, ggi_mode )} from incompatible point" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930111 - "media-libs/tiff-4.6.0[zlib]: automagic dependency on app-arch/libdeflate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930113 - "dev-libs/tvision-2.2.3 fails to compile: unixscr.cc:302:9: error: invalid use of incomplete type WINDOW {aka struct _win_st}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930114 - "dev-perl/PDL-Transform-Color-1.5.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930130 - "dev-python/qscintilla-2.14.1-r2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930131 - "dev-python/qscintilla-2.14.1-r2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930188 - "dev-python/octave-kernel-0.35.1 fails tests: FAIL: test_completion (test_octave_kernel.OctaveKernelTests) (text=acos)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930210 - "media-gfx/enblend-4.2.0_p20240424 fails to compile: ld: enblend: hidden symbol atexit in libc_nonshared.a(atexit.oS) is referenced by DSO" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930213 - "Add status indicator for compressing binpkgs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930214 - "Add status indicator for calling objcopy for splitdebug/dwz for dedupdebug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930234 - "[guru] app-editors/typora-bin-1.8.10 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930235 - "[guru] games-fps/etlegacy-2.82.0 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930240 - "sys-libs/ncurses-6.4_p20240414 fails to compile: configure: error: getopt is required for building programs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930242 - "Add combinatorica-classica-overlay to repositories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:930252 - "dev-util/cargo-tarpaulin-0.28.0 - error[E0425]: cannot find function preadv2 in crate libc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930253 - "media-libs/oneVPL-cpu-2023.2.0 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930254 - "app-emulation/qemu-guest-agent-8.2.0 - ERROR: python venv creation failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930260 - "dev-libs/openssl:3.2.1-r2: unrecognized opcode: Error: unrecognized opcode: `stvx'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930273 - "media-libs/lv2-1.18.10 fails tests: 30 lv2:data / syntax FAIL 0.26s exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930275 - "net-vpn/riseup-vpn-0.24.3 - Error compiling qml file: ../.../main.qml:0: error: Library import requires a version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930325 - "dev-python/tavern: blocks on <dev-python/paho-mqtt-2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930328 - "dev-ruby/libusb-0.7.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930330 - "dev-util/poke-4.0 - /.../gc.h: fatal error: gc_pthread_redirects.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930338 - "dev-util/bpftop-0.2.3 - usdt.c: error: call to undeclared function gelf_getnote; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wim" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930341 - "sys-fs/rar2fs-1.29.6 - dllext.cpp: error: NM was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930358 - "dev-python/python-mpv-1.0.5 fails tests: FAILED test_mpv.py::TestProperties::test_option_read - ValueError: (Invalid value for mpv parameter, -4, (<MpvHandle object at 0.." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930359 - "dev-python/python-novaclient-18.6.0 fails tests: ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 3)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930360 - "dev-python/rustworkx-0.14.2 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930361 - "sys-apps/coreutils-9.5 fails test - FAIL: tests/touch/not-owner.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930364 - "app-text/highlight-4.9 - Unsigned distfiles found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930372 - "games-board/gnushogi-1.4.1-r1 - sizetest.c: warning: a function declaration without a prototype is" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930383 - "dev-python/sqlparse-0.5.0 fails tests: FAILED test_regressions.py::test_max_recursion - TypeError: couldnt record exception context for exception RecursionError.." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930388 - "x11-misc/fbpanel - last-rite" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930401 - "app-misc/mc: In subshell mode, it is not understood that PROMPT_COMMAND may be an array" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930403 - "Gitolite infrastructure cannot handle signatures from non-unique PGP subkeys" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930409 - "media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon-17.0-r1 fails tests: cpu-volume-test FAIL 1.13s exit status 1 - cpu-volume-test.c:188:E:svolume:svolume_orc_test:0: (after this point) Received signal 11 (Segmentation fault)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930410 - "dev-python/toolz-0.12.1 fails tests: FAILED test_inspect_args.py::test_inspect_wrapped_property - AssertionError: assert 1 is None" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930411 - "dev-python/urwid-2.6.10 fails tests: AttributeError: wrapper_descriptor object has no attribute __code__" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930413 - "dev-go/delve-1.22.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930438 - "sci-biology/eugene-4.1d-r1 - OptiAlgorithm.cc: error: use of undeclared identifier setiosflags; did" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930439 - "dev-lang/xsb-4.0.0 - timer_xsb.c: error: passing argument 3 of pthread_create from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930440 - "net-misc/nx- - Loop.cpp: error: invalid operands to binary expression (_bind<int &," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930442 - "dev-perl/YAML-PP-0.36.0 fails test - # Failed test YAML::PP::Highlight::Dump()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930445 - "dev-games/ode-0.14-r1 - demo_kinematic.cpp: error: use of undeclared identifier mem_fun; did" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930446 - "sci-geosciences/xtide-2.15.5 - tide.cc: error: use of undeclared identifier station; did you mean" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930447 - "net-misc/you-get-0.4.1650-r1 fails test - ERROR: test_imgur (tests.test.YouGetTests.test_imgur)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930448 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-good-1.22.11 fails test - 97/98 elements_flvmux FAIL 22.07s exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930455 - "www-servers/apache: suexec file capabilities might get lost (due to missing fcaps.eclass usage)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930472 - "net-analyzer/barnyard-0.2.0-r7 fails to compile: op_alert_syslog2.c:333:24: error: passing argument 1 of localtime from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930473 - "dev-db/firebird- - src/.../Main.cpp: error: use of undeclared identifier generator; did" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930474 - "dev-libs/pslib-0.4.6 - ld.lld: error: .../crti.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930475 - "sys-auth/libnss-nis-3.2 - ld.lld: error: version script assignment of NSS_NIS_PRIVATE_2.0 to symbol _nss_nis_getsecretkey failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930478 - "sys-auth/pam_dotfile-0.7-r2 - ld.lld: error: .../Scrt1.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930479 - "dev-perl/Debug-Client-0.310.0-r1 fails test - # Failed test use Debug::Client;" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930498 - "[Tracker] Build failures with dev-libs/boost-1.85" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930504 - "dev-db/redict-7.3.0 fails tests: Expected 1 to be more than or equal to 2 (context: type eval line 99 cmd {assert_morethan_equal $iteration 2} proc ::test)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930508 - "sci-mathematics/nauty-2.8.8 - ./.../nauty.h: error: invalid token at start of a preprocessor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930509 - "media-sound/streamripper-1.64.6 - char (char , const char ); ISO C99 and later do not support implicit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930511 - "net-libs/libsmi-0.5.0-r5 - parser-smi.y: error: Parser has no member named capab" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930512 - "sys-apps/sandbox: Catch stat/fstat for EOVERFLOW" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930514 - "<net-im/synapse-1.105.1: Weakness in auth chain indexing allows DoS from remote room members through disk fill and high CPU usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930517 - "dev-lang/micropython-1.17 - main.c: warning: conflicting types for mp_import_stat due to enum/integer mismatch; have uint(const char ) {aka unsigned i" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930522 - "[TRACKER] packages failing with dev-libs/mxml:4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930525 - "media-sound/yoshimi: add support for dev-libs/mxml:4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930526 - "media-sound/zynaddsubfx: add support for dev-libs/mxml:4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930533 - "<dev-lang/ruby-{3.1.5,3.2.4,3.3.1}: Multiple Vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930537 - "dev-ruby/net-scp-4.0.0 fails tests: NoMethodError: undefined method sequences for file::stat:String" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930543 - "dev-qt/qtserialport-5.15.13 - qserialportinfo_unix.cpp:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to udev_new" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930554 - "sys-cluster/hubble-0.10.0 fails test - make: [Makefile:<snip>: test] Error 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930583 - "dev-java/openjdk-21.0.5_p11 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930584 - "dev-java/openjdk-21.0.2_p13 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930590 - "app-emulation/libguestfs-1.48.6-r1 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930635 - "<net-dns/pdns-recursor-5.0.4: crafted responses can lead to a denial of service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930654 - "dev-ruby/ruby-odbc-0.999992 fails to compile: odbc.c:4075:17: error: passing argument 1 of sprintf from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930669 - "llvm-core/clang-18.1.4: ICE when building gui-wm/wayfire-0.8.1-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930676 - "dev-cpp/doctest-2.4.11 fails test - 158 - test_mpi_junit (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930677 - "app-shells/zsh-5.9-r6 fails test - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930678 - "sys-apps/toybox-0.8.10 fails test - FAIL: du (no options)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930679 - "www-servers/pound-4.10 fails test - 55 failed unexpectedly." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930683 - "dev-util/hip-5.7.1-r2 - Unknown CMake command hip_add_exe_to_target." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930694 - "media-libs/amdgpu-pro-vulkan- calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930713 - "games-engines/love-0.8.0-r100 - libraries/.../luasocket.c: error: return type defaults to int [-Wimplicit-int]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930717 - "app-misc/lcdproc-0.5.9_p20211220 - hd44780-gpiod.c: error: implicit declaration of function gpiod_chip_get_line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930730 - "Portage errors out with FEATURES=-binpkg-request-signature on unverifiable signature (e.g. missing gpg keys)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930755 - "net-misc/electrum-ltc- fails test - _ ERROR collecting .../test_bitcoin.py _" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930766 - "dev-util/memprof-0.6.2-r2 fails to compile: configure: error: Cannot continue: bfd.h not found Do you have binutils-dev installed?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930778 - "Maintainer: Jethro Rosettenstein 'jthro' (jethro.rosette AT outlook.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930787 - "media-tv/mythtv-33.1-r1 - /.../AudioBuffer.h:90: multiple definition of GetDefaultChannelLayout; .../AudioBuffer.h:90: first defined here" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930794 - "net-wireless/hackrf-tools-2024.02.1 stabilization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930796 - "sci-chemistry/gromacs-2024.1 - /.../pme_gpu_internal.cpp: error: MPI_INT was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930798 - "sys-apps/man-pages-6.9.1 bump request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:930799 - "sys-block/parted-3.6-r1 fails test - FAIL: t0251-gpt-unicode.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930805 - "[Tracker] Breakage with sys-libs/ncurses-6.5 (default-opaque structures)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930813 - "[guru] dev-cpp/trompeloeil-47 fails to compile: error downloading catch: Couldnt resolve host name" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930817 - "Maintainer: Anna (navi) Figueiredo Gomes (navi AT vlhl.dev)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930818 - "Maintainer: Brett Alcox (brettalcox AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930826 - "x11-libs/wxGTK- fails test - /.../event.h: error: implicitly-declared wxCursor::wxCursor(const wxCursor&) is deprecated [-Werror=deprecated-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930922 - "sci-astronomy/funtools-1.4.8 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930936 - "<dev-lang/R-4.4.1: arbitrary code execution in R's deserialization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:930938 - "gui-libs/gtk-4.14.4-r1: multiple test failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930939 - "app-admin/rsyslog-8.2404.0 fails test - FAIL: omprog-restart-terminated.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930940 - "app-text/pelican-4.8.0 fails test - [gw7] [245/260] FAILED .../test_utils.py::TestUti:test_deprecated_attribute" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930941 - "net-misc/electrum-4.5.4 fails test - E AttributeError: BitArray object has no attribute _pos" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930944 - "media-sound/rip-1.07-r3 - file collision with games-engines/exult-1.8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930951 - "[TRACKER] >=dev-python/numpy-2 porting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930962 - "dev-libs/libpwquality-1.4.5-r2 calls python directly (dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930975 - "dev-lang/gnat-gpl-2021-r5 - /.../mount.h: error: redefinition of struct mount_attr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930976 - "dev-libs/distorm3-3.5.2-r1 fails tests: ERROR test_distorm3.py::Test - TypeError: Test.__init__() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930993 - "sci-electronics/qelectrotech: bundled SingleApplication has a possible GPL incompatible restriction" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:930995 - "Add ftp.riken.jp?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931001 - "[guru] sci-electronics/yosys-0.40-r1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931003 - "[guru] sci-electronics/yosys-0.40-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931010 - "dev-perl/glib-perl-1.329.400 - /.../perl.h: fatal error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931011 - "dev-perl/Video-ivtv-0.13-r3 - /.../perl.h: fatal error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931020 - "x11-wm/qtile-0.25.0 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931062 - "sys-devel/binutils-2.42-r1 - /.../Experiment.cc: error: fopen64 was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931078 - "sys-fs/rar2fs-1.29.6 fails to compile: dllext.cpp:174:46: error: cannot convert std::wstring {aka std::__cxx11::basic_string<wchar_t>} to const wchar_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931096 - "<dev-qt/qtbase-6.7.0-r2: invalid QStringConverter has an invalid pointer being passed as a callback which can allow modification of the stack (CVE-2024-33861)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931098 - "media-gfx/freecad-1.0.0: add assembly to modules" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931099 - "media-libs/virglrenderer-0.10.4 - ../.../vrend_winsys_gbm.h: fatal error: gbm.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931100 - "dev-lang/crystal-1.12.1 - pthread_support.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to gnu_get_libc_version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931115 - "sys-libs/pam: wire up logind support for lastlog replacement, giving y2038 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931116 - "app-misc/datovka-4.23.1 - WARNING: Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: svgwidgets core5compat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931117 - "sys-libs/pam: wire up econf support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931118 - "sys-apps/util-linux: wire up econf support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931119 - "sys-apps/shadow: get logind support working for elogind too" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931142 - "app-admin/salt blocks on <dev-python/moto-5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931150 - "net-libs/nodejs-22.1.0: fails to build with gcc 14" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931224 - "dev-lang/luajit-2.1.0_beta3_p20220613 fails to link due to --no-allow-shlib-undefined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931228 - "<dev-python/flask-cors-4.0.1: log injection when the log level is set to debug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931232 - "dev-python/Nuitka-2.2 fails tests: +<artificial>:(.text+0xa803): undefined reference to constant_bin_data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931234 - "dev-python/argcomplete-3.3.0 fails tests: AssertionError" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931238 - "net-wireless/suwidgets-0.3.0 - GLWaterfall.cpp: error: GL_MULTISAMPLE was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931265 - "dev-perl/Test-Metrics-Any-0.10.0 - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: bexamples/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931296 - "dev-util/shadowman eselect compiler-shadow update ccache could help on fixing build issues with kernel modules" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931297 - "sys-apps/util-linux: wire up liblastlog2/pam_lastlog2 for y2038 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931321 - "net-vpn/vtun-3.0.4-r4 - configure: error: SOCKS library not found." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931323 - "sys-apps/util-linux-2.40.1 - /.../ld: cannot find ./.../libmount.so: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931325 - "dev-python/mkdocs-minify-plugin-0.8.0 fails tests: FAILED test_basic.py::test_build_no_extras - AssertionError: assert afeefbab000ae3252f27893c6b8d0ca15af04e0d970bb635497a46206683d6d2a23841e9a8ce2970f69a60cb4e12aab9 == 468e45e1d823325ceebfd1c3eaa6e390c96" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931326 - "media-libs/graphene-1.10.8-r1 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931334 - "dev-python/oslo-log-5.5.1 fails tests: ERROR test_logging_error.py::TestLoggingFixture - AttributeError: TestLoggingFixture object has no attribute runTest Did you mean: subTest?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931335 - "dev-python/pybind11-2.12.0 fails tests: FAILED test_factory_constructors.py::test_reallocation_b - assert --- actual / +++ expected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931345 - "dev-python/pymdown-extensions-10.8.1 fails tests: FAILED test_highlight.py::TestHighlightGuess::test_guess - AssertionError: False is not true" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931346 - "dev-python/pymongo-4.7.1 fails tests: FAILED test_connection_logging.py::TestConnectionLoggingConnectionPoolOptions::test_waitQueueTimeoutMS_should_be_included_in_connection_pool_created_message_when_specified - AssertionError: 2 != 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931349 - "dev-python/pypy-exe-7.3.16 fails to compile: [translation:ERROR] AttributeError: NoneType object has no attribute _getattr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931445 - "[GURU] dev-util/DirectXShaderCompiler: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931458 - "[GURU] media-libs/amdvlk: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931472 - "[GURU] net-vpn/gp-saml-gui: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931482 - "[GURU] sys-kernel/dpdk-kmod: needs upgrade to Python 3.12 (PythonCompatUpdate)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931505 - "<net-misc/dropbear-2024.85-r1: DSS algorithm is always enabled regardless of the savedconfig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931506 - "games-fps/quakeforge-0.7.2_p20210722-r2 - libs/.../vid_x11_vulkan.c: error: RTLD_DEEPBIND undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931518 - "dev-python/pipdeptree: bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931552 - "[guru] sys-apps/dool-1.3.1-r1 fails tests: KeyError: pid-detail=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931554 - "dev-python/python-box-7.1.1 fails tests: test_box_list.py::TestBoxList::test_no_circular_references Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931555 - "dev-python/python-jose-3.3.0-r1 fails tests: FAILED test_EC_compat.py::TestBackendEcdsaCompatibility::test_public_key_to_pem[ECDSAECKey-CryptographyECKey] - AssertionError: assert -----BEGIN PUBLIC yVOKnTm88Q==n-----END PUBLIC KEY----- == -----BEGIN PUBL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931563 - "dev-python/sphinx-autoapi-3.0.0 fails tests: FAILED test_pyintegration.py::test_custom_jinja_filters - sphinx.errors.SphinxWarning: cannot cache unpickable configuration value: autoapi_prepare_jinja_env (because it contains a function, class, or module o" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931566 - "dev-python/sphinx-rtd-theme-2.0.0 fails tests: FAILED test_builders.py::test_basic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931574 - "dev-python/sphinxcontrib-programoutput-0.17-r1 fails tests: FAILED test_directive.py::TestDirective::test_shell_with_unexpected_return_code - AssertionError: Unexpected return code 1 from command not found in directive deprecated is already registered, i" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931592 - "net-libs/ldns-1.8.3-r3 - /.../sh:line <snip>: examples/ldns-verify-zone.1: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931595 - "app-forensics/yara-4.5.0 - /.../ld: ./.../libyara.so: undefined reference to pread64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931600 - "dev-python/terminado-0.18.1 fails tests: ERROR basic_test.py::TermTestCase - AttributeError: TermTestCase object has no attribute runTest Did you mean: subTest?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931601 - "dev-python/testscenarios-0.5.0-r3 fails tests: ERROR test_scenarios.py::TestGenerateScenarios - AttributeError: TestGenerateScenarios object has no attribute runTest Did you mean: subTest?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931609 - "dev-java/jna-5.14.0-r1 - [plasma profile] /.../ld: cannot find ../.../libtestlib.so: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931613 - "net-nntp/tin-2.6.2-r2 - configure: error: cannot link with socks library" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931628 - "dev-perl/DBD-mysql-5.5.0 - Unable to build!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931646 - "dev-util/selenium-manager-4.15.0 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931674 - "sci-libs/rocBLAS-5.7.1-r2 fails with IndexError: list index out of range" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931677 - "app-editors/vile-9.8z - /.../install: cannot create regular file .../vile-asm-filt: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931688 - "dev-lang/fuzion-0.086 - ./.../FUIR.java:36: error: package dev.flang.air does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931701 - "dev-db/postgresql: cleanup plperl unicode debris in postgresql.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931705 - "net-p2p/fms-0.3.84 - /.../Foundation.h: error: literals is not a namespace-name" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931740 - "dev-python/psycopg-3.1.19 fails tests: test_copy_async.py::test_copy_out_error_with_copy_finished[asyncio] Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931763 - "sys-auth/libnss-pgsql: Last rite request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931775 - "media-libs/opus: Always enable NEON intrinsics on arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931784 - "Maintainer: Matoro Mahri (matoro_gentoo AT matoro.tk)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931787 - "dev-lang/inform-6.35_p4 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931788 - "dev-tex/latex2rtf-2.3.15-r1 - man: cant execute col: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931791 - "dev-scheme/gauche-0.9.15 - Error in compiling (use text.pager)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931795 - "[guru] net-libs/sofia-sip-1.13.17 passed test suite but did not execute any tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931821 - "dev-vcs/hub-2.14.2-r1 - /.../sh:line <snip>: col: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931825 - "sys-apps/memtest86+-7.00 GRUB configuration script doesn't produce working entries for EFI images" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931835 - "dev-lang/mlton-20180207 - Error: <string> 1.1-1.31." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931842 - "app-office/libreoffice-[clang]: fails with a bunch of "AVX vector return of type" errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931847 - "net-print/cnrdrvcups-lb-5.80 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931848 - "dev-python/libcst-1.3.1 fails tests: FAILED test_codemod_cli.py::TestCodemodCLI::test_codemod_formatter_error_input - AssertionError" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931851 - "[guru] gnome-extra/iio-sensor-proxy-3.5 fails tests: 3 test-mount-matrix FAIL 0.02s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931852 - "[guru] app-emacs/inheritenv-0.2 fails tests: Error: error (Package package-lint is unavailable)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931853 - "[guru] app-emacs/envrc-0.11 fails tests: Error: error (Package inheritenv is unavailable)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931855 - "dev-python/simsimd-4.3.1 fails to compile: lib.c:666:26: error: initialization of PyObject ()(PyObject , PyObject ) {aka struct _object ()(struct _object , struct _object )} from incompatible pointer type PyObject ()(PyObject ) {aka struct _object ()(str" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931856 - "media-plugins/zam-plugins-4.3: please bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931876 - "dev-games/libnw-1.30.02-r1 fails to compile: mdly.y:217:34: error: assignment to struct nwn_mdl_node from incompatible pointer type char [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931888 - "[TRACKER] dev-lang/python:3.13[pgo] failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931889 - "sci-mathematics/coq-8.19.1 - make inconsistent assumptions over implementation Unix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931891 - "[Tracker] Build failures with sys-kernel/linux-headers-6.9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931897 - "<www-client/chromium-124.0.6367.207 <www-client/google-chrome-124.0.6367.207, <www-client/microsoft-edge-124.0.2478.105, <www-client/opera-110.0.5130.66: Out of bounds write in V8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931906 - "dev-lang/eisl-5.00 fails to compile: link.c:172:32: error: passing argument 2 of init_f2 from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931921 - "dev-lang/python-3.13.0_beta1_p1 - test FAILED" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931922 - "media-sound/lame-3.100.1-r3[abi_x86_32] fails to build with clang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931930 - "[guru] dev-util/upstream-ontologist-0.1.35-r1 fails tests: ValueError: Can only read local images" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931931 - "[guru] dev-python/pyodbc-5.1.0 fails tests: Initializing postgresql database failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931932 - "[guru] x11-plugins/purple-mm-sms-0.1.7 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931933 - "[guru] games-fps/crispy-doom-6.0 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931934 - "[guru] media-sound/openutau-0.1.529 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931937 - "dev-python/meson-python-0.16.0-r1 fails tests: ERROR test_wheel.py::test_vendored_meson - SystemExit: 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931951 - "app-i18n/fbterm-1.7_p20190503 - mouse.cpp: error: memset was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931952 - "games-emulation/atari800-5.2.0 - atari.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to Screen_DrawMultimediaStats" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931953 - "dev-vcs/fossil-2.24-r1 - collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931954 - "gui-wm/hyprland-0.40.0 - ../.../SdDaemon.cpp: error: strnlen was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931960 - "<dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.15.13_p20240510: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931969 - "dev-python/pexpect-4.9.0 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931982 - "[guru] www-apps/libmedium-20231020 fails to compile: test proxy::tests::deploy_update_works .. FAILED called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: Io(Os { code: 13, kind: PermissionDenied, message: Permission denied })" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931983 - "[guru] app-office/beancount-2.3.6 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931984 - "dev-python/psutil-5.9.8 fails tests: FAIL: psutil.tests.test_contracts.TestAvailProcessAPIs.test_memory_maps: AssertionError: False != True" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931986 - "dev-python/setuptools-scm-8.1.0 fails tests: FAILED test_git.py::test_git_getdate - AssertionError: assert datetime.date(2024, 5, 16) == datetime.date(2024, 5, 15)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931992 - "app-shells/bash-completion-2.14.0 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931995 - "media-gfx/valentina-0.7.52 - <built-in>: fatal error: obj/qmuparser file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931996 - "llvm-core/llvm-18.1.5-r1 - clang -cc1as: fatal error: error in backend: ZMM registers are not supported without EVEX512" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:931997 - "net-proxy/rejik-3.2.11 - /.../ld: cannot find load_cache.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932000 - "dev-scheme/scm-5.5.6-r4 - crs.c: error: invalid use of incomplete typedef WINDOW {aka struct _win_st}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932005 - "app-cdr/cdrtools-3.02_alpha09-r5 - configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932013 - "<dev-ruby/rexml-3.2.8: Denial of Service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932027 - "app-misc/solaar-1.1.13 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932028 - "net-misc/sslh-2.1.2 - sed: cant read scripts/systemd.sslh.service: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932029 - "gui-apps/railway-2.7.0 fails to compile: ring.fb965697a0ca88b1-cgu.12:(.text.unlikely._ZN4spin4once17Once$LT$T$C$R$GT$18try_call_once_slow17hf2ce5b30c841fbd2E.llvm.15551044811817222785+0x19): undefined reference to ring_core_0_17_8_OPENSSL_cpuid_setup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932076 - "dev-python/ipympl-0.9.4: new package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932087 - "sci-chemistry/modeller-10.5 installs python packages with invalid/suspicious names or versions in the site-packages directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932104 - "[guru] app-admin/dotbot-1.20.1 fails tests: AssertionError: The src argument to os.rename() must be an absolute path" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932107 - "[guru] app-admin/grub-customizer-5.2.4-r1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932111 - "media-sound/cvoicecontrol-0.9_alpha-r2 - ncurses_tools.c: error: invalid use of incomplete typedef WINDOW {aka struct _win_st}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932127 - "sci-chemistry/pymol-3.0.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932131 - "app-editors/curses-hexedit-0.9.7-r1 - file.c: error: invalid use of incomplete typedef WINDOW {aka struct _win_st}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932132 - "dev-scheme/guile-ncurses-3.1 - menu_type.c: error: invalid use of incomplete typedef ITEM {aka struct tagITEM}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932134 - "net-misc/ncman-0.0.1_p20190327-r2 - ../.../popup.c: error: invalid use of incomplete typedef WINDOW {aka struct _win_st}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932135 - "media-sound/muse-0.9.2_p20161002 - cdk.h: error: invalid use of incomplete typedef WINDOW {aka struct _win_st}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932136 - "sci-biology/embassy-mse- - mse.c: error: invalid use of incomplete typedef WINDOW {aka struct _win_st}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932142 - "net-misc/openssh-contrib-9.7_p1-r1 - configure: error: No usable libfido2 library/headers found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932155 - "dev-util/hip: FindHIP breaks rocFFT build on Prefix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:932163 - "sys-cluster/vzctl-4.9.4-r1 - /.../libcgroup.h: fatal error: libcgroup/systemd.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932167 - "sys-boot/elilo-3.16-r5 - make: No rule to make target x86_64/sysdeps.o, needed by elilo.so. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932188 - "sci-libs/rccl and sci-libs/composable-kernel does not respect amdgpu_flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:932189 - "[guru] app-misc/dragon-1.2.0 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932190 - "[guru] app-misc/electricsheep-3.0.2_p20191005-r1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932191 - "[guru] app-misc/far2l-2.5.3_beta misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932200 - "[guru] app-misc/minder-1.16.3 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932229 - "dev-db/sqlite-3.45.3 fails test - make: [Makefile:<snip>: tcltest]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932230 - "dev-lang/pcc-1.1.0-r1 - ../.../local.c: error: implicit declaration of function strlcpy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932241 - "emerge aborted with 'Task destroyed but was pending!'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932264 - "[guru] dev-libs/libdatrie-0.2.13 fails tests: test_file - test_serialization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932266 - "[guru] dev-nim/inim-0.6.1 fails tests: Error: execution of an external program failed: test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932267 - "[guru] dev-python/dacite-1.8.1 fails tests: __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --benchmark-autosave --benchmark-json=benchmark.json" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932268 - "[guru] dev-python/itemloaders-1.1.0 fails tests: FAILED test_utils_python.py::UtilsPythonTestCase::test_get_func_args - AssertionError: Lists differ: [args, kwargs] != []" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932270 - "[guru] dev-python/pygsl-2.3.4 fails to compile: _configtest.c:4:33: error: gsl_multifit_fdfsolver has no member named J" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932279 - "dev-scheme/guile-libyaml-20211124 - [llvm] ERROR: dev-scheme/guile-libyaml-20211124::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932280 - "games-board/gnushogi-1.4.1-r1 - y.tab.c: error: implicit declaration of function yylex [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932282 - "media-sound/supercollider-3.13.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] /.../SC_GraphDef.cpp: error: rditer was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932284 - "x11-terms/aterm-1.0.1-r6 - chown: cannot access .../aterm: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932288 - "[guru] app-mobilephone/flashlight-0.1.1-r2 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932289 - "[guru] app-office/khronos-4.0.1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932290 - "[guru] app-office/notesnook-bin-2.6.12 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932299 - "[guru] app-office/standartnotes-bin-3.183.22 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932300 - "[guru] app-text/libspelling-0.2.1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932302 - "[guru] app-text/typst-0.11.1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932305 - "dev-python/pyenchant-3.2.2-r1 fails tests: FAILED test_broker.py::test_all_langs_are_available - AssertionError: language fr-1990 advertised but non-existent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932306 - "sci-physics/yoda-1.9.10 fails tests: FAIL: test-mpl.py" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932307 - "sci-geosciences/gpsd gpsmon general protection fault [...] libncurses.so.6.4[7f651d6bb000+1f000]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:932312 - "net-proxy/squidguard-1.6.0-r1 - [llvm] ./sg.h: error: unknown type name DB_INFO" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932320 - "dev-lang/python-3.13.0_beta1_p2 - [ncurses-6.5] find: build: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932327 - "<dev-python/requests-2.32.0: Session object does not verify requests after making first request with verify=False" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932337 - "<dev-qt/qtnetworkauth-5.15.14:5, <dev-qt/qtnetworkauth-6.7.1:6: badly seeded PRNG may result in guessable values (CVE-2024-36048)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932353 - "[guru] dev-embedded/squareline-studio-1.3.2 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932354 - "[guru] dev-java/corretto-bin-8.412.08.1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932357 - "dev-python/iminuit-2.25.2 fails to compile: new_allocator.h:172:33: error: void operator delete(void, std::size_t) called on pointer <unknown> with nonzero offset [1, 576460752303423489] [-Werror=free-nonheap-object]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932358 - "dev-python/ipython-8.24.0 fails tests: FAILED test_pylabtools.py::test_backend_builtin[headless-headless-agg] - AssertionError: assert None == headless" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932361 - "[guru] dev-lang/gnu-apl-1.8 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932362 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-2.1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932364 - "dev-php/pecl-brotli-0.15.0 fails tests: FAIL compress.brotli read online stream streams_005.phpt]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932371 - "[guru] dev-libs/lsquic-4.0.8-r1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932373 - "[Tracker] Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory for May 14/15th, 2024" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932386 - "dev-lang/ruby: hard-codes mkdir path in RbConfig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932394 - "<www-client/chromium-125.0.6422.76, <www-client/google-chrome-125.0.6422.76, <www-client/microsoft-edge-125.0.2535.67, <www-client/opera-111.0.5168.25: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932396 - "<dev-python/pymysql-1.1.1: SQL injection if used with untrusted JSON input" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932401 - "[guru] dev-util/DirectXShaderCompiler-1.7.2212-r1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932403 - "[guru] dev-util/qshaderedit-0.1.5 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932406 - "mail-filter/zdkimfilter-3.18 installs system executables owned by nonzero uid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932434 - "net-p2p/cpuminer-opt-24.2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] ./miner.h: error: expected ; after return statement" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932435 - "games-puzzle/groundhog-1.4-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] pocket.cc: error: no member named mem_fun in namespace std; did you" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932440 - "net-analyzer/symon-2.88 - symux.c: error: passing argument 2 of rrd_update from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932441 - "games-fps/quake2-icculus-0.16.1-r3 - [meson-9999] [gcc-15] src/.../cl_tent.c: error: passing argument 1 of CL_ParseLightning makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Win" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932446 - "dev-python/paho-mqtt-2.1.0 fails tests: ERROR test_01_no_clean_session.py::test_01_no_clean_session - RuntimeError: Client 01-no-clean-session.py exited with code -2, expected 0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932447 - "media-gfx/oxipng-9.0.0 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932450 - "[guru] games-action/blackvoxel-2.50 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932456 - "x11-plugins/gkrellm-radio-2.0.4-r2 - gkrellm_radio_lirc.c: error: passing argument 3 of gdk_input_add_full from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompati" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932458 - "dev-vcs/subversion-1.14.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] /.../ld: cannot find -lsvn_delta-1: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932462 - "dev-libs/libdynd-0.7.2-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] /.../sort.h: error: read-only variable is not assignable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932464 - "sci-libs/vtk-9.3.0[cuda] huge RAM requirements for compilation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932474 - "[Tracker] sys-devel/gcc-15 porting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932476 - "[guru] games-fps/etlegacy-2.82.0 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932483 - "[guru] net-irc/thelounge-4.4.3-r1 fails to compile: ⠙npm verbose stack Error: request to bindings failed: cache mode is only-if-cached but no cached response is available" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932487 - "[guru] net-p2p/monero- fails to compile: portable_storage_val_converters.h:63:49: error: boost::numeric has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932488 - "[guru] games-fps/openspades-0.1.3 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932493 - "dev-lang/polyml-5.9.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932500 - "games-emulation/snes9x-1.62.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] unix.cpp: error: invalid operands to binary expression" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932503 - "dev-lang/vala-0.56.17 fails test - FAIL: libvaladoc/errorreporter.vala" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932504 - "app-text/tesseract-5.3.4 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] ld.lld: error: non-exported symbol _divdi3 in .../libclang_rt.builtins-i386.a(divdi3.S.o) is referenced by DSO ./.libs/libt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932509 - "mail-client/bower-1.0 - curs.m: error: implicit declaration of function get_wch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932513 - "savedconfig.eclass (e.g.) and binary package support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932517 - "sys-apps/dbus-1.15.8 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932519 - "dev-python/pydantic-2.7.1 fails tests: FAILED test_generics.py::test_serialize_unsubstituted_typevars_bound_default_supported - NotImplementedError: Pydantic does not support mixing more than one of TypeVar bounds, constraints and defaults" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932520 - "dev-python/pydata-sphinx-theme-0.15.2-r1 fails tests: FAILED test_build.py::test_pygments_fallbacks[real] - assert 0 == 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932521 - "www-apache/mod_auth_openidc- fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932524 - "[guru] games-util/dwarf-therapist-42.1.5 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932530 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-encryption-3.1-r1 - [meson-9999] [gcc-15] cryptutil.c: error: PURPLE_DEBUG_ERROR undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932534 - "net-libs/nodejs-22.1.0 - [meson-9999] [gcc-15] nghttp3_http.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to sf_parser_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932535 - "media-libs/libsidplay-2.1.1-r7 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] Header checksum mismatch, aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932536 - "dev-vcs/subversion-1.14.3 - [gcc-15] subversion/.../swigutil_rb.c: error: passing argument 2 of rb_hash_foreach from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932538 - "[guru] games-util/xivlauncher-1.0.8 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932539 - "[guru] gnome-extra/yad-13.0 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932541 - "[guru] gui-apps/coreshot-4.5.0 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932542 - "media-libs/embree-4.3.1 fails tests: 41 - prim_curves_bspline_normal_oriented_eyelight (SEGFAULT)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932543 - "app-forensics/aflplusplus-4.08c-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] ./split-switches-pass.so: ./split-switches-pass.so: undefined symbol:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932545 - "media-sound/pavucontrol-6.0: please bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932546 - "dev-libs/libgcrypt-compat-1.5.6 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] /.../mpih-div.c: error: invalid use of a cast in a inline asm context requiring an lvalue: remove the cast or build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932550 - "[guru] gui-apps/gcolor3-2.4.0 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932553 - "media-libs/gst-plugins-bad-1.22.11-r1 fails to compile: /usr/lib64/libgstcodecs-1.0.so: undefined reference to `gst_av1_parser_reference_frame_loading'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932564 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] make: [Makefile:<snip>: interpreted.mem]<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932575 - "app-text/simple-fb2-reader-1.1.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] clang-18: error: unknown argument: -export-dynamic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932578 - "dev-db/myodbc-8.0.32 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] ld.lld: error: .../Scrt1.o is incompatible with elf64-x86-64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932598 - "Prefix: insufficient bootstrap checks / bootstrap is brittle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932600 - "Prefix: provide a PATH prefix functionality" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932602 - "app-shells/liquidprompt-2.2.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932606 - "[guru] gui-apps/nwg-dock-0.3.9 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932608 - "[guru] gui-apps/sfwbar-1.0_beta15 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932611 - "www-apache/mod_security-2.9.7 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] ld.lld: error: .../crti.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932612 - "app-misc/klavaro-3.13-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] clang-18: error: unknown argument: -export-dynamic" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932613 - "dev-perl/Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA-0.100.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] ld.lld: error: .../crti.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932614 - "dev-erlang/jose-1.11.10 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] Compiling .../jose_jwa.erl failed:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932615 - "app-shells/liquidprompt-2.2.0 fails test - FAILED (failures=2)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932616 - "net-analyzer/ntopng-5.6-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] src/LuaEngineNtop.cpp: error: no matching function for call to" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932618 - "x11-misc/idesk-0.7.8 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] Database.cpp: error: no member named ptr_fun in namespace std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932619 - "x11-plugins/asapm-3.1-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] ld.lld: error: .../Scrt1.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932620 - "[guru] gui-apps/somebar-1.0.3 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932621 - "[guru] gui-apps/swaylock-effects- misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932623 - "[guru] gui-apps/szyszka-3.0.0 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932633 - "[guru] gui-apps/wlogout-1.1.1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932637 - "dev-lang/spidermonkey-115.10.0 fails tests on ppc, sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932640 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-sipe-1.25.0-r1 - [meson-9999] [gcc-15] sipe-xml.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void , const xmlError ) {aka void ( )(void , const struct _xmlError" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932641 - "dev-libs/libmemcached-1.0.18-r4 - sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932642 - "sci-libs/plplot-5.15.0_p6-r1 - [gcc-15] /.../_multiarray_api.h: fatal error: numpy/_public_dtype_api_table.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932643 - "dev-erlang/luerl-0.3 - [ncurses-6.5] src/luerl_comp.hrl: syntax error before: else" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932644 - "media-libs/libsdl2-2.30.3[test] fails to compile: test/testgles2.c:32: fatal error: GLES2/gl2platform.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932646 - "dev-cpp/eigen-3.4.0-r2 fails tests: Test ( test_lazy_single<T,Rows,Cols,Depth,ColMajor,ColMajor,RowMajor>(rows,cols,depth) ) failed: verifyIsApprox(C+=A.lazyProduct(B), ref_prod(D,A,B)): Difference too large wrt tolerance 0.001, relative error is: 0.92997" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932650 - "dev-ruby/grpc-1.59.2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932656 - "[guru] kde-apps/kwalletcli-3.03 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932661 - "dev-cpp/lucene++-3.0.7-r3 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] [llvm] /.../char_traits.h: error: use of undeclared identifier WEOF" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932666 - "app-arch/unrar-7 segfaults by unpacking WinRAR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932671 - "app-editors/neovim-0.10.0: unresolved soname dependency on /usr/lib64/lua/5.1/lpeg.so" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932675 - "<www-client/chromium-125.0.6422.112, <www-client/google-chrome-125.0.6422.112, <www-client/microsoft-edge-125.0.2535.67, <www-client/opera-111.0.5168.25: Type Confusion in V8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932698 - "=app-text/docbook-xsl-ns-stylesheets-1.79.1 quality issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932703 - "[guru] media-fonts/unscii-2.1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932704 - "[guru] media-gfx/bonzomatic-2022.08.20 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932707 - "dev-util/bpftop-0.5.1 fails to compile: error: failed to run custom build command for bpftop v0.5.1 - thread main panicked at build.rs:21:10:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932708 - "dev-python/regress-0.4.5 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932709 - "dev-python/regress-0.4.5 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932710 - "x11-misc/set_opacity-1.0-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932725 - "[guru] media-gfx/zw3d-2023.0.3.1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932726 - "[guru] media-gfx/zwcad-2023. misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932727 - "[guru] media-libs/amdvlk-2023.1.3 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932733 - "sys-devel/gcc-14.1.1_p20240518 fails to build on m68k (ICE)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932735 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.11.7 - [gcc-15] /.../IDBPolicy.cpp: fatal error: .../convenience.hpp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932736 - "media-libs/libv4l-1.26.1 - [ncurses-6.5] ../.../retrace.cpp: error: mmap64 was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932743 - "media-sound/spotify-1.2.31 does not show tray icon on some WMs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932749 - "estrip: missing error handling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932753 - "dev-lang/algol68g-3.5.9 - [ncurses-6.5] prelude.c:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to genie_sigsegv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932757 - "sys-apps/nawk: Update to 20240422" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932772 - "app-metrics/smartctl_exporter-0.12.0-r1 fails tests: -buildmode=pie not supported when -race is enabled on amd64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932783 - "[guru] gui-libs/mir-2.19.2 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932792 - "media-sound/snd-22.9 fails to compile: lto1: internal compiler error: unexpected file name sound.o 1 in linker resolution file Expected sndinfo.o" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932795 - "[guru] media-sound/g4music-3.4 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932799 - "[guru] media-sound/opensoundmeter-1.2.2_p20230104 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932810 - "[guru] media-sound/openutau-0.1.463 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932811 - "[guru] media-sound/pianobooster-1.0.0 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932815 - "llvm-core/clang-18.1.6: OOM with GCC14 i586-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: /usr/lib/llvm/18/lib/libLLVM.so.18.1: error adding symbols: memory exhausted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932822 - "dev-debug/valgrind-3.24.0_p1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932823 - "[guru] dev-ruby/ruby-install-0.9.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932824 - "[guru] sys-boot/ventoy-bin-1.0.98 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932825 - "dev-libs/hiredict-1.3.1 fails tests: #63 Returns error when host cannot be resolved: FAILED" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932828 - "net-misc/dhcpcd-10.1.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932829 - "sys-apps/sed-4.9-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932832 - "[guru] media-video/obs-multi-rtmp- misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932835 - "dev-libs/xmlrpc-c-1.54.06 fails to compile: ln: failed to create symbolic link libxmlrpc_util++.so.8: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932840 - "dev-vcs/git-credential-manager-2.6.0 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932841 - "dev-lang/ruby-3.2.5 fails to compile on 32-bit: time.c:2325:35: error: passing argument 3 of split_second from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932842 - "sys-kernel/installkernel[efistub]: uefi-mkconfig and kernel-bootcfg stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932854 - "[guru] net-client/telescope-0.9 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932871 - "[guru] net-im/pop-8.0.21 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932872 - "[guru] net-im/session-desktop-bin-1.10.8 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932911 - "[TRACKER] Python 3.12 stabilizations" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:932998 - "[guru] net-im/vesktop-bin-1.5.3 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933000 - "[guru] net-libs/picotls-0_pre20220721 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933077 - "dev-python/aiosmtpd-1.4.6 fails tests on hppa: assert has_smtps is True" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933090 - "app-text/psutils-3.3.2 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933091 - "app-text/ps2eps-1.70 version bump request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933092 - "dev-libs/libaio-0.3.113-r1 fails tests on hppa, sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933101 - "dev-python/scipy-1.13.1 fails to compile: _spropackmodule.c:667:41: error: passing argument 1 of PyPySequence_List from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933103 - "net-libs/libtorrent-rasterbar-2.0.10 fails tests: 44 - test_lsd (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933106 - "[guru] net-p2p/gridcoin- misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933118 - "dev-ruby/activesupport- fails tests: DuplicableTest#test_duplicable duplicable_test.rb:18" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933121 - "dev-ruby/async-2.8.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933122 - "dev-libs/c-blosc2-2.14.4 fails tests on big-endian" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933123 - "net-vpn/gsocket-1.4.43 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933127 - "[guru] net-vpn/cloudflare-warp-2024.11.309 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933132 - "x11-wm/i3-4.23 fails tests: Failed test 'Marks updated after 'floating_user' criterion'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933133 - "re-keyword app-admin/salt-3007.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933134 - "app-crypt/tpm2-tools-5.6.1 fails tests on ppc64 big-endian: cp.hash test.bin differ" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933140 - "dev-lisp/sbcl-2.4.3 fails to compile on ppc: Unhandled SIMPLE-ERROR: make-host-2 stopped due to unexpected STYLE-WARNING raised from the host." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933141 - "sci-libs/netcdf-4.9.2-r1 fails tests on ppc64 big-endian" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933161 - "media-libs/libwebp: consider dropping or masking USE=gif due to problematic media-libs/giflib dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933162 - "dev-util/diffoscope: consider dropping or masking USE=gif due to problematic media-libs/giflib dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933163 - "[Tracker] Drop (possibly-)unnecessary use of unsafe media-libs/giflib where exposed to untrusted input" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933164 - "app-misc/tracker-miners: consider dropping or masking USE=gif due to problematic media-libs/giflib dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933165 - "media-libs/libjxl: examine media-libs/giflib dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933166 - "media-libs/imlib2: consider dropping or masking USE=gif due to problematic media-libs/giflib dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933167 - "mail-filter/spamprobe: consider dropping or masking USE=gif due to problematic media-libs/giflib dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933179 - "[guru] sci-chemistry/vesta-bin-3.5.8 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933180 - "[guru] sci-chemistry/xcrysden-1.6.2 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933183 - "[guru] sci-electronics/yosys-0.40-r1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933187 - "dev-util/qbs-2.3.1 fails to compile: basemessage.cpp:(.text+0x180): undefined reference to qbs::Internal::writeAssertLocation(char const, char const, int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933189 - "dev-ruby/childprocess-4.1.0 fails tests: cannot load such file mock_gem_ui" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933208 - "[guru] sys-boot/ventoy-bin-1.0.98 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933209 - "[guru] sys-fs/fstransform-0.9.4 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933211 - "[guru] sys-power/gtherm-0.0.3 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933217 - "app-admin/calamares missing 'loadmodule'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933229 - "[guru] www-client/vimb-3.7.0 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933230 - "[guru] x11-libs/gtk-fortran-4.6.0 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933255 - "media-sound/schismtracker-20240529 fails to compile: audio_loadsave.c:818:9: error: fmt_flac_export_head undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933256 - "dev-python/shiboken2-5.15.13 w/ USE=numpy: sbknumpyarrayconverter.cpp:46:10: fatal error: numpy/arrayobject.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933261 - "[guru] x11-terms/tabby-bin-1.0.189 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933263 - "[guru] x11-wm/i3-rounded-4.21.1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933267 - "app-office/libreoffice- on musl unknown type name '__fsword_t'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933270 - "app-i18n/scim-1.4.18-r1 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933273 - "dev-python/leechcorepyc: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933279 - "dev-lang/python-3.13.0_beta1_p3 - ./jit_stencils.h: error: _PyCriticalSection_BeginSlow undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933293 - "sys-apps/portage crashes when hitting "No space on device" in logging" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933344 - "<kde-apps/konqueror-23.08.5-r1: HTML Thumbnailer automatic remote file access" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933350 - "app-arch/xz-utils-5.6.2 - [llvm] ld.lld: error: cannot open .../libclang_rt.profile-i386.a: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933351 - "app-text/hyperestraier-1.4.13-r2 - [gcc-15] estraier.c: error: passing argument 3 of rb_rescue from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933353 - "app-arch/xar- - [llvm] ld.lld: error: undefined reference due to --no-allow-shlib-undefined: acl_get_file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933354 - "app-arch/xar- - [llvm] ld.lld: error: undefined reference due to --no-allow-shlib-undefined: acl_get_file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933355 - "dev-util/kernelshark-2.3.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] /.../KsCaptureDialog.cpp: error: TRACECMD_EXECUTABLE was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933360 - "dev-libs/libdnet-1.18.0-r1 - [gcc-15] ./dnet.c: error: passing argument 2 of PyObject_AsReadBuffer from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933362 - "media-libs/gsound-1.0.3 fails to compile: meson.build:34:14: ERROR: Dependency libcanberra not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933363 - "dev-ruby/async-pool-0.6.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933373 - "sci-astronomy/sofa_c-20231011 - cp: cannot create regular file .../sofa.h: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933387 - "media-libs/libpulse cannot be normally linked with on prefix? (was: games-emulation/mednafen compile fails in prefix environment: libpulsecommon-17.0.so not found)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933400 - "dev-lang/python-3.13.0_beta1_p3 - OSError: [Errno 14] Bad address" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933402 - "llvm-runtimes/compiler-rt-17.0.6 - CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933410 - "dev-libs/liblouis-3.30.0 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933420 - "[Future EAPI] Strip file capabilities, require those to be set in pkg_postinst" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933450 - "app-vim/jedi-0.11.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933452 - "mail-filter/spamassassin-4.0.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933457 - "[guru] gnome-extra/iio-sensor-proxy-3.5 installs udev rules without calling udev_reload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933459 - "gui-libs/gtk-layer-shell-0.8.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933462 - "app-office/scribus-1.6.1-r1 fails to compile: scribus/scribusapp.cpp:285:39: error: ambiguous overload for ‘operator==’ (operand types are ‘const QChar’ and ‘const char [2]’)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933479 - "dev-util/vulkan-utility-libraries-[test] configure fail : tests/CMakeLists.txt:8 : cannot find magic_enumConfig.cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933494 - "dev-libs/libunistring-1.2 fails tests on sparc: test-random_r: Bus error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933507 - "app-admin/axosyslog: drop in replacement for syslog-ng" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933510 - "sys-block/dust-0.8.6 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933512 - "dev-python/iminuit-2.30.1 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933513 - "net-libs/nodejs-20.12.1 on ppc64 FAILED: gen/node_snapshot.cc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933529 - "dev-lang/mlton-20180207 - [icu-75.1] gzip: .../ .gz: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933586 - "dev-libs/iniparser-4.2.2 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933595 - "dev-util/wasmer-0.11.0 - [gcc-15] error: trait Atomicity is never used" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933596 - "dev-python/pypy-exe-7.3.16 - [gcc-15] translation failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933597 - "x11-base/xorg-server-21.1.13-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] /.../string_fortified.h: error: _builtin_strncpy offset [130, 319] from the object at name is out of the bounds of r" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933601 - "dev-lang/swig-4.2.1: add conditional support to external libraries/programs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933608 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxx-18.1.6 - [icu-75.1] ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: _Unwind_Resume" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933609 - "net-print/cups-2.4.8 version bump request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933658 - "net-fs/autofs-5.1.9-r1 - [icu-75.1] mounts.c: error: struct tree_ops has no member named dmalloc_free" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933659 - "x11-base/xwayland-24.1.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] /.../string_fortified.h: error: _builtin_strncpy offset [130, 319] from the object at name is out of the bounds of referenc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933661 - "dev-util/re2c-3.1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933662 - "dev-ruby/minitest-around-0.5.0-r1 fails tests: kernel_require.rb:136:in require: cannot load such file spec (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933663 - "app-cdr/gaffitter-1.0.0 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933679 - "app-admin/syslog-ng-4.7.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933683 - "[guru] media-sound/kew-2.4.4-r1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933684 - "[guru] net-misc/FORT-validator-1.6.2-r2 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933689 - "media-sound/qmmp: conflicting use of USE=xmp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933690 - "app-text/recode-3.7.14 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933712 - "app-emulation/libguestfs: bump to current upstream stable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933722 - "dev-util/kernelshark-2.3.1 - [icu-75.1] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933773 - "app-accessibility/powiedz-1.0-r2 - [gcc-15] main.c: error: implicit declaration of function isspace [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933831 - "app-arch/unar-1.10.8 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933844 - "dev-db/mysql-workbench-8.0.36: virtual/jre>=11 is not forced at build time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933853 - "net-misc/caja-dropbox-1.26.0-r1: rst2man now comes without .py suffix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933861 - "[guru] sci-electronics/lxi-tools-2.7 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933862 - "net-libs/nodejs-20.14.0 - [gcc-15] ../.../data.cc: error: class node::quic::QuicError has no member named error_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933873 - "net-analyzer/netdata: incorrect LICENSE, missing NCUL1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933877 - "sci-chemistry/modeller-10.5 - [icu-75.1] Wheel build failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933986 - "[Tracker] Portage debuginfo/installsources/strip bugs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933990 - "app-vim/vimagit-1.7.3: E484: Can't open file ...magit_common.vim" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933993 - "dev-libs/isa-l-2.31.0 - [ncurses-6.5] mem/mem_zero_detect_avx512.s:70: error: unknown preprocessor directive %use" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:933999 - "sys-fs/apfsprogs-0_pre20240521 - [ncurses-6.5] compress.h: error: unknown type name loff_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934005 - "media-video/obs-studio +browser fails to compile on musl - error: 'u_long' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'long'?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934012 - "dev-ruby/nokogiri-1.16.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934027 - "sys-libs/glibc-2.39-r6: test failures on hppa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934031 - "sci-libs/trilinos-16.0.0 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934032 - "x11-wm/xpra-6.0.1-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934033 - "x11-wm/xpra-6.0.1-r1 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934045 - "dev-lang/starlark-rust-0.8.0 fails to compile: error: could not compile ahash (lib) due to 1 previous error: error[E0635]: unknown feature stdsimd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934048 - "games-fps/worldofpadman-1.6.2 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934056 - "net-analyzer/nfdump-1.7.2 - [ncurses-6.5] daemon.c: error: implicit declaration of function setresgid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934057 - "net-analyzer/flow-tools-0.68.6-r1 - [icu-75.1] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934059 - "dev-util/fuzz-0.6-r3 - [ncurses-6.5] getopt.c: error: implicit declaration of function strcmp [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934064 - "dev-debug/valgrind-3.22.0-r2 fails to compile tests on arm: {standard input}:43: Error: selected processor does not support `udiv r3,r9,r10' in Thumb mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934067 - "app-crypt/gpgme-1.23.2: tests (try to) use sys-apps/which" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934071 - "Provide strict version of qa-unresolved-soname-deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934078 - "x11-wm/qtile-0.25.0 fails tests: AssertionError: assert '\nfrom libqtile.config import Match\nimport re\n\nMatch(wm_class=re.compile(r"^(one|two)$"))\n' == '\nimport re\n\nfrom libqtile.config import Match\n\nMatch(wm_class=re.compile(r"^(one|two)$"))\n'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934114 - "media-sound/xfmpc-0.3.1 fails to compile: preferences.c:149:63: error: passing argument 2 of g_object_add_weak_pointer from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934119 - "sys-apps/iproute2-6.9.0 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] arpd.c: error: initialization of int from void makes integer from pointer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934120 - "dev-libs/tree-sitter-markdown-inline-0.2.3 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] ERROR: dev-libs/tree-sitter-markdown-inline-0.2.3::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934125 - "<app-containers/docker-25: fchmodat2(..., AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) returns EPERM instead of ENOSYS on ppc64le, breaking GNU tar" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934126 - "Emerge --updates --rebuild-if-* doesn't conduct the same builds as an interrupted emerge --update -rebuild-if-*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934129 - "flag-o-matic.eclass fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934131 - "net-misc/nx- - [ncurses-6.5] access.c: error: assignment to const char from incompatible pointer type char [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934141 - "<app-containers/apptainer-1.3.2: unexpected authenticated registry access vulnerability in bundled library containers/image" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934145 - "sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.47.1[fuse] calls commands that do not exist: fuse3_CFLAGS - C - fuse3_LIBS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934148 - "sys-apps/portage-3.0.63-r1: TTYOutStream object has no attribute 'buffer' when used in spyder" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934152 - "net-analyzer/snort-2.9.20 fails to compile: fcntl2.h:50:11: error: call to __open_missing_mode declared with attribute error: open with O_CREAT or O_TMPFILE in second argument needs 3 arguments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934153 - "net-analyzer/ospd-openvas-22.7.1 fails tests: FAIL: test_run (tests.messaging.test_mqtt.MQTTDaemonTestCase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934157 - "dev-db/libdbi-drivers-0.9.0-r3 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] utility.c: error: initialization of isc_blob_handle {aka unsigned int} from void makes integer from pointer without a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934161 - "[Tracker] Cursors installing to legacy X-specific /usr/share/cursors/x11-xorg directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934181 - "net-im/rocketchat-desktop-bin-3.9.10-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934182 - "net-im/skypeforlinux- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934183 - "net-analyzer/suricata-7.0.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934192 - "<www-client/chromium-126.0.6478.57 <www-client/google-chrome-126.0.6478.55 <www-client/microsoft-edge-126.0.2592.56, <www-client/opera-112.0.5197.25: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934208 - "net-print/libinklevel-0.9.3 - [ncurses-6.5] bjnp-io.c: error: implicit declaration of function sprintf [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934209 - "media-video/rav1e-0.7.1 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] = note: .../ld: cannot find -lgit2: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934210 - "dev-python/leechcorepyc-2.18.0 - [ncurses-6.5] /.../ld: cannot find -l:leechcore.so: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934226 - "sys-apps/portage: Python deprecation warnings about datetime.datetime.utcnow() with e.g. emerge --sync" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934229 - "app-portage/gemato: Python deprecation warnings about datetime.datetime.utcnow()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934233 - "dev-embedded/libftdi-1.5-r6 fails to compile: string sub-command REGEX, mode MATCHALL needs at least 5 arguments total to command" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934234 - "sys-cluster/pmix-5.0.3 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934236 - "media-libs/vigra-1.11.1-r9 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934238 - "sys-cluster/pmix-5.0.4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934241 - "llvm-utils.eclass fails tests when clang:19 is not installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934311 - "dev-libs/libqt6pas-6.2.7 fails to compile: environment: line 635: 50 Segmentation fault qmake -makefile ${args[@]} $@" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934314 - "LXDE with sys-auth/polkit-124-r1 Cannot determine session the caller is in/Interactive Authentication Required" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934318 - "Perl merge order incorrect (Perl dep issue at 23.0_desktop_gnome-20240614-130837)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934322 - "media-libs/tg_owt-0_pre20230921: fails to build with media-video/ffmpeg-7.0.1: error: ‘struct AVFrame’ has no member named ‘reordered_opaque’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934332 - "net-p2p/classified-ads-0.16 fails to compile: networklistener.cpp:294:46: error: too few arguments to function int UPNP_GetValidIGD(UPNPDev, UPNPUrls, IGDdatas, char, int, char, int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934333 - "net-voip/mumble-1.5.634 fails tests: 2 - TestSettingsJSONSerialization (Subprocess aborted)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934335 - "dev-ruby/charlock_holmes-0.7.7-r1 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] /.../stringpiece.h: error: enable_if_t in namespace std does not name a template type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934360 - "toolchain.eclass: likely a minor mistake in zstd option handling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:934364 - "app-emulation/guestfs-tools[-ocaml]: configure: error: the OCaml module 'guestfs' is required" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934371 - "dev-vcs/git-2.41.2 fails tests on ppc64, pcc: name-rev works in a deep repo, --contains and --no-contains work in a deep repo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934372 - "dev-vcs/git-2.41.2 fails tests on arm: check normal git operations: two packs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934389 - "dev-db/mongodb-5.0.26: randomly runs out of fds and crashes, when running dev-python/pymongo test suite" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934393 - "net-misc/r8168-8.053.00 stable request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934411 - "media-sound/bluez-alsa-4.3.1-r1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934418 - "sys-libs/glibc-2.40 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934422 - "games-board/pasang-emas-6.3.0 fails to compile: game.vala:427:71: error: passing argument 4 of qsort from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934444 - "dev-lang/perl: build with -Duse64bitint on 32-bit arches?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934453 - "dev-db/mongodb stable keyword for arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934470 - "www-servers/apache-2.4.59-r3 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [slibtool] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_lconf_open(), line 614: flow error: unexpected condition or other." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934477 - "sys-apps/install-xattr: be more verbose on setxattr()/getxattr() errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934487 - "sys-boot/plymouth-openrc-plugin: stabilize" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934489 - "sci-geosciences/pymap3d-3.0.1 fails tests: FAILED test_geodetic.py::test_numpy_ecef2geodetic[xyz10-lla10] - assert array([0.18575482]) == 0 ± 1.0e-12" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934490 - "dev-python/wxpython-4.2.1-r2 fails tests: FAILED test_lib_floatcanvas_bbox.py::testAsBBox::testPassArray2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934496 - "dev-tcltk/tclreadline-2.3.8-r2 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [slibtool] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_get_lconf_flags(), line 795: flow error: unexpected condition or other." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934497 - "net-libs/nodejs-22.3.0 - [perl-5.40] [meson-9999] [icu-75.1] ../.../tlscontext.cc: fatal error: ngtcp2/ngtcp2_crypto_quictls.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934514 - "[Future EAPI] Drop rewriting of absolute symbolic links (section 13.4)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934523 - "Users prone to misconfiguring /root/.bashrc because no skeleton file is present" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934524 - "sci-libs/blis-1.0 fails tests on arm: libblis: Invalid architecture id value." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934532 - "sys-fs/ext3grep-0.10.2-r1 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] /.../stl_algo.h: error: redeclaration of template<class _Tp, class _Compare> constexpr const _Tp min" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934536 - "<www-client/chromium-126.0.6478.114, <www-client/google-chrome-126.0.6478.114, <www-client/microsoft-edge-126.0.2592.68, <www-client/opera-112.0.5197.25: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934546 - "app-backup/bacula-15.0.2 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -lbac: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934549 - "app-portage/portage-utils - qwhich returns bogus results when md5-cache missing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934551 - "dev-python/tifffile-2024.6.18 fails tests: FAILED test_tifffile.py::test_write_datetime_tag[None] - AssertionError: assert DateTime not in <tifffile.TiffTags @0x000078D1FA13CA60>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934553 - "app-containers/sen-0.7.0 fails tests: FAILED test_container_info.py::test_short_id - TypeError: kwargs_from_env() got an unexpected keyword argument assert_hostname" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934568 - "media-gfx/img2pdf-0.5.1 fails tests on ppc64 big-endian: CalledProcessError" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934573 - "dev-util/maturin-1.5.1-r1 fails tests on sparc: assertion failed: `(left == right)`" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934575 - "dev-python/pandas-2.2.2-r1 fails tests: AssertionError: Attributes of DataFrame.iloc[:, 7] (column name="h") are different" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934589 - "media-sound/darkice-1.5: please bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934593 - "app-text/xmlto: Bump to 0.0.29" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934609 - "x11-libs/goocanvas-2.0.4-r2 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -lgoocanvas-2.0: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934610 - "dev-qt/qtpositioning-5.15.14 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] /.../moc_predefs.h:-1: Parse error at" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934626 - "sys-fs/zfs-2.2.4 fails to compile: nvpair.c:1259:17: error: writing 4 bytes into a region of size 0 [-Werror=stringop-overflow=]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934631 - "genkernel hard codes /sbin/depmod" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934654 - "net-misc/openssh-contrib-9.7_p1-r3 - [perl-5.40] [meson-9999] [icu-75.1] xmss_hash.c: error: implicit declaration of function SHA256 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934665 - "dev-libs/criterion-2.4.1 fails tests on arm64: Assertion failed: nn_getl ((uint8_t*) p - sizeof (uint32_t)) == NN_CHUNK_TAG" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934686 - "app-emulation/qemu-9.0.1: automagic dependency on media-sound/sndio" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934688 - "dev-cpp/antlr-cpp-4.11.1 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../hashtable.h: error: static assertion failed: hash function must be copy constructible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934772 - "[Tracker] Packages installing to /usr/lib/locale incorrectly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934793 - "[Tracker] Issues with dev-lang/perl-5.40" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934795 - "games-arcade/frozen-bubble-2.2.1_beta1-r2 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934797 - "app-admin/genromfs-0.5.7 calls commands that do not exist: xxd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934803 - "mail-filter/courier-pythonfilter-3.0.6-r1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934813 - "media-gfx/openvdb[ax]: requires LLVM 15" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934814 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-libnotify-0.14-r2 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] pidgin-libnotify.c: error: implicit declaration of function purple_debug_info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934815 - "net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.8b - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] mod_vroot.c: error: passing argument 2 of path_subst_uservar from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934885 - "media-gfx/tuxpaint-0.9.31-r1: failed (compile phase): rm: cannot remove 'starters/.thumbs/bald_eagle-t.png': No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934888 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-birthday-reminder-1.13 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] pidgin_internals.c: error: implicit declaration of function purple_debug_error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934918 - "x11-wm/xpra-6.0.1 - cannot start server" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:934920 - "sys-apps/nix: reinstating Nix in the Gentoo official repo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934922 - "dev-python/pip-24.1-r1: --python option is broken by unbundling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934928 - "net-analyzer/netdata: could not find git for clone of libbpf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934949 - "[guru] media-sound/bespokesynth-1.2.1 fails to compile: fatal error: Xrandr.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934953 - "[guru] dev-cpp/mustache-4.1_p20211210 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934955 - "[guru] media-gfx/bambustudio-bin- installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934956 - "[guru] www-client/firefox-developer-bin-128.0 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934958 - "xfce-extra/xfce4-panel-profiles-1.0.14 installs .desktop files that do not pass validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934959 - "<www-client/chromium-126.0.6478.126, <www-client/google-chrome-126.0.6478.126, <www-client/microsoft-edge-126.0.2592.8, <www-client/opera-112.0.5197.25: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934962 - "Make --getbinpkgonly/--usepkgonly abort by default rather than imply --binpkg-respect-use=n" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934966 - "dev-util/hip-6.1.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934967 - "dev-util/hip-6.1.2 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934970 - "dev-util/Tensile-6.1.1 fails tests: FAILED test_.py::test_2sum_gsu_src - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 2sum_gsu_src.yaml" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934980 - "sci-libs/rocWMMA-6.1.1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934983 - "app-admin/logrotate-3.22.0 fails tests: FAIL: test-0112.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934984 - "app-admin/xstow-1.1.1 fails to compile: cppdir.cc:842:24: error: PATH_MAX was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934985 - "app-arch/par2cmdline-turbo-1.1.1 fails to compile: platform.h:303:49: error: implicit declaration of function posix_memalign [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934988 - "app-containers/apptainer-1.3.2 fails to compile: unshare.c:235:19: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934989 - "app-containers/buildah-1.34.3 fails to compile: unshare.c:235:19: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934990 - "sys-process/tini-0.19.0-r1 fails to compile: tini.c:227:36: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934991 - "app-containers/podman-4.9.4 fails to compile: unshare.c:235:19: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934992 - "app-containers/skopeo-1.15.1 fails to compile: unshare.c:235:19: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:934994 - "<app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.21.3 vulnerabilities in GSS message token handling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:934996 - "app-crypt/eid-mw-5.1.19 fails to compile: ld: libbeidpkcs11.so: undefined reference to symbol gpg_strerror@@GPG_ERROR_1.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935001 - "[guru] app-text/jrnl-9999 fails tests: FAILED test_features.py::test_change_flag_changes_prompted_entries[basic_onefile.yaml] - AssertionError:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935010 - "[fem-overlay] app-admin/arch-install-scripts-28 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935013 - "[fem-overlay] dev-python/python-zulip-api-0.8.2 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named typing_extensions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935020 - "[fem-overlay] sci-electronics/verilator-4.210 fails to compile: V3Const.cpp:244:22: error: unique_ptr is not a member of std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935021 - "[fem-overlay] sys-fs/fuse-ts-2022.11.15.1 fails to compile: fuse-ts-kdenlive.c:8:10: fatal error: mxml.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935023 - "[fem-overlay] www-nginx/nginx-vod-module- misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935024 - "[fem-overlay] x11-misc/lightdm-slick-greeter-1.5.1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935026 - "bootable media feature request: kexec" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935048 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.6.17 and friends: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:935061 - "sys-libs/ldb-2.8.0 (and all other versions) test fail on sparc - [ FAILED ] test_free_list_read_lock" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935066 - "sys-power/nut-2.8.2 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] configure: error: No supported GPIO library was found, required for GPIO driver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935067 - "app-shells/mpibash-1.3-r1 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] coll.c: error: passing argument 3 of reduction_like from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935125 - "sys-fs/multipath-tools-0.9.8 fails to compile: configure.c:1282:24: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935129 - "net-misc/eventd-0.29.0-r2 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] ../.../ws-client.c: fatal error: libsoup/soup.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935147 - "media-libs/osl- installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935168 - "[AlexandreFournier] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935177 - "[audio-overlay] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935182 - "[eigenlay] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935184 - "[flightsim] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935185 - "[gamerlay] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935189 - "[goduck777] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935190 - "[hossie] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935191 - "[hotstoast] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935193 - "[jsteward] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935194 - "[junkdrawer] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935199 - "[musl] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935200 - "[nitratesky] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935202 - "[petkovich] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935203 - "[pixlra] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935207 - "[rukruk] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935208 - "[ryotaro] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935209 - "[scrill] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935211 - "[sk-overlay] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935212 - "[smaeul] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935213 - "[sogo-connector] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935215 - "[tgbugs-overlay] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935217 - "[vaacus] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935218 - "[vayerx] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935219 - "[wichtounet] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935221 - "[zeldu] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935230 - "app-forensics/zzuf-0.15_p20220529 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../zzat.c: error: implicit declaration of function _fgets_chk [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935238 - "app-i18n/mozc-2.28.5029.102-r3 fails to compile: ld: dataset_proto.dataset.pb.o: undefined reference to symbol _ZN4absl12lts_2023080212log_internal17MakeCheckOpStringIllEEPNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEET_T0_PKc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935239 - "app-i18n/mozc-2.28.5029.102-r3 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935240 - "app-i18n/yaskkserv2-0.1.7 fails tests: error: test failed, to rerun pass --lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935242 - "dev-libs/libratbag-0.17-r2 fails to compile: libratbag-data.c:610:66: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935248 - "dev-python/urllib3-2.2.2 fails tests on mips: 44 failed, 2 errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935252 - ">=dev-lang/python-3.13.0_beta3[-jit] fails to compile on riscv: Python/perf_jit_trampoline.c:375:6: error: #error "Unsupported target architecture"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935263 - "sci-mathematics/fricas-1.3.11-r3 [doc] fails to compile: hang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935264 - "app-portage/elogviewer-3.2-r1 fails tests: python3.12: No module named pytest" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935265 - "app-shells/soapbox-0.3.1-r2 fails to compile: libsoapbox.c:295:68: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935293 - "dev-util/aruba-2.2.0 fails tests on ppc: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/cucumber-cucumber-expressions-15.2.0/lib/cucumber/cucumber_expressions/group_builder.rb:18: [BUG] Segmentation fault at 0x66660091" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935304 - "mail-client/betterbird A patched fork of mail-client/thunderbird with many new features and bugfixes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935313 - "media-libs/assimp-5.3.1 fails tests on ppc: ai_assert failure in /var/tmp/portage/media-libs/assimp-5.3.1/work/assimp-5.3.1/code/AssetLib/glTF/glTFImporter.cpp(444 ): validRes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935319 - "dev-lang/swig-4.2.1 fails tests on ppc: ./import_fragments_runme.rb:21: [BUG] Segmentation fault at 0x00000079" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935321 - "sys-power/wluma-4.4.0-r1 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] error: failed to run custom build command for libdbus-sys v0.2.5" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935328 - "[guru] dev-lang/swift-6.0.3 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935329 - "[guru] net-im/manyverse-bin-0.2310.9 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935330 - "[guru] net-im/manyverse-bin-0.2310.9 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935331 - "[guru] net-im/manyverse-bin-0.2310.9 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935351 - "net-misc/modemmanager-1.20.6 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] meson.build: ERROR: Dependency dbus-1 not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935366 - "sys-apps/coreutils-9.5 fails tests on sparc: test-random_r: Bus error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935375 - "app-accessibility/flite-2.2-r2 fails tests on ppc: VAL: tried to access car in 357 typed val" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935378 - "sys-boot/plymouth-openrc-plugin: 0.2.0 so file is not loaded by OpenRC in some cases" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935390 - "dev-debug/apitrace-9.0-r5 fails to compile: backtrace.h:54:10: fatal error: gstdint.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935396 - "app-text/pdfarranger-1.11.1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935416 - "[TRACKER] KDE Plasma, Gear or (Qt-)adjacent downpipe depgraph UX spoilers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935418 - "sys-devel/gcc-15.0.0_pre20240630 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] [llvm] /.../exception_ptr.h: error: no member named fancy_abort in namespace std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935419 - "sys-devel/gcc-15.0.0_pre20240630 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] [llvm] /.../locale: error: attempt to use a poisoned identifier" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935433 - "dev-python/pip-24.1.1 fails tests on ppc, loong: SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: self-signed certificate (_ssl.c:1004)'))" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935444 - "gnustep-base/libobjc2-2.2 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935446 - "dev-tcltk/tclx-8.6.3 fails to compile: sh: line 1: i686-w64-mingw32-gcc: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935447 - "dev-erlang/jiffy-1.1.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935448 - "dev-games/aseprite-1.3.5 fails to compile: fatal: unable to access : Could not resolve host: github.com" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935457 - "sys-apps/portage: try to download updated key upon expiration at sync time" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935458 - "sci-electronics/geda-1.10.2-r2: porting of old python2 scripts" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935464 - "app-arch/p7zip-16.02-r8: setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935465 - "app-editors/wxhexeditor-0.24-r3: setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935468 - "dev-lang/cxprolog/cxprolog-0.98.2-r1: setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935469 - "dev-lang/gdl-1.0.4-r1: setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935470 - "dev-perl/Wx-Perl-ProcessStream-0.320.0-r5: setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935472 - "games-board/blokish-0.9.4-r3: setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935474 - "games-strategy/0ad-0.0.26_alpha-r1: setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935475 - "games-strategy/megaglest-3.13.0-r2: setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935477 - "media-gfx/hugin-2023.0.0-r1: setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935479 - "media-sound/spek-0.8.5-r1: setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935480 - "media-video/mediainfo-23.10: setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935483 - "sci-libs/plplot-5.15.0_p6-r1: setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935484 - "sys-boot/woeusb-3.3.1: setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935502 - "dev-python/cheroot-10.0.1 fails tests on mips: SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_INTERNAL_ERROR] tlsv1 alert internal error (_ssl.c:2563)'))" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935503 - "net-wireless/suwidgets-0.3.0 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: opengl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935504 - "media-sound/quodlibet-4.6.0-r2 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] mv: cannot stat .../appdata: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935509 - "dev-python/protobuf-python-4.23.3 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935513 - "net-mail/automx2-2022.1-r1: failed (test phase): RuntimeError: A 'SQLAlchemy' instance has already been registered on this Flask app" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935515 - "[guru] dev-python/mwclient-0.10.1 fails tests: __main__.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --cov" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935516 - "[guru] games-puzzle/xdemineur-2.1.1 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935520 - "[guru] games-puzzle/xdemineur-2.1.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935521 - "[guru] games-puzzle/xdemineur-2.1.1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935525 - "dev-libs/isa-l-2.31.0 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935526 - "dev-libs/cxxtools-3.0-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935527 - "dev-libs/glib-2.78.6 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935528 - "dev-libs/hiredis-1.2.0 fails tests: #62 Returns error when host cannot be resolved: FAILED" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935535 - "dev-java/openjfx-11.0.11_p1-r3 fails to compile: JDK Docs not found, terminating build early" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935539 - "dev-python/seaborn[python3_13] is broken by dev-python/patsy being restricted to <dev-python/numpy-2.0.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935540 - "dev-vcs/fossil-2.24-r1 stabilization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935542 - "media-sound/zynaddsubfx-3.0.6-r4 uses LD instead of CC/CXX" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935543 - "dev-libs/libtraceevent-1.8.2 fails to compile: trace-utest.c:27:41: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935547 - "[Tracker] Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory for June 11/13, 2024" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935552 - "<dev-lang/spidermonkey-115.12.0: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935559 - "sci-physics/root-6.32.02 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] /.../TGLFormat.cxx:278:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to _GLXEW_ARB_multisample" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935562 - "dev-util/hip-6.1.1 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935571 - "media-sound/zynaddsubfx-3.0.6-r4 fails tests on ppc: Expected 0.061165+-0.000019, but observed 0.060941 instead (line 100)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935622 - "dev-python/pytest-reraise-2.1.2 fails tests: FAILED test_multiple_exceptions.py::test_reraise_first - assert False" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935625 - "sys-block/libfabric-1.11.2-r2 fails to compile: util_wait.c:616:17: error: implicit declaration of function pthread_yield [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935626 - "dev-libs/redland-1.0.17-r3 fails tests: FAIL: rdf_parser_test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935627 - "dev-libs/rocr-runtime-6.1.1 fails to compile: hsa.cpp:158:24: error: operands to ?: have different types std::nullptr_t and bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935628 - "dev-libs/roct-thunk-interface-6.1.1 fails to compile: gtest.h:18573:28: error: invalid operands of types const long unsigned int and std::nullptr_t to binary operator!=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935629 - "dev-libs/sentry-native-0.7.6 fails tests: 1 - sentry_test_unit (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935630 - "dev-libs/simde-0.8.2 fails to compile: round.c:(.text+0x1f697): undefined reference to roundevenf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935631 - "tree-sitter.eclass: installed queries collides with other packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935641 - "tree-sitter.eclass: installs neovim libraries as broken symlinks" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935659 - "media-gfx/pngtools-0.4-r2 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] pnginfo.c: error: passing argument 3 of png_get_IHDR from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935664 - "sci-electronics/kicad-packages3d Should compress the models" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:935665 - "net-libs/google-cloud-cpp-2.19.0 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] cmake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935668 - "[TRACKER] setup-wxwidgets should be called from src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935680 - "dev-scheme/guile-2.2.7-r2 fails to build on alpha" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935682 - "dev-python/agate-1.11.0: fails test tests/test_py3.py::TestSniffer::test_sniffer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935686 - "dev-util/perf: doesn't conform to man page QA policy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935692 - "app-text/master-pdf-editor-5.9.86-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935693 - "app-text/master-pdf-editor-5.9.86-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935694 - "app-text/master-pdf-editor-5.9.86-r1 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935695 - "app-text/master-pdf-editor-5.9.86-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935696 - "[guru] dev-python/django-tailwind-3.8.0 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935700 - "sci-geosciences/qgis: is mandatory dep on sci-geosciences/gpsbabel bogus?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935711 - "app-shells/bash-5.2_p26-r8 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] /.../sh:line <snip>: cd: doc: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935719 - "sci-visualization/gr-0.73.6 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] /.../agg_rasterizer_scanline_aa.h: error: no matching function for call to agg::rasterizer_sl_clip<agg::ras_conv_dbl>::r" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935724 - "net-fs/nfs-utils: CONFIG_NFSD_LEGACY_CLIENT_TRACKING is deprecated and nfsdcld has no OpenRC support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935730 - "sci-geosciences/qgis-3.36.3 fails to compile: qgsgpsinformationwidget.h:28:10: fatal error: qwt_polar_plot.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935731 - "media-sound/reaper-bin-7.24 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935733 - "sys-apps/portage: FEATURES=pid-sandbox interferes with dev-libs/openssl passphrase prompt (USE=secureboot, USE=modules-sign)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935738 - "dev-perl/Encode-IMAPUTF7-1.50.0-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935746 - "Minimal CD fails to boot: exFAT-fs (dm-0): invalid fs_name" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935754 - "sys-devel/bison: fails tests with GCC 15 and -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935755 - "app-misc/screen-5.0.0: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935756 - "dev-libs/pocl-6.0 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] /.../pocl_mem_management.c: error: cmd undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935772 - "net-analyzer/ostinato-1.2.0 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] /.../civil_time.h: error: redefinition of bool absl::lts_20230125::ParseCivilTime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935774 - "media-video/webcamoid-9.1.1 unable to detect my cameras" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935783 - "dev-perl/MogileFS-Server-2.730.0-r1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935784 - "desktop profiles enable USE=cups, possibly obsolete" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935787 - "net-libs/grpc-1.65.0 fails tests without shared lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935793 - "<dev-python/django-{5.0.7,4.2.14}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935801 - "dev-python/pytest-salt-factories-1.0.0_rc29 fails tests: ValueError: invalid attr name 'connections'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935802 - "app-admin/salt-3007.1 fails tests: pytestshellutils.exceptions.FactoryTimeout: Error: Timed out after 157.38 seconds!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935803 - "dev-java/openjdk-21.0.3_p9: ld.lld: error: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 cannot be used against symbol '__cxa_unexpected_handler'; recompile with -fPIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935811 - "dev-perl/Net-ARP-1.0.12 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935819 - "dev-libs/c-siphash-1.1.0 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935821 - "dev-python/xarray: rekeyword" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:935828 - "gnustep-base/gnustep-gui-0.30.0-r2 fails tests: Failed file: lazy_copy.m aborted without running all tests!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935850 - "dev-perl/maybe-0.20.200-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935862 - "net-misc/ofono-2.9 fails to compile: make: provisiontool: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935869 - "<dev-qt/qtbase-6.7.2-r1:6, <dev-qt/qtnetwork-5.15.14-r1:5: HTTP/2 security may be compromised" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935878 - "dev-python/loky-3.4.1 fails tests: FAILED test_resource_tracker.py::TestResourceTracker::test_resource_tracker_sigkill - assert 2 == 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935884 - "dev-python/dns-lexicon-3.17.0 fails tests: FAILED test_client.py::test_client_init_when_missing_action_should_fail - lexicon.exceptions.ProviderNotAvailableError: This provider (fakeprovider) is not supported by Lexicon" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935885 - "dev-python/easy-thumbnails-2.8.5 fails tests: AssertionError: 2 != 4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935886 - "dev-python/flaky-3.8.1 fails tests: FAILED test_pytest_example.py::TestExampleFlakyTestCase::test_flaky_thing_that_fails_then_succeeds - AssertionError" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935887 - "net-analyzer/ostinato-1.2.0 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../inlined_vector.h: error: absl::lts_20240116::inlined_vector_internal::Storage<T, N, A>::metadata_ has incomplete ty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935889 - "app-admin/syslog-ng-4.7.1 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] modules/.../bigquery-dest.cpp: error: void {anonymous}::ErrorCollector::AddError(const std::string&, int, int, const std::" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935896 - "dev-python/hatchling-1.25.0 fails tests: FAILED test_wheel.py::TestBuildStandard::test_default_build_script_known_artifacts - AssertionError: assert my_app-0.0.1-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl == my_app-0.0.1-cp310-cp310-musllinux_1_2_x86_64.whl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935898 - "sys-libs/glibc-2.39-r6: 829MB /usr/lib64/libc.a on catbus.sparc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935918 - "dev-python/moto-5.0.11 fails tests: FAILED test_server.py::test_s3_server_post_cors_multiple_origins - requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host=testcors.localhost, port=6789): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NameResolution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935920 - "dev-python/peewee-3.17.7 calls commands that do not exist: locale" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935974 - "net-dns/bind-9.16.48 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:935975 - "Clarify syntax of license exceptions in LICENSE variable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936004 - "sys-libs/pkgcraft-0.0.16-r1 fails to compile: thread main panicked at lib.rs:622:31:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936031 - "net-p2p/resilio-sync-9999 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] !!! Couldnt download resilio-sync_x64.tar.gz. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936033 - "sys-devel/gcc-15.0.0_pre20240707 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] [llvm] cc1: error: -fcf-protection is not compatible with this target" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936042 - "games-emulation/mupen64plus-core-2.5.9-r4 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] ../.../dbg_memory.c: error: INIT_DISASSEMBLE_INFO undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936053 - "dev-python/python-axolotl-0.2.3-r3 fails tests: ERROR test_groupcipher.py - TypeError: Descriptors cannot be created directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936074 - "sys-apps/dbus-broker: depend on dev-libs/c-stdaux and friends" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936082 - "media-sound/audacity-3.4.2-r1 fails tests on non-amd64: REQUIRE( basicFormatter ->ValueToString( *basicFormatter->StringToValue(formattedString), true) .valueString == formattedString ) with expansion: 189 bar 01 beat == 189 bar 02 beat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936086 - "dev-python/virtualenvwrapper-6.1.0 fails tests: run_tests: line 27: activate: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936087 - "dev-python/xmlschema-3.3.1 fails tests: AssertionError: test.xsd != test.xsd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936101 - "targets/desktop/gnome/make.defaults: enable "pipewire" USE flag by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936102 - "kde-apps/akonadi: Switch default database backend (from QMYSQL) to QSQLITE (IUSE => "mysql +sqlite")" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936103 - "media-libs/osl- failed (test phase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936115 - "dev-python/mpi4py-3.1.5 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] /.../ld: .../libmpi.so: undefined reference to mca_common_sm_fini" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936117 - "sci-astronomy/wcslib-8.2.2-r1 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936118 - "dev-lang/eisl-5.00 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] extension.c: error: implicit declaration of function gettimeofday [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936121 - "dev-lang/micropython-1.23.0 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] emitinlinethumb.c:138:9: error: initializer-string for array of ‘unsigned char’ is too long [-Werror=unterminated-string-initialization]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936132 - "sci-geosciences/qgis-3.38.3 fails tests: TestQgsCopcProvider::testQgsRangeRequestCache() 'files[0].baseName().endsWith( QLatin1String( "bytes=3-4" ) )' returned FALSE." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936133 - "<dev-ruby/rexml-3.3.2: Denial of Service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936136 - "app-emulation/pcem-17-r2 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] slirp/slirp.h: error: implicit declaration of function close" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936147 - "media-video/ffmpeg-6.1.1-r7 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] src/.../hwcontext_vulkan.c: error: implicit declaration of function pthread_mutex_destroy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936153 - "dev-libs/gom-0.5.2 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936204 - "<net-libs/nodejs-{18.20.4, 20.15.1,22.4.1}: Multiple Vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936206 - "app-crypt/pinentry: Use opensuse/fedora wrapper to try to use the right pinentry implementation at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936211 - "[Tracker] Gentoo Foundation dissolution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936214 - "[Tracker] Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory for July 9/15, 2024" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936217 - "<dev-lang/spidermonkey-115.13.0: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936224 - "net-dns/ddclient-3.11.2 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] Failed running automake!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936229 - "games-puzzle/swell-foop-46.0 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] error: Package librsvg-2.0 not found in specified Vala API directories or GObject-Introspection GIR directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936241 - "media-libs/libjxl ppc keyword request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936247 - "<www-client/chromium-126.0.6478.182 <www-client/google-chrome-126.0.6478.182, <www-client/microsoft-edge-126.0.2592.113, <www-client/opera-112.0.5197.53: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936279 - "sci-geosciences/grass-8.3.2-r1 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named wx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936280 - "app-editors/hteditor-2.1.1_pre20161206 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936283 - "dev-ruby/syslogger-1.6.6-r2 fails tests: Error: expect(Syslog).to receive(:open).with(my_app, Syslog::LOG_PID, Syslog::LOG_USER).and_yield(fake_syslog)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936284 - "dev-scheme/bigloo-4.5b-r1 fails to compile: cports.c:156:12: error: conflicting types for posix_close; have int(FILE )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936285 - "dev-scheme/elk-3.99.8-r2 fails to compile: print.c:209:11: error: implicit declaration of function fpurge [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936286 - "Poor error message on failed fetch for binpkgs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936287 - "Retry failed fetches (or allow a fallback URL?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936288 - "CDN/bouncer inconsistency for binpkgs between Packages index and binpkgs themselves" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936289 - "Inconsistency between Packages index and binpkg availability on at least one actual mirror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936320 - "dev-lua/luasystem-0.4.2-r1 stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936322 - "Error message for failed binpkg verification could be prettier" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936381 - "net-analyzer/netdata-1.46.2 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936382 - "net-analyzer/knocker-0.8.0 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] configure: error: cannot find install-sh, install.sh, or shtool in . ./.. ./../.." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936384 - "[Tracker] Go containers/image library: unexpected authenticated registry accesses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936390 - "net-dns/pdns-recursor-5.0.7 fails tests: FAIL: testrunner" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936392 - "dev-util/clion-2024.1-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936395 - "dev-util/ruff-0.5.2 fails tests: ld: cannot find -lzstd: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936396 - "dev-util/yamllint-1.35.1 fails tests: FAILED test_key_ordering.py::KeyOrderingTestCase::test_locale_accents - AssertionError: Lists differ: [4:1: wrong ordering of key hais in mapping (key-ordering)] != []" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936404 - "sys-kernel/genkernel-4.3.16 and others: Unnecessary warnings" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:936407 - "<app-text/xpdf-4.05: Multiple Vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936411 - "dev-cpp/tbb-2021.9.0 fails tests on ppc: FATAL ERROR: test case CRASHED: SIGABRT - Abort (abnormal termination) signal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936420 - "app-admin/openrc-settingsd-1.4.0-r1 fails to compile: meson.build:16:13: ERROR: Dependency openrc not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936422 - "dev-vcs/stagit-1.2 fails to compile: c99: line 23: exec: x86_64-gentoo-linux-musl-gcc: not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936423 - "games-board/freedoko-0.8.0 fails to compile: utils.cpp:12:10: fatal error: execinfo.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936427 - "net-print/lexmark-upd-ppd- - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] !!! Reason: Filesize does not match recorded size" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936438 - "[TRACKER] virtual/jdk:24 issues tracker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936473 - "dev-lang/ruby-3.1.5 fails tests on ppc*: TestWeakMap#test_compaction_bug_19529: NotImplementedError: Compaction isn't available on this platform" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936479 - "Maintainer: Hsu, Chih-Hsiang (andcycle-gentoo AT andcycle.idv.tw)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936490 - "dev-java/antlr-runtime-4.9.3 fails tests with jdk:24" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936491 - "games-roguelike/nethack-3.6.7 calls commands that do not exist: col" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936499 - "net-misc/putty-0.81 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] file collision with sys-cluster/openmpi-5.0.3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936523 - "app-admin/setools-4.5.1 fails tests: test_boolean.py::test_bool_list Fatal Python error: Aborted" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936525 - "games-simulation/singularity-1.00-r2 fails tests: FAILED test_game_run.py::test_initial_game - AttributeError: np.cast was removed in the NumPy 2.0 release Use np.asarray(arr, dtype=dtype) instead" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936526 - "games-util/xboxdrv-0.8.11 fails to compile: helper.hpp:96:1: error: pid_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936527 - "games-strategy/wesnoth-1.18.2 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936528 - "dev-java/commons-logging-1.3.1 fails tests with jdk:24 - java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The Security Manager is deprecated and will be removed in a future release" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936534 - "dev-java/pdfbox-2.0.27 fails to compile with jdk:24 and USE=doc: error: An internal exception has occurred" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936536 - "dev-java/swingx-ws-1.0_p20110515-r2 fails to compile with jdk:24: AbstractTileFactory.java:217: error: cannot find symbol tg.stop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936538 - "media-libs/libbluray-1.3.4-r1 fails to compile with jdk:24: BDFramePeer.java:31: error: BDFramePeer is not abstract and does not override abstract method getAppropriateGraphicsConfiguration(GraphicsConfiguration) in WindowPeer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936539 - "dev-java/freenet-ext should include onionnetworks-fec and dev-java/fec should be last rited" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936547 - "sys-apps/systemd: consider incorporating +userdb into IUSE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:936549 - "net-p2p/biglybt- fails to compile with >=jdk:23: ECPublicKey.java:10: error: types AsymmetricKey and ECKey are incompatible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936551 - "sci-mathematics/octave-9.2.0 fails to compile: octave.jar does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936556 - "gnome-extra/gnome-system-monitor-45.0.2 fails to compile: e_date.c:177:3: error: implicit declaration of function localtime_r [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936561 - "sci-astronomy/wcslib-8.3 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../install: target <snip>/wcslib-8.3: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936563 - "sys-apps/nawk-20230909-r1 - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] awkgram.tab.c:1875: error: set undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936565 - "games-arcade/bomns-0.99.2-r1 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] main.c: error: implicit declaration of function isspace [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936569 - "dev-lang/ruby-3.1.5 fails tests on x86: TestRubyOptions#test_segv_test, TestRubyOptions#test_segv_setproctitle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936573 - "<app-containers/podman-5.0.3: unexpected authenticated registry access" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936577 - "app-crypt/sequoia-sq-0.37.0 fails tests: error: test failed, to rerun pass --test sq-autocrypt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936579 - "net-irc/unrealircd- - [perl-5.40] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] join.c: error: MODE_SECRET undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936585 - "sys-apps/hwloc-2.9.3-r1: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:936587 - "dev-java/openjdk-bin-21.0.4_p7 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936593 - "findmediamount() in initrd.scripts mounts /mnt/cdrom as read-write" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936594 - "net-wireless/wireless-tools-30_pre9-r1 fails to compile: ifrename.c:1816:15: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936611 - "<www-client/chromium-127.0.6533.72, <www-client/google-chrome-127.0.6533.72, <www-client/microsoft-edge-127.0.2651.74, <www-client/opera-113.0.5230.47: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936617 - "dev-scheme/gambit-4.9.5 fails to compile: gambit.h:1629:61: error: expected identifier or ( before return" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936618 - "sci-mathematics/lean-3.51.1 fails to compile: parray.h:592:20: error: class lean::parray<T, ThreadSafe> has no member named m_ptr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936619 - "app-emulation/guestfs-tools-1.48.2 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936620 - "app-emulation/qemu-9.0.2 fails to compile with >=dev-python/sphinx-8: Handler <function write_depfile at 0x75d530beb560> for event build-finished threw an exception (exception: unsupported operand type(s) for +: PosixPath and str)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936624 - "net-vpn/ovpn-dco-0.2.20231117 - error: expected declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936634 - "sci-mathematics/z3-4.13.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [glibc-2.40] [gcc-15] /.../static_matrix.h: error: class lp::static_matrix<T, X> has no member named get" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936636 - "app-editors/texworks-0.6.9 version bump and switch to Qt6 (build option exists since >=0.6.6)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936649 - "sci-mathematics/cudd-3.0.0 - [icu-75.1] [glibc-2.40] /.../string_view:256: constexpr const std::basic_string_view<_CharT, _Traits>::value_type& std::basic_string_view<_CharT," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936662 - "media-libs/imlib-1.9.15-r9 fails to compile: colors.c:187:14: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936667 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.11.8 - [icu-75.1] [glibc-2.40] [gcc-15] /.../ld: cannot find -ltcmalloc: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936672 - "sci-libs/atlas-3.11.41 fails to compile: probe_arch.c:201:33: error: passing argument 1 of strlen from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936682 - "<dev-python/sentry-sdk-{2.8.0,1.45.1}: Unintentional exposure of environment variables to subprocesses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936746 - "media-libs/libvpl-tools-1.1.0 fails to compile: igt_load.h:21:1: error: _Bool does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936748 - "media-libs/openexr-3.2.4 fails tests: 1 - OpenEXR.Iex (Subprocess aborted)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936749 - "media-libs/zmusic-1.1.4 fails to compile: x86_64-pc-linux-musl-g++: fatal error: no input files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936758 - "games-action/bzflag-2.4.26 - [perl-5.40] [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] bzfs.cxx: error: too few arguments to function int UPNP_GetValidIGD(UPNPDev , UPNPUrls , IGDdatas , char , int, char , in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936790 - "dev-libs/openssl-3.3.1 fails on s390x with asm error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936814 - "media-sound/ezstream-0.6.0-r2 fails to compile: compat.c:60:17: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936816 - "Maintainer: John M. Harris, Jr. (johnmh AT johnmh.me)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936822 - "dev-libs/ferrisloki-3.0.13-r3 - [icu-75.1] [glibc-2.40] [gcc-15] ./.../SafeFormat.h: error: struct Loki::PrintfState<Device, Char> has no member named s" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936823 - "net-news/newsboat-2.34 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] tar: miniz_oxide-0.7.1.crate: Cannot open: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936865 - "dev-util/hip-6.1.2 fails to compile: clang: error: invalid target ID gfx000; format is a processor name followed by an optional colon-delimited list of features followed by an disable sign (e.g., gfx908:sramecc+:xnack-)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936890 - "media-video/alevt-1.8.2 fails to compile: vbi.c:879:34: error: unknown type name u_int16_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936896 - "sys-fs/linux-apfs-rw-0.3.9 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../transaction.c: error: struct block_device has no member named bd_inode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936899 - "media-libs/oidn-2.3.0 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:13 (project):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936918 - "dev-vcs/mercurial: hppa keywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936921 - "sci-mathematics/singular-4.3.2_p16-r1 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] gfanlib_matrix.h: error: const class gfan::Matrix<typ> has no member named vectormultiply" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936922 - "dev-libs/libcdada-0.6.1 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936927 - "net-fs/autofs-5.1.9-r1 fails to compile: master.c:1632:16: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936928 - "net-fs/cifs-utils-7.0-r1 fails to compile: getcifsacl.c:500:20: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936929 - "net-im/pidgin-2.14.13 fails tests: FAIL: check_libpurple" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936930 - "app-i18n/poedit-3.5.2 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../future.hpp: error: struct boost::detail::run_it<FutureExecutorContinuationSharedState> has no member named that" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936931 - "net-irc/kvirc-5.2.4 fails to compile with app-text/doxygen-1.11.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936934 - "media-libs/grilo-0.3.16 fails tests: 5 lib-net FAIL 0.01s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936938 - "net-libs/gsoap-2.8.130-r1 fails to compile: stdsoap2.c:17230:19: error: implicit declaration of function strtod_l [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936939 - "net-libs/dleyna-0.8.3 fails to compile: log.c:156:17: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936950 - "app-laptop/i8kutils - Dell laptop fans (XPS 9700) can't be controlled because CONFIG_I8K is not set in distribution kernel" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:936953 - "dev-db/libdbi-drivers-0.9.0-r2 - [icu-75.1] dbd_firebird.c: error: implicit declaration of function isdigit [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936954 - "dev-python/pypy3_10-exe-7.3.16 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] [translation:ERROR] Exception: seeing a prebuilt rpython.rlib.rthread.Lock instance" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936972 - "net-libs/libaccounts-glib-1.27 fails tests: accounts-glib-testsuite FAIL 0.05s (exit status 255 or signal 127 SIGinvalid)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936973 - "net-libs/libcorkipset- fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936975 - "net-libs/libiscsi-1.20.0: test_2100_timeout.sh hangs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936977 - "media-sound/ecasound-2.9.3-r1 calls python directly (dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936978 - "sci-chemistry/votca-2022.1-r1 fails to compile: dlpolytrajectoryreader.cc:24:10: fatal error: convenience.hpp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936987 - "app-i18n/ibus-hangul-1.5.5 stable request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:936996 - "dev-util/catalyst-4.0.0 stable request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937008 - "x11-wm/xpra-6.0.1-r1 stable request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937009 - "dev-games/clanlib-0.8.1-r3 fails to compile: signal_v3.h:93:52: error: class CL_Signal_v3<PARAM1, PARAM2, PARAM3> has no member named owner" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937010 - "net-libs/rest-0.9.1-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937023 - "media-sound/solfege-3.23.4 - [icu-75.1] /.../swab.h: error: unknown type name _attribute_const_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937024 - "www-apache/passenger-6.0.23 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] src/.../MovingAverage.h: error: class Passenger::DiscExpMovingAverageWithStddev<alpha, alphaTimeUnit, maxAge> has no mem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937033 - "dev-ruby/mechanize-2.12.0 keywording request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937037 - "portage/emerge - a tool to cleanup tmpdir/workdir directories" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937047 - "dev-java/javacup-11b_p20160615: QA Notice: java-pkg_ensure-dep: The ebuild is attempting to use javacup, which is not declared with a SLOT in DEPEND." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937048 - "<www-client/chromium-127.0.6533.88, <www-client/google-chrome-127.0.6533.88, <www-client/microsoft-edge-127.0.2651.86, <www-client/opera-113.0.5230.47: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937060 - "dev-lang/fennel-1.5.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:937088 - "net-misc/openntpd-6.2_p3-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937089 - "net-misc/wget2-2.2.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937090 - "net-libs/xrootd-5.7.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937091 - "net-mail/mpop-1.4.7 fails to compile: net.c:336:25: error: passing argument 2 of bind from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937093 - "net-misc/linux-eoip-0.5 fails to compile: eoip.c:208:113: error: passing argument 5 of recvfrom from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937094 - "net-misc/lldpd-1.0.18 fails to compile: mv: cannot stat refman.pdf: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937096 - "net-misc/vrrpd-1.15 fails to compile: libnetlink.c:287:25: error: initialization of int from void makes integer from pointer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937097 - "net-nds/gssproxy-0.9.2 fails to compile: gss_proxy_xdr.c:28:35: error: passing argument 2 of gp_xdr_uint64_t from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937098 - "dev-java/jflex-1.6.1-r3 java-pkg_ensure-dep issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937101 - "dev-lang/perl-5.40.0 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] [slibtool] Cant locate base.pm in @INC (you may need to install the base module) (@INC entries checked: .../Long.pm line 23." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937109 - "x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.42-r1: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:937112 - "mono-env.eclass: does not support EAPI=8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937114 - "<dev-ruby/rexml-3.3.4: DoS Vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937115 - "sci-physics/fastjet-3.4.3 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] ProtoJet.hpp: error: const class fastjet::d0::ProtoJet<Item> has no member named _Et" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937122 - "app-laptop/tiny-dfr-0.3.1 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937124 - "<dev-lang/python-{3.8.19_p3,3.9.19_p4,3.10.14_p2,3.11.9_p1,3.12.4_p3,3.13.0_rc1_p1}, <dev-python/pypy3_{9,10}-7.3.16_p1: Email header injection due to unquoted newlines" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937125 - "<net-misc/curl-8.9.1: ASN.1 date parser overread" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937126 - "app-editors/vim: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937127 - "dev-lang/orc: Stack-based buffer overflow when formatting error messages for certain input files." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:937128 - "dev-util/visualvm-2.1.10 java-pkg_ensure-dep issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937129 - "[guru] gui-libs/gtk4-layer-shell-1.0.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937132 - "net-p2p/arti-1.2.5 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937133 - "net-p2p/retroshare-0.6.7-r1 fails to compile: libsam3.h:81:8: error: unknown type name ssize_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937134 - "net-vpn/pptpd-1.4.0-r4 fails to compile: pptpd-logwtmp.c:53:3: error: implicit declaration of function logwtmp [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937135 - "net-vpn/vpncwatch-1.8.1-r1 fails to compile: vpncwatch.c:46:26: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937136 - "[guru] app-editors/neovide-0.12.2 fails to compile: hang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937151 - "If package-a both DEPENDs and PDEPENDs on package-b, and package-b has a R / DEPEND on package-a, portage doesn't error when building package-b from source" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937165 - "sys-apps/portage: job sandbox using compiler wrappers to enforce MAKEOPTS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937220 - "gnustep-base/libobjc2-2.2.1 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] ebuild uses colon (:) as a sed delimiter" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937221 - "media-sound/supercollider-3.13.0-r1 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../future.hpp: error: struct boost::detail::run_it<FutureExecutorContinuationSharedState> has no member named" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937223 - "dev-lang/python-3.12.4_p3 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] sandbox issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937229 - "net-libs/msgraph-0.2.3 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937232 - "dev-java/stringtemplate-4.3.4 java-pkg_ensure-dep issue" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937237 - "app-misc/logiops-0.3.5 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../optional: error: satisfaction of atomic constraint _construct_from_contained_value<_Up, typename std::remove_cv< <templa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937238 - "media-libs/osl- - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../dual.h: error: const class OSL_v1_13::DualStorage<T, 3> has no member named dz" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937246 - "sci-geosciences/gpsd-3.25-r1 fails tests: Ensure your PYTHONPATH includes python-discard" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937248 - "sci-libs/getdata-0.11.0-r2 fails tests: FAIL: error_verbose_prefix" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937249 - "[guru] app-misc/electricsheep-3.0.2_p20191005-r1 fails to compile: lua_playlist.h:20:17: fatal error: convenience.hpp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937253 - "[guru] dev-hare/hare-xml-0_pre20231231 fails tests: parser.ha:407:32: error: Unknown object strconv::stou32" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937255 - "[guru] app-office/nixnote-bin-2.1.10 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937257 - "app-laptop/tuxedo-drivers-4.6.1 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../clevo_acpi.c: error: struct acpi_driver has no member named owner" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937263 - "Maintainer: Sam Wilson (sam AT binarycake.ca)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937273 - "sys-apps/bolt-0.9.8-r1 - [icu-75.1] ../.../bolt-test.c: error: passing argument 2 of bind from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937274 - "net-libs/wvstreams-4.6.1_p14-r2 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] ./.../wvscatterhash.h: error: class WvScatterHash<T, K, Accessor, Comparator>::Iter has no member named xstatus" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937277 - "net-dns/inadyn-2.12.0-r1 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] emake failed: /var/tmp/portage/net-dns/inadyn-2.12.0-r1/work/inadyn-2.12.0/aux/missing: line 81: automake-1.16: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937307 - "dev-cpp/abseil-cpp-20240116.2: [gcc-15] error: ‘uintptr_t’ does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937308 - "net-im/spectrum2-2.2.1 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../main.cpp: error: is_regular was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937316 - "sys-apps/tas- fetches file(s) that do not match recorded size" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937317 - "media-plugins/vdr-newsticker-0.0.4-r1 calls g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937320 - "dev-libs/zug-0.1.1-r1 fails to compile: sequence.hpp:75:33: error: struct zug::detail::sequence_data<ValueT, XformT> has no member named impl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937322 - "sci-libs/stellarsolver-2.6 fails to compile: os-features.h:113:6: error: conflicting types for qsort_r; have void(void , size_t, size_t, void , int ()(void , const void , const void )) {aka void(void , long unsigned int, long unsigned int, void , int ()(" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937323 - "sci-mathematics/acl2-8.5_p20240307 fails to compile: | wrappers__wrapper.c:140:10: error: returning int from a function with return type char makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937325 - "sci-mathematics/fricas-1.3.11-r2 fails to compile: sockio-c.c:761:34: error: passing argument 2 of connect from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937329 - "sci-mathematics/gfan-0.6.2-r6 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] src/gfanlib_matrix.h: error: const class gfan::Matrix<typ> has no member named vectormultiply" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937350 - "x11-wm/muffin-6.2.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937356 - "sci-physics/hepmc-3.3.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937360 - "[guru] dev-python/libusb1-3.1.0 fails tests: error: invalid command test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937361 - "[guru] dev-python/sjcl-0.2.1-r1 fails tests: error: invalid command test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937364 - "[guru] gnome-extra/extension-manager-0.5.1 fails to compile: gsignal.h:515:59: error: passing argument 3 of g_signal_connect_data from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937366 - "[guru] games-util/itch-bin-26.1.9 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937369 - "dev-lua/luasystem-0.4.2-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937372 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-6.6.41: difficulties compiling with stable llvm-18.1.8-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937373 - "sys-apps/bfs-3.3.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937374 - "sys-apps/firejail-0.9.72 fails to compile: libtrace.c:457:40: error: passing argument 2 of orig_stat64 from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937377 - "[guru] gnome-extra/vvmplayer-1.4 fails to compile: meson.build:113:2: ERROR: Dependency gstreamer-pbutils-1.0 not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937389 - "app-misc/task-2.6.2 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../JSON.h: error: uint64_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937390 - "gnome-extra/cjs-6.2.0 - [icu-75.1] ../.../profiler.cpp: error: struct sigevent has no member named _sigev_un" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937391 - "llvm-core/clang-17.0.6 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../Twine.h: error: const class llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> has no member named data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937394 - "dev-db/influxdb-2.7.8 - [icu-75.1] sqlite3-binding.c: error: pread64 undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937395 - "llvm-core/llvm-16.0.6 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../Allocator.h: error: class llvm::SmallVector<void , 4> has no member named begin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937405 - "sci-physics/yoda-2.0.2 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] emitterutils.cpp: error: uint16_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937406 - "dev-db/sqlitestudio: insecure rpath" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937421 - "dev-lang/lazarus: 'Exception=Failed to create new thread' with SCHED_IDLE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937425 - "llvm-core/lldb-18.1.8 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../AddressableBits.cpp: error: m_low_memory_addr_bits was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937428 - "dev-libs/rocr-runtime-6.1.2 - [icu-75.1] /.../os_linux.cpp: error: pthread_attr_setaffinity_np was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937429 - "sci-mathematics/lean-3.51.1 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../hash.cpp: error: MurmurHash64A was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937432 - "sys-apps/proot-5.4.0 fails to compile: cli.c:311:33: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937433 - "sys-apps/uutils-findutils-0.5.0 fails tests: error: test failed, to rerun pass --lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937434 - "sys-block/ndctl-77-r1 fails to compile: device.c:377:26: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937435 - "sys-boot/vboot-utils-80_p20200108 fails to compile: pad_digest_utility.c:24:17: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937436 - "sys-cluster/ploop-1.15-r1 fails to compile: delta_sysfs.c:250:59: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937437 - "[guru] media-libs/amdvlk-2023.1.3 fails to compile: queue.h:371:25: error: const class DevDriver::Queue<T, BlockSize, MinIndexCacheSize> has no member named allocCb" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937442 - "[guru] media-sound/furnace-0.6.5 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937448 - "gnome-extra/gnome-software-46.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937451 - "media-libs/libvpl-tools-1.2.0-r1 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../sample_vpp_frc_adv.cpp: error: uint64_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937459 - "QA: documenting the misuse of 'lto' use flag under official QA policy guide" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937460 - "dev-cpp/elfio-3.12 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../elfio.hpp: error: class ELFIO::elfio has no member named current_file_pos" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937462 - "dev-util/rocm-smi-6.1.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../rocm_smi_common.h: error: uint32_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937466 - "[Tracker] Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory for August 6, 2024" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937469 - "<dev-lang/spidermonkey-115.14.0: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937476 - "<dev-python/django-{5.0.8,4.2.15}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:937488 - "[guru] dev-cpp/finalcut-0.9.1-r1 fails tests: configure: line 6006: test: syntax error: -march=x86-64 unexpected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937491 - "[guru] gui-apps/wlogout-1.2.2-r1 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937492 - "sys-fs/dd-rescue-1.99.13-r1 fails to compile: checksum_file.c:64:21: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937493 - "sys-fs/jfsutils-1.1.15-r2 fails to compile: fsck_message.c:102:45: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937495 - "sys-fs/xfsdump-3.1.12 fails to compile: main.c:919:43: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937496 - "sys-power/apcupsd-3.14.14-r3 calls commands that do not exist: col" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937500 - "[guru] net-libs/ixwebsocket-11.4.4 fails to compile: msgpack11.hpp:53:25: error: uint8_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937503 - "[guru] sci-biology/cmdock-0.2.0-r3 fails to compile: cxxopts.hpp:123:3: error: uint8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937504 - "[guru] sci-electronics/circt-1.76.0 fails to compile: SmallVector.h:119:62: error: uint64_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937505 - "[guru] sci-electronics/yosys-0.40-r1 fails to compile: json11.cpp:95:32: error: uint8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937509 - "[guru] net-wireless/sdrpp-1.2.0_pre20240607 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937510 - "<www-client/chromium-127.0.6533.99, <www-client/google-chrome-127.0.6533.99, <www-client/microsoft-edge-127.0.2651.98, <www-client/opera-113.0.5230.47: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937511 - "[guru] packages that do not pass tinderbox build" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:937512 - "[Future EAPI] drop support for ftp:// URLs in HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937521 - "media-plugins/caps-plugins-0.9.26 - [icu-75.1] dsp/util.h: error: union DSP::sgn(float)::<unnamed> has no member named i" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937523 - "net-libs/grpc-1.65.1 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../container_memory.h: error: uintptr_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937524 - "net-libs/libnpupnp-6.2.0 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] ../.../ThreadPool.cpp: error: struct ThreadPoolJob has no member named priority" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937528 - "dev-libs/rocr-runtime-6.1.2 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../amd_elf_image.cpp: error: class rocr::amd::elf::Section has no member named offset" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937529 - "x11-wm/herbstluftwm-0.9.5-r2 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../xconnection.cpp: error: uint8_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937532 - "net-dns/pdns-recursor-5.1.2 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] json11.cpp: error: uint8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937539 - "gnome-extra/gnome-system-monitor-46 does not compile on clang due to invalid c++11-narrowing [PATCH]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937548 - "dev-python/ConfigArgParse-1.7 fails tests: python3.12 -m unittest: error: unrecognized arguments: --foo bar" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937552 - "[guru] www-client/firefox-developer-bin-128.0 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937558 - "dev-libs/gjs-1.78.5 - [icu-75.1] ../.../profiler.cpp: error: struct sigevent has no member named _sigev_un" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937559 - "games-puzzle/pingus-0.7.6-r5 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] src/.../font.hpp: error: uint32_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937560 - "app-misc/recoll-1.37.4-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] ./.../rclconfig.h: error: uint32_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937562 - "games-arcade/apricots-0.2.8 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] econf failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937563 - "sys-cluster/ucx-1.9.0 - [icu-75.1] cc1: all warnings being treated as errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937575 - "dev-python/beartype-0.18.5 fails to compile: FAILED test_pep561_static.py::test_pep561_mypy - subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command python3.10, -m, mypy, --config-file, mypy.ini, beartype) returned non-zero exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937576 - "dev-python/breathe-4.35.0-r1 fails tests: FAILED test_renderer.py::test_render_func - TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937577 - "dev-python/capturer-3.0-r1 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937580 - "app-misc/lirc-0.10.2 - [icu-75.1] mplay.c: error: initialization of struct _pthread from int makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937581 - "games-roguelike/dwarf-fortress-0.47.05-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] g_src/files.h: error: uint16_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937603 - "[guru] app-misc/ledger-live-bin-2.84.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937604 - "[guru] app-misc/ledger-live-bin-2.84.1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937606 - "dev-python/django-polymorphic-3.1-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937607 - "dev-python/executing-2.0.2_pre20240626 fails tests: FAILED test_main.py::TestStuff::test_iter - executing._exceptions.VerifierFailure: ast.Call is not created from GET_ITER" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937618 - "gnome-extra/evolution-data-server-3.52.4 fails to compile: FAILED: Camel-1.2.gir Camel-1.2.gir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937620 - "x11-wm/mutter-46.4 fails to compile: FAILED: Mtk-14.gir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937622 - "x11-libs/gtksourceview-4.8.4 fails to compile: Couldnt find include GObject-2.0.gir (search path: gir-1.0, gir-1.0, gir-1.0, gir-1.0, gir-1.0, gir-1.0, gir-1.0])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937623 - "dev-python/keyrings-alt-5.0.1 fails tests: FAILED test_crypto.py::TestCryptedFileKeyring::test_empty_username - ValueError: Username cannot be blank" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937632 - "x11-wm/mutter-46.7: fails to build on a system without wayland present: meta-wayland-text-input.h:22:10: fatal error: wayland-server.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937639 - "sys-libs/binutils-libs-2.43 QA Notice: Automake "maintainer mode" detected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937641 - "<dev-python/twisted-24.7.0_rc1: twisted.web has disordered HTTP pipeline response" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:937692 - "sys-cluster/openmpi-5.0.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] src/.../mpl_gpu_ze.c: error: MPL_gpu_ipc_mem_handle_t {aka struct _ze_ipc_mem_handle_t} has no member named global_dev_id" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937707 - "sci-libs/ViSP-3.5.0-r1 fails tests: 136 - testGenericTracker-edge-scanline (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937711 - "[guru] dev-php/fpdf-1.86 fails to compile: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: html" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937712 - "dev-python/multiprocess-0.70.16 fails tests: TypeError: install_tests_in_module_dict() got an unexpected keyword argument exclude_types" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937716 - "x11-terms/alacritty-0.13.2 fails to compile: ld: cannot find -lexpat: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937717 - "x11-terms/wezterm-20240203.110809-r1 fails to compile: ld: cannot find -lz: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937719 - "net-p2p/airdcpp-webclient-2.11.4: /.../Mapper_MiniUPnPc.cpp: error: too few arguments to function int UPNP_GetValidIGD" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937720 - "sci-mathematics/why3-1.6.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] make inconsistent assumptions over interface Nat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937725 - "sys-cluster/fake-1.1.11: Version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937729 - "media-sound/musescore-4.3.2 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937730 - "net-libs/ldns-1.8.3-r3 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../ldns-dpa.c: fatal error: config.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937731 - "games-action/supertuxkart-1.4-r1 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../remote_kart_info.hpp: error: const class RemoteKartInfo has no member named m_host_id" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937733 - "dev-python/twisted-24.7.0 fails tests: builtins.KeyError: 'twisted.words.test.test_xmlstream.GenericXmlStreamFactoryTestsMixin.test_addAndRemoveBootstrap'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937757 - "dev-python/numpy-2.0.0 fails src_compile on ppc64 power9" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937758 - "x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.7.0-r1 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937772 - "net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.9.0 - too few arguments to function 'rrd_rwlock'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937776 - "net-libs/gupnp-1.6.6 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] unpack: gupnp-1.6.6.tar.xz does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937777 - "net-misc/ipv6calc-4.0.1-r1 - [icu-75.1] mod_ipv6calc.c: error: expected ) before COPYRIGHT_YEAR" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937779 - "llvm-core/llvm-15.0.7-r3 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../raw_ostream.h: error: const class llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> has no member named data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937783 - "dev-libs/modsecurity-3.0.13 - [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] ../.../rules_set.h: error: uint8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937796 - "media-sound/lilypond-2.24.4 fails to compile: ERROR: Please install required programs: epsf.tex fontinst CTAN package (texlive-fontinst or texlive-font-utils) lm CTAN package (lmodern or texlive-lm) convert" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937798 - "x11-wm/goomwwm-1.0.0-r2 fails to compile: rule.c:106:87: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937803 - "dev-python/pyproject-api-1.7.1 fails tests: FAILED test_frontend_setuptools.py::test_setuptools_prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel - AssertionError: assert [magic>3, requests>2] == [magic >3, requests >2]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937804 - "dev-python/textX-4.0.1 fails tests: FAILED test_scoping_tools.py::test_textx_tools_with_frozen_classes1 - RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937805 - "dev-python/txtorcon-23.11.0 fails tests: FAILED test_torconfig.py::LegacyLaunchTorTests::test_happy_path - twisted.trial.unittest.FailTest: 1 != 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937806 - "dev-python/vdirsyncer-0.19.2-r2 fails tests: FAILED test_vobject.py::TestVobjectMachine::runTest - AssertionError: assert 0 == 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937807 - "dev-python/virtualenv-clone-0.5.7 fails tests: FAILED test_virtualenv_clone.py::TestVirtualenvClone::test_clone_contents - UnicodeDecodeError: utf-8 codec cant decode byte 0xba in position 10: invalid start byte" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937815 - "app-admin/needrestart-3.8 installs into paths that should be created at runtime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937820 - "[Tracker] Build failures with sys-kernel/linux-headers-6.10" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937827 - "dev-libs/rocksdb-9.4.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../blob_file_meta.h: error: using std::_shared_ptr_access<rocksdb::SharedBlobFileMetaData, _gnu_cxx::_S_atomic, false, fals" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937838 - "sys-fs/xfsprogs-6.8.0 fails to build on alpha (qemu-based iso build), ‘MADV_SOFT_OFFLINE’ undeclared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937849 - "media-libs/ftgl-2.1.3_rc5-r1 - [icu-75.1] FTVectoriser.cpp: error: invalid conversion from unsigned char to char [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937850 - "dev-scheme/bigloo-4.5b-r1 - [icu-75.1] ude/ude-compile.el: Error: Symbols value as variable is void: image-load-path" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937851 - "media-libs/mesa: unable to initialise D3D12 GPU in WSL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937854 - "dev-db/mysql-8.0.37 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../warning.cc: error: const class Warning has no member named m_code" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937867 - "www-client/firefox-128.1.0:esr fails to emerge on RISC-V: js/src/jit/riscv64/constant/Base-constant-riscv.h:16:7: error: unknown type name 'uint32_t'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937869 - "dev-util/perf-6.12: GTK browser requested but could not find libperf-gtk.so" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937897 - "[guru] net-misc/ooni-probe-cli-3.23.0 fails tests: FAIL openvpn 0.108s" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937900 - "[guru] media-sound/spotube-bin-3.8.0 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937901 - "[guru] media-sound/spotube-bin-3.8.0 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937902 - "[guru] media-sound/spotube-bin-3.8.0 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937906 - "snapshots/squashfs/sha512sum.txt not containing latest gentoo-current.xz.sqfs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937909 - "dev-python/scipy-1.14.0-r1 fails to compile: error: reference to non-static member function must be called" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937917 - "dev-libs/libbsd-0.11.8: nlist test fails with mold" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937920 - "sys-libs/libcap-2.70: fails libcapsotest test with mold" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937922 - "net-p2p/energi3 fails to build (possible lastrites)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937925 - "net-libs/grpc-1.65.1 - [ncurses-6.5] /.../sh:line <snip>: --grpc_out=generate_mock_code=true:/.../gens: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937926 - "games-board/cockatrice-20230914 - [icu-75.1] /.../dlg_update.cpp: error: QSslSocket has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937929 - "[Tracker] Breakage with dev-lang/go-1.23" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937946 - "<dev-python/webob-1.8.8: Location header normalization during redirect leads to open redirect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937954 - "dev-ruby/minitest-hooks-1.5.2 rekeywording request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937955 - "<net-mail/dovecot- vulnerabilities in header parsing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937956 - "app-containers/netavark-1.11.0 - [ncurses-6.5] error: failed to run custom build command for netavark v1.11.0 (/var/tmp/portage/app-containers/netavark-1.11.0/work/" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937960 - "dev-ruby/ruby-feedparser-0.11.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937962 - "dev-ruby/ruby-glib2-4.1.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937963 - "dev-ruby/sequel-5.82.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937990 - "net-libs/gnutls-3.8.6-r1: building with mold leads to broken underlinked library wrt app-crypt/p11-kit symbols" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:937998 - "dev-tex/dot2tex-2.11.3-r1 fails to compile: ERROR: Invalid value None in ] Expected a two-element tuple or list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938010 - ">=media-libs/mesa-24.1.0 breaks my setup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938012 - "sys-libs/musl: wchar_t is broken with -fshort-wchar on amd64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938013 - "sys-libs/ncurses-6.5_p20240615 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] (.text+<snip>): undefined reference to main" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938018 - "dev-util/cargo-c-0.10.5-r1 - = note: .../ld: cannot find -lz: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938019 - "app-misc/hatools-2.14 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] FAIL: test.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938024 - "sys-apps/portage: pre-merge failures are hard to find in verbose output" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938026 - "<net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.44.3{,-r410,-r600}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938080 - "gnome-base/librsvg-2.58.2 fails test - error: could not compile time (lib) due to 1 previous error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938081 - "llvm-runtimes/libunwind-18.1.8 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938082 - "sys-cluster/drbd-utils-9.27.0 - [icu-75.1] configure: error: pkg-config not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938084 - "sys-fs/quotatool-1.6.5 - ./.../linux_quota.h: fatal error: sys/cdefs.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938085 - "dev-vcs/python-gitlab-4.6.0 fails test - E fixture docker_ip not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938086 - "dev-lisp/clozurecl-1.13 - ../unix-calls.c: error: implicit declaration of function lseek64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938087 - "dev-libs/bglibs-2.04-r2 - unix/sig_block.c: error: implicit declaration of function sigblock" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938088 - "net-misc/netsed-1.3-r1 fails test - Failure: test_case_02_NoServer(TC_TCPTest)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938089 - "dev-lisp/clozurecl-1.12.2 - ../x86-exceptions.c: fatal error: fpu_control.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938100 - "dev-libs/thrift-0.20.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../Mutex.h: error: int64_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938102 - "dev-libs/protobuf-c-1.5.0-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] configure: error: Please install the protobuf compiler from https://code.google.com/p/protobuf/." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938103 - "dev-vcs/subversion-1.14.3 fails test - FAIL: io-test: Unknown test failure (-6); see tests.log." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938107 - "games-emulation/melonds-0.9.5_p20240815 fails to compile: Could not find a package configuration file provided by Qt5Svg with any" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938109 - "dev-util/geany-2.0 fails to compile: ScintillaTypes.h:678:18: error: intptr_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938110 - "dev-libs/opencl-clang-15.0.0-r1 fails to compile: SmallVector.h:88:69: error: uint64_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938111 - "dev-util/mdds-2.1.1 fails to compile: trie_map_itr.hpp:532:99: error: uintptr_t does not name a type [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938112 - "dev-util/rocm-smi-6.1.1 fails to compile: rocm_smi_common.h:149:5: error: uintptr_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938113 - "dev-util/uncrustify-0.78.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938114 - "games-action/astromenace-1.4.2-r1 fails to compile: vfs.h:60:5: error: uint8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938115 - "games-action/supertuxkart-1.4-r1 fails to compile: remote_kart_info.hpp:41:20: error: found : in nested-name-specifier, expected ::" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938116 - "games-arcade/blobby-1.0-r1 fails to compile: LinkedList.h:507:47: error: class BasicDataStructures::CircularLinkedList<CircularLinkedListType> has no member named last [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938118 - "games-emulation/dolphin: rekeywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938122 - "dev-lang/luau-0.645-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../TypedAllocator.cpp: error: uintptr_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938141 - "sys-process/audit-4.0.1-r1 fails test - Make check failed. See above for details." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938142 - "sys-apps/pkgcraft-tools-0.0.16 - 915 | test_syntax_error (_(syntax error: %s unexpected), argv[pos]);" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938143 - "app-text/webgen-1.7.3 fails test - rake aborted!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938144 - "app-crypt/sequoia-sq-0.37.0 - error: failed to run custom build command for nettle-sys v2.3.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938145 - "games-action/heroes-0.21-r3 - configure: error: ===" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938150 - "dev-lang/gnat-gpl-2021-r5 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [icu-75.1] checking whether objcopy supports debuglink... objcopy: .../ cannot fill debug link section x: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938152 - "[guru] app-shells/shox-2024.01.25 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938155 - "games-board/jja-0.9.1 fails to compile: warning: librocksdb-sys@0.11.0+8.1.1: blob_file_meta.h:28:7: error: uint64_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938158 - "games-fps/gzdoom-4.12.2 fails to compile: window.h:178:37: error: uint32_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938159 - "dev-db/percona-xtrabackup- - [ncurses-6.5] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938160 - "media-libs/glycin-loaders-1.1_beta - error: failed to run custom build command for libheif-sys v2.1.1+1.17.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938163 - "dev-libs/rocm-device-libs-6.1.2 fails test - 6 - compile_frexp_gfx600 (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938173 - "media-libs/openpgl-0.6.0 - failed to emerge on arm64 with march=native: sse2neon.h:9902:69: error: invalid operands to binary ^ (have ‘__Int64x2_t’ and ‘__Uint8x16_t’)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938197 - "x11-misc/synergy- - [gcc-15] /.../InputFilter.cpp: error: SIZE_MAX was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938201 - "dev-perl/Text-VimColor-0.290.0-r2 fails test - # Failed test got expected marked text from ansi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938202 - "dev-lang/smlnj-110.99.5 - x86_64-pc-linux-musl-ar: posix-procenv-lib.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938209 - "Missing QA check for stray files in /usr/share/man" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938211 - "[TRACKER] Breakage with dev-lang/rust-1.80.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938214 - "<mail-mta/exim-4.97.1-r6: Incorrect parsing of multiline rfc2231 header filename" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938216 - "dev-util/android-tools-35.0.1 - [ncurses-6.5] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938219 - "mail-filter/dcc-2.3.168 - md5.c: error: u_int32_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938220 - "media-libs/glycin-loaders-1.1_beta fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938221 - "dev-debug/dtrace- installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938223 - "[guru] sys-boot/limine-8.5.0 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938224 - "[guru] dev-python/chevron-0.14.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938227 - "games-strategy/colobot-0.2.1_alpha fails to compile: main.cpp:108:5: error: cannot declare ::main with a linkage specification [-Wpedantic]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938228 - "games-strategy/s25rttr-0.9.5-r1 fails to compile: native_function.hpp:389:1: error: uint8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938229 - "games-strategy/wesnoth-1.18.2 fails to compile: filesystem.hpp:205:13: error: uint8_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938230 - "games-strategy/widelands-1.2 fails to compile: abstract_node.h:24:12: error: found : in nested-name-specifier, expected ::" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938231 - "dev-lang/tuprolog: last-rite (upstream dead?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938249 - "net-misc/networkmanager-1.48.4[libedit] - [gcc-15] ../.../agent.c: error: assignment to int ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type int ( )(const char , int) [-Wincomp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938253 - "media-gfx/openvdb-11.0.0 - [gcc-15] /.../GridBuilder.h: error: const struct nanovdb::build::LeafNode<BuildT> has no member named isActive [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938271 - "dev-libs/urdfdom-3.1.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [icu-75.1] [gcc-15] /.../urdf_parser.h: error: class urdf_export_helpers::URDFVersion has no member named major_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938272 - "app-crypt/sequoia-sqv-1.2.1 - error: failed to run custom build command for nettle-sys v2.3.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938273 - "sci-biology/muscle-5.1.0 - Fatal error: cant create Linux/efabestcols.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938280 - "dev-libs/rccl-6.1.1 - /.../ibvsymbols.cc: error: use of undeclared identifier dlvsym" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938284 - "dev-libs/papi-7.1.0 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938285 - "dev-libs/papi-7.1.0 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938286 - "dev-libs/papi-7.1.0 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938289 - "gui-libs/wpebackend-fdo-1.14.2-r1 fails to compile: ipc.h:36:36: error: uint32_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938295 - "<www-client/chromium-128.0.6613.84, <www-client/google-chrome-128.0.6613.84, <www-client/microsoft-edge-128.0.2739.42, <www-client/opera-114.0.5282.21: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938298 - "<dev-ruby/rexml-3.3.6: Denial of Service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938309 - "Gentoo stages (incl. systemd stages) default to /etc/localtime as a file, whil sys-apps/systemd expects a symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938322 - "sci-libs/djbfft-0.76-r3 - pre4.c: error: implicit declaration of function fftc4_mul" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938323 - "app-crypt/sequoia-chameleon-gnupg-0.10.1 - error: failed to run custom build command for nettle-sys v2.3.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938324 - "sci-biology/fasta-36.3.8i - mm_file.h: error: implicit declaration of function ftello" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938325 - "dev-libs/protobuf-c-1.4.1 - [ncurses-6.5] configure: error: required protobuf header file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938332 - "media-libs/libtgvoip-2.4.4_p20221208-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] TgVoip.cpp: error: const struct TgVoipProxy has no member named port" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938333 - "media-sound/csound-6.17.0-r1 - [gcc-15] /.../plugin.h: error: struct csnd::InPlug<N> has no member named opaddr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938334 - "dev-libs/OpenNI- - ../.../LinuxThreads.cpp: error: struct sched_param has no member named _sched_priority" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938344 - "app-crypt/gpgme-1.23.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938357 - "app-crypt/xca-2.6.0 - [gcc-15] cmake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938360 - "sys-cluster/prrte-3.0.7 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938361 - "sys-cluster/prrte-3.0.7 calls strings directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938362 - "[guru] dev-lang/odin-2024.08 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938363 - "[guru] dev-lang/odin-2024.08 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938366 - "dev-lang/python:2.7, dev-python/pypy: possibly rebase our branch on top of https://github.com/ActiveState/cpython" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938432 - "<dev-lang/python-{3.8.19_p4,3.9.19_p5,3.10.14_p3,3.11.9_p2,3.12.4_p4,3.12.5_p1,3.13.0_rc1_p2}, <dev-python/pypy3_{9,10}-7.3.16_p2: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938434 - "sys-cluster/ucx-1.13.1 - [llvm] io_demo.cc: error: no member named random_shuffle in namespace std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938435 - "media-libs/libprojectm-3.1.12-r2 - qprojectmwidget.hpp: error: GL_SMOOTH was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938436 - "dev-python/pybind11-2.13.5 - [llvm] One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938437 - "app-misc/ola-0.10.9-r2 - [llvm] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938438 - "dev-lang/fpc-3.2.2 - [llvm] clang-18clang-18: : clang-18: error: error: unknown argument: --64unknown argument: --64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938439 - "sys-cluster/ucx-1.13.0 - [llvm] io_demo.cc: error: no member named random_shuffle in namespace std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938440 - "x11-terms/wezterm-20240203.110809-r1 - [gcc-15] error[E0282]: type annotations needed for Box<_>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938453 - "net-nntp/sabnzbd-4.3.2: fails tests with dev-python/cryptography-43.0.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938455 - "net-libs/nodejs-22.7.0 - [llvm] ../.../tlscontext.cc: fatal error: ngtcp2/ngtcp2_crypto_quictls.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938456 - "sci-biology/ucsc-genome-browser-260-r2 - [llvm] orthoEvaluate.c: error: non-void function agxSupportForEdge should" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938457 - "dev-python/oslo-utils-7.4.0 calls commands that do not exist: mkisofs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938458 - "media-gfx/asymptote-2.90 fails to compile: serializer.h:46:17: error: uint32_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938459 - "media-gfx/darktable-4.8.0 fails to compile: AbstractPrefixCodeTranscoder.h:96:43: error: const class rawspeed::AbstractPrefixCodeTranscoder<CodeTag> has no member named codeValues [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938460 - "media-gfx/meshlab-2020.12-r3 fails to compile: import_ply.h:1084:31: error: class vcg::tri::io::ImporterPLY<OpenMeshType> has no member named pi [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938467 - "net-analyzer/nagios-plugins-2.4.6 - [llvm] configure: error: <wchar.h> cannot be used with this compiler (clang -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-colo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938468 - "sys-cluster/classads-1.0.10 - [llvm] ld.lld: error: undefined hidden symbol: std::_1::basic_ostream<char, std::_1::char_traits<char>>& std::_1::operator<<[ab" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938470 - "dev-lang/crystal-1.14.0 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938472 - "sci-libs/libcerf-1.17 installs pkg-config file with mismatched libdir (seen with sci-visualization/gnuplot-6.0.1)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938481 - "Maintainer: Andrei Sabalenka (mechakotik AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938483 - "media-gfx/inkscape-1.3.2-r2 wrong libdir for pkg-config" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938487 - "dev-libs/pocl-6.0 - [gcc-15] /.../spirv_parser.cc: error: struct SPIRVParser::OCLArgTypeInfo has no member named Alignment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938488 - "dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2.1.28-r5 - [gcc-15] ERROR: dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2.1.28-r5::gentoo failed (install phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938489 - "dev-db/mysql-8.0.37 - [gcc-15] /.../ssl_context_options.h: error: int64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938491 - "dev-util/bcc-0.30.0-r1 fails to compile (lto): bcc-0.30.0/examples/cpp/pyperf/PyPerfUtil.cc:29:20: error: ‘PYPERF_BPF_PROGRAM’ violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938498 - "media-gfx/renderdoc-1.32 fails to compile: SpvBuilder.h:236:30: error: uint32_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938513 - "media-gfx/xdot-1.4 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938519 - "dev-util/intel-graphics-compiler-1.0.17537.1: syntax error in VERSION script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938521 - "media-libs/chromaprint-1.5.1-r3 fails to compile: gtest-death-test.cc:1385:26: error: uintptr_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938523 - "kernel-install.eclass: optionally(?) test the built kernel using kernel selftests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938542 - "<dev-libs/apr-1.7.5: Unexpected lax shared memory permissions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938550 - "dev-lang/rust-1.83.0 - One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938553 - "net-nds/openldap-2.6.8 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of OPENLDAP_2.200 to symbol ldap_dump_connection failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938558 - "dev-lang/mercury-22.01.1-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] ../.../mmc:line <snip>: .../mercury_compile: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938559 - "sys-fs/bcachefs-tools-1.4.0 - [gcc-15] sed: cant read .../config: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938564 - "app-cdr/gaffitter-1.0.0-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] /.../GeneticAlgorithm.cc: error: no member named random_shuffle in namespace std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938565 - "dev-lang/cxprolog-0.98.2-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] src/Extra.h: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938566 - "sys-apps/fwupd-efi-1.6 - [gcc-15] ../.../fwup-debug.c: error: initialization of CHAR16 {aka int } from incompatible pointer type short unsigned int [-Wincompat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938567 - "dev-libs/libffi-compat-3.3-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of LIBFFI_BASE_7.0 to symbol ffi_java_raw_call failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938572 - "app-shells/zsh-5.9-r6 avoid setting "umask" in default /etc/zsh/zprofile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938578 - "app-i18n/opencc-1.1.7-r1: ~hppa ~loong keyword request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938581 - "net-nds/openldap-2.6.8 failed to rebuild with gcc-14 (sql-wrap.c: error: passing argument 5 of SQLError from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938582 - "app-i18n/opencc-1.1.7-r1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938593 - "dev-python/tree-sitter-0.22.3: fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938596 - "sys-fs/bcachefs-tools: bcachefs mount fails on boot since bcachefs-tools 1.9.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938601 - "sys-apps/portage: Add configuration parameter for emerge to automatically elevate file descriptor ulimit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938602 - "mail-filter/opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign-0.6 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] ld.lld: error: .../Scrt1.o is incompatible with elf32-i386" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938603 - "games-strategy/dopewars-1.6.2 - ln: failed to create symbolic link libsound_sdl.la: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938604 - "sci-physics/geant- - [gcc-15] /.../columns.icc: error: const class too:wroot::ntuple::std_vector_column_ref<T> has no member named m_barnch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938605 - "sci-electronics/librepcb-1.1.0-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] /.../optional.hpp: error: class tl::optional<T&> has no member named construct [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938606 - "sys-cluster/prrte-3.0.6 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] file collision with net-misc/putty-0.81" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938607 - "net-misc/putty-0.81 - file collision with sys-cluster/prrte-3.0.6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938608 - "dev-util/umockdev-0.18.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: _readlinkat_alias" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938609 - "www-apache/mod_jk-1.2.50 - [gcc-15] jk_global.h: fatal error: sys/socketvar.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938610 - "net-wireless/aic8800-1.0.5 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] error: unknown warning option -Wno-discarded-qualifiers; did you mean" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938612 - "dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2.1.28-r4 - [gcc-15] Please fix the ebuild to use correct FHS/Gentoo policy paths." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938661 - "app-forensics/yara-x-0.5.0: failed (compile phase): no 'asm_sym' in the root" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938668 - "dev-util/kcov-43 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938669 - "[guru] dev-perl/File-Util-4.131591 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938671 - "dev-python/leechcorepyc-2.18.7 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938683 - "media-libs/libtgvoip-2.4.4_p20221208-r1 fails to compile: TgVoip.h:11:5: error: uint16_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938684 - "media-sound/helm-0.9.0-r2 fails to compile: juce_freetype_Fonts.cpp:353:47: error: invalid conversion from short unsigned int to const short int [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938687 - "dev-libs/pslib-0.4.6 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] checking if clang supports -c -o file.o... .../rm: cannot remove conftest : No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938688 - "dev-lisp/ecl-24.5.10 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] /.../install: cannot stat bin/ecl: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938689 - "sys-block/mbuffer-20240707 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] idev.c: error: expected identifier or '('" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938691 - "app-forensics/zzuf-0.15_p20220529 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] /.../lib-fd.c: error: at most one overload for a given name may lack the overloadable attribute" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938692 - "app-forensics/yara-x-0.6.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] = note: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: _start_linkm2_WASM_EXPORTS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938693 - "media-plugins/vdr-streamdev-0.6.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] /.../new: error: cannot add abi_tag attribute in a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938699 - "app-text/discount-2.2.7c-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] gethopt.c: error: parameter val was not declared, defaults to int; ISO" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938701 - "dev-libs/liblouis-3.29.0 fails tests on ppc: UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-32-le' codec can't decode bytes in position 0-3: code point not in range(0x110000)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938708 - "<www-client/chromium-128.0.6613.113, <www-client/google-chrome-128.0.6613.113, <www-client/microsoft-edge-128.0.2739.54, <www-client/opera-114.0.5282.21: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938709 - "sci-mathematics/octave-9.2.0 stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938718 - "Latest LiveGUI doesn't boot to GUI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938719 - "dev-util/plan9port-0_pre20240617 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938721 - "app-accessibility/flite-2.2-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] /.../stdlib.h: error: pass_object_size attribute only applies to constant pointer arguments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938722 - "media-libs/libquvi-0.9.4-r101 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] ld.lld: error: undefined reference due to --no-allow-shlib-undefined: gpg_strerror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938723 - "app-portage/hackport- - setup build failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938724 - "media-plugins/vdr-fritzbox-1.5.4 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] ./CharsetConverter.h: error: reference to incomplete type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938736 - "mail-filter/procmail-3.24-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] /.../unistd.h: error: pass_object_size attribute only applies to constant pointer arguments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938738 - "app-emacs/auctex-14.0.5[preview-latex]: missing build dependency on dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938742 - "app-editors/scite-5.3.5 - [gcc-15] ./.../CellBuffer.cxx: error: uint8_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938745 - "sci-geosciences/laszip-3.4.4 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938748 - "[guru] games-engines/ponscripter-fork-3.0.2 calls strip directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938749 - "[guru] dev-python/python-barbicanclient-7.0.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938758 - "x11-libs/xbae-4.60.4 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] mkdir: cannot create directory .libs: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938762 - "Add support for MiniDebugInfo (.gnu_debugdata)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938763 - "Explore using dev-util/debugedit's find-debuginfo to simplify bin/estrip" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938815 - "net-libs/gloox-1.0.28 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] tlsopensslclient.cpp: error: expected expression" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938816 - "media-plugins/vdr-vompserver-0.5.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] mvpserver.c: error: invalid operands to binary expression (_bind<int &," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938818 - "sys-apps/fakechroot-2.20.1_p2 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] open64.c: error: address of overloaded function open64 is ambiguous" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938819 - "net-analyzer/snmpclitools-0.7.2 - [gcc-15] file collision with net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.9.4-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938823 - "[Tracker] dev-libs/libdbusmenu-qt removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938826 - "net-irc/quassel[dbus] depends on deprecated dev-libs/libdbusmenu-qt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938836 - "app-dicts/myspell-id-2.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:938846 - "sys-libs/libsemanage-3.7 - [gcc-15] direct_api.c: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938857 - "sys-process/systemd-cron-2.4.1: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938862 - "Maintainer: Ivan Lloro (ivan.lloro.boada AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938863 - "Maintainer: Filip Kobierski (fkobi AT pm.me)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938864 - "app-office/naps2-7.5.1-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938872 - "sci-biology/amap: treeclean request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938873 - "media-plugins/vdr-ffnetdev-0.1.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] /.../new: error: cannot add abi_tag attribute in a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938875 - "media-libs/alure-1.2-r4 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] /.../main.h: error: use of undeclared identifier ret" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938877 - "dev-db/percona-server- - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of global to symbol ftruncate failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938879 - "[Tracker] Breakage with sys-libs/glibc-2.40" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938880 - "dev-libs/mimetic-0.9.8 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] ../.../header.h: error: no template named unary_function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938898 - "sys-fs/nilfs-utils-2.2.11: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938914 - "app-crypt/xca-2.8.0 installs more files (docs) in presence of available programs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938918 - "net-dns/pdns-4.9.1 fails to compile: json11.cpp:96:32: error: uint8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938924 - "dev-java/openjdk:8 does not satisfy virtual/jdk:1.8 - how to prefer source-built JDK?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938927 - "=dev-tex/biblatex-3.19 does not provide the package documentation despite USE="doc"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938934 - "dev-build/remake- - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] ./.../make.h: error: redeclaration of getcwd must have the" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938935 - "app-misc/cdargs-1.35-r2 - [gcc-15] cdargs.cc: error: PATH_MAX was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938946 - "media-video/vlc-3.0.21 w/ >=media-libs/taglib-2: meta_engine/taglib.cpp:188:32: error: ‘null’ is not a member of ‘TagLib::ByteVector’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938948 - "[Future EAPI] compile-time binding version specifiers, similar to SLOT dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938949 - "sys-devel/gcc: link failures with -fuse-ld=mold on musl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938957 - "kernel-build.eclass: USE=strip semantics vs USE=debug (excluding vmlinux unconditionally)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938958 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel: improving debugging support aside from BTF" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938960 - "dev-python/spyder-6 re-keyword request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:938999 - "dev-lang/regina-rexx-3.9.5 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] /.../ld: cannot find -lregina: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939000 - "x11-libs/xbae-4.60.4-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] leak2.c: error: incompatible integer to pointer conversion initializing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939001 - "dev-libs/librdkafka-2.2.0-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] cmp: TAGS: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939003 - "dev-util/clinfo - pls stabilize version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939004 - "www-client/firefox-130.0 emerge error: invalid use of incomplete type 'class mozilla::layers::TextureSource'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939005 - "sys-apps/keyutils-1.6.3-r1 fails tests on ppc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939020 - "sci-libs/libint-2.9.0 fails to compile: memory.h:156:11: error: intptr_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939022 - "sci-geosciences/mapserver-8.0.2 fails to compile: agg_font_freetype.cpp:177:35: error: invalid conversion from unsigned char to char [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939023 - "sci-electronics/gspiceui-1.3.30_pre20240321 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939024 - "sys-fs/ext3grep-0.10.2-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] /.../clamp.h: error: too many arguments provided" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939025 - "sys-cluster/glusterfs-11.1 - [gcc-15] configure: error: Install liburing library and headers or use --disable-linux-io_uring" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939026 - "net-libs/libtorrent-0.13.8-r3 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] ../.../functional.h: error: no template named binary_function in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939028 - "media-libs/tg_owt-0_pre20240804 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939036 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.11.8 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] /.../brmtypes.h: fatal error: tr1/unordered_map file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939044 - "sci-biology/abyss-2.3.4 - [gcc-15] Timer.cpp: error: m_start was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939055 - "[fem-overlay] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939056 - "[fidonet] Repository URI unaccessible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939059 - "[haarp] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939062 - "[mim] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939063 - "[musl-clang] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939064 - "[palemoon] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939065 - "[snapd] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939068 - "sci-libs/trilinos-16.0.0 fails to compile: gtest-all.cc:9037:26: error: uintptr_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939070 - "[yurij-overlay] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939073 - "media-libs/opensubdiv-3.6.0-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939082 - "sci-astronomy/wcstools-3.9.5-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] webread.c: error: redeclaration of gethostname must have the" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939087 - "media-libs/sratom: ERROR: Neither a subproject directory nor a lv2.wrap file was found." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939089 - "dev-util/android-tools missing subslot dep on dev-cpp/abseil-cpp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939094 - "sci-libs/dlib-19.24.2 fails to compile: type_traits.h:103:68: error: uint8_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939098 - "sci-libs/indilib-2.1.0 fails to compile: tcpsocket.h:78:57: error: uint16_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939110 - "<dev-libs/openssl-{3.0.15, 3.1.7, 3.2.3, 3.3.2}: denial of service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939114 - "dev-util/codeblocks-20.03_p13518 rekeyword request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939130 - "dev-python/qpageview: Port to PyQt6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939132 - "app-misc/ytree-2.09 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] tilde.c: error: redeclaration of strcpy must have the overloadable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939133 - "dev-tex/minted-2.9 - [meson-9999] [gcc-15] ! LaTeX Error: File fvextra.sty not found." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939134 - "app-editors/levee-4.0 - [gcc-15] unixcall.c: error: logit undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939135 - "app-crypt/efitools-1.9.2-r1 - [gcc-15] HelloWorld.c: error: initialization of CHAR16 {aka int } from incompatible pointer type short unsigned int [-Wincompatib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939136 - "dev-build/meson-1.5.1 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] ERROR: test_qtdependency_pkgconfig_detection (unittests.linuxliketests.LinuxlikeTests.test_qtdependency_pkgconfig_d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939138 - "media-sound/aumix-2.9.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [llvm] configure: error: in /.../aumix-2.9.1:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939139 - "dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra-2021 - [meson-9999] [gcc-15] fmtutil [ERROR]: running pdftex -ini -jobname=latex-dev -progname=latex-dev -translate-file=cp227.tcx latex.ini" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939141 - "sci-electronics/kicad-8.0.3-r1 determines version string through git" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939162 - "x11-apps/igt-gpu-tools-1.30 calls objcopy directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939164 - "app-misc/nnn-4.9 - [gcc-15] src/icons-hash.c: error: implicit declaration of function strcasecmp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939165 - "app-misc/recoll-1.37.4-r1 - [gcc-15] rcldb/rcldb.cpp: error: const struct FieldTraits has no member named valueslot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939189 - "x11-apps/igt-gpu-tools-1.29 fails to build with lto" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939193 - "dev-util/pkgcheck-0.10.31: fails TestPkgcheckScan::test_scan_repo[eclass] test with >=app-shells/bash-5.3_alpha_p20240904" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939206 - "<dev-lang/python-{3.8.20,3.9.20,3.10.15,3.11.10,3.12.6,3.13.0_rc2}, dev-python/pypy3_9, <dev-python/pypy3_10-7.3.17_p1: Regular-expression DoS when parsing TarFile headers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939217 - "<www-client/chromium-128.0.6613.119, <www-client/google-chrome-128.0.6613.119, <www-client/microsoft-edge-128.0.2739.63, <www-client/opera-114.0.5282.21: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939218 - "sys-auth/elogind-255.5 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../prctl.h: error: redefinition of struct prctl_mm_map" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939219 - "games-fps/prboom-plus-2.6.2 - [gcc-15] /.../gl_preprocess.c: error: passing argument 3 of gluTessCallback from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointe" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939220 - "net-libs/gloox-1.0.28 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_link_create_library(), line 367: flow error: unexpected condition or other." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939286 - "dev-libs/tree-sitter-bash-0.23.2 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939287 - "dev-libs/tree-sitter-c-0.23.1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939288 - "dev-libs/tree-sitter-html-0.23.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939289 - "dev-libs/tree-sitter-javascript-0.23.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939290 - "dev-libs/tree-sitter-json-0.23.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939291 - "dev-libs/tree-sitter-rust-0.23.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939302 - "dev-lang/smlnj-110.99.5 - [gcc-15] ../.../ml-base.h: fatal error: ml-sizes.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939303 - "dev-python/pyside6-6.7.2 emerge fails with python:3.13[debug]: Objects/typeobject.c:1003: type_modified_unlocked: Assertion `(type->tp_flags & _Py_TPFLAGS_STATIC_BUILTIN) == 0' failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939304 - "dev-debug/ltrace-0.7.91_pre20221216-r1 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_link_create_dep_file(), line 453: flow error: unexpected condition or ot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939307 - "sci-mathematics/gsl-shell-2.3.5 fails to compile: agg_font_freetype.cpp:186:31: error: invalid conversion from unsigned char to char [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939312 - "media-gfx/mandelbulber-2.32: Version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939313 - "[guru] x11-drivers/evdi-1.14.7-r1 fails to compile: evdi_fb.c:408:23: error: struct drm_fb_helper has no member named info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939316 - "x11-misc/lineakd-0.9.0-r4 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -llineak: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939317 - "app-dicts/wordnet-3.1-r1 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -lWN: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939318 - "sci-geosciences/readosm-1.1.0a - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -lreadosm: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939322 - "app-i18n/ibus-pinyin-1.5.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] configure: error: invalid value: boost_major_version=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939325 - "net-proxy/squid-6.10 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] configure: error: invalid ltdl library directory: /usr/lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939326 - "sys-fs/progsreiserfs-0.3.1_rc8-r1 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: ../.../libintl.a(dcigettext.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol _nl_current_default_domain_ can n" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939332 - "dev-perl/Net-RawIP-0.250.0-r4 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] ifaddrlist.c: error: caddr_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939333 - "net-mail/mswatch-1.2.0-r1 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_compile(), line 253: flow error: unexpected condition or other." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939348 - "sys-apps/fwts-24.03.00 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_compile(), line 253: flow error: unexpected condition or other." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939350 - "media-libs/libv4l[bpf]: port to sys-devel/bpf-toolchain" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939351 - "dev-util/bpftop: uses bundled dev-libs/libbpf via libbpf-sys" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939352 - "dev-util/bpftop-0.5.2: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939359 - "Maintainer: Z. Liu (zhixu.liu AT gmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939374 - "dev-java/rxtx-2.2_pre2-r2 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939386 - "sci-physics/lhapdf-6.5.4-r1 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -lLHAPDF: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939387 - "dev-libs/rremove-1.0.5 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_compile(), line 253: flow error: unexpected condition or other." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939388 - "sci-mathematics/polymake-4.12 - [gcc-15] /.../comparators.h: error: redefinition of template<class SizeT> int pm::hash_combine(SizeT&, SizeT)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939389 - "x11-misc/xdock-0.3.0-r2 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -lxdock: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939400 - "dev-libs/sleef-3.6.1-r1 src/arch/helperrvv.h:94:15: error: unknown type name ‘vfloat64m1x4_t’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939404 - "sys-apps/busybox: consider disabling FEATURE_NON_POSIX_CP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939410 - "dev-libs/poco-1.13.3 - [gcc-15] /.../SimpleRowFormatter.h: error: declaration of std::_Require<std::_not_<std::_is_tuple_like<_Tp> >, std::is_move_constructibl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939411 - "mail-filter/libsrs2-1.0.18-r1 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -lsrs2: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939412 - "dev-debug/duma-2.5.15-r3 - [gcc-15] dumapp.h: error: declaration of void operator new(std::size_t) throw (std::bad_alloc) has a different exception specifier" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939417 - "sys-apps/openrc-0.55.1 installs pkg-config files that do not respect libdir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939418 - "dev-python/ipykernel: still requires <dev-python/pytest-8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939422 - "app-arch/dump-0.4.47-r3 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_compile(), line 253: flow error: unexpected condition or other." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939432 - "sys-fs/f2fs-tools-1.16.0-r1 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -lf2fs: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939433 - "sys-cluster/lmod-8.7.23 - [gcc-15] /.../sh:line <snip>: .../module.1: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939435 - "sys-cluster/cluster-glue-1.0.12-r2 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -lpi No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939438 - "net-libs/libiscsi-1.18.0 - [gcc-15] iser.c: error: expected expression before struct" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939444 - "[TRACKER] sys-apps/portage-3.0.67" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939451 - "<www-client/chromium-128.0.6613.137, <www-client/google-chrome-128.0.6613.137, <www-client/microsoft-edge-128.0.2739.79, <www-client/opera-114.0.5282.21: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939454 - "net-vpn/riseup-vpn-0.24.5 - [gcc-15] lrelease: could not exec .../lrelease: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939455 - "dev-vcs/cssc-1.4.1 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -lgnulib: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939456 - "media-video/motiontrack-0.1.3-r2 - [gcc-15] Automake "maintainer mode" detected:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939460 - "dev-util/spirv-llvm-translator-18.1.4 - [gcc-15] /.../raw_ostream.h: error: const class llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> has no member named data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939469 - "app-office/dia2code-1.0.0-r1 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] Automake "maintainer mode" detected:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939474 - "[guru] www-plugins/firefoxpwa-2.12.3 fails to compile: !!! dobin: firefoxpwa does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939475 - "[guru] app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite-10.8.4 installs metainfo files into /usr/share/appdata" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939476 - "[guru] app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite-10.8.4 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939477 - "[guru] app-benchmarks/phoronix-test-suite-10.8.4 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939478 - "dev-util/libabigail-2.5 - [gcc-15] Automake "maintainer mode" detected:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939496 - "dev-debug/gprofng-gui: no desktop file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939504 - "llvm-core/llvm-15.0.7-r6 fails to compile: SmallVector.h:88:69: error: uint64_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939506 - "sys-fs/zfs-2.2.6 fails to compile: zpool_vdev_os.c:100:10: error: initializer-string for array of char is too long [-Werror=unterminated-string-initialization]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939509 - "dev-lang/rust-1.80.1 fails to compile: SmallVector.h:119:62: error: uint64_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939524 - "[guru] dev-vcs/jj-0.21.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939529 - "net-print/hplip-3.24.4-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] Automake "maintainer mode" detected:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939530 - "dev-libs/libjwt-1.15.3 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -ljwt: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939533 - "sci-visualization/paraview-5.12.0 - [gcc-15] /.../MIRTables.h: error: const class vtkm::worklet::MIRCases::MIRTables::MIRDevicePortal<DeviceAdapter> has no mem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939534 - "dev-cpp/libxmlpp-5.0.3 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] 3/4 saxparser_chunk_parsing_inconsistent_state_test FAIL 0.02s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939536 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin-6.10.9 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] /.../environment:line <snip>: mkfs.ext4: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939538 - "app-crypt/ekeyd-1.1.5-r101 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] ERROR: app-crypt/ekeyd-1.1.5-r101::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939539 - "dev-libs/mimetic-0.9.8 - [gcc-15] Automake "maintainer mode" detected:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939540 - "net-analyzer/nessus-bin-10.7.4 - [gcc-15] !!! Couldnt download Nessus-10.7.4-el8.x86_64.rpm. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939547 - "media-libs/vulkan-loader: verify media-libs/vulkan-layers dep" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939553 - "net-libs/grpc-1.65.1: fails tests on x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939561 - "dev-util/ccache: emerge with FEATURES="-ccache"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939563 - "dev-python/mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin-1.3.0 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939565 - "x11-libs/libxcb-1.17.0 fails to compile: configure: error: Package requirements (xau >= 0.99.2) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939566 - "dev-build/bmake-20240808 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] Failed tests: cmd-interrupt deptgt-interrupt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939569 - "dev-debug/dtrace- fails to compile: drti.c:81:9: error: unknown type name Lmid_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939572 - "dev-python/psutil-6.0.0 fails test psutil.tests.test_process.TestProcess.test_reused_pid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939573 - "dev-lisp/clisp-2.49.92-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939574 - "app-editors/hteditor-2.1.1_pre20161206 - [gcc-15] Automake "maintainer mode" detected:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939575 - "net-dns/inadyn-2.12.0-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] Automake "maintainer mode" detected:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939576 - "net-proxy/tinyproxy-1.11.2 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] signaling tinyproxy to reload config...cat: .../tinyproxy.pid: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939578 - "app-backup/bareos-23.0.4 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939579 - "app-misc/joy2key-1.6.3-r2 - [gcc-15] Automake "maintainer mode" detected:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939581 - "dev-cpp/curlpp-0.8.1 - [gcc-15] /.../Options.hpp: error: invalid conversion from int to CURLoption [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939582 - "dev-libs/libkdumpfile-0.5.4-r1 fails tests: test-blob.c:68:9: error: implicit declaration of function mallopt [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939586 - "games-board/gnubg-1.08.003 - [gcc-15] Automake "maintainer mode" detected:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939587 - "net-misc/ntp-4.2.8_p18 - [gcc-15] Automake "maintainer mode" detected:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939598 - "app-shells/bash-completion-2.14.0-r1 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] E pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: Timeout exceeded." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939604 - "net-im/spectrum2-2.2.1 - [gcc-15] Unknown CMake command check_required_components." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939605 - "sys-block/parted-3.6-r2 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] FAIL: t3310-flags.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939606 - "net-analyzer/nessus-agent-bin-10.6.4 - [gcc-15] !!! Couldnt download NessusAgent-10.6.4-el8.x86_64.rpm. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939660 - "kodi-addon.eclass *must* port to EAPI-8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939661 - "dev-lang/rust-1.81.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] /.../Allocator.h: error: class llvm::SmallVector<void , 4> has no member named begin [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939662 - "app-shells/ksh-1.0.10 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] shcomp-pty.ksh[111]: FAIL: POSIX sh 026(C):line <snip>: expected (Stopped|Suspended), got EOF" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939667 - "app-admin/conky-1.21.5 - [gcc-15] /.../colours.h: error: const struct Colour has no member named red" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939687 - "app-arch/wimlib-1.14.4 uses automake in maintainer-mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939690 - "app-admin/conky-1.21.8 fails to compile: colours.h:46:3: error: uint8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939691 - "app-admin/gopass-1.15.14 fails to compile: -buildmode=pie requires external (cgo) linking, but cgo is not enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939692 - "app-arch/stenc-1.1.1 fails to compile: scsiencrypt.h:357:21: error: uint8_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939693 - "app-crypt/nwipe-0.37 fails to compile: prng.c:272:47: error: passing argument 2 of add_lagg_fibonacci_init from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939694 - "app-crypt/princeprocessor-0.22-r1 fails to compile: mpz_int128.h:32:9: error: unknown type name __int128_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939695 - "app-editors/scite-5.3.5 fails to compile: ScintillaTypes.h:678:18: error: intptr_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939698 - "app-accessibility/brltty-6.6-r2 - [gcc-15] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939700 - "dev-perl/Wx-GLCanvas-0.90.0-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] /.../buffer.h: error: unknown type name class" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939713 - "dev-cpp/range-v3-0.12.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] /.../meta.hpp: error: _t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939727 - "[guru] gui-apps/hyprshade-3.2.1 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named tomllib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939736 - "sys-apps/cyme-1.8.2 fails to compile: error[E0433]: failed to resolve: use of undeclared crate or module udevrs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939751 - "net-analyzer/linkchecker-10.3.0 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] FAILED .../test_file.py::TestFile::test_markdown - AssertionError:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939752 - "dev-build/automake-vanilla-1.16.5 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] FAIL: t/dist-formats.tap 47 - ac=dist-zip,no-dist-gzip [distcheck]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939753 - "dev-util/mdds-2.1.1 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] ../.../trie_map_itr.hpp: error: uintptr_t does not name a type [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939755 - "app-shells/yash-2.57 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] FAILED: 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939757 - "dev-python/pytest-salt-factories-1.0.1 fails tests: AttributeError: bogus" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939761 - "app-containers/containerd-1.7.21: ineffectively seds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939763 - "[guru] dev-lang/swift-5.10.1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939764 - "[guru] dev-lang/swift-5.10.1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939766 - "[guru] dev-lang/swift-6.0.3 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939767 - "[guru] dev-lang/swift-6.0.3 one or more CMake variables were not used by the project" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939768 - "dev-util/global-6.6.13 - [gcc-15] Automake "maintainer mode" detected:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939769 - "app-admin/ansible-lint-24.6.0 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] E AssertionError: [[syntax-check] (the role .../invalid_due_syntax:1 ]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939770 - "sys-cluster/lmod-8.7.23 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../install: target <snip>/lib: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939771 - "dev-lang/eisl-5.31 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find edlis.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939778 - "sys-apps/minijail-18 fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] ERROR: ld.so: object .../libminijailpreload.so from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939779 - "dev-texlive/texlive-binextra: emerge does not create the symlink /usr/bin/pdfbook2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939783 - "dev-python/scikit-build-0.18.0: fails tests (AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'add')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939785 - "net-libs/nodejs-20.17.0: fails parallel/test-fs-error-messages test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939801 - "<www-client/chromium-129.0.6668.58, <www-client/google-chrome-129.0.6668.58, <www-client/microsoft-edge-129.0.2792.52, www-client/opera: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939812 - "telegram-desktop-5.2.3: symbol lookup error: telegram-desktop: undefined symbol: XXH32" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939821 - "mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] /.../ld: cannot find -lclamd-plugin: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939822 - "net-analyzer/nfdump-1.7.4 - [gcc-15] grammar.y: error: NSEL_EVENT_IGNORE undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939823 - "sci-libs/libsigrok-0.5.2-r5 - [gcc-15] [slibtool] rdlibtool: error logged in slbt_exec_link_create_executable(), line 246: flow error: unexpected condition or other." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939827 - "Streamlining Gentoo mips support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939835 - "app-editors/zed-0.152.3 fails tests: assertion left == right failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939836 - "app-emacs/elpy-1.35.0_p20220627-r1 fails to compile: TypeError: can only concatenate str (not _StrPath) to str" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939837 - "games-emulation/snes9x-1.62.3 - [gcc-15] /.../SpvBuilder.h: error: uint32_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939839 - "llvm-runtimes/libcxxabi-19.1.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939840 - "dev-scheme/guile-reader-0.6.3-r2 - [gcc-15] token-readers.c: fatal error: token-reader-lookup.c: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939843 - "portage- Bad format of job status line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939852 - "app-emulation/crossover-bin-24.0.4 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939853 - "app-emulation/crossover-bin-24.0.4 absolute symlink points to a file inside the image directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939854 - "sci-mathematics/lean-3.51.1 fails to compile: hash.cpp:75:8: error: uint64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939857 - "net-mail/dovecot- fails test - [ncurses-6.5] [meson-9999] [gcc-15] data-stack buffer interruption : FAILED" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939861 - "dev-libs/openssl-compat-1.0.2u-r2 - [gcc-15] collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939886 - "[guru] app-containers/slim-1.40.11 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939888 - "app-i18n/ibus-cangjie-2.4-r2 uses automake in maintainer-mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939889 - "app-i18n/ibus-fbterm-1.0.1 uses automake in maintainer-mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939891 - "sci-mathematics/lean-4.11.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939892 - "sys-auth/pambase: please drop pam_shells from /etc/pam.d/system-login" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:939896 - "quickpkg builds overwrite CONFIG_PROTECTed files when emerged on another machine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939898 - "dev-qt/qt-creator-14.0.1[qmldesigner] fails to build with gcc15/clang19 (sqlitebasestatement.h:416:43: error: class Sqlite::StatementImplementation <snip> has no member named resetter)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939900 - "dev-python/numpy-2.1.1 fails to compile: quicksort.cpp:86:51: error: no matches converting function QSort_AVX512_SPR to type void ()(using TF = using np::meta::FixedWidth<short int>::Type = using std::conditional<true, short int, short int>::type = short" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939901 - "app-i18n/opencc-1.1.7-r1 fails to compile: SerializedValues.hpp:47:36: error: uint16_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939903 - "app-misc/yq-go: ARM keywording request - ~arm64 & ~arm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939906 - "dev-util/nvidia-cuda-toolkit: nvidia-cuda-toolkit sanitizer is not working. missing execute flag." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939908 - "dev-libs/rocr-runtime-6.1.2 uses the wrong LLVM_SLOT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939910 - "dev-lang/fuzion-0.090 - [gcc-15] ./.../Clazz.java:56: error: package dev.flang.fe does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939921 - "net-irc/quassel: add 2 upstream PR to patch files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939945 - "[guru] media-sound/jacktrip-2.4.0 installs compressed files (manpages, documentation)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939948 - "app-misc/geneweb-7.0.1_alpha2-r1 fails to compile: Error: [%blob] could not find or load file ocamlcommon.cma" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939949 - "app-misc/livecd-tools-2.11 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939950 - "<www-servers/puma-6.4.3: Header normalization allows for client to clobber proxy set headers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:939952 - "<net-libs/libpcap-1.10.5: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940002 - "media-libs/devil-1.7.8-r6 failed to build with gcc 14 -Wincompatible-pointer-types" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940004 - "dev-libs/intel-compute-runtime-24.35.30872.22 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940005 - "app-portage/getuto-1.13 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940007 - "dev-debug/gdb-14.2-r1 - [gcc-15] common/sim-hload.c: fatal error: opening dependency file .../sim-hload.Tpo: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940012 - "dev-util/librnp-0.17.1-r1: fails to compile with >=libcxx-19: error: implicit instantiation of undefined template 'std::char_traits<unsigned char>'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940017 - "<dev-python/configobj-5.0.9: ReDoS via the validate function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940020 - "app-backup/amanda-3.5.4: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:940035 - "net-libs/c-client-2007f_p7 - [gcc-15] make[2]: krb5-config.mit: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940036 - "media-video/vlc-3.0.21 - [gcc-15] /.../ld: cannot find -lvlc_xcb_events: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940037 - "media-libs/mesa, dev-util/intel_clc: possible tweak to llvm-core/libclc dep?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940038 - "app-text/zathura-0.5.6 fails to compile: utils.c:296:59: error: passing argument 5 of g_ascii_string_to_unsigned from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940039 - "app-text/xml2-0.5 absolute symlink points to a file inside the image directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940043 - "[Tracker] Build failures with dev-libs/boost-1.86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940085 - "sci-libs/hdf-4.2.15-r2 fails to compile on loong: hdfi.h:1449:1: error: unknown type name 'No'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940097 - "sys-apps/bolt-0.9.8-r1 stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940103 - "sys-apps/gentoo-functions-1.7.2 stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940124 - "app-text/unpaper-7.0.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940125 - "dev-db/lmdb++-1.0.0-r1 fails tests: check.cc:184:48: error: uint64_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940126 - "dev-db/mysql-connector-c++-8.0.33-r1 fails to compile: value.h:100:5: error: uint64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940128 - "dev-db/pgpool2-4.4.7 fails to compile: snprintf.c:409:1: error: conflicting types for strchrnul; have const char (const char , int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940129 - "dev-vcs/sourcegit-8.30.1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940130 - "sys-auth/elogind-255.5 bus-error.c:413:19: error: assignment to 'char *' from 'int' makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940131 - "net-analyzer/zabbix-7.0.6: please stabilize for arm64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940140 - "<app-antivirus/clamav-{1.0.7,1.4.1}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940170 - "dev-libs/date-3.0.1_p20240913 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940185 - "<dev-ruby/webrick-1.8.2: HTTP Request Smuggling" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940190 - "dev-games/godot-4.3-r1 fails to compile: SpvBuilder.h:247:30: error: uint32_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940191 - "dev-lang/nqp-2024.08 fails to compile: MoarVM oops: MVM_nfg_get_synthetic_info call requested a synthetic codepoint that does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940193 - "net-analyzer/nagios-plugins-2.4.6 - [gcc-15] check_snmp.c: error: PATH_TO_SNMPGETNEXT undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940200 - "media-plugins/vdr-ttxtsubs-0.3.0-r3 - [gcc-15] ttxtsubs.c: error: #error This version of ttxtsubs requires the ttxtsubs patch version 2 to be applied to VDR!!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940202 - "dev-python/spyder-6.0.1 fails to start with error: "ImportError: cannot import name 'QTextCodec' from 'qtpy.QtCore'", when using pyside{2,6} as the QtPy backend." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940205 - "sys-boot/lilo: boot.c:109:10: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940208 - "<www-client/chromium-129.0.6668.70, <www-client/google-chrome-129.0.6668.70, www-client/microsoft-edge, <www-client/opera-115.0.5314.0: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940215 - "sys-libs/libstdc++-v3-3.3.6-r4 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940221 - "www-apache/mod_qos-11.75 - [gcc-15] qsrotate.c: error: assignment to struct gzFile_s from incompatible pointer type gzFile {aka struct gzFile_s } [-Wincompatib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940222 - "dev-libs/cxxopts-3.2.0-r1 fails to compile: cxxopts.hpp:123:3: error: uint8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940223 - "dev-libs/libowfat-0.33-r1 fails tests: test_scan_longlong: scan_longlong.c:37: main: Assertion scan_longlong(9223372036854775807,&i)==19 && i==0x7fffffffffffffffull failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940224 - "dev-libs/openssl-compat-1.1.1u fails to compile: PGP signature verification failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940226 - "dev-libs/rocksdb-9.7.4 fails to compile: blob_file_meta.h:28:7: error: uint64_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940227 - "media-video/gpac-2.2.1-r1 - [gcc-15] filter_core/filter_register.c: error: type of ut_source_register does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mis" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940229 - "sys-libs/libstdc++-v3-3.3.6-r4 - [gcc-15] checking for exception model to use... configure: error: unable to detect exception model" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940232 - "dev-gap/cohomolo-1.6.11 - [gcc-15] gpd.c: error: type of gpprog does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940235 - "dev-libs/volume_key-0.3.12-r4 fails tests: FAIL: packet_roundtrips.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940237 - "sys-libs/libstdc++-v3-3.3.6-r4 - [gcc-15] cat: .../stacknote.s: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940242 - "app-arch/arc-5.21q - [gcc-15] arcusq.c: error: type of node does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940245 - "media-sound/easytag-2.4.3-r5 - [gcc-15] src/.../id3_bugfix.h: error: type of ID3Field_IsEncodable does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940253 - "dev-python/rpyc: reinvents every Python eclass variable/function possible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940267 - "dev-libs/immer-0.8.1-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940268 - "dev-lisp/cmucl-21e fails to compile: ! LaTeX Error: File sectsty.sty not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940269 - "dev-lisp/cmucl-21e does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940270 - "dev-lisp/cmucl-21e installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940271 - "dev-libs/pocl-6.0 fails to compile: spirv_parser.hh:78:3: error: uint32_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940297 - "media-libs/openimageio- version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940300 - "media-libs/libprojectm-3.1.12-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] configure: error: Failed to find matching components of a complete" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940301 - "media-plugins/vdr-extrecmenu-2.0.12 - [gcc-15] mymenu.c: error: class cRecordings has no member named SetExplicitModify" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940302 - "dev-build/libtool-2.5.4 - [libtool] [gcc-15] Automake "maintainer mode" detected:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940304 - "www-client/chromium-128.0.6613.137 fails to build on ppc64le" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940310 - "sci-astronomy/montage-5.0 - [gcc-15] mDiffExec.c: error: type of svc_run does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940312 - "[Tracker] CUPS vulnerabilities on 2024-09-26" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940322 - "net-misc/asterisk-18.24.2: pbx.h:1338:21: error: type of ‘ast_walk_contexts’ does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940323 - "dev-lang/erlang-27.0.1 - [gcc-15] beam/erl_driver.h: error: type of driver_select does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940324 - "media-plugins/live-2021.08.24 - [gcc-15] MatroskaFile.cpp: error: type struct DemuxRecord violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940330 - "media-plugins/vdr-satip-2.2.5 - [gcc-15] common.h: error: typeof was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940331 - "dev-lang/erlang-27.0 - [gcc-15] beam/erl_driver.h: error: type of driver_select does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940332 - "dev-lang/tcl-9.0.0 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940338 - "app-admin/syslog-ng-4.7.1: configure: error: AFSNMP module is explicit enabled but no net-snmp lib found (without sys-apps/which)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940347 - "x11-wm/wmfs-20180520: /.../Xft.h: fatal error: ft2build.h: No such file or directory (fails without sys-apps/which)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940350 - "app-misc/wipe-2.3.1 - [gcc-15] mt.h: error: type of randomMT does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940363 - "games-board/chessx-1.5.4-r4 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] src/.../style.h: error: type struct Style violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940364 - "www-servers/uwsgi-2.0.27 - [gcc-15] plugins/.../uwsgi.go: error: type of uwsgi_gccgo_helper_register_signal does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-ty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940410 - "dev-python/pyudev-0.24.3: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:940442 - "mail-client/bower-1.1 update request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940450 - "app-crypt/ssss-0.5.7-r1: fails to install man pages without sys-apps/which (doman failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940451 - "games-fps/blackshades-20070723-r1 - [gcc-15] Source/Person.cpp: error: costume violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940456 - "dev-python/aiohappyeyeballs-2.4.2 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940457 - "dev-util/android-studio-2024.2.1.10-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940458 - "dev-util/android-studio-2024.2.1.10-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940459 - "dev-util/android-studio-2024.2.1.10-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940461 - "[guru] dev-lang/odin-2024.09 fails to compile: ERROR: Invalid LLVM version 19.1.0: must be 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 or 18" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940462 - "dev-perl/GnuPG-Interface-1.40.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940463 - "dev-perl/Lab-VXI11-0.30.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940465 - "media-gfx/freecad-1.0.0: BIM module crashes in tutorial due to lack of python module ifcopenshell" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940470 - "sys-devel/gcc:11: package a stripped down version for building D" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940477 - "sys-process/criu-3.19 - [gcc-15] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940479 - "dev-lang/ruby-3.3.4 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] configure: error: --enable-dtrace, however, USDT is not available" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940480 - "mail-client/hap-3.7-r1 - [gcc-15] main.c: error: type of savecurs does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940481 - "www-apache/mod_fcgid-2.3.9-r2 - apxs configure failed (without sys-apps/which)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940483 - "app-admin/sagan-2.0.2 - [gcc-15] signal-handler.c: error: type of proc_running does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940485 - "sci-mathematics/pspp-1.6.2-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] src/.../value-parser.c: internal compiler error: verify_type failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940487 - "gui-libs/gtk: version bump to 4.16*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:940488 - "gui-libs/libadwaita: version bump to 1.6*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:940491 - "<app-misc/fdupes-2.3.1: buffer overflow bug in getrealpath() function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940492 - "sys-apps/minised-1.16 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] sedexec.c: error: type of last_line_used does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940497 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-encryption-3.1-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] encrypt.c: error: passing argument 1 of time makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Win" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940501 - "multilib.eclass: add get_abi_CXXFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940510 - "dev-libs/rocr-runtime-6.1.2 fails to compile: amd_elf_image.hpp:62:15: error: uint64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940511 - "dev-libs/urdfdom-3.1.0 fails to compile: urdf_parser.h:91:14: error: uint32_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940512 - "dev-php/pecl-parallel-1.2.1 fails to compile: cache.c:247:22: error: ZEND_JMPZNZ undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940513 - "dev-python/croniter-3.0.3 fails tests: FAILED test_croniter.py::CroniterTest::test_year - OverflowError: timestamp out of range for platform time_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940514 - "dev-python/denonavr-1.0.0 fails tests: FAILED test_denonavr.py::TestMainFunctions::test_receiver_type - denonavr.exceptions.AvrTimoutError: TimeoutException: No response can be found for GET request on description.xml amongst:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940516 - "dev-python/libarchive-c-5.1 fails tests: FAILED test_entry.py::test_check_archiveentry_using_python_testtar - libarchive.exception.ArchiveError: Damaged tar archive (errno=22, retcode=-10, archive_p=1452922048)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940517 - "dev-python/mypy-1.11.2 fails to compile: cc1: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes after a total of 524722176 bytes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940518 - "dev-lang/php-8.2.23 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940519 - "dev-python/leechcorepyc-2.18.7 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940524 - "media-gfx/freecad-1.0.0: fails to compile with mold" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:940531 - "dev-python/poetry-core-1.9.0 fails tests: FAILED test_requirements.py::test_invalid_requirement[name @ file:.-invalid URL] - Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class poetry.core.version.requirements.InvalidRequirement>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940532 - "dev-python/pivy-0.6.8 fails to compile: cc1plus: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes after a total of 1801359360 bytes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940537 - "media-libs/libvmaf: ~arm64 keywording request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940544 - "dev-util/intel-graphics-compiler-1.0.17537.20 - [gcc-15] /.../igc_symbols.ld:3: syntax error in VERSION script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940546 - "app-office/sc-im-0.8.3-r1 - [gcc-15] interp.c: error: type of decimal does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940547 - "net-analyzer/cnet-3.3.4 - [gcc-15] nodewindows.c: error: type of _CN136 does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940549 - "dev-lang/moarvm-2024.08 - [libtool] [gcc-15] probing whether your compiler thinks that it is gcc Cant compile simple gcc probe, so something is badly wrong at build/probe" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940550 - "app-misc/splitvt-1.6.6_p7 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] splitvt.h: error: type of check_attr does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940551 - "sci-physics/root-6.32.06 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../Twine.h: error: const class llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> has no member named data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940556 - "sci-mathematics/cadabra- stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:940561 - "sci-biology/seaview-4.6-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] treedraw.cxx: error: type struct branche violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940563 - "net-vpn/riseup-vpn-0.24.8 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] ./.../build.sh:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940565 - "x11-misc/sddm installs sysusers.d file which conflicts with acct-user/sddm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940566 - "app-editors/mg-20230501 - [gcc-15] dired.c: error: type of helpmap does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940567 - "app-text/htmldoc-1.9.16 - [gcc-15] epub.cxx: error: type struct link_t violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940572 - "x11-libs/fltk-1.3.8: fltk-config reports `libfltk.a` when built with USE=-static-libs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940574 - "sci-mathematics/vampire-4.9 fails tests: 3 - UnificationWithAbstraction (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940577 - "dev-python/graph-tool-2.75 fails to compile: graph_correlations.cc:(.text._Z17wrap_vector_ownedImEN5boost6python3api6objectERKSt6vectorIT_SaIS5_EE[_Z17wrap_vector_ownedImEN5boost6python3api6objectERKSt6vectorIT_SaIS5_EE]+0x45): undefined reference to gra" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940583 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-0_p2021-r1 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940586 - "games-emulation/libretro-nestopia-0.0.1_pre20180723 - [libtool] [gcc-15] ../.../NstApiVideo.hpp: error: type Nes::Api::Video::RenderState::Filter violates the C++ One Def" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940587 - "sci-electronics/pcb-4.3.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] hid/.../gui-config.c: error: type of MoveLayerAction does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940593 - "app-cdr/dvdisaster-0.79.5 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] ./.../bash-based-configure:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940595 - "sci-electronics/iverilog-12.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] parse.cc: error: type yysymbol_kind_t violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940596 - "net-libs/libnids-1.26-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] checksum.h: error: type of ip_compute_csum does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-misma" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940597 - "media-video/recordmydesktop- - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] rmd_cache.c: error: passing argument 1 of gzflush from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940600 - "x11-misc/xteddy: homepage is gone, upstream appears to be now debian" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940601 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-0_p2021-r1 fails to compile: gcc: error: unrecognized command line option -fno-diagnostics-color/var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-0_p2021-r1/work/gnat-gpl-2014-x86_64-linux-bin/bin/gcc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -O2 -march=x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940602 - "app-office/mdbtools-1.0.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] ./configure:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940605 - "sci-physics/xfoil-6.99-r1 - [gcc-15] ../.../gw_subs.f: error: type of gwxcolorname2rgb does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940609 - "<dev-db/redict-7.3.1 <dev-db/redis-{6.2.16,7.2.6,7.4.1}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940611 - "dev-util/kernelshark-2.3.1-r1 stabilization request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940612 - "sys-auth/libnss-pgsql-1.5.0_beta-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] backend.c: error: implicit declaration of function copy_attr_string [-Wimplicit-function-de" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940616 - "dev-python/python-daemon-2.3.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940617 - "dev-python/python-gnupg-0.5.3 fails tests: AssertionError: 0 != 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940618 - "dev-python/qtawesome-1.3.1 fails tests: python3.12: typeobject.c:5027: _PyStaticType_Dealloc: Assertion _Py_IsImmortal((PyObject )type) failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940621 - "sci-mathematics/flocq-4.1.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] checking for coqc... ./configure:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940623 - "media-gfx/freecad-1.0.0: SIGSEGV on mesh generation with netgen using media-gfx/netgen-6.2.2302" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940627 - "dev-libs/isl-0.27: fails isl_test_python.py test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940632 - "<app-emulation/xen-4.18.4_pre0: Deadlock in vlapic_error()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940634 - "dev-python/sphinxcontrib-httpdomain-1.8.1 fails tests: FAILED bottle_test.py::BottleTest::test_get_routes_mount - AssertionError: mount != (:re:.)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940635 - "dev-python/stripe-10.12.0 fails tests: FAILED test_generated_examples.py::TestGeneratedExamples::test_terminal_readers_process_setup_intent_post_async[asyncio] - stripe._error.InvalidRequestError: Request req_123: Request validation error: validator 0x59" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940636 - "dev-python/traitlets-5.14.3 fails tests: FAILED test_argcomplete.py::TestArgcomplete::test_complete_custom_completers - AssertionError: assert {} > {DEBUG, INFO}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940637 - "<www-client/chromium-129.0.6668.89, <www-client/google-chrome-129.0.6668.89, <www-client/microsoft-edge-129.0.2792.79, www-client/opera: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940646 - "net-mail/dbmail-3.3.1 - [gcc-15] /.../install: cannot create regular file .../dbmail-imapd.service: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940647 - "gnustep-base/libobjc2-2.2.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../eh_trampoline.S: error: missing expression" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940652 - "net-p2p/qbittorrent-5.0.0 fails tests: 9 - testutilscompare (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940653 - "sys-libs/libstdc++-v3-3.3.6-r4 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] mkdir: cannot create directory po: File exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940654 - "llvm-core/llvm-19.1.1 fails to compile on ppc64le with sys-devel/gcc[ieee-long-double]: error: invalid conversion from ‘_Float128 (*)(_Float128) noexcept’ to ‘long double (*)(long double)’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940671 - "games-strategy/colobot-data-0.2.1_alpha - [libtool] [gcc-15] One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940673 - "dev-ml/async_extra-0.14.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] Failed to run command: dune build @install --display=short --profile release -j 4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940676 - "llvm-core/llvm: Multiple backports required for ppc64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940693 - "sci-biology/augustus-2.5.5 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] list.c: error: implicit declaration of function FatalError [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940694 - "sci-biology/seqan-3.1.0 - [libtool] [gcc-15] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940697 - "media-sound/hydrogen-1.2.2-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../ExportMidiDialog.cpp: error: type ExportModes violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940698 - "app-text/cmigemo-1.3e_p20220623 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] ERROR: Require one of HTTP access tools (curl, wget or fetch)." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940699 - "dev-lang/micropython-1.23.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] cc1: all warnings being treated as errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940702 - "sys-cluster/ipvsadm-1.31-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../ld: cannot find -lnl: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940710 - "sci-visualization/veusz-3.6.2-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] ModuleNotFoundError: No module named tomli" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940711 - "media-libs/libffado-2.4.8 - [libtool] [gcc-15] Checking jackd version...FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: which:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940715 - "dev-util/unicorn-2.0.1 calls strings directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940717 - "sys-process/criu-3.19 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] make: which: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940718 - "sci-electronics/magic-8.3.365 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] ../.../EFint.h: error: type of efFlatRootDef does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-typ" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940730 - "mail-filter/rspamd: ~ppc64 keywording request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:940732 - "net-dialup/accel-ppp-1.12.0_p20220830-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../vlan_mon.c: error: vlan_mon_lock undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940739 - "app-doc/gnu-c-intro-ref-0_pre20240831 fails tests: You dont have a working TeX binary (tex) installed anywhere" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940741 - "dev-ruby/maxitest-5.7.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940744 - "<net-misc/frr-{9.0.4, 9.1.2}: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:critical
- Bug:940760 - "sys-cluster/ceph-19.2.0-r1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940782 - "[guru] net-news/newsraft-0.27 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940783 - "[guru] net-news/newsraft-0.27 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940784 - "dev-ruby/arel-helpers-2.15.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940789 - "dev-ruby/sys-filesystem-1.5.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940793 - "app-i18n/librime-lua-20240819212322 fails to compile: lua_templates.h:649:18: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940848 - "app-emulation/libvirt-10.6.0-r1: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:940849 - "dev-perl/Sys-Virt-10.6.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:940907 - "app-office/abiword-3.0.5-r1 fails to compile: ev_UnixMenu.cpp:69:7: error: type struct _wd violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940908 - "dev-ruby/timecop-0.9.10 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940909 - "dev-ruby/typeprof-0.21.11 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940921 - "Maintainer: Martin Homuth (mh AT emlix.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940931 - "net-analyzer/rrdtool: building with "perl" but without "graph" renders the RRDs perl module unusable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:940950 - "dev-ruby/async-container-0.18.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:941010 - "dev-ruby/maxitest-5.6.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:941027 - "dev-ruby/webmock-3.23.1: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:941041 - "dev-ruby/mysql2-0.5.6: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:941052 - "dev-ruby/parallel-1.26.1: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:941075 - "games-board/fruit-2.1-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] book.cpp: error: type struct entry_t violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941076 - "sys-cluster/hpx-1.10.0 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../client_base.hpp: error: type struct future_data violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941078 - "app-admin/integrit-4.2_rc1 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] ./cdb_put.h: error: type of cdb_put does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941079 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5-appl-1.0.3-r3 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] checking for IPv6 compile-time support... ./configure:line <snip>: syntax error near unexpected token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941080 - "media-gfx/graphicsmagick-1.3.45-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../ora.ver:2: syntax error in VERSION script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941084 - "net-proxy/3proxy-0.9.4 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../ld: .../ccCVvpY7.ltrans0.ltrans.o: relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol old_proxy_table can not be used when making a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941085 - "sys-fs/linux-apfs-rw-0.3.10 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../transaction.c: error: implicit declaration of function page_mkclean" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941091 - "app-emulation/wine-proton-9.0.3: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:941097 - "dev-db/recutils-1.9 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941098 - "net-misc/sipp-3.7.3-r1 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941102 - "sci-biology/dialign-tx-1.0.2-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] museq.c: error: type of simple_aligner does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941103 - "www-apache/passenger-6.0.23 - [libtool] [gcc-15] src/.../context.hpp: error: type struct thread_local_context violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941104 - "dev-libs/isl-0.27 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../isl_version.c: fatal error: gitversion.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941111 - "dev-python/pypy3_10-exe: add USE=pgo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941114 - "dev-cpp/elfio-3.12 fails to compile: elf_types.hpp:30:20: error: uint16_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941116 - "sys-cluster/kops-1.30.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941117 - "sys-apps/portage: add an option to extend --emptytree behavior to evaluating cyclic deps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941118 - "x11-misc/xosview-1.23 - [libtool] [gcc-15] Xrm.cc: error: defaultXResourceString violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941132 - "dev-db/recutils-1.9 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../ld: ../.../librec.so: undefined reference to curl_easy_setopt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941145 - "dev-libs/libphonenumber-8.13.47: compilation failure: error: call of overloaded ‘StrAppend(std::string*&, absl::lts_20240116::string_view&)’ is ambiguous" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941153 - "net-print/cups-browsed-2.0.1: missing net-print/libcupsfilters, net-print/libppd deps?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941154 - "dev-ruby/will_paginate-3.3.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941168 - "[Tracker] Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory for October 1, 2024" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941171 - "<dev-lang/spidermonkey-115.16.0: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941173 - "[Tracker] Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory for September 3, 2024" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941176 - "<dev-lang/spidermonkey-115.15.0: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941182 - "sci-libs/hipBLASt-6.1.1-r1: extend AMDGPU_TARGETS USE_EXPAND with gfx110*" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941186 - "<www-client/chromium-129.0.6668.100, <www-client/google-chrome-129.0.6668.100, www-client/microsoft-edge-129.0.2792.89, <www-client/opera-115.0.5314.0: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941190 - "games-fps/red-blue-quake2-0.1-r1 fails to compile: xf86dga.h:11:10: fatal error: Xxf86dga.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941191 - "games-fps/tenebrae-1.04-r1 fails to compile with -fno-common" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941192 - "games-fps/urbanterror-4.3.4_p20211208 fails to compile: common.c:2518:(.text+0x43ca): undefined reference to qsnapvectorsse" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941197 - "net-libs/libqmi-1.32.4-r1 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941198 - "net-im/whatsie-4.16.3 redefines _FORTIFY_SOURCE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941217 - "<app-containers/podman-5.2.4: improper input validation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941218 - "app-containers/containers-common: improper file path handling when FIPS mode is enabled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941231 - "net-misc/frr and sys-apps/iproute2 rt_protos mismatch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:941236 - "games-sports/trophy-2.0.4-r1 fails to compile: signal_v3.h:93:52: error: class CL_Signal_v3<PARAM1, PARAM2, PARAM3> has no member named owner [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941237 - "games-util/lutris-0.5.17 fails tests: FAILED test_api.py::TestApi::test_get_default_runner_version_info - TypeError: NoneType object is not subscriptable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941238 - "games-server/crossfire-server-1.71.0-r2 uses automake in maintainer-mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941247 - "New developer: Jay Faulkner (jayf) (juippis, due: 2024-12-31)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941253 - "media-libs/libva-intel-driver is broken on wayland with >=libva-2.22" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941257 - "[Tracker] Build failures with sys-kernel/linux-headers-6.11" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941267 - "dev-libs/qcoro-0.10.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941268 - "dev-libs/tree-sitter-python-0.23.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941269 - "dev-libs/tree-sitter-vimdoc-3.0.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941276 - "<net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.46.4{,-r410,-r600}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941278 - "[guru] dev-python/sphinx-design-0.6.1 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named docutils" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941281 - "[guru] dev-python/tree-sitter-languages-1.10.2-r1 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941282 - "[guru] dev-python/tree-sitter-languages-1.10.2-r1 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941283 - "[guru] dev-python/tree-sitter-languages-1.10.2-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941389 - "app-containers/containers-image-5.32.2 calls commands that do not exist: go" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941390 - "[guru] sci-electronics/verilator-5.028-r1 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941393 - "sys-apps/memtest86+-7.00 - [libtool] [llvm] ld.lld: error: unknown argument --warn-constructors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941394 - "www-apache/mod_maxminddb-1.2.0-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] apxs:Error: Unknown option: f." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941395 - "dev-libs/nss-3.101.2 - [libtool] [llvm] gcc: error: unrecognized command-line option -Qunused-arguments" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941396 - "games-engines/frotz-2.55_pre20240518 - [libtool] [gcc-15] src/.../ux_input.c: error: type of is_terminator does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941397 - "games-engines/solarus-1.6.5 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../ItDecoder.cpp: error: class CSoundFile has no member named GetMusicTempo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941398 - "llvm-core/libclc-19.1.1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] FAILED: spirv-mesa3d-.spv .../spirv-mesa3d-.spv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941399 - "dev-scheme/mit-scheme-12.1-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] tterm.c: error: type of tparam does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941401 - "media-libs/mesa-24.2.4 - [libtool] [gcc-15] FAILED: .../intel_gfx8_shaders_code.h" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941402 - "dev-ruby/grpc-1.59.2-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] rb_channel.c: error: passing argument 1 of rb_thread_create from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941403 - "dev-util/uftrace-0.16 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../mcount.c: fatal error: version.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941404 - "dev-scheme/guile-lib-0.2.7-r100 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941405 - "dev-util/android-tools-35.0.1 - [libtool] [llvm] ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: google::protobuf::TextFormat::PrintToString(google::protobuf::Message const&, std::_1::b" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941406 - "net-misc/ena-driver-2.13.0 - [libtool] [llvm] /.../kcompat.h: error: redefinition of eth_hw_addr_set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941408 - "dev-python/rapidfuzz-3.10.0 - [libtool] [llvm] /.../string: error: implicit instantiation of undefined template std::char_traits<unsigned int>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941414 - "sci-mathematics/flocq-4.1.1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] Error: The variable plus_0_r was not found in the current environment." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941417 - "app-laptop/framework-laptop-kmod-0_pre20240506 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../framework_laptop.c: error: initialization of void ( )(struct platform_device ) from incompatible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941418 - "sys-libs/libstdc++-v3-3.3.6-r4 - [libtool] [llvm] /.../getpwd.c: error: redeclaration of getwd must have the overloadable attribute" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941419 - "games-strategy/ufoai-2.5.0_p20180603-r3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] src/.../cl_cinematic_ogm.cpp: error: type struct yuvTable_t violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941421 - "sys-fs/cryfs-0.11.4 - [libtool] [llvm] ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: boost::program_options::abstract_variables_map::operator[](std::_1::basic_string<char, std::_1::ch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941422 - "games-arcade/amphetamine-0.8.10-r3 - [libtool] [llvm] 45 | if (!OpenDataFile(gSystem->QualifyDataDir(gConst->kFileMonster))) gSystem->Error(Cannot find file kFileMonster" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941423 - "sys-apps/fwts-24.03.00 - [libtool] [llvm] ld.lld: error: undefined reference: gzgets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941424 - "app-antivirus/lkrg-0.9.8 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../p_comm_channel.c: error: initialization of int ( )(const struct ctl_table , int, void , size_t , loff_t ) {aka int ( )(" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941433 - "dev-lang/yasm: invalid dependency on dev-lang/python (in unused -9999 code)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941435 - "net-libs/paho-mqtt-c: invalid dependency on dev-lang/python" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941441 - "dev-ml/uunf-15.1.0-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] pkg.ml: [ERROR] cmd [ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -classic-display -j 4 -tag debug" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941443 - "app-forensics/honggfuzz-2.6 - [libtool] [gcc-15] libhfuzz/instrument.c: error: type of _sanitizer_weak_hook_memcmp does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-m" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941444 - "dev-libs/ncnn-20240820 - [libtool] [llvm] ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: google::protobuf::io::IstreamInputStream::IstreamInputStream(std::_1::basic_istream<char, std::" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941445 - "sys-apps/paxctld-1.2.5-r1 - [libtool] [llvm] !!! Couldnt download paxctld_1.2.5.orig.tar.gz. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941446 - "dev-libs/imath-3.1.11-r1 - [libtool] [llvm] ld.lld: error: undefined reference: boost::python::objects::register_dynamic_id_aux(boost::python::type_info, std::_1::pair<vo" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941447 - "sci-electronics/ngspice-43 - [libtool] [gcc-15] cktpzstr.c: error: passing argument 2 of SMPprint from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941448 - "dev-vcs/colorsvn-0.3.3-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] ./configure:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941449 - "dev-libs/libmemcached-1.0.18-r4 - [libtool] [gcc-15] ./configure:line <snip>: printf: --: invalid option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941450 - "games-util/eureka-1.27b - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] src/m_udmf.cc: error: ValidateVertexRefs violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941451 - "media-plugins/vdr-extrecmenu-2.0.12 - [libtool] [llvm] mytools.c: error: use of undeclared identifier LC_CTYPE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941452 - "sci-mathematics/abc-0_p20230313 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] src/.../Glucose.cpp: error: type struct reduceDB_lt violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941454 - "net-irc/znc-palaver-1.2.2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: bpalaver.so" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941457 - "x11-plugins/wmxkb-1.2.2-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] wmxkb_x11.c: error: type of FgColours does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941458 - "dev-ml/yojson-2.2.2-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] make inconsistent assumptions over interface Stdppx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941460 - "net-misc/batctl-2022.2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] Makefile:<snip>: pkg-config not found. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941464 - "net-misc/frr-10.1.1 - [libtool] [llvm] /.../policy_checks.h: error: C++ versions less than C++14 are not supported." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941465 - "sys-cluster/legion-23.03.0 - [libtool] [llvm] /.../bitmask.h: error: a template argument list is expected after a name prefixed by the template keyword [-Wmissing-templat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941466 - "net-p2p/mldonkey-3.2.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] Error: Unbound module DonkeyNodesDat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941468 - "app-misc/worker-4.6.1-r100 - [libtool] [gcc-15] event_callbacks.cc: error: type struct cb_cmp violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941469 - "dev-db/myodbc-8.0.32 - [libtool] [llvm] /.../string: error: implicit instantiation of undefined template std::char_traits<unsigned short>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941470 - "dev-lang/swi-prolog-9.3.9 - [libtool] [llvm] ERROR: .../pl-wam.c:3344: int PL_next_solution_LD(PL_local_data_t , qid_t): Assertion failed: LD->exception.throw_environment" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941479 - "dev-util/schroot-1.6.13_p2-r1 - [libtool] [llvm] ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: boost::program_options::arg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941482 - "dev-db/mariadb-connector-c-3.3.8 stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941489 - "games-emulation/dosbox-0.75_pre4302 - [libtool] [llvm] ./render_templates_sai.h: error: ISO C++17 does not allow register storage class specifier [-Wregister]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941490 - "sci-biology/vcftools-0.1.16 - [libtool] [llvm] variant_file_filters.cpp: error: use of undeclared identifier random_shuffle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941491 - "dev-util/icemon-3.3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../ld: .../ccOP56qK.ltrans0.ltrans.o:(.debug_info+<snip>): undefined reference to comm.cpp.b2e89195" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941492 - "dev-build/meson-1.5.2 fails test - [libtool] [gcc-15] [ERROR] linuxlike: 13 cmake dependency" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941494 - "app-arch/lz4-1.10.0: lz4-fast-hugefile and lz4hc-hugefile tests timed out on hppa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941498 - "app-emulation/hercules: last rites" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941503 - "dev-python/libvirt-python-10.6.0: stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941510 - "[guru] media-libs/amdvlk-2024.3.3 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941512 - "dev-perl/MusicBrainz-DiscID-0.60.0 - [libtool] [gcc-15] Unable to build!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941514 - "net-dns/nsd-4.10.1-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] ./.../zone.h: fatal error: zone/export.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941521 - "media-gfx/chafa-1.14.1 fails to compile: chafa-avx2.c:99:19: error: implicit declaration of function _mm_extract_epi64 [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941522 - "media-gfx/meshlab-2020.12-r3 fails to compile: IFXCorePluginStatic.cpp:139:7: error: declaration of void operator new(size_t) throw (std::bad_alloc) has a different exception specifier" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941523 - "media-gfx/openscad-2021.01-r5 fails to compile: Intersection_traits.h:124:15: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941524 - "media-gfx/evoluspencil-3.1.1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941532 - "net-vpn/riseup-vpn-0.24.8 - [libtool] [gcc-15] ../.../main.cpp: error: class QLocale has no member named territory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941535 - "dev-perl/gtk2-traymanager-0.50.0-r3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] glib-genmarshal needs to be installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941538 - "dev-cpp/benchmark-1.9.0 fails test - [libtool] [gcc-15] 77 - run_donotoptimize_assembly_test_CHECK (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941540 - "app-misc/g15composer-3.4 - [libtool] [gcc-15] g15composer.tab.c: error: implicit declaration of function yylex [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941541 - "dev-debug/ltrace-0.7.91_pre20221216-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] options.h: error: type of options does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941542 - "dev-db/recutils-1.9 - [libtool] [gcc-15] testrec.c: error: assignment to const char from incompatible pointer type char [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941545 - "sys-devel/gcc[sanitize]: needs _TIME_BITS=64 backports" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941546 - "app-containers/crun-1.17 fails test - [libtool] [gcc-15] FAIL: tests/tests_libcrun_utils 1 - test_crun_path_exists" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941550 - "dev-cpp/abseil-cpp needs rebuild after dev-cpp/gtest upgrade" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941555 - "media-gfx/zgv-5.9-r1 fails to compile: modesel.c:102:1: error: implicit declaration of function exit [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941556 - "media-libs/avidemux-plugins-2.8.1-r2 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941557 - "media-libs/svgalib-1.9.25-r8 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941558 - "media-libs/svgalib-1.9.25-r8 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941561 - "sys-apps/portage: REQUIRED_USE report does not indicate relevance of packages listed to packages requested" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941565 - "dev-util/colm-0.14.7-r3 fails test - [libtool] [gcc-15] FAILED: exit value error: got: 127 expected: 0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941570 - "dev-libs/apr-util-1.6.3 fails test - [libtool] [gcc-15] FAILED 4 of 26" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941578 - "net-fs/samba-4.21.0[-ads,ldap] failed to emerge - error: ‘ADS_STRUCT’ {aka ‘struct ads_struct’} has no member named ‘ldap’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941580 - "sys-apps/uutils-coreutils-0.0.27 fails test - [libtool] [gcc-15] test test_cp::test_cp_debug_default_sparse_virtual_file FAILED" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941583 - "stable request for net-proxy/haproxy-{2.6.19,2.8.11,2.9.10,3.0.5}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941584 - "sys-power/apcupsd-3.14.14-r3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] options.c: error: pidfile violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941586 - "x11-themes/nuvox-07.1-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] Checking for bzip2... ./buildset:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941588 - "media-sound/muse-0.9.2_p20161002 - [libtool] [gcc-15] src/.../encdata.h: error: type struct encdata violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941590 - "dev-lang/haxe-4.3.6 - [libtool] [gcc-15] make inconsistent assumptions over interface Stdppx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941598 - "<dev-lang/php-{8.1.30,8.2.24,8.3.12}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:941600 - "<www-client/chromium-130.0.6723.58, <www-client/google-chrome-130.0.6723.58, <www-client/microsoft-edge-130.0.2849.46, www-client/opera: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941603 - "dev-lang/ispc-1.25.0 fails to compile: stubs.h:10:11: fatal error: stubs-64.h file not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941604 - "media-libs/spandsp-0.0.6-r3 fails to compile: gsm0610_rpe.c:132:5: error: invalid asm: invalid constraints for operand" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941607 - "[Tracker] FEATURES=usersync issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941612 - "media-libs/mesa-amber-21.3.9-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] ../.../gtest-death-test.cc: error: uintptr_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941613 - "net-misc/mulk-0.7.0-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] cc1: all warnings being treated as errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941614 - "dev-java/qdox-1.12.1-r6 - [libtool] [gcc-15] KeyError: javacup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941615 - "app-crypt/xca-2.8.0 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../func.h: error: getUserSettingsDir violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941618 - "dev-ml/opam-2.1.6 - [libtool] make inconsistent assumptions over implementation Cudf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941620 - "media-gfx/superslicer- please stabilize" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941624 - "sci-mathematics/easycrypt-2024.09 - [libtool] [gcc-15] make inconsistent assumptions over interface Nat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941630 - "dev-lang/cfortran-20210827 fails test - [libtool] [gcc-15] FAIL: fstr_test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941633 - "x11-wm/amiwm-0.22.01_p20230916 - [libtool] [gcc-15] main.c: error: type of menuaction does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941638 - "sci-physics/yoda: keywording request - ~x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:941640 - "x11-misc/wdm-1.28-r9 - [libtool] [gcc-15] src/.../xdmcp.c: error: type of sourceAddress does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941648 - "dev-perl/URI: rekeywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941672 - "[guru] dev-python/mininet-2.3.0 calls python directly (dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks])" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941673 - "[guru] x11-misc/wallust-3.1.0 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941675 - "dev-python/pivy-0.6.8 fails to compile: lto1: internal compiler error: in linemap_line_start, at line-map.cc:949" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941676 - "dev-python/pysmi-1.5.0 fails tests: FAILED test_objecttype_smiv2_pysnmp.py::ObjectTypeBitsTestCase::testObjectTypeSyntax - pysnmp.proto.error.ProtocolError: Unknown named bit set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941677 - "dev-python/pytest-httpbin-2.1.0 fails tests: FAILED test_server.py::test_dont_crash_on_handshake_timeout - AssertionError: assert None is not None" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941678 - "dev-python/python-xmp-toolkit-2.0.2-r1 fails tests: ERROR: test_write_new_struct_in_array (test.test_core_unit.XMPMetaTestCase)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941679 - "media-video/mplayer-1.5_p20231206 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941680 - "flag-o-matic.eclass: add D flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941711 - "net-p2p/mldonkey-3.2.1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] Error: This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941718 - "media-libs/hamlib-4.5.5-r3 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] Failed running aclocal!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941724 - "app-arch/sharutils-4.15.2-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] ./configure:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941737 - "games-board/xfreecell-1.0.5b-r1 can't run - X Error of failed request 45 (X_OpenFont)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941738 - "dev-build/cmake: crashes when building media-libs/libjpeg-turbo on ppc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941747 - "dev-python/sphinx-tabs-3.4.7 fails tests: FAILED test_build.py::test_conditional_assets_html_assets_policy[index] - AssertionError: FILES DIFFER:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941748 - "media-libs/libprojectm-3.1.12-r2 fails to compile: Failed running aclocal!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941749 - "media-libs/osl- fails to compile: platform.h:542:28: error: unknown type name uint32_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941751 - "media-sound/picard-2.12.3 fails tests: python3.12: typeobject.c:5030: _PyStaticType_Dealloc: Assertion _Py_IsImmortal((PyObject )type) failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941756 - "dev-perl/HTML-Form-6.110.0 fails t/form.t test with dev-perl/HTTP-Message-7.0.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941757 - "dev-util/debhelper-13.2.1 fails test - [libtool] [gcc-15] # Failed test DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=5 without parallel options [current compat]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941760 - "dev-ml/luv-0.5.12 - [libtool] [gcc-15] c_generated_functions.c: error: initialization of void ( )(uv_getnameinfo_t , int, const char , const char ) {aka void ( )(struct u" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941764 - "Clean up local USE=freetype in favour of already-existing global USE=truetype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941765 - "desktop profiles: enable USE=harfbuzz" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941766 - "sys-cluster/slurm-24.05.3 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941768 - "sys-cluster/slurm-24.05.3 installs shell script that uses non-POSIX features" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941769 - "dev-lang/go: implement slotting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941770 - "Failure to verify just-signed binpkgs should be more verbose" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941771 - "Introduce new user for binary package signature verification?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941774 - "kde-apps/kitinerary-24.08.2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] <artificial>:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to i18n::phonenumbers::PhoneNumberUtil::ParseAndKeepRawInput(absl::lts_2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941777 - "dev-db/cockroach-2.1.5-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941782 - "dev-ml/core_unix-0.16.0-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] Failed to run command: dune build @install --display=short --profile release -j 4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941783 - "x11-plugins/gkrellm-bluez-0.2-r3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] checking for GKRELLM... configure: error: Package requirements (gkrellm) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941841 - "[binhost] Proposal: provide binpkgs of bootloaders with USE=secureboot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941846 - "net-analyzer/gsa-23.3.0 fails to compile: Error: Your current platform linux and architecture ia32 combination is not yet supported by the native Rollup build Please use the WASM build wasm-node instead" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941847 - "net-dialup/wvdial-1.61-r1 fails to compile: wvscatterhash.h:186:52: error: class WvScatterHash<T, K, Accessor, Comparator>::Iter has no member named xstatus [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941849 - "app-editors/zed: ~arm64 keywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941851 - "dev-perl/tkispell-0.200.0 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] Unable to build!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941852 - "app-misc/recoll-1.40.3 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] ../.../rclconfig.h: error: uint32_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941853 - "games-strategy/dopewars-1.6.2 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] gtk_client.c: error: implicit declaration of function bind_textdomain_codeset [-Wimplicit-function-declar" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941862 - "net-mail/signify-1.14-r2 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../sh:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941868 - "app-laptop/pbbuttonsd-0.8.1a - [libtool] [gcc-15] driver_mixer_alsa.c: error: type of moddata does not match origina" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941869 - "[Tracker] gcc-14 stabilization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941877 - "Maintainer: Steffen Winter (stffn.mobil AT freenet.de)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941881 - "sys-cluster/slurm-24.05.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] tls_s2n.c: error: S2N_PSK_HMAC_SHA256 undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941887 - "app-misc/recoll-1.40.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] /.../qmkmk.sh:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941890 - "net-analyzer/wireshark: fails tests with LTO" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941891 - "dev-scheme/elk-3.99.8-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../ld: cannot find -lelk-xlib: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941892 - "sci-physics/rivet: keywording request - ~x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941893 - "[TRACKER] Python 3.13 porting" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941894 - "www-apps/*arr-bin: ARR stack misuses the LTTNG-UST SLOT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941896 - "sci-biology/unafold-3.8-r1 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] Failed running aclocal!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941897 - "media-fonts/wqy-unibit-1.1.0_p1-r1 - /.../sh:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941912 - "dev-util/reuse-4.0.3 fails tests: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named freezegun" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941913 - "dev-util/reuse-5.0.2 fails to compile: Could not import extension myst_parser (exception: No module named myst_parser)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941915 - "net-news/yydecode-0.2.10-r3 fails tests: /bin/sh: /bin/sh: cannot execute binary file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941916 - "net-misc/taylor-uucp-1.07-r7 installs system executables owned by nonzero uid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941918 - "dev-ruby/magic-0.2.9-r2 fails tests: database.rb:43: [BUG] Segmentation fault at 0x0000748a262ee32b" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941941 - "media-gfx/fotema-1.14.4 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] ring.b73b1de9bca65622-cgu.03:(<snip>) undefined reference to ring_core_0_17_8_OPENSSL_ia32cap_P" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941944 - "net-misc/gerbera-2.3.0 - [libtool] [gcc-15] xml_to_json.h:43: error: type ‘FieldType’ violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941956 - "sys-app/portage: forkserver multiprocessing start method triggers OSError: AF_UNIX path too long with python 3.14" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941957 - "sys-apps/portage: test_fetch hangs with free threaded python-3.13.0 but not python-3.14.0a1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941962 - "sci-geosciences/merkaartor-0.20.0 fails to compile: GeoImageDock.cpp:9:10: fatal error: exiv2.hpp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941967 - "sys-boot/plymouth-22.02.122-r3 installs the same files with USE=doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941970 - "gnome-base/gdm-46.2: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:941972 - "net-im/spectrum2-2.2.1 fails to compile: string_view.h:53:26: error: string_view in namespace std does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941973 - "net-news/liferea-1.15.8 fails to compile: date.c:485:19: error: passing argument 1 of gmtime_r from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941975 - "net-misc/sks-1.1.6_p20200624-r2 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941989 - "<www-client/chromium-130.0.6723.69, <www-client/google-chrome-130.0.6723.69, <www-client/microsoft-edge-130.0.2849.56, <www-client/opera-115.0.5322.77: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941994 - "dev-libs/libmodbus-3.1.11 fails tests: FAIL: unit-tests.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:941996 - "sci-biology/raxml-8.2.13 fails to compile: evaluatePartialGenericSpecial.c:110:9: error: unknown type name __m128d" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942005 - "dev-libs/protobuf: pkg-config file makes sys-apps/usbguard direct-link against dev-cpp/abseil-cpp? (was: sys-apps/usbguard: rebuild dependency with dev-cpp/abseil-cpp)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942006 - "net-libs/xdp-tools: bpftool is in DEPEND instead of BDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942012 - "net-misc/rdesktop-1.9.0-r4 has unrecognized configure options: --disable-xrandr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942017 - "dev-lang/dafny-4.8.1: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:942026 - "dev-util/cargo-ebuild: removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942045 - "net-misc/asterisk: depends on an obsolete libSRTP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942049 - "gnome-base/gnome-panel-3.54.0 fails to compile: configure: error: Package requirements" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942051 - "www-client/dillo-3.1.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942057 - "dev-util/bugbite-cli-0.0.12[test] fails to compile with rust-1.82.0: intel.rs:65:(.text._ZN4ring4aead3gcm21detect_implementation17h5226706cc3ff9ff7E+0xf): undefined reference to ring_core_0_17_8_OPENSSL_ia32cap_P" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942061 - "sci-libs/blis-1.0 fails to compile: bli_x86_asm_macros.h:102:21: error: the register xmm15 cannot be clobbered in asm for the current target" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942062 - "sci-libs/coinor-bonmin-1.8.8 fails tests: Exception message: libhsl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942063 - "app-accessibility/speech-dispatcher-0.11.5 fails to compile: run_test.c:93:21: error: implicit declaration of function strcasestr [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942064 - "sci-libs/coinor-symphony-5.6.17 fails to compile: sym_lp_solver.h:118:2: error: error Undefined or unknown LP solver" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942066 - "app-containers/crun-1.17 fails to compile: ld: cannot find -largp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942067 - "dev-java/openjdk-17.0.13_p11[lto] fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942068 - "sci-libs/coinor-mp-1.8.4 fails to compile: configure: error: Required package Cbc unavailable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942075 - "sys-libs/pam: password leakage via speculative ROP chain" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942077 - "dev-lang/python: Virtual environment (venv) activation scripts don't quote paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:942078 - "sys-cluster/resource-agents-4.15.1 installs more files with FEATURES=test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942080 - "forums.gentoo.org: remove gossamer threads from footer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942099 - "mail-client/roundcube-1.6.9: security stabilization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942109 - "[guru] sci-physics/openmodelica-1.24.0 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942110 - "[guru] sci-physics/openmodelica-1.24.0 installs '.a' files without static-libs USE" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942111 - "net-p2p/energi3-3.1.0 fails to compile: link: memsize: invalid reference to runtime.stopTheWorld" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942112 - "dev-db/mongodb-5.0.26 fails to compile: container_memory.h:54:7: error: instantiating erroneous template" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942113 - "dev-util/pkgcruft-0.0.3 fails tests: source.rs:42:(.text._ZN7scallop6source4file28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h6a78cfccea3fb4efE+0x35): undefined reference to scallop_source_file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942116 - "app-editors/hteditor-2.1.1_pre20161206 fails to compile: missing: line 81: aclocal-1.16: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942117 - "sci-libs/qd-2.3.24 uses automake in maintainer-mode" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942119 - "sci-libs/ginkgo-1.8.0 fails to compile: cc1plus: out of memory allocating 65536 bytes after a total of 967700480 bytes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942120 - "sci-libs/lemon-1.3.1-r2 fails to compile: ld: libClpSolver.so.1: undefined reference to f_read_ASL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942121 - "sci-libs/p4est-2.8.6 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942128 - "net-mail/mlmmj-1.4.7 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942134 - "sci-mathematics/psmt2-frontend-0.4.0 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942139 - "<app-misc/mosquitto-2.0.20: memory leaking, segmentation fault or heap-use-after-free from crafted packets" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942143 - "sci-electronics/fritzing-0.9.6 - [libtool] [gcc-15] src/.../mazerouter.h: error: type struct ConnectionThing violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942149 - "net-wireless/uhd- - [gcc-15] /.../ref_clk_calibration_iface.hpp: error: uint32_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942150 - "x11-plugins/wmpower-0.4.3-r1 - [gcc-15] configure: error: One or more system headers that are necessary to compile this program are missing on this system. Cannot continu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942151 - "sys-cluster/zookeeper-bin-3.9.2 - 404 Not Found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942152 - "dev-python/grpcio-1.67.0 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] src/.../ev_epoll1_linux.cc: error: type struct grpc_fd violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942158 - "net-mail/qmailadmin-1.2.16-r1: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:942159 - "net-misc/suite3270-4.3_p6: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:942164 - "<media-gfx/exiv2-0.28.3: out of bounds read in AsfVideo::streamProperties" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:942192 - "dev-cpp/abseil-cpp: pollution of CFLAGS (-DNOMINMAX -Wno-virtual-dtor) in pkgconfig files (was: net-misc/mosh: -DNOMINMAX spam in build log from dev-cpp/abseil-cpp via dev-libs/protobuf)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942200 - "<dev-python/werkzeug-3.0.6, <dev-python/quart-0.19.7: possible resource exhaustion when parsing file data in forms" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942206 - "dev-lang/eisl-5.35 - [gcc-15] main.c: error: signal_handler_child undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942208 - "dev-python/grpcio-1.67.0 - [gcc-15] ./.../time.h: error: VLOG was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942209 - "media-sound/alsaplayer-0.99.82 - [gcc-15] CorePlayer.cpp: error: input_plugin {aka struct _input_plugin} has no member named frame_count" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942210 - "dev-db/recutils-1.9 - [gcc-15] /.../ld: ../.../librec.so: undefined reference to curl_easy_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942212 - "www-servers/kore-4.2.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] Fatal error: cant create obj/domain.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942213 - "app-containers/runc-1.1.14 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../ld: ../.../ccvNwmFT.ltrans0.ltrans.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against .rodata.str1.1 can not be used when maki" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942215 - "app-admin/sud-1.3-r2 - [gcc-15] interactive.c: error: implicit declaration of function login [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942287 - "dev-db/mariadb-connector-c: src_test() hangs (because of `mysqladmin ping` failing)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:942295 - "net-analyzer/arptools-1.0.2-r1 - checking for libnet... configure: error: libnet.h not found! need libnet - http://www.packetfactory.net/libnet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942296 - "games-action/koth-0.8.0-r1 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] <artificial>:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to cfgClearWS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942302 - "games-board/scid-5.0.2 - [gcc-15] /.../bytebuf.h: error: sqdiff was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942310 - "sys-cluster/zookeeper-bin-3.9.2: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:942312 - "sci-libs/lrslib,sci-mathematics/polymake: re-keyword for, or give up on, x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942321 - "sys-cluster/resource-agents-4.15.1 - [gcc-15] tickle_tcp.c: error: struct tcphdr has no member named source" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942322 - "net-im/skypeforlinux- - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] [gcc-15] !!! Couldnt download skypeforlinux_8.110.76.107_amd64.deb. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942323 - "app-misc/rbutil-1.5.1-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] cmake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942334 - "sci-libs/blis-1.0 fails to compile: bli_gemmsup_rv_haswell_asm_d6x8m.c:1763:1: error: bp cannot be used in asm here" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942336 - "app-text/doxygen-1.12.0 heap overflow when compiling givaro docs - WAS: sci-libs/givaro-4.2.0 [doc] fails to compile: make: [Makefile:500: docs] Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942337 - "sci-libs/linbox-1.7.0-r1 fails to compile: blas-subvector.h:121:20: error: LinBox::BlasSubvector<_Vector>::Self_t has no member named data [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942339 - "games-fps/freedm-data-0.12.1-r1 fails to compile: ImportError: libtiff.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942340 - "sci-mathematics/stp-2.3.4 fails tests: 9 - StrengthReduction_TestTests-gtest (Subprocess aborted)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942341 - "sci-mathematics/vampire-4.9 fails to compile: Hash.hpp:292:51: error: uintptr_t does not name a type [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942342 - "sci-visualization/grace-5.1.25_p17 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942343 - "dev-lang/spidermonkey-115.16.0 fails to compile: error: failed to run custom build command for semver v1.0.16" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942344 - "app-misc/gnote-46.1 fails tests: 4 gnote_unit_tests FAIL 0.52s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942345 - "dev-util/poke-4.2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942364 - "app-editors/kakoune-2024.05.18 - lto1: internal compiler error: in lto_tag_to_tree_code, at lto-streamer.h:1024" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942367 - "app-metrics/carbonapi-booking-0.3.0-r1 - vendor/.../cairo.go: error: type of gocairoReadFunc does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942369 - "net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.44.4-r410 and net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.44.4-r600 broken on clang-19" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942371 - "dev-lang/eisl-5.36 - [gcc-15] function.c: error: M_PI undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942372 - "dev-util/cpputest-4.0 - [gcc-15] ./.../MemoryLeakDetectorMallocMacros.h: error: expected identifier before string constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942375 - "dev-util/bcc: lua support does not work at all (broken upstream)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942383 - "sys-apps/qingy-1.0.0-r6 installs binaries linked to libcrypt.so without depend on virtual/libcrypt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942384 - "sys-block/megacli-8.07.14-r4 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942385 - "sys-cluster/ucx-1.13.1 calls commands that do not exist: ?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942387 - "app-portage/emlop-0.7.1 fails tests: thread timezone panicked at function.rs:250:5:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942389 - "app-arch/ncompress-5.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942391 - "dev-util/google-perftools-2.16 has unrecognized configure options: --disable-general-dynamic-tls" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942399 - "dev-python/grpcio-1.67.0-r2 fails to compile: container_memory.h:66:27: error: uintptr_t does not name a type [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942400 - "dev-scheme/guile-commonmark-0.1.2_pre20240803 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942410 - "x11-wm/wmii-3.9.2-r8 - ../.../dat.h: error: type of cursor does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942412 - "dev-scheme/elk-3.99.8-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] list.c: error: passing argument 2 of XawListChange from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942414 - "net-dns/pdns-recursor-5.1.2 - /.../lib.rs.h:1086:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to rust::cxxbridge1::String::String()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942415 - "app-misc/bfr-1.6-r5 - [gcc-15] getopt.c: error: implicit declaration of function strcmp [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942417 - "sys-fabric/mstflint-4.29.0_p1 - [gcc-15] mtcr_ul_com.c: error: u_int32_t undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942425 - "net-analyzer/nfdump-1.7.4 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] profile.c: error: passing argument 2 of rrd_update from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942432 - "<dev-ruby/rexml-3.3.9: ReDos vulnerability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942436 - "dev-lang/nim-2.2.0 - [gcc-15] /.../@m..@slib@sstd@stypedthreads.nim.c: error: passing argument 1 of pthread_create from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942438 - "sci-physics/root-6.32.06 fails to compile: SmallVector.h:109:62: error: uint64_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942442 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-5.15.169 fails to compile: make: No rule to make target modules_prepare" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942443 - "app-text/lowdown-1.1.2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942447 - "dev-libs/libportal[introspection]: should require gtk[introspection]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942448 - "dev-libs/modsecurity-3.0.13 - [gcc-15] ../.../rule_with_actions.h: error: const class modsecurity::RuleWithActions has no member named m_ruleId" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942450 - "net-nds/openldap-2.4.59-r3 stabilization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942454 - "gnome-extra/evolution-data-server[introspection] should require dev-libs/json-glib[introspection]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942455 - "x11-libs/qwtplot3d-0.2_p20210828 fails to compile: Target qwtplot3d links to: OpenGL::GLU but the target was not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942463 - "sci-libs/avogadrolibs-1.97.0 - [gcc-15] /.../cp2kinputdialog.cpp: error: type Avogadro::QtPlugins::BasisOption violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942464 - "dev-util/debugedit: rekeyword" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:942466 - "app-emulation/qemu-9.1.0 - [gcc-15] FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: /usr/lib/python3.12/ensurepip/_bundled/pip-24.2-py3-none-any.whl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942468 - "[Tracker] Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory for October 29, 2024" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942469 - "<www-client/firefox{-bin,}-{128.4.0,132.0}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:942471 - "dev-lang/spidermonkey: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:942478 - "x11-libs/vte-0.76.3 needs ~hppa ~alpha" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942479 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5-appl-1.0.3-r3 - [gcc-15] checking for IPv6 compile-time support... ./configure:line <snip>: syntax error near unexpected token ;;" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942495 - "dev-util/debugedit: ~mips keywording request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:942496 - "dev-util/debugedit: ~alpha keywording request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:942500 - "sys-auth/polkit-125-r1: ERROR: Program 'perl' not found or not executable" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942503 - "<www-client/chromium-130.0.6723.91, <www-client/google-chrome-130.0.6723.91, <www-client/microsoft-edge-130.0.2849.68, <www-client/opera-115.0.5322.77: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942519 - "dev-scheme/guile-2.2.7-r102 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942520 - "dev-java/commons-beanutils-1.9.4-r2[arm64] fails tests: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<class [I> but was:<class java.lang.Integer>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942530 - "[guru] sys-block/partclone-0.3.32 fails tests: FAIL: ncursesw.test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942531 - "[guru] sys-block/partclone-0.3.32 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942533 - "[guru] dev-embedded/idf-component-manager-2.0.4 fails tests: FAILED test_git.py::test_versions_component_hash - idf_component_tools.errors.GitError: git ls-tree --name-only abe887f6a3999a76759278b6542a541be82d4408 failed with exit code 128" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942536 - "[guru] sys-block/partclone-0.3.32 problems with installed bash completions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942537 - "[guru] sys-block/partclone-0.3.32 calls objcopy directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942538 - "[guru] sys-block/partclone-0.3.32 calls objdump directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942539 - "dev-python/cheetah3-3.3.3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942540 - "dev-python/google-api-core-2.22.0 fails tests: environment: line 2500: 281 Segmentation fault ${@}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942541 - "dev-python/grpcio-status-1.67.0 fails tests: environment: line 2499: 503 Segmentation fault ${@}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942542 - "dev-python/imageio-2.36.0 fails tests: FAILED test_pillow_legacy.py::test_gif - SyntaxError: no more images in GIF file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942544 - "<x11-wm/mutter-46.4: invisible windows for QT (qt >= 6.7) apps and wayland" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942547 - "net-dns/bind-9.18.29-r2: failed to generate session key for dynamic DNS: permission denied" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942550 - "net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.9.4 - [gcc-15] snmptrapd_sql.c: error: assignment to _Bool from incompatible pointer type char [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942551 - "dev-db/mongodb-5.0.26 - [gcc-15] lto1: some warnings being treated as errors" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942552 - "dev-lang/mono- - [gcc-15] /.../sh:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942553 - "sci-physics/xfoil-6.99-r1 - [gcc-15] <artificial>:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to putprim_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942555 - "[TRACKER] Vulnerable containers/storage library leads to symlink traversal that can result in denial of service via OOM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942556 - "<app-containers/podman-5.2.5: symlink traversal can result in denial of service via OOM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:942557 - "<app-containers/buildah-1.37.5; symlink traversal can result in denial of service via OOM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942558 - "app-containers/cri-o: symlink traversal can result in denial of service via OOM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:942559 - "<app-containers/containers-storage-1.55.1: symlink traversal can result in denial of service via OOM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:942560 - "dev-python/pypy3_10-exe-7.3.17 - error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942566 - "sci-mathematics/easycrypt-2024.09 - [gcc-15] Failed to run command: dune build @install --display=short --profile release -j 4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942578 - "app-emulation/qemu-9.1.2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs: elf_aux_info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942580 - "x11-misc/barrier-2.4.0 fails tests: [ FAILED ] NetworkTests.sendToServer_mockData (10181 ms)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942583 - "dev-embedded/esptool-4.7.0-r3 fails tests: FAILED test_merge_bin.py::TestUF2::test_larger_files - subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command python3.12, -m, esptool, --chip, esp8266, merge_bin, --format, uf2, -o, tmpk9u_2qrf, 0x100, tmp139__nvq, 0x1000, tmps" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942584 - "dev-embedded/picotool-2.0.0 fails to compile: cli.h:504:28: error: int64_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942585 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-0_p2021-r1 fails to compile: configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942586 - "dev-python/pockets-0.9.1-r3 fails tests: FAILED test_logging.py::test_eager_formatting_adapter - AttributeError: EagerFormattingAdapter object has no attribute merge_extra" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942587 - "app-benchmarks/iozone-3.506 fails to compile: iozone.c:1271:9: error: conflicting types for pwrite64; have ssize_t(int, const void , size_t, off_t) {aka int(int, const void , unsigned int, long int)}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942588 - "sci-libs/fftw-3.3.10 fails to compile: simd-neon.h:47:2: error: error compiling simd-neon.h requires -mfpu=neon or equivalent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942589 - "media-libs/opus-1.5.2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942592 - "dev-java/scala-cli-bin-1.5.1 - [gcc-15] ERROR: dev-java/scala-cli-bin-1.5.1::gentoo failed (compile phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942594 - "sys-apps/cyme-2.1.0 - [gcc-15] error[E0308]: mismatched types" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942605 - "media-libs/aubio-0.4.9-r4 - [gcc-15] python/.../py-musicutils.h: error: type of Py_aubio_meltohz does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942606 - "dev-python/pygame-2.6.1 fails tests: AssertionError: 7 != 8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942607 - "dev-lang/eisl-5.36 fails to compile: eisl.h:1432:36: error: unknown type name siginfo_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942608 - "dev-lang/fennel-1.5.1 fails tests: FAIL: test-spicy-numbers:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942610 - "dev-lang/php-8.3.13 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942614 - "net-misc/httpie: HTTPS connections failing with >=dev-python/requests:2.32" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942615 - "dev-libs/collada-dom-2.5.0-r1 - [gcc-15] /.../daeDom.cpp: error: cannot convert std::nullptr_t to daeInt {aka int} in return" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942633 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-6.6.58-r1: Build failure if CONFIG_CTF is enabled and sys-libs/binutils-libs is not installed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942642 - "games-arcade/performous-1.3.1: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942643 - "media-libs/rtaudio-6.0.1: fails to configure: test: x6.0.1beta0: unexpected operator with dash as /bin/sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942645 - "sys-apps/util-linux[cryptsetup] is merged before sys-fs/cryptsetup, which breaks 'mount', causing every subsequent pre-merge check to fail" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:942649 - "media-video/qmplay2[notifications]: IUSE without dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942664 - "media-sound/audacity-3.7.0 - /.../ExportFilePanel.cpp: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942665 - "dev-lang/R-4.4.1 - R: tre-parse.c:131: tre_expand_ctype: Assertion TRE_MB_CUR_MAX == 1 failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942667 - "media-gfx/wings-2.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] wings_draw.erl: syntax error before: )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942668 - "sys-apps/nvme-cli-2.11 - [gcc-15] ../.../nvme-print.c: error: LC_MEASUREMENT undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942669 - "dev-libs/nss-pem-1.1.0 - [gcc-15] collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942670 - "media-sound/sonic-visualiser-5.0.1 - [gcc-15] ../.../VampJson.h: error: const class piper_vamp::PluginHandleMapper has no member named pluginToHandle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942672 - "sys-devel/crossdev: fails stage 2 under prefix with new gcc ESYSROOT patch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942678 - "net-im/spectrum2-2.2.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] /.../civil_time.h: error: redefinition of bool absl::lts_20240722::ParseCivilTime" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942683 - "games-engines/solarus-1.6.5 - [gcc-15] /.../stdafx.h: error: uint8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942684 - "sys-cluster/slurm: Incorrect Authorization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942693 - "dev-util/cmocka-1.1.7: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942747 - "dev-util/lttng-modules-2.13.10 - [gcc-15] /.../lttng-statedump-impl.c: error: dev_base_lock undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942753 - "sci-astronomy/montage-5.0 - [gcc-15] <artificial>:(.text+<snip>): undefined reference to convertEclToEqu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942754 - "net-fs/cvmfs-2.11.5 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] ninja: error: .../cache.pb.cc, missing and no known rule to make it" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942755 - "dev-lisp/sbcl-2.4.9: build hangs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942756 - "media-libs/mesa-24.2.6 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] FAILED: .../intel_gfx9_shaders_code.h" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942770 - "net-im/telegram-desktop-5.7.1 build failure with ffmpeg-4.x" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942773 - "app-emulation/qtrvsim-0.9.8 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942776 - "dev-python/django-bootstrap5-24.3 fails tests: python3.12: No module named django" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942778 - "sci-libs/datasets-2.20.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942784 - "x11-terms/guake-3.10 fails tests: ERROR test_guake.py::test_accel_search_terminal - AttributeError: module posixpath has no attribute filesystem" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942785 - "x11-wm/xpra-6.0.1-r1 fails to compile: xi2.c:16102:36: error: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: long unsigned int and long int [-Werror=sign-compare]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942787 - "dev-libs/FP16-2021.03.20-r4 fails to compile: bitcasts.cc:14:60: error: setfill is not a member of std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942788 - "dev-libs/ell-0.69 fails to compile: test-path.c:65:16: error: implicit declaration of function basename [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942790 - "media-video/ffmpeg-4.4.5-r1 fails to compile: mlpdsp_armv5te.S:232: Error: junk at end of line, first unrecognized character is 0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942803 - "dev-python/cmd2-2.5.1 fails tests: FAILED test_cmd2.py::test_send_to_paste_buffer - assert False" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942804 - "[guru] dev-lang/swift-5.10.1 fails to compile: apply.c:366:4: error: cast from dispatch_function_t (aka void ()(void _Nullable)) to dispatch_apply_function_t (aka void ()(void , unsigned long)) converts to incompatible function type [-Werror,-Wcast-funct" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942808 - "media-libs/opencv-4.9.0-r2 fails to compile: types.hpp:2402:44: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer might break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942809 - "Update dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942810 - "dev-java/javatoolkit: anything related to xml rewriter should be removed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942811 - "app-emulation/qtrvsim-0.9.8 - [gcc-15] /.../simpletextitem.h: error: type struct SimpleTextItem violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942814 - "dev-libs/botan-2.19.3-r2 - [gcc-15] src/.../cli.h: error: uint8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942818 - "app-misc/geneweb-7.0.1_alpha2-r1 - [meson] [libtool] Error: Library geneweb_gwdb not found." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942819 - "dev-libs/libphonenumber-8.13.47 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942838 - "sci-chemistry/psi-3.4.0-r3 - ../.../get_filename.cc: error: gprgid violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942850 - "dev-ruby/rantly-2.0.0-r1 fails tests: minitest_extensions.rb:7:in <top (required)>: uninitialized constant MiniTest (NameError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942856 - "dev-lang/rust-1.82.0-r100 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942857 - "sys-libs/ncurses-6.4_p20240414 fails to compile: cursespad.cc:197:6: error: default argument given for parameter 2 of void NCursesPad::setWindow(NCursesWindow&, int, int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942858 - "dev-python/autopep8-2.3.1 fails tests: FAILED test_autopep8.py::CommandLineTests::test_in_place_no_modifications_no_writes - AssertionError: Warning: cannot find your CPU L2 & L3 cac[43 chars]hen !=" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942859 - "dev-python/build-1.2.2_p1 fails tests: FAILED test_ctx_logger.py::test_custom_subprocess_runner_ctx_logging[False-1-kwarg_origins1] - AssertionError: assert 3 == 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942860 - "dev-python/colorclass-2.2.2-r1 fails tests: FAILED test___main__.py::test_import_do_nothing - AssertionError: assert not Warning: cannot find your CPU L2 & L3 cache size in cachen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942861 - "dev-python/eradicate-2.3.0 fails tests: AssertionError: Warning: cannot find your CPU L2 & L3 cac[43 chars]he" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942862 - "dev-lang/elixir-1.17.3 fails tests: (ErlangError) Erlang error: :terminated:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942863 - "dev-libs/OpenNI2-2.2_beta2-r1 fails to compile: arm_neon.h:13503:1: error: inlining failed in call to always_inline uint8x8x3_t vld3_u8(const uint8_t): target specific option mismatch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942864 - "dev-libs/folks-0.15.9 fails tests: 5 folks:DummyBackend / add-persona TIMEOUT 150.03s50.0s" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942865 - "dev-lang/spidermonkey-115.16.0 fails to compile: ERROR: The rust compiler host (armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf) is not suitable for the configure host thumbv7neon-unknown-linux-gnueabihf)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942866 - "sci-libs/hdf-4.2.15-r2 fails to compile: xdrposix.c:304:5: error: initialization of int32_t ()(struct __rpc_xdr , u_int) {aka int ()(struct __rpc_xdr , unsigned int)} from incompatible pointer type netlong ()() {aka long int ()()} [-Wincompatible-pointer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942867 - "dev-lang/ocaml-4.14.2 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942879 - "sys-cluster/ceph-19.2.0-r2 - error: invalid cast from type ‘const boost::uuids::uuid::data_type’ to type ‘const char*’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942881 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel: Unable to use USB ports of Dell WD19TB Thunderbolt Dock" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942883 - "sci-astronomy/cpl-7.3.2 - [meson] [libtool] configure: error: wcslib (libraries) was not found on your system." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942885 - "net-misc/netkit-talk-0.17-r8 - [gcc-15] file collision with net-misc/inetutils-2.5-r7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942886 - "app-containers/runc-1.2.0 - [gcc-15] nolibc/crt.h: error: type of _nolibc_main does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942891 - "net-misc/remmina-1.4.36 timeout issues" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942898 - "dev-libs/boost-1.86.0-r1 fails to compile on alpha: libs/process/src/error.cpp:128:21: error: duplicate case value" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942901 - "dev-embedded/arduino-ctags-20161123-r2 has unrecognized configure options: --disable-readlib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942902 - "[guru] sys-fs/dwarfs-0.10.2 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942903 - "dev-util/bloaty-1.1-r1 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] /bin/sh: line 1: protoc: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942904 - "dev-embedded/arduino-ctags-20161123-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] Unrecognized configure options:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942905 - "mail-client/claws-mail-4.3.0-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] libarchive_archive.c: error: implicit declaration of function archive_free_list" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942906 - "games-board/cutechess-1.3.1-r1 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] Could not find a package configuration file provided by Qt5Gui with any" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942908 - "dev-python/livereload-2.7.0 fails tests: FAILED test_watcher.py::TestWatcher::test_watch_multiple_dirs - AssertionError: assert (None, None) == foo, None)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942909 - "dev-python/ml-dtypes-0.5.0 fails tests: FAILED finfo_test.py::FinfoTest::testFInfo_float8_e8m0fnu - assert 1.70141e+38 > 0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942912 - "dev-lang/php-8.2.24 fails to build with 1 GB of RAM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942913 - "app-emulation/qtrvsim-0.9.8 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] Could not find a package configuration file provided by Qt5Widgets with" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942916 - "dev-perl/Crypt-DSA-1.170.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942920 - "games-roguelike/stone-soup-0.32.1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../ld: cannot find .../libsqlite3.a: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942924 - "<www-client/chromium-130.0.6723.116, <www-client/google-chrome-130.0.6723.116, www-client/microsoft-edge, www-client/opera: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942931 - "net-proxy/tayga: enhancement of init.d script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:942937 - "media-libs/opensubdiv-3.6.0-r2: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:942944 - "media-sound/zynaddsubfx-3.0.6-r4 fails to compile: pugl.h:824:1: error: puglNewView violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942945 - "dev-libs/xmlrpc-c-1.54.06 fails to compile: ld: libxmlrpc_util++.a(girerr.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol _ZTVN6girerr5errorE can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942946 - "dev-python/cramjam-2.9.0 fails tests: ERROR test_integration.py - AttributeError: module experimental has no attribute igzip" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942952 - "net-misc/curl: HSTS subdomain overwrites parent cache entry" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942953 - "New Developer: Alexander Puck Neuwirth (APN-Pucky)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942956 - "dev-lang/python-3.13: make PGO failures non-fatal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942957 - "app-shells/atuin-18.3.0-r1 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] error: failed to run custom build command for atuin-daemon v0.2.0 (/var/tmp/portage/app-shells/atuin-18.3.0-r1/wor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942958 - "dev-scheme/guile-ssh-0.16.4-r100 - [gcc-15] /.../session-func.c: error: expected expression before _Bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942959 - "dev-python/mypy-1.13.0 - [meson] [libtool] mypyc/build.py:280: error: Argument sources to Extension has incompatible type list[str]; expected list[str | PathLike[str]] [a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942963 - "sys-libs/liburing: wrong SRC_URI" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942969 - "<dev-libs/expat-2.6.4 - NULL pointer dereference through function XML_ResumeParser" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942974 - "[guru] sys-apps/flashprog-1.2 installs files into unexpected paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942975 - "[guru] sys-apps/flashprog-1.2 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942978 - "dev-python/scripttest-1.3.0-r2 fails tests: FAILED test_testscript.py::test_testscript - AssertionError: stderr output not expected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942979 - "dev-python/pygccxml-2.5.0 fails tests: ERROR test_find_noncopyable_vars.py::Test - KeyError: line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942981 - "games-engines/frotz-2.55_pre20240518 - [libtool] ux_input.c: error: implicit declaration of function get_wch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942982 - "net-misc/mosh-1.4.0 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] configure: error: cannot find protoc, the Protocol Buffers compiler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942994 - "www-client/seamonkey: configure dies if RUSTFLAGS has more than one value" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:942995 - "dev-python/pyatspi-2.46.1 - [libtool] ./configure:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943002 - "games-board/pokerth-1.1.2-r1 - [libtool] src/.../chatcleaner.pb.cc: fatal error: .../once.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943004 - "sys-devel/binutils-2.43-r1 fails test - FAIL: Run pr20267a" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943005 - "sys-apps/yarn: ~ppc64 keywording request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:943014 - "dev-libs/libspt-1.1-r4 fails to compile: sptagent.c:1036:18: error: passing argument 1 of gettimeofday from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943019 - "dev-python/pivy-0.6.9 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943020 - "media-libs/tiff-4.7.0 fails test - FAIL: tiffcp-32bpp-None-jpeg.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943021 - "www-servers/apache-2.4.62 build failure with net-libs/rustls-ffi-0.14.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943026 - "dev-util/patchelf-0.18.0 m68k Keyword Request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943028 - "net-libs/gloox-1.0.28 fails to compile: lto1: internal compiler error: symtab_node::verify failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943039 - "net-p2p/rtorrent-0.10.0 calls ar directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943040 - "[guru] app-shells/manpager-0.0.3 collides with other packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943041 - "[guru] dev-util/find-work-0.91.2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943042 - "[guru] app-misc/tmux-rime-0.0.3 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943044 - "[guru] app-misc/tmux-rime-0.0.3 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943045 - "[guru] app-misc/tmux-rime-0.0.3 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943046 - "[guru] app-misc/tmux-rime-0.0.4 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943047 - "[guru] dev-python/pyrime-0.0.3 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943048 - "[guru] dev-python/pyrime-0.0.3 installs python packages with invalid/suspicious names or versions in the site-packages directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943049 - "[guru] sys-apps/hexyl-0.15.0-r1 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943052 - "x11-wm/qtile-0.29.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:943122 - "dev-libs/libpeas-2.0.3 - [meson] meson.build: ERROR: Problem encountered: Lua51 requested but failed to locate suitable Lua51 and LGI support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943138 - "www-plugins/lightspark-0.8.7-r1 - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943141 - "dev-util/gnome-builder-46.3 fails to compile: FAILED: libide" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943142 - "dev-util/sysprof-capture-3.36.0-r1 fails tests: 3 test-capture FAIL 0.03s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943143 - "sys-apps/portage: --keep-going=y loses blockers after failures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943151 - "app-metrics/mysqld_exporter-0.14.0_p20230328 fails test - make: which: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943158 - "dev-build/libtool-2.5.4 and dev-libs/libltdl-2.5.4 stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943166 - "sys-devel/binutils-2.43-r2 - collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943168 - "media-plugins/vdr-duplicates-1.0.1-r1 - recording.h: error: cStateKey does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943172 - "media-libs/libheif-1.19.2 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943181 - "app-misc/brewtarget-4.0.9 version bump, then cleanup old" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943183 - "sci-mathematics/acl2: depends on old dev-lisp/sbcl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943184 - "app-text/xournalpp-1.2.3 w/ =app-text/poppler-24.10.0 - /.../poppler-autocleanups.h: error: poppler_index_iter_free was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943186 - "mate-base/mate-desktop-1.28.2 (time64) mate-desktop-item.c:1592:71: error: passing argument 2 of 'sn_launcher_context_get_last_active_time' from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943187 - "dev-libs/xerces-c-3.3.0 bump request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943188 - "www-client/firefox (time64) ERROR: Don't know how to translate i686-pc-linux-gnut64 for rustc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943189 - "dev-libs/intel-compute-runtime: Intel dropped support for Gen8-Gen11 iGPUs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943205 - "net-analyzer/nfdump-1.7.4 fails test - FAIL: runtest.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943206 - "rust.eclass: improve RUST_MIN_VER (only) dependency specification" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943216 - "www-client/chromium-130.0.6723.116-r1 fails to compile with dev-libs/icu-76.1-r1: error: undefined symbol: icu::UnicodeString::doAppend(std::__Cr::basic_string_view…" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943225 - "[guru] gui-apps/nwg-shell-config-0.5.54 installs modules that are not byte-compiled" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943227 - "dev-python/aioresponses-0.7.6 fails tests: FAILED test_aioresponses.py::AIOResponsesTestCase::test_assert_any_call - TypeError: RequestInfo.__new__() missing 1 required positional argument: real_url" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943229 - "app-misc/tracker-miners-3.6.2 fails to compile: meson.build:230:4: ERROR: Problem encountered: GStreamer media handler was enabled but required GStreamer libraries were not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943237 - "[akater] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943240 - "[canutethegreat-overlay] Repository URI unaccessible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943241 - "[defiance] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943243 - "[erayd] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943244 - "[gentoo-linux-surface-overlay] Repository URI unaccessible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943246 - "[inode64-overlay] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943247 - "[masterlay] Conflicting repository name" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943249 - "[spark-overlay] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943250 - "[waebbl] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943251 - "[zugaina] Ebuild failures occuring in global scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943261 - "sys-apps/sysvinit-3.10: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:943270 - "dev-ruby/certificate_authority-1.1.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943272 - "dev-ruby/minispec-metadata-3.5.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943281 - "dev-python/blake3: bundles dev-libs/blake3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943282 - "dev-lang/spidermonkey-115.16.0-r1 - [libtool] Unified_cpp_js_src2.cpp:(<snip>) undefined reference to u_hasBinaryProperty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943283 - "dev-build/scons-4.8.1 fails test - FAILED test of /var/tmp/portage/dev-build/scons-4.8.1/work/scons-4.8.1/scripts/scons.py" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943284 - "dev-util/buildbot-4.1.0 fails test - FAILED (skips=41, errors=2, successes=660)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943285 - "dev-db/firebird- - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../uset.h: error: u16string_view in namespace std does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943287 - "media-libs/vamp-plugin-sdk-2.10 - collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943294 - "Policy for pushing changes for python eclasses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943302 - "multibuild.eclass: multibuild_foreach_variant tee shenanigans lead to color stripping with dev-build/meson ebuilds" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943308 - "dev-lang/rust: add workaround for failed keep-going builds in pkg_postinst (was: dev-util/cbindgen-0.27.0-r1: Failed to emerge)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943309 - "sci-libs/coinasl-2.0.1-r1 fails to compile: fgh_read.c:101:27: error: type of f2_HOL_ASL does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943310 - "dev-python/pkginfo-1.11.2 fails tests: FAILED test_installed.py::test_installed_ctor_w_dist_info - AssertionError: assert 2.3 == 2.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943311 - "dev-python/pyrfc3339-2.0.1 fails tests: FAILED test_all.py::TestCore::test_generate_local_parse_local - zoneinfo._common.ZoneInfoNotFoundError: No time zone found with key Eastern" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943312 - "dev-python/python-lsp-server-1.12.0 fails tests: FAILED test_completion.py::test_jedi_completion_with_fuzzy_enabled - AssertionError: assert isabs(s) == commonprefix(m)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943313 - "sys-auth/polkit-123-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943314 - "dev-ml/findlib-1.9.6-r1 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943315 - "dev-ml/ocamlbuild-0.15.0 installs files that contain a TEXTREL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943316 - "dev-tcltk/tdom-0.9.5 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943320 - "gui-libs/gtk-4.14.4-r1 fails test - .../ compare gl glyph-hinting-none colorflipped FAIL 0.47s exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943322 - "Rename Bugzilla Component to "Package Manager Specification"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943327 - "dev-perl/Sub-HandlesVia-0.50.0 fails test - Result: FAIL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943330 - "net-libs/rustls-ffi-0.14.0 fails test - Error: CliError { error: Some(1 job failed), exit_code: 101 }" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943351 - "[guru] net-voip/gnome-calls-47.0 fails tests: 14 media FAIL 0.08s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943360 - "dev-db/mariadb-10.6.20 fails tests main.mysqld--help-aria main.log_slow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943382 - "dev-lang/nim-2.2.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:943394 - "app-emulation/uade-2.13-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] ./configure:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943396 - "dev-db/postgresql-17.0-r1 fails test - not ok 182 + jsonb_jsonpath 134 ms" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943403 - "<www-client/chromium-131.0.6778.69, <www-client/google-chrome-131.0.6778.69, <www-client/microsoft-edge-131.0.6778.69, www-client/opera: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943421 - "dev-perl/Apache-AuthCookie-3.320.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:943487 - "net-analyzer/arping-2.25: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:943502 - "dev-lang/R-4.4.2 installs shared libraries that lack a SONAME" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943503 - "net-libs/NativeThread: should be built from upstream sources" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943510 - "dev-lang/scala-bin: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943511 - "www-apps/zeppelin-bin: remove old version using EAPI 7" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943523 - "www-servers/nginx-unit-1.33.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] auto/.../test:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943529 - "net-irc/weechat-4.4.3 installs the same files with USE=doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943533 - "[guru] sys-libs/libnvidia-container-1.17.0 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943535 - "dev-python/pypillowfight-0.3.0_p20210816-r1 fails tests: FAILED tests_ace.py::TestACE::test_ace - AssertionError:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943546 - "sys-apps/pandora_box-0.11.0 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943553 - "app-arch/xz-utils-5.6.3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943554 - "dev-python/scikit-learn-1.5.2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc: fatal error: cannot read spec file libgomp.spec: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943567 - "Zhehan Yang request for contributing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943626 - "app-accessibility/speechd-el-2.11 - [libtool] [gcc-15] Error: native-compiler-error ((lambda (arg50 &optional) (let ((f #capitalize-word)) (funcall f arg50))) Compiling /" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943628 - "sci-visualization/gr-0.73.6 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] /.../agg_rasterizer_scanline_aa.h: error: no matching function for call to agg::rasterizer_sl_clip<agg::ras_conv_dbl>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943630 - "<dev-lang/python-{3.10.15_p2,3.9.20_p2,3.8.20_p3}, <dev-lang/pypy-, dev-python/pypy3_10: Improper validation of IPv6 and IPvFuture addresses" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943638 - "net-fs/openafs-1.8.13 fails to compile: !!! newdoc: auagd000.pdf does not exist" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943639 - "net-fs/openafs-1.8.13 fails to compile: checking how to set cflags for linux kbuild.. configure: error: cannot find way to set linux kbuild cflags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943641 - "net-fs/openafs-1.8.13 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943642 - "[guru] dev-python/kurbopy-0.11.0 fails tests: object.rs:633:(.text._ZN7kurbopy4size1_11__INVENTORY6__wrap28_$u7b$$u7b$closure$u7d$$u7d$17h94f5cf11eddf8cc4E+0x1bd): undefined reference to _Py_Dealloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943645 - "dev-vcs/bfg: rename, version bump, stabilization, then cleanup old" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943650 - "dev-lang/php:8.3 stable request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943656 - "sys-devel/gcc: consider enabling -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943658 - "Maintainer: sin-ack (sin-ack AT protonmail.com)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943664 - "dev-libs/libdispatch-5.8 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] CMake will not be able to correctly generate this project." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943667 - "net-fs/samba default configuration evolution" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943695 - "app-office/libreoffice w/ app-text/poppler-24.12.0: sdext/source/pdfimport/xpdfwrapper/pdfioutdev_gpl.cxx:1104:24: error: no matching function for call to ‘Stream::getImageParams(int*, StreamColorSpaceMode*)’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943698 - "app-misc/g15*, dev-libs/libg15* - last rites" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943705 - "gui-libs/gtk-4.14.4-r1 - error: implicit declaration of function ‘_mm_popcnt_u64’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943706 - "dev-lang/rust: incomplete bootstrap path" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943714 - "=sci-libs/ogdi-4.1.0-r1 fails with gcc-15.0.0_pre20241117: ../vpfselec.c:103:4: error: number of arguments doesn’t match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943716 - "media-sound/rhythmbox-3.4.8 fails tests: 7 test-widgets FAIL 1.65s exit status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943718 - "net-proxy/dante-1.4.3 fails to compile: sockd.c:1673:4: error: implicit declaration of function doconfigtest [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943719 - "dev-ruby/roadie-rails-3.3.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943720 - "sci-mathematics/clipper2-1.4.0 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943723 - "sys-apps/flashrom-1.4.0 fails tests: 1 cmocka test flashrom FAIL 0.01s killed by signal 11 SIGSEGV" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943724 - "sys-apps/pkgcraft-tools-0.0.16-r1 fails tests: functions.rs:46:(.text._ZN7scallop9functions4find17h09715f196be21002E+0x101): undefined reference to find_function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943725 - "sys-fs/mtd-utils-2.2.1-r1 fails tests: FAIL: mtdlib_test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943728 - "dev-ruby/docker-api-2.4.0 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943730 - "dev-ruby/rmagick-5.5.0-r1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943731 - "sys-libs/gwenhywfar-5.10.1 fails to compile: o_grid_p.h:18:14: error: conflicting types for HtmlObject_Grid_new; have HTML_OBJECT (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943734 - "sys-libs/lwp-2.8 fails to compile: timer.c:51:23: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943735 - "media-libs/embree-3.13.4 fails to compile: armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabihf-g++: error: unrecognized command-line option -msse2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943736 - "media-libs/libaom-3.10.0 fails to compile: arm_neon.h:12237:1: error: inlining failed in call to always_inline vst1q_u8: target specific option mismatch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943737 - "media-libs/opensubdiv-3.5.1 fails to compile: Xrandr library not found - required for GLFW" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943738 - "media-libs/x265-3.6-r1 fails to compile: slicetype.cpp:969:1: internal compiler error: in expand_fix, at optabs.cc:5952" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943739 - "media-libs/zimg-3.0.4-r1 fails to compile: arm_neon.h:12237:1: error: inlining failed in call to always_inline void vst1q_u8(uint8_t, uint8x16_t): target specific option mismatch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943740 - "media-libs/libde265-1.0.15 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943741 - "media-libs/vo-aacenc-0.1.3 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943752 - "net-vpn/ovpn-dco-0.2.20231117: stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943754 - "dev-libs/ffcall-2.5 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943755 - "sys-fs/zfs-2.2.6, sys-fs/zfs-kmod-2.2.6: stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943758 - "dev-php/pecl-parallel: please add php 8.3 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943761 - "flag-o-matic: wrong flag to negate -fstack-protector-all" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:943762 - "dev-php/pecl-rrd: remove package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943765 - "app-accessibility/sphinx2-0.6-r1 fails to compile: c.h:88:19: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943766 - "app-accessibility/yasr-0.6.9-r1 fails to compile: config.c:25:4: error: initialization of void ()(void) from incompatible pointer type void ()(int ) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943769 - "dev-php/pecl-mongodb: remove package" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943772 - "media-gfx/fbida-2.14-r6 fails to compile: transupp.c:176:11: error: too many arguments to function jcopy_block_row" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943773 - "app-admin/clsync-0.4.5 fails to compile: main.c:443:23: error: assignment to __sighandler_t {aka void ()(int)} from incompatible pointer type void ()(void) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943774 - "app-admin/conserver-8.2.6-r3 fails to compile: master.c:693:9: error: expected identifier or ( before true" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943780 - "media-tv/w_scan-20170107 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] tools.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943781 - "app-misc/ttyrec-1.0.8-r3 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] ttyrec.c: error: conflicting types for getenv; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943783 - "games-puzzle/xtris-1.15-r1 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] xtris.c: error: assignment to _sighandler_t {aka void ( )(int)} from incompatible pointer type void ( )(void) [-Wi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943786 - "net-analyzer/echoping-6.0.2_p434-r6 - [libtool] [gcc-15] dns.c: error: too many arguments to function to_upper" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943787 - "net-proxy/dante-1.4.3 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] upnp.c: error: too few arguments to function UPNP_GetValidIGD" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943788 - "app-misc/digitemp-3.7.2 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] src/digitemp.c: error: conflicting types for free_coupler; have void(int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943790 - "app-i18n/qkc-1.00 - [libtool] [gcc-15] qkcopt.c: error: too many arguments to function strdup2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943791 - "app-office/dia-0.97.3-r3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] diagram_tree_menu.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(void , guint, GtkMenuIt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943792 - "x11-misc/kbdd-0.7.1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] libkbdd.c: error: conflicting types for kbdd_default_loop; have void (Display )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943793 - "games-arcade/xgalaga- - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] data.c: error: conflicting types for strdup; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943794 - "sys-apps/memtester-4.6.0 - [libtool] [gcc-15] memtester.c: error: initialization of int ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type int ( )(volatile long unsigned int , vola" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943797 - "dev-db/postgresql-15.9 - [libtool] [gcc-15] ../.../c.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943799 - "net-analyzer/netdiscover-0.10 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] main.c: error: too many arguments to function usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943800 - "net-analyzer/trafshow-5.2.3-r1 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] events.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(void ) [-Wincompatib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943801 - "net-analyzer/yersinia-0.8.2_p20221119 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] yersinia.c: error: conflicting types for posix_signal; have int(int, void ( )(void))" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943802 - "dev-perl/Math-Pari-2.10.809.0-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] ../.../anal.c: error: too many arguments to function (long int ( )(void))call" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943803 - "app-editors/gummi-0.8.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] configfile.c: error: too many arguments to function config_load_defaults" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943804 - "games-emulation/gnuboy-1.0.3-r4 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] rc.h: error: initialization of int ( )(int, char ) from incompatible pointer type int ( )(void) [-Wincompatible-p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943805 - "net-misc/jwhois-4.0-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] regex.c: error: too many arguments to function at_begline_loc_p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943806 - "x11-misc/fbpanel-7.0-r4 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] power_supply.c: error: conflicting types for power_supply_parse; have power_supply (power_supply )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943807 - "dev-perl/PDL-2.93.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] eigens.c: error: too many arguments to function sqrt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943808 - "x11-wm/musca-0.9.24_p20100226-r4 - [libtool] [gcc-15] tools.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943810 - "sys-fs/lde-2.6.1-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] nc_lde.c: error: too many arguments to function Gpm_Wgetch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943812 - "sci-electronics/gtkwave-3.3.111 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] menu.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(void , guint, GtkWidg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943813 - "sys-libs/freeipmi-1.6.14 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] tool-config-file-common.c: error: expected expression before bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943815 - "media-sound/shntool-3.0.10-r3 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] ../.../module-types.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943817 - "media-libs/libnjb-2.2.7-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] protocol3.c: error: too many arguments to function terminate_metadata_post" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943818 - "games-arcade/cavezofphear-0.5.1-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] main.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943819 - "media-gfx/qiv-2.3.3 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] qiv.h: error: conflicting types for qiv_load_image; have void(qiv_image ) {aka void(struct _qiv_image )}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943821 - "media-libs/libmp3splt-0.9.2-r6 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] ogg_silence.c: error: too many arguments to function splt_ogg_new_stream_needs_header_packet" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943822 - "dev-perl/Gtk2-1.249.930 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] xs/GtkItemFactory.xs: error: assignment to GtkItemFactoryCallback {aka void ( )(void)} from incompatible pointer type voi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943823 - "dev-scheme/sigscheme-0.9.1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] eval.c: error: too many arguments to function func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943826 - "app-misc/lcd4linux-0.11.0_pre20170527-r9 - [libtool] [gcc-15] drv_generic.c: error: conflicting types for drv_generic_blit; have void ( )(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943827 - "dev-libs/eb-4.4.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] getopt.c: error: conflicting types for getenv; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943830 - "sci-astronomy/wcstools-3.9.5-r1 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] imgetwcs.c: error: too many arguments to function ChangeFITSWCS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943831 - "net-mail/tnef-1.4.18 - [libtool] [gcc-15] attr.c: error: conflicting types for attr_read; have Attr (FILE )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943832 - "dev-ruby/ruby-glib2-4.1.2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] rbgutil.h: error: passing argument 3 of rbg_define_singleton_method from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-poin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943833 - "net-vpn/strongswan-5.9.14 - [libtool] [gcc-15] processing/scheduler.c: error: passing argument 4 of callback_job_create_with_prio from incompatible pointer type [-Wincomp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943834 - "net-nntp/tin-2.6.3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] ./save.c: error: too many arguments to function UUSetOption" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943835 - "net-irc/weechat-4.4.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] /.../core-signal.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal_catch from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943836 - "net-analyzer/netperf-2.7.0_p20210121 - [libtool] [gcc-15] nettest_bsd.c: error: too many arguments to function alloc_sendfile_buf_ring" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943837 - "dev-scheme/stklos-2.10 - [libtool] [gcc-15] stklos.h: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(int, void ) [-Wincompatible-pointer-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943838 - "games-util/fteqcc-2501 - [libtool] [gcc-15] progsint.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943839 - "net-analyzer/ipcad-3.7.3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] cfgy.c: error: too many arguments to function ipcacfgerror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943840 - "net-analyzer/packit-1.8 - [libtool] [gcc-15] injection.c: error: too many arguments to function without_response" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943841 - "dev-libs/uulib-0.5.20-r3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] crc32.c: error: conflicting types for crc32; have crc32_t(crc32_t, const unsigned char , unsigned int) {aka long unsigned in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943842 - "sci-mathematics/geomview-1.9.5-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] transobj.c: error: initialization of int ( )(Pool , Handle , Ref ) from incompatible pointer type int ( )(void) [-W" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943844 - "app-arch/arc-5.21q - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] arccvt.c: error: conflicting types for fopen; have FILE (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943845 - "app-shells/esh-0.8.5-r3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] list.c: error: passing argument 2 of hash_free from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943846 - "app-admin/killproc-2.13-r1 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] libinit.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943850 - "net-vpn/6tunnel-0.13 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] 6tunnel.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943851 - "app-forensics/chkrootkit-0.58b - [libtool] [gcc-15] chklastlog.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943852 - "net-proxy/privoxy-3.0.34 - [libtool] [gcc-15] filters.c: error: assignment to filter_function_ptr {aka char ( )(void)} from incompatible pointer type char ( )(struct clie" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943853 - "dev-vcs/cvs-1.12.12-r15 - [libtool] [gcc-15] sighandle.c: error: too many arguments to function this->handler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943854 - "x11-terms/mlterm-3.9.3-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] bl_map.h: error: assignment to int ( )(char , u_int) {aka int ( )(char , unsigned int)} from incompat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943855 - "net-wireless/wepdecrypt-0.8-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] wepdecrypt.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943856 - "sys-apps/xinetd- - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] src/addr.c: error: passing argument 2 of pset_apply from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943858 - "media-sound/glurp-0.12.3 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] gui.c: error: passing argument 2 of g_timeout_add from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943859 - "app-admin/sshguard-2.4.3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] blocker.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943863 - "media-sound/abcmidi-2024.10.10 - [libtool] [gcc-15] midifile.c: error: too many arguments to function mferror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943867 - "=sci-libs/superlu-5.3.0 fails with c23/gcc-15.0.0_pre20241117: sreadtriple.c:137:16: error: conflicting types for ‘fopen’; have ‘FILE *(void)’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943874 - "=sci-libs/med-4.1.1-r3 fails with c23/gcc-15.0.0_pre20241117: _MEDiterate.c:35:63: error: passing argument 5 of ‘H5Literate1’ from incompatible pointer type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943876 - "<net-im/element-desktop-bin-1.11.86: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:943888 - "x11-wm/matwm2-0.1.2_pre3-r3 fails to compile: matwm.h:27:14: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943889 - "x11-wm/goomwwm-1.0.0-r2 fails to compile: goomwwm.h:51:23: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943891 - "x11-terms/aterm-1.0.1-r6 fails to compile: command.c:564:25: error: conflicting types for ptsname; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943892 - "x11-plugins/wmtimer-2.92-r3 fails to compile: wmtimer.c:59:5: error: conflicting types for atoi; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943893 - "x11-plugins/wmmoonclock-1.30 fails to compile: MoonRise.c:24:10: error: too many arguments to function SinH" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943894 - "dev-perl/Term-ReadLine-Gnu-1.460.0 fails to compile: rlmalloc.c:(.text.startup+0xe): undefined reference to xmalloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943896 - "app-admin/logsurfer+-1.8-r5 fails to compile: regex.c:1188:20: error: too many arguments to function at_begline_loc_p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943897 - "sys-apps/ucspi-tcp-0.88-r19 fails to compile: alloc_re.c:8:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943898 - "dev-perl/YAML-Syck-1.340.0 fails to compile: syck_st.c:155:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943900 - "app-arch/lha-114i_p20210328 fails to compile: lhadd.c:427:13: error: too many arguments to function remove_files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943902 - "app-arch/unadf-0.7.12-r2 fails to compile: unadf.c:388:10: error: expected identifier or ( before true" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943903 - "app-arch/zoo-2.10-r6 fails to compile: parse.c:37:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943904 - "sys-block/mtx-1.3.12 fails to compile: mtx.h:225:16: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943905 - "app-benchmarks/filebench- fails to compile: vars.h:223:32: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943906 - "app-benchmarks/httperf-0.9.1_p20181111-r1 fails to compile: httperf.c:1384:24: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943907 - "app-benchmarks/nbench-2.2.3-r2 fails to compile: nbench1.c:3520:13: error: conflicting types for adjust_mid_wts; have void(int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943908 - "app-benchmarks/siege-4.1.6-r1 fails to compile: page.c:18:1: error: conflicting types for new_page; have struct PAGE_T (char )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943912 - "app-cdr/extract-xiso-2.7.1_p202303040307 fails to compile: extract-xiso.c:373:21: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943913 - "x11-plugins/wmmand-1.3.2-r1 fails to compile: wmMand.c:940:33: error: too many arguments to function WriteGIF" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943914 - "x11-plugins/wmmaiload-2.3.0-r2 fails to compile: main.c:749:9: error: too many arguments to function check_cfg_values" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943915 - "app-cdr/uif2iso-0.1.7c-r2 fails to compile: loki91.c:210:18: error: too many arguments to function f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943916 - "app-containers/crun-1.17 fails to compile: tests_libcrun_fuzzer.c:484:20: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943917 - "app-crypt/bcwipe-1.9.13 fails to compile: rand.c:30:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943919 - "x11-plugins/wmix-3.5 fails to compile: common.h:21:22: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943922 - "sci-mathematics/unuran-1.9.0 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../pinv_newton.ch: error: too many arguments to function _unur_pinv_cubic_hermite_is_monotone" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943924 - "net-vpn/httptunnel-3.3_p20180119 - [libtool] [gcc-15] common.h: error: too many arguments to function log_annoying" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943925 - "dev-gap/cvec-2.8.1-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] src/cvec.c: error: initialization of struct OpaqueBag ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type struct OpaqueBag ( )(struct Opaq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943927 - "net-analyzer/snort-2.9.20 - [libtool] [gcc-15] file_decomp_PDF.c: error: conflicting types for File_Decomp_PDF; have fd_status_t(struct fd_session_s ) {aka enum fd_status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943928 - "app-mobilephone/anyremote-6.5 - [libtool] [gcc-15] pr_web.c: error: conflicting types for checkWebPort; have int(char , int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943929 - "media-sound/gom-0.29.103-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] gom_file.c: error: passing argument 4 of gom_action from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943930 - "sci-calculators/datamash-1.8 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] src/crosstab.c: error: conflicting types for crosstab_print; have void(const struct crosstab )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943932 - "sci-chemistry/easychem-0.6-r2 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] easychem.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(void , guint, GtkWi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943933 - "net-fs/wdfs-1.4.2-r3 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] wdfs-main.h: error: expected identifier before true" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943934 - "dev-tcltk/tdom-0.9.5 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] ../.../dom.c: error: expected expression before bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943935 - "app-admin/gkrellm-2.3.11-r4 - [libtool] [gcc-15] battery.c: error: passing argument 2 of gkrellm_alert_trigger_connect from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-poin" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943936 - "app-text/wdiff-1.2.2-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] mdiff.c: error: conflicting types for strstr; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943937 - "games-puzzle/xblockout-1.1.6-r3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] loop.c: error: passing argument 2 of walkrowcol from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943938 - "media-libs/libsidplayfp-2.11.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] src/.../exSID_ftdiwrap.c: error: too many arguments to function xSfw_dlclose" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943940 - "dev-libs/vectorscan-5.4.11 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../hashtable.h: error: cannot convert const std::pair<const ue2::graph_detail::vertex_descriptor<ue2::ue2_graph<ue2::NGH" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943941 - "dev-lang/swi-prolog-9.3.9 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../pl-prof.c: error: passing argument 2 of set_sighandler from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943942 - "net-fs/samba-4.21.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] ../.../smbreadline.c: error: assignment to char ( )(const char , int, int) from incompatible pointer type c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943943 - "net-libs/libnids-1.26-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] ip_fragment.c: error: assignment to void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(long unsigned int) [-Wincompa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943944 - "app-text/mathtex-1.05 - [libtool] [gcc-15] mathtex.c: error: conflicting types for strcasestr; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943945 - "dev-libs/onigmo-6.2.0-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] regparse.c: error: initialization of int ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type int ( )(st_data_t, st_data_t) {aka int" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943946 - "media-sound/alsa-tools-1.2.11 - [libtool] [gcc-15] apply-changes.c: error: conflicting types for reset_changes_boot; have gboolean(GError ) {aka int(struct _GError )}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943947 - "net-proxy/ziproxy-3.3.2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] image.c: error: assignment to boolean ( )(struct jpeg_compress_struct ) {aka int ( )(struct jpeg_compress_struct )} from inco" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943948 - "sys-cluster/slurm-24.05.3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] data.c: error: incompatible types when assigning to type const data_t {aka const struct data_s } from type _Bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943949 - "sys-process/anacron-2.3-r5 - [libtool] [gcc-15] main.c: error: assignment to _sighandler_t {aka void ( )(int)} from incompatible pointer type void ( )(void) [-Wincompatib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943950 - "games-puzzle/mirrormagic-2.0.2-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] sound.c: error: too many arguments to function InitAudioDevice_Linux" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943951 - "net-analyzer/ngrep-1.47-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] regex.c: error: too many arguments to function at_begline_loc_p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943952 - "x11-plugins/i8krellm-2.5-r3 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] i8krellm.c: error: passing argument 3 of gkrellm_make_decal_button from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-poi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943953 - "dev-games/t4k-common-0.1.1-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] t4k_common.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943954 - "mail-filter/bmf-0.9.4-r4 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] config.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943955 - "dev-lang/gprolog-1.5.0-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] stacks_sigsegv.c: error: conflicting types for SIGSEGV_Handler; have void(int, siginfo_t , void )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943956 - "app-i18n/skktools-1.3.4-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] ./skkdic-expr.c: error: too many arguments to function add_content_line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943957 - "games-board/sjeng-11.2_p8_p1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] sjeng.h: error: expected ;, identifier or ( before bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943958 - "media-sound/mmix-0.3-r1 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] stddefs.h: error: expected ;, identifier or ( before bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943959 - "sci-libs/cfitsio-4.4.1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../putcol.c: error: cptr undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943961 - "dev-java/protobuf-java-4.28.3 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../copy.c: error: incompatible types when returning type _Bool but upb_Array was expected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943962 - "net-libs/libident-0.32-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] id_query.c: error: assignment to void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type _sighandler_t {aka void ( )(int)} [-Wincompa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943963 - "dev-perl/File-RsyncP-0.760.0-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] md4c.c: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943964 - "net-p2p/go-ethereum-1.14.11 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] ../.../blst.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943965 - "app-text/mpage-2.5.6-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] mpage.c: error: too many arguments to function usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943966 - "x11-plugins/wmhdplop-0.9.12 fails to compile: wmhdplop.c:612:43: error: too many arguments to function prev_displayed_hd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943967 - "x11-plugins/wmgrabimage-0.72-r2 fails to compile: wmGrabImage.c:318:25: error: too many arguments to function jd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943968 - "x11-plugins/wmget-0.6.1-r1 fails to compile: configure.c:256:17: error: too many arguments to function set_silent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943969 - "x11-plugins/wmcube-1.0.2 fails to compile: wmcube.c:314:17: error: too many arguments to function draw" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943970 - "x11-plugins/wmcoincoin-2.6.3-r1 fails to compile: global.h:119:30: error: too many arguments to function assertion_failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943972 - "app-crypt/efitools-1.9.2-r1 fails to compile: typedefs.h:55:23: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943973 - "app-crypt/johntheripper-jumbo-1.9.0_p20240102 fails to compile: gpg2john.c:1299:9: error: initialization of void ()(void) from incompatible pointer type void ()(int) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943975 - "dev-libs/boost-1.86.0-r1 - [meson] /.../parsers.hpp: error: operator() violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943976 - "app-forensics/sleuthkit-4.12.1-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] crc.h: error: both unsigned and _Bool in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943977 - "x11-misc/macopix-3.4.0-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] pixmap.c: error: conflicting types for TestLoadPixmaps; have gboolean(typMascot , gchar , gint) {aka int(struct _typMascot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943978 - "x11-plugins/wmappl-0.71-r1 fails to compile: dockapp.c:697:9: error: too many arguments to function dockapp_process_tooltip" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943979 - "x11-plugins/wmSun-1.06 fails to compile: SunRise.c:54:10: error: too many arguments to function SinH" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943980 - "x11-plugins/wmSpaceWeather-1.04_p19-r2 fails to compile: wmSpaceWeather.c:276:25: error: too many arguments to function jd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943982 - "dev-scheme/c-wrapper-0.6.1-r2 fails to compile: c-lex.c:890:24: error: too many arguments to function readx" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943983 - "dev-scheme/chez-10.1.0 fails to compile: zuo.c:5585:17: error: assignment to void ()(int) from incompatible pointer type void ()(void) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943984 - "dev-scheme/elk-3.99.8-r2 fails to compile: env.c:161:11: error: too many arguments to function General_Define" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943985 - "dev-tcltk/tktable-2.10.8 fails to compile: tkTable.c:3800:15: error: expected identifier or ( before bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943987 - "dev-tex/catdvi-0.14-r2 fails to compile: getopt.h:133:20: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943989 - "app-text/texlive-core-2023-r10 fails to compile: configure: error: some requested system libraries failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943990 - "dev-util/bingrep-0.11.0-r1 fails to compile: fs.rs:1075:(.text._ZN3std2fs4read5inner17h0b2b5f877ceb17e6E+0x128): undefined reference to fstat64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943991 - "dev-util/bpftop-0.5.1-r1 fails to compile: ld: cannot find -lz: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943992 - "dev-util/breakpad-2023.06.01 fails tests: minidump_unittest.cc:392:13: error: invalid cast from type std::nullptr_t to type google_breakpad::MinidumpContext" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943994 - "app-text/enscript-1.6.6-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] regex.c: error: too many arguments to function re_match_2_internal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943995 - "app-crypt/pdfcrack-0.20 fails to compile: md5.c:327:20: error: assignment to void ()(void) from incompatible pointer type void ()(uint8_t , const unsigned int) {aka void ()(unsigned char , const unsigned int)} [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943996 - "dev-libs/opencryptoki-3.6.1-r1 fails to compile: apiutil.c:911:14: error: too many arguments to function pSTinit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:943998 - "x11-plugins/docker-1.5-r2 fails to compile: docker.c:332:3: error: too many arguments to function parse_cmd_line" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944000 - "media-sound/mikmod-3.2.8-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] mlistedit.c: error: passing argument 5 of bsearch from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944001 - "x11-plugins/asclock-2.0.12-r4 fails to compile: config.c:151:11: error: too many arguments to function read_assign" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944002 - "x11-plugins/allin1-0.5.0-r3 fails to compile: confparse.l:179:4: error: too many arguments to function (void ()(void))(conf_vars + (sizetype)((long unsigned int)current_var 24))->varp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944003 - "dev-util/cccc-3.1.6-r1 fails to compile: syn.h:173:48: error: too many arguments to function fpReach[r->ntype]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944004 - "dev-util/cflow-1.7 fails to compile: output.c:252:38: error: passing argument 2 of collect_symbols from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944008 - "x11-misc/xmountains-2.9-r1 fails to compile: calcalt.c:40:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944009 - "x11-misc/xfractint-20.04_p16 fails to compile: editpal.c:1365:16: error: too many arguments to function this->change" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944011 - "app-text/chasen-2.4.5 fails to compile: iotool.c:365:31: error: conflicting types for getenv; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944013 - "x11-misc/wdm-1.28-r9 fails to compile: Greet.c:142:19: error: conflicting types for systemEnv; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944019 - "x11-misc/viewglob-2.0.4-r1 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944020 - "x11-misc/trayer-srg-1.1.8-r2 fails to compile: panel.c:315:5: error: too many arguments to function bg_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944021 - "x11-misc/trayer-1.0-r5 fails to compile: panel.c:407:5: error: too many arguments to function bg_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944027 - "mail-filter/milter-regex-2.7-r3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../mfapi.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944030 - "sci-visualization/ggobi-2.1.12 - [libtool] [gcc-15] defines.h: error: conflicting types for GGobi_destroyCurrentDisplay; have void(ggobid ) {aka void(struct _ggobid )}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944031 - "games-board/ace-1.4-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] table.c: error: initialization of void ( )(int, int, int) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(void) [-Wincompatible-pointe" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944033 - "app-misc/tdl-1.5.2-r4 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] inter.c: error: assignment to char ( )(const char , int, int) from incompatible pointer type char ( )(void) [-Wincompatible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944034 - "net-analyzer/pinger-0.33-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] interface_ncurses.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944035 - "sys-apps/clrngd-1.0.3-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] truerand.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944036 - "sci-mathematics/gap-4.13.1-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] src/bool.c: error: passing argument 1 of InitHandlerFunc from incompatible pointer type [-Wincomp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944037 - "net-print/ink-0.5.3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] malloc.c: error: too many arguments to function malloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944038 - "dev-perl/DBD-Pg-3.18.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] types.c: error: initialization of char ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type char ( )(const char , ST" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944042 - "games-emulation/advancemame-3.9-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] src/.../model1.c: error: conflicting types for fadd; have void(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944043 - "games-board/cgoban-1.9.14-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] main.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944046 - "net-misc/mrouted-4.5 - [libtool] [gcc-15] kern.c: error: too few arguments to function setsockopt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944047 - "dev-libs/libp11-0.4.12-r7 - [libtool] [gcc-15] p11_attr.c: error: expected identifier or ( before true" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944049 - "net-misc/ipv6calc-4.0.1-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] libipv6calc_db_wrapper.c: error: too many arguments to function get_array_row" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944072 - "www-client/chromium, www-client/google-chrome, www-client/microsoft-edge, www-client/opera: Type Confusion in V8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944080 - "dev-ml/ocamlfuse-2.7.1_p11 fails to compile: Fuse_util.c:679:9: error: invalid use of undefined type const struct fuse_operation_names" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944081 - "[guru] dev-libs/libsignal-ffi-0.62.0 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944083 - "[guru] dev-python/odfdo-3.9.4-r1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944084 - "[guru] dev-python/odsgenerator-1.11.1-r1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944085 - "[guru] dev-python/odsparsator-1.12.1-r1 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944088 - "x11-misc/rofi-1.7.5 fails to compile: theme.c:596:5: error: conflicting types for yyparse; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944089 - "x11-misc/spacefm-1.0.6-r4 fails to compile: settings.c:2730:14: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944090 - "x11-misc/simpleswitcher-20191008 fails to compile: simpleswitcher.c:64:23: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944093 - "x11-misc/parcellite-1.2.1 fails to compile: main.c:2426:3: error: too many arguments to function parcellite_init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944095 - "x11-misc/gbdfed-1.6 fails to compile: hbf.c:85:17: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944099 - "app-editors/bluefish-2.2.15 fails to compile: rpopup.c:376:33: error: too many arguments to function tagdia[i].func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944100 - "app-editors/dav-0.9.0 fails to compile: main.c:68:12: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944101 - "app-editors/dhex-0.69 fails to compile: output.c:9:6: error: conflicting types for initcolors; have void(tOutput ) {aka void(struct _tOutput )}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944108 - "app-editors/ng-1.5_beta1-r3 fails to compile: sysdef.h:95:7: error: conflicting types for getenv; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944109 - "app-editors/shed-1.16 fails to compile: shed.c:475:13: error: too many arguments to function cursorleft" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944110 - "dev-util/difftastic-0.61.0-r1 fails to compile: warning: libmimalloc-sys@0.1.24: os.c:993:35: error: implicit declaration of function ATOMIC_VAR_INIT [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944111 - "dev-util/fuzz-0.6-r3 fails to compile: getopt.c:404:21: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944113 - "dev-util/numdiff-5.9.0 fails to compile: getopt.c:264:47: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944114 - "dev-util/patchutils-0.4.2 fails to compile: getopt.h:148:12: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944115 - "dev-util/pkgcruft-0.0.3-r1 fails to compile: thread main panicked at lib.rs:790:5:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944116 - "dev-util/rats-2.4-r2 fails to compile: unistd.h:127:5: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(int, char const, const char )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944117 - "dev-util/splint-3.1.2-r2 fails to compile: mtgrammar.c:63:15: error: too many arguments to function mtlex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944119 - "net-analyzer/tcpreplay-4.5.1 fails to compile: bget.c:567:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944121 - "dev-perl/YAML-Syck-1.340.0 fails to compile: emitter.c:161:9: error: too many arguments to function st_foreach" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944122 - "net-fs/samba-4.21.1 fails to compile: open_files.idl:33: error: Unable to determine origin of type struct timeval" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944123 - "net-ftp/filezilla-3.68.1 fails to compile: import.c:145:16: error: incompatible types when returning type _Bool but ssh2_userkey was expected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944124 - "net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.8b-r1 fails to compile: mod_core.c:676:7: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944125 - "net-irc/atheme-services-7.2.12-r4 fails to compile: assert.h:54:32: error: incompatible types when returning type _Bool but chanacs_t {aka struct chanacs_ } was expected" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944126 - "net-irc/bnc-2.9.4-r3 fails to compile: mkpasswd.c:12:14: error: conflicting types for getpass; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944127 - "net-irc/eggdrop-1.9.5 fails to compile: users.h:183:17: error: conflicting types for adduser; have struct userrec (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944128 - "net-libs/grpc-1.66.0 fails to compile: Could NOT find Threads (missing: Threads_FOUND)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944129 - "net-libs/libgsasl-1.10.0 fails tests: test-stdalign.c:36:9: error: __alignof_is_defined undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944130 - "net-libs/libntlm-1.6 fails tests: test-stdalign.c:36:9: error: __alignof_is_defined undeclared here (not in a function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944132 - "dev-util/xdelta-1.1.4-r4 fails to compile: generic.c:127:13: error: too many arguments to function ent->unserialize_func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944133 - "dev-util/xxdiff-4.0.1_p20170622-r1 fails to compile: getopt.c:404:21: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944134 - "dev-vcs/cssc-1.4.1 fails to compile: sccs.c:270:14: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944135 - "dev-lang/php restarting php-fpm doesn't work after updating php and eselecting new php" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944136 - "app-arch/arc-5.21q fails to compile: arcadd.c:97:26: error: too many arguments to function dir" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944137 - "app-arch/zoo-2.10-r6 fails to compile: basename.c:71:4: error: too many arguments to function parse" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944139 - "mail-filter/opendmarc-1.4.2 fails to compile: mfapi.h:98:17: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944141 - "mail-mta/courier-1.3.13 fails to compile: tcpd.c:1593:17: error: too many arguments to function wait_restore" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944142 - "sys-apps/ucspi-tcp-0.88-r19 fails to compile: cdb.c:48:5: error: too many arguments to function byte_copy" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944143 - "mail-mta/ssmtp-2.64_p11-r1 fails to compile: md5c.c:102:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944144 - "games-action/barrage-1.0.7 fails to compile: main.c:304:17: error: too many arguments to function refresh_screen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944149 - "dev-scheme/racket-8.15 fails to compile: rktio_process.c:452:39: error: passing argument 2 of rktio_set_signal_handler from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944150 - "www-servers/pound-4.10 fails to compile: pound.h:569:30: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944151 - "games-action/moon-buggy-1.0.51-r2 fails to compile: signal.c:56:21: error: assignment to void ()(int) from incompatible pointer type void ()(void) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944153 - "=media-gfx/fig2dev-3.2.9-r5 fails with c32/gcc-15.0.0_pre20241117-r2: error: too many arguments to function ‘putfig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944155 - "dev-libs/onigmo-6.2.0-r1 fails to compile: st.c:310:43: error: too many arguments to function tab->type->hash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944156 - "sys-cluster/libquo-1.3.1-r2 - [libtool] Fatal Error: Cannot open included file mpif.h" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944157 - "dev-libs/libowfat-0.33-r1 fails to compile: buffer_stubborn.c:8:12: error: too many arguments to function op" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944159 - "app-text/yodl-4.03.00 - [libtool] [gcc-15] ../.../root.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944160 - "games-action/nighthawk-4.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../al.h: error: expected initializer before noexcept" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944161 - "media-gfx/argyllcms-3.3.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] numlib/dnsq.c: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944162 - "x11-wm/2bwm-0.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] config.h: error: initialization of void ( )(const Arg ) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(void) [-Wincomp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944163 - "media-libs/libva-compat-1.8.3-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../va_nvctrl.c: error: initialization of int ( )(Display , XExtCodes ) from incompatible pointer type int ( )(void" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944165 - "net-analyzer/authforce-0.9.9-r4 - [libtool] [gcc-15] checking for shared library run path origin... .../config.rpath: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944166 - "net-wireless/wepattack-0.1.3-r6 - [libtool] [gcc-15] wepattack.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944167 - "net-misc/lambdamoo-1.8.1-r4 - [libtool] [gcc-15] objects.c: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944169 - "net-misc/astmanproxy-1.28.2 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] src/astmanproxy.c: error: too many arguments to function c->output->write" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944170 - "sys-fs/snapraid-12.3 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] raid/tag.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(int, size_t, void ) {aka void (" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944171 - "games-mud/circlemud-3.1-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] structs.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944172 - "games-util/wiiload-0.5 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] main.c: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944173 - "sci-biology/sim4-20030921-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] types.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944174 - "sci-mathematics/coq-8.20.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] Failed to run command: dune build @install --display=short --profile release -j 4 --for-release-of-packages=c" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944175 - "app-shells/pdsh-2.34-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] macros.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944176 - "dev-debug/gdb-15.2-r100 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] mips-formats.h: error: expected identifier or ( before static_assert" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944177 - "mail-filter/policyd-1.82-r4 - [libtool] [gcc-15] policyd.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944179 - "games-board/xboard-4.9.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] xaw/xboard.c: error: initialization of int ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type XErrorHandler {aka" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944180 - "dev-ruby/narray- - [libtool] [gcc-15] na_index.c: error: too many arguments to function SetFuncs[3][a1->type]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944181 - "sci-biology/newick-utils-1.6-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] display.c: error: too many arguments to function destroy_all_rnodes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944182 - "dev-libs/xmlrpc-c-1.59.03 - [libtool] [gcc-15] srcdir/.../bool.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944183 - "games-puzzle/freesweep-1.0.2-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] game.c: error: too many arguments to function PrintGPL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944184 - "net-dns/dnscap-1.10.3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] dumper.c: error: too many arguments to function dump_cbor" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944185 - "sci-astronomy/cdsclient-3.8.4-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] aclient.c: error: conflicting types for getpass; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944191 - "x11-misc/spacefm-1.0.6-r4 - [libtool] [gcc-15] settings.c: error: expected expression before bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944192 - "dev-lang/uasm-2.56.2 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] H/bool.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944195 - "sci-biology/raxml-8.2.13 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] rmq.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944196 - "dev-ruby/itextomml-1.6.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] itex2MML_ruby.c: error: passing argument 2 of rb_define_virtual_variable from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944198 - "sys-apps/portage ignores external environment variables when installing binary packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944200 - "sci-chemistry/molmol-2k_p2-r9 - [libtool] [gcc-15] PuCB.c: error: passing argument 2 of insertCallback from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944202 - "sci-biology/mothur-1.27.0-r1 - [meson] linearalgebra.cpp: error: dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules [-Werror=strict-aliasing]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944203 - "net-mail/email-3.1.3-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../dlib.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944204 - "<sys-cluster/kubelet-{1.28.12,1.29.7,1.30.3,1.31.0}: Arbitrary command execution through gitRepo volume" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944206 - "www-apache/mod_musicindex-1.4.1-r4 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] /.../platform.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944207 - "dev-perl/Ace-1.920.0-r6 - [libtool] [gcc-15] call.c: error: too many arguments to function ((CALL )(calls->base + (sizetype)(calls->size i)))->func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944212 - "=media-sound/audacity-3.7.0 fails to build with c23/gcc-15.0.0_pre20241117-r2: midifile.c:62:8: error: conflicting types for ‘Mf_error’; have ‘void (*)(void)’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944214 - "app-antivirus/clamav 0.103 is EOL" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944220 - "[guru] net-im/revolt-desktop-1.0.8-r2 fails to compile with dev-lang/python-exec[-native-symlinks]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944222 - "[guru] app-misc/dpscreenocr-1.4.0-r1 installs files that contain insecure RUNPATHs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944224 - "www-client/w3mmee-0.3.2_p24-r12 fails to compile: w3mbookmark.c:218:18: error: conflicting types for getenv; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944225 - "www-client/uget-2.2.3 fails to compile: UgtkSettingDialog.c:50:21: error: conflicting types for ugtk_setting_dialog_new; have UgtkSettingDialog (const gchar , GtkWindow ) {aka UgtkSettingDialog (const char , struct _GtkWindow )}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944226 - "dev-perl/DBD-Pg-3.18.0 fails to compile: dbdimp.c:2910:25: error: too many arguments to function coltype->dequote" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944227 - "www-apps/cgit-1.2.3-r203 fails to compile: index-pack.c:45:8: error: expected { before thread_local" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944228 - "dev-libs/papi-7.1.0 fails to compile: papi_hl.c:409:12: error: conflicting types for _internal_hl_read_user_events; have int(const char )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944229 - "dev-libs/dietlibc-0.34 fails to compile: svc.c:142:8: error: argument dispatch doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944231 - "sys-process/daemontools-encore-1.11-r2 fails to compile: buffer_put.c:13:9: error: too many arguments to function op" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944233 - "dev-libs/bglibs-2.04-r2 fails to compile: sysdeps.h:90:12: error: conflicting types for select; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944234 - "sys-libs/libstdc++-v3-3.3.6-r4 fails to compile: getpwd.c:41:14: error: conflicting types for getwd; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944235 - "app-emulation/dosemu-1.4.1_pre20130107-r6 fails to compile: midid.h:11:28: error: expected ;, identifier or ( before bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944236 - "app-emulation/hercules-3.13-r1 fails to compile: hthreads.h:157:37: error: passing argument 3 of ptt_pthread_create from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944238 - "app-emulation/open-vm-tools-12.5.0 fails to compile: ul.c:32:8: error: conflicting types for MXUserTryAcquireForceFail; have Bool ()(void) {aka char ()(void)}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944239 - "app-emulation/pcem-17-r2 fails to compile: disc.c:286:17: error: too many arguments to function drives[drive].stop" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944240 - "media-gfx/icoutils-0.32.3 fails to compile: hmap.c:374:13: error: too many arguments to function iterator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944241 - "app-emulation/ski-1.4.0 fails to compile: ssDDM.c:141:22: error: too many arguments to function sym.setFn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944242 - "app-emulation/softgun-0.22-r1 fails to compile: c161_serial.c:500:1: error: conflicting types for C161_SerialNew; have void(char )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944244 - "app-i18n/kakasi-2.3.6-r1 fails to compile: jj2.c:217:20: error: too many arguments to function proc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944245 - "app-i18n/kanjipad-2.0.0-r1 fails to compile: kanjipad.c:293:1: error: conflicting types for exit_callback; have void(GtkWidget ) {aka void(struct _GtkWidget )}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944246 - "app-i18n/nabi-1.0.1 fails to compile: i18nMethod.c:84:28: error: initialization of int ()(void) from incompatible pointer type int ()(struct _Xi18nCore , TransportSW , char ) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944247 - "games-action/rrootage-0.23a-r3 fails to compile: rr.c:76:3: error: too many arguments to function initBackground" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944248 - "games-action/xbomber-101-r1 fails to compile: bomber.c:1248:17: error: too many arguments to function gen2->process" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944249 - "games-arcade/abe-1.1-r2 fails to compile: Map.c:948:9: error: too many arguments to function finishDrawMap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944250 - "games-arcade/asteroid-1.2.1 fails to compile: main.c:261:17: error: passing argument 1 of gtk_idle_add from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944252 - "games-arcade/gnake-0.94b-r3 fails to compile: gnake.c:700:21: error: assignment to void ()(int) from incompatible pointer type void ()(void) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944254 - "games-arcade/lbreakout2-2.6.5-r2 fails to compile: dcigettext.c:141:7: error: conflicting types for getcwd; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944255 - "games-arcade/tuxanci-20110429-r2 fails to compile: world.c:114:75: error: passing argument 3 of timer_add_task from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944256 - "games-arcade/xbubble-0.5.8-r2 fails to compile: game.c:743:32: error: passing argument 2 of start_timer from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944257 - "games-board/awale-1.6 fails to compile: getopt.c:409:21: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944258 - "games-board/biloba-0.9.3-r2 fails to compile: utils.h:98:20: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944259 - "games-board/cutechess-1.3.1-r1 fails to compile: tbprobe.h:51:17: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944260 - "games-board/gnugo-3.9.1-r2 fails to compile: getopt.c:394:21: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944261 - "games-board/gtkboard-0.11_pre0-r2 fails to compile: ataxx.c:56:60: error: initialization of void ()(struct _Game ) from incompatible pointer type void ()(void) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944262 - "games-board/jja-0.9.1-r2 fails to compile: ld: cannot find -lz: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944263 - "games-board/mah-jong-1.16 fails to compile: protocol.h:29:13: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944264 - "games-board/maitretarot-0.1.98-r2 fails to compile: config_utils.c:55:9: error: too many arguments to function usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944266 - "games-board/xscrabble-2.10-r4 fails to compile: Control.c:381:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944267 - "games-emulation/gnuboy-1.0.3-r4 fails to compile: rcfile.c:23:16: error: too many arguments to function path_search" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944268 - "sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin-6.1.118 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944269 - "sys-process/bcron-0.11 fails to compile: sysdeps.h:90:12: error: conflicting types for select; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944270 - "sys-process/daemontools-encore-1.11-r2 fails to compile: buffer.h:14:61: error: initialization of int ()(void) from incompatible pointer type int ()(int, const char , unsigned int) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944272 - "sys-cluster/openmpi-5.0.5 fails to compile: osc_ucx_request.h:110:41: error: incompatible types when assigning to type volatile void from type _Bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944273 - "www-apps/nanoc-cli-4.13.1 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944274 - "www-client/uget-2.2.3 fails to compile: UgtkMenubar.c:188:19: error: too many arguments to function ugtk_setting_dialog_new" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944275 - "www-servers/fnord-1.11-r3 fails to compile: buffer_stubborn.c:7:12: error: too many arguments to function op" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944276 - "x11-misc/fpm2-0.90 fails to compile: fpm.c:1523:27: error: passing argument 2 of g_timeout_add from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944277 - "x11-misc/spacefm-1.0.6-r4 fails to compile: ptk-path-entry.c:723:36: error: passing argument 2 of xset_set_cb from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944278 - "x11-misc/viewglob-2.0.4-r1 fails to compile: ptytty.c:115:25: error: conflicting types for ptsname; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944279 - "x11-misc/wininfo-0.7-r2 fails to compile: wininfo.c:203:40: error: initialization of void ()(void) from incompatible pointer type void ()(void , guint, GtkWidget ) {aka void ()(void , unsigned int, struct _GtkWidget )} [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944281 - "x11-plugins/pidgin-hotkeys-0.2.4-r1 fails to compile: hotkeys.c:219:14: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944283 - "media-libs/libpano13-2.9.22 fails to compile: adjust.c:2448:5: error: conflicting types for fcnPano; have int(int, int, double , double , int )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944284 - "media-gfx/gimp-2.10.38-r1 fails to compile: gimpconfig-serialize.c:370:16: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944286 - "media-gfx/sane-backends-1.3.1-r1 fails to compile: sm3600.h:80:16: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944287 - "media-sound/pavucontrol-qt: rekeywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944289 - "media-gfx/prusaslicer-2.8.1-r1 fails to compile: test_emboss.cpp:908:90: error: class std::optional<CGAL::Surface_mesh<CGAL::Point_3<CGAL::Epick> >::Property_map<CGAL::SM_Face_index, int> > has no member named first" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944296 - "sys-fs/hfsplusutils-1.0.4-r3 fails to compile: hpls.c:976:18: error: too many arguments to function usage" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944297 - "sys-fs/f2fs-tools-1.16.0-r1 fails to compile: f2fs_fs.h:107:25: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944298 - "sys-fs/dmraid-1.0.0_rc16-r7 fails to compile: file.c:79:18: error: too many arguments to function rw->func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944299 - "app-i18n/uim-1.8.9-r2 fails to compile: eval.c:107:17: error: too many arguments to function func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944302 - "app-misc/bfr-1.6-r5 fails to compile: bfr.h:20:15: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944303 - "app-laptop/pbbuttonsd-0.8.1a fails to compile: driver_backlight_sysfs.c:166:31: error: initialization of void ()(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944304 - "app-misc/beanstalkd-1.13 fails to compile: main.c:75:23: error: assignment to __sighandler_t {aka void ()(int)} from incompatible pointer type void ()(void) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944305 - "x11-plugins/wmfrog-0.3.1-r1 fails to compile: wmFrog.c:619:21: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944306 - "x11-plugins/wmmp3-0.12-r2 fails to compile: mpg123ctl.c:158:6: error: conflicting types for play; have void(char )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944307 - "games-fps/alephone-20240822 fails to compile: effects.h:156:17: error: expected , or .. before ( token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944309 - "media-gfx/transfig-3.2.5e-r2 fails to compile: fig2dev.h:79:17: error: conflicting types for atof; have double(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944317 - "dev-ada/VSS-24.0.0-r2: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:944321 - "dev-embedded/sdcc-4.3.0-r1 fails to compile: lkelf.c:857:1: error: conflicting types for elf; have void(int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944322 - "sys-devel/smatch-1.72 fails to compile: smatch.h:720:21: error: macro unreachable passed 1 arguments, but takes just 0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944323 - "app-misc/dtach-0.9-r1 fails to compile: attach.c:102:26: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944326 - "app-misc/gcal-4.1-r3 fails to compile: hd-data.c:85:25: error: initialization of void ()(void) from incompatible pointer type void ()(Bool , const Bool, int, const int, int , const int, const int) {aka void ()(int , const int, int, const int, int , const" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944327 - "games-fps/avp-20150214-r1 fails to compile: bh_lift.c:430:73: error: too many arguments to function PreserveStBlocksInModule" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944328 - "games-fps/quake2-icculus-0.16.1-r3 fails to compile: q_shared.h:56:15: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944329 - "games-fps/worldofpadman-1.6-r2 fails to compile: c.h:647:1: error: constexpr used with extern" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944330 - "games-fps/xonotic-0.8.6 fails to compile: qtypes.h:9:26: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944331 - "games-fps/yamagi-quake2-8.41 fails to compile: shared.h:49:15: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944342 - "app-misc/tpipe-1.6-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] tpipe.c: error: conflicting types for popen; have FILE (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944343 - "app-crypt/zulucrypt-7.0.0 - [libtool] One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944346 - "net-dialup/dwun-0.96e-r6 - [libtool] [gcc-15] bool.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944347 - "sys-apps/gscanbus-0.8-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] menues.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(void , guint, GtkWidget ) {aka" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944348 - "sys-auth/libnss-mysql-1.5_p20060915-r5 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] nss_main.c: error: assignment to int ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type int ( )(in" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944350 - "dev-lang/neko-2.4.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] /.../neko.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944351 - "dev-libs/avro-c-1.9.1-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] /.../datum.c: error: passing argument 2 of st_foreach from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944352 - "app-shells/heirloom-sh-050706-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] fault.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944353 - "media-sound/normalize-0.7.7-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] write.c: error: too many arguments to function ftruncate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944354 - "net-misc/throttle-1.2-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] throttle.c: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944355 - "dev-perl/Bit-Vector-7.400.0-r3 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] ToolBox.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944357 - "net-misc/rsync-bpc- - [libtool] [gcc-15] hlink.c: error: passing argument 4 of qsort from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944358 - "media-sound/mhwaveedit-1.4.24 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] mainwindow.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(Gtk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944360 - "games-util/qstat-2.14 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] packet_manip.c: error: too many arguments to function (int ( )(void))server->type->packet_func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944361 - "sci-calculators/pcalc-5 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] pcalc.c: error: too many arguments to function (yyvsp + -16)->sym->u.iptr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944362 - "net-misc/smbc-1.2.2-r3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] checking for shared library run path origin... .../config.rpath: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944364 - "app-editors/neovim-0.10.2 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] /.../buffer.c: error: passing argument 4 of normalize_index from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944365 - "media-sound/rcenter-0.6.2 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] lowlevel.c: error: passing argument 3 of pthread_create from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatibl" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944366 - "games-util/gslist-0.8.11a-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] src/gsnatneg.c: error: too many arguments to function mycallback" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944367 - "net-misc/omniORB-4.3.0 - [libtool] [gcc-15] ../.../pr.c: error: too many arguments to function inc_path" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944368 - "sys-apps/epoch-1.3.0 - [libtool] [gcc-15] ../.../epoch.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944370 - "dev-cpp/libmcpp-2.7.2_p5-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] eval.c: error: expected , or ; before LL_FORM" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944372 - "games-mud/powwow-1.2.22 - [libtool] [gcc-15] cmd2.c: error: conflicting types for select; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944373 - "net-dns/dnrd-2.20.3-r3 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] rand.c: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944375 - "dev-libs/libgpiod-2.2 - [ncurses-6.5] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944376 - "media-gfx/jpegpixi-1.1.1-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] rbtree.c: error: conflicting types for malloc; have void (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944377 - "dev-perl/Convert-Binary-C-0.850.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] ucpp/nhash.c: error: too many arguments to function action" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944378 - "dev-util/lttng-ust-2.12.9 - [ncurses-6.5] Automake "maintainer mode" detected:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944379 - "net-p2p/eiskaltdcpp-2.4.2 - [meson] /.../sound.cc: fatal error: canberra-gtk.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944382 - "app-misc/gentoo-0.20.7-r1 fails to compile: xmlutil.c:73:17: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944383 - "app-misc/gnuit-4.9.5-r2 fails to compile: tilde.c:50:14: error: conflicting types for strcpy; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944384 - "app-misc/mouseremote-0.90-r4 fails to compile: mumse.h:62:28: error: expected ;, identifier or ( before bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944385 - "app-misc/oneko-1.2_p6_p14-r1 fails to compile: oneko.c:1572:19: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944386 - "games-kids/tuxmath-2.0.3-r2 fails to compile: t4k_common.h:129:4: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944387 - "games-misc/gtklife-5.3 fails to compile: gtklife.c:148:11: error: initialization of void ()(void) from incompatible pointer type void ()(void , guint, GtkWidget ) {aka void ()(void , unsigned int, struct _GtkWidget )} [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944388 - "games-puzzle/anagramarama-0.2-r1 fails to compile: ag.c:1775:9: error: too many arguments to function clearSoundBuffer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944389 - "x11-plugins/gkrellshoot-0.4.4-r5 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] gkrellshoot.c: error: passing argument 3 of gkrellm_put_decal_in_meter_button from incompatible pointer type [-W" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944393 - "<dev-python/tornado-6.4.2: ReDoS in cookie parsing" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944397 - "net-misc/cadaver-0.24 - [libtool] [gcc-15] lib/yesno.c: error: conflicting types for rpmatch; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944398 - "sci-misc/oww-0.86.5-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] applctn.c: error: too many arguments to function state_machine_quit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944399 - "x11-misc/gbdfed-1.6 - [libtool] [gcc-15] bdfgrab.c: error: assignment to int ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type XErrorHandler {aka int ( )(Display , XErrorEvent )}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944401 - "net-ftp/cmdftp-0.9.8 - [libtool] [gcc-15] cmdftp.c: error: initialization of int ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type int ( )(char ) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944402 - "net-analyzer/nast-0.2.0-r3 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] main.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944403 - "media-libs/nas-1.9.5-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] dixutils.c: error: too many arguments to function q->function" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944405 - "media-libs/libprojectm-3.1.12-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] ./configure:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944409 - "[guru] gui-apps/ashell-0.3.0 fails to compile: thread main panicked at lib.rs:622:31:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944411 - "[guru] net-im/mautrix-signal-0.7.3-r2 installs files that contain writable and executable sections" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944415 - "media-libs/libsndfile-1.2.2-r2 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944416 - "media-sound/lame-3.100-r3 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944417 - "sys-block/thin-provisioning-tools-1.1.0-r2: fails to compile on musl due to rust dynamically loading libclang" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944418 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 fails to compile: cpthreads.c:274:15: error: too many arguments to function pt->startfn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944419 - "sys-boot/lilo-24.2-r2 fails to compile: probe.c:132:12: error: initialization of void ()(void) from incompatible pointer type void ()(char ) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944420 - "sys-boot/elilo-3.16-r6 fails to compile: elilo.c:407:25: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944421 - "sys-block/buffer-1.19-r4 fails to compile: sem.c:78:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944422 - "sys-auth/pam_smb-2.0.0_rc6-r3 fails to compile: rfcnb-util.c:258:5: error: too many arguments to function Prot_Print_Routine" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944424 - "sys-auth/nss-pam-ldapd-0.9.12-r4 fails to compile: cfg.c:210:38: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944425 - "sys-auth/libnss-mysql-1.5_p20060915-r5 fails to compile: nss_main.c:128:10: error: too many arguments to function trylock" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944426 - "sys-apps/xinetd- fails to compile: builtins.h:33:41: error: too many arguments to function (void ()(void))scp->sc_builtin->b_handler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944427 - "sys-apps/usb_modeswitch-2.6.1 fails to compile: usb_modeswitch.c:573:28: error: too many arguments to function get_current_config_value" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944428 - "sys-apps/renameutils-0.12.0 fails to compile: hmap.c:374:13: error: too many arguments to function iterator" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944430 - "app-misc/splitvt-1.6.6_p7 fails to compile: vt100.c:63:26: error: assignment to void ()(void) from incompatible pointer type void ()(int, int ) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944431 - "app-misc/ytree-2.09 fails to compile: filewin.c:256:38: error: assignment to int ()(void) from incompatible pointer type int ()(FileEntryList , FileEntryList ) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944432 - "app-office/sc-im-0.8.3-r1 fails to compile: format.c:604:31: error: too many arguments to function pow" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944433 - "app-pda/pilot-link-0.12.5-r4 fails to compile: parsedate.y:97:26: error: conflicting types for localtime; have struct tm (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944434 - "app-shells/esh-0.8.5-r3 fails to compile: hash.c:150:6: error: conflicting types for hash_free; have void(list , void ()(void ))" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944436 - "x11-wm/echinus-0.4.9 fails to compile: ewmh.c:344:24: error: initialization of void ()(Client ) from incompatible pointer type void ()(void) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944437 - "games-puzzle/twindistress-1.1.0 fails to compile: twind.c:394:21: error: too many arguments to function cleanup_and_exit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944438 - "games-puzzle/wakkabox-1.1.0-r2 fails to compile: wakkabox.c:54:13: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944439 - "games-roguelike/nethack-3.6.7 fails to compile: troff:tmac.n:762: error: cannot load font S for emboldening" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944440 - "games-roguelike/tome-2.3.5-r1 fails to compile: h-system.h:110:14: error: conflicting types for strstr; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944441 - "games-rpg/eternal-lands- fails to compile: astrology.c:335:72: error: passing argument 3 of set_window_handler from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944442 - "games-rpg/freedroidrpg-1.0-r1 fails to compile: getopt.c:392:27: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944443 - "games-simulation/lincity-1.13.1-r4 fails to compile: dcigettext.c:146:7: error: conflicting types for getcwd; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944444 - "games-simulation/micropolis-1.0_p20220604 fails to compile: tclint.h:73:15: error: conflicting types for strtod; have double(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944445 - "games-sports/ultimatestunts-0.7.7-r2 fails to compile: dcigettext.c:155:7: error: conflicting types for getcwd; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944446 - "games-strategy/liquidwar-5.6.5 fails to compile: liquidwarcol.c:433:15: error: too many arguments to function convert_bitmap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944447 - "media-libs/alsa-lib-1.2.13 fails to compile: midifile.c:274:6: error: too many arguments to function Mf_header" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944448 - "media-libs/gstreamer-1.22.11 fails to compile: gststructure.c:427:12: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944449 - "media-libs/libshumate-1.2.3 fails to compile: shumate-vector-symbol-container.c:176:21: error: too many arguments to function shumate_vector_collision_new" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944450 - "media-libs/libxmi-1.3-r1 fails to compile: sys-defines.h:172:16: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944451 - "media-libs/nas-1.9.5-r2 fails to compile: resource.c:117:1: error: conflicting types for CreateNewResourceType; have RESTYPE(int ()(unsigned char , AuID)) {aka long unsigned int(int ()(unsigned char , unsigned int))}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944452 - "media-libs/raspberrypi-userland-0_pre20201022 fails to compile: vchiq_lib.c:534:1: error: conflicting types for vchiq_bulk_receive_handle; have VCHIQ_STATUS_T(VCHIQ_SERVICE_HANDLE_T, VCHI_MEM_HANDLE_T, void , int, void , VCHIQ_BULK_MODE_T, int ()(void))" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944453 - "media-libs/urt-3.1b-r3 fails to compile: dither.c:110:5: error: too many arguments to function make_square" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944454 - "media-libs/x265-3.6-r1 fails tests: x265: asm primitive has failed Go and fix that Right Now!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944456 - "games-fps/rott-1.1.2-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] rt_def.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944457 - "www-client/dillo-3.1.1 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] cache.c: error: passing argument 2 of a_Timeout_add from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944458 - "app-shells/pdmenu-1.3.6 fails to compile: menu.c:433:7: error: too many arguments to function Ctrl_C_Action" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944459 - "app-shells/rc-1.7.4-r2 fails to compile: rc.h:47:14: error: expected { before bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944460 - "app-shells/smrsh-8.15.2-r1 fails to compile: vfscanf.c:243:30: error: assignment to ULONGLONG_T ()(const char , char , int) {aka long long unsigned int ()(const char , char , int)} from incompatible pointer type ULONGLONG_T ()(void) {aka long long unsign" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944461 - "sys-apps/memtester-4.6.0 fails to compile: memtester.c:411:18: error: too many arguments to function tests[i].fp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944466 - "sys-apps/ifplugd-0.28-r12 installs the same files with USE=doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944468 - "sci-astronomy/xephem-4.1.0-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] earthmenu.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(struct _WidgetRec , void ," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944469 - "net-analyzer/netwatch- - [libtool] [gcc-15] dispdata.c: error: too many arguments to function inet_ntoa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944470 - "app-text/namazu-2.0.21 - [libtool] [gcc-15] regex.c: error: too many arguments to function store_jump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944471 - "games-util/uglygs-0_rc11-r1 fails to compile: qstat.c:6011:17: error: too many arguments to function (int ()(void))server->type->packet_func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944472 - "sys-apps/dcfldd-1.9.2 fails to compile: long-options.c:51:1: error: conflicting types for parse_long_options; have void(int, char , const char , const char , const char , const char , void ()(void))" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944473 - "sys-apps/daemonize-1.7.8 fails to compile: getopt.c:51:16: error: too many arguments to function write" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944474 - "app-text/bogosort-0.4.2-r1 fails to compile: getlines.c:54:27: error: too many arguments to function xrealloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944475 - "[guru] app-admin/hardinfo2-2.2.4 fails to compile: util.c:889:9: error: too many arguments to function module_entry->scan_func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944476 - "[guru] app-admin/vaultwarden-1.32.5 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944477 - "media-libs/lcms-2.16-r1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944478 - "LLVM profiles: rename libcxx-using profiles to include libcxx in the name" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944479 - "[guru] x11-misc/i3lock-fancy-rapid-0.0.0_pre20210421 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944480 - "[guru] x11-misc/ksnip-1.10.1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944482 - "LLVM profiles: add separate libstdc++ profiles" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944483 - "LLVM profile links should have a warning above them" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944485 - "media-gfx/cellwriter-1.3.6 - [ncurses-6.5] [gcc-15] src/window.c: error: passing argument 2 of gtk_timeout_add from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944489 - "<app-emulation/xen-4.18.4_pre1: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944490 - "dev-libs/vc-1.4.5: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:944492 - "net-libs/davix-0.8.7: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:944511 - "dev-python/pyside2-5.15.16, dev-python/pyside2-tools-5.15.16, dev-python/shiboken2-5.15.16: version bump request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944533 - "dev-python/google-auth-2.36.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:944562 - "sys-boot/refind: build fails with >=sys-boot/gnu-efi-4.0.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944713 - "<dev-ruby/sinatra-4.1.1: Reliance on Untrusted Inputs in a Security Decision" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944714 - "sci-libs/linux-gpib-modules-4.3.6::gentoo fails to compile with kernel 6.12.x (compile phase) emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944723 - "app-admin/setools re-keywordreq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944740 - "net-misc/modemmanager-1.20.6 - FAILED: install script: gtkdoc helper script" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944741 - "app-i18n/librime-1.12.0 - /.../rime_api.h: error: RimeRegisterModule violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944745 - "dev-ruby/google-protobuf-4.28.0 - [ncurses-6.5] ERROR: dev-ruby/google-protobuf-4.28.0::gentoo failed (prepare phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944746 - "sci-visualization/xd3d-8.3.1-r2 fails to compile: getenvc.c:23:12: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944747 - "sci-libs/cfitsio-4.5.0 fails to compile: putcol.c:1229:24: error: expected identifier or ( before nullptr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944748 - "x11-libs/xbae-4.60.4-r1 fails to compile: pattern.c:131:14: error: expected identifier or ( before true" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944749 - "dev-perl/Text-BibTeX-0.890.0-r1 fails to compile: ast.c:139:1: error: conflicting types for zzpre_ast; have void(AST , void ()(AST ), void ()(AST ), void ()(AST )) {aka void(struct _ast , void ()(struct _ast ), void ()(struct _ast ), void ()(struct _ast" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944750 - "sci-misc/ncview-2.1.8 fails to compile: x_interface.c:645:9: error: too many arguments to function check_app_res" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944751 - "sci-misc/ncview-2.1.8 fails to compile: SciPlot.c:252:35: error: too many arguments to function ColorStore" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944752 - "sci-mathematics/vampire-4.9 fails to compile: Hash.hpp:291:11: error: instantiating erroneous template" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944756 - "app-text/html-xml-utils-8.6 fails to compile: dtd.hash:117:1: error: conflicting types for lookup_element; have const ElementType (const char , size_t) {aka const struct _ElementType (const char , long unsigned int)}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944757 - "app-text/lv-4.51-r5 fails to compile: console.c:218:13: error: too many arguments to function tgetnum" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944759 - "app-text/paps-0.6.8-r2 fails to compile: paps.c:375:19: error: too many arguments to function paps_get_pango_context" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944760 - "app-text/pep-2.8-r2 fails to compile: plain.c:115:7: error: conflicting types for getenv; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944761 - "app-text/psiconv-0.8.3-r1 fails to compile: getopt_core.h:91:12: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(int, char const, const char )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944762 - "app-text/uudeview-0.5.20-r4 fails to compile: crc32.c:91:9: error: conflicting types for crc32; have crc32_t(crc32_t, const unsigned char , unsigned int) {aka long unsigned int(long unsigned int, const unsigned char , unsigned int)}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944763 - "app-text/vilistextum- fails to compile: html_tag.c:127:43: error: too many arguments to function html_hn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944764 - "app-text/xml2doc-20030510-r2 fails to compile: parse_include.c:10:17: error: too many arguments to function parse" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944765 - "app-text/xmlstarlet-1.6.1-r2 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944766 - "dev-db/cdb-0.75-r4 fails to compile: strerr_die.c:30:3: error: too many arguments to function _exit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944767 - "dev-db/libiodbc-3.52.15-r1 fails to compile: hstmt.c:234:48: error: too many arguments to function hproc3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944768 - "gnome-extra/cinnamon-control-center-6.2.0-r1 fails to compile: hstmt.c:234:48: error: too many arguments to function hproc3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944769 - "[guru] app-backup/blocksync-fast-1.0.6 fails to compile: globals.c:474:6: error: conflicting types for applydelta_wri_flush_buf; have void(size_t) {aka void(long unsigned int)}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944770 - "[guru] app-containers/pods-2.1.0_pre20240215-r4 fails to compile: error[E0282]: type annotations needed for Box<_>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944771 - "[guru] dev-libs/gbinder-1.1.41 fails to compile: gbinder_writer.c:1334:60: error: passing argument 2 of gbinder_cleanup_add from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944773 - "[guru] app-editors/mined-2015.25 fails to compile: mined.h:138:18: error: conflicting types for getcwd; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944776 - "[guru] app-editors/l3afpad- misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944777 - "media-sound/lash-0.5.4-r6 fails to compile: server_event.c:76:1: error: conflicting types for server_event_destroy; have void(server_event_t ) {aka void(struct _server_event )}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944781 - "dev-python/pyopengl-accelerate-3.1.8 - [meson] src/numpy_formathandler.c: error: passing argument 1 of (int ( )(PyArrayObject , PyObject )) (PyArray_API + 832) from incom" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944782 - "dev-python/pyproject-fmt-rust: removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944791 - "app-misc/livecd-tools-2.11 STABLEREQ" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944795 - "dev-cpp/elfio-3.12 - [ncurses-6.5] One or more CMake variables were not used by the project:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944799 - "games-emulation/pcsx2-2.2.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:944802 - "app-editors/aee-2.2.21 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] aee.c: error: assignment to int from void makes integer from pointer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944807 - "<dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.15.16_p20241115: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944814 - "sci-geosciences/mapserver-8.2.2 - mod_mapserver.c: error: too few arguments to function msLoadMap" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944817 - "[TRACKER] Drop sci-libs/vtk IUSE=qt5 option" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944818 - "dev-ruby/oauth2-2.0.9: rekeywording request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944823 - "net-libs/grpc-1.66.0 - [ncurses-6.5] cpp_plugin.cc:(<snip>) undefined reference to google::protobuf::compiler::CodeGenerator::~CodeGenerator()" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944827 - "[QA] Set a policy to discourage unnecessary backslashes" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944828 - "dev-python/pyarrow-18.0.0 does not build with useflag "-parquet"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944830 - "app-backup/backintime-1.5.3 version bump, re-add ~x86 keyword" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944837 - "net-im/pidgin: reevaluate strip-flags & replace-flags use" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944841 - "sys-apps/fwupd-2.0.1 fails tests: fu-self-test.c:6728:fu_test_engine_fake_nvme: assertion failed (error == NULL): device ID 4c263c95f596030b430d65dc934f6722bcee5720 was not found (FwupdError, 8)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944842 - "games-board/stockfish-17 calls g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944844 - "sci-mathematics/planarity- fails to compile: graphDFSUtils.c:136:13: error: too many arguments to function theGraph->functions.fpSortVertices" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944845 - "sci-mathematics/mathomatic-16.0.5-r1 fails to compile: altproto.h:8:17: error: conflicting types for clear_cmd; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944846 - "sci-mathematics/geomview-1.9.5-r1 fails to compile: camstream.c:376:8: error: too many arguments to function func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944847 - "sci-mathematics/fricas-1.3.11-r3 fails to compile: spadbuf.c:202:11: error: conflicting types for fopen; have FILE (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944849 - "sci-mathematics/cgal-6.0.1 fails tests: 370 - compilation of bezier_traits_adapter2 (Failed) Boolean_set_operations_2_Examples" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944850 - "sci-mathematics/calc- fails to compile: func.c:9295:35: error: too many arguments to function (VALUE ()(void))bp->b_valfunc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944851 - "sci-mathematics/bertini-1.6 fails to compile: ppParse_flex.l:6:15: error: conflicting types for ppParse_bisonlex; have int(YYSTYPE )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944852 - "sci-libs/tokenizers-0.20.1-r1 fails to compile: warning: onig_sys@69.8.1: st.c:56:43: error: too many arguments to function table->type->hash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944853 - "sci-libs/symmetrica-3.0.1-r1 fails to compile: boe.c:17:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944854 - "sci-libs/superlu_mt-3.1-r1 fails to compile: psgssvx.c:415:19: error: conflicting types for slamch_; have double(char )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944855 - "sci-libs/scotch-7.0.1-r1 fails to compile: arch_sub.c:416:7: error: too many arguments to function ((Arch )orgarchptr)->class->matchInit" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944857 - "sci-libs/pgplot-5.2.2-r8 fails to compile: x2driv.c:192:25: error: too many arguments to function figdisp_sendcommand" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944858 - "sci-libs/nfft-3.5.2 fails to compile: radon.c:150:3: error: too many arguments to function gridfcn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944859 - "sci-libs/netcdf-fortran-4.6.1 fails to compile: Error: Type mismatch between actual argument at (1) and actual argument at (2) REAL(8))" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944860 - "sci-libs/med-4.1.1-r3 fails to compile: _MEDvisit.c:28:1: error: conflicting types for _MEDvisit; have med_err(const med_idt, const char const, const char const, herr_t ()(void)) {aka int(const long int, const char const, const char const, int ()(void))}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944861 - "sci-libs/libint-1.1.6 fails to compile: build_libint.c:70:5: error: too many arguments to function punt" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944862 - "sci-libs/coinor-dylp-1.10.4-r1 fails to compile: dylib_std.h:67:16: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944863 - "sci-libs/hdf-4.2.15-r2 fails to compile: array.c:493:21: error: too many arguments to function xlen_funct" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944864 - "sci-libs/djbfft-0.76-r3 fails to compile: byte_copy.c:7:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944865 - "sci-libs/coinor-csdp-6.2.0 fails to compile: calc_dobj.c:28:9: error: too many arguments to function ddot_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944866 - "sci-libs/clapack-3.2.1-r8 fails to compile: sgeesx.c:460:27: error: too many arguments to function select" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944867 - "sci-geosciences/osmctools-0.9-r2 fails to compile: osmfilter.c:386:15: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944868 - "sci-geosciences/liblas-1.8.1-r4 fails to compile: las2col.c:458:68: error: too many arguments to function entriesFuncD[j]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944869 - "sci-electronics/ngspice-40 fails to compile: bool.h:6:13: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944870 - "sci-electronics/spice-3.5.5-r4 fails to compile: sperror.h:35:7: error: conflicting types for SPerror; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944871 - "sci-electronics/irsim-9.7.93-r1 fails to compile: conn_list.c:34:3: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944872 - "sci-electronics/gerbv-2.7.0 fails to compile: callbacks.c:1069:17: error: too many arguments to function render_recreate_composite_surface" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944873 - "sci-chemistry/surf-1.0 fails to compile: tessel_cases.c:110:16: error: too many arguments to function find_circle" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944874 - "sci-chemistry/moldy-2.16e-r2 fails to compile: xdr.c:364:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944875 - "sci-calculators/galculator-2.1.4-r2 fails to compile: ui.c:436:17: error: too many arguments to function set_basic_object_data" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944876 - "sci-biology/phyml-2.4.5-r4 fails to compile: optimiz.c:1296:7: error: too many arguments to function func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944877 - "sci-biology/rnaview-20040713-r5 fails to compile: vrml.h:1:6: error: conflicting types for process_3d_fig; have void(char , long int, char , long int , char , char , char , double , long int, char , long int )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944878 - "sci-biology/qrna-2.0.4 fails to compile: gnuregex.c:1175:20: error: too many arguments to function at_begline_loc_p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944879 - "net-libs/paho-mqtt-c-1.3.13 fails to compile: MQTTPacket.h:31:22: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944880 - "dev-embedded/dfu-programmer-1.0.0 fails to compile: dfu-bool.h:5:5: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944881 - "dev-embedded/gputils-1.5.2 fails to compile: gptypes.h:30:3: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944882 - "dev-embedded/jal-0.4.62-r1 fails to compile: global.h:27:16: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944883 - "dev-embedded/platformio-6.1.11 fails tests: ImportError: cannot import name constants from twisted.python (unknown location)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944884 - "dev-java/commons-daemon-1.4.0 fails to compile: jsvc.h:32:5: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944885 - "dev-java/swt-3.7.2-r4 fails to compile: os.c:35:21: error: too many arguments to function (jint ()(void))arg0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944886 - "dev-java/swt-4.10-r4 fails to compile: os_structs.c:85:31: error: assignment to GObject ()(GType, guint, GObjectConstructParam ) {aka struct _GObject ()(long unsigned int, unsigned int, struct _GObjectConstructParam )} from incompatible pointer type GObj" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944889 - "dev-lang/cxprolog-0.98.2-r2 fails to compile: OSUnix.c:509:56: error: pointer type mismatch in conditional expression [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944890 - "dev-lang/gforth-0.7.3-r2 fails to compile: support.c:82:18: error: conflicting types for getpwnam; have struct passwd (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944891 - "dev-lang/gnucobol-3.2 fails to compile: common.c:767:37: error: assignment to int ()(const int) from incompatible pointer type int ()(void) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944892 - "dev-lang/icon-9.5.22e fails to compile: ipp.c:88:17: error: initialization of char ()(void) from incompatible pointer type char ()(char ) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944893 - "dev-lang/jwasm-2.18 fails to compile: bool.h:35:27: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944894 - "dev-lang/pcc-1.1.0-r1 fails to compile: trees.c:2084:22: error: expected ;, , or ) before true" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944895 - "dev-lang/teyjus-2.1-r2 fails to compile: abstmachine.c:197:11: error: conflicting types for AM_envCI; have Mem (Mem ) {aka long unsigned int (long unsigned int )}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944896 - "dev-lang/yap-7.1.0 fails to compile: fmem.c:342:9: error: too many arguments to function f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944897 - "mail-client/balsa-2.6.4-r1 fails to compile: sendmsg-window.c:317:1: error: conflicting types for balsa_attach_info_new; have BalsaAttachInfo (BalsaSendmsg ) {aka struct _BalsaAttachInfo (struct _BalsaSendmsg )}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944898 - "mail-client/hap-3.7-r1 fails to compile: getopt.c:678:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944900 - "mail-mta/courier-1.3.13 fails to compile: starttls.c:536:22: error: assignment to void ()(int) from incompatible pointer type void ()(void) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944901 - "mail-mta/netqmail-1.06-r16 fails to compile: myctime.c:16:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944903 - "media-gfx/gozer-0.7-r5 fails to compile: getopt.c:398:22: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944905 - "net-libs/google-cloud-cpp-2.30.0 fails to compile: utility.h:68:9: error: no type named result in struct google::cloud::v2_30::internal::MakeIndexSequenceImpl<long unsigned int, std::integral_constant<long unsigned int, 0>, void, 0, 1, 2>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944908 - "net-analyzer/etherape-0.9.20 fails to compile: diagram.c:488:3: error: too many arguments to function diagram_reposition" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944909 - "net-analyzer/iftop-1.0_pre4-r5 fails to compile: iftop.c:802:5: error: too many arguments to function read_config" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944910 - "net-analyzer/netcat-110.20180111-r2 fails to compile: netcat.c:304:22: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944911 - "net-analyzer/nettop-0.2.3-r2 fails to compile: node.c:75:19: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944912 - "net-ftp/gftp-2.9.1b-r1 fails to compile: pty.c:45:11: error: assignment to void ()(void) from incompatible pointer type __sighandler_t {aka void ()(int)} [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944913 - "dev-libs/libstrophe-0.13.1 fails to compile: handler.c:323:61: error: passing argument 3 of _timed_handler_delete from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944914 - "net-misc/vncsnapshot-1.2a-r1 fails to compile: listen.c:57:1: error: conflicting types for listenForIncomingConnections; have void(int , char , int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944915 - "net-nds/gssproxy-0.9.2 fails to compile: gpm_common.c:729:13: error: too many arguments to function gpm_xdr_set[proc].arg_fn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944916 - "app-text/ghostscript-gpl-10.04.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944917 - "sci-biology/paml-4.10.7 fails to compile: treesub.c:8631:5: error: conflicting types for ProcessNodeAnnotation; have int(int )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944918 - "sci-biology/mcl-14.137 fails to compile: mclcm.c:330:6: error: conflicting types for usage; have void(const char )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944919 - "sci-biology/mafft-7.490 fails to compile: functions.h:78:13: error: conflicting types for cpmx_calc; have void(char , double , double , int, int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944920 - "sci-biology/gmap-2020.10.27 fails to compile: bool.h:7:23: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944930 - "sci-biology/embassy-esim4- fails to compile: types.h:7:13: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944931 - "sci-biology/blat-34-r3 fails to compile: common.c:365:9: error: too many arguments to function free" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944932 - "sci-biology/biogrep-1.0-r3 fails to compile: patternFunctions.c:96:21: error: too many arguments to function parseFunct" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944933 - "sci-astronomy/xephem-4.1.0-r1 fails to compile: favmenu.c:363:9: error: too many arguments to function loadFavs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944934 - "sci-astronomy/swarp-2.41.5 fails to compile: coadd.c:69:25: error: too many arguments to function gammln" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944935 - "sci-astronomy/skymaker-3.10.5 fails to compile: random.c:157:17: error: conflicting types for gammln; have double(double)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944936 - "sci-astronomy/sextractor-2.19.5-r1 fails to compile: misc.c:165:15: error: conflicting types for malloc; have void (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944937 - "media-gfx/metapixel-1.0.2-r2 fails to compile: getopt.h:104:12: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944938 - "sci-calculators/pcalc-5 fails to compile: symbol.c:44:22: error: initialization of long double ()(void) from incompatible pointer type __attribute__((const)) long double ()(long double) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944939 - "sci-chemistry/dssp-3.0.11 fails to compile: hssp-nt.cpp:17:10: fatal error: convenience.hpp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944942 - "www-servers/h2o-2.3.0_pre20241014: security stabilization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944945 - "media-video/mplayer-1.5_p20241125 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944948 - "x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware-13.4.0: vmware.c:142:5: error: implicit declaration of function 'outl' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944958 - "net-voip/mumble-1.5.634 - [ncurses-6.5] FAILED: Mumble.pb.cc Mumble.pb.h Mumble.pb.cc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944972 - "dev-util/clang-extract-0_pre20241002 calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944975 - "media-libs/cogl-1.22.8-r3 fails to compile: configure: error: Package requirements ( pangocairo >= 1.20) were not met:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944976 - "app-arch/patool-3.0.3 fails tests: FAILED test_7z.py::Test7z::test_7z - patoolib.util.PatoolError: Command 7z, x, -y, -p-, -aou, -o./Unpack_ypcqtyze, --, t.jar] returned non-zero exit status 2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944978 - "net-wireless/airspy-1.0.10 fails to compile: airspy_gpiodir.c:30:13: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944979 - "net-print/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr-1.2.15 fails to compile: filter.c:453:15: error: too many arguments to function SendStartJob" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944981 - "net-p2p/mldonkey-3.2.1 fails to compile: md4.c:78:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944982 - "net-p2p/gtk-gnutella-1.2.3 fails to compile: types.h:50:13: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944983 - "net-p2p/ed2k_hash-0.4.0-r3 fails to compile: md4.c:107:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944984 - "net-nntp/newspost-2.1.1-r3 fails to compile: newspost.c:111:37: error: too many arguments to function file_entry_alloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944985 - "net-news/yydecode-0.2.10-r3 fails to compile: error.c:59:7: error: conflicting types for strerror; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944986 - "net-news/canto-curses-0.9.9 fails to compile: widecurse.c:83:42: error: invalid application of sizeof to incomplete type WINDOW {aka struct _win_st}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944987 - "net-misc/vde-2.3.3 fails to compile: libvdehist.c:99:25: error: too many arguments to function vdehist_termwrite" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944988 - "net-misc/taylor-uucp-1.07-r7 fails to compile: cmdarg.c:37:12: error: conflicting types for strcmp; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944989 - "dev-lang/ocaml-4.12.1 fails to compile: prims.h:33:23: error: too many arguments to function (value ()(void))(caml_prim_table.contents + (sizetype)((long unsigned int)pc 8))" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944990 - "dev-libs/libowfat-0.33-r1 fails to compile: buffer.h:40:65: error: initialization of ssize_t ()(void) {aka long int ()(void)} from incompatible pointer type ssize_t ()(int, char , size_t) {aka long int ()(int, char , long unsigned int)} [-Wincompatible-p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944991 - "dev-libs/opensc-0.25.1 fails to compile: p11test_case_wrap.c:354:18: error: expected identifier or ( before true" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944992 - "sys-cluster/ucx-1.13.1 fails to compile: async.c:80:27: error: initialization of void ()(ucs_async_context_t ) {aka void ()(struct ucs_async_context )} from incompatible pointer type void ()(void) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944993 - "media-libs/tiff-4.5.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944995 - "media-gfx/transfig-3.2.5e-r2 fails to compile: getopt.c:78:58: error: too many arguments to function index" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944997 - "media-libs/a52dec-0.7.4-r8 fails to compile: getopt.c:403:21: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:944998 - "media-libs/esdl-1.3.1-r1 fails to compile: esdl_events.c:349:10: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945000 - "media-libs/libdca-0.0.7 fails to compile: getopt.c:403:21: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945003 - "[guru] app-misc/afetch-2.2.0 fails to compile: fetch.c:520:43: error: passing argument 3 of pthread_create from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945004 - "[guru] app-misc/far2l-2.6.4_beta fails to compile: UnicodeString.h:20:23: error: uint16_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945007 - "[guru] app-misc/tmux-rime-0.0.4 fails to compile: ld: cannot find -lca-certificates: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945008 - "[guru] app-misc/yazi-0.3.3-r1 fails to compile: warning: onig_sys@69.8.1: regparse.c:588:5: error: initialization of int ()(void) from incompatible pointer type int ()(st_str_end_key , st_str_end_key ) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945009 - "[guru] app-office/beancount-2.3.6 fails tests: FAILED bake_test.py::TestScriptBake::test_bake_directory - urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945010 - "[guru] app-text/klogg- fails to compile: blockparser.h:155:3: error: uint32_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945011 - "[guru] app-text/typst-0.12.0 fails tests: Error: 53:2-53:25 Assertion failed: <module chap2> != <module chap2>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945015 - "[guru] dev-embedded/bcm2-utils-0.9.8 fails to compile: util.cc:220:22: error: find_if was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945018 - "sci-libs/djbfft-0.76-r3 fails to compile: strerr.h:61:1: error: too many arguments to function strerr_die" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945019 - "sci-libs/scotch-7.0.1-r1 fails to compile: module.h:241:37: error: initialization of int ()(void) from incompatible pointer type int ()(ArchCmplt const restrict, FILE const restrict) {aka int ()(struct ArchCmplt_ const restrict, FILE const restrict)} [-W" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945020 - "sci-mathematics/calc- fails to compile: func.c:8550:40: error: initialization of VALUE ()(void) {aka struct value ()(void)} from incompatible pointer type VALUE ()(int, VALUE ) {aka struct value ()(int, struct value )} [-Wincompatible-pointer-typ" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945021 - "sci-visualization/xgraph-12.1-r5 fails to compile: xtb.c:203:34: error: too many arguments to function Malloc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945024 - "[guru] dev-lang/opencilk-2.1 fails to compile: SmallVector.h:109:62: error: uint64_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945025 - "[guru] dev-lang/swift-5.10.1 fails to compile: SmallVector.h:109:62: error: use of undeclared identifier uint64_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945026 - "net-misc/netpipes-4.2-r2 fails to compile: getpeername.c:45:5: error: conflicting types for getpeername; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945027 - "net-misc/netdate-1.2-r2 fails to compile: netdate.c:132:22: error: conflicting types for rindex; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945028 - "dev-libs/yaz-5.34.0 fails to compile: cql2ccl.c:162:12: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945035 - "[guru] dev-libs/fsst-0_pre20200830-r1 fails to compile: libfsst.hpp:39:9: error: uint8_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945036 - "[guru] dev-libs/ftl-1.0_p20230220 fails tests: Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945037 - "[guru] dev-libs/lsquic-4.0.8-r2 fails to compile: lsquic_di_error.c:24:1: error: conflicting types for lsquic_data_in_error_new; have struct data_in (struct lsquic_conn_public )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945039 - "net-misc/lanmap-81-r3 fails to compile: types.h:12:21: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945040 - "dev-libs/avro-c-1.9.1-r2 fails to compile: st.c:69:43: error: too many arguments to function table->type->hash" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945041 - "net-misc/ipsvd-1.0.0-r3 fails to compile: ipsvd_phcc.c:17:11: error: too many arguments to function alloc_free" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945042 - "net-misc/fakeidentd-2.6-r1 fails to compile: fakeidentd-2.6.c:244:16: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945043 - "dev-lisp/ecl-24.5.10 fails to compile: dpp.c:112:13: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945044 - "dev-lisp/roswell- fails to compile: cmd-run.c:256:3: error: too many arguments to function register_runtime_options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945045 - "sci-libs/hdf-4.2.15-r2 fails to compile: array.c:476:24: error: assignment to int ()(void) from incompatible pointer type int ()(NC_string ) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945049 - "[Tracker] Mozilla Foundation Security Advisory for November 26, 2024" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945050 - "<www-client/firefox{-bin,}-{128.5.0,133.0}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945051 - "<mail-client/thunderbird{-bin,}-128.5.0: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945052 - "dev-lang/spidermonkey: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945053 - "app-containers/cni-plugins-1.5.1 - [meson] [libtool] ld: cc8GeHaN.ltrans0.ltrans.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against .rodata.str1.1 can not be used when making a PIE object" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945054 - "net-libs/libsmi-0.5.0-r5 - [libtool] [gcc-15] parser-smi.y: error: expected ) at end of input" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945057 - "app-crypt/onak-0.6.3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] hash.c: error: assignment to int ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type int ( )(struct stats_key , uint64_t ) {aka int ( )(str" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945058 - "media-libs/libquicktime-1.2.4-r5 - [libtool] [gcc-15] lqtplay.c: error: too many arguments to function decode_audio" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945059 - "media-gfx/netgen-6.2.2302 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] basegeom.cpp: error: type struct Line violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945060 - "net-p2p/eiskaltdcpp-2.4.2 - [ncurses-6.5] upnpc.cpp: error: too few arguments to function int UPNP_GetValidIGD(UPNPDev , UPNPUrls , IGDdatas , char , int, char , int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945061 - "games-board/cockatrice-20230914 - [ncurses-6.5] FAILED: commoncard_attributes.pb.h commoncard_attributes.pb.cc card_attributes.pb.h card_attributes.pb.cc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945062 - "dev-libs/yaz-5.34.0 - [libtool] [gcc-15] cql2ccl.c: error: expected expression before bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945064 - "net-voip/murmur-1.5.634 - [ncurses-6.5] FAILED: src/Mumble.pb.h src/Mumble.pb.cc Mumble.pb.h Mumble.pb.cc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945066 - "sci-chemistry/gromacs-2025.0_beta - -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945067 - "net-mail/pfqueue-0.5.6-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] pfqlib.c: error: too many arguments to function ctx->pfqbe_close" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945068 - "sci-electronics/spice-3.5.5-r4 - [libtool] [gcc-15] 503 | out_printf(Error on line %d : %s\n\t%s\n," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945069 - "app-office/magicpoint-1.13a_p20121015-r2 - ./ctlwords.c: error: implicit declaration of function isalnum [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945071 - "media-plugins/vdr-skincurses-2.2.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [libtool] skincurses.c: error: invalid use of incomplete type WINDOW {aka struct _win_st}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945075 - "net-analyzer/flow-tools-0.68.6-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] ftstat.c: error: assignment to void ( )(struct ftstat_rpt ) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(voi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945076 - "media-sound/gpodder-3.11.4-r1[python_single_target_python3_12]: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp'" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945079 - "dev-ml/ocaml_intrinsics-0.16.0: fails to build on ppc (crc_stubs.c:27:2: error: #error "Target not supported")" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945081 - "cmake.eclass: Please make it possible to override ctest jobs/load-avg" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945086 - "dev-libs/capstone: please stabilize arm" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945088 - "dev-ada/ada_language_server-24.0.1 fails to compile: lsp-client_notification_loggers.adb:21:46: error: prefix of WIDE_WIDE_WIDTH attribute must be scalar type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945089 - "dev-ada/lal-refactor-0_p20231027 fails tests: >>> imported project file lal_refactor.gpr not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945091 - "dev-ada/gnatdoc-24.0.0 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945092 - "[guru] x11-terms/tym-3.5.1-r2 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945093 - "net-mail/qmailanalog-0.70-r1 fails to compile: getln.c:11:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945094 - "net-mail/qlogtools-3.1-r1 fails to compile: bool.h:4:13: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945095 - "net-mail/popa3d-1.0.2-r2 fails to compile: standalone.c:111:13: error: expected identifier or ( before true" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945096 - "net-mail/mess822-0.58-r3 fails to compile: mess822_fold.c:8:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945097 - "net-mail/checkpassword-0.90-r5 fails to compile: alloc_re.c:8:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945098 - "net-libs/libnids-1.26-r1 fails to compile: scan.c:124:5: error: too many arguments to function nids_params.syslog" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945099 - "dev-perl/Convert-UUlib-1.800.0 fails to compile: UUlib.xs:216:58: error: too many arguments to function UUstrerror" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945100 - "media-libs/libmpeg2-0.5.1-r3 fails to compile: getopt.c:403:21: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945102 - "[guru] dev-python/flask-restx-1.3.0 fails tests: FAILED test_swagger.py::SwaggerTest::test_specs_endpoint_host_and_subdomain - assert 404 == 200" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945103 - "[guru] dev-python/oscrypto-1.3.0-r2 fails tests: test_dsa_2048_sha1_sign (tests.test_asymmetric.AsymmetricTests) .. environment: line 2492: 68 Segmentation fault $@" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945105 - "mail-filter/rspamd-3.10.2: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945107 - "sys-apps/s6- and friends: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945110 - "[Future EAPI] Wrapper for command exit status" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945115 - "sys-cluster/flux-2.3.0 - [meson] [libtool] ld: ccEd2XzW.ltrans0.ltrans.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against .rodata.str1.1 can not be used when making a PIE object; recompil" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945116 - "[guru] dev-python/w3lib-2.1.2 fails tests: FAILED [2a01:5cc0:1:2:3:4]-ValueError]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945117 - "[guru] dev-util/bump2version-1.0.1 fails tests: FAILED test_cli.py::test_commit_and_tag_with_configfile[git] - subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command [git, add, --update, .bumpversion.cfg] returned non-zero exit status 128" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945118 - "media-video/dvbsnoop-1.4.50-r3 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] sectables.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(unsigned char" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945120 - "media-sound/mt-daapd- - [libtool] [gcc-15] uici.c: error: expected identifier or ( before true" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945121 - "net-analyzer/scanssh- - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] atomicio.c: error: too many arguments to function f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945122 - "net-misc/streamtuner-0.99.99-r6 - [libtool] [gcc-15] st-shell.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(STShell ) [-Wincompatible" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945124 - "sys-apps/udevil-0.4.4-r5 fails to compile: udevil.c:4894:21: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945126 - "gnome-extra/libgsf-1.14.53: security stabilization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945128 - "media-sound/mpg123-base-1.32.9: security stabilization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945131 - "dev-libs/opensc-0.26.0: security stabilization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945150 - "dev-libs/opencl-clang-19.1.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945155 - "sci-libs/plplot-5.15.0_p6-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] test-drv-info.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945156 - "dev-lang/eisl-5.38 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] ld: cannot find ciiexcept.o: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945163 - "Document snapshots (how to make them, when to use/not use them)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945167 - "<dev-util/jenkins-bin-{2.479.2:lts,2.487:0}: Denial of Service" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945175 - "[guru] dev-games/unityhub-3.9.1 installs files with unresolved SONAME dependencies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945177 - "dev-libs/dmalloc-5.6.5-r2 installs shared libraries that lack NEEDED entries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945178 - "net-irc/rhapsody-0.28b-r1 fails to compile: option.c:1118:44: error: too many arguments to function create_edit_user_form" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945179 - "net-im/bitlbee-steam-1.4.2 fails to compile: steam-api.c:136:14: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945180 - "net-ftp/linksys-tftp-1.2.1-r4 fails to compile: tftp.c:467:15: error: conflicting types for index; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945181 - "net-ftp/cmdftp-0.9.8 fails to compile: cmdftp.c:586:15: error: too many arguments to function cmd_functions[idx]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945182 - "net-dns/maradns-3.5.0036 fails to compile: MaraHash.c:53:8: error: conflicting types for mhash_create; have mhash (int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945184 - "net-dialup/mwavem-2.0-r2 fails to compile: meiovect.c:110:19: error: too many arguments to function dspMeioOpeni" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945185 - "net-dialup/mgetty-1.2.1-r4 fails to compile: hyla_nsf.c:42:14: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945186 - "net-analyzer/ttcp-1.12-r3 fails to compile: ttcp.c:335:17: error: too many arguments to function err" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945187 - "net-analyzer/trafshow-5.2.3-r1 fails to compile: events.c:151:26: error: too many arguments to function func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945188 - "net-analyzer/traceproto-1.1.2_beta1 fails to compile: traceproto.h:89:6: error: expected { before bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945189 - "net-analyzer/thc-ipv6-3.8 fails to compile: thc-ipv6-lib.c:127:36: error: too many arguments to function thc_open_ipv6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945190 - "net-analyzer/tcptrace-6.6.7_p6-r2 fails to compile: filter.h:121:17: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945191 - "net-analyzer/nttcp-1.47-r3 fails to compile: nttcp.c:1381:17: error: too many arguments to function StrVecCreate" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945192 - "net-analyzer/mping-2.01 fails to compile: mping.c:257:7: error: conflicting types for inet_ntoa; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945193 - "net-analyzer/labrea-2.5_p1 fails to compile: bget.c:560:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945194 - "net-analyzer/iplog-2.2.3-r3 fails to compile: iplog.h:85:16: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945195 - "net-analyzer/fragroute-1.2.6-r4 fails to compile: bget.c:560:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945196 - "net-analyzer/dhcp_probe-1.3.1 fails to compile: report.c:257:22: error: conflicting types for strerror; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945197 - "net-analyzer/cacti-spine-1.2.20 fails to compile: error.c:68:49: error: too many arguments to function backtrace" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945198 - "media-sound/abcm2ps-8.14.15 fails to compile: format.c:1161:29: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945199 - "media-sound/bristol-0.60.11-r4 fails to compile: audioGUI.c:198:16: error: too many arguments to function getOSSRecordability" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945200 - "media-sound/chordii-4.5.3 fails to compile: toc.c:133:17: error: too many arguments to function do_end_of_page" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945201 - "media-sound/cvoicecontrol-0.9_alpha-r2 fails to compile: model.c:510:6: error: conflicting types for activateAllSamples; have void(Model )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945202 - "media-sound/gmtp-1.3.11-r3 fails to compile: interface.c:716:20: error: too many arguments to function setupFolderList" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945203 - "media-sound/gstreamripper-0.2-r1 fails to compile: callbacks.c:89:25: error: too many arguments to function showError" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945204 - "media-sound/helvum-0.5.1-r3 fails to compile: error: failed to run custom build command for libspa-sys v0.7.2 thread main panicked at lib.rs:604:31:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945205 - "media-sound/madplay-0.15.2b-r2 fails to compile: dcigettext.c:154:7: error: conflicting types for getcwd; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945206 - "media-sound/mp3c-0.31-r1 fails to compile: keys.c:578:9: error: too many arguments to function option_menu" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945207 - "dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia-2.0.1 fails to compile: getopt.h:169:12: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945208 - "media-sound/mup-6.9 fails to compile: rational.c:215:8: error: conflicting types for raterrfuncp; have void ()(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945212 - "[guru] games-action/netrek-brmh-2.6.0 fails to compile: protos.h:21:14: error: conflicting types for getdefault; have char (char )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945213 - "[guru] games-action/netrek-cow-3.3.2 fails to compile: option.c:400:44: error: passing argument 2 of W_SetWindowKeyDownHandler from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945214 - "[guru] games-board/openriichi- fails to compile: OpenGLRenderer.c:2715:108: error: passing argument 6 of __glewVertexAttribPointer makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945215 - "[guru] games-fps/quakespasm-0.94.1-r1 fails to compile: q_stdinc.h:131:9: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945216 - "[guru] games-util/chiaki-2.1.1-r2 fails to compile: munit.c:802:33: error: implicit declaration of function ATOMIC_VAR_INIT [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945218 - "[guru] games-puzzle/blockout-2.5 overwrites CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS or adds uncommon ones" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945219 - "[guru] gui-apps/fuzzel-1.11.1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945222 - "[guru] gui-apps/hyprswitch-1.3.1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945223 - "[guru] gui-apps/ironbar-0.16.0-r1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945224 - "[guru] gui-apps/lan-mouse-0.7.3-r1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945225 - "[guru] gui-libs/gtk4-layer-shell-1.0.4 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945234 - "[guru] gui-apps/pop-launcher-1.2.1 fails to compile: warning: libmimalloc-sys@0.1.24: os.c:993:35: error: implicit declaration of function ATOMIC_VAR_INIT [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945235 - "[guru] gui-apps/sddm-conf-0.2.0 fails to compile: Could not find a package configuration file provided by Qt5Widgets with" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945236 - "[guru] gui-apps/sfwbar-1.0_beta16 fails to compile: monitor.c:54:12: error: initialization of void ()(void , struct wl_surface , struct wl_output ) from incompatible pointer type void ()(void) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945237 - "[guru] gui-apps/someblocks-1.0.1 fails to compile: someblocks.c:210:25: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945240 - "media-video/lxdvdrip-1.77-r2 fails to compile: vaporize.c:517:8: error: too many arguments to function ReadFun" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945241 - "sys-apps/tuned: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:trivial
- Bug:945242 - "dev-perl/SDL-2.548.0-r3 fails to compile: SDL_perl.c:654:13: error: conflicting types for boot_SDL; have void(CV ) {aka void(struct cv )}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945243 - "media-video/dvbsnoop-1.4.50-r3 fails to compile: sectables.c:409:4: error: too many arguments to function t->func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945244 - "media-sound/pwavecat-0.4.5 fails to compile: parts.c:41:14: error: conflicting types for lookup_part; have struct part (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945246 - "sys-apps/systemd-utils-255.15 stable request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945249 - "app-text/a2ps-4.15.6 - [libtool] [gcc-15] parseppd.y: error: conflicting types for yyprint; have void(FILE , int, YYSTYPE)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945250 - "sys-process/atop-2.11.0 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] showprocs.c: error: too many arguments to function curelem.pf->doactiveconvert" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945252 - "sci-mathematics/slepc-3.21.1 - [meson] [libtool] makefile:28: libslepcvariables: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945253 - "app-admin/rsyslog-8.2406.0-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] conf.c: error: passing argument 4 of regCfSysLineHdlr from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945257 - "sys-fs/lessfs-1.7.0-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] lessfs.c: error: too many arguments to function try_replbl_lock" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945259 - "net-vpn/isatapd-0.9.7-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] isatap.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945260 - "net-wireless/linssid-3.6-r2 - MainForm.cpp: error: fullPrefsNameCstr violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945261 - "dev-libs/m17n-lib-1.8.4-r1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] medit.c: error: too many arguments to function read_file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945262 - "media-sound/wavsplit-1.2.1-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] wavsplit.c: error: too many arguments to function findchunk" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945263 - "app-editors/nedit-5.7 - [libtool] [gcc-15] getfiles.c: error: too many arguments to function OrigDirSearchProc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945267 - "media-sound/tagtool-0.12.3-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] audio_file.c: error: too many arguments to function f->edit_unload" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945269 - "sys-apps/locale-gen: the default behavior keeps outdated/broken locales with empty config" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:blocker
- Bug:945270 - "app-text/gtranslator-46.1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] gtr-projects.c: error: conflicting types for gtr_projects_new; have GtrProjects (GtrWindow ) {aka struct _GtrProjects (stru" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945272 - "media-sound/tk707-0.8-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] util707.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945273 - "dev-util/hip uses LLVM 19, even with LLVM_SLOT=18" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945274 - "dev-cpp/glog-0.7.1 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945276 - "dev-util/intel_clc: bundles dev-libs/blake3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945278 - "packages.gentoo.org implies any masked package is going to be removed/is last-rited" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945279 - "[guru] net-vpn/GlobalProtect-openconnect-2.3.9 fails to compile: window.rs:812:(.text._ZN3tao13platform_impl8platform6window6Window17raw_window_handle17h6759b4f91088860aE+0x207): undefined reference to gdk_wayland_window_get_wl_surface" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945281 - "media-video/alevt-1.8.2 fails to compile: cache.c:199:17: error: too many arguments to function func" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945282 - "dev-java/openjdk-11.0.25_p9 fails to compile: DefaultProxySelector.c:389:16: error: too many arguments to function g_proxy_resolver_lookup" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945283 - "media-tv/dvbtune-0.5-r1 fails to compile: dvbtune.c:1341:15: error: too many arguments to function get_unscanned" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945284 - "media-libs/libid3tag: headers incompatible with C23 (media-sound/ripperx-2.7.3 fails to compile: expr: syntax error: missing argument after -)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945287 - "media-sound/spek-0.8.5-r1 fails to compile: spek-audio.h:36:13: error: int64_t does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945288 - "media-sound/vorbis-tools-1.4.2-r4 fails to compile: dcigettext.c:155:7: error: conflicting types for getcwd; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945289 - "media-sound/vorbisgain-0.37-r5 fails to compile: getopt.c:399:21: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945290 - "media-sound/wavegain-1.3.1-r1 fails to compile: getopt.c:399:21: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945291 - "media-video/alevt-1.8.2 fails to compile: ui.c:159:57: error: passing argument 5 of w->vbi->cache->op->foreach_pg from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945292 - "media-video/xvattr-1.3-r3 fails to compile: getopt.h:147:12: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945293 - "net-analyzer/arp-sk-0.0.16-r2 fails to compile: getopt.h:147:12: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945294 - "net-analyzer/authforce-0.9.9-r4 fails to compile: signal.c:27:24: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945295 - "net-analyzer/snort-2.9.20 fails to compile: getopt_long.c:293:23: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945297 - "net-analyzer/firewalk-5.0-r2 fails to compile: init.c:62:27: error: passing argument 2 of catch_sig from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945298 - "net-analyzer/fwlogwatch-1.5-r1 fails to compile: modes.c:438:18: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945299 - "[guru] gui-apps/wdisplays-1.1.1 fails to compile: outputs.c:529:15: error: initialization of void ()(void , struct zwlr_output_manager_v1 ) from incompatible pointer type void ()(void) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945304 - "[guru] media-libs/libbpg-0.9.8-r1 fails to compile: CMake Error: Could not find cmake module file: CMakeASM_YASMLinkerInformation.cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945311 - "[guru] net-fs/hubicfuse-3.0.1 fails to compile: commonfs.h:6:16: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945313 - "[guru] media-video/stremio-4.4.168 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945314 - "[guru] net-im/Quaternion- fails to compile: quaternionroom.cpp:110:30: error: localUser was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945317 - "net-analyzer/hydra-9.5-r10 fails to compile: hydra-mod.c:200:21: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945318 - "net-analyzer/ike-scan-1.9.5 fails to compile: getopt.h:147:12: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945319 - "media-sound/glurp-0.12.3 fails to compile: support.c:72:10: error: conflicting types for statusbar_reset; have gboolean(void ) {aka int(void )}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945320 - "sys-fabric/mstflint-4.30.0_p1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] bit_slice.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945321 - "net-analyzer/pktstat-1.8.5-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] resize.c: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945322 - "app-editors/gnome-latex-3.46.0 - [libtool] build_tools_preferences.c: error: assignment to GtkBox {aka struct _GtkBox } from incompatible pointer type GtkWidget {aka stru" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945323 - "dev-lang/parrot-8.1.0-r4 - [meson] [libtool] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945325 - "sci-mathematics/why3-for-spark-2021-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] srccpulimit-unix.c: error: assignment to _sighandler_t {aka void ( )(int)} from incompatible point" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945326 - "app-misc/openrgb-0.9 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] ControllersRGBController_AlienwareAW510K.cpp: error: type struct led_type violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Wer" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945334 - "dev-tex/biblatex-3.19 installs the same files with USE=doc" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945335 - "media-sound/cdtool-2.1.8-r2 fails to compile: cdctrl.c:252:24: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945336 - "[TRACKER] llvm.eclass removal" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945337 - "dev-php/pecl-ssh2-1.3.1-r1 collides with other packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945338 - "dev-php/pecl-stomp-2.0.3 collides with other packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945339 - "dev-php/xdebug-3.2.1 fails to compile: develop.c:75:6: error: conflicting types for xdebug_develop_minit; have void(int, int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945340 - "app-antivirus/clamav: update to llvm-r1 or remove llvm.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945341 - "dev-cpp/eigen: update to llvm-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945343 - "dev-lang/ghc: update to llvm-r1 or remove llvm.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945344 - "dev-lisp/c2ffi: update to llvm-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945345 - "dev-util/edi: update to llvm-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945346 - "dev-util/gnome-builder: update to llvm-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945347 - "media-gfx/openvdb: update to llvm-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945348 - "sci-libs/symengine: update to llvm-r1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945350 - "sys-devel/sparse: update to llvm-r1 or remove llvm.eclass" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945353 - "net-analyzer/pmacct-1.7.8 fails to compile: nfprobe_plugin.c:1521:3: error: too many arguments to function set_net_funcs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945354 - "sys-firmware/edk2-202408 fails to compile: main.c:163:42: error: too many arguments to function p->process" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945355 - "sys-apps/portage: add a @chost-rebuild set" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945357 - "app-emulation/virtualbox-7.0.22 and friends: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945359 - "virtual/bitcoin-leveldb-0-r2 is blocking cleanup of dev-libs/leveldb" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945362 - "app-office/texmaker-5.1.4 - [ncurses-6.5] pdfiumfpdfapi_jmemnobs.c: error: type of FXMEM_DefaultAlloc does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945364 - "dev-php/pecl-eio: please add php 8.3 support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945376 - "dev-python/pymongo-4.10.1 - lto1: internal compiler error: resolution sub id <snip> not in object file" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945384 - "Enable FEATURES=binpkg-request-signature by default" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945385 - "Change default remote-downloaded binpkg location" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945396 - "app-i18n/kakasi-2.3.6-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] file collision with dev-python/pykakasi-2.3.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945397 - "sci-visualization/gwyddion-2.62-r3 - [libtool] [gcc-15] toolbox.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(void , gint, GtkCheckMe" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945401 - "games-misc/gBhed-0.17-r2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] gbhed.c: error: conflicting types for destroy; have gboolean(GtkWidget , GdkEvent , void ) {aka int(struct _GtkWidget , unio" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945402 - "media-plugins/vdr-fritzbox-1.5.4 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] TcpClient.h: error: type struct TcpClient violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Werror=odr]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945405 - "games-simulation/openrct2-0.4.16 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] [577/616] x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ -DDOCDIR=\openrct2-0.4.16\ -DOPENGL_NO_LINK -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945441 - "dev-python/python-ironicclient-5.9.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945461 - "net-libs/grpc-1.66.0 - [ncurses-6.5] sh:line <snip>: --grpc_out=generate_mock_code=true:gens: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945462 - "games-fps/nexuiz-2.5.2-r1 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [gcc-15] qtypes.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945465 - "app-emulation/qemu-7.2.15: stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945466 - "media-plugins/obs-multi-rtmp - Promotion from GURU" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945468 - "net-dialup/mgetty-1.2.1-r4 fails to compile: modem.c:65:22: error: passing argument 2 of signal from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945469 - "net-dns/djbdns-1.05-r40 fails to compile: buffer_put.c:11:9: error: too many arguments to function op" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945470 - "net-firewall/nftables-1.1.1 fails to compile: if_ether.h:119:1: error: redefinition of struct or union struct ethhdr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945471 - "net-ftp/yafc-1.3.7-r2 fails to compile: fnmatch.c:150:11: error: too many arguments to function gmatch" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945472 - "dev-java/jansi-2.4.1 fails to compile: jansi_structs.c:65:19: error: struct termios has no member named c_ispeed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945473 - "net-libs/libtorrent-0.14.0 fails to compile: log_buffer.h:13:20: error: expected ) before t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945474 - "net-libs/libgsasl-1.10.0 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945496 - "sys-devel/crossdev: add support for amdgcn/rocm offloading via GCC" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945502 - "dev-lang/ruby-3.2.6-r2 - [gcc-15] init.c: error: too many arguments to function Rconnect" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945504 - "app-text/u2ps-1.2 - [libtool] [gcc-15] u2ps.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945507 - "dev-lang/pypy- calls cc directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945508 - "dev-libs/roct-thunk-interface-6.1.2 fails to compile: Assemble.cpp:88:5: error: llvm_shutdown was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945509 - "media-libs/libpano13-2.9.22 fails to compile: optimize.c:134:17: error: too many arguments to function fcn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945510 - "sys-apps/systemd-utils-254.21: stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945512 - "net-mail/checkpassword-pam-0.99-r3 fails to compile: getopt.c:402:21: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945513 - "net-mail/mboxgrep-0.7.9-r3 fails to compile: getopt.c:350:16: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945514 - "net-mail/mess822-0.58-r3 fails to compile: mess822_quote.c:48:8: error: too many arguments to function stralloc_cats" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945515 - "net-mail/mlmmj-1.4.7 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945516 - "net-mail/nmzmail-1.1-r2 fails to compile: nmzmail.c:106:25: error: too many arguments to function get_query" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945517 - "net-misc/libteam-1.32-r1 fails to compile: teamd_usock.c:280:40: error: passing argument 2 of accept from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945519 - "net-misc/nx- fails to compile: dbe.c:1861:31: error: too many arguments to function DbeInitFunct[i]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945520 - "net-misc/netpipes-4.2-r2 fails to compile: sockdown.c:48:5: error: too many arguments to function set_progname" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945521 - "net-misc/portfwd-0.29-r2 fails to compile: getopt.c:402:21: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945522 - "net-misc/wol-0.7.1-r4 fails to compile: dcigettext.c:154:7: error: conflicting types for getcwd; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945523 - "net-misc/gsasl-2.2.1 has implicit function declarations in configure logs" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945525 - "[guru] net-im/legcord-bin-1.0.2 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945526 - "[guru] net-im/mautrix-signal-0.7.3-r2 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945527 - "[guru] net-misc/inv_sig_helper-0_pre20240924 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945528 - "[guru] net-p2p/fragments-3.0.1-r1 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945529 - "[guru] net-print/hpuld- absolute symlink points to a file inside the image directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945530 - "[guru] sci-electronics/dsview-1.3.2 misses package(s) in RDEPEND" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945541 - "net-dns/knot-3.2.9: stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945564 - "sci-libs/atlas-3.11.41: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945567 - "sci-libs/armadillo-12.8.2: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945591 - "perl-core/Scalar-List-Utils-1.680.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945592 - "virtual/perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.680.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945606 - "virtual/perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.213.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945615 - "dev-db/psqlodbc-15.00.0000: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945642 - "dev-libs/rocr-runtime-5.5.1 - [libtool] [gcc-15] No LLVM slot <= 16 satisfying the packages dependencies found installed!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945643 - "dev-lang/ruby-3.3.6-r1 - [gcc-15] console.c: error: static declaration of rb_io_closed_p follows non-static declaration" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945644 - "games-roguelike/crossfire-client-1.71.0-r100 - [gcc-15] config.c: error: passing argument 3 of scandir from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945645 - "xfce-base/xfce4-meta: rekeyword" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945646 - "media-sound/audacity-3.7.0: please stabilize" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945647 - "app-text/multitail-7.1.5 - [gcc-15] mt.c: error: implicit declaration of function waddnwstr" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945649 - "sys-cluster/ceph-19.2.0-r2 stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945682 - "sys-cluster/drbd-utils-9.27.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945692 - "dev-python/protobuf: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945694 - "dev-db/sqlitebrowser-3.13.1 fails to compile: Could not find a package configuration file provided by Qt5Concurrent" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945695 - "dev-ruby/with_advisory_lock-5.1.0 fails tests: LoadError: cannot load such file yard" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945696 - "sci-geosciences/gpsbabel-1.9.0-r1 fails to compile: Could NOT find Qt6SerialPort (missing: Qt6SerialPort_DIR)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945699 - "media-plugins/vdr-serial-0.0.6a-r2 calls g++ directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945701 - "[guru] net-im/iamb-0.0.9 fails to compile: error: could not compile time (lib) due to 1 previous error - error[E0282]: type annotations needed for Box<_>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945705 - "[guru] net-p2p/gridcoin- fails to compile: ui_interface.h:112:102: error: uint32_t has not been declared" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945706 - "[guru] net-wireless/airspyhf-1.6.8 fails to compile: airspyhf_rx.c:41:13: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945707 - "[guru] sci-chemistry/xcrysden-1.6.2 fails to compile: xcBz.c:1400:10: error: conflicting types for fabs; have double(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945708 - "[guru] sci-electronics/slang-7.0 fails to compile: DirectedGraph.h:82:32: error: class netlist::Node<NodeType, EdgeType> has no member named Edges [-Wtemplate-body]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945709 - "[guru] sys-apps/openSeaChest-24.08.1 fails to compile: memory_safety.c:299:16: error: implicit declaration of function memset_explicit [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945710 - "[guru] sys-devel/fcode-utils-1.0.3 fails to compile: types.h:63:52: error: expected ;, identifier or ( before bool" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945711 - "[guru] sys-fs/dwarfs-0.10.1 fails to compile: fatal: unable to access : Could not resolve host: github.com" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945712 - "[guru] www-apps/gotosocial-0.10.0 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945714 - "[guru] www-apps/zola-0.19.2-r1 fails to compile: warning: onig_sys@69.8.1: regparse.c:588:5: error: initialization of int ()(void) from incompatible pointer type int ()(st_str_end_key , st_str_end_key ) [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945716 - "media-gfx/libimagequant-4.3.0-r1 fails to compile: assertion left == right failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945717 - "dev-lang/python-2.7.18_p16-r2 fails to compile: asdl.h:9:15: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945718 - "dev-python/python-cinderclient-9.6.0 fails tests: v3.test_auth.AuthenticateAgainstKeystoneTests.test_auth_redirect .. DEBUG:cinderclient.client:Load http response text error: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945719 - "net-news/yydecode-0.2.10-r3 fails to compile: getopt.c:305:21: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945720 - "net-p2p/amule-2.3.3-r4 fails to compile: dcigettext.c:146:7: error: conflicting types for getcwd; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945721 - "net-p2p/retroshare-0.6.7-r2 fails to compile: packet-parse.c:1514:19: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945722 - "net-proxy/dante-1.4.3 fails to compile: sockd.h:1626:4: error: unknown type name cpu_set_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945723 - "dev-libs/argtable-2.13-r4 fails to compile: unistd.h:127:5: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(int, char const, const char )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945724 - "sci-biology/phyml-2.4.5-r4 fails to compile: optimiz.c:1199:14: error: passing argument 6 of BFGS from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945726 - "mail-mta/sendmail- fails to compile: mailstats.c:68:22: error: conflicting types for ctime; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945733 - "mail-mta/postfix-3.9.0-r2 fails to compile: mail_params.h:17:13: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945736 - "sci-biology/rnaview-20040713-r5 fails to compile: rnaview.c:962:9: error: too many arguments to function process_3d_fig" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945737 - "sci-biology/unafold-3.8-r1 fails to compile: getopt.c:404:21: error: too many arguments to function getenv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945738 - "app-text/ttf2pk2-2.0_p20240311 fails to compile: getopt.h:133:20: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945739 - "sci-calculators/galculator-2.1.4-r2 fails to compile: ui.c:177:38: error: initialization of void ()(void) from incompatible pointer type void ()(GtkToggleButton ) {aka void ()(struct _GtkToggleButton )} [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945741 - "app-arch/zoo-2.10-r6 fails to compile: lzh.c:21:21: error: conflicting types for encode; have void(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945743 - "app-admin/bitwarden-desktop-bin-2024.11.2 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945744 - "app-admin/bitwarden-desktop-bin-2024.11.2 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945755 - "dev-libs/libfmt-11.0.2: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945756 - "net-libs/enet-1.3.18: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945757 - "games-emulation/dolphin-2407, media-libs/libspng-0.7.4: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945760 - "sys-apps/progress-0.15-r1 - [libtool] Makefile:<snip>: pkg-config command not found. Stop." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945763 - "sci-astronomy/celestia-1.7.0_pre20221215 - [texlive] base.h: error: passing const fmt::v11::formatter<{anonymous}::M3DChunkType> as this argument discards qualifiers [-fp" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945764 - "app-text/cmark-0.31.1 - missing subslot bump?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945767 - "Please stabilize dev-ml packages" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945789 - "sci-chemistry/gromacs-2025.0_beta fails to compile: gmxapicompat.h:103:23: error: int64_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945790 - "sci-chemistry/moldy-2.16e-r2 fails to compile: algorith.c:225:7: error: too many arguments to function q_to_rot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945791 - "sci-chemistry/surf-1.0 fails to compile: lp.c:29:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945792 - "sci-electronics/gerbv-2.7.0 fails to compile: attribute.c:361:37: error: passing argument 10 of ghid_spin_button from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945793 - "sci-electronics/gsmc-1.1-r3 fails to compile: widget.c:59:39: error: initialization of void ()(void) from incompatible pointer type void ()(GtkWidget , void ) {aka void ()(struct _GtkWidget , void )} [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945794 - "sci-electronics/gtkwave-3.3.121 fails to compile: gnu-getopt.h:143:12: error: conflicting types for getopt; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945795 - "sci-electronics/pcb-4.3.0 fails to compile: dcigettext.c:147:7: error: conflicting types for getcwd; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945803 - "media-sound/ripperx-2.7.3 - [gcc-15] globals.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945804 - "dev-libs/glib-2.82.2 - [gcc-15] ERROR: cant resolve libraries to shared libraries: sysprof-capture-4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945805 - "mail-filter/scmail-1.3 - [texlive] sh:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945806 - "net-libs/xrootd-5.7.2 - [app-crypt/heimdal] XrdSecProtocolkrb5.cc: error: krb5_creds {aka struct krb5_creds} has no member named ticket_flags" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945807 - "dev-util/crash-8.0.6 - [meson] [gcc-15] signals.c: error: return with a value, in function returning void [-Wreturn-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945810 - "net-mail/safecat-1.13-r2 - [gcc-15] sig.c: error: assignment to _sighandler_t {aka void ( )(int)} from incompatible pointer type void ( )(void) [-Wincompatible-pointer-ty" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945811 - "net-mail/safecat-1.13-r2 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] safecat.c: error: passing argument 2 of set_handler from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-poi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945816 - "dev-python/wand-0.6.13 fails tests (hang)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945818 - "app-text/sdcv-0.5.5 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] gunicode.h: error: invalid conversion from const gchar {aka const char } to gchar {aka char } [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945819 - "<dev-ruby/rails-html-sanitizer-1.6.1: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945823 - "<net-im/synapse-1.120.2: Multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945824 - "dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2.1.28-r5 - [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] gssapi.c: error: implicit declaration of function gsskrb5_register_acceptor_identity [-Wimplicit-function-decla" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945825 - "dev-scheme/cyclone-0.36.0 - [meson] [gcc-15] scheme/read.c: error: too many arguments to function (void ( )(void))((closure0_type )_glo_Cyc_91opaque_91unsafe_91string_127" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945828 - "sys-power/powertop-2.15: error: gettext infrastructure mismatch: using a Makefile.in.in from gettext version 0.18 but the autoconf macros are from gettext versi" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945829 - "java-pkg-simple.eclass: add support to files for the resources" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945839 - "<www-client/chromium-131.0.6778.108, <www-client/google-chrome-131.0.6778.108, www-client/microsoft-edge-131.0.2903.86, www-client/opera: Type confusion in V8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945845 - "<dev-lang/python-{3.13.1,3.12.8,3.11.11,3.10.16,3.9.21,3.8.20_p3}, <dev-lang/pypy- multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945854 - "dev-python/mkdocs-ansible: version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945862 - "net-im/telegram-desktop-5.8.3-r1 fails to compile: webview_linux_webkitgtk.cpp:809:36: error: class gi::repository::Gio::Credentials has no member named get_unix_pid" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945870 - "dev-db/sqlite-3.47.0-r1 fails test - [meson] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945871 - "games-fps/chocolate-doom-3.1.0 - [gcc-15] doomtype.h: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945874 - "www.gentoo.org: Add hyperlink to LiveGUI USB Image checksums to the download site for AMD64" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945881 - "media-gfx/icoutils-0.32.3 - [meson] Failed running autoconf!" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945883 - "media-sound/lash-0.5.4-r6 - [gcc-15] SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to print. Did you mean print(...)?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945889 - "<dev-python/django-{5.1.4,5.0.10,4.2.17}: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945895 - "x11-terms/kitty-0.37.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:945897 - "app-metrics/mysqld_exporter-0.14.0_p20230328 fails test - [meson] Make test failed. See above for details." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945899 - "[guru] dev-python/pyrime-0.0.7 fails to compile: meson.build:19:0: ERROR: Command autopxd rime_api.h rime_api.pxd failed with status 1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945907 - "media-libs/gd: fails gdimagestringft/gdimagestringft_bbox test" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945912 - "sys-apps/ipmiutil-3.1.9 - make: TMPDIR value ipmiutil-3.1.9: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945916 - "~dev-libs/boost-1.86.0 typo in member data that breaks compilation when used" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945917 - "dev-db/psqlodbc-16.00.0000 - [gcc-15] psqlodbc.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945920 - "=sys-devel/gcc-15.0.0_pre20241201: build failure: TlsPreTcbSize' was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945936 - "[Tracker] Build failures with sys-kernel/linux-headers-6.12" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945946 - "[guru] media-libs/amdvlk-2024.4.2 fails to compile: Package wayland-client not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945947 - "app-text/ps2pkm-1.8_p20230311 fails to compile: fontfcn.h:67:13: error: conflicting types for Type1CloseFont; have void(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945948 - "dev-python/fonttools-4.55.2: differing files per wheel" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945960 - "sys-auth/sssd-2.9.6 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945963 - "sys-auth/sssd-2.9.6 installs deprecated .egg/.egg-info" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945964 - "sci-libs/vtk-9.3.1[cgns] fails to compile with sci-libs/hdf5[-cxx] CMake error: "missing: HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS"" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945975 - "x11-terms/ptyxis-46.8 fails to compile: meson.build:85:18: ERROR: Dependency libportal-gtk4 not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945976 - "x11-misc/xpad-5.8.0-r1 fails to compile: error: gettext infrastructure mismatch: using a Makefile.in.in from gettext version 0.20 but the autoconf macros are from gettext version 0.22" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945978 - "multiple values for sync-uri in repos.conf" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945981 - "net-nds/openldap-2.6.8 - [meson] [gcc-15] econf called in src_compile instead of src_configure" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945982 - "www-servers/varnish-7.5.0 - [gcc-15] vcc_std_if.h: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945983 - "net-vpn/ovpn-dco-0.2.20231117 - [ncurses-6.5] [meson] [libtool] [gcc-15] main.c: error: NETIF_F_LLTX undeclared (first use in this function)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:945984 - "app-emulation/vendor-reset-0.1.1_pre20221205-r2 - atom.c: fatal error: asm/unaligned.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946003 - "media-fonts/unifont-14.0.03 - [meson] [gcc-15] unicoverage.c: error: too many arguments to function nextrange" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946004 - "dev-python/pydantic: rekeyword" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:946034 - "dev-python/oslo-config-9.7.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:946046 - "media-libs/alure-1.2-r4 - ld: libalure.so.1.2.0: undefined reference to FLAC_stream_decoder_seek_absolute" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946056 - "net-libs/tox: add version 0.2.20" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946057 - "media-video/obs-studio-31.0.0-r1 fails to compile: ld: libobs.so.30: undefined reference to XDefaultScreen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946058 - "net-analyzer/gvm-libs-22.15.0 fails to compile: The following required packages were not found: - json-glib-1.0>=1.4.4" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946059 - "media-video/obs-studio-31.0.0-r1 calls objdump directly" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946062 - "app-accessibility/edbrowse- fails to compile: eb.h:75:15: error: two or more data types in declaration specifiers" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946063 - "app-containers/apptainer-1.3.2 fails to compile: starter.h:77:5: error: expected identifier before false" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946064 - "app-crypt/mit-krb5-appl-1.0.3-r4 fails to compile: krlogind.c:215:14: error: conflicting types for ‘ptsname’; have ‘char *(void)’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946065 - "app-crypt/nwipe-0.37 fails to compile: isaac_rand.c:30:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946066 - "app-crypt/yubihsm-shell-2.4.0 fails to compile: winscard.h:41:10: fatal error: pcsclite.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946073 - "net-firewall/iptables-1.8.11: fails to build with musl (error: redefinition of 'ethhdr')" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946090 - "dev-lang/polyml-5.9.1 - [meson] [gcc-15] elf.h: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ( token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946091 - "net-vpn/riseup-vpn-0.24.8 - [gcc-15] WARNING: Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: quickcontrols2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946098 - "app-text/pdfarranger-1.11.1 stable request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946099 - "dev-games/clanlib* stable request for latest eapi8 revisions" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946104 - "media-sound/soundconverter-4.0.5 stable request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946111 - "dev-scheme/bigloo-4.5b-r1 - [gcc-15] configure script failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946122 - "app-arch/p7zip-17.05-r1: lots of (old) zip archives can't be unzipped by this version" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946123 - "dev-util/xmlindent-0.2.17-r3 - [gcc-15] lto1: internal compiler error:<snip> Segmentation fault" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946128 - "mail-client/alpine-2.26-r5: eautoreconf fails with sys-devel/gettext-0.23 (Failed running aclocal!)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946139 - "net-wireless/broadcom-sta- - [meson] [gcc-15] ERROR: net-wireless/broadcom-sta- failed (setup phase):" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946142 - "app-text/texlive-core-2024-r1 fails to compile: ustring.c:399:19: error: conflicting types for strtod; have double(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946143 - "dev-libs/dietlibc-0.34 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946146 - "dev-cpp/opentelemetry-cpp-1.16.1 fails to compile: severity.h:20:21: error: found : in nested-name-specifier, expected ::" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946147 - "dev-db/firebird- fails to compile: c++0x_warning.h:32:2: error: error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard This support must be enabled with the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946153 - "dev-vcs/subversion: mod_dav_svn denial-of-service via control characters in paths" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:946159 - "[Tracker] Build failures with sys-devel/gettext-0.23" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946161 - "dev-util/lcov-2.2 bump request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946162 - "dev-dotnet/dotnet-sdk-9.0.100-r2 - build failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946163 - "sys-apps/pcsc-lite-2.3.0: doesn't see devices." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:major
- Bug:946177 - "sys-cluster/charm-6.8.2 fails to compile: setjmp64_.c:66:14: error: passing argument 1 of _longjmp from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946182 - "sys-libs/glibc-2.40-r7: tst-pkey fails" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946183 - "Skipped updates can lead to dependency conflicts when it shouldn't (mostly observed with Qt when have e.g. <qtbase-6.8)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946187 - "gnome-extra/cjs-6.2.0 - regress.c: fatal error: cairo-gobject.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946188 - "net-p2p/energi3-3.0.8 - [meson] [gcc-15] go: updates to go.mod needed, disabled by -mod=vendor; to update it:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946189 - "app-editors/hteditor-2.1.1_pre20161206 - [meson] [gcc-15] evalparse.c: error: too many arguments to function yylex" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946190 - "dev-dotnet/dotnet-sdk-9.0.100-r2 - AddressSpace.hpp:(<snip>) multiple definition of _libunwind_cet_get_jump_target; Registers.hpp:322: first defined here" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946193 - "[Future EAPI] Update Bash version to 5.2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946197 - "net-libs/xrootd-5.6.9: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:946199 - "TeX Live 2024 re-keywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946204 - "sys-apps/ucspi-proxy-1.1 fails to compile: ucspi-proxy.h:22:13: error: bool cannot be defined via typedef" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946205 - "sys-apps/heirloom-tools-070715-r6 fails to compile: run.c:64:10: error: expected identifier or ( before true" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946206 - "sys-apps/baobab-46.0 fails tests: 1 validate-appdata FAIL 0.01s exit status 3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946207 - "app-laptop/pbbuttonsd-0.8.1a fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946208 - "app-misc/ckermit-9.0.302 fails to compile: ckuus3.c:4025:17: error: expected identifier or ( before true" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946211 - "dev-util/rr - request for live (9999) ebuild" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946223 - "dev-perl/DBD-mysql-5.7.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946235 - "dev-lang/rust-1.54.0[verify-sig] - distfiles lack detached signatures" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946253 - "<www-client/chromium-131.0.6778.139, <www-client/google-chrome-131.0.6778.139, <www-client/microsoft-edge-131.0.2903.99, <www-client/opera-115.0.5322.77: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946255 - "net-wireless/gqrx: version bump: 2.17.6" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946258 - "mail-filter/courier-pythonfilter-3.0.6-r1: Please stabilize" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946272 - "[guru] games-util/mangohud-0.7.2 fails to compile: vulkan.cpp:(.text+0x37ba): undefined reference to spdlog::details::log_msg::log_msg(spdlog::source_loc, fmt::v11::basic_string_view<char>, spdlog::level::level_enum, fmt::v11::basic_string_view<char>)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946273 - "sci-visualization/grace-5.1.25_p17 fails to compile: jv.c:73:5: error: conflicting types for airy; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946274 - "app-misc/muttprint-0.73-r5 fails to compile: muttprint-langinfo.h:2:13: error: bool cannot be defined via typedef" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946275 - "sci-visualization/quickplot-1.0.1_rc - cat: ./REPO_VERSION: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946276 - "sys-libs/glibc-2.40-r7 fails test - [texlive] FAIL: io/bug-ftw1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946280 - "sci-physics/rivet-3.1.10-r1 fails to compile: emitterutils.cpp:221:11: error: uint16_t was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946283 - "dev-libs/c-blosc-1.21.6 fails to compile: shuffle.c:26:15: error: bool cannot be defined via typedef" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946284 - "dev-libs/kdsingleapplication-1.1.0-r1 fails to compile: 2 - tst_stresstest (Subprocess aborted)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946289 - "kde-plasma/plasma-workspace: Region & Language KCM injects invalid locales into /etc/locale.gen" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946290 - "app-office/libreoffice- Broken SRC_URI for USE=okd" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946317 - "app-doc/eclass-manpages: don't work with app-alternatives/awk[nawk] (wrong shebang?)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946319 - "net-irc/psybnc-2.4.3 - emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946320 - "games-rpg/kqlives-0.99-r100 - maps/mapdraw.h: error: type of map_path does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946323 - "x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.41-r1: fails to build against glib[static-libs]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946327 - "media-libs/mesa-24.2.8 fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946332 - "media-libs/plotutils-2.6-r3 fails to compile: sys-defines.h:258:16: error: cannot use keyword false as enumeration constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946333 - "sci-libs/punc-1.5 fails to compile: sh: line 21: cd: umfpack: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946335 - "sci-mathematics/petsc-3.22.2 - econf failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946336 - "sys-apps/pkgcraft-tools: add shell completion" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:minor
- Bug:946338 - "sys-devel/gcc RISCV OoM when using MAKEOPTS >1 - collect2: fatal error: ld terminated with signal 9 [Killed]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946342 - "kde-apps/cantor and kde-apps/kdeedu-meta ~x86 re-keywordreq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946347 - "pkgmove should perform moves on vdb content for overlays" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946351 - "Remove Open Collective organization" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946357 - "[guru] games-roguelike/cataclysm-dda-0h fails to compile" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946358 - "virtual/mpi: drop multilib support after >=dev-libs/openmpi-5 dropped 32-bit support" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946359 - "sci-libs/hypre-2.24.0 fails to compile: struct_vector.c:797:1: error: conflicting types for hypre_StructVectorSetFunctionValues; have HYPRE_Int(hypre_StructVector , HYPRE_Complex ()(HYPRE_Int, HYPRE_Int, HYPRE_Int)) {aka int(struct hypre_StructVector_str" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946360 - "sci-electronics/kicad-8.0.6 fails tests: 1 - qa_python (Failed)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946361 - "dev-scheme/scm-5.5.6-r4 fails to compile: scm.c:924:7: error: conflicting types for getenv; have char (void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946362 - "app-text/sigil-2.3.1 fails to compile: qchar.h:66:2: error: error This macro has been removed in Qt 6.8" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946363 - "dev-cpp/glog-0.6.0 fails to compile: logging_custom_prefix_unittest.cc:1384:1: internal compiler error: in single_succ_edge, at basic-block.h:332" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946365 - "dev-cpp/websocketpp-0.8.2 fails to compile: none.hpp:66:24: error: io_service in namespace websocketpp::lib::asio does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946366 - "dev-libs/protobuf-c-1.5.0-r2 fails tests: FAIL: test-generated-code2" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946368 - "dev-perl/Date-Pcalc-6.100.0-r3 fails to compile: ToolBox.h:98:20: error: cannot use keyword false as enumeration constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946369 - "dev-libs/tree-sitter-lua-0.2.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946371 - "net-wireless/uhd- - [texlive] async_writer.h: error: io_service in namespace boost::asio does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946372 - "sci-chemistry/gromacs-2025.0_beta - [texlive] convert: MagickCore/string.c:1200: GetStringInfoDatum: Assertion string_info->signature == MagickCoreSignature failed." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946386 - "re-keyword =media-sound/pavucontrol-6.1" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946392 - "net-analyzer/icinga2-2.14.3 - tcpsocket.hpp: error: query was not declared in this scope" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946393 - "net-p2p/cpuminer-opt-24.6 - [texlive] algo-gate-api.c: error: type of register_allium_algo does not match original declaration [-Werror=lto-type-mismatch]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946399 - "app-arch/p7zip: Add upstream patch for lz4 integer overflow (CVE-2021-3520)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946402 - "[TRACKER] virtual/jdk:25 issues tracker" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946403 - "[TRACKER] virtual/jdk:25 packages failing tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946404 - "net-misc/socat- fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946405 - "media-sound/ncpamixer-1.3.8 adds -Werror flag on its own" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946406 - "sci-biology/wise-2.4.0_alpha-r1 fails to compile: gnuregex.c:1175:20: error: too many arguments to function at_begline_loc_p" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946407 - "sci-astronomy/esorex-3.12.3-r1 fails to compile: er_fileutils.c:919:5: error: conflicting types for mysscanf; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946408 - "dev-db/mongodb-5.0.30 fails to compile: C compiler does not match identified C++ compiler" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946409 - "net-wireless/kismet-2022.08.1-r2 fails to compile: kis_external.h:221:18: error: io_service in namespace boost::asio does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946410 - "dev-db/pgpool2-4.4.7 fails to compile: pool_type.h:44:14: error: bool cannot be defined via typedef" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946411 - "dev-db/slony1-2.2.10-r1 fails to compile: types.h:76:14: error: bool cannot be defined via typedef" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946412 - "dev-games/openscenegraph-3.6.5-r115 fails to compile: connection.hpp:36:39: error: expected ) before & token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946426 - "dev-python/mygpoclient-1.10: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:946447 - "dev-python/bandit-1.8.0: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:946451 - "dev-python/pgspecial-2.1.3: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:946454 - "dev-python/mpi4py-4.0.1: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:946458 - "sci-geosciences/gpscorrelate-2.2: Version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946459 - "media-sound/snapcast-0.27.0 - [texlive] control_server.cpp: error: from_string is not a member of boost::asio::ip::address" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946460 - "media-plugins/vdr-fritzbox-1.5.4 - TcpClient.cpp: error: boost::asio::ip::tcp::iostream {aka class boost::asio::basic_socket_iostream<boost::asio::ip::tcp>} has no member" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946461 - "[Tracker] Build failures with dev-libs/boost-1.87" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946471 - "x11-misc/xsnow-3.8.1 sparc re-keywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946477 - "x11-misc/mate-notification-daemon-1.28.1-r1 - [texlive] daemon.c: error: implicit declaration of function GDK_IS_X11_DISPLAY" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946487 - "gnome-extra/extension-manager-0.6.0 version bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946488 - "net-misc/kea-2.4.1 - io_address.cc: error: class boost::asio::ip::address_v4 has no member named to_ulong" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946495 - "media-gfx/prusaslicer-2.8.1-r1 fails to compile after rebuild due to updated boost" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946496 - "Maintainer: Nicolas PARLANT (nicolas.parlant AT parhuet.fr)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946506 - "media-sound/mpd-ynca-0.2.0 - mpd-ynca.cpp: error: io_service in namespace boost::asio does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946509 - "app-emulation/cloud-init-24.4 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946510 - "[guru] dev-python/pyrime-0.0.7 fails to compile: meson.build:21:3: ERROR: Python dependency not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946514 - "net-vpn/i2pd-2.54.0 fails to compile: util.h:180:38: error: io_service in namespace boost::asio does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946515 - "net-print/pnm2ppa-1.13-r2 fails to compile: global.h:30:3: error: cannot use keyword false as enumeration constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946516 - "net-p2p/airdcpp-webclient-2.13.2 fails to compile: none.hpp:66:24: error: io_service in namespace websocketpp::lib::asio does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946518 - "net-misc/gnome-connections-46.0 fails to compile: codecs.h:90:42: error: expected identifier or ( before void" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946519 - "net-misc/clockspeed-0.62-r9 fails to compile: ip.c:8:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946520 - "net-mail/vpopmail-5.4.33-r9 fails to compile: cdb_hash.c:6:1: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946521 - "net-mail/relay-ctrl-3.2 fails to compile: sysdeps.h:90:12: error: conflicting types for select; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946522 - "net-mail/qmail-notify-0.93-r2 fails to compile: select.h:9:12: error: conflicting types for select; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946523 - "net-mail/qmail-autoresponder-2.0-r1 fails to compile: sysdeps.h:90:12: error: conflicting types for select; have int(void)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946524 - "net-mail/ezmlm-idx-7.2.2-r1 fails to compile: readwrite.h:5:16: error: conflicting types for read; have ssize_t(void) {aka long int(void)}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946525 - "dev-java/javacup-11b_p20160615 fails to compile: Exception in thread main java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java_cup.runtime.Symbol java_cup.runtime.SymbolFactory.newSymbol(java.lang.String, int, java_cup.runtime.Symbol, java.lang.Object)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946527 - "dev-lang/mmix-20160804-r1 fails to compile: mmix-pipe.w:260:14: error: cannot use keyword false as enumeration constant" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946528 - "kde-apps/analitza-24.12.0, kde-apps/cantor-24.12.0, kde-apps/kalzium-24.12.0, kde-apps/kmix-24.12.0, kde-apps/kwave-24.12.0, kde-apps/marble-24.12.0-r1, kde-apps/minuet-24.12.0, kde-apps/step-24.12.0 and media-gfx/kphotoalbum-6.0.0 stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946533 - "net-analyzer/sinfo-0.0.48-r1 - [gcc-15] udpmessagetransmitter.h: error: io_service in namespace boost::asio does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946540 - ">=media-video/obs-studio-30[qsv]: dependency on media-libs/intel-mediasdk is obsolete" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946541 - "app-emacs/org-roam-2.2.2-r3 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946542 - "[guru] dev-python/addict-2.4.0 does not enable tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946543 - "net-libs/rpc2-2.14-r1 fails to compile: se.c:55:5: error: number of arguments doesnt match prototype" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946544 - "net-libs/mbedtls-2.28.9 fails tests" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946547 - ">=sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-6.12.x: missing compression backends" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946551 - "net-p2p/rtorrent-0.10.0 segfaults when compiled with -march=native" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946553 - "sys-libs/libnbd-1.18.1-r1 - [gcc-15] cgo-gcc-export-header-prolog: error: conflicting types for chunk_callback; have int(long int , void , size_t, uint64_t, unsigned int," status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946556 - "sci-mathematics/why3-1.7.2 - [texlive] [meson] Error: Cannot find a physical path bound to logical path Flocq.Version." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946570 - "net-irc/polari-46.0 fails tests: 5 Validating metainfo FAIL 0.02s exit status 3" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946571 - "net-im/swift-4.0.3-r2 fails to compile: BoostASIOEventLoop.h:12:10: fatal error: io_service.hpp: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946573 - "dev-lang/swi-prolog-9.3.9 fails to compile: pl-setup.c:1137:1: error: conflicting types for PL_signal; have int ((int, int ()(int)))(int)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946579 - "sci-mathematics/gmp-ecm-7.0.6: QA issues in bump" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946582 - "net-analyzer/icinga2-2.14.3 fails to compile: tcpsocket.hpp:39:6: error: instantiating erroneous template" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946583 - "net-analyzer/gvmd-24.1.0 fails to compile: manage_sql_tickets.c:1464:1: error: conflicting types for check_tickets; have void(task_t) {aka void(long long int)}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946586 - "sci-geosciences/gpxsee-13.33 - [texlive] WARNING: Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: openglwidgets core5compat" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946587 - "app-arch/lrzip-next-0.13.1 - stream.c: error: too few arguments to function bz3_decode_block" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946588 - "games-emulation/dolphin-2407 - [texlive] [meson] ld: cannot find -lglslang: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946592 - "sci-electronics/fasthenry- - !!! Couldnt download fasthenry-3.0wr-071720.tar.gz. Aborting." status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946597 - "media-gfx/inkscape-1.4-r1 w/ app-text/poppler-24.12.0: pdf-parser.cpp:2410:24: error: no matching function for call to ‘Stream::getImageParams(int*, StreamColorSpaceMode*)’" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946599 - "dev-libs/boost-1.87.0, dev-libs/icu-76.1-r1, app-text/libetonyek-0.1.12 and some friends stabilisation" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946610 - "sci-electronics/pulseview-0.4.2-r1 fails to build with dev-libs/boost-1.87.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946611 - "sci-libs/pdal-2.8.2 fails tests: 40 - pdal_io_ogr_writer_test (SEGFAULT)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946615 - "[guru] dev-db/limbo-0.0.9 fails tests: error: test failed, to rerun pass -p core_tester --lib" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946620 - "[guru] net-wireless/easyroam-desktop-1.4.0 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946622 - "net-analyzer/dsniff-2.4_beta1_p31 fails to compile: ssh.c:165:23: error: too many arguments to function f" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946623 - "dev-java/openjdk-11.0.25_p9 fails to compile: c++0x_warning.h:32:2: error: error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard This support must be enabled with the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler options" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946624 - "media-sound/supercollider-3.13.0-r1 fails to compile: SC_ComPort.h:66:45: error: expected ) before & token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946625 - "dev-build/meson-1.6.1 fails test - [gcc-15] FAILED: pgen.p/meson-generated_parser.tab.c.o" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946626 - "media-libs/dssi-1.1.1-r2 - [texlive] [meson] ump_msg.h: error: unknown type name size_t" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946627 - "app-office/libreoffice- - [texlive] QtOpenGLContext.cxx: error: invalid use of incomplete type class QOpenGLContext" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946628 - "dev-debug/systemtap-5.2 fails test - [gcc-15] emake failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946630 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-14 does not respect LDFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946631 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-14 does not respect CFLAGS" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946632 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-14 installs pre-stripped files" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946633 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-14 installs libtool files (.la) without corresponding static libraries" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946638 - "sys-apps/systemd-256.9 fails test - [gcc-15] 926/1596 systemd:test / test-async FAIL 0.03s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946644 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-14: keyword on ~riscv" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946645 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-14: keyword on ~loong" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946646 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-14: build for x86" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946647 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-14: build for hppa" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946648 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-14: build for mips" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946649 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-14: build for m68k" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946650 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap-14: build for alpha" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946653 - "dev-lang/ada-bootstrap: slot?" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946656 - "media-sound/pasystray-0.8.2 fails to compile: pasystray.c:53:5: error: too many arguments to function init" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946657 - "media-sound/jamin-0.98.9_pre20170111 fails to compile: callbacks.c:1818:3: error: too many arguments to function iomenu_pull_down_ports" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946658 - "media-sound/jack-rack-1.4.8_rc1-r1 fails to compile: plugin_desc.c:113:1: error: conflicting types for plugin_desc_destroy; have void(plugin_desc_t ) {aka void(struct _plugin_desc )}" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946659 - "media-sound/gtick-0.5.5-r1 fails to compile: optionparser.h:84:5: error: conflicting types for option_parse; have int(void )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946660 - "dev-python/zeep-4.3.1 fails tests: FAILED test_async_client.py::test_context_manager - TypeError: Client.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument proxies" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946661 - "dev-ruby/actioncable-7.2.2 fails tests: kernel_require.rb:136:in require: cannot load such file active_record (LoadError)" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946662 - "media-sound/beets: x86 rekeywording" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946664 - "www-client/firefox-128.5.0: fails to build with rust-bin on musl system" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946671 - "net-analyzer/icinga2-2.14.3 - io-engine.hpp: error: expected unqualified-id before :: token" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946672 - "media-libs/libsndfile-1.2.2-r2 fails test - [gcc-15] FAIL: tests/pedantic-header-test.sh" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946673 - "dev-build/qconf-2.5 - configure failed" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946674 - "dev-php/pecl-http-4.2.6 - [gcc-15] php_http_client_curl_event.c: error: initialization of void ( )(void) from incompatible pointer type void ( )(php_http_client_t ) {aka" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946677 - "sys-libs/libapparmor-3.1.4-r2 - make: which: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946684 - "app-containers/docker-27.4.1 installs files with broken symlink" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946686 - "media-plugins/alsaequal-0.7.1 fails to compile: ladspa_utils.c:16:10: fatal error: ladspa.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946687 - "net-nntp/nzbget-24.5 bump version request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946689 - "net-misc/nextcloud-client-3.15.2[doc] fails to compile: ! Package pdftex.def Error: File macosvfs-file-sharing.png not found:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946691 - "dev-libs/starpu-1.3.9 - [meson] [gcc-15] cl_enqueuemarker.c: error: too many arguments to function task_create" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946692 - "dev-games/openscenegraph-3.6.5-r115 - [texlive] io_service_pool.hpp: error: io_service in namespace boost::asio does not name a type" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946693 - "x11-wm/notion-4.0.2_p20220613-r1 - [gcc-15] obj.c: error: too many arguments to function d->destroy_fn" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946694 - "app-containers/docker-27.4.1 - file collision with app-containers/docker-cli-27.4.0" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946695 - "dev-lang/ghc-9.2.8 - [meson] [gcc-15] rts/Interpreter.c: error:" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946696 - "media-libs/lsp-plugins-1.2.14 - [meson] [gcc-15] fastconv.h: internal compiler error: in operator[], at vec.h:910" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946697 - "media-gfx/librecad- - sh:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946698 - "dev-util/kcov-43 - [gcc-15] thread-main.c: error: passing argument 3 of pthread_create from incompatible pointer type [-Wincompatible-pointer-types]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946705 - "dev-qt/*-6.8.1: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:enhancement
- Bug:946713 - "www-servers/nginx-unit-1.34.0 - [meson] [gcc-15] autotest:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946723 - "<www-client/chromium-131.0.6778.204, <www-client/google-chrome-131.0.6778.204, www-client/microsoft-edge, www-client/opera: multiple vulnerabilities" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946724 - "www-client/chromium-131.0.6778.204: stablereq" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946728 - "net-analyzer/netperf-2.7.0_p20210121 - [gcc-15] hist.h: error: conflicting types for HIST_purge; have void(struct histogram_struct )" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946729 - "sys-cluster/torque-6.0.4-r6 - [meson] [gcc-15] /configure:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946730 - "sci-electronics/pulseview-0.4.2-r1 - type_traits.hpp: error: is_final has not been declared in std" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946731 - "sci-chemistry/gnome-chemistry-utils-0.14.17_p6-r2 - [meson] [gcc-15] gunicode.h: error: invalid conversion from const char to char [-fpermissive]" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946732 - "dev-libs/gjs-1.80.2 - regress.c: fatal error: cairo-gobject.h: No such file or directory" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946733 - "app-arch/pbzip2-1.1.13 - [llvm] string: error: implicit instantiation of undefined template std::char_traits<unsigned char>" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946734 - "dev-libs/apache-arrow-18.1.0-r2 - [llvm] ld.lld: error: version script assignment of local to symbol _once_proxy failed: symbol not defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946779 - "dev-lang/ruby-3.2.6-r2 stable request" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946783 - "dev-ml/ocaml-hashcons-1.3 - /configure:line <snip>: which: command not found" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946784 - "app-admin/checksec-3.0.0 bump request, switched from Bash to Golang, needs maintainer for new :3 Golang slot" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946790 - "media-gfx/plantuml-1.2024.8: Please stabilize" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
- Bug:946803 - "app-emacs/compat- compat-30.el:28:1: Error: untrusted-content already defined" status:CONFIRMED resolution: severity:normal
Done. Count=20442